From 64938732e3cd301dc12494173b5b6eadb9a963aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aliaksandr Valialkin <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 02:14:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] all: replace old url with the new one -

---                                     |   6 +-
 .../prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl         |   6 +-
 .../prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl.go      |   6 +-
 app/vmselect/promql/binary_op.go              |   2 +-
 dashboards/victoriametrics-cluster.json       |   4 +-
 dashboards/victoriametrics.json               |   4 +-
 dashboards/vm/victoriametrics-cluster.json    |   4 +-
 dashboards/vm/victoriametrics.json            |   4 +-
 .../digitialocean/one-click-droplet/ |   2 +-
 deployment/marketplace/vultr/        |   2 +-
 docs/                             |  54 ++++-----
 docs/                        |   8 +-
 docs/                        |  68 +++++------
 docs/                        | 108 +++++++++---------
 docs/                        |  98 ++++++++--------
 docs/                           |   4 +-
 docs/               |   6 +-
 docs/                        |   2 +-
 docs/                                   |  10 +-
 docs/                           |   2 +-
 docs/                                |  18 +--
 docs/         |  18 +--
 docs/                       |  10 +-
 docs/anomaly-detection/                 |   8 +-
 docs/anomaly-detection/components/   |   2 +-
 .../guides/         |   4 +-
 docs/                    |   2 +-
 docs/guides/            |  10 +-
 docs/                           |  32 +++---
 docs/                    |  14 +--
 docs/                               |  12 +-
 docs/                          |   2 +-
 docs/                               |   6 +-
 33 files changed, 269 insertions(+), 269 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 4e6c36e6e1..2f37986f24 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ Some workloads may need fine-grained resource usage limits. In these cases the f
   The downside is that the endpoints can return labels and series, which do not match the provided extra filters.
 - `-search.maxSamplesPerSeries` at `vmselect` limits the number of raw samples the query can process per each time series.
   `vmselect` processes raw samples sequentially per each found time series during the query. It unpacks raw samples on the selected time range
-  per each time series into memory and then applies the given [rollup function](
+  per each time series into memory and then applies the given [rollup function](
   The `-search.maxSamplesPerSeries` command-line flag allows limiting memory usage at `vmselect` in the case when the query is executed on a time range,
   which contains hundreds of millions of raw samples per each located time series.
 - `-search.maxSamplesPerQuery` at `vmselect` limits the number of raw samples a single query can process. This allows limiting CPU usage at `vmselect` for heavy queries.
@@ -688,8 +688,8 @@ Some workloads may need fine-grained resource usage limits. In these cases the f
 - `-search.maxPointsPerTimeseries` limits the number of calculated points, which can be returned per each
   matching time series from [range query](
 - `-search.maxPointsSubqueryPerTimeseries` limits the number of calculated points, which can be generated
-  per each matching time series during [subquery]( evaluation.
-- `-search.maxSeriesPerAggrFunc` limits the number of time series, which can be generated by [MetricsQL aggregate functions]( in a single query.
+  per each matching time series during [subquery]( evaluation.
+- `-search.maxSeriesPerAggrFunc` limits the number of time series, which can be generated by [MetricsQL aggregate functions]( in a single query.
 - `-search.maxSeries` at `vmselect` limits the number of time series, which may be returned from
   This endpoint is used mostly by Grafana for auto-completion of metric names, label names and label values.
diff --git a/app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl b/app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl
index 8f2d742aca..722c376d98 100644
--- a/app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl
+++ b/app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ textarea { margin: 1em }
   <form method="get">
-        <a href="">MetricsQL</a> query with optional WITH expressions:
+        <a href="">MetricsQL</a> query with optional WITH expressions:
       <textarea name="query" style="height: 15em; width: 90%">{%s q %}</textarea><br/>
       <input type="submit" value="Expand" />
-        <a href="">MetricsQL</a> query after expanding WITH expressions and applying other optimizations:
+        <a href="">MetricsQL</a> query after expanding WITH expressions and applying other optimizations:
       <textarea style="height: 5em; width: 90%" readonly="readonly">{%= expandWithExprs(q) %}</textarea>
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ textarea { margin: 1em }
 {% endstripspace %}
 {% func withExprsTutorial() %}
-<h3>Tutorial for WITH expressions in <a href="">MetricsQL</a></h3>
+<h3>Tutorial for WITH expressions in <a href="">MetricsQL</a></h3>
     Let's look at the following real query from <a href="">Node Exporter Full</a> dashboard:
diff --git a/app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl.go b/app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl.go
index dd2f4c0256..05928f0390 100644
--- a/app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl.go
+++ b/app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl.go
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ var (
 //line app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl:9
 func StreamExpandWithExprsResponse(qw422016 *qt422016.Writer, q string) {
 //line app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl:9
-	qw422016.N().S(`<html><head><title>Expand WITH expressions</title><style>p { font-weight: bold }textarea { margin: 1em }</style></head><body><div><form method="get"><div><p><a href="">MetricsQL</a> query with optional WITH expressions:</p><textarea name="query" style="height: 15em; width: 90%">`)
+	qw422016.N().S(`<html><head><title>Expand WITH expressions</title><style>p { font-weight: bold }textarea { margin: 1em }</style></head><body><div><form method="get"><div><p><a href="">MetricsQL</a> query with optional WITH expressions:</p><textarea name="query" style="height: 15em; width: 90%">`)
 //line app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl:26
 //line app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl:26
-	qw422016.N().S(`</textarea><br/><input type="submit" value="Expand" /><p><a href="">MetricsQL</a> query after expanding WITH expressions and applying other optimizations:</p><textarea style="height: 5em; width: 90%" readonly="readonly">`)
+	qw422016.N().S(`</textarea><br/><input type="submit" value="Expand" /><p><a href="">MetricsQL</a> query after expanding WITH expressions and applying other optimizations:</p><textarea style="height: 5em; width: 90%" readonly="readonly">`)
 //line app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl:32
 	streamexpandWithExprs(qw422016, q)
 //line app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl:32
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ func ExpandWithExprsJSONResponse(q string) string {
 func streamwithExprsTutorial(qw422016 *qt422016.Writer) {
 //line app/vmselect/prometheus/expand-with-exprs.qtpl:81
-<h3>Tutorial for WITH expressions in <a href="">MetricsQL</a></h3>
+<h3>Tutorial for WITH expressions in <a href="">MetricsQL</a></h3>
     Let's look at the following real query from <a href="">Node Exporter Full</a> dashboard:
diff --git a/app/vmselect/promql/binary_op.go b/app/vmselect/promql/binary_op.go
index 8ed4503b61..a5c3ea9b8a 100644
--- a/app/vmselect/promql/binary_op.go
+++ b/app/vmselect/promql/binary_op.go
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ func resetMetricGroupIfRequired(be *metricsql.BinaryOpExpr, ts *timeseries) {
 	if be.KeepMetricNames {
 		// Do not reset MetricGroup if it is explicitly requested via `a op b keep_metric_names`
-		// See
+		// See
diff --git a/dashboards/victoriametrics-cluster.json b/dashboards/victoriametrics-cluster.json
index 63567c451d..d732bda891 100644
--- a/dashboards/victoriametrics-cluster.json
+++ b/dashboards/victoriametrics-cluster.json
@@ -7230,7 +7230,7 @@
             "type": "prometheus",
             "uid": "$ds"
-          "description": "99th percentile of number of [data samples]( scanner per query.\n\nThis number can exceed number of DatapointsReadPerQuery if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range]( is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function]( For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same [data samples]( on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article]( for details.",
+          "description": "99th percentile of number of [data samples]( scanner per query.\n\nThis number can exceed number of DatapointsReadPerQuery if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range]( is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function]( For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same [data samples]( on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article]( for details.",
           "fieldConfig": {
             "defaults": {
               "color": {
@@ -9681,4 +9681,4 @@
   "uid": "oS7Bi_0Wz",
   "version": 1,
   "weekStart": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/victoriametrics.json b/dashboards/victoriametrics.json
index 8343db001a..ec39cbe3f0 100644
--- a/dashboards/victoriametrics.json
+++ b/dashboards/victoriametrics.json
@@ -5490,7 +5490,7 @@
             "type": "prometheus",
             "uid": "$ds"
-          "description": "99th percentile of number of [data samples]( scanner per query.\n\nThis number can exceed number of RowsReadPerQuery if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range]( is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function]( For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same [data samples]( on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article]( for details.",
+          "description": "99th percentile of number of [data samples]( scanner per query.\n\nThis number can exceed number of RowsReadPerQuery if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range]( is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function]( For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same [data samples]( on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article]( for details.",
           "fieldConfig": {
             "defaults": {
               "color": {
@@ -5753,4 +5753,4 @@
   "uid": "wNf0q_kZk",
   "version": 1,
   "weekStart": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/vm/victoriametrics-cluster.json b/dashboards/vm/victoriametrics-cluster.json
index c0b0c00d15..7dff2ab1a0 100644
--- a/dashboards/vm/victoriametrics-cluster.json
+++ b/dashboards/vm/victoriametrics-cluster.json
@@ -7231,7 +7231,7 @@
             "type": "victoriametrics-datasource",
             "uid": "$ds"
-          "description": "99th percentile of number of [data samples]( scanner per query.\n\nThis number can exceed number of DatapointsReadPerQuery if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range]( is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function]( For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same [data samples]( on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article]( for details.",
+          "description": "99th percentile of number of [data samples]( scanner per query.\n\nThis number can exceed number of DatapointsReadPerQuery if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range]( is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function]( For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same [data samples]( on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article]( for details.",
           "fieldConfig": {
             "defaults": {
               "color": {
@@ -9682,4 +9682,4 @@
   "uid": "oS7Bi_0Wz_vm",
   "version": 1,
   "weekStart": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboards/vm/victoriametrics.json b/dashboards/vm/victoriametrics.json
index 02c19a3d09..166bd255e6 100644
--- a/dashboards/vm/victoriametrics.json
+++ b/dashboards/vm/victoriametrics.json
@@ -5491,7 +5491,7 @@
             "type": "victoriametrics-datasource",
             "uid": "$ds"
-          "description": "99th percentile of number of [data samples]( scanner per query.\n\nThis number can exceed number of RowsReadPerQuery if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range]( is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function]( For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same [data samples]( on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article]( for details.",
+          "description": "99th percentile of number of [data samples]( scanner per query.\n\nThis number can exceed number of RowsReadPerQuery if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range]( is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function]( For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same [data samples]( on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article]( for details.",
           "fieldConfig": {
             "defaults": {
               "color": {
@@ -5754,4 +5754,4 @@
   "uid": "wNf0q_kZk_vm",
   "version": 1,
   "weekStart": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deployment/marketplace/digitialocean/one-click-droplet/ b/deployment/marketplace/digitialocean/one-click-droplet/
index 5b7229b109..fab997531a 100644
--- a/deployment/marketplace/digitialocean/one-click-droplet/
+++ b/deployment/marketplace/digitialocean/one-click-droplet/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ VictoriaMetrics is a free [open source time series database](https://en.wikipedi
 It supports the [Prometheus]( pull model and various push protocols ([Graphite](, [InfluxDB](, OpenTSDB) for data ingestion. It is optimized for storage with high-latency IO, low IOPS and time series with [high churn rate](
-For reading the data and evaluating alerting rules, VictoriaMetrics supports the PromQL, [MetricsQL]( and Graphite query languages. VictoriaMetrics Single is fully autonomous and can be used as a long-term storage for time series.
+For reading the data and evaluating alerting rules, VictoriaMetrics supports the PromQL, [MetricsQL]( and Graphite query languages. VictoriaMetrics Single is fully autonomous and can be used as a long-term storage for time series.
 [VictoriaMetrics Single]( = Hassle-free monitoring solution. Easily handles 10M+ of active time series on a single instance. Perfect for small and medium environments.
diff --git a/deployment/marketplace/vultr/ b/deployment/marketplace/vultr/
index db2f39fb0d..6c0b4bde15 100644
--- a/deployment/marketplace/vultr/
+++ b/deployment/marketplace/vultr/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ VictoriaMetrics is a free [open source time series database](https://en.wikipedi
 It supports the [Prometheus]( pull model and various push protocols ([Graphite](, [InfluxDB](, OpenTSDB) for data ingestion. It is optimized for storage with high-latency IO, low IOPS and time series with [high churn rate](
-For reading the data and evaluating alerting rules, VictoriaMetrics supports the PromQL, [MetricsQL]( and Graphite query languages. VictoriaMetrics Single is fully autonomous and can be used as a long-term storage for time series.
+For reading the data and evaluating alerting rules, VictoriaMetrics supports the PromQL, [MetricsQL]( and Graphite query languages. VictoriaMetrics Single is fully autonomous and can be used as a long-term storage for time series.
 [VictoriaMetrics Single]( = Hassle-free monitoring solution. Easily handles 10M+ of active time series on a single instance. Perfect for small and medium environments.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index b3981c17a5..bc0dead739 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ Released at 2024-03-01
 **This release contains [the issue](, which can prevent from storing data for new time series under high rate of search queries. Please rollback to [v1.98.0]( or upgrade to [v1.100.1](**
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( propagate [label filters]( via all the [label manipulation functions]( For example, `label_del(some_metric{job="foo"}, "instance") + other_metric{pod="bar"}` is now transformed to `label_del(some_metric{job="foo",pod="bar"}, "instance") + other_metric{job="foo",pod="bar"}`. This should reduce the amounts of time series processed during query execution.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [count_values_over_time]( function. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( propagate [label filters]( via all the [label manipulation functions]( For example, `label_del(some_metric{job="foo"}, "instance") + other_metric{pod="bar"}` is now transformed to `label_del(some_metric{job="foo",pod="bar"}, "instance") + other_metric{job="foo",pod="bar"}`. This should reduce the amounts of time series processed during query execution.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [count_values_over_time]( function. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: [Single-node VictoriaMetrics]( and `vmstorage` in [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( expose `vm_last_partition_parts` [metrics](, which show the number of [parts in the latest partition]( These metrics may help debugging query performance slowdown related to the increased number of parts in the last partition, since usually all the ingested data is written to the last partition and all the queries are performed over the recently ingested data, e.g. the last partition.
 * FEATURE: [Single-node VictoriaMetrics]( and `vmstorage` in [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( expose `vm_snapshots` [metric](, which shows the current number of snapshots created via [snapshot API](
 * FEATURE: [Single-node VictoriaMetrics]( and `vmselect` in [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( add `-search.ignoreExtraFiltersAtLabelsAPI` command-line flag, which can be used for reducing load on VictoriaMetrics when [/api/v1/labels](, [/api/v1/label/.../values]( or [/api/v1/series]( are queried with too broad [`extra_filters` or `extra_label`](, which match many time series. See [these docs]( for details.
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Released at 2024-03-01
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( consistently sort groups by name and filename on `/groups` page in UI. This should prevent non-deterministic sorting for groups with identical names.
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( fix Popper display issues. See [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmselect]( format time with milliseconds precision when `__timestamp__:rfc3339` is specified for [/api/v1/export/csv]( API response. See this [issue]( for details.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly construct the destination label in [label_join]( if it is used as source label. See this [issue]( for details.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly construct the destination label in [label_join]( if it is used as source label. See this [issue]( for details.
 ## [v1.98.0](
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ Released at 2024-02-14
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( add `-remoteWrite.tlsHandshakeTimeout` command-line flag for tuning the timeout needed for establishing TLS connections to `-remoteWrite.url`. Bigger tls handshake timeouts should reduce the probability of `http: TLS handshake error from ...: EOF` errors at the remote storage side under high load. See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( add `-disableReroutingOnUnavailable` command-line flag to `vminsert`, which can be used for reducing resource usage spikes at `vmstorage` nodes during rolling restart. See [these docs]( Thanks to @Muxa1L for [the pull request](
 * FEATURE: add `-search.resetRollupResultCacheOnStartup` command-line flag for resetting [query cache]( on startup. See [this feature request](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( propagate label filters across [label_set]( and [alias]( functions. For example, `label_set(q1, "a", "b") + q2{c="d"}` is automatically transformed to `label_set(q1{c="d"}, "a", "b") + q2{a="b",c="d"}` now. This should improve performance for such queries. See [this issue](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [sum_eq_over_time](, [sum_gt_over_time]( and [sum_le_over_time]( functions. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( propagate label filters across [label_set]( and [alias]( functions. For example, `label_set(q1, "a", "b") + q2{c="d"}` is automatically transformed to `label_set(q1{c="d"}, "a", "b") + q2{a="b",c="d"}` now. This should improve performance for such queries. See [this issue](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [sum_eq_over_time](, [sum_gt_over_time]( and [sum_le_over_time]( functions. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: [dashboards/vmagent]( add `Targets scraped/s` stat panel showing the number of targets scraped by the vmagent per-second.
 * FEATURE: [dashboards/all]( add new panel `CPU spent on GC`. It should help identifying cases when too much CPU is spent on garbage collection, and advice users on how this can be addressed.
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( support [filtering]( for `/api/v1/rules` API. See [the pull request]( by @victoramsantos.
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ Released at 2024-02-14
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( reduce CPU usage when `-promscrape.dropOriginalLabels` command-line flag is set. This issue has been introduced in [v1.96.0]( when addressing [this feature request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmauth]( properly release memory during config reload. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmauth]( properly expose `vmauth_unauthorized_user_concurrent_requests_capacity`, `vmauth_unauthorized_user_concurrent_requests_current`, `vmauth_user_concurrent_requests_capacity` and `vmauth_user_concurrent_requests_current` [metrics]( after [config reload]( Previously these metrics didn't work after config reload.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly propagate [label filters]( from multiple arguments passed to [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a` was improperly optimized to `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a{job="foo"}` before being executed. This could lead to unexpected results. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle precision errors when calculating [changes](, [changes_prometheus](, [increases_over_time]( and [resets]( functions. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly propagate [label filters]( from multiple arguments passed to [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a` was improperly optimized to `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a{job="foo"}` before being executed. This could lead to unexpected results. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle precision errors when calculating [changes](, [changes_prometheus](, [increases_over_time]( and [resets]( functions. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: all VictoriaMetrics components: consistently return 200 http status code from [`/-/reload` endpoint]( Previously [single-node VictoriaMetrics]( was returning 204 http status code. See [this feature request](
 * BUGFIX: properly store [staleness markers]( for [self-scraped metrics]( on single-node VictoriaMetrics shutdown. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: prevent from possible `too big indexBlockSize` panic when samples with too long label values (~64Kb) are ingested into VictoriaMetrics.
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ The v1.97.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.97.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: [Single-node VictoriaMetrics]( and `vmselect` in [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( fixed floating-point error when parsing time in RFC3339 format. See [this issue]( for details.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( consistently sort groups by name and filename on `/groups` page in UI. This should prevent non-deterministic sorting for groups with identical names.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( reduce memory usage for ENT version of vmalert for configurations with high number of groups with enabled multitenancy.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly construct the destination label in [label_join]( if it is used as source label. See this [issue]( for details.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly construct the destination label in [label_join]( if it is used as source label. See this [issue]( for details.
 ## [v1.97.2](
@@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ The v1.97.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.97.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( reduce CPU usage when `-promscrape.dropOriginalLabels` command-line flag is set. This issue has been introduced in [v1.96.0]( when addressing [this feature request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmauth]( properly release memory during config reload. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmauth]( properly expose `vmauth_unauthorized_user_concurrent_requests_capacity`, `vmauth_unauthorized_user_concurrent_requests_current`, `vmauth_user_concurrent_requests_capacity` and `vmauth_user_concurrent_requests_current` [metrics]( after [config reload]( Previously these metrics didn't work after config reload.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly propagate [label filters]( from multiple arguments passed to [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a` was improperly optimized to `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a{job="foo"}` before being executed. This could lead to unexpected results. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle precision errors when calculating [changes](, [changes_prometheus](, [increases_over_time]( and [resets]( functions. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly propagate [label filters]( from multiple arguments passed to [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a` was improperly optimized to `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a{job="foo"}` before being executed. This could lead to unexpected results. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle precision errors when calculating [changes](, [changes_prometheus](, [increases_over_time]( and [resets]( functions. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: properly store [staleness markers]( for [self-scraped metrics]( on single-node VictoriaMetrics shutdown. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: prevent from possible `too big indexBlockSize` panic when samples with too long label values (~64Kb) are ingested into VictoriaMetrics.
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ The v1.97.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.97.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( fix the increased CPU usage when sending the data to remote storage. The issue has been introduced in [v1.97.0](
 * BUGFIX: fix `runtime error: slice bounds out of range` panic, which can occur during query execution. See [this issue]( The bug has been introduced in `v1.97.0`.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle `avg_over_time({some_filter}[d]) keep_metric_names` queries, where [`some_filter`]( matches multiple time series with multiple names, while `d` is bigger or equal to `3h`. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle `avg_over_time({some_filter}[d]) keep_metric_names` queries, where [`some_filter`]( matches multiple time series with multiple names, while `d` is bigger or equal to `3h`. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [dashboards/single]( fix typo in query for `version` annotation which falsely produced many version change events.
 ## [v1.97.0](
@@ -296,9 +296,9 @@ The v1.97.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.97.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( automatically add `exported_` prefix for original evaluation result label if it's conflicted with external or reserved one, previously it was overridden. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( autogenerate `ALERTS_FOR_STATE` time series for alerting rules with `for: 0`. Previously, `ALERTS_FOR_STATE` was generated only for alerts with `for > 0`. The change aligns with Prometheus behavior. See more details in [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( fix data race during hot-config reload. The result of the race could cause all rules from updated group to fail with `context cancelled` error.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( consistently sort results for `q1 or q2` query, so they do not change colors with each refresh in Grafana. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly return results from [bottomk]( and `bottomk_*()` functions when some of these results contain NaN values. See [this issue]( Thanks to @xiaozongyang for [the fix](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle queries, which wrap [rollup functions]( with multiple arguments without explicitly specified lookbehind window in square brackets into [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum(quantile_over_time(0.5, process_resident_memory_bytes))` was resulting to `expecting at least 2 args to ...; got 1 args` error. Thanks to @atykhyy for [the pull request](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( consistently sort results for `q1 or q2` query, so they do not change colors with each refresh in Grafana. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly return results from [bottomk]( and `bottomk_*()` functions when some of these results contain NaN values. See [this issue]( Thanks to @xiaozongyang for [the fix](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle queries, which wrap [rollup functions]( with multiple arguments without explicitly specified lookbehind window in square brackets into [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum(quantile_over_time(0.5, process_resident_memory_bytes))` was resulting to `expecting at least 2 args to ...; got 1 args` error. Thanks to @atykhyy for [the pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmctl]( retry on import errors in `vm-native` mode. Before, retries happened only on writes into a network connection between source and destination. But errors returned by server after all the data was transmitted were logged, but not retried.
