diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 0d82fa9750..a8f8175f7d 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ go 1.19
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 	cloud.google.com/go/storage v1.29.0
-	github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fastcache v1.12.0
+	github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fastcache v1.12.1
 	// Do not use the original github.com/valyala/fasthttp because of issues
 	// like https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp/commit/996610f021ff45fdc98c2ce7884d5fa4e7f9199b
-	github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp v1.1.0
+	github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp v1.2.0
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-	github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.204
+	github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.209
 	github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.2.0
 	// TODO: switch back to https://github.com/cheggaaa/pb/v3 when v3-pooling branch
@@ -54,17 +54,20 @@ require (
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--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
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-github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fastcache v1.12.0/go.mod h1:tjiYeEfYXCqacuvYw/7UoDIeJaNxq6132xHICNP77w8=
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@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ github.com/aws/aws-lambda-go v1.13.3/go.mod h1:4UKl9IzQMoD+QF79YdCuzCwp8VbmG4VAQ
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-github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.204 h1:7/tPUXfNOHB390A63t6fJIwmlwVQAkAwcbzKsU2/6OQ=
-github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.204/go.mod h1:aVsgQcEevwlmQ7qHE9I3h+dtQgpqhFB+i8Phjh7fkwI=
+github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.209 h1:wZuiaA4eaqYZmoZXqGgNHqVD7y7kUGFvACDGBgowTps=
+github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.209/go.mod h1:aVsgQcEevwlmQ7qHE9I3h+dtQgpqhFB+i8Phjh7fkwI=
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@@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.0.2/go.mod h1:eEew/i+1Q6OrCDZh3WiXYv3+nJwBASZ8
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-github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.1.2/go.mod h1:VGX0DQ3Q6kWi7AoAeZDth3/j3BFtOZR5XLFGgcrjCOs=
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@@ -499,6 +498,8 @@ github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.7/go.mod h1:KdQUCv79m/52Kvf8AW2vK1V8akMuk1QjK/u
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+github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12 h1:PV8peI4a0ysnczrg+LtxykD8LfKY9ML6u2jnxaEnrnM=
+github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12/go.mod h1:e30LSqwooZae/UwlEbR2852Gd8hjQvJoHmT4TnhNGBo=
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@@ -588,9 +589,12 @@ github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.1.2/go.mod h1:FVVH3fgwuzCH5S8UJGiWEs2h04kUh
 github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.3.2/go.mod h1:bFUtVrKA4DC2yAKiSyO/QUcy7e+RRV2QTWOzhPopBRo=
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+github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd h1:TRLaZ9cD/w8PVh93nsPXa1VrQ6jlwL5oN8l14QlcNfg=
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+github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.2 h1:xBagoLtFs94CBntxluKeaWgTMpvLxC4ur3nMaC9Gz0M=
+github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.2/go.mod h1:yWuevngMOJpCy52FWWMvUC8ws7m/LJsjYzDa0/r8luk=
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@@ -683,8 +687,8 @@ github.com/prometheus/common v0.9.1/go.mod h1:yhUN8i9wzaXS3w1O07YhxHEBxD+W35wd8b
 github.com/prometheus/common v0.10.0/go.mod h1:Tlit/dnDKsSWFlCLTWaA1cyBgKHSMdTB80sz/V91rCo=
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-github.com/prometheus/common v0.39.0 h1:oOyhkDq05hPZKItWVBkJ6g6AtGxi+fy7F4JvUV8uhsI=
-github.com/prometheus/common v0.39.0/go.mod h1:6XBZ7lYdLCbkAVhwRsWTZn+IN5AB9F/NXd5w0BbEX0Y=
+github.com/prometheus/common v0.40.0 h1:Afz7EVRqGg2Mqqf4JuF9vdvp1pi220m55Pi9T2JnO4Q=
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@@ -699,8 +703,8 @@ github.com/prometheus/prometheus v1.8.2-0.20201119142752-3ad25a6dc3d9/go.mod h1:
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-github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.3 h1:utMvzDsuh3suAEnhH0RdHmoPbU648o6CvXxTx4SBMOw=
-github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.3/go.mod h1:FN3SvrM+Zdj16jyLfmOkMNblXMcoc8DfTHruCPUcx88=
+github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 h1:8TfxU8dW6PdqD27gjM8MVNuicgxIjxpm4K7x4jp8sis=
+github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4/go.mod h1:FN3SvrM+Zdj16jyLfmOkMNblXMcoc8DfTHruCPUcx88=
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@@ -1021,7 +1025,6 @@ golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210423082822-04245dca01da/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7w
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-golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220405052023-b1e9470b6e64/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
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@@ -1188,8 +1191,8 @@ google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20200729003335-053ba62fc06f/go.mod h1:FWY/as6D
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-google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20230216225411-c8e22ba71e44 h1:EfLuoKW5WfkgVdDy7dTK8qSbH37AX5mj/MFh+bGPz14=
-google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20230216225411-c8e22ba71e44/go.mod h1:8B0gmkoRebU8ukX6HP+4wrVQUY1+6PkQ44BSyIlflHA=
+google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20230223222841-637eb2293923 h1:znp6mq/drrY+6khTAlJUDNFFcDGV2ENLYKpMq8SyCds=
+google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20230223222841-637eb2293923/go.mod h1:3Dl5ZL0q0isWJt+FVcfpQyirqemEuLAK/iFvg1UP1Hw=
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 google.golang.org/grpc v1.19.0/go.mod h1:mqu4LbDTu4XGKhr4mRzUsmM4RtVoemTSY81AxZiDr8c=
 google.golang.org/grpc v1.20.0/go.mod h1:chYK+tFQF0nDUGJgXMSgLCQk3phJEuONr2DCgLDdAQM=
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/bytesconv_32.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/bytesconv_32.go
index 1437754744..6b527f9c88 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/bytesconv_32.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/bytesconv_32.go
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+//go:build !amd64 && !arm64 && !ppc64
 // +build !amd64,!arm64,!ppc64
 package fasthttp
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/bytesconv_64.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/bytesconv_64.go
index 09d07ef10c..870549e194 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/bytesconv_64.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/bytesconv_64.go
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+//go:build amd64 || arm64 || ppc64
 // +build amd64 arm64 ppc64
 package fasthttp
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/client.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/client.go
index 64b194df78..a88e56cc50 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/client.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/client.go
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package fasthttp
 import (
+	"context"
@@ -872,17 +873,40 @@ func (c *HostClient) DoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time
 	return clientDoDeadline(req, resp, deadline, c)
+// DoCtx performs the given request and waits for response until
+// the given context is cancelled or deadline is reached.
+// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
+// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
+// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
+// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
+// ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned until
+// the deadline provided by the given context.
+// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all HostClient.MaxConns connections
+// to the host are busy.
+// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
+// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
+func (c *HostClient) DoCtx(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response) error {
+	return clientDoCtx(ctx, req, resp, c)
 func clientDoTimeout(req *Request, resp *Response, timeout time.Duration, c clientDoer) error {
 	deadline := time.Now().Add(timeout)
 	return clientDoDeadline(req, resp, deadline, c)
 func clientDoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time, c clientDoer) error {
-	timeout := -time.Since(deadline)
-	if timeout <= 0 {
-		return ErrTimeout
-	}
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), deadline)
+	defer cancel()
+	return clientDoCtx(ctx, req, resp, c)
+func clientDoCtx(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *Response, c clientDoer) error {
 	var ch chan error
 	chv := errorChPool.Get()
 	if chv == nil {
@@ -910,7 +934,6 @@ func clientDoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time, c client
 		ch <- c.Do(reqCopy, respCopy)
-	tc := acquireTimer(timeout)
 	var err error
 	select {
 	case err = <-ch:
@@ -921,10 +944,12 @@ func clientDoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time, c client
-	case <-tc.C:
-		err = ErrTimeout
+	case <-ctx.Done():
+		err = ctx.Err()
+		if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
+			err = ErrTimeout
+		}
-	releaseTimer(tc)
 	return err
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/compress.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/compress.go
index ed2e0ad339..c37a807ea8 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/compress.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/compress.go
@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ var (
 // Supported compression levels are:
-//    * CompressNoCompression
-//    * CompressBestSpeed
-//    * CompressBestCompression
-//    * CompressDefaultCompression
-//    * CompressHuffmanOnly
+//   - CompressNoCompression
+//   - CompressBestSpeed
+//   - CompressBestCompression
+//   - CompressDefaultCompression
+//   - CompressHuffmanOnly
 func AppendGzipBytesLevel(dst, src []byte, level int) []byte {
 	w := &byteSliceWriter{dst}
 	WriteGzipLevel(w, src, level)
@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ func AppendGzipBytesLevel(dst, src []byte, level int) []byte {
 // Supported compression levels are:
-//    * CompressNoCompression
-//    * CompressBestSpeed
-//    * CompressBestCompression
-//    * CompressDefaultCompression
-//    * CompressHuffmanOnly
+//   - CompressNoCompression
+//   - CompressBestSpeed
+//   - CompressBestCompression
+//   - CompressDefaultCompression
+//   - CompressHuffmanOnly
 func WriteGzipLevel(w io.Writer, p []byte, level int) (int, error) {
 	switch w.(type) {
 	case *byteSliceWriter,
@@ -224,11 +224,11 @@ func AppendGunzipBytes(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
 // Supported compression levels are:
-//    * CompressNoCompression
-//    * CompressBestSpeed
-//    * CompressBestCompression
-//    * CompressDefaultCompression
-//    * CompressHuffmanOnly
+//   - CompressNoCompression
+//   - CompressBestSpeed
+//   - CompressBestCompression
+//   - CompressDefaultCompression
+//   - CompressHuffmanOnly
 func AppendDeflateBytesLevel(dst, src []byte, level int) []byte {
 	w := &byteSliceWriter{dst}
 	WriteDeflateLevel(w, src, level)
@@ -240,11 +240,11 @@ func AppendDeflateBytesLevel(dst, src []byte, level int) []byte {
 // Supported compression levels are:
-//    * CompressNoCompression
-//    * CompressBestSpeed
-//    * CompressBestCompression
-//    * CompressDefaultCompression
-//    * CompressHuffmanOnly
+//   - CompressNoCompression
+//   - CompressBestSpeed
+//   - CompressBestCompression
+//   - CompressDefaultCompression
+//   - CompressHuffmanOnly
 func WriteDeflateLevel(w io.Writer, p []byte, level int) (int, error) {
 	switch w.(type) {
 	case *byteSliceWriter,
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/doc.go
index 501eff6f1f..8ef161d561 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/doc.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/doc.go
@@ -3,38 +3,57 @@ Package fasthttp provides fast HTTP server and client API.
 Fasthttp provides the following features:
-    * Optimized for speed. Easily handles more than 100K qps and more than 1M
-      concurrent keep-alive connections on modern hardware.
-    * Optimized for low memory usage.
-    * Easy 'Connection: Upgrade' support via RequestCtx.Hijack.
-    * Server supports requests' pipelining. Multiple requests may be read from
-      a single network packet and multiple responses may be sent in a single
-      network packet. This may be useful for highly loaded REST services.
-    * Server provides the following anti-DoS limits:
+  - Optimized for speed. Easily handles more than 100K qps and more than 1M
+    concurrent keep-alive connections on modern hardware.
-        * The number of concurrent connections.
-        * The number of concurrent connections per client IP.
-        * The number of requests per connection.
-        * Request read timeout.
-        * Response write timeout.
-        * Maximum request header size.
-        * Maximum request body size.
-        * Maximum request execution time.
-        * Maximum keep-alive connection lifetime.
-        * Early filtering out non-GET requests.
+  - Optimized for low memory usage.
-    * A lot of additional useful info is exposed to request handler:
+  - Easy 'Connection: Upgrade' support via RequestCtx.Hijack.
-        * Server and client address.
-        * Per-request logger.
-        * Unique request id.
-        * Request start time.
-        * Connection start time.
-        * Request sequence number for the current connection.
+  - Server supports requests' pipelining. Multiple requests may be read from
+    a single network packet and multiple responses may be sent in a single
+    network packet. This may be useful for highly loaded REST services.
-    * Client supports automatic retry on idempotent requests' failure.
-    * Fasthttp API is designed with the ability to extend existing client
-      and server implementations or to write custom client and server
-      implementations from scratch.
+  - Server provides the following anti-DoS limits:
+  - The number of concurrent connections.
+  - The number of concurrent connections per client IP.
+  - The number of requests per connection.
+  - Request read timeout.
+  - Response write timeout.
+  - Maximum request header size.
+  - Maximum request body size.
+  - Maximum request execution time.
+  - Maximum keep-alive connection lifetime.
+  - Early filtering out non-GET requests.
+  - A lot of additional useful info is exposed to request handler:
+  - Server and client address.
+  - Per-request logger.
+  - Unique request id.
+  - Request start time.
+  - Connection start time.
+  - Request sequence number for the current connection.
+  - Client supports automatic retry on idempotent requests' failure.
+  - Fasthttp API is designed with the ability to extend existing client
+    and server implementations or to write custom client and server
+    implementations from scratch.
 package fasthttp
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/fs.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/fs.go
index 268021438d..72629fb253 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/fs.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/fs.go
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ func ServeFileUncompressed(ctx *RequestCtx, path string) {
 // HTTP response may contain uncompressed file contents in the following cases:
-//   * Missing 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' request header.
-//   * No write access to directory containing the file.
+//   - Missing 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' request header.
+//   - No write access to directory containing the file.
 // Directory contents is returned if path points to directory.
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ func ServeFileBytes(ctx *RequestCtx, path []byte) {
 // HTTP response may contain uncompressed file contents in the following cases:
-//   * Missing 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' request header.
-//   * No write access to directory containing the file.
+//   - Missing 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' request header.
+//   - No write access to directory containing the file.
 // Directory contents is returned if path points to directory.
@@ -123,12 +123,11 @@ type PathRewriteFunc func(ctx *RequestCtx) []byte
 // Examples:
-//   * host=foobar.com, slashesCount=0, original path="/foo/bar".
+//   - host=foobar.com, slashesCount=0, original path="/foo/bar".
 //     Resulting path: "/foobar.com/foo/bar"
-//   * host=img.aaa.com, slashesCount=1, original path="/images/123/456.jpg"
+//   - host=img.aaa.com, slashesCount=1, original path="/images/123/456.jpg"
 //     Resulting path: "/img.aaa.com/123/456.jpg"
 func NewVHostPathRewriter(slashesCount int) PathRewriteFunc {
 	return func(ctx *RequestCtx) []byte {
 		path := stripLeadingSlashes(ctx.Path(), slashesCount)
@@ -157,9 +156,9 @@ var strInvalidHost = []byte("invalid-host")
 // Examples:
-//   * slashesCount = 0, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "/foo/bar"
-//   * slashesCount = 1, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "/bar"
-//   * slashesCount = 2, original path: "/foo/bar", result: ""
+//   - slashesCount = 0, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "/foo/bar"
+//   - slashesCount = 1, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "/bar"
+//   - slashesCount = 2, original path: "/foo/bar", result: ""
 // The returned path rewriter may be used as FS.PathRewrite .
 func NewPathSlashesStripper(slashesCount int) PathRewriteFunc {
@@ -173,9 +172,9 @@ func NewPathSlashesStripper(slashesCount int) PathRewriteFunc {
 // Examples:
-//   * prefixSize = 0, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "/foo/bar"
-//   * prefixSize = 3, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "o/bar"
-//   * prefixSize = 7, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "r"
+//   - prefixSize = 0, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "/foo/bar"
+//   - prefixSize = 3, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "o/bar"
+//   - prefixSize = 7, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "r"
 // The returned path rewriter may be used as FS.PathRewrite .
 func NewPathPrefixStripper(prefixSize int) PathRewriteFunc {
@@ -273,9 +272,9 @@ const FSHandlerCacheDuration = 10 * time.Second
 // from requested path before searching requested file in the root folder.
 // Examples:
-//   * stripSlashes = 0, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "/foo/bar"
-//   * stripSlashes = 1, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "/bar"
-//   * stripSlashes = 2, original path: "/foo/bar", result: ""
+//   - stripSlashes = 0, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "/foo/bar"
+//   - stripSlashes = 1, original path: "/foo/bar", result: "/bar"
+//   - stripSlashes = 2, original path: "/foo/bar", result: ""
 // The returned request handler automatically generates index pages
 // for directories without index.html.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/header.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/header.go
index f374c2b59c..711329180d 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/header.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/header.go
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ func (h *ResponseHeader) SetContentRange(startPos, endPos, contentLength int) {
 // SetByteRange sets 'Range: bytes=startPos-endPos' header.
-//     * If startPos is negative, then 'bytes=-startPos' value is set.
-//     * If endPos is negative, then 'bytes=startPos-' value is set.
+//   - If startPos is negative, then 'bytes=-startPos' value is set.
+//   - If endPos is negative, then 'bytes=startPos-' value is set.
 func (h *RequestHeader) SetByteRange(startPos, endPos int) {
@@ -1985,9 +1985,9 @@ func normalizeHeaderKey(b []byte) {
 // after dashes are also uppercased. All the other letters are lowercased.
 // Examples:
-//   * coNTENT-TYPe -> Content-Type
-//   * HOST -> Host
-//   * foo-bar-baz -> Foo-Bar-Baz
+//   - coNTENT-TYPe -> Content-Type
+//   - HOST -> Host
+//   - foo-bar-baz -> Foo-Bar-Baz
 func AppendNormalizedHeaderKey(dst []byte, key string) []byte {
 	dst = append(dst, key...)
@@ -2001,9 +2001,9 @@ func AppendNormalizedHeaderKey(dst []byte, key string) []byte {
 // after dashes are also uppercased. All the other letters are lowercased.
 // Examples:
-//   * coNTENT-TYPe -> Content-Type
-//   * HOST -> Host
-//   * foo-bar-baz -> Foo-Bar-Baz
+//   - coNTENT-TYPe -> Content-Type
+//   - HOST -> Host
+//   - foo-bar-baz -> Foo-Bar-Baz
 func AppendNormalizedHeaderKeyBytes(dst, key []byte) []byte {
 	return AppendNormalizedHeaderKey(dst, b2s(key))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/http.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/http.go
index 3c7fc56d15..795f8fbde9 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/http.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/http.go
@@ -216,14 +216,14 @@ func (resp *Response) IsBodyStream() bool {
 // This function may be used in the following cases:
-//     * if request body is too big (more than 10MB).
-//     * if request body is streamed from slow external sources.
-//     * if request body must be streamed to the server in chunks
+//   - if request body is too big (more than 10MB).
+//   - if request body is streamed from slow external sources.
+//   - if request body must be streamed to the server in chunks
 //     (aka `http client push` or `chunked transfer-encoding`).
 // Note that GET and HEAD requests cannot have body.
-/// See also SetBodyStream.
+// / See also SetBodyStream.
 func (req *Request) SetBodyStreamWriter(sw StreamWriter) {
 	sr := NewStreamReader(sw)
 	req.SetBodyStream(sr, -1)
@@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ func (req *Request) SetBodyStreamWriter(sw StreamWriter) {
 // This function may be used in the following cases:
-//     * if response body is too big (more than 10MB).
-//     * if response body is streamed from slow external sources.
-//     * if response body must be streamed to the client in chunks
+//   - if response body is too big (more than 10MB).
+//   - if response body is streamed from slow external sources.
+//   - if response body must be streamed to the client in chunks
 //     (aka `http server push` or `chunked transfer-encoding`).
 // See also SetBodyStream.
@@ -831,11 +831,11 @@ func (resp *Response) resetSkipHeader() {
 // If MayContinue returns true, the caller must:
-//     - Either send StatusExpectationFailed response if request headers don't
-//       satisfy the caller.
-//     - Or send StatusContinue response before reading request body
-//       with ContinueReadBody.
-//     - Or close the connection.
+//   - Either send StatusExpectationFailed response if request headers don't
+//     satisfy the caller.
+//   - Or send StatusContinue response before reading request body
+//     with ContinueReadBody.
+//   - Or close the connection.
 // io.EOF is returned if r is closed before reading the first header byte.
 func (req *Request) Read(r *bufio.Reader) error {
@@ -857,11 +857,11 @@ var errGetOnly = errors.New("non-GET request received")
 // If MayContinue returns true, the caller must:
-//     - Either send StatusExpectationFailed response if request headers don't
-//       satisfy the caller.
-//     - Or send StatusContinue response before reading request body
-//       with ContinueReadBody.
-//     - Or close the connection.
+//   - Either send StatusExpectationFailed response if request headers don't
+//     satisfy the caller.
+//   - Or send StatusContinue response before reading request body
+//     with ContinueReadBody.
+//   - Or close the connection.
 // io.EOF is returned if r is closed before reading the first header byte.
 func (req *Request) ReadLimitBody(r *bufio.Reader, maxBodySize int) error {
@@ -900,11 +900,11 @@ func (req *Request) readLimitBody(r *bufio.Reader, maxBodySize int, getOnly bool
 // The caller must do one of the following actions if MayContinue returns true:
-//     - Either send StatusExpectationFailed response if request headers don't
-//       satisfy the caller.
-//     - Or send StatusContinue response before reading request body
-//       with ContinueReadBody.
-//     - Or close the connection.
+//   - Either send StatusExpectationFailed response if request headers don't
+//     satisfy the caller.
+//   - Or send StatusContinue response before reading request body
+//     with ContinueReadBody.
+//   - Or close the connection.
 func (req *Request) MayContinue() bool {
 	return bytes.Equal(req.Header.peek(strExpect), str100Continue)
@@ -1138,11 +1138,11 @@ func (resp *Response) WriteGzip(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 // Level is the desired compression level:
-//     * CompressNoCompression
-//     * CompressBestSpeed
-//     * CompressBestCompression
-//     * CompressDefaultCompression
-//     * CompressHuffmanOnly
+//   - CompressNoCompression
+//   - CompressBestSpeed
+//   - CompressBestCompression
+//   - CompressDefaultCompression
+//   - CompressHuffmanOnly
 // The method gzips response body and sets 'Content-Encoding: gzip'
 // header before writing response to w.
@@ -1169,11 +1169,11 @@ func (resp *Response) WriteDeflate(w *bufio.Writer) error {
 // Level is the desired compression level:
-//     * CompressNoCompression
-//     * CompressBestSpeed
-//     * CompressBestCompression
-//     * CompressDefaultCompression
-//     * CompressHuffmanOnly
+//   - CompressNoCompression
+//   - CompressBestSpeed
+//   - CompressBestCompression
+//   - CompressDefaultCompression
+//   - CompressHuffmanOnly
 // The method deflates response body and sets 'Content-Encoding: deflate'
 // header before writing response to w.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/server.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/server.go
index c2432c840f..309c78b92a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/server.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/server.go
@@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ func CompressHandler(h RequestHandler) RequestHandler {
 // Level is the desired compression level:
-//     * CompressNoCompression
-//     * CompressBestSpeed
-//     * CompressBestCompression
-//     * CompressDefaultCompression
-//     * CompressHuffmanOnly
+//   - CompressNoCompression
+//   - CompressBestSpeed
+//   - CompressBestCompression
+//   - CompressDefaultCompression
+//   - CompressHuffmanOnly
 func CompressHandlerLevel(h RequestHandler, level int) RequestHandler {
 	return func(ctx *RequestCtx) {
@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@ type HijackHandler func(c net.Conn)
 // The server skips calling the handler in the following cases:
-//     * 'Connection: close' header exists in either request or response.
-//     * Unexpected error during response writing to the connection.
+//   - 'Connection: close' header exists in either request or response.
+//   - Unexpected error during response writing to the connection.
 // The server stops processing requests from hijacked connections.
 // Server limits such as Concurrency, ReadTimeout, WriteTimeout, etc.
@@ -417,9 +417,8 @@ type HijackHandler func(c net.Conn)
 // Arbitrary 'Connection: Upgrade' protocols may be implemented
 // with HijackHandler. For instance,
-//     * WebSocket ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebSocket )
-//     * HTTP/2.0 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP/2 )
+//   - WebSocket ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebSocket )
+//   - HTTP/2.0 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP/2 )
 func (ctx *RequestCtx) Hijack(handler HijackHandler) {
 	ctx.hijackHandler = handler
@@ -759,15 +758,15 @@ func SaveMultipartFile(fh *multipart.FileHeader, path string) error {
 // The value is searched in the following places:
-//   * Query string.
-//   * POST or PUT body.
+//   - Query string.
+//   - POST or PUT body.
 // There are more fine-grained methods for obtaining form values:
-//   * QueryArgs for obtaining values from query string.
-//   * PostArgs for obtaining values from POST or PUT body.
-//   * MultipartForm for obtaining values from multipart form.
-//   * FormFile for obtaining uploaded files.
+//   - QueryArgs for obtaining values from query string.
+//   - PostArgs for obtaining values from POST or PUT body.
+//   - MultipartForm for obtaining values from multipart form.
+//   - FormFile for obtaining uploaded files.
 // The returned value is valid until returning from RequestHandler.
 func (ctx *RequestCtx) FormValue(key string) []byte {
@@ -896,10 +895,10 @@ func (ctx *RequestCtx) SuccessString(contentType, body string) {
 // statusCode must have one of the following values:
-//    * StatusMovedPermanently (301)
-//    * StatusFound (302)
-//    * StatusSeeOther (303)
-//    * StatusTemporaryRedirect (307)
+//   - StatusMovedPermanently (301)
+//   - StatusFound (302)
+//   - StatusSeeOther (303)
+//   - StatusTemporaryRedirect (307)
 // All other statusCode values are replaced by StatusFound (302).
@@ -918,10 +917,10 @@ func (ctx *RequestCtx) Redirect(uri string, statusCode int) {
 // statusCode must have one of the following values:
-//    * StatusMovedPermanently (301)
-//    * StatusFound (302)
-//    * StatusSeeOther (303)
-//    * StatusTemporaryRedirect (307)
+//   - StatusMovedPermanently (301)
+//   - StatusFound (302)
+//   - StatusSeeOther (303)
+//   - StatusTemporaryRedirect (307)
 // All other statusCode values are replaced by StatusFound (302).
@@ -1056,9 +1055,9 @@ func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetBodyStream(bodyStream io.Reader, bodySize int) {
 // This function may be used in the following cases:
-//     * if response body is too big (more than 10MB).
-//     * if response body is streamed from slow external sources.
-//     * if response body must be streamed to the client in chunks.
+//   - if response body is too big (more than 10MB).
+//   - if response body is streamed from slow external sources.
+//   - if response body must be streamed to the client in chunks.
 //     (aka `http server push`).
 func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetBodyStreamWriter(sw StreamWriter) {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/tcpdialer.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/tcpdialer.go
index e31fd75857..0e03482bfb 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/tcpdialer.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/tcpdialer.go
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ import (
 // This function has the following additional features comparing to net.Dial:
-//   * It reduces load on DNS resolver by caching resolved TCP addressed
+//   - It reduces load on DNS resolver by caching resolved TCP addressed
 //     for DefaultDNSCacheDuration.
-//   * It dials all the resolved TCP addresses in round-robin manner until
+//   - It dials all the resolved TCP addresses in round-robin manner until
 //     connection is established. This may be useful if certain addresses
 //     are temporarily unreachable.
-//   * It returns ErrDialTimeout if connection cannot be established during
+//   - It returns ErrDialTimeout if connection cannot be established during
 //     DefaultDialTimeout seconds. Use DialTimeout for customizing dial timeout.
 // This dialer is intended for custom code wrapping before passing
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ import (
 // The addr passed to the function must contain port. Example addr values:
-//     * foobar.baz:443
-//     * foo.bar:80
-//     * aaa.com:8080
+//   - foobar.baz:443
+//   - foo.bar:80
+//   - aaa.com:8080
 func Dial(addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
 	return getDialer(DefaultDialTimeout, false)(addr)
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ func Dial(addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
 // This function has the following additional features comparing to net.Dial:
-//   * It reduces load on DNS resolver by caching resolved TCP addressed
+//   - It reduces load on DNS resolver by caching resolved TCP addressed
 //     for DefaultDNSCacheDuration.
-//   * It dials all the resolved TCP addresses in round-robin manner until
+//   - It dials all the resolved TCP addresses in round-robin manner until
 //     connection is established. This may be useful if certain addresses
 //     are temporarily unreachable.
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ func Dial(addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
 // The addr passed to the function must contain port. Example addr values:
-//     * foobar.baz:443
-//     * foo.bar:80
-//     * aaa.com:8080
+//   - foobar.baz:443
+//   - foo.bar:80
+//   - aaa.com:8080
 func DialTimeout(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
 	return getDialer(timeout, false)(addr)
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ func DialTimeout(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
 // This function has the following additional features comparing to net.Dial:
-//   * It reduces load on DNS resolver by caching resolved TCP addressed
+//   - It reduces load on DNS resolver by caching resolved TCP addressed
 //     for DefaultDNSCacheDuration.
-//   * It dials all the resolved TCP addresses in round-robin manner until
+//   - It dials all the resolved TCP addresses in round-robin manner until
 //     connection is established. This may be useful if certain addresses
 //     are temporarily unreachable.
-//   * It returns ErrDialTimeout if connection cannot be established during
+//   - It returns ErrDialTimeout if connection cannot be established during
 //     DefaultDialTimeout seconds. Use DialDualStackTimeout for custom dial
 //     timeout.
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ func DialTimeout(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
 // The addr passed to the function must contain port. Example addr values:
-//     * foobar.baz:443
-//     * foo.bar:80
-//     * aaa.com:8080
+//   - foobar.baz:443
+//   - foo.bar:80
+//   - aaa.com:8080
 func DialDualStack(addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
 	return getDialer(DefaultDialTimeout, true)(addr)
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ func DialDualStack(addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
 // This function has the following additional features comparing to net.Dial:
-//   * It reduces load on DNS resolver by caching resolved TCP addressed
+//   - It reduces load on DNS resolver by caching resolved TCP addressed
 //     for DefaultDNSCacheDuration.
-//   * It dials all the resolved TCP addresses in round-robin manner until
+//   - It dials all the resolved TCP addresses in round-robin manner until
 //     connection is established. This may be useful if certain addresses
 //     are temporarily unreachable.
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ func DialDualStack(addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
 // The addr passed to the function must contain port. Example addr values:
-//     * foobar.baz:443
-//     * foo.bar:80
-//     * aaa.com:8080
+//   - foobar.baz:443
+//   - foo.bar:80
+//   - aaa.com:8080
 func DialDualStackTimeout(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
 	return getDialer(timeout, true)(addr)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri.go
index 37572f5d1d..504eb663b8 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri.go
@@ -356,9 +356,9 @@ func (u *URI) RequestURI() []byte {
 // Examples:
-//    * For /foo/bar/baz.html path returns baz.html.
-//    * For /foo/bar/ returns empty byte slice.
-//    * For /foobar.js returns foobar.js.
+//   - For /foo/bar/baz.html path returns baz.html.
+//   - For /foo/bar/ returns empty byte slice.
+//   - For /foobar.js returns foobar.js.
 func (u *URI) LastPathSegment() []byte {
 	path := u.Path()
 	n := bytes.LastIndexByte(path, '/')
@@ -372,14 +372,14 @@ func (u *URI) LastPathSegment() []byte {
 // The following newURI types are accepted:
-//     * Absolute, i.e. http://foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc . In this case the original
-//       uri is replaced by newURI.
-//     * Absolute without scheme, i.e. //foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc. In this case
-//       the original scheme is preserved.
-//     * Missing host, i.e. /aaa/bb?cc . In this case only RequestURI part
-//       of the original uri is replaced.
-//     * Relative path, i.e.  xx?yy=abc . In this case the original RequestURI
-//       is updated according to the new relative path.
+//   - Absolute, i.e. http://foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc . In this case the original
+//     uri is replaced by newURI.
+//   - Absolute without scheme, i.e. //foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc. In this case
+//     the original scheme is preserved.
+//   - Missing host, i.e. /aaa/bb?cc . In this case only RequestURI part
+//     of the original uri is replaced.
+//   - Relative path, i.e.  xx?yy=abc . In this case the original RequestURI
+//     is updated according to the new relative path.
 func (u *URI) Update(newURI string) {
@@ -388,14 +388,14 @@ func (u *URI) Update(newURI string) {
 // The following newURI types are accepted:
-//     * Absolute, i.e. http://foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc . In this case the original
-//       uri is replaced by newURI.
-//     * Absolute without scheme, i.e. //foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc. In this case
-//       the original scheme is preserved.
-//     * Missing host, i.e. /aaa/bb?cc . In this case only RequestURI part
-//       of the original uri is replaced.
-//     * Relative path, i.e.  xx?yy=abc . In this case the original RequestURI
-//       is updated according to the new relative path.
+//   - Absolute, i.e. http://foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc . In this case the original
+//     uri is replaced by newURI.
+//   - Absolute without scheme, i.e. //foobar.com/aaa/bb?cc. In this case
+//     the original scheme is preserved.
+//   - Missing host, i.e. /aaa/bb?cc . In this case only RequestURI part
+//     of the original uri is replaced.
+//   - Relative path, i.e.  xx?yy=abc . In this case the original RequestURI
+//     is updated according to the new relative path.
 func (u *URI) UpdateBytes(newURI []byte) {
 	u.requestURI = u.updateBytes(newURI, u.requestURI)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri_unix.go
index 1e3073329d..c2ac8fa46e 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri_unix.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri_unix.go
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+//go:build !windows
 // +build !windows
 package fasthttp
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri_windows.go
index 95917a6bc7..e1391a7ac6 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri_windows.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp/uri_windows.go
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+//go:build windows
 // +build windows
 package fasthttp
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go
index 6f4ad8ef19..099bf0bf3a 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/endpoints/defaults.go
@@ -7796,12 +7796,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{
 					Region: "eu-central-1",
 				}: endpoint{},
+				endpointKey{
+					Region: "eu-central-2",
+				}: endpoint{},
 					Region: "eu-north-1",
 				}: endpoint{},
 					Region: "eu-south-1",
 				}: endpoint{},
+				endpointKey{
+					Region: "eu-south-2",
+				}: endpoint{},
 					Region: "eu-west-1",
 				}: endpoint{},
@@ -14673,6 +14679,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{
 					Region: "eu-west-3",
 				}: endpoint{},
+				endpointKey{
+					Region: "me-central-1",
+				}: endpoint{},
 					Region: "me-south-1",
 				}: endpoint{},
@@ -15270,6 +15279,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{
 					Region: "ap-southeast-2",
 				}: endpoint{},
+				endpointKey{
+					Region: "ap-southeast-3",
+				}: endpoint{},
 					Region: "ca-central-1",
 				}: endpoint{},
@@ -31528,6 +31540,21 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{
 					Region: "us-gov-west-1",
 				}: endpoint{},
+				endpointKey{
+					Region:  "us-gov-west-1",
+					Variant: fipsVariant,
+				}: endpoint{
+					Hostname: "clouddirectory.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com",
+				},
+				endpointKey{
+					Region: "us-gov-west-1-fips",
+				}: endpoint{
+					Hostname: "clouddirectory.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com",
+					CredentialScope: credentialScope{
+						Region: "us-gov-west-1",
+					},
+					Deprecated: boxedTrue,
+				},
 		"cloudformation": service{
@@ -32751,6 +32778,16 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{
+		"emr-containers": service{
+			Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{
+				endpointKey{
+					Region: "us-gov-east-1",
+				}: endpoint{},
+				endpointKey{
+					Region: "us-gov-west-1",
+				}: endpoint{},
+			},
+		},
 		"es": service{
 			Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go
index bdd18b271d..b1c7ff7828 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/version.go
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ package aws
 const SDKName = "aws-sdk-go"
 // SDKVersion is the version of this SDK
-const SDKVersion = "1.44.204"
+const SDKVersion = "1.44.209"
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/.codecov.yml b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/.codecov.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..955dc0be5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/.codecov.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+    - "output_tests/.*"
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15556530a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..449e67cd01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+language: go
+  - 1.8.x
+  - 1.x
+  - go get -t -v ./...
+  - ./test.sh
+  - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/Gopkg.lock b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/Gopkg.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8a9fbb387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/Gopkg.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'.
+  name = "github.com/modern-go/concurrent"
+  packages = ["."]
+  revision = "e0a39a4cb4216ea8db28e22a69f4ec25610d513a"
+  version = "1.0.0"
+  name = "github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+  packages = ["."]
+  revision = "4b7aa43c6742a2c18fdef89dd197aaae7dac7ccd"
+  version = "1.0.1"
+  analyzer-name = "dep"
+  analyzer-version = 1
+  inputs-digest = "ea54a775e5a354cb015502d2e7aa4b74230fc77e894f34a838b268c25ec8eeb8"
+  solver-name = "gps-cdcl"
+  solver-version = 1
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/Gopkg.toml b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/Gopkg.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..313a0f887b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/Gopkg.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Gopkg.toml example
+# Refer to https://github.com/golang/dep/blob/master/docs/Gopkg.toml.md
+# for detailed Gopkg.toml documentation.
+# required = ["github.com/user/thing/cmd/thing"]
+# ignored = ["github.com/user/project/pkgX", "bitbucket.org/user/project/pkgA/pkgY"]
+# [[constraint]]
+#   name = "github.com/user/project"
+#   version = "1.0.0"
+# [[constraint]]
+#   name = "github.com/user/project2"
+#   branch = "dev"
+#   source = "github.com/myfork/project2"
+# [[override]]
+#  name = "github.com/x/y"
+#  version = "2.4.0"
+ignored = ["github.com/davecgh/go-spew*","github.com/google/gofuzz*","github.com/stretchr/testify*"]
+  name = "github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+  version = "1.0.1"
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cf4f5ab28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2016 json-iterator
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/README.md b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c589addf98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/json-iterator/go.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/json-iterator/go)
+[![Gitter chat](https://badges.gitter.im/gitterHQ/gitter.png)](https://gitter.im/json-iterator/Lobby)
+A high-performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json"
+# Benchmark
+Source code: https://github.com/json-iterator/go-benchmark/blob/master/src/github.com/json-iterator/go-benchmark/benchmark_medium_payload_test.go
+Raw Result (easyjson requires static code generation)
+|                 | ns/op       | allocation bytes | allocation times |
+| --------------- | ----------- | ---------------- | ---------------- |
+| std decode      | 35510 ns/op | 1960 B/op        | 99 allocs/op     |
+| easyjson decode | 8499 ns/op  | 160 B/op         | 4 allocs/op      |
+| jsoniter decode | 5623 ns/op  | 160 B/op         | 3 allocs/op      |
+| std encode      | 2213 ns/op  | 712 B/op         | 5 allocs/op      |
+| easyjson encode | 883 ns/op   | 576 B/op         | 3 allocs/op      |
+| jsoniter encode | 837 ns/op   | 384 B/op         | 4 allocs/op      |
+Always benchmark with your own workload.
+The result depends heavily on the data input.
+# Usage
+100% compatibility with standard lib
+import "encoding/json"
+import jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
+var json = jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary
+import "encoding/json"
+json.Unmarshal(input, &data)
+import jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
+var json = jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary
+json.Unmarshal(input, &data)
+[More documentation](http://jsoniter.com/migrate-from-go-std.html)
+# How to get
+go get github.com/json-iterator/go
+# Contribution Welcomed !
+- [thockin](https://github.com/thockin)
+- [mattn](https://github.com/mattn)
+- [cch123](https://github.com/cch123)
+- [Oleg Shaldybin](https://github.com/olegshaldybin)
+- [Jason Toffaletti](https://github.com/toffaletti)
+Report issue or pull request, or email taowen@gmail.com, or [![Gitter chat](https://badges.gitter.im/gitterHQ/gitter.png)](https://gitter.im/json-iterator/Lobby)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/adapter.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/adapter.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92d2cc4a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/adapter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"io"
+// RawMessage to make replace json with jsoniter
+type RawMessage []byte
+// Unmarshal adapts to json/encoding Unmarshal API
+// Unmarshal parses the JSON-encoded data and stores the result in the value pointed to by v.
+// Refer to https://godoc.org/encoding/json#Unmarshal for more information
+func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
+	return ConfigDefault.Unmarshal(data, v)
+// UnmarshalFromString is a convenient method to read from string instead of []byte
+func UnmarshalFromString(str string, v interface{}) error {
+	return ConfigDefault.UnmarshalFromString(str, v)
+// Get quick method to get value from deeply nested JSON structure
+func Get(data []byte, path ...interface{}) Any {
+	return ConfigDefault.Get(data, path...)
+// Marshal adapts to json/encoding Marshal API
+// Marshal returns the JSON encoding of v, adapts to json/encoding Marshal API
+// Refer to https://godoc.org/encoding/json#Marshal for more information
+func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+	return ConfigDefault.Marshal(v)
+// MarshalIndent same as json.MarshalIndent. Prefix is not supported.
+func MarshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
+	return ConfigDefault.MarshalIndent(v, prefix, indent)
+// MarshalToString convenient method to write as string instead of []byte
+func MarshalToString(v interface{}) (string, error) {
+	return ConfigDefault.MarshalToString(v)
+// NewDecoder adapts to json/stream NewDecoder API.
+// NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from r.
+// Instead of a json/encoding Decoder, an Decoder is returned
+// Refer to https://godoc.org/encoding/json#NewDecoder for more information
+func NewDecoder(reader io.Reader) *Decoder {
+	return ConfigDefault.NewDecoder(reader)
+// Decoder reads and decodes JSON values from an input stream.
+// Decoder provides identical APIs with json/stream Decoder (Token() and UseNumber() are in progress)
+type Decoder struct {
+	iter *Iterator
+// Decode decode JSON into interface{}
+func (adapter *Decoder) Decode(obj interface{}) error {
+	if adapter.iter.head == adapter.iter.tail && adapter.iter.reader != nil {
+		if !adapter.iter.loadMore() {
+			return io.EOF
+		}
+	}
+	adapter.iter.ReadVal(obj)
+	err := adapter.iter.Error
+	if err == io.EOF {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return adapter.iter.Error
+// More is there more?
+func (adapter *Decoder) More() bool {
+	iter := adapter.iter
+	if iter.Error != nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == 0 {
+		return false
+	}
+	iter.unreadByte()
+	return c != ']' && c != '}'
+// Buffered remaining buffer
+func (adapter *Decoder) Buffered() io.Reader {
+	remaining := adapter.iter.buf[adapter.iter.head:adapter.iter.tail]
+	return bytes.NewReader(remaining)
+// UseNumber causes the Decoder to unmarshal a number into an interface{} as a
+// Number instead of as a float64.
