2024-01-26 21:59:59 +00:00
// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package featuregate // import "go.opentelemetry.io/collector/featuregate"
import (
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var (
globalRegistry = NewRegistry ( )
// idRegexp is used to validate the ID of a Gate.
// IDs' characters must be alphanumeric or dots.
idRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( ` ^[0-9a-zA-Z\.]*$ ` )
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var (
// ErrAlreadyRegistered is returned when adding a Gate that is already registered.
ErrAlreadyRegistered = errors . New ( "gate is already registered" )
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// GlobalRegistry returns the global Registry.
func GlobalRegistry ( ) * Registry {
return globalRegistry
type Registry struct {
gates sync . Map
// NewRegistry returns a new empty Registry.
func NewRegistry ( ) * Registry {
return & Registry { }
// RegisterOption allows to configure additional information about a Gate during registration.
type RegisterOption interface {
apply ( g * Gate ) error
type registerOptionFunc func ( g * Gate ) error
func ( ro registerOptionFunc ) apply ( g * Gate ) error {
return ro ( g )
// WithRegisterDescription adds description for the Gate.
func WithRegisterDescription ( description string ) RegisterOption {
return registerOptionFunc ( func ( g * Gate ) error {
g . description = description
return nil
} )
// WithRegisterReferenceURL adds a URL that has all the contextual information about the Gate.
// referenceURL must be a valid URL as defined by `net/url.Parse`.
func WithRegisterReferenceURL ( referenceURL string ) RegisterOption {
return registerOptionFunc ( func ( g * Gate ) error {
if _ , err := url . Parse ( referenceURL ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "WithRegisterReferenceURL: invalid reference URL %q: %w" , referenceURL , err )
g . referenceURL = referenceURL
return nil
} )
// WithRegisterFromVersion is used to set the Gate "FromVersion".
// The "FromVersion" contains the Collector release when a feature is introduced.
// fromVersion must be a valid version string: it may start with 'v' and must be in the format Major.Minor.Patch[-PreRelease].
// PreRelease is optional and may have dashes, tildes and ASCII alphanumeric characters.
func WithRegisterFromVersion ( fromVersion string ) RegisterOption {
return registerOptionFunc ( func ( g * Gate ) error {
from , err := version . NewVersion ( fromVersion )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "WithRegisterFromVersion: invalid version %q: %w" , fromVersion , err )
g . fromVersion = from
return nil
} )
// WithRegisterToVersion is used to set the Gate "ToVersion".
// The "ToVersion", if not empty, contains the last Collector release in which you can still use a feature gate.
// If the feature stage is either "Deprecated" or "Stable", the "ToVersion" is the Collector release when the feature is removed.
// toVersion must be a valid version string: it may start with 'v' and must be in the format Major.Minor.Patch[-PreRelease].
// PreRelease is optional and may have dashes, tildes and ASCII alphanumeric characters.
func WithRegisterToVersion ( toVersion string ) RegisterOption {
return registerOptionFunc ( func ( g * Gate ) error {
to , err := version . NewVersion ( toVersion )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "WithRegisterToVersion: invalid version %q: %w" , toVersion , err )
g . toVersion = to
return nil
} )
// MustRegister like Register but panics if an invalid ID or gate options are provided.
func ( r * Registry ) MustRegister ( id string , stage Stage , opts ... RegisterOption ) * Gate {
g , err := r . Register ( id , stage , opts ... )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
return g
func validateID ( id string ) error {
if id == "" {
return fmt . Errorf ( "empty ID" )
if ! idRegexp . MatchString ( id ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "invalid character(s) in ID" )
return nil
// Register a Gate and return it. The returned Gate can be used to check if is enabled or not.
// id must be an ASCII alphanumeric nonempty string. Dots are allowed for namespacing.
func ( r * Registry ) Register ( id string , stage Stage , opts ... RegisterOption ) ( * Gate , error ) {
if err := validateID ( id ) ; err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "invalid ID %q: %w" , id , err )
g := & Gate {
id : id ,
stage : stage ,
for _ , opt := range opts {
err := opt . apply ( g )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to apply option: %w" , err )
switch g . stage {
case StageAlpha , StageDeprecated :
g . enabled = & atomic . Bool { }
case StageBeta , StageStable :
enabled := & atomic . Bool { }
enabled . Store ( true )
g . enabled = enabled
default :
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "unknown stage value %q for gate %q" , stage , id )
if ( g . stage == StageStable || g . stage == StageDeprecated ) && g . toVersion == nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "no removal version set for %v gate %q" , g . stage . String ( ) , id )
if g . fromVersion != nil && g . toVersion != nil && g . toVersion . LessThan ( g . fromVersion ) {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "toVersion %q is before fromVersion %q" , g . toVersion , g . fromVersion )
if _ , loaded := r . gates . LoadOrStore ( id , g ) ; loaded {
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return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to register %q: %w" , id , ErrAlreadyRegistered )
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return g , nil
// Set the enabled valued for a Gate identified by the given id.
func ( r * Registry ) Set ( id string , enabled bool ) error {
v , ok := r . gates . Load ( id )
if ! ok {
validGates := [ ] string { }
r . VisitAll ( func ( g * Gate ) {
validGates = append ( validGates , g . ID ( ) )
} )
return fmt . Errorf ( "no such feature gate %q. valid gates: %v" , id , validGates )
g := v . ( * Gate )
switch g . stage {
case StageStable :
if ! enabled {
return fmt . Errorf ( "feature gate %q is stable, can not be disabled" , id )
fmt . Printf ( "Feature gate %q is stable and already enabled. It will be removed in version %v and continued use of the gate after version %v will result in an error.\n" , id , g . toVersion , g . toVersion )
case StageDeprecated :
if enabled {
return fmt . Errorf ( "feature gate %q is deprecated, can not be enabled" , id )
fmt . Printf ( "Feature gate %q is deprecated and already disabled. It will be removed in version %v and continued use of the gate after version %v will result in an error.\n" , id , g . toVersion , g . toVersion )
default :
g . enabled . Store ( enabled )
return nil
// VisitAll visits all the gates in lexicographical order, calling fn for each.
func ( r * Registry ) VisitAll ( fn func ( * Gate ) ) {
var gates [ ] * Gate
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r . gates . Range ( func ( _ , value any ) bool {
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gates = append ( gates , value . ( * Gate ) )
return true
} )
sort . Slice ( gates , func ( i , j int ) bool {
return gates [ i ] . ID ( ) < gates [ j ] . ID ( )
} )
for i := range gates {
fn ( gates [ i ] )