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly assume role with [AWS IRSA authorization]( Previously role chaining was not supported. See [this issue]( for details.
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( exit if there is config syntax error in [`scrape_config_files`]( when `-promscrape.config.strictParse=true`. See [this issue](
@@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ The v1.97.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.97.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( send `step` param for instant queries. The change reverts [this issue]( due to reasons explained in [this comment](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( fix the `Enter` key press issue in the `Query` field when using autocomplete. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: all: fix potential panic during components shutdown when [metrics push]( is configured. See [this issue]( Thanks to @zhdd99 for the [pull request](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly process queries with too big lookbehind window such as `foo[100y]`. Previously, such queries could return empty responses even if `foo` is present in database. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle possible negative results caused by float operations precision error in rollup functions like rate() or increase(). See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly process queries with too big lookbehind window such as `foo[100y]`. Previously, such queries could return empty responses even if `foo` is present in database. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle possible negative results caused by float operations precision error in rollup functions like rate() or increase(). See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: `vmselect`: vmsingle/vmselect returns http status 429 (TooManyRequests) instead of 503 (ServiceUnavailable) when max concurrent requests limit is reached.
 * BUGFIX: `vmselect`: set proper timestamps in [instant query]( results if the query contains [rollup functions]( with lookbehind windows in square brackets exceeding 3 hours. For example, `sum(avg_over_time(up[24h]))`. This bug has been introduced in [v1.95.0]( See [this]( and [this]( issues.
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ The v1.93.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.93.0](https:
   or [/api/v1/query_range]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [Single-node VictoriaMetrics]( and `vmselect` in [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( fixed floating-point error when parsing time in RFC3339 format. See [this issue]( for details.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( consistently sort groups by name and filename on `/groups` page in UI. This should prevent non-deterministic sorting for groups with identical names.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly construct the destination label in [label_join]( if it is used as source label. See this [issue]( for details.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly construct the destination label in [label_join]( if it is used as source label. See this [issue]( for details.
 ## [v1.93.12](
@@ -358,8 +358,8 @@ The v1.93.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.93.0](https:
 * SECURITY: upgrade Go builder from Go1.21.6 to Go1.22.0. See [the list of issues addressed in Go1.21.7](, plus [the changelog for Go1.22.0](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly propagate [label filters]( from multiple arguments passed to [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a` was improperly optimized to `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a{job="foo"}` before being executed. This could lead to unexpected results. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle precision errors when calculating [changes](, [changes_prometheus](, [increases_over_time]( and [resets]( functions. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly propagate [label filters]( from multiple arguments passed to [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a` was improperly optimized to `sum({job="foo"}, {job="bar"}) by (job) + a{job="foo"}` before being executed. This could lead to unexpected results. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle precision errors when calculating [changes](, [changes_prometheus](, [increases_over_time]( and [resets]( functions. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: properly store [staleness markers]( for [self-scraped metrics]( on single-node VictoriaMetrics shutdown. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: prevent from possible `too big indexBlockSize` panic when samples with too long label values (~64Kb) are ingested into VictoriaMetrics.
@@ -375,8 +375,8 @@ The v1.93.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.93.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: properly return errors from [export APIs]( Previously these errors were silently suppressed. See [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly discover targets for `role: endpoints` and `role: endpointslice` in [kubernetes_sd_configs]( Previously some `endpoints` and `endpointslice` targets could be left undiscovered or some targets could have missing `__meta_*` labels when performing service discovery in busy Kubernetes clusters with large number of pods. See [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( respect explicitly set `series_limit: 0` in [scrape_config]( This allows removing [`series_limit` restriction]( on a per-`scrape_config` basis when global limit is set via `-promscrape.seriesLimitPerTarget`. Previously, `0` value was ignored in favor of `-promscrape.seriesLimitPerTarget`.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly process queries with too big lookbehind window such as `foo[100y]`. Previously, such queries could return empty responses even if `foo` is present in database. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle possible negative results caused by float operations precision error in rollup functions like rate() or increase(). See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly process queries with too big lookbehind window such as `foo[100y]`. Previously, such queries could return empty responses even if `foo` is present in database. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle possible negative results caused by float operations precision error in rollup functions like rate() or increase(). See [this issue](
 ## [v1.93.10](
@@ -391,8 +391,8 @@ The v1.93.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.93.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: `vmstorage`: added missing `-inmemoryDataFlushInterval` command-line flag, which was missing in [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( after implementing [this feature]( in [v1.85.0](
 * BUGFIX: `vmstorage`: properly expire `storage/prefetchedMetricIDs` cache. Previously this cache was never expired, so it could grow big under [high churn rate]( This could result in increasing CPU load over time.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( check `-external.url` schema when starting vmalert, must be `http` or `https`. Before, alertmanager could reject alert notifications if `-external.url` contained no or wrong schema.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly return results from [bottomk]( and `bottomk_*()` functions when some of these results contain NaN values. See [this issue]( Thanks to @xiaozongyang for [the fix](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle queries, which wrap [rollup functions]( with multiple arguments without explicitly specified lookbehind window in square brackets into [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum(quantile_over_time(0.5, process_resident_memory_bytes))` was resulting to `expecting at least 2 args to ...; got 1 args` error. Thanks to @atykhyy for [the pull request](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly return results from [bottomk]( and `bottomk_*()` functions when some of these results contain NaN values. See [this issue]( Thanks to @xiaozongyang for [the fix](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle queries, which wrap [rollup functions]( with multiple arguments without explicitly specified lookbehind window in square brackets into [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum(quantile_over_time(0.5, process_resident_memory_bytes))` was resulting to `expecting at least 2 args to ...; got 1 args` error. Thanks to @atykhyy for [the pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly assume role with [AWS IRSA authorization]( Previously role chaining was not supported. See [this issue]( for details.
 * BUGFIX: all: fix potential panic during components shutdown when [metrics push]( is configured. See [this issue]( Thanks to @zhdd99 for the [pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmctl]( check for Error field in response from influx client during migration. Before, only network errors were checked. Thanks to @wozz for the [pull request](
@@ -493,8 +493,8 @@ The v1.87.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.87.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: properly return errors from [export APIs]( Previously these errors were silently suppressed. See [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( respect explicitly set `series_limit: 0` in [scrape_config]( This allows removing [`series_limit` restriction]( on a per-`scrape_config` basis when global limit is set via `-promscrape.seriesLimitPerTarget`. Previously, `0` value was ignored in favor of `-promscrape.seriesLimitPerTarget`.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly process queries with too big lookbehind window such as `foo[100y]`. Previously, such queries could return empty responses even if `foo` is present in database. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle possible negative results caused by float operations precision error in rollup functions like rate() or increase(). See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly process queries with too big lookbehind window such as `foo[100y]`. Previously, such queries could return empty responses even if `foo` is present in database. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle possible negative results caused by float operations precision error in rollup functions like rate() or increase(). See [this issue](
 ## [v1.87.13](
@@ -506,9 +506,9 @@ The v1.87.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.87.0](https:
 * SECURITY: upgrade Go builder from Go1.21.5 to Go1.21.6. See [the list of issues addressed in Go1.21.6](
 * BUGFIX: `vmstorage`: added missing `-inmemoryDataFlushInterval` command-line flag, which was missing in [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( after implementing [this feature]( in [v1.85.0](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle queries, which wrap [rollup functions]( with multiple arguments without explicitly specified lookbehind window in square brackets into [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum(quantile_over_time(0.5, process_resident_memory_bytes))` was resulting to `expecting at least 2 args to ...; got 1 args` error. Thanks to @atykhyy for [the pull request](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle queries, which wrap [rollup functions]( with multiple arguments without explicitly specified lookbehind window in square brackets into [aggregate functions]( For example, `sum(quantile_over_time(0.5, process_resident_memory_bytes))` was resulting to `expecting at least 2 args to ...; got 1 args` error. Thanks to @atykhyy for [the pull request](
 * BUGFIX: `vmstorage`: properly expire `storage/prefetchedMetricIDs` cache. Previously this cache was never expired, so it could grow big under [high churn rate]( This could result in increasing CPU load over time.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly return results from [bottomk]( and `bottomk_...` functions when some of these results contain NaN values. See [this issue]( Thanks to @xiaozongyang for [the fix](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly return results from [bottomk]( and `bottomk_...` functions when some of these results contain NaN values. See [this issue]( Thanks to @xiaozongyang for [the fix](
 * BUGFIX: all: fix potential panic during components shutdown when [metrics push]( is configured. See [this issue]( Thanks to @zhdd99 for the [pull request](
 # [v1.87.12](
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 68a0de6466..326737dd88 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Released at 2020-12-15
 Released at 2020-12-05
 * FEATURE: optimize Consul service discovery speed when discovering big number of services. See <>
-* FEATURE: add `label_uppercase(q, label1, ... labelN)` and `label_lowercase(q, label1, ... labelN)` function to [MetricsQL](
+* FEATURE: add `label_uppercase(q, label1, ... labelN)` and `label_lowercase(q, label1, ... labelN)` function to [MetricsQL](
   for uppercasing and lowercasing values for the given labels. See <>
 * FEATURE: add `count_eq_over_time(m[d], N)` and `count_ne_over_time(m[d], N)` for counting the number of samples for `m` over `d` that (equal / not equal) to `N`.
 * FEATURE: do not print usage info for all the command-line flags when incorrect command-line flag is passed. Previously it could be hard reading the error message
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Released at 2020-11-07
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: eliminate data race when `-promscrape.streamParse` command-line is set. Previously this mode could result in scraped metrics with garbage labels.
   See <> for details.
-* BUGFIX: properly calculate `topk_*` and `bottomk_*` functions from [MetricsQL]( for time series with gaps.
+* BUGFIX: properly calculate `topk_*` and `bottomk_*` functions from [MetricsQL]( for time series with gaps.
   See <>
 ## [v1.45.0](
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Released at 2020-11-02
   See `-promscrape.streamParse` command-line option and `stream_parse: true` config option for `scrape_config` section in `-promscrape.config`.
   See <> and [troubleshooting docs for vmagent](
 * FEATURE: vmalert: add `-dryRun` command-line option for validating the provided config files without the need to start `vmalert` service.
-* FEATURE: accept optional third argument of string type at `topk_*` and `bottomk_*` functions. This is label name for additional time series to return with the sum of time series outside top/bottom K. See [MetricsQL docs]( for more details.
+* FEATURE: accept optional third argument of string type at `topk_*` and `bottomk_*` functions. This is label name for additional time series to return with the sum of time series outside top/bottom K. See [MetricsQL docs]( for more details.
 * FEATURE: vmagent: expose `/api/v1/targets` page according to [the corresponding Prometheus API](
   See <>
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ Released at 2020-10-13
   The `sum(rate(vm_rows_added_to_storage_total))` can be smaller than `sum(rate(vm_rows_inserted_total))` if certain metrics are dropped
   due to [relabeling]( The `sum(rate(vm_rows_added_to_storage_total))` can be bigger
   than `sum(rate(vm_rows_inserted_total))` if [replication]( is enabled.
-* FEATURE: keep metric name after applying [MetricsQL]( functions, which don't change time series meaning.
+* FEATURE: keep metric name after applying [MetricsQL]( functions, which don't change time series meaning.
   The list of such functions:
   * `keep_last_value`
   * `keep_next_value`
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 6439187e8e..76654ce8e1 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ We recommend updating in "off-peak" time when load on the VictoriaMetrics is on
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( allow specifying `http` and `https` urls in the following command-line flags: `-promscrape.config`, `-remoteWrite.relabelConfig` and `-remoteWrite.urlRelabelConfig`.
 * FEATURE: vminsert: allow specifying `http` and `https` urls in `-relabelConfig` command-line flag.
 * FEATURE: vminsert: add `-maxLabelValueLen` command-line flag for the ability to configure the maximum length of label value. See [this feature request](
-* FEATURE: preserve the order of time series passed to [limit_offset]( function. This allows implementing series paging via `limit_offset(limit, offset, sort_by_label(...))`. See [this]( and [this]( issues.
+* FEATURE: preserve the order of time series passed to [limit_offset]( function. This allows implementing series paging via `limit_offset(limit, offset, sort_by_label(...))`. See [this]( and [this]( issues.
 * FEATURE: automaticall convert `(value1|...|valueN)` into `{value1,...,valueN}` inside `__graphite__` pseudo-label. This allows using [Grafana multi-value template variables]( inside `__graphite__` pseudo-label. For example, `{__graphite__=~"foo.($bar)"}` is expanded to `{__graphite__=~"foo.{x,y}"}` if both `x` and `y` are selected for `$bar` template variable. See [these docs]( for details.
-* FEATURE: add [timestamp_with_name]( function. It works the same as [timestamp](, but leaves the original time series names, so it can be used in queries, which match multiple time series names: `timestamp_with_name({foo="bar"}[1h])`. See [this comment]( for more context.
-* FEATURE: add [changes_prometheus](, [increase_prometheus]( and [delta_prometheus]( functions, which don't take into account the previous sample before the given lookbehind window specified in square brackets. These functions may be used when the Prometheus behaviour for `changes()`, `increase()` and `delta()` functions is needed to be preserved. VictoriaMetrics uses slightly different behaviour for `changes()`, `increase()` and `delta()` functions by default - see [this article]( for details. See [this issue](
+* FEATURE: add [timestamp_with_name]( function. It works the same as [timestamp](, but leaves the original time series names, so it can be used in queries, which match multiple time series names: `timestamp_with_name({foo="bar"}[1h])`. See [this comment]( for more context.
+* FEATURE: add [changes_prometheus](, [increase_prometheus]( and [delta_prometheus]( functions, which don't take into account the previous sample before the given lookbehind window specified in square brackets. These functions may be used when the Prometheus behaviour for `changes()`, `increase()` and `delta()` functions is needed to be preserved. VictoriaMetrics uses slightly different behaviour for `changes()`, `increase()` and `delta()` functions by default - see [this article]( for details. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: fix `unaligned 64-bit atomic operation` panic on 32-bit architectures, which has been introduced in v1.70.0. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( restore the ability to use `$labels.alertname` in labels templating. See [this issue](
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ We recommend updating in "off-peak" time when load on the VictoriaMetrics is on
 Released at 2021-12-02
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( add ability to pass arbitrary query args to `-datasource.url` on a per-group basis via `params` option. See [this pull request](
-* FEATURE: add `now()` function to MetricsQL. This function returns the current timestamp in seconds. See [these docs](
+* FEATURE: add `now()` function to MetricsQL. This function returns the current timestamp in seconds. See [these docs](
 * FEATURE: vmauth: allow using optional `name` field in configs. This field is then used as `username` label value for `vmauth_user_requests_total` metric. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: vmagent: export `vm_persistentqueue_read_duration_seconds_total` and `vm_persistentqueue_write_duration_seconds_total` metrics, which can be used for detecting persistent queue saturation with `rate(vm_persistentqueue_write_duration_seconds_total) > 0.9` alerting rule.
 * FEATURE: export `vm_filestream_read_duration_seconds_total` and `vm_filestream_write_duration_seconds_total` metrics, which can be used for detecting persistent disk saturation with `rate(vm_filestream_read_duration_seconds_total) > 0.9` alerting rule.
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Released at 2021-12-02
 * BUGFIX: vmauth: properly take into account the value passed to `-maxIdleConnsPerBackend` command-line flag. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: fix [reading data from Kafka](
 * BUGFIX: vmalert: fix [replay mode]( in enterprise version.
-* BUGFIX: consistently return zero from [deriv()]( function applied to a constant time series. Previously it could return small non-zero values in this case.
+* BUGFIX: consistently return zero from [deriv()]( function applied to a constant time series. Previously it could return small non-zero values in this case.
 * BUGFIX: [vmrestore]( properly resume downloading for partially downloaded big files. Previously such files were re-downloaded from the beginning after the interrupt. Now only the remaining parts of the file are downloaded. This allows saving network bandwidth. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( do not store the last query across vmui page reloads. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( fix `Cannot read properties of undefined` error at table view. See [this issue](
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ Released at 2021-11-08
 * FEATURE: vmagent: send data to multiple configured remote storage systems in parallel (e.g. when multiple `-remoteWrite.url` flag values are specified). This should improve data ingestion speed.
 * FEATURE: vmagent: add `-remoteWrite.maxRowsPerBlock` command-line flag for tuning the number of samples to send to remote storage per each block. Bigger values may improve data ingestion performance at the cost of higher memory usage.
 * FEATURE: vmagent: distribute Kafka messages among all the partitions when [writing data to Kafka](
-* FEATURE: add [label_graphite_group]( function for extracting the given groups from Graphite metric names.
-* FEATURE: add [duration_over_time]( function for calculating the actual lifetime of the time series with possible gaps. See [this feature request](
-* FEATURE: add [limit_offset]( function, which can be used for implementing simple paging over big number of time series. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: add [label_graphite_group]( function for extracting the given groups from Graphite metric names.
+* FEATURE: add [duration_over_time]( function for calculating the actual lifetime of the time series with possible gaps. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: add [limit_offset]( function, which can be used for implementing simple paging over big number of time series. See [this feature request](
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: reduce the increased memory usage when scraping targets with big number of metrics which periodically change. The memory usage has been increased in v1.68.0 after vmagent started generating staleness markers in [stream parse mode]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: properly display `proxy_url` config option at `http://vmagent:8429/config` page. See [this issue](
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ Released at 2021-10-22
 * FEATURE: vmagent: expose `promscrape_series_limit_max_series` and `promscrape_series_limit_current_series` metrics at `http://vmagent:8429/metrics` for scrape targets with the [enabled series limiter](
 * FEATURE: vmagent: return error if `sample_limit` or `series_limit` options are set when [stream parsing mode]( is enabled, since these limits cannot be applied in stream parsing mode.
 * FEATURE: vmalert: add `-remoteRead.disablePathAppend` command-line flag, which allows specifying the full `-remoteRead.url`. If `-remoteRead.disablePathAppend` is set, then `vmalert` doesn't add `/api/v1/query` suffix to `-remoteRead.url`.
-* FEATURE: add trigonometric functions, which are going to be added in [Prometheus 2.31]( [acosh](, [asinh](, [atan](, [atanh](, [cosh](, [deg](, [rad](, [sinh](, [tan](, [tanh]( Also add `atan2` binary operator. See [this pull request](
-* FEATURE: consistently return the same set of time series from [limitk]( function. This improves the usability of periodically refreshed graphs.
+* FEATURE: add trigonometric functions, which are going to be added in [Prometheus 2.31]( [acosh](, [asinh](, [atan](, [atanh](, [cosh](, [deg](, [rad](, [sinh](, [tan](, [tanh]( Also add `atan2` binary operator. See [this pull request](
+* FEATURE: consistently return the same set of time series from [limitk]( function. This improves the usability of periodically refreshed graphs.
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( varios UX improvements. See [this pull request]( and [these docs](
 * FEATURE: [vmauth]( add ability to specify HTTP headers, which will be sent in requests to backends. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: add `/flags` page to all the VictoriaMetrics components. This page contains command-line flags passed to the component.
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ Released at 2021-10-08
 * FEATURE: vmagent [enterprise]( add support for data reading and writing from/to [Apache Kafka]( See [these docs](
 * FEATURE: vmui: switch to [μPlot]( and add ability to naturally scroll and zoom graphs. See [these docs]( Thanks to @Loori-R.
 * FEATURE: vmstorage: stop accepting new data if `-storageDataPath` directory contains less than `-storage.minFreeDiskSpaceBytes` of free space. This should prevent from `out of disk space` crashes. See [this feature request](
-* FEATURE: calculate quantiles in the same way as Prometheus does in such functions as [quantile_over_time]( and [quantile]( Previously results from VictoriaMetrics could be slightly different than results from Prometheus. See [this]( and [this]( issues.
-* FEATURE: add `rollup_scrape_interval(m[d])` function to [MetricsQL](, which returns `min`, `max` and `avg` values for the interval between samples for `m` on the given lookbehind window `d`.
-* FEATURE: add `topk_last(k, q)` and `bottomk_last(k, q)` functions to [MetricsQL](, which return up to `k` time series from `q` with the maximum / minimum last value on the graph.
+* FEATURE: calculate quantiles in the same way as Prometheus does in such functions as [quantile_over_time]( and [quantile]( Previously results from VictoriaMetrics could be slightly different than results from Prometheus. See [this]( and [this]( issues.
+* FEATURE: add `rollup_scrape_interval(m[d])` function to [MetricsQL](, which returns `min`, `max` and `avg` values for the interval between samples for `m` on the given lookbehind window `d`.
+* FEATURE: add `topk_last(k, q)` and `bottomk_last(k, q)` functions to [MetricsQL](, which return up to `k` time series from `q` with the maximum / minimum last value on the graph.
 * BUGFIX: align behavior of the queries `a or on (labels) b`, `a and on (labels) b` and `a unless on (labels) b` where `b` has multiple time series with the given `labels` to Prometheus behavior. See [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: fix `openstack_sd_config` service discovery when both `domain_name` and `project_id` config options are set. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: return proper values (zeroes) from [stddev_over_time]( and [stdvar_over_time]( functions when the lookbehind window in square brackets contains only a single sample. Previously the sample value was incorrectly returned in this case.
+* BUGFIX: return proper values (zeroes) from [stddev_over_time]( and [stdvar_over_time]( functions when the lookbehind window in square brackets contains only a single sample. Previously the sample value was incorrectly returned in this case.
 * BUGFIX: vminsert: fix uneven distribution of time series among storage nodes in [multi-level cluster setup]( See [this issue](
 ## [v1.66.2](
@@ -181,16 +181,16 @@ Released at 2021-09-20
 * FEATURE: vmui: use Prometheus-compatible query args, so `vmui` could be accessed from graph editor in Grafana. See [this pull request]( Thanks to @Loori-R.
 * FEATURE: vmselect: automatically add missing port to `-storageNode` hostnames. For example, `-storageNode=vmstorage1,vmstorage2` is automatically translated to `-storageNode=vmstorage1:8401,vmstorage2:8401`. This simplifies [manual setup of VictoriaMetrics cluster](
 * FEATURE: vminsert: automatically add missing port to `-storageNode` hostnames. For example, `-storageNode=vmstorage1,vmstorage2` is automatically translated to `-storageNode=vmstorage1:8400,vmstorage2:8400`. This simplifies [manual setup of VictoriaMetrics cluster](
-* FEATURE: add [mad(q)]( function to [MetricsQL]( It calculates [Median absolute deviation]( for groups of points with identical timestamps across multiple time series.
-* FEATURE: add [outliers_mad(tolerance, q)]( function to [MetricsQL]( It returns time series with peaks outside the [Median absolute deviation]( multiplied by `tolerance`.
-* FEATURE: add `histogram_quantiles("phiLabel", phi1, ..., phiN, buckets)` function to [MetricsQL]( It calculates the given `phi*`-quantiles over the given `buckets` and returns time series per each quantile with the corresponding `{phiLabel="phi*"}` label.
