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+# sort: 4
+weight: 4
+ docs:
+ identifier: "vmanomaly-changelog"
+ parent: "anomaly-detection"
+ sort: 4
+ weight: 4
+- /anomaly-detection/CHANGELOG.html
+Please find the changelog for VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection below.
+The following `tip` changes can be tested by building from the `latest` tag:
+docker pull us-docker.pkg.dev/victoriametrics-test/public/vmanomaly-trial:latest
+Please find [launch instructions here](/vmanomaly.html#run-vmanomaly-docker-container).
+# tip
+## v1.7.2
+Released: 2023-12-21
+- FIX: fit/infer calls are now skipped if we have insufficient *valid* data to run on.
+- FIX: proper handling of `inf` and `NaN` in fit/infer calls.
+- FEATURE: add counter of skipped model runs `vmanomaly_model_runs_skipped` to healthcheck metrics.
+- FEATURE: add exponential retries wrapper to VmReader's `read_metrics()`.
+- FEATURE: add `BacktestingScheduler` for consecutive retrospective fit/infer calls.
+- FEATURE: add improved & numerically stable anomaly scores.
+- IMPROVEMENT: add full config validation. The probability of getting errors in later stages (say, model fit) is greatly reduced now. All the config validation errors that needs to be fixed are now a part of logging.
+ > **note**: this is an backward-incompatible change, as `model` config section now expects key-value args for internal model defined in nested `args`.
+- IMPROVEMENT: add explicit support of `gzip`-ed responses from vmselect in VmReader.
+## v1.6.0
+Released: 2023-10-30
+ - now all the produced healthcheck metrics have `vmanomaly_` prefix for easier accessing.
+ - updated docs for monitoring.
+ > **note**: this is an backward-incompatible change, as metric names will be changed, resulting in new metrics creation, i.e. `model_datapoints_produced` will become `vmanomaly_model_datapoints_produced`
+- IMPROVEMENT: Set default value for `--log_level` from `DEBUG` to `INFO` to reduce logs verbosity.
+- IMPROVEMENT: Add alias `--log-level` to `--log_level`.
+- FEATURE: Added `extra_filters` parameter to reader. It allows to apply global filters to all queries.
+- FEATURE: Added `verify_tls` parameter to reader and writer. It allows to disable TLS verification for remote endpoint.
+- FEATURE: Added `bearer_token` parameter to reader and writer. It allows to pass bearer token for remote endpoint for authentication.
+- BUGFIX: Fixed passing `workers` parameter for reader. Previously it would throw a runtime error if `workers` was specified.
+## v1.5.1
+Released: 2023-09-18
+- IMPROVEMENT: Infer from the latest seen datapoint for each query. Handles the case datapoints arrive late.
+## v1.5.0
+Released: 2023-08-11
+- FEATURE: add `--license` and `--license-file` command-line flags for license code verification.
+- IMPROVEMENT: Updated Python to 3.11.4 and updated dependencies.
+- IMPROVEMENT: Guide documentation for Custom Model usage.
+## v1.4.2
+Released: 2023-06-09
+- FIX: Fix case with received metric labels overriding generated.
+## v1.4.1
+Released: 2023-06-09
+- IMPROVEMENT: Update dependencies.
+## v1.4.0
+Released: 2023-05-06
+- FEATURE: Reworked self-monitoring grafana dashboard for vmanomaly.
+- IMPROVEMENT: Update python version and dependencies.
+## v1.3.0
+Released: 2023-03-21
+- FEATURE: Parallelized queries. See `reader.workers` param to control parallelism. By default it's value is equal to number of queries (sends all the queries at once).
+- IMPROVEMENT: Updated self-monitoring dashboard.
+- IMPROVEMENT: Reverted back default bind address for /metrics server to, as vmanomaly is distributed in Docker images.
+- IMPROVEMENT: Silenced Prophet INFO logs about yearly seasonality.
+## v1.2.2
+Released: 2023-03-19
+- FIX: Fix `for` metric label to pass QUERY_KEY.
+- FEATURE: Added `timeout` config param to reader, writer, monitoring.push.
+- FIX: Don't hang if scheduler-model thread exits.
+- FEATURE: Now reader, writer and monitoring.push will not halt the process if endpoint is inaccessible or times out, instead they will increment metrics `*_response_count{code=~"timeout|connection_error"}`.
+## v1.2.1
+Released: 2023-02-18
+- FIX: Fixed scheduler thread starting.
+- FIX: Fix rolling model fit+infer.
+- BREAKING CHANGE: monitoring.pull server now binds by default on instead of Please specify explicitly in monitoring.pull.addr what IP address it should bind to for serving /metrics.
+## v1.2.0
+Released: 2023-02-04
+- FEATURE: With arg `--watch` watches for config(s) changes and reloads the service automatically.
+- IMPROVEMENT: Remove "provide_series" from HoltWinters model. Only Prophet model now has it, because it may produce a lot of series if "holidays" is on.
+- IMPROVEMENT: if Prophet's "provide_series" is omitted, then all series are returned.
+- DEPRECATION: Config monitoring.endpount_url is deprecated in favor of monitoring.url.
+- DEPRECATION: Remove 'enable' param from config monitoring.pull. Now /metrics server is started whenever monitoring.pull is present.
+- IMPROVEMENT: include example configs into the docker image at /vmanomaly/config/*
+- IMPROVEMENT: include self-monitoring grafana dashboard into the docker image under /vmanomaly/dashboard/vmanomaly_grafana_dashboard.json
+## v1.1.0
+Released: 2023-01-23
+- IMPROVEMENT: update Python dependencies
+- FEATURE: Add _multivariate_ IsolationForest model.
+## v1.0.1
+Released: 2023-01-06
+- FIX: prophet model incorrectly predicted two points in case of only one
+## v1.0.0-beta
+Released: 2022-12-08
+- First public release is available
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+# sort: 3
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+title: FAQ
+ docs:
+ identifier: "vmanomaly-faq"
+ parent: "anomaly-detection"
+ weight: 3
+ sort: 3
+- /anomaly-detection/FAQ.html
+# FAQ - VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection
+## What is VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection (vmanomaly)?
+VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection, also known as `vmanomaly`, is a service for detecting unexpected changes in time series data. Utilizing machine learning models, it computes and pushes back an ["anomaly score"](/anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#vmanomaly-output) for user-specified metrics. This hands-off approach to anomaly detection reduces the need for manual alert setup and can adapt to various metrics, improving your observability experience.
+Please refer to [our guide section](/anomaly-detection/#practical-guides-and-installation) to find out more.
+## How Does vmanomaly Work?
+`vmanomaly` applies built-in (or custom) [anomaly detection algorithms](/anomaly-detection/components/models), specified in a config file. Although a single config file supports one model, running multiple instances of `vmanomaly` with different configs is possible and encouraged for parallel processing or better support for your use case (i.e. simpler model for simple metrics, more sophisticated one for metrics with trends and seasonalities).
+Please refer to [about](/vmanomaly.html#about) section to find out more.
+## What Data Does vmanomaly Operate On?
+`vmanomaly` operates on data fetched from VictoriaMetrics, where you can leverage full power of [MetricsQL](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/MetricsQL.html) for data selection, sampling, and processing. Users can also [apply global filters](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/#prometheus-querying-api-enhancements) for more targeted data analysis, enhancing scope limitation and tenant visibility.
+Respective config is defined in a [`reader`](/anomaly-detection/components/reader.html#vm-reader) section.
+## Handling Noisy Input Data
+`vmanomaly` operates on data fetched from VictoriaMetrics using [MetricsQL](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/MetricsQL.html) queries, so the initial data quality can be fine-tuned with aggregation, grouping, and filtering to reduce noise and improve anomaly detection accuracy.
