mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 15:45:01 +00:00
vmalert: revert unittest feature (#4734)
* Revert "vmalert: unittest support stale datapoint (#4696)" This reverts commit0b44df7ec8
. * Revert "docs: specify min version and limitations for vmalert's unit tests" This reverts commita24541bd
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> * Revert "vmalert: init unit test (#4596)" This reverts commitda60a68d
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> * docs: mention unittest revert in changelog Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> --------- Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com> (cherry picked from commit9f1b9b86cc
) Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <roman@victoriametrics.com>
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 323 additions and 985 deletions
@ -742,249 +742,6 @@ See full description for these flags in `./vmalert -help`.
* `limit` group's param has no effect during replay (might be changed in future);
* `keep_firing_for` alerting rule param has no effect during replay (might be changed in future).
## Unit Testing for Rules
> Unit testing is available from v1.92.0.
> Unit tests do not respect `-clusterMode` for now.
You can use `vmalert` to run unit tests for alerting and recording rules.
In unit test mode vmalert performs the following actions:
* sets up an isolated VictoriaMetrics instance;
* simulates the periodic ingestion of time series;
* queries the ingested data for recording and alerting rules evaluation;
* tests whether the firing alerts or resulting recording rules match the expected results.
See how to run vmalert in unit test mode below:
# Run vmalert with one or multiple test files via -unittestFile cmd-line flag
./vmalert -unittestFile=test1.yaml -unittestFile=test2.yaml
vmalert is compatible with [Prometheus config format for tests](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/unit_testing_rules/#test-file-format)
except `promql_expr_test` field. Use `metricsql_expr_test` field name instead. The name is different because vmalert
validates and executes [MetricsQL](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/MetricsQL.html) expressions,
which aren't always backward compatible with [PromQL](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/basics/).
### Test file format
The configuration format for files specified in `-unittestFile` cmd-line flag is the following:
# Path to the files or http url containing [rule groups](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmalert.html#groups) configuration.
# Enterprise version of vmalert supports S3 and GCS paths to rules.
[ - <string> ]
# The evaluation interval for rules specified in `rule_files`
[ evaluation_interval: <duration> | default = 1m ]
# Groups listed below will be evaluated by order.
# Not All the groups need not be mentioned, if not, they will be evaluated by define order in rule_files.
[ - <string> ]
# The list of unit test files to be checked during evaluation.
[ - <test_group> ]
#### `<test_group>`
# Interval between samples for input series
interval: <duration>
# Time series to persist into the database according to configured <interval> before running tests.
[ - <series> ]
# Name of the test group, optional
[ name: <string> ]
# Unit tests for alerting rules
[ - <alert_test_case> ]
# Unit tests for Metricsql expressions.
[ - <metricsql_expr_test> ]
# External labels accessible for templating.
[ <labelname>: <string> ... ]
#### `<series>`
# series in the following format '<metric name>{<label name>=<label value>, ...}'
# Examples:
# series_name{label1="value1", label2="value2"}
# go_goroutines{job="prometheus", instance="localhost:9090"}
series: <string>
# values support several special equations:
# 'a+bxc' becomes 'a a+b a+(2*b) a+(3*b) … a+(c*b)'
# Read this as series starts at a, then c further samples incrementing by b.
# 'a-bxc' becomes 'a a-b a-(2*b) a-(3*b) … a-(c*b)'
# Read this as series starts at a, then c further samples decrementing by b (or incrementing by negative b).
# '_' represents a missing sample from scrape
# 'stale' indicates a stale sample
# Examples:
# 1. '-2+4x3' becomes '-2 2 6 10' - series starts at -2, then 3 further samples incrementing by 4.
# 2. ' 1-2x4' becomes '1 -1 -3 -5 -7' - series starts at 1, then 4 further samples decrementing by 2.
# 3. ' 1x4' becomes '1 1 1 1 1' - shorthand for '1+0x4', series starts at 1, then 4 further samples incrementing by 0.
# 4. ' 1 _x3 stale' becomes '1 _ _ _ stale' - the missing sample cannot increment, so 3 missing samples are produced by the '_x3' expression.
values: <string>
#### `<alert_test_case>`
vmalert by default adds `alertgroup` and `alertname` to the generated alerts and time series.
So you will need to specify both `groupname` and `alertname` under a single `<alert_test_case>`,
but no need to add them under `exp_alerts`.
You can also pass `--disableAlertgroupLabel` to prevent vmalert from adding `alertgroup` label.
# The time elapsed from time=0s when this alerting rule should be checked.
# Means this rule should be firing at this point, or shouldn't be firing if 'exp_alerts' is empty.
eval_time: <duration>
# Name of the group name to be tested.
groupname: <string>
# Name of the alert to be tested.
alertname: <string>
# List of the expected alerts that are firing under the given alertname at
# the given evaluation time. If you want to test if an alerting rule should
# not be firing, then you can mention only the fields above and leave 'exp_alerts' empty.
[ - <alert> ]
#### `<alert>`
# These are the expanded labels and annotations of the expected alert.
# Note: labels also include the labels of the sample associated with the alert
[ <labelname>: <string> ]
[ <labelname>: <string> ]
#### `<metricsql_expr_test>`
# Expression to evaluate
expr: <string>
# The time elapsed from time=0s when this expression be evaluated.
eval_time: <duration>
# Expected samples at the given evaluation time.
[ - <sample> ]
#### `<sample>`
# Labels of the sample in usual series notation '<metric name>{<label name>=<label value>, ...}'
# Examples:
# series_name{label1="value1", label2="value2"}
# go_goroutines{job="prometheus", instance="localhost:9090"}
labels: <string>
# The expected value of the Metricsql expression.
value: <number>
### Example
This is an example input file for unit testing which will pass.
`test.yaml` is the test file which follows the syntax above and `alerts.yaml` contains the alerting rules.
With `rules.yaml` in the same directory, run `./vmalert -unittestFile=./unittest/testdata/test.yaml`.
#### `test.yaml`
- rules.yaml
evaluation_interval: 1m
- interval: 1m
- series: 'up{job="prometheus", instance="localhost:9090"}'
values: "0+0x1440"
- expr: suquery_interval_test
eval_time: 4m
- labels: '{__name__="suquery_interval_test", datacenter="dc-123", instance="localhost:9090", job="prometheus"}'
value: 1
- eval_time: 2h
groupname: group1
alertname: InstanceDown
- exp_labels:
job: prometheus
severity: page
instance: localhost:9090
datacenter: dc-123
summary: "Instance localhost:9090 down"
description: "localhost:9090 of job prometheus has been down for more than 5 minutes."
- eval_time: 0
groupname: group1
alertname: AlwaysFiring
- exp_labels:
datacenter: dc-123
- eval_time: 0
groupname: group1
alertname: InstanceDown
exp_alerts: []
datacenter: dc-123
#### `alerts.yaml`
# This is the rules file.
- name: group1
- alert: InstanceDown
expr: up == 0
for: 5m
severity: page
summary: "Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down"
description: "{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes."
- alert: AlwaysFiring
expr: 1
- name: group2
- record: job:test:count_over_time1m
expr: sum without(instance) (count_over_time(test[1m]))
- record: suquery_interval_test
expr: count_over_time(up[5m:])
## Monitoring
`vmalert` exports various metrics in Prometheus exposition format at `http://vmalert-host:8880/metrics` page.
@ -1535,11 +1292,6 @@ The shortlist of configuration flags is the following:
Path to file with TLS key if -tls is set. The provided key file is automatically re-read every second, so it can be dynamically updated
-tlsMinVersion string
Optional minimum TLS version to use for incoming requests over HTTPS if -tls is set. Supported values: TLS10, TLS11, TLS12, TLS13
-unittestFile array
Path to the unit test files. When set, vmalert starts in unit test mode and performs only tests on configured files.
See more information here https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmalert.html#unit-testing-for-rules.
Show VictoriaMetrics version
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ func (g *Group) close() {
var skipRandSleepOnGroupStart bool
func (g *Group) start(ctx context.Context, nts func() []notifier.Notifier, rw remotewrite.RWClient, rr datasource.QuerierBuilder) {
func (g *Group) start(ctx context.Context, nts func() []notifier.Notifier, rw *remotewrite.Client, rr datasource.QuerierBuilder) {
defer func() { close(g.finishedCh) }()
// Spread group rules evaluation over time in order to reduce load on VictoriaMetrics.
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ type executor struct {
notifiers func() []notifier.Notifier
notifierHeaders map[string]string
rw remotewrite.RWClient
rw *remotewrite.Client
previouslySentSeriesToRWMu sync.Mutex
// previouslySentSeriesToRW stores series sent to RW on previous iteration
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ func configsEqual(a, b []config.Group) bool {
// setConfigSuccess sets config reload status to 1.
func setConfigSuccess(at uint64) {
// reset the error if any
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ type manager struct {
querierBuilder datasource.QuerierBuilder
notifiers func() []notifier.Notifier
rw remotewrite.RWClient
rw *remotewrite.Client
// remote read builder.
rr datasource.QuerierBuilder
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ func TestManagerUpdate(t *testing.T) {
func TestManagerUpdateNegative(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
notifiers []notifier.Notifier
rw remotewrite.RWClient
rw *remotewrite.Client
cfg config.Group
expErr string
@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
package remotewrite
import (
var (
disablePathAppend = flag.Bool("remoteWrite.disablePathAppend", false, "Whether to disable automatic appending of '/api/v1/write' path to the configured -remoteWrite.url.")
sendTimeout = flag.Duration("remoteWrite.sendTimeout", 30*time.Second, "Timeout for sending data to the configured -remoteWrite.url.")
retryMinInterval = flag.Duration("remoteWrite.retryMinInterval", time.Second, "The minimum delay between retry attempts. Every next retry attempt will double the delay to prevent hammering of remote database. See also -remoteWrite.retryMaxInterval")
retryMaxTime = flag.Duration("remoteWrite.retryMaxTime", time.Second*30, "The max time spent on retry attempts for the failed remote-write request. Change this value if it is expected for remoteWrite.url to be unreachable for more than -remoteWrite.retryMaxTime. See also -remoteWrite.retryMinInterval")
// Client is an asynchronous HTTP client for writing
// timeseries via remote write protocol.
type Client struct {
addr string
c *http.Client
authCfg *promauth.Config
input chan prompbmarshal.TimeSeries
flushInterval time.Duration
maxBatchSize int
maxQueueSize int
wg sync.WaitGroup
doneCh chan struct{}
// Config is config for remote write.
type Config struct {
// Addr of remote storage
Addr string
AuthCfg *promauth.Config
// Concurrency defines number of readers that
// concurrently read from the queue and flush data
Concurrency int
// MaxBatchSize defines max number of timeseries
// to be flushed at once
MaxBatchSize int
// MaxQueueSize defines max length of input queue
// populated by Push method.
// Push will be rejected once queue is full.
MaxQueueSize int
// FlushInterval defines time interval for flushing batches
FlushInterval time.Duration
// Transport will be used by the underlying http.Client
Transport *http.Transport
const (
defaultConcurrency = 4
defaultMaxBatchSize = 1e3
defaultMaxQueueSize = 1e5
defaultFlushInterval = 5 * time.Second
defaultWriteTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// NewClient returns asynchronous client for
// writing timeseries via remotewrite protocol.
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) (*Client, error) {
if cfg.Addr == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("config.Addr can't be empty")
if cfg.MaxBatchSize == 0 {
cfg.MaxBatchSize = defaultMaxBatchSize
if cfg.MaxQueueSize == 0 {
cfg.MaxQueueSize = defaultMaxQueueSize
if cfg.FlushInterval == 0 {
cfg.FlushInterval = defaultFlushInterval
if cfg.Transport == nil {
cfg.Transport = http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
cc := defaultConcurrency
if cfg.Concurrency > 0 {
cc = cfg.Concurrency
c := &Client{
c: &http.Client{
Timeout: *sendTimeout,
Transport: cfg.Transport,
addr: strings.TrimSuffix(cfg.Addr, "/"),
authCfg: cfg.AuthCfg,
flushInterval: cfg.FlushInterval,
maxBatchSize: cfg.MaxBatchSize,
maxQueueSize: cfg.MaxQueueSize,
doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
input: make(chan prompbmarshal.TimeSeries, cfg.MaxQueueSize),
for i := 0; i < cc; i++ {
return c, nil
// Push adds timeseries into queue for writing into remote storage.
// Push returns and error if client is stopped or if queue is full.
func (c *Client) Push(s prompbmarshal.TimeSeries) error {
select {
case <-c.doneCh:
return fmt.Errorf("client is closed")
case c.input <- s:
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("failed to push timeseries - queue is full (%d entries). "+
"Queue size is controlled by -remoteWrite.maxQueueSize flag",
// Close stops the client and waits for all goroutines
// to exit.
func (c *Client) Close() error {
if c.doneCh == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("client is already closed")
return nil
func (c *Client) run(ctx context.Context) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(c.flushInterval)
wr := &prompbmarshal.WriteRequest{}
shutdown := func() {
for ts := range c.input {
wr.Timeseries = append(wr.Timeseries, ts)
lastCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultWriteTimeout)
logger.Infof("shutting down remote write client and flushing remained %d series", len(wr.Timeseries))
c.flush(lastCtx, wr)
go func() {
defer c.wg.Done()
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-c.doneCh:
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ticker.C:
c.flush(ctx, wr)
case ts, ok := <-c.input:
if !ok {
wr.Timeseries = append(wr.Timeseries, ts)
if len(wr.Timeseries) >= c.maxBatchSize {
c.flush(ctx, wr)
var (
sentRows = metrics.NewCounter(`vmalert_remotewrite_sent_rows_total`)
sentBytes = metrics.NewCounter(`vmalert_remotewrite_sent_bytes_total`)
sendDuration = metrics.NewFloatCounter(`vmalert_remotewrite_send_duration_seconds_total`)
droppedRows = metrics.NewCounter(`vmalert_remotewrite_dropped_rows_total`)
droppedBytes = metrics.NewCounter(`vmalert_remotewrite_dropped_bytes_total`)
bufferFlushDuration = metrics.NewHistogram(`vmalert_remotewrite_flush_duration_seconds`)
_ = metrics.NewGauge(`vmalert_remotewrite_concurrency`, func() float64 {
return float64(*concurrency)
// flush is a blocking function that marshals WriteRequest and sends
// it to remote-write endpoint. Flush performs limited amount of retries
// if request fails.
func (c *Client) flush(ctx context.Context, wr *prompbmarshal.WriteRequest) {
if len(wr.Timeseries) < 1 {
defer prompbmarshal.ResetWriteRequest(wr)
defer bufferFlushDuration.UpdateDuration(time.Now())
data, err := wr.Marshal()
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("failed to marshal WriteRequest: %s", err)
b := snappy.Encode(nil, data)
retryInterval, maxRetryInterval := *retryMinInterval, *retryMaxTime
if retryInterval > maxRetryInterval {
retryInterval = maxRetryInterval
timeStart := time.Now()
defer sendDuration.Add(time.Since(timeStart).Seconds())
for attempts := 0; ; attempts++ {
err := c.send(ctx, b)
if err == nil {
_, isNotRetriable := err.(*nonRetriableError)
logger.Warnf("attempt %d to send request failed: %s (retriable: %v)", attempts+1, err, !isNotRetriable)
if isNotRetriable {
// exit fast if error isn't retriable
// check if request has been cancelled before backoff
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
logger.Errorf("interrupting retry attempt %d: context cancelled", attempts+1)
break L
timeLeftForRetries := maxRetryInterval - time.Since(timeStart)
if timeLeftForRetries < 0 {
// the max retry time has passed, so we give up
if retryInterval > timeLeftForRetries {
retryInterval = timeLeftForRetries
// sleeping to prevent remote db hammering
retryInterval *= 2
logger.Errorf("attempts to send remote-write request failed - dropping %d time series",
func (c *Client) send(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error {
r := bytes.NewReader(data)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, c.addr, r)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create new HTTP request: %w", err)
// RFC standard compliant headers
req.Header.Set("Content-Encoding", "snappy")
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf")
// Prometheus compliant headers
req.Header.Set("X-Prometheus-Remote-Write-Version", "0.1.0")
if c.authCfg != nil {
c.authCfg.SetHeaders(req, true)
if !*disablePathAppend {
req.URL.Path = path.Join(req.URL.Path, "/api/v1/write")
resp, err := c.c.Do(req.WithContext(ctx))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while sending request to %s: %w; Data len %d(%d)",
req.URL.Redacted(), err, len(data), r.Size())
defer func() { _ = resp.Body.Close() }()
body, _ := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
// according to https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/remote_write_spec/
// Prometheus remote Write compatible receivers MUST
switch resp.StatusCode / 100 {
case 2:
// respond with a HTTP 2xx status code when the write is successful.
return nil
case 4:
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusTooManyRequests {
// MUST NOT retry write requests on HTTP 4xx responses other than 429
return &nonRetriableError{fmt.Errorf("unexpected response code %d for %s. Response body %q",
resp.StatusCode, req.URL.Redacted(), body)}
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected response code %d for %s. Response body %q",
resp.StatusCode, req.URL.Redacted(), body)
type nonRetriableError struct {
err error
func (e *nonRetriableError) Error() string {
return e.err.Error()
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
package remotewrite
import (
// DebugClient won't push series periodically, but will write data to remote endpoint
// immediately when Push() is called
type DebugClient struct {
addr string
c *http.Client
wg sync.WaitGroup
// NewDebugClient initiates and returns a new DebugClient
func NewDebugClient() (*DebugClient, error) {
if *addr == "" {
return nil, nil
t, err := utils.Transport(*addr, *tlsCertFile, *tlsKeyFile, *tlsCAFile, *tlsServerName, *tlsInsecureSkipVerify)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create transport: %w", err)
c := &DebugClient{
c: &http.Client{
Timeout: *sendTimeout,
Transport: t,
addr: strings.TrimSuffix(*addr, "/"),
return c, nil
// Push sends the given timeseries to the remote storage.
func (c *DebugClient) Push(s prompbmarshal.TimeSeries) error {
defer c.wg.Done()
wr := &prompbmarshal.WriteRequest{Timeseries: []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries{s}}
data, err := wr.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal the given time series: %w", err)
return c.send(data)
// Close stops the DebugClient
func (c *DebugClient) Close() error {
return nil
func (c *DebugClient) send(data []byte) error {
b := snappy.Encode(nil, data)
r := bytes.NewReader(b)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, c.addr, r)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create new HTTP request: %w", err)
// RFC standard compliant headers
req.Header.Set("Content-Encoding", "snappy")
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf")
// Prometheus compliant headers
req.Header.Set("X-Prometheus-Remote-Write-Version", "0.1.0")
if !*disablePathAppend {
req.URL.Path = path.Join(req.URL.Path, "/api/v1/write")
resp, err := c.c.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while sending request to %s: %w; Data len %d(%d)",
req.URL.Redacted(), err, len(data), r.Size())
defer func() { _ = resp.Body.Close() }()
if resp.StatusCode/100 == 2 {
return nil
body, _ := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected response code %d for %s. Response body %q",
resp.StatusCode, req.URL.Redacted(), body)
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
package remotewrite
import (
func TestDebugClient_Push(t *testing.T) {
testSrv := newRWServer()
oldAddr := *addr
*addr = testSrv.URL
defer func() {
*addr = oldAddr
client, err := NewDebugClient()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create debug client: %s", err)
const rowsN = 100
var sent int
for i := 0; i < rowsN; i++ {
s := prompbmarshal.TimeSeries{
Samples: []prompbmarshal.Sample{{
Value: float64(i),
Timestamp: time.Now().Unix(),
err := client.Push(s)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected err: %s", err)
if err == nil {
if sent == 0 {
t.Fatalf("0 series sent")
if err := client.Close(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to close client: %s", err)
got := testSrv.accepted()
if got != sent {
t.Fatalf("expected to have %d series; got %d", sent, got)
@ -1,13 +1,320 @@
package remotewrite
import (
// RWClient represents an HTTP client for pushing data via remote write protocol
type RWClient interface {
// Push pushes the give time series to remote storage
Push(s prompbmarshal.TimeSeries) error
// Close stops the client. Client can't be reused after Close call.
Close() error
var (
disablePathAppend = flag.Bool("remoteWrite.disablePathAppend", false, "Whether to disable automatic appending of '/api/v1/write' path to the configured -remoteWrite.url.")
sendTimeout = flag.Duration("remoteWrite.sendTimeout", 30*time.Second, "Timeout for sending data to the configured -remoteWrite.url.")
retryMinInterval = flag.Duration("remoteWrite.retryMinInterval", time.Second, "The minimum delay between retry attempts. Every next retry attempt will double the delay to prevent hammering of remote database. See also -remoteWrite.retryMaxInterval")
retryMaxTime = flag.Duration("remoteWrite.retryMaxTime", time.Second*30, "The max time spent on retry attempts for the failed remote-write request. Change this value if it is expected for remoteWrite.url to be unreachable for more than -remoteWrite.retryMaxTime. See also -remoteWrite.retryMinInterval")
// Client is an asynchronous HTTP client for writing
// timeseries via remote write protocol.
type Client struct {
addr string
c *http.Client
authCfg *promauth.Config
input chan prompbmarshal.TimeSeries
flushInterval time.Duration
maxBatchSize int
maxQueueSize int
wg sync.WaitGroup
doneCh chan struct{}
// Config is config for remote write.
type Config struct {
// Addr of remote storage
Addr string
AuthCfg *promauth.Config
// Concurrency defines number of readers that
// concurrently read from the queue and flush data
Concurrency int
// MaxBatchSize defines max number of timeseries
// to be flushed at once
MaxBatchSize int
// MaxQueueSize defines max length of input queue
// populated by Push method.
// Push will be rejected once queue is full.
MaxQueueSize int
// FlushInterval defines time interval for flushing batches
FlushInterval time.Duration
// Transport will be used by the underlying http.Client
Transport *http.Transport
const (
defaultConcurrency = 4
defaultMaxBatchSize = 1e3
defaultMaxQueueSize = 1e5
defaultFlushInterval = 5 * time.Second
defaultWriteTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// NewClient returns asynchronous client for
// writing timeseries via remotewrite protocol.
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) (*Client, error) {
if cfg.Addr == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("config.Addr can't be empty")
if cfg.MaxBatchSize == 0 {
cfg.MaxBatchSize = defaultMaxBatchSize
if cfg.MaxQueueSize == 0 {
cfg.MaxQueueSize = defaultMaxQueueSize
if cfg.FlushInterval == 0 {
cfg.FlushInterval = defaultFlushInterval
if cfg.Transport == nil {
cfg.Transport = http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
cc := defaultConcurrency
if cfg.Concurrency > 0 {
cc = cfg.Concurrency
c := &Client{
c: &http.Client{
Timeout: *sendTimeout,
Transport: cfg.Transport,
addr: strings.TrimSuffix(cfg.Addr, "/"),
authCfg: cfg.AuthCfg,
flushInterval: cfg.FlushInterval,
maxBatchSize: cfg.MaxBatchSize,
maxQueueSize: cfg.MaxQueueSize,
doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
input: make(chan prompbmarshal.TimeSeries, cfg.MaxQueueSize),
for i := 0; i < cc; i++ {
return c, nil
// Push adds timeseries into queue for writing into remote storage.
// Push returns and error if client is stopped or if queue is full.
func (c *Client) Push(s prompbmarshal.TimeSeries) error {
select {
case <-c.doneCh:
return fmt.Errorf("client is closed")
case c.input <- s:
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("failed to push timeseries - queue is full (%d entries). "+
"Queue size is controlled by -remoteWrite.maxQueueSize flag",
// Close stops the client and waits for all goroutines
// to exit.
func (c *Client) Close() error {
if c.doneCh == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("client is already closed")
return nil
func (c *Client) run(ctx context.Context) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(c.flushInterval)
wr := &prompbmarshal.WriteRequest{}
shutdown := func() {
for ts := range c.input {
wr.Timeseries = append(wr.Timeseries, ts)
lastCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultWriteTimeout)
logger.Infof("shutting down remote write client and flushing remained %d series", len(wr.Timeseries))
c.flush(lastCtx, wr)
go func() {
defer c.wg.Done()
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-c.doneCh:
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ticker.C:
c.flush(ctx, wr)
case ts, ok := <-c.input:
if !ok {
wr.Timeseries = append(wr.Timeseries, ts)
if len(wr.Timeseries) >= c.maxBatchSize {
c.flush(ctx, wr)
var (
sentRows = metrics.NewCounter(`vmalert_remotewrite_sent_rows_total`)
sentBytes = metrics.NewCounter(`vmalert_remotewrite_sent_bytes_total`)
sendDuration = metrics.NewFloatCounter(`vmalert_remotewrite_send_duration_seconds_total`)
droppedRows = metrics.NewCounter(`vmalert_remotewrite_dropped_rows_total`)
droppedBytes = metrics.NewCounter(`vmalert_remotewrite_dropped_bytes_total`)
bufferFlushDuration = metrics.NewHistogram(`vmalert_remotewrite_flush_duration_seconds`)
_ = metrics.NewGauge(`vmalert_remotewrite_concurrency`, func() float64 {
return float64(*concurrency)
// flush is a blocking function that marshals WriteRequest and sends
// it to remote-write endpoint. Flush performs limited amount of retries
// if request fails.
func (c *Client) flush(ctx context.Context, wr *prompbmarshal.WriteRequest) {
if len(wr.Timeseries) < 1 {
defer prompbmarshal.ResetWriteRequest(wr)
defer bufferFlushDuration.UpdateDuration(time.Now())
data, err := wr.Marshal()
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("failed to marshal WriteRequest: %s", err)
b := snappy.Encode(nil, data)
retryInterval, maxRetryInterval := *retryMinInterval, *retryMaxTime
if retryInterval > maxRetryInterval {
retryInterval = maxRetryInterval
timeStart := time.Now()
defer sendDuration.Add(time.Since(timeStart).Seconds())
for attempts := 0; ; attempts++ {
err := c.send(ctx, b)
if err == nil {
_, isNotRetriable := err.(*nonRetriableError)
logger.Warnf("attempt %d to send request failed: %s (retriable: %v)", attempts+1, err, !isNotRetriable)
if isNotRetriable {
// exit fast if error isn't retriable
// check if request has been cancelled before backoff
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
logger.Errorf("interrupting retry attempt %d: context cancelled", attempts+1)
break L
timeLeftForRetries := maxRetryInterval - time.Since(timeStart)
if timeLeftForRetries < 0 {
// the max retry time has passed, so we give up
if retryInterval > timeLeftForRetries {
retryInterval = timeLeftForRetries
// sleeping to prevent remote db hammering
retryInterval *= 2
logger.Errorf("attempts to send remote-write request failed - dropping %d time series",
func (c *Client) send(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error {
r := bytes.NewReader(data)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, c.addr, r)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create new HTTP request: %w", err)
// RFC standard compliant headers
req.Header.Set("Content-Encoding", "snappy")
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-protobuf")
// Prometheus compliant headers
req.Header.Set("X-Prometheus-Remote-Write-Version", "0.1.0")
if c.authCfg != nil {
c.authCfg.SetHeaders(req, true)
if !*disablePathAppend {
req.URL.Path = path.Join(req.URL.Path, "/api/v1/write")
resp, err := c.c.Do(req.WithContext(ctx))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while sending request to %s: %w; Data len %d(%d)",
req.URL.Redacted(), err, len(data), r.Size())
defer func() { _ = resp.Body.Close() }()
body, _ := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
// according to https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/remote_write_spec/
// Prometheus remote Write compatible receivers MUST
switch resp.StatusCode / 100 {
case 2:
// respond with a HTTP 2xx status code when the write is successful.
return nil
case 4:
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusTooManyRequests {
// MUST NOT retry write requests on HTTP 4xx responses other than 429
return &nonRetriableError{fmt.Errorf("unexpected response code %d for %s. Response body %q",
resp.StatusCode, req.URL.Redacted(), body)}
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected response code %d for %s. Response body %q",
resp.StatusCode, req.URL.Redacted(), body)
type nonRetriableError struct {
err error
func (e *nonRetriableError) Error() string {
return e.err.Error()
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ var (
"Progress bar rendering might be verbose or break the logs parsing, so it is recommended to be disabled when not used in interactive mode.")