-* FEATURE: add `quantiles_over_time("phiLabel", phi1, ..., phiN, series_selector[d])` function to [MetricsQL]( It calculates the given `phi*`-quantiles over raw samples selected by `series_selector` on the given lookbehind window `d`. It returns time series per each quantile with the corresponding `{phiLabel="phi*"}` label.
+* FEATURE: add [mad(q)]( function to [MetricsQL]( It calculates [Median absolute deviation]( for groups of points with identical timestamps across multiple time series.
+* FEATURE: add [outliers_mad(tolerance, q)]( function to [MetricsQL]( It returns time series with peaks outside the [Median absolute deviation]( multiplied by `tolerance`.
+* FEATURE: add `histogram_quantiles("phiLabel", phi1, ..., phiN, buckets)` function to [MetricsQL]( It calculates the given `phi*`-quantiles over the given `buckets` and returns time series per each quantile with the corresponding `{phiLabel="phi*"}` label.
+* FEATURE: add `quantiles_over_time("phiLabel", phi1, ..., phiN, series_selector[d])` function to [MetricsQL]( It calculates the given `phi*`-quantiles over raw samples selected by `series_selector` on the given lookbehind window `d`. It returns time series per each quantile with the corresponding `{phiLabel="phi*"}` label.
 * FEATURE: [enterprise]( do not ask for `-eula` flag if `-version` flag is passed to enteprise app. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: properly handle queries with multiple filters matching empty labels such as `metric{label1=~"foo|",label2="bar|"}`. This filter must match the following series: `metric`, `metric{label1="foo"}`, `metric{label2="bar"}` and `metric{label1="foo",label2="bar"}`. Previously it was matching only `metric{label1="foo",label2="bar"}`. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: vmselect: reset connection timeouts after each request to `vmstorage`. This should prevent from `cannot read data in 0.000 seconds: unexpected EOF` warning in logs. See [this issue]( Thanks to @mxlxm .
-* BUGFIX: keep metric name for time series returned from [rollup_candlestick]( function, since the returned series don't change the meaning of the original series. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: use Prometheus-compatible label value formatting for [count_values]( function. Previously big values could be improperly formatted, which could break query results, which rely on label value such as `... on(label) count_values("label", ...)`.
+* BUGFIX: keep metric name for time series returned from [rollup_candlestick]( function, since the returned series don't change the meaning of the original series. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: use Prometheus-compatible label value formatting for [count_values]( function. Previously big values could be improperly formatted, which could break query results, which rely on label value such as `... on(label) count_values("label", ...)`.
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: properly use `https` scheme for wildcard TLS certificates for `role: ingress` targets in Kubernetes service discovery. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: support host networking mode for `docker_sd_config`. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: fix non-repeatable results from `quantile_over_time()` function when the number of input samples exceeds 1000. See [this issue](
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ Released at 2021-09-01
 * FEATURE: update Go builder from v1.16.7 to v1.17.0. This improves data ingestion and query performance by up to 5% according to benchmarks. See [the release post for Go1.17](
 * FEATURE: vmagent: expose `promscrape_discovery_http_errors_total` metric, which can be used for monitoring the number of failed discovery attempts per each `http_sd` config.
 * FEATURE: do not reset response cache when a sample with old timestamp is ingested into VictoriaMetrics if `-search.disableAutoCacheReset` command-line option is set. See [this feature request](
-* FEATURE: add `quantiles("phiLabel", phi1, ..., phiN, q)` aggregate function to [MetricsQL](, which calculates the given `phi*` quantiles over time series returned by `q`. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: add `quantiles("phiLabel", phi1, ..., phiN, q)` aggregate function to [MetricsQL](, which calculates the given `phi*` quantiles over time series returned by `q`. See [this feature request](
 * BUGFIX: rename `sign` function to `sgn` in order to be consistent with PromQL. See [this pull request from Prometheus](
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: add `role: endpointslice` in [kubernetes_sd_config]( in order to be consistent with Prometheus. Previously this role was supported with incorrect name: `role: endpointslices`. Now both `endpointslice` and `endpointslices` are supported. See [the corresponding code in Prometheus](
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ Released at 2021-09-01
 Released at 2021-08-19
-* FEATURE: add `bitmap_and(q, mask)`, `bitmap_or(q, mask)` and `bitmak_xor(q, mask)` functions to [MetricsQL]( These functions allow performing bitwise operations over data points in time series. See [this issue](
+* FEATURE: add `bitmap_and(q, mask)`, `bitmap_or(q, mask)` and `bitmak_xor(q, mask)` functions to [MetricsQL]( These functions allow performing bitwise operations over data points in time series. See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: vmalert: add `-remoteWrite.disablePathAppend` command-line flag, which can be used when custom `-remoteWrite.url` must be specified. For example, `./vmalert -disablePathAppend -remoteWrite.url=''` would write data to `` instead of ``. See [this pull request](
 * FEATURE: vmagent: add `-promscrape.noStaleMarkers` command-line flag for disabling sending Prometheus stale markers for metrics from disappeared scrape targets. This option may be used for reducing memory usage when scraping big number of metrics with big number of labels and when stale markers aren't needed.
 * FEATURE: vmselect: add `-search.noStaleMarkers` command-line flag for disabling stale markers handling in queries. This may save some CPU time when the queried data doesn't contain stale markers.
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ Released at 2021-07-15
 * FEATURE: vmselect: embed [vmui]( into a single-node VictoriaMetrics and into `vmselect` component of cluster version. See [this feature request]( The web interface is available at the following paths:
   * `/vmui/` for a single-node VictoriaMetrics
   * `/select/<accountID>/vmui/` for `vmselect` at cluster version of VictoriaMetrics
-* FEATURE: support durations anywhere in [MetricsQL queries]( For example, `sum_over_time(m[1h]) / 1h` is a valid query, which is equivalent to `sum_over_time(m[1h]) / 3600`.
-* FEATURE: support durations without suffixes in [MetricsQL queries]( For example, `rate(m[3600])` is a valid query, which is equivalent to `rate(m[1h])`.
+* FEATURE: support durations anywhere in [MetricsQL queries]( For example, `sum_over_time(m[1h]) / 1h` is a valid query, which is equivalent to `sum_over_time(m[1h]) / 3600`.
+* FEATURE: support durations without suffixes in [MetricsQL queries]( For example, `rate(m[3600])` is a valid query, which is equivalent to `rate(m[1h])`.
 * FEATURE: export `vmselect_request_duration_seconds` and `vminsert_request_duration_seconds` [VictoriaMetrics histograms]( at `/metrics` page. These histograms can be used for determining latency distribution and SLI/SLO for the served requests. For example, the following query would return the percent of queries that took less than 500ms during the last hour: `histogram_share(500ms, sum(rate(vmselect_request_duration_seconds_bucket[1h])) by (vmrange))`.
 * FEATURE: vmagent: dynamically reload client TLS certificates from disk on every [mTLS connection]( This should allow using `vmagent` with [Istio service mesh]( See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: log http request path plus all the query args on errors during request processing. Previously only http request path was logged without query args, so it could be hard debugging such errors.
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ Released at 2021-06-25
 * BUGFIX: prevent from adding new samples to deleted time series after the rotation of the inverted index (the rotation is performed once per `-retentionPeriod`). See [this comment]( for details.
 * BUGFIX: vmstorage: reduce high disk write IO usage on systems with big number of CPU cores. The issue has been introduced in the release [v1.59.0](#v1590). See [this commit]( and [this comment]( for details.
 * BUGFIX: vmstorage: prevent from incorrect stats collection when multiple concurrent queries execute the same tag filter. This may help reducing CPU usage under certain workloads. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: vmselect: return the last timestamp for the max / min value from `tmax_over_time(m[d])` and `tmin_over_time(m[d])` [MetricsQL functions]( as most users expect. See also [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: vmselect: return the expected value for `increase_pure()` [MetricsQL function]( after a gap in a time series. Previously incorrect too big value could be returned after the gap from `increase_pure()`.
+* BUGFIX: vmselect: return the last timestamp for the max / min value from `tmax_over_time(m[d])` and `tmin_over_time(m[d])` [MetricsQL functions]( as most users expect. See also [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: vmselect: return the expected value for `increase_pure()` [MetricsQL function]( after a gap in a time series. Previously incorrect too big value could be returned after the gap from `increase_pure()`.
 ## [v1.61.1](
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Released at 2021-05-24
 * FEATURE: add ability to filter `/api/v1/status/tsdb` output with arbitrary [time series selectors]( passed via `match[]` query args. See [these docs]( and [this issue]( for details.
 * FEATURE: automatically detect memory and cpu limits for VictoriaMetrics components running under [cgroup v2]( environments such as [HashiCorp Nomad]( See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: vmauth: allow `-auth.config` reloading via `/-/reload` http endpoint. See [this issue](
-* FEATURE: add `timezone_offset(tz)` function. It returns offset in seconds for the given timezone `tz` relative to UTC. This can be useful when combining with datetime-related functions. For example, `day_of_week(time()+timezone_offset("America/Los_Angeles"))` would return weekdays for `America/Los_Angeles` time zone. Special `Local` time zone can be used for returning an offset for the time zone set on the host where VictoriaMetrics runs. See [this issue]( and [MetricsQL docs]( for more details.
+* FEATURE: add `timezone_offset(tz)` function. It returns offset in seconds for the given timezone `tz` relative to UTC. This can be useful when combining with datetime-related functions. For example, `day_of_week(time()+timezone_offset("America/Los_Angeles"))` would return weekdays for `America/Los_Angeles` time zone. Special `Local` time zone can be used for returning an offset for the time zone set on the host where VictoriaMetrics runs. See [this issue]( and [MetricsQL docs]( for more details.
 * FEATURE: vmagent: add support for OAuth2 authorization for scrape targets and service discovery in the same way as Prometheus does. See [these docs](
 * FEATURE: vmagent: add support for OAuth2 authorization when writing data to `-remoteWrite.url`. See `-remoteWrite.oauth2.*` config params in `/path/to/vmagent -help` output.
 * FEATURE: vmalert: add ability to set `extra_filter_labels` at alerting and recording group configs. See [these docs](
@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ Thanks to @johnseekins!
 Released at 2021-04-08
 * FEATURE: vminsert and vmagent: add `-sortLabels` command-line flag for sorting metric labels before pushing them to `vmstorage`. This should reduce the size of `MetricName -> internal_series_id` cache (aka `vm_cache_size_bytes{type="storage/tsid"}`) when ingesting samples for the same time series with distinct order of labels. For example, `foo{k1="v1",k2="v2"}` and `foo{k2="v2",k1="v1"}` represent a single time series. Labels sorting is disabled by default, since the majority of established exporters preserve the order of labels for the exported metrics.
-* FEATURE: allow specifying label value alongside label name for the `others sum` time series returned from `topk_*` and `bottomk_*` functions from [MetricsQL]( For example, `topk_avg(3, max(process_resident_memory_bytes) by (instance), "instance=other_sum")` would return top 3 series from `max(process_resident_memory_bytes) by (instance)` plus a series containing the sum of other series. The `others sum` series will have `{instance="other_sum"}` label.
-* FEATURE: do not delete `dst_label` when applying `label_copy(q, "src_label", "dst_label")` and `label_move(q, "src_label", "dst_label")` to series without `src_label` and with non-empty `dst_label`. See more details at [MetricsQL docs](
+* FEATURE: allow specifying label value alongside label name for the `others sum` time series returned from `topk_*` and `bottomk_*` functions from [MetricsQL]( For example, `topk_avg(3, max(process_resident_memory_bytes) by (instance), "instance=other_sum")` would return top 3 series from `max(process_resident_memory_bytes) by (instance)` plus a series containing the sum of other series. The `others sum` series will have `{instance="other_sum"}` label.
+* FEATURE: do not delete `dst_label` when applying `label_copy(q, "src_label", "dst_label")` and `label_move(q, "src_label", "dst_label")` to series without `src_label` and with non-empty `dst_label`. See more details at [MetricsQL docs](
 * FEATURE: update Go builder from `v1.16.2` to `v1.16.3`. This should fix [these issues](
 * FEATURE: vmagent: add support for `follow_redirects` option to `scrape_configs` section in the same way as [Prometheus 2.26 does](
 * FEATURE: vmagent: add support for `authorization` section in `-promscrape.config` in the same way as [Prometheus 2.26 does](
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ Released at 2021-04-08
 * FEATURE: publish `arm64` and `amd64` binaries for cluster version of VictoriaMetrics at [releases page](
 * BUGFIX: properly handle `/api/v1/labels` and `/api/v1/label/<label_name>/values` queries on big `start ... end` time range. This should fix big resource usage when VictoriaMetrics is queried with [Promxy]( v0.0.62 or newer versions.
-* BUGFIX: do not break sort order for series returned from `topk*`, `bottomk*` and `outliersk` [MetricsQL]( functions. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: do not break sort order for series returned from `topk*`, `bottomk*` and `outliersk` [MetricsQL]( functions. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: properly work with simple HTTP proxies which don't support `CONNECT` method. For example, [PushProx]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: properly discover targets if multiple namespace selectors are put inside `kubernetes_sd_config`. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: vmagent: properly discover `role: endpoints` and `role: endpointslices` targets in `kubernetes_sd_config`. See [this issue](
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ Released at 2021-03-29
 Released at 2021-03-17
-* FEATURE: add the following functions to [MetricsQL](
+* FEATURE: add the following functions to [MetricsQL](
   * `histogram_avg(buckets)` - returns the average value for the given buckets.
   * `histogram_stdvar(buckets)` - returns standard variance for the given buckets.
   * `histogram_stddev(buckets)` - returns standard deviation for the given buckets.
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ Released at 2021-03-03
 Released at 2021-03-02
-* FEATURE: add `sign(q)` and `clamp(q, min, max)` functions, which are planned to be added in [the upcoming Prometheus release]( . The `last_over_time(m[d])` function is already supported in [MetricsQL](
+* FEATURE: add `sign(q)` and `clamp(q, min, max)` functions, which are planned to be added in [the upcoming Prometheus release]( . The `last_over_time(m[d])` function is already supported in [MetricsQL](
 * FEATURE: vmagent: add `scrape_align_interval` config option, which can be used for aligning scrapes to the beginning of the configured interval. See [these docs]( for details.
 * FEATURE: expose io-related metrics at `/metrics` page for every VictoriaMetrics component:
   * `process_io_read_bytes_total` - the number of bytes read via io syscalls such as read and pread
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ Released at 2021-03-02
 * FEATURE: vmagent: export `vm_promscrape_target_relabel_duration_seconds` metric, which can be used for monitoring the time spend on relabeling for discovered targets.
 * FEATURE: vmagent: optimize [relabeling]( performance for common cases.
 * FEATURE: add `increase_pure(m[d])` function to MetricsQL. It works the same as `increase(m[d])` except of various edge cases. See [this issue]( for details.
-* FEATURE: increase accuracy for `buckets_limit(limit, buckets)` results for small `limit` values. See [MetricsQL docs]( for details.
+* FEATURE: increase accuracy for `buckets_limit(limit, buckets)` results for small `limit` values. See [MetricsQL docs]( for details.
 * FEATURE: vmagent: initial support for Windows build with `CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows go build ./app/vmagent`. See [this]( and [this issue](
 * FEATURE: vmagent: support WebIdentityToken auth in EC2 service discovery. See [this issue]( for details.
 * FEATURE: vmalert: properly process query params in `-datasource.url` and `-remoteRead.url` command-line flags. See [this issue]( for details.
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ Released at 2021-01-13
 * FEATURE: provide a sample list of alerting rules for VictoriaMetrics components. It is available [here](
 * FEATURE: disable final merge for data for the previous month at the beginning of new month, since it may result in high disk IO and CPU usage. Final merge can be enabled by setting `-finalMergeDelay` command-line flag to positive duration.
-* FEATURE: add `tfirst_over_time(m[d])` and `tlast_over_time(m[d])` functions to [MetricsQL]( for returning timestamps for the first and the last data point in `m` over `d` duration.
+* FEATURE: add `tfirst_over_time(m[d])` and `tlast_over_time(m[d])` functions to [MetricsQL]( for returning timestamps for the first and the last data point in `m` over `d` duration.
 * FEATURE: add ability to pass multiple labels to `sort_by_label()` and `sort_by_label_desc()` functions. See <> .
 * FEATURE: enforce at least TLS v1.2 when accepting HTTPS requests if `-tls`, `-tlsCertFile` and `-tlsKeyFile` command-line flags are set, because older TLS protocols such as v1.0 and v1.1 have been deprecated due to security vulnerabilities.
 * FEATURE: support `extra_label` query arg for all HTTP-based [data ingestion protocols]( This query arg can be used for specifying extra labels which should be added for the ingested data.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 49153381b3..472a572d7e 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ aliases:
 Released at 2022-12-20
-**Update note 1:** This and newer releases of VictoriaMetrics may return gaps for `rate(m[d])` queries on short time ranges if `[d]` lookbehind window is set expliticly. For example, `rate(http_requests_total[$__interval])`. This reduces confusion level when the user expects the needed results from the query with explicitly set lookbehind window. See [this issue]( The previous gap filling behaviour can be restored by removing explicit lookbehind window `[d]` from the query, e.g. by substituting the `rate(m[d])` with `rate(m)`. See [these docs]( for details.
+**Update note 1:** This and newer releases of VictoriaMetrics may return gaps for `rate(m[d])` queries on short time ranges if `[d]` lookbehind window is set expliticly. For example, `rate(http_requests_total[$__interval])`. This reduces confusion level when the user expects the needed results from the query with explicitly set lookbehind window. See [this issue]( The previous gap filling behaviour can be restored by removing explicit lookbehind window `[d]` from the query, e.g. by substituting the `rate(m[d])` with `rate(m)`. See [these docs]( for details.
 * BUGFIX: fix `error when searching for TSIDs by metricIDs in the previous indexdb: EOF` error, which can occur during queries after unclean shutdown of VictoriaMetrics (e.g. via hardware reset, out of memory crash or `kill -9`). The error has been introduced in [v1.85.2]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [VictoriaMetrics enterprise]( expose proper values for `vm_downsampling_partitions_scheduled` and `vm_downsampling_partitions_scheduled_size_bytes` metrics, which were added at [v1.78.0]( See [this feature request](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( never extend explicitly set lookbehind window for [rate()]( function. This reduces the level of confusion when the user expects the needed results after explicitly seting the lookbehind window `[d]` in the query `rate(m[d])`. Previously VictoriaMetrics could silently extend the lookbehind window, so it covers at least two raw samples. Now this behavior works only if the lookbehind window in square brackets isn't set explicitly, e.g. in the case of `rate(m)`. See [this issue]( for details.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( never extend explicitly set lookbehind window for [rate()]( function. This reduces the level of confusion when the user expects the needed results after explicitly seting the lookbehind window `[d]` in the query `rate(m[d])`. Previously VictoriaMetrics could silently extend the lookbehind window, so it covers at least two raw samples. Now this behavior works only if the lookbehind window in square brackets isn't set explicitly, e.g. in the case of `rate(m)`. See [this issue]( for details.
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( respect `-usePromCompatibleNaming` flag if no relabeling or extra labels were set. See [this issue]( for details.
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( fix the wrong legend when queries are hidden. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( fix incorrect time selection after the timezone change. See [this pull request](
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ Released at 2022-12-11
 * FEATURE: [vmctl]( add ability to copy data from sources via Prometheus `remote_read` protocol. See [these docs]( The related issues: [one]( and [two](
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( allow changing timezones for the requested data. See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( provide fast path for hiding results for all the queries except the given one by clicking `eye` icon with `ctrl` key pressed. See [this feature request](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `range_trim_spikes(phi, q)` function for trimming `phi` percent of the largest spikes per each time series returned by `q`. See [these docs](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( allow passing `inf` arg into [limitk](, [topk](, [bottomk]( and other functions, which accept numeric arg, which limits the number of output time series. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `range_trim_spikes(phi, q)` function for trimming `phi` percent of the largest spikes per each time series returned by `q`. See [these docs](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( allow passing `inf` arg into [limitk](, [topk](, [bottomk]( and other functions, which accept numeric arg, which limits the number of output time series. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: [vmgateway]( add support for JWT token signature verification. See [these docs]( for details.
 * FEATURE: put the version of VictoriaMetrics in the first message of [query trace]( This should simplify debugging.
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ Released at 2022-11-25
 * FEATURE: add support for [Pushgateway data import format]( via `/api/v1/import/prometheus` url. See [these docs]( and [this issue]( Thanks to @PerGon for [the intial implementation](
 * FEATURE: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( add `http://<vmselect>:8481/admin/tenants` API endpoint for returning a list of registered tenants. See [these docs]( for details.
 * FEATURE: [VictoriaMetrics enterprise]( add `-storageNode.filter` command-line flag for filtering the [discovered vmstorage nodes]( with arbitrary regular expressions. See [this feature request](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( allow using numeric values with `K`, `Ki`, `M`, `Mi`, `G`, `Gi`, `T` and `Ti` suffixes inside MetricsQL queries. For example `8Ki` equals to `8*1024`, while `8.2M` equals to `8.2*1000*1000`.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [range_normalize]( function for normalizing multiple time series into `[0...1]` value range. This function is useful for correlation analysis of time series with distinct value ranges. See [this issue](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [range_linear_regression]( function for calculating [simple linear regression]( over the input time series on the selected time range. This function is useful for predictions and capacity planning. For example, `range_linear_regression(process_resident_memory_bytes)` can predict future memory usage based on the past memory usage.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [range_stddev]( and [range_stdvar]( functions.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( optimize `expr1 op expr2` query when `expr1` returns an empty result. In this case there is no sense in executing `expr2` for `op` not equal to `or`, since the end result will be empty according to [PromQL series matching rules]( See [this issue]( Thanks to @jianglinjian for pointing to this case.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( allow using numeric values with `K`, `Ki`, `M`, `Mi`, `G`, `Gi`, `T` and `Ti` suffixes inside MetricsQL queries. For example `8Ki` equals to `8*1024`, while `8.2M` equals to `8.2*1000*1000`.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [range_normalize]( function for normalizing multiple time series into `[0...1]` value range. This function is useful for correlation analysis of time series with distinct value ranges. See [this issue](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [range_linear_regression]( function for calculating [simple linear regression]( over the input time series on the selected time range. This function is useful for predictions and capacity planning. For example, `range_linear_regression(process_resident_memory_bytes)` can predict future memory usage based on the past memory usage.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [range_stddev]( and [range_stdvar]( functions.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( optimize `expr1 op expr2` query when `expr1` returns an empty result. In this case there is no sense in executing `expr2` for `op` not equal to `or`, since the end result will be empty according to [PromQL series matching rules]( See [this issue]( Thanks to @jianglinjian for pointing to this case.
