mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 15:34:56 +00:00
all: follow-up after 05cf8a6ecc
This commit is contained in:
112 changed files with 30891 additions and 1133 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
type prometheusProcessor struct {
@ -123,7 +124,15 @@ func (pp *prometheusProcessor) do(b tsdb.BlockReader) error {
var timestamps []int64
var values []float64
it := series.Iterator()
for it.Next() {
for {
typ := it.Next()
if typ == chunkenc.ValNone {
if typ != chunkenc.ValFloat {
// Skip unsupported values
t, v := it.At()
timestamps = append(timestamps, t)
values = append(values, v)
@ -276,7 +276,15 @@ func parseSamples(chunk []byte) ([]prompb.Sample, error) {
var samples []prompb.Sample
it := c.Iterator(nil)
for it.Next() {
for {
typ := it.Next()
if typ == chunkenc.ValNone {
if typ != chunkenc.ValFloat {
// Skip unsupported values
if it.Err() != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error iterate over chunks: %w", it.Err())
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ The following tip changes can be tested by building VictoriaMetrics components f
* FEATURE: [vmagent](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent.html): add `exported_` prefix to metric names exported by scrape targets if these metric names clash with [automatically generated metrics](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent.html#automatically-generated-metrics) such as `up`, `scrape_samples_scraped`, etc. This prevents from corruption of automatically generated metrics. See [this issue](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/3406).
* FEATURE: [VictoriaMetrics cluster](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/Cluster-VictoriaMetrics.html): improve error message when the requested path cannot be properly parsed, so users could identify the issue and properly fix the path. Now the error message links to [url format docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/Cluster-VictoriaMetrics.html#url-format). See [this issue](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/3402).
* FEATURE: [vmctl](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmctl.html): add ability to copy data from sources via Prometheus `remote_read` protocol. See [these docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmctl.html#migrating-data-by-remote-read-protocol). The related issues: [one](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/3132) and [two](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/1101).
## [v1.84.0](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases/tag/v1.84.0)
@ -12,18 +12,19 @@ require (
// like https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp/commit/996610f021ff45fdc98c2ce7884d5fa4e7f9199b
github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fasthttp v1.1.0
github.com/VictoriaMetrics/metrics v1.23.0
github.com/VictoriaMetrics/metricsql v0.49.0
github.com/VictoriaMetrics/metricsql v0.49.1
github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.17.1
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github.com/prometheus/prometheus v0.40.4
github.com/urfave/cli/v2 v2.23.5
github.com/valyala/fastjson v1.6.3
github.com/valyala/fastrand v1.1.0
@ -37,8 +38,6 @@ require (
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0
require github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2
require (
cloud.google.com/go v0.107.0 // indirect
cloud.google.com/go/compute v1.12.1 // indirect
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ require (
github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal v1.1.1 // indirect
github.com/VividCortex/ewma v1.2.0 // indirect
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github.com/hashicorp/go-immutable-radix v1.3.1 // indirect
github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath v0.4.0 // indirect
@ -103,15 +102,16 @@ require (
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@ -808,9 +816,9 @@ honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWh
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honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2020.1.4/go.mod h1:X/FiERA/W4tHapMX5mGpAtMSVEeEUOyHaw9vFzvIQ3k=
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k8s.io/api v0.25.3 h1:Q1v5UFfYe87vi5H7NU0p4RXC26PPMT8KOpr1TLQbCMQ=
k8s.io/apimachinery v0.25.3 h1:7o9ium4uyUOM76t6aunP0nZuex7gDf8VGwkR5RcJnQc=
k8s.io/client-go v0.25.3 h1:oB4Dyl8d6UbfDHD8Bv8evKylzs3BXzzufLiO27xuPs0=
k8s.io/klog v1.0.0 h1:Pt+yjF5aB1xDSVbau4VsWe+dQNzA0qv1LlXdC2dF6Q8=
k8s.io/klog/v2 v2.80.0 h1:lyJt0TWMPaGoODa8B8bUuxgHS3W/m/bNr2cca3brA/g=
k8s.io/kube-openapi v0.0.0-20220803162953-67bda5d908f1 h1:MQ8BAZPZlWk3S9K4a9NCkIFQtZShWqoha7snGixVgEA=
@ -560,13 +560,17 @@ func DurationValue(s string, step int64) (int64, error) {
if len(s) == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("duration cannot be empty")
// Try parsing floating-point duration
d, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
if err == nil {
// Convert the duration to milliseconds.
return int64(d * 1000), nil
lastChar := s[len(s)-1]
if lastChar >= '0' && lastChar <= '9' || lastChar == '.' {
// Try parsing floating-point duration
d, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
if err == nil {
// Convert the duration to milliseconds.
return int64(d * 1000), nil
isMinus := false
d := float64(0)
for len(s) > 0 {
n := scanSingleDuration(s, true)
if n <= 0 {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ package aws
const SDKName = "aws-sdk-go"
// SDKVersion is the version of this SDK
const SDKVersion = "1.44.102"
const SDKVersion = "1.44.149"
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
package shareddefaults
import (
// SharedCredentialsFilename returns the SDK's default file path
@ -31,10 +30,17 @@ func SharedConfigFilename() string {
// UserHomeDir returns the home directory for the user the process is
// running under.
func UserHomeDir() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // Windows
return os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
var home string
home = userHomeDir()
if len(home) > 0 {
return home
// *nix
return os.Getenv("HOME")
currUser, _ := user.Current()
if currUser != nil {
home = currUser.HomeDir
return home
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
//go:build !go1.12
// +build !go1.12
package shareddefaults
import (
func userHomeDir() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // Windows
return os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
// *nix
return os.Getenv("HOME")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
//go:build go1.12
// +build go1.12
package shareddefaults
import (
func userHomeDir() string {
home, _ := os.UserHomeDir()
return home
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ package jsonutil
import (
@ -16,6 +15,12 @@ import (
const (
floatNaN = "NaN"
floatInf = "Infinity"
floatNegInf = "-Infinity"
var timeType = reflect.ValueOf(time.Time{}).Type()
var byteSliceType = reflect.ValueOf([]byte{}).Type()
@ -211,10 +216,16 @@ func buildScalar(v reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer, tag reflect.StructTag) erro
buf.Write(strconv.AppendInt(scratch[:0], value.Int(), 10))
case reflect.Float64:
f := value.Float()
if math.IsInf(f, 0) || math.IsNaN(f) {
return &json.UnsupportedValueError{Value: v, Str: strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', -1, 64)}
switch {
case math.IsNaN(f):
writeString(floatNaN, buf)
case math.IsInf(f, 1):
writeString(floatInf, buf)
case math.IsInf(f, -1):
writeString(floatNegInf, buf)
buf.Write(strconv.AppendFloat(scratch[:0], f, 'f', -1, 64))
buf.Write(strconv.AppendFloat(scratch[:0], f, 'f', -1, 64))
switch converted := value.Interface().(type) {
case time.Time:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -258,6 +259,18 @@ func (u unmarshaler) unmarshalScalar(value reflect.Value, data interface{}, tag
return err
case *float64:
// These are regular strings when parsed by encoding/json's unmarshaler.
switch {
case strings.EqualFold(d, floatNaN):
case strings.EqualFold(d, floatInf):
case strings.EqualFold(d, floatNegInf):
return fmt.Errorf("unknown JSON number value: %s", d)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported value: %v (%s)", value.Interface(), value.Type())
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package queryutil
import (
@ -13,6 +14,12 @@ import (
const (
floatNaN = "NaN"
floatInf = "Infinity"
floatNegInf = "-Infinity"
// Parse parses an object i and fills a url.Values object. The isEC2 flag
// indicates if this is the EC2 Query sub-protocol.
func Parse(body url.Values, i interface{}, isEC2 bool) error {
@ -228,9 +235,32 @@ func (q *queryParser) parseScalar(v url.Values, r reflect.Value, name string, ta
case int:
v.Set(name, strconv.Itoa(value))
case float64:
v.Set(name, strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64))
var str string
switch {
case math.IsNaN(value):
str = floatNaN
case math.IsInf(value, 1):
str = floatInf
case math.IsInf(value, -1):
str = floatNegInf
str = strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64)
v.Set(name, str)
case float32:
v.Set(name, strconv.FormatFloat(float64(value), 'f', -1, 32))
asFloat64 := float64(value)
var str string
switch {
case math.IsNaN(asFloat64):
str = floatNaN
case math.IsInf(asFloat64, 1):
str = floatInf
case math.IsInf(asFloat64, -1):
str = floatNegInf
str = strconv.FormatFloat(asFloat64, 'f', -1, 32)
v.Set(name, str)
case time.Time:
const ISO8601UTC = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
format := tag.Get("timestampFormat")
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -20,6 +21,12 @@ import (
const (
floatNaN = "NaN"
floatInf = "Infinity"
floatNegInf = "-Infinity"
// Whether the byte value can be sent without escaping in AWS URLs
var noEscape [256]bool
@ -302,7 +309,16 @@ func convertType(v reflect.Value, tag reflect.StructTag) (str string, err error)
case int64:
str = strconv.FormatInt(value, 10)
case float64:
str = strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64)
switch {
case math.IsNaN(value):
str = floatNaN
case math.IsInf(value, 1):
str = floatInf
case math.IsInf(value, -1):
str = floatNegInf
str = strconv.FormatFloat(value, 'f', -1, 64)
case time.Time:
format := tag.Get("timestampFormat")
if len(format) == 0 {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -231,9 +232,20 @@ func unmarshalHeader(v reflect.Value, header string, tag reflect.StructTag) erro
case *float64:
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(header, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
var f float64
switch {
case strings.EqualFold(header, floatNaN):
f = math.NaN()
case strings.EqualFold(header, floatInf):
f = math.Inf(1)
case strings.EqualFold(header, floatNegInf):
f = math.Inf(-1)
var err error
f, err = strconv.ParseFloat(header, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
case *time.Time:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -14,6 +15,12 @@ import (
const (
floatNaN = "NaN"
floatInf = "Infinity"
floatNegInf = "-Infinity"
// BuildXML will serialize params into an xml.Encoder. Error will be returned
// if the serialization of any of the params or nested values fails.
func BuildXML(params interface{}, e *xml.Encoder) error {
@ -275,6 +282,7 @@ func (b *xmlBuilder) buildMap(value reflect.Value, current *XMLNode, tag reflect
// Error will be returned if the value type is unsupported.
func (b *xmlBuilder) buildScalar(value reflect.Value, current *XMLNode, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
var str string
switch converted := value.Interface().(type) {
case string:
str = converted
@ -289,9 +297,29 @@ func (b *xmlBuilder) buildScalar(value reflect.Value, current *XMLNode, tag refl
case int:
str = strconv.Itoa(converted)
case float64:
str = strconv.FormatFloat(converted, 'f', -1, 64)
switch {
case math.IsNaN(converted):
str = floatNaN
case math.IsInf(converted, 1):
str = floatInf
case math.IsInf(converted, -1):
str = floatNegInf
str = strconv.FormatFloat(converted, 'f', -1, 64)
case float32:
str = strconv.FormatFloat(float64(converted), 'f', -1, 32)
// The SDK doesn't render float32 values in types, only float64. This case would never be hit currently.
asFloat64 := float64(converted)
switch {
case math.IsNaN(asFloat64):
str = floatNaN
case math.IsInf(asFloat64, 1):
str = floatInf
case math.IsInf(asFloat64, -1):
str = floatNegInf
str = strconv.FormatFloat(asFloat64, 'f', -1, 32)
case time.Time:
format := tag.Get("timestampFormat")
if len(format) == 0 {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -276,9 +277,20 @@ func parseScalar(r reflect.Value, node *XMLNode, tag reflect.StructTag) error {
case *float64:
v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(node.Text, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
var v float64
switch {
case strings.EqualFold(node.Text, floatNaN):
v = math.NaN()
case strings.EqualFold(node.Text, floatInf):
v = math.Inf(1)
case strings.EqualFold(node.Text, floatNegInf):
v = math.Inf(-1)
var err error
v, err = strconv.ParseFloat(node.Text, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
case *time.Time:
@ -74,16 +74,16 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleRequest(input *AssumeRoleInput) (req *request.Request, o
// (Optional) You can pass inline or managed session policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to
// use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline
// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies
// to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's
// permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and
// the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent
// Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account that owns
// the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions than
// those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed.
// For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon
// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that
// you use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters.
// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The
// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based
// policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials
// in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account
// that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions
// than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being
// assumed. For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// When you create a role, you create two policies: A role trust policy that
@ -307,16 +307,16 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput) (req *re
// (Optional) You can pass inline or managed session policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to
// use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline
// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies
// to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's
// permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and
// the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent
// Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account that owns
// the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions than
// those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed.
// For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon
// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that
// you use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters.
// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The
// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based
// policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials
// in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account
// that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions
// than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being
// assumed. For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// Calling AssumeRoleWithSAML does not require the use of Amazon Web Services
@ -343,11 +343,12 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithSAMLRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput) (req *re
// and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
// You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is attached to
// the role. When you do, session tags override the role's tags with the same
@ -563,16 +564,16 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI
// (Optional) You can pass inline or managed session policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to
// use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline
// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. Passing policies
// to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The resulting session's
// permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based policy and
// the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials in subsequent
// Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account that owns
// the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions than
// those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being assumed.
// For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon
// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that
// you use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters.
// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The
// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based
// policy and the session policies. You can use the role's temporary credentials
// in subsequent Amazon Web Services API calls to access resources in the account
// that owns the role. You cannot use session policies to grant more permissions
// than those allowed by the identity-based policy of the role that is being
// assumed. For more information, see Session Policies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// # Tags
@ -588,11 +589,12 @@ func (c *STS) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityRequest(input *AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityI
// and additional limits, see IAM and STS Character Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
// You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is attached to
// the role. When you do, the session tag overrides the role tag with the same
@ -1110,9 +1112,9 @@ func (c *STS) GetFederationTokenRequest(input *GetFederationTokenInput) (req *re
// You must pass an inline or managed session policy (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to
// use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline
// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters.
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon
// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that
// you use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters.
// Though the session policy parameters are optional, if you do not pass a policy,
// then the resulting federated user session has no permissions. When you pass
@ -1424,11 +1426,12 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct {
// \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage
// return (\u000D) characters.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
// The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want
@ -1441,11 +1444,12 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct {
// Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html)
// in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The
// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based
@ -1520,11 +1524,12 @@ type AssumeRoleInput struct {
// Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
// You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is already attached
// to the role. When you do, session tags override a role tag with the same
@ -1843,11 +1848,12 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput struct {
// \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage
// return (\u000D) characters.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
// The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want
@ -1860,11 +1866,12 @@ type AssumeRoleWithSAMLInput struct {
// Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html)
// in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The
// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based
@ -2190,11 +2197,12 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput struct {
// \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage
// return (\u000D) characters.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
// The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want
@ -2207,11 +2215,12 @@ type AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityInput struct {
// Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html)
// in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
// Passing policies to this operation returns new temporary credentials. The
// resulting session's permissions are the intersection of the role's identity-based
@ -2934,8 +2943,8 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct {
// You must pass an inline or managed session policy (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to
// use as managed session policies.
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon
// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies.
// This parameter is optional. However, if you do not pass any session policies,
// then the resulting federated user session has no permissions.
@ -2960,11 +2969,12 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct {
// \u00FF). It can also include the tab (\u0009), linefeed (\u000A), and carriage
// return (\u000D) characters.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
Policy *string `min:"1" type:"string"`
// The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the IAM managed policies that you want
@ -2973,11 +2983,12 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct {
// You must pass an inline or managed session policy (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access_policies.html#policies_session)
// to this operation. You can pass a single JSON policy document to use as an
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policies to
// use as managed session policies. The plaintext that you use for both inline
// and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters. You can provide
// up to 10 managed policy ARNs. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon
// Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html)
// inline session policy. You can also specify up to 10 managed policy Amazon
// Resource Names (ARNs) to use as managed session policies. The plaintext that
// you use for both inline and managed session policies can't exceed 2,048 characters.
// You can provide up to 10 managed policy ARNs. For more information about
// ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and Amazon Web Services Service Namespaces
// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html)
// in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
// This parameter is optional. However, if you do not pass any session policies,
@ -2997,11 +3008,12 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct {
// by the policy. These permissions are granted in addition to the permissions
// that are granted by the session policies.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
PolicyArns []*PolicyDescriptorType `type:"list"`
// A list of session tags. Each session tag consists of a key name and an associated
@ -3015,11 +3027,12 @@ type GetFederationTokenInput struct {
// Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_iam-limits.html#reference_iam-limits-entity-length)
// in the IAM User Guide.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed session policies
// and session tags into a packed binary format that has a separate limit. Your
// request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext meets the other requirements.
// The PackedPolicySize response element indicates by percentage how close the
// policies and tags for your request are to the upper size limit.
// An Amazon Web Services conversion compresses the passed inline session policy,
// managed policy ARNs, and session tags into a packed binary format that has
// a separate limit. Your request can fail for this limit even if your plaintext
// meets the other requirements. The PackedPolicySize response element indicates
// by percentage how close the policies and tags for your request are to the
// upper size limit.
// You can pass a session tag with the same key as a tag that is already attached
// to the user you are federating. When you do, session tags override a user
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets
// Copyright (c) 2013, The GoGo Authors. All rights reserved.
// http://github.com/gogo/protobuf
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
package sortkeys
import (
func Strings(l []string) {
func Float64s(l []float64) {
func Float32s(l []float32) {
func Int64s(l []int64) {
func Int32s(l []int32) {
func Uint64s(l []uint64) {
func Uint32s(l []uint32) {
func Bools(l []bool) {
type BoolSlice []bool
func (p BoolSlice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p BoolSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[j] }
func (p BoolSlice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
type Int64Slice []int64
func (p Int64Slice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p Int64Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p Int64Slice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
type Int32Slice []int32
func (p Int32Slice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p Int32Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p Int32Slice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
type Uint64Slice []uint64
func (p Uint64Slice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p Uint64Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p Uint64Slice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
type Uint32Slice []uint32
func (p Uint32Slice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p Uint32Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p Uint32Slice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
type Float32Slice []float32
func (p Float32Slice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p Float32Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p Float32Slice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
package types
// This file implements functions to marshal proto.Message to/from
// google.protobuf.Any message.
import (
const googleApis = "type.googleapis.com/"
// AnyMessageName returns the name of the message contained in a google.protobuf.Any message.
// Note that regular type assertions should be done using the Is
// function. AnyMessageName is provided for less common use cases like filtering a
// sequence of Any messages based on a set of allowed message type names.
func AnyMessageName(any *Any) (string, error) {
if any == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("message is nil")
slash := strings.LastIndex(any.TypeUrl, "/")
if slash < 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("message type url %q is invalid", any.TypeUrl)
return any.TypeUrl[slash+1:], nil
// MarshalAny takes the protocol buffer and encodes it into google.protobuf.Any.
func MarshalAny(pb proto.Message) (*Any, error) {
value, err := proto.Marshal(pb)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Any{TypeUrl: googleApis + proto.MessageName(pb), Value: value}, nil
// DynamicAny is a value that can be passed to UnmarshalAny to automatically
// allocate a proto.Message for the type specified in a google.protobuf.Any
// message. The allocated message is stored in the embedded proto.Message.
// Example:
// var x ptypes.DynamicAny
// if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(a, &x); err != nil { ... }
// fmt.Printf("unmarshaled message: %v", x.Message)
type DynamicAny struct {
// Empty returns a new proto.Message of the type specified in a
// google.protobuf.Any message. It returns an error if corresponding message
// type isn't linked in.
func EmptyAny(any *Any) (proto.Message, error) {
aname, err := AnyMessageName(any)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t := proto.MessageType(aname)
if t == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("any: message type %q isn't linked in", aname)
return reflect.New(t.Elem()).Interface().(proto.Message), nil
// UnmarshalAny parses the protocol buffer representation in a google.protobuf.Any
// message and places the decoded result in pb. It returns an error if type of
// contents of Any message does not match type of pb message.
// pb can be a proto.Message, or a *DynamicAny.
func UnmarshalAny(any *Any, pb proto.Message) error {
if d, ok := pb.(*DynamicAny); ok {
if d.Message == nil {
var err error
d.Message, err = EmptyAny(any)
if err != nil {
return err
return UnmarshalAny(any, d.Message)
aname, err := AnyMessageName(any)
if err != nil {
return err
mname := proto.MessageName(pb)
if aname != mname {
return fmt.Errorf("mismatched message type: got %q want %q", aname, mname)
return proto.Unmarshal(any.Value, pb)
// Is returns true if any value contains a given message type.
func Is(any *Any, pb proto.Message) bool {
// The following is equivalent to AnyMessageName(any) == proto.MessageName(pb),
// but it avoids scanning TypeUrl for the slash.
if any == nil {
return false
name := proto.MessageName(pb)
prefix := len(any.TypeUrl) - len(name)
return prefix >= 1 && any.TypeUrl[prefix-1] == '/' && any.TypeUrl[prefix:] == name
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-gogo. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: google/protobuf/any.proto
package types
import (
bytes "bytes"
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
io "io"
math "math"
math_bits "math/bits"
reflect "reflect"
strings "strings"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.GoGoProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// `Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a
// URL that describes the type of the serialized message.
// Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form
// of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type.
// Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++.
// Foo foo = ...;
// Any any;
// any.PackFrom(foo);
// ...
// if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) {
// ...
// }
// Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java.
// Foo foo = ...;
// Any any = Any.pack(foo);
// ...
// if (any.is(Foo.class)) {
// foo = any.unpack(Foo.class);
// }
// Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python.
// foo = Foo(...)
// any = Any()
// any.Pack(foo)
// ...
// if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR):
// any.Unpack(foo)
// ...
// Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go
// foo := &pb.Foo{...}
// any, err := ptypes.MarshalAny(foo)
// ...
// foo := &pb.Foo{}
// if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(any, foo); err != nil {
// ...
// }
// The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use
// 'type.googleapis.com/full.type.name' as the type URL and the unpack
// methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/'
// in the type URL, for example "foo.bar.com/x/y.z" will yield type
// name "y.z".
// ====
// The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular
// representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an
// additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example:
// package google.profile;
// message Person {
// string first_name = 1;
// string last_name = 2;
// }
// {
// "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.profile.Person",
// "firstName": <string>,
// "lastName": <string>
// }
// If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON
// representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field
// `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type`
// field. Example (for message [google.protobuf.Duration][]):
// {
// "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Duration",
// "value": "1.212s"
// }
type Any struct {
// A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized
// protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least
// one "/" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent
// the fully qualified name of the type (as in
// `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form
// (e.g., leading "." is not accepted).
// In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they
// expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the
// scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type
// server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows:
// * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed.
// * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a [google.protobuf.Type][]
// value in binary format, or produce an error.
// * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the
// URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any
// lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved
// on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage
// breaking changes.)
// Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official
// protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with
// type.googleapis.com.
// Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be
// used with implementation specific semantics.
TypeUrl string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=type_url,json=typeUrl,proto3" json:"type_url,omitempty"`
// Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer of the above specified type.
