**_vmanomaly_ is a part of [enterprise package](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/enterprise.html). You need to request a [free trial license](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/trial/) for evaluation.**
## About
**VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection** (or shortly, `vmanomaly`) is a service that continuously scans VictoriaMetrics time
series and detects unexpected changes within data patterns in real-time. It does so by utilizing
user-configurable machine learning models.
It periodically queries user-specified metrics, computes an “anomaly score” for them, based on how
well they fit a predicted distribution, taking into account periodical data patterns with trends,
and pushes back the computed “anomaly score” to VictoriaMetrics. Then, users can enable alerting
rules based on the “anomaly score”.
Compared to classical alerting rules, anomaly detection is more “hands-off” i.e. it allows users to
avoid setting up manual alerting rules set up and catching anomalies that were not expected to happen.
In other words, by setting up alerting rules, a user must know what to look for, ahead of time,
while anomaly detection looks for any deviations from past behavior.
In addition to that, setting up alerting rules manually has been proven to be tedious and
error-prone, while anomaly detection can be easier to set up, and use the same model for different
## How?
VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection service (**vmanomaly**) allows you to apply several built-in
anomaly detection algorithms. You can also plug in your own detection models, code doesn’t make any
distinction between built-in models or external ones.
All the service parameters (model, schedule, input-output) are defined in a config file.
Single config file supports only one model, but it’s totally OK to run multiple **vmanomaly**
processes in parallel, each using its own config.
## Models
Currently, vmanomaly ships with a set of built-in models:
> For a detailed overview, see [model section](/anomaly-detection/components/models.html)
Commonly used forecasting model. See [statsmodels.org documentation](https://www.statsmodels.org/stable/generated/statsmodels.tsa.arima.model.ARIMA.html) for ARIMA.
Detects anomalies using binary trees. It works for both univariate and multivariate data. Be aware of [the curse of dimensionality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_dimensionality) in the case of multivariate data - we advise against using a single model when handling multiple time series *if the number of these series significantly exceeds their average length (# of data points)*.
The algorithm has a linear time complexity and a low memory requirement, which works well with high-volume data. See [scikit-learn.org documentation](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.ensemble.IsolationForest.html) for Isolation Forest.
A robust method for anomaly detection that is less sensitive to outliers in data compared to standard deviation-based models. It considers a point as an anomaly if the absolute deviation from the median is significantly large.
### Examples
For example, here’s how Prophet predictions could look like on a real-data example
Upon starting, vmanomaly queries the initial range of data, and trains its model (“fit” by convention).
Then, reads new data from VictoriaMetrics, according to schedule, and invokes its model to compute
“anomaly score” for each data point. The anomaly score ranges from 0 to positive infinity.
Values less than 1.0 are considered “not an anomaly”, values greater or equal than 1.0 are
considered “anomalous”, with greater values corresponding to larger anomaly.
Then, vmanomaly pushes the metric to vminsert (under the user-configured metric name,
optionally preserving labels).
## Usage
> Starting from [v1.5.0](/anomaly-detection/CHANGELOG.html#v150), vmanomaly requires a license key to run. You can obtain a trial license key [here](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/trial/).
> See [Getting started guide](anomaly-detection/guides/guide-vmanomaly-vmalert.html).
### Config file
There are 4 required sections in config file:
* [`scheduler`](/anomaly-detection/components/scheduler.html) - defines how often to run and make inferences, as well as what timerange to use to train the model.
* [`model`](/anomaly-detection/components/models.html) - specific model parameters and configurations,
* [`reader`](/anomaly-detection/components/reader.html) - how to read data and where it is located
* [`writer`](/anomaly-detection/components/writer.html) - where and how to write the generated output.
[`monitoring`](#monitoring) - defines how to monitor work of *vmanomaly* service. This config section is *optional*.
> For a detailed description, see [config sections](/anomaly-detection/components)
#### Config example
Here is an example of config file that will run FB Prophet model, that will be retrained every 2 hours on 14 days of previous data. It will generate inference (including `anomaly_score` metric) every 1 minute.
*vmanomaly* can export internal metrics in Prometheus exposition format at `/metrics` page.
These metrics can be scraped via [vmagent](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent.html) or Prometheus.
In order to enable pull approach, specify `pull` section in config file:
enable: true
port: 8080
This will expose metrics at `` page.
### Run vmanomaly Docker Container
To use *vmanomaly* you need to pull docker image:
docker pull victoriametrics/vmanomaly:1.7.2
> Note: please check what is latest release in [CHANGELOG](/anomaly-detection/CHANGELOG.html)
> Note: `us-docker.pkg.dev/victoriametrics-test/public/vmanomaly-trial` is deprecated since [v1.6.0](/anomaly-detection/CHANGELOG.html#v160). Use [DockerHub repo](https://hub.docker.com/r/victoriametrics/vmanomaly/tags) instead
You can put a tag on it for your convinience:
docker image tag victoriametrics/vmanomaly:1.7.2 vmanomaly
Here is an example of how to run *vmanomaly* docker container with [license file](#licensing):
docker run -it --net [YOUR_NETWORK] \
-v [YOUR_LICENSE_FILE_PATH]:/license.txt \
-v [YOUR_CONFIG_FILE_PATH]:/config.yml \
vmanomaly /config.yml \
### Licensing
The license key can be passed via the following command-line flags:
--license LICENSE See https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/
for trial license
--license-file LICENSE_FILE
See https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/
for trial license
--license-verify-offline {true,false}
Force offline verification of license code. License is
verified online by default. This flag runs license
verification offline.
In order to make it easier to monitor the license expiration date, the following metrics are exposed(see
[Monitoring](#monitoring) section for details on how to scrape them):
# HELP vm_license_expires_at When the license expires as a Unix timestamp in seconds
# TYPE vm_license_expires_at gauge
vm_license_expires_at 1.6963776e+09
# HELP vm_license_expires_in_seconds Amount of seconds until the license expires
# TYPE vm_license_expires_in_seconds gauge
vm_license_expires_in_seconds 4.886608e+06
Example alerts for [vmalert](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmalert.html):
- name: vm-license
# note the `job` label and update accordingly to your setup
- alert: LicenseExpiresInLessThan30Days
expr: vm_license_expires_in_seconds <30* 24 *3600
severity: warning
summary: "{{ $labels.job }} instance {{ $labels.instance }} license expires in less than 30 days"
description: "{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} license expires in {{ $value | humanizeDuration }}.
Please make sure to update the license before it expires."
- alert: LicenseExpiresInLessThan7Days
expr: vm_license_expires_in_seconds <7* 24 *3600
severity: critical
summary: "{{ $labels.job }} instance {{ $labels.instance }} license expires in less than 7 days"
description: "{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} license expires in {{ $value | humanizeDuration }}.
Please make sure to update the license before it expires."