addr=flag.String("datasource.url","","Datasource compatible with Prometheus HTTP API. It can be single node VictoriaMetrics or vmselect endpoint. Required parameter. "+
appendTypePrefix=flag.Bool("datasource.appendTypePrefix",false,"Whether to add type prefix to -datasource.url based on the query type. Set to true if sending different query types to the vmselect URL.")
showDatasourceURL=flag.Bool("datasource.showURL",false,"Whether to avoid stripping sensitive information such as auth headers or passwords from URLs in log messages or UI and exported metrics. "+
"For example, -datasource.headers='My-Auth:foobar' would send 'My-Auth: foobar' HTTP header with every request to the corresponding -datasource.url. "+
"Multiple headers must be delimited by '^^': -datasource.headers='header1:value1^^header2:value2'")
tlsCAFile=flag.String("datasource.tlsCAFile","",`Optional path to TLS CA file to use for verifying connections to -datasource.url. By default, system CA is used`)
tlsServerName=flag.String("datasource.tlsServerName","",`Optional TLS server name to use for connections to -datasource.url. By default, the server name from -datasource.url is used`)
queryStep=flag.Duration("datasource.queryStep",5*time.Minute,"How far a value can fallback to when evaluating queries to the configured -datasource.url and -remoteRead.url. Only valid for prometheus datasource. "+
maxIdleConnections=flag.Int("datasource.maxIdleConnections",100,`Defines the number of idle (keep-alive connections) to each configured datasource. Consider setting this value equal to the value: groups_total * group.concurrency. Too low a value may result in a high number of sockets in TIME_WAIT state.`)
idleConnectionTimeout=flag.Duration("datasource.idleConnTimeout",50*time.Second,`Defines a duration for idle (keep-alive connections) to exist. Consider setting this value less than "-http.idleConnTimeout". It must prevent possible "write: broken pipe" and "read: connection reset by peer" errors.`)
disableKeepAlive=flag.Bool("datasource.disableKeepAlive",false,`Whether to disable long-lived connections to the datasource. `+
roundDigits=flag.Int("datasource.roundDigits",0,`Adds "round_digits" GET param to datasource requests which limits the number of digits after the decimal point in response values. `+
`Only valid for VictoriaMetrics as the datasource.`)
logger.Warnf("flag `-datasource.queryTimeAlignment` is deprecated and will be removed in next releases. Please use `eval_alignment` in rule group instead.")
logger.Warnf("flag `-datasource.lookback` is deprecated and will be removed in next releases. Please adjust `-search.latencyOffset` at datasource side or specify `latency_offset` in rule group's params. See for details.")