Value []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=value,proto3" json:"value,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
func (m *Any) Reset() { *m = Any{} }
func (*Any) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*Any) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_b53526c13ae22eb4, []int{0}
func (*Any) XXX_WellKnownType() string { return "Any" }
func (m *Any) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *Any) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_Any.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *Any) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_Any.Merge(m, src)
func (m *Any) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *Any) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_Any proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *Any) GetTypeUrl() string {
if m != nil {
return m.TypeUrl
return ""
func (m *Any) GetValue() []byte {
if m != nil {
return m.Value
return nil
func (*Any) XXX_MessageName() string {
return "google.protobuf.Any"
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*Any)(nil), "google.protobuf.Any")
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("google/protobuf/any.proto", fileDescriptor_b53526c13ae22eb4) }
var fileDescriptor_b53526c13ae22eb4 = []byte{
// 211 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x92, 0x4c, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x4f,
0xcf, 0x49, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0x4d, 0xd3, 0x4f, 0xcc, 0xab, 0xd4,
0x03, 0x73, 0x84, 0xf8, 0x21, 0x52, 0x7a, 0x30, 0x29, 0x25, 0x33, 0x2e, 0x66, 0xc7, 0xbc, 0x4a,
0x21, 0x49, 0x2e, 0x8e, 0x92, 0xca, 0x82, 0xd4, 0xf8, 0xd2, 0xa2, 0x1c, 0x09, 0x46, 0x05, 0x46,
0x0d, 0xce, 0x20, 0x76, 0x10, 0x3f, 0xb4, 0x28, 0x47, 0x48, 0x84, 0x8b, 0xb5, 0x2c, 0x31, 0xa7,
0x34, 0x55, 0x82, 0x49, 0x81, 0x51, 0x83, 0x27, 0x08, 0xc2, 0x71, 0xaa, 0xbf, 0xf1, 0x50, 0x8e,
0xe1, 0xc3, 0x43, 0x39, 0xc6, 0x1f, 0x0f, 0xe5, 0x18, 0x1b, 0x1e, 0xc9, 0x31, 0xae, 0x78, 0x24,
0xc7, 0x78, 0xe2, 0x91, 0x1c, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x47, 0x72, 0x8c, 0x0f, 0x1e, 0xc9, 0x31, 0xbe, 0x78,
0x24, 0xc7, 0xf0, 0x01, 0x24, 0xfe, 0x58, 0x8e, 0xf1, 0xc4, 0x63, 0x39, 0x46, 0x2e, 0xe1, 0xe4,
0xfc, 0x5c, 0x3d, 0x34, 0xeb, 0x9d, 0x38, 0x1c, 0xf3, 0x2a, 0x03, 0x40, 0x9c, 0x00, 0xc6, 0x28,
0x56, 0x90, 0x8d, 0xc5, 0x8b, 0x98, 0x98, 0xdd, 0x03, 0x9c, 0x56, 0x31, 0xc9, 0xb9, 0x43, 0x94,
0x06, 0x40, 0x95, 0xea, 0x85, 0xa7, 0xe6, 0xe4, 0x78, 0xe7, 0xe5, 0x97, 0xe7, 0x85, 0x80, 0x94,
0x25, 0xb1, 0x81, 0xcd, 0x30, 0x06, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xb7, 0x81, 0x82, 0xd3, 0xed,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
func (this *Any) Compare(that interface{}) int {
if that == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
that1, ok := that.(*Any)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(Any)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return 1
if that1 == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
} else if this == nil {
return -1
if this.TypeUrl != that1.TypeUrl {
if this.TypeUrl < that1.TypeUrl {
return -1
return 1
if c := bytes.Compare(this.Value, that1.Value); c != 0 {
return c
if c := bytes.Compare(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized); c != 0 {
return c
return 0
func (this *Any) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*Any)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(Any)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.TypeUrl != that1.TypeUrl {
return false
if !bytes.Equal(this.Value, that1.Value) {
return false
if !bytes.Equal(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized) {
return false
return true
func (this *Any) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 6)
s = append(s, "&types.Any{")
s = append(s, "TypeUrl: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.TypeUrl)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Value: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Value)+",\n")
if this.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
s = append(s, "XXX_unrecognized:"+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.XXX_unrecognized)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func valueToGoStringAny(v interface{}, typ string) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("func(v %v) *%v { return &v } ( %#v )", typ, typ, pv)
func (m *Any) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *Any) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *Any) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
i -= len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.XXX_unrecognized)
if len(m.Value) > 0 {
i -= len(m.Value)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Value)
i = encodeVarintAny(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Value)))
dAtA[i] = 0x12
if len(m.TypeUrl) > 0 {
i -= len(m.TypeUrl)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.TypeUrl)
i = encodeVarintAny(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.TypeUrl)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func encodeVarintAny(dAtA []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
offset -= sovAny(v)
base := offset
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v&0x7f | 0x80)
v >>= 7
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v)
return base
func NewPopulatedAny(r randyAny, easy bool) *Any {
this := &Any{}
this.TypeUrl = string(randStringAny(r))
v1 := r.Intn(100)
this.Value = make([]byte, v1)
for i := 0; i < v1; i++ {
this.Value[i] = byte(r.Intn(256))
if !easy && r.Intn(10) != 0 {
this.XXX_unrecognized = randUnrecognizedAny(r, 3)
return this
type randyAny interface {
Float32() float32
Float64() float64
Int63() int64
Int31() int32
Uint32() uint32
Intn(n int) int
func randUTF8RuneAny(r randyAny) rune {
ru := r.Intn(62)
if ru < 10 {
return rune(ru + 48)
} else if ru < 36 {
return rune(ru + 55)
return rune(ru + 61)
func randStringAny(r randyAny) string {
v2 := r.Intn(100)
tmps := make([]rune, v2)
for i := 0; i < v2; i++ {
tmps[i] = randUTF8RuneAny(r)
return string(tmps)
func randUnrecognizedAny(r randyAny, maxFieldNumber int) (dAtA []byte) {
l := r.Intn(5)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
wire := r.Intn(4)
if wire == 3 {
wire = 5
fieldNumber := maxFieldNumber + r.Intn(100)
dAtA = randFieldAny(dAtA, r, fieldNumber, wire)
return dAtA
func randFieldAny(dAtA []byte, r randyAny, fieldNumber int, wire int) []byte {
key := uint32(fieldNumber)<<3 | uint32(wire)
switch wire {
case 0:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateAny(dAtA, uint64(key))
v3 := r.Int63()
if r.Intn(2) == 0 {
v3 *= -1
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateAny(dAtA, uint64(v3))
case 1:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateAny(dAtA, uint64(key))
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)))
case 2:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateAny(dAtA, uint64(key))
ll := r.Intn(100)
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateAny(dAtA, uint64(ll))
for j := 0; j < ll; j++ {
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)))
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateAny(dAtA, uint64(key))
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)))
return dAtA
func encodeVarintPopulateAny(dAtA []byte, v uint64) []byte {
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA = append(dAtA, uint8(uint64(v)&0x7f|0x80))
v >>= 7
dAtA = append(dAtA, uint8(v))
return dAtA
func (m *Any) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.TypeUrl)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovAny(uint64(l))
l = len(m.Value)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovAny(uint64(l))
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
n += len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
return n
func sovAny(x uint64) (n int) {
return (math_bits.Len64(x|1) + 6) / 7
func sozAny(x uint64) (n int) {
return sovAny(uint64((x << 1) ^ uint64((int64(x) >> 63))))
func (this *Any) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&Any{`,
`TypeUrl:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.TypeUrl) + `,`,
`Value:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Value) + `,`,
`XXX_unrecognized:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.XXX_unrecognized) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func valueToStringAny(v interface{}) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("*%v", pv)
func (m *Any) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowAny
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: Any: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: Any: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field TypeUrl", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowAny
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthAny
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthAny
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.TypeUrl = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
case 2:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Value", wireType)
var byteLen int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowAny
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
byteLen |= int(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if byteLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthAny
postIndex := iNdEx + byteLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthAny
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Value = append(m.Value[:0], dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]...)
if m.Value == nil {
m.Value = []byte{}
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipAny(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if (skippy < 0) || (iNdEx+skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthAny
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.XXX_unrecognized = append(m.XXX_unrecognized, dAtA[iNdEx:iNdEx+skippy]...)
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func skipAny(dAtA []byte) (n int, err error) {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
depth := 0
for iNdEx < l {
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowAny
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= (uint64(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
switch wireType {
case 0:
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowAny
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if dAtA[iNdEx-1] < 0x80 {
case 1:
iNdEx += 8
case 2:
var length int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowAny
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
length |= (int(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if length < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthAny
iNdEx += length
case 3:
case 4:
if depth == 0 {
return 0, ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupAny
case 5:
iNdEx += 4
return 0, fmt.Errorf("proto: illegal wireType %d", wireType)
if iNdEx < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthAny
if depth == 0 {
return iNdEx, nil
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
var (
ErrInvalidLengthAny = fmt.Errorf("proto: negative length found during unmarshaling")
ErrIntOverflowAny = fmt.Errorf("proto: integer overflow")
ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupAny = fmt.Errorf("proto: unexpected end of group")
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
Package types contains code for interacting with well-known types.
package types
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
package types
// This file implements conversions between google.protobuf.Duration
// and time.Duration.
import (
const (
// Range of a Duration in seconds, as specified in
// google/protobuf/duration.proto. This is about 10,000 years in seconds.
maxSeconds = int64(10000 * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60)
minSeconds = -maxSeconds
// validateDuration determines whether the Duration is valid according to the
// definition in google/protobuf/duration.proto. A valid Duration
// may still be too large to fit into a time.Duration (the range of Duration
// is about 10,000 years, and the range of time.Duration is about 290).
func validateDuration(d *Duration) error {
if d == nil {
return errors.New("duration: nil Duration")
if d.Seconds < minSeconds || d.Seconds > maxSeconds {
return fmt.Errorf("duration: %#v: seconds out of range", d)
if d.Nanos <= -1e9 || d.Nanos >= 1e9 {
return fmt.Errorf("duration: %#v: nanos out of range", d)
// Seconds and Nanos must have the same sign, unless d.Nanos is zero.
if (d.Seconds < 0 && d.Nanos > 0) || (d.Seconds > 0 && d.Nanos < 0) {
return fmt.Errorf("duration: %#v: seconds and nanos have different signs", d)
return nil
// DurationFromProto converts a Duration to a time.Duration. DurationFromProto
// returns an error if the Duration is invalid or is too large to be
// represented in a time.Duration.
func DurationFromProto(p *Duration) (time.Duration, error) {
if err := validateDuration(p); err != nil {
return 0, err
d := time.Duration(p.Seconds) * time.Second
if int64(d/time.Second) != p.Seconds {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("duration: %#v is out of range for time.Duration", p)
if p.Nanos != 0 {
d += time.Duration(p.Nanos) * time.Nanosecond
if (d < 0) != (p.Nanos < 0) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("duration: %#v is out of range for time.Duration", p)
return d, nil
// DurationProto converts a time.Duration to a Duration.
func DurationProto(d time.Duration) *Duration {
nanos := d.Nanoseconds()
secs := nanos / 1e9
nanos -= secs * 1e9
return &Duration{
Seconds: secs,
Nanos: int32(nanos),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-gogo. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: google/protobuf/duration.proto
package types
import (
bytes "bytes"
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
io "io"
math "math"
math_bits "math/bits"
reflect "reflect"
strings "strings"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.GoGoProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented
// as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond
// resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day"
// or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between
// two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted
// from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.
// # Examples
// Example 1: Compute Duration from two Timestamps in pseudo code.
// Timestamp start = ...;
// Timestamp end = ...;
// Duration duration = ...;
// duration.seconds = end.seconds - start.seconds;
// duration.nanos = end.nanos - start.nanos;
// if (duration.seconds < 0 && duration.nanos > 0) {
// duration.seconds += 1;
// duration.nanos -= 1000000000;
// } else if (durations.seconds > 0 && duration.nanos < 0) {
// duration.seconds -= 1;
// duration.nanos += 1000000000;
// }
// Example 2: Compute Timestamp from Timestamp + Duration in pseudo code.
// Timestamp start = ...;
// Duration duration = ...;
// Timestamp end = ...;
// end.seconds = start.seconds + duration.seconds;
// end.nanos = start.nanos + duration.nanos;
// if (end.nanos < 0) {
// end.seconds -= 1;
// end.nanos += 1000000000;
// } else if (end.nanos >= 1000000000) {
// end.seconds += 1;
// end.nanos -= 1000000000;
// }
// Example 3: Compute Duration from datetime.timedelta in Python.
// td = datetime.timedelta(days=3, minutes=10)
// duration = Duration()
// duration.FromTimedelta(td)
// # JSON Mapping
// In JSON format, the Duration type is encoded as a string rather than an
// object, where the string ends in the suffix "s" (indicating seconds) and
// is preceded by the number of seconds, with nanoseconds expressed as
// fractional seconds. For example, 3 seconds with 0 nanoseconds should be
// encoded in JSON format as "3s", while 3 seconds and 1 nanosecond should
// be expressed in JSON format as "3.000000001s", and 3 seconds and 1
// microsecond should be expressed in JSON format as "3.000001s".
type Duration struct {
// Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000
// to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from:
// 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
Seconds int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=seconds,proto3" json:"seconds,omitempty"`
// Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span
// of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0
// `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations
// of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be
// of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999
// to +999,999,999 inclusive.
Nanos int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=nanos,proto3" json:"nanos,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
func (m *Duration) Reset() { *m = Duration{} }
func (*Duration) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*Duration) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_23597b2ebd7ac6c5, []int{0}
func (*Duration) XXX_WellKnownType() string { return "Duration" }
func (m *Duration) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *Duration) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_Duration.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *Duration) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_Duration.Merge(m, src)
func (m *Duration) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *Duration) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_Duration proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *Duration) GetSeconds() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.Seconds
return 0
func (m *Duration) GetNanos() int32 {
if m != nil {
return m.Nanos
return 0
func (*Duration) XXX_MessageName() string {
return "google.protobuf.Duration"
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*Duration)(nil), "google.protobuf.Duration")
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("google/protobuf/duration.proto", fileDescriptor_23597b2ebd7ac6c5) }
var fileDescriptor_23597b2ebd7ac6c5 = []byte{
// 209 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x92, 0x4b, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x4f,
0xcf, 0x49, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0x4d, 0xd3, 0x4f, 0x29, 0x2d, 0x4a,
0x2c, 0xc9, 0xcc, 0xcf, 0xd3, 0x03, 0x8b, 0x08, 0xf1, 0x43, 0xe4, 0xf5, 0x60, 0xf2, 0x4a, 0x56,
0x5c, 0x1c, 0x2e, 0x50, 0x25, 0x42, 0x12, 0x5c, 0xec, 0xc5, 0xa9, 0xc9, 0xf9, 0x79, 0x29, 0xc5,
0x12, 0x8c, 0x0a, 0x8c, 0x1a, 0xcc, 0x41, 0x30, 0xae, 0x90, 0x08, 0x17, 0x6b, 0x5e, 0x62, 0x5e,
0x7e, 0xb1, 0x04, 0x93, 0x02, 0xa3, 0x06, 0x6b, 0x10, 0x84, 0xe3, 0x54, 0x7f, 0xe3, 0xa1, 0x1c,
0xc3, 0x87, 0x87, 0x72, 0x8c, 0x2b, 0x1e, 0xc9, 0x31, 0x9e, 0x78, 0x24, 0xc7, 0x78, 0xe1, 0x91,
0x1c, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x47, 0x72, 0x8c, 0x2f, 0x1e, 0xc9, 0x31, 0x7c, 0x78, 0x24, 0xc7, 0xb8, 0xe2,
0xb1, 0x1c, 0xe3, 0x89, 0xc7, 0x72, 0x8c, 0x5c, 0xc2, 0xc9, 0xf9, 0xb9, 0x7a, 0x68, 0x56, 0x3b,
0xf1, 0xc2, 0x2c, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x89, 0x04, 0x30, 0x46, 0xb1, 0x96, 0x54, 0x16, 0xa4, 0x16, 0xff,
0x60, 0x64, 0x5c, 0xc4, 0xc4, 0xec, 0x1e, 0xe0, 0xb4, 0x8a, 0x49, 0xce, 0x1d, 0xa2, 0x25, 0x00,
0xaa, 0x45, 0x2f, 0x3c, 0x35, 0x27, 0xc7, 0x3b, 0x2f, 0xbf, 0x3c, 0x2f, 0x04, 0xa4, 0x32, 0x89,
0x0d, 0x6c, 0x96, 0x31, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x8a, 0x1c, 0x64, 0x4e, 0xf6, 0x00, 0x00,
func (this *Duration) Compare(that interface{}) int {
if that == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
that1, ok := that.(*Duration)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(Duration)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return 1
if that1 == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
} else if this == nil {
return -1
if this.Seconds != that1.Seconds {
if this.Seconds < that1.Seconds {
return -1
return 1
if this.Nanos != that1.Nanos {
if this.Nanos < that1.Nanos {
return -1
return 1
if c := bytes.Compare(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized); c != 0 {
return c
return 0
func (this *Duration) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*Duration)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(Duration)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Seconds != that1.Seconds {
return false
if this.Nanos != that1.Nanos {
return false
if !bytes.Equal(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized) {
return false
return true
func (this *Duration) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 6)
s = append(s, "&types.Duration{")
s = append(s, "Seconds: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Seconds)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Nanos: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Nanos)+",\n")
if this.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
s = append(s, "XXX_unrecognized:"+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.XXX_unrecognized)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func valueToGoStringDuration(v interface{}, typ string) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("func(v %v) *%v { return &v } ( %#v )", typ, typ, pv)
func (m *Duration) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *Duration) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *Duration) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
i -= len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.XXX_unrecognized)
if m.Nanos != 0 {
i = encodeVarintDuration(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Nanos))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.Seconds != 0 {
i = encodeVarintDuration(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Seconds))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func encodeVarintDuration(dAtA []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
offset -= sovDuration(v)
base := offset
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v&0x7f | 0x80)
v >>= 7
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v)
return base
func (m *Duration) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Seconds != 0 {
n += 1 + sovDuration(uint64(m.Seconds))
if m.Nanos != 0 {
n += 1 + sovDuration(uint64(m.Nanos))
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
n += len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
return n
func sovDuration(x uint64) (n int) {
return (math_bits.Len64(x|1) + 6) / 7
func sozDuration(x uint64) (n int) {
return sovDuration(uint64((x << 1) ^ uint64((int64(x) >> 63))))
func (m *Duration) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowDuration
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: Duration: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: Duration: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Seconds", wireType)
m.Seconds = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowDuration
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Seconds |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Nanos", wireType)
m.Nanos = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowDuration
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Nanos |= int32(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipDuration(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if (skippy < 0) || (iNdEx+skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthDuration
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.XXX_unrecognized = append(m.XXX_unrecognized, dAtA[iNdEx:iNdEx+skippy]...)
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func skipDuration(dAtA []byte) (n int, err error) {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
depth := 0
for iNdEx < l {
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowDuration
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= (uint64(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
switch wireType {
case 0:
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowDuration
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if dAtA[iNdEx-1] < 0x80 {
case 1:
iNdEx += 8
case 2:
var length int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowDuration
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
length |= (int(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if length < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthDuration
iNdEx += length
case 3:
case 4:
if depth == 0 {
return 0, ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupDuration
case 5:
iNdEx += 4
return 0, fmt.Errorf("proto: illegal wireType %d", wireType)
if iNdEx < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthDuration
if depth == 0 {
return iNdEx, nil
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
var (
ErrInvalidLengthDuration = fmt.Errorf("proto: negative length found during unmarshaling")
ErrIntOverflowDuration = fmt.Errorf("proto: integer overflow")
ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupDuration = fmt.Errorf("proto: unexpected end of group")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets
// Copyright (c) 2016, The GoGo Authors. All rights reserved.
// http://github.com/gogo/protobuf
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
package types
import (
func NewPopulatedDuration(r interface {
Int63() int64
}, easy bool) *Duration {
this := &Duration{}
maxSecs := time.Hour.Nanoseconds() / 1e9
max := 2 * maxSecs
s := int64(r.Int63()) % max
s -= maxSecs
neg := int64(1)
if s < 0 {
neg = -1
this.Seconds = s
this.Nanos = int32(neg * (r.Int63() % 1e9))
return this
func (d *Duration) String() string {
td, err := DurationFromProto(d)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)", err)
return td.String()
func NewPopulatedStdDuration(r interface {
Int63() int64
}, easy bool) *time.Duration {
dur := NewPopulatedDuration(r, easy)
d, err := DurationFromProto(dur)
if err != nil {
return nil
return &d
func SizeOfStdDuration(d time.Duration) int {
dur := DurationProto(d)
return dur.Size()
func StdDurationMarshal(d time.Duration) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdDuration(d)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdDurationMarshalTo(d, buf)
return buf, err
func StdDurationMarshalTo(d time.Duration, data []byte) (int, error) {
dur := DurationProto(d)
return dur.MarshalTo(data)
func StdDurationUnmarshal(d *time.Duration, data []byte) error {
dur := &Duration{}
if err := dur.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
dd, err := DurationFromProto(dur)
if err != nil {
return err
*d = dd
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-gogo. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: google/protobuf/empty.proto
package types
import (
bytes "bytes"
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
io "io"
math "math"
math_bits "math/bits"
reflect "reflect"
strings "strings"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.GoGoProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
// empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request
// or the response type of an API method. For instance:
// service Foo {
// rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// }
// The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON object `{}`.
type Empty struct {
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
func (m *Empty) Reset() { *m = Empty{} }
func (*Empty) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*Empty) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_900544acb223d5b8, []int{0}
func (*Empty) XXX_WellKnownType() string { return "Empty" }
func (m *Empty) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *Empty) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_Empty.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *Empty) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_Empty.Merge(m, src)
func (m *Empty) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *Empty) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_Empty proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (*Empty) XXX_MessageName() string {
return "google.protobuf.Empty"
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*Empty)(nil), "google.protobuf.Empty")
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("google/protobuf/empty.proto", fileDescriptor_900544acb223d5b8) }
var fileDescriptor_900544acb223d5b8 = []byte{
// 176 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x92, 0x4e, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x4f,
0xcf, 0x49, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0x4d, 0xd3, 0x4f, 0xcd, 0x2d, 0x28,
0xa9, 0xd4, 0x03, 0x73, 0x85, 0xf8, 0x21, 0x92, 0x7a, 0x30, 0x49, 0x25, 0x76, 0x2e, 0x56, 0x57,
0x90, 0xbc, 0x53, 0x0b, 0xe3, 0x8d, 0x87, 0x72, 0x0c, 0x1f, 0x1e, 0xca, 0x31, 0xfe, 0x78, 0x28,
0xc7, 0xd8, 0xf0, 0x48, 0x8e, 0x71, 0xc5, 0x23, 0x39, 0xc6, 0x13, 0x8f, 0xe4, 0x18, 0x2f, 0x3c,
0x92, 0x63, 0x7c, 0xf0, 0x48, 0x8e, 0xf1, 0xc5, 0x23, 0x39, 0x86, 0x0f, 0x20, 0xf1, 0xc7, 0x72,
0x8c, 0x27, 0x1e, 0xcb, 0x31, 0x72, 0x09, 0x27, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xea, 0xa1, 0x19, 0xe8, 0xc4, 0x05,
0x36, 0x2e, 0x00, 0xc4, 0x0d, 0x60, 0x8c, 0x62, 0x2d, 0xa9, 0x2c, 0x48, 0x2d, 0xfe, 0xc1, 0xc8,
0xb8, 0x88, 0x89, 0xd9, 0x3d, 0xc0, 0x69, 0x15, 0x93, 0x9c, 0x3b, 0x44, 0x7d, 0x00, 0x54, 0xbd,
0x5e, 0x78, 0x6a, 0x4e, 0x8e, 0x77, 0x5e, 0x7e, 0x79, 0x5e, 0x08, 0x48, 0x65, 0x12, 0x1b, 0xd8,
0x20, 0x63, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x21, 0xbe, 0xb6, 0x31, 0xc6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
func (this *Empty) Compare(that interface{}) int {
if that == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
that1, ok := that.(*Empty)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(Empty)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return 1
if that1 == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
} else if this == nil {
return -1
if c := bytes.Compare(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized); c != 0 {
return c
return 0
func (this *Empty) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*Empty)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(Empty)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if !bytes.Equal(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized) {
return false
return true
func (this *Empty) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 4)
s = append(s, "&types.Empty{")
if this.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
s = append(s, "XXX_unrecognized:"+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.XXX_unrecognized)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func valueToGoStringEmpty(v interface{}, typ string) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("func(v %v) *%v { return &v } ( %#v )", typ, typ, pv)
func (m *Empty) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *Empty) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *Empty) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
i -= len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.XXX_unrecognized)
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func encodeVarintEmpty(dAtA []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
offset -= sovEmpty(v)
base := offset
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v&0x7f | 0x80)
v >>= 7
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v)
return base
func NewPopulatedEmpty(r randyEmpty, easy bool) *Empty {
this := &Empty{}
if !easy && r.Intn(10) != 0 {
this.XXX_unrecognized = randUnrecognizedEmpty(r, 1)
return this
type randyEmpty interface {
Float32() float32
Float64() float64
Int63() int64
Int31() int32
Uint32() uint32
Intn(n int) int
func randUTF8RuneEmpty(r randyEmpty) rune {
ru := r.Intn(62)
if ru < 10 {
return rune(ru + 48)
} else if ru < 36 {
return rune(ru + 55)
return rune(ru + 61)
func randStringEmpty(r randyEmpty) string {
v1 := r.Intn(100)
tmps := make([]rune, v1)
for i := 0; i < v1; i++ {
tmps[i] = randUTF8RuneEmpty(r)
return string(tmps)
func randUnrecognizedEmpty(r randyEmpty, maxFieldNumber int) (dAtA []byte) {
l := r.Intn(5)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
wire := r.Intn(4)
if wire == 3 {
wire = 5
fieldNumber := maxFieldNumber + r.Intn(100)
dAtA = randFieldEmpty(dAtA, r, fieldNumber, wire)
return dAtA
func randFieldEmpty(dAtA []byte, r randyEmpty, fieldNumber int, wire int) []byte {
key := uint32(fieldNumber)<<3 | uint32(wire)
switch wire {
case 0:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateEmpty(dAtA, uint64(key))
v2 := r.Int63()
if r.Intn(2) == 0 {
v2 *= -1
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateEmpty(dAtA, uint64(v2))
case 1:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateEmpty(dAtA, uint64(key))
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)))
case 2:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateEmpty(dAtA, uint64(key))
ll := r.Intn(100)
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateEmpty(dAtA, uint64(ll))
for j := 0; j < ll; j++ {
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)))
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateEmpty(dAtA, uint64(key))
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)))
return dAtA
func encodeVarintPopulateEmpty(dAtA []byte, v uint64) []byte {
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA = append(dAtA, uint8(uint64(v)&0x7f|0x80))
v >>= 7
dAtA = append(dAtA, uint8(v))
return dAtA
func (m *Empty) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
n += len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
return n
func sovEmpty(x uint64) (n int) {
return (math_bits.Len64(x|1) + 6) / 7
func sozEmpty(x uint64) (n int) {
return sovEmpty(uint64((x << 1) ^ uint64((int64(x) >> 63))))
func (this *Empty) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&Empty{`,
`XXX_unrecognized:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.XXX_unrecognized) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func valueToStringEmpty(v interface{}) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("*%v", pv)
func (m *Empty) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowEmpty
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: Empty: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: Empty: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipEmpty(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if (skippy < 0) || (iNdEx+skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthEmpty
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.XXX_unrecognized = append(m.XXX_unrecognized, dAtA[iNdEx:iNdEx+skippy]...)