+func (adapter *Decoder) UseNumber() {
+	cfg := adapter.iter.cfg.configBeforeFrozen
+	cfg.UseNumber = true
+	adapter.iter.cfg = cfg.frozeWithCacheReuse(adapter.iter.cfg.extraExtensions)
+// DisallowUnknownFields causes the Decoder to return an error when the destination
+// is a struct and the input contains object keys which do not match any
+// non-ignored, exported fields in the destination.
+func (adapter *Decoder) DisallowUnknownFields() {
+	cfg := adapter.iter.cfg.configBeforeFrozen
+	cfg.DisallowUnknownFields = true
+	adapter.iter.cfg = cfg.frozeWithCacheReuse(adapter.iter.cfg.extraExtensions)
+// NewEncoder same as json.NewEncoder
+func NewEncoder(writer io.Writer) *Encoder {
+	return ConfigDefault.NewEncoder(writer)
+// Encoder same as json.Encoder
+type Encoder struct {
+	stream *Stream
+// Encode encode interface{} as JSON to io.Writer
+func (adapter *Encoder) Encode(val interface{}) error {
+	adapter.stream.WriteVal(val)
+	adapter.stream.WriteRaw("\n")
+	adapter.stream.Flush()
+	return adapter.stream.Error
+// SetIndent set the indention. Prefix is not supported
+func (adapter *Encoder) SetIndent(prefix, indent string) {
+	config := adapter.stream.cfg.configBeforeFrozen
+	config.IndentionStep = len(indent)
+	adapter.stream.cfg = config.frozeWithCacheReuse(adapter.stream.cfg.extraExtensions)
+// SetEscapeHTML escape html by default, set to false to disable
+func (adapter *Encoder) SetEscapeHTML(escapeHTML bool) {
+	config := adapter.stream.cfg.configBeforeFrozen
+	config.EscapeHTML = escapeHTML
+	adapter.stream.cfg = config.frozeWithCacheReuse(adapter.stream.cfg.extraExtensions)
+// Valid reports whether data is a valid JSON encoding.
+func Valid(data []byte) bool {
+	return ConfigDefault.Valid(data)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6b8aeab0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any.go
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+	"io"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+	"unsafe"
+// Any generic object representation.
+// The lazy json implementation holds []byte and parse lazily.
+type Any interface {
+	LastError() error
+	ValueType() ValueType
+	MustBeValid() Any
+	ToBool() bool
+	ToInt() int
+	ToInt32() int32
+	ToInt64() int64
+	ToUint() uint
+	ToUint32() uint32
+	ToUint64() uint64
+	ToFloat32() float32
+	ToFloat64() float64
+	ToString() string
+	ToVal(val interface{})
+	Get(path ...interface{}) Any
+	Size() int
+	Keys() []string
+	GetInterface() interface{}
+	WriteTo(stream *Stream)
+type baseAny struct{}
+func (any *baseAny) Get(path ...interface{}) Any {
+	return &invalidAny{baseAny{}, fmt.Errorf("GetIndex %v from simple value", path)}
+func (any *baseAny) Size() int {
+	return 0
+func (any *baseAny) Keys() []string {
+	return []string{}
+func (any *baseAny) ToVal(obj interface{}) {
+	panic("not implemented")
+// WrapInt32 turn int32 into Any interface
+func WrapInt32(val int32) Any {
+	return &int32Any{baseAny{}, val}
+// WrapInt64 turn int64 into Any interface
+func WrapInt64(val int64) Any {
+	return &int64Any{baseAny{}, val}
+// WrapUint32 turn uint32 into Any interface
+func WrapUint32(val uint32) Any {
+	return &uint32Any{baseAny{}, val}
+// WrapUint64 turn uint64 into Any interface
+func WrapUint64(val uint64) Any {
+	return &uint64Any{baseAny{}, val}
+// WrapFloat64 turn float64 into Any interface
+func WrapFloat64(val float64) Any {
+	return &floatAny{baseAny{}, val}
+// WrapString turn string into Any interface
+func WrapString(val string) Any {
+	return &stringAny{baseAny{}, val}
+// Wrap turn a go object into Any interface
+func Wrap(val interface{}) Any {
+	if val == nil {
+		return &nilAny{}
+	}
+	asAny, isAny := val.(Any)
+	if isAny {
+		return asAny
+	}
+	typ := reflect2.TypeOf(val)
+	switch typ.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		return wrapArray(val)
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		return wrapStruct(val)
+	case reflect.Map:
+		return wrapMap(val)
+	case reflect.String:
+		return WrapString(val.(string))
+	case reflect.Int:
+		if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
+			return WrapInt32(int32(val.(int)))
+		}
+		return WrapInt64(int64(val.(int)))
+	case reflect.Int8:
+		return WrapInt32(int32(val.(int8)))
+	case reflect.Int16:
+		return WrapInt32(int32(val.(int16)))
+	case reflect.Int32:
+		return WrapInt32(val.(int32))
+	case reflect.Int64:
+		return WrapInt64(val.(int64))
+	case reflect.Uint:
+		if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
+			return WrapUint32(uint32(val.(uint)))
+		}
+		return WrapUint64(uint64(val.(uint)))
+	case reflect.Uintptr:
+		if ptrSize == 32 {
+			return WrapUint32(uint32(val.(uintptr)))
+		}
+		return WrapUint64(uint64(val.(uintptr)))
+	case reflect.Uint8:
+		return WrapUint32(uint32(val.(uint8)))
+	case reflect.Uint16:
+		return WrapUint32(uint32(val.(uint16)))
+	case reflect.Uint32:
+		return WrapUint32(uint32(val.(uint32)))
+	case reflect.Uint64:
+		return WrapUint64(val.(uint64))
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		return WrapFloat64(float64(val.(float32)))
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		return WrapFloat64(val.(float64))
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		if val.(bool) == true {
+			return &trueAny{}
+		}
+		return &falseAny{}
+	}
+	return &invalidAny{baseAny{}, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type: %v", typ)}
+// ReadAny read next JSON element as an Any object. It is a better json.RawMessage.
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadAny() Any {
+	return iter.readAny()
+func (iter *Iterator) readAny() Any {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	switch c {
+	case '"':
+		iter.unreadByte()
+		return &stringAny{baseAny{}, iter.ReadString()}
+	case 'n':
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l') // null
+		return &nilAny{}
+	case 't':
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('r', 'u', 'e') // true
+		return &trueAny{}
+	case 'f':
+		iter.skipFourBytes('a', 'l', 's', 'e') // false
+		return &falseAny{}
+	case '{':
+		return iter.readObjectAny()
+	case '[':
+		return iter.readArrayAny()
+	case '-':
+		return iter.readNumberAny(false)
+	case 0:
+		return &invalidAny{baseAny{}, errors.New("input is empty")}
+	default:
+		return iter.readNumberAny(true)
+	}
+func (iter *Iterator) readNumberAny(positive bool) Any {
+	iter.startCapture(iter.head - 1)
+	iter.skipNumber()
+	lazyBuf := iter.stopCapture()
+	return &numberLazyAny{baseAny{}, iter.cfg, lazyBuf, nil}
+func (iter *Iterator) readObjectAny() Any {
+	iter.startCapture(iter.head - 1)
+	iter.skipObject()
+	lazyBuf := iter.stopCapture()
+	return &objectLazyAny{baseAny{}, iter.cfg, lazyBuf, nil}
+func (iter *Iterator) readArrayAny() Any {
+	iter.startCapture(iter.head - 1)
+	iter.skipArray()
+	lazyBuf := iter.stopCapture()
+	return &arrayLazyAny{baseAny{}, iter.cfg, lazyBuf, nil}
+func locateObjectField(iter *Iterator, target string) []byte {
+	var found []byte
+	iter.ReadObjectCB(func(iter *Iterator, field string) bool {
+		if field == target {
+			found = iter.SkipAndReturnBytes()
+			return false
+		}
+		iter.Skip()
+		return true
+	})
+	return found
+func locateArrayElement(iter *Iterator, target int) []byte {
+	var found []byte
+	n := 0
+	iter.ReadArrayCB(func(iter *Iterator) bool {
+		if n == target {
+			found = iter.SkipAndReturnBytes()
+			return false
+		}
+		iter.Skip()
+		n++
+		return true
+	})
+	return found
+func locatePath(iter *Iterator, path []interface{}) Any {
+	for i, pathKeyObj := range path {
+		switch pathKey := pathKeyObj.(type) {
+		case string:
+			valueBytes := locateObjectField(iter, pathKey)
+			if valueBytes == nil {
+				return newInvalidAny(path[i:])
+			}
+			iter.ResetBytes(valueBytes)
+		case int:
+			valueBytes := locateArrayElement(iter, pathKey)
+			if valueBytes == nil {
+				return newInvalidAny(path[i:])
+			}
+			iter.ResetBytes(valueBytes)
+		case int32:
+			if '*' == pathKey {
+				return iter.readAny().Get(path[i:]...)
+			}
+			return newInvalidAny(path[i:])
+		default:
+			return newInvalidAny(path[i:])
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		return &invalidAny{baseAny{}, iter.Error}
+	}
+	return iter.readAny()
+var anyType = reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*Any)(nil)).Elem()
+func createDecoderOfAny(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	if typ == anyType {
+		return &directAnyCodec{}
+	}
+	if typ.Implements(anyType) {
+		return &anyCodec{
+			valType: typ,
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func createEncoderOfAny(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	if typ == anyType {
+		return &directAnyCodec{}
+	}
+	if typ.Implements(anyType) {
+		return &anyCodec{
+			valType: typ,
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+type anyCodec struct {
+	valType reflect2.Type
+func (codec *anyCodec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	panic("not implemented")
+func (codec *anyCodec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	obj := codec.valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	any := obj.(Any)
+	any.WriteTo(stream)
+func (codec *anyCodec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	obj := codec.valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	any := obj.(Any)
+	return any.Size() == 0
+type directAnyCodec struct {
+func (codec *directAnyCodec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	*(*Any)(ptr) = iter.readAny()
+func (codec *directAnyCodec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	any := *(*Any)(ptr)
+	if any == nil {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+		return
+	}
+	any.WriteTo(stream)
+func (codec *directAnyCodec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	any := *(*Any)(ptr)
+	return any.Size() == 0
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_array.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_array.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0449e9aa42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_array.go
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type arrayLazyAny struct {
+	baseAny
+	cfg *frozenConfig
+	buf []byte
+	err error
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return ArrayValue
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) LastError() error {
+	return any.err
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToBool() bool {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	return iter.ReadArray()
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToInt() int {
+	if any.ToBool() {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	if any.ToBool() {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	if any.ToBool() {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToUint() uint {
+	if any.ToBool() {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	if any.ToBool() {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	if any.ToBool() {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	if any.ToBool() {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	if any.ToBool() {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToString() string {
+	return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&any.buf))
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) ToVal(val interface{}) {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	iter.ReadVal(val)
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) Get(path ...interface{}) Any {
+	if len(path) == 0 {
+		return any
+	}
+	switch firstPath := path[0].(type) {
+	case int:
+		iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+		defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+		valueBytes := locateArrayElement(iter, firstPath)
+		if valueBytes == nil {
+			return newInvalidAny(path)
+		}
+		iter.ResetBytes(valueBytes)
+		return locatePath(iter, path[1:])
+	case int32:
+		if '*' == firstPath {
+			iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+			defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+			arr := make([]Any, 0)
+			iter.ReadArrayCB(func(iter *Iterator) bool {
+				found := iter.readAny().Get(path[1:]...)
+				if found.ValueType() != InvalidValue {
+					arr = append(arr, found)
+				}
+				return true
+			})
+			return wrapArray(arr)
+		}
+		return newInvalidAny(path)
+	default:
+		return newInvalidAny(path)
+	}
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) Size() int {
+	size := 0
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	iter.ReadArrayCB(func(iter *Iterator) bool {
+		size++
+		iter.Skip()
+		return true
+	})
+	return size
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.Write(any.buf)
+func (any *arrayLazyAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	return iter.Read()
+type arrayAny struct {
+	baseAny
+	val reflect.Value
+func wrapArray(val interface{}) *arrayAny {
+	return &arrayAny{baseAny{}, reflect.ValueOf(val)}
+func (any *arrayAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return ArrayValue
+func (any *arrayAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *arrayAny) LastError() error {
+	return nil
+func (any *arrayAny) ToBool() bool {
+	return any.val.Len() != 0
+func (any *arrayAny) ToInt() int {
+	if any.val.Len() == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 1
+func (any *arrayAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	if any.val.Len() == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 1
+func (any *arrayAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	if any.val.Len() == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 1
+func (any *arrayAny) ToUint() uint {
+	if any.val.Len() == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 1
+func (any *arrayAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	if any.val.Len() == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 1
+func (any *arrayAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	if any.val.Len() == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 1
+func (any *arrayAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	if any.val.Len() == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 1
+func (any *arrayAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	if any.val.Len() == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return 1
+func (any *arrayAny) ToString() string {
+	str, _ := MarshalToString(any.val.Interface())
+	return str
+func (any *arrayAny) Get(path ...interface{}) Any {
+	if len(path) == 0 {
+		return any
+	}
+	switch firstPath := path[0].(type) {
+	case int:
+		if firstPath < 0 || firstPath >= any.val.Len() {
+			return newInvalidAny(path)
+		}
+		return Wrap(any.val.Index(firstPath).Interface())
+	case int32:
+		if '*' == firstPath {
+			mappedAll := make([]Any, 0)
+			for i := 0; i < any.val.Len(); i++ {
+				mapped := Wrap(any.val.Index(i).Interface()).Get(path[1:]...)
+				if mapped.ValueType() != InvalidValue {
+					mappedAll = append(mappedAll, mapped)
+				}
+			}
+			return wrapArray(mappedAll)
+		}
+		return newInvalidAny(path)
+	default:
+		return newInvalidAny(path)
+	}
+func (any *arrayAny) Size() int {
+	return any.val.Len()
+func (any *arrayAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteVal(any.val)
+func (any *arrayAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return any.val.Interface()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_bool.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_bool.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9452324af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_bool.go
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+package jsoniter
+type trueAny struct {
+	baseAny
+func (any *trueAny) LastError() error {
+	return nil
+func (any *trueAny) ToBool() bool {
+	return true
+func (any *trueAny) ToInt() int {
+	return 1
+func (any *trueAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return 1
+func (any *trueAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return 1
+func (any *trueAny) ToUint() uint {
+	return 1
+func (any *trueAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return 1
+func (any *trueAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return 1
+func (any *trueAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return 1
+func (any *trueAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return 1
+func (any *trueAny) ToString() string {
+	return "true"
+func (any *trueAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteTrue()
+func (any *trueAny) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *trueAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return true
+func (any *trueAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return BoolValue
+func (any *trueAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+type falseAny struct {
+	baseAny
+func (any *falseAny) LastError() error {
+	return nil
+func (any *falseAny) ToBool() bool {
+	return false
+func (any *falseAny) ToInt() int {
+	return 0
+func (any *falseAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *falseAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *falseAny) ToUint() uint {
+	return 0
+func (any *falseAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *falseAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *falseAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *falseAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *falseAny) ToString() string {
+	return "false"
+func (any *falseAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteFalse()
+func (any *falseAny) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *falseAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return false
+func (any *falseAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return BoolValue
+func (any *falseAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_float.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_float.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35fdb09497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_float.go
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"strconv"
+type floatAny struct {
+	baseAny
+	val float64
+func (any *floatAny) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *floatAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return NumberValue
+func (any *floatAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *floatAny) LastError() error {
+	return nil
+func (any *floatAny) ToBool() bool {
+	return any.ToFloat64() != 0
+func (any *floatAny) ToInt() int {
+	return int(any.val)
+func (any *floatAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return int32(any.val)
+func (any *floatAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return int64(any.val)
+func (any *floatAny) ToUint() uint {
+	if any.val > 0 {
+		return uint(any.val)
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *floatAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	if any.val > 0 {
+		return uint32(any.val)
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *floatAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	if any.val > 0 {
+		return uint64(any.val)
+	}
+	return 0
+func (any *floatAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return float32(any.val)
+func (any *floatAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return any.val
+func (any *floatAny) ToString() string {
+	return strconv.FormatFloat(any.val, 'E', -1, 64)
+func (any *floatAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteFloat64(any.val)
+func (any *floatAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return any.val
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_int32.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_int32.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b56f39915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_int32.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"strconv"
+type int32Any struct {
+	baseAny
+	val int32
+func (any *int32Any) LastError() error {
+	return nil
+func (any *int32Any) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return NumberValue
+func (any *int32Any) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *int32Any) ToBool() bool {
+	return any.val != 0
+func (any *int32Any) ToInt() int {
+	return int(any.val)
+func (any *int32Any) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return any.val
+func (any *int32Any) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return int64(any.val)
+func (any *int32Any) ToUint() uint {
+	return uint(any.val)
+func (any *int32Any) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return uint32(any.val)
+func (any *int32Any) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return uint64(any.val)
+func (any *int32Any) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return float32(any.val)
+func (any *int32Any) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return float64(any.val)
+func (any *int32Any) ToString() string {
+	return strconv.FormatInt(int64(any.val), 10)
+func (any *int32Any) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteInt32(any.val)
+func (any *int32Any) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *int32Any) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return any.val
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_int64.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_int64.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c440d72b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_int64.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"strconv"
+type int64Any struct {
+	baseAny
+	val int64
+func (any *int64Any) LastError() error {
+	return nil
+func (any *int64Any) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return NumberValue
+func (any *int64Any) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *int64Any) ToBool() bool {
+	return any.val != 0
+func (any *int64Any) ToInt() int {
+	return int(any.val)
+func (any *int64Any) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return int32(any.val)
+func (any *int64Any) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return any.val
+func (any *int64Any) ToUint() uint {
+	return uint(any.val)
+func (any *int64Any) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return uint32(any.val)
+func (any *int64Any) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return uint64(any.val)
+func (any *int64Any) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return float32(any.val)
+func (any *int64Any) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return float64(any.val)
+func (any *int64Any) ToString() string {
+	return strconv.FormatInt(any.val, 10)
+func (any *int64Any) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteInt64(any.val)
+func (any *int64Any) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *int64Any) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return any.val
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_invalid.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_invalid.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d859eac32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_invalid.go
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package jsoniter
+import "fmt"
+type invalidAny struct {
+	baseAny
+	err error
+func newInvalidAny(path []interface{}) *invalidAny {
+	return &invalidAny{baseAny{}, fmt.Errorf("%v not found", path)}
+func (any *invalidAny) LastError() error {
+	return any.err
+func (any *invalidAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return InvalidValue
+func (any *invalidAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	panic(any.err)
+func (any *invalidAny) ToBool() bool {
+	return false
+func (any *invalidAny) ToInt() int {
+	return 0
+func (any *invalidAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *invalidAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *invalidAny) ToUint() uint {
+	return 0
+func (any *invalidAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *invalidAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *invalidAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *invalidAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *invalidAny) ToString() string {
+	return ""
+func (any *invalidAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+func (any *invalidAny) Get(path ...interface{}) Any {
+	if any.err == nil {
+		return &invalidAny{baseAny{}, fmt.Errorf("get %v from invalid", path)}
+	}
+	return &invalidAny{baseAny{}, fmt.Errorf("%v, get %v from invalid", any.err, path)}
+func (any *invalidAny) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *invalidAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_nil.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_nil.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d04cb54c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_nil.go
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+package jsoniter
+type nilAny struct {
+	baseAny
+func (any *nilAny) LastError() error {
+	return nil
+func (any *nilAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return NilValue
+func (any *nilAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *nilAny) ToBool() bool {
+	return false
+func (any *nilAny) ToInt() int {
+	return 0
+func (any *nilAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *nilAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *nilAny) ToUint() uint {
+	return 0
+func (any *nilAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *nilAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *nilAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *nilAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *nilAny) ToString() string {
+	return ""
+func (any *nilAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteNil()
+func (any *nilAny) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *nilAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_number.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_number.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d1e901a66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_number.go
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"io"
+	"unsafe"
+type numberLazyAny struct {
+	baseAny
+	cfg *frozenConfig
+	buf []byte
+	err error
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return NumberValue
+func (any *numberLazyAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *numberLazyAny) LastError() error {
+	return any.err
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ToBool() bool {
+	return any.ToFloat64() != 0
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ToInt() int {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	val := iter.ReadInt()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		any.err = iter.Error
+	}
+	return val
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	val := iter.ReadInt32()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		any.err = iter.Error
+	}
+	return val
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	val := iter.ReadInt64()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		any.err = iter.Error
+	}
+	return val
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ToUint() uint {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	val := iter.ReadUint()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		any.err = iter.Error
+	}
+	return val
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	val := iter.ReadUint32()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		any.err = iter.Error
+	}
+	return val
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	val := iter.ReadUint64()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		any.err = iter.Error
+	}
+	return val
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	val := iter.ReadFloat32()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		any.err = iter.Error
+	}
+	return val
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	val := iter.ReadFloat64()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		any.err = iter.Error
+	}
+	return val
+func (any *numberLazyAny) ToString() string {
+	return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&any.buf))
+func (any *numberLazyAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.Write(any.buf)
+func (any *numberLazyAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	return iter.Read()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_object.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_object.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c44ef5c989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_object.go
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type objectLazyAny struct {
+	baseAny
+	cfg *frozenConfig
+	buf []byte
+	err error
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return ObjectValue
+func (any *objectLazyAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *objectLazyAny) LastError() error {
+	return any.err
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToBool() bool {
+	return true
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToInt() int {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToUint() uint {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToString() string {
+	return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&any.buf))
+func (any *objectLazyAny) ToVal(obj interface{}) {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	iter.ReadVal(obj)
+func (any *objectLazyAny) Get(path ...interface{}) Any {
+	if len(path) == 0 {
+		return any
+	}
+	switch firstPath := path[0].(type) {
+	case string:
+		iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+		defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+		valueBytes := locateObjectField(iter, firstPath)
+		if valueBytes == nil {
+			return newInvalidAny(path)
+		}
+		iter.ResetBytes(valueBytes)
+		return locatePath(iter, path[1:])
+	case int32:
+		if '*' == firstPath {
+			mappedAll := map[string]Any{}
+			iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+			defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+			iter.ReadMapCB(func(iter *Iterator, field string) bool {
+				mapped := locatePath(iter, path[1:])
+				if mapped.ValueType() != InvalidValue {
+					mappedAll[field] = mapped
+				}
+				return true
+			})
+			return wrapMap(mappedAll)
+		}
+		return newInvalidAny(path)
+	default:
+		return newInvalidAny(path)
+	}
+func (any *objectLazyAny) Keys() []string {
+	keys := []string{}
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	iter.ReadMapCB(func(iter *Iterator, field string) bool {
+		iter.Skip()
+		keys = append(keys, field)
+		return true
+	})
+	return keys
+func (any *objectLazyAny) Size() int {
+	size := 0
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	iter.ReadObjectCB(func(iter *Iterator, field string) bool {
+		iter.Skip()
+		size++
+		return true
+	})
+	return size
+func (any *objectLazyAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.Write(any.buf)
+func (any *objectLazyAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	iter := any.cfg.BorrowIterator(any.buf)
+	defer any.cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	return iter.Read()
+type objectAny struct {
+	baseAny
+	err error
+	val reflect.Value
+func wrapStruct(val interface{}) *objectAny {
+	return &objectAny{baseAny{}, nil, reflect.ValueOf(val)}
+func (any *objectAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return ObjectValue
+func (any *objectAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *objectAny) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *objectAny) LastError() error {
+	return any.err
+func (any *objectAny) ToBool() bool {
+	return any.val.NumField() != 0
+func (any *objectAny) ToInt() int {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectAny) ToUint() uint {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *objectAny) ToString() string {
+	str, err := MarshalToString(any.val.Interface())
+	any.err = err
+	return str
+func (any *objectAny) Get(path ...interface{}) Any {
+	if len(path) == 0 {
+		return any
+	}
+	switch firstPath := path[0].(type) {
+	case string:
+		field := any.val.FieldByName(firstPath)
+		if !field.IsValid() {
+			return newInvalidAny(path)
+		}
+		return Wrap(field.Interface())
+	case int32:
+		if '*' == firstPath {
+			mappedAll := map[string]Any{}
+			for i := 0; i < any.val.NumField(); i++ {
+				field := any.val.Field(i)
+				if field.CanInterface() {
+					mapped := Wrap(field.Interface()).Get(path[1:]...)
+					if mapped.ValueType() != InvalidValue {
+						mappedAll[any.val.Type().Field(i).Name] = mapped
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return wrapMap(mappedAll)
+		}
+		return newInvalidAny(path)
+	default:
+		return newInvalidAny(path)
+	}
+func (any *objectAny) Keys() []string {
+	keys := make([]string, 0, any.val.NumField())
+	for i := 0; i < any.val.NumField(); i++ {
+		keys = append(keys, any.val.Type().Field(i).Name)
+	}
+	return keys
+func (any *objectAny) Size() int {
+	return any.val.NumField()
+func (any *objectAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteVal(any.val)
+func (any *objectAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return any.val.Interface()
+type mapAny struct {
+	baseAny
+	err error
+	val reflect.Value
+func wrapMap(val interface{}) *mapAny {
+	return &mapAny{baseAny{}, nil, reflect.ValueOf(val)}
+func (any *mapAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return ObjectValue
+func (any *mapAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *mapAny) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *mapAny) LastError() error {
+	return any.err
+func (any *mapAny) ToBool() bool {
+	return true
+func (any *mapAny) ToInt() int {
+	return 0
+func (any *mapAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *mapAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *mapAny) ToUint() uint {
+	return 0
+func (any *mapAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *mapAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *mapAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return 0
+func (any *mapAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return 0
+func (any *mapAny) ToString() string {
+	str, err := MarshalToString(any.val.Interface())
+	any.err = err
+	return str
+func (any *mapAny) Get(path ...interface{}) Any {
+	if len(path) == 0 {
+		return any
+	}
+	switch firstPath := path[0].(type) {
+	case int32:
+		if '*' == firstPath {
+			mappedAll := map[string]Any{}
+			for _, key := range any.val.MapKeys() {
+				keyAsStr := key.String()
+				element := Wrap(any.val.MapIndex(key).Interface())
+				mapped := element.Get(path[1:]...)
+				if mapped.ValueType() != InvalidValue {
+					mappedAll[keyAsStr] = mapped
+				}
+			}
+			return wrapMap(mappedAll)
+		}
+		return newInvalidAny(path)
+	default:
+		value := any.val.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(firstPath))
+		if !value.IsValid() {
+			return newInvalidAny(path)
+		}
+		return Wrap(value.Interface())
+	}
+func (any *mapAny) Keys() []string {
+	keys := make([]string, 0, any.val.Len())
+	for _, key := range any.val.MapKeys() {
+		keys = append(keys, key.String())
+	}
+	return keys
+func (any *mapAny) Size() int {
+	return any.val.Len()
+func (any *mapAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteVal(any.val)
+func (any *mapAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return any.val.Interface()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_str.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_str.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f12f6612d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_str.go
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"strconv"
+type stringAny struct {
+	baseAny
+	val string
+func (any *stringAny) Get(path ...interface{}) Any {
+	if len(path) == 0 {
+		return any
+	}
+	return &invalidAny{baseAny{}, fmt.Errorf("GetIndex %v from simple value", path)}
+func (any *stringAny) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *stringAny) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return StringValue
+func (any *stringAny) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *stringAny) LastError() error {
+	return nil
+func (any *stringAny) ToBool() bool {
+	str := any.ToString()
+	if str == "0" {
+		return false
+	}
+	for _, c := range str {
+		switch c {
+		case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
+		default:
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+func (any *stringAny) ToInt() int {
+	return int(any.ToInt64())
+func (any *stringAny) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return int32(any.ToInt64())
+func (any *stringAny) ToInt64() int64 {
+	if any.val == "" {
+		return 0
+	}
+	flag := 1
+	startPos := 0
+	if any.val[0] == '+' || any.val[0] == '-' {
+		startPos = 1
+	}
+	if any.val[0] == '-' {
+		flag = -1
+	}
+	endPos := startPos
+	for i := startPos; i < len(any.val); i++ {
+		if any.val[i] >= '0' && any.val[i] <= '9' {
+			endPos = i + 1
+		} else {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	parsed, _ := strconv.ParseInt(any.val[startPos:endPos], 10, 64)
+	return int64(flag) * parsed
+func (any *stringAny) ToUint() uint {
+	return uint(any.ToUint64())
+func (any *stringAny) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return uint32(any.ToUint64())
+func (any *stringAny) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	if any.val == "" {
+		return 0
+	}
+	startPos := 0
+	if any.val[0] == '-' {
+		return 0
+	}
+	if any.val[0] == '+' {
+		startPos = 1
+	}
+	endPos := startPos
+	for i := startPos; i < len(any.val); i++ {
+		if any.val[i] >= '0' && any.val[i] <= '9' {
+			endPos = i + 1
+		} else {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	parsed, _ := strconv.ParseUint(any.val[startPos:endPos], 10, 64)
+	return parsed
+func (any *stringAny) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return float32(any.ToFloat64())
+func (any *stringAny) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	if len(any.val) == 0 {
+		return 0
+	}
+	// first char invalid
+	if any.val[0] != '+' && any.val[0] != '-' && (any.val[0] > '9' || any.val[0] < '0') {
+		return 0
+	}
+	// extract valid num expression from string
+	// eg 123true => 123, -12.12xxa => -12.12
+	endPos := 1
+	for i := 1; i < len(any.val); i++ {
+		if any.val[i] == '.' || any.val[i] == 'e' || any.val[i] == 'E' || any.val[i] == '+' || any.val[i] == '-' {
+			endPos = i + 1
+			continue
+		}
+		// end position is the first char which is not digit
+		if any.val[i] >= '0' && any.val[i] <= '9' {
+			endPos = i + 1
+		} else {
+			endPos = i
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	parsed, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(any.val[:endPos], 64)
+	return parsed
+func (any *stringAny) ToString() string {
+	return any.val
+func (any *stringAny) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteString(any.val)
+func (any *stringAny) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return any.val
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_uint32.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_uint32.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..656bbd33d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_uint32.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"strconv"
+type uint32Any struct {
+	baseAny
+	val uint32
+func (any *uint32Any) LastError() error {
+	return nil
+func (any *uint32Any) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return NumberValue
+func (any *uint32Any) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *uint32Any) ToBool() bool {
+	return any.val != 0
+func (any *uint32Any) ToInt() int {
+	return int(any.val)
+func (any *uint32Any) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return int32(any.val)
+func (any *uint32Any) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return int64(any.val)
+func (any *uint32Any) ToUint() uint {
+	return uint(any.val)
+func (any *uint32Any) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return any.val
+func (any *uint32Any) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return uint64(any.val)
+func (any *uint32Any) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return float32(any.val)
+func (any *uint32Any) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return float64(any.val)
+func (any *uint32Any) ToString() string {
+	return strconv.FormatInt(int64(any.val), 10)
+func (any *uint32Any) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteUint32(any.val)
+func (any *uint32Any) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *uint32Any) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return any.val
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_uint64.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_uint64.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7df2fce33b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/any_uint64.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"strconv"
+type uint64Any struct {
+	baseAny
+	val uint64
+func (any *uint64Any) LastError() error {
+	return nil
+func (any *uint64Any) ValueType() ValueType {
+	return NumberValue
+func (any *uint64Any) MustBeValid() Any {
+	return any
+func (any *uint64Any) ToBool() bool {
+	return any.val != 0
+func (any *uint64Any) ToInt() int {
+	return int(any.val)
+func (any *uint64Any) ToInt32() int32 {
+	return int32(any.val)
+func (any *uint64Any) ToInt64() int64 {
+	return int64(any.val)
+func (any *uint64Any) ToUint() uint {
+	return uint(any.val)
+func (any *uint64Any) ToUint32() uint32 {
+	return uint32(any.val)
+func (any *uint64Any) ToUint64() uint64 {
+	return any.val
+func (any *uint64Any) ToFloat32() float32 {
+	return float32(any.val)
+func (any *uint64Any) ToFloat64() float64 {
+	return float64(any.val)
+func (any *uint64Any) ToString() string {
+	return strconv.FormatUint(any.val, 10)
+func (any *uint64Any) WriteTo(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteUint64(any.val)
+func (any *uint64Any) Parse() *Iterator {
+	return nil
+func (any *uint64Any) GetInterface() interface{} {
+	return any.val
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/build.sh b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/build.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b45ef68831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+set -e
+set -x
+if [ ! -d /tmp/build-golang/src/github.com/json-iterator ]; then
+    mkdir -p /tmp/build-golang/src/github.com/json-iterator
+    ln -s $PWD /tmp/build-golang/src/github.com/json-iterator/go
+export GOPATH=/tmp/build-golang
+go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
+cd /tmp/build-golang/src/github.com/json-iterator/go
+exec $GOPATH/bin/dep ensure -update
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/config.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/config.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2adcdc3b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/config.go
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"io"
+	"reflect"
+	"sync"
+	"unsafe"
+	"github.com/modern-go/concurrent"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+// Config customize how the API should behave.
+// The API is created from Config by Froze.
+type Config struct {
+	IndentionStep                 int
+	MarshalFloatWith6Digits       bool
+	EscapeHTML                    bool
+	SortMapKeys                   bool
+	UseNumber                     bool
+	DisallowUnknownFields         bool
+	TagKey                        string
+	OnlyTaggedField               bool
+	ValidateJsonRawMessage        bool
+	ObjectFieldMustBeSimpleString bool
+	CaseSensitive                 bool
+// API the public interface of this package.
+// Primary Marshal and Unmarshal.
+type API interface {
+	IteratorPool
+	StreamPool
+	MarshalToString(v interface{}) (string, error)
+	Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
+	MarshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error)
+	UnmarshalFromString(str string, v interface{}) error
+	Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error
+	Get(data []byte, path ...interface{}) Any
+	NewEncoder(writer io.Writer) *Encoder
+	NewDecoder(reader io.Reader) *Decoder
+	Valid(data []byte) bool
+	RegisterExtension(extension Extension)
+	DecoderOf(typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder
+	EncoderOf(typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder
+// ConfigDefault the default API
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+	EscapeHTML: true,
+// ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary tries to be 100% compatible with standard library behavior
+var ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary = Config{
+	EscapeHTML:             true,
+	SortMapKeys:            true,
+	ValidateJsonRawMessage: true,
+// ConfigFastest marshals float with only 6 digits precision
+var ConfigFastest = Config{
+	EscapeHTML:                    false,
+	MarshalFloatWith6Digits:       true, // will lose precession
+	ObjectFieldMustBeSimpleString: true, // do not unescape object field
+type frozenConfig struct {
+	configBeforeFrozen            Config
+	sortMapKeys                   bool
+	indentionStep                 int
+	objectFieldMustBeSimpleString bool
+	onlyTaggedField               bool
+	disallowUnknownFields         bool
+	decoderCache                  *concurrent.Map
+	encoderCache                  *concurrent.Map
+	encoderExtension              Extension
+	decoderExtension              Extension
+	extraExtensions               []Extension
+	streamPool                    *sync.Pool
+	iteratorPool                  *sync.Pool
+	caseSensitive                 bool
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) initCache() {
+	cfg.decoderCache = concurrent.NewMap()
+	cfg.encoderCache = concurrent.NewMap()
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) addDecoderToCache(cacheKey uintptr, decoder ValDecoder) {
+	cfg.decoderCache.Store(cacheKey, decoder)
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) addEncoderToCache(cacheKey uintptr, encoder ValEncoder) {
+	cfg.encoderCache.Store(cacheKey, encoder)
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) getDecoderFromCache(cacheKey uintptr) ValDecoder {
+	decoder, found := cfg.decoderCache.Load(cacheKey)
+	if found {
+		return decoder.(ValDecoder)
+	}
+	return nil
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) getEncoderFromCache(cacheKey uintptr) ValEncoder {
+	encoder, found := cfg.encoderCache.Load(cacheKey)
+	if found {
+		return encoder.(ValEncoder)
+	}
+	return nil
+var cfgCache = concurrent.NewMap()
+func getFrozenConfigFromCache(cfg Config) *frozenConfig {
+	obj, found := cfgCache.Load(cfg)
+	if found {
+		return obj.(*frozenConfig)
+	}
+	return nil
+func addFrozenConfigToCache(cfg Config, frozenConfig *frozenConfig) {
+	cfgCache.Store(cfg, frozenConfig)
+// Froze forge API from config
+func (cfg Config) Froze() API {
+	api := &frozenConfig{
+		sortMapKeys:                   cfg.SortMapKeys,
+		indentionStep:                 cfg.IndentionStep,
+		objectFieldMustBeSimpleString: cfg.ObjectFieldMustBeSimpleString,
+		onlyTaggedField:               cfg.OnlyTaggedField,
+		disallowUnknownFields:         cfg.DisallowUnknownFields,
+		caseSensitive:                 cfg.CaseSensitive,
+	}
+	api.streamPool = &sync.Pool{
+		New: func() interface{} {
+			return NewStream(api, nil, 512)
+		},
+	}
+	api.iteratorPool = &sync.Pool{
+		New: func() interface{} {
+			return NewIterator(api)
+		},
+	}
+	api.initCache()
+	encoderExtension := EncoderExtension{}
+	decoderExtension := DecoderExtension{}
+	if cfg.MarshalFloatWith6Digits {
+		api.marshalFloatWith6Digits(encoderExtension)
+	}
+	if cfg.EscapeHTML {
+		api.escapeHTML(encoderExtension)
+	}
+	if cfg.UseNumber {
+		api.useNumber(decoderExtension)
+	}
+	if cfg.ValidateJsonRawMessage {
+		api.validateJsonRawMessage(encoderExtension)
+	}
+	api.encoderExtension = encoderExtension
+	api.decoderExtension = decoderExtension
+	api.configBeforeFrozen = cfg
+	return api
+func (cfg Config) frozeWithCacheReuse(extraExtensions []Extension) *frozenConfig {
+	api := getFrozenConfigFromCache(cfg)
+	if api != nil {
+		return api
+	}
+	api = cfg.Froze().(*frozenConfig)
+	for _, extension := range extraExtensions {
+		api.RegisterExtension(extension)
+	}
+	addFrozenConfigToCache(cfg, api)
+	return api
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) validateJsonRawMessage(extension EncoderExtension) {
+	encoder := &funcEncoder{func(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+		rawMessage := *(*json.RawMessage)(ptr)
+		iter := cfg.BorrowIterator([]byte(rawMessage))
+		defer cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+		iter.Read()
+		if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+			stream.WriteRaw("null")
+		} else {
+			stream.WriteRaw(string(rawMessage))
+		}
+	}, func(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+		return len(*((*json.RawMessage)(ptr))) == 0
+	}}
+	extension[reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*json.RawMessage)(nil)).Elem()] = encoder
+	extension[reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*RawMessage)(nil)).Elem()] = encoder
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) useNumber(extension DecoderExtension) {
+	extension[reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*interface{})(nil)).Elem()] = &funcDecoder{func(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+		exitingValue := *((*interface{})(ptr))
+		if exitingValue != nil && reflect.TypeOf(exitingValue).Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+			iter.ReadVal(exitingValue)
+			return
+		}
+		if iter.WhatIsNext() == NumberValue {
+			*((*interface{})(ptr)) = json.Number(iter.readNumberAsString())
+		} else {
+			*((*interface{})(ptr)) = iter.Read()
+		}
+	}}
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) getTagKey() string {
+	tagKey := cfg.configBeforeFrozen.TagKey
+	if tagKey == "" {
+		return "json"
+	}
+	return tagKey
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) RegisterExtension(extension Extension) {
+	cfg.extraExtensions = append(cfg.extraExtensions, extension)
+	copied := cfg.configBeforeFrozen
+	cfg.configBeforeFrozen = copied
+type lossyFloat32Encoder struct {
+func (encoder *lossyFloat32Encoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteFloat32Lossy(*((*float32)(ptr)))
+func (encoder *lossyFloat32Encoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*float32)(ptr)) == 0
+type lossyFloat64Encoder struct {
+func (encoder *lossyFloat64Encoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteFloat64Lossy(*((*float64)(ptr)))
+func (encoder *lossyFloat64Encoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*float64)(ptr)) == 0
+// EnableLossyFloatMarshalling keeps 10**(-6) precision
+// for float variables for better performance.