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( add the ability to upload/paste JSON to investigate the trace. See [this issue]( and [this pull request](
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( reduce JS bundle size from 200Kb to 100Kb. See [this pull request](
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( add the ability to hide results of a particular query by clicking the `eye` icon. See [this pull request](
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Released at 2022-11-25
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( add default alert list for vmalert's metrics. See [alerts-vmalert.yml](
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( expose `vmagent_relabel_config_*`, `vm_relabel_config_*` and `vm_promscrape_config_*` metrics for tracking relabel and scrape configuration hot-reloads. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly return an empty result from [limit_offset]( if the `offset` arg exceeds the number of inner time series. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly return an empty result from [limit_offset]( if the `offset` arg exceeds the number of inner time series. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly discover GCE zones when `filter` option is set at [gce_sd_configs]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( properly display the requested graph on the requested time range when navigating from Prometheus URL in Grafana.
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( properly display wide tables. See [this issue](
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ Released at 2022-10-29
 * FEATURE: improve the performance of [/api/v1/series]( endpoint by eliminating loading of unused `TSID` data during the API call.
 * FEATURE: [vmbackupmanager]( add functionality for automated restore from backup. See [these docs](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly merge buckets with identical `le` values, but with different string representation of these values when calculating [histogram_quantile]( and [histogram_share]( For example, `http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="5"}` and `http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{le="5.0"}`. Such buckets may be returned from distinct targets. Thanks to @647-coder for the [pull request](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly merge buckets with identical `le` values, but with different string representation of these values when calculating [histogram_quantile]( and [histogram_share]( For example, `http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="5"}` and `http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{le="5.0"}`. Such buckets may be returned from distinct targets. Thanks to @647-coder for the [pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( change severity level for log messages about failed attempts for sending data to remote storage from `error` to `warn`. The message for about all failed send attempts remains at `error` severity level.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( fix panic if `vmalert` runs with `-clusterMode` command-line flag in [multitenant mode]( The issue has been introduced in [v1.82.0](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( properly escape string passed to `quotesEscape` [template function](, so it can be safely embedded into JSON string. This makes obsolete the `crlfEscape` function. See [this]( and [this]( issue.
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ Released at 2022-10-14
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( fix integration with Grafana via `-vmalert.proxyURL`, which has been broken in [v1.82.0]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmbackup]( set default region to `us-east-1` if `AWS_REGION` environment variable isn't set. The issue was introduced in [vmbackup v1.82.0]( See [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmbackupmanager]( fix deletion of old backups at [Azure blob storage](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly apply regex filters when searching for time series. Previously unexpected time series could be returned from regex filter. See [this issue]( The issue was introduced in [v1.82.0](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly apply regex filters when searching for time series. Previously unexpected time series could be returned from regex filter. See [this issue]( The issue was introduced in [v1.82.0](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly apply `if` section with regex filters. Previously unexpected metrics could be returned from `if` section. The issue was introduced in [v1.82.0](
 ## [v1.82.0](
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ See [these docs](
 * FEATURE: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( support specifying tenant ids via `vm_account_id` and `vm_project_id` labels. See [these docs]( and [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( improve [relabeling]( performance by up to 3x for non-trivial `regex` values such as `([^:]+):.+`, which can be used for extracting a `host` part from `host:port` label value.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( improve performance by up to 4x for queries containing non-trivial `regex` filters such as `{path=~"/foo/.+|/bar"}`.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( improve performance by up to 4x for queries containing non-trivial `regex` filters such as `{path=~"/foo/.+|/bar"}`.
 * FEATURE: improve performance scalability on systems with many CPU cores for [/federate]( and [/api/v1/export/...]( endpoints.
 * FEATURE: sanitize metric names for data ingested via [DataDog protocol]( according to [DataDog metric naming]( The behaviour can be disabled by passing `-datadog.sanitizeMetricName=false` command-line flag. Thanks to @PerGon for [the pull request](
 * FEATURE: add `-usePromCompatibleNaming` command-line flag to [vmagent](, to single-node VictoriaMetrics and to `vminsert` component of VictoriaMetrics cluster. This flag can be used for normalizing the ingested metric names and label names to [Prometheus-compatible form]( If this flag is set, then all the chars unsupported by Prometheus are replaced with `_` chars in metric names and labels of the ingested samples. See [this feature request](
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ See [these docs](
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( allow using `{{$labels}}` for templating in command-line flag `-external.alert.source`. The change supposed to provide additional flexibility for generating alert's source link based on labels values.
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( add `vm_account_id` and `vm_project_id` labels to results of alerting and recording rules if `-clusterMode` is enabled. This improves [multitenant support in vmalert](
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( minimize the time needed for reading large responses from scrape targets in [stream parsing mode]( This should reduce scrape durations for such targets as [kube-state-metrics]( running in a big Kubernetes cluster.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [sort_by_label_numeric]( and [sort_by_label_numeric_desc]( functions for [numeric sort]( of input time series by the specified labels. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [sort_by_label_numeric]( and [sort_by_label_numeric_desc]( functions for [numeric sort]( of input time series by the specified labels. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: [vmbackup]( and [vmrestore]( retry GCS operations for up to 3 minutes on temporary failures. See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: [vmbackup]( add support for saving / restoring backups to / from [Azure blob storage]( See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: [vmbackupmanager]( expose `vm_backup_in_flight` metric, which can be used for determining which backup types - latest, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly - are currently executed.
@@ -295,16 +295,16 @@ See [these docs](
 * BUGFIX: [vmauth]( properly handle request paths ending with `/` such as `/vmui/`. Previously `vmui` was dropping the traling `/`, which could prevent from using `vmui` via `vmauth`. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly encode query params for aws signed requests, use `%20` instead of `+` as api requires. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly parse relabel config when regex ending with escaped `$`. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate `rate_over_sum(m[d])` as `sum_over_time(m[d])/d`. Previously the `sum_over_time(m[d])` could be improperly divided by smaller than `d` time range. See [rate_over_sum() docs]( and [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate `increase(m[d])` over slow-changing counters with values smaller than 100. Previously [increase]( could return unexpectedly big results in this case. See [the related issue]( and [this pull request](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( ignore empty series when applying [limit_offset]( It should improve queries with additional filters by value in expressions like `limit_offset(1,1, foo > 1)`.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate [quantiles_over_time]( when the lookbehind window contains only a single sample. Previously an empty result was incorrectly returned in this case.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate `rate_over_sum(m[d])` as `sum_over_time(m[d])/d`. Previously the `sum_over_time(m[d])` could be improperly divided by smaller than `d` time range. See [rate_over_sum() docs]( and [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate `increase(m[d])` over slow-changing counters with values smaller than 100. Previously [increase]( could return unexpectedly big results in this case. See [the related issue]( and [this pull request](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( ignore empty series when applying [limit_offset]( It should improve queries with additional filters by value in expressions like `limit_offset(1,1, foo > 1)`.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate [quantiles_over_time]( when the lookbehind window contains only a single sample. Previously an empty result was incorrectly returned in this case.
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( fix `RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded` error when the query returns too many data points at `Table` view. See [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( fix workaround for adding more queries via URL. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( re-evaluate annotations per each alert evaluation. Previously, annotations were evaluated only on alert's value change. This could result in stale annotations in some cases described in [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: prevent from excessive CPU usage when the storage enters [read-only mode]( The previous fix in [v1.81.0]( wasn't complete.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( change default value for command-line flag `-datasource.queryStep` from `0s` to `5m`. Param `step` is added by vmalert to every rule evaluation request sent to datasource. Before this change, `step` was equal to group's evaluation interval by default. Param `step` for instant queries defines how far VM can look back for the last written data point. The change supposed to improve reliability of the rules evaluation when evaluation interval is lower than scraping interval.
-* BUGFIX: properly calculate `vm_rows_scanned_per_query` histogram exported at `/metrics` page of `vmselect` and single-node VictoriaMetrics. Previously it could return misleadingly high numbers for [rollup functions](, which scan only a few samples on the provided lookbehind window in square brackets. For example, `increase(m[1d])` always scans only 2 rows (aka `raw samples`) per each returned time series.
+* BUGFIX: properly calculate `vm_rows_scanned_per_query` histogram exported at `/metrics` page of `vmselect` and single-node VictoriaMetrics. Previously it could return misleadingly high numbers for [rollup functions](, which scan only a few samples on the provided lookbehind window in square brackets. For example, `increase(m[1d])` always scans only 2 rows (aka `raw samples`) per each returned time series.
 ## [v1.81.2](
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ Released at 2022-09-02
 **It isn't recommended to use VictoriaMetrics cluster v1.81.1 because of [the bug](, which may result in incorrect query results. Upgrade to [v1.81.2]( instead.**
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( evaluate `q1`, ..., `qN` in parallel when calculating `union(q1, .., qN)`. Previously [union]( args were evaluated sequentially. This could result in lower than expected performance.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( evaluate `q1`, ..., `qN` in parallel when calculating `union(q1, .., qN)`. Previously [union]( args were evaluated sequentially. This could result in lower than expected performance.
 * BUGFIX: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( fix potential panic at `vmselect` under high load, which has been introduced in [v1.81.0]( See [this issue](
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ Released at 2022-08-31
 * SECURITY: upgrade base docker image (alpine) from 3.16.1 to 3.16.2. See [alpine 3.16.2 release notes](
 * FEATURE: return shorter error messages to Grafana and to other clients requesting [/api/v1/query]( and [/api/v1/query_range]( endpoints. This should simplify reading these errors by humans. The long error message with full context is still written to logs.
-* FEATURE: add the ability to fine-tune the number of points, which can be generated per each matching time series during [subquery]( evaluation. This can be done with the `-search.maxPointsSubqueryPerTimeseries` command-line flag. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: add the ability to fine-tune the number of points, which can be generated per each matching time series during [subquery]( evaluation. This can be done with the `-search.maxPointsSubqueryPerTimeseries` command-line flag. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( improve the performance for relabeling rules with commonly used regular expressions in `regex` and `if` fields such as `some_string`, `prefix.*`, `prefix.+`, `foo|bar|baz`, `.*foo.*` and `.+foo.+`.
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( reduce CPU usage when discovering big number of [Kubernetes targets]( with big number of labels and annotations.
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( add ability to accept [multitenant]( data via OpenTSDB `/api/put` protocol at `/insert/<tenantID>/opentsdb/api/put` http endpoint if [multitenant support]( is enabled at `vmagent`. Thanks to @chengjianyun for [the pull request](
@@ -359,14 +359,14 @@ Released at 2022-08-31
 * BUGFIX: prevent from excess CPU usage when the storage enters [read-only mode](
 * BUGFIX: improve performance for requests to [/api/v1/labels]( and [/api/v1/label/.../values]( when the filter in the `match[]` query arg matches small number of time series. The performance for this case has been reduced in [v1.78.0]( See [this]( and [this]( issues.
 * BUGFIX: increase the default limit on the number of concurrent merges for small parts from 8 to 16. This should help resolving potential issues with heavy data ingestion. See [this comment]( from @lukepalmer .
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( fix panic when incorrect arg is passed as `phi` into [histogram_quantiles]( function. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( fix panic when incorrect arg is passed as `phi` into [histogram_quantiles]( function. See [this issue](
 ## [v1.80.0](
 Released at 2022-08-08
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( allow configuring additional HTTP request headers for `-datasource.url`, `-remoteWrite.url` and `-remoteRead.url` via `-datasource.headers`, `-remoteWrite.headers` and `-remoteRead.headers` command-line flags. Additional HTTP request headers also can be set on group level via `headers` param - see [these docs]( and [this issue](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( execute left and right sides of certain operations in parallel. For example, `q1 or q2`, `aggr_func(q1) <op> q2`, `q1 <op> aggr_func(q1)`. This may improve query performance if VictoriaMetrics has enough free resources for parallel processing of both sides of the operation. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( execute left and right sides of certain operations in parallel. For example, `q1 or q2`, `aggr_func(q1) <op> q2`, `q1 <op> aggr_func(q1)`. This may improve query performance if VictoriaMetrics has enough free resources for parallel processing of both sides of the operation. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: [vmauth]( allow multiple sections with duplicate `username` but with different `password` values at `-auth.config` file.
 * FEATURE: add ability to push internal metrics (e.g. metrics exposed at `/metrics` page) to the configured remote storage from all the VictoriaMetrics components. See [these docs](
 * FEATURE: improve performance for heavy queries over big number of time series on systems with big number of CPU cores. See [this issue]( Thanks to @zqyzyq for [the idea](
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ Released at 2022-08-08
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( restart all the scrape jobs during [config reload]( after `global` section is changed inside `-promscrape.config`. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly assume role with AWS ECS credentials. See [this issue]( Thanks to @transacid for [the fix](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( do not split regex in [relabeling rules]( into multiple lines if it contains groups. This fixes [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( return series from `q1` if `q2` doesn't return matching time series in the query `q1 ifnot q2`. Previously series from `q1` weren't returned in this case.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( return series from `q1` if `q2` doesn't return matching time series in the query `q1 ifnot q2`. Previously series from `q1` weren't returned in this case.
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( properly show date picker at `Table` tab. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: properly generate http redirects if `-http.pathPrefix` command-line flag is set. See [this issue](
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ The v1.79.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.79.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( [dockerswarm_sd_configs]( apply `filters` only to objects of the specified `role`. Previously filters were applied to all the objects, which could cause errors when different types of objects were used with filters that were not compatible with them. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( suppress all the scrape errors when `-promscrape.suppressScrapeErrors` is enabled. Previously some scrape errors were logged even if `-promscrape.suppressScrapeErrors` flag was set.
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( consistently put the scrape url with scrape target labels to all error logs for failed scrapes. Previously some failed scrapes were logged without this information.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly parse `M` and `Mi` suffixes as `1e6` multipliers in `1M` and `1Mi` numeric constants. See [this issue]( The issue has been introduced in [v1.79.7](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly parse `M` and `Mi` suffixes as `1e6` multipliers in `1M` and `1Mi` numeric constants. See [this issue]( The issue has been introduced in [v1.79.7](
 ## [v1.79.7](
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ Released at 2023-01-10
 The v1.79.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.79.0]( release**
 * BUGFIX: properly parse floating-point numbers without integer or fractional parts such as `.123` and `20.` during [data import]( See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly parse durations with uppercase suffixes such as `10S`, `5MS`, `1W`, etc. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly parse durations with uppercase suffixes such as `10S`, `5MS`, `1W`, etc. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( [dockerswarm_sd_configs]( properly encode `filters` field. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: allow specifying values bigger than 2GiB to the following command-line flag values on 32-bit architectures (`386` and `arm`): `-storage.minFreeDiskSpaceBytes` and `-remoteWrite.maxDiskUsagePerURL`. Previously values bigger than 2GiB were incorrectly truncated on these architectures.
 * BUGFIX: [VictoriaMetrics enterprise]( expose proper values for `vm_downsampling_partitions_scheduled` and `vm_downsampling_partitions_scheduled_size_bytes` metrics, which were added at [v1.78.0]( See [this feature request](
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ The v1.79.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.79.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly discover GCE zones when `filter` option is set at [gce_sd_configs]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( properly specify rule evaluation step during the [replay mode]( The `step` value was previously overriden by `-datasource.queryStep` command-line flag.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( properly return the error message from remote-write failures. Before, error was ignored and only `vmalert_remotewrite_errors_total` was incremented.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly return an empty result from [limit_offset]( if the `offset` arg exceeds the number of inner time series. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly return an empty result from [limit_offset]( if the `offset` arg exceeds the number of inner time series. See [this issue](
 ## [v1.79.5](
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ The v1.79.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.79.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: properly register new time series in per-day inverted index if they were ingested during the last 10 seconds of the day. See [this issue]( Thanks to @lmarszal for the bugreport and for the [initial fix](
 * BUGFIX: properly accept [OpenTSDB telnet put lines]( without tags without the need to specify the trailing whitespace. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly merge buckets with identical `le` values, but with different string representation of these values when calculating [histogram_quantile]( and [histogram_share]( For example, `http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="5"}` and `http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{le="5.0"}`. Such buckets may be returned from distinct targets. Thanks to @647-coder for the [pull request](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly merge buckets with identical `le` values, but with different string representation of these values when calculating [histogram_quantile]( and [histogram_share]( For example, `http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="5"}` and `http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket{le="5.0"}`. Such buckets may be returned from distinct targets. Thanks to @647-coder for the [pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( change severity level for log messages about failed attempts for sending data to remote storage from `error` to `warn`. The message for about all failed send attempts remains at `error` severity level.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( properly escape string passed to `quotesEscape` [template function](, so it can be safely embedded into JSON string. This makes obsolete the `crlfEscape` function. See [this]( and [this]( issue.
 * BUGFIX: `vmselect`: expose missing metric `vm_cache_size_max_bytes{type="promql/rollupResult"}` . This metric is used for monitoring rollup cache usage with the query `vm_cache_size_bytes{type="promql/rollupResult"} / vm_cache_size_max_bytes{type="promql/rollupResult"}` in the same way as this is done for other cache types.
@@ -540,15 +540,15 @@ The v1.79.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.79.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: do not export stale metrics via [/federate api]( after the staleness markers. Previously such metrics were exported with `NaN` values. this could break some setups. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmauth]( properly handle request paths ending with `/` such as `/vmui/`. Previously `vmui` was dropping the traling `/`, which could prevent from using `vmui` via `vmauth`. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly encode query params for aws signed requests, use `%20` instead of `+` as api requires. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate `rate_over_sum(m[d])` as `sum_over_time(m[d])/d`. Previously the `sum_over_time(m[d])` could be improperly divided by smaller than `d` time range. See [rate_over_sum() docs]( and [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate `increase(m[d])` over slow-changing counters with values smaller than 100. Previously [increase]( could return unexpectedly big results in this case. See [the related issue]( and [this pull request](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( ignore empty series when applying [limit_offset]( It should improve queries with additional filters by value in expressions like `limit_offset(1,1, foo > 1)`.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate [quantiles_over_time]( when the lookbehind window contains only a single sample. Previously an empty result was incorrectly returned in this case.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate `rate_over_sum(m[d])` as `sum_over_time(m[d])/d`. Previously the `sum_over_time(m[d])` could be improperly divided by smaller than `d` time range. See [rate_over_sum() docs]( and [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate `increase(m[d])` over slow-changing counters with values smaller than 100. Previously [increase]( could return unexpectedly big results in this case. See [the related issue]( and [this pull request](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( ignore empty series when applying [limit_offset]( It should improve queries with additional filters by value in expressions like `limit_offset(1,1, foo > 1)`.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate [quantiles_over_time]( when the lookbehind window contains only a single sample. Previously an empty result was incorrectly returned in this case.
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( fix `RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded` error when the query returns too many data points at `Table` view. See [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( re-evaluate annotations per each alert evaluation. Previously, annotations were evaluated only on alert's value change. This could result in stale annotations in some cases described in [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: prevent from excessive CPU usage when the storage enters [read-only mode]( The previous fix in [v1.79.3]( wasn't complete.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( change default value for command-line flag `-datasource.queryStep` from `0s` to `5m`. Param `step` is added by vmalert to every rule evaluation request sent to datasource. Before this change, `step` was equal to group's evaluation interval by default. Param `step` for instant queries defines how far VM can look back for the last written data point. The change supposed to improve reliability of the rules evaluation when evaluation interval is lower than scraping interval.
-* BUGFIX: properly calculate `vm_rows_scanned_per_query` histogram exported at `/metrics` page of `vmselect` and single-node VictoriaMetrics. Previously it could return misleadingly high numbers for [rollup functions](, which scan only a few samples on the provided lookbehind window in square brackets. For example, `increase(m[1d])` always scans only 2 rows (aka `raw samples`) per each returned time series.
+* BUGFIX: properly calculate `vm_rows_scanned_per_query` histogram exported at `/metrics` page of `vmselect` and single-node VictoriaMetrics. Previously it could return misleadingly high numbers for [rollup functions](, which scan only a few samples on the provided lookbehind window in square brackets. For example, `increase(m[1d])` always scans only 2 rows (aka `raw samples`) per each returned time series.
 ## [v1.79.3](
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ The v1.79.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.79.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: prevent from excess CPU usage when the storage enters [read-only mode](
 * BUGFIX: improve performance for requests to [/api/v1/labels]( and [/api/v1/label/.../values]( when the filter in the `match[]` query arg matches small number of time series. The performance for this case has been reduced in [v1.78.0]( See [this]( and [this]( issues.
 * BUGFIX: increase the default limit on the number of concurrent merges for small parts from 8 to 16. This should help resolving potential issues with heavy data ingestion. See [this comment]( from @lukepalmer .
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( fix panic when incorrect arg is passed as `phi` into [histogram_quantiles]( function. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( fix panic when incorrect arg is passed as `phi` into [histogram_quantiles]( function. See [this issue](
 ## [v1.79.2](
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ The v1.79.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.79.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( restart all the scrape jobs during [config reload]( after `global` section is changed inside `-promscrape.config`. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly assume role with AWS ECS credentials. See [this issue]( Thanks to @transacid for [the fix](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( do not split regex in [relabeling rules]( into multiple lines if it contains groups. This fixes [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( return series from `q1` if `q2` doesn't return matching time series in the query `q1 ifnot q2`. Previously series from `q1` weren't returned in this case.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( return series from `q1` if `q2` doesn't return matching time series in the query `q1 ifnot q2`. Previously series from `q1` weren't returned in this case.
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( properly show date picker at `Table` tab. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: properly generate http redirects if `-http.pathPrefix` command-line flag is set. See [this issue](
@@ -637,12 +637,12 @@ scrape_configs:
 * FEATURE: [query tracing]( show timestamps in query traces in human-readable format (aka `RFC3339` in UTC timezone) instead of milliseconds since Unix epoch. For example, `2022-06-27T10:32:54.506Z` instead of `1656325974506`. This improves traces' readability.
 * FEATURE: improve performance of [/api/v1/series]( requests, which return big number of time series.
 * FEATURE: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( improve query performance when [replication is enabled](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( properly handle partial counter resets in [remove_resets]( function. Now `remove_resets(sum(m))` should returns the expected increasing line when some time series matching `m` disappear on the selected time range. Previously such a query would return horizontal line after the disappeared series.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( properly handle partial counter resets in [remove_resets]( function. Now `remove_resets(sum(m))` should returns the expected increasing line when some time series matching `m` disappear on the selected time range. Previously such a query would return horizontal line after the disappeared series.
 * FEATURE: expose `vm_next_retention_seconds` metric at `http://victoriametrics:8428/metrics`, which shows the number of seconds left until the next `indexdb` rotation. Thanks to @guidao for the [pull request](
 * FEATURE: expose additional histogram metrics at `http://victoriametrics:8428/metrics`, which may help understanding query workload:
   * `vm_rows_read_per_query` - the number of raw samples read per query.
