2024-09-20 14:11:23 +00:00
## Next release
2024-11-19 15:40:20 +00:00
## 0.7.7
**Release date:** 2024-11-18

- updated common dependency 0.0.26 -> 0.0.28
- bump version of VM components to [v1.106.1 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.106.1 )
## 0.7.6
**Release date:** 2024-11-14

2024-11-07 13:24:36 +00:00
- set default DNS domain to `cluster.local.`
2024-11-19 15:40:20 +00:00
- updated common dependency 0.0.19 -> 0.0.26
- added init containers
2024-11-07 13:24:36 +00:00
## 0.7.5
**Release date:** 2024-11-06

- added podLabels for pods only and use extraLabels for deployment
- fix Deployment/StatefulSets when `serviceAccount.name` is empty and `serviceAccount.create: false` . See [this issue ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/helm-charts/issues/1683 ).
2024-11-05 18:05:24 +00:00
## 0.7.4
**Release date:** 2024-11-05

2024-10-30 11:39:35 +00:00
- multiple paths for a host in ingress
2024-11-05 18:05:24 +00:00
- bump version of VM components to [v1.106.0 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.106.0 )
2024-10-04 08:50:23 +00:00
2024-10-22 12:04:48 +00:00
## 0.7.3
**Release date:** 2024-10-21

- bump version of VM components to [v1.105.0 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.105.0 )
2024-10-11 11:45:34 +00:00
## 0.7.2
**Release date:** 2024-10-11

- Human-readable error about Helm version requirement
2024-10-04 08:50:23 +00:00
## 0.7.1
**Release date:** 2024-10-04

- upgraded common chart dependency
## 0.7.0
**Release date:** 2024-10-02

2024-09-20 14:11:23 +00:00
- Added ability to override deployment namespace using `namespaceOverride` and `global.namespaceOverride` variables
2024-10-04 08:50:23 +00:00
- bump version of VM components to [v1.104.0 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.104.0 )
2024-09-20 14:11:23 +00:00
## 0.6.0
**Release date:** 2024-08-29

- bump version of VM components to [v1.103.0 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.103.0 )
- Added ability to configure container port
- Fixed image pull secrets. See [this issue ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/helm-charts/issues/1285 )
## 0.5.0
**Release date:** 2024-08-21

**Update note**: main container name was changed to `vmauth` , which will recreate a pod.
**Update note**: requires Helm 3.14+
- Added `basicAuth` support for `ServiceMonitor`
- Removed `PodSecurityPolicy`
- Set minimal kubernetes version to `1.25`
- Removed support for `policy/v1beta1/PodDisruptionBudget`
- Added params to configure probes `.Values.probe.readiness` , `.Values.probe.liveness` and `.Values.probe.startup`
- Added `.Values.global.imagePullSecrets` and `.Values.global.image.registry`
- Use static container names in a pod
- Removed `networking.k8s.io/v1beta1/Ingress` and `extensions/v1beta1/Ingress` support
- Added `.Values.service.ipFamilies` and `.Values.service.ipFamilyPolicy` for service IP family management
## 0.4.14
**Release date:** 2024-08-01

- bump version of VM components to [v1.102.1 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.102.1 )
## 0.4.13
**Release date:** 2024-06-14

**Update note**: The VictoriaMetrics components image tag template has been updated. This change introduces `.Values.<component>.image.variant` to specify tag suffixes like `-scratch` , `-cluster` , `-enterprise` . Additionally, you can now omit `.Values.<component>.image.tag` to automatically use the version specified in `.Chart.AppVersion` .
- support specifying image tag suffix like "-enterprise" for VictoriaMetrics components using `.Values.<component>.image.variant` .
## 0.4.12
**Release date:** 2024-05-16

- fix lost customized securityContext when introduced new default behavior for securityContext in [pull request ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/helm-charts/pull/995 ).
## 0.4.11
**Release date:** 2024-05-10

- support disabling default securityContext to keep compatible with platform like openshift, see this [pull request ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/helm-charts/pull/995 ) by @Baboulinet -33 for details.
## 0.4.10
**Release date:** 2024-04-26

- properly truncate value of `app.kubernetes.io/managed-by` and `app.kubernetes.io/instance` labels in case release name exceeds 63 characters.
- bump version of VM components to [v1.101.0 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.101.0 )
## 0.4.9
**Release date:** 2024-04-16

- bump version of VM components to [v1.100.1 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.100.1 )
## 0.4.8
**Release date:** 2024-03-28

- added ability to use slice variables in extraArgs (#944)
- support adding `metricRelabelings` for server serviceMonitor (#946)
## 0.4.7
**Release date:** 2024-03-05

- replaces httpGet ready probe with tcpSocket check. See [this issue ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/helm-charts/issues/528 ) for details
- bump version of VM components to [v1.99.0 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.99.0 )
## 0.4.6
**Release date:** 2024-02-01

- bump version of VM components to [v1.97.1 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.97.1 )
## 0.4.5
**Release date:** 2023-12-13

- Fix configuration of volume mount for license key referenced by using secret.
## 0.4.4
**Release date:** 2023-12-12

- bump version of VM components to [v1.96.0 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.96.0 )
## 0.4.3
**Release date:** 2023-11-16

- bump version of VM components to [v1.95.1 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.95.1 )
## 0.4.2
**Release date:** 2023-11-15

- bump version of VM components to [v1.95.0 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.95.0 )
## 0.4.1
**Release date:** 2023-10-04

- bump version of VM components to [v1.94.0 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.94.0 )
- Add support of providing enterprise license key for VictoriaMetrics enterprise. See [these docs ](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/enterprise ) for details.
## 0.4.0
**Release date:** 2023-09-28

- Add `extraObjects` which to allow deploying additional resources with the chart release (#689)
## 0.3.8
**Release date:** 2023-09-21

- Bump version of VM components to [v1.93.5 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.93.5 )
## 0.3.7
**Release date:** 2023-09-11

- Bump version of VM components to [v1.93.4 ](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.93.4 )
## 0.3.6
**Release date:** 2023-09-04

- Bump version of vmauth to `v1.93.3`
## 0.3.4
**Release date:** 2023-08-23

- Update VictoriaMetrics components from v1.93.0 to v1.93.1
## 0.3.3
**Release date:** 2023-08-12

- Update VictoriaMetrics components from v1.92.1 to v1.93.0
## 0.3.2
**Release date:** 2023-07-28

- Update VictoriaMetrics components from v1.92.0 to v1.92.1 (#599)
## 0.3.1
**Release date:** 2023-07-27

- Update VictoriaMetrics components from v1.91.3 to v1.92.0
## 0.3.0
**Release date:** 2023-07-13

- bump version of agent, alert, auth, cluster, single
- charts/victoria-metrics-auth: add support of specifying extra labels (#577)