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) marshalFloatWith6Digits(extension EncoderExtension) {
+	// for better performance
+	extension[reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*float32)(nil)).Elem()] = &lossyFloat32Encoder{}
+	extension[reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*float64)(nil)).Elem()] = &lossyFloat64Encoder{}
+type htmlEscapedStringEncoder struct {
+func (encoder *htmlEscapedStringEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	str := *((*string)(ptr))
+	stream.WriteStringWithHTMLEscaped(str)
+func (encoder *htmlEscapedStringEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*string)(ptr)) == ""
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) escapeHTML(encoderExtension EncoderExtension) {
+	encoderExtension[reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*string)(nil)).Elem()] = &htmlEscapedStringEncoder{}
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) cleanDecoders() {
+	typeDecoders = map[string]ValDecoder{}
+	fieldDecoders = map[string]ValDecoder{}
+	*cfg = *(cfg.configBeforeFrozen.Froze().(*frozenConfig))
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) cleanEncoders() {
+	typeEncoders = map[string]ValEncoder{}
+	fieldEncoders = map[string]ValEncoder{}
+	*cfg = *(cfg.configBeforeFrozen.Froze().(*frozenConfig))
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) MarshalToString(v interface{}) (string, error) {
+	stream := cfg.BorrowStream(nil)
+	defer cfg.ReturnStream(stream)
+	stream.WriteVal(v)
+	if stream.Error != nil {
+		return "", stream.Error
+	}
+	return string(stream.Buffer()), nil
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+	stream := cfg.BorrowStream(nil)
+	defer cfg.ReturnStream(stream)
+	stream.WriteVal(v)
+	if stream.Error != nil {
+		return nil, stream.Error
+	}
+	result := stream.Buffer()
+	copied := make([]byte, len(result))
+	copy(copied, result)
+	return copied, nil
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) MarshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
+	if prefix != "" {
+		panic("prefix is not supported")
+	}
+	for _, r := range indent {
+		if r != ' ' {
+			panic("indent can only be space")
+		}
+	}
+	newCfg := cfg.configBeforeFrozen
+	newCfg.IndentionStep = len(indent)
+	return newCfg.frozeWithCacheReuse(cfg.extraExtensions).Marshal(v)
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) UnmarshalFromString(str string, v interface{}) error {
+	data := []byte(str)
+	iter := cfg.BorrowIterator(data)
+	defer cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	iter.ReadVal(v)
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == 0 {
+		if iter.Error == io.EOF {
+			return nil
+		}
+		return iter.Error
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("Unmarshal", "there are bytes left after unmarshal")
+	return iter.Error
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) Get(data []byte, path ...interface{}) Any {
+	iter := cfg.BorrowIterator(data)
+	defer cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	return locatePath(iter, path)
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
+	iter := cfg.BorrowIterator(data)
+	defer cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	iter.ReadVal(v)
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == 0 {
+		if iter.Error == io.EOF {
+			return nil
+		}
+		return iter.Error
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("Unmarshal", "there are bytes left after unmarshal")
+	return iter.Error
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) NewEncoder(writer io.Writer) *Encoder {
+	stream := NewStream(cfg, writer, 512)
+	return &Encoder{stream}
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) NewDecoder(reader io.Reader) *Decoder {
+	iter := Parse(cfg, reader, 512)
+	return &Decoder{iter}
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) Valid(data []byte) bool {
+	iter := cfg.BorrowIterator(data)
+	defer cfg.ReturnIterator(iter)
+	iter.Skip()
+	return iter.Error == nil
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/fuzzy_mode_convert_table.md b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/fuzzy_mode_convert_table.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3095662b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/fuzzy_mode_convert_table.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| json type \ dest type | bool | int | uint | float |string|
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |--|--|
+| number | positive => true <br/> negative => true <br/> zero => false| 23.2 => 23 <br/> -32.1 => -32| 12.1 => 12 <br/> -12.1 => 0|as normal|same as origin|
+| string | empty string => false <br/> string "0" => false <br/> other strings => true | "123.32" => 123 <br/> "-123.4" => -123 <br/> "123.23xxxw" => 123 <br/>  "abcde12" => 0 <br/> "-32.1" => -32| 13.2 => 13 <br/> -1.1 => 0 |12.1 => 12.1 <br/> -12.3 => -12.3<br/> 12.4xxa => 12.4 <br/> +1.1e2 =>110 |same as origin|
+| bool | true => true <br/> false => false| true => 1 <br/> false => 0 | true => 1 <br/> false => 0 |true => 1 <br/>false => 0|true => "true" <br/> false => "false"|
+| object | true | 0 | 0 |0|originnal json|
+| array | empty array => false <br/> nonempty array => true| [] => 0 <br/> [1,2] => 1 | [] => 0 <br/> [1,2] => 1 |[] => 0<br/>[1,2] => 1|original json|
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29b31cf789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+// ValueType the type for JSON element
+type ValueType int
+const (
+	// InvalidValue invalid JSON element
+	InvalidValue ValueType = iota
+	// StringValue JSON element "string"
+	StringValue
+	// NumberValue JSON element 100 or 0.10
+	NumberValue
+	// NilValue JSON element null
+	NilValue
+	// BoolValue JSON element true or false
+	BoolValue
+	// ArrayValue JSON element []
+	ArrayValue
+	// ObjectValue JSON element {}
+	ObjectValue
+var hexDigits []byte
+var valueTypes []ValueType
+func init() {
+	hexDigits = make([]byte, 256)
+	for i := 0; i < len(hexDigits); i++ {
+		hexDigits[i] = 255
+	}
+	for i := '0'; i <= '9'; i++ {
+		hexDigits[i] = byte(i - '0')
+	}
+	for i := 'a'; i <= 'f'; i++ {
+		hexDigits[i] = byte((i - 'a') + 10)
+	}
+	for i := 'A'; i <= 'F'; i++ {
+		hexDigits[i] = byte((i - 'A') + 10)
+	}
+	valueTypes = make([]ValueType, 256)
+	for i := 0; i < len(valueTypes); i++ {
+		valueTypes[i] = InvalidValue
+	}
+	valueTypes['"'] = StringValue
+	valueTypes['-'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['0'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['1'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['2'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['3'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['4'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['5'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['6'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['7'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['8'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['9'] = NumberValue
+	valueTypes['t'] = BoolValue
+	valueTypes['f'] = BoolValue
+	valueTypes['n'] = NilValue
+	valueTypes['['] = ArrayValue
+	valueTypes['{'] = ObjectValue
+// Iterator is a io.Reader like object, with JSON specific read functions.
+// Error is not returned as return value, but stored as Error member on this iterator instance.
+type Iterator struct {
+	cfg              *frozenConfig
+	reader           io.Reader
+	buf              []byte
+	head             int
+	tail             int
+	depth            int
+	captureStartedAt int
+	captured         []byte
+	Error            error
+	Attachment       interface{} // open for customized decoder
+// NewIterator creates an empty Iterator instance
+func NewIterator(cfg API) *Iterator {
+	return &Iterator{
+		cfg:    cfg.(*frozenConfig),
+		reader: nil,
+		buf:    nil,
+		head:   0,
+		tail:   0,
+		depth:  0,
+	}
+// Parse creates an Iterator instance from io.Reader
+func Parse(cfg API, reader io.Reader, bufSize int) *Iterator {
+	return &Iterator{
+		cfg:    cfg.(*frozenConfig),
+		reader: reader,
+		buf:    make([]byte, bufSize),
+		head:   0,
+		tail:   0,
+		depth:  0,
+	}
+// ParseBytes creates an Iterator instance from byte array
+func ParseBytes(cfg API, input []byte) *Iterator {
+	return &Iterator{
+		cfg:    cfg.(*frozenConfig),
+		reader: nil,
+		buf:    input,
+		head:   0,
+		tail:   len(input),
+		depth:  0,
+	}
+// ParseString creates an Iterator instance from string
+func ParseString(cfg API, input string) *Iterator {
+	return ParseBytes(cfg, []byte(input))
+// Pool returns a pool can provide more iterator with same configuration
+func (iter *Iterator) Pool() IteratorPool {
+	return iter.cfg
+// Reset reuse iterator instance by specifying another reader
+func (iter *Iterator) Reset(reader io.Reader) *Iterator {
+	iter.reader = reader
+	iter.head = 0
+	iter.tail = 0
+	iter.depth = 0
+	return iter
+// ResetBytes reuse iterator instance by specifying another byte array as input
+func (iter *Iterator) ResetBytes(input []byte) *Iterator {
+	iter.reader = nil
+	iter.buf = input
+	iter.head = 0
+	iter.tail = len(input)
+	iter.depth = 0
+	return iter
+// WhatIsNext gets ValueType of relatively next json element
+func (iter *Iterator) WhatIsNext() ValueType {
+	valueType := valueTypes[iter.nextToken()]
+	iter.unreadByte()
+	return valueType
+func (iter *Iterator) skipWhitespacesWithoutLoadMore() bool {
+	for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+		c := iter.buf[i]
+		switch c {
+		case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
+			continue
+		}
+		iter.head = i
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+func (iter *Iterator) isObjectEnd() bool {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == ',' {
+		return false
+	}
+	if c == '}' {
+		return true
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("isObjectEnd", "object ended prematurely, unexpected char "+string([]byte{c}))
+	return true
+func (iter *Iterator) nextToken() byte {
+	// a variation of skip whitespaces, returning the next non-whitespace token
+	for {
+		for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			c := iter.buf[i]
+			switch c {
+			case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
+				continue
+			}
+			iter.head = i + 1
+			return c
+		}
+		if !iter.loadMore() {
+			return 0
+		}
+	}
+// ReportError record a error in iterator instance with current position.
+func (iter *Iterator) ReportError(operation string, msg string) {
+	if iter.Error != nil {
+		if iter.Error != io.EOF {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	peekStart := iter.head - 10
+	if peekStart < 0 {
+		peekStart = 0
+	}
+	peekEnd := iter.head + 10
+	if peekEnd > iter.tail {
+		peekEnd = iter.tail
+	}
+	parsing := string(iter.buf[peekStart:peekEnd])
+	contextStart := iter.head - 50
+	if contextStart < 0 {
+		contextStart = 0
+	}
+	contextEnd := iter.head + 50
+	if contextEnd > iter.tail {
+		contextEnd = iter.tail
+	}
+	context := string(iter.buf[contextStart:contextEnd])
+	iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%s: %s, error found in #%v byte of ...|%s|..., bigger context ...|%s|...",
+		operation, msg, iter.head-peekStart, parsing, context)
+// CurrentBuffer gets current buffer as string for debugging purpose
+func (iter *Iterator) CurrentBuffer() string {
+	peekStart := iter.head - 10
+	if peekStart < 0 {
+		peekStart = 0
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("parsing #%v byte, around ...|%s|..., whole buffer ...|%s|...", iter.head,
+		string(iter.buf[peekStart:iter.head]), string(iter.buf[0:iter.tail]))
+func (iter *Iterator) readByte() (ret byte) {
+	if iter.head == iter.tail {
+		if iter.loadMore() {
+			ret = iter.buf[iter.head]
+			iter.head++
+			return ret
+		}
+		return 0
+	}
+	ret = iter.buf[iter.head]
+	iter.head++
+	return ret
+func (iter *Iterator) loadMore() bool {
+	if iter.reader == nil {
+		if iter.Error == nil {
+			iter.head = iter.tail
+			iter.Error = io.EOF
+		}
+		return false
+	}
+	if iter.captured != nil {
+		iter.captured = append(iter.captured,
+			iter.buf[iter.captureStartedAt:iter.tail]...)
+		iter.captureStartedAt = 0
+	}
+	for {
+		n, err := iter.reader.Read(iter.buf)
+		if n == 0 {
+			if err != nil {
+				if iter.Error == nil {
+					iter.Error = err
+				}
+				return false
+			}
+		} else {
+			iter.head = 0
+			iter.tail = n
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+func (iter *Iterator) unreadByte() {
+	if iter.Error != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	iter.head--
+	return
+// Read read the next JSON element as generic interface{}.
+func (iter *Iterator) Read() interface{} {
+	valueType := iter.WhatIsNext()
+	switch valueType {
+	case StringValue:
+		return iter.ReadString()
+	case NumberValue:
+		if iter.cfg.configBeforeFrozen.UseNumber {
+			return json.Number(iter.readNumberAsString())
+		}
+		return iter.ReadFloat64()
+	case NilValue:
+		iter.skipFourBytes('n', 'u', 'l', 'l')
+		return nil
+	case BoolValue:
+		return iter.ReadBool()
+	case ArrayValue:
+		arr := []interface{}{}
+		iter.ReadArrayCB(func(iter *Iterator) bool {
+			var elem interface{}
+			iter.ReadVal(&elem)
+			arr = append(arr, elem)
+			return true
+		})
+		return arr
+	case ObjectValue:
+		obj := map[string]interface{}{}
+		iter.ReadMapCB(func(Iter *Iterator, field string) bool {
+			var elem interface{}
+			iter.ReadVal(&elem)
+			obj[field] = elem
+			return true
+		})
+		return obj
+	default:
+		iter.ReportError("Read", fmt.Sprintf("unexpected value type: %v", valueType))
+		return nil
+	}
+// limit maximum depth of nesting, as allowed by https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159#section-9
+const maxDepth = 10000
+func (iter *Iterator) incrementDepth() (success bool) {
+	iter.depth++
+	if iter.depth <= maxDepth {
+		return true
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("incrementDepth", "exceeded max depth")
+	return false
+func (iter *Iterator) decrementDepth() (success bool) {
+	iter.depth--
+	if iter.depth >= 0 {
+		return true
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("decrementDepth", "unexpected negative nesting")
+	return false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_array.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_array.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..204fe0e092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_array.go
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package jsoniter
+// ReadArray read array element, tells if the array has more element to read.
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadArray() (ret bool) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	switch c {
+	case 'n':
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l')
+		return false // null
+	case '[':
+		c = iter.nextToken()
+		if c != ']' {
+			iter.unreadByte()
+			return true
+		}
+		return false
+	case ']':
+		return false
+	case ',':
+		return true
+	default:
+		iter.ReportError("ReadArray", "expect [ or , or ] or n, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
+// ReadArrayCB read array with callback
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadArrayCB(callback func(*Iterator) bool) (ret bool) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '[' {
+		if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+			return false
+		}
+		c = iter.nextToken()
+		if c != ']' {
+			iter.unreadByte()
+			if !callback(iter) {
+				iter.decrementDepth()
+				return false
+			}
+			c = iter.nextToken()
+			for c == ',' {
+				if !callback(iter) {
+					iter.decrementDepth()
+					return false
+				}
+				c = iter.nextToken()
+			}
+			if c != ']' {
+				iter.ReportError("ReadArrayCB", "expect ] in the end, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+				iter.decrementDepth()
+				return false
+			}
+			return iter.decrementDepth()
+		}
+		return iter.decrementDepth()
+	}
+	if c == 'n' {
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l')
+		return true // null
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("ReadArrayCB", "expect [ or n, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+	return false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_float.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_float.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a3d8b6fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_float.go
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"io"
+	"math/big"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"unsafe"
+var floatDigits []int8
+const invalidCharForNumber = int8(-1)
+const endOfNumber = int8(-2)
+const dotInNumber = int8(-3)
+func init() {
+	floatDigits = make([]int8, 256)
+	for i := 0; i < len(floatDigits); i++ {
+		floatDigits[i] = invalidCharForNumber
+	}
+	for i := int8('0'); i <= int8('9'); i++ {
+		floatDigits[i] = i - int8('0')
+	}
+	floatDigits[','] = endOfNumber
+	floatDigits[']'] = endOfNumber
+	floatDigits['}'] = endOfNumber
+	floatDigits[' '] = endOfNumber
+	floatDigits['\t'] = endOfNumber
+	floatDigits['\n'] = endOfNumber
+	floatDigits['.'] = dotInNumber
+// ReadBigFloat read big.Float
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadBigFloat() (ret *big.Float) {
+	str := iter.readNumberAsString()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		return nil
+	}
+	prec := 64
+	if len(str) > prec {
+		prec = len(str)
+	}
+	val, _, err := big.ParseFloat(str, 10, uint(prec), big.ToZero)
+	if err != nil {
+		iter.Error = err
+		return nil
+	}
+	return val
+// ReadBigInt read big.Int
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadBigInt() (ret *big.Int) {
+	str := iter.readNumberAsString()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		return nil
+	}
+	ret = big.NewInt(0)
+	var success bool
+	ret, success = ret.SetString(str, 10)
+	if !success {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadBigInt", "invalid big int")
+		return nil
+	}
+	return ret
+//ReadFloat32 read float32
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadFloat32() (ret float32) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '-' {
+		return -iter.readPositiveFloat32()
+	}
+	iter.unreadByte()
+	return iter.readPositiveFloat32()
+func (iter *Iterator) readPositiveFloat32() (ret float32) {
+	i := iter.head
+	// first char
+	if i == iter.tail {
+		return iter.readFloat32SlowPath()
+	}
+	c := iter.buf[i]
+	i++
+	ind := floatDigits[c]
+	switch ind {
+	case invalidCharForNumber:
+		return iter.readFloat32SlowPath()
+	case endOfNumber:
+		iter.ReportError("readFloat32", "empty number")
+		return
+	case dotInNumber:
+		iter.ReportError("readFloat32", "leading dot is invalid")
+		return
+	case 0:
+		if i == iter.tail {
+			return iter.readFloat32SlowPath()
+		}
+		c = iter.buf[i]
+		switch c {
+		case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
+			iter.ReportError("readFloat32", "leading zero is invalid")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	value := uint64(ind)
+	// chars before dot
+	for ; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+		c = iter.buf[i]
+		ind := floatDigits[c]
+		switch ind {
+		case invalidCharForNumber:
+			return iter.readFloat32SlowPath()
+		case endOfNumber:
+			iter.head = i
+			return float32(value)
+		case dotInNumber:
+			break non_decimal_loop
+		}
+		if value > uint64SafeToMultiple10 {
+			return iter.readFloat32SlowPath()
+		}
+		value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + uint64(ind) // value = value * 10 + ind;
+	}
+	// chars after dot
+	if c == '.' {
+		i++
+		decimalPlaces := 0
+		if i == iter.tail {
+			return iter.readFloat32SlowPath()
+		}
+		for ; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			c = iter.buf[i]
+			ind := floatDigits[c]
+			switch ind {
+			case endOfNumber:
+				if decimalPlaces > 0 && decimalPlaces < len(pow10) {
+					iter.head = i
+					return float32(float64(value) / float64(pow10[decimalPlaces]))
+				}
+				// too many decimal places
+				return iter.readFloat32SlowPath()
+			case invalidCharForNumber, dotInNumber:
+				return iter.readFloat32SlowPath()
+			}
+			decimalPlaces++
+			if value > uint64SafeToMultiple10 {
+				return iter.readFloat32SlowPath()
+			}
+			value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + uint64(ind)
+		}
+	}
+	return iter.readFloat32SlowPath()
+func (iter *Iterator) readNumberAsString() (ret string) {
+	strBuf := [16]byte{}
+	str := strBuf[0:0]
+	for {
+		for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			c := iter.buf[i]
+			switch c {
+			case '+', '-', '.', 'e', 'E', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
+				str = append(str, c)
+				continue
+			default:
+				iter.head = i
+				break load_loop
+			}
+		}
+		if !iter.loadMore() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		return
+	}
+	if len(str) == 0 {
+		iter.ReportError("readNumberAsString", "invalid number")
+	}
+	return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&str))
+func (iter *Iterator) readFloat32SlowPath() (ret float32) {
+	str := iter.readNumberAsString()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		return
+	}
+	errMsg := validateFloat(str)
+	if errMsg != "" {
+		iter.ReportError("readFloat32SlowPath", errMsg)
+		return
+	}
+	val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 32)
+	if err != nil {
+		iter.Error = err
+		return
+	}
+	return float32(val)
+// ReadFloat64 read float64
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadFloat64() (ret float64) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '-' {
+		return -iter.readPositiveFloat64()
+	}
+	iter.unreadByte()
+	return iter.readPositiveFloat64()
+func (iter *Iterator) readPositiveFloat64() (ret float64) {
+	i := iter.head
+	// first char
+	if i == iter.tail {
+		return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+	}
+	c := iter.buf[i]
+	i++
+	ind := floatDigits[c]
+	switch ind {
+	case invalidCharForNumber:
+		return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+	case endOfNumber:
+		iter.ReportError("readFloat64", "empty number")
+		return
+	case dotInNumber:
+		iter.ReportError("readFloat64", "leading dot is invalid")
+		return
+	case 0:
+		if i == iter.tail {
+			return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+		}
+		c = iter.buf[i]
+		switch c {
+		case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
+			iter.ReportError("readFloat64", "leading zero is invalid")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	value := uint64(ind)
+	// chars before dot
+	for ; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+		c = iter.buf[i]
+		ind := floatDigits[c]
+		switch ind {
+		case invalidCharForNumber:
+			return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+		case endOfNumber:
+			iter.head = i
+			return float64(value)
+		case dotInNumber:
+			break non_decimal_loop
+		}
+		if value > uint64SafeToMultiple10 {
+			return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+		}
+		value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + uint64(ind) // value = value * 10 + ind;
+	}
+	// chars after dot
+	if c == '.' {
+		i++
+		decimalPlaces := 0
+		if i == iter.tail {
+			return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+		}
+		for ; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			c = iter.buf[i]
+			ind := floatDigits[c]
+			switch ind {
+			case endOfNumber:
+				if decimalPlaces > 0 && decimalPlaces < len(pow10) {
+					iter.head = i
+					return float64(value) / float64(pow10[decimalPlaces])
+				}
+				// too many decimal places
+				return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+			case invalidCharForNumber, dotInNumber:
+				return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+			}
+			decimalPlaces++
+			if value > uint64SafeToMultiple10 {
+				return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+			}
+			value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + uint64(ind)
+			if value > maxFloat64 {
+				return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return iter.readFloat64SlowPath()
+func (iter *Iterator) readFloat64SlowPath() (ret float64) {
+	str := iter.readNumberAsString()
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		return
+	}
+	errMsg := validateFloat(str)
+	if errMsg != "" {
+		iter.ReportError("readFloat64SlowPath", errMsg)
+		return
+	}
+	val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)
+	if err != nil {
+		iter.Error = err
+		return
+	}
+	return val
+func validateFloat(str string) string {
+	// strconv.ParseFloat is not validating `1.` or `1.e1`
+	if len(str) == 0 {
+		return "empty number"
+	}
+	if str[0] == '-' {
+		return "-- is not valid"
+	}
+	dotPos := strings.IndexByte(str, '.')
+	if dotPos != -1 {
+		if dotPos == len(str)-1 {
+			return "dot can not be last character"
+		}
+		switch str[dotPos+1] {
+		case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
+		default:
+			return "missing digit after dot"
+		}
+	}
+	return ""
+// ReadNumber read json.Number
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadNumber() (ret json.Number) {
+	return json.Number(iter.readNumberAsString())
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_int.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_int.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d786a89fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_int.go
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"math"
+	"strconv"
+var intDigits []int8
+const uint32SafeToMultiply10 = uint32(0xffffffff)/10 - 1
+const uint64SafeToMultiple10 = uint64(0xffffffffffffffff)/10 - 1
+const maxFloat64 = 1<<53 - 1
+func init() {
+	intDigits = make([]int8, 256)
+	for i := 0; i < len(intDigits); i++ {
+		intDigits[i] = invalidCharForNumber
+	}
+	for i := int8('0'); i <= int8('9'); i++ {
+		intDigits[i] = i - int8('0')
+	}
+// ReadUint read uint
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadUint() uint {
+	if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
+		return uint(iter.ReadUint32())
+	}
+	return uint(iter.ReadUint64())
+// ReadInt read int
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadInt() int {
+	if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
+		return int(iter.ReadInt32())
+	}
+	return int(iter.ReadInt64())
+// ReadInt8 read int8
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadInt8() (ret int8) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '-' {
+		val := iter.readUint32(iter.readByte())
+		if val > math.MaxInt8+1 {
+			iter.ReportError("ReadInt8", "overflow: "+strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))
+			return
+		}
+		return -int8(val)
+	}
+	val := iter.readUint32(c)
+	if val > math.MaxInt8 {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadInt8", "overflow: "+strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))
+		return
+	}
+	return int8(val)
+// ReadUint8 read uint8
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadUint8() (ret uint8) {
+	val := iter.readUint32(iter.nextToken())
+	if val > math.MaxUint8 {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadUint8", "overflow: "+strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))
+		return
+	}
+	return uint8(val)
+// ReadInt16 read int16
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadInt16() (ret int16) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '-' {
+		val := iter.readUint32(iter.readByte())
+		if val > math.MaxInt16+1 {
+			iter.ReportError("ReadInt16", "overflow: "+strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))
+			return
+		}
+		return -int16(val)
+	}
+	val := iter.readUint32(c)
+	if val > math.MaxInt16 {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadInt16", "overflow: "+strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))
+		return
+	}
+	return int16(val)
+// ReadUint16 read uint16
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadUint16() (ret uint16) {
+	val := iter.readUint32(iter.nextToken())
+	if val > math.MaxUint16 {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadUint16", "overflow: "+strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))
+		return
+	}
+	return uint16(val)
+// ReadInt32 read int32
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadInt32() (ret int32) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '-' {
+		val := iter.readUint32(iter.readByte())
+		if val > math.MaxInt32+1 {
+			iter.ReportError("ReadInt32", "overflow: "+strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))
+			return
+		}
+		return -int32(val)
+	}
+	val := iter.readUint32(c)
+	if val > math.MaxInt32 {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadInt32", "overflow: "+strconv.FormatInt(int64(val), 10))
+		return
+	}
+	return int32(val)
+// ReadUint32 read uint32
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadUint32() (ret uint32) {
+	return iter.readUint32(iter.nextToken())
+func (iter *Iterator) readUint32(c byte) (ret uint32) {
+	ind := intDigits[c]
+	if ind == 0 {
+		iter.assertInteger()
+		return 0 // single zero
+	}
+	if ind == invalidCharForNumber {
+		iter.ReportError("readUint32", "unexpected character: "+string([]byte{byte(ind)}))
+		return
+	}
+	value := uint32(ind)
+	if iter.tail-iter.head > 10 {
+		i := iter.head
+		ind2 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind2 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value
+		}
+		i++
+		ind3 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind3 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*10 + uint32(ind2)
+		}
+		//iter.head = i + 1
+		//value = value * 100 + uint32(ind2) * 10 + uint32(ind3)
+		i++
+		ind4 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind4 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*100 + uint32(ind2)*10 + uint32(ind3)
+		}
+		i++
+		ind5 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind5 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*1000 + uint32(ind2)*100 + uint32(ind3)*10 + uint32(ind4)
+		}
+		i++
+		ind6 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind6 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*10000 + uint32(ind2)*1000 + uint32(ind3)*100 + uint32(ind4)*10 + uint32(ind5)
+		}
+		i++
+		ind7 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind7 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*100000 + uint32(ind2)*10000 + uint32(ind3)*1000 + uint32(ind4)*100 + uint32(ind5)*10 + uint32(ind6)
+		}
+		i++
+		ind8 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind8 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*1000000 + uint32(ind2)*100000 + uint32(ind3)*10000 + uint32(ind4)*1000 + uint32(ind5)*100 + uint32(ind6)*10 + uint32(ind7)
+		}
+		i++
+		ind9 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		value = value*10000000 + uint32(ind2)*1000000 + uint32(ind3)*100000 + uint32(ind4)*10000 + uint32(ind5)*1000 + uint32(ind6)*100 + uint32(ind7)*10 + uint32(ind8)
+		iter.head = i
+		if ind9 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value
+		}
+	}
+	for {
+		for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			ind = intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+			if ind == invalidCharForNumber {
+				iter.head = i
+				iter.assertInteger()
+				return value
+			}
+			if value > uint32SafeToMultiply10 {
+				value2 := (value << 3) + (value << 1) + uint32(ind)
+				if value2 < value {
+					iter.ReportError("readUint32", "overflow")
+					return
+				}
+				value = value2
+				continue
+			}
+			value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + uint32(ind)
+		}
+		if !iter.loadMore() {
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value
+		}
+	}
+// ReadInt64 read int64
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadInt64() (ret int64) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '-' {
+		val := iter.readUint64(iter.readByte())
+		if val > math.MaxInt64+1 {
+			iter.ReportError("ReadInt64", "overflow: "+strconv.FormatUint(uint64(val), 10))
+			return
+		}
+		return -int64(val)
+	}
+	val := iter.readUint64(c)
+	if val > math.MaxInt64 {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadInt64", "overflow: "+strconv.FormatUint(uint64(val), 10))
+		return
+	}
+	return int64(val)
+// ReadUint64 read uint64
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadUint64() uint64 {
+	return iter.readUint64(iter.nextToken())
+func (iter *Iterator) readUint64(c byte) (ret uint64) {
+	ind := intDigits[c]
+	if ind == 0 {
+		iter.assertInteger()
+		return 0 // single zero
+	}
+	if ind == invalidCharForNumber {
+		iter.ReportError("readUint64", "unexpected character: "+string([]byte{byte(ind)}))
+		return
+	}
+	value := uint64(ind)
+	if iter.tail-iter.head > 10 {
+		i := iter.head
+		ind2 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind2 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value
+		}
+		i++
+		ind3 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind3 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*10 + uint64(ind2)
+		}
+		//iter.head = i + 1
+		//value = value * 100 + uint32(ind2) * 10 + uint32(ind3)
+		i++
+		ind4 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind4 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*100 + uint64(ind2)*10 + uint64(ind3)
+		}
+		i++
+		ind5 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind5 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*1000 + uint64(ind2)*100 + uint64(ind3)*10 + uint64(ind4)
+		}
+		i++
+		ind6 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind6 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*10000 + uint64(ind2)*1000 + uint64(ind3)*100 + uint64(ind4)*10 + uint64(ind5)
+		}
+		i++
+		ind7 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind7 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*100000 + uint64(ind2)*10000 + uint64(ind3)*1000 + uint64(ind4)*100 + uint64(ind5)*10 + uint64(ind6)
+		}
+		i++
+		ind8 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		if ind8 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.head = i
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value*1000000 + uint64(ind2)*100000 + uint64(ind3)*10000 + uint64(ind4)*1000 + uint64(ind5)*100 + uint64(ind6)*10 + uint64(ind7)
+		}
+		i++
+		ind9 := intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+		value = value*10000000 + uint64(ind2)*1000000 + uint64(ind3)*100000 + uint64(ind4)*10000 + uint64(ind5)*1000 + uint64(ind6)*100 + uint64(ind7)*10 + uint64(ind8)
+		iter.head = i
+		if ind9 == invalidCharForNumber {
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value
+		}
+	}
+	for {
+		for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			ind = intDigits[iter.buf[i]]
+			if ind == invalidCharForNumber {
+				iter.head = i
+				iter.assertInteger()
+				return value
+			}
+			if value > uint64SafeToMultiple10 {
+				value2 := (value << 3) + (value << 1) + uint64(ind)
+				if value2 < value {
+					iter.ReportError("readUint64", "overflow")
+					return
+				}
+				value = value2
+				continue
+			}
+			value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + uint64(ind)
+		}
+		if !iter.loadMore() {
+			iter.assertInteger()
+			return value
+		}
+	}
+func (iter *Iterator) assertInteger() {
+	if iter.head < iter.tail && iter.buf[iter.head] == '.' {
+		iter.ReportError("assertInteger", "can not decode float as int")
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_object.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_object.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58ee89c849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_object.go
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"strings"
+// ReadObject read one field from object.
+// If object ended, returns empty string.
+// Otherwise, returns the field name.
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadObject() (ret string) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	switch c {
+	case 'n':
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l')
+		return "" // null
+	case '{':
+		c = iter.nextToken()
+		if c == '"' {
+			iter.unreadByte()
+			field := iter.ReadString()
+			c = iter.nextToken()
+			if c != ':' {
+				iter.ReportError("ReadObject", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+			}
+			return field
+		}
+		if c == '}' {
+			return "" // end of object
+		}
+		iter.ReportError("ReadObject", `expect " after {, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	case ',':
+		field := iter.ReadString()
+		c = iter.nextToken()
+		if c != ':' {
+			iter.ReportError("ReadObject", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+		}
+		return field
+	case '}':
+		return "" // end of object
+	default:
+		iter.ReportError("ReadObject", fmt.Sprintf(`expect { or , or } or n, but found %s`, string([]byte{c})))
+		return
+	}
+// CaseInsensitive
+func (iter *Iterator) readFieldHash() int64 {
+	hash := int64(0x811c9dc5)
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c != '"' {
+		iter.ReportError("readFieldHash", `expect ", but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+		return 0
+	}
+	for {
+		for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			// require ascii string and no escape
+			b := iter.buf[i]
+			if b == '\\' {
+				iter.head = i
+				for _, b := range iter.readStringSlowPath() {
+					if 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z' && !iter.cfg.caseSensitive {
+						b += 'a' - 'A'
+					}
+					hash ^= int64(b)
+					hash *= 0x1000193
+				}
+				c = iter.nextToken()
+				if c != ':' {
+					iter.ReportError("readFieldHash", `expect :, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+					return 0
+				}
+				return hash
+			}
+			if b == '"' {
+				iter.head = i + 1
+				c = iter.nextToken()
+				if c != ':' {
+					iter.ReportError("readFieldHash", `expect :, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+					return 0
+				}
+				return hash
+			}
+			if 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z' && !iter.cfg.caseSensitive {
+				b += 'a' - 'A'
+			}
+			hash ^= int64(b)
+			hash *= 0x1000193
+		}
+		if !iter.loadMore() {
+			iter.ReportError("readFieldHash", `incomplete field name`)
+			return 0
+		}
+	}
+func calcHash(str string, caseSensitive bool) int64 {
+	if !caseSensitive {
+		str = strings.ToLower(str)
+	}
+	hash := int64(0x811c9dc5)
+	for _, b := range []byte(str) {
+		hash ^= int64(b)
+		hash *= 0x1000193
+	}
+	return int64(hash)
+// ReadObjectCB read object with callback, the key is ascii only and field name not copied
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadObjectCB(callback func(*Iterator, string) bool) bool {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	var field string
+	if c == '{' {
+		if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+			return false
+		}
+		c = iter.nextToken()
+		if c == '"' {
+			iter.unreadByte()
+			field = iter.ReadString()
+			c = iter.nextToken()
+			if c != ':' {
+				iter.ReportError("ReadObject", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+			}
+			if !callback(iter, field) {
+				iter.decrementDepth()
+				return false
+			}
+			c = iter.nextToken()
+			for c == ',' {
+				field = iter.ReadString()
+				c = iter.nextToken()
+				if c != ':' {
+					iter.ReportError("ReadObject", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+				}
+				if !callback(iter, field) {
+					iter.decrementDepth()
+					return false
+				}
+				c = iter.nextToken()
+			}
+			if c != '}' {
+				iter.ReportError("ReadObjectCB", `object not ended with }`)
+				iter.decrementDepth()
+				return false
+			}
+			return iter.decrementDepth()
+		}
+		if c == '}' {
+			return iter.decrementDepth()
+		}
+		iter.ReportError("ReadObjectCB", `expect " after {, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+		iter.decrementDepth()
+		return false
+	}
+	if c == 'n' {
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l')
+		return true // null
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("ReadObjectCB", `expect { or n, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+	return false
+// ReadMapCB read map with callback, the key can be any string
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadMapCB(callback func(*Iterator, string) bool) bool {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '{' {
+		if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+			return false
+		}
+		c = iter.nextToken()
+		if c == '"' {
+			iter.unreadByte()
+			field := iter.ReadString()
+			if iter.nextToken() != ':' {
+				iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+				iter.decrementDepth()
+				return false
+			}
+			if !callback(iter, field) {
+				iter.decrementDepth()
+				return false
+			}
+			c = iter.nextToken()
+			for c == ',' {
+				field = iter.ReadString()
+				if iter.nextToken() != ':' {
+					iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+					iter.decrementDepth()
+					return false
+				}
+				if !callback(iter, field) {
+					iter.decrementDepth()
+					return false
+				}
+				c = iter.nextToken()
+			}
+			if c != '}' {
+				iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", `object not ended with }`)
+				iter.decrementDepth()
+				return false
+			}
+			return iter.decrementDepth()
+		}
+		if c == '}' {
+			return iter.decrementDepth()
+		}
+		iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", `expect " after {, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+		iter.decrementDepth()
+		return false
+	}
+	if c == 'n' {
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l')
+		return true // null
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", `expect { or n, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+	return false
+func (iter *Iterator) readObjectStart() bool {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '{' {
+		c = iter.nextToken()
+		if c == '}' {
+			return false
+		}
+		iter.unreadByte()
+		return true
+	} else if c == 'n' {
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l')
+		return false
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("readObjectStart", "expect { or n, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+	return false
+func (iter *Iterator) readObjectFieldAsBytes() (ret []byte) {
+	str := iter.ReadStringAsSlice()
+	if iter.skipWhitespacesWithoutLoadMore() {
+		if ret == nil {
+			ret = make([]byte, len(str))
+			copy(ret, str)
+		}
+		if !iter.loadMore() {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.buf[iter.head] != ':' {
+		iter.ReportError("readObjectFieldAsBytes", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{iter.buf[iter.head]}))
+		return
+	}
+	iter.head++
+	if iter.skipWhitespacesWithoutLoadMore() {
+		if ret == nil {
+			ret = make([]byte, len(str))
+			copy(ret, str)
+		}
+		if !iter.loadMore() {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	if ret == nil {
+		return str
+	}
+	return ret
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_skip.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_skip.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e91eefb15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_skip.go
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+package jsoniter
+import "fmt"
+// ReadNil reads a json object as nil and
+// returns whether it's a nil or not
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadNil() (ret bool) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == 'n' {
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l') // null
+		return true
+	}
+	iter.unreadByte()
+	return false
+// ReadBool reads a json object as BoolValue
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadBool() (ret bool) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == 't' {
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('r', 'u', 'e')
+		return true
+	}
+	if c == 'f' {
+		iter.skipFourBytes('a', 'l', 's', 'e')
+		return false
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("ReadBool", "expect t or f, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+	return
+// SkipAndReturnBytes skip next JSON element, and return its content as []byte.
+// The []byte can be kept, it is a copy of data.
+func (iter *Iterator) SkipAndReturnBytes() []byte {
+	iter.startCapture(iter.head)
+	iter.Skip()
+	return iter.stopCapture()
+// SkipAndAppendBytes skips next JSON element and appends its content to
+// buffer, returning the result.
+func (iter *Iterator) SkipAndAppendBytes(buf []byte) []byte {
+	iter.startCaptureTo(buf, iter.head)
+	iter.Skip()
+	return iter.stopCapture()
+func (iter *Iterator) startCaptureTo(buf []byte, captureStartedAt int) {
+	if iter.captured != nil {
+		panic("already in capture mode")
+	}
+	iter.captureStartedAt = captureStartedAt
+	iter.captured = buf
+func (iter *Iterator) startCapture(captureStartedAt int) {
+	iter.startCaptureTo(make([]byte, 0, 32), captureStartedAt)
+func (iter *Iterator) stopCapture() []byte {
+	if iter.captured == nil {
+		panic("not in capture mode")
+	}
+	captured := iter.captured
+	remaining := iter.buf[iter.captureStartedAt:iter.head]
+	iter.captureStartedAt = -1
+	iter.captured = nil
+	return append(captured, remaining...)
+// Skip skips a json object and positions to relatively the next json object
+func (iter *Iterator) Skip() {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	switch c {
+	case '"':
+		iter.skipString()
+	case 'n':
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l') // null
+	case 't':
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('r', 'u', 'e') // true
+	case 'f':
+		iter.skipFourBytes('a', 'l', 's', 'e') // false
+	case '0':
+		iter.unreadByte()
+		iter.ReadFloat32()
+	case '-', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
+		iter.skipNumber()
+	case '[':
+		iter.skipArray()
+	case '{':
+		iter.skipObject()
+	default:
+		iter.ReportError("Skip", fmt.Sprintf("do not know how to skip: %v", c))
+		return
+	}
+func (iter *Iterator) skipFourBytes(b1, b2, b3, b4 byte) {
+	if iter.readByte() != b1 {
+		iter.ReportError("skipFourBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3, b4})))
+		return
+	}
+	if iter.readByte() != b2 {
+		iter.ReportError("skipFourBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3, b4})))
+		return
+	}
+	if iter.readByte() != b3 {
+		iter.ReportError("skipFourBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3, b4})))
+		return
+	}
+	if iter.readByte() != b4 {
+		iter.ReportError("skipFourBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3, b4})))
+		return
+	}
+func (iter *Iterator) skipThreeBytes(b1, b2, b3 byte) {
+	if iter.readByte() != b1 {
+		iter.ReportError("skipThreeBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3})))
+		return
+	}
+	if iter.readByte() != b2 {
+		iter.ReportError("skipThreeBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3})))
+		return
+	}
+	if iter.readByte() != b3 {
+		iter.ReportError("skipThreeBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3})))
+		return
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_skip_sloppy.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_skip_sloppy.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9303de41e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_skip_sloppy.go
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+//+build jsoniter_sloppy
+package jsoniter
+// sloppy but faster implementation, do not validate the input json
+func (iter *Iterator) skipNumber() {
+	for {
+		for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			c := iter.buf[i]
+			switch c {
+			case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t', ',', '}', ']':
+				iter.head = i
+				return
+			}
+		}
+		if !iter.loadMore() {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+func (iter *Iterator) skipArray() {
+	level := 1
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			switch iter.buf[i] {
+			case '"': // If inside string, skip it
+				iter.head = i + 1
+				iter.skipString()
+				i = iter.head - 1 // it will be i++ soon
+			case '[': // If open symbol, increase level
+				level++
+				if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+					return
+				}
+			case ']': // If close symbol, increase level
+				level--
+				if !iter.decrementDepth() {
+					return
+				}
+				// If we have returned to the original level, we're done
+				if level == 0 {
+					iter.head = i + 1
+					return
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if !iter.loadMore() {
+			iter.ReportError("skipObject", "incomplete array")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+func (iter *Iterator) skipObject() {
+	level := 1
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			switch iter.buf[i] {
+			case '"': // If inside string, skip it
+				iter.head = i + 1
+				iter.skipString()
+				i = iter.head - 1 // it will be i++ soon
+			case '{': // If open symbol, increase level
+				level++
+				if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+					return
+				}
+			case '}': // If close symbol, increase level
+				level--
+				if !iter.decrementDepth() {
+					return
+				}
+				// If we have returned to the original level, we're done
+				if level == 0 {
+					iter.head = i + 1
+					return
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if !iter.loadMore() {
+			iter.ReportError("skipObject", "incomplete object")
+			return
+		}
+	}
+func (iter *Iterator) skipString() {
+	for {
+		end, escaped := iter.findStringEnd()
+		if end == -1 {
+			if !iter.loadMore() {
+				iter.ReportError("skipString", "incomplete string")
+				return
+			}
+			if escaped {
+				iter.head = 1 // skip the first char as last char read is \
+			}
+		} else {
+			iter.head = end
+			return
+		}
+	}
+// adapted from: https://github.com/buger/jsonparser/blob/master/parser.go
+// Tries to find the end of string
+// Support if string contains escaped quote symbols.