+## Output Produced by vmanomaly
+`vmanomaly` models generate [metrics](/anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#vmanomaly-output) like `anomaly_score`, `yhat`, `yhat_lower`, `yhat_upper`, and `y`. These metrics provide a comprehensive view of the detected anomalies. The service also produces [health check metrics](/anomaly-detection/components/monitoring.html#metrics-generated-by-vmanomaly) for monitoring its performance.
+## Choosing the Right Model for vmanomaly
+Selecting the best model for `vmanomaly` depends on the data's nature and the types of anomalies to detect. For instance, [Z-score](anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#z-score) is suitable for data without trends or seasonality, while more complex patterns might require models like [Prophet](anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#prophet).
+Please refer to [respective blogpost on anomaly types and alerting heuristics](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/victoriametrics-anomaly-detection-handbook-chapter-2/) for more details.
+Still not 100% sure what to use? We are [here to help](/anomaly-detection/#get-in-touch).
+## Alert Generation in vmanomaly
+While `vmanomaly` detects anomalies and produces scores, it *does not directly generate alerts*. The anomaly scores are written back to VictoriaMetrics, where an external alerting tool, like [`vmalert`](/vmalert.html), can be used to create alerts based on these scores for integrating it with your alerting management system.
+## Preventing Alert Fatigue
+Produced anomaly scores are designed in such a way that values from 0.0 to 1.0 indicate non-anomalous data, while a value greater than 1.0 is generally classified as an anomaly. However, there are no perfect models for anomaly detection, that's why reasonable defaults expressions like `anomaly_score > 1` may not work 100% of the time. However, anomaly scores, produced by `vmanomaly` are written back as metrics to VictoriaMetrics, where tools like [`vmalert`](/vmalert.html) can use [MetricsQL](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/MetricsQL.html) expressions to fine-tune alerting thresholds and conditions, balancing between avoiding [false negatives](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/victoriametrics-anomaly-detection-handbook-chapter-1/#false-negative) and reducing [false positives](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/victoriametrics-anomaly-detection-handbook-chapter-1/#false-positive).
+## Resource Consumption of vmanomaly
+`vmanomaly` itself is a lightweight service, resource usage is primarily dependent on [scheduling](/anomaly-detection/components/scheduler.html) (how often and on what data to fit/infer your models), [# and size of timeseries returned by your queries](/anomaly-detection/components/reader.html#vm-reader), and the complexity of the employed [models](anomaly-detection/components/models). Its resource usage is directly related to these factors, making it adaptable to various operational scales.
+## Scaling vmanomaly
+`vmanomaly` can be scaled horizontally by launching multiple independent instances, each with its own [MetricsQL](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/MetricsQL.html) queries and [configurations](/anomaly-detection/components/). This flexibility allows it to handle varying data volumes and throughput demands efficiently.
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+# sort: 14
+title: VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection
+weight: 0
+disableToc: true
+ docs:
+ parent: 'victoriametrics'
+ sort: 0
+ weight: 0
+- /anomaly-detection.html
+# VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection
+In the dynamic and complex world of system monitoring, VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection, being a part of our [Enterprise offering](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/), stands as a pivotal tool for achieving advanced observability. It empowers SREs and DevOps teams by automating the intricate task of identifying abnormal behavior in time-series data. It goes beyond traditional threshold-based alerting, utilizing machine learning techniques to not only detect anomalies but also minimize false positives, thus reducing alert fatigue. By providing simplified alerting mechanisms atop of [unified anomaly scores](/anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#vmanomaly-output), it enables teams to spot and address potential issues faster, ensuring system reliability and operational efficiency.
+## Key Components
+Explore the integral components that configure VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection:
+* [Get familiar with components](/anomaly-detection/components)
+ - [Models](/anomaly-detection/components/models)
+ - [Reader](/anomaly-detection/components/reader.html)
+ - [Scheduler](/anomaly-detection/components/scheduler.html)
+ - [Writer](/anomaly-detection/components/writer.html)
+ - [Monitoring](/anomaly-detection/components/monitoring.html)
+## Practical Guides and Installation
+Begin your VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection journey with ease using our guides and installation instructions:
+- **Quick Start Guide**: Jumpstart your anomaly detection setup to simplify the process of integrating anomaly detection into your observability ecosystem. Get started [**here**](/anomaly-detection/guides/guide-vmanomaly-vmalert.html).
+- **Installation Options**: Choose the method that best fits your environment:
+ - **Docker Installation**: Ideal for containerized environments. Follow our [Docker guide](../vmanomaly.md#run-vmanomaly-docker-container) for a smooth setup.
+ - **Helm Chart Installation**: Perfect for Kubernetes users. Deploy using our [Helm charts](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/helm-charts/tree/master/charts/victoria-metrics-anomaly) for an efficient integration.
+> Note: starting from [v1.5.0](./CHANGELOG.md#v150) `vmanomaly` requires a [license key](/vmanomaly.html#licensing) to run. You can obtain a trial license key [**here**](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/trial/index.html).
+## Deep Dive into Anomaly Detection
+Enhance your knowledge with our handbook on Anomaly Detection & Root Cause Analysis and stay updated:
+* Anomaly Detection Handbook
+ - [Introduction to Time Series Anomaly Detection](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/victoriametrics-anomaly-detection-handbook-chapter-1/)
+ - [Types of Anomalies in Time Series Data](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/victoriametrics-anomaly-detection-handbook-chapter-2/)
+ - [Techniques and Models for Anomaly Detection](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/victoriametrics-anomaly-detection-handbook-chapter-3/)
+* Follow the [`#anomaly-detection`](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/tags/anomaly-detection/) tag in our blog
+## Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
+Got questions about VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection? Chances are, we've got the answers ready for you.
+Dive into [our FAQ section](/anomaly-detection/FAQ.html) to find responses to common questions.
+## Get in Touch
+We're eager to connect with you and tailor our solutions to your specific needs. Here's how you can engage with us:
+* [Book a Demo](https://calendly.com/fred-navruzov/) to discover what our product can do.
+* Interested in exploring our [Enterprise features](https://new.victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise), including Anomaly Detection? [Request your trial license](https://new.victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/trial/) today and take the first step towards advanced system observability.
+Our [CHANGELOG is just a click away](./CHANGELOG.md), keeping you informed about the latest updates and enhancements.
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+# sort: 1
+title: Components
+weight: 0
+ docs:
+ identifier: "vmanomaly-components"
+ parent: "anomaly-detection"
+ weight: 0
+ sort: 1
+ - /anomaly-detection/components/
+ - /anomaly-detection/components/index.html
+# Components
+This chapter describes different components, that correspond to respective sections of a config to launch VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection (or simply [`vmanomaly`](/vmanomaly.html)) service:
+- [Model(s) section](models/README.md) - Required
+- [Reader section](reader.html) - Required
+- [Scheduler section](scheduler.html) - Required
+- [Writer section](writer.html) - Required
+- [Monitoring section](monitoring.html) - Optional
+> **Note**: starting from [v1.7.0](../CHANGELOG.md#v172), once the service starts, automated config validation is performed. Please see container logs for errors that need to be fixed to create fully valid config, visiting sections above for examples and documentation.
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+title: Models
+weight: 1
+# sort: 1
+ docs:
+ identifier: "vmanomaly-models"
+ parent: "vmanomaly-components"
+ weight: 1
+ # sort: 1
+ - /anomaly-detection/components/models.html
+# Models
+This section describes `Model` component of VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection (or simply [`vmanomaly`](/vmanomaly.html)) and the guide of how to define respective section of a config to launch the service.