-  * `vm_rows_scanned_per_query` - the number of raw samples scanned per query. This number can exceed `vm_rows_read_per_query` if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range]( is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function]( For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same raw samples on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article]( for details.
+  * `vm_rows_scanned_per_query` - the number of raw samples scanned per query. This number can exceed `vm_rows_read_per_query` if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range]( is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function]( For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same raw samples on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article]( for details.
   * `vm_rows_read_per_series` - the number of raw samples read per queried series.
   * `vm_series_read_per_query` - the number of series read per query.
@@ -656,10 +656,10 @@ scrape_configs:
 {{ $labels.__name__ }}: Too high connection number for "{{ $labels.instance }}
-* BUGFIX: limit max memory occupied by the cache, which stores parsed regular expressions. Previously too long regular expressions passed in [MetricsQL queries]( could result in big amounts of used memory (e.g. multiple of gigabytes). Now the max cache size for parsed regexps is limited to a a few megabytes.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle partial counter resets when calculating [rate](, [irate]( and [increase]( functions. Previously these functions could return zero values after partial counter resets until the counter increases to the last value before partial counter reset. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate [histogram_quantile]( over Prometheus buckets with unexpected values. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly evaluate [timezone_offset]( function over time range covering time zone offset switches. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: limit max memory occupied by the cache, which stores parsed regular expressions. Previously too long regular expressions passed in [MetricsQL queries]( could result in big amounts of used memory (e.g. multiple of gigabytes). Now the max cache size for parsed regexps is limited to a a few megabytes.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle partial counter resets when calculating [rate](, [irate]( and [increase]( functions. Previously these functions could return zero values after partial counter resets until the counter increases to the last value before partial counter reset. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate [histogram_quantile]( over Prometheus buckets with unexpected values. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly evaluate [timezone_offset]( function over time range covering time zone offset switches. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly add service-level labels (`__meta_kubernetes_service_*`) to discovered targets for `role: endpointslice` in [kubernetes_sd_config]( Previously these labels were missing. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( make sure that [stale markers]( are generated with the actual timestamp when unsuccessful scrape occurs. This should prevent from possible time series overlap on scrape target restart in dynmaic envirnoments such as Kubernetes.
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly reload changed `-promscrape.config` file when `-promscrape.configCheckInterval` option is set. The changed config file wasn't reloaded in this case since [v1.69.0]( See [this pull request]( Thanks to @ttyv for the fix.
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ Released at 2022-05-21
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( proxy `/rules` requests to vmalert from Grafana's alerting UI. This removes errors in Grafana's UI for Grafana versions older than `8.5.*`. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( do not add `/api/v1/query` suffix to `-datasource.url` if `-remoteRead.disablePathAppend` command-line flag is set. Previously this flag was applied only to `-remoteRead.url`, which could confuse users.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( prevent from possible resource leak on config update, which could lead to the slowdown of `vmalert` over time. See [this pull request](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( do not return values from [label_value()]( function if the original time series has no values at the selected timestamps.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( do not return values from [label_value()]( function if the original time series has no values at the selected timestamps.
 * BUGFIX: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( limit the number of concurrently established connections from vmselect to vmstorage. This should prevent from potentially high spikes in the number of established connections after temporary slowdown in connection handshake procedure between vmselect and vmstorage because of spikes in workload. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmctl]( fix build for Solaris / SmartOS. See [this issue](
@@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ Released at 2022-05-05
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( execute the query when `enter` button is pressed in the same way as Prometheus does. Multi-line query can be entered by pressing `shift-enter` in the query input field.
 * FEATURE: expose `vm_indexdb_items_added_total` and `vm_indexdb_items_added_size_bytes_total` counters at `/metrics` page, which can be used for monitoring the rate for addition of new entries in `indexdb` (aka `inverted index`) alongside the total size in bytes for the added entries. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: [vmctl]( show data pocessing speed during data migration.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `drop_common_labels()` function, which drops common `label="name"` pairs from the passed time series. See [these docs](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `tlast_change_over_time(m[d])` function, which returns the timestamp of the last change of `m` on the given lookbehind window `d`. See [these docs](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `drop_common_labels()` function, which drops common `label="name"` pairs from the passed time series. See [these docs](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `tlast_change_over_time(m[d])` function, which returns the timestamp of the last change of `m` on the given lookbehind window `d`. See [these docs](
 * FEATURE: leave the last raw sample per each `-dedup.minScrapeInterval` discrete interval when the [deduplication]( is enabled. This aligns better with the [staleness rules in Prometheus]( comparing to the previous behaviour when the first sample per each `-dedup.minScrapeInterval` was left.
 * FEATURE: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( add ability to disable peer TLS certificate verification with `-cluster.tlsInsecureSkipVerify` command-line flag. See [mTLS docs]( for details. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: add a handler for `/api/v1/status/buildinfo` endpoint, which is used by Grafana starting from v8.5.0 . See [this pull request](
@@ -798,8 +798,8 @@ Released at 2022-05-05
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( handle non-standard http redirect status codes, which may be returned by scrape targets, in the same way as Prometheus does. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( skip template execution during rules' validation. This should prevent from `error evaluating annotation template` errors when some template functions expect non-empty args. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( fixed truncating alerts expression in table, updated table cell layout. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle joins on time series filtered by values. For example, `kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="cpu"} * on (namespace,pod) group_left() (kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~"Pending|Running"}==1)`. This query could result in `duplicate time series on the right side` error even if `==1` filter leaves only a single time series per `(namespace,pod)` labels. Now such query is properly executed.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle `scalar default vector`, `scalar if vector` and `scalar ifnot vector` queries. Previously such queries could return unexpected results from the `vector` part.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle joins on time series filtered by values. For example, `kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="cpu"} * on (namespace,pod) group_left() (kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~"Pending|Running"}==1)`. This query could result in `duplicate time series on the right side` error even if `==1` filter leaves only a single time series per `(namespace,pod)` labels. Now such query is properly executed.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly handle `scalar default vector`, `scalar if vector` and `scalar ifnot vector` queries. Previously such queries could return unexpected results from the `vector` part.
 * BUGFIX: [Official Grafana dashboards for VictoriaMetrics]( take into account `indexdb` when calculating disk space usage. See [this issue](
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ Released at 2022-04-12
 * BUGFIX: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( properly propagate limits at `-search.max*` command-line flags from `vminsert` to `vmstorage`. The limits are `-search.maxUniqueTimeseries`, `-search.maxSeries`, `-search.maxFederateSeries`, `-search.maxExportSeries`, `-search.maxGraphiteSeries` and `-search.maxTSDBStatusSeries`. They weren't propagated to `vmstorage` because of the bug. These limits were introduced in [v1.76.0]( See [this bug](
 * BUGFIX: fix goroutine leak and possible deadlock when importing invalid data via [native binary format]( See [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [Graphite Render API]( properly calculate [hitCount]( function. Previously it could return empty results if there were no original samples in some parts of the selected time range.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( allow overriding built-in function names inside [WITH templates]( For example, `WITH (sum(a,b) = a + b + 1) sum(x,y)` now expands into `x + y + 1`. Previously such a query would fail with `cannot use reserved name` error. See [this bugreport](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( allow overriding built-in function names inside [WITH templates]( For example, `WITH (sum(a,b) = a + b + 1) sum(x,y)` now expands into `x + y + 1`. Previously such a query would fail with `cannot use reserved name` error. See [this bugreport](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( properly display values greater than 1000 on Y axis. See [this issue](
@@ -939,12 +939,12 @@ Released at 2022-02-14
 * FEATURE: reduce CPU and disk IO usage during `indexdb` rotation once per `-retentionPeriod`. See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( add `-dropSamplesOnOverload` command-line flag for `vminsert`. If this flag is set, then `vminsert` drops incoming data if the destination `vmstorage` is temporarily unavailable or cannot keep up with the ingestion rate. The number of dropped rows can be [monitored]( via `vm_rpc_rows_dropped_on_overload_total` metric at `vminsert`.
 * FEATURE: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( improve re-routing logic, so it re-routes incoming data more evenly if some of `vmstorage` nodes are temporarily unavailable and/or accept data at slower rate than other `vmstorage` nodes. Also significantly reduce possible re-routing storm when `vminsert` runs with `-disableRerouting=false` command-line flag. This should help the following issues: [one](, [two](, [three](, [four](, [five](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( cover more cases with the [label filters' propagation optimization]( This should improve the average performance for practical queries. The following cases are additionally covered:
-  * Multi-level [transform functions]( For example, `abs(round(foo{a="b"})) + bar{x="y"}` is now optimized to `abs(round(foo{a="b",x="y"})) + bar{a="b",x="y"}`
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( cover more cases with the [label filters' propagation optimization]( This should improve the average performance for practical queries. The following cases are additionally covered:
+  * Multi-level [transform functions]( For example, `abs(round(foo{a="b"})) + bar{x="y"}` is now optimized to `abs(round(foo{a="b",x="y"})) + bar{a="b",x="y"}`
   * Binary operations with `on()`, `without()`, `group_left()` and `group_right()` modifiers. For example, `foo{a="b"} on (a) + bar` is now optimized to `foo{a="b"} on (a) + bar{a="b"}`
   * Multi-level binary operations. For example, `foo{a="b"} + bar{x="y"} + baz{z="q"}` is now optimized to `foo{a="b",x="y",z="q"} + bar{a="b",x="y",z="q"} + baz{a="b",x="y",z="q"}`
   * Aggregate functions. For example, `sum(foo{a="b"}) by (c) + bar{c="d"}` is now optimized to `sum(foo{a="b",c="d"}) by (c) + bar{c="d"}`
-* FEATURE [MetricsQL]( optimize joining with `*_info` labels. For example: `kube_pod_created{namespace="prod"} * on (uid) group_left(node) kube_pod_info` now automatically adds the needed filters on `uid` label to `kube_pod_info` before selecting series for the right side of `*` operation. This may save CPU, RAM and disk IO resources. See [this article]( for details on `*_info` labels. See [this issue](
+* FEATURE [MetricsQL]( optimize joining with `*_info` labels. For example: `kube_pod_created{namespace="prod"} * on (uid) group_left(node) kube_pod_info` now automatically adds the needed filters on `uid` label to `kube_pod_info` before selecting series for the right side of `*` operation. This may save CPU, RAM and disk IO resources. See [this article]( for details on `*_info` labels. See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: all: improve performance for arm64 builds of VictoriaMetrics components by up to 15%. See [this pull request](
 * FEATURE: all: expose `process_cpu_cores_available` metric, which shows the number of CPU cores available to the app. The number can be fractional if the corresponding cgroup limit is set to a fractional value. This metric is useful for alerting on CPU saturation. For example, the following query alerts when the app uses more than 90% of CPU during the last 5 minutes: `rate(process_cpu_seconds_total[5m]) / process_cpu_cores_available > 0.9` . See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( add ability to configure notifiers (e.g. alertmanager) via a file in the way similar to Prometheus. See [these docs](, [this pull request](
@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ Released at 2022-02-14
 * FEATURE: vmagent: support Prometheus-like durations in `-promscrape.config`. See [this comment](
 * FEATURE: automatically re-read `-tlsCertFile` and `-tlsKeyFile` files, so their contents can be updated without the need to restart VictoriaMetrics apps. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: calculate [absent_over_time()]( in the same way as Prometheus does. Previously it could return multiple time series instead of at most one time series like Prometheus does. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: calculate [absent_over_time()]( in the same way as Prometheus does. Previously it could return multiple time series instead of at most one time series like Prometheus does. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: return proper results from `highestMax()` function at [Graphite render API]( Previously it was incorrectly returning timeseries with min peaks instead of max peaks.
 * BUGFIX: properly limit indexdb cache sizes. Previously they could exceed values set via `-memory.allowedPercent` and/or `-memory.allowedBytes` when `indexdb` contained many data parts. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( fix a bug, which could break time range picker when editing `From` or `To` input fields. See [this issue](
@@ -974,10 +974,10 @@ Released at 2022-02-14
 Released at 2022-01-18
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add support for `@` modifier, which is enabled by default in Prometheus starting from [Prometheus v2.33.0]( See [these docs]( and [this feature request]( VictoriaMetrics extends `@` modifier with the following additional features:
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add support for `@` modifier, which is enabled by default in Prometheus starting from [Prometheus v2.33.0]( See [these docs]( and [this feature request]( VictoriaMetrics extends `@` modifier with the following additional features:
   * It can contain arbitrary expression. For example, `foo @ (end() - 1h)` would return `foo` value at `end - 1 hour` timestamp on the selected time range `[start ... end]`. Another example: `foo @ (now() - 10m)` would return `foo` value 10 minutes ago from the current time.
   * It can be put everywhere in the query. For example, `sum(foo) @ start()` would calculate `sum(foo)` at `start` timestamp on the selected time range `[start ... end]`.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add support for optional `keep_metric_names` modifier, which can be applied to all the [rollup functions]( and [transform functions]( This modifier prevents from deleting metric names from function results. For example, `rate({__name__=~"foo|bar"}[5m]) keep_metric_names` leaves `foo` and `bar` metric names in `rate()` results. This feature provides an additional workaround for [this issue](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add support for optional `keep_metric_names` modifier, which can be applied to all the [rollup functions]( and [transform functions]( This modifier prevents from deleting metric names from function results. For example, `rate({__name__=~"foo|bar"}[5m]) keep_metric_names` leaves `foo` and `bar` metric names in `rate()` results. This feature provides an additional workaround for [this issue](
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( add support for Kubernetes service discovery in the current namespace in the same way as [Prometheus does]( For example, the following config limits pod discovery to the namespace where vmagent runs:
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ Released at 2022-01-18
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( expose `vmalert_remotewrite_total` metric at `/metrics` page. This makes possible calculating SLOs for error rate during writing recording rules and alert state to `-remoteWrite.url` with the query `vmalert_remotewrite_errors_total / vmalert_remotewrite_total`. See [this issue]( Thanks to @afoninsky .
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( add `stripPort` template function in the same way as [Prometheus does](
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( add `parseDuration` template function in the same way as [Prometheus does](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `stale_samples_over_time(m[d])` function for calculating the number of [staleness marks]( for time series `m` over the duration `d`. This function may be useful for detecting flapping metrics at scrape targets, which periodically disappear and then appear again.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `stale_samples_over_time(m[d])` function for calculating the number of [staleness marks]( for time series `m` over the duration `d`. This function may be useful for detecting flapping metrics at scrape targets, which periodically disappear and then appear again.
 * FEATURE: [vmgateway]( add support for `extra_filters` option. See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( improve UX according to [this feature request]( Thanks to @Loori-R .
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( limit the number of requests sent to VictoriaMetrics during zooming / scrolling. See [this issue](
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 3ee06fa083..f289f25731 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Released at 2023-12-13
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( export `vm_promscrape_scrape_pool_targets` [metric]( to track the number of targets each scrape job discovers. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( provide `/vmalert/api/v1/rule` and `/api/v1/rule` API endpoints to get the rule object in JSON format. See [these docs]( for details.
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( deprecate process gauge metrics `vmalert_alerting_rules_error` and `vmalert_recording_rules_error` in favour of `vmalert_alerting_rules_errors_total` and `vmalert_recording_rules_errors_total` counter metrics. [Counter]( metric type is more suitable for error counting as it preserves the state change between the scrapes. See [this issue]( for details.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [day_of_year()]( function, which returns the day of the year for each of the given unix timestamps. See [this issue]( for details. Thanks to @luckyxiaoqiang for the [pull request](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [day_of_year()]( function, which returns the day of the year for each of the given unix timestamps. See [this issue]( for details. Thanks to @luckyxiaoqiang for the [pull request](
 * FEATURE: all VictoriaMetrics binaries: expose additional metrics at `/metrics` page, which may simplify debugging of VictoriaMetrics components (see [this feature request](
   * `go_sched_latencies_seconds` - the [histogram](, which shows the time goroutines have spent in runnable state before actually running. Big values point to the lack of CPU time for the current workload.
   * `go_mutex_wait_seconds_total` - the [counter](, which shows the total time spent by goroutines waiting for locked mutex. Big values point to mutex contention issues.
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Released at 2023-12-13
 * FEATURE: [Alerting rules for VictoriaMetrics]( ease aggregation for certain alerting rules to keep more useful labels for the context. Before, all extra labels except `job` and `instance` were ignored. See this [pull request]( and this [follow-up commit]( Thanks to @7840vz.
 * FEATURE: [vmctl]( allow reversing the migrating order from the newest to the oldest data for [vm-native]( and [remote-read]( modes via `--vm-native-filter-time-reverse` and `--remote-read-filter-time-reverse` command-line flags respectively. See: and [this feature request](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate values for the first point on the graph for queries, which do not use [rollup functions]( For example, previously `count(up)` could return lower than expected values for the first point on the graph. This also could result in lower than expected values in the middle of the graph like in [this issue]( when the response caching isn't disabled. The issue has been introduced in [v1.95.0](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly calculate values for the first point on the graph for queries, which do not use [rollup functions]( For example, previously `count(up)` could return lower than expected values for the first point on the graph. This also could result in lower than expected values in the middle of the graph like in [this issue]( when the response caching isn't disabled. The issue has been introduced in [v1.95.0](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( prevent from `FATAL: cannot flush metainfo` panic when [`-remoteWrite.multitenantURL`]( command-line flag is set. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly decode zstd-encoded data blocks received via [VictoriaMetrics remote_write protocol]( See [this issue comment](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly add new labels at `output_relabel_configs` during [stream aggregation]( Previously this could lead to corrupted labels in output samples. Thanks to @ChengChung for providing [detailed report for this bug](
@@ -80,25 +80,25 @@ Released at 2023-11-15
 * SECURITY: upgrade Go builder from Go1.21.1 to Go1.21.4. See [the list of issues addressed in Go1.21.2](, [the list of issues addressed in Go1.21.3]( and [the list of issues addressed in Go1.21.4](
-* FEATURE: `vmselect`: improve performance for repeated [instant queries]( if they contain one of the following [rollup functions](
-  - [`avg_over_time`](
-  - [`sum_over_time`](
-  - [`count_eq_over_time`](
-  - [`count_gt_over_time`](
-  - [`count_le_over_time`](
-  - [`count_ne_over_time`](
-  - [`count_over_time`](
-  - [`increase`](
-  - [`max_over_time`](
-  - [`min_over_time`](
-  - [`rate`](
+* FEATURE: `vmselect`: improve performance for repeated [instant queries]( if they contain one of the following [rollup functions](
+  - [`avg_over_time`](
+  - [`sum_over_time`](
+  - [`count_eq_over_time`](
+  - [`count_gt_over_time`](
+  - [`count_le_over_time`](
+  - [`count_ne_over_time`](
+  - [`count_over_time`](
+  - [`increase`](
+  - [`max_over_time`](
+  - [`min_over_time`](
+  - [`rate`](
   The optimization is enabled when these functions contain lookbehind window in square brackets bigger or equal to `6h` (the threshold can be changed via `-search.minWindowForInstantRollupOptimization` command-line flag). The optimization improves performance for SLO/SLI-like queries such as `avg_over_time(up[30d])` or `sum(rate(http_request_errors_total[3d])) / sum(rate(http_requests_total[3d]))`, which can be generated by [sloth]( or similar projects.
 * FEATURE: `vmselect`: improve query performance on systems with big number of CPU cores (`>=32`). Add `-search.maxWorkersPerQuery` command-line flag, which can be used for fine-tuning query performance on systems with big number of CPU cores. See [this pull request](
 * FEATURE: `vmselect`: expose `vm_memory_intensive_queries_total` counter metric which gets increased each time `-search.logQueryMemoryUsage` memory limit is exceeded by a query. This metric should help to identify expensive and heavy queries without inspecting the logs.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [drop_empty_series()]( function, which can be used for filtering out empty series before performing additional calculations as shown in [this issue](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [labels_equal()]( function, which can be used for searching series with identical values for the given labels. See [this feature request](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [`outlier_iqr_over_time(m[d])`]( and [`outliers_iqr(q)`]( functions, which allow detecting anomalies in samples and series using [Interquartile range method](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [drop_empty_series()]( function, which can be used for filtering out empty series before performing additional calculations as shown in [this issue](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [labels_equal()]( function, which can be used for searching series with identical values for the given labels. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [`outlier_iqr_over_time(m[d])`]( and [`outliers_iqr(q)`]( functions, which allow detecting anomalies in samples and series using [Interquartile range method](
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( add `eval_alignment` attribute for [Groups](, it will align group query requests timestamp with interval like `datasource.queryTimeAlignment` did.
   This also means that `datasource.queryTimeAlignment` command-line flag becomes deprecated now and will have no effect if configured. If `datasource.queryTimeAlignment` was set to `false` before, then `eval_alignment` has to be set to `false` explicitly under group.
   See [this issue](
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Released at 2023-11-15
 Released at 2023-10-02
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add support for numbers with underscore delimiters such as `1_234_567_890` and `1.234_567_890`. These numbers are easier to read than `1234567890` and `1.234567890`.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add support for numbers with underscore delimiters such as `1_234_567_890` and `1.234_567_890`. These numbers are easier to read than `1234567890` and `1.234567890`.
 * FEATURE: [vmbackup]( add support for server-side copy of existing backups. See [these docs]( for details.
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( add the option to see the latest 25 queries. See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( add ability to set `member num` label for all the metrics scraped by a particular `vmagent` instance in [a cluster of vmagents]( via `-promscrape.cluster.memberLabel` command-line flag. See [these docs]( and [this issue](
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ Released at 2023-10-02
 * FEATURE: [vmauth]( expose metrics `vmauth_config_last_reload_*` for tracking the state of config reloads, similarly to vmagent/vmalert components.
 * FEATURE: [vmauth]( do not print logs like `SIGHUP received...` once per configured `-configCheckInterval` cmd-line flag. This log will be printed only if config reload was invoked manually. 
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( add `eval_offset` attribute for [Groups]( If specified, Group will be evaluated at the exact time offset on the range of [0...evaluationInterval]. The setting might be useful for cron-like rules which must be evaluated at specific moments of time. See [this issue]( for details.
-* FEATURE: [vmalert]( validate [MetricsQL]( function names in alerting and recording rules when `vmalert` runs with `-dryRun` command-line flag. Previously it was allowed to use unknown (aka invalid) MetricsQL function names there. For example, `foo()` was counted as a valid query. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: [vmalert]( validate [MetricsQL]( function names in alerting and recording rules when `vmalert` runs with `-dryRun` command-line flag. Previously it was allowed to use unknown (aka invalid) MetricsQL function names there. For example, `foo()` was counted as a valid query. See [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: limit the length of string params in log messages to 500 chars. Longer string params are replaced with the `first_250_chars..last_250_chars`. This prevents from too long log lines, which can be emitted by VictoriaMetrics components.