+func (iter *Iterator) findStringEnd() (int, bool) {
+	escaped := false
+	for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+		c := iter.buf[i]
+		if c == '"' {
+			if !escaped {
+				return i + 1, false
+			}
+			j := i - 1
+			for {
+				if j < iter.head || iter.buf[j] != '\\' {
+					// even number of backslashes
+					// either end of buffer, or " found
+					return i + 1, true
+				}
+				j--
+				if j < iter.head || iter.buf[j] != '\\' {
+					// odd number of backslashes
+					// it is \" or \\\"
+					break
+				}
+				j--
+			}
+		} else if c == '\\' {
+			escaped = true
+		}
+	}
+	j := iter.tail - 1
+	for {
+		if j < iter.head || iter.buf[j] != '\\' {
+			// even number of backslashes
+			// either end of buffer, or " found
+			return -1, false // do not end with \
+		}
+		j--
+		if j < iter.head || iter.buf[j] != '\\' {
+			// odd number of backslashes
+			// it is \" or \\\"
+			break
+		}
+		j--
+	}
+	return -1, true // end with \
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_skip_strict.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_skip_strict.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cf66d0438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_skip_strict.go
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+//+build !jsoniter_sloppy
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+func (iter *Iterator) skipNumber() {
+	if !iter.trySkipNumber() {
+		iter.unreadByte()
+		if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+			return
+		}
+		iter.ReadFloat64()
+		if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+			iter.Error = nil
+			iter.ReadBigFloat()
+		}
+	}
+func (iter *Iterator) trySkipNumber() bool {
+	dotFound := false
+	for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+		c := iter.buf[i]
+		switch c {
+		case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
+		case '.':
+			if dotFound {
+				iter.ReportError("validateNumber", `more than one dot found in number`)
+				return true // already failed
+			}
+			if i+1 == iter.tail {
+				return false
+			}
+			c = iter.buf[i+1]
+			switch c {
+			case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
+			default:
+				iter.ReportError("validateNumber", `missing digit after dot`)
+				return true // already failed
+			}
+			dotFound = true
+		default:
+			switch c {
+			case ',', ']', '}', ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
+				if iter.head == i {
+					return false // if - without following digits
+				}
+				iter.head = i
+				return true // must be valid
+			}
+			return false // may be invalid
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+func (iter *Iterator) skipString() {
+	if !iter.trySkipString() {
+		iter.unreadByte()
+		iter.ReadString()
+	}
+func (iter *Iterator) trySkipString() bool {
+	for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+		c := iter.buf[i]
+		if c == '"' {
+			iter.head = i + 1
+			return true // valid
+		} else if c == '\\' {
+			return false
+		} else if c < ' ' {
+			iter.ReportError("trySkipString",
+				fmt.Sprintf(`invalid control character found: %d`, c))
+			return true // already failed
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+func (iter *Iterator) skipObject() {
+	iter.unreadByte()
+	iter.ReadObjectCB(func(iter *Iterator, field string) bool {
+		iter.Skip()
+		return true
+	})
+func (iter *Iterator) skipArray() {
+	iter.unreadByte()
+	iter.ReadArrayCB(func(iter *Iterator) bool {
+		iter.Skip()
+		return true
+	})
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_str.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_str.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..adc487ea80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/iter_str.go
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"unicode/utf16"
+// ReadString read string from iterator
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadString() (ret string) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '"' {
+		for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			c := iter.buf[i]
+			if c == '"' {
+				ret = string(iter.buf[iter.head:i])
+				iter.head = i + 1
+				return ret
+			} else if c == '\\' {
+				break
+			} else if c < ' ' {
+				iter.ReportError("ReadString",
+					fmt.Sprintf(`invalid control character found: %d`, c))
+				return
+			}
+		}
+		return iter.readStringSlowPath()
+	} else if c == 'n' {
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l')
+		return ""
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("ReadString", `expects " or n, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+	return
+func (iter *Iterator) readStringSlowPath() (ret string) {
+	var str []byte
+	var c byte
+	for iter.Error == nil {
+		c = iter.readByte()
+		if c == '"' {
+			return string(str)
+		}
+		if c == '\\' {
+			c = iter.readByte()
+			str = iter.readEscapedChar(c, str)
+		} else {
+			str = append(str, c)
+		}
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("readStringSlowPath", "unexpected end of input")
+	return
+func (iter *Iterator) readEscapedChar(c byte, str []byte) []byte {
+	switch c {
+	case 'u':
+		r := iter.readU4()
+		if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) {
+			c = iter.readByte()
+			if iter.Error != nil {
+				return nil
+			}
+			if c != '\\' {
+				iter.unreadByte()
+				str = appendRune(str, r)
+				return str
+			}
+			c = iter.readByte()
+			if iter.Error != nil {
+				return nil
+			}
+			if c != 'u' {
+				str = appendRune(str, r)
+				return iter.readEscapedChar(c, str)
+			}
+			r2 := iter.readU4()
+			if iter.Error != nil {
+				return nil
+			}
+			combined := utf16.DecodeRune(r, r2)
+			if combined == '\uFFFD' {
+				str = appendRune(str, r)
+				str = appendRune(str, r2)
+			} else {
+				str = appendRune(str, combined)
+			}
+		} else {
+			str = appendRune(str, r)
+		}
+	case '"':
+		str = append(str, '"')
+	case '\\':
+		str = append(str, '\\')
+	case '/':
+		str = append(str, '/')
+	case 'b':
+		str = append(str, '\b')
+	case 'f':
+		str = append(str, '\f')
+	case 'n':
+		str = append(str, '\n')
+	case 'r':
+		str = append(str, '\r')
+	case 't':
+		str = append(str, '\t')
+	default:
+		iter.ReportError("readEscapedChar",
+			`invalid escape char after \`)
+		return nil
+	}
+	return str
+// ReadStringAsSlice read string from iterator without copying into string form.
+// The []byte can not be kept, as it will change after next iterator call.
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadStringAsSlice() (ret []byte) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '"' {
+		for i := iter.head; i < iter.tail; i++ {
+			// require ascii string and no escape
+			// for: field name, base64, number
+			if iter.buf[i] == '"' {
+				// fast path: reuse the underlying buffer
+				ret = iter.buf[iter.head:i]
+				iter.head = i + 1
+				return ret
+			}
+		}
+		readLen := iter.tail - iter.head
+		copied := make([]byte, readLen, readLen*2)
+		copy(copied, iter.buf[iter.head:iter.tail])
+		iter.head = iter.tail
+		for iter.Error == nil {
+			c := iter.readByte()
+			if c == '"' {
+				return copied
+			}
+			copied = append(copied, c)
+		}
+		return copied
+	}
+	iter.ReportError("ReadStringAsSlice", `expects " or n, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+	return
+func (iter *Iterator) readU4() (ret rune) {
+	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
+		c := iter.readByte()
+		if iter.Error != nil {
+			return
+		}
+		if c >= '0' && c <= '9' {
+			ret = ret*16 + rune(c-'0')
+		} else if c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' {
+			ret = ret*16 + rune(c-'a'+10)
+		} else if c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' {
+			ret = ret*16 + rune(c-'A'+10)
+		} else {
+			iter.ReportError("readU4", "expects 0~9 or a~f, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	return ret
+const (
+	t1 = 0x00 // 0000 0000
+	tx = 0x80 // 1000 0000
+	t2 = 0xC0 // 1100 0000
+	t3 = 0xE0 // 1110 0000
+	t4 = 0xF0 // 1111 0000
+	t5 = 0xF8 // 1111 1000
+	maskx = 0x3F // 0011 1111
+	mask2 = 0x1F // 0001 1111
+	mask3 = 0x0F // 0000 1111
+	mask4 = 0x07 // 0000 0111
+	rune1Max = 1<<7 - 1
+	rune2Max = 1<<11 - 1
+	rune3Max = 1<<16 - 1
+	surrogateMin = 0xD800
+	surrogateMax = 0xDFFF
+	maxRune   = '\U0010FFFF' // Maximum valid Unicode code point.
+	runeError = '\uFFFD'     // the "error" Rune or "Unicode replacement character"
+func appendRune(p []byte, r rune) []byte {
+	// Negative values are erroneous. Making it unsigned addresses the problem.
+	switch i := uint32(r); {
+	case i <= rune1Max:
+		p = append(p, byte(r))
+		return p
+	case i <= rune2Max:
+		p = append(p, t2|byte(r>>6))
+		p = append(p, tx|byte(r)&maskx)
+		return p
+	case i > maxRune, surrogateMin <= i && i <= surrogateMax:
+		r = runeError
+		fallthrough
+	case i <= rune3Max:
+		p = append(p, t3|byte(r>>12))
+		p = append(p, tx|byte(r>>6)&maskx)
+		p = append(p, tx|byte(r)&maskx)
+		return p
+	default:
+		p = append(p, t4|byte(r>>18))
+		p = append(p, tx|byte(r>>12)&maskx)
+		p = append(p, tx|byte(r>>6)&maskx)
+		p = append(p, tx|byte(r)&maskx)
+		return p
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/jsoniter.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/jsoniter.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2934f916e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/jsoniter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Package jsoniter implements encoding and decoding of JSON as defined in
+// RFC 4627 and provides interfaces with identical syntax of standard lib encoding/json.
+// Converting from encoding/json to jsoniter is no more than replacing the package with jsoniter
+// and variable type declarations (if any).
+// jsoniter interfaces gives 100% compatibility with code using standard lib.
+// "JSON and Go"
+// (https://golang.org/doc/articles/json_and_go.html)
+// gives a description of how Marshal/Unmarshal operate
+// between arbitrary or predefined json objects and bytes,
+// and it applies to jsoniter.Marshal/Unmarshal as well.
+// Besides, jsoniter.Iterator provides a different set of interfaces
+// iterating given bytes/string/reader
+// and yielding parsed elements one by one.
+// This set of interfaces reads input as required and gives
+// better performance.
+package jsoniter
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/pool.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/pool.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2389b56cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/pool.go
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"io"
+// IteratorPool a thread safe pool of iterators with same configuration
+type IteratorPool interface {
+	BorrowIterator(data []byte) *Iterator
+	ReturnIterator(iter *Iterator)
+// StreamPool a thread safe pool of streams with same configuration
+type StreamPool interface {
+	BorrowStream(writer io.Writer) *Stream
+	ReturnStream(stream *Stream)
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) BorrowStream(writer io.Writer) *Stream {
+	stream := cfg.streamPool.Get().(*Stream)
+	stream.Reset(writer)
+	return stream
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) ReturnStream(stream *Stream) {
+	stream.out = nil
+	stream.Error = nil
+	stream.Attachment = nil
+	cfg.streamPool.Put(stream)
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) BorrowIterator(data []byte) *Iterator {
+	iter := cfg.iteratorPool.Get().(*Iterator)
+	iter.ResetBytes(data)
+	return iter
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) ReturnIterator(iter *Iterator) {
+	iter.Error = nil
+	iter.Attachment = nil
+	cfg.iteratorPool.Put(iter)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39acb320ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect.go
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+// ValDecoder is an internal type registered to cache as needed.
+// Don't confuse jsoniter.ValDecoder with json.Decoder.
+// For json.Decoder's adapter, refer to jsoniter.AdapterDecoder(todo link).
+// Reflection on type to create decoders, which is then cached
+// Reflection on value is avoided as we can, as the reflect.Value itself will allocate, with following exceptions
+// 1. create instance of new value, for example *int will need a int to be allocated
+// 2. append to slice, if the existing cap is not enough, allocate will be done using Reflect.New
+// 3. assignment to map, both key and value will be reflect.Value
+// For a simple struct binding, it will be reflect.Value free and allocation free
+type ValDecoder interface {
+	Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator)
+// ValEncoder is an internal type registered to cache as needed.
+// Don't confuse jsoniter.ValEncoder with json.Encoder.
+// For json.Encoder's adapter, refer to jsoniter.AdapterEncoder(todo godoc link).
+type ValEncoder interface {
+	IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool
+	Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream)
+type checkIsEmpty interface {
+	IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool
+type ctx struct {
+	*frozenConfig
+	prefix   string
+	encoders map[reflect2.Type]ValEncoder
+	decoders map[reflect2.Type]ValDecoder
+func (b *ctx) caseSensitive() bool {
+	if b.frozenConfig == nil {
+		// default is case-insensitive
+		return false
+	}
+	return b.frozenConfig.caseSensitive
+func (b *ctx) append(prefix string) *ctx {
+	return &ctx{
+		frozenConfig: b.frozenConfig,
+		prefix:       b.prefix + " " + prefix,
+		encoders:     b.encoders,
+		decoders:     b.decoders,
+	}
+// ReadVal copy the underlying JSON into go interface, same as json.Unmarshal
+func (iter *Iterator) ReadVal(obj interface{}) {
+	depth := iter.depth
+	cacheKey := reflect2.RTypeOf(obj)
+	decoder := iter.cfg.getDecoderFromCache(cacheKey)
+	if decoder == nil {
+		typ := reflect2.TypeOf(obj)
+		if typ == nil || typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+			iter.ReportError("ReadVal", "can only unmarshal into pointer")
+			return
+		}
+		decoder = iter.cfg.DecoderOf(typ)
+	}
+	ptr := reflect2.PtrOf(obj)
+	if ptr == nil {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadVal", "can not read into nil pointer")
+		return
+	}
+	decoder.Decode(ptr, iter)
+	if iter.depth != depth {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadVal", "unexpected mismatched nesting")
+		return
+	}
+// WriteVal copy the go interface into underlying JSON, same as json.Marshal
+func (stream *Stream) WriteVal(val interface{}) {
+	if nil == val {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+		return
+	}
+	cacheKey := reflect2.RTypeOf(val)
+	encoder := stream.cfg.getEncoderFromCache(cacheKey)
+	if encoder == nil {
+		typ := reflect2.TypeOf(val)
+		encoder = stream.cfg.EncoderOf(typ)
+	}
+	encoder.Encode(reflect2.PtrOf(val), stream)
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) DecoderOf(typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	cacheKey := typ.RType()
+	decoder := cfg.getDecoderFromCache(cacheKey)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	ctx := &ctx{
+		frozenConfig: cfg,
+		prefix:       "",
+		decoders:     map[reflect2.Type]ValDecoder{},
+		encoders:     map[reflect2.Type]ValEncoder{},
+	}
+	ptrType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafePtrType)
+	decoder = decoderOfType(ctx, ptrType.Elem())
+	cfg.addDecoderToCache(cacheKey, decoder)
+	return decoder
+func decoderOfType(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	decoder := getTypeDecoderFromExtension(ctx, typ)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	decoder = createDecoderOfType(ctx, typ)
+	for _, extension := range extensions {
+		decoder = extension.DecorateDecoder(typ, decoder)
+	}
+	decoder = ctx.decoderExtension.DecorateDecoder(typ, decoder)
+	for _, extension := range ctx.extraExtensions {
+		decoder = extension.DecorateDecoder(typ, decoder)
+	}
+	return decoder
+func createDecoderOfType(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	decoder := ctx.decoders[typ]
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	placeholder := &placeholderDecoder{}
+	ctx.decoders[typ] = placeholder
+	decoder = _createDecoderOfType(ctx, typ)
+	placeholder.decoder = decoder
+	return decoder
+func _createDecoderOfType(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	decoder := createDecoderOfJsonRawMessage(ctx, typ)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	decoder = createDecoderOfJsonNumber(ctx, typ)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	decoder = createDecoderOfMarshaler(ctx, typ)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	decoder = createDecoderOfAny(ctx, typ)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	decoder = createDecoderOfNative(ctx, typ)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	switch typ.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Interface:
+		ifaceType, isIFace := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafeIFaceType)
+		if isIFace {
+			return &ifaceDecoder{valType: ifaceType}
+		}
+		return &efaceDecoder{}
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		return decoderOfStruct(ctx, typ)
+	case reflect.Array:
+		return decoderOfArray(ctx, typ)
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		return decoderOfSlice(ctx, typ)
+	case reflect.Map:
+		return decoderOfMap(ctx, typ)
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		return decoderOfOptional(ctx, typ)
+	default:
+		return &lazyErrorDecoder{err: fmt.Errorf("%s%s is unsupported type", ctx.prefix, typ.String())}
+	}
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) EncoderOf(typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	cacheKey := typ.RType()
+	encoder := cfg.getEncoderFromCache(cacheKey)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	ctx := &ctx{
+		frozenConfig: cfg,
+		prefix:       "",
+		decoders:     map[reflect2.Type]ValDecoder{},
+		encoders:     map[reflect2.Type]ValEncoder{},
+	}
+	encoder = encoderOfType(ctx, typ)
+	if typ.LikePtr() {
+		encoder = &onePtrEncoder{encoder}
+	}
+	cfg.addEncoderToCache(cacheKey, encoder)
+	return encoder
+type onePtrEncoder struct {
+	encoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *onePtrEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.encoder.IsEmpty(unsafe.Pointer(&ptr))
+func (encoder *onePtrEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	encoder.encoder.Encode(unsafe.Pointer(&ptr), stream)
+func encoderOfType(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	encoder := getTypeEncoderFromExtension(ctx, typ)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	encoder = createEncoderOfType(ctx, typ)
+	for _, extension := range extensions {
+		encoder = extension.DecorateEncoder(typ, encoder)
+	}
+	encoder = ctx.encoderExtension.DecorateEncoder(typ, encoder)
+	for _, extension := range ctx.extraExtensions {
+		encoder = extension.DecorateEncoder(typ, encoder)
+	}
+	return encoder
+func createEncoderOfType(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	encoder := ctx.encoders[typ]
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	placeholder := &placeholderEncoder{}
+	ctx.encoders[typ] = placeholder
+	encoder = _createEncoderOfType(ctx, typ)
+	placeholder.encoder = encoder
+	return encoder
+func _createEncoderOfType(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	encoder := createEncoderOfJsonRawMessage(ctx, typ)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	encoder = createEncoderOfJsonNumber(ctx, typ)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	encoder = createEncoderOfMarshaler(ctx, typ)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	encoder = createEncoderOfAny(ctx, typ)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	encoder = createEncoderOfNative(ctx, typ)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	kind := typ.Kind()
+	switch kind {
+	case reflect.Interface:
+		return &dynamicEncoder{typ}
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		return encoderOfStruct(ctx, typ)
+	case reflect.Array:
+		return encoderOfArray(ctx, typ)
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		return encoderOfSlice(ctx, typ)
+	case reflect.Map:
+		return encoderOfMap(ctx, typ)
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		return encoderOfOptional(ctx, typ)
+	default:
+		return &lazyErrorEncoder{err: fmt.Errorf("%s%s is unsupported type", ctx.prefix, typ.String())}
+	}
+type lazyErrorDecoder struct {
+	err error
+func (decoder *lazyErrorDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if iter.WhatIsNext() != NilValue {
+		if iter.Error == nil {
+			iter.Error = decoder.err
+		}
+	} else {
+		iter.Skip()
+	}
+type lazyErrorEncoder struct {
+	err error
+func (encoder *lazyErrorEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	if ptr == nil {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+	} else if stream.Error == nil {
+		stream.Error = encoder.err
+	}
+func (encoder *lazyErrorEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return false
+type placeholderDecoder struct {
+	decoder ValDecoder
+func (decoder *placeholderDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	decoder.decoder.Decode(ptr, iter)
+type placeholderEncoder struct {
+	encoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *placeholderEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	encoder.encoder.Encode(ptr, stream)
+func (encoder *placeholderEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.encoder.IsEmpty(ptr)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_array.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_array.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13a0b7b087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_array.go
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+	"io"
+	"unsafe"
+func decoderOfArray(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	arrayType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafeArrayType)
+	decoder := decoderOfType(ctx.append("[arrayElem]"), arrayType.Elem())
+	return &arrayDecoder{arrayType, decoder}
+func encoderOfArray(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	arrayType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafeArrayType)
+	if arrayType.Len() == 0 {
+		return emptyArrayEncoder{}
+	}
+	encoder := encoderOfType(ctx.append("[arrayElem]"), arrayType.Elem())
+	return &arrayEncoder{arrayType, encoder}
+type emptyArrayEncoder struct{}
+func (encoder emptyArrayEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteEmptyArray()
+func (encoder emptyArrayEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return true
+type arrayEncoder struct {
+	arrayType   *reflect2.UnsafeArrayType
+	elemEncoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *arrayEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteArrayStart()
+	elemPtr := unsafe.Pointer(ptr)
+	encoder.elemEncoder.Encode(elemPtr, stream)
+	for i := 1; i < encoder.arrayType.Len(); i++ {
+		stream.WriteMore()
+		elemPtr = encoder.arrayType.UnsafeGetIndex(ptr, i)
+		encoder.elemEncoder.Encode(elemPtr, stream)
+	}
+	stream.WriteArrayEnd()
+	if stream.Error != nil && stream.Error != io.EOF {
+		stream.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v: %s", encoder.arrayType, stream.Error.Error())
+	}
+func (encoder *arrayEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return false
+type arrayDecoder struct {
+	arrayType   *reflect2.UnsafeArrayType
+	elemDecoder ValDecoder
+func (decoder *arrayDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	decoder.doDecode(ptr, iter)
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v: %s", decoder.arrayType, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+func (decoder *arrayDecoder) doDecode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	arrayType := decoder.arrayType
+	if c == 'n' {
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l')
+		return
+	}
+	if c != '[' {
+		iter.ReportError("decode array", "expect [ or n, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
+	c = iter.nextToken()
+	if c == ']' {
+		return
+	}
+	iter.unreadByte()
+	elemPtr := arrayType.UnsafeGetIndex(ptr, 0)
+	decoder.elemDecoder.Decode(elemPtr, iter)
+	length := 1
+	for c = iter.nextToken(); c == ','; c = iter.nextToken() {
+		if length >= arrayType.Len() {
+			iter.Skip()
+			continue
+		}
+		idx := length
+		length += 1
+		elemPtr = arrayType.UnsafeGetIndex(ptr, idx)
+		decoder.elemDecoder.Decode(elemPtr, iter)
+	}
+	if c != ']' {
+		iter.ReportError("decode array", "expect ], but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_dynamic.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_dynamic.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b6bc8b433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_dynamic.go
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type dynamicEncoder struct {
+	valType reflect2.Type
+func (encoder *dynamicEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	obj := encoder.valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	stream.WriteVal(obj)
+func (encoder *dynamicEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr) == nil
+type efaceDecoder struct {
+func (decoder *efaceDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	pObj := (*interface{})(ptr)
+	obj := *pObj
+	if obj == nil {
+		*pObj = iter.Read()
+		return
+	}
+	typ := reflect2.TypeOf(obj)
+	if typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+		*pObj = iter.Read()
+		return
+	}
+	ptrType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafePtrType)
+	ptrElemType := ptrType.Elem()
+	if iter.WhatIsNext() == NilValue {
+		if ptrElemType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+			iter.skipFourBytes('n', 'u', 'l', 'l')
+			*pObj = nil
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	if reflect2.IsNil(obj) {
+		obj := ptrElemType.New()
+		iter.ReadVal(obj)
+		*pObj = obj
+		return
+	}
+	iter.ReadVal(obj)
+type ifaceDecoder struct {
+	valType *reflect2.UnsafeIFaceType
+func (decoder *ifaceDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if iter.ReadNil() {
+		decoder.valType.UnsafeSet(ptr, decoder.valType.UnsafeNew())
+		return
+	}
+	obj := decoder.valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	if reflect2.IsNil(obj) {
+		iter.ReportError("decode non empty interface", "can not unmarshal into nil")
+		return
+	}
+	iter.ReadVal(obj)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_extension.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_extension.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74a97bfe5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_extension.go
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
+	"unicode"
+	"unsafe"
+var typeDecoders = map[string]ValDecoder{}
+var fieldDecoders = map[string]ValDecoder{}
+var typeEncoders = map[string]ValEncoder{}
+var fieldEncoders = map[string]ValEncoder{}
+var extensions = []Extension{}
+// StructDescriptor describe how should we encode/decode the struct
+type StructDescriptor struct {
+	Type   reflect2.Type
+	Fields []*Binding
+// GetField get one field from the descriptor by its name.
+// Can not use map here to keep field orders.
+func (structDescriptor *StructDescriptor) GetField(fieldName string) *Binding {
+	for _, binding := range structDescriptor.Fields {
+		if binding.Field.Name() == fieldName {
+			return binding
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// Binding describe how should we encode/decode the struct field
+type Binding struct {
+	levels    []int
+	Field     reflect2.StructField
+	FromNames []string
+	ToNames   []string
+	Encoder   ValEncoder
+	Decoder   ValDecoder
+// Extension the one for all SPI. Customize encoding/decoding by specifying alternate encoder/decoder.
+// Can also rename fields by UpdateStructDescriptor.
+type Extension interface {
+	UpdateStructDescriptor(structDescriptor *StructDescriptor)
+	CreateMapKeyDecoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder
+	CreateMapKeyEncoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder
+	CreateDecoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder
+	CreateEncoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder
+	DecorateDecoder(typ reflect2.Type, decoder ValDecoder) ValDecoder
+	DecorateEncoder(typ reflect2.Type, encoder ValEncoder) ValEncoder
+// DummyExtension embed this type get dummy implementation for all methods of Extension
+type DummyExtension struct {
+// UpdateStructDescriptor No-op
+func (extension *DummyExtension) UpdateStructDescriptor(structDescriptor *StructDescriptor) {
+// CreateMapKeyDecoder No-op
+func (extension *DummyExtension) CreateMapKeyDecoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	return nil
+// CreateMapKeyEncoder No-op
+func (extension *DummyExtension) CreateMapKeyEncoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	return nil
+// CreateDecoder No-op
+func (extension *DummyExtension) CreateDecoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	return nil
+// CreateEncoder No-op
+func (extension *DummyExtension) CreateEncoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	return nil
+// DecorateDecoder No-op
+func (extension *DummyExtension) DecorateDecoder(typ reflect2.Type, decoder ValDecoder) ValDecoder {
+	return decoder
+// DecorateEncoder No-op
+func (extension *DummyExtension) DecorateEncoder(typ reflect2.Type, encoder ValEncoder) ValEncoder {
+	return encoder
+type EncoderExtension map[reflect2.Type]ValEncoder
+// UpdateStructDescriptor No-op
+func (extension EncoderExtension) UpdateStructDescriptor(structDescriptor *StructDescriptor) {
+// CreateDecoder No-op
+func (extension EncoderExtension) CreateDecoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	return nil
+// CreateEncoder get encoder from map
+func (extension EncoderExtension) CreateEncoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	return extension[typ]
+// CreateMapKeyDecoder No-op
+func (extension EncoderExtension) CreateMapKeyDecoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	return nil
+// CreateMapKeyEncoder No-op
+func (extension EncoderExtension) CreateMapKeyEncoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	return nil
+// DecorateDecoder No-op
+func (extension EncoderExtension) DecorateDecoder(typ reflect2.Type, decoder ValDecoder) ValDecoder {
+	return decoder
+// DecorateEncoder No-op
+func (extension EncoderExtension) DecorateEncoder(typ reflect2.Type, encoder ValEncoder) ValEncoder {
+	return encoder
+type DecoderExtension map[reflect2.Type]ValDecoder
+// UpdateStructDescriptor No-op
+func (extension DecoderExtension) UpdateStructDescriptor(structDescriptor *StructDescriptor) {
+// CreateMapKeyDecoder No-op
+func (extension DecoderExtension) CreateMapKeyDecoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	return nil
+// CreateMapKeyEncoder No-op
+func (extension DecoderExtension) CreateMapKeyEncoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	return nil
+// CreateDecoder get decoder from map
+func (extension DecoderExtension) CreateDecoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	return extension[typ]
+// CreateEncoder No-op
+func (extension DecoderExtension) CreateEncoder(typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	return nil
+// DecorateDecoder No-op
+func (extension DecoderExtension) DecorateDecoder(typ reflect2.Type, decoder ValDecoder) ValDecoder {
+	return decoder
+// DecorateEncoder No-op
+func (extension DecoderExtension) DecorateEncoder(typ reflect2.Type, encoder ValEncoder) ValEncoder {
+	return encoder
+type funcDecoder struct {
+	fun DecoderFunc
+func (decoder *funcDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	decoder.fun(ptr, iter)
+type funcEncoder struct {
+	fun         EncoderFunc
+	isEmptyFunc func(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool
+func (encoder *funcEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	encoder.fun(ptr, stream)
+func (encoder *funcEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	if encoder.isEmptyFunc == nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	return encoder.isEmptyFunc(ptr)
+// DecoderFunc the function form of TypeDecoder
+type DecoderFunc func(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator)
+// EncoderFunc the function form of TypeEncoder
+type EncoderFunc func(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream)
+// RegisterTypeDecoderFunc register TypeDecoder for a type with function
+func RegisterTypeDecoderFunc(typ string, fun DecoderFunc) {
+	typeDecoders[typ] = &funcDecoder{fun}
+// RegisterTypeDecoder register TypeDecoder for a typ
+func RegisterTypeDecoder(typ string, decoder ValDecoder) {
+	typeDecoders[typ] = decoder
+// RegisterFieldDecoderFunc register TypeDecoder for a struct field with function
+func RegisterFieldDecoderFunc(typ string, field string, fun DecoderFunc) {
+	RegisterFieldDecoder(typ, field, &funcDecoder{fun})
+// RegisterFieldDecoder register TypeDecoder for a struct field
+func RegisterFieldDecoder(typ string, field string, decoder ValDecoder) {
+	fieldDecoders[fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", typ, field)] = decoder
+// RegisterTypeEncoderFunc register TypeEncoder for a type with encode/isEmpty function
+func RegisterTypeEncoderFunc(typ string, fun EncoderFunc, isEmptyFunc func(unsafe.Pointer) bool) {
+	typeEncoders[typ] = &funcEncoder{fun, isEmptyFunc}
+// RegisterTypeEncoder register TypeEncoder for a type
+func RegisterTypeEncoder(typ string, encoder ValEncoder) {
+	typeEncoders[typ] = encoder
+// RegisterFieldEncoderFunc register TypeEncoder for a struct field with encode/isEmpty function
+func RegisterFieldEncoderFunc(typ string, field string, fun EncoderFunc, isEmptyFunc func(unsafe.Pointer) bool) {
+	RegisterFieldEncoder(typ, field, &funcEncoder{fun, isEmptyFunc})
+// RegisterFieldEncoder register TypeEncoder for a struct field
+func RegisterFieldEncoder(typ string, field string, encoder ValEncoder) {
+	fieldEncoders[fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", typ, field)] = encoder
+// RegisterExtension register extension
+func RegisterExtension(extension Extension) {
+	extensions = append(extensions, extension)
+func getTypeDecoderFromExtension(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	decoder := _getTypeDecoderFromExtension(ctx, typ)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		for _, extension := range extensions {
+			decoder = extension.DecorateDecoder(typ, decoder)
+		}
+		decoder = ctx.decoderExtension.DecorateDecoder(typ, decoder)
+		for _, extension := range ctx.extraExtensions {
+			decoder = extension.DecorateDecoder(typ, decoder)
+		}
+	}
+	return decoder
+func _getTypeDecoderFromExtension(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	for _, extension := range extensions {
+		decoder := extension.CreateDecoder(typ)
+		if decoder != nil {
+			return decoder
+		}
+	}
+	decoder := ctx.decoderExtension.CreateDecoder(typ)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	for _, extension := range ctx.extraExtensions {
+		decoder := extension.CreateDecoder(typ)
+		if decoder != nil {
+			return decoder
+		}
+	}
+	typeName := typ.String()
+	decoder = typeDecoders[typeName]
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		ptrType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafePtrType)
+		decoder := typeDecoders[ptrType.Elem().String()]
+		if decoder != nil {
+			return &OptionalDecoder{ptrType.Elem(), decoder}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func getTypeEncoderFromExtension(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	encoder := _getTypeEncoderFromExtension(ctx, typ)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		for _, extension := range extensions {
+			encoder = extension.DecorateEncoder(typ, encoder)
+		}
+		encoder = ctx.encoderExtension.DecorateEncoder(typ, encoder)
+		for _, extension := range ctx.extraExtensions {
+			encoder = extension.DecorateEncoder(typ, encoder)
+		}
+	}
+	return encoder
+func _getTypeEncoderFromExtension(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	for _, extension := range extensions {
+		encoder := extension.CreateEncoder(typ)
+		if encoder != nil {
+			return encoder
+		}
+	}
+	encoder := ctx.encoderExtension.CreateEncoder(typ)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	for _, extension := range ctx.extraExtensions {
+		encoder := extension.CreateEncoder(typ)
+		if encoder != nil {
+			return encoder
+		}
+	}
+	typeName := typ.String()
+	encoder = typeEncoders[typeName]
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		typePtr := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafePtrType)
+		encoder := typeEncoders[typePtr.Elem().String()]
+		if encoder != nil {
+			return &OptionalEncoder{encoder}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func describeStruct(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) *StructDescriptor {
+	structType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafeStructType)
+	embeddedBindings := []*Binding{}
+	bindings := []*Binding{}
+	for i := 0; i < structType.NumField(); i++ {
+		field := structType.Field(i)
+		tag, hastag := field.Tag().Lookup(ctx.getTagKey())
+		if ctx.onlyTaggedField && !hastag && !field.Anonymous() {
+			continue
+		}
+		if tag == "-" || field.Name() == "_" {
+			continue
+		}
+		tagParts := strings.Split(tag, ",")
+		if field.Anonymous() && (tag == "" || tagParts[0] == "") {
+			if field.Type().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+				structDescriptor := describeStruct(ctx, field.Type())
+				for _, binding := range structDescriptor.Fields {
+					binding.levels = append([]int{i}, binding.levels...)
+					omitempty := binding.Encoder.(*structFieldEncoder).omitempty
+					binding.Encoder = &structFieldEncoder{field, binding.Encoder, omitempty}
+					binding.Decoder = &structFieldDecoder{field, binding.Decoder}
+					embeddedBindings = append(embeddedBindings, binding)
+				}
+				continue
+			} else if field.Type().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+				ptrType := field.Type().(*reflect2.UnsafePtrType)
+				if ptrType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+					structDescriptor := describeStruct(ctx, ptrType.Elem())
+					for _, binding := range structDescriptor.Fields {
+						binding.levels = append([]int{i}, binding.levels...)
+						omitempty := binding.Encoder.(*structFieldEncoder).omitempty
+						binding.Encoder = &dereferenceEncoder{binding.Encoder}
+						binding.Encoder = &structFieldEncoder{field, binding.Encoder, omitempty}
+						binding.Decoder = &dereferenceDecoder{ptrType.Elem(), binding.Decoder}
+						binding.Decoder = &structFieldDecoder{field, binding.Decoder}
+						embeddedBindings = append(embeddedBindings, binding)
+					}
+					continue
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		fieldNames := calcFieldNames(field.Name(), tagParts[0], tag)
+		fieldCacheKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", typ.String(), field.Name())
+		decoder := fieldDecoders[fieldCacheKey]
+		if decoder == nil {
+			decoder = decoderOfType(ctx.append(field.Name()), field.Type())
+		}
+		encoder := fieldEncoders[fieldCacheKey]
+		if encoder == nil {
+			encoder = encoderOfType(ctx.append(field.Name()), field.Type())
+		}
+		binding := &Binding{
+			Field:     field,
+			FromNames: fieldNames,
+			ToNames:   fieldNames,
+			Decoder:   decoder,
+			Encoder:   encoder,
+		}
+		binding.levels = []int{i}
+		bindings = append(bindings, binding)
+	}
+	return createStructDescriptor(ctx, typ, bindings, embeddedBindings)
+func createStructDescriptor(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type, bindings []*Binding, embeddedBindings []*Binding) *StructDescriptor {
+	structDescriptor := &StructDescriptor{
+		Type:   typ,
+		Fields: bindings,
+	}
+	for _, extension := range extensions {
+		extension.UpdateStructDescriptor(structDescriptor)
+	}
+	ctx.encoderExtension.UpdateStructDescriptor(structDescriptor)
+	ctx.decoderExtension.UpdateStructDescriptor(structDescriptor)
+	for _, extension := range ctx.extraExtensions {
+		extension.UpdateStructDescriptor(structDescriptor)
+	}
+	processTags(structDescriptor, ctx.frozenConfig)
+	// merge normal & embedded bindings & sort with original order
+	allBindings := sortableBindings(append(embeddedBindings, structDescriptor.Fields...))
+	sort.Sort(allBindings)
+	structDescriptor.Fields = allBindings
+	return structDescriptor
+type sortableBindings []*Binding
+func (bindings sortableBindings) Len() int {
+	return len(bindings)
+func (bindings sortableBindings) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	left := bindings[i].levels
+	right := bindings[j].levels
+	k := 0
+	for {
+		if left[k] < right[k] {
+			return true
+		} else if left[k] > right[k] {
+			return false
+		}
+		k++
+	}
+func (bindings sortableBindings) Swap(i, j int) {
+	bindings[i], bindings[j] = bindings[j], bindings[i]
+func processTags(structDescriptor *StructDescriptor, cfg *frozenConfig) {
+	for _, binding := range structDescriptor.Fields {
+		shouldOmitEmpty := false
+		tagParts := strings.Split(binding.Field.Tag().Get(cfg.getTagKey()), ",")
+		for _, tagPart := range tagParts[1:] {
+			if tagPart == "omitempty" {
+				shouldOmitEmpty = true
+			} else if tagPart == "string" {
+				if binding.Field.Type().Kind() == reflect.String {
+					binding.Decoder = &stringModeStringDecoder{binding.Decoder, cfg}
+					binding.Encoder = &stringModeStringEncoder{binding.Encoder, cfg}
+				} else {
+					binding.Decoder = &stringModeNumberDecoder{binding.Decoder}
+					binding.Encoder = &stringModeNumberEncoder{binding.Encoder}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		binding.Decoder = &structFieldDecoder{binding.Field, binding.Decoder}
+		binding.Encoder = &structFieldEncoder{binding.Field, binding.Encoder, shouldOmitEmpty}
+	}
+func calcFieldNames(originalFieldName string, tagProvidedFieldName string, wholeTag string) []string {
+	// ignore?
+	if wholeTag == "-" {
+		return []string{}
+	}
+	// rename?
+	var fieldNames []string
+	if tagProvidedFieldName == "" {
+		fieldNames = []string{originalFieldName}
+	} else {
+		fieldNames = []string{tagProvidedFieldName}
+	}
+	// private?
+	isNotExported := unicode.IsLower(rune(originalFieldName[0])) || originalFieldName[0] == '_'
+	if isNotExported {
+		fieldNames = []string{}
+	}
+	return fieldNames
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_json_number.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_json_number.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98d45c1ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_json_number.go
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+	"strconv"
+	"unsafe"
+type Number string
+// String returns the literal text of the number.
+func (n Number) String() string { return string(n) }
+// Float64 returns the number as a float64.
+func (n Number) Float64() (float64, error) {
+	return strconv.ParseFloat(string(n), 64)
+// Int64 returns the number as an int64.
