streamAggrGlobalConfig=flag.String("streamAggr.config","","Optional path to file with stream aggregation config. "+
"See . "+
"See also -streamAggr.keepInput, -streamAggr.dropInput and -streamAggr.dedupInterval")
streamAggrGlobalKeepInput=flag.Bool("streamAggr.keepInput",false,"Whether to keep all the input samples after the aggregation "+
"with -streamAggr.config. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples "+
"are written to remote storages write. See also -streamAggr.dropInput and")
streamAggrGlobalDropInput=flag.Bool("streamAggr.dropInput",false,"Whether to drop all the input samples after the aggregation "+
"with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples "+
"are written to remote storages write. See also -streamAggr.keepInput and")
streamAggrGlobalDedupInterval=flagutil.NewDuration("streamAggr.dedupInterval","0s","Input samples are de-duplicated with this interval on "+
"aggregator before optional aggregation with -streamAggr.config . "+
"See also -dedup.minScrapeInterval and")
streamAggrGlobalIgnoreOldSamples=flag.Bool("streamAggr.ignoreOldSamples",false,"Whether to ignore input samples with old timestamps outside the "+
"current aggregation interval for aggregator. "+
streamAggrGlobalIgnoreFirstIntervals=flag.Int("streamAggr.ignoreFirstIntervals",0,"Number of aggregation intervals to skip after the start for "+
"aggregator. Increase this value if you observe incorrect aggregation results after vmagent restarts. It could be caused by receiving unordered delayed data from "+
"clients pushing data into the vmagent. See")
streamAggrGlobalDropInputLabels=flagutil.NewArrayString("streamAggr.dropInputLabels","An optional list of labels to drop from samples for aggregator "+
"before stream de-duplication and aggregation . See")
streamAggrConfig=flagutil.NewArrayString("remoteWrite.streamAggr.config","Optional path to file with stream aggregation config for the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. "+
"with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples "+
"are written to the corresponding -remoteWrite.url . See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.keepInput and")
streamAggrKeepInput=flagutil.NewArrayBool("remoteWrite.streamAggr.keepInput","Whether to keep all the input samples after the aggregation "+
"with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples "+
"are written to the corresponding -remoteWrite.url . See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInput and")
streamAggrDedupInterval=flagutil.NewArrayDuration("remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval",0,"Input samples are de-duplicated with this interval before optional aggregation "+
"with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. See also -dedup.minScrapeInterval and")
streamAggrIgnoreOldSamples=flagutil.NewArrayBool("remoteWrite.streamAggr.ignoreOldSamples","Whether to ignore input samples with old timestamps outside the current "+
streamAggrIgnoreFirstIntervals=flag.Int("remoteWrite.streamAggr.ignoreFirstIntervals",0,"Number of aggregation intervals to skip after the start "+
"for the corresponding -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. Increase this value if "+
"you observe incorrect aggregation results after vmagent restarts. It could be caused by receiving bufferred delayed data from clients pushing data into the vmagent. "+
"before stream de-duplication and aggregation with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config and -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. "+