 * FEATURE: [docker compose environment]( add `vmauth` component to cluster's docker-compose example for balancing load among multiple `vmselect` components.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( make sure that `q2` series are returned after `q1` series in the results of `q1 or q2` query, in the same way as Prometheus does. See [this issue](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( return empty result from [`bitmap_and(a, b)`](, [`bitmap_or(a, b)`]( and [`bitmap_xor(a, b)`]( if `a` or `b` have no value at the particular timestamp. Previously `0` was returned in this case. See [this issue](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( make sure that `q2` series are returned after `q1` series in the results of `q1 or q2` query, in the same way as Prometheus does. See [this issue](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( return empty result from [`bitmap_and(a, b)`](, [`bitmap_or(a, b)`]( and [`bitmap_xor(a, b)`]( if `a` or `b` have no value at the particular timestamp. Previously `0` was returned in this case. See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: stop exposing `vm_merge_need_free_disk_space` metric, since it has been appeared that it confuses users while doesn't bring any useful information. See [this comment](
 * BUGFIX: [Official Grafana dashboards for VictoriaMetrics]( fix display of ingested rows rate for `Samples ingested/s` and `Samples rate` panels for vmagent's dasbhoard. Previously, not all ingested protocols were accounted in these panels. An extra panel `Rows rate` was added to `Ingestion` section to display the split for rows ingested rate by protocol.
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Released at 2023-10-02
 * BUGFIX: [vmbackup]( properly copy `appliedRetention.txt` files inside `<-storageDataPath>/{data}` folders during [incremental backups]( Previously the new `appliedRetention.txt` could be skipped during incremental backups, which could lead to increased load on storage after restoring from backup. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( suppress `context canceled` error messages in logs when `vmagent` is reloading service discovery config. This error could appear starting from [v1.93.5]( See [this PR]( 
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( remove concurrency limit during parsing of scraped metrics, which was mistakenly applied to it. With this change cmd-line flag `-maxConcurrentInserts` won't have effect on scraping anymore.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( allow passing [median_over_time]( to [aggr_over_time]( See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( allow passing [median_over_time]( to [aggr_over_time]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vminsert]( fix ingestion via [multitenant url]( for opentsdbhttp. See [this issue]( The bug has been introduced in [v1.93.2](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( fix support of legacy DataDog agent, which adds trailing slashes to urls. See [this issue]( Thanks to @maxb for spotting the issue.
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ The v1.93.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.93.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( fix vmagent ignoring configuration reload for streaming aggregation if it was started with empty streaming aggregation config. Thanks to @aluode99 for the [pull request](
 * BUGFIX: [vmbackup]( properly copy `appliedRetention.txt` files inside `<-storageDataPath>/{data}` folders during [incremental backups]( Previously the new `appliedRetention.txt` could be skipped during incremental backups, which could lead to increased load on storage after restoring from backup. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( suppress `context canceled` error messages in logs when `vmagent` is reloading service discovery config. This error could appear starting from [v1.93.5]( See [this PR](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( allow passing [median_over_time]( to [aggr_over_time]( See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( allow passing [median_over_time]( to [aggr_over_time]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vminsert]( fix ingestion via [multitenant url]( for opentsdbhttp. See [this issue]( The bug has been introduced in [v1.93.2](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( fix support of legacy DataDog agent, which adds trailing slashes to urls. See [this issue]( Thanks to @maxb for spotting the issue.
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ The v1.93.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.93.0](https:
 * SECURITY: upgrade Go builder from Go1.20.6 to Go1.21.0 in order to fix [this issue](
 * SECURITY: upgrade base docker image (Alpine) from 3.18.2 to 3.18.3. See [alpine 3.18.3 release notes](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `share_eq_over_time(m[d], eq)` function for calculating the share (in the range `[0...1]`) of raw samples on the given lookbehind window `d`, which are equal to `eq`. See [this feature request]( Thanks to @Damon07 for the [pull request](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `share_eq_over_time(m[d], eq)` function for calculating the share (in the range `[0...1]`) of raw samples on the given lookbehind window `d`, which are equal to `eq`. See [this feature request]( Thanks to @Damon07 for the [pull request](
 * FEATURE: [vmauth]( allow configuring deadline for a backend to be excluded from the rotation on errors via `-failTimeout` cmd-line flag. This feature could be useful when it is expected for backends to be not available for significant periods of time. See [this issue]( for details. Thanks to @SunKyu for [the pull request](  
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( remove deprecated in [v1.61.0]( `-rule.configCheckInterval` command-line flag. Use `-configCheckInterval` command-line flag instead.
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( remove support of deprecated web links of `/api/v1/<groupID>/<alertID>/status` form in favour of `/api/v1/alerts?group_id=<>&alert_id=<>` links. Links of `/api/v1/<groupID>/<alertID>/status` form were deprecated in v1.79.0. See [this issue]( for details.
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ The v1.93.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.93.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( fix `vmalert_remotewrite_send_duration_seconds_total` value, before it didn't count in the real time spending on remote write requests. See [this pr]( for details.
 * BUGFIX: [vmbackupmanager]( fix panic when creating a backup to a local filesystem on Windows. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( properly handle client address with `X-Forwarded-For` part at the [Active queries]( page. See [this comment](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( prevent from panic when the lookbehind window in square brackets of [rollup function]( is parsed into negative value. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( prevent from panic when the lookbehind window in square brackets of [rollup function]( is parsed into negative value. See [this issue](
 ## [v1.92.1](
@@ -413,10 +413,10 @@ The previous behavior can be restored in the following ways:
 * FEATURE: reduce memory usage by up to 5x for setups with [high churn rate]( and long [retention]( See [the description for this change]( and [this issue]( for details.
 * FEATURE: reduce spikes in CPU and disk IO usage during `indexdb` rotation (aka inverted index), which is performed once per [`-retentionPeriod`]( The new algorithm gradually pre-populates newly created `indexdb` during the last hour before the rotation. The number of pre-populated series in the newly created `indexdb` can be [monitored]( via `vm_timeseries_precreated_total` metric. This should resolve [this issue](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( allow selecting time series matching at least one of multiple `or` filters. For example, `{env="prod",job="a" or env="dev",job="b"}` selects series with either `{env="prod",job="a"}` or `{env="dev",job="b"}` labels. This functionality allows passing the selected series to [rollup functions]( without the need to use [subqueries]( See [these docs](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add ability to preserve metric names for binary operation results via `keep_metric_names` modifier. For example, `({__name__=~"foo|bar"} / 10) keep_metric_names` leaves `foo` and `bar` metric names in division results. See [these docs]( This helps to address issues like [this one](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add ability to copy all the labels from `one` side of [many-to-one operations]( by specifying `*` inside `group_left()` or `group_right()`. Also allow adding a prefix for copied label names via `group_left(*) prefix "..."` syntax. For example, the following query copies Kubernetes namespace labels to `kube_pod_info` series and adds `ns_` prefix for the copied label names: `kube_pod_info * on(namespace) group_left(*) prefix "ns_" kube_namespace_labels`. The labels from `on()` list aren't prefixed. This feature resolves [this]( and [that]( questions at StackOverflow.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add ability to specify durations via [`WITH` templates]( Examples:
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( allow selecting time series matching at least one of multiple `or` filters. For example, `{env="prod",job="a" or env="dev",job="b"}` selects series with either `{env="prod",job="a"}` or `{env="dev",job="b"}` labels. This functionality allows passing the selected series to [rollup functions]( without the need to use [subqueries]( See [these docs](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add ability to preserve metric names for binary operation results via `keep_metric_names` modifier. For example, `({__name__=~"foo|bar"} / 10) keep_metric_names` leaves `foo` and `bar` metric names in division results. See [these docs]( This helps to address issues like [this one](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add ability to copy all the labels from `one` side of [many-to-one operations]( by specifying `*` inside `group_left()` or `group_right()`. Also allow adding a prefix for copied label names via `group_left(*) prefix "..."` syntax. For example, the following query copies Kubernetes namespace labels to `kube_pod_info` series and adds `ns_` prefix for the copied label names: `kube_pod_info * on(namespace) group_left(*) prefix "ns_" kube_namespace_labels`. The labels from `on()` list aren't prefixed. This feature resolves [this]( and [that]( questions at StackOverflow.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add ability to specify durations via [`WITH` templates]( Examples:
   - `WITH (w = 5m) m[w]` is automatically transformed to `m[5m]`
   - `WITH (f(window, step, off) = m[window:step] offset off) f(5m, 10s, 1h)` is automatically transformed to `m[5m:10s] offset 1h`
   Thanks to @lujiajing1126 for the initial idea and [implementation]( See [this feature request](
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ The previous behavior can be restored in the following ways:
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( close HTTP connections to [service discovery]( servers when they are no longer needed. This should prevent from possible connection exhasution in some cases. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( do not show [relabel debug]( links at the `/targets` page when `vmagent` runs with `-promscrape.dropOriginalLabels` command-line flag, since it has no the original labels needed for relabel debug. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: vminsert: fixed decoding of label values with slash when accepting data via [pushgateway protocol]( This fixes Prometheus golang client compatibility. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly parse binary operations with reserved words on the right side such as `foo + (on{bar="baz"})`. Previously such queries could lead to panic. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly parse binary operations with reserved words on the right side such as `foo + (on{bar="baz"})`. Previously such queries could lead to panic. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [Official Grafana dashboards for VictoriaMetrics]( display cache usage for all components on panel `Cache usage % by type` for cluster dashboard. Before, only vmstorage caches were shown.
 ## [v1.91.3](
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Released at 2023-05-18
 * BUGFIX: do not ignore trailing empty field in CSV lines when [importing data in CSV format]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: disallow `"` chars when parsing Prometheus label names, since they aren't allowed by [Prometheus text exposition format]( Previously this could result in silent incorrect parsing of incorrect Prometheus labels such as `foo{"bar"="baz"}` or `{foo:"bar",baz="aaa"}`. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( prevent from possible panic when the number of vmstorage nodes increases when [automatic vmstorage discovery]( is enabled.
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( fix a panic when the duration in the query contains uppercase `M` suffix. Such a suffix isn't allowed to use in durations, since it clashes with `a million` suffix, e.g. it isn't clear whether `rate(metric[5M])` means rate over 5 minutes, 5 months or 5 million seconds. See [this]( and [this]( issues.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( fix a panic when the duration in the query contains uppercase `M` suffix. Such a suffix isn't allowed to use in durations, since it clashes with `a million` suffix, e.g. it isn't clear whether `rate(metric[5M])` means rate over 5 minutes, 5 months or 5 million seconds. See [this]( and [this]( issues.
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly handle the `vm_promscrape_config_last_reload_successful` metric after config reload. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( add `__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_name` label for all ports discovered from endpoint. Previously, ports not matched by `Service` did not have this label. See [this issue]( for details. Thanks to @thunderbird86 for discovering and [fixing]( the issue.
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( retry failed read request on the closed connection one more time. This improves rules execution reliability when connection between vmalert and datasource closes unexpectedly.
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ created by v1.90.0 or newer versions. The solution is to upgrade to v1.90.0 or n
 * BUGFIX: [stream aggregation]( suppress `series after dedup` error message in logs when `-remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval` command-line flag is set at [vmagent]( or when `-streamAggr.dedupInterval` command-line flag is set at [single-node VictoriaMetrics](
 * BUGFIX: allow using dashes and dots in environment variables names referred in config files via `%{ENV-VAR.SYNTAX}`. See [these docs]( and [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: return back query performance scalability on hosts with big number of CPU cores. The scalability has been reduced in [v1.86.0]( See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly convert [VictoriaMetrics historgram buckets]( to Prometheus histogram buckets when VictoriaMetrics histogram contain zero buckets. Previously these buckets were ignored, and this could lead to missing Prometheus histogram buckets after the conversion. Thanks to @zklapow for [the fix](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly convert [VictoriaMetrics historgram buckets]( to Prometheus histogram buckets when VictoriaMetrics histogram contain zero buckets. Previously these buckets were ignored, and this could lead to missing Prometheus histogram buckets after the conversion. Thanks to @zklapow for [the fix](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( fix CPU and memory usage spikes when files pointed by [file_sd_config]( cannot be re-read. See [this_issue](
 * BUGFIX: prevent unexpected merges on start-up when `-storage.minFreeDiskSpaceBytes` is set. See [the issue](
 * BUGFIX: properly support comma-separated filters inside [retention filters]( See [this issue](
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ Released at 2023-02-27
 * FEATURE: add `-internStringDisableCache` command-line flag for disabling the cache for [interned strings]( This flag may be useful in [some cases]( for reducing memory usage at the cost of higher CPU usage.
 * FEATURE: add `-internStringCacheExpireDuration` command-line flag for controlling the lifetime of cached [interned strings](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( fix panic when executing the query `aggr_func(rollup*(some_value))`. The panic has been introduced in [v1.88.0](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( fix panic when executing the query `aggr_func(rollup*(some_value))`. The panic has been introduced in [v1.88.0](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( use the provided `-remoteWrite.*` auth options when determining whether the remote storage supports [VictoriaMetrics remote write protocol]( Previously the auth options were ignored. This was preventing from automatic switch to VictoriaMetrics remote write protocol.
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( do not register `vm_promscrape_config_*` metrics if `-promscrape.config` flag is not used. Previously those metrics were registered and never updated, which was confusing and could trigger false-positive alerts.
 * BUGFIX: [vmctl]( skip measurements with no fields when migrating data from influxdb. See [this issue](
@@ -688,16 +688,16 @@ Released at 2023-02-24
 * FEATURE: [vmauth]( choose the backend with the minimum number of concurrently executed requests [among the configured backends]( in a round-robin manner for serving the incoming requests. This allows spreading the load among backends more evenly, while improving the response time.
 * FEATURE: [vmalert enterprise]( add ability to read alerting and recording rules from S3, GCS or S3-compatible object storage. See [these docs](
 * FEATURE: [vmctl]( automatically retry requests to remote storage if up to 5 errors occur during the data migration process. This should help continuing the data migration process on temporary errors. Previously `vmctl` was stopping after the first error. See [this feature request](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( support optional 2nd argument `min`, `max` or `avg` for [rollup](, [rollup_delta](, [rollup_deriv](, [rollup_increase](, [rollup_rate]( and [rollup_scrape_interval]( function. If the second argument is passed, then the function returns only the selected aggregation type. This change can be useful for situations where only one type of rollup calculation is needed. For example, `rollup_rate(requests_total[1i], "max")` would return only the max increase rates for `requests_total` metric per each interval between adjacent points on the graph. See [this article]( for details.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( support optional 2nd argument `open`, `low`, `high`, `close` for [rollup_candlestick]( function. If the second argument is passed, then the function returns only the selected aggregation type.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [share(q)]( aggregate function.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `mad_over_time(m[d])` function for calculating the [median absolute deviation]( over raw samples on the lookbehind window `d`. See [this feature request](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `range_mad(q)` function for calculating the [median absolute deviation]( over points per each time series returned by `q`.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `range_zscore(q)` function for calculating [z-score]( over points per each time series returned from `q`.
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `range_trim_outliers(k, q)` function for dropping outliers located farther than `k*range_mad(q)` from the `range_median(q)`. This should help removing outliers during query time at [this issue](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `range_trim_zscore(z, q)` function for dropping outliers located farther than `z*range_stddev(q)` from `range_avg(q)`. This should help removing outliers during query time at [this issue](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( support optional 2nd argument `min`, `max` or `avg` for [rollup](, [rollup_delta](, [rollup_deriv](, [rollup_increase](, [rollup_rate]( and [rollup_scrape_interval]( function. If the second argument is passed, then the function returns only the selected aggregation type. This change can be useful for situations where only one type of rollup calculation is needed. For example, `rollup_rate(requests_total[1i], "max")` would return only the max increase rates for `requests_total` metric per each interval between adjacent points on the graph. See [this article]( for details.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( support optional 2nd argument `open`, `low`, `high`, `close` for [rollup_candlestick]( function. If the second argument is passed, then the function returns only the selected aggregation type.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add [share(q)]( aggregate function.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `mad_over_time(m[d])` function for calculating the [median absolute deviation]( over raw samples on the lookbehind window `d`. See [this feature request](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `range_mad(q)` function for calculating the [median absolute deviation]( over points per each time series returned by `q`.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `range_zscore(q)` function for calculating [z-score]( over points per each time series returned from `q`.
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `range_trim_outliers(k, q)` function for dropping outliers located farther than `k*range_mad(q)` from the `range_median(q)`. This should help removing outliers during query time at [this issue](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( add `range_trim_zscore(z, q)` function for dropping outliers located farther than `z*range_stddev(q)` from `range_avg(q)`. This should help removing outliers during query time at [this issue](
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( show `median` instead of `avg` in graph tooltip and line legend, since `median` is more tolerant against spikes. See [this issue](
-* FEATURE: add `-search.maxSeriesPerAggrFunc` command-line flag, which can be used for limiting the number of time series [MetricsQL aggregate functions]( can return in a single query. This flag can be useful for preventing OOMs when [count_values]( function is improperly used.
+* FEATURE: add `-search.maxSeriesPerAggrFunc` command-line flag, which can be used for limiting the number of time series [MetricsQL aggregate functions]( can return in a single query. This flag can be useful for preventing OOMs when [count_values]( function is improperly used.
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( small UX improvements for mobile view. See [this feature request]( and [this pull request](
 * FEATURE: add `-search.logQueryMemoryUsage` command-line flag for logging queries, which need more memory than specified by this command-line flag. See [this feature request]( Thanks to @michal-kralik for the idea and the intial implementation.
 * FEATURE: allow setting zero value for `-search.latencyOffset` command-line flag. This may be needed in [some cases]( Previously the minimum supported value for `-search.latencyOffset` command-line flag was `1s`.
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ Released at 2023-02-24
 * BUGFIX: do not put auxiliary directories scheduled for removal into snapshots. This should prevent from `cannot create hard links from ...must-remove...` errors when making snapshots / backups. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: prevent from possible data ingestion slowdown and query performance slowdown during [background merges of big parts]( on systems with small number of CPU cores (1 or 2 CPU cores). The issue has been introduced in [v1.85.0]( when implementing [this feature]( See also [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: properly parse timestamps in milliseconds when [ingesting data via OpenTSDB telnet put protocol]( Previously timestamps in milliseconds were mistakenly multiplied by 1000. Thanks to @Droxenator for the [pull request](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( do not add extrapolated points outside the real points when using [interpolate()]( function. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( do not add extrapolated points outside the real points when using [interpolate()]( function. See [this issue](
 # [v1.87.12](
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ The v1.87.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.87.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: reduce the possibility of increased CPU usage when data with timestamps older than one hour is ingested into VictoriaMetrics. This reduces spikes for the graph `sum(rate(vm_slow_per_day_index_inserts_total))`. See [this pull request](
 * BUGFIX: do not ignore trailing empty field in CSV lines when [importing data in CSV format]( See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: disallow `"` chars when parsing Prometheus label names, since they aren't allowed by [Prometheus text exposition format]( Previously this could result in silent incorrect parsing of incorrect Prometheus labels such as `foo{"bar"="baz"}` or `{foo:"bar",baz="aaa"}`. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( fix a panic when the duration in the query contains uppercase `M` suffix. Such a suffix isn't allowed to use in durations, since it clashes with `a million` suffix, e.g. it isn't clear whether `rate(metric[5M])` means rate over 5 minutes, 5 months or 5 million seconds. See [this]( and [this]( issues.
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( fix a panic when the duration in the query contains uppercase `M` suffix. Such a suffix isn't allowed to use in durations, since it clashes with `a million` suffix, e.g. it isn't clear whether `rate(metric[5M])` means rate over 5 minutes, 5 months or 5 million seconds. See [this]( and [this]( issues.
 * BUGFIX: [VictoriaMetrics cluster]( prevent from possible panic when the number of vmstorage nodes increases when [automatic vmstorage discovery]( is enabled.
 * BUGFIX: properly limit the number of [OpenTSDB HTTP]( concurrent requests specified via `-maxConcurrentInserts` command-line flag. See [this issue]( Thanks to @zouxiang1993 for [the fix](
 * BUGFIX: [vmalert]( properly return empty slices instead of nil for `/api/v1/rules` and `/api/v1/alerts` API handlers. See [this issue](
@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ The v1.87.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.87.0](https:
 * SECURITY: upgrade base docker image (alpine) from 3.17.2 to 3.17.3. See [alpine 3.17.3 release notes](
 * SECURITY: upgrade Go builder from Go1.20.2 to Go1.20.3. See [the list of issues addressed in Go1.20.3](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly convert [VictoriaMetrics historgram buckets]( to Prometheus histogram buckets when VictoriaMetrics histogram contain zero buckets. Previously these buckets were ignored, and this could lead to missing Prometheus histogram buckets after the conversion. Thanks to @zklapow for [the fix](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly convert [VictoriaMetrics historgram buckets]( to Prometheus histogram buckets when VictoriaMetrics histogram contain zero buckets. Previously these buckets were ignored, and this could lead to missing Prometheus histogram buckets after the conversion. Thanks to @zklapow for [the fix](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( fix CPU and memory usage spikes when files pointed by [file_sd_config]( cannot be re-read. See [this_issue](
 * BUGFIX: prevent unexpected merges on start-up when `-storage.minFreeDiskSpaceBytes` is set. See [the issue](
 * BUGFIX: properly support comma-separated filters inside [retention filters]( See [this issue](
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ The v1.87.x line will be supported for at least 12 months since [v1.87.0](https:
 * BUGFIX: do not put auxiliary directories scheduled for removal into snapshots. This should prevent from `cannot create hard links from ...must-remove...` errors when making snapshots / backups. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: prevent from possible data ingestion slowdown and query performance slowdown during [background merges of big parts]( on systems with small number of CPU cores (1 or 2 CPU cores). The issue has been introduced in [v1.85.0]( when implementing [this feature]( See also [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: properly parse timestamps in milliseconds when [ingesting data via OpenTSDB telnet put protocol]( Previously timestamps in milliseconds were mistakenly multiplied by 1000. Thanks to @Droxenator for the [pull request](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( do not add extrapolated points outside the real points when using [interpolate()]( function. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( do not add extrapolated points outside the real points when using [interpolate()]( function. See [this issue](
 ## [v1.87.1](
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ Released at 2023-01-18
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( properly apply [series limit]( when [staleness tracking]( is disabled.