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func skipEmpty(dAtA []byte) (n int, err error) {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
depth := 0
for iNdEx < l {
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowEmpty
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= (uint64(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
switch wireType {
case 0:
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowEmpty
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if dAtA[iNdEx-1] < 0x80 {
case 1:
iNdEx += 8
case 2:
var length int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowEmpty
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
length |= (int(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if length < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthEmpty
iNdEx += length
case 3:
case 4:
if depth == 0 {
return 0, ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupEmpty
case 5:
iNdEx += 4
return 0, fmt.Errorf("proto: illegal wireType %d", wireType)
if iNdEx < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthEmpty
if depth == 0 {
return iNdEx, nil
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
var (
ErrInvalidLengthEmpty = fmt.Errorf("proto: negative length found during unmarshaling")
ErrIntOverflowEmpty = fmt.Errorf("proto: integer overflow")
ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupEmpty = fmt.Errorf("proto: unexpected end of group")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-gogo. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: google/protobuf/field_mask.proto
package types
import (
bytes "bytes"
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
io "io"
math "math"
math_bits "math/bits"
reflect "reflect"
strings "strings"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.GoGoProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// `FieldMask` represents a set of symbolic field paths, for example:
// paths: "f.a"
// paths: "f.b.d"
// Here `f` represents a field in some root message, `a` and `b`
// fields in the message found in `f`, and `d` a field found in the
// message in `f.b`.
// Field masks are used to specify a subset of fields that should be
// returned by a get operation or modified by an update operation.
// Field masks also have a custom JSON encoding (see below).
// # Field Masks in Projections
// When used in the context of a projection, a response message or
// sub-message is filtered by the API to only contain those fields as
// specified in the mask. For example, if the mask in the previous
// example is applied to a response message as follows:
// f {
// a : 22
// b {
// d : 1
// x : 2
// }
// y : 13
// }
// z: 8
// The result will not contain specific values for fields x,y and z
// (their value will be set to the default, and omitted in proto text
// output):
// f {
// a : 22
// b {
// d : 1
// }
// }
// A repeated field is not allowed except at the last position of a
// paths string.
// If a FieldMask object is not present in a get operation, the
// operation applies to all fields (as if a FieldMask of all fields
// had been specified).
// Note that a field mask does not necessarily apply to the
// top-level response message. In case of a REST get operation, the
// field mask applies directly to the response, but in case of a REST
// list operation, the mask instead applies to each individual message
// in the returned resource list. In case of a REST custom method,
// other definitions may be used. Where the mask applies will be
// clearly documented together with its declaration in the API. In
// any case, the effect on the returned resource/resources is required
// behavior for APIs.
// # Field Masks in Update Operations
// A field mask in update operations specifies which fields of the
// targeted resource are going to be updated. The API is required
// to only change the values of the fields as specified in the mask
// and leave the others untouched. If a resource is passed in to
// describe the updated values, the API ignores the values of all
// fields not covered by the mask.
// If a repeated field is specified for an update operation, new values will
// be appended to the existing repeated field in the target resource. Note that
// a repeated field is only allowed in the last position of a `paths` string.
// If a sub-message is specified in the last position of the field mask for an
// update operation, then new value will be merged into the existing sub-message
// in the target resource.
// For example, given the target message:
// f {
// b {
// d: 1
// x: 2
// }
// c: [1]
// }
// And an update message:
// f {
// b {
// d: 10
// }
// c: [2]
// }
// then if the field mask is:
// paths: ["f.b", "f.c"]
// then the result will be:
// f {
// b {
// d: 10
// x: 2
// }
// c: [1, 2]
// }
// An implementation may provide options to override this default behavior for
// repeated and message fields.
// In order to reset a field's value to the default, the field must
// be in the mask and set to the default value in the provided resource.
// Hence, in order to reset all fields of a resource, provide a default
// instance of the resource and set all fields in the mask, or do
// not provide a mask as described below.
// If a field mask is not present on update, the operation applies to
// all fields (as if a field mask of all fields has been specified).
// Note that in the presence of schema evolution, this may mean that
// fields the client does not know and has therefore not filled into
// the request will be reset to their default. If this is unwanted
// behavior, a specific service may require a client to always specify
// a field mask, producing an error if not.
// As with get operations, the location of the resource which
// describes the updated values in the request message depends on the
// operation kind. In any case, the effect of the field mask is
// required to be honored by the API.
// ## Considerations for HTTP REST
// The HTTP kind of an update operation which uses a field mask must
// be set to PATCH instead of PUT in order to satisfy HTTP semantics
// (PUT must only be used for full updates).
// # JSON Encoding of Field Masks
// In JSON, a field mask is encoded as a single string where paths are
// separated by a comma. Fields name in each path are converted
// to/from lower-camel naming conventions.
// As an example, consider the following message declarations:
// message Profile {
// User user = 1;
// Photo photo = 2;
// }
// message User {
// string display_name = 1;
// string address = 2;
// }
// In proto a field mask for `Profile` may look as such:
// mask {
// paths: "user.display_name"
// paths: "photo"
// }
// In JSON, the same mask is represented as below:
// {
// mask: "user.displayName,photo"
// }
// # Field Masks and Oneof Fields
// Field masks treat fields in oneofs just as regular fields. Consider the
// following message:
// message SampleMessage {
// oneof test_oneof {
// string name = 4;
// SubMessage sub_message = 9;
// }
// }
// The field mask can be:
// mask {
// paths: "name"
// }
// Or:
// mask {
// paths: "sub_message"
// }
// Note that oneof type names ("test_oneof" in this case) cannot be used in
// paths.
// ## Field Mask Verification
// The implementation of any API method which has a FieldMask type field in the
// request should verify the included field paths, and return an
// `INVALID_ARGUMENT` error if any path is duplicated or unmappable.
type FieldMask struct {
// The set of field mask paths.
Paths []string `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=paths,proto3" json:"paths,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
func (m *FieldMask) Reset() { *m = FieldMask{} }
func (*FieldMask) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*FieldMask) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_5158202634f0da48, []int{0}
func (m *FieldMask) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *FieldMask) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_FieldMask.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *FieldMask) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_FieldMask.Merge(m, src)
func (m *FieldMask) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *FieldMask) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_FieldMask proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *FieldMask) GetPaths() []string {
if m != nil {
return m.Paths
return nil
func (*FieldMask) XXX_MessageName() string {
return "google.protobuf.FieldMask"
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*FieldMask)(nil), "google.protobuf.FieldMask")
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("google/protobuf/field_mask.proto", fileDescriptor_5158202634f0da48) }
var fileDescriptor_5158202634f0da48 = []byte{
// 203 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x52, 0x48, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x4f,
0xcf, 0x49, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0x4d, 0xd3, 0x4f, 0xcb, 0x4c, 0xcd,
0x49, 0x89, 0xcf, 0x4d, 0x2c, 0xce, 0xd6, 0x03, 0x8b, 0x09, 0xf1, 0x43, 0x54, 0xe8, 0xc1, 0x54,
0x28, 0x29, 0x72, 0x71, 0xba, 0x81, 0x14, 0xf9, 0x26, 0x16, 0x67, 0x0b, 0x89, 0x70, 0xb1, 0x16,
0x24, 0x96, 0x64, 0x14, 0x4b, 0x30, 0x2a, 0x30, 0x6b, 0x70, 0x06, 0x41, 0x38, 0x4e, 0x1d, 0x8c,
0x37, 0x1e, 0xca, 0x31, 0x7c, 0x78, 0x28, 0xc7, 0xf8, 0xe3, 0xa1, 0x1c, 0x63, 0xc3, 0x23, 0x39,
0xc6, 0x15, 0x8f, 0xe4, 0x18, 0x4f, 0x3c, 0x92, 0x63, 0xbc, 0xf0, 0x48, 0x8e, 0xf1, 0xc1, 0x23,
0x39, 0xc6, 0x17, 0x8f, 0xe4, 0x18, 0x3e, 0x80, 0xc4, 0x1f, 0xcb, 0x31, 0x9e, 0x78, 0x2c, 0xc7,
0xc8, 0x25, 0x9c, 0x9c, 0x9f, 0xab, 0x87, 0x66, 0x95, 0x13, 0x1f, 0xdc, 0xa2, 0x00, 0x90, 0x50,
0x00, 0x63, 0x14, 0x6b, 0x49, 0x65, 0x41, 0x6a, 0xf1, 0x0f, 0x46, 0xc6, 0x45, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0xee,
0x01, 0x4e, 0xab, 0x98, 0xe4, 0xdc, 0x21, 0x7a, 0x02, 0xa0, 0x7a, 0xf4, 0xc2, 0x53, 0x73, 0x72,
0xbc, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0xcb, 0xf3, 0x42, 0x40, 0x2a, 0x93, 0xd8, 0xc0, 0x86, 0x19, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00,
0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x43, 0xa0, 0x83, 0xd0, 0xe9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
func (this *FieldMask) Compare(that interface{}) int {
if that == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
that1, ok := that.(*FieldMask)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(FieldMask)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return 1
if that1 == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
} else if this == nil {
return -1
if len(this.Paths) != len(that1.Paths) {
if len(this.Paths) < len(that1.Paths) {
return -1
return 1
for i := range this.Paths {
if this.Paths[i] != that1.Paths[i] {
if this.Paths[i] < that1.Paths[i] {
return -1
return 1
if c := bytes.Compare(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized); c != 0 {
return c
return 0
func (this *FieldMask) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*FieldMask)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(FieldMask)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if len(this.Paths) != len(that1.Paths) {
return false
for i := range this.Paths {
if this.Paths[i] != that1.Paths[i] {
return false
if !bytes.Equal(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized) {
return false
return true
func (this *FieldMask) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 5)
s = append(s, "&types.FieldMask{")
s = append(s, "Paths: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Paths)+",\n")
if this.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
s = append(s, "XXX_unrecognized:"+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.XXX_unrecognized)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func valueToGoStringFieldMask(v interface{}, typ string) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("func(v %v) *%v { return &v } ( %#v )", typ, typ, pv)
func (m *FieldMask) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *FieldMask) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *FieldMask) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
i -= len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.XXX_unrecognized)
if len(m.Paths) > 0 {
for iNdEx := len(m.Paths) - 1; iNdEx >= 0; iNdEx-- {
i -= len(m.Paths[iNdEx])
copy(dAtA[i:], m.Paths[iNdEx])
i = encodeVarintFieldMask(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.Paths[iNdEx])))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func encodeVarintFieldMask(dAtA []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
offset -= sovFieldMask(v)
base := offset
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v&0x7f | 0x80)
v >>= 7
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v)
return base
func NewPopulatedFieldMask(r randyFieldMask, easy bool) *FieldMask {
this := &FieldMask{}
v1 := r.Intn(10)
this.Paths = make([]string, v1)
for i := 0; i < v1; i++ {
this.Paths[i] = string(randStringFieldMask(r))
if !easy && r.Intn(10) != 0 {
this.XXX_unrecognized = randUnrecognizedFieldMask(r, 2)
return this
type randyFieldMask interface {
Float32() float32
Float64() float64
Int63() int64
Int31() int32
Uint32() uint32
Intn(n int) int
func randUTF8RuneFieldMask(r randyFieldMask) rune {
ru := r.Intn(62)
if ru < 10 {
return rune(ru + 48)
} else if ru < 36 {
return rune(ru + 55)
return rune(ru + 61)
func randStringFieldMask(r randyFieldMask) string {
v2 := r.Intn(100)
tmps := make([]rune, v2)
for i := 0; i < v2; i++ {
tmps[i] = randUTF8RuneFieldMask(r)
return string(tmps)
func randUnrecognizedFieldMask(r randyFieldMask, maxFieldNumber int) (dAtA []byte) {
l := r.Intn(5)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
wire := r.Intn(4)
if wire == 3 {
wire = 5
fieldNumber := maxFieldNumber + r.Intn(100)
dAtA = randFieldFieldMask(dAtA, r, fieldNumber, wire)
return dAtA
func randFieldFieldMask(dAtA []byte, r randyFieldMask, fieldNumber int, wire int) []byte {
key := uint32(fieldNumber)<<3 | uint32(wire)
switch wire {
case 0:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateFieldMask(dAtA, uint64(key))
v3 := r.Int63()
if r.Intn(2) == 0 {
v3 *= -1
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateFieldMask(dAtA, uint64(v3))
case 1:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateFieldMask(dAtA, uint64(key))
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)))
case 2:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateFieldMask(dAtA, uint64(key))
ll := r.Intn(100)
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateFieldMask(dAtA, uint64(ll))
for j := 0; j < ll; j++ {
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)))
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateFieldMask(dAtA, uint64(key))
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)))
return dAtA
func encodeVarintPopulateFieldMask(dAtA []byte, v uint64) []byte {
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA = append(dAtA, uint8(uint64(v)&0x7f|0x80))
v >>= 7
dAtA = append(dAtA, uint8(v))
return dAtA
func (m *FieldMask) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if len(m.Paths) > 0 {
for _, s := range m.Paths {
l = len(s)
n += 1 + l + sovFieldMask(uint64(l))
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
n += len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
return n
func sovFieldMask(x uint64) (n int) {
return (math_bits.Len64(x|1) + 6) / 7
func sozFieldMask(x uint64) (n int) {
return sovFieldMask(uint64((x << 1) ^ uint64((int64(x) >> 63))))
func (this *FieldMask) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&FieldMask{`,
`Paths:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.Paths) + `,`,
`XXX_unrecognized:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.XXX_unrecognized) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func valueToStringFieldMask(v interface{}) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("*%v", pv)
func (m *FieldMask) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowFieldMask
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: FieldMask: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: FieldMask: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Paths", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowFieldMask
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthFieldMask
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthFieldMask
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.Paths = append(m.Paths, string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex]))
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipFieldMask(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if (skippy < 0) || (iNdEx+skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthFieldMask
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.XXX_unrecognized = append(m.XXX_unrecognized, dAtA[iNdEx:iNdEx+skippy]...)
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func skipFieldMask(dAtA []byte) (n int, err error) {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
depth := 0
for iNdEx < l {
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowFieldMask
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= (uint64(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
switch wireType {
case 0:
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowFieldMask
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if dAtA[iNdEx-1] < 0x80 {
case 1:
iNdEx += 8
case 2:
var length int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowFieldMask
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
length |= (int(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if length < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthFieldMask
iNdEx += length
case 3:
case 4:
if depth == 0 {
return 0, ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupFieldMask
case 5:
iNdEx += 4
return 0, fmt.Errorf("proto: illegal wireType %d", wireType)
if iNdEx < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthFieldMask
if depth == 0 {
return iNdEx, nil
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
var (
ErrInvalidLengthFieldMask = fmt.Errorf("proto: negative length found during unmarshaling")
ErrIntOverflowFieldMask = fmt.Errorf("proto: integer overflow")
ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupFieldMask = fmt.Errorf("proto: unexpected end of group")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package types
func (m *Any) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Api) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Method) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Mixin) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Duration) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Empty) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *FieldMask) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *SourceContext) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Struct) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Value) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Value_NullValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Value_NumberValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Value_StringValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Value_BoolValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Value_StructValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Value_ListValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *ListValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Timestamp) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Type) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Field) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Enum) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *EnumValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Option) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *DoubleValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *FloatValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Int64Value) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *UInt64Value) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *Int32Value) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *UInt32Value) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *BoolValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *StringValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
func (m *BytesValue) ProtoSize() (n int) { return m.Size() }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-gogo. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: google/protobuf/source_context.proto
package types
import (
bytes "bytes"
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
io "io"
math "math"
math_bits "math/bits"
reflect "reflect"
strings "strings"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.GoGoProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// `SourceContext` represents information about the source of a
// protobuf element, like the file in which it is defined.
type SourceContext struct {
// The path-qualified name of the .proto file that contained the associated
// protobuf element. For example: `"google/protobuf/source_context.proto"`.
FileName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=file_name,json=fileName,proto3" json:"file_name,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
func (m *SourceContext) Reset() { *m = SourceContext{} }
func (*SourceContext) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*SourceContext) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_b686cdb126d509db, []int{0}
func (m *SourceContext) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *SourceContext) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_SourceContext.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *SourceContext) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_SourceContext.Merge(m, src)
func (m *SourceContext) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *SourceContext) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_SourceContext proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *SourceContext) GetFileName() string {
if m != nil {
return m.FileName
return ""
func (*SourceContext) XXX_MessageName() string {
return "google.protobuf.SourceContext"
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*SourceContext)(nil), "google.protobuf.SourceContext")
func init() {
proto.RegisterFile("google/protobuf/source_context.proto", fileDescriptor_b686cdb126d509db)
var fileDescriptor_b686cdb126d509db = []byte{
// 212 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x52, 0x49, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x4f,
0xcf, 0x49, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0x4d, 0xd3, 0x2f, 0xce, 0x2f, 0x2d,
0x4a, 0x4e, 0x8d, 0x4f, 0xce, 0xcf, 0x2b, 0x49, 0xad, 0x28, 0xd1, 0x03, 0x8b, 0x0b, 0xf1, 0x43,
0x54, 0xe9, 0xc1, 0x54, 0x29, 0xe9, 0x70, 0xf1, 0x06, 0x83, 0x15, 0x3a, 0x43, 0xd4, 0x09, 0x49,
0x73, 0x71, 0xa6, 0x65, 0xe6, 0xa4, 0xc6, 0xe7, 0x25, 0xe6, 0xa6, 0x4a, 0x30, 0x2a, 0x30, 0x6a,
0x70, 0x06, 0x71, 0x80, 0x04, 0xfc, 0x12, 0x73, 0x53, 0x9d, 0x3a, 0x19, 0x6f, 0x3c, 0x94, 0x63,
0xf8, 0xf0, 0x50, 0x8e, 0xf1, 0xc7, 0x43, 0x39, 0xc6, 0x86, 0x47, 0x72, 0x8c, 0x2b, 0x1e, 0xc9,
0x31, 0x9e, 0x78, 0x24, 0xc7, 0x78, 0xe1, 0x91, 0x1c, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x47, 0x72, 0x8c, 0x2f, 0x1e,
0xc9, 0x31, 0x7c, 0x00, 0x89, 0x3f, 0x96, 0x63, 0x3c, 0xf1, 0x58, 0x8e, 0x91, 0x4b, 0x38, 0x39,
0x3f, 0x57, 0x0f, 0xcd, 0x56, 0x27, 0x21, 0x14, 0x3b, 0x03, 0x40, 0xc2, 0x01, 0x8c, 0x51, 0xac,
0x25, 0x95, 0x05, 0xa9, 0xc5, 0x8b, 0x98, 0x98, 0xdd, 0x03, 0x9c, 0x56, 0x31, 0xc9, 0xb9, 0x43,
0x34, 0x05, 0x40, 0x35, 0xe9, 0x85, 0xa7, 0xe6, 0xe4, 0x78, 0xe7, 0xe5, 0x97, 0xe7, 0x85, 0x80,
0x94, 0x25, 0xb1, 0x81, 0x4d, 0x33, 0x06, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xb8, 0x37, 0x2a, 0xa1,
0xf9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
func (this *SourceContext) Compare(that interface{}) int {
if that == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
that1, ok := that.(*SourceContext)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(SourceContext)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return 1
if that1 == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
} else if this == nil {
return -1
if this.FileName != that1.FileName {
if this.FileName < that1.FileName {
return -1
return 1
if c := bytes.Compare(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized); c != 0 {
return c
return 0
func (this *SourceContext) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*SourceContext)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(SourceContext)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.FileName != that1.FileName {
return false
if !bytes.Equal(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized) {
return false
return true
func (this *SourceContext) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 5)
s = append(s, "&types.SourceContext{")
s = append(s, "FileName: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.FileName)+",\n")
if this.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
s = append(s, "XXX_unrecognized:"+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.XXX_unrecognized)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func valueToGoStringSourceContext(v interface{}, typ string) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("func(v %v) *%v { return &v } ( %#v )", typ, typ, pv)
func (m *SourceContext) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *SourceContext) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *SourceContext) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
i -= len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.XXX_unrecognized)
if len(m.FileName) > 0 {
i -= len(m.FileName)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.FileName)
i = encodeVarintSourceContext(dAtA, i, uint64(len(m.FileName)))
dAtA[i] = 0xa
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func encodeVarintSourceContext(dAtA []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
offset -= sovSourceContext(v)
base := offset
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v&0x7f | 0x80)
v >>= 7
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v)
return base
func NewPopulatedSourceContext(r randySourceContext, easy bool) *SourceContext {
this := &SourceContext{}
this.FileName = string(randStringSourceContext(r))
if !easy && r.Intn(10) != 0 {
this.XXX_unrecognized = randUnrecognizedSourceContext(r, 2)
return this
type randySourceContext interface {
Float32() float32
Float64() float64
Int63() int64
Int31() int32
Uint32() uint32
Intn(n int) int
func randUTF8RuneSourceContext(r randySourceContext) rune {
ru := r.Intn(62)
if ru < 10 {
return rune(ru + 48)
} else if ru < 36 {
return rune(ru + 55)
return rune(ru + 61)
func randStringSourceContext(r randySourceContext) string {
v1 := r.Intn(100)
tmps := make([]rune, v1)
for i := 0; i < v1; i++ {
tmps[i] = randUTF8RuneSourceContext(r)
return string(tmps)
func randUnrecognizedSourceContext(r randySourceContext, maxFieldNumber int) (dAtA []byte) {
l := r.Intn(5)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
wire := r.Intn(4)
if wire == 3 {
wire = 5
fieldNumber := maxFieldNumber + r.Intn(100)
dAtA = randFieldSourceContext(dAtA, r, fieldNumber, wire)
return dAtA
func randFieldSourceContext(dAtA []byte, r randySourceContext, fieldNumber int, wire int) []byte {
key := uint32(fieldNumber)<<3 | uint32(wire)
switch wire {
case 0:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateSourceContext(dAtA, uint64(key))
v2 := r.Int63()
if r.Intn(2) == 0 {
v2 *= -1
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateSourceContext(dAtA, uint64(v2))
case 1:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateSourceContext(dAtA, uint64(key))
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)))
case 2:
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateSourceContext(dAtA, uint64(key))
ll := r.Intn(100)
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateSourceContext(dAtA, uint64(ll))
for j := 0; j < ll; j++ {
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)))
dAtA = encodeVarintPopulateSourceContext(dAtA, uint64(key))
dAtA = append(dAtA, byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)))
return dAtA
func encodeVarintPopulateSourceContext(dAtA []byte, v uint64) []byte {
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA = append(dAtA, uint8(uint64(v)&0x7f|0x80))
v >>= 7
dAtA = append(dAtA, uint8(v))
return dAtA
func (m *SourceContext) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
l = len(m.FileName)
if l > 0 {
n += 1 + l + sovSourceContext(uint64(l))
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
n += len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
return n
func sovSourceContext(x uint64) (n int) {
return (math_bits.Len64(x|1) + 6) / 7
func sozSourceContext(x uint64) (n int) {
return sovSourceContext(uint64((x << 1) ^ uint64((int64(x) >> 63))))
func (this *SourceContext) String() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := strings.Join([]string{`&SourceContext{`,
`FileName:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.FileName) + `,`,
`XXX_unrecognized:` + fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.XXX_unrecognized) + `,`,
}, "")
return s
func valueToStringSourceContext(v interface{}) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("*%v", pv)
func (m *SourceContext) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowSourceContext
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: SourceContext: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: SourceContext: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field FileName", wireType)
var stringLen uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowSourceContext
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
stringLen |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
intStringLen := int(stringLen)
if intStringLen < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthSourceContext
postIndex := iNdEx + intStringLen
if postIndex < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthSourceContext
if postIndex > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.FileName = string(dAtA[iNdEx:postIndex])
iNdEx = postIndex
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipSourceContext(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if (skippy < 0) || (iNdEx+skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthSourceContext
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.XXX_unrecognized = append(m.XXX_unrecognized, dAtA[iNdEx:iNdEx+skippy]...)
