2022-08-30 23:27:24 +00:00
GITHUB_RELEASE_SPEC_FILE = "/tmp/vm-github-release"
GITHUB_DEBUG_FILE = "/tmp/vm-github-debug"
github-token-check :
i f n d e f G I T H U B _ T O K E N
$( error missing GITHUB_TOKEN env var. It must contain github token for VictoriaMetrics project obtained from https://github.com/settings/tokens)
e n d i f
github-tag-check :
i f n d e f T A G
$( error missing TAG env var. It must contain github release tag to create)
e n d i f
github-create-release : github -token -check github -tag -check
@result= $$ ( curl -o $( GITHUB_RELEASE_SPEC_FILE) -s -w "%{http_code}" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H " Authorization: token $( GITHUB_TOKEN) " \
https://api.github.com/repos/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases \
-d '{"tag_name":"$(TAG)","name":"$(TAG)","body":"TODO: put here the changelog for $(TAG) release from docs/CHANGELOG.md","draft":true,"prerelease":false,"generate_release_notes":false}' ) ; \
if [ $$ { result} = 201 ] ; then \
release_id = $$ ( cat $( GITHUB_RELEASE_SPEC_FILE) | grep '"id"' -m 1 | sed -E 's/.* ([[:digit:]]+)\,/\1/' ) ; \
printf " Created release $( TAG) with id= $$ {release_id}\n " ; \
else \
printf " Failed to create release $( TAG) \n " ; \
exit 1; \
github-upload-assets :
@release_id= $$ ( cat $( GITHUB_RELEASE_SPEC_FILE) | grep '"id"' -m 1 | sed -E 's/.* ([[:digit:]]+)\,/\1/' ) ; \
$( foreach file, $( wildcard bin/*.zip) , FILE = $( file) RELEASE_ID = $$ { release_id} CONTENT_TYPE = "application/zip" $( MAKE) github-upload-asset || exit 1; ) \
$( foreach file, $( wildcard bin/*.tar.gz) , FILE = $( file) RELEASE_ID = $$ { release_id} CONTENT_TYPE = "application/x-gzip" $( MAKE) github-upload-asset || exit 1; ) \
$( foreach file, $( wildcard bin/*_checksums.txt) , FILE = $( file) RELEASE_ID = $$ { release_id} CONTENT_TYPE = "text/plain" $( MAKE) github-upload-asset || exit 1; )
github-upload-asset : github -token -check
i f n d e f F I L E
$( error missing FILE env var. It must contain path to file to upload to github release)
e n d i f
@printf " Uploading $( FILE) \n "
@result= $$ ( curl -o $( GITHUB_DEBUG_FILE) -w "%{http_code}" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H " Authorization: token $( GITHUB_TOKEN) " \
-H " Content-Type: $( CONTENT_TYPE) " \
--data-binary " @ $( FILE) " \
https://uploads.github.com/repos/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/$( RELEASE_ID) /assets?name= $( notdir $( FILE) ) ) ; \
if [ $$ { result} = 201 ] ; then \
printf " Upload OK: $$ {result}\n " ; \
elif [ $$ { result} = 422 ] ; then \
printf "Asset already uploaded, you need to delete it from UI if you want to re-upload it\n" ; \
else \
printf " Upload failed: $$ {result}\n " ; \
exit 1; \
github-delete-release : github -token -check
@release_id= $$ ( cat $( GITHUB_RELEASE_SPEC_FILE) | grep '"id"' -m 1 | sed -E 's/.* ([[:digit:]]+)\,/\1/' ) ; \
result = $$ ( curl -o $( GITHUB_DEBUG_FILE) -s -w "%{http_code}" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H " Authorization: token $( GITHUB_TOKEN) " \
https://api.github.com/repos/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/$$ { release_id} ) ; \
if [ $$ { result} = 204 ] ; then \
printf " Deleted release with id= $$ {release_id}\n " ; \
else \
printf " Failed to delete release with id= $$ {release_id}\n " ; \
exit 1; \
2024-07-11 00:09:18 +00:00
test-release-victoria-metrics :
@go test -run TestVictoriaMetrics package/release/asset_test.go