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( reduce memory usage spikes when big number of scrape targets disappear at once. See [this issue]( Thanks to @lzfhust for [the initial fix](
 * BUGFIX: [Pushgateway import]( properly return `200 OK` HTTP response code. See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly parse `M` and `Mi` suffixes as `1e6` multipliers in `1M` and `1Mi` numeric constants. See [this issue]( The issue has been introduced in [v1.86.0](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly parse `M` and `Mi` suffixes as `1e6` multipliers in `1M` and `1Mi` numeric constants. See [this issue]( The issue has been introduced in [v1.86.0](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( properly display range query results at `Table` view. For example, `up[5m]` query now shows all the raw samples for the last 5 minutes for the `up` metric at the `Table` view. See [this issue](
 ## [v1.86.1](
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ Released at 2023-01-10
 * FEATURE: [vmagent]( automatically pre-fetch `metric_relabel_configs` and the target labels when clicking on the `debug metrics relabeling` link at the `http://vmagent:8429/targets` page at the particular target. See [these docs](
 * FEATURE: [vmui]( add ability to explore metrics exported by a particular `job` / `instance`. See [these docs]( and [this feature request](
 * FEATURE: allow passing partial `RFC3339` date/time to `time`, `start` and `end` query args at [querying APIs]( and [export APIs]( For example, `2022` is equivalent to `2022-01-01T00:00:00Z`, while `2022-01-30T14` is equivalent to `2022-01-30T14:00:00Z`. See [these docs](
-* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( allow using unicode letters in identifiers. For example, `температура{город="Київ"}` is a valid MetricsQL expression now. Previously every non-ascii letters should be escaped with `\` char when used inside MetricsQL expression: `\т\е\м\п\е\р\а\т\у\р\а{\г\о\р\о\д="Киев"}`. Now both expressions are equivalent. Thanks to @hzwwww for the [pull request](
+* FEATURE: [MetricsQL]( allow using unicode letters in identifiers. For example, `температура{город="Київ"}` is a valid MetricsQL expression now. Previously every non-ascii letters should be escaped with `\` char when used inside MetricsQL expression: `\т\е\м\п\е\р\а\т\у\р\а{\г\о\р\о\д="Киев"}`. Now both expressions are equivalent. Thanks to @hzwwww for the [pull request](
 * FEATURE: [relabeling]( add support for `keepequal` and `dropequal` relabeling actions, which are supported by Prometheus starting from [v2.41.0]( These relabeling actions are almost identical to `keep_if_equal` and `drop_if_equal` relabeling actions supported by VictoriaMetrics since `v1.38.0` - see [these docs]( - so it is recommended sticking to `keep_if_equal` and `drop_if_equal` actions instead of switching to `keepequal` and `dropequal`.
 * FEATURE: [csvimport]( support empty values for imported metrics. See [this issue](
 * FEATURE: [vmalert]( allow configuring the default number of stored rule's update states in memory via global `-rule.updateEntriesLimit` command-line flag or per-rule via rule's `update_entries_limit` configuration param. See [these docs]( and [this pull request](
@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ Released at 2023-01-10
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( properly update the `step` value in url after the `step` input field has been manually changed. This allows preserving the proper `step` when copy-n-pasting the url to another instance of web browser. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmui]( properly update tooltip when quickly hovering multiple lines on the graph. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: properly parse floating-point numbers without integer or fractional parts such as `.123` and `20.` during [data import]( See [this issue](
-* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly parse durations with uppercase suffixes such as `10S`, `5MS`, `1W`, etc. See [this issue](
+* BUGFIX: [MetricsQL]( properly parse durations with uppercase suffixes such as `10S`, `5MS`, `1W`, etc. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( fix a panic during target discovery when `vmagent` runs with `-promscrape.dropOriginalLabels` command-line flag. See [this issue]( The bug has been introduced in [v1.85.0](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( [dockerswarm_sd_configs]( properly encode `filters` field. See [this issue](
 * BUGFIX: [vmagent]( fix possible resource leak after hot reload of the updated [consul_sd_configs]( See [this issue](
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index 99b0acb2f1..a0be7df5c1 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ Numbers:
 - Enough headroom/scaling capacity for future growth which is planned to be up to 100M active time series.
 - Ability to split DB replicas per workload. Alert queries go to one replica and user queries go to another (speed for users, effective cache).
-> Optimizing for those points and our specific workload, VictoriaMetrics proved to be the best option. As icing on the cake we’ve got [PromQL extensions]( - `default 0` and `histogram` are my favorite ones. We really like having a lot of tsdb params easily available via config options which makes tsdb easy to tune for each specific use case. We've also found a great community in [Slack channel]( and responsive and helpful maintainer support.
+> Optimizing for those points and our specific workload, VictoriaMetrics proved to be the best option. As icing on the cake we’ve got [PromQL extensions]( - `default 0` and `histogram` are my favorite ones. We really like having a lot of tsdb params easily available via config options which makes tsdb easy to tune for each specific use case. We've also found a great community in [Slack channel]( and responsive and helpful maintainer support.
 Alex Ulstein, Head of Monitoring,
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ Thanos, Cortex and VictoriaMetrics were evaluated as a long-term storage for Pro
 - Blazingly fast benchmarks for a single node setup.
 - Single binary mode. Easy to scale vertically with far fewer operational headaches.
 - Considerable [improvements on creating Histograms](
-- [MetricsQL]( gives us the ability to extend PromQL with more aggregation operators.
+- [MetricsQL]( gives us the ability to extend PromQL with more aggregation operators.
 - The API is compatible with Prometheus and nearly all standard PromQL queries work well out of the box.
 - Handles storage well, with periodic compaction which makes it easy to take snapshots.
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index fd9df314f4..4088360721 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ Some workloads may need fine-grained resource usage limits. In these cases the f
   The downside is that the endpoints can return labels and series, which do not match the provided extra filters.
 - `-search.maxSamplesPerSeries` at `vmselect` limits the number of raw samples the query can process per each time series.
   `vmselect` processes raw samples sequentially per each found time series during the query. It unpacks raw samples on the selected time range
-  per each time series into memory and then applies the given [rollup function](
+  per each time series into memory and then applies the given [rollup function](
   The `-search.maxSamplesPerSeries` command-line flag allows limiting memory usage at `vmselect` in the case when the query is executed on a time range,
   which contains hundreds of millions of raw samples per each located time series.
 - `-search.maxSamplesPerQuery` at `vmselect` limits the number of raw samples a single query can process. This allows limiting CPU usage at `vmselect` for heavy queries.
@@ -699,8 +699,8 @@ Some workloads may need fine-grained resource usage limits. In these cases the f
 - `-search.maxPointsPerTimeseries` limits the number of calculated points, which can be returned per each
   matching time series from [range query](
 - `-search.maxPointsSubqueryPerTimeseries` limits the number of calculated points, which can be generated
-  per each matching time series during [subquery]( evaluation.
-- `-search.maxSeriesPerAggrFunc` limits the number of time series, which can be generated by [MetricsQL aggregate functions]( in a single query.
+  per each matching time series during [subquery]( evaluation.
+- `-search.maxSeriesPerAggrFunc` limits the number of time series, which can be generated by [MetricsQL aggregate functions]( in a single query.
 - `-search.maxSeries` at `vmselect` limits the number of time series, which may be returned from
   This endpoint is used mostly by Grafana for auto-completion of metric names, label names and label values.
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index 7a3bbecd55..2c81204dfe 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ weight: 100
 # MetricsQL old page
-The page has been moved to [MetricsQL](
+The page has been moved to [MetricsQL](
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index 3698b5af18..355c73ea3e 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ VictoriaMetrics also [uses less RAM than Thanos components](
 * QuestDB needs more than 20x storage space than VictoriaMetrics. This translates to higher storage costs and slower queries over historical data, which must be read from the disk.
 * QuestDB is much harder to set up and operate than VictoriaMetrics. Compare [setup instructions for QuestDB]( to [setup instructions for VictoriaMetrics](
-* VictoriaMetrics provides the [MetricsQL]( query language, which is better suited for typical queries over time series data than the SQL-like query language provided by QuestDB. See [this article]( for details.
+* VictoriaMetrics provides the [MetricsQL]( query language, which is better suited for typical queries over time series data than the SQL-like query language provided by QuestDB. See [this article]( for details.
 * VictoriaMetrics can be queried via the [Prometheus querying API]( and via [Graphite's API](
 * Thanks to PromQL support, VictoriaMetrics [can be used as a drop-in replacement for Prometheus in Grafana](, while QuestDB needs a full rewrite of existing dashboards in Grafana.
 * Thanks to Prometheus' remote_write API support, VictoriaMetrics can be used as a long-term storage for Prometheus or for [vmagent](, while QuestDB has no integration with Prometheus.
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ The main differences between Cortex and VictoriaMetrics:
 * Cortex is usually slower and requires more CPU and RAM than VictoriaMetrics. See [this talk from adidas at PromCon 2019]( and [other case studies](
 * VictoriaMetrics accepts data in multiple popular data ingestion protocols additionally to Prometheus remote_write protocol – InfluxDB, OpenTSDB, Graphite, CSV, JSON, native binary.
   See [these docs]( for details.
-* VictoriaMetrics provides the [MetricsQL]( query language, while Cortex provides the [PromQL]( query language.
+* VictoriaMetrics provides the [MetricsQL]( query language, while Cortex provides the [PromQL]( query language.
 * VictoriaMetrics can be queried via [Graphite's API](
 ## What is the difference between VictoriaMetrics and [Thanos](
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ The main differences between Cortex and VictoriaMetrics:
 * Thanos is usually slower and requires more CPU and RAM than VictoriaMetrics. See [this talk from adidas at PromCon 2019](
 * VictoriaMetrics accepts data via multiple popular data ingestion protocols in addition to the Prometheus remote_write protocol – InfluxDB, OpenTSDB, Graphite, CSV, JSON, native binary.
   See [these docs]( for details.
-* VictoriaMetrics provides the [MetricsQL]( query language, while Thanos provides the [PromQL]( query language.
+* VictoriaMetrics provides the [MetricsQL]( query language, while Thanos provides the [PromQL]( query language.
 * VictoriaMetrics can be queried via [Graphite's API](
 ## How does VictoriaMetrics compare to [InfluxDB](
 * VictoriaMetrics requires [10x less RAM]( and it [works faster](
 * VictoriaMetrics needs lower amounts of storage space than InfluxDB for production data.
-* VictoriaMetrics doesn't support InfluxQL or Flux but provides a better query language – [MetricsQL]( See [this tutorial]( for details.
+* VictoriaMetrics doesn't support InfluxQL or Flux but provides a better query language – [MetricsQL]( See [this tutorial]( for details.
 * VictoriaMetrics accepts data in multiple popular data ingestion protocols in addition to InfluxDB – Prometheus remote_write, OpenTSDB, Graphite, CSV, JSON, native binary.
   See [these docs]( for details.
 * VictoriaMetrics can be queried via [Graphite's API](
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ If you need migrating data from single-node VictoriaMetrics to cluster version,
 ## Why isn't MetricsQL 100% compatible with PromQL?
-[MetricsQL]( provides better user experience than PromQL. It fixes a few annoying issues in PromQL. This prevents MetricsQL to be 100% compatible with PromQL. See [this article]( for details.
+[MetricsQL]( provides better user experience than PromQL. It fixes a few annoying issues in PromQL. This prevents MetricsQL to be 100% compatible with PromQL. See [this article]( for details.
 ## How to migrate data from Prometheus to VictoriaMetrics?
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index 8f353256aa..6bfa35993f 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ The same API is also used by
 [VMUI]( - graphical User Interface
 for querying and visualizing metrics.
-[MetricsQL]( - is the query language for executing read queries
+[MetricsQL]( - is the query language for executing read queries
 in VictoriaMetrics. MetricsQL is a [PromQL]( 
 -like query language with a powerful set of functions and features for working specifically with time series data.
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index 691cd607f3..f4328515eb 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ VictoriaMetrics has the following prominent features:
   * Easy and fast backups from [instant snapshots](
     can be done with [vmbackup]( / [vmrestore]( tools.
     See [this article]( for more details.
-* It implements a PromQL-like query language - [MetricsQL](, which provides improved functionality on top of PromQL.
+* It implements a PromQL-like query language - [MetricsQL](, which provides improved functionality on top of PromQL.
 * It provides a global query view. Multiple Prometheus instances or any other data sources may ingest data into VictoriaMetrics. Later this data may be queried via a single query.
 * It provides high performance and good vertical and horizontal scalability for both
   [data ingestion](
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ In the "Type and version" section it is recommended to set the type to "Promethe
 This allows Grafana to use a more efficient API to get label values.
 Then build graphs and dashboards for the created datasource using [PromQL](
-or [MetricsQL](
+or [MetricsQL](
 Alternatively, use VictoriaMetrics [datasource plugin]( with support of extra features. 
 See more in [description](
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ The UI allows exploring query results via graphs and tables. It also provides th
   - [WITH expressions playground]( - test how WITH expressions work; 
   - [Metric relabel debugger]( - playground for [relabeling](#relabeling) configs.
-VMUI provides auto-completion for [MetricsQL]( functions, metric names, label names and label values. The auto-completion can be enabled
+VMUI provides auto-completion for [MetricsQL]( functions, metric names, label names and label values. The auto-completion can be enabled
 by checking the `Autocomplete` toggle. When the auto-completion is disabled, it can still be triggered for the current cursor position by pressing `ctrl+space`.
 VMUI automatically switches from graph view to heatmap view when the query returns [histogram]( buckets
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ The `/api/v1/export` endpoint should return the following response:
-[Graphite relabeling]( can be used if the imported Graphite data is going to be queried via [MetricsQL](
+[Graphite relabeling]( can be used if the imported Graphite data is going to be queried via [MetricsQL](
 ## Querying Graphite data
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ Data sent to VictoriaMetrics via `Graphite plaintext protocol` may be read via t
 ## Selecting Graphite metrics
-VictoriaMetrics supports `__graphite__` pseudo-label for selecting time series with Graphite-compatible filters in [MetricsQL]( For example, `{__graphite__="foo.*.bar"}` is equivalent to `{__name__=~"foo[.][^.]*[.]bar"}`, but it works faster and it is easier to use when migrating from Graphite to VictoriaMetrics. See [docs for Graphite paths and wildcards]( VictoriaMetrics also supports [label_graphite_group]( function for extracting the given groups from Graphite metric name.
+VictoriaMetrics supports `__graphite__` pseudo-label for selecting time series with Graphite-compatible filters in [MetricsQL]( For example, `{__graphite__="foo.*.bar"}` is equivalent to `{__name__=~"foo[.][^.]*[.]bar"}`, but it works faster and it is easier to use when migrating from Graphite to VictoriaMetrics. See [docs for Graphite paths and wildcards]( VictoriaMetrics also supports [label_graphite_group]( function for extracting the given groups from Graphite metric name.
 The `__graphite__` pseudo-label supports e.g. alternate regexp filters such as `(value1|...|valueN)`. They are transparently converted to `{value1,...,valueN}` syntax [used in Graphite]( This allows using [multi-value template variables in Grafana]( inside `__graphite__` pseudo-label. For example, Grafana expands `{__graphite__=~"foo.($bar).baz"}` into `{__graphite__=~"foo.(x|y).baz"}` if `$bar` template variable contains `x` and `y` values. In this case the query is automatically converted into `{__graphite__=~"foo.{x,y}.baz"}` before execution.
@@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@ VictoriaMetrics accepts optional query args: `extra_label=<label_name>=<label_va
 [Contact us]( if you need assistance with such a proxy.
-VictoriaMetrics supports `__graphite__` pseudo-label for filtering time series with Graphite-compatible filters in [MetricsQL]( See [these docs](#selecting-graphite-metrics).
+VictoriaMetrics supports `__graphite__` pseudo-label for filtering time series with Graphite-compatible filters in [MetricsQL]( See [these docs](#selecting-graphite-metrics).
 ### Graphite Render API usage
@@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@ By default, VictoriaMetrics is tuned for an optimal resource usage under typical
   The downside is that the endpoints can return labels and series, which do not match the provided extra filters.
 - `-search.maxSamplesPerSeries` limits the number of raw samples the query can process per each time series. VictoriaMetrics sequentially processes
   raw samples per each found time series during the query. It unpacks raw samples on the selected time range per each time series into memory
-  and then applies the given [rollup function]( The `-search.maxSamplesPerSeries` command-line flag
+  and then applies the given [rollup function]( The `-search.maxSamplesPerSeries` command-line flag
   allows limiting memory usage in the case when the query is executed on a time range, which contains hundreds of millions of raw samples per each located time series.
 - `-search.maxSamplesPerQuery` limits the number of raw samples a single query can process. This allows limiting CPU usage for heavy queries.
 - `-search.maxResponseSeries` limits the number of time series a single query can return from [`/api/v1/query`](
@@ -1708,8 +1708,8 @@ By default, VictoriaMetrics is tuned for an optimal resource usage under typical
 - `-search.maxPointsPerTimeseries` limits the number of calculated points, which can be returned per each matching time series
   from [range query](
 - `-search.maxPointsSubqueryPerTimeseries` limits the number of calculated points, which can be generated per each matching time series
-  during [subquery]( evaluation.
-- `-search.maxSeriesPerAggrFunc` limits the number of time series, which can be generated by [MetricsQL aggregate functions](
+  during [subquery]( evaluation.
+- `-search.maxSeriesPerAggrFunc` limits the number of time series, which can be generated by [MetricsQL aggregate functions](
   in a single query.
 - `-search.maxSeries` limits the number of time series, which may be returned from [/api/v1/series](
   This endpoint is used mostly by Grafana for auto-completion of metric names, label names and label values. Queries to this endpoint may take big amounts
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index d222b94e69..948c0ac81d 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ VictoriaMetrics has the following prominent features:
   * Easy and fast backups from [instant snapshots](
     can be done with [vmbackup]( / [vmrestore]( tools.
     See [this article]( for more details.
-* It implements a PromQL-like query language - [MetricsQL](, which provides improved functionality on top of PromQL.
+* It implements a PromQL-like query language - [MetricsQL](, which provides improved functionality on top of PromQL.
 * It provides a global query view. Multiple Prometheus instances or any other data sources may ingest data into VictoriaMetrics. Later this data may be queried via a single query.
 * It provides high performance and good vertical and horizontal scalability for both
   [data ingestion](
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ In the "Type and version" section it is recommended to set the type to "Promethe
 This allows Grafana to use a more efficient API to get label values.
 Then build graphs and dashboards for the created datasource using [PromQL](
-or [MetricsQL](
+or [MetricsQL](
 Alternatively, use VictoriaMetrics [datasource plugin]( with support of extra features. 
 See more in [description](
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ The UI allows exploring query results via graphs and tables. It also provides th
   - [WITH expressions playground]( - test how WITH expressions work; 
   - [Metric relabel debugger]( - playground for [relabeling](#relabeling) configs.
-VMUI provides auto-completion for [MetricsQL]( functions, metric names, label names and label values. The auto-completion can be enabled
+VMUI provides auto-completion for [MetricsQL]( functions, metric names, label names and label values. The auto-completion can be enabled
 by checking the `Autocomplete` toggle. When the auto-completion is disabled, it can still be triggered for the current cursor position by pressing `ctrl+space`.
 VMUI automatically switches from graph view to heatmap view when the query returns [histogram]( buckets
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ The `/api/v1/export` endpoint should return the following response:
-[Graphite relabeling]( can be used if the imported Graphite data is going to be queried via [MetricsQL](
+[Graphite relabeling]( can be used if the imported Graphite data is going to be queried via [MetricsQL](
 ## Querying Graphite data
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ Data sent to VictoriaMetrics via `Graphite plaintext protocol` may be read via t
 ## Selecting Graphite metrics
-VictoriaMetrics supports `__graphite__` pseudo-label for selecting time series with Graphite-compatible filters in [MetricsQL]( For example, `{__graphite__="foo.*.bar"}` is equivalent to `{__name__=~"foo[.][^.]*[.]bar"}`, but it works faster and it is easier to use when migrating from Graphite to VictoriaMetrics. See [docs for Graphite paths and wildcards]( VictoriaMetrics also supports [label_graphite_group]( function for extracting the given groups from Graphite metric name.
+VictoriaMetrics supports `__graphite__` pseudo-label for selecting time series with Graphite-compatible filters in [MetricsQL]( For example, `{__graphite__="foo.*.bar"}` is equivalent to `{__name__=~"foo[.][^.]*[.]bar"}`, but it works faster and it is easier to use when migrating from Graphite to VictoriaMetrics. See [docs for Graphite paths and wildcards]( VictoriaMetrics also supports [label_graphite_group]( function for extracting the given groups from Graphite metric name.
 The `__graphite__` pseudo-label supports e.g. alternate regexp filters such as `(value1|...|valueN)`. They are transparently converted to `{value1,...,valueN}` syntax [used in Graphite]( This allows using [multi-value template variables in Grafana]( inside `__graphite__` pseudo-label. For example, Grafana expands `{__graphite__=~"foo.($bar).baz"}` into `{__graphite__=~"foo.(x|y).baz"}` if `$bar` template variable contains `x` and `y` values. In this case the query is automatically converted into `{__graphite__=~"foo.{x,y}.baz"}` before execution.
@@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ VictoriaMetrics accepts optional query args: `extra_label=<label_name>=<label_va
 [Contact us]( if you need assistance with such a proxy.
-VictoriaMetrics supports `__graphite__` pseudo-label for filtering time series with Graphite-compatible filters in [MetricsQL]( See [these docs](#selecting-graphite-metrics).
+VictoriaMetrics supports `__graphite__` pseudo-label for filtering time series with Graphite-compatible filters in [MetricsQL]( See [these docs](#selecting-graphite-metrics).
 ### Graphite Render API usage
@@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ By default, VictoriaMetrics is tuned for an optimal resource usage under typical
   The downside is that the endpoints can return labels and series, which do not match the provided extra filters.
 - `-search.maxSamplesPerSeries` limits the number of raw samples the query can process per each time series. VictoriaMetrics sequentially processes
   raw samples per each found time series during the query. It unpacks raw samples on the selected time range per each time series into memory
-  and then applies the given [rollup function]( The `-search.maxSamplesPerSeries` command-line flag
+  and then applies the given [rollup function]( The `-search.maxSamplesPerSeries` command-line flag
   allows limiting memory usage in the case when the query is executed on a time range, which contains hundreds of millions of raw samples per each located time series.
 - `-search.maxSamplesPerQuery` limits the number of raw samples a single query can process. This allows limiting CPU usage for heavy queries.
 - `-search.maxResponseSeries` limits the number of time series a single query can return from [`/api/v1/query`](
@@ -1716,8 +1716,8 @@ By default, VictoriaMetrics is tuned for an optimal resource usage under typical
 - `-search.maxPointsPerTimeseries` limits the number of calculated points, which can be returned per each matching time series
   from [range query](
 - `-search.maxPointsSubqueryPerTimeseries` limits the number of calculated points, which can be generated per each matching time series
-  during [subquery]( evaluation.
-- `-search.maxSeriesPerAggrFunc` limits the number of time series, which can be generated by [MetricsQL aggregate functions](
+  during [subquery]( evaluation.