+Please find a guide of how to use [built-in models](/anomaly-detection/docs/models/models.html) for anomaly detection, as well as how to define and use your own [custom model](/anomaly-detection/docs/models/custom_model.html).
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+# sort: 2
+weight: 2
+title: Custom Model Guide
+# disableToc: true
+ docs:
+ parent: "vmanomaly-models"
+ weight: 2
+ # sort: 2
+ - /anomaly-detection/components/models/custom_model.html
+# Custom Model Guide
+**Note**: vmanomaly is a part of [enterprise package](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/enterprise.html). Please [contact us](https://victoriametrics.com/contact-us/) to find out more.
+Apart from vmanomaly predefined models, users can create their own custom models for anomaly detection.
+Here in this guide, we will
+- Make a file containing our custom model definition
+- Define VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection config file to use our custom model
+- Run service
+**Note**: The file containing the model should be written in [Python language](https://www.python.org/) (3.11+)
+## 1. Custom model
+We'll create `custom_model.py` file with `CustomModel` class that will inherit from vmanomaly `Model` base class.
+In the `CustomModel` class there should be three required methods - `__init__`, `fit` and `infer`:
+* `__init__` method should initiate parameters for the model.
+ **Note**: if your model relies on configs that have `arg` [key-value pair argument](./models.md#section-overview), do not forget to use Python's `**kwargs` in method's signature and to explicitly call
+ ```python
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ ```
+ to initialize the base class each model derives from
+* `fit` method should contain the model training process.
+* `infer` should return Pandas.DataFrame object with model's inferences.
+For the sake of simplicity, the model in this example will return one of two values of `anomaly_score` - 0 or 1 depending on input parameter `percentage`.
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import scipy.stats as st
+import logging
+from model.model import Model
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CustomModel(Model):
+ """
+ Custom model implementation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, percentage: float = 0.95, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.percentage = percentage
+ self._mean = np.nan
+ self._std = np.nan
+ def fit(self, df: pd.DataFrame):
+ # Model fit process:
+ y = df['y']
+ self._mean = np.mean(y)
+ self._std = np.std(y)
+ if self._std == 0.0:
+ self._std = 1 / 65536
+ def infer(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> np.array:
+ # Inference process:
+ y = df['y']
+ zscores = (y - self._mean) / self._std
+ anomaly_score_cdf = st.norm.cdf(np.abs(zscores))
+ df_pred = df[['timestamp', 'y']].copy()
+ df_pred['anomaly_score'] = anomaly_score_cdf > self.percentage
+ df_pred['anomaly_score'] = df_pred['anomaly_score'].astype('int32', errors='ignore')
+ return df_pred
+## 2. Configuration file
+Next, we need to create `config.yaml` file with VM Anomaly Detection configuration and model input parameters.
+In the config file `model` section we need to put our model class `model.custom.CustomModel` and all parameters used in `__init__` method.
+You can find out more about configuration parameters in vmanomaly docs.
+ infer_every: "1m"
+ fit_every: "1m"
+ fit_window: "1d"
+ # note: every custom model should implement this exact path, specified in `class` field
+ class: "model.model.CustomModel"
+ # custom model params are defined here
+ percentage: 0.9
+ datasource_url: "http://localhost:8428/"
+ queries:
+ ingestion_rate: 'sum(rate(vm_rows_inserted_total)) by (type)'
+ churn_rate: 'sum(rate(vm_new_timeseries_created_total[5m]))'
+ datasource_url: "http://localhost:8428/"
+ metric_format:
+ __name__: "custom_$VAR"
+ for: "$QUERY_KEY"
+ model: "custom"
+ run: "test-format"
+ # /metrics server.
+ pull:
+ port: 8080
+ push:
+ url: "http://localhost:8428/"
+ extra_labels:
+ job: "vmanomaly-develop"
+ config: "custom.yaml"
+## 3. Running model
+Let's pull the docker image for vmanomaly:
+docker pull us-docker.pkg.dev/victoriametrics-test/public/vmanomaly-trial:latest
+Now we can run the docker container putting as volumes both config and model file:
+**Note**: place the model file to `/model/custom.py` path when copying
+docker run -it \
+--net [YOUR_NETWORK] \
+-v [YOUR_LICENSE_FILE_PATH]:/license.txt \
+-v $(PWD)/custom_model.py:/vmanomaly/src/model/custom.py \
+-v $(PWD)/custom.yaml:/config.yaml \
+us-docker.pkg.dev/victoriametrics-test/public/vmanomaly-trial:latest /config.yaml \
+Please find more detailed instructions (license, etc.) [here](/vmanomaly.html#run-vmanomaly-docker-container)
+## Output
+As the result, this model will return metric with labels, configured previously in `config.yaml`.
+In this particular example, 2 metrics will be produced. Also, there will be added other metrics from input query result.
+{__name__="custom_anomaly_score", for="ingestion_rate", model="custom", run="test-format"}
+{__name__="custom_anomaly_score", for="churn_rate", model="custom", run="test-format"}
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+# sort: 1
+weight: 1
+title: Built-in Models
+# disableToc: true
+ docs:
+ parent: "vmanomaly-models"
+ # sort: 1
+ weight: 1
+ - /anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html
+# Models config parameters
+## Section Overview
+VM Anomaly Detection (`vmanomaly` hereinafter) models support 2 groups of parameters:
+- **`vmanomaly`-specific** arguments - please refer to *Parameters specific for vmanomaly* and *Default model parameters* subsections for each of the models below.
+- Arguments to **inner model** (say, [Facebook's Prophet](https://facebook.github.io/prophet/docs/quick_start.html#python-api)), passed in a `args` argument as key-value pairs, that will be directly given to the model during initialization to allow granular control. Optional.
+**Note**: For users who may not be familiar with Python data types such as `list[dict]`, a [dictionary](https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_dictionaries.asp) in Python is a data structure that stores data values in key-value pairs. This structure allows for efficient data retrieval and management.
+* [ARIMA](#arima)
+* [Holt-Winters](#holt-winters)
+* [Prophet](#prophet)
+* [Rolling Quantile](#rolling-quantile)
+* [Seasonal Trend Decomposition](#seasonal-trend-decomposition)
+* [Z-score](#z-score)
+* [MAD (Median Absolute Deviation)](#mad-median-absolute-deviation)
+* [Isolation forest (Multivariate)](#isolation-forest-multivariate)
+* [Custom model](#custom-model)
+## [ARIMA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoregressive_integrated_moving_average)
+Here we use ARIMA implementation from `statsmodels` [library](https://www.statsmodels.org/dev/generated/statsmodels.tsa.arima.model.ARIMA.html)
+*Parameters specific for vmanomaly*:
+\* - mandatory parameters.
+* `class`\* (string) - model class name `"model.arima.ArimaModel"`
+* `z_threshold` (float) - [standard score](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_score) for calculating boundaries to define anomaly score. Defaults to 2.5.
+* `provide_series` (list[string]) - List of columns to be produced and returned by the model. Defaults to `["anomaly_score", "yhat", "yhat_lower" "yhat_upper", "y"]`. Output can be **only a subset** of a given column list.
+* `resample_freq` (string) = Frequency to resample input data into, e.g. data comes at 15 seconds resolution, and resample_freq is '1m'. Then fitting data will be downsampled to '1m' and internal model is trained at '1m' intervals. So, during inference, prediction data would be produced at '1m' intervals, but interpolated to "15s" to match with expected output, as output data must have the same timestamps.
+*Default model parameters*:
+* `order`\* (list[int]) - ARIMA's (p,d,q) order of the model for the autoregressive, differences, and moving average components, respectively.
