remoteWriteURLs=flagutil.NewArray("remoteWrite.url","Remote storage URL to write data to. It must support Prometheus remote_write API. "+
"It is recommended using VictoriaMetrics as remote storage. Example url: http://<victoriametrics-host>:8428/api/v1/write . "+
"Pass multiple -remoteWrite.url flags in order to write data concurrently to multiple remote storage systems")
tmpDataPath=flag.String("remoteWrite.tmpDataPath","vmagent-remotewrite-data","Path to directory where temporary data for remote write component is stored")
queues=flag.Int("remoteWrite.queues",1,"The number of concurrent queues to each -remoteWrite.url. Set more queues if a single queue "+
"isn't enough for sending high volume of collected data to remote storage")
showRemoteWriteURL=flag.Bool("remoteWrite.showURL",false,"Whether to show -remoteWrite.url in the exported metrics. "+
"It is hidden by default, since it can contain sensistive auth info")
// Init initializes remotewrite.
// It must be called after flag.Parse().
// Stop must be called for graceful shutdown.
logger.Panicf("FATAL: at least one `-remoteWrite.url` must be set")
// remoteWrite.url can contain authentication codes, so hide it at `/metrics` output.