+- `-search.maxSeriesPerAggrFunc` limits the number of time series, which can be generated by [MetricsQL aggregate functions](
   in a single query.
 - `-search.maxSeries` limits the number of time series, which may be returned from [/api/v1/series](
   This endpoint is used mostly by Grafana for auto-completion of metric names, label names and label values. Queries to this endpoint may take big amounts
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 873beb5924..5ae0424f28 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ If you see unexpected or unreliable query results from VictoriaMetrics, then try
      to reduce the number of returned series.
    Sometimes the query may be improperly constructed, so it returns unexpected results.
-   It is recommended reading and understanding [MetricsQL docs](,
-   especially [subqueries](
-   and [rollup functions]( sections.
+   It is recommended reading and understanding [MetricsQL docs](,
+   especially [subqueries](
+   and [rollup functions]( sections.
 1. If the simplest query continues returning unexpected / unreliable results, then try verifying correctness
    of raw unprocessed samples for this query via [/api/v1/export](
@@ -343,11 +343,11 @@ There are the following solutions exist for improving performance of slow querie
     For example, increasing `-evaluationInterval` command-line flag value at [vmalert](
     from `1m` to `2m` should reduce compute resource usage at VictoriaMetrics by 2x.
-  Another source of slow queries is improper use of [subqueries](
+  Another source of slow queries is improper use of [subqueries](
   It is recommended avoiding subqueries if you don't understand clearly how they work.
   It is easy to create a subquery without knowing about it.
   For example, `rate(sum(some_metric))` is implicitly transformed into the following subquery
-  according to [implicit conversion rules for MetricsQL queries](
+  according to [implicit conversion rules for MetricsQL queries](
diff --git a/docs/anomaly-detection/ b/docs/anomaly-detection/
index 064acd6ce4..bed5bbc18f 100644
--- a/docs/anomaly-detection/
+++ b/docs/anomaly-detection/
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ The decision to set the changepoint at `1.0` is made to ensure consistency acros
 2. To view a diagram illustrating the interaction of components, please explore the [components section](/anomaly-detection/components/).
 ## What data does vmanomaly operate on?
-`vmanomaly` operates on data fetched from VictoriaMetrics, where you can leverage full power of [MetricsQL]( for data selection, sampling, and processing. Users can also [apply global filters]( for more targeted data analysis, enhancing scope limitation and tenant visibility.
+`vmanomaly` operates on data fetched from VictoriaMetrics, where you can leverage full power of [MetricsQL]( for data selection, sampling, and processing. Users can also [apply global filters]( for more targeted data analysis, enhancing scope limitation and tenant visibility.
 Respective config is defined in a [`reader`](/anomaly-detection/components/reader.html#vm-reader) section.
 ## Handling noisy input data
-`vmanomaly` operates on data fetched from VictoriaMetrics using [MetricsQL]( queries, so the initial data quality can be fine-tuned with aggregation, grouping, and filtering to reduce noise and improve anomaly detection accuracy.
+`vmanomaly` operates on data fetched from VictoriaMetrics using [MetricsQL]( queries, so the initial data quality can be fine-tuned with aggregation, grouping, and filtering to reduce noise and improve anomaly detection accuracy.
 ## Output produced by vmanomaly
 `vmanomaly` models generate [metrics](/anomaly-detection/components/models.html#vmanomaly-output) like `anomaly_score`, `yhat`, `yhat_lower`, `yhat_upper`, and `y`. These metrics provide a comprehensive view of the detected anomalies. The service also produces [health check metrics](/anomaly-detection/components/monitoring.html#metrics-generated-by-vmanomaly) for monitoring its performance.
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ Still not 100% sure what to use? We are [here to help](/anomaly-detection/#get-i
 While `vmanomaly` detects anomalies and produces scores, it *does not directly generate alerts*. The anomaly scores are written back to VictoriaMetrics, where an external alerting tool, like [`vmalert`](/vmalert.html), can be used to create alerts based on these scores for integrating it with your alerting management system.
 ## Preventing alert fatigue
-Produced anomaly scores are designed in such a way that values from 0.0 to 1.0 indicate non-anomalous data, while a value greater than 1.0 is generally classified as an anomaly. However, there are no perfect models for anomaly detection, that's why reasonable defaults expressions like `anomaly_score > 1` may not work 100% of the time. However, anomaly scores, produced by `vmanomaly` are written back as metrics to VictoriaMetrics, where tools like [`vmalert`](/vmalert.html) can use [MetricsQL]( expressions to fine-tune alerting thresholds and conditions, balancing between avoiding [false negatives]( and reducing [false positives](
+Produced anomaly scores are designed in such a way that values from 0.0 to 1.0 indicate non-anomalous data, while a value greater than 1.0 is generally classified as an anomaly. However, there are no perfect models for anomaly detection, that's why reasonable defaults expressions like `anomaly_score > 1` may not work 100% of the time. However, anomaly scores, produced by `vmanomaly` are written back as metrics to VictoriaMetrics, where tools like [`vmalert`](/vmalert.html) can use [MetricsQL]( expressions to fine-tune alerting thresholds and conditions, balancing between avoiding [false negatives]( and reducing [false positives](
 ## Resource consumption of vmanomaly
 `vmanomaly` itself is a lightweight service, resource usage is primarily dependent on [scheduling](/anomaly-detection/components/scheduler.html) (how often and on what data to fit/infer your models), [# and size of timeseries returned by your queries](/anomaly-detection/components/reader.html#vm-reader), and the complexity of the employed [models](anomaly-detection/components/models.html). Its resource usage is directly related to these factors, making it adaptable to various operational scales.
 ## Scaling vmanomaly
-`vmanomaly` can be scaled horizontally by launching multiple independent instances, each with its own [MetricsQL]( queries and [configurations](/anomaly-detection/components/). This flexibility allows it to handle varying data volumes and throughput demands efficiently.
+`vmanomaly` can be scaled horizontally by launching multiple independent instances, each with its own [MetricsQL]( queries and [configurations](/anomaly-detection/components/). This flexibility allows it to handle varying data volumes and throughput demands efficiently.
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@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ aliases:
 There are 4 sources available to read data into VM Anomaly Detection from: VictoriaMetrics, (ND)JSON file, QueryRange, or CSV file. Depending on the data source, different parameters should be specified in the config file in the `reader` section.
-VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection (`vmanomaly`) primarily uses [VmReader](#vm-reader) to ingest data. This reader focuses on fetching time-series data directly from VictoriaMetrics with the help of powerful [MetricsQL]( expressions for aggregating, filtering and grouping your data, ensuring seamless integration and efficient data handling. 
+VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection (`vmanomaly`) primarily uses [VmReader](#vm-reader) to ingest data. This reader focuses on fetching time-series data directly from VictoriaMetrics with the help of powerful [MetricsQL]( expressions for aggregating, filtering and grouping your data, ensuring seamless integration and efficient data handling. 
 Future updates will introduce additional readers, expanding the range of data sources `vmanomaly` can work with.
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@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Then, users can enable alerting rules based on the **anomaly score** with [vmale
 [vmalert]( is an alerting tool for VictoriaMetrics. It executes a list of the given alerting or recording rules against configured `-datasource.url`.
-[Alerting rules]( allow you to define conditions that, when met, will notify the user. The alerting condition is defined in a form of a query expression via [MetricsQL query language]( For example, in our case, the expression `anomaly_score > 1.0` will notify a user when the calculated anomaly score exceeds a threshold of `1.0`.
+[Alerting rules]( allow you to define conditions that, when met, will notify the user. The alerting condition is defined in a form of a query expression via [MetricsQL query language]( For example, in our case, the expression `anomaly_score > 1.0` will notify a user when the calculated anomaly score exceeds a threshold of `1.0`.
 ## 3. How does vmanomaly works with vmalert?
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ node_cpu_seconds_total{cpu="1",mode="iowait"} 51.22
 In this context, the metric `node_cpu_seconds_total` provides a comprehensive breakdown of the time each CPU core has spent in various operational modes. These modes include: _user_, _system_, _iowait_, _idle_, _irq&softirq_, _guest_, and _steal_. Each of these eight modes is mutually exclusive, offering distinct insights into CPU activity. For instance, a predominant _iowait_ suggests disk or network bottlenecks, while elevated levels in _user_ or _system_ indicate significant CPU utilization.
-The `node_cpu_seconds_total` metric is classified as a [counter]( type. To analyze the duration each CPU core spends in these modes, it is necessary to compute the rate of change per second using the [rate function]( `rate(node_cpu_seconds_total)`. For a more refined and smoother aggregation of data by mode, we apply the sum function. The resulting query is formulated as follows: `sum(rate(node_cpu_seconds_total[5m])) by (mode, instance, job)`.
+The `node_cpu_seconds_total` metric is classified as a [counter]( type. To analyze the duration each CPU core spends in these modes, it is necessary to compute the rate of change per second using the [rate function]( `rate(node_cpu_seconds_total)`. For a more refined and smoother aggregation of data by mode, we apply the sum function. The resulting query is formulated as follows: `sum(rate(node_cpu_seconds_total[5m])) by (mode, instance, job)`.
 Below is an illustrative example of how this query might be visualized in Grafana:
 <img alt="node_cpu_rate_graph" src="guide-vmanomaly-vmalert-query.webp">
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@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ But with time, Prometheus and VictoriaMetrics diverge more and more. After some
 datasource  we decided to create a datasource plugin specifically for VictoriaMetrics.
 The benefits of using VictoriaMetrics plugin are the following:
-* [MetricsQL]( functions support;
+* [MetricsQL]( functions support;
 * Supports [query tracing]( in Explore mode or right in panel's expressions;
 * Supports [WITH expressions](;
 * Plugin fixes [label names validation]( issue;
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@@ -229,17 +229,17 @@ about 230 PromQL queries in it! But a closer look at those queries shows the fol
 * ~120 queries are just selecting a metric with label filters,
   e.g. `node_textfile_scrape_error{instance="$node",job="$job"}`;
-* ~80 queries are using [rate]( function for selected metric,
+* ~80 queries are using [rate]( function for selected metric,
   e.g. `rate(node_netstat_Tcp_InSegs{instance=\"$node\",job=\"$job\"})`
 * and the rest
   are [aggregation functions](
-  like [sum](
-  or [count](
+  like [sum](
+  or [count](
 To get a better understanding of how MetricsQL works, see the following resources:
 * [MetricsQL concepts](;
-* [MetricsQL functions](;
+* [MetricsQL functions](;
 * [PromQL tutorial for beginners](
 ## How to migrate current data from InfluxDB to VictoriaMetrics
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ consider [backfilling tips](
     * _VictoriaMetrics may return non-existing data points if `step` param is lower than the actual data resolution. See
       more about this [here](
 * How do I get the `real` last data point, not `ephemeral`?
-    * _[last_over_time]( function can be used for
+    * _[last_over_time]( function can be used for
       limiting the lookbehind window for calculated data. For example, `last_over_time(metric[10s])` would return
       calculated samples only if the real samples are located closer than 10 seconds to the calculated timestamps
       according to
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@@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ was rapidly changing from 1:38 pm to 1:39 pm, then there were no changes until 1
 Counter is used for measuring the number of events, like the number of requests, errors, logs, messages, etc.
 The most common [MetricsQL](#metricsql) functions used with counters are:
-* [rate]( - calculates the average per-second speed of metric change.
+* [rate]( - calculates the average per-second speed of metric change.
   For example, `rate(requests_total)` shows how many requests are served per second on average;
-* [increase]( - calculates the growth of a metric on the given
+* [increase]( - calculates the growth of a metric on the given
   time period specified in square brackets.
   For example, `increase(requests_total[1h])` shows the number of requests served over the last hour.
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ Gauge is used in the following scenarios:
   can store the timestamp of the last successful configuration reload.
 The most common [MetricsQL](#metricsql) functions used with gauges are [aggregation functions](#aggregation-and-grouping-functions)
-and [rollup functions](
+and [rollup functions](
 #### Histogram
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ that there were 2 queries with the number of rows in the range `(408.4 - 464.2]`
 since the last VictoriaMetrics start.
 The counters ending with `_bucket` suffix allow estimating arbitrary percentile
-for the observed measurement with the help of [histogram_quantile](
+for the observed measurement with the help of [histogram_quantile](
 function. For example, the following query returns the estimated 99th percentile
 on the number of rows read per each query during the last hour (see `1h` in square brackets):
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ and calculating [quantiles](
 <img src="keyConcepts_histogram.webp">
-Grafana doesn't understand buckets with `vmrange` labels, so the [prometheus_buckets](
+Grafana doesn't understand buckets with `vmrange` labels, so the [prometheus_buckets](
 function must be used for converting buckets with `vmrange` labels to buckets with `le` labels before building heatmaps in Grafana.
 Histograms are usually used for measuring the distribution of latency, sizes of elements (batch size, for example) etc. There are two
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ GET | POST /api/v1/query?query=...&time=...&step=...
-* `query` - [MetricsQL]( expression.
+* `query` - [MetricsQL]( expression.
 * `time` - optional, [timestamp](
   in second precision to evaluate the `query` at. If omitted, `time` is set to `now()` (current timestamp).
   The `time` param can be specified in [multiple allowed formats](
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ Instant queries can return multiple time series, but always only one data sample
 the following scenarios:
 * Getting the last recorded value;
-* For [rollup functions]( such as `count_over_time`;
+* For [rollup functions]( such as `count_over_time`;
 * For alerts and recording rules evaluation;
 * Plotting Stat or Table panels in Grafana.
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ GET | POST /api/v1/query_range?query=...&start=...&end=...&step=...
-* `query` - [MetricsQL]( expression.
+* `query` - [MetricsQL]( expression.
 * `start` - the starting [timestamp](
   of the time range for `query` evaluation.
 * `end` - the ending [timestamp](
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ performance and increase resource usage.
 ### MetricsQL
-VictoriaMetrics provide a special query language for executing read queries - [MetricsQL](
+VictoriaMetrics provide a special query language for executing read queries - [MetricsQL](
 It is a [PromQL]( query language with a powerful set of
 functions and features for working specifically with time series data. MetricsQL is backward-compatible with PromQL,
 so it shares most of the query concepts. The basic concepts for PromQL and MetricsQL are
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ The query above returns series for two metrics: `requests_error_total` and `requ
 #### Filtering by multiple "or" filters
-[MetricsQL]( supports selecting time series, which match at least one of multiple "or" filters.
+[MetricsQL]( supports selecting time series, which match at least one of multiple "or" filters.
 Such filters must be delimited by `or` inside curly braces. For example, the following query selects time series with
 `{job="app1",env="prod"}` or `{job="app2",env="dev"}` labels:
@@ -828,9 +828,9 @@ Such filters must be delimited by `or` inside curly braces. For example, the fol
 The number of `or` groups can be arbitrary. The number of `,`-delimited label filters per each `or` group can be arbitrary.
 Per-group filters are applied with `and` operation, e.g. they select series simultaneously matching all the filters in the group.
-This functionality allows passing the selected series to [rollup functions](
-such as [rate()](
-without the need to use [subqueries](
+This functionality allows passing the selected series to [rollup functions](
+such as [rate()](
+without the need to use [subqueries](
 rate({job="app1",env="prod" or job="app2",env="dev"}[5m])
@@ -901,12 +901,12 @@ summary memory usage for each `job`:
 sum(process_resident_memory_bytes) by (job)
-See [docs for aggregate functions in MetricsQL](
+See [docs for aggregate functions in MetricsQL](
 #### Calculating rates
 One of the most widely used functions for [counters](#counter)
-is [rate]( It calculates the average per-second increase rate individually
+is [rate]( It calculates the average per-second increase rate individually
 per each matching time series. For example, the following query shows the average per-second data receive speed
 per each monitored `node_exporter` instance, which exposes the `node_network_receive_bytes_total` metric:
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ In this case VictoriaMetrics uses the specified lookbehind window - `5m` (5 minu
 Bigger lookbehind windows usually lead to smoother graphs.
 `rate` strips metric name while leaving all the labels for the inner time series. If you need to keep the metric name,
-then add [keep_metric_names]( modifier
+then add [keep_metric_names]( modifier
 after the `rate(..)`. For example, the following query leaves metric names after calculating the `rate()`:
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@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ response_size_bytes:60s_histogram_bucket{vmrange="start2...end2"} count2
 response_size_bytes:60s_histogram_bucket{vmrange="startN...endN"} countN
-The resulting histogram buckets can be queried with [MetricsQL]( in the following ways:
+The resulting histogram buckets can be queried with [MetricsQL]( in the following ways:
 1. An estimated 50th and 99th [percentiles]( of the request duration over the last hour:
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ The resulting histogram buckets can be queried with [MetricsQL](https://docs.vic
    histogram_quantiles("quantile", 0.50, 0.99, sum(increase(request_duration_seconds:60s_histogram_bucket[1h])) by (vmrange))
-   This query uses [histogram_quantiles]( function.
+   This query uses [histogram_quantiles]( function.
 1. An estimated [standard deviation]( of the request duration over the last hour:
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ The resulting histogram buckets can be queried with [MetricsQL](https://docs.vic
    histogram_stddev(sum(increase(request_duration_seconds:60s_histogram_bucket[1h])) by (vmrange))
-   This query uses [histogram_stddev]( function.
+   This query uses [histogram_stddev]( function.
 1. An estimated share of requests with the duration smaller than `0.5s` over the last hour:
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ The resulting histogram buckets can be queried with [MetricsQL](https://docs.vic
    histogram_share(0.5, sum(increase(request_duration_seconds:60s_histogram_bucket[1h])) by (vmrange))
-   This query uses [histogram_share]( function.
+   This query uses [histogram_share]( function.
 See [the list of aggregate output](#aggregation-outputs), which can be specified at `output` field.
 See also [quantiles over input metrics](#quantiles-over-input-metrics) and [aggregating by labels](#aggregating-by-labels).
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ http_request_duration_seconds_bucket:1m_without_instance_total{le="3"}   value5
 http_request_duration_seconds_bucket:1m_without_instance_total{le="+Inf" value6
-The resulting metrics can be passed to [histogram_quantile](
+The resulting metrics can be passed to [histogram_quantile](
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ For example, see below time series produced by config with aggregation interval
 <img alt="increase aggregation" src="stream-aggregation-check-increase.webp">
-`increase` can be used as an alternative for [rate]( function.
+`increase` can be used as an alternative for [rate]( function.
 For example, if `increase` is calculated for `some_counter` with `interval: 5m`, then `rate` can be calculated
 by dividing the resulting aggregation by `5m`:
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ some_counter:5m_increase / 5m
 This is similar to `rate(some_counter[5m])`.
-Please note, opposite to [rate](, `increase` aggregations can be 
+Please note, opposite to [rate](, `increase` aggregations can be 
 combined safely afterwards. This is helpful when the aggregation is calculated by more than one vmagent.
 Aggregating irregular and sporadic metrics (received from [Lambdas](
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@@ -464,14 +464,14 @@ Extra labels can be added to metrics collected by `vmagent` via the following me
 and attaches `instance`, `job` and other target-specific labels to these metrics:
 * `up` - this metric exposes `1` value on successful scrape and `0` value on unsuccessful scrape. This allows monitoring
-  failing scrapes with the following [MetricsQL query](
+  failing scrapes with the following [MetricsQL query](
   up == 0
 * `scrape_duration_seconds` - the duration of the scrape for the given target. This allows monitoring slow scrapes.
-  For example, the following [MetricsQL query]( returns scrapes,
+  For example, the following [MetricsQL query]( returns scrapes,
   which take more than 1.5 seconds to complete:
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ and attaches `instance`, `job` and other target-specific labels to these metrics
 * `scrape_timeout_seconds` - the configured timeout for the current scrape target (aka `scrape_timeout`).
   This allows detecting targets with scrape durations close to the configured scrape timeout.
-  For example, the following [MetricsQL query]( returns targets (identified by `instance` label),
+  For example, the following [MetricsQL query]( returns targets (identified by `instance` label),
   which take more than 80% of the configured `scrape_timeout` during scrapes:
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ and attaches `instance`, `job` and other target-specific labels to these metrics
 * `scrape_samples_scraped` - the number of samples (aka metrics) parsed per each scrape. This allows detecting targets,
-  which expose too many metrics. For example, the following [MetricsQL query](
+  which expose too many metrics. For example, the following [MetricsQL query](
   returns targets, which expose more than 10000 metrics:
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ and attaches `instance`, `job` and other target-specific labels to these metrics
 * `scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling` - the number of samples (aka metrics) left after applying metric-level relabeling
   from `metric_relabel_configs` section (see [relabeling docs](#relabeling) for more details).
   This allows detecting targets with too many metrics after the relabeling.
-  For example, the following [MetricsQL query]( returns targets
+  For example, the following [MetricsQL query]( returns targets
   with more than 10000 metrics after the relabeling:
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ and attaches `instance`, `job` and other target-specific labels to these metrics
 * `scrape_series_added` - **an approximate** number of new series the given target generates during the current scrape.
   This metric allows detecting targets (identified by `instance` label),
   which lead to [high churn rate](
-  For example, the following [MetricsQL query]( returns targets,
+  For example, the following [MetricsQL query]( returns targets,
   which generate more than 1000 new series during the last hour:
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@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ See how to run vmalert-tool for unit test below:
 vmalert-tool unittest is compatible with [Prometheus config format for tests](
 except `promql_expr_test` field. Use `metricsql_expr_test` field name instead. The name is different because vmalert-tool
-validates and executes [MetricsQL]( expressions,
+validates and executes [MetricsQL]( expressions,
 which aren't always backward compatible with [PromQL](
 ### Limitations
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@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Use this feature for the following cases:
 ## Features
 * Integration with [VictoriaMetrics]( TSDB;
-* VictoriaMetrics [MetricsQL](
+* VictoriaMetrics [MetricsQL](
   support and expressions validation;
 * Prometheus [alerting rules definition format](
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ rules:
 ### Rules
 Every rule contains `expr` field for [PromQL](
-or [MetricsQL]( expression. `vmalert` will execute the configured
+or [MetricsQL]( expression. `vmalert` will execute the configured
 expression and then act according to the Rule type.
 There are two types of Rules:
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ Additionally, `vmalert` provides some extra templating functions listed [here](#
 - `parseDurationTime` - parses the input string into [time.Duration](
 - `pathEscape` - escapes the input string, so it can be safely put inside path part of URL.
 - `pathPrefix` - returns the path part of the `-external.url` command-line flag.
-- `query` - executes the [MetricsQL]( query against `-datasource.url` and returns the query result.
+- `query` - executes the [MetricsQL]( query against `-datasource.url` and returns the query result.
   For example, `{{ query "sort_desc(process_resident_memory_bytes)" | first | value }}` executes the `sort_desc(process_resident_memory_bytes)`
   query at `-datasource.url` and returns the first result.
 - `queryEscape` - escapes the input string, so it can be safely put inside [query arg]( part of URL.