+func (n Number) Int64() (int64, error) {
+	return strconv.ParseInt(string(n), 10, 64)
+func CastJsonNumber(val interface{}) (string, bool) {
+	switch typedVal := val.(type) {
+	case json.Number:
+		return string(typedVal), true
+	case Number:
+		return string(typedVal), true
+	}
+	return "", false
+var jsonNumberType = reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*json.Number)(nil)).Elem()
+var jsoniterNumberType = reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*Number)(nil)).Elem()
+func createDecoderOfJsonNumber(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	if typ.AssignableTo(jsonNumberType) {
+		return &jsonNumberCodec{}
+	}
+	if typ.AssignableTo(jsoniterNumberType) {
+		return &jsoniterNumberCodec{}
+	}
+	return nil
+func createEncoderOfJsonNumber(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	if typ.AssignableTo(jsonNumberType) {
+		return &jsonNumberCodec{}
+	}
+	if typ.AssignableTo(jsoniterNumberType) {
+		return &jsoniterNumberCodec{}
+	}
+	return nil
+type jsonNumberCodec struct {
+func (codec *jsonNumberCodec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	switch iter.WhatIsNext() {
+	case StringValue:
+		*((*json.Number)(ptr)) = json.Number(iter.ReadString())
+	case NilValue:
+		iter.skipFourBytes('n', 'u', 'l', 'l')
+		*((*json.Number)(ptr)) = ""
+	default:
+		*((*json.Number)(ptr)) = json.Number([]byte(iter.readNumberAsString()))
+	}
+func (codec *jsonNumberCodec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	number := *((*json.Number)(ptr))
+	if len(number) == 0 {
+		stream.writeByte('0')
+	} else {
+		stream.WriteRaw(string(number))
+	}
+func (codec *jsonNumberCodec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return len(*((*json.Number)(ptr))) == 0
+type jsoniterNumberCodec struct {
+func (codec *jsoniterNumberCodec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	switch iter.WhatIsNext() {
+	case StringValue:
+		*((*Number)(ptr)) = Number(iter.ReadString())
+	case NilValue:
+		iter.skipFourBytes('n', 'u', 'l', 'l')
+		*((*Number)(ptr)) = ""
+	default:
+		*((*Number)(ptr)) = Number([]byte(iter.readNumberAsString()))
+	}
+func (codec *jsoniterNumberCodec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	number := *((*Number)(ptr))
+	if len(number) == 0 {
+		stream.writeByte('0')
+	} else {
+		stream.WriteRaw(string(number))
+	}
+func (codec *jsoniterNumberCodec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return len(*((*Number)(ptr))) == 0
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_json_raw_message.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_json_raw_message.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eba434f2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_json_raw_message.go
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+	"unsafe"
+var jsonRawMessageType = reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*json.RawMessage)(nil)).Elem()
+var jsoniterRawMessageType = reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*RawMessage)(nil)).Elem()
+func createEncoderOfJsonRawMessage(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	if typ == jsonRawMessageType {
+		return &jsonRawMessageCodec{}
+	}
+	if typ == jsoniterRawMessageType {
+		return &jsoniterRawMessageCodec{}
+	}
+	return nil
+func createDecoderOfJsonRawMessage(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	if typ == jsonRawMessageType {
+		return &jsonRawMessageCodec{}
+	}
+	if typ == jsoniterRawMessageType {
+		return &jsoniterRawMessageCodec{}
+	}
+	return nil
+type jsonRawMessageCodec struct {
+func (codec *jsonRawMessageCodec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*json.RawMessage)(ptr)) = nil
+	} else {
+		*((*json.RawMessage)(ptr)) = iter.SkipAndReturnBytes()
+	}
+func (codec *jsonRawMessageCodec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	if *((*json.RawMessage)(ptr)) == nil {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+	} else {
+		stream.WriteRaw(string(*((*json.RawMessage)(ptr))))
+	}
+func (codec *jsonRawMessageCodec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return len(*((*json.RawMessage)(ptr))) == 0
+type jsoniterRawMessageCodec struct {
+func (codec *jsoniterRawMessageCodec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*RawMessage)(ptr)) = nil
+	} else {
+		*((*RawMessage)(ptr)) = iter.SkipAndReturnBytes()
+	}
+func (codec *jsoniterRawMessageCodec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	if *((*RawMessage)(ptr)) == nil {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+	} else {
+		stream.WriteRaw(string(*((*RawMessage)(ptr))))
+	}
+func (codec *jsoniterRawMessageCodec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return len(*((*RawMessage)(ptr))) == 0
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_map.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_map.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5829671301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_map.go
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+	"io"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+	"unsafe"
+func decoderOfMap(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	mapType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafeMapType)
+	keyDecoder := decoderOfMapKey(ctx.append("[mapKey]"), mapType.Key())
+	elemDecoder := decoderOfType(ctx.append("[mapElem]"), mapType.Elem())
+	return &mapDecoder{
+		mapType:     mapType,
+		keyType:     mapType.Key(),
+		elemType:    mapType.Elem(),
+		keyDecoder:  keyDecoder,
+		elemDecoder: elemDecoder,
+	}
+func encoderOfMap(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	mapType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafeMapType)
+	if ctx.sortMapKeys {
+		return &sortKeysMapEncoder{
+			mapType:     mapType,
+			keyEncoder:  encoderOfMapKey(ctx.append("[mapKey]"), mapType.Key()),
+			elemEncoder: encoderOfType(ctx.append("[mapElem]"), mapType.Elem()),
+		}
+	}
+	return &mapEncoder{
+		mapType:     mapType,
+		keyEncoder:  encoderOfMapKey(ctx.append("[mapKey]"), mapType.Key()),
+		elemEncoder: encoderOfType(ctx.append("[mapElem]"), mapType.Elem()),
+	}
+func decoderOfMapKey(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	decoder := ctx.decoderExtension.CreateMapKeyDecoder(typ)
+	if decoder != nil {
+		return decoder
+	}
+	for _, extension := range ctx.extraExtensions {
+		decoder := extension.CreateMapKeyDecoder(typ)
+		if decoder != nil {
+			return decoder
+		}
+	}
+	ptrType := reflect2.PtrTo(typ)
+	if ptrType.Implements(unmarshalerType) {
+		return &referenceDecoder{
+			&unmarshalerDecoder{
+				valType: ptrType,
+			},
+		}
+	}
+	if typ.Implements(unmarshalerType) {
+		return &unmarshalerDecoder{
+			valType: typ,
+		}
+	}
+	if ptrType.Implements(textUnmarshalerType) {
+		return &referenceDecoder{
+			&textUnmarshalerDecoder{
+				valType: ptrType,
+			},
+		}
+	}
+	if typ.Implements(textUnmarshalerType) {
+		return &textUnmarshalerDecoder{
+			valType: typ,
+		}
+	}
+	switch typ.Kind() {
+	case reflect.String:
+		return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.DefaultTypeOfKind(reflect.String))
+	case reflect.Bool,
+		reflect.Uint8, reflect.Int8,
+		reflect.Uint16, reflect.Int16,
+		reflect.Uint32, reflect.Int32,
+		reflect.Uint64, reflect.Int64,
+		reflect.Uint, reflect.Int,
+		reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64,
+		reflect.Uintptr:
+		typ = reflect2.DefaultTypeOfKind(typ.Kind())
+		return &numericMapKeyDecoder{decoderOfType(ctx, typ)}
+	default:
+		return &lazyErrorDecoder{err: fmt.Errorf("unsupported map key type: %v", typ)}
+	}
+func encoderOfMapKey(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	encoder := ctx.encoderExtension.CreateMapKeyEncoder(typ)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	for _, extension := range ctx.extraExtensions {
+		encoder := extension.CreateMapKeyEncoder(typ)
+		if encoder != nil {
+			return encoder
+		}
+	}
+	if typ == textMarshalerType {
+		return &directTextMarshalerEncoder{
+			stringEncoder: ctx.EncoderOf(reflect2.TypeOf("")),
+		}
+	}
+	if typ.Implements(textMarshalerType) {
+		return &textMarshalerEncoder{
+			valType:       typ,
+			stringEncoder: ctx.EncoderOf(reflect2.TypeOf("")),
+		}
+	}
+	switch typ.Kind() {
+	case reflect.String:
+		return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.DefaultTypeOfKind(reflect.String))
+	case reflect.Bool,
+		reflect.Uint8, reflect.Int8,
+		reflect.Uint16, reflect.Int16,
+		reflect.Uint32, reflect.Int32,
+		reflect.Uint64, reflect.Int64,
+		reflect.Uint, reflect.Int,
+		reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64,
+		reflect.Uintptr:
+		typ = reflect2.DefaultTypeOfKind(typ.Kind())
+		return &numericMapKeyEncoder{encoderOfType(ctx, typ)}
+	default:
+		if typ.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
+			return &dynamicMapKeyEncoder{ctx, typ}
+		}
+		return &lazyErrorEncoder{err: fmt.Errorf("unsupported map key type: %v", typ)}
+	}
+type mapDecoder struct {
+	mapType     *reflect2.UnsafeMapType
+	keyType     reflect2.Type
+	elemType    reflect2.Type
+	keyDecoder  ValDecoder
+	elemDecoder ValDecoder
+func (decoder *mapDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	mapType := decoder.mapType
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c == 'n' {
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l')
+		*(*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr) = nil
+		mapType.UnsafeSet(ptr, mapType.UnsafeNew())
+		return
+	}
+	if mapType.UnsafeIsNil(ptr) {
+		mapType.UnsafeSet(ptr, mapType.UnsafeMakeMap(0))
+	}
+	if c != '{' {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", `expect { or n, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
+	c = iter.nextToken()
+	if c == '}' {
+		return
+	}
+	iter.unreadByte()
+	key := decoder.keyType.UnsafeNew()
+	decoder.keyDecoder.Decode(key, iter)
+	c = iter.nextToken()
+	if c != ':' {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
+	elem := decoder.elemType.UnsafeNew()
+	decoder.elemDecoder.Decode(elem, iter)
+	decoder.mapType.UnsafeSetIndex(ptr, key, elem)
+	for c = iter.nextToken(); c == ','; c = iter.nextToken() {
+		key := decoder.keyType.UnsafeNew()
+		decoder.keyDecoder.Decode(key, iter)
+		c = iter.nextToken()
+		if c != ':' {
+			iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+			return
+		}
+		elem := decoder.elemType.UnsafeNew()
+		decoder.elemDecoder.Decode(elem, iter)
+		decoder.mapType.UnsafeSetIndex(ptr, key, elem)
+	}
+	if c != '}' {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", `expect }, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+	}
+type numericMapKeyDecoder struct {
+	decoder ValDecoder
+func (decoder *numericMapKeyDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c != '"' {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", `expect ", but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
+	decoder.decoder.Decode(ptr, iter)
+	c = iter.nextToken()
+	if c != '"' {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadMapCB", `expect ", but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
+type numericMapKeyEncoder struct {
+	encoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *numericMapKeyEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.writeByte('"')
+	encoder.encoder.Encode(ptr, stream)
+	stream.writeByte('"')
+func (encoder *numericMapKeyEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return false
+type dynamicMapKeyEncoder struct {
+	ctx     *ctx
+	valType reflect2.Type
+func (encoder *dynamicMapKeyEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	obj := encoder.valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	encoderOfMapKey(encoder.ctx, reflect2.TypeOf(obj)).Encode(reflect2.PtrOf(obj), stream)
+func (encoder *dynamicMapKeyEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	obj := encoder.valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	return encoderOfMapKey(encoder.ctx, reflect2.TypeOf(obj)).IsEmpty(reflect2.PtrOf(obj))
+type mapEncoder struct {
+	mapType     *reflect2.UnsafeMapType
+	keyEncoder  ValEncoder
+	elemEncoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *mapEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr) == nil {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+		return
+	}
+	stream.WriteObjectStart()
+	iter := encoder.mapType.UnsafeIterate(ptr)
+	for i := 0; iter.HasNext(); i++ {
+		if i != 0 {
+			stream.WriteMore()
+		}
+		key, elem := iter.UnsafeNext()
+		encoder.keyEncoder.Encode(key, stream)
+		if stream.indention > 0 {
+			stream.writeTwoBytes(byte(':'), byte(' '))
+		} else {
+			stream.writeByte(':')
+		}
+		encoder.elemEncoder.Encode(elem, stream)
+	}
+	stream.WriteObjectEnd()
+func (encoder *mapEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	iter := encoder.mapType.UnsafeIterate(ptr)
+	return !iter.HasNext()
+type sortKeysMapEncoder struct {
+	mapType     *reflect2.UnsafeMapType
+	keyEncoder  ValEncoder
+	elemEncoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *sortKeysMapEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr) == nil {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+		return
+	}
+	stream.WriteObjectStart()
+	mapIter := encoder.mapType.UnsafeIterate(ptr)
+	subStream := stream.cfg.BorrowStream(nil)
+	subStream.Attachment = stream.Attachment
+	subIter := stream.cfg.BorrowIterator(nil)
+	keyValues := encodedKeyValues{}
+	for mapIter.HasNext() {
+		key, elem := mapIter.UnsafeNext()
+		subStreamIndex := subStream.Buffered()
+		encoder.keyEncoder.Encode(key, subStream)
+		if subStream.Error != nil && subStream.Error != io.EOF && stream.Error == nil {
+			stream.Error = subStream.Error
+		}
+		encodedKey := subStream.Buffer()[subStreamIndex:]
+		subIter.ResetBytes(encodedKey)
+		decodedKey := subIter.ReadString()
+		if stream.indention > 0 {
+			subStream.writeTwoBytes(byte(':'), byte(' '))
+		} else {
+			subStream.writeByte(':')
+		}
+		encoder.elemEncoder.Encode(elem, subStream)
+		keyValues = append(keyValues, encodedKV{
+			key:      decodedKey,
+			keyValue: subStream.Buffer()[subStreamIndex:],
+		})
+	}
+	sort.Sort(keyValues)
+	for i, keyValue := range keyValues {
+		if i != 0 {
+			stream.WriteMore()
+		}
+		stream.Write(keyValue.keyValue)
+	}
+	if subStream.Error != nil && stream.Error == nil {
+		stream.Error = subStream.Error
+	}
+	stream.WriteObjectEnd()
+	stream.cfg.ReturnStream(subStream)
+	stream.cfg.ReturnIterator(subIter)
+func (encoder *sortKeysMapEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	iter := encoder.mapType.UnsafeIterate(ptr)
+	return !iter.HasNext()
+type encodedKeyValues []encodedKV
+type encodedKV struct {
+	key      string
+	keyValue []byte
+func (sv encodedKeyValues) Len() int           { return len(sv) }
+func (sv encodedKeyValues) Swap(i, j int)      { sv[i], sv[j] = sv[j], sv[i] }
+func (sv encodedKeyValues) Less(i, j int) bool { return sv[i].key < sv[j].key }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_marshaler.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_marshaler.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e21f37567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_marshaler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"encoding"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"unsafe"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+var marshalerType = reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*json.Marshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+var unmarshalerType = reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*json.Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+var textMarshalerType = reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*encoding.TextMarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+var textUnmarshalerType = reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
+func createDecoderOfMarshaler(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	ptrType := reflect2.PtrTo(typ)
+	if ptrType.Implements(unmarshalerType) {
+		return &referenceDecoder{
+			&unmarshalerDecoder{ptrType},
+		}
+	}
+	if ptrType.Implements(textUnmarshalerType) {
+		return &referenceDecoder{
+			&textUnmarshalerDecoder{ptrType},
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func createEncoderOfMarshaler(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	if typ == marshalerType {
+		checkIsEmpty := createCheckIsEmpty(ctx, typ)
+		var encoder ValEncoder = &directMarshalerEncoder{
+			checkIsEmpty: checkIsEmpty,
+		}
+		return encoder
+	}
+	if typ.Implements(marshalerType) {
+		checkIsEmpty := createCheckIsEmpty(ctx, typ)
+		var encoder ValEncoder = &marshalerEncoder{
+			valType:      typ,
+			checkIsEmpty: checkIsEmpty,
+		}
+		return encoder
+	}
+	ptrType := reflect2.PtrTo(typ)
+	if ctx.prefix != "" && ptrType.Implements(marshalerType) {
+		checkIsEmpty := createCheckIsEmpty(ctx, ptrType)
+		var encoder ValEncoder = &marshalerEncoder{
+			valType:      ptrType,
+			checkIsEmpty: checkIsEmpty,
+		}
+		return &referenceEncoder{encoder}
+	}
+	if typ == textMarshalerType {
+		checkIsEmpty := createCheckIsEmpty(ctx, typ)
+		var encoder ValEncoder = &directTextMarshalerEncoder{
+			checkIsEmpty:  checkIsEmpty,
+			stringEncoder: ctx.EncoderOf(reflect2.TypeOf("")),
+		}
+		return encoder
+	}
+	if typ.Implements(textMarshalerType) {
+		checkIsEmpty := createCheckIsEmpty(ctx, typ)
+		var encoder ValEncoder = &textMarshalerEncoder{
+			valType:       typ,
+			stringEncoder: ctx.EncoderOf(reflect2.TypeOf("")),
+			checkIsEmpty:  checkIsEmpty,
+		}
+		return encoder
+	}
+	// if prefix is empty, the type is the root type
+	if ctx.prefix != "" && ptrType.Implements(textMarshalerType) {
+		checkIsEmpty := createCheckIsEmpty(ctx, ptrType)
+		var encoder ValEncoder = &textMarshalerEncoder{
+			valType:       ptrType,
+			stringEncoder: ctx.EncoderOf(reflect2.TypeOf("")),
+			checkIsEmpty:  checkIsEmpty,
+		}
+		return &referenceEncoder{encoder}
+	}
+	return nil
+type marshalerEncoder struct {
+	checkIsEmpty checkIsEmpty
+	valType      reflect2.Type
+func (encoder *marshalerEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	obj := encoder.valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	if encoder.valType.IsNullable() && reflect2.IsNil(obj) {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+		return
+	}
+	marshaler := obj.(json.Marshaler)
+	bytes, err := marshaler.MarshalJSON()
+	if err != nil {
+		stream.Error = err
+	} else {
+		// html escape was already done by jsoniter
+		// but the extra '\n' should be trimed
+		l := len(bytes)
+		if l > 0 && bytes[l-1] == '\n' {
+			bytes = bytes[:l-1]
+		}
+		stream.Write(bytes)
+	}
+func (encoder *marshalerEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.checkIsEmpty.IsEmpty(ptr)
+type directMarshalerEncoder struct {
+	checkIsEmpty checkIsEmpty
+func (encoder *directMarshalerEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	marshaler := *(*json.Marshaler)(ptr)
+	if marshaler == nil {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+		return
+	}
+	bytes, err := marshaler.MarshalJSON()
+	if err != nil {
+		stream.Error = err
+	} else {
+		stream.Write(bytes)
+	}
+func (encoder *directMarshalerEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.checkIsEmpty.IsEmpty(ptr)
+type textMarshalerEncoder struct {
+	valType       reflect2.Type
+	stringEncoder ValEncoder
+	checkIsEmpty  checkIsEmpty
+func (encoder *textMarshalerEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	obj := encoder.valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	if encoder.valType.IsNullable() && reflect2.IsNil(obj) {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+		return
+	}
+	marshaler := (obj).(encoding.TextMarshaler)
+	bytes, err := marshaler.MarshalText()
+	if err != nil {
+		stream.Error = err
+	} else {
+		str := string(bytes)
+		encoder.stringEncoder.Encode(unsafe.Pointer(&str), stream)
+	}
+func (encoder *textMarshalerEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.checkIsEmpty.IsEmpty(ptr)
+type directTextMarshalerEncoder struct {
+	stringEncoder ValEncoder
+	checkIsEmpty  checkIsEmpty
+func (encoder *directTextMarshalerEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	marshaler := *(*encoding.TextMarshaler)(ptr)
+	if marshaler == nil {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+		return
+	}
+	bytes, err := marshaler.MarshalText()
+	if err != nil {
+		stream.Error = err
+	} else {
+		str := string(bytes)
+		encoder.stringEncoder.Encode(unsafe.Pointer(&str), stream)
+	}
+func (encoder *directTextMarshalerEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.checkIsEmpty.IsEmpty(ptr)
+type unmarshalerDecoder struct {
+	valType reflect2.Type
+func (decoder *unmarshalerDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	valType := decoder.valType
+	obj := valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	unmarshaler := obj.(json.Unmarshaler)
+	iter.nextToken()
+	iter.unreadByte() // skip spaces
+	bytes := iter.SkipAndReturnBytes()
+	err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(bytes)
+	if err != nil {
+		iter.ReportError("unmarshalerDecoder", err.Error())
+	}
+type textUnmarshalerDecoder struct {
+	valType reflect2.Type
+func (decoder *textUnmarshalerDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	valType := decoder.valType
+	obj := valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	if reflect2.IsNil(obj) {
+		ptrType := valType.(*reflect2.UnsafePtrType)
+		elemType := ptrType.Elem()
+		elem := elemType.UnsafeNew()
+		ptrType.UnsafeSet(ptr, unsafe.Pointer(&elem))
+		obj = valType.UnsafeIndirect(ptr)
+	}
+	unmarshaler := (obj).(encoding.TextUnmarshaler)
+	str := iter.ReadString()
+	err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalText([]byte(str))
+	if err != nil {
+		iter.ReportError("textUnmarshalerDecoder", err.Error())
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_native.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_native.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f88722d14d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_native.go
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"encoding/base64"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+	"unsafe"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+const ptrSize = 32 << uintptr(^uintptr(0)>>63)
+func createEncoderOfNative(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	if typ.Kind() == reflect.Slice && typ.(reflect2.SliceType).Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
+		sliceDecoder := decoderOfSlice(ctx, typ)
+		return &base64Codec{sliceDecoder: sliceDecoder}
+	}
+	typeName := typ.String()
+	kind := typ.Kind()
+	switch kind {
+	case reflect.String:
+		if typeName != "string" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*string)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &stringCodec{}
+	case reflect.Int:
+		if typeName != "int" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*int)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
+			return &int32Codec{}
+		}
+		return &int64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Int8:
+		if typeName != "int8" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*int8)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &int8Codec{}
+	case reflect.Int16:
+		if typeName != "int16" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*int16)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &int16Codec{}
+	case reflect.Int32:
+		if typeName != "int32" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*int32)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &int32Codec{}
+	case reflect.Int64:
+		if typeName != "int64" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*int64)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &int64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uint:
+		if typeName != "uint" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uint)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
+			return &uint32Codec{}
+		}
+		return &uint64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uint8:
+		if typeName != "uint8" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uint8)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &uint8Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uint16:
+		if typeName != "uint16" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uint16)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &uint16Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uint32:
+		if typeName != "uint32" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uint32)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &uint32Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uintptr:
+		if typeName != "uintptr" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uintptr)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		if ptrSize == 32 {
+			return &uint32Codec{}
+		}
+		return &uint64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uint64:
+		if typeName != "uint64" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uint64)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &uint64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		if typeName != "float32" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*float32)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &float32Codec{}
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		if typeName != "float64" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*float64)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &float64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		if typeName != "bool" {
+			return encoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*bool)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &boolCodec{}
+	}
+	return nil
+func createDecoderOfNative(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	if typ.Kind() == reflect.Slice && typ.(reflect2.SliceType).Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
+		sliceDecoder := decoderOfSlice(ctx, typ)
+		return &base64Codec{sliceDecoder: sliceDecoder}
+	}
+	typeName := typ.String()
+	switch typ.Kind() {
+	case reflect.String:
+		if typeName != "string" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*string)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &stringCodec{}
+	case reflect.Int:
+		if typeName != "int" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*int)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
+			return &int32Codec{}
+		}
+		return &int64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Int8:
+		if typeName != "int8" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*int8)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &int8Codec{}
+	case reflect.Int16:
+		if typeName != "int16" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*int16)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &int16Codec{}
+	case reflect.Int32:
+		if typeName != "int32" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*int32)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &int32Codec{}
+	case reflect.Int64:
+		if typeName != "int64" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*int64)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &int64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uint:
+		if typeName != "uint" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uint)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		if strconv.IntSize == 32 {
+			return &uint32Codec{}
+		}
+		return &uint64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uint8:
+		if typeName != "uint8" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uint8)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &uint8Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uint16:
+		if typeName != "uint16" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uint16)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &uint16Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uint32:
+		if typeName != "uint32" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uint32)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &uint32Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uintptr:
+		if typeName != "uintptr" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uintptr)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		if ptrSize == 32 {
+			return &uint32Codec{}
+		}
+		return &uint64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Uint64:
+		if typeName != "uint64" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*uint64)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &uint64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Float32:
+		if typeName != "float32" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*float32)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &float32Codec{}
+	case reflect.Float64:
+		if typeName != "float64" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*float64)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &float64Codec{}
+	case reflect.Bool:
+		if typeName != "bool" {
+			return decoderOfType(ctx, reflect2.TypeOfPtr((*bool)(nil)).Elem())
+		}
+		return &boolCodec{}
+	}
+	return nil
+type stringCodec struct {
+func (codec *stringCodec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	*((*string)(ptr)) = iter.ReadString()
+func (codec *stringCodec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	str := *((*string)(ptr))
+	stream.WriteString(str)
+func (codec *stringCodec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*string)(ptr)) == ""
+type int8Codec struct {
+func (codec *int8Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*int8)(ptr)) = iter.ReadInt8()
+	}
+func (codec *int8Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteInt8(*((*int8)(ptr)))
+func (codec *int8Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*int8)(ptr)) == 0
+type int16Codec struct {
+func (codec *int16Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*int16)(ptr)) = iter.ReadInt16()
+	}
+func (codec *int16Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteInt16(*((*int16)(ptr)))
+func (codec *int16Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*int16)(ptr)) == 0
+type int32Codec struct {
+func (codec *int32Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*int32)(ptr)) = iter.ReadInt32()
+	}
+func (codec *int32Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteInt32(*((*int32)(ptr)))
+func (codec *int32Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*int32)(ptr)) == 0
+type int64Codec struct {
+func (codec *int64Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*int64)(ptr)) = iter.ReadInt64()
+	}
+func (codec *int64Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteInt64(*((*int64)(ptr)))
+func (codec *int64Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*int64)(ptr)) == 0
+type uint8Codec struct {
+func (codec *uint8Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*uint8)(ptr)) = iter.ReadUint8()
+	}
+func (codec *uint8Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteUint8(*((*uint8)(ptr)))
+func (codec *uint8Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*uint8)(ptr)) == 0
+type uint16Codec struct {
+func (codec *uint16Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*uint16)(ptr)) = iter.ReadUint16()
+	}
+func (codec *uint16Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteUint16(*((*uint16)(ptr)))
+func (codec *uint16Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*uint16)(ptr)) == 0
+type uint32Codec struct {
+func (codec *uint32Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*uint32)(ptr)) = iter.ReadUint32()
+	}
+func (codec *uint32Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteUint32(*((*uint32)(ptr)))
+func (codec *uint32Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*uint32)(ptr)) == 0
+type uint64Codec struct {
+func (codec *uint64Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*uint64)(ptr)) = iter.ReadUint64()
+	}
+func (codec *uint64Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteUint64(*((*uint64)(ptr)))
+func (codec *uint64Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*uint64)(ptr)) == 0
+type float32Codec struct {
+func (codec *float32Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*float32)(ptr)) = iter.ReadFloat32()
+	}
+func (codec *float32Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteFloat32(*((*float32)(ptr)))
+func (codec *float32Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*float32)(ptr)) == 0
+type float64Codec struct {
+func (codec *float64Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*float64)(ptr)) = iter.ReadFloat64()
+	}
+func (codec *float64Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteFloat64(*((*float64)(ptr)))
+func (codec *float64Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*float64)(ptr)) == 0
+type boolCodec struct {
+func (codec *boolCodec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*bool)(ptr)) = iter.ReadBool()
+	}
+func (codec *boolCodec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteBool(*((*bool)(ptr)))
+func (codec *boolCodec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return !(*((*bool)(ptr)))
+type base64Codec struct {
+	sliceType    *reflect2.UnsafeSliceType
+	sliceDecoder ValDecoder
+func (codec *base64Codec) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if iter.ReadNil() {
+		codec.sliceType.UnsafeSetNil(ptr)
+		return
+	}
+	switch iter.WhatIsNext() {
+	case StringValue:
+		src := iter.ReadString()
+		dst, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(src)
+		if err != nil {
+			iter.ReportError("decode base64", err.Error())
+		} else {
+			codec.sliceType.UnsafeSet(ptr, unsafe.Pointer(&dst))
+		}
+	case ArrayValue:
+		codec.sliceDecoder.Decode(ptr, iter)
+	default:
+		iter.ReportError("base64Codec", "invalid input")
+	}
+func (codec *base64Codec) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	if codec.sliceType.UnsafeIsNil(ptr) {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+		return
+	}
+	src := *((*[]byte)(ptr))
+	encoding := base64.StdEncoding
+	stream.writeByte('"')
+	if len(src) != 0 {
+		size := encoding.EncodedLen(len(src))
+		buf := make([]byte, size)
+		encoding.Encode(buf, src)
+		stream.buf = append(stream.buf, buf...)
+	}
+	stream.writeByte('"')
+func (codec *base64Codec) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return len(*((*[]byte)(ptr))) == 0
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_optional.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_optional.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa71f47489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_optional.go
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+	"unsafe"
+func decoderOfOptional(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	ptrType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafePtrType)
+	elemType := ptrType.Elem()
+	decoder := decoderOfType(ctx, elemType)
+	return &OptionalDecoder{elemType, decoder}
+func encoderOfOptional(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	ptrType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafePtrType)
+	elemType := ptrType.Elem()
+	elemEncoder := encoderOfType(ctx, elemType)
+	encoder := &OptionalEncoder{elemEncoder}
+	return encoder
+type OptionalDecoder struct {
+	ValueType    reflect2.Type
+	ValueDecoder ValDecoder
+func (decoder *OptionalDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if iter.ReadNil() {
+		*((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)) = nil
+	} else {
+		if *((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)) == nil {
+			//pointer to null, we have to allocate memory to hold the value
+			newPtr := decoder.ValueType.UnsafeNew()
+			decoder.ValueDecoder.Decode(newPtr, iter)
+			*((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)) = newPtr
+		} else {
+			//reuse existing instance
+			decoder.ValueDecoder.Decode(*((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)), iter)
+		}
+	}
+type dereferenceDecoder struct {
+	// only to deference a pointer
+	valueType    reflect2.Type
+	valueDecoder ValDecoder
+func (decoder *dereferenceDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if *((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)) == nil {
+		//pointer to null, we have to allocate memory to hold the value
+		newPtr := decoder.valueType.UnsafeNew()
+		decoder.valueDecoder.Decode(newPtr, iter)
+		*((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)) = newPtr
+	} else {
+		//reuse existing instance
+		decoder.valueDecoder.Decode(*((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)), iter)
+	}
+type OptionalEncoder struct {
+	ValueEncoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *OptionalEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	if *((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)) == nil {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+	} else {
+		encoder.ValueEncoder.Encode(*((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)), stream)
+	}
+func (encoder *OptionalEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return *((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)) == nil
+type dereferenceEncoder struct {
+	ValueEncoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *dereferenceEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	if *((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)) == nil {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+	} else {
+		encoder.ValueEncoder.Encode(*((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)), stream)
+	}
+func (encoder *dereferenceEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	dePtr := *((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr))
+	if dePtr == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	return encoder.ValueEncoder.IsEmpty(dePtr)
+func (encoder *dereferenceEncoder) IsEmbeddedPtrNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	deReferenced := *((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr))
+	if deReferenced == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	isEmbeddedPtrNil, converted := encoder.ValueEncoder.(IsEmbeddedPtrNil)
+	if !converted {
+		return false
+	}
+	fieldPtr := unsafe.Pointer(deReferenced)
+	return isEmbeddedPtrNil.IsEmbeddedPtrNil(fieldPtr)
+type referenceEncoder struct {
+	encoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *referenceEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	encoder.encoder.Encode(unsafe.Pointer(&ptr), stream)
+func (encoder *referenceEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.encoder.IsEmpty(unsafe.Pointer(&ptr))
+type referenceDecoder struct {
+	decoder ValDecoder
+func (decoder *referenceDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	decoder.decoder.Decode(unsafe.Pointer(&ptr), iter)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_slice.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_slice.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9441d79df3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_slice.go
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+	"io"
+	"unsafe"
+func decoderOfSlice(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	sliceType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafeSliceType)
+	decoder := decoderOfType(ctx.append("[sliceElem]"), sliceType.Elem())
+	return &sliceDecoder{sliceType, decoder}
+func encoderOfSlice(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	sliceType := typ.(*reflect2.UnsafeSliceType)
+	encoder := encoderOfType(ctx.append("[sliceElem]"), sliceType.Elem())
+	return &sliceEncoder{sliceType, encoder}
+type sliceEncoder struct {
+	sliceType   *reflect2.UnsafeSliceType
+	elemEncoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *sliceEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	if encoder.sliceType.UnsafeIsNil(ptr) {
+		stream.WriteNil()
+		return
+	}
+	length := encoder.sliceType.UnsafeLengthOf(ptr)
+	if length == 0 {
+		stream.WriteEmptyArray()
+		return
+	}
+	stream.WriteArrayStart()
+	encoder.elemEncoder.Encode(encoder.sliceType.UnsafeGetIndex(ptr, 0), stream)
+	for i := 1; i < length; i++ {
+		stream.WriteMore()
+		elemPtr := encoder.sliceType.UnsafeGetIndex(ptr, i)
+		encoder.elemEncoder.Encode(elemPtr, stream)
+	}
+	stream.WriteArrayEnd()
+	if stream.Error != nil && stream.Error != io.EOF {
+		stream.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v: %s", encoder.sliceType, stream.Error.Error())
+	}
+func (encoder *sliceEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.sliceType.UnsafeLengthOf(ptr) == 0
+type sliceDecoder struct {
+	sliceType   *reflect2.UnsafeSliceType
+	elemDecoder ValDecoder
+func (decoder *sliceDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	decoder.doDecode(ptr, iter)
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v: %s", decoder.sliceType, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+func (decoder *sliceDecoder) doDecode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	sliceType := decoder.sliceType
+	if c == 'n' {
+		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l')
+		sliceType.UnsafeSetNil(ptr)
+		return
+	}
+	if c != '[' {
+		iter.ReportError("decode slice", "expect [ or n, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
+	c = iter.nextToken()
+	if c == ']' {
+		sliceType.UnsafeSet(ptr, sliceType.UnsafeMakeSlice(0, 0))
+		return
+	}
+	iter.unreadByte()
+	sliceType.UnsafeGrow(ptr, 1)
+	elemPtr := sliceType.UnsafeGetIndex(ptr, 0)
+	decoder.elemDecoder.Decode(elemPtr, iter)
+	length := 1
+	for c = iter.nextToken(); c == ','; c = iter.nextToken() {
+		idx := length
+		length += 1
+		sliceType.UnsafeGrow(ptr, length)
+		elemPtr = sliceType.UnsafeGetIndex(ptr, idx)
+		decoder.elemDecoder.Decode(elemPtr, iter)
+	}
+	if c != ']' {
+		iter.ReportError("decode slice", "expect ], but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_struct_decoder.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_struct_decoder.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92ae912dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_struct_decoder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1097 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"strings"
+	"unsafe"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+func decoderOfStruct(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValDecoder {
+	bindings := map[string]*Binding{}
+	structDescriptor := describeStruct(ctx, typ)
+	for _, binding := range structDescriptor.Fields {
+		for _, fromName := range binding.FromNames {
+			old := bindings[fromName]
+			if old == nil {
+				bindings[fromName] = binding
+				continue
+			}
+			ignoreOld, ignoreNew := resolveConflictBinding(ctx.frozenConfig, old, binding)
+			if ignoreOld {
+				delete(bindings, fromName)
+			}
+			if !ignoreNew {
+				bindings[fromName] = binding
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	fields := map[string]*structFieldDecoder{}
+	for k, binding := range bindings {
+		fields[k] = binding.Decoder.(*structFieldDecoder)
+	}
+	if !ctx.caseSensitive() {
+		for k, binding := range bindings {
+			if _, found := fields[strings.ToLower(k)]; !found {
+				fields[strings.ToLower(k)] = binding.Decoder.(*structFieldDecoder)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return createStructDecoder(ctx, typ, fields)
+func createStructDecoder(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type, fields map[string]*structFieldDecoder) ValDecoder {
+	if ctx.disallowUnknownFields {
+		return &generalStructDecoder{typ: typ, fields: fields, disallowUnknownFields: true}
+	}
+	knownHash := map[int64]struct{}{
+		0: {},
+	}
+	switch len(fields) {
+	case 0:
+		return &skipObjectDecoder{typ}
+	case 1:
+		for fieldName, fieldDecoder := range fields {
+			fieldHash := calcHash(fieldName, ctx.caseSensitive())
+			_, known := knownHash[fieldHash]
+			if known {
+				return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+			}
+			knownHash[fieldHash] = struct{}{}
+			return &oneFieldStructDecoder{typ, fieldHash, fieldDecoder}
+		}
+	case 2:
+		var fieldHash1 int64
+		var fieldHash2 int64
+		var fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+		for fieldName, fieldDecoder := range fields {
+			fieldHash := calcHash(fieldName, ctx.caseSensitive())
+			_, known := knownHash[fieldHash]
+			if known {
+				return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+			}
+			knownHash[fieldHash] = struct{}{}
+			if fieldHash1 == 0 {
+				fieldHash1 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder1 = fieldDecoder
+			} else {
+				fieldHash2 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder2 = fieldDecoder
+			}
+		}
+		return &twoFieldsStructDecoder{typ, fieldHash1, fieldDecoder1, fieldHash2, fieldDecoder2}
+	case 3:
+		var fieldName1 int64
+		var fieldName2 int64
+		var fieldName3 int64
+		var fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+		for fieldName, fieldDecoder := range fields {
+			fieldHash := calcHash(fieldName, ctx.caseSensitive())
+			_, known := knownHash[fieldHash]
+			if known {
+				return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+			}
+			knownHash[fieldHash] = struct{}{}
+			if fieldName1 == 0 {
+				fieldName1 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder1 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName2 == 0 {
+				fieldName2 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder2 = fieldDecoder
+			} else {
+				fieldName3 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder3 = fieldDecoder
+			}
+		}
+		return &threeFieldsStructDecoder{typ,
+			fieldName1, fieldDecoder1,
+			fieldName2, fieldDecoder2,
+			fieldName3, fieldDecoder3}
+	case 4:
+		var fieldName1 int64
+		var fieldName2 int64
+		var fieldName3 int64
+		var fieldName4 int64
+		var fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+		for fieldName, fieldDecoder := range fields {
+			fieldHash := calcHash(fieldName, ctx.caseSensitive())
+			_, known := knownHash[fieldHash]
+			if known {
+				return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+			}
+			knownHash[fieldHash] = struct{}{}
+			if fieldName1 == 0 {
+				fieldName1 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder1 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName2 == 0 {
+				fieldName2 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder2 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName3 == 0 {
+				fieldName3 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder3 = fieldDecoder
+			} else {
+				fieldName4 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder4 = fieldDecoder
+			}
+		}
+		return &fourFieldsStructDecoder{typ,
+			fieldName1, fieldDecoder1,
+			fieldName2, fieldDecoder2,
+			fieldName3, fieldDecoder3,
+			fieldName4, fieldDecoder4}
+	case 5:
+		var fieldName1 int64
+		var fieldName2 int64
+		var fieldName3 int64
+		var fieldName4 int64
+		var fieldName5 int64
+		var fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+		for fieldName, fieldDecoder := range fields {
+			fieldHash := calcHash(fieldName, ctx.caseSensitive())
+			_, known := knownHash[fieldHash]
+			if known {
+				return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+			}
+			knownHash[fieldHash] = struct{}{}
+			if fieldName1 == 0 {
+				fieldName1 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder1 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName2 == 0 {
+				fieldName2 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder2 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName3 == 0 {
+				fieldName3 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder3 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName4 == 0 {
+				fieldName4 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder4 = fieldDecoder
+			} else {
+				fieldName5 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder5 = fieldDecoder
+			}
+		}
+		return &fiveFieldsStructDecoder{typ,
+			fieldName1, fieldDecoder1,
+			fieldName2, fieldDecoder2,
+			fieldName3, fieldDecoder3,
+			fieldName4, fieldDecoder4,
+			fieldName5, fieldDecoder5}
+	case 6:
+		var fieldName1 int64
+		var fieldName2 int64
+		var fieldName3 int64
+		var fieldName4 int64
+		var fieldName5 int64
+		var fieldName6 int64
+		var fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder6 *structFieldDecoder
+		for fieldName, fieldDecoder := range fields {
+			fieldHash := calcHash(fieldName, ctx.caseSensitive())
+			_, known := knownHash[fieldHash]
+			if known {
+				return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+			}
+			knownHash[fieldHash] = struct{}{}
+			if fieldName1 == 0 {
+				fieldName1 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder1 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName2 == 0 {
+				fieldName2 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder2 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName3 == 0 {
+				fieldName3 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder3 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName4 == 0 {
+				fieldName4 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder4 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName5 == 0 {
+				fieldName5 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder5 = fieldDecoder
+			} else {
+				fieldName6 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder6 = fieldDecoder
+			}
+		}
+		return &sixFieldsStructDecoder{typ,
+			fieldName1, fieldDecoder1,
+			fieldName2, fieldDecoder2,
+			fieldName3, fieldDecoder3,
+			fieldName4, fieldDecoder4,
+			fieldName5, fieldDecoder5,
+			fieldName6, fieldDecoder6}
+	case 7:
+		var fieldName1 int64
+		var fieldName2 int64
+		var fieldName3 int64
+		var fieldName4 int64
+		var fieldName5 int64
+		var fieldName6 int64
+		var fieldName7 int64
+		var fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder6 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder7 *structFieldDecoder
+		for fieldName, fieldDecoder := range fields {
+			fieldHash := calcHash(fieldName, ctx.caseSensitive())
+			_, known := knownHash[fieldHash]
+			if known {
+				return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+			}
+			knownHash[fieldHash] = struct{}{}
+			if fieldName1 == 0 {
+				fieldName1 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder1 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName2 == 0 {
+				fieldName2 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder2 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName3 == 0 {
+				fieldName3 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder3 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName4 == 0 {
+				fieldName4 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder4 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName5 == 0 {
+				fieldName5 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder5 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName6 == 0 {
+				fieldName6 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder6 = fieldDecoder
+			} else {
+				fieldName7 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder7 = fieldDecoder
+			}
+		}
+		return &sevenFieldsStructDecoder{typ,
+			fieldName1, fieldDecoder1,
+			fieldName2, fieldDecoder2,
+			fieldName3, fieldDecoder3,
+			fieldName4, fieldDecoder4,
+			fieldName5, fieldDecoder5,
+			fieldName6, fieldDecoder6,
+			fieldName7, fieldDecoder7}
+	case 8:
+		var fieldName1 int64
+		var fieldName2 int64
+		var fieldName3 int64
+		var fieldName4 int64
+		var fieldName5 int64
+		var fieldName6 int64
+		var fieldName7 int64
+		var fieldName8 int64
+		var fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder6 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder7 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder8 *structFieldDecoder
+		for fieldName, fieldDecoder := range fields {
+			fieldHash := calcHash(fieldName, ctx.caseSensitive())
+			_, known := knownHash[fieldHash]
+			if known {
+				return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+			}
+			knownHash[fieldHash] = struct{}{}
+			if fieldName1 == 0 {
+				fieldName1 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder1 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName2 == 0 {
+				fieldName2 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder2 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName3 == 0 {
+				fieldName3 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder3 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName4 == 0 {
+				fieldName4 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder4 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName5 == 0 {
+				fieldName5 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder5 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName6 == 0 {
+				fieldName6 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder6 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName7 == 0 {
+				fieldName7 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder7 = fieldDecoder
+			} else {
+				fieldName8 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder8 = fieldDecoder
+			}
+		}
+		return &eightFieldsStructDecoder{typ,
+			fieldName1, fieldDecoder1,
+			fieldName2, fieldDecoder2,
+			fieldName3, fieldDecoder3,
+			fieldName4, fieldDecoder4,
+			fieldName5, fieldDecoder5,
+			fieldName6, fieldDecoder6,
+			fieldName7, fieldDecoder7,
+			fieldName8, fieldDecoder8}
+	case 9:
+		var fieldName1 int64
+		var fieldName2 int64
+		var fieldName3 int64
+		var fieldName4 int64
+		var fieldName5 int64
+		var fieldName6 int64
+		var fieldName7 int64
+		var fieldName8 int64
+		var fieldName9 int64
+		var fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder6 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder7 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder8 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder9 *structFieldDecoder
+		for fieldName, fieldDecoder := range fields {
+			fieldHash := calcHash(fieldName, ctx.caseSensitive())
+			_, known := knownHash[fieldHash]
+			if known {
+				return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+			}