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func skipSourceContext(dAtA []byte) (n int, err error) {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
depth := 0
for iNdEx < l {
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowSourceContext
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= (uint64(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
switch wireType {
case 0:
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowSourceContext
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if dAtA[iNdEx-1] < 0x80 {
case 1:
iNdEx += 8
case 2:
var length int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowSourceContext
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
length |= (int(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if length < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthSourceContext
iNdEx += length
case 3:
case 4:
if depth == 0 {
return 0, ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupSourceContext
case 5:
iNdEx += 4
return 0, fmt.Errorf("proto: illegal wireType %d", wireType)
if iNdEx < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthSourceContext
if depth == 0 {
return iNdEx, nil
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
var (
ErrInvalidLengthSourceContext = fmt.Errorf("proto: negative length found during unmarshaling")
ErrIntOverflowSourceContext = fmt.Errorf("proto: integer overflow")
ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupSourceContext = fmt.Errorf("proto: unexpected end of group")
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/golang/protobuf
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
package types
// This file implements operations on google.protobuf.Timestamp.
import (
const (
// Seconds field of the earliest valid Timestamp.
// This is time.Date(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix().
minValidSeconds = -62135596800
// Seconds field just after the latest valid Timestamp.
// This is time.Date(10000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix().
maxValidSeconds = 253402300800
// validateTimestamp determines whether a Timestamp is valid.
// A valid timestamp represents a time in the range
// [0001-01-01, 10000-01-01) and has a Nanos field
// in the range [0, 1e9).
// If the Timestamp is valid, validateTimestamp returns nil.
// Otherwise, it returns an error that describes
// the problem.
// Every valid Timestamp can be represented by a time.Time, but the converse is not true.
func validateTimestamp(ts *Timestamp) error {
if ts == nil {
return errors.New("timestamp: nil Timestamp")
if ts.Seconds < minValidSeconds {
return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %#v before 0001-01-01", ts)
if ts.Seconds >= maxValidSeconds {
return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %#v after 10000-01-01", ts)
if ts.Nanos < 0 || ts.Nanos >= 1e9 {
return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %#v: nanos not in range [0, 1e9)", ts)
return nil
// TimestampFromProto converts a google.protobuf.Timestamp proto to a time.Time.
// It returns an error if the argument is invalid.
// Unlike most Go functions, if Timestamp returns an error, the first return value
// is not the zero time.Time. Instead, it is the value obtained from the
// time.Unix function when passed the contents of the Timestamp, in the UTC
// locale. This may or may not be a meaningful time; many invalid Timestamps
// do map to valid time.Times.
// A nil Timestamp returns an error. The first return value in that case is
// undefined.
func TimestampFromProto(ts *Timestamp) (time.Time, error) {
// Don't return the zero value on error, because corresponds to a valid
// timestamp. Instead return whatever time.Unix gives us.
var t time.Time
if ts == nil {
t = time.Unix(0, 0).UTC() // treat nil like the empty Timestamp
} else {
t = time.Unix(ts.Seconds, int64(ts.Nanos)).UTC()
return t, validateTimestamp(ts)
// TimestampNow returns a google.protobuf.Timestamp for the current time.
func TimestampNow() *Timestamp {
ts, err := TimestampProto(time.Now())
if err != nil {
panic("ptypes: time.Now() out of Timestamp range")
return ts
// TimestampProto converts the time.Time to a google.protobuf.Timestamp proto.
// It returns an error if the resulting Timestamp is invalid.
func TimestampProto(t time.Time) (*Timestamp, error) {
ts := &Timestamp{
Seconds: t.Unix(),
Nanos: int32(t.Nanosecond()),
if err := validateTimestamp(ts); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ts, nil
// TimestampString returns the RFC 3339 string for valid Timestamps. For invalid
// Timestamps, it returns an error message in parentheses.
func TimestampString(ts *Timestamp) string {
t, err := TimestampFromProto(ts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)", err)
return t.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-gogo. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: google/protobuf/timestamp.proto
package types
import (
bytes "bytes"
fmt "fmt"
proto "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
io "io"
math "math"
math_bits "math/bits"
reflect "reflect"
strings "strings"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
// proto package needs to be updated.
const _ = proto.GoGoProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
// A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or local
// calendar, encoded as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at
// nanosecond resolution. The count is relative to an epoch at UTC midnight on
// January 1, 1970, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar which extends the
// Gregorian calendar backwards to year one.
// All minutes are 60 seconds long. Leap seconds are "smeared" so that no leap
// second table is needed for interpretation, using a [24-hour linear
// smear](https://developers.google.com/time/smear).
// The range is from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z. By
// restricting to that range, we ensure that we can convert to and from [RFC
// 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) date strings.
// # Examples
// Example 1: Compute Timestamp from POSIX `time()`.
// Timestamp timestamp;
// timestamp.set_seconds(time(NULL));
// timestamp.set_nanos(0);
// Example 2: Compute Timestamp from POSIX `gettimeofday()`.
// struct timeval tv;
// gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
// Timestamp timestamp;
// timestamp.set_seconds(tv.tv_sec);
// timestamp.set_nanos(tv.tv_usec * 1000);
// Example 3: Compute Timestamp from Win32 `GetSystemTimeAsFileTime()`.
// GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
// UINT64 ticks = (((UINT64)ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | ft.dwLowDateTime;
// // A Windows tick is 100 nanoseconds. Windows epoch 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z
// // is 11644473600 seconds before Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
// Timestamp timestamp;
// timestamp.set_seconds((INT64) ((ticks / 10000000) - 11644473600LL));
// timestamp.set_nanos((INT32) ((ticks % 10000000) * 100));
// Example 4: Compute Timestamp from Java `System.currentTimeMillis()`.
// long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Timestamp timestamp = Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(millis / 1000)
// .setNanos((int) ((millis % 1000) * 1000000)).build();
// Example 5: Compute Timestamp from current time in Python.
// timestamp = Timestamp()
// timestamp.GetCurrentTime()
// # JSON Mapping
// In JSON format, the Timestamp type is encoded as a string in the
// [RFC 3339](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt) format. That is, the
// format is "{year}-{month}-{day}T{hour}:{min}:{sec}[.{frac_sec}]Z"
// where {year} is always expressed using four digits while {month}, {day},
// {hour}, {min}, and {sec} are zero-padded to two digits each. The fractional
// seconds, which can go up to 9 digits (i.e. up to 1 nanosecond resolution),
// are optional. The "Z" suffix indicates the timezone ("UTC"); the timezone
// is required. A proto3 JSON serializer should always use UTC (as indicated by
// "Z") when printing the Timestamp type and a proto3 JSON parser should be
// able to accept both UTC and other timezones (as indicated by an offset).
// For example, "2017-01-15T01:30:15.01Z" encodes 15.01 seconds past
// 01:30 UTC on January 15, 2017.
// In JavaScript, one can convert a Date object to this format using the
// standard
// [toISOString()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/toISOString)
// method. In Python, a standard `datetime.datetime` object can be converted
// to this format using
// [`strftime`](https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html#time.strftime) with
// the time format spec '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'. Likewise, in Java, one can use
// the Joda Time's [`ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime()`](
// http://www.joda.org/joda-time/apidocs/org/joda/time/format/ISODateTimeFormat.html#dateTime%2D%2D
// ) to obtain a formatter capable of generating timestamps in this format.
type Timestamp struct {
// Represents seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch
// 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Must be from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to
// 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z inclusive.
Seconds int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=seconds,proto3" json:"seconds,omitempty"`
// Non-negative fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution. Negative
// second values with fractions must still have non-negative nanos values
// that count forward in time. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999
// inclusive.
Nanos int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=nanos,proto3" json:"nanos,omitempty"`
XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"`
func (m *Timestamp) Reset() { *m = Timestamp{} }
func (*Timestamp) ProtoMessage() {}
func (*Timestamp) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
return fileDescriptor_292007bbfe81227e, []int{0}
func (*Timestamp) XXX_WellKnownType() string { return "Timestamp" }
func (m *Timestamp) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return m.Unmarshal(b)
func (m *Timestamp) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if deterministic {
return xxx_messageInfo_Timestamp.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
} else {
b = b[:cap(b)]
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b[:n], nil
func (m *Timestamp) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
xxx_messageInfo_Timestamp.Merge(m, src)
func (m *Timestamp) XXX_Size() int {
return m.Size()
func (m *Timestamp) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
var xxx_messageInfo_Timestamp proto.InternalMessageInfo
func (m *Timestamp) GetSeconds() int64 {
if m != nil {
return m.Seconds
return 0
func (m *Timestamp) GetNanos() int32 {
if m != nil {
return m.Nanos
return 0
func (*Timestamp) XXX_MessageName() string {
return "google.protobuf.Timestamp"
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*Timestamp)(nil), "google.protobuf.Timestamp")
func init() { proto.RegisterFile("google/protobuf/timestamp.proto", fileDescriptor_292007bbfe81227e) }
var fileDescriptor_292007bbfe81227e = []byte{
// 212 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x92, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0xcf, 0x4f,
0xcf, 0x49, 0xd5, 0x2f, 0x28, 0xca, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0x4d, 0xd3, 0x2f, 0xc9, 0xcc, 0x4d,
0x2d, 0x2e, 0x49, 0xcc, 0x2d, 0xd0, 0x03, 0x0b, 0x09, 0xf1, 0x43, 0x14, 0xe8, 0xc1, 0x14, 0x28,
0x59, 0x73, 0x71, 0x86, 0xc0, 0xd4, 0x08, 0x49, 0x70, 0xb1, 0x17, 0xa7, 0x26, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xa5,
0x14, 0x4b, 0x30, 0x2a, 0x30, 0x6a, 0x30, 0x07, 0xc1, 0xb8, 0x42, 0x22, 0x5c, 0xac, 0x79, 0x89,
0x79, 0xf9, 0xc5, 0x12, 0x4c, 0x0a, 0x8c, 0x1a, 0xac, 0x41, 0x10, 0x8e, 0x53, 0x03, 0xe3, 0x8d,
0x87, 0x72, 0x0c, 0x1f, 0x1e, 0xca, 0x31, 0xae, 0x78, 0x24, 0xc7, 0x78, 0xe2, 0x91, 0x1c, 0xe3,
0x85, 0x47, 0x72, 0x8c, 0x0f, 0x1e, 0xc9, 0x31, 0xbe, 0x78, 0x24, 0xc7, 0xf0, 0xe1, 0x91, 0x1c,
0xe3, 0x8a, 0xc7, 0x72, 0x8c, 0x27, 0x1e, 0xcb, 0x31, 0x72, 0x09, 0x27, 0xe7, 0xe7, 0xea, 0xa1,
0x59, 0xee, 0xc4, 0x07, 0xb7, 0x3a, 0x00, 0x24, 0x14, 0xc0, 0x18, 0xc5, 0x5a, 0x52, 0x59, 0x90,
0x5a, 0xfc, 0x83, 0x91, 0x71, 0x11, 0x13, 0xb3, 0x7b, 0x80, 0xd3, 0x2a, 0x26, 0x39, 0x77, 0x88,
0x9e, 0x00, 0xa8, 0x1e, 0xbd, 0xf0, 0xd4, 0x9c, 0x1c, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xfc, 0xf2, 0xbc, 0x10, 0x90,
0xca, 0x24, 0x36, 0xb0, 0x61, 0xc6, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0b, 0x23, 0x83, 0xdd,
0xfa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
func (this *Timestamp) Compare(that interface{}) int {
if that == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
that1, ok := that.(*Timestamp)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(Timestamp)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return 1
if that1 == nil {
if this == nil {
return 0
return 1
} else if this == nil {
return -1
if this.Seconds != that1.Seconds {
if this.Seconds < that1.Seconds {
return -1
return 1
if this.Nanos != that1.Nanos {
if this.Nanos < that1.Nanos {
return -1
return 1
if c := bytes.Compare(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized); c != 0 {
return c
return 0
func (this *Timestamp) Equal(that interface{}) bool {
if that == nil {
return this == nil
that1, ok := that.(*Timestamp)
if !ok {
that2, ok := that.(Timestamp)
if ok {
that1 = &that2
} else {
return false
if that1 == nil {
return this == nil
} else if this == nil {
return false
if this.Seconds != that1.Seconds {
return false
if this.Nanos != that1.Nanos {
return false
if !bytes.Equal(this.XXX_unrecognized, that1.XXX_unrecognized) {
return false
return true
func (this *Timestamp) GoString() string {
if this == nil {
return "nil"
s := make([]string, 0, 6)
s = append(s, "&types.Timestamp{")
s = append(s, "Seconds: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Seconds)+",\n")
s = append(s, "Nanos: "+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.Nanos)+",\n")
if this.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
s = append(s, "XXX_unrecognized:"+fmt.Sprintf("%#v", this.XXX_unrecognized)+",\n")
s = append(s, "}")
return strings.Join(s, "")
func valueToGoStringTimestamp(v interface{}, typ string) string {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.IsNil() {
return "nil"
pv := reflect.Indirect(rv).Interface()
return fmt.Sprintf("func(v %v) *%v { return &v } ( %#v )", typ, typ, pv)
func (m *Timestamp) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error) {
size := m.Size()
dAtA = make([]byte, size)
n, err := m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dAtA[:n], nil
func (m *Timestamp) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
size := m.Size()
return m.MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA[:size])
func (m *Timestamp) MarshalToSizedBuffer(dAtA []byte) (int, error) {
i := len(dAtA)
_ = i
var l int
_ = l
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
i -= len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
copy(dAtA[i:], m.XXX_unrecognized)
if m.Nanos != 0 {
i = encodeVarintTimestamp(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Nanos))
dAtA[i] = 0x10
if m.Seconds != 0 {
i = encodeVarintTimestamp(dAtA, i, uint64(m.Seconds))
dAtA[i] = 0x8
return len(dAtA) - i, nil
func encodeVarintTimestamp(dAtA []byte, offset int, v uint64) int {
offset -= sovTimestamp(v)
base := offset
for v >= 1<<7 {
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v&0x7f | 0x80)
v >>= 7
dAtA[offset] = uint8(v)
return base
func (m *Timestamp) Size() (n int) {
if m == nil {
return 0
var l int
_ = l
if m.Seconds != 0 {
n += 1 + sovTimestamp(uint64(m.Seconds))
if m.Nanos != 0 {
n += 1 + sovTimestamp(uint64(m.Nanos))
if m.XXX_unrecognized != nil {
n += len(m.XXX_unrecognized)
return n
func sovTimestamp(x uint64) (n int) {
return (math_bits.Len64(x|1) + 6) / 7
func sozTimestamp(x uint64) (n int) {
return sovTimestamp(uint64((x << 1) ^ uint64((int64(x) >> 63))))
func (m *Timestamp) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
for iNdEx < l {
preIndex := iNdEx
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowTimestamp
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= uint64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
fieldNum := int32(wire >> 3)
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
if wireType == 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: Timestamp: wiretype end group for non-group")
if fieldNum <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: Timestamp: illegal tag %d (wire type %d)", fieldNum, wire)
switch fieldNum {
case 1:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Seconds", wireType)
m.Seconds = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowTimestamp
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Seconds |= int64(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
case 2:
if wireType != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: wrong wireType = %d for field Nanos", wireType)
m.Nanos = 0
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return ErrIntOverflowTimestamp
if iNdEx >= l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
m.Nanos |= int32(b&0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
iNdEx = preIndex
skippy, err := skipTimestamp(dAtA[iNdEx:])
if err != nil {
return err
if (skippy < 0) || (iNdEx+skippy) < 0 {
return ErrInvalidLengthTimestamp
if (iNdEx + skippy) > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
m.XXX_unrecognized = append(m.XXX_unrecognized, dAtA[iNdEx:iNdEx+skippy]...)
iNdEx += skippy
if iNdEx > l {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return nil
func skipTimestamp(dAtA []byte) (n int, err error) {
l := len(dAtA)
iNdEx := 0
depth := 0
for iNdEx < l {
var wire uint64
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowTimestamp
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
wire |= (uint64(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
wireType := int(wire & 0x7)
switch wireType {
case 0:
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowTimestamp
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if dAtA[iNdEx-1] < 0x80 {
case 1:
iNdEx += 8
case 2:
var length int
for shift := uint(0); ; shift += 7 {
if shift >= 64 {
return 0, ErrIntOverflowTimestamp
if iNdEx >= l {
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
b := dAtA[iNdEx]
length |= (int(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b < 0x80 {
if length < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthTimestamp
iNdEx += length
case 3:
case 4:
if depth == 0 {
return 0, ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupTimestamp
case 5:
iNdEx += 4
return 0, fmt.Errorf("proto: illegal wireType %d", wireType)
if iNdEx < 0 {
return 0, ErrInvalidLengthTimestamp
if depth == 0 {
return iNdEx, nil
return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
var (
ErrInvalidLengthTimestamp = fmt.Errorf("proto: negative length found during unmarshaling")
ErrIntOverflowTimestamp = fmt.Errorf("proto: integer overflow")
ErrUnexpectedEndOfGroupTimestamp = fmt.Errorf("proto: unexpected end of group")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets
// Copyright (c) 2016, The GoGo Authors. All rights reserved.
// http://github.com/gogo/protobuf
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
package types
import (
func NewPopulatedTimestamp(r interface {
Int63() int64
}, easy bool) *Timestamp {
this := &Timestamp{}
ns := int64(r.Int63())
this.Seconds = ns / 1e9
this.Nanos = int32(ns % 1e9)
return this
func (ts *Timestamp) String() string {
return TimestampString(ts)
func NewPopulatedStdTime(r interface {
Int63() int64
}, easy bool) *time.Time {
timestamp := NewPopulatedTimestamp(r, easy)
t, err := TimestampFromProto(timestamp)
if err != nil {
return nil
return &t
func SizeOfStdTime(t time.Time) int {
ts, err := TimestampProto(t)
if err != nil {
return 0
return ts.Size()
func StdTimeMarshal(t time.Time) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdTime(t)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdTimeMarshalTo(t, buf)
return buf, err
func StdTimeMarshalTo(t time.Time, data []byte) (int, error) {
ts, err := TimestampProto(t)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return ts.MarshalTo(data)
func StdTimeUnmarshal(t *time.Time, data []byte) error {
ts := &Timestamp{}
if err := ts.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
tt, err := TimestampFromProto(ts)
if err != nil {
return err
*t = tt
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
// Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets
// Copyright (c) 2018, The GoGo Authors. All rights reserved.
// http://github.com/gogo/protobuf
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
package types
func NewPopulatedStdDouble(r randyWrappers, easy bool) *float64 {
v := NewPopulatedDoubleValue(r, easy)
return &v.Value
func SizeOfStdDouble(v float64) int {
pv := &DoubleValue{Value: v}
return pv.Size()
func StdDoubleMarshal(v float64) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdDouble(v)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdDoubleMarshalTo(v, buf)
return buf, err
func StdDoubleMarshalTo(v float64, data []byte) (int, error) {
pv := &DoubleValue{Value: v}
return pv.MarshalTo(data)
func StdDoubleUnmarshal(v *float64, data []byte) error {
pv := &DoubleValue{}
if err := pv.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
*v = pv.Value
return nil
func NewPopulatedStdFloat(r randyWrappers, easy bool) *float32 {
v := NewPopulatedFloatValue(r, easy)
return &v.Value
func SizeOfStdFloat(v float32) int {
pv := &FloatValue{Value: v}
return pv.Size()
func StdFloatMarshal(v float32) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdFloat(v)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdFloatMarshalTo(v, buf)
return buf, err
func StdFloatMarshalTo(v float32, data []byte) (int, error) {
pv := &FloatValue{Value: v}
return pv.MarshalTo(data)
func StdFloatUnmarshal(v *float32, data []byte) error {
pv := &FloatValue{}
if err := pv.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
*v = pv.Value
return nil
func NewPopulatedStdInt64(r randyWrappers, easy bool) *int64 {
v := NewPopulatedInt64Value(r, easy)
return &v.Value
func SizeOfStdInt64(v int64) int {
pv := &Int64Value{Value: v}
return pv.Size()
func StdInt64Marshal(v int64) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdInt64(v)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdInt64MarshalTo(v, buf)
return buf, err
func StdInt64MarshalTo(v int64, data []byte) (int, error) {
pv := &Int64Value{Value: v}
return pv.MarshalTo(data)
func StdInt64Unmarshal(v *int64, data []byte) error {
pv := &Int64Value{}
if err := pv.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
*v = pv.Value
return nil
func NewPopulatedStdUInt64(r randyWrappers, easy bool) *uint64 {
v := NewPopulatedUInt64Value(r, easy)
return &v.Value
func SizeOfStdUInt64(v uint64) int {
pv := &UInt64Value{Value: v}
return pv.Size()
func StdUInt64Marshal(v uint64) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdUInt64(v)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdUInt64MarshalTo(v, buf)
return buf, err
func StdUInt64MarshalTo(v uint64, data []byte) (int, error) {
pv := &UInt64Value{Value: v}
return pv.MarshalTo(data)
func StdUInt64Unmarshal(v *uint64, data []byte) error {
pv := &UInt64Value{}
if err := pv.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
*v = pv.Value
return nil
func NewPopulatedStdInt32(r randyWrappers, easy bool) *int32 {
v := NewPopulatedInt32Value(r, easy)
return &v.Value
func SizeOfStdInt32(v int32) int {
pv := &Int32Value{Value: v}
return pv.Size()
func StdInt32Marshal(v int32) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdInt32(v)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdInt32MarshalTo(v, buf)
return buf, err
func StdInt32MarshalTo(v int32, data []byte) (int, error) {
pv := &Int32Value{Value: v}
return pv.MarshalTo(data)
func StdInt32Unmarshal(v *int32, data []byte) error {
pv := &Int32Value{}
if err := pv.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
*v = pv.Value
return nil
func NewPopulatedStdUInt32(r randyWrappers, easy bool) *uint32 {
v := NewPopulatedUInt32Value(r, easy)
return &v.Value
func SizeOfStdUInt32(v uint32) int {
pv := &UInt32Value{Value: v}
return pv.Size()
func StdUInt32Marshal(v uint32) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdUInt32(v)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdUInt32MarshalTo(v, buf)
return buf, err
func StdUInt32MarshalTo(v uint32, data []byte) (int, error) {
pv := &UInt32Value{Value: v}
return pv.MarshalTo(data)
func StdUInt32Unmarshal(v *uint32, data []byte) error {
pv := &UInt32Value{}
if err := pv.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
*v = pv.Value
return nil
func NewPopulatedStdBool(r randyWrappers, easy bool) *bool {
v := NewPopulatedBoolValue(r, easy)
return &v.Value
func SizeOfStdBool(v bool) int {
pv := &BoolValue{Value: v}
return pv.Size()
func StdBoolMarshal(v bool) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdBool(v)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdBoolMarshalTo(v, buf)
return buf, err
func StdBoolMarshalTo(v bool, data []byte) (int, error) {
pv := &BoolValue{Value: v}
return pv.MarshalTo(data)
func StdBoolUnmarshal(v *bool, data []byte) error {
pv := &BoolValue{}
if err := pv.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
*v = pv.Value
return nil
func NewPopulatedStdString(r randyWrappers, easy bool) *string {
v := NewPopulatedStringValue(r, easy)
return &v.Value
func SizeOfStdString(v string) int {
pv := &StringValue{Value: v}
return pv.Size()
func StdStringMarshal(v string) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdString(v)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdStringMarshalTo(v, buf)
return buf, err
func StdStringMarshalTo(v string, data []byte) (int, error) {
pv := &StringValue{Value: v}
return pv.MarshalTo(data)
func StdStringUnmarshal(v *string, data []byte) error {
pv := &StringValue{}
if err := pv.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
*v = pv.Value
return nil
func NewPopulatedStdBytes(r randyWrappers, easy bool) *[]byte {
v := NewPopulatedBytesValue(r, easy)
return &v.Value
func SizeOfStdBytes(v []byte) int {
pv := &BytesValue{Value: v}
return pv.Size()
func StdBytesMarshal(v []byte) ([]byte, error) {
size := SizeOfStdBytes(v)
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err := StdBytesMarshalTo(v, buf)
return buf, err
func StdBytesMarshalTo(v []byte, data []byte) (int, error) {
pv := &BytesValue{Value: v}
return pv.MarshalTo(data)
func StdBytesUnmarshal(v *[]byte, data []byte) error {
pv := &BytesValue{}
if err := pv.Unmarshal(data); err != nil {
return err
*v = pv.Value
return nil
@ -776,12 +776,13 @@ func CheckTargetAddress(address model.LabelValue) error {
// RemoteWriteConfig is the configuration for writing to remote storage.
type RemoteWriteConfig struct {
URL *config.URL `yaml:"url"`
RemoteTimeout model.Duration `yaml:"remote_timeout,omitempty"`
Headers map[string]string `yaml:"headers,omitempty"`
WriteRelabelConfigs []*relabel.Config `yaml:"write_relabel_configs,omitempty"`
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
SendExemplars bool `yaml:"send_exemplars,omitempty"`
URL *config.URL `yaml:"url"`
RemoteTimeout model.Duration `yaml:"remote_timeout,omitempty"`
Headers map[string]string `yaml:"headers,omitempty"`
WriteRelabelConfigs []*relabel.Config `yaml:"write_relabel_configs,omitempty"`
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
SendExemplars bool `yaml:"send_exemplars,omitempty"`
SendNativeHistograms bool `yaml:"send_native_histograms,omitempty"`
// We cannot do proper Go type embedding below as the parser will then parse
// values arbitrarily into the overflow maps of further-down types.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
// Copyright 2021 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package histogram
import (
// FloatHistogram is similar to Histogram but uses float64 for all
// counts. Additionally, bucket counts are absolute and not deltas.
