src=flag.String("src","","Source path with backup on the remote storage. "+
"Example: gcs://bucket/path/to/backup/dir, s3://bucket/path/to/backup/dir or fs:///path/to/local/backup/dir")
storageDataPath=flag.String("storageDataPath","victoria-metrics-data","Destination path where backup must be restored. "+
"VictoriaMetrics must be stopped when restoring from backup. -storageDataPath dir can be non-empty. In this case only missing data is downloaded from backup")
concurrency=flag.Int("concurrency",10,"The number of concurrent workers. Higher concurrency may reduce restore duration")
maxBytesPerSecond=flag.Int("maxBytesPerSecond",0,"The maximum download speed. There is no limit if it is set to 0")
skipBackupCompleteCheck=flag.Bool("skipBackupCompleteCheck",false,"Whether to skip checking for `backup complete` file in `-src`. This may be useful for restoring from old backups, which were created without `backup complete` file")