+* `args`: (dict) - Inner model args (key-value pairs). See accepted params in [model documentation](https://www.statsmodels.org/dev/generated/statsmodels.tsa.arima.model.ARIMA.html). Defaults to empty (not provided). Example: {"trend": "c"}
+*Config Example*
+ class: "model.arima.ArimaModel"
+ # ARIMA's (p,d,q) order
+ order:
+ - 1
+ - 1
+ - 0
+ z_threshold: 2.7
+ resample_freq: '1m'
+ # Inner model args (key-value pairs) accepted by statsmodels.tsa.arima.model.ARIMA
+ args:
+ trend: 'c'
+## [Holt-Winters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_smoothing)
+Here we use Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing implementation from `statsmodels` [library](https://www.statsmodels.org/dev/generated/statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.ExponentialSmoothing.html). All parameters from this library can be passed to the model.
+*Parameters specific for vmanomaly*:
+\* - mandatory parameters.
+* `class`\* (string) - model class name `"model.holtwinters.HoltWinters"`
+* `frequency`\* (string) - Must be set equal to sampling_period. Model needs to know expected data-points frequency (e.g. '10m').
+If omitted, frequency is guessed during fitting as **the median of intervals between fitting data timestamps**. During inference, if incoming data doesn't have the same frequency, then it will be interpolated.
+E.g. data comes at 15 seconds resolution, and our resample_freq is '1m'. Then fitting data will be downsampled to '1m' and internal model is trained at '1m' intervals. So, during inference, prediction data would be produced at '1m' intervals, but interpolated to "15s" to match with expected output, as output data must have the same timestamps.
+As accepted by pandas.Timedelta (e.g. '5m').
+* `seasonality` (string) - As accepted by pandas.Timedelta.
+If `seasonal_periods` is not specified, it is calculated as `seasonality` / `frequency`
+Used to compute "seasonal_periods" param for the model (e.g. '1D' or '1W').
+* `z_threshold` (float) - [standard score](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_score) for calculating boundaries to define anomaly score. Defaults to 2.5.
+*Default model parameters*:
+* If [parameter](https://www.statsmodels.org/dev/generated/statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.ExponentialSmoothing.html#statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.ExponentialSmoothing-parameters) `seasonal` is not specified, default value will be `add`.
+* If [parameter](https://www.statsmodels.org/dev/generated/statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.ExponentialSmoothing.html#statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.ExponentialSmoothing-parameters) `initialization_method` is not specified, default value will be `estimated`.
+* `args`: (dict) - Inner model args (key-value pairs). See accepted params in [model documentation](https://www.statsmodels.org/dev/generated/statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.ExponentialSmoothing.html#statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.ExponentialSmoothing-parameters). Defaults to empty (not provided). Example: {"seasonal": "add", "initialization_method": "estimated"}
+*Config Example*
+ class: "model.holtwinters.HoltWinters"
+ seasonality: '1d'
+ frequency: '1h'
+ # Inner model args (key-value pairs) accepted by statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.ExponentialSmoothing
+ args:
+ seasonal: 'add'
+ initialization_method: 'estimated'
+Resulting metrics of the model are described [here](#vmanomaly-output).
+## [Prophet](https://facebook.github.io/prophet/)
+Here we utilize the Facebook Prophet implementation, as detailed in their [library documentation](https://facebook.github.io/prophet/docs/quick_start.html#python-api). All parameters from this library are compatible and can be passed to the model.
+*Parameters specific for vmanomaly*:
+\* - mandatory parameters.
+* `class`\* (string) - model class name `"model.prophet.ProphetModel"`
+* `seasonalities` (list[dict]) - Extra seasonalities to pass to Prophet. See [`add_seasonality()`](https://facebook.github.io/prophet/docs/seasonality,_holiday_effects,_and_regressors.html#modeling-holidays-and-special-events:~:text=modeling%20the%20cycle-,Specifying,-Custom%20Seasonalities) Prophet param.
+* `provide_series` - model resulting metrics. If not specified [standard metrics](#vmanomaly-output) will be provided.
+**Note**: Apart from standard vmanomaly output Prophet model can provide [additional metrics](#additional-output-metrics-produced-by-fb-prophet).
+**Additional output metrics produced by FB Prophet**
+Depending on chosen `seasonality` parameter FB Prophet can return additional metrics such as:
+- `trend`, `trend_lower`, `trend_upper`
+- `additive_terms`, `additive_terms_lower`, `additive_terms_upper`,
+- `multiplicative_terms`, `multiplicative_terms_lower`, `multiplicative_terms_upper`,
+- `daily`, `daily_lower`, `daily_upper`,
+- `hourly`, `hourly_lower`, `hourly_upper`,
+- `holidays`, `holidays_lower`, `holidays_upper`,
+- and a number of columns for each holiday if `holidays` param is set
+*Config Example*
+ class: "model.prophet.ProphetModel"
+ seasonalities:
+ - name: 'hourly'
+ period: 0.04166666666
+ fourier_order: 30
+ # Inner model args (key-value pairs) accepted by
+ # https://facebook.github.io/prophet/docs/quick_start.html#python-api
+ args:
+ # See https://facebook.github.io/prophet/docs/uncertainty_intervals.html
+ interval_width: 0.98
+ country_holidays: 'US'
+Resulting metrics of the model are described [here](#vmanomaly-output)
+## [Rolling Quantile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile)
+*Parameters specific for vmanomaly*:
+\* - mandatory parameters.
+* `class`\* (string) - model class name `"model.rolling_quantile.RollingQuantileModel"`
+* `quantile`\* (float) - quantile value, from 0.5 to 1.0. This constraint is implied by 2-sided confidence interval.
+* `window_steps`\* (integer) - size of the moving window. (see 'sampling_period')
+*Config Example*
+ class: "model.rolling_quantile.RollingQuantileModel"
+ quantile: 0.9
+ window_steps: 96
+Resulting metrics of the model are described [here](#vmanomaly-output).
+## [Seasonal Trend Decomposition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasonal_adjustment)
+Here we use Seasonal Decompose implementation from `statsmodels` [library](https://www.statsmodels.org/dev/generated/statsmodels.tsa.seasonal.seasonal_decompose.html). Parameters from this library can be passed to the model. Some parameters are specifically predefined in vmanomaly and can't be changed by user(`model`='additive', `two_sided`=False).
+*Parameters specific for vmanomaly*:
+\* - mandatory parameters.
+* `class`\* (string) - model class name `"model.std.StdModel"`
+* `period`\* (integer) - Number of datapoints in one season.
+* `z_threshold` (float) - [standard score](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_score) for calculating boundaries to define anomaly score. Defaults to 2.5.
+*Config Example*
+ class: "model.std.StdModel"
+ period: 2
+Resulting metrics of the model are described [here](#vmanomaly-output).
+**Additional output metrics produced by Seasonal Trend Decomposition model**
+* `resid` - The residual component of the data series.
+* `trend` - The trend component of the data series.
+* `seasonal` - The seasonal component of the data series.
+## [MAD (Median Absolute Deviation)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_absolute_deviation)
+The MAD model is a robust method for anomaly detection that is *less sensitive* to outliers in data compared to standard deviation-based models. It considers a point as an anomaly if the absolute deviation from the median is significantly large.
+*Parameters specific for vmanomaly*:
+\* - mandatory parameters.
+* `class`\* (string) - model class name `"model.mad.MADModel"`
+* `threshold` (float) - The threshold multiplier for the MAD to determine anomalies. Defaults to 2.5. Higher values will identify fewer points as anomalies.
+*Config Example*
+ class: "model.mad.MADModel"
+ threshold: 2.5
+Resulting metrics of the model are described [here](#vmanomaly-output).
+## [Z-score](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_score)
+*Parameters specific for vmanomaly*:
+\* - mandatory parameters.
