addr=flag.String("remoteRead.url","","Optional URL to Victoria Metrics or VMSelect that will be used to restore alerts"+
" state. This configuration makes sense only if `vmalert` was configured with `remoteWrite.url` before and has been successfully persisted its state."+
" E.g.")
basicAuthUsername=flag.String("remoteRead.basicAuth.username","","Optional basic auth username for -remoteRead.url")
basicAuthPassword=flag.String("remoteRead.basicAuth.password","","Optional basic auth password for -remoteRead.url")
tlsInsecureSkipVerify=flag.Bool("remoteRead.tlsInsecureSkipVerify",false,"Whether to skip tls verification when connecting to -remoteRead.url")
tlsCertFile=flag.String("remoteRead.tlsCertFile","","Optional path to client-side TLS certificate file to use when connecting to -remoteRead.url")
tlsKeyFile=flag.String("remoteRead.tlsKeyFile","","Optional path to client-side TLS certificate key to use when connecting to -remoteRead.url")
tlsCAFile=flag.String("remoteRead.tlsCAFile","","Optional path to TLS CA file to use for verifying connections to -remoteRead.url. "+
"By default system CA is used")
tlsServerName=flag.String("remoteRead.tlsServerName","","Optional TLS server name to use for connections to -remoteRead.url. "+
"By default the server name from -remoteRead.url is used")
// Init creates a Querier from provided flag values.