diff --git a/app/vmagent/remotewrite/streamaggr.go b/app/vmagent/remotewrite/streamaggr.go
index b8ea11a164..6a7a38a867 100644
--- a/app/vmagent/remotewrite/streamaggr.go
+++ b/app/vmagent/remotewrite/streamaggr.go
@@ -36,25 +36,27 @@ var (
 		"before stream de-duplication and aggregation . See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#dropping-unneeded-labels")
 	// Per URL config
-	streamAggrConfig = flagutil.NewArrayString("remoteWrite.streamAggr.config", "Optional path to file with stream aggregation config. "+
+	streamAggrConfig = flagutil.NewArrayString("remoteWrite.streamAggr.config", "Optional path to file with stream aggregation config for the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. "+
 		"See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/ . "+
 		"See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.keepInput, -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInput and -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval")
 	streamAggrDropInput = flagutil.NewArrayBool("remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInput", "Whether to drop all the input samples after the aggregation "+
-		"with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples "+
+		"with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples "+
 		"are written to the corresponding -remoteWrite.url . See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.keepInput and https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/")
 	streamAggrKeepInput = flagutil.NewArrayBool("remoteWrite.streamAggr.keepInput", "Whether to keep all the input samples after the aggregation "+
-		"with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples "+
+		"with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples "+
 		"are written to the corresponding -remoteWrite.url . See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInput and https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/")
 	streamAggrDedupInterval = flagutil.NewArrayDuration("remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval", 0, "Input samples are de-duplicated with this interval before optional aggregation "+
-		"with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config . See also -dedup.minScrapeInterval and https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#deduplication")
+		"with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. See also -dedup.minScrapeInterval and https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#deduplication")
 	streamAggrIgnoreOldSamples = flagutil.NewArrayBool("remoteWrite.streamAggr.ignoreOldSamples", "Whether to ignore input samples with old timestamps outside the current "+
-		"aggregation interval for the corresponding -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config . "+
+		"aggregation interval for the corresponding -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. "+
 		"See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#ignoring-old-samples")
-	streamAggrIgnoreFirstIntervals = flag.Int("remoteWrite.streamAggr.ignoreFirstIntervals", 0, "Number of aggregation intervals to skip after the start. Increase this value if "+
-		"you observe incorrect aggregation results after vmagent restarts. It could be caused by receiving unordered delayed data from clients pushing data into the vmagent. "+
+	streamAggrIgnoreFirstIntervals = flag.Int("remoteWrite.streamAggr.ignoreFirstIntervals", 0, "Number of aggregation intervals to skip after the start "+
+		"for the corresponding -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. Increase this value if "+
+		"you observe incorrect aggregation results after vmagent restarts. It could be caused by receiving bufferred delayed data from clients pushing data into the vmagent. "+
 		"See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#ignore-aggregation-intervals-on-start")
 	streamAggrDropInputLabels = flagutil.NewArrayString("remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInputLabels", "An optional list of labels to drop from samples "+
-		"before stream de-duplication and aggregation . See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#dropping-unneeded-labels")
+		"before stream de-duplication and aggregation with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config and -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. "+
+		"See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#dropping-unneeded-labels")
 // CheckStreamAggrConfigs checks -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config and -streamAggr.config.
diff --git a/docs/vmagent.md b/docs/vmagent.md
index 28028f94cc..f2d810735c 100644
--- a/docs/vmagent.md
+++ b/docs/vmagent.md
@@ -2173,29 +2173,29 @@ See the docs at https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/ .
      Supports array of values separated by comma or specified via multiple flags.
      Empty values are set to default value.
   -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config array
-     Optional path to file with stream aggregation config. See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/ . See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.keepInput, -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInput and -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval
+     Optional path to file with stream aggregation config for the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/ . See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.keepInput, -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInput and -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval
      Supports an array of values separated by comma or specified via multiple flags.
      Value can contain comma inside single-quoted or double-quoted string, {}, [] and () braces.
   -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval array
-     Input samples are de-duplicated with this interval before optional aggregation with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config . See also -dedup.minScrapeInterval and https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#deduplication (default 0s)
+     Input samples are de-duplicated with this interval before optional aggregation with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. See also -dedup.minScrapeInterval and https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#deduplication (default 0s)
      Supports array of values separated by comma or specified via multiple flags.
      Empty values are set to default value.
   -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInput array
-     Whether to drop all the input samples after the aggregation with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples are written to the corresponding -remoteWrite.url . See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.keepInput and https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/
+     Whether to drop all the input samples after the aggregation with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples are written to the corresponding -remoteWrite.url . See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.keepInput and https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/
      Supports array of values separated by comma or specified via multiple flags.
      Empty values are set to false.
   -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInputLabels array
-     An optional list of labels to drop from samples before stream de-duplication and aggregation . See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#dropping-unneeded-labels
+     An optional list of labels to drop from samples before stream de-duplication and aggregation with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config and -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#dropping-unneeded-labels
      Supports an array of values separated by comma or specified via multiple flags.
      Value can contain comma inside single-quoted or double-quoted string, {}, [] and () braces.
   -remoteWrite.streamAggr.ignoreFirstIntervals int
-     Number of aggregation intervals to skip after the start. Increase this value if you observe incorrect aggregation results after vmagent restarts. It could be caused by receiving unordered delayed data from clients pushing data into the vmagent. See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#ignore-aggregation-intervals-on-start
+     Number of aggregation intervals to skip after the start for the corresponding -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. Increase this value if you observe incorrect aggregation results after vmagent restarts. It could be caused by receiving bufferred delayed data from clients pushing data into the vmagent. See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#ignore-aggregation-intervals-on-start
   -remoteWrite.streamAggr.ignoreOldSamples array
-     Whether to ignore input samples with old timestamps outside the current aggregation interval for the corresponding -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config . See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#ignoring-old-samples
+     Whether to ignore input samples with old timestamps outside the current aggregation interval for the corresponding -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/#ignoring-old-samples
      Supports array of values separated by comma or specified via multiple flags.
      Empty values are set to false.
   -remoteWrite.streamAggr.keepInput array
-     Whether to keep all the input samples after the aggregation with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples are written to the corresponding -remoteWrite.url . See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInput and https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/
+     Whether to keep all the input samples after the aggregation with -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config at the corresponding -remoteWrite.url. By default, only aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples are written to the corresponding -remoteWrite.url . See also -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInput and https://docs.victoriametrics.com/stream-aggregation/
      Supports array of values separated by comma or specified via multiple flags.
      Empty values are set to false.
   -remoteWrite.tlsCAFile array