+* `class`\* (string) - model class name `"model.zscore.ZscoreModel"`
+* `z_threshold` (float) - [standard score](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_score) for calculation boundaries and anomaly score. Defaults to 2.5.
+*Config Example*
+ class: "model.zscore.ZscoreModel"
+ z_threshold: 2.5
+Resulting metrics of the model are described [here](#vmanomaly-output).
+## [Isolation forest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isolation_forest) (Multivariate)
+Detects anomalies using binary trees. The algorithm has a linear time complexity and a low memory requirement, which works well with high-volume data. It can be used on both univatiate and multivariate data, but it is more effective in multivariate case.
+**Important**: Be aware of [the curse of dimensionality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_dimensionality). Don't use single multivariate model if you expect your queries to return many time series of less datapoints that the number of metrics. In such case it is hard for a model to learn meaningful dependencies from too sparse data hypercube.
+Here we use Isolation Forest implementation from `scikit-learn` [library](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.ensemble.IsolationForest.html). All parameters from this library can be passed to the model.
+*Parameters specific for vmanomaly*:
+\* - mandatory parameters.
+* `class`\* (string) - model class name `"model.isolation_forest.IsolationForestMultivariateModel"`
+* `contamination` - The amount of contamination of the data set, i.e. the proportion of outliers in the data set. Used when fitting to define the threshold on the scores of the samples. Default value - "auto". Should be either `"auto"` or be in the range (0.0, 0.5].
+* `args`: (dict) - Inner model args (key-value pairs). See accepted params in [model documentation](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.ensemble.IsolationForest.html). Defaults to empty (not provided). Example: {"random_state": 42, "n_estimators": 100}
+*Config Example*
+ # To use univariate model, substitute class argument with "model.isolation_forest.IsolationForestModel".
+ class: "model.isolation_forest.IsolationForestMultivariateModel"
+ contamination: "auto"
+ args:
+ n_estimators: 100
+ # i.e. to assure reproducibility of produced results each time model is fit on the same input
+ random_state: 42
+Resulting metrics of the model are described [here](#vmanomaly-output).
+## Custom model
+You can find a guide on setting up a custom model [here](./custom_model.md).
+## vmanomaly output
+When vmanomaly is executed, it generates various metrics, the specifics of which depend on the model employed.
+These metrics can be renamed in the writer's section.
+The default metrics produced by vmanomaly include:
+- `anomaly_score`: This is the *primary* metric.
+ - It is designed in such a way that values from 0.0 to 1.0 indicate non-anomalous data.
+ - A value greater than 1.0 is generally classified as an anomaly, although this threshold can be adjusted in the alerting configuration.
+ - The decision to set the changepoint at 1 was made to ensure consistency across various models and alerting configurations, such that a score above 1 consistently signifies an anomaly.
+- `yhat`: This represents the predicted expected value.
+- `yhat_lower`: This indicates the predicted lower boundary.
+- `yhat_upper`: This refers to the predicted upper boundary.
+- `y`: This is the original value obtained from the query result.
+**Important**: Be aware that if `NaN` (Not a Number) or `Inf` (Infinity) values are present in the input data during `infer` model calls, the model will produce `NaN` as the `anomaly_score` for these particular instances.
+## Healthcheck metrics
+Each model exposes [several healthchecks metrics](./../monitoring.html#models-behaviour-metrics) to its `health_path` endpoint:
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+title: Monitoring
+weight: 5
+ docs:
+ parent: "vmanomaly-components"
+ weight: 5
+ # sort: 5
+ - /anomaly-detection/components/monitoring.html
+# Monitoring
+There are 2 models to monitor VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection behavior - [push](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/keyConcepts.html#push-model) and [pull](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/keyConcepts.html#pull-model). Parameters for each of them should be specified in the config file, `monitoring` section.
+## Pull Model Config parameters
+ Parameter |
+ Default |
+ Description |
+ addr |
+ "" |
+ Server IP Address |
+ port |
+ 8080 |
+ Port |
+## Push Config parameters
+ Parameter |
+ Default |
+ Description |
+ url |
+ |
+ Link where to push metrics to. Example: "http://localhost:8480/" |
+ tenant_id |
+ |
+ Tenant ID for cluster version. Example: "0:0" |
+ health_path |
+ "health" |
+ Absolute, to override /health path |
+ user |
+ |
+ BasicAuth username |
+ password |
+ |
+ BasicAuth password |
+ timeout |
+ "5s" |
+ Stop waiting for a response after a given number of seconds. |
+ extra_labels |
+ |
+ Section for custom labels specified by user. |
+## Monitoring section config example
+``` yaml
+ pull: # Enable /metrics endpoint.
+ addr: ""
+ port: 8080
+ push:
+ url: "http://localhost:8480/"
+ tenant_id: "0:0" # For cluster version only
+ health_path: "health"
+ user: "USERNAME"
+ password: "PASSWORD"
+ timeout: "5s"
+ extra_labels:
+ job: "vmanomaly-push"
+ test: "test-1"
+## Metrics generated by vmanomaly
+ Metric |
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ vmanomaly_start_time_seconds |
+ Gauge |
+ vmanomaly start time in UNIX time |
+### Models Behaviour Metrics
+Label names [description](#labelnames)
+ Metric |
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Labelnames |
+ vmanomaly_model_runs |
+ Counter |
+ How many times models ran (per model) |
+ stage, query_key |
+ vmanomaly_model_run_duration_seconds |
+ Summary |
+ How much time (in seconds) model invocations took |
+ stage, query_key |
+ vmanomaly_model_datapoints_accepted |
+ Counter |
+ How many datapoints did models accept |
+ stage, query_key |
+ vmanomaly_model_datapoints_produced |
+ Counter |
+ How many datapoints were generated by models |
+ stage, query_key |
+ vmanomaly_models_active |
+ Gauge |
+ How many models are currently inferring |
+ query_key |
+ vmanomaly_model_runs_skipped |
+ Counter |
+ How many times a run was skipped (per model) |
+ stage, query_key |
+### Writer Behaviour Metrics
+Label names [description](#labelnames)
+ Metric |
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Labelnames |
+ vmanomaly_writer_request_duration_seconds |
+ Summary |
+ How much time (in seconds) did requests to VictoriaMetrics take |
+ url, query_key |
+ vmanomaly_writer_response_count |
+ Counter |
+ Response code counts we got from VictoriaMetrics |
+ url, query_key, code |
+ vmanomaly_writer_sent_bytes |
+ Counter |
+ How much bytes were sent to VictoriaMetrics |
+ url, query_key |
+ vmanomaly_writer_request_serialize_seconds |
+ Summary |
+ How much time (in seconds) did serializing take |
+ query_key |
+ vmanomaly_writer_datapoints_sent |
+ Counter |
+ How many datapoints were sent to VictoriaMetrics |
+ query_key |
+ vmanomaly_writer_timeseries_sent |
+ Counter |
+ How many timeseries were sent to VictoriaMetrics |
+ query_key |
+### Reader Behaviour Metrics
+Label names [description](#labelnames)
+ Metric |
+ Type |
+ Description |
+ Labelnames |
+ vmanomaly_reader_request_duration_seconds |
+ Summary |
+ How much time (in seconds) did queries to VictoriaMetrics take |
+ url, query_key |
+ vmanomaly_reader_response_count |
+ Counter |
+ Response code counts we got from VictoriaMetrics |
+ url, query_key, code |
+ vmanomaly_reader_received_bytes |
+ Counter |
+ How much bytes were received in responses |
+ query_key |
+ vmanomaly_reader_response_parsing_seconds |
+ Summary |
+ How much time (in seconds) did parsing take for each step |
+ step |
+ vmanomaly_reader_timeseries_received |
+ Counter |
+ How many timeseries were received from VictoriaMetrics |
+ query_key |
+ vmanomaly_reader_datapoints_received |
+ Counter |
+ How many rows were received from VictoriaMetrics |
+ query_key |
+### Labelnames
- stage of model - 'fit', 'infer' or 'fit_infer' for models that do it simultaneously.