+			knownHash[fieldHash] = struct{}{}
+			if fieldName1 == 0 {
+				fieldName1 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder1 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName2 == 0 {
+				fieldName2 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder2 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName3 == 0 {
+				fieldName3 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder3 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName4 == 0 {
+				fieldName4 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder4 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName5 == 0 {
+				fieldName5 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder5 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName6 == 0 {
+				fieldName6 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder6 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName7 == 0 {
+				fieldName7 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder7 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName8 == 0 {
+				fieldName8 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder8 = fieldDecoder
+			} else {
+				fieldName9 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder9 = fieldDecoder
+			}
+		}
+		return &nineFieldsStructDecoder{typ,
+			fieldName1, fieldDecoder1,
+			fieldName2, fieldDecoder2,
+			fieldName3, fieldDecoder3,
+			fieldName4, fieldDecoder4,
+			fieldName5, fieldDecoder5,
+			fieldName6, fieldDecoder6,
+			fieldName7, fieldDecoder7,
+			fieldName8, fieldDecoder8,
+			fieldName9, fieldDecoder9}
+	case 10:
+		var fieldName1 int64
+		var fieldName2 int64
+		var fieldName3 int64
+		var fieldName4 int64
+		var fieldName5 int64
+		var fieldName6 int64
+		var fieldName7 int64
+		var fieldName8 int64
+		var fieldName9 int64
+		var fieldName10 int64
+		var fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder6 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder7 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder8 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder9 *structFieldDecoder
+		var fieldDecoder10 *structFieldDecoder
+		for fieldName, fieldDecoder := range fields {
+			fieldHash := calcHash(fieldName, ctx.caseSensitive())
+			_, known := knownHash[fieldHash]
+			if known {
+				return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+			}
+			knownHash[fieldHash] = struct{}{}
+			if fieldName1 == 0 {
+				fieldName1 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder1 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName2 == 0 {
+				fieldName2 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder2 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName3 == 0 {
+				fieldName3 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder3 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName4 == 0 {
+				fieldName4 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder4 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName5 == 0 {
+				fieldName5 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder5 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName6 == 0 {
+				fieldName6 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder6 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName7 == 0 {
+				fieldName7 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder7 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName8 == 0 {
+				fieldName8 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder8 = fieldDecoder
+			} else if fieldName9 == 0 {
+				fieldName9 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder9 = fieldDecoder
+			} else {
+				fieldName10 = fieldHash
+				fieldDecoder10 = fieldDecoder
+			}
+		}
+		return &tenFieldsStructDecoder{typ,
+			fieldName1, fieldDecoder1,
+			fieldName2, fieldDecoder2,
+			fieldName3, fieldDecoder3,
+			fieldName4, fieldDecoder4,
+			fieldName5, fieldDecoder5,
+			fieldName6, fieldDecoder6,
+			fieldName7, fieldDecoder7,
+			fieldName8, fieldDecoder8,
+			fieldName9, fieldDecoder9,
+			fieldName10, fieldDecoder10}
+	}
+	return &generalStructDecoder{typ, fields, false}
+type generalStructDecoder struct {
+	typ                   reflect2.Type
+	fields                map[string]*structFieldDecoder
+	disallowUnknownFields bool
+func (decoder *generalStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	var c byte
+	for c = ','; c == ','; c = iter.nextToken() {
+		decoder.decodeOneField(ptr, iter)
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	if c != '}' {
+		iter.ReportError("struct Decode", `expect }, but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+func (decoder *generalStructDecoder) decodeOneField(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	var field string
+	var fieldDecoder *structFieldDecoder
+	if iter.cfg.objectFieldMustBeSimpleString {
+		fieldBytes := iter.ReadStringAsSlice()
+		field = *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&fieldBytes))
+		fieldDecoder = decoder.fields[field]
+		if fieldDecoder == nil && !iter.cfg.caseSensitive {
+			fieldDecoder = decoder.fields[strings.ToLower(field)]
+		}
+	} else {
+		field = iter.ReadString()
+		fieldDecoder = decoder.fields[field]
+		if fieldDecoder == nil && !iter.cfg.caseSensitive {
+			fieldDecoder = decoder.fields[strings.ToLower(field)]
+		}
+	}
+	if fieldDecoder == nil {
+		if decoder.disallowUnknownFields {
+			msg := "found unknown field: " + field
+			iter.ReportError("ReadObject", msg)
+		}
+		c := iter.nextToken()
+		if c != ':' {
+			iter.ReportError("ReadObject", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+		}
+		iter.Skip()
+		return
+	}
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c != ':' {
+		iter.ReportError("ReadObject", "expect : after object field, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
+	}
+	fieldDecoder.Decode(ptr, iter)
+type skipObjectDecoder struct {
+	typ reflect2.Type
+func (decoder *skipObjectDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	valueType := iter.WhatIsNext()
+	if valueType != ObjectValue && valueType != NilValue {
+		iter.ReportError("skipObjectDecoder", "expect object or null")
+		return
+	}
+	iter.Skip()
+type oneFieldStructDecoder struct {
+	typ          reflect2.Type
+	fieldHash    int64
+	fieldDecoder *structFieldDecoder
+func (decoder *oneFieldStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		if iter.readFieldHash() == decoder.fieldHash {
+			decoder.fieldDecoder.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		} else {
+			iter.Skip()
+		}
+		if iter.isObjectEnd() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+type twoFieldsStructDecoder struct {
+	typ           reflect2.Type
+	fieldHash1    int64
+	fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash2    int64
+	fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+func (decoder *twoFieldsStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		switch iter.readFieldHash() {
+		case decoder.fieldHash1:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder1.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash2:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder2.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		default:
+			iter.Skip()
+		}
+		if iter.isObjectEnd() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+type threeFieldsStructDecoder struct {
+	typ           reflect2.Type
+	fieldHash1    int64
+	fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash2    int64
+	fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash3    int64
+	fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+func (decoder *threeFieldsStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		switch iter.readFieldHash() {
+		case decoder.fieldHash1:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder1.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash2:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder2.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash3:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder3.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		default:
+			iter.Skip()
+		}
+		if iter.isObjectEnd() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+type fourFieldsStructDecoder struct {
+	typ           reflect2.Type
+	fieldHash1    int64
+	fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash2    int64
+	fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash3    int64
+	fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash4    int64
+	fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+func (decoder *fourFieldsStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		switch iter.readFieldHash() {
+		case decoder.fieldHash1:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder1.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash2:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder2.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash3:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder3.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash4:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder4.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		default:
+			iter.Skip()
+		}
+		if iter.isObjectEnd() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+type fiveFieldsStructDecoder struct {
+	typ           reflect2.Type
+	fieldHash1    int64
+	fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash2    int64
+	fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash3    int64
+	fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash4    int64
+	fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash5    int64
+	fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+func (decoder *fiveFieldsStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		switch iter.readFieldHash() {
+		case decoder.fieldHash1:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder1.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash2:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder2.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash3:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder3.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash4:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder4.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash5:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder5.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		default:
+			iter.Skip()
+		}
+		if iter.isObjectEnd() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+type sixFieldsStructDecoder struct {
+	typ           reflect2.Type
+	fieldHash1    int64
+	fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash2    int64
+	fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash3    int64
+	fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash4    int64
+	fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash5    int64
+	fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash6    int64
+	fieldDecoder6 *structFieldDecoder
+func (decoder *sixFieldsStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		switch iter.readFieldHash() {
+		case decoder.fieldHash1:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder1.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash2:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder2.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash3:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder3.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash4:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder4.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash5:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder5.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash6:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder6.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		default:
+			iter.Skip()
+		}
+		if iter.isObjectEnd() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+type sevenFieldsStructDecoder struct {
+	typ           reflect2.Type
+	fieldHash1    int64
+	fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash2    int64
+	fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash3    int64
+	fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash4    int64
+	fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash5    int64
+	fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash6    int64
+	fieldDecoder6 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash7    int64
+	fieldDecoder7 *structFieldDecoder
+func (decoder *sevenFieldsStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		switch iter.readFieldHash() {
+		case decoder.fieldHash1:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder1.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash2:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder2.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash3:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder3.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash4:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder4.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash5:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder5.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash6:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder6.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash7:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder7.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		default:
+			iter.Skip()
+		}
+		if iter.isObjectEnd() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+type eightFieldsStructDecoder struct {
+	typ           reflect2.Type
+	fieldHash1    int64
+	fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash2    int64
+	fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash3    int64
+	fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash4    int64
+	fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash5    int64
+	fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash6    int64
+	fieldDecoder6 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash7    int64
+	fieldDecoder7 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash8    int64
+	fieldDecoder8 *structFieldDecoder
+func (decoder *eightFieldsStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		switch iter.readFieldHash() {
+		case decoder.fieldHash1:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder1.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash2:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder2.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash3:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder3.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash4:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder4.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash5:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder5.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash6:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder6.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash7:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder7.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash8:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder8.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		default:
+			iter.Skip()
+		}
+		if iter.isObjectEnd() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+type nineFieldsStructDecoder struct {
+	typ           reflect2.Type
+	fieldHash1    int64
+	fieldDecoder1 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash2    int64
+	fieldDecoder2 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash3    int64
+	fieldDecoder3 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash4    int64
+	fieldDecoder4 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash5    int64
+	fieldDecoder5 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash6    int64
+	fieldDecoder6 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash7    int64
+	fieldDecoder7 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash8    int64
+	fieldDecoder8 *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash9    int64
+	fieldDecoder9 *structFieldDecoder
+func (decoder *nineFieldsStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		switch iter.readFieldHash() {
+		case decoder.fieldHash1:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder1.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash2:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder2.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash3:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder3.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash4:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder4.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash5:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder5.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash6:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder6.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash7:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder7.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash8:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder8.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash9:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder9.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		default:
+			iter.Skip()
+		}
+		if iter.isObjectEnd() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+type tenFieldsStructDecoder struct {
+	typ            reflect2.Type
+	fieldHash1     int64
+	fieldDecoder1  *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash2     int64
+	fieldDecoder2  *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash3     int64
+	fieldDecoder3  *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash4     int64
+	fieldDecoder4  *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash5     int64
+	fieldDecoder5  *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash6     int64
+	fieldDecoder6  *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash7     int64
+	fieldDecoder7  *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash8     int64
+	fieldDecoder8  *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash9     int64
+	fieldDecoder9  *structFieldDecoder
+	fieldHash10    int64
+	fieldDecoder10 *structFieldDecoder
+func (decoder *tenFieldsStructDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if !iter.readObjectStart() {
+		return
+	}
+	if !iter.incrementDepth() {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		switch iter.readFieldHash() {
+		case decoder.fieldHash1:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder1.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash2:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder2.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash3:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder3.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash4:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder4.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash5:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder5.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash6:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder6.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash7:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder7.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash8:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder8.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash9:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder9.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		case decoder.fieldHash10:
+			decoder.fieldDecoder10.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		default:
+			iter.Skip()
+		}
+		if iter.isObjectEnd() {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF && len(decoder.typ.Type1().Name()) != 0 {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", decoder.typ, iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+	iter.decrementDepth()
+type structFieldDecoder struct {
+	field        reflect2.StructField
+	fieldDecoder ValDecoder
+func (decoder *structFieldDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	fieldPtr := decoder.field.UnsafeGet(ptr)
+	decoder.fieldDecoder.Decode(fieldPtr, iter)
+	if iter.Error != nil && iter.Error != io.EOF {
+		iter.Error = fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", decoder.field.Name(), iter.Error.Error())
+	}
+type stringModeStringDecoder struct {
+	elemDecoder ValDecoder
+	cfg         *frozenConfig
+func (decoder *stringModeStringDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	decoder.elemDecoder.Decode(ptr, iter)
+	str := *((*string)(ptr))
+	tempIter := decoder.cfg.BorrowIterator([]byte(str))
+	defer decoder.cfg.ReturnIterator(tempIter)
+	*((*string)(ptr)) = tempIter.ReadString()
+type stringModeNumberDecoder struct {
+	elemDecoder ValDecoder
+func (decoder *stringModeNumberDecoder) Decode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, iter *Iterator) {
+	if iter.WhatIsNext() == NilValue {
+		decoder.elemDecoder.Decode(ptr, iter)
+		return
+	}
+	c := iter.nextToken()
+	if c != '"' {
+		iter.ReportError("stringModeNumberDecoder", `expect ", but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
+	decoder.elemDecoder.Decode(ptr, iter)
+	if iter.Error != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	c = iter.readByte()
+	if c != '"' {
+		iter.ReportError("stringModeNumberDecoder", `expect ", but found `+string([]byte{c}))
+		return
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_struct_encoder.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_struct_encoder.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..152e3ef5a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/reflect_struct_encoder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/modern-go/reflect2"
+	"io"
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+func encoderOfStruct(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) ValEncoder {
+	type bindingTo struct {
+		binding *Binding
+		toName  string
+		ignored bool
+	}
+	orderedBindings := []*bindingTo{}
+	structDescriptor := describeStruct(ctx, typ)
+	for _, binding := range structDescriptor.Fields {
+		for _, toName := range binding.ToNames {
+			new := &bindingTo{
+				binding: binding,
+				toName:  toName,
+			}
+			for _, old := range orderedBindings {
+				if old.toName != toName {
+					continue
+				}
+				old.ignored, new.ignored = resolveConflictBinding(ctx.frozenConfig, old.binding, new.binding)
+			}
+			orderedBindings = append(orderedBindings, new)
+		}
+	}
+	if len(orderedBindings) == 0 {
+		return &emptyStructEncoder{}
+	}
+	finalOrderedFields := []structFieldTo{}
+	for _, bindingTo := range orderedBindings {
+		if !bindingTo.ignored {
+			finalOrderedFields = append(finalOrderedFields, structFieldTo{
+				encoder: bindingTo.binding.Encoder.(*structFieldEncoder),
+				toName:  bindingTo.toName,
+			})
+		}
+	}
+	return &structEncoder{typ, finalOrderedFields}
+func createCheckIsEmpty(ctx *ctx, typ reflect2.Type) checkIsEmpty {
+	encoder := createEncoderOfNative(ctx, typ)
+	if encoder != nil {
+		return encoder
+	}
+	kind := typ.Kind()
+	switch kind {
+	case reflect.Interface:
+		return &dynamicEncoder{typ}
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		return &structEncoder{typ: typ}
+	case reflect.Array:
+		return &arrayEncoder{}
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		return &sliceEncoder{}
+	case reflect.Map:
+		return encoderOfMap(ctx, typ)
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		return &OptionalEncoder{}
+	default:
+		return &lazyErrorEncoder{err: fmt.Errorf("unsupported type: %v", typ)}
+	}
+func resolveConflictBinding(cfg *frozenConfig, old, new *Binding) (ignoreOld, ignoreNew bool) {
+	newTagged := new.Field.Tag().Get(cfg.getTagKey()) != ""
+	oldTagged := old.Field.Tag().Get(cfg.getTagKey()) != ""
+	if newTagged {
+		if oldTagged {
+			if len(old.levels) > len(new.levels) {
+				return true, false
+			} else if len(new.levels) > len(old.levels) {
+				return false, true
+			} else {
+				return true, true
+			}
+		} else {
+			return true, false
+		}
+	} else {
+		if oldTagged {
+			return true, false
+		}
+		if len(old.levels) > len(new.levels) {
+			return true, false
+		} else if len(new.levels) > len(old.levels) {
+			return false, true
+		} else {
+			return true, true
+		}
+	}
+type structFieldEncoder struct {
+	field        reflect2.StructField
+	fieldEncoder ValEncoder
+	omitempty    bool
+func (encoder *structFieldEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	fieldPtr := encoder.field.UnsafeGet(ptr)
+	encoder.fieldEncoder.Encode(fieldPtr, stream)
+	if stream.Error != nil && stream.Error != io.EOF {
+		stream.Error = fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", encoder.field.Name(), stream.Error.Error())
+	}
+func (encoder *structFieldEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	fieldPtr := encoder.field.UnsafeGet(ptr)
+	return encoder.fieldEncoder.IsEmpty(fieldPtr)
+func (encoder *structFieldEncoder) IsEmbeddedPtrNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	isEmbeddedPtrNil, converted := encoder.fieldEncoder.(IsEmbeddedPtrNil)
+	if !converted {
+		return false
+	}
+	fieldPtr := encoder.field.UnsafeGet(ptr)
+	return isEmbeddedPtrNil.IsEmbeddedPtrNil(fieldPtr)
+type IsEmbeddedPtrNil interface {
+	IsEmbeddedPtrNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool
+type structEncoder struct {
+	typ    reflect2.Type
+	fields []structFieldTo
+type structFieldTo struct {
+	encoder *structFieldEncoder
+	toName  string
+func (encoder *structEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteObjectStart()
+	isNotFirst := false
+	for _, field := range encoder.fields {
+		if field.encoder.omitempty && field.encoder.IsEmpty(ptr) {
+			continue
+		}
+		if field.encoder.IsEmbeddedPtrNil(ptr) {
+			continue
+		}
+		if isNotFirst {
+			stream.WriteMore()
+		}
+		stream.WriteObjectField(field.toName)
+		field.encoder.Encode(ptr, stream)
+		isNotFirst = true
+	}
+	stream.WriteObjectEnd()
+	if stream.Error != nil && stream.Error != io.EOF {
+		stream.Error = fmt.Errorf("%v.%s", encoder.typ, stream.Error.Error())
+	}
+func (encoder *structEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return false
+type emptyStructEncoder struct {
+func (encoder *emptyStructEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.WriteEmptyObject()
+func (encoder *emptyStructEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return false
+type stringModeNumberEncoder struct {
+	elemEncoder ValEncoder
+func (encoder *stringModeNumberEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	stream.writeByte('"')
+	encoder.elemEncoder.Encode(ptr, stream)
+	stream.writeByte('"')
+func (encoder *stringModeNumberEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.elemEncoder.IsEmpty(ptr)
+type stringModeStringEncoder struct {
+	elemEncoder ValEncoder
+	cfg         *frozenConfig
+func (encoder *stringModeStringEncoder) Encode(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *Stream) {
+	tempStream := encoder.cfg.BorrowStream(nil)
+	tempStream.Attachment = stream.Attachment
+	defer encoder.cfg.ReturnStream(tempStream)
+	encoder.elemEncoder.Encode(ptr, tempStream)
+	stream.WriteString(string(tempStream.Buffer()))
+func (encoder *stringModeStringEncoder) IsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return encoder.elemEncoder.IsEmpty(ptr)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23d8a3ad6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream.go
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"io"
+// stream is a io.Writer like object, with JSON specific write functions.
+// Error is not returned as return value, but stored as Error member on this stream instance.
+type Stream struct {
+	cfg        *frozenConfig
+	out        io.Writer
+	buf        []byte
+	Error      error
+	indention  int
+	Attachment interface{} // open for customized encoder
+// NewStream create new stream instance.
+// cfg can be jsoniter.ConfigDefault.
+// out can be nil if write to internal buffer.
+// bufSize is the initial size for the internal buffer in bytes.
+func NewStream(cfg API, out io.Writer, bufSize int) *Stream {
+	return &Stream{
+		cfg:       cfg.(*frozenConfig),
+		out:       out,
+		buf:       make([]byte, 0, bufSize),
+		Error:     nil,
+		indention: 0,
+	}
+// Pool returns a pool can provide more stream with same configuration
+func (stream *Stream) Pool() StreamPool {
+	return stream.cfg
+// Reset reuse this stream instance by assign a new writer
+func (stream *Stream) Reset(out io.Writer) {
+	stream.out = out
+	stream.buf = stream.buf[:0]
+// Available returns how many bytes are unused in the buffer.
+func (stream *Stream) Available() int {
+	return cap(stream.buf) - len(stream.buf)
+// Buffered returns the number of bytes that have been written into the current buffer.
+func (stream *Stream) Buffered() int {
+	return len(stream.buf)
+// Buffer if writer is nil, use this method to take the result
+func (stream *Stream) Buffer() []byte {
+	return stream.buf
+// SetBuffer allows to append to the internal buffer directly
+func (stream *Stream) SetBuffer(buf []byte) {
+	stream.buf = buf
+// Write writes the contents of p into the buffer.
+// It returns the number of bytes written.
+// If nn < len(p), it also returns an error explaining
+// why the write is short.
+func (stream *Stream) Write(p []byte) (nn int, err error) {
+	stream.buf = append(stream.buf, p...)
+	if stream.out != nil {
+		nn, err = stream.out.Write(stream.buf)
+		stream.buf = stream.buf[nn:]
+		return
+	}
+	return len(p), nil
+// WriteByte writes a single byte.
+func (stream *Stream) writeByte(c byte) {
+	stream.buf = append(stream.buf, c)
+func (stream *Stream) writeTwoBytes(c1 byte, c2 byte) {
+	stream.buf = append(stream.buf, c1, c2)
+func (stream *Stream) writeThreeBytes(c1 byte, c2 byte, c3 byte) {
+	stream.buf = append(stream.buf, c1, c2, c3)
+func (stream *Stream) writeFourBytes(c1 byte, c2 byte, c3 byte, c4 byte) {
+	stream.buf = append(stream.buf, c1, c2, c3, c4)
+func (stream *Stream) writeFiveBytes(c1 byte, c2 byte, c3 byte, c4 byte, c5 byte) {
+	stream.buf = append(stream.buf, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5)
+// Flush writes any buffered data to the underlying io.Writer.
+func (stream *Stream) Flush() error {
+	if stream.out == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	if stream.Error != nil {
+		return stream.Error
+	}
+	_, err := stream.out.Write(stream.buf)
+	if err != nil {
+		if stream.Error == nil {
+			stream.Error = err
+		}
+		return err
+	}
+	stream.buf = stream.buf[:0]
+	return nil
+// WriteRaw write string out without quotes, just like []byte
+func (stream *Stream) WriteRaw(s string) {
+	stream.buf = append(stream.buf, s...)
+// WriteNil write null to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteNil() {
+	stream.writeFourBytes('n', 'u', 'l', 'l')
+// WriteTrue write true to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteTrue() {
+	stream.writeFourBytes('t', 'r', 'u', 'e')
+// WriteFalse write false to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteFalse() {
+	stream.writeFiveBytes('f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e')
+// WriteBool write true or false into stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteBool(val bool) {
+	if val {
+		stream.WriteTrue()
+	} else {
+		stream.WriteFalse()
+	}
+// WriteObjectStart write { with possible indention
+func (stream *Stream) WriteObjectStart() {
+	stream.indention += stream.cfg.indentionStep
+	stream.writeByte('{')
+	stream.writeIndention(0)
+// WriteObjectField write "field": with possible indention
+func (stream *Stream) WriteObjectField(field string) {
+	stream.WriteString(field)
+	if stream.indention > 0 {
+		stream.writeTwoBytes(':', ' ')
+	} else {
+		stream.writeByte(':')
+	}
+// WriteObjectEnd write } with possible indention
+func (stream *Stream) WriteObjectEnd() {
+	stream.writeIndention(stream.cfg.indentionStep)
+	stream.indention -= stream.cfg.indentionStep
+	stream.writeByte('}')
+// WriteEmptyObject write {}
+func (stream *Stream) WriteEmptyObject() {
+	stream.writeByte('{')
+	stream.writeByte('}')
+// WriteMore write , with possible indention
+func (stream *Stream) WriteMore() {
+	stream.writeByte(',')
+	stream.writeIndention(0)
+// WriteArrayStart write [ with possible indention
+func (stream *Stream) WriteArrayStart() {
+	stream.indention += stream.cfg.indentionStep
+	stream.writeByte('[')
+	stream.writeIndention(0)
+// WriteEmptyArray write []
+func (stream *Stream) WriteEmptyArray() {
+	stream.writeTwoBytes('[', ']')
+// WriteArrayEnd write ] with possible indention
+func (stream *Stream) WriteArrayEnd() {
+	stream.writeIndention(stream.cfg.indentionStep)
+	stream.indention -= stream.cfg.indentionStep
+	stream.writeByte(']')
+func (stream *Stream) writeIndention(delta int) {
+	if stream.indention == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	stream.writeByte('\n')
+	toWrite := stream.indention - delta
+	for i := 0; i < toWrite; i++ {
+		stream.buf = append(stream.buf, ' ')
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream_float.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream_float.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..826aa594ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream_float.go
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"math"
+	"strconv"
+var pow10 []uint64
+func init() {
+	pow10 = []uint64{1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000}
+// WriteFloat32 write float32 to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteFloat32(val float32) {
+	if math.IsInf(float64(val), 0) || math.IsNaN(float64(val)) {
+		stream.Error = fmt.Errorf("unsupported value: %f", val)
+		return
+	}
+	abs := math.Abs(float64(val))
+	fmt := byte('f')
+	// Note: Must use float32 comparisons for underlying float32 value to get precise cutoffs right.
+	if abs != 0 {
+		if float32(abs) < 1e-6 || float32(abs) >= 1e21 {
+			fmt = 'e'
+		}
+	}
+	stream.buf = strconv.AppendFloat(stream.buf, float64(val), fmt, -1, 32)
+// WriteFloat32Lossy write float32 to stream with ONLY 6 digits precision although much much faster
+func (stream *Stream) WriteFloat32Lossy(val float32) {
+	if math.IsInf(float64(val), 0) || math.IsNaN(float64(val)) {
+		stream.Error = fmt.Errorf("unsupported value: %f", val)
+		return
+	}
+	if val < 0 {
+		stream.writeByte('-')
+		val = -val
+	}
+	if val > 0x4ffffff {
+		stream.WriteFloat32(val)
+		return
+	}
+	precision := 6
+	exp := uint64(1000000) // 6
+	lval := uint64(float64(val)*float64(exp) + 0.5)
+	stream.WriteUint64(lval / exp)
+	fval := lval % exp
+	if fval == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	stream.writeByte('.')
+	for p := precision - 1; p > 0 && fval < pow10[p]; p-- {
+		stream.writeByte('0')
+	}
+	stream.WriteUint64(fval)
+	for stream.buf[len(stream.buf)-1] == '0' {
+		stream.buf = stream.buf[:len(stream.buf)-1]
+	}
+// WriteFloat64 write float64 to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteFloat64(val float64) {
+	if math.IsInf(val, 0) || math.IsNaN(val) {
+		stream.Error = fmt.Errorf("unsupported value: %f", val)
+		return
+	}
+	abs := math.Abs(val)
+	fmt := byte('f')
+	// Note: Must use float32 comparisons for underlying float32 value to get precise cutoffs right.
+	if abs != 0 {
+		if abs < 1e-6 || abs >= 1e21 {
+			fmt = 'e'
+		}
+	}
+	stream.buf = strconv.AppendFloat(stream.buf, float64(val), fmt, -1, 64)
+// WriteFloat64Lossy write float64 to stream with ONLY 6 digits precision although much much faster
+func (stream *Stream) WriteFloat64Lossy(val float64) {
+	if math.IsInf(val, 0) || math.IsNaN(val) {
+		stream.Error = fmt.Errorf("unsupported value: %f", val)
+		return
+	}
+	if val < 0 {
+		stream.writeByte('-')
+		val = -val
+	}
+	if val > 0x4ffffff {
+		stream.WriteFloat64(val)
+		return
+	}
+	precision := 6
+	exp := uint64(1000000) // 6
+	lval := uint64(val*float64(exp) + 0.5)
+	stream.WriteUint64(lval / exp)
+	fval := lval % exp
+	if fval == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	stream.writeByte('.')
+	for p := precision - 1; p > 0 && fval < pow10[p]; p-- {
+		stream.writeByte('0')
+	}
+	stream.WriteUint64(fval)
+	for stream.buf[len(stream.buf)-1] == '0' {
+		stream.buf = stream.buf[:len(stream.buf)-1]
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream_int.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream_int.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1059ee4c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream_int.go
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+package jsoniter
+var digits []uint32
+func init() {
+	digits = make([]uint32, 1000)
+	for i := uint32(0); i < 1000; i++ {
+		digits[i] = (((i / 100) + '0') << 16) + ((((i / 10) % 10) + '0') << 8) + i%10 + '0'
+		if i < 10 {
+			digits[i] += 2 << 24
+		} else if i < 100 {
+			digits[i] += 1 << 24
+		}
+	}
+func writeFirstBuf(space []byte, v uint32) []byte {
+	start := v >> 24
+	if start == 0 {
+		space = append(space, byte(v>>16), byte(v>>8))
+	} else if start == 1 {
+		space = append(space, byte(v>>8))
+	}
+	space = append(space, byte(v))
+	return space
+func writeBuf(buf []byte, v uint32) []byte {
+	return append(buf, byte(v>>16), byte(v>>8), byte(v))
+// WriteUint8 write uint8 to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteUint8(val uint8) {
+	stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[val])
+// WriteInt8 write int8 to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteInt8(nval int8) {
+	var val uint8
+	if nval < 0 {
+		val = uint8(-nval)
+		stream.buf = append(stream.buf, '-')
+	} else {
+		val = uint8(nval)
+	}
+	stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[val])
+// WriteUint16 write uint16 to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteUint16(val uint16) {
+	q1 := val / 1000
+	if q1 == 0 {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[val])
+		return
+	}
+	r1 := val - q1*1000
+	stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[q1])
+	stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r1])
+	return
+// WriteInt16 write int16 to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteInt16(nval int16) {
+	var val uint16
+	if nval < 0 {
+		val = uint16(-nval)
+		stream.buf = append(stream.buf, '-')
+	} else {
+		val = uint16(nval)
+	}
+	stream.WriteUint16(val)
+// WriteUint32 write uint32 to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteUint32(val uint32) {
+	q1 := val / 1000
+	if q1 == 0 {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[val])
+		return
+	}
+	r1 := val - q1*1000
+	q2 := q1 / 1000
+	if q2 == 0 {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[q1])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r1])
+		return
+	}
+	r2 := q1 - q2*1000
+	q3 := q2 / 1000
+	if q3 == 0 {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[q2])
+	} else {
+		r3 := q2 - q3*1000
+		stream.buf = append(stream.buf, byte(q3+'0'))
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r3])
+	}
+	stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r2])
+	stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r1])
+// WriteInt32 write int32 to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteInt32(nval int32) {
+	var val uint32
+	if nval < 0 {
+		val = uint32(-nval)
+		stream.buf = append(stream.buf, '-')
+	} else {
+		val = uint32(nval)
+	}
+	stream.WriteUint32(val)
+// WriteUint64 write uint64 to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteUint64(val uint64) {
+	q1 := val / 1000
+	if q1 == 0 {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[val])
+		return
+	}
+	r1 := val - q1*1000
+	q2 := q1 / 1000
+	if q2 == 0 {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[q1])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r1])
+		return
+	}
+	r2 := q1 - q2*1000
+	q3 := q2 / 1000
+	if q3 == 0 {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[q2])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r2])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r1])
+		return
+	}
+	r3 := q2 - q3*1000
+	q4 := q3 / 1000
+	if q4 == 0 {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[q3])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r3])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r2])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r1])
+		return
+	}
+	r4 := q3 - q4*1000
+	q5 := q4 / 1000
+	if q5 == 0 {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[q4])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r4])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r3])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r2])
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r1])
+		return
+	}
+	r5 := q4 - q5*1000
+	q6 := q5 / 1000
+	if q6 == 0 {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[q5])
+	} else {
+		stream.buf = writeFirstBuf(stream.buf, digits[q6])
+		r6 := q5 - q6*1000
+		stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r6])
+	}
+	stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r5])
+	stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r4])
+	stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r3])
+	stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r2])
+	stream.buf = writeBuf(stream.buf, digits[r1])
+// WriteInt64 write int64 to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteInt64(nval int64) {
+	var val uint64
+	if nval < 0 {
+		val = uint64(-nval)
+		stream.buf = append(stream.buf, '-')
+	} else {
+		val = uint64(nval)
+	}
+	stream.WriteUint64(val)
+// WriteInt write int to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteInt(val int) {
+	stream.WriteInt64(int64(val))
+// WriteUint write uint to stream
+func (stream *Stream) WriteUint(val uint) {
+	stream.WriteUint64(uint64(val))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream_str.go b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream_str.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54c2ba0b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/stream_str.go
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+package jsoniter
+import (
+	"unicode/utf8"
+// htmlSafeSet holds the value true if the ASCII character with the given
+// array position can be safely represented inside a JSON string, embedded
+// inside of HTML <script> tags, without any additional escaping.
+// All values are true except for the ASCII control characters (0-31), the
+// double quote ("), the backslash character ("\"), HTML opening and closing
+// tags ("<" and ">"), and the ampersand ("&").
+var htmlSafeSet = [utf8.RuneSelf]bool{
+	' ':      true,
+	'!':      true,
+	'"':      false,
+	'#':      true,
+	'$':      true,
+	'%':      true,
+	'&':      false,
+	'\'':     true,
+	'(':      true,
+	')':      true,
+	'*':      true,
+	'+':      true,
+	',':      true,
+	'-':      true,
+	'.':      true,
+	'/':      true,
+	'0':      true,
+	'1':      true,
+	'2':      true,
+	'3':      true,
+	'4':      true,
+	'5':      true,
+	'6':      true,
+	'7':      true,
+	'8':      true,
+	'9':      true,
+	':':      true,
+	';':      true,
+	'<':      false,
+	'=':      true,
+	'>':      false,
+	'?':      true,
+	'@':      true,
+	'A':      true,
+	'B':      true,
+	'C':      true,
+	'D':      true,
+	'E':      true,
+	'F':      true,
+	'G':      true,
+	'H':      true,
+	'I':      true,
+	'J':      true,
+	'K':      true,
+	'L':      true,
+	'M':      true,
+	'N':      true,
+	'O':      true,
+	'P':      true,
+	'Q':      true,
+	'R':      true,
+	'S':      true,
+	'T':      true,
+	'U':      true,
+	'V':      true,
+	'W':      true,
+	'X':      true,
+	'Y':      true,
+	'Z':      true,
+	'[':      true,
+	'\\':     false,
+	']':      true,
+	'^':      true,
+	'_':      true,
+	'`':      true,
+	'a':      true,
+	'b':      true,
+	'c':      true,
+	'd':      true,
+	'e':      true,
+	'f':      true,
+	'g':      true,
+	'h':      true,
+	'i':      true,
+	'j':      true,
+	'k':      true,
+	'l':      true,
+	'm':      true,
+	'n':      true,
+	'o':      true,
+	'p':      true,
+	'q':      true,
+	'r':      true,
+	's':      true,
+	't':      true,
+	'u':      true,
+	'v':      true,
+	'w':      true,
+	'x':      true,
+	'y':      true,
+	'z':      true,
+	'{':      true,
+	'|':      true,
+	'}':      true,
+	'~':      true,
+	'\u007f': true,
+// safeSet holds the value true if the ASCII character with the given array
+// position can be represented inside a JSON string without any further
+// escaping.
+// All values are true except for the ASCII control characters (0-31), the
+// double quote ("), and the backslash character ("\").
+var safeSet = [utf8.RuneSelf]bool{
+	' ':      true,
+	'!':      true,
+	'"':      false,
+	'#':      true,
+	'$':      true,
+	'%':      true,
+	'&':      true,
+	'\'':     true,
+	'(':      true,
+	')':      true,
+	'*':      true,
+	'+':      true,
+	',':      true,
+	'-':      true,
+	'.':      true,
+	'/':      true,
+	'0':      true,
+	'1':      true,
+	'2':      true,
+	'3':      true,
+	'4':      true,
+	'5':      true,
+	'6':      true,
+	'7':      true,
+	'8':      true,
+	'9':      true,
+	':':      true,
+	';':      true,
+	'<':      true,
+	'=':      true,
+	'>':      true,
+	'?':      true,
+	'@':      true,
+	'A':      true,
+	'B':      true,
+	'C':      true,
+	'D':      true,
+	'E':      true,
+	'F':      true,
+	'G':      true,
+	'H':      true,
+	'I':      true,
+	'J':      true,
+	'K':      true,
+	'L':      true,
+	'M':      true,
+	'N':      true,
+	'O':      true,
+	'P':      true,
+	'Q':      true,
+	'R':      true,
+	'S':      true,
+	'T':      true,
+	'U':      true,
+	'V':      true,
+	'W':      true,
+	'X':      true,
+	'Y':      true,
+	'Z':      true,
+	'[':      true,
+	'\\':     false,
+	']':      true,
+	'^':      true,
+	'_':      true,
+	'`':      true,
+	'a':      true,
+	'b':      true,
+	'c':      true,
+	'd':      true,
+	'e':      true,
+	'f':      true,
+	'g':      true,
+	'h':      true,
+	'i':      true,
+	'j':      true,
+	'k':      true,
+	'l':      true,
+	'm':      true,
+	'n':      true,
+	'o':      true,
+	'p':      true,
+	'q':      true,
+	'r':      true,
+	's':      true,
+	't':      true,
+	'u':      true,
+	'v':      true,
+	'w':      true,
+	'x':      true,
+	'y':      true,
+	'z':      true,
+	'{':      true,
+	'|':      true,
+	'}':      true,
+	'~':      true,
+	'\u007f': true,
+var hex = "0123456789abcdef"
+// WriteStringWithHTMLEscaped write string to stream with html special characters escaped
+func (stream *Stream) WriteStringWithHTMLEscaped(s string) {
+	valLen := len(s)
+	stream.buf = append(stream.buf, '"')
+	// write string, the fast path, without utf8 and escape support
+	i := 0
+	for ; i < valLen; i++ {
+		c := s[i]
+		if c < utf8.RuneSelf && htmlSafeSet[c] {
+			stream.buf = append(stream.buf, c)
+		} else {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if i == valLen {
+		stream.buf = append(stream.buf, '"')
+		return
+	}
+	writeStringSlowPathWithHTMLEscaped(stream, i, s, valLen)
+func writeStringSlowPathWithHTMLEscaped(stream *Stream, i int, s string, valLen int) {
+	start := i
+	// for the remaining parts, we process them char by char
+	for i < valLen {
+		if b := s[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
+			if htmlSafeSet[b] {
+				i++
+				continue
+			}
+			if start < i {
+				stream.WriteRaw(s[start:i])
+			}
+			switch b {
+			case '\\', '"':
+				stream.writeTwoBytes('\\', b)
+			case '\n':
+				stream.writeTwoBytes('\\', 'n')
+			case '\r':
+				stream.writeTwoBytes('\\', 'r')
+			case '\t':
+				stream.writeTwoBytes('\\', 't')
+			default:
+				// This encodes bytes < 0x20 except for \t, \n and \r.
+				// If escapeHTML is set, it also escapes <, >, and &
+				// because they can lead to security holes when
+				// user-controlled strings are rendered into JSON
+				// and served to some browsers.
+				stream.WriteRaw(`\u00`)
+				stream.writeTwoBytes(hex[b>>4], hex[b&0xF])
+			}
+			i++
+			start = i
+			continue
+		}
+		c, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
+		if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
+			if start < i {
+				stream.WriteRaw(s[start:i])
+			}
+			stream.WriteRaw(`\ufffd`)
+			i++
+			start = i
+			continue
+		}
+		// U+2028 is LINE SEPARATOR.
+		// They are both technically valid characters in JSON strings,
+		// but don't work in JSONP, which has to be evaluated as JavaScript,
+		// and can lead to security holes there. It is valid JSON to
+		// escape them, so we do so unconditionally.
+		// See http://timelessrepo.com/json-isnt-a-javascript-subset for discussion.
+		if c == '\u2028' || c == '\u2029' {
+			if start < i {
+				stream.WriteRaw(s[start:i])
+			}
+			stream.WriteRaw(`\u202`)
+			stream.writeByte(hex[c&0xF])
+			i += size
+			start = i
+			continue
+		}
+		i += size
+	}
+	if start < len(s) {
+		stream.WriteRaw(s[start:])
+	}
+	stream.writeByte('"')
+// WriteString write string to stream without html escape
+func (stream *Stream) WriteString(s string) {
+	valLen := len(s)
+	stream.buf = append(stream.buf, '"')
+	// write string, the fast path, without utf8 and escape support
+	i := 0
+	for ; i < valLen; i++ {
+		c := s[i]
+		if c > 31 && c != '"' && c != '\\' {
+			stream.buf = append(stream.buf, c)
+		} else {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if i == valLen {
+		stream.buf = append(stream.buf, '"')
+		return
+	}
+	writeStringSlowPath(stream, i, s, valLen)
+func writeStringSlowPath(stream *Stream, i int, s string, valLen int) {
+	start := i
+	// for the remaining parts, we process them char by char
+	for i < valLen {
+		if b := s[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
+			if safeSet[b] {
+				i++
+				continue
+			}
+			if start < i {
+				stream.WriteRaw(s[start:i])
+			}
+			switch b {
+			case '\\', '"':
+				stream.writeTwoBytes('\\', b)
+			case '\n':
+				stream.writeTwoBytes('\\', 'n')
+			case '\r':
+				stream.writeTwoBytes('\\', 'r')
+			case '\t':
+				stream.writeTwoBytes('\\', 't')
+			default:
+				// This encodes bytes < 0x20 except for \t, \n and \r.
+				// If escapeHTML is set, it also escapes <, >, and &
+				// because they can lead to security holes when
+				// user-controlled strings are rendered into JSON
+				// and served to some browsers.
+				stream.WriteRaw(`\u00`)
+				stream.writeTwoBytes(hex[b>>4], hex[b&0xF])
+			}
+			i++
+			start = i
+			continue
+		}
+		i++
+		continue
+	}
+	if start < len(s) {
+		stream.WriteRaw(s[start:])
+	}
+	stream.writeByte('"')
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/test.sh b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/test.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4e7c0b2c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/json-iterator/go/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+echo "" > coverage.txt
+for d in $(go list ./... | grep -v vendor); do
+    go test -coverprofile=profile.out -coverpkg=github.com/json-iterator/go $d
+    if [ -f profile.out ]; then
+        cat profile.out >> coverage.txt
+        rm profile.out
+    fi
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f2bc47416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..449e67cd01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+language: go
+  - 1.8.x
+  - 1.x
+  - go get -t -v ./...
+  - ./test.sh
+  - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..261eeb9e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+                        http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+      as of the date such litigation is filed.
+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+      identification within third-party archives.
+   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/README.md b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/README.md
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index 0000000000..acab3200aa
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+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# concurrent
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/modern-go/concurrent.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/modern-go/concurrent)
+* concurrent.Map: backport sync.Map for go below 1.9
+* concurrent.Executor: goroutine with explicit ownership and cancellable
+# concurrent.Map
+because sync.Map is only available in go 1.9, we can use concurrent.Map to make code portable
+m := concurrent.NewMap()
+m.Store("hello", "world")
+elem, found := m.Load("hello")
+// elem will be "world"
+// found will be true
+# concurrent.Executor
+executor := concurrent.NewUnboundedExecutor()
+executor.Go(func(ctx context.Context) {
+    everyMillisecond := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond)
+    for {
+        select {
+        case <-ctx.Done():
+            fmt.Println("goroutine exited")
+            return
+        case <-everyMillisecond.C:
+            // do something
+        }
+    }
+fmt.Println("executor stopped")
+attach goroutine to executor instance, so that we can
+* cancel it by stop the executor with Stop/StopAndWait/StopAndWaitForever
+* handle panic by callback: the default behavior will no longer crash your application
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/executor.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/executor.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..623dba1ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/executor.go
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package concurrent
+import "context"
+// Executor replace go keyword to start a new goroutine
+// the goroutine should cancel itself if the context passed in has been cancelled
+// the goroutine started by the executor, is owned by the executor
+// we can cancel all executors owned by the executor just by stop the executor itself
+// however Executor interface does not Stop method, the one starting and owning executor
+// should use the concrete type of executor, instead of this interface.