// A FloatHistogram is needed by PromQL to handle operations that might result
// in fractional counts. Since the counts in a histogram are unlikely to be too
// large to be represented precisely by a float64, a FloatHistogram can also be
// used to represent a histogram with integer counts and thus serves as a more
// generalized representation.
type FloatHistogram struct {
// Currently valid schema numbers are -4 <= n <= 8. They are all for
// base-2 bucket schemas, where 1 is a bucket boundary in each case, and
// then each power of two is divided into 2^n logarithmic buckets. Or
// in other words, each bucket boundary is the previous boundary times
// 2^(2^-n).
Schema int32
// Width of the zero bucket.
ZeroThreshold float64
// Observations falling into the zero bucket. Must be zero or positive.
ZeroCount float64
// Total number of observations. Must be zero or positive.
Count float64
// Sum of observations. This is also used as the stale marker.
Sum float64
// Spans for positive and negative buckets (see Span below).
PositiveSpans, NegativeSpans []Span
// Observation counts in buckets. Each represents an absolute count and
// must be zero or positive.
PositiveBuckets, NegativeBuckets []float64
// Copy returns a deep copy of the Histogram.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Copy() *FloatHistogram {
c := *h
if h.PositiveSpans != nil {
c.PositiveSpans = make([]Span, len(h.PositiveSpans))
copy(c.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveSpans)
if h.NegativeSpans != nil {
c.NegativeSpans = make([]Span, len(h.NegativeSpans))
copy(c.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeSpans)
if h.PositiveBuckets != nil {
c.PositiveBuckets = make([]float64, len(h.PositiveBuckets))
copy(c.PositiveBuckets, h.PositiveBuckets)
if h.NegativeBuckets != nil {
c.NegativeBuckets = make([]float64, len(h.NegativeBuckets))
copy(c.NegativeBuckets, h.NegativeBuckets)
return &c
// CopyToSchema works like Copy, but the returned deep copy has the provided
// target schema, which must be ≤ the original schema (i.e. it must have a lower
// resolution).
func (h *FloatHistogram) CopyToSchema(targetSchema int32) *FloatHistogram {
if targetSchema == h.Schema {
// Fast path.
return h.Copy()
if targetSchema > h.Schema {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot copy from schema %d to %d", h.Schema, targetSchema))
c := FloatHistogram{
Schema: targetSchema,
ZeroThreshold: h.ZeroThreshold,
ZeroCount: h.ZeroCount,
Count: h.Count,
Sum: h.Sum,
// TODO(beorn7): This is a straight-forward implementation using merging
// iterators for the original buckets and then adding one merged bucket
// after another to the newly created FloatHistogram. It's well possible
// that a more involved implementation performs much better, which we
// could do if this code path turns out to be performance-critical.
var iInSpan, index int32
for iSpan, iBucket, it := -1, -1, h.floatBucketIterator(true, 0, targetSchema); it.Next(); {
b := it.At()
c.PositiveSpans, c.PositiveBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = addBucket(
b, c.PositiveSpans, c.PositiveBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan, index,
index = b.Index
for iSpan, iBucket, it := -1, -1, h.floatBucketIterator(false, 0, targetSchema); it.Next(); {
b := it.At()
c.NegativeSpans, c.NegativeBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = addBucket(
b, c.NegativeSpans, c.NegativeBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan, index,
index = b.Index
return &c
// String returns a string representation of the Histogram.
func (h *FloatHistogram) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "{count:%g, sum:%g", h.Count, h.Sum)
var nBuckets []Bucket[float64]
for it := h.NegativeBucketIterator(); it.Next(); {
bucket := it.At()
if bucket.Count != 0 {
nBuckets = append(nBuckets, it.At())
for i := len(nBuckets) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ", %s", nBuckets[i].String())
if h.ZeroCount != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ", %s", h.ZeroBucket().String())
for it := h.PositiveBucketIterator(); it.Next(); {
bucket := it.At()
if bucket.Count != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ", %s", bucket.String())
return sb.String()
// ZeroBucket returns the zero bucket.
func (h *FloatHistogram) ZeroBucket() Bucket[float64] {
return Bucket[float64]{
Lower: -h.ZeroThreshold,
Upper: h.ZeroThreshold,
LowerInclusive: true,
UpperInclusive: true,
Count: h.ZeroCount,
// Scale scales the FloatHistogram by the provided factor, i.e. it scales all
// bucket counts including the zero bucket and the count and the sum of
// observations. The bucket layout stays the same. This method changes the
// receiving histogram directly (rather than acting on a copy). It returns a
// pointer to the receiving histogram for convenience.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Scale(factor float64) *FloatHistogram {
h.ZeroCount *= factor
h.Count *= factor
h.Sum *= factor
for i := range h.PositiveBuckets {
h.PositiveBuckets[i] *= factor
for i := range h.NegativeBuckets {
h.NegativeBuckets[i] *= factor
return h
// Add adds the provided other histogram to the receiving histogram. Count, Sum,
// and buckets from the other histogram are added to the corresponding
// components of the receiving histogram. Buckets in the other histogram that do
// not exist in the receiving histogram are inserted into the latter. The
// resulting histogram might have buckets with a population of zero or directly
// adjacent spans (offset=0). To normalize those, call the Compact method.
// The method reconciles differences in the zero threshold and in the schema,
// but the schema of the other histogram must be ≥ the schema of the receiving
// histogram (i.e. must have an equal or higher resolution). This means that the
// schema of the receiving histogram won't change. Its zero threshold, however,
// will change if needed. The other histogram will not be modified in any case.
// This method returns a pointer to the receiving histogram for convenience.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Add(other *FloatHistogram) *FloatHistogram {
otherZeroCount := h.reconcileZeroBuckets(other)
h.ZeroCount += otherZeroCount
h.Count += other.Count
h.Sum += other.Sum
// TODO(beorn7): If needed, this can be optimized by inspecting the
// spans in other and create missing buckets in h in batches.
var iInSpan, index int32
for iSpan, iBucket, it := -1, -1, other.floatBucketIterator(true, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema); it.Next(); {
b := it.At()
h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = addBucket(
b, h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan, index,
index = b.Index
for iSpan, iBucket, it := -1, -1, other.floatBucketIterator(false, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema); it.Next(); {
b := it.At()
h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = addBucket(
b, h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan, index,
index = b.Index
return h
// Sub works like Add but subtracts the other histogram.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Sub(other *FloatHistogram) *FloatHistogram {
otherZeroCount := h.reconcileZeroBuckets(other)
h.ZeroCount -= otherZeroCount
h.Count -= other.Count
h.Sum -= other.Sum
// TODO(beorn7): If needed, this can be optimized by inspecting the
// spans in other and create missing buckets in h in batches.
var iInSpan, index int32
for iSpan, iBucket, it := -1, -1, other.floatBucketIterator(true, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema); it.Next(); {
b := it.At()
b.Count *= -1
h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = addBucket(
b, h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan, index,
index = b.Index
for iSpan, iBucket, it := -1, -1, other.floatBucketIterator(false, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema); it.Next(); {
b := it.At()
b.Count *= -1
h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = addBucket(
b, h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan, index,
index = b.Index
return h
// addBucket takes the "coordinates" of the last bucket that was handled and
// adds the provided bucket after it. If a corresponding bucket exists, the
// count is added. If not, the bucket is inserted. The updated slices and the
// coordinates of the inserted or added-to bucket are returned.
func addBucket(
b Bucket[float64],
spans []Span, buckets []float64,
iSpan, iBucket int,
iInSpan, index int32,
) (
newSpans []Span, newBuckets []float64,
newISpan, newIBucket int, newIInSpan int32,
) {
if iSpan == -1 {
// First add, check if it is before all spans.
if len(spans) == 0 || spans[0].Offset > b.Index {
// Add bucket before all others.
buckets = append(buckets, 0)
copy(buckets[1:], buckets)
buckets[0] = b.Count
if len(spans) > 0 && spans[0].Offset == b.Index+1 {
return spans, buckets, 0, 0, 0
spans = append(spans, Span{})
copy(spans[1:], spans)
spans[0] = Span{Offset: b.Index, Length: 1}
if len(spans) > 1 {
// Convert the absolute offset in the formerly
// first span to a relative offset.
spans[1].Offset -= b.Index + 1
return spans, buckets, 0, 0, 0
if spans[0].Offset == b.Index {
// Just add to first bucket.
buckets[0] += b.Count
return spans, buckets, 0, 0, 0
// We are behind the first bucket, so set everything to the
// first bucket and continue normally.
iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = 0, 0, 0
index = spans[0].Offset
deltaIndex := b.Index - index
for {
remainingInSpan := int32(spans[iSpan].Length) - iInSpan
if deltaIndex < remainingInSpan {
// Bucket is in current span.
iBucket += int(deltaIndex)
iInSpan += deltaIndex
buckets[iBucket] += b.Count
return spans, buckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan
deltaIndex -= remainingInSpan
iBucket += int(remainingInSpan)
if iSpan == len(spans) || deltaIndex < spans[iSpan].Offset {
// Bucket is in gap behind previous span (or there are no further spans).
buckets = append(buckets, 0)
copy(buckets[iBucket+1:], buckets[iBucket:])
buckets[iBucket] = b.Count
if deltaIndex == 0 {
// Directly after previous span, extend previous span.
if iSpan < len(spans) {
iInSpan = int32(spans[iSpan].Length)
return spans, buckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan
if iSpan < len(spans) && deltaIndex == spans[iSpan].Offset-1 {
// Directly before next span, extend next span.
iInSpan = 0
return spans, buckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan
// No next span, or next span is not directly adjacent to new bucket.
// Add new span.
iInSpan = 0
if iSpan < len(spans) {
spans[iSpan].Offset -= deltaIndex + 1
spans = append(spans, Span{})
copy(spans[iSpan+1:], spans[iSpan:])
spans[iSpan] = Span{Length: 1, Offset: deltaIndex}
return spans, buckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan
// Try start of next span.
deltaIndex -= spans[iSpan].Offset
iInSpan = 0
// Compact eliminates empty buckets at the beginning and end of each span, then
// merges spans that are consecutive or at most maxEmptyBuckets apart, and
// finally splits spans that contain more consecutive empty buckets than
// maxEmptyBuckets. (The actual implementation might do something more efficient
// but with the same result.) The compaction happens "in place" in the
// receiving histogram, but a pointer to it is returned for convenience.
// The ideal value for maxEmptyBuckets depends on circumstances. The motivation
// to set maxEmptyBuckets > 0 is the assumption that is is less overhead to
// represent very few empty buckets explicitly within one span than cutting the
// one span into two to treat the empty buckets as a gap between the two spans,
// both in terms of storage requirement as well as in terms of encoding and
// decoding effort. However, the tradeoffs are subtle. For one, they are
// different in the exposition format vs. in a TSDB chunk vs. for the in-memory
// representation as Go types. In the TSDB, as an additional aspects, the span
// layout is only stored once per chunk, while many histograms with that same
// chunk layout are then only stored with their buckets (so that even a single
// empty bucket will be stored many times).
// For the Go types, an additional Span takes 8 bytes. Similarly, an additional
// bucket takes 8 bytes. Therefore, with a single separating empty bucket, both
// options have the same storage requirement, but the single-span solution is
// easier to iterate through. Still, the safest bet is to use maxEmptyBuckets==0
// and only use a larger number if you know what you are doing.
func (h *FloatHistogram) Compact(maxEmptyBuckets int) *FloatHistogram {
h.PositiveBuckets, h.PositiveSpans = compactBuckets(
h.PositiveBuckets, h.PositiveSpans, maxEmptyBuckets, false,
h.NegativeBuckets, h.NegativeSpans = compactBuckets(
h.NegativeBuckets, h.NegativeSpans, maxEmptyBuckets, false,
return h
// DetectReset returns true if the receiving histogram is missing any buckets
// that have a non-zero population in the provided previous histogram. It also
// returns true if any count (in any bucket, in the zero count, or in the count
// of observations, but NOT the sum of observations) is smaller in the receiving
// histogram compared to the previous histogram. Otherwise, it returns false.
// Special behavior in case the Schema or the ZeroThreshold are not the same in
// both histograms:
// - A decrease of the ZeroThreshold or an increase of the Schema (i.e. an
// increase of resolution) can only happen together with a reset. Thus, the
// method returns true in either case.
// - Upon an increase of the ZeroThreshold, the buckets in the previous
// histogram that fall within the new ZeroThreshold are added to the ZeroCount
// of the previous histogram (without mutating the provided previous
// histogram). The scenario that a populated bucket of the previous histogram
// is partially within, partially outside of the new ZeroThreshold, can only
// happen together with a counter reset and therefore shortcuts to returning
// true.
// - Upon a decrease of the Schema, the buckets of the previous histogram are
// merged so that they match the new, lower-resolution schema (again without
// mutating the provided previous histogram).
// Note that this kind of reset detection is quite expensive. Ideally, resets
// are detected at ingest time and stored in the TSDB, so that the reset
// information can be read directly from there rather than be detected each time
// again.
func (h *FloatHistogram) DetectReset(previous *FloatHistogram) bool {
if h.Count < previous.Count {
return true
if h.Schema > previous.Schema {
return true
if h.ZeroThreshold < previous.ZeroThreshold {
// ZeroThreshold decreased.
return true
previousZeroCount, newThreshold := previous.zeroCountForLargerThreshold(h.ZeroThreshold)
if newThreshold != h.ZeroThreshold {
// ZeroThreshold is within a populated bucket in previous
// histogram.
return true
if h.ZeroCount < previousZeroCount {
return true
currIt := h.floatBucketIterator(true, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema)
prevIt := previous.floatBucketIterator(true, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema)
if detectReset(currIt, prevIt) {
return true
currIt = h.floatBucketIterator(false, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema)
prevIt = previous.floatBucketIterator(false, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema)
return detectReset(currIt, prevIt)
func detectReset(currIt, prevIt BucketIterator[float64]) bool {
if !prevIt.Next() {
return false // If no buckets in previous histogram, nothing can be reset.
prevBucket := prevIt.At()
if !currIt.Next() {
// No bucket in current, but at least one in previous
// histogram. Check if any of those are non-zero, in which case
// this is a reset.
for {
if prevBucket.Count != 0 {
return true
if !prevIt.Next() {
return false
currBucket := currIt.At()
for {
// Forward currIt until we find the bucket corresponding to prevBucket.
for currBucket.Index < prevBucket.Index {
if !currIt.Next() {
// Reached end of currIt early, therefore
// previous histogram has a bucket that the
// current one does not have. Unlass all
// remaining buckets in the previous histogram
// are unpopulated, this is a reset.
for {
if prevBucket.Count != 0 {
return true
if !prevIt.Next() {
return false
currBucket = currIt.At()
if currBucket.Index > prevBucket.Index {
// Previous histogram has a bucket the current one does
// not have. If it's populated, it's a reset.
if prevBucket.Count != 0 {
return true
} else {
// We have reached corresponding buckets in both iterators.
// We can finally compare the counts.
if currBucket.Count < prevBucket.Count {
return true
if !prevIt.Next() {
// Reached end of prevIt without finding offending buckets.
return false
prevBucket = prevIt.At()
// PositiveBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all positive
// buckets in ascending order (starting next to the zero bucket and going up).
func (h *FloatHistogram) PositiveBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
return h.floatBucketIterator(true, 0, h.Schema)
// NegativeBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all negative
// buckets in descending order (starting next to the zero bucket and going
// down).
func (h *FloatHistogram) NegativeBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
return h.floatBucketIterator(false, 0, h.Schema)
// PositiveReverseBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all
// positive buckets in descending order (starting at the highest bucket and
// going down towards the zero bucket).
func (h *FloatHistogram) PositiveReverseBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
return newReverseFloatBucketIterator(h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, h.Schema, true)
// NegativeReverseBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all
// negative buckets in ascending order (starting at the lowest bucket and going
// up towards the zero bucket).
func (h *FloatHistogram) NegativeReverseBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
return newReverseFloatBucketIterator(h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, h.Schema, false)
// AllBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all negative,
// zero, and positive buckets in ascending order (starting at the lowest bucket
// and going up). If the highest negative bucket or the lowest positive bucket
// overlap with the zero bucket, their upper or lower boundary, respectively, is
// set to the zero threshold.
func (h *FloatHistogram) AllBucketIterator() BucketIterator[float64] {
return &allFloatBucketIterator{
h: h,
negIter: h.NegativeReverseBucketIterator(),
posIter: h.PositiveBucketIterator(),
state: -1,
// zeroCountForLargerThreshold returns what the histogram's zero count would be
// if the ZeroThreshold had the provided larger (or equal) value. If the
// provided value is less than the histogram's ZeroThreshold, the method panics.
// If the largerThreshold ends up within a populated bucket of the histogram, it
// is adjusted upwards to the lower limit of that bucket (all in terms of
// absolute values) and that bucket's count is included in the returned
// count. The adjusted threshold is returned, too.
func (h *FloatHistogram) zeroCountForLargerThreshold(largerThreshold float64) (count, threshold float64) {
// Fast path.
if largerThreshold == h.ZeroThreshold {
return h.ZeroCount, largerThreshold
if largerThreshold < h.ZeroThreshold {
panic(fmt.Errorf("new threshold %f is less than old threshold %f", largerThreshold, h.ZeroThreshold))
for {
count = h.ZeroCount
i := h.PositiveBucketIterator()
for i.Next() {
b := i.At()
if b.Lower >= largerThreshold {
count += b.Count // Bucket to be merged into zero bucket.
if b.Upper > largerThreshold {
// New threshold ended up within a bucket. if it's
// populated, we need to adjust largerThreshold before
// we are done here.
if b.Count != 0 {
largerThreshold = b.Upper
i = h.NegativeBucketIterator()
for i.Next() {
b := i.At()
if b.Upper <= -largerThreshold {
count += b.Count // Bucket to be merged into zero bucket.
if b.Lower < -largerThreshold {
// New threshold ended up within a bucket. If
// it's populated, we need to adjust
// largerThreshold and have to redo the whole
// thing because the treatment of the positive
// buckets is invalid now.
if b.Count != 0 {
largerThreshold = -b.Lower
continue outer
return count, largerThreshold
// trimBucketsInZeroBucket removes all buckets that are within the zero
// bucket. It assumes that the zero threshold is at a bucket boundary and that
// the counts in the buckets to remove are already part of the zero count.
func (h *FloatHistogram) trimBucketsInZeroBucket() {
i := h.PositiveBucketIterator()
bucketsIdx := 0
for i.Next() {
b := i.At()
if b.Lower >= h.ZeroThreshold {
h.PositiveBuckets[bucketsIdx] = 0
i = h.NegativeBucketIterator()
bucketsIdx = 0
for i.Next() {
b := i.At()
if b.Upper <= -h.ZeroThreshold {
h.NegativeBuckets[bucketsIdx] = 0
// We are abusing Compact to trim the buckets set to zero
// above. Premature compacting could cause additional cost, but this
// code path is probably rarely used anyway.
// reconcileZeroBuckets finds a zero bucket large enough to include the zero
// buckets of both histograms (the receiving histogram and the other histogram)
// with a zero threshold that is not within a populated bucket in either
// histogram. This method modifies the receiving histogram accourdingly, but
// leaves the other histogram as is. Instead, it returns the zero count the
// other histogram would have if it were modified.
func (h *FloatHistogram) reconcileZeroBuckets(other *FloatHistogram) float64 {
otherZeroCount := other.ZeroCount
otherZeroThreshold := other.ZeroThreshold
for otherZeroThreshold != h.ZeroThreshold {
if h.ZeroThreshold > otherZeroThreshold {
otherZeroCount, otherZeroThreshold = other.zeroCountForLargerThreshold(h.ZeroThreshold)
if otherZeroThreshold > h.ZeroThreshold {
h.ZeroCount, h.ZeroThreshold = h.zeroCountForLargerThreshold(otherZeroThreshold)
return otherZeroCount
// floatBucketIterator is a low-level constructor for bucket iterators.
// If positive is true, the returned iterator iterates through the positive
// buckets, otherwise through the negative buckets.
// If absoluteStartValue is < the lowest absolute value of any upper bucket
// boundary, the iterator starts with the first bucket. Otherwise, it will skip
// all buckets with an absolute value of their upper boundary ≤
// absoluteStartValue.
// targetSchema must be ≤ the schema of FloatHistogram (and of course within the
// legal values for schemas in general). The buckets are merged to match the
// targetSchema prior to iterating (without mutating FloatHistogram).
func (h *FloatHistogram) floatBucketIterator(
positive bool, absoluteStartValue float64, targetSchema int32,
) *floatBucketIterator {
if targetSchema > h.Schema {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot merge from schema %d to %d", h.Schema, targetSchema))
i := &floatBucketIterator{
baseBucketIterator: baseBucketIterator[float64, float64]{
schema: h.Schema,
positive: positive,
targetSchema: targetSchema,
absoluteStartValue: absoluteStartValue,
if positive {
i.spans = h.PositiveSpans
i.buckets = h.PositiveBuckets
} else {
i.spans = h.NegativeSpans
i.buckets = h.NegativeBuckets
return i
// reverseFloatbucketiterator is a low-level constructor for reverse bucket iterators.
func newReverseFloatBucketIterator(
spans []Span, buckets []float64, schema int32, positive bool,
) *reverseFloatBucketIterator {
r := &reverseFloatBucketIterator{
baseBucketIterator: baseBucketIterator[float64, float64]{
schema: schema,
spans: spans,
buckets: buckets,
positive: positive,
r.spansIdx = len(r.spans) - 1
r.bucketsIdx = len(r.buckets) - 1
if r.spansIdx >= 0 {
r.idxInSpan = int32(r.spans[r.spansIdx].Length) - 1
r.currIdx = 0
for _, s := range r.spans {
r.currIdx += s.Offset + int32(s.Length)
return r
type floatBucketIterator struct {
baseBucketIterator[float64, float64]
targetSchema int32 // targetSchema is the schema to merge to and must be ≤ schema.
origIdx int32 // The bucket index within the original schema.
absoluteStartValue float64 // Never return buckets with an upper bound ≤ this value.
func (i *floatBucketIterator) Next() bool {
if i.spansIdx >= len(i.spans) {
return false
// Copy all of these into local variables so that we can forward to the
// next bucket and then roll back if needed.
origIdx, spansIdx, idxInSpan := i.origIdx, i.spansIdx, i.idxInSpan
span := i.spans[spansIdx]
firstPass := true
i.currCount = 0
mergeLoop: // Merge together all buckets from the original schema that fall into one bucket in the targetSchema.
for {
if i.bucketsIdx == 0 {
// Seed origIdx for the first bucket.
origIdx = span.Offset
} else {
for idxInSpan >= span.Length {
// We have exhausted the current span and have to find a new
// one. We even handle pathologic spans of length 0 here.
idxInSpan = 0
if spansIdx >= len(i.spans) {
if firstPass {
return false
break mergeLoop
span = i.spans[spansIdx]
origIdx += span.Offset
currIdx := i.targetIdx(origIdx)
if firstPass {
i.currIdx = currIdx
firstPass = false
} else if currIdx != i.currIdx {
// Reached next bucket in targetSchema.