- query alias from [`reader`](/anomaly-detection/components/reader.html) config section.
- writer or reader url endpoint.
- response status code or `connection_error`, `timeout`.
- json or dataframe reading step.
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+title: Reader
+weight: 2
+ docs:
+ parent: "vmanomaly-components"
+ # sort: 2
+ weight: 2
+ - /anomaly-detection/components/reader.html
+# Reader
+VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection (`vmanomaly`) primarily uses [VmReader](#vm-reader) to ingest data. This reader focuses on fetching time-series data directly from VictoriaMetrics with the help of powerful [MetricsQL](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/MetricsQL.html) expressions for aggregating, filtering and grouping your data, ensuring seamless integration and efficient data handling.
+Future updates will introduce additional readers, expanding the range of data sources `vmanomaly` can work with.
+## VM reader
+### Config parameters
+ Parameter |
+ Example |
+ Description |
+ class |
+ "reader.vm.VmReader" |
+ Name of the class needed to enable reading from VictoriaMetrics or Prometheus. VmReader is the default option, if not specified. |
+ queries |
+ "ingestion_rate: 'sum(rate(vm_rows_inserted_total[5m])) by (type) > 0'" |
+ PromQL/MetricsQL query to select data in format: QUERY_ALIAS: "QUERY" . As accepted by "/query_range?query=%s" . |
+ datasource_url |
+ "http://localhost:8481/" |
+ Datasource URL address |
+ tenant_id |
+ "0:0" |
+ For cluster version only, tenants are identified by accountID or accountID:projectID |
+ sampling_period |
+ "1h" |
+ Optional. Frequency of the points returned. Will be converted to "/query_range?step=%s" param (in seconds). |
+ query_range_path |
+ "api/v1/query_range" |
+ Performs PromQL/MetricsQL range query. Default "api/v1/query_range" |
+ health_path |
+ "health" |
+ Absolute or relative URL address where to check availability of the datasource. Default is "health" . |
+ user |
+ BasicAuth username |
+ password |
+ BasicAuth password |
+ timeout |
+ "30s" |
+ Timeout for the requests, passed as a string. Defaults to "30s" |
+ verify_tls |
+ "false" |
+ Allows disabling TLS verification of the remote certificate. |
+ bearer_token |
+ "token" |
+ Token is passed in the standard format with header: "Authorization: bearer {token}" |
+ extra_filters |
+ "[]" |
+ List of strings with series selector. See: Prometheus querying API enhancements |
+Config file example:
+ class: "reader.vm.VmReader"
+ datasource_url: "http://localhost:8428/"
+ tenant_id: "0:0"
+ queries:
+ ingestion_rate: 'sum(rate(vm_rows_inserted_total[5m])) by (type) > 0'
+ sampling_period: '1m'
+### Healthcheck metrics
+`VmReader` exposes [several healthchecks metrics](./monitoring.html#reader-behaviour-metrics).
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+# sort: 3
+title: Scheduler
+weight: 3
+ docs:
+ parent: "vmanomaly-components"
+ weight: 3
+ # sort: 3
+ - /anomaly-detection/components/scheduler.html
+# Scheduler
+Scheduler defines how often to run and make inferences, as well as what timerange to use to train the model.
+Is specified in `scheduler` section of a config for VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection.
+## Parameters
+`class`: str, default=`"scheduler.periodic.PeriodicScheduler"`,
+options={`"scheduler.periodic.PeriodicScheduler"`, `"scheduler.oneoff.OneoffScheduler"`, `"scheduler.backtesting.BacktestingScheduler"`}
+- `"scheduler.periodic.PeriodicScheduler"`: periodically runs the models on new data. Useful for consecutive re-trainings to counter [data drift](https://www.datacamp.com/tutorial/understanding-data-drift-model-drift) and model degradation over time.
+- `"scheduler.oneoff.OneoffScheduler"`: runs the process once and exits. Useful for testing.
+- `"scheduler.backtesting.BacktestingScheduler"`: imitates consecutive backtesting runs of OneoffScheduler. Runs the process once and exits. Use to get more granular control over testing on historical data.
+**Depending on selected class, different parameters should be used**
+## Periodic scheduler
+### Parameters
+For periodic scheduler parameters are defined as differences in times, expressed in difference units, e.g. days, hours, minutes, seconds.
+Examples: `"50s"`, `"4m"`, `"3h"`, `"2d"`, `"1w"`.
+ |
+ Time granularity |
+ s |
+ seconds |
+ m |
+ minutes |
+ h |
+ hours |
+ d |
+ days |
+ w |
+ weeks |
+ Parameter |
+ Type |
+ Example |
+ Description |
+ fit_window |
+ str |
+ "14d" |
+ What time range to use for training the models. Must be at least 1 second. |
+ infer_every |
+ str |
+ "1m" |
+ How often a model will write its conclusions on newly added data. Must be at least 1 second. |
+ fit_every |
+ str, Optional |
+ "1h" |
+ How often to completely retrain the models. If missing value of infer_every is used and retrain on every inference run. |
+### Periodic scheduler config example
+ class: "scheduler.periodic.PeriodicScheduler"
+ fit_window: "14d"
+ infer_every: "1m"
+ fit_every: "1h"
+This part of the config means that `vmanomaly` will calculate the time window of the previous 14 days and use it to train a model. Every hour model will be retrained again on 14 days’ data, which will include + 1 hour of new data. The time window is strictly the same 14 days and doesn't extend for the next retrains. Every minute `vmanomaly` will produce model inferences for newly added data points by using the model that is kept in memory at that time.
+## Oneoff scheduler
+### Parameters
+For Oneoff scheduler timeframes can be defined in Unix time in seconds or ISO 8601 string format.
+ISO format supported time zone offset formats are:
+* Z (UTC)
+* ±HH:MM
+* ±HHMM
+* ±HH
+If a time zone is omitted, a timezone-naive datetime is used.
+### Defining fitting timeframe
+ Format |
+ Parameter |
+ Type |
+ Example |
+ Description |
+ ISO 8601 |
+ fit_start_iso |
+ str |
+ "2022-04-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-04-01T00:00:00+01:00", "2022-04-01T00:00:00+0100", "2022-04-01T00:00:00+01" |
+ Start datetime to use for training a model. ISO string or UNIX time in seconds. |
+ UNIX time |
+ fit_start_s |
+ float |
+ 1648771200 |
+ ISO 8601 |
+ fit_end_iso |
+ str |
+ "2022-04-10T00:00:00Z", "2022-04-10T00:00:00+01:00", "2022-04-10T00:00:00+0100", "2022-04-10T00:00:00+01" |
+ End datetime to use for training a model. Must be greater than fit_start_* . ISO string or UNIX time in seconds. |
+ UNIX time |
+ fit_end_s |
+ float |
+ 1649548800 |
+### Defining inference timeframe
+ Format |
+ Parameter |
+ Type |
+ Example |
+ Description |
+ ISO 8601 |
+ infer_start_iso |
+ str |
+ "2022-04-11T00:00:00Z", "2022-04-11T00:00:00+01:00", "2022-04-11T00:00:00+0100", "2022-04-11T00:00:00+01" |
+ Start datetime to use for a model inference. ISO string or UNIX time in seconds. |
+ UNIX time |
+ infer_start_s |
+ float |
+ 1649635200 |
+ ISO 8601 |
+ infer_end_iso |
+ str |
+ "2022-04-14T00:00:00Z", "2022-04-14T00:00:00+01:00", "2022-04-14T00:00:00+0100", "2022-04-14T00:00:00+01" |
+ End datetime to use for a model inference. Must be greater than infer_start_* . ISO string or UNIX time in seconds. |
+ UNIX time |
+ infer_end_s |
+ float |
+ 1649894400 |
+### ISO format scheduler config example
+ class: "scheduler.oneoff.OneoffScheduler"
+ fit_start_iso: "2022-04-01T00:00:00Z"
+ fit_end_iso: "2022-04-10T00:00:00Z"
+ infer_start_iso: "2022-04-11T00:00:00Z"
+ infer_end_iso: "2022-04-14T00:00:00Z"
+### UNIX time format scheduler config example
+ class: "scheduler.oneoff.OneoffScheduler"
+ fit_start_iso: 1648771200
+ fit_end_iso: 1649548800
+ infer_start_iso: 1649635200
+ infer_end_iso: 1649894400
+## Backtesting scheduler
+### Parameters
+As for [Oneoff scheduler](#oneoff-scheduler), timeframes can be defined in Unix time in seconds or ISO 8601 string format.