+type Executor interface {
+	// Go starts a new goroutine controlled by the context
+	Go(handler func(ctx context.Context))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/go_above_19.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/go_above_19.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aeabf8c4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/go_above_19.go
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//+build go1.9
+package concurrent
+import "sync"
+// Map is a wrapper for sync.Map introduced in go1.9
+type Map struct {
+	sync.Map
+// NewMap creates a thread safe Map
+func NewMap() *Map {
+	return &Map{}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/go_below_19.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/go_below_19.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9c8df7f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/go_below_19.go
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//+build !go1.9
+package concurrent
+import "sync"
+// Map implements a thread safe map for go version below 1.9 using mutex
+type Map struct {
+	lock sync.RWMutex
+	data map[interface{}]interface{}
+// NewMap creates a thread safe map
+func NewMap() *Map {
+	return &Map{
+		data: make(map[interface{}]interface{}, 32),
+	}
+// Load is same as sync.Map Load
+func (m *Map) Load(key interface{}) (elem interface{}, found bool) {
+	m.lock.RLock()
+	elem, found = m.data[key]
+	m.lock.RUnlock()
+	return
+// Load is same as sync.Map Store
+func (m *Map) Store(key interface{}, elem interface{}) {
+	m.lock.Lock()
+	m.data[key] = elem
+	m.lock.Unlock()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/log.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/log.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9756fcc75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/log.go
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package concurrent
+import (
+	"os"
+	"log"
+	"io/ioutil"
+// ErrorLogger is used to print out error, can be set to writer other than stderr
+var ErrorLogger = log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)
+// InfoLogger is used to print informational message, default to off
+var InfoLogger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/test.sh b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/test.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1e6b2ec55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+echo "" > coverage.txt
+for d in $(go list ./... | grep -v vendor); do
+    go test -coverprofile=profile.out -coverpkg=github.com/modern-go/concurrent $d
+    if [ -f profile.out ]; then
+        cat profile.out >> coverage.txt
+        rm profile.out
+    fi
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/unbounded_executor.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/unbounded_executor.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05a77dceb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/concurrent/unbounded_executor.go
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+package concurrent
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"runtime"
+	"runtime/debug"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	"reflect"
+// HandlePanic logs goroutine panic by default
+var HandlePanic = func(recovered interface{}, funcName string) {
+	ErrorLogger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s panic: %v", funcName, recovered))
+	ErrorLogger.Println(string(debug.Stack()))
+// UnboundedExecutor is a executor without limits on counts of alive goroutines
+// it tracks the goroutine started by it, and can cancel them when shutdown
+type UnboundedExecutor struct {
+	ctx                   context.Context
+	cancel                context.CancelFunc
+	activeGoroutinesMutex *sync.Mutex
+	activeGoroutines      map[string]int
+	HandlePanic           func(recovered interface{}, funcName string)
+// GlobalUnboundedExecutor has the life cycle of the program itself
+// any goroutine want to be shutdown before main exit can be started from this executor
+// GlobalUnboundedExecutor expects the main function to call stop
+// it does not magically knows the main function exits
+var GlobalUnboundedExecutor = NewUnboundedExecutor()
+// NewUnboundedExecutor creates a new UnboundedExecutor,
+// UnboundedExecutor can not be created by &UnboundedExecutor{}
+// HandlePanic can be set with a callback to override global HandlePanic
+func NewUnboundedExecutor() *UnboundedExecutor {
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
+	return &UnboundedExecutor{
+		ctx:                   ctx,
+		cancel:                cancel,
+		activeGoroutinesMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
+		activeGoroutines:      map[string]int{},
+	}
+// Go starts a new goroutine and tracks its lifecycle.
+// Panic will be recovered and logged automatically, except for StopSignal
+func (executor *UnboundedExecutor) Go(handler func(ctx context.Context)) {
+	pc := reflect.ValueOf(handler).Pointer()
+	f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
+	funcName := f.Name()
+	file, line := f.FileLine(pc)
+	executor.activeGoroutinesMutex.Lock()
+	defer executor.activeGoroutinesMutex.Unlock()
+	startFrom := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line)
+	executor.activeGoroutines[startFrom] += 1
+	go func() {
+		defer func() {
+			recovered := recover()
+			// if you want to quit a goroutine without trigger HandlePanic
+			// use runtime.Goexit() to quit
+			if recovered != nil {
+				if executor.HandlePanic == nil {
+					HandlePanic(recovered, funcName)
+				} else {
+					executor.HandlePanic(recovered, funcName)
+				}
+			}
+			executor.activeGoroutinesMutex.Lock()
+			executor.activeGoroutines[startFrom] -= 1
+			executor.activeGoroutinesMutex.Unlock()
+		}()
+		handler(executor.ctx)
+	}()
+// Stop cancel all goroutines started by this executor without wait
+func (executor *UnboundedExecutor) Stop() {
+	executor.cancel()
+// StopAndWaitForever cancel all goroutines started by this executor and
+// wait until all goroutines exited
+func (executor *UnboundedExecutor) StopAndWaitForever() {
+	executor.StopAndWait(context.Background())
+// StopAndWait cancel all goroutines started by this executor and wait.
+// Wait can be cancelled by the context passed in.
+func (executor *UnboundedExecutor) StopAndWait(ctx context.Context) {
+	executor.cancel()
+	for {
+		oneHundredMilliseconds := time.NewTimer(time.Millisecond * 100)
+		select {
+		case <-oneHundredMilliseconds.C:
+			if executor.checkNoActiveGoroutines() {
+				return
+			}
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			return
+		}
+	}
+func (executor *UnboundedExecutor) checkNoActiveGoroutines() bool {
+	executor.activeGoroutinesMutex.Lock()
+	defer executor.activeGoroutinesMutex.Unlock()
+	for startFrom, count := range executor.activeGoroutines {
+		if count > 0 {
+			InfoLogger.Println("UnboundedExecutor is still waiting goroutines to quit",
+				"startFrom", startFrom,
+				"count", count)
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b26c946dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b097728dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+language: go
+  - 1.9.x
+  - 1.x
+  - go get -t -v ./...
+  - go get -t -v github.com/modern-go/reflect2-tests/...
+  - ./test.sh
+  - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/Gopkg.lock b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/Gopkg.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10ef811182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/Gopkg.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'.
+  analyzer-name = "dep"
+  analyzer-version = 1
+  input-imports = []
+  solver-name = "gps-cdcl"
+  solver-version = 1
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/Gopkg.toml b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/Gopkg.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9bc5061b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/Gopkg.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Gopkg.toml example
+# Refer to https://golang.github.io/dep/docs/Gopkg.toml.html
+# for detailed Gopkg.toml documentation.
+# required = ["github.com/user/thing/cmd/thing"]
+# ignored = ["github.com/user/project/pkgX", "bitbucket.org/user/project/pkgA/pkgY"]
+# [[constraint]]
+#   name = "github.com/user/project"
+#   version = "1.0.0"
+# [[constraint]]
+#   name = "github.com/user/project2"
+#   branch = "dev"
+#   source = "github.com/myfork/project2"
+# [[override]]
+#   name = "github.com/x/y"
+#   version = "2.4.0"
+# [prune]
+#   non-go = false
+#   go-tests = true
+#   unused-packages = true
+ignored = []
+  go-tests = true
+  unused-packages = true
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..261eeb9e9f
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+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+                        http://www.apache.org/licenses/
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+      as of the date such litigation is filed.
+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+      identification within third-party archives.
+   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/README.md b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f968aab9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# reflect2
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/modern-go/reflect2.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/modern-go/reflect2)
+reflect api that avoids runtime reflect.Value cost
+* reflect get/set interface{}, with type checking
+* reflect get/set unsafe.Pointer, without type checking
+* `reflect2.TypeByName` works like `Class.forName` found in java
+[json-iterator](https://github.com/json-iterator/go) use this package to save runtime dispatching cost.
+This package is designed for low level libraries to optimize reflection performance.
+General application should still use reflect standard library.
+# reflect2.TypeByName
+// given package is github.com/your/awesome-package
+type MyStruct struct {
+	// ...
+// will return the type
+// however, if the type has not been used
+// it will be eliminated by compiler, so we can not get it in runtime
+# reflect2 get/set interface{}
+valType := reflect2.TypeOf(1)
+i := 1
+j := 10
+valType.Set(&i, &j)
+// i will be 10
+to get set `type`, always use its pointer `*type`
+# reflect2 get/set unsafe.Pointer
+valType := reflect2.TypeOf(1)
+i := 1
+j := 10
+valType.UnsafeSet(unsafe.Pointer(&i), unsafe.Pointer(&j))
+// i will be 10
+to get set `type`, always use its pointer `*type`
+# benchmark
+Benchmark is not necessary for this package. It does nothing actually.
+As it is just a thin wrapper to make go runtime public. 
+Both `reflect2` and `reflect` call same function 
+provided by `runtime` package exposed by go language.
+# unsafe safety
+Instead of casting `[]byte` to `sliceHeader` in your application using unsafe.
+We can use reflect2 instead. This way, if `sliceHeader` changes in the future,
+only reflect2 need to be upgraded.
+reflect2 tries its best to keep the implementation same as reflect (by testing).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/go_above_118.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/go_above_118.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b4116f6c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/go_above_118.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//+build go1.18
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"unsafe"
+// m escapes into the return value, but the caller of mapiterinit
+// doesn't let the return value escape.
+//go:linkname mapiterinit reflect.mapiterinit
+func mapiterinit(rtype unsafe.Pointer, m unsafe.Pointer, it *hiter)
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) UnsafeIterate(obj unsafe.Pointer) MapIterator {
+	var it hiter
+	mapiterinit(type2.rtype, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(obj), &it)
+	return &UnsafeMapIterator{
+		hiter:      &it,
+		pKeyRType:  type2.pKeyRType,
+		pElemRType: type2.pElemRType,
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/go_above_19.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/go_above_19.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..974f7685e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/go_above_19.go
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+//+build go1.9
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"unsafe"
+//go:linkname resolveTypeOff reflect.resolveTypeOff
+func resolveTypeOff(rtype unsafe.Pointer, off int32) unsafe.Pointer
+//go:linkname makemap reflect.makemap
+func makemap(rtype unsafe.Pointer, cap int) (m unsafe.Pointer)
+func makeMapWithSize(rtype unsafe.Pointer, cap int) unsafe.Pointer {
+	return makemap(rtype, cap)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/go_below_118.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/go_below_118.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00003dbd7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/go_below_118.go
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//+build !go1.18
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"unsafe"
+// m escapes into the return value, but the caller of mapiterinit
+// doesn't let the return value escape.
+//go:linkname mapiterinit reflect.mapiterinit
+func mapiterinit(rtype unsafe.Pointer, m unsafe.Pointer) (val *hiter)
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) UnsafeIterate(obj unsafe.Pointer) MapIterator {
+	return &UnsafeMapIterator{
+		hiter:      mapiterinit(type2.rtype, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(obj)),
+		pKeyRType:  type2.pKeyRType,
+		pElemRType: type2.pElemRType,
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/reflect2.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/reflect2.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c43c8b9d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/reflect2.go
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"runtime"
+	"sync"
+	"unsafe"
+type Type interface {
+	Kind() reflect.Kind
+	// New return pointer to data of this type
+	New() interface{}
+	// UnsafeNew return the allocated space pointed by unsafe.Pointer
+	UnsafeNew() unsafe.Pointer
+	// PackEFace cast a unsafe pointer to object represented pointer
+	PackEFace(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{}
+	// Indirect dereference object represented pointer to this type
+	Indirect(obj interface{}) interface{}
+	// UnsafeIndirect dereference pointer to this type
+	UnsafeIndirect(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{}
+	// Type1 returns reflect.Type
+	Type1() reflect.Type
+	Implements(thatType Type) bool
+	String() string
+	RType() uintptr
+	// interface{} of this type has pointer like behavior
+	LikePtr() bool
+	IsNullable() bool
+	IsNil(obj interface{}) bool
+	UnsafeIsNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool
+	Set(obj interface{}, val interface{})
+	UnsafeSet(ptr unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer)
+	AssignableTo(anotherType Type) bool
+type ListType interface {
+	Type
+	Elem() Type
+	SetIndex(obj interface{}, index int, elem interface{})
+	UnsafeSetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, index int, elem unsafe.Pointer)
+	GetIndex(obj interface{}, index int) interface{}
+	UnsafeGetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, index int) unsafe.Pointer
+type ArrayType interface {
+	ListType
+	Len() int
+type SliceType interface {
+	ListType
+	MakeSlice(length int, cap int) interface{}
+	UnsafeMakeSlice(length int, cap int) unsafe.Pointer
+	Grow(obj interface{}, newLength int)
+	UnsafeGrow(ptr unsafe.Pointer, newLength int)
+	Append(obj interface{}, elem interface{})
+	UnsafeAppend(obj unsafe.Pointer, elem unsafe.Pointer)
+	LengthOf(obj interface{}) int
+	UnsafeLengthOf(ptr unsafe.Pointer) int
+	SetNil(obj interface{})
+	UnsafeSetNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer)
+	Cap(obj interface{}) int
+	UnsafeCap(ptr unsafe.Pointer) int
+type StructType interface {
+	Type
+	NumField() int
+	Field(i int) StructField
+	FieldByName(name string) StructField
+	FieldByIndex(index []int) StructField
+	FieldByNameFunc(match func(string) bool) StructField
+type StructField interface {
+	Offset() uintptr
+	Name() string
+	PkgPath() string
+	Type() Type
+	Tag() reflect.StructTag
+	Index() []int
+	Anonymous() bool
+	Set(obj interface{}, value interface{})
+	UnsafeSet(obj unsafe.Pointer, value unsafe.Pointer)
+	Get(obj interface{}) interface{}
+	UnsafeGet(obj unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer
+type MapType interface {
+	Type
+	Key() Type
+	Elem() Type
+	MakeMap(cap int) interface{}
+	UnsafeMakeMap(cap int) unsafe.Pointer
+	SetIndex(obj interface{}, key interface{}, elem interface{})
+	UnsafeSetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, key unsafe.Pointer, elem unsafe.Pointer)
+	TryGetIndex(obj interface{}, key interface{}) (interface{}, bool)
+	GetIndex(obj interface{}, key interface{}) interface{}
+	UnsafeGetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, key unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer
+	Iterate(obj interface{}) MapIterator
+	UnsafeIterate(obj unsafe.Pointer) MapIterator
+type MapIterator interface {
+	HasNext() bool
+	Next() (key interface{}, elem interface{})
+	UnsafeNext() (key unsafe.Pointer, elem unsafe.Pointer)
+type PtrType interface {
+	Type
+	Elem() Type
+type InterfaceType interface {
+	NumMethod() int
+type Config struct {
+	UseSafeImplementation bool
+type API interface {
+	TypeOf(obj interface{}) Type
+	Type2(type1 reflect.Type) Type
+var ConfigUnsafe = Config{UseSafeImplementation: false}.Froze()
+var ConfigSafe = Config{UseSafeImplementation: true}.Froze()
+type frozenConfig struct {
+	useSafeImplementation bool
+	cache                 *sync.Map
+func (cfg Config) Froze() *frozenConfig {
+	return &frozenConfig{
+		useSafeImplementation: cfg.UseSafeImplementation,
+		cache:                 new(sync.Map),
+	}
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) TypeOf(obj interface{}) Type {
+	cacheKey := uintptr(unpackEFace(obj).rtype)
+	typeObj, found := cfg.cache.Load(cacheKey)
+	if found {
+		return typeObj.(Type)
+	}
+	return cfg.Type2(reflect.TypeOf(obj))
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) Type2(type1 reflect.Type) Type {
+	if type1 == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	cacheKey := uintptr(unpackEFace(type1).data)
+	typeObj, found := cfg.cache.Load(cacheKey)
+	if found {
+		return typeObj.(Type)
+	}
+	type2 := cfg.wrapType(type1)
+	cfg.cache.Store(cacheKey, type2)
+	return type2
+func (cfg *frozenConfig) wrapType(type1 reflect.Type) Type {
+	safeType := safeType{Type: type1, cfg: cfg}
+	switch type1.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Struct:
+		if cfg.useSafeImplementation {
+			return &safeStructType{safeType}
+		}
+		return newUnsafeStructType(cfg, type1)
+	case reflect.Array:
+		if cfg.useSafeImplementation {
+			return &safeSliceType{safeType}
+		}
+		return newUnsafeArrayType(cfg, type1)
+	case reflect.Slice:
+		if cfg.useSafeImplementation {
+			return &safeSliceType{safeType}
+		}
+		return newUnsafeSliceType(cfg, type1)
+	case reflect.Map:
+		if cfg.useSafeImplementation {
+			return &safeMapType{safeType}
+		}
+		return newUnsafeMapType(cfg, type1)
+	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func:
+		if cfg.useSafeImplementation {
+			return &safeMapType{safeType}
+		}
+		return newUnsafePtrType(cfg, type1)
+	case reflect.Interface:
+		if cfg.useSafeImplementation {
+			return &safeMapType{safeType}
+		}
+		if type1.NumMethod() == 0 {
+			return newUnsafeEFaceType(cfg, type1)
+		}
+		return newUnsafeIFaceType(cfg, type1)
+	default:
+		if cfg.useSafeImplementation {
+			return &safeType
+		}
+		return newUnsafeType(cfg, type1)
+	}
+func TypeOf(obj interface{}) Type {
+	return ConfigUnsafe.TypeOf(obj)
+func TypeOfPtr(obj interface{}) PtrType {
+	return TypeOf(obj).(PtrType)
+func Type2(type1 reflect.Type) Type {
+	if type1 == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return ConfigUnsafe.Type2(type1)
+func PtrTo(typ Type) Type {
+	return Type2(reflect.PtrTo(typ.Type1()))
+func PtrOf(obj interface{}) unsafe.Pointer {
+	return unpackEFace(obj).data
+func RTypeOf(obj interface{}) uintptr {
+	return uintptr(unpackEFace(obj).rtype)
+func IsNil(obj interface{}) bool {
+	if obj == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	return unpackEFace(obj).data == nil
+func IsNullable(kind reflect.Kind) bool {
+	switch kind {
+	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Map, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Slice, reflect.Interface:
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func likePtrKind(kind reflect.Kind) bool {
+	switch kind {
+	case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Map, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func:
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func likePtrType(typ reflect.Type) bool {
+	if likePtrKind(typ.Kind()) {
+		return true
+	}
+	if typ.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+		if typ.NumField() != 1 {
+			return false
+		}
+		return likePtrType(typ.Field(0).Type)
+	}
+	if typ.Kind() == reflect.Array {
+		if typ.Len() != 1 {
+			return false
+		}
+		return likePtrType(typ.Elem())
+	}
+	return false
+// NoEscape hides a pointer from escape analysis.  noescape is
+// the identity function but escape analysis doesn't think the
+// output depends on the input.  noescape is inlined and currently
+// compiles down to zero instructions.
+func NoEscape(p unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
+	x := uintptr(p)
+	return unsafe.Pointer(x ^ 0)
+func UnsafeCastString(str string) []byte {
+	bytes := make([]byte, 0)
+	stringHeader := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&str))
+	sliceHeader := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
+	sliceHeader.Data = stringHeader.Data
+	sliceHeader.Cap = stringHeader.Len
+	sliceHeader.Len = stringHeader.Len
+	runtime.KeepAlive(str)
+	return bytes
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/reflect2_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/reflect2_amd64.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/reflect2_kind.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/reflect2_kind.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62f299e404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/reflect2_kind.go
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+// DefaultTypeOfKind return the non aliased default type for the kind
+func DefaultTypeOfKind(kind reflect.Kind) Type {
+	return kindTypes[kind]
+var kindTypes = map[reflect.Kind]Type{
+	reflect.Bool:          TypeOf(true),
+	reflect.Uint8:         TypeOf(uint8(0)),
+	reflect.Int8:          TypeOf(int8(0)),
+	reflect.Uint16:        TypeOf(uint16(0)),
+	reflect.Int16:         TypeOf(int16(0)),
+	reflect.Uint32:        TypeOf(uint32(0)),
+	reflect.Int32:         TypeOf(int32(0)),
+	reflect.Uint64:        TypeOf(uint64(0)),
+	reflect.Int64:         TypeOf(int64(0)),
+	reflect.Uint:          TypeOf(uint(0)),
+	reflect.Int:           TypeOf(int(0)),
+	reflect.Float32:       TypeOf(float32(0)),
+	reflect.Float64:       TypeOf(float64(0)),
+	reflect.Uintptr:       TypeOf(uintptr(0)),
+	reflect.String:        TypeOf(""),
+	reflect.UnsafePointer: TypeOf(unsafe.Pointer(nil)),
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_386.s b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_386.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_amd64p32.s b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_amd64p32.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_arm.s b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_arm.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_arm64.s b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_arm64.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_mips64x.s b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_mips64x.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_mipsx.s b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_mipsx.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_ppc64x.s b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_ppc64x.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_s390x.s b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/relfect2_s390x.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_field.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_field.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4ba1f4f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_field.go
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type safeField struct {
+	reflect.StructField
+func (field *safeField) Offset() uintptr {
+	return field.StructField.Offset
+func (field *safeField) Name() string {
+	return field.StructField.Name
+func (field *safeField) PkgPath() string {
+	return field.StructField.PkgPath
+func (field *safeField) Type() Type {
+	panic("not implemented")
+func (field *safeField) Tag() reflect.StructTag {
+	return field.StructField.Tag
+func (field *safeField) Index() []int {
+	return field.StructField.Index
+func (field *safeField) Anonymous() bool {
+	return field.StructField.Anonymous
+func (field *safeField) Set(obj interface{}, value interface{}) {
+	val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
+	val.FieldByIndex(field.Index()).Set(reflect.ValueOf(value).Elem())
+func (field *safeField) UnsafeSet(obj unsafe.Pointer, value unsafe.Pointer) {
+	panic("unsafe operation is not supported")
+func (field *safeField) Get(obj interface{}) interface{} {
+	val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem().FieldByIndex(field.Index())
+	ptr := reflect.New(val.Type())
+	ptr.Elem().Set(val)
+	return ptr.Interface()
+func (field *safeField) UnsafeGet(obj unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_map.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_map.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88362205a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_map.go
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type safeMapType struct {
+	safeType
+func (type2 *safeMapType) Key() Type {
+	return type2.safeType.cfg.Type2(type2.Type.Key())
+func (type2 *safeMapType) MakeMap(cap int) interface{} {
+	ptr := reflect.New(type2.Type)
+	ptr.Elem().Set(reflect.MakeMap(type2.Type))
+	return ptr.Interface()
+func (type2 *safeMapType) UnsafeMakeMap(cap int) unsafe.Pointer {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeMapType) SetIndex(obj interface{}, key interface{}, elem interface{}) {
+	keyVal := reflect.ValueOf(key)
+	elemVal := reflect.ValueOf(elem)
+	val := reflect.ValueOf(obj)
+	val.Elem().SetMapIndex(keyVal.Elem(), elemVal.Elem())
+func (type2 *safeMapType) UnsafeSetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, key unsafe.Pointer, elem unsafe.Pointer) {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeMapType) TryGetIndex(obj interface{}, key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
+	keyVal := reflect.ValueOf(key)
+	if key == nil {
+		keyVal = reflect.New(type2.Type.Key()).Elem()
+	}
+	val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).MapIndex(keyVal)
+	if !val.IsValid() {
+		return nil, false
+	}
+	return val.Interface(), true
+func (type2 *safeMapType) GetIndex(obj interface{}, key interface{}) interface{} {
+	val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
+	keyVal := reflect.ValueOf(key).Elem()
+	elemVal := val.MapIndex(keyVal)
+	if !elemVal.IsValid() {
+		ptr := reflect.New(reflect.PtrTo(val.Type().Elem()))
+		return ptr.Elem().Interface()
+	}
+	ptr := reflect.New(elemVal.Type())
+	ptr.Elem().Set(elemVal)
+	return ptr.Interface()
+func (type2 *safeMapType) UnsafeGetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, key unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeMapType) Iterate(obj interface{}) MapIterator {
+	m := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
+	return &safeMapIterator{
+		m:    m,
+		keys: m.MapKeys(),
+	}
+func (type2 *safeMapType) UnsafeIterate(obj unsafe.Pointer) MapIterator {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+type safeMapIterator struct {
+	i    int
+	m    reflect.Value
+	keys []reflect.Value
+func (iter *safeMapIterator) HasNext() bool {
+	return iter.i != len(iter.keys)
+func (iter *safeMapIterator) Next() (interface{}, interface{}) {
+	key := iter.keys[iter.i]
+	elem := iter.m.MapIndex(key)
+	iter.i += 1
+	keyPtr := reflect.New(key.Type())
+	keyPtr.Elem().Set(key)
+	elemPtr := reflect.New(elem.Type())
+	elemPtr.Elem().Set(elem)
+	return keyPtr.Interface(), elemPtr.Interface()
+func (iter *safeMapIterator) UnsafeNext() (unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer) {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_slice.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_slice.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcce6fd20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_slice.go
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type safeSliceType struct {
+	safeType
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) SetIndex(obj interface{}, index int, value interface{}) {
+	val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
+	elem := reflect.ValueOf(value).Elem()
+	val.Index(index).Set(elem)
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) UnsafeSetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, index int, value unsafe.Pointer) {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) GetIndex(obj interface{}, index int) interface{} {
+	val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
+	elem := val.Index(index)
+	ptr := reflect.New(elem.Type())
+	ptr.Elem().Set(elem)
+	return ptr.Interface()
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) UnsafeGetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, index int) unsafe.Pointer {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) MakeSlice(length int, cap int) interface{} {
+	val := reflect.MakeSlice(type2.Type, length, cap)
+	ptr := reflect.New(val.Type())
+	ptr.Elem().Set(val)
+	return ptr.Interface()
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) UnsafeMakeSlice(length int, cap int) unsafe.Pointer {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) Grow(obj interface{}, newLength int) {
+	oldCap := type2.Cap(obj)
+	oldSlice := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
+	delta := newLength - oldCap
+	deltaVals := make([]reflect.Value, delta)
+	newSlice := reflect.Append(oldSlice, deltaVals...)
+	oldSlice.Set(newSlice)
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) UnsafeGrow(ptr unsafe.Pointer, newLength int) {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) Append(obj interface{}, elem interface{}) {
+	val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
+	elemVal := reflect.ValueOf(elem).Elem()
+	newVal := reflect.Append(val, elemVal)
+	val.Set(newVal)
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) UnsafeAppend(obj unsafe.Pointer, elem unsafe.Pointer) {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) SetNil(obj interface{}) {
+	val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
+	val.Set(reflect.Zero(val.Type()))
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) UnsafeSetNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) LengthOf(obj interface{}) int {
+	return reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem().Len()
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) UnsafeLengthOf(ptr unsafe.Pointer) int {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) Cap(obj interface{}) int {
+	return reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem().Cap()
+func (type2 *safeSliceType) UnsafeCap(ptr unsafe.Pointer) int {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_struct.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_struct.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5fb9b313e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_struct.go
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package reflect2
+type safeStructType struct {
+	safeType
+func (type2 *safeStructType) FieldByName(name string) StructField {
+	field, found := type2.Type.FieldByName(name)
+	if !found {
+		panic("field " + name + " not found")
+	}
+	return &safeField{StructField: field}
+func (type2 *safeStructType) Field(i int) StructField {
+	return &safeField{StructField: type2.Type.Field(i)}
+func (type2 *safeStructType) FieldByIndex(index []int) StructField {
+	return &safeField{StructField: type2.Type.FieldByIndex(index)}
+func (type2 *safeStructType) FieldByNameFunc(match func(string) bool) StructField {
+	field, found := type2.Type.FieldByNameFunc(match)
+	if !found {
+		panic("field match condition not found in " + type2.Type.String())
+	}
+	return &safeField{StructField: field}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_type.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_type.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee4e7bb6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/safe_type.go
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type safeType struct {
+	reflect.Type
+	cfg *frozenConfig
+func (type2 *safeType) New() interface{} {
+	return reflect.New(type2.Type).Interface()
+func (type2 *safeType) UnsafeNew() unsafe.Pointer {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeType) Elem() Type {
+	return type2.cfg.Type2(type2.Type.Elem())
+func (type2 *safeType) Type1() reflect.Type {
+	return type2.Type
+func (type2 *safeType) PackEFace(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeType) Implements(thatType Type) bool {
+	return type2.Type.Implements(thatType.Type1())
+func (type2 *safeType) RType() uintptr {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeType) Indirect(obj interface{}) interface{} {
+	return reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj)).Interface()
+func (type2 *safeType) UnsafeIndirect(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeType) LikePtr() bool {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeType) IsNullable() bool {
+	return IsNullable(type2.Kind())
+func (type2 *safeType) IsNil(obj interface{}) bool {
+	if obj == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	return reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem().IsNil()
+func (type2 *safeType) UnsafeIsNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeType) Set(obj interface{}, val interface{}) {
+	reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(val).Elem())
+func (type2 *safeType) UnsafeSet(ptr unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer) {
+	panic("does not support unsafe operation")
+func (type2 *safeType) AssignableTo(anotherType Type) bool {
+	return type2.Type1().AssignableTo(anotherType.Type1())
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/type_map.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/type_map.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b13c3155c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/type_map.go
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// +build !gccgo
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"sync"
+	"unsafe"
+// typelinks2 for 1.7 ~
+//go:linkname typelinks2 reflect.typelinks
+func typelinks2() (sections []unsafe.Pointer, offset [][]int32)
+// initOnce guards initialization of types and packages
+var initOnce sync.Once
+var types map[string]reflect.Type
+var packages map[string]map[string]reflect.Type
+// discoverTypes initializes types and packages
+func discoverTypes() {
+	types = make(map[string]reflect.Type)
+	packages = make(map[string]map[string]reflect.Type)
+	loadGoTypes()
+func loadGoTypes() {
+	var obj interface{} = reflect.TypeOf(0)
+	sections, offset := typelinks2()
+	for i, offs := range offset {
+		rodata := sections[i]
+		for _, off := range offs {
+			(*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&obj)).word = resolveTypeOff(unsafe.Pointer(rodata), off)
+			typ := obj.(reflect.Type)
+			if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && typ.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+				loadedType := typ.Elem()
+				pkgTypes := packages[loadedType.PkgPath()]
+				if pkgTypes == nil {
+					pkgTypes = map[string]reflect.Type{}
+					packages[loadedType.PkgPath()] = pkgTypes
+				}
+				types[loadedType.String()] = loadedType
+				pkgTypes[loadedType.Name()] = loadedType
+			}
+		}
+	}
+type emptyInterface struct {
+	typ  unsafe.Pointer
+	word unsafe.Pointer
+// TypeByName return the type by its name, just like Class.forName in java
+func TypeByName(typeName string) Type {
+	initOnce.Do(discoverTypes)
+	return Type2(types[typeName])
+// TypeByPackageName return the type by its package and name
+func TypeByPackageName(pkgPath string, name string) Type {
+	initOnce.Do(discoverTypes)
+	pkgTypes := packages[pkgPath]
+	if pkgTypes == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return Type2(pkgTypes[name])
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_array.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_array.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76cbdba6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_array.go
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type UnsafeArrayType struct {
+	unsafeType
+	elemRType  unsafe.Pointer
+	pElemRType unsafe.Pointer
+	elemSize   uintptr
+	likePtr    bool
+func newUnsafeArrayType(cfg *frozenConfig, type1 reflect.Type) *UnsafeArrayType {
+	return &UnsafeArrayType{
+		unsafeType: *newUnsafeType(cfg, type1),
+		elemRType:  unpackEFace(type1.Elem()).data,
+		pElemRType: unpackEFace(reflect.PtrTo(type1.Elem())).data,
+		elemSize:   type1.Elem().Size(),
+		likePtr:    likePtrType(type1),
+	}
+func (type2 *UnsafeArrayType) LikePtr() bool {
+	return type2.likePtr
+func (type2 *UnsafeArrayType) Indirect(obj interface{}) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.Indirect argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIndirect(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeArrayType) UnsafeIndirect(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	if type2.likePtr {
+		return packEFace(type2.rtype, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr))
+	}
+	return packEFace(type2.rtype, ptr)
+func (type2 *UnsafeArrayType) SetIndex(obj interface{}, index int, elem interface{}) {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("ArrayType.SetIndex argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	elemEFace := unpackEFace(elem)
+	assertType("ArrayType.SetIndex argument 3", type2.pElemRType, elemEFace.rtype)
+	type2.UnsafeSetIndex(objEFace.data, index, elemEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeArrayType) UnsafeSetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, index int, elem unsafe.Pointer) {
+	elemPtr := arrayAt(obj, index, type2.elemSize, "i < s.Len")
+	typedmemmove(type2.elemRType, elemPtr, elem)
+func (type2 *UnsafeArrayType) GetIndex(obj interface{}, index int) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("ArrayType.GetIndex argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	elemPtr := type2.UnsafeGetIndex(objEFace.data, index)
+	return packEFace(type2.pElemRType, elemPtr)
+func (type2 *UnsafeArrayType) UnsafeGetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, index int) unsafe.Pointer {
+	return arrayAt(obj, index, type2.elemSize, "i < s.Len")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_eface.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_eface.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..805010f3a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_eface.go
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type eface struct {
+	rtype unsafe.Pointer
+	data  unsafe.Pointer
+func unpackEFace(obj interface{}) *eface {
+	return (*eface)(unsafe.Pointer(&obj))
+func packEFace(rtype unsafe.Pointer, data unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	var i interface{}
+	e := (*eface)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))
+	e.rtype = rtype
+	e.data = data
+	return i
+type UnsafeEFaceType struct {
+	unsafeType
+func newUnsafeEFaceType(cfg *frozenConfig, type1 reflect.Type) *UnsafeEFaceType {
+	return &UnsafeEFaceType{
+		unsafeType: *newUnsafeType(cfg, type1),
+	}
+func (type2 *UnsafeEFaceType) IsNil(obj interface{}) bool {
+	if obj == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.IsNil argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIsNil(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeEFaceType) UnsafeIsNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	if ptr == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	return unpackEFace(*(*interface{})(ptr)).data == nil
+func (type2 *UnsafeEFaceType) Indirect(obj interface{}) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.Indirect argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIndirect(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeEFaceType) UnsafeIndirect(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	return *(*interface{})(ptr)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_field.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_field.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5eb53130a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_field.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type UnsafeStructField struct {
+	reflect.StructField
+	structType *UnsafeStructType
+	rtype      unsafe.Pointer
+	ptrRType   unsafe.Pointer
+func newUnsafeStructField(structType *UnsafeStructType, structField reflect.StructField) *UnsafeStructField {
+	return &UnsafeStructField{
+		StructField: structField,
+		rtype:       unpackEFace(structField.Type).data,
+		ptrRType:    unpackEFace(reflect.PtrTo(structField.Type)).data,
+		structType:  structType,
+	}
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) Offset() uintptr {
+	return field.StructField.Offset
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) Name() string {
+	return field.StructField.Name
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) PkgPath() string {
+	return field.StructField.PkgPath
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) Type() Type {
+	return field.structType.cfg.Type2(field.StructField.Type)
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) Tag() reflect.StructTag {
+	return field.StructField.Tag
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) Index() []int {
+	return field.StructField.Index
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) Anonymous() bool {
+	return field.StructField.Anonymous
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) Set(obj interface{}, value interface{}) {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("StructField.SetIndex argument 1", field.structType.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	valueEFace := unpackEFace(value)
+	assertType("StructField.SetIndex argument 2", field.ptrRType, valueEFace.rtype)
+	field.UnsafeSet(objEFace.data, valueEFace.data)
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) UnsafeSet(obj unsafe.Pointer, value unsafe.Pointer) {
+	fieldPtr := add(obj, field.StructField.Offset, "same as non-reflect &v.field")
+	typedmemmove(field.rtype, fieldPtr, value)
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) Get(obj interface{}) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("StructField.GetIndex argument 1", field.structType.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	value := field.UnsafeGet(objEFace.data)
+	return packEFace(field.ptrRType, value)
+func (field *UnsafeStructField) UnsafeGet(obj unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
+	return add(obj, field.StructField.Offset, "same as non-reflect &v.field")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_iface.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_iface.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b60195533c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_iface.go
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type iface struct {
+	itab *itab
+	data unsafe.Pointer
+type itab struct {
+	ignore unsafe.Pointer
+	rtype  unsafe.Pointer
+func IFaceToEFace(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	iface := (*iface)(ptr)
+	if iface.itab == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return packEFace(iface.itab.rtype, iface.data)
+type UnsafeIFaceType struct {
+	unsafeType
+func newUnsafeIFaceType(cfg *frozenConfig, type1 reflect.Type) *UnsafeIFaceType {
+	return &UnsafeIFaceType{
+		unsafeType: *newUnsafeType(cfg, type1),
+	}
+func (type2 *UnsafeIFaceType) Indirect(obj interface{}) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.Indirect argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIndirect(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeIFaceType) UnsafeIndirect(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	return IFaceToEFace(ptr)
+func (type2 *UnsafeIFaceType) IsNil(obj interface{}) bool {
+	if obj == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.IsNil argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIsNil(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeIFaceType) UnsafeIsNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	if ptr == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	iface := (*iface)(ptr)
+	if iface.itab == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_link.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_link.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b49f614efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_link.go
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package reflect2
+import "unsafe"
+//go:linkname unsafe_New reflect.unsafe_New
+func unsafe_New(rtype unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer
+//go:linkname typedmemmove reflect.typedmemmove
+func typedmemmove(rtype unsafe.Pointer, dst, src unsafe.Pointer)
+//go:linkname unsafe_NewArray reflect.unsafe_NewArray
+func unsafe_NewArray(rtype unsafe.Pointer, length int) unsafe.Pointer
+// typedslicecopy copies a slice of elemType values from src to dst,
+// returning the number of elements copied.
+//go:linkname typedslicecopy reflect.typedslicecopy
+func typedslicecopy(elemType unsafe.Pointer, dst, src sliceHeader) int
+//go:linkname mapassign reflect.mapassign
+func mapassign(rtype unsafe.Pointer, m unsafe.Pointer, key unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer)
+//go:linkname mapaccess reflect.mapaccess
+func mapaccess(rtype unsafe.Pointer, m unsafe.Pointer, key unsafe.Pointer) (val unsafe.Pointer)
+//go:linkname mapiternext reflect.mapiternext
+func mapiternext(it *hiter)
+//go:linkname ifaceE2I reflect.ifaceE2I
+func ifaceE2I(rtype unsafe.Pointer, src interface{}, dst unsafe.Pointer)
+// A hash iteration structure.
+// If you modify hiter, also change cmd/internal/gc/reflect.go to indicate
+// the layout of this structure.
+type hiter struct {
+	key         unsafe.Pointer
+	value       unsafe.Pointer
+	t           unsafe.Pointer
+	h           unsafe.Pointer
+	buckets     unsafe.Pointer
+	bptr        unsafe.Pointer
+	overflow    *[]unsafe.Pointer
+	oldoverflow *[]unsafe.Pointer
+	startBucket uintptr
+	offset      uint8
+	wrapped     bool
+	B           uint8
+	i           uint8
+	bucket      uintptr
+	checkBucket uintptr
+// add returns p+x.
+// The whySafe string is ignored, so that the function still inlines
+// as efficiently as p+x, but all call sites should use the string to
+// record why the addition is safe, which is to say why the addition
+// does not cause x to advance to the very end of p's allocation
+// and therefore point incorrectly at the next block in memory.
+func add(p unsafe.Pointer, x uintptr, whySafe string) unsafe.Pointer {
+	return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + x)
+// arrayAt returns the i-th element of p,
+// an array whose elements are eltSize bytes wide.
+// The array pointed at by p must have at least i+1 elements:
+// it is invalid (but impossible to check here) to pass i >= len,
+// because then the result will point outside the array.
+// whySafe must explain why i < len. (Passing "i < len" is fine;
+// the benefit is to surface this assumption at the call site.)
+func arrayAt(p unsafe.Pointer, i int, eltSize uintptr, whySafe string) unsafe.Pointer {
+	return add(p, uintptr(i)*eltSize, "i < len")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_map.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_map.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37872da819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_map.go
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type UnsafeMapType struct {
+	unsafeType
+	pKeyRType  unsafe.Pointer
+	pElemRType unsafe.Pointer
+func newUnsafeMapType(cfg *frozenConfig, type1 reflect.Type) MapType {
+	return &UnsafeMapType{
+		unsafeType: *newUnsafeType(cfg, type1),
+		pKeyRType:  unpackEFace(reflect.PtrTo(type1.Key())).data,
+		pElemRType: unpackEFace(reflect.PtrTo(type1.Elem())).data,
+	}
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) IsNil(obj interface{}) bool {
+	if obj == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.IsNil argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIsNil(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) UnsafeIsNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	if ptr == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	return *(*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr) == nil
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) LikePtr() bool {
+	return true
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) Indirect(obj interface{}) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("MapType.Indirect argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIndirect(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) UnsafeIndirect(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	return packEFace(type2.rtype, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr))
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) Key() Type {
+	return type2.cfg.Type2(type2.Type.Key())
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) MakeMap(cap int) interface{} {
+	return packEFace(type2.ptrRType, type2.UnsafeMakeMap(cap))
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) UnsafeMakeMap(cap int) unsafe.Pointer {
+	m := makeMapWithSize(type2.rtype, cap)
+	return unsafe.Pointer(&m)
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) SetIndex(obj interface{}, key interface{}, elem interface{}) {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("MapType.SetIndex argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	keyEFace := unpackEFace(key)
+	assertType("MapType.SetIndex argument 2", type2.pKeyRType, keyEFace.rtype)
+	elemEFace := unpackEFace(elem)
+	assertType("MapType.SetIndex argument 3", type2.pElemRType, elemEFace.rtype)
+	type2.UnsafeSetIndex(objEFace.data, keyEFace.data, elemEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) UnsafeSetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, key unsafe.Pointer, elem unsafe.Pointer) {
+	mapassign(type2.rtype, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(obj), key, elem)
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) TryGetIndex(obj interface{}, key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("MapType.TryGetIndex argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	keyEFace := unpackEFace(key)
+	assertType("MapType.TryGetIndex argument 2", type2.pKeyRType, keyEFace.rtype)
+	elemPtr := type2.UnsafeGetIndex(objEFace.data, keyEFace.data)
+	if elemPtr == nil {
+		return nil, false
+	}
+	return packEFace(type2.pElemRType, elemPtr), true
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) GetIndex(obj interface{}, key interface{}) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("MapType.GetIndex argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	keyEFace := unpackEFace(key)
+	assertType("MapType.GetIndex argument 2", type2.pKeyRType, keyEFace.rtype)
+	elemPtr := type2.UnsafeGetIndex(objEFace.data, keyEFace.data)
+	return packEFace(type2.pElemRType, elemPtr)
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) UnsafeGetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, key unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
+	return mapaccess(type2.rtype, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(obj), key)
+func (type2 *UnsafeMapType) Iterate(obj interface{}) MapIterator {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("MapType.Iterate argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIterate(objEFace.data)
+type UnsafeMapIterator struct {
+	*hiter
+	pKeyRType  unsafe.Pointer
+	pElemRType unsafe.Pointer
+func (iter *UnsafeMapIterator) HasNext() bool {
+	return iter.key != nil
+func (iter *UnsafeMapIterator) Next() (interface{}, interface{}) {
+	key, elem := iter.UnsafeNext()
+	return packEFace(iter.pKeyRType, key), packEFace(iter.pElemRType, elem)
+func (iter *UnsafeMapIterator) UnsafeNext() (unsafe.Pointer, unsafe.Pointer) {
+	key := iter.key
+	elem := iter.value
+	mapiternext(iter.hiter)
+	return key, elem
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_ptr.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_ptr.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e5ec9cf45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_ptr.go
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type UnsafePtrType struct {
+	unsafeType
+func newUnsafePtrType(cfg *frozenConfig, type1 reflect.Type) *UnsafePtrType {
+	return &UnsafePtrType{
+		unsafeType: *newUnsafeType(cfg, type1),
+	}
+func (type2 *UnsafePtrType) IsNil(obj interface{}) bool {
+	if obj == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.IsNil argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIsNil(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafePtrType) UnsafeIsNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	if ptr == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	return *(*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr) == nil
+func (type2 *UnsafePtrType) LikePtr() bool {
+	return true
+func (type2 *UnsafePtrType) Indirect(obj interface{}) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.Indirect argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIndirect(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafePtrType) UnsafeIndirect(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	return packEFace(type2.rtype, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_slice.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_slice.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c6d876c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_slice.go
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+// sliceHeader is a safe version of SliceHeader used within this package.
