Contact us via [this page]( if you are interested in VictoriaMetrics Enterprise.
## Running VictoriaMetrics Enterprise
VictoriaMetrics Enterprise components are available in the following forms:
- [Binary releases](#binary-releases)
- [Docker images](#docker-images)
- [Helm charts](#helm-charts)
- [Kubernetes operator](#kubernetes-operator)
### Binary releases
It is allowed to run VictoriaMetrics Enterprise components in [cases listed here](#valid-cases-for-victoriametrics-enterprise).
Binary releases of VictoriaMetrics Enterprise are available [at the releases page](
Enterprise binaries and packages have `enterprise` suffix in their names. For example, `victoria-metrics-linux-amd64-v1.94.0-enterprise.tar.gz`.
In order to run binary release of VictoriaMetrics Enterprise component, please download the `*-enterprise.tar.gz` archive for your OS and architecture
from the [releases page]( and unpack it. Then run the unpacked binary.
All the VictoriaMetrics Enterprise components prior `v1.94.0` release require `-eula` command-line flag to be passed to them.
This flag acknowledges that your usage fits one of the cases listed [here](#valid-cases-for-victoriametrics-enterprise).
The `-eula` command-line flag is deprecated starting from `v1.94.0` release in favor of new command-line flags:
*`-license` - this flag accepts VictoriaMetrics Enterprise license key, which can be obtained at [this page](
*`-licenseFile` - this flag accepts a path to file with VictoriaMetrics Enterprise license key,
which can be obtained at [this page]( . Use either `-license` or `-licenseFile`, but not both.
*`-license.forceOffline` - enables offline verification of VictoriaMetrics Enterprise license key. Contact us via [this page](
if you need license key, which can be verified offline without the need to connect to VictoriaMetrics license server.
For example, the following command runs VictoriaMetrics Enterprise binary with the Enterprise license
obtained at [this page](
It is allowed to run VictoriaMetrics Enterprise components in [cases listed here](#valid-cases-for-victoriametrics-enterprise).
Docker images for VictoriaMetrics Enterprise are available [at VictoriaMetrics DockerHub](
Enterprise docker images have `enterprise` suffix in their names. For example, `victoriametrics/victoria-metrics:v1.94.0-enteprise`.
In order to run Docker image of VictoriaMetrics Enterprise component, it is required to provide the license key via command-line
flag as described [here](#binary-releases).
Enterprise license key can be obtained at [this page](
For example, the following command runs VictoriaMetrics Enterprise Docker image with the specified license key:
docker run --name=victoria-metrics victoriametrics/victoria-metrics:v1.94.0-enteprise -license=BASE64_ENCODED_LICENSE_KEY
Alternatively, the license code can be stored in the file and then referred via `-licenseFile` command-line flag:
docker run --name=victoria-metrics -v /vm-license:/vm-license victoriametrics/victoria-metrics:v1.94.0-enteprise -licenseFile=/path/to/vm-license
Example docker-compose configuration:
version: "3.5"
container_name: victoriametrics
image: victoriametrics/victoria-metrics:v1.94.0
- 8428:8428
- vmdata:/storage
- /vm-license:/vm-license
- "-storageDataPath=/storage"
- "-licenseFile=/vm-license"
vmdata: {}
The example assumes that the license file is stored at `/vm-license` on the host.
### Helm charts
It is allowed to run VictoriaMetrics Enterprise components in [cases listed here](#valid-cases-for-victoriametrics-enterprise).
Helm charts for VictoriaMetrics Enterprise components are available [here](
In order to run VictoriaMetrics Enterprise helm chart it is required to provide the license key via `license` value in `values.yaml` file
and adjust the image tag to the Enterprise one as described [here](#docker-images).
Enterprise license key can be obtained at [this page](
For example, the following `values` file for [VictoriaMetrics single-node chart](
is used to provide key in plain-text:
tag: v1.94.0-enterprise
In order to provide key via existing secret, the following values file is used: