diff --git a/docs/vmagent.md b/docs/vmagent.md
index b650558071..0dccdf3264 100644
--- a/docs/vmagent.md
+++ b/docs/vmagent.md
@@ -813,7 +813,9 @@ start a cluster of three `vmagent` instances, where each target is scraped by tw
 Every `vmagent` in the cluster exposes all the discovered targets at `http://vmagent:8429/service-discovery` page.
 Each discovered target on this page contains its status (`UP`, `DOWN` or `DROPPED` with the reason why the target has been dropped).
 If the target is dropped because of sharding to other `vmagent` instances in the cluster, then the status column contains
-`-promscrape.cluster.memberNum` values for `vmagent` instances where the given target is scraped.
+`-promscrape.cluster.memberNum` values for `vmagent` instances where the given target is scraped. Note that `vmagent` shows
+up to `-promscrape.maxDroppedTargets` dropped targets on the `/service-discovery` page. Increase the `-promscrape.maxDroppedTargets` command-line flag value
+if the `/service-discovery` page misses some dropped targets.
 If each target is scraped by multiple `vmagent` instances, then data deduplication must be enabled at remote storage pointed by `-remoteWrite.url`.
 The `-dedup.minScrapeInterval` must be set to the `scrape_interval` configured at `-promscrape.config`.