+type sliceHeader struct {
+	Data unsafe.Pointer
+	Len  int
+	Cap  int
+type UnsafeSliceType struct {
+	unsafeType
+	elemRType  unsafe.Pointer
+	pElemRType unsafe.Pointer
+	elemSize   uintptr
+func newUnsafeSliceType(cfg *frozenConfig, type1 reflect.Type) SliceType {
+	elemType := type1.Elem()
+	return &UnsafeSliceType{
+		unsafeType: *newUnsafeType(cfg, type1),
+		pElemRType: unpackEFace(reflect.PtrTo(elemType)).data,
+		elemRType:  unpackEFace(elemType).data,
+		elemSize:   elemType.Size(),
+	}
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) Set(obj interface{}, val interface{}) {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.Set argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	valEFace := unpackEFace(val)
+	assertType("Type.Set argument 2", type2.ptrRType, valEFace.rtype)
+	type2.UnsafeSet(objEFace.data, valEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) UnsafeSet(ptr unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer) {
+	*(*sliceHeader)(ptr) = *(*sliceHeader)(val)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) IsNil(obj interface{}) bool {
+	if obj == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.IsNil argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIsNil(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) UnsafeIsNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	if ptr == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	return (*sliceHeader)(ptr).Data == nil
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) SetNil(obj interface{}) {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("SliceType.SetNil argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	type2.UnsafeSetNil(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) UnsafeSetNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) {
+	header := (*sliceHeader)(ptr)
+	header.Len = 0
+	header.Cap = 0
+	header.Data = nil
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) MakeSlice(length int, cap int) interface{} {
+	return packEFace(type2.ptrRType, type2.UnsafeMakeSlice(length, cap))
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) UnsafeMakeSlice(length int, cap int) unsafe.Pointer {
+	header := &sliceHeader{unsafe_NewArray(type2.elemRType, cap), length, cap}
+	return unsafe.Pointer(header)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) LengthOf(obj interface{}) int {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("SliceType.Len argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeLengthOf(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) UnsafeLengthOf(obj unsafe.Pointer) int {
+	header := (*sliceHeader)(obj)
+	return header.Len
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) SetIndex(obj interface{}, index int, elem interface{}) {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("SliceType.SetIndex argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	elemEFace := unpackEFace(elem)
+	assertType("SliceType.SetIndex argument 3", type2.pElemRType, elemEFace.rtype)
+	type2.UnsafeSetIndex(objEFace.data, index, elemEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) UnsafeSetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, index int, elem unsafe.Pointer) {
+	header := (*sliceHeader)(obj)
+	elemPtr := arrayAt(header.Data, index, type2.elemSize, "i < s.Len")
+	typedmemmove(type2.elemRType, elemPtr, elem)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) GetIndex(obj interface{}, index int) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("SliceType.GetIndex argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	elemPtr := type2.UnsafeGetIndex(objEFace.data, index)
+	return packEFace(type2.pElemRType, elemPtr)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) UnsafeGetIndex(obj unsafe.Pointer, index int) unsafe.Pointer {
+	header := (*sliceHeader)(obj)
+	return arrayAt(header.Data, index, type2.elemSize, "i < s.Len")
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) Append(obj interface{}, elem interface{}) {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("SliceType.Append argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	elemEFace := unpackEFace(elem)
+	assertType("SliceType.Append argument 2", type2.pElemRType, elemEFace.rtype)
+	type2.UnsafeAppend(objEFace.data, elemEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) UnsafeAppend(obj unsafe.Pointer, elem unsafe.Pointer) {
+	header := (*sliceHeader)(obj)
+	oldLen := header.Len
+	type2.UnsafeGrow(obj, oldLen+1)
+	type2.UnsafeSetIndex(obj, oldLen, elem)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) Cap(obj interface{}) int {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("SliceType.Cap argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeCap(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) UnsafeCap(ptr unsafe.Pointer) int {
+	return (*sliceHeader)(ptr).Cap
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) Grow(obj interface{}, newLength int) {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("SliceType.Grow argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	type2.UnsafeGrow(objEFace.data, newLength)
+func (type2 *UnsafeSliceType) UnsafeGrow(obj unsafe.Pointer, newLength int) {
+	header := (*sliceHeader)(obj)
+	if newLength <= header.Cap {
+		header.Len = newLength
+		return
+	}
+	newCap := calcNewCap(header.Cap, newLength)
+	newHeader := (*sliceHeader)(type2.UnsafeMakeSlice(header.Len, newCap))
+	typedslicecopy(type2.elemRType, *newHeader, *header)
+	header.Data = newHeader.Data
+	header.Cap = newHeader.Cap
+	header.Len = newLength
+func calcNewCap(cap int, expectedCap int) int {
+	if cap == 0 {
+		cap = expectedCap
+	} else {
+		for cap < expectedCap {
+			if cap < 1024 {
+				cap += cap
+			} else {
+				cap += cap / 4
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return cap
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_struct.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_struct.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..804d916639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_struct.go
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type UnsafeStructType struct {
+	unsafeType
+	likePtr bool
+func newUnsafeStructType(cfg *frozenConfig, type1 reflect.Type) *UnsafeStructType {
+	return &UnsafeStructType{
+		unsafeType: *newUnsafeType(cfg, type1),
+		likePtr:    likePtrType(type1),
+	}
+func (type2 *UnsafeStructType) LikePtr() bool {
+	return type2.likePtr
+func (type2 *UnsafeStructType) Indirect(obj interface{}) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.Indirect argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIndirect(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *UnsafeStructType) UnsafeIndirect(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	if type2.likePtr {
+		return packEFace(type2.rtype, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr))
+	}
+	return packEFace(type2.rtype, ptr)
+func (type2 *UnsafeStructType) FieldByName(name string) StructField {
+	structField, found := type2.Type.FieldByName(name)
+	if !found {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return newUnsafeStructField(type2, structField)
+func (type2 *UnsafeStructType) Field(i int) StructField {
+	return newUnsafeStructField(type2, type2.Type.Field(i))
+func (type2 *UnsafeStructType) FieldByIndex(index []int) StructField {
+	return newUnsafeStructField(type2, type2.Type.FieldByIndex(index))
+func (type2 *UnsafeStructType) FieldByNameFunc(match func(string) bool) StructField {
+	structField, found := type2.Type.FieldByNameFunc(match)
+	if !found {
+		panic("field match condition not found in " + type2.Type.String())
+	}
+	return newUnsafeStructField(type2, structField)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_type.go b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_type.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13941716ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/modern-go/reflect2/unsafe_type.go
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package reflect2
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"unsafe"
+type unsafeType struct {
+	safeType
+	rtype    unsafe.Pointer
+	ptrRType unsafe.Pointer
+func newUnsafeType(cfg *frozenConfig, type1 reflect.Type) *unsafeType {
+	return &unsafeType{
+		safeType: safeType{
+			Type: type1,
+			cfg:  cfg,
+		},
+		rtype:    unpackEFace(type1).data,
+		ptrRType: unpackEFace(reflect.PtrTo(type1)).data,
+	}
+func (type2 *unsafeType) Set(obj interface{}, val interface{}) {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.Set argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	valEFace := unpackEFace(val)
+	assertType("Type.Set argument 2", type2.ptrRType, valEFace.rtype)
+	type2.UnsafeSet(objEFace.data, valEFace.data)
+func (type2 *unsafeType) UnsafeSet(ptr unsafe.Pointer, val unsafe.Pointer) {
+	typedmemmove(type2.rtype, ptr, val)
+func (type2 *unsafeType) IsNil(obj interface{}) bool {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.IsNil argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIsNil(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *unsafeType) UnsafeIsNil(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return ptr == nil
+func (type2 *unsafeType) UnsafeNew() unsafe.Pointer {
+	return unsafe_New(type2.rtype)
+func (type2 *unsafeType) New() interface{} {
+	return packEFace(type2.ptrRType, type2.UnsafeNew())
+func (type2 *unsafeType) PackEFace(ptr unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	return packEFace(type2.ptrRType, ptr)
+func (type2 *unsafeType) RType() uintptr {
+	return uintptr(type2.rtype)
+func (type2 *unsafeType) Indirect(obj interface{}) interface{} {
+	objEFace := unpackEFace(obj)
+	assertType("Type.Indirect argument 1", type2.ptrRType, objEFace.rtype)
+	return type2.UnsafeIndirect(objEFace.data)
+func (type2 *unsafeType) UnsafeIndirect(obj unsafe.Pointer) interface{} {
+	return packEFace(type2.rtype, obj)
+func (type2 *unsafeType) LikePtr() bool {
+	return false
+func assertType(where string, expectRType unsafe.Pointer, actualRType unsafe.Pointer) {
+	if expectRType != actualRType {
+		expectType := reflect.TypeOf(0)
+		(*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&expectType)).data = expectRType
+		actualType := reflect.TypeOf(0)
+		(*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&actualType)).data = actualRType
+		panic(where + ": expect " + expectType.String() + ", actual " + actualType.String())
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/decode.go
index 7657f841d6..f4fc884552 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/decode.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/decode.go
@@ -115,32 +115,28 @@ func (d *protoDecoder) Decode(v *dto.MetricFamily) error {
 // textDecoder implements the Decoder interface for the text protocol.
 type textDecoder struct {
 	r    io.Reader
-	p    TextParser
-	fams []*dto.MetricFamily
+	fams map[string]*dto.MetricFamily
+	err  error
 // Decode implements the Decoder interface.
 func (d *textDecoder) Decode(v *dto.MetricFamily) error {
-	// TODO(fabxc): Wrap this as a line reader to make streaming safer.
-	if len(d.fams) == 0 {
-		// No cached metric families, read everything and parse metrics.
-		fams, err := d.p.TextToMetricFamilies(d.r)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if len(fams) == 0 {
-			return io.EOF
-		}
-		d.fams = make([]*dto.MetricFamily, 0, len(fams))
-		for _, f := range fams {
-			d.fams = append(d.fams, f)
+	if d.err == nil {
+		// Read all metrics in one shot.
+		var p TextParser
+		d.fams, d.err = p.TextToMetricFamilies(d.r)
+		// If we don't get an error, store io.EOF for the end.
+		if d.err == nil {
+			d.err = io.EOF
-	*v = *d.fams[0]
-	d.fams = d.fams[1:]
-	return nil
+	// Pick off one MetricFamily per Decode until there's nothing left.
+	for key, fam := range d.fams {
+		*v = *fam
+		delete(d.fams, key)
+		return nil
+	}
+	return d.err
 // SampleDecoder wraps a Decoder to extract samples from the metric families
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/text_parse.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/text_parse.go
index 84be0643ec..ac2482782c 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/text_parse.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt/text_parse.go
@@ -142,9 +142,13 @@ func (p *TextParser) reset(in io.Reader) {
 func (p *TextParser) startOfLine() stateFn {
 	if p.skipBlankTab(); p.err != nil {
-		// End of input reached. This is the only case where
-		// that is not an error but a signal that we are done.
-		p.err = nil
+		// This is the only place that we expect to see io.EOF,
+		// which is not an error but the signal that we are done.
+		// Any other error that happens to align with the start of
+		// a line is still an error.
+		if p.err == io.EOF {
+			p.err = nil
+		}
 		return nil
 	switch p.currentByte {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value.go
index c9d8fb1a28..9eb440413f 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value.go
@@ -16,20 +16,12 @@ package model
 import (
-	"math"
 var (
-	// ZeroSamplePair is the pseudo zero-value of SamplePair used to signal a
-	// non-existing sample pair. It is a SamplePair with timestamp Earliest and
-	// value 0.0. Note that the natural zero value of SamplePair has a timestamp
-	// of 0, which is possible to appear in a real SamplePair and thus not
-	// suitable to signal a non-existing SamplePair.
-	ZeroSamplePair = SamplePair{Timestamp: Earliest}
 	// ZeroSample is the pseudo zero-value of Sample used to signal a
 	// non-existing sample. It is a Sample with timestamp Earliest, value 0.0,
 	// and metric nil. Note that the natural zero value of Sample has a timestamp
@@ -38,82 +30,14 @@ var (
 	ZeroSample = Sample{Timestamp: Earliest}
-// A SampleValue is a representation of a value for a given sample at a given
-// time.
-type SampleValue float64
-// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
-func (v SampleValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
-	return json.Marshal(v.String())
-// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
-func (v *SampleValue) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
-	if len(b) < 2 || b[0] != '"' || b[len(b)-1] != '"' {
-		return fmt.Errorf("sample value must be a quoted string")
-	}
-	f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(b[1:len(b)-1]), 64)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	*v = SampleValue(f)
-	return nil
-// Equal returns true if the value of v and o is equal or if both are NaN. Note
-// that v==o is false if both are NaN. If you want the conventional float
-// behavior, use == to compare two SampleValues.
-func (v SampleValue) Equal(o SampleValue) bool {
-	if v == o {
-		return true
-	}
-	return math.IsNaN(float64(v)) && math.IsNaN(float64(o))
-func (v SampleValue) String() string {
-	return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v), 'f', -1, 64)
-// SamplePair pairs a SampleValue with a Timestamp.
-type SamplePair struct {
-	Timestamp Time
-	Value     SampleValue
-// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
-func (s SamplePair) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
-	t, err := json.Marshal(s.Timestamp)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	v, err := json.Marshal(s.Value)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("[%s,%s]", t, v)), nil
-// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
-func (s *SamplePair) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
-	v := [...]json.Unmarshaler{&s.Timestamp, &s.Value}
-	return json.Unmarshal(b, &v)
-// Equal returns true if this SamplePair and o have equal Values and equal
-// Timestamps. The semantics of Value equality is defined by SampleValue.Equal.
-func (s *SamplePair) Equal(o *SamplePair) bool {
-	return s == o || (s.Value.Equal(o.Value) && s.Timestamp.Equal(o.Timestamp))
-func (s SamplePair) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%s @[%s]", s.Value, s.Timestamp)
-// Sample is a sample pair associated with a metric.
+// Sample is a sample pair associated with a metric. A single sample must either
+// define Value or Histogram but not both. Histogram == nil implies the Value
+// field is used, otherwise it should be ignored.
 type Sample struct {
-	Metric    Metric      `json:"metric"`
-	Value     SampleValue `json:"value"`
-	Timestamp Time        `json:"timestamp"`
+	Metric    Metric           `json:"metric"`
+	Value     SampleValue      `json:"value"`
+	Timestamp Time             `json:"timestamp"`
+	Histogram *SampleHistogram `json:"histogram"`
 // Equal compares first the metrics, then the timestamp, then the value. The
@@ -129,11 +53,19 @@ func (s *Sample) Equal(o *Sample) bool {
 	if !s.Timestamp.Equal(o.Timestamp) {
 		return false
+	if s.Histogram != nil {
+		return s.Histogram.Equal(o.Histogram)
+	}
 	return s.Value.Equal(o.Value)
 func (s Sample) String() string {
+	if s.Histogram != nil {
+		return fmt.Sprintf("%s => %s", s.Metric, SampleHistogramPair{
+			Timestamp: s.Timestamp,
+			Histogram: s.Histogram,
+		})
+	}
 	return fmt.Sprintf("%s => %s", s.Metric, SamplePair{
 		Timestamp: s.Timestamp,
 		Value:     s.Value,
@@ -142,6 +74,19 @@ func (s Sample) String() string {
 // MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
 func (s Sample) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	if s.Histogram != nil {
+		v := struct {
+			Metric    Metric              `json:"metric"`
+			Histogram SampleHistogramPair `json:"histogram"`
+		}{
+			Metric: s.Metric,
+			Histogram: SampleHistogramPair{
+				Timestamp: s.Timestamp,
+				Histogram: s.Histogram,
+			},
+		}
+		return json.Marshal(&v)
+	}
 	v := struct {
 		Metric Metric     `json:"metric"`
 		Value  SamplePair `json:"value"`
@@ -152,21 +97,25 @@ func (s Sample) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 			Value:     s.Value,
 	return json.Marshal(&v)
 // UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
 func (s *Sample) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
 	v := struct {
-		Metric Metric     `json:"metric"`
-		Value  SamplePair `json:"value"`
+		Metric    Metric              `json:"metric"`
+		Value     SamplePair          `json:"value"`
+		Histogram SampleHistogramPair `json:"histogram"`
 		Metric: s.Metric,
 		Value: SamplePair{
 			Timestamp: s.Timestamp,
 			Value:     s.Value,
+		Histogram: SampleHistogramPair{
+			Timestamp: s.Timestamp,
+			Histogram: s.Histogram,
+		},
 	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &v); err != nil {
@@ -174,8 +123,13 @@ func (s *Sample) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
 	s.Metric = v.Metric
-	s.Timestamp = v.Value.Timestamp
-	s.Value = v.Value.Value
+	if v.Histogram.Histogram != nil {
+		s.Timestamp = v.Histogram.Timestamp
+		s.Histogram = v.Histogram.Histogram
+	} else {
+		s.Timestamp = v.Value.Timestamp
+		s.Value = v.Value.Value
+	}
 	return nil
@@ -221,80 +175,76 @@ func (s Samples) Equal(o Samples) bool {
 // SampleStream is a stream of Values belonging to an attached COWMetric.
 type SampleStream struct {
-	Metric Metric       `json:"metric"`
-	Values []SamplePair `json:"values"`
+	Metric     Metric                `json:"metric"`
+	Values     []SamplePair          `json:"values"`
+	Histograms []SampleHistogramPair `json:"histograms"`
 func (ss SampleStream) String() string {
-	vals := make([]string, len(ss.Values))
+	valuesLength := len(ss.Values)
+	vals := make([]string, valuesLength+len(ss.Histograms))
 	for i, v := range ss.Values {
 		vals[i] = v.String()
+	for i, v := range ss.Histograms {
+		vals[i+valuesLength] = v.String()
+	}
 	return fmt.Sprintf("%s =>\n%s", ss.Metric, strings.Join(vals, "\n"))
-// Value is a generic interface for values resulting from a query evaluation.
-type Value interface {
-	Type() ValueType
-	String() string
+func (ss SampleStream) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	if len(ss.Histograms) > 0 && len(ss.Values) > 0 {
+		v := struct {
+			Metric     Metric                `json:"metric"`
+			Values     []SamplePair          `json:"values"`
+			Histograms []SampleHistogramPair `json:"histograms"`
+		}{
+			Metric:     ss.Metric,
+			Values:     ss.Values,
+			Histograms: ss.Histograms,
+		}
+		return json.Marshal(&v)
+	} else if len(ss.Histograms) > 0 {
+		v := struct {
+			Metric     Metric                `json:"metric"`
+			Histograms []SampleHistogramPair `json:"histograms"`
+		}{
+			Metric:     ss.Metric,
+			Histograms: ss.Histograms,
+		}
+		return json.Marshal(&v)
+	} else {
+		v := struct {
+			Metric Metric       `json:"metric"`
+			Values []SamplePair `json:"values"`
+		}{
+			Metric: ss.Metric,
+			Values: ss.Values,
+		}
+		return json.Marshal(&v)
+	}
-func (Matrix) Type() ValueType  { return ValMatrix }
-func (Vector) Type() ValueType  { return ValVector }
-func (*Scalar) Type() ValueType { return ValScalar }
-func (*String) Type() ValueType { return ValString }
+func (ss *SampleStream) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
+	v := struct {
+		Metric     Metric                `json:"metric"`
+		Values     []SamplePair          `json:"values"`
+		Histograms []SampleHistogramPair `json:"histograms"`
+	}{
+		Metric:     ss.Metric,
+		Values:     ss.Values,
+		Histograms: ss.Histograms,
+	}
-type ValueType int
-const (
-	ValNone ValueType = iota
-	ValScalar
-	ValVector
-	ValMatrix
-	ValString
-// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
-func (et ValueType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
-	return json.Marshal(et.String())
-func (et *ValueType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
-	var s string
-	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s); err != nil {
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &v); err != nil {
 		return err
-	switch s {
-	case "<ValNone>":
-		*et = ValNone
-	case "scalar":
-		*et = ValScalar
-	case "vector":
-		*et = ValVector
-	case "matrix":
-		*et = ValMatrix
-	case "string":
-		*et = ValString
-	default:
-		return fmt.Errorf("unknown value type %q", s)
-	}
-	return nil
-func (e ValueType) String() string {
-	switch e {
-	case ValNone:
-		return "<ValNone>"
-	case ValScalar:
-		return "scalar"
-	case ValVector:
-		return "vector"
-	case ValMatrix:
-		return "matrix"
-	case ValString:
-		return "string"
-	}
-	panic("ValueType.String: unhandled value type")
+	ss.Metric = v.Metric
+	ss.Values = v.Values
+	ss.Histograms = v.Histograms
+	return nil
 // Scalar is a scalar value evaluated at the set timestamp.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_float.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_float.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b59571a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_float.go
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package model
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"math"
+	"strconv"
+	"unsafe"
+	jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
+func init() {
+	jsoniter.RegisterTypeEncoderFunc("model.SamplePair", marshalSamplePairJSON, marshalJSONIsEmpty)
+var (
+	// ZeroSamplePair is the pseudo zero-value of SamplePair used to signal a
+	// non-existing sample pair. It is a SamplePair with timestamp Earliest and
+	// value 0.0. Note that the natural zero value of SamplePair has a timestamp
+	// of 0, which is possible to appear in a real SamplePair and thus not
+	// suitable to signal a non-existing SamplePair.
+	ZeroSamplePair = SamplePair{Timestamp: Earliest}
+// A SampleValue is a representation of a value for a given sample at a given
+// time.
+type SampleValue float64
+// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
+func (v SampleValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	return json.Marshal(v.String())
+// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
+func (v *SampleValue) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
+	if len(b) < 2 || b[0] != '"' || b[len(b)-1] != '"' {
+		return fmt.Errorf("sample value must be a quoted string")
+	}
+	f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(b[1:len(b)-1]), 64)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	*v = SampleValue(f)
+	return nil
+// Equal returns true if the value of v and o is equal or if both are NaN. Note
+// that v==o is false if both are NaN. If you want the conventional float
+// behavior, use == to compare two SampleValues.
+func (v SampleValue) Equal(o SampleValue) bool {
+	if v == o {
+		return true
+	}
+	return math.IsNaN(float64(v)) && math.IsNaN(float64(o))
+func (v SampleValue) String() string {
+	return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v), 'f', -1, 64)
+// SamplePair pairs a SampleValue with a Timestamp.
+type SamplePair struct {
+	Timestamp Time
+	Value     SampleValue
+// marshalSamplePairJSON writes `[ts, "val"]`.
+func marshalSamplePairJSON(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *jsoniter.Stream) {
+	p := *((*SamplePair)(ptr))
+	stream.WriteArrayStart()
+	MarshalTimestamp(int64(p.Timestamp), stream)
+	stream.WriteMore()
+	MarshalValue(float64(p.Value), stream)
+	stream.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (s SamplePair) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	return jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.Marshal(s)
+// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
+func (s *SamplePair) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
+	v := [...]json.Unmarshaler{&s.Timestamp, &s.Value}
+	return json.Unmarshal(b, &v)
+// Equal returns true if this SamplePair and o have equal Values and equal
+// Timestamps. The semantics of Value equality is defined by SampleValue.Equal.
+func (s *SamplePair) Equal(o *SamplePair) bool {
+	return s == o || (s.Value.Equal(o.Value) && s.Timestamp.Equal(o.Timestamp))
+func (s SamplePair) String() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%s @[%s]", s.Value, s.Timestamp)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_histogram.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_histogram.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc221a8868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_histogram.go
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package model
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"unsafe"
+	jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
+func init() {
+	jsoniter.RegisterTypeEncoderFunc("model.HistogramBucket", marshalHistogramBucketJSON, marshalJSONIsEmpty)
+	jsoniter.RegisterTypeEncoderFunc("model.SampleHistogramPair", marshalSampleHistogramPairJSON, marshalJSONIsEmpty)
+type FloatString float64
+func (v FloatString) String() string {
+	return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v), 'f', -1, 64)
+func (v FloatString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	return json.Marshal(v.String())
+func (v *FloatString) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
+	if len(b) < 2 || b[0] != '"' || b[len(b)-1] != '"' {
+		return fmt.Errorf("float value must be a quoted string")
+	}
+	f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(b[1:len(b)-1]), 64)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	*v = FloatString(f)
+	return nil
+type HistogramBucket struct {
+	Boundaries int32
+	Lower      FloatString
+	Upper      FloatString
+	Count      FloatString
+// marshalHistogramBucketJSON writes fmt.Sprintf("[%s,%s,%s,%s]", b.Boundaries, b.Lower, b.Upper, b.Count).
+func marshalHistogramBucketJSON(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *jsoniter.Stream) {
+	b := *((*HistogramBucket)(ptr))
+	MarshalHistogramBucket(b, stream)
+func (s *HistogramBucket) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error {
+	tmp := []interface{}{&s.Boundaries, &s.Lower, &s.Upper, &s.Count}
+	wantLen := len(tmp)
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &tmp); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if gotLen := len(tmp); gotLen != wantLen {
+		return fmt.Errorf("wrong number of fields: %d != %d", gotLen, wantLen)
+	}
+	return nil
+func (s *HistogramBucket) Equal(o *HistogramBucket) bool {
+	return s == o || (s.Boundaries == o.Boundaries && s.Lower == o.Lower && s.Upper == o.Upper && s.Count == o.Count)
+func (b HistogramBucket) String() string {
+	var sb strings.Builder
+	lowerInclusive := b.Boundaries == 1 || b.Boundaries == 3
+	upperInclusive := b.Boundaries == 0 || b.Boundaries == 3
+	if lowerInclusive {
+		sb.WriteRune('[')
+	} else {
+		sb.WriteRune('(')
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%g,%g", b.Lower, b.Upper)
+	if upperInclusive {
+		sb.WriteRune(']')
+	} else {
+		sb.WriteRune(')')
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ":%v", b.Count)
+	return sb.String()
+type HistogramBuckets []*HistogramBucket
+func (s HistogramBuckets) Equal(o HistogramBuckets) bool {
+	if len(s) != len(o) {
+		return false
+	}
+	for i, bucket := range s {
+		if !bucket.Equal(o[i]) {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
+type SampleHistogram struct {
+	Count   FloatString      `json:"count"`
+	Sum     FloatString      `json:"sum"`
+	Buckets HistogramBuckets `json:"buckets"`
+func (s SampleHistogram) String() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("Count: %f, Sum: %f, Buckets: %v", s.Count, s.Sum, s.Buckets)
+func (s *SampleHistogram) Equal(o *SampleHistogram) bool {
+	return s == o || (s.Count == o.Count && s.Sum == o.Sum && s.Buckets.Equal(o.Buckets))
+type SampleHistogramPair struct {
+	Timestamp Time
+	// Histogram should never be nil, it's only stored as pointer for efficiency.
+	Histogram *SampleHistogram
+// marshalSampleHistogramPairJSON writes `[ts, "val"]`.
+func marshalSampleHistogramPairJSON(ptr unsafe.Pointer, stream *jsoniter.Stream) {
+	p := *((*SampleHistogramPair)(ptr))
+	stream.WriteArrayStart()
+	MarshalTimestamp(int64(p.Timestamp), stream)
+	stream.WriteMore()
+	MarshalHistogram(*p.Histogram, stream)
+	stream.WriteArrayEnd()
+func (s SampleHistogramPair) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	if s.Histogram == nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("histogram is nil")
+	}
+	return jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.Marshal(s)
+func (s *SampleHistogramPair) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error {
+	tmp := []interface{}{&s.Timestamp, &s.Histogram}
+	wantLen := len(tmp)
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &tmp); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if gotLen := len(tmp); gotLen != wantLen {
+		return fmt.Errorf("wrong number of fields: %d != %d", gotLen, wantLen)
+	}
+	if s.Histogram == nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("histogram is null")
+	}
+	return nil
+func (s SampleHistogramPair) String() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%s @[%s]", s.Histogram, s.Timestamp)
+func (s *SampleHistogramPair) Equal(o *SampleHistogramPair) bool {
+	return s == o || (s.Histogram.Equal(o.Histogram) && s.Timestamp.Equal(o.Timestamp))
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_marshal.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_marshal.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df193bcb31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_marshal.go
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package model
+import (
+	"math"
+	"strconv"
+	"unsafe"
+	jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
+func marshalJSONIsEmpty(ptr unsafe.Pointer) bool {
+	return false
+// MarshalTimestamp marshals a point timestamp using the passed jsoniter stream.
+func MarshalTimestamp(t int64, stream *jsoniter.Stream) {
+	// Write out the timestamp as a float divided by 1000.
+	// This is ~3x faster than converting to a float.
+	if t < 0 {
+		stream.WriteRaw(`-`)
+		t = -t
+	}
+	stream.WriteInt64(t / 1000)
+	fraction := t % 1000
+	if fraction != 0 {
+		stream.WriteRaw(`.`)
+		if fraction < 100 {
+			stream.WriteRaw(`0`)
+		}
+		if fraction < 10 {
+			stream.WriteRaw(`0`)
+		}
+		stream.WriteInt64(fraction)
+	}
+// MarshalValue marshals a point value using the passed jsoniter stream.
+func MarshalValue(v float64, stream *jsoniter.Stream) {
+	stream.WriteRaw(`"`)
+	// Taken from https://github.com/json-iterator/go/blob/master/stream_float.go#L71 as a workaround
+	// to https://github.com/json-iterator/go/issues/365 (jsoniter, to follow json standard, doesn't allow inf/nan).
+	buf := stream.Buffer()
+	abs := math.Abs(v)
+	fmt := byte('f')
+	// Note: Must use float32 comparisons for underlying float32 value to get precise cutoffs right.
+	if abs != 0 {
+		if abs < 1e-6 || abs >= 1e21 {
+			fmt = 'e'
+		}
+	}
+	buf = strconv.AppendFloat(buf, v, fmt, -1, 64)
+	stream.SetBuffer(buf)
+	stream.WriteRaw(`"`)
+// MarshalHistogramBucket writes something like: [ 3, "-0.25", "0.25", "3"]
+// See MarshalHistogram to understand what the numbers mean
+func MarshalHistogramBucket(b HistogramBucket, stream *jsoniter.Stream) {
+	stream.WriteArrayStart()
+	stream.WriteInt32(b.Boundaries)
+	stream.WriteMore()
+	MarshalValue(float64(b.Lower), stream)
+	stream.WriteMore()
+	MarshalValue(float64(b.Upper), stream)
+	stream.WriteMore()
+	MarshalValue(float64(b.Count), stream)
+	stream.WriteArrayEnd()
+// MarshalHistogram writes something like:
+//	{
+//	    "count": "42",
+//	    "sum": "34593.34",
+//	    "buckets": [
+//	      [ 3, "-0.25", "0.25", "3"],
+//	      [ 0, "0.25", "0.5", "12"],
+//	      [ 0, "0.5", "1", "21"],
+//	      [ 0, "2", "4", "6"]
+//	    ]
+//	}
+// The 1st element in each bucket array determines if the boundaries are
+// inclusive (AKA closed) or exclusive (AKA open):
+//	0: lower exclusive, upper inclusive
+//	1: lower inclusive, upper exclusive
+//	2: both exclusive
+//	3: both inclusive
+// The 2nd and 3rd elements are the lower and upper boundary. The 4th element is
+// the bucket count.
+func MarshalHistogram(h SampleHistogram, stream *jsoniter.Stream) {
+	stream.WriteObjectStart()
+	stream.WriteObjectField(`count`)
+	MarshalValue(float64(h.Count), stream)
+	stream.WriteMore()
+	stream.WriteObjectField(`sum`)
+	MarshalValue(float64(h.Sum), stream)
+	bucketFound := false
+	for _, bucket := range h.Buckets {
+		if bucket.Count == 0 {
+			continue // No need to expose empty buckets in JSON.
+		}
+		stream.WriteMore()
+		if !bucketFound {
+			stream.WriteObjectField(`buckets`)
+			stream.WriteArrayStart()
+		}
+		bucketFound = true
+		MarshalHistogramBucket(*bucket, stream)
+	}
+	if bucketFound {
+		stream.WriteArrayEnd()
+	}
+	stream.WriteObjectEnd()
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_type.go b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_type.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..726c50ee63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/common/model/value_type.go
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Prometheus Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package model
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+// Value is a generic interface for values resulting from a query evaluation.
+type Value interface {
+	Type() ValueType
+	String() string
+func (Matrix) Type() ValueType  { return ValMatrix }
+func (Vector) Type() ValueType  { return ValVector }
+func (*Scalar) Type() ValueType { return ValScalar }
+func (*String) Type() ValueType { return ValString }
+type ValueType int
+const (
+	ValNone ValueType = iota
+	ValScalar
+	ValVector
+	ValMatrix
+	ValString
+// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
+func (et ValueType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	return json.Marshal(et.String())
+func (et *ValueType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
+	var s string
+	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	switch s {
+	case "<ValNone>":
+		*et = ValNone
+	case "scalar":
+		*et = ValScalar
+	case "vector":
+		*et = ValVector
+	case "matrix":
+		*et = ValMatrix
+	case "string":
+		*et = ValString
+	default:
+		return fmt.Errorf("unknown value type %q", s)
+	}
+	return nil
+func (e ValueType) String() string {
+	switch e {
+	case ValNone:
+		return "<ValNone>"
+	case ValScalar:
+		return "scalar"
+	case ValVector:
+		return "vector"
+	case ValMatrix:
+		return "matrix"
+	case ValString:
+		return "string"
+	}
+	panic("ValueType.String: unhandled value type")
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/grapheme.go b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/grapheme.go
index d5d4c09e51..0086fc1b20 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/grapheme.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/grapheme.go
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ func ReverseString(s string) string {
 const shiftGraphemePropState = 4
 // FirstGraphemeCluster returns the first grapheme cluster found in the given
-// byte slice according to the rules of Unicode Standard Annex #29, Grapheme
-// Cluster Boundaries. This function can be called continuously to extract all
+// byte slice according to the rules of [Unicode Standard Annex #29, Grapheme
+// Cluster Boundaries]. This function can be called continuously to extract all
 // grapheme clusters from a byte slice, as illustrated in the example below.
 // If you don't know the current state, for example when calling the function
@@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ const shiftGraphemePropState = 4
 // While slightly less convenient than using the Graphemes class, this function
 // has much better performance and makes no allocations. It lends itself well to
 // large byte slices.
+// [Unicode Standard Annex #29, Grapheme Cluster Boundaries]: http://unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Grapheme_Cluster_Boundaries
 func FirstGraphemeCluster(b []byte, state int) (cluster, rest []byte, width, newState int) {
 	// An empty byte slice returns nothing.
 	if len(b) == 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/graphemerules.go b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/graphemerules.go
index 907b30bd0a..9f46b575bb 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/graphemerules.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/graphemerules.go
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ var grTransitions = map[[2]int][3]int{
 	{grControlLF, prAny}: {grAny, grBoundary, 40},
 	// GB3.
-	{grCR, prLF}: {grAny, grNoBoundary, 30},
+	{grCR, prLF}: {grControlLF, grNoBoundary, 30},
 	// GB6.
 	{grAny, prL}: {grL, grBoundary, 9990},
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/line.go b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/line.go
index c0398cacf8..87f28503f4 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/line.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/line.go
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import "unicode/utf8"
 // FirstLineSegment returns the prefix of the given byte slice after which a
 // decision to break the string over to the next line can or must be made,
-// according to the rules of Unicode Standard Annex #14. This is used to
+// according to the rules of [Unicode Standard Annex #14]. This is used to
 // implement line breaking.
 // Line breaking, also known as word wrapping, is the process of breaking a
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import "unicode/utf8"
 // Given an empty byte slice "b", the function returns nil values.
-// Note that in accordance with UAX #14 LB3, the final segment will end with
+// Note that in accordance with [UAX #14 LB3], the final segment will end with
 // "mustBreak" set to true. You can choose to ignore this by checking if the
 // length of the "rest" slice is 0 and calling [HasTrailingLineBreak] or
 // [HasTrailingLineBreakInString] on the last rune.
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ import "unicode/utf8"
 // Note also that this algorithm may break within grapheme clusters. This is
 // addressed in Section 8.2 Example 6 of UAX #14. To avoid this, you can use
 // the [Step] function instead.
+// [Unicode Standard Annex #14]: https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/
+// [UAX #14 LB3]: https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/#Algorithm
 func FirstLineSegment(b []byte, state int) (segment, rest []byte, mustBreak bool, newState int) {
 	// An empty byte slice returns nothing.
 	if len(b) == 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/sentence.go b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/sentence.go
index b7fc70996e..adc2a35773 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/sentence.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/sentence.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package uniseg
 import "unicode/utf8"
 // FirstSentence returns the first sentence found in the given byte slice
-// according to the rules of Unicode Standard Annex #29, Sentence Boundaries.
+// according to the rules of [Unicode Standard Annex #29, Sentence Boundaries].
 // This function can be called continuously to extract all sentences from a byte
 // slice, as illustrated in the example below.
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import "unicode/utf8"
 // slice is the sub-slice of the input slice containing the identified sentence.
 // Given an empty byte slice "b", the function returns nil values.
+// [Unicode Standard Annex #29, Sentence Boundaries]: http://unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Sentence_Boundaries
 func FirstSentence(b []byte, state int) (sentence, rest []byte, newState int) {
 	// An empty byte slice returns nothing.
 	if len(b) == 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/step.go b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/step.go
index 55e7f1219e..6eca4b5dc7 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/step.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/step.go
@@ -83,10 +83,12 @@ const (
 // has much better performance and makes no allocations. It lends itself well to
 // large byte slices.
-// Note that in accordance with UAX #14 LB3, the final segment will end with
+// Note that in accordance with [UAX #14 LB3], the final segment will end with
 // a mandatory line break (boundaries&MaskLine == LineMustBreak). You can choose
 // to ignore this by checking if the length of the "rest" slice is 0 and calling
 // [HasTrailingLineBreak] or [HasTrailingLineBreakInString] on the last rune.
+// [UAX #14 LB3]: https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/#Algorithm
 func Step(b []byte, state int) (cluster, rest []byte, boundaries int, newState int) {
 	// An empty byte slice returns nothing.
 	if len(b) == 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/word.go b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/word.go
index 785af1e87b..34fba7f291 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/word.go
+++ b/vendor/github.com/rivo/uniseg/word.go
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package uniseg
 import "unicode/utf8"
 // FirstWord returns the first word found in the given byte slice according to
-// the rules of Unicode Standard Annex #29, Word Boundaries. This function can
+// the rules of [Unicode Standard Annex #29, Word Boundaries]. This function can
 // be called continuously to extract all words from a byte slice, as illustrated
 // in the example below.
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import "unicode/utf8"
 // the sub-slice of the input slice containing the identified word.
 // Given an empty byte slice "b", the function returns nil values.
+// [Unicode Standard Annex #29, Word Boundaries]: http://unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Word_Boundaries
 func FirstWord(b []byte, state int) (word, rest []byte, newState int) {
 	// An empty byte slice returns nothing.
 	if len(b) == 0 {
diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt
index 87de1dc399..24f9b34a0e 100644
--- a/vendor/modules.txt
+++ b/vendor/modules.txt
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ cloud.google.com/go/storage
-# github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fastcache v1.12.0
+# github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fastcache v1.12.1
 ## explicit; go 1.13
-# github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp v1.1.0
-## explicit; go 1.13
+# github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp v1.2.0
+## explicit; go 1.19
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ github.com/VictoriaMetrics/metricsql/binaryop
 # github.com/VividCortex/ewma v1.2.0
 ## explicit; go 1.12
-# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.204
+# github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.44.209
 ## explicit; go 1.11
@@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ github.com/influxdata/influxdb/pkg/escape
 # github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath v0.4.0
 ## explicit; go 1.14
+# github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.12
+## explicit; go 1.12
 # github.com/klauspost/compress v1.15.15
 ## explicit; go 1.17
@@ -184,6 +187,12 @@ github.com/mattn/go-runewidth
 # github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.4
 ## explicit; go 1.9
+# github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd
+## explicit
+# github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v1.0.2
+## explicit; go 1.12
 # github.com/oklog/ulid v1.3.1
 ## explicit
@@ -197,7 +206,7 @@ github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/internal
 # github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.3.0
 ## explicit; go 1.9
-# github.com/prometheus/common v0.39.0
+# github.com/prometheus/common v0.40.0
 ## explicit; go 1.17
@@ -224,7 +233,7 @@ github.com/prometheus/prometheus/tsdb/record
-# github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.3
+# github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4
 ## explicit; go 1.18
 # github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2 v2.1.0
@@ -354,7 +363,7 @@ google.golang.org/appengine/internal/socket
-# google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20230216225411-c8e22ba71e44
+# google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20230223222841-637eb2293923
 ## explicit; go 1.19