// Do not actually forward to the next bucket, but break out.
break mergeLoop
i.currCount += i.buckets[i.bucketsIdx]
i.origIdx, i.spansIdx, i.idxInSpan = origIdx, spansIdx, idxInSpan
if i.schema == i.targetSchema {
// Don't need to test the next bucket for mergeability
// if we have no schema change anyway.
break mergeLoop
// Skip buckets before absoluteStartValue.
// TODO(beorn7): Maybe do something more efficient than this recursive call.
if getBound(i.currIdx, i.targetSchema) <= i.absoluteStartValue {
return i.Next()
return true
// targetIdx returns the bucket index within i.targetSchema for the given bucket
// index within i.schema.
func (i *floatBucketIterator) targetIdx(idx int32) int32 {
if i.schema == i.targetSchema {
// Fast path for the common case. The below would yield the same
// result, just with more effort.
return idx
return ((idx - 1) >> (i.schema - i.targetSchema)) + 1
type reverseFloatBucketIterator struct {
baseBucketIterator[float64, float64]
idxInSpan int32 // Changed from uint32 to allow negative values for exhaustion detection.
func (i *reverseFloatBucketIterator) Next() bool {
if i.bucketsIdx < 0 {
return false
for i.idxInSpan < 0 {
// We have exhausted the current span and have to find a new
// one. We'll even handle pathologic spans of length 0.
i.idxInSpan = int32(i.spans[i.spansIdx].Length) - 1
i.currIdx -= i.spans[i.spansIdx+1].Offset
i.currCount = i.buckets[i.bucketsIdx]
return true
type allFloatBucketIterator struct {
h *FloatHistogram
negIter, posIter BucketIterator[float64]
// -1 means we are iterating negative buckets.
// 0 means it is time for the zero bucket.
// 1 means we are iterating positive buckets.
// Anything else means iteration is over.
state int8
currBucket Bucket[float64]
func (i *allFloatBucketIterator) Next() bool {
switch i.state {
case -1:
if i.negIter.Next() {
i.currBucket = i.negIter.At()
if i.currBucket.Upper > -i.h.ZeroThreshold {
i.currBucket.Upper = -i.h.ZeroThreshold
return true
i.state = 0
return i.Next()
case 0:
i.state = 1
if i.h.ZeroCount > 0 {
i.currBucket = Bucket[float64]{
Lower: -i.h.ZeroThreshold,
Upper: i.h.ZeroThreshold,
LowerInclusive: true,
UpperInclusive: true,
Count: i.h.ZeroCount,
// Index is irrelevant for the zero bucket.
return true
return i.Next()
case 1:
if i.posIter.Next() {
i.currBucket = i.posIter.At()
if i.currBucket.Lower < i.h.ZeroThreshold {
i.currBucket.Lower = i.h.ZeroThreshold
return true
i.state = 42
return false
return false
func (i *allFloatBucketIterator) At() Bucket[float64] {
return i.currBucket
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
// Copyright 2022 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package histogram
import (
// BucketCount is a type constraint for the count in a bucket, which can be
// float64 (for type FloatHistogram) or uint64 (for type Histogram).
type BucketCount interface {
float64 | uint64
// internalBucketCount is used internally by Histogram and FloatHistogram. The
// difference to the BucketCount above is that Histogram internally uses deltas
// between buckets rather than absolute counts (while FloatHistogram uses
// absolute counts directly). Go type parameters don't allow type
// specialization. Therefore, where special treatment of deltas between buckets
// vs. absolute counts is important, this information has to be provided as a
// separate boolean parameter "deltaBuckets"
type internalBucketCount interface {
float64 | int64
// Bucket represents a bucket with lower and upper limit and the absolute count
// of samples in the bucket. It also specifies if each limit is inclusive or
// not. (Mathematically, inclusive limits create a closed interval, and
// non-inclusive limits an open interval.)
// To represent cumulative buckets, Lower is set to -Inf, and the Count is then
// cumulative (including the counts of all buckets for smaller values).
type Bucket[BC BucketCount] struct {
Lower, Upper float64
LowerInclusive, UpperInclusive bool
Count BC
// Index within schema. To easily compare buckets that share the same
// schema and sign (positive or negative). Irrelevant for the zero bucket.
Index int32
// String returns a string representation of a Bucket, using the usual
// mathematical notation of '['/']' for inclusive bounds and '('/')' for
// non-inclusive bounds.
func (b Bucket[BC]) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
if b.LowerInclusive {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%g,%g", b.Lower, b.Upper)
if b.UpperInclusive {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ":%v", b.Count)
return sb.String()
// BucketIterator iterates over the buckets of a Histogram, returning decoded
// buckets.
type BucketIterator[BC BucketCount] interface {
// Next advances the iterator by one.
Next() bool
// At returns the current bucket.
At() Bucket[BC]
// baseBucketIterator provides a struct that is shared by most BucketIterator
// implementations, together with an implementation of the At method. This
// iterator can be embedded in full implementations of BucketIterator to save on
// code replication.
type baseBucketIterator[BC BucketCount, IBC internalBucketCount] struct {
schema int32
spans []Span
buckets []IBC
positive bool // Whether this is for positive buckets.
spansIdx int // Current span within spans slice.
idxInSpan uint32 // Index in the current span. 0 <= idxInSpan < span.Length.
bucketsIdx int // Current bucket within buckets slice.
currCount IBC // Count in the current bucket.
currIdx int32 // The actual bucket index.
func (b baseBucketIterator[BC, IBC]) At() Bucket[BC] {
bucket := Bucket[BC]{
Count: BC(b.currCount),
Index: b.currIdx,
if b.positive {
bucket.Upper = getBound(b.currIdx, b.schema)
bucket.Lower = getBound(b.currIdx-1, b.schema)
} else {
bucket.Lower = -getBound(b.currIdx, b.schema)
bucket.Upper = -getBound(b.currIdx-1, b.schema)
bucket.LowerInclusive = bucket.Lower < 0
bucket.UpperInclusive = bucket.Upper > 0
return bucket
// compactBuckets is a generic function used by both Histogram.Compact and
// FloatHistogram.Compact. Set deltaBuckets to true if the provided buckets are
// deltas. Set it to false if the buckets contain absolute counts.
func compactBuckets[IBC internalBucketCount](buckets []IBC, spans []Span, maxEmptyBuckets int, deltaBuckets bool) ([]IBC, []Span) {
// Fast path: If there are no empty buckets AND no offset in any span is
// <= maxEmptyBuckets AND no span has length 0, there is nothing to do and we can return
// immediately. We check that first because it's cheap and presumably
// common.
nothingToDo := true
var currentBucketAbsolute IBC
for _, bucket := range buckets {
if deltaBuckets {
currentBucketAbsolute += bucket
} else {
currentBucketAbsolute = bucket
if currentBucketAbsolute == 0 {
nothingToDo = false
if nothingToDo {
for _, span := range spans {
if int(span.Offset) <= maxEmptyBuckets || span.Length == 0 {
nothingToDo = false
if nothingToDo {
return buckets, spans
var iBucket, iSpan int
var posInSpan uint32
currentBucketAbsolute = 0
// Helper function.
emptyBucketsHere := func() int {
i := 0
abs := currentBucketAbsolute
for uint32(i)+posInSpan < spans[iSpan].Length && abs == 0 {
if i+iBucket >= len(buckets) {
abs = buckets[i+iBucket]
return i
// Merge spans with zero-offset to avoid special cases later.
if len(spans) > 1 {
for i, span := range spans[1:] {
if span.Offset == 0 {
spans[iSpan].Length += span.Length
if i+1 != iSpan {
spans[iSpan] = span
spans = spans[:iSpan+1]
iSpan = 0
// Merge spans with zero-length to avoid special cases later.
for i, span := range spans {
if span.Length == 0 {
if i+1 < len(spans) {
spans[i+1].Offset += span.Offset
if i != iSpan {
spans[iSpan] = span
spans = spans[:iSpan]
iSpan = 0
// Cut out empty buckets from start and end of spans, no matter
// what. Also cut out empty buckets from the middle of a span but only
// if there are more than maxEmptyBuckets consecutive empty buckets.
for iBucket < len(buckets) {
if deltaBuckets {
currentBucketAbsolute += buckets[iBucket]
} else {
currentBucketAbsolute = buckets[iBucket]
if nEmpty := emptyBucketsHere(); nEmpty > 0 {
if posInSpan > 0 &&
nEmpty < int(spans[iSpan].Length-posInSpan) &&
nEmpty <= maxEmptyBuckets {
// The empty buckets are in the middle of a
// span, and there are few enough to not bother.
// Just fast-forward.
iBucket += nEmpty
if deltaBuckets {
currentBucketAbsolute = 0
posInSpan += uint32(nEmpty)
// In all other cases, we cut out the empty buckets.
if deltaBuckets && iBucket+nEmpty < len(buckets) {
currentBucketAbsolute = -buckets[iBucket]
buckets[iBucket+nEmpty] += buckets[iBucket]
buckets = append(buckets[:iBucket], buckets[iBucket+nEmpty:]...)
if posInSpan == 0 {
// Start of span.
if nEmpty == int(spans[iSpan].Length) {
// The whole span is empty.
offset := spans[iSpan].Offset
spans = append(spans[:iSpan], spans[iSpan+1:]...)
if len(spans) > iSpan {
spans[iSpan].Offset += offset + int32(nEmpty)
spans[iSpan].Length -= uint32(nEmpty)
spans[iSpan].Offset += int32(nEmpty)
// It's in the middle or in the end of the span.
// Split the current span.
newSpan := Span{
Offset: int32(nEmpty),
Length: spans[iSpan].Length - posInSpan - uint32(nEmpty),
spans[iSpan].Length = posInSpan
// In any case, we have to split to the next span.
posInSpan = 0
if newSpan.Length == 0 {
// The span is empty, so we were already at the end of a span.
// We don't have to insert the new span, just adjust the next
// span's offset, if there is one.
if iSpan < len(spans) {
spans[iSpan].Offset += int32(nEmpty)
// Insert the new span.
spans = append(spans, Span{})
if iSpan+1 < len(spans) {
copy(spans[iSpan+1:], spans[iSpan:])
spans[iSpan] = newSpan
if posInSpan >= spans[iSpan].Length {
posInSpan = 0
if maxEmptyBuckets == 0 || len(buckets) == 0 {
return buckets, spans
// Finally, check if any offsets between spans are small enough to merge
// the spans.
iBucket = int(spans[0].Length)
if deltaBuckets {
currentBucketAbsolute = 0
for _, bucket := range buckets[:iBucket] {
currentBucketAbsolute += bucket
iSpan = 1
for iSpan < len(spans) {
if int(spans[iSpan].Offset) > maxEmptyBuckets {
l := int(spans[iSpan].Length)
if deltaBuckets {
for _, bucket := range buckets[iBucket : iBucket+l] {
currentBucketAbsolute += bucket
iBucket += l
// Merge span with previous one and insert empty buckets.
offset := int(spans[iSpan].Offset)
spans[iSpan-1].Length += uint32(offset) + spans[iSpan].Length
spans = append(spans[:iSpan], spans[iSpan+1:]...)
newBuckets := make([]IBC, len(buckets)+offset)
copy(newBuckets, buckets[:iBucket])
copy(newBuckets[iBucket+offset:], buckets[iBucket:])
if deltaBuckets {
newBuckets[iBucket] = -currentBucketAbsolute
newBuckets[iBucket+offset] += currentBucketAbsolute
iBucket += offset
buckets = newBuckets
currentBucketAbsolute = buckets[iBucket]
// Note that with many merges, it would be more efficient to
// first record all the chunks of empty buckets to insert and
// then do it in one go through all the buckets.
return buckets, spans
func getBound(idx, schema int32) float64 {
// Here a bit of context about the behavior for the last bucket counting
// regular numbers (called simply "last bucket" below) and the bucket
// counting observations of ±Inf (called "inf bucket" below, with an idx
// one higher than that of the "last bucket"):
// If we apply the usual formula to the last bucket, its upper bound
// would be calculated as +Inf. The reason is that the max possible
// regular float64 number (math.MaxFloat64) doesn't coincide with one of
// the calculated bucket boundaries. So the calculated boundary has to
// be larger than math.MaxFloat64, and the only float64 larger than
// math.MaxFloat64 is +Inf. However, we want to count actual
// observations of ±Inf in the inf bucket. Therefore, we have to treat
// the upper bound of the last bucket specially and set it to
// math.MaxFloat64. (The upper bound of the inf bucket, with its idx
// being one higher than that of the last bucket, naturally comes out as
// +Inf by the usual formula. So that's fine.)
// math.MaxFloat64 has a frac of 0.9999999999999999 and an exp of
// 1024. If there were a float64 number following math.MaxFloat64, it
// would have a frac of 1.0 and an exp of 1024, or equivalently a frac
// of 0.5 and an exp of 1025. However, since frac must be smaller than
// 1, and exp must be smaller than 1025, either representation overflows
// a float64. (Which, in turn, is the reason that math.MaxFloat64 is the
// largest possible float64. Q.E.D.) However, the formula for
// calculating the upper bound from the idx and schema of the last
// bucket results in precisely that. It is either frac=1.0 & exp=1024
// (for schema < 0) or frac=0.5 & exp=1025 (for schema >=0). (This is,
// by the way, a power of two where the exponent itself is a power of
// two, 2¹⁰ in fact, which coinicides with a bucket boundary in all
// schemas.) So these are the special cases we have to catch below.
if schema < 0 {
exp := int(idx) << -schema
if exp == 1024 {
// This is the last bucket before the overflow bucket
// (for ±Inf observations). Return math.MaxFloat64 as
// explained above.
return math.MaxFloat64
return math.Ldexp(1, exp)
fracIdx := idx & ((1 << schema) - 1)
frac := exponentialBounds[schema][fracIdx]
exp := (int(idx) >> schema) + 1
if frac == 0.5 && exp == 1025 {
// This is the last bucket before the overflow bucket (for ±Inf
// observations). Return math.MaxFloat64 as explained above.
return math.MaxFloat64
return math.Ldexp(frac, exp)
// exponentialBounds is a precalculated table of bucket bounds in the interval
// [0.5,1) in schema 0 to 8.
var exponentialBounds = [][]float64{
// Schema "0":
// Schema 1:
{0.5, 0.7071067811865475},
// Schema 2:
{0.5, 0.5946035575013605, 0.7071067811865475, 0.8408964152537144},
// Schema 3:
0.5, 0.5452538663326288, 0.5946035575013605, 0.6484197773255048,
0.7071067811865475, 0.7711054127039704, 0.8408964152537144, 0.9170040432046711,
// Schema 4:
0.5, 0.5221368912137069, 0.5452538663326288, 0.5693943173783458,
0.5946035575013605, 0.620928906036742, 0.6484197773255048, 0.6771277734684463,
0.7071067811865475, 0.7384130729697496, 0.7711054127039704, 0.805245165974627,
0.8408964152537144, 0.8781260801866495, 0.9170040432046711, 0.9576032806985735,
// Schema 5:
0.5, 0.5109485743270583, 0.5221368912137069, 0.5335702003384117,
0.5452538663326288, 0.5571933712979462, 0.5693943173783458, 0.5818624293887887,
0.5946035575013605, 0.6076236799902344, 0.620928906036742, 0.6345254785958666,
0.6484197773255048, 0.6626183215798706, 0.6771277734684463, 0.6919549409819159,
0.7071067811865475, 0.7225904034885232, 0.7384130729697496, 0.7545822137967112,
0.7711054127039704, 0.7879904225539431, 0.805245165974627, 0.8228777390769823,
0.8408964152537144, 0.8593096490612387, 0.8781260801866495, 0.8973545375015533,
0.9170040432046711, 0.9370838170551498, 0.9576032806985735, 0.9785720620876999,
// Schema 6:
0.5, 0.5054446430258502, 0.5109485743270583, 0.5165124395106142,
0.5221368912137069, 0.5278225891802786, 0.5335702003384117, 0.5393803988785598,
0.5452538663326288, 0.5511912916539204, 0.5571933712979462, 0.5632608093041209,
0.5693943173783458, 0.5755946149764913, 0.5818624293887887, 0.5881984958251406,
0.5946035575013605, 0.6010783657263515, 0.6076236799902344, 0.6142402680534349,
0.620928906036742, 0.6276903785123455, 0.6345254785958666, 0.6414350080393891,
0.6484197773255048, 0.6554806057623822, 0.6626183215798706, 0.6698337620266515,
0.6771277734684463, 0.6845012114872953, 0.6919549409819159, 0.6994898362691555,
0.7071067811865475, 0.7148066691959849, 0.7225904034885232, 0.7304588970903234,
0.7384130729697496, 0.7464538641456323, 0.7545822137967112, 0.762799075372269,
0.7711054127039704, 0.7795022001189185, 0.7879904225539431, 0.7965710756711334,
0.805245165974627, 0.8140137109286738, 0.8228777390769823, 0.8318382901633681,
0.8408964152537144, 0.8500531768592616, 0.8593096490612387, 0.8686669176368529,
0.8781260801866495, 0.8876882462632604, 0.8973545375015533, 0.9071260877501991,
0.9170040432046711, 0.9269895625416926, 0.9370838170551498, 0.9472879907934827,
0.9576032806985735, 0.9680308967461471, 0.9785720620876999, 0.9892280131939752,
// Schema 7:
0.5, 0.5027149505564014, 0.5054446430258502, 0.5081891574554764,
0.5109485743270583, 0.5137229745593818, 0.5165124395106142, 0.5193170509806894,
0.5221368912137069, 0.5249720429003435, 0.5278225891802786, 0.5306886136446309,
0.5335702003384117, 0.5364674337629877, 0.5393803988785598, 0.5423091811066545,
0.5452538663326288, 0.5482145409081883, 0.5511912916539204, 0.5541842058618393,
0.5571933712979462, 0.5602188762048033, 0.5632608093041209, 0.5663192597993595,
0.5693943173783458, 0.572486072215902, 0.5755946149764913, 0.5787200368168754,
0.5818624293887887, 0.585021884841625, 0.5881984958251406, 0.5913923554921704,
0.5946035575013605, 0.5978321960199137, 0.6010783657263515, 0.6043421618132907,
0.6076236799902344, 0.6109230164863786, 0.6142402680534349, 0.6175755319684665,
0.620928906036742, 0.6243004885946023, 0.6276903785123455, 0.6310986751971253,
0.6345254785958666, 0.637970889198196, 0.6414350080393891, 0.6449179367033329,
0.6484197773255048, 0.6519406325959679, 0.6554806057623822, 0.659039800633032,
0.6626183215798706, 0.6662162735415805, 0.6698337620266515, 0.6734708931164728,
0.6771277734684463, 0.6808045103191123, 0.6845012114872953, 0.688217985377265,
0.6919549409819159, 0.6957121878859629, 0.6994898362691555, 0.7032879969095076,
0.7071067811865475, 0.7109463010845827, 0.7148066691959849, 0.718687998724491,
0.7225904034885232, 0.7265139979245261, 0.7304588970903234, 0.7344252166684908,
0.7384130729697496, 0.7424225829363761, 0.7464538641456323, 0.7505070348132126,
0.7545822137967112, 0.7586795205991071, 0.762799075372269, 0.7669409989204777,
0.7711054127039704, 0.7752924388424999, 0.7795022001189185, 0.7837348199827764,
0.7879904225539431, 0.7922691326262467, 0.7965710756711334, 0.8008963778413465,
0.805245165974627, 0.8096175675974316, 0.8140137109286738, 0.8184337248834821,
0.8228777390769823, 0.8273458838280969, 0.8318382901633681, 0.8363550898207981,
0.8408964152537144, 0.8454623996346523, 0.8500531768592616, 0.8546688815502312,
0.8593096490612387, 0.8639756154809185, 0.8686669176368529, 0.8733836930995842,
0.8781260801866495, 0.8828942179666361, 0.8876882462632604, 0.8925083056594671,
0.8973545375015533, 0.9022270839033115, 0.9071260877501991, 0.9120516927035263,
0.9170040432046711, 0.9219832844793128, 0.9269895625416926, 0.9320230241988943,
0.9370838170551498, 0.9421720895161669, 0.9472879907934827, 0.9524316709088368,
0.9576032806985735, 0.9628029718180622, 0.9680308967461471, 0.9732872087896164,
0.9785720620876999, 0.9838856116165875, 0.9892280131939752, 0.9945994234836328,
// Schema 8:
0.5, 0.5013556375251013, 0.5027149505564014, 0.5040779490592088,
0.5054446430258502, 0.5068150424757447, 0.5081891574554764, 0.509566998038869,
0.5109485743270583, 0.5123338964485679, 0.5137229745593818, 0.5151158188430205,
0.5165124395106142, 0.5179128468009786, 0.5193170509806894, 0.520725062344158,
0.5221368912137069, 0.5235525479396449, 0.5249720429003435, 0.526395386502313,
0.5278225891802786, 0.5292536613972564, 0.5306886136446309, 0.5321274564422321,
0.5335702003384117, 0.5350168559101208, 0.5364674337629877, 0.5379219445313954,
0.5393803988785598, 0.5408428074966075, 0.5423091811066545, 0.5437795304588847,
0.5452538663326288, 0.5467321995364429, 0.5482145409081883, 0.549700901315111,
0.5511912916539204, 0.5526857228508706, 0.5541842058618393, 0.5556867516724088,
0.5571933712979462, 0.5587040757836845, 0.5602188762048033, 0.5617377836665098,
0.5632608093041209, 0.564787964283144, 0.5663192597993595, 0.5678547070789026,
0.5693943173783458, 0.5709381019847808, 0.572486072215902, 0.5740382394200894,
0.5755946149764913, 0.5771552102951081, 0.5787200368168754, 0.5802891060137493,
0.5818624293887887, 0.5834400184762408, 0.585021884841625, 0.5866080400818185,
0.5881984958251406, 0.5897932637314379, 0.5913923554921704, 0.5929957828304968,
0.5946035575013605, 0.5962156912915756, 0.5978321960199137, 0.5994530835371903,
0.6010783657263515, 0.6027080545025619, 0.6043421618132907, 0.6059806996384005,
0.6076236799902344, 0.6092711149137041, 0.6109230164863786, 0.6125793968185725,
0.6142402680534349, 0.6159056423670379, 0.6175755319684665, 0.6192499490999082,
0.620928906036742, 0.622612415087629, 0.6243004885946023, 0.6259931389331581,
0.6276903785123455, 0.6293922197748583, 0.6310986751971253, 0.6328097572894031,
0.6345254785958666, 0.6362458516947014, 0.637970889198196, 0.6397006037528346,
0.6414350080393891, 0.6431741147730128, 0.6449179367033329, 0.6466664866145447,
0.6484197773255048, 0.6501778216898253, 0.6519406325959679, 0.6537082229673385,
0.6554806057623822, 0.6572577939746774, 0.659039800633032, 0.6608266388015788,
0.6626183215798706, 0.6644148621029772, 0.6662162735415805, 0.6680225691020727,
0.6698337620266515, 0.6716498655934177, 0.6734708931164728, 0.6752968579460171,
0.6771277734684463, 0.6789636531064505, 0.6808045103191123, 0.6826503586020058,
0.6845012114872953, 0.6863570825438342, 0.688217985377265, 0.690083933630119,
0.6919549409819159, 0.6938310211492645, 0.6957121878859629, 0.6975984549830999,
0.6994898362691555, 0.7013863456101023, 0.7032879969095076, 0.7051948041086352,
0.7071067811865475, 0.7090239421602076, 0.7109463010845827, 0.7128738720527471,
0.7148066691959849, 0.7167447066838943, 0.718687998724491, 0.7206365595643126,
0.7225904034885232, 0.7245495448210174, 0.7265139979245261, 0.7284837772007218,
0.7304588970903234, 0.7324393720732029, 0.7344252166684908, 0.7364164454346837,
0.7384130729697496, 0.7404151139112358, 0.7424225829363761, 0.7444354947621984,
0.7464538641456323, 0.7484777058836176, 0.7505070348132126, 0.7525418658117031,
0.7545822137967112, 0.7566280937263048, 0.7586795205991071, 0.7607365094544071,
0.762799075372269, 0.7648672334736434, 0.7669409989204777, 0.7690203869158282,
0.7711054127039704, 0.7731960915705107, 0.7752924388424999, 0.7773944698885442,
0.7795022001189185, 0.7816156449856788, 0.7837348199827764, 0.7858597406461707,
0.7879904225539431, 0.7901268813264122, 0.7922691326262467, 0.7944171921585818,
0.7965710756711334, 0.7987307989543135, 0.8008963778413465, 0.8030678282083853,
0.805245165974627, 0.8074284071024302, 0.8096175675974316, 0.8118126635086642,
0.8140137109286738, 0.8162207259936375, 0.8184337248834821, 0.820652723822003,
0.8228777390769823, 0.8251087869603088, 0.8273458838280969, 0.8295890460808079,
0.8318382901633681, 0.8340936325652911, 0.8363550898207981, 0.8386226785089391,
0.8408964152537144, 0.8431763167241966, 0.8454623996346523, 0.8477546807446661,
0.8500531768592616, 0.8523579048290255, 0.8546688815502312, 0.8569861239649629,
0.8593096490612387, 0.8616394738731368, 0.8639756154809185, 0.8663180910111553,
0.8686669176368529, 0.871022112577578, 0.8733836930995842, 0.8757516765159389,
0.8781260801866495, 0.8805069215187917, 0.8828942179666361, 0.8852879870317771,
0.8876882462632604, 0.890095013257712, 0.8925083056594671, 0.8949281411607002,
0.8973545375015533, 0.8997875124702672, 0.9022270839033115, 0.9046732696855155,
0.9071260877501991, 0.909585556079304, 0.9120516927035263, 0.9145245157024483,
0.9170040432046711, 0.9194902933879467, 0.9219832844793128, 0.9244830347552253,
0.9269895625416926, 0.92950288621441, 0.9320230241988943, 0.9345499949706191,
0.9370838170551498, 0.93962450902828, 0.9421720895161669, 0.9447265771954693,
0.9472879907934827, 0.9498563490882775, 0.9524316709088368, 0.9550139751351947,
0.9576032806985735, 0.9601996065815236, 0.9628029718180622, 0.9654133954938133,
0.9680308967461471, 0.9706554947643201, 0.9732872087896164, 0.9759260581154889,
0.9785720620876999, 0.9812252401044634, 0.9838856116165875, 0.9865531961276168,
0.9892280131939752, 0.9919100824251095, 0.9945994234836328, 0.9972960560854698,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
// Copyright 2021 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package histogram
import (
// Histogram encodes a sparse, high-resolution histogram. See the design
// document for full details:
// https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cLNv3aufPZb3fNfaJgdaRBZsInZKKIHo9E6HinJVbpM/edit#
// The most tricky bit is how bucket indices represent real bucket boundaries.