func replay(groupsCfg []config.Group, qb datasource.QuerierBuilder, rw remotewrite.RWClient) error {
func replay(groupsCfg []config.Group, qb datasource.QuerierBuilder, rw *remotewrite.Client) error {
if *replayMaxDatapoints < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("replay.maxDatapointsPerQuery can't be lower than 1")
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ func replay(groupsCfg []config.Group, qb datasource.QuerierBuilder, rw remotewri
return nil
func (g *Group) replay(start, end time.Time, rw remotewrite.RWClient) int {
func (g *Group) replay(start, end time.Time, rw *remotewrite.Client) int {
var total int
step := g.Interval * time.Duration(*replayMaxDatapoints)
ri := rangeIterator{start: start, end: end, step: step}
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func (g *Group) replay(start, end time.Time, rw remotewrite.RWClient) int {
return total
func replayRule(rule Rule, start, end time.Time, rw remotewrite.RWClient) (int, error) {
func replayRule(rule Rule, start, end time.Time, rw *remotewrite.Client) (int, error) {
var err error
var tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries
for i := 0; i < *replayRuleRetryAttempts; i++ {
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ The following `tip` changes can be tested by building VictoriaMetrics components
## tip
* BUGFIX: [vmalert](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmalert.html): revert unit test feature for alerting and recording rules introduced in [this pull request](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/pull/4596). See the following [change](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/pull/4734).
## [v1.92.0](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.92.0)
Released at 2023-07-27
@ -753,249 +753,6 @@ See full description for these flags in `./vmalert -help`.
* `limit` group's param has no effect during replay (might be changed in future);
* `keep_firing_for` alerting rule param has no effect during replay (might be changed in future).
## Unit Testing for Rules
> Unit testing is available from v1.92.0.
> Unit tests do not respect `-clusterMode` for now.
You can use `vmalert` to run unit tests for alerting and recording rules.
In unit test mode vmalert performs the following actions:
* sets up an isolated VictoriaMetrics instance;
* simulates the periodic ingestion of time series;
* queries the ingested data for recording and alerting rules evaluation;
* tests whether the firing alerts or resulting recording rules match the expected results.
See how to run vmalert in unit test mode below:
# Run vmalert with one or multiple test files via -unittestFile cmd-line flag
./vmalert -unittestFile=test1.yaml -unittestFile=test2.yaml
vmalert is compatible with [Prometheus config format for tests](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/unit_testing_rules/#test-file-format)
except `promql_expr_test` field. Use `metricsql_expr_test` field name instead. The name is different because vmalert
validates and executes [MetricsQL](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/MetricsQL.html) expressions,
which aren't always backward compatible with [PromQL](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/basics/).
### Test file format
The configuration format for files specified in `-unittestFile` cmd-line flag is the following:
# Path to the files or http url containing [rule groups](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmalert.html#groups) configuration.
# Enterprise version of vmalert supports S3 and GCS paths to rules.
[ - <string> ]
# The evaluation interval for rules specified in `rule_files`
[ evaluation_interval: <duration> | default = 1m ]
# Groups listed below will be evaluated by order.
# Not All the groups need not be mentioned, if not, they will be evaluated by define order in rule_files.
[ - <string> ]
# The list of unit test files to be checked during evaluation.
[ - <test_group> ]
#### `<test_group>`
# Interval between samples for input series
interval: <duration>
# Time series to persist into the database according to configured <interval> before running tests.
[ - <series> ]
# Name of the test group, optional
[ name: <string> ]
# Unit tests for alerting rules
[ - <alert_test_case> ]
# Unit tests for Metricsql expressions.
[ - <metricsql_expr_test> ]
# External labels accessible for templating.
[ <labelname>: <string> ... ]
#### `<series>`
# series in the following format '<metric name>{<label name>=<label value>, ...}'
# Examples:
# series_name{label1="value1", label2="value2"}
# go_goroutines{job="prometheus", instance="localhost:9090"}
series: <string>
# values support several special equations:
# 'a+bxc' becomes 'a a+b a+(2*b) a+(3*b) … a+(c*b)'
# Read this as series starts at a, then c further samples incrementing by b.
# 'a-bxc' becomes 'a a-b a-(2*b) a-(3*b) … a-(c*b)'
# Read this as series starts at a, then c further samples decrementing by b (or incrementing by negative b).
# '_' represents a missing sample from scrape
# 'stale' indicates a stale sample
# Examples:
# 1. '-2+4x3' becomes '-2 2 6 10' - series starts at -2, then 3 further samples incrementing by 4.
# 2. ' 1-2x4' becomes '1 -1 -3 -5 -7' - series starts at 1, then 4 further samples decrementing by 2.
# 3. ' 1x4' becomes '1 1 1 1 1' - shorthand for '1+0x4', series starts at 1, then 4 further samples incrementing by 0.
# 4. ' 1 _x3 stale' becomes '1 _ _ _ stale' - the missing sample cannot increment, so 3 missing samples are produced by the '_x3' expression.
values: <string>
#### `<alert_test_case>`
vmalert by default adds `alertgroup` and `alertname` to the generated alerts and time series.
