Enterprise version of Victoria Metrics Cluster exposes usage statistic for each tenant.
The next statistic is exposed:
*`vm_tenant_inserted_rows_total` - the ingestion rate by tenant
*`vm_tenant_select_requests_duration_ms_total` - query latency by tenant. It can be usefull for identifing tenant with the most heaviest queries
*`vm_tenant_select_requests_total` - total requests. You can calculate request rate (qps) by using this metric
*`vm_tenant_active_timeseries` - the number of active timeseries
*`vm_tenant_used_tenant_bytes` - the disk spaces is consumed by metrics for particular tenant
*`vm_tenant_timeseries_created_total` - the total number for timeseries by tenant
The information should be scrapped by the agent (`vmagent`, `victoriametrics`, prometheus, etc) and stored in TSDB. This can be the same cluster but a different tenant, but we encourage to use one more instance of TSDB (more lightweight, eg. VM single) for monitoring of monitoring.
Visualisation of statistic can be done in grafana using this dashboard [link](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/tree/cluster/dashboards/clusterbytenant.json)
Per Tenant Statistic is the source data for `vmgateway` rate limiter. More information can be found [here](https://victoriametrics.github.io/vmgateway.html)