// An example for schema 0 (by which each bucket is twice as wide as the
// previous bucket):
// Bucket boundaries → [-2,-1) [-1,-0.5) [-0.5,-0.25) ... [-0.001,0.001] ... (0.25,0.5] (0.5,1] (1,2] ....
// ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
// Zero bucket (width e.g. 0.001) → | | | ZB | | |
// Positive bucket indices → | | | ... -1 0 1 2 3
// Negative bucket indices → 3 2 1 0 -1 ...
// Which bucket indices are actually used is determined by the spans.
type Histogram struct {
// Currently valid schema numbers are -4 <= n <= 8. They are all for
// base-2 bucket schemas, where 1 is a bucket boundary in each case, and
// then each power of two is divided into 2^n logarithmic buckets. Or
// in other words, each bucket boundary is the previous boundary times
// 2^(2^-n).
Schema int32
// Width of the zero bucket.
ZeroThreshold float64
// Observations falling into the zero bucket.
ZeroCount uint64
// Total number of observations.
Count uint64
// Sum of observations. This is also used as the stale marker.
Sum float64
// Spans for positive and negative buckets (see Span below).
PositiveSpans, NegativeSpans []Span
// Observation counts in buckets. The first element is an absolute
// count. All following ones are deltas relative to the previous
// element.
PositiveBuckets, NegativeBuckets []int64
// A Span defines a continuous sequence of buckets.
type Span struct {
// Gap to previous span (always positive), or starting index for the 1st
// span (which can be negative).
Offset int32
// Length of the span.
Length uint32
// Copy returns a deep copy of the Histogram.
func (h *Histogram) Copy() *Histogram {
c := *h
if len(h.PositiveSpans) != 0 {
c.PositiveSpans = make([]Span, len(h.PositiveSpans))
copy(c.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveSpans)
if len(h.NegativeSpans) != 0 {
c.NegativeSpans = make([]Span, len(h.NegativeSpans))
copy(c.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeSpans)
if len(h.PositiveBuckets) != 0 {
c.PositiveBuckets = make([]int64, len(h.PositiveBuckets))
copy(c.PositiveBuckets, h.PositiveBuckets)
if len(h.NegativeBuckets) != 0 {
c.NegativeBuckets = make([]int64, len(h.NegativeBuckets))
copy(c.NegativeBuckets, h.NegativeBuckets)
return &c
// String returns a string representation of the Histogram.
func (h *Histogram) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "{count:%d, sum:%g", h.Count, h.Sum)
var nBuckets []Bucket[uint64]
for it := h.NegativeBucketIterator(); it.Next(); {
bucket := it.At()
if bucket.Count != 0 {
nBuckets = append(nBuckets, it.At())
for i := len(nBuckets) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ", %s", nBuckets[i].String())
if h.ZeroCount != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ", %s", h.ZeroBucket().String())
for it := h.PositiveBucketIterator(); it.Next(); {
bucket := it.At()
if bucket.Count != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ", %s", bucket.String())
return sb.String()
// ZeroBucket returns the zero bucket.
func (h *Histogram) ZeroBucket() Bucket[uint64] {
return Bucket[uint64]{
Lower: -h.ZeroThreshold,
Upper: h.ZeroThreshold,
LowerInclusive: true,
UpperInclusive: true,
Count: h.ZeroCount,
// PositiveBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all positive
// buckets in ascending order (starting next to the zero bucket and going up).
func (h *Histogram) PositiveBucketIterator() BucketIterator[uint64] {
return newRegularBucketIterator(h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, h.Schema, true)
// NegativeBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over all negative
// buckets in descending order (starting next to the zero bucket and going down).
func (h *Histogram) NegativeBucketIterator() BucketIterator[uint64] {
return newRegularBucketIterator(h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, h.Schema, false)
// CumulativeBucketIterator returns a BucketIterator to iterate over a
// cumulative view of the buckets. This method currently only supports
// Histograms without negative buckets and panics if the Histogram has negative
// buckets. It is currently only used for testing.
func (h *Histogram) CumulativeBucketIterator() BucketIterator[uint64] {
if len(h.NegativeBuckets) > 0 {
panic("CumulativeBucketIterator called on Histogram with negative buckets")
return &cumulativeBucketIterator{h: h, posSpansIdx: -1}
// Equals returns true if the given histogram matches exactly.
// Exact match is when there are no new buckets (even empty) and no missing buckets,
// and all the bucket values match. Spans can have different empty length spans in between,
// but they must represent the same bucket layout to match.
func (h *Histogram) Equals(h2 *Histogram) bool {
if h2 == nil {
return false
if h.Schema != h2.Schema || h.ZeroThreshold != h2.ZeroThreshold ||
h.ZeroCount != h2.ZeroCount || h.Count != h2.Count || h.Sum != h2.Sum {
return false
if !spansMatch(h.PositiveSpans, h2.PositiveSpans) {
return false
if !spansMatch(h.NegativeSpans, h2.NegativeSpans) {
return false
if !bucketsMatch(h.PositiveBuckets, h2.PositiveBuckets) {
return false
if !bucketsMatch(h.NegativeBuckets, h2.NegativeBuckets) {
return false
return true
// spansMatch returns true if both spans represent the same bucket layout
// after combining zero length spans with the next non-zero length span.
func spansMatch(s1, s2 []Span) bool {
if len(s1) == 0 && len(s2) == 0 {
return true
s1idx, s2idx := 0, 0
for {
if s1idx >= len(s1) {
return allEmptySpans(s2[s2idx:])
if s2idx >= len(s2) {
return allEmptySpans(s1[s1idx:])
currS1, currS2 := s1[s1idx], s2[s2idx]
if currS1.Length == 0 {
// This span is zero length, so we add consecutive such spans
// until we find a non-zero span.
for ; s1idx < len(s1) && s1[s1idx].Length == 0; s1idx++ {
currS1.Offset += s1[s1idx].Offset
if s1idx < len(s1) {
currS1.Offset += s1[s1idx].Offset
currS1.Length = s1[s1idx].Length
if currS2.Length == 0 {
// This span is zero length, so we add consecutive such spans
// until we find a non-zero span.
for ; s2idx < len(s2) && s2[s2idx].Length == 0; s2idx++ {
currS2.Offset += s2[s2idx].Offset
if s2idx < len(s2) {
currS2.Offset += s2[s2idx].Offset
currS2.Length = s2[s2idx].Length
if currS1.Length == 0 && currS2.Length == 0 {
// The last spans of both set are zero length. Previous spans match.
return true
if currS1.Offset != currS2.Offset || currS1.Length != currS2.Length {
return false
func allEmptySpans(s []Span) bool {
for _, ss := range s {
if ss.Length > 0 {
return false
return true
func bucketsMatch(b1, b2 []int64) bool {
if len(b1) != len(b2) {
return false
for i, b := range b1 {
if b != b2[i] {
return false
return true
// Compact works like FloatHistogram.Compact. See there for detailed
// explanations.
func (h *Histogram) Compact(maxEmptyBuckets int) *Histogram {
h.PositiveBuckets, h.PositiveSpans = compactBuckets(
h.PositiveBuckets, h.PositiveSpans, maxEmptyBuckets, true,
h.NegativeBuckets, h.NegativeSpans = compactBuckets(
h.NegativeBuckets, h.NegativeSpans, maxEmptyBuckets, true,
return h
// ToFloat returns a FloatHistogram representation of the Histogram. It is a
// deep copy (e.g. spans are not shared).
func (h *Histogram) ToFloat() *FloatHistogram {
var (
positiveSpans, negativeSpans []Span
positiveBuckets, negativeBuckets []float64
if len(h.PositiveSpans) != 0 {
positiveSpans = make([]Span, len(h.PositiveSpans))
copy(positiveSpans, h.PositiveSpans)
if len(h.NegativeSpans) != 0 {
negativeSpans = make([]Span, len(h.NegativeSpans))
copy(negativeSpans, h.NegativeSpans)
if len(h.PositiveBuckets) != 0 {
positiveBuckets = make([]float64, len(h.PositiveBuckets))
var current float64
for i, b := range h.PositiveBuckets {
current += float64(b)
positiveBuckets[i] = current
if len(h.NegativeBuckets) != 0 {
negativeBuckets = make([]float64, len(h.NegativeBuckets))
var current float64
for i, b := range h.NegativeBuckets {
current += float64(b)
negativeBuckets[i] = current
return &FloatHistogram{
Schema: h.Schema,
ZeroThreshold: h.ZeroThreshold,
ZeroCount: float64(h.ZeroCount),
Count: float64(h.Count),
Sum: h.Sum,
PositiveSpans: positiveSpans,
NegativeSpans: negativeSpans,
PositiveBuckets: positiveBuckets,
NegativeBuckets: negativeBuckets,
type regularBucketIterator struct {
baseBucketIterator[uint64, int64]
func newRegularBucketIterator(spans []Span, buckets []int64, schema int32, positive bool) *regularBucketIterator {
i := baseBucketIterator[uint64, int64]{
schema: schema,
spans: spans,
buckets: buckets,
positive: positive,
return ®ularBucketIterator{i}
func (r *regularBucketIterator) Next() bool {
if r.spansIdx >= len(r.spans) {
return false
span := r.spans[r.spansIdx]
// Seed currIdx for the first bucket.
if r.bucketsIdx == 0 {
r.currIdx = span.Offset
} else {
for r.idxInSpan >= span.Length {
// We have exhausted the current span and have to find a new
// one. We'll even handle pathologic spans of length 0.
r.idxInSpan = 0
if r.spansIdx >= len(r.spans) {
return false
span = r.spans[r.spansIdx]
r.currIdx += span.Offset
r.currCount += r.buckets[r.bucketsIdx]
return true
type cumulativeBucketIterator struct {
h *Histogram
posSpansIdx int // Index in h.PositiveSpans we are in. -1 means 0 bucket.
posBucketsIdx int // Index in h.PositiveBuckets.
idxInSpan uint32 // Index in the current span. 0 <= idxInSpan < span.Length.
initialized bool
currIdx int32 // The actual bucket index after decoding from spans.
currUpper float64 // The upper boundary of the current bucket.
currCount int64 // Current non-cumulative count for the current bucket. Does not apply for empty bucket.
currCumulativeCount uint64 // Current "cumulative" count for the current bucket.
// Between 2 spans there could be some empty buckets which
// still needs to be counted for cumulative buckets.
// When we hit the end of a span, we use this to iterate
// through the empty buckets.
emptyBucketCount int32
func (c *cumulativeBucketIterator) Next() bool {
if c.posSpansIdx == -1 {
// Zero bucket.
if c.h.ZeroCount == 0 {
return c.Next()
c.currUpper = c.h.ZeroThreshold
c.currCount = int64(c.h.ZeroCount)
c.currCumulativeCount = uint64(c.currCount)
return true
if c.posSpansIdx >= len(c.h.PositiveSpans) {
return false
if c.emptyBucketCount > 0 {
// We are traversing through empty buckets at the moment.
c.currUpper = getBound(c.currIdx, c.h.Schema)
return true
span := c.h.PositiveSpans[c.posSpansIdx]
if c.posSpansIdx == 0 && !c.initialized {
// Initializing.
c.currIdx = span.Offset
// The first bucket is an absolute value and not a delta with Zero bucket.
c.currCount = 0
c.initialized = true
c.currCount += c.h.PositiveBuckets[c.posBucketsIdx]
c.currCumulativeCount += uint64(c.currCount)
c.currUpper = getBound(c.currIdx, c.h.Schema)
if c.idxInSpan >= span.Length {
// Move to the next span. This one is done.
c.idxInSpan = 0
if c.posSpansIdx < len(c.h.PositiveSpans) {
c.emptyBucketCount = c.h.PositiveSpans[c.posSpansIdx].Offset
return true
func (c *cumulativeBucketIterator) At() Bucket[uint64] {
return Bucket[uint64]{
Upper: c.currUpper,
Lower: math.Inf(-1),
UpperInclusive: true,
LowerInclusive: true,
Count: c.currCumulativeCount,
Index: c.currIdx - 1,
@ -17,16 +17,23 @@ import (
// Parser parses samples from a byte slice of samples in the official
// Prometheus and OpenMetrics text exposition formats.
type Parser interface {
// Series returns the bytes of the series, the timestamp if set, and the value
// of the current sample.
// Series returns the bytes of a series with a simple float64 as a
// value, the timestamp if set, and the value of the current sample.
Series() ([]byte, *int64, float64)
// Histogram returns the bytes of a series with a sparse histogram as a
// value, the timestamp if set, and the histogram in the current sample.
// Depending on the parsed input, the function returns an (integer) Histogram
// or a FloatHistogram, with the respective other return value being nil.
Histogram() ([]byte, *int64, *histogram.Histogram, *histogram.FloatHistogram)
// Help returns the metric name and help text in the current entry.
// Must only be called after Next returned a help entry.
// The returned byte slices become invalid after the next call to Next.
@ -70,22 +77,30 @@ func New(b []byte, contentType string) (Parser, error) {
mediaType, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(contentType)
if err == nil && mediaType == "application/openmetrics-text" {
return NewOpenMetricsParser(b), nil
if err != nil {
return NewPromParser(b), err
switch mediaType {
case "application/openmetrics-text":
return NewOpenMetricsParser(b), nil
case "application/vnd.google.protobuf":
return NewProtobufParser(b), nil
return NewPromParser(b), nil
return NewPromParser(b), err
// Entry represents the type of a parsed entry.
type Entry int
const (
EntryInvalid Entry = -1
EntryType Entry = 0
EntryHelp Entry = 1
EntrySeries Entry = 2
EntryComment Entry = 3
EntryUnit Entry = 4
EntryInvalid Entry = -1
EntryType Entry = 0
EntryHelp Entry = 1
EntrySeries Entry = 2 // A series with a simple float64 as value.
EntryComment Entry = 3
EntryUnit Entry = 4
EntryHistogram Entry = 5 // A series with a sparse histogram as a value.
// MetricType represents metric type values.
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import (
@ -112,6 +113,12 @@ func (p *OpenMetricsParser) Series() ([]byte, *int64, float64) {
return p.series, nil, p.val
// Histogram always returns (nil, nil, nil, nil) because OpenMetrics does not support
// sparse histograms.
func (p *OpenMetricsParser) Histogram() ([]byte, *int64, *histogram.Histogram, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
// Help returns the metric name and help text in the current entry.
// Must only be called after Next returned a help entry.
// The returned byte slices become invalid after the next call to Next.
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import (
@ -167,6 +168,12 @@ func (p *PromParser) Series() ([]byte, *int64, float64) {
return p.series, nil, p.val
// Histogram always returns (nil, nil, nil, nil) because the Prometheus text format
// does not support sparse histograms.
func (p *PromParser) Histogram() ([]byte, *int64, *histogram.Histogram, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
// Help returns the metric name and help text in the current entry.
// Must only be called after Next returned a help entry.
// The returned byte slices become invalid after the next call to Next.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
// Copyright 2021 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package textparse
import (
dto "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/prompb/io/prometheus/client"
// ProtobufParser is a very inefficient way of unmarshaling the old Prometheus
// protobuf format and then present it as it if were parsed by a
// Prometheus-2-style text parser. This is only done so that we can easily plug
// in the protobuf format into Prometheus 2. For future use (with the final
// format that will be used for native histograms), we have to revisit the
// parsing. A lot of the efficiency tricks of the Prometheus-2-style parsing
// could be used in a similar fashion (byte-slice pointers into the raw
// payload), which requires some hand-coded protobuf handling. But the current
// parsers all expect the full series name (metric name plus label pairs) as one
// string, which is not how things are represented in the protobuf format. If
// the re-arrangement work is actually causing problems (which has to be seen),
// that expectation needs to be changed.
type ProtobufParser struct {
in []byte // The intput to parse.
inPos int // Position within the input.
metricPos int // Position within Metric slice.
// fieldPos is the position within a Summary or (legacy) Histogram. -2
// is the count. -1 is the sum. Otherwise it is the index within
// quantiles/buckets.
fieldPos int
fieldsDone bool // true if no more fields of a Summary or (legacy) Histogram to be processed.
// state is marked by the entry we are processing. EntryInvalid implies
// that we have to decode the next MetricFamily.
state Entry
mf *dto.MetricFamily
// The following are just shenanigans to satisfy the Parser interface.
metricBytes *bytes.Buffer // A somewhat fluid representation of the current metric.
// NewProtobufParser returns a parser for the payload in the byte slice.
func NewProtobufParser(b []byte) Parser {
return &ProtobufParser{
in: b,
state: EntryInvalid,
mf: &dto.MetricFamily{},
metricBytes: &bytes.Buffer{},
// Series returns the bytes of a series with a simple float64 as a
// value, the timestamp if set, and the value of the current sample.
func (p *ProtobufParser) Series() ([]byte, *int64, float64) {
var (
m = p.mf.GetMetric()[p.metricPos]
ts = m.GetTimestampMs()
v float64
switch p.mf.GetType() {
case dto.MetricType_COUNTER:
v = m.GetCounter().GetValue()
case dto.MetricType_GAUGE:
v = m.GetGauge().GetValue()
case dto.MetricType_UNTYPED:
v = m.GetUntyped().GetValue()
case dto.MetricType_SUMMARY:
s := m.GetSummary()
switch p.fieldPos {
case -2:
v = float64(s.GetSampleCount())
case -1:
v = s.GetSampleSum()
// Need to detect a summaries without quantile here.
if len(s.GetQuantile()) == 0 {
p.fieldsDone = true
v = s.GetQuantile()[p.fieldPos].GetValue()
case dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM:
// This should only happen for a legacy histogram.
h := m.GetHistogram()
switch p.fieldPos {
case -2:
v = float64(h.GetSampleCount())
case -1:
v = h.GetSampleSum()
bb := h.GetBucket()
if p.fieldPos >= len(bb) {
v = float64(h.GetSampleCount())
} else {
v = float64(bb[p.fieldPos].GetCumulativeCount())
panic("encountered unexpected metric type, this is a bug")
if ts != 0 {
return p.metricBytes.Bytes(), &ts, v
// Nasty hack: Assume that ts==0 means no timestamp. That's not true in
// general, but proto3 has no distinction between unset and
// default. Need to avoid in the final format.
return p.metricBytes.Bytes(), nil, v
// Histogram returns the bytes of a series with a native histogram as a value,
// the timestamp if set, and the native histogram in the current sample.
// The Compact method is called before returning the Histogram (or FloatHistogram).
// If the SampleCountFloat or the ZeroCountFloat in the proto message is > 0,
// the histogram is parsed and returned as a FloatHistogram and nil is returned
// as the (integer) Histogram return value. Otherwise, it is parsed and returned
// as an (integer) Histogram and nil is returned as the FloatHistogram return
// value.
func (p *ProtobufParser) Histogram() ([]byte, *int64, *histogram.Histogram, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
var (
m = p.mf.GetMetric()[p.metricPos]
ts = m.GetTimestampMs()
h = m.GetHistogram()
if h.GetSampleCountFloat() > 0 || h.GetZeroCountFloat() > 0 {
// It is a float histogram.
fh := histogram.FloatHistogram{
Count: h.GetSampleCountFloat(),
Sum: h.GetSampleSum(),
ZeroThreshold: h.GetZeroThreshold(),
ZeroCount: h.GetZeroCountFloat(),
Schema: h.GetSchema(),
PositiveSpans: make([]histogram.Span, len(h.GetPositiveSpan())),
PositiveBuckets: h.GetPositiveCount(),
NegativeSpans: make([]histogram.Span, len(h.GetNegativeSpan())),
NegativeBuckets: h.GetNegativeCount(),
for i, span := range h.GetPositiveSpan() {
fh.PositiveSpans[i].Offset = span.GetOffset()
fh.PositiveSpans[i].Length = span.GetLength()
for i, span := range h.GetNegativeSpan() {
fh.NegativeSpans[i].Offset = span.GetOffset()
fh.NegativeSpans[i].Length = span.GetLength()
if ts != 0 {
return p.metricBytes.Bytes(), &ts, nil, &fh
// Nasty hack: Assume that ts==0 means no timestamp. That's not true in
// general, but proto3 has no distinction between unset and
// default. Need to avoid in the final format.
return p.metricBytes.Bytes(), nil, nil, &fh
sh := histogram.Histogram{
Count: h.GetSampleCount(),
Sum: h.GetSampleSum(),
ZeroThreshold: h.GetZeroThreshold(),
ZeroCount: h.GetZeroCount(),
Schema: h.GetSchema(),
PositiveSpans: make([]histogram.Span, len(h.GetPositiveSpan())),
PositiveBuckets: h.GetPositiveDelta(),
NegativeSpans: make([]histogram.Span, len(h.GetNegativeSpan())),
NegativeBuckets: h.GetNegativeDelta(),
for i, span := range h.GetPositiveSpan() {
sh.PositiveSpans[i].Offset = span.GetOffset()
sh.PositiveSpans[i].Length = span.GetLength()
for i, span := range h.GetNegativeSpan() {
sh.NegativeSpans[i].Offset = span.GetOffset()
sh.NegativeSpans[i].Length = span.GetLength()
if ts != 0 {
return p.metricBytes.Bytes(), &ts, &sh, nil
return p.metricBytes.Bytes(), nil, &sh, nil
// Help returns the metric name and help text in the current entry.
// Must only be called after Next returned a help entry.
// The returned byte slices become invalid after the next call to Next.
func (p *ProtobufParser) Help() ([]byte, []byte) {
return p.metricBytes.Bytes(), []byte(p.mf.GetHelp())
// Type returns the metric name and type in the current entry.
// Must only be called after Next returned a type entry.