So you will need to specify both `groupname` and `alertname` under a single `<alert_test_case>`,
but no need to add them under `exp_alerts`.
You can also pass `--disableAlertgroupLabel` to prevent vmalert from adding `alertgroup` label.
# The time elapsed from time=0s when this alerting rule should be checked.
# Means this rule should be firing at this point, or shouldn't be firing if 'exp_alerts' is empty.
eval_time: <duration>
# Name of the group name to be tested.
groupname: <string>
# Name of the alert to be tested.
alertname: <string>
# List of the expected alerts that are firing under the given alertname at
# the given evaluation time. If you want to test if an alerting rule should
# not be firing, then you can mention only the fields above and leave 'exp_alerts' empty.
[ - <alert> ]
#### `<alert>`
# These are the expanded labels and annotations of the expected alert.
# Note: labels also include the labels of the sample associated with the alert
[ <labelname>: <string> ]
[ <labelname>: <string> ]
#### `<metricsql_expr_test>`
# Expression to evaluate
expr: <string>
# The time elapsed from time=0s when this expression be evaluated.
eval_time: <duration>
# Expected samples at the given evaluation time.
[ - <sample> ]
#### `<sample>`
# Labels of the sample in usual series notation '<metric name>{<label name>=<label value>, ...}'
# Examples:
# series_name{label1="value1", label2="value2"}
# go_goroutines{job="prometheus", instance="localhost:9090"}
labels: <string>
# The expected value of the Metricsql expression.
value: <number>
### Example
This is an example input file for unit testing which will pass.
`test.yaml` is the test file which follows the syntax above and `alerts.yaml` contains the alerting rules.
With `rules.yaml` in the same directory, run `./vmalert -unittestFile=./unittest/testdata/test.yaml`.
#### `test.yaml`
- rules.yaml
evaluation_interval: 1m
- interval: 1m
- series: 'up{job="prometheus", instance="localhost:9090"}'
values: "0+0x1440"
- expr: suquery_interval_test
eval_time: 4m
- labels: '{__name__="suquery_interval_test", datacenter="dc-123", instance="localhost:9090", job="prometheus"}'
value: 1
- eval_time: 2h
groupname: group1
alertname: InstanceDown
- exp_labels:
job: prometheus
severity: page
instance: localhost:9090
datacenter: dc-123
summary: "Instance localhost:9090 down"
description: "localhost:9090 of job prometheus has been down for more than 5 minutes."
- eval_time: 0
groupname: group1
alertname: AlwaysFiring
- exp_labels:
datacenter: dc-123
- eval_time: 0
groupname: group1
alertname: InstanceDown
exp_alerts: []
datacenter: dc-123
#### `alerts.yaml`
# This is the rules file.
- name: group1
- alert: InstanceDown
expr: up == 0
for: 5m
severity: page
summary: "Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down"
description: "{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes."
- alert: AlwaysFiring
expr: 1
- name: group2
- record: job:test:count_over_time1m
expr: sum without(instance) (count_over_time(test[1m]))
- record: suquery_interval_test
expr: count_over_time(up[5m:])
## Monitoring
`vmalert` exports various metrics in Prometheus exposition format at `http://vmalert-host:8880/metrics` page.
@ -1546,11 +1303,6 @@ The shortlist of configuration flags is the following:
Path to file with TLS key if -tls is set. The provided key file is automatically re-read every second, so it can be dynamically updated
-tlsMinVersion string
Optional minimum TLS version to use for incoming requests over HTTPS if -tls is set. Supported values: TLS10, TLS11, TLS12, TLS13
-unittestFile array
Path to the unit test files. When set, vmalert starts in unit test mode and performs only tests on configured files.
See more information here https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmalert.html#unit-testing-for-rules.
Show VictoriaMetrics version
@ -45,14 +45,6 @@ func (pd *Duration) Duration() time.Duration {
return pd.D
// ParseTime returns time for pd.
func (pd *Duration) ParseTime() time.Time {
if pd == nil {
return time.Time{}
return time.UnixMilli(pd.Duration().Milliseconds())
// ParseDuration parses duration string in Prometheus format
func ParseDuration(s string) (time.Duration, error) {
ms, err := metricsql.DurationValue(s, 0)
Reference in a new issue