+ISO format supported time zone offset formats are:
+* Z (UTC)
+* ±HH:MM
+* ±HHMM
+* ±HH
+If a time zone is omitted, a timezone-naive datetime is used.
+### Defining overall timeframe
+This timeframe will be used for slicing on intervals `(fit_window, infer_window == fit_every)`, starting from the *latest available* time point, which is `to_*` and going back, until no full `fit_window + infer_window` interval exists within the provided timeframe.
+ Format |
+ Parameter |
+ Type |
+ Example |
+ Description |
+ ISO 8601 |
+ from_iso |
+ str |
+ "2022-04-01T00:00:00Z", "2022-04-01T00:00:00+01:00", "2022-04-01T00:00:00+0100", "2022-04-01T00:00:00+01" |
+ Start datetime to use for backtesting. |
+ UNIX time |
+ from_s |
+ float |
+ 1648771200 |
+ ISO 8601 |
+ to_iso |
+ str |
+ "2022-04-10T00:00:00Z", "2022-04-10T00:00:00+01:00", "2022-04-10T00:00:00+0100", "2022-04-10T00:00:00+01" |
+ End datetime to use for backtesting. Must be greater than from_start_* . |
+ UNIX time |
+ to_s |
+ float |
+ 1649548800 |
+### Defining training timeframe
+The same *explicit* logic as in [Periodic scheduler](#periodic-scheduler)
+ Format |
+ Parameter |
+ Type |
+ Example |
+ Description |
+ ISO 8601 |
+ fit_window |
+ str |
+ "PT1M", "P1H" |
+ What time range to use for training the models. Must be at least 1 second. |
+ Prometheus-compatible |
+ "1m", "1h" |
+### Defining inference timeframe
+In `BacktestingScheduler`, the inference window is *implicitly* defined as a period between 2 consecutive model `fit_every` runs. The *latest* inference window starts from `to_s` - `fit_every` and ends on the *latest available* time point, which is `to_s`. The previous periods for fit/infer are defined the same way, by shifting `fit_every` seconds backwards until we get the last full fit period of `fit_window` size, which start is >= `from_s`.
+ Format |
+ Parameter |
+ Type |
+ Example |
+ Description |
+ ISO 8601 |
+ fit_every |
+ str |
+ "PT1M", "P1H" |
+ What time range to use previously trained model to infer on new data until next retrain happens. |
+ Prometheus-compatible |
+ "1m", "1h" |
+### ISO format scheduler config example
+ class: "scheduler.backtesting.BacktestingScheduler"
+ from_start_iso: '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'
+ to_end_iso: '2021-01-14T00:00:00Z'
+ fit_window: 'P14D'
+ fit_every: 'PT1H'
+### UNIX time format scheduler config example
+ class: "scheduler.backtesting.BacktestingScheduler"
+ from_start_s: 167253120
+ to_end_s: 167443200
+ fit_window: '14d'
+ fit_every: '1h'
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+# sort: 4
+title: Writer
+weight: 4
+ docs:
+ parent: "vmanomaly-components"
+ weight: 4
+ # sort: 4
+ - /anomaly-detection/components/writer.html
+# Writer
+For exporting data, VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection (`vmanomaly`) primarily employs the [VmWriter](#vm-writer), which writes produces anomaly scores (preserving initial labelset and optionally applying additional ones) back to VictoriaMetrics. This writer is tailored for smooth data export within the VictoriaMetrics ecosystem.
+Future updates will introduce additional export methods, offering users more flexibility in data handling and integration.
+## VM writer
+### Config parameters
+ Parameter |
+ Example |
+ Description |
+ class |
+ "writer.vm.VmWriter" |
+ Name of the class needed to enable writing to VictoriaMetrics or Prometheus. VmWriter is the default option, if not specified. |
+ datasource_url |
+ "http://localhost:8481/" |
+ Datasource URL address |
+ tenant_id |
+ "0:0" |
+ For cluster version only, tenants are identified by accountID or accountID:projectID |
+ metric_format |
+ __name__: "vmanomaly_$VAR" |
+ Metrics to save the output (in metric names or labels). Must have __name__ key. Must have a value with $VAR placeholder in it to distinguish between resulting metrics. Supported placeholders:
+ $VAR -- Variables that model provides, all models provide the following set: {"anomaly_score", "y", "yhat", "yhat_lower", "yhat_upper"}. Description of standard output is here. Depending on model type it can provide more metrics, like "trend", "seasonality" etc.
+ $QUERY_KEY -- E.g. "ingestion_rate".
+ Other keys are supposed to be configured by the user to help identify generated metrics, e.g., specific config file name etc.
+ More details on metric formatting are here.
+ |
+ for: "$QUERY_KEY" |
+ run: "test_metric_format" |
+ config: "io_vm_single.yaml" |
+ import_json_path |
+ "/api/v1/import" |
+ Optional, to override the default import path |
+ health_path |
+ "health" |
+ Absolute or relative URL address where to check the availability of the datasource. Optional, to override the default "/health" path. |
+ user |
+ BasicAuth username |
+ password |
+ BasicAuth password |
+ timeout |
+ "5s" |
+ Timeout for the requests, passed as a string. Defaults to "5s" |
+ verify_tls |
+ "false" |
+ Allows disabling TLS verification of the remote certificate. |
+ bearer_token |
+ "token" |
+ Token is passed in the standard format with the header: "Authorization: bearer {token}" |
+Config example:
+ class: "writer.vm.VmWriter"
+ datasource_url: "http://localhost:8428/"
+ tenant_id: "0:0"
+ metric_format:
+ __name__: "vmanomaly_$VAR"
+ for: "$QUERY_KEY"
+ run: "test_metric_format"
+ config: "io_vm_single.yaml"
+ import_json_path: "/api/v1/import"
+ health_path: "health"
+ user: "foo"
+ password: "bar"
+### Healthcheck metrics
+`VmWriter` exposes [several healthchecks metrics](./monitoring.html#writer-behaviour-metrics).
+### Metrics formatting
+There should be 2 mandatory parameters set in `metric_format` - `__name__` and `for`.
+__name__: PREFIX1_$VAR
+* for `__name__` parameter it will name metrics returned by models as `PREFIX1_anomaly_score`, `PREFIX1_yhat_lower`, etc. Vmanomaly output metrics names described [here](anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#vmanomaly-output)
+* for `for` parameter will add labels `PREFIX2_query_name_1`, `PREFIX2_query_name_2`, etc. Query names are set as aliases in config `reader` section in [`queries`](anomaly-detection/components/reader.html#config-parameters) parameter.
+It is possible to specify other custom label names needed.
