2020-04-27 21:18:02 +00:00
package remotewrite
import (
// Client is an asynchronous HTTP client for writing
// timeseries via remote write protocol.
type Client struct {
addr string
c * http . Client
input chan prompbmarshal . TimeSeries
baUser , baPass string
flushInterval time . Duration
maxBatchSize int
maxQueueSize int
wg sync . WaitGroup
doneCh chan struct { }
2020-04-28 08:19:37 +00:00
// Config is config for remote write.
2020-04-27 21:18:02 +00:00
type Config struct {
// Addr of remote storage
Addr string
BasicAuthUser string
BasicAuthPass string
// MaxBatchSize defines max number of timeseries
// to be flushed at once
MaxBatchSize int
// MaxQueueSize defines max length of input queue
// populated by Push method
MaxQueueSize int
// FlushInterval defines time interval for flushing batches
FlushInterval time . Duration
// WriteTimeout defines timeout for HTTP write request
// to remote storage
WriteTimeout time . Duration
const (
defaultMaxBatchSize = 1e3
defaultMaxQueueSize = 100
defaultFlushInterval = 5 * time . Second
defaultWriteTimeout = 30 * time . Second
const writePath = "/api/v1/write"
// NewClient returns asynchronous client for
// writing timeseries via remotewrite protocol.
func NewClient ( ctx context . Context , cfg Config ) ( * Client , error ) {
if cfg . Addr == "" {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "config.Addr can't be empty" )
if cfg . MaxBatchSize == 0 {
cfg . MaxBatchSize = defaultMaxBatchSize
if cfg . MaxQueueSize == 0 {
cfg . MaxQueueSize = defaultMaxQueueSize
if cfg . FlushInterval == 0 {
cfg . FlushInterval = defaultFlushInterval
if cfg . WriteTimeout == 0 {
cfg . WriteTimeout = defaultWriteTimeout
c := & Client {
c : & http . Client {
Timeout : cfg . WriteTimeout ,
} ,
addr : strings . TrimSuffix ( cfg . Addr , "/" ) + writePath ,
baUser : cfg . BasicAuthUser ,
baPass : cfg . BasicAuthPass ,
flushInterval : cfg . FlushInterval ,
maxBatchSize : cfg . MaxBatchSize ,
doneCh : make ( chan struct { } ) ,
input : make ( chan prompbmarshal . TimeSeries , cfg . MaxQueueSize ) ,
c . run ( ctx )
return c , nil
// Push adds timeseries into queue for writing into remote storage.
// Push returns and error if client is stopped or if queue is full.
func ( c * Client ) Push ( s prompbmarshal . TimeSeries ) error {
select {
case <- c . doneCh :
return fmt . Errorf ( "client is closed" )
case c . input <- s :
return nil
default :
2020-05-13 17:58:56 +00:00
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to push timeseries - queue is full (%d entries), hint from description and add recommendation to increaseremoteWrite.maxQueueSize" ,
2020-04-27 21:18:02 +00:00
c . maxQueueSize )
// Close stops the client and waits for all goroutines
// to exit.
func ( c * Client ) Close ( ) error {
if c . doneCh == nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "client is already closed" )
close ( c . input )
close ( c . doneCh )
c . wg . Wait ( )
return nil
func ( c * Client ) run ( ctx context . Context ) {
ticker := time . NewTicker ( c . flushInterval )
wr := prompbmarshal . WriteRequest { }
shutdown := func ( ) {
for ts := range c . input {
wr . Timeseries = append ( wr . Timeseries , ts )
lastCtx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , time . Second * 10 )
c . flush ( lastCtx , wr )
cancel ( )
c . wg . Add ( 1 )
go func ( ) {
defer c . wg . Done ( )
defer ticker . Stop ( )
for {
select {
case <- c . doneCh :
shutdown ( )
case <- ctx . Done ( ) :
shutdown ( )
case <- ticker . C :
c . flush ( ctx , wr )
wr = prompbmarshal . WriteRequest { }
case ts := <- c . input :
wr . Timeseries = append ( wr . Timeseries , ts )
if len ( wr . Timeseries ) >= c . maxBatchSize {
c . flush ( ctx , wr )
wr = prompbmarshal . WriteRequest { }
} ( )
func ( c * Client ) flush ( ctx context . Context , wr prompbmarshal . WriteRequest ) {
if len ( wr . Timeseries ) < 1 {
data , err := wr . Marshal ( )
if err != nil {
logger . Errorf ( "failed to marshal WriteRequest: %s" , err )
req , err := http . NewRequest ( "POST" , c . addr , bytes . NewReader ( snappy . Encode ( nil , data ) ) )
if err != nil {
logger . Errorf ( "failed to create new HTTP request: %s" , err )
if c . baPass != "" {
req . SetBasicAuth ( c . baUser , c . baPass )
resp , err := c . c . Do ( req . WithContext ( ctx ) )
if err != nil {
logger . Errorf ( "error getting response from %s:%s" , req . URL , err )
defer func ( ) { _ = resp . Body . Close ( ) } ( )
if resp . StatusCode != http . StatusNoContent {
body , _ := ioutil . ReadAll ( resp . Body )
logger . Errorf ( "unexpected response code %d for %s. Response body %s" , resp . StatusCode , req . URL , body )