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# Articles
## Third-party articles and slides about VictoriaMetrics
* [Scaling to trillions of metric data points](
* [VictoriaMetrics vs. OpenTSDB](
* [Monitoring of multiple OpenShift clusters with VictoriaMetrics](
* [Fly's Prometheus Metrics](
* [Infrastructure monitoring with Prometheus at Zerodha](
* [Sismology: Iguana Solutions Monitoring System](
* [Prometheus High Availability and Fault Tolerance strategy, long term storage with VictoriaMetrics](
* [How we improved our Kubernetes monitoring at Smarkets, and how you could too](
* [Foiled by the Firewall: A Tale of Transition From Prometheus to VictoriaMetrics](
* [Observations on Better Resource Usage with Percona Monitoring and Management v2.12.0](
* [Better Prometheus rate() function with VictoriaMetrics](
* [Percona monitoring and management migration from Prometheus to VictoriaMetrics FAQ](
* [Compiling a Percona Monitoring and Management v2 Client in ARM: Raspberry Pi 3 Reprise](
* [Making peace with Prometheus rate()](
* [Monitoring K8S with VictoriaMetrics](
* [CMS monitoring R&D: Real-time monitoring and alerts](
* [The CMS monitoring infrastructure and applications](
* [Disk usage: VictoriaMetrics vs Prometheus](
* [Benchmarking time series workloads on Apache Kudu using TSBS](
* [What are Open Source Time Series Databases?](
* [Evaluating performance and correctness](
* [Running VictoriaMetrics on Raspberry PI](
* [Calculating the Error of Quantile Estimation with Histograms](
* [Monitoring private clouds with VictoriaMetrics at LeroyMerlin](
* [Monitoring Kubernetes with VictoriaMetrics+Prometheus](
* [High-performance Graphite storage solution on top of VictoriaMetrics](
* [Cloud Native Model Driven Telemetry Stack on OpenShift](
* [Observability, Availability & DORAs Research Program](
* [Tame Kubernetes Costs with Percona Monitoring and Management and Prometheus Operator](
* [Prometheus VictoriaMetrics On AWS ECS](
* [API Monitoring With Prometheus, Grafana, AlertManager and VictoriaMetrics](
* [Solving Metrics at scale with VictoriaMetrics](
* [Monitoring Kubernetes clusters with VictoriaMetrics and Grafana](
* [Multi-tenancy monitoring system for Kubernetes cluster using VictoriaMetrics and operators](
* [Monitoring as Code на базе VictoriaMetrics и Grafana](
* [Push Prometheus metrics to VictoriaMetrics or other exporters](
## Our articles
### Announcements
* [Open-sourcing VictoriaMetrics](
* [VictoriaMetrics — creating the best remote storage for Prometheus](
* [Anomaly Detection in VictoriaMetrics](
### Benchmarks
* [When size matters — benchmarking VictoriaMetrics vs Timescale and InfluxDB](
* [High-cardinality TSDB benchmarks: VictoriaMetrics vs TimescaleDB vs InfluxDB](
* [Insert benchmarks with inch: InfluxDB vs VictoriaMetrics](
* [Measuring vertical scalability for time series databases in Google Cloud](
* [Billy: how VictoriaMetrics deals with more than 500 billion rows](
* [First look at performance comparison between InfluxDB IOx and VictoriaMetrics](
* [Prometheus vs VictoriaMetrics benchmark on node-exporter metrics](
* [Promscale vs VictoriaMetrics: resource usage on production workload](
### Technical articles
* [How VictoriaMetrics makes instant snapshots for multi-terabyte time series data](
* [WAL Usage Looks Broken in Modern TSDBs](
* [mmap may slow down your Go app](
* [VictoriaMetrics: achieving better compression than Gorilla for time series data](
* [Stripping dependency bloat in VictoriaMetrics Docker image](
* [Speeding up backups for big time series databases](
* [Improving histogram usability for Prometheus and Grafana](
* [Why irate from Prometheus doesn't capture spikes](
### Tutorials, guides and how-to articles
* [PromQL tutorial for beginners and humans](
* [Analyzing Prometheus data with external tools](
* [Prometheus Subqueries in VictoriaMetrics](
* [How to migrate data from Prometheus to VictoriaMetrics](
* [VictoriaMetrics: how to migrate data from Prometheus. Filtering and modifying time series.](
* [How to use relabeling in Prometheus and VictoriaMetrics](
* [How to monitor Go applications with VictoriaMetrics](
* [Prometheus storage: tech terms for humans](
### Other articles
* [Comparing Thanos to VictoriaMetrics cluster](
* [Evaluation performance and correctness: VictoriaMetrics response](