+For example:
+custom_label_1: label_name_1
+custom_label_2: label_name_2
+Apart from specified labels, output metrics will return labels inherited from input metrics returned by [queries](/anomaly-detection/components/reader.html#config-parameters).
+For example if input data contains labels such as `cpu=1, device=eth0, instance=node-exporter:9100` all these labels will be present in vmanomaly output metrics.
+So if metric_format section was set up like this:
+ __name__: "PREFIX1_$VAR"
+ custom_label_1: label_name_1
+ custom_label_2: label_name_2
+It will return metrics that will look like:
+{__name__="PREFIX1_anomaly_score", for="PREFIX2_query_name_1", custom_label_1="label_name_1", custom_label_2="label_name_2", cpu=1, device="eth0", instance="node-exporter:9100"}
+{__name__="PREFIX1_yhat_lower", for="PREFIX2_query_name_1", custom_label_1="label_name_1", custom_label_2="label_name_2", cpu=1, device="eth0", instance="node-exporter:9100"}
+{__name__="PREFIX1_anomaly_score", for="PREFIX2_query_name_2", custom_label_1="label_name_1", custom_label_2="label_name_2", cpu=1, device="eth0", instance="node-exporter:9100"}
+{__name__="PREFIX1_yhat_lower", for="PREFIX2_query_name_2", custom_label_1="label_name_1", custom_label_2="label_name_2", cpu=1, device="eth0", instance="node-exporter:9100"}
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+title: Guides
+weight: 2
+# sort: 2
+ docs:
+ identifier: "anomaly-detection-guides"
+ parent: "anomaly-detection"
+ weight: 2
+ sort: 2
+ - /anomaly-detection/guides.html
+# Guides
+This section holds guides of how to set up and use VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection (or simply [`vmanomaly`](/vmanomaly.html)) service, integrating it with different observability components.
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-weight: 6
+weight: 1
+~# sort: 1
title: Getting started with vmanomaly
- parent: "guides"
- weight: 6
+ parent: "anomaly-detection-guides"
+ weight: 1
-- /guides/guide-vmanomaly-vmalert.html
+- /anomaly-detection/guides/guide-vmanomaly-vmalert.html
# Getting started with vmanomaly
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@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ aliases:
# vmanomaly
-**_vmanomaly is a part of [enterprise package](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/enterprise.html). You need to request a [free trial license](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/trial/) for evaluation.
-Please [contact us](https://victoriametrics.com/contact-us/) to find out more._**
+**_vmanomaly_ is a part of [enterprise package](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/enterprise.html). You need to request a [free trial license](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/trial/) for evaluation.**
+Please head to to [Anomaly Detection section](/anomaly-detection) to find out more.
## About
-**VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection** is a service that continuously scans VictoriaMetrics time
+**VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection** (or shortly, `vmanomaly`) is a service that continuously scans VictoriaMetrics time
series and detects unexpected changes within data patterns in real-time. It does so by utilizing
user-configurable machine learning models.
@@ -48,9 +49,10 @@ processes in parallel, each using its own config.
## Models
-Currently, vmanomaly ships with a few common models:
+Currently, vmanomaly ships with a set of built-in models:
+> For a detailed description, see [model section](/anomaly-detection/components/models)
-1. **ZScore**
+1. [**ZScore**](/anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#z-score)
_(useful for testing)_
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ Currently, vmanomaly ships with a few common models:
from time-series mean (straight line). Keeps only two model parameters internally:
`mean` and `std` (standard deviation).
-1. **Prophet**
+1. [**Prophet**](/anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#prophet)
_(simplest in configuration, recommended for getting starting)_
@@ -72,35 +74,40 @@ Currently, vmanomaly ships with a few common models:
See [Prophet documentation](https://facebook.github.io/prophet/)
-1. **Holt-Winters**
+1. [**Holt-Winters**](/anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#holt-winters)
Very popular forecasting algorithm. See [statsmodels.org documentation](
for Holt-Winters exponential smoothing.
-1. **Seasonal-Trend Decomposition**
+1. [**Seasonal-Trend Decomposition**](/anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#seasonal-trend-decomposition)
Extracts three components: season, trend, and residual, that can be plotted individually for
easier debugging. Uses LOESS (locally estimated scatterplot smoothing).
See [statsmodels.org documentation](https://www.statsmodels.org/dev/examples/notebooks/generated/stl_decomposition.html)
-1. **ARIMA**
+1. [**ARIMA**](/anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#arima)
Commonly used forecasting model. See [statsmodels.org documentation](https://www.statsmodels.org/stable/generated/statsmodels.tsa.arima.model.ARIMA.html) for ARIMA.
-1. **Rolling Quantile**
+1. [**Rolling Quantile**](/anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#rolling-quantile)
A simple moving window of quantiles. Easy to use, easy to understand, but not as powerful as
other models.
-1. **Isolation Forest**
+1. [**Isolation Forest**](/anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#isolation-forest-multivariate)
Detects anomalies using binary trees. It works for both univariate and multivariate data. Be aware of [the curse of dimensionality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_dimensionality) in the case of multivariate data - we advise against using a single model when handling multiple time series *if the number of these series significantly exceeds their average length (# of data points)*.
The algorithm has a linear time complexity and a low memory requirement, which works well with high-volume data. See [scikit-learn.org documentation](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.ensemble.IsolationForest.html) for Isolation Forest.
+1. [**MAD (Median Absolute Deviation)**](anomaly-detection/components/models/models.html#mad-median-absolute-deviation)
+ A robust method for anomaly detection that is less sensitive to outliers in data compared to standard deviation-based models. It considers a point as an anomaly if the absolute deviation from the median is significantly large.
### Examples
For example, here’s how Prophet predictions could look like on a real-data example
(Prophet auto-detected seasonality interval):
@@ -126,20 +133,22 @@ optionally preserving labels).
## Usage
-> Starting from v1.5.0, vmanomaly requires a license key to run. You can obtain a trial license key [here](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/trial/).
+> Starting from [v1.5.0](/anomaly-detection/CHANGELOG.html#v150), vmanomaly requires a license key to run. You can obtain a trial license key [here](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/trial/).
-> See [Getting started guide](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/guides/guide-vmanomaly-vmalert.html).
+> See [Getting started guide](anomaly-detection/guides/guide-vmanomaly-vmalert.html).
### Config file
There are 4 required sections in config file:
-* `scheduler` - defines how often to run and make inferences, as well as what timerange to use to train the model.
-* `model` - specific model parameters and configurations,
-* `reader` - how to read data and where it is located
-* `writer` - where and how to write the generated output.
+* [`scheduler`](/anomaly-detection/components/scheduler.html) - defines how often to run and make inferences, as well as what timerange to use to train the model.
+* [`model`](/anomaly-detection/components/models) - specific model parameters and configurations,
+* [`reader`](/anomaly-detection/components/reader.html) - how to read data and where it is located
+* [`writer`](/anomaly-detection/components/writer.html) - where and how to write the generated output.
[`monitoring`](#monitoring) - defines how to monitor work of *vmanomaly* service. This config section is *optional*.
+> For a detailed description, see [config sections](/anomaly-detection/docs)
#### Config example
Here is an example of config file that will run FB Prophet model, that will be retrained every 2 hours on 14 days of previous data. It will generate inference (including `anomaly_score` metric) every 1 minute.
@@ -171,6 +180,8 @@ writer:
*vmanomaly* can be monitored by using push or pull approach.
It can push metrics to VictoriaMetrics or expose metrics in Prometheus exposition format.
+> For a detailed description, see [monitoring section](/anomaly-detection/components/monitoring.html)
#### Push approach
*vmanomaly* can push metrics to VictoriaMetrics single-node or cluster version.