// The returned byte slices become invalid after the next call to Next.
func (p *ProtobufParser) Type() ([]byte, MetricType) {
n := p.metricBytes.Bytes()
switch p.mf.GetType() {
case dto.MetricType_COUNTER:
return n, MetricTypeCounter
case dto.MetricType_GAUGE:
return n, MetricTypeGauge
case dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM:
return n, MetricTypeHistogram
case dto.MetricType_SUMMARY:
return n, MetricTypeSummary
return n, MetricTypeUnknown
// Unit always returns (nil, nil) because units aren't supported by the protobuf
// format.
func (p *ProtobufParser) Unit() ([]byte, []byte) {
return nil, nil
// Comment always returns nil because comments aren't supported by the protobuf
// format.
func (p *ProtobufParser) Comment() []byte {
return nil
// Metric writes the labels of the current sample into the passed labels.
// It returns the string from which the metric was parsed.
func (p *ProtobufParser) Metric(l *labels.Labels) string {
*l = append(*l, labels.Label{
Name: labels.MetricName,
Value: p.getMagicName(),
for _, lp := range p.mf.GetMetric()[p.metricPos].GetLabel() {
*l = append(*l, labels.Label{
Name: lp.GetName(),
Value: lp.GetValue(),
if needed, name, value := p.getMagicLabel(); needed {
*l = append(*l, labels.Label{Name: name, Value: value})
// Sort labels to maintain the sorted labels invariant.
return p.metricBytes.String()
// Exemplar writes the exemplar of the current sample into the passed
// exemplar. It returns if an exemplar exists or not. In case of a native
// histogram, the legacy bucket section is still used for exemplars. To ingest
// all examplars, call the Exemplar method repeatedly until it returns false.
func (p *ProtobufParser) Exemplar(ex *exemplar.Exemplar) bool {
m := p.mf.GetMetric()[p.metricPos]
var exProto *dto.Exemplar
switch p.mf.GetType() {
case dto.MetricType_COUNTER:
exProto = m.GetCounter().GetExemplar()
case dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM:
bb := m.GetHistogram().GetBucket()
if p.fieldPos < 0 {
if p.state == EntrySeries {
return false // At _count or _sum.
p.fieldPos = 0 // Start at 1st bucket for native histograms.
for p.fieldPos < len(bb) {
exProto = bb[p.fieldPos].GetExemplar()
if p.state == EntrySeries {
if exProto != nil {
return false
if exProto == nil {
return false
ex.Value = exProto.GetValue()
if ts := exProto.GetTimestamp(); ts != nil {
ex.HasTs = true
ex.Ts = ts.GetSeconds()*1000 + int64(ts.GetNanos()/1_000_000)
for _, lp := range exProto.GetLabel() {
ex.Labels = append(ex.Labels, labels.Label{
Name: lp.GetName(),
Value: lp.GetValue(),
return true
// Next advances the parser to the next "sample" (emulating the behavior of a
// text format parser). It returns (EntryInvalid, io.EOF) if no samples were
// read.
func (p *ProtobufParser) Next() (Entry, error) {
switch p.state {
case EntryInvalid:
p.metricPos = 0
p.fieldPos = -2
n, err := readDelimited(p.in[p.inPos:], p.mf)
p.inPos += n
if err != nil {
return p.state, err
// Skip empty metric families.
if len(p.mf.GetMetric()) == 0 {
return p.Next()
// We are at the beginning of a metric family. Put only the name
// into metricBytes and validate only name and help for now.
name := p.mf.GetName()
if !model.IsValidMetricName(model.LabelValue(name)) {
return EntryInvalid, errors.Errorf("invalid metric name: %s", name)
if help := p.mf.GetHelp(); !utf8.ValidString(help) {
return EntryInvalid, errors.Errorf("invalid help for metric %q: %s", name, help)
p.state = EntryHelp
case EntryHelp:
p.state = EntryType
case EntryType:
if p.mf.GetType() == dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM &&
isNativeHistogram(p.mf.GetMetric()[0].GetHistogram()) {
p.state = EntryHistogram
} else {
p.state = EntrySeries
if err := p.updateMetricBytes(); err != nil {
return EntryInvalid, err
case EntryHistogram, EntrySeries:
if p.state == EntrySeries && !p.fieldsDone &&
(p.mf.GetType() == dto.MetricType_SUMMARY || p.mf.GetType() == dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM) {
} else {
p.fieldPos = -2
p.fieldsDone = false
if p.metricPos >= len(p.mf.GetMetric()) {
p.state = EntryInvalid
return p.Next()
if err := p.updateMetricBytes(); err != nil {
return EntryInvalid, err
return EntryInvalid, errors.Errorf("invalid protobuf parsing state: %d", p.state)
return p.state, nil
func (p *ProtobufParser) updateMetricBytes() error {
b := p.metricBytes
for _, lp := range p.mf.GetMetric()[p.metricPos].GetLabel() {
n := lp.GetName()
if !model.LabelName(n).IsValid() {
return errors.Errorf("invalid label name: %s", n)
v := lp.GetValue()
if !utf8.ValidString(v) {
return errors.Errorf("invalid label value: %s", v)
if needed, n, v := p.getMagicLabel(); needed {
return nil
// getMagicName usually just returns p.mf.GetType() but adds a magic suffix
// ("_count", "_sum", "_bucket") if needed according to the current parser
// state.
func (p *ProtobufParser) getMagicName() string {
t := p.mf.GetType()
if p.state == EntryHistogram || (t != dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM && t != dto.MetricType_SUMMARY) {
return p.mf.GetName()
if p.fieldPos == -2 {
return p.mf.GetName() + "_count"
if p.fieldPos == -1 {
return p.mf.GetName() + "_sum"
if t == dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM {
return p.mf.GetName() + "_bucket"
return p.mf.GetName()
// getMagicLabel returns if a magic label ("quantile" or "le") is needed and, if
// so, its name and value. It also sets p.fieldsDone if applicable.
func (p *ProtobufParser) getMagicLabel() (bool, string, string) {
if p.state == EntryHistogram || p.fieldPos < 0 {
return false, "", ""
switch p.mf.GetType() {
case dto.MetricType_SUMMARY:
qq := p.mf.GetMetric()[p.metricPos].GetSummary().GetQuantile()
q := qq[p.fieldPos]
p.fieldsDone = p.fieldPos == len(qq)-1
return true, model.QuantileLabel, formatOpenMetricsFloat(q.GetQuantile())
case dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM:
bb := p.mf.GetMetric()[p.metricPos].GetHistogram().GetBucket()
if p.fieldPos >= len(bb) {
p.fieldsDone = true
return true, model.BucketLabel, "+Inf"
b := bb[p.fieldPos]
p.fieldsDone = math.IsInf(b.GetUpperBound(), +1)
return true, model.BucketLabel, formatOpenMetricsFloat(b.GetUpperBound())
return false, "", ""
var errInvalidVarint = errors.New("protobufparse: invalid varint encountered")
// readDelimited is essentially doing what the function of the same name in
// github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions/pbutil is doing, but it is
// specific to a MetricFamily, utilizes the more efficient gogo-protobuf
// unmarshaling, and acts on a byte slice directly without any additional
// staging buffers.
func readDelimited(b []byte, mf *dto.MetricFamily) (n int, err error) {
if len(b) == 0 {
return 0, io.EOF
messageLength, varIntLength := proto.DecodeVarint(b)
if varIntLength == 0 || varIntLength > binary.MaxVarintLen32 {
return 0, errInvalidVarint
totalLength := varIntLength + int(messageLength)
if totalLength > len(b) {
return 0, errors.Errorf("protobufparse: insufficient length of buffer, expected at least %d bytes, got %d bytes", totalLength, len(b))
return totalLength, mf.Unmarshal(b[varIntLength:totalLength])
// formatOpenMetricsFloat works like the usual Go string formatting of a fleat
// but appends ".0" if the resulting number would otherwise contain neither a
// "." nor an "e".
func formatOpenMetricsFloat(f float64) string {
// A few common cases hardcoded.
switch {
case f == 1:
return "1.0"
case f == 0:
return "0.0"
case f == -1:
return "-1.0"
case math.IsNaN(f):
return "NaN"
case math.IsInf(f, +1):
return "+Inf"
case math.IsInf(f, -1):
return "-Inf"
s := fmt.Sprint(f)
if strings.ContainsAny(s, "e.") {
return s
return s + ".0"
// isNativeHistogram returns false iff the provided histograms has no sparse
// buckets and a zero threshold of 0 and a zero count of 0. In principle, this
// could still be meant to be a native histogram (with a zero threshold of 0 and
// no observations yet), but for now, we'll treat this case as a conventional
// histogram.
// TODO(beorn7): In the final format, there should be an unambiguous way of
// deciding if a histogram should be ingested as a conventional one or a native
// one.
func isNativeHistogram(h *dto.Histogram) bool {
return len(h.GetNegativeDelta()) > 0 ||
len(h.GetPositiveDelta()) > 0 ||
h.GetZeroCount() > 0 ||
h.GetZeroThreshold() > 0
@ -5,14 +5,17 @@ lint:
- remote.proto
- types.proto
- io/prometheus/client/metrics.proto
- remote.proto
- types.proto
- io/prometheus/client/metrics.proto
- remote.proto
- types.proto
- remote.proto
- types.proto
- io/prometheus/client/metrics.proto
- buf.build/gogo/protobuf
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
// Copyright 2013 Prometheus Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This is copied and lightly edited from
// github.com/prometheus/client_model/io/prometheus/client/metrics.proto
// and finally converted to proto3 syntax to make it usable for the
// gogo-protobuf approach taken within prometheus/prometheus.
syntax = "proto3";
package io.prometheus.client;
option go_package = "io_prometheus_client";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message LabelPair {
string name = 1;
string value = 2;
enum MetricType {
// COUNTER must use the Metric field "counter".
// GAUGE must use the Metric field "gauge".
GAUGE = 1;
// SUMMARY must use the Metric field "summary".
// UNTYPED must use the Metric field "untyped".
// HISTOGRAM must use the Metric field "histogram".
// GAUGE_HISTOGRAM must use the Metric field "histogram".
message Gauge {
double value = 1;
message Counter {
double value = 1;
Exemplar exemplar = 2;
message Quantile {
double quantile = 1;
double value = 2;
message Summary {
uint64 sample_count = 1;
double sample_sum = 2;
repeated Quantile quantile = 3;
message Untyped {
double value = 1;
message Histogram {
uint64 sample_count = 1;
double sample_count_float = 4; // Overrides sample_count if > 0.
double sample_sum = 2;
// Buckets for the conventional histogram.
repeated Bucket bucket = 3; // Ordered in increasing order of upper_bound, +Inf bucket is optional.
// Everything below here is for native histograms (also known as sparse histograms).
// Native histograms are an experimental feature without stability guarantees.
// schema defines the bucket schema. Currently, valid numbers are -4 <= n <= 8.
// They are all for base-2 bucket schemas, where 1 is a bucket boundary in each case, and
// then each power of two is divided into 2^n logarithmic buckets.
// Or in other words, each bucket boundary is the previous boundary times 2^(2^-n).
// In the future, more bucket schemas may be added using numbers < -4 or > 8.
sint32 schema = 5;
double zero_threshold = 6; // Breadth of the zero bucket.
uint64 zero_count = 7; // Count in zero bucket.
double zero_count_float = 8; // Overrides sb_zero_count if > 0.
// Negative buckets for the native histogram.
repeated BucketSpan negative_span = 9;
// Use either "negative_delta" or "negative_count", the former for
// regular histograms with integer counts, the latter for float
// histograms.
repeated sint64 negative_delta = 10; // Count delta of each bucket compared to previous one (or to zero for 1st bucket).
repeated double negative_count = 11; // Absolute count of each bucket.
// Positive buckets for the native histogram.
repeated BucketSpan positive_span = 12;
// Use either "positive_delta" or "positive_count", the former for
// regular histograms with integer counts, the latter for float
// histograms.
repeated sint64 positive_delta = 13; // Count delta of each bucket compared to previous one (or to zero for 1st bucket).
repeated double positive_count = 14; // Absolute count of each bucket.
message Bucket {
uint64 cumulative_count = 1; // Cumulative in increasing order.
double cumulative_count_float = 4; // Overrides cumulative_count if > 0.
double upper_bound = 2; // Inclusive.
Exemplar exemplar = 3;
// A BucketSpan defines a number of consecutive buckets in a native
// histogram with their offset. Logically, it would be more
// straightforward to include the bucket counts in the Span. However,
// the protobuf representation is more compact in the way the data is
// structured here (with all the buckets in a single array separate
// from the Spans).
message BucketSpan {
sint32 offset = 1; // Gap to previous span, or starting point for 1st span (which can be negative).
uint32 length = 2; // Length of consecutive buckets.
message Exemplar {
repeated LabelPair label = 1;
double value = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3; // OpenMetrics-style.
message Metric {
repeated LabelPair label = 1;
Gauge gauge = 2;
Counter counter = 3;
Summary summary = 4;
Untyped untyped = 5;
Histogram histogram = 7;
int64 timestamp_ms = 6;
message MetricFamily {
string name = 1;
string help = 2;
MetricType type = 3;
repeated Metric metric = 4;
@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ const (
// Content-Type: "application/x-protobuf"
// Content-Encoding: "snappy"
ReadRequest_SAMPLES ReadRequest_ResponseType = 0
// Server will stream a delimited ChunkedReadResponse message that contains XOR encoded chunks for a single series.
// Each message is following varint size and fixed size bigendian uint32 for CRC32 Castagnoli checksum.
// Server will stream a delimited ChunkedReadResponse message that
// contains XOR or HISTOGRAM(!) encoded chunks for a single series.
// Each message is following varint size and fixed size bigendian
// uint32 for CRC32 Castagnoli checksum.
// Response headers:
// Content-Type: "application/x-streamed-protobuf; proto=prometheus.ChunkedReadResponse"
@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ message ReadRequest {
// Content-Type: "application/x-protobuf"
// Content-Encoding: "snappy"
// Server will stream a delimited ChunkedReadResponse message that contains XOR encoded chunks for a single series.
// Each message is following varint size and fixed size bigendian uint32 for CRC32 Castagnoli checksum.
// Server will stream a delimited ChunkedReadResponse message that
// contains XOR or HISTOGRAM(!) encoded chunks for a single series.
// Each message is following varint size and fixed size bigendian
// uint32 for CRC32 Castagnoli checksum.
// Response headers:
// Content-Type: "application/x-streamed-protobuf; proto=prometheus.ChunkedReadResponse"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -54,13 +54,79 @@ message Exemplar {
int64 timestamp = 3;
// A native histogram, also known as a sparse histogram.
// Original design doc:
// https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cLNv3aufPZb3fNfaJgdaRBZsInZKKIHo9E6HinJVbpM/edit
// The appendix of this design doc also explains the concept of float
// histograms. This Histogram message can represent both, the usual
// integer histogram as well as a float histogram.
message Histogram {
enum ResetHint {
UNKNOWN = 0; // Need to test for a counter reset explicitly.
YES = 1; // This is the 1st histogram after a counter reset.
NO = 2; // There was no counter reset between this and the previous Histogram.
GAUGE = 3; // This is a gauge histogram where counter resets don't happen.
oneof count { // Count of observations in the histogram.
uint64 count_int = 1;
double count_float = 2;
double sum = 3; // Sum of observations in the histogram.
// The schema defines the bucket schema. Currently, valid numbers
// are -4 <= n <= 8. They are all for base-2 bucket schemas, where 1
// is a bucket boundary in each case, and then each power of two is
// divided into 2^n logarithmic buckets. Or in other words, each
// bucket boundary is the previous boundary times 2^(2^-n). In the
// future, more bucket schemas may be added using numbers < -4 or >
// 8.
sint32 schema = 4;
double zero_threshold = 5; // Breadth of the zero bucket.
oneof zero_count { // Count in zero bucket.
uint64 zero_count_int = 6;
double zero_count_float = 7;
// Negative Buckets.
repeated BucketSpan negative_spans = 8;
// Use either "negative_deltas" or "negative_counts", the former for
// regular histograms with integer counts, the latter for float
// histograms.
repeated sint64 negative_deltas = 9; // Count delta of each bucket compared to previous one (or to zero for 1st bucket).
repeated double negative_counts = 10; // Absolute count of each bucket.
// Positive Buckets.
repeated BucketSpan positive_spans = 11;
// Use either "positive_deltas" or "positive_counts", the former for
// regular histograms with integer counts, the latter for float
// histograms.
repeated sint64 positive_deltas = 12; // Count delta of each bucket compared to previous one (or to zero for 1st bucket).
repeated double positive_counts = 13; // Absolute count of each bucket.
ResetHint reset_hint = 14;
// timestamp is in ms format, see model/timestamp/timestamp.go for
// conversion from time.Time to Prometheus timestamp.
int64 timestamp = 15;
// A BucketSpan defines a number of consecutive buckets with their
// offset. Logically, it would be more straightforward to include the
// bucket counts in the Span. However, the protobuf representation is
// more compact in the way the data is structured here (with all the
// buckets in a single array separate from the Spans).
message BucketSpan {
sint32 offset = 1; // Gap to previous span, or starting point for 1st span (which can be negative).
uint32 length = 2; // Length of consecutive buckets.
// TimeSeries represents samples and labels for a single time series.
message TimeSeries {
// For a timeseries to be valid, and for the samples and exemplars
// to be ingested by the remote system properly, the labels field is required.
repeated Label labels = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Sample samples = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Exemplar exemplars = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Label labels = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Sample samples = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Exemplar exemplars = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Histogram histograms = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message Label {
@ -103,8 +169,9 @@ message Chunk {
// We require this to match chunkenc.Encoding.
enum Encoding {
XOR = 1;
XOR = 1;
Encoding type = 3;
bytes data = 4;
@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ type Options struct {
// Option to enable the experimental in-memory metadata storage and append
// metadata to the WAL.
EnableMetadataStorage bool
// Option to enable protobuf negotiation with the client. Note that the client can already
// send protobuf without needing to enable this.
EnableProtobufNegotiation bool
// Option to increase the interval used by scrape manager to throttle target groups updates.
DiscoveryReloadInterval model.Duration
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import (
@ -242,6 +243,8 @@ type scrapePool struct {
newLoop func(scrapeLoopOptions) loop
noDefaultPort bool
enableProtobufNegotiation bool
type labelLimits struct {
@ -283,15 +286,16 @@ func newScrapePool(cfg *config.ScrapeConfig, app storage.Appendable, jitterSeed
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
sp := &scrapePool{
cancel: cancel,
appendable: app,
config: cfg,
client: client,
activeTargets: map[uint64]*Target{},
loops: map[uint64]loop{},
logger: logger,
httpOpts: options.HTTPClientOptions,
noDefaultPort: options.NoDefaultPort,
cancel: cancel,
appendable: app,
config: cfg,
client: client,
activeTargets: map[uint64]*Target{},
loops: map[uint64]loop{},
logger: logger,
httpOpts: options.HTTPClientOptions,
noDefaultPort: options.NoDefaultPort,
enableProtobufNegotiation: options.EnableProtobufNegotiation,
sp.newLoop = func(opts scrapeLoopOptions) loop {
// Update the targets retrieval function for metadata to a new scrape cache.
@ -432,8 +436,12 @@ func (sp *scrapePool) reload(cfg *config.ScrapeConfig) error {
t := sp.activeTargets[fp]
interval, timeout, err := t.intervalAndTimeout(interval, timeout)
acceptHeader := scrapeAcceptHeader
if sp.enableProtobufNegotiation {
acceptHeader = scrapeAcceptHeaderWithProtobuf
var (
s = &targetScraper{Target: t, client: sp.client, timeout: timeout, bodySizeLimit: bodySizeLimit}
s = &targetScraper{Target: t, client: sp.client, timeout: timeout, bodySizeLimit: bodySizeLimit, acceptHeader: acceptHeader}
newLoop = sp.newLoop(scrapeLoopOptions{
target: t,
scraper: s,
@ -536,8 +544,11 @@ func (sp *scrapePool) sync(targets []*Target) {
// for every target.
var err error
interval, timeout, err = t.intervalAndTimeout(interval, timeout)
s := &targetScraper{Target: t, client: sp.client, timeout: timeout, bodySizeLimit: bodySizeLimit}
acceptHeader := scrapeAcceptHeader
if sp.enableProtobufNegotiation {
acceptHeader = scrapeAcceptHeaderWithProtobuf
s := &targetScraper{Target: t, client: sp.client, timeout: timeout, bodySizeLimit: bodySizeLimit, acceptHeader: acceptHeader}
l := sp.newLoop(scrapeLoopOptions{
target: t,
scraper: s,
@ -756,11 +767,15 @@ type targetScraper struct {
buf *bufio.Reader
bodySizeLimit int64
acceptHeader string
var errBodySizeLimit = errors.New("body size limit exceeded")
const acceptHeader = `application/openmetrics-text;version=1.0.0,application/openmetrics-text;version=0.0.1;q=0.75,text/plain;version=0.0.4;q=0.5,*/*;q=0.1`
const (
scrapeAcceptHeader = `application/openmetrics-text;version=1.0.0,application/openmetrics-text;version=0.0.1;q=0.75,text/plain;version=0.0.4;q=0.5,*/*;q=0.1`
scrapeAcceptHeaderWithProtobuf = `application/vnd.google.protobuf;proto=io.prometheus.client.MetricFamily;encoding=delimited,application/openmetrics-text;version=1.0.0;q=0.8,application/openmetrics-text;version=0.0.1;q=0.75,text/plain;version=0.0.4;q=0.5,*/*;q=0.1`
var UserAgent = fmt.Sprintf("Prometheus/%s", version.Version)
@ -770,7 +785,7 @@ func (s *targetScraper) scrape(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) (string, error)
if err != nil {
return "", err
req.Header.Add("Accept", acceptHeader)
req.Header.Add("Accept", s.acceptHeader)
req.Header.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", UserAgent)
req.Header.Set("X-Prometheus-Scrape-Timeout-Seconds", strconv.FormatFloat(s.timeout.Seconds(), 'f', -1, 64))
@ -1510,8 +1525,12 @@ func (sl *scrapeLoop) append(app storage.Appender, b []byte, contentType string,
for {
var (
et textparse.Entry
sampleAdded bool
et textparse.Entry
sampleAdded, isHistogram bool
met []byte
parsedTimestamp *int64
val float64
h *histogram.Histogram
if et, err = p.Next(); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
@ -1531,17 +1550,24 @@ loop:
case textparse.EntryComment:
case textparse.EntryHistogram:
isHistogram = true
t := defTime
met, tp, v := p.Series()
if !sl.honorTimestamps {
tp = nil
if isHistogram {
met, parsedTimestamp, h, _ = p.Histogram()
// TODO: ingest float histograms in tsdb.
} else {
met, parsedTimestamp, val = p.Series()
if tp != nil {
t = *tp
if !sl.honorTimestamps {
parsedTimestamp = nil
if parsedTimestamp != nil {
t = *parsedTimestamp
// Zero metadata out for current iteration until it's resolved.
@ -1594,8 +1620,14 @@ loop:
updateMetadata(lset, true)
ref, err = app.Append(ref, lset, t, v)
sampleAdded, err = sl.checkAddError(ce, met, tp, err, &sampleLimitErr, &appErrs)
if isHistogram {
if h != nil {
ref, err = app.AppendHistogram(ref, lset, t, h)
} else {
ref, err = app.Append(ref, lset, t, val)
sampleAdded, err = sl.checkAddError(ce, met, parsedTimestamp, err, &sampleLimitErr, &appErrs)
if err != nil {
if err != storage.ErrNotFound {
level.Debug(sl.l).Log("msg", "Unexpected error", "series", string(met), "err", err)
@ -1604,7 +1636,7 @@ loop:
if !ok {
if tp == nil {
if parsedTimestamp == nil {
// Bypass staleness logic if there is an explicit timestamp.
sl.cache.trackStaleness(hash, lset)
@ -14,8 +14,10 @@
package storage
import (
@ -25,8 +27,8 @@ type BufferedSeriesIterator struct {
buf *sampleRing
delta int64
lastTime int64
ok bool
lastTime int64
valueType chunkenc.ValueType
// NewBuffer returns a new iterator that buffers the values within the time range
@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ func NewBuffer(delta int64) *BufferedSeriesIterator {
// NewBufferIterator returns a new iterator that buffers the values within the
// time range of the current element and the duration of delta before.
func NewBufferIterator(it chunkenc.Iterator, delta int64) *BufferedSeriesIterator {
// TODO(codesome): based on encoding, allocate different buffer.
bit := &BufferedSeriesIterator{
buf: newSampleRing(delta, 16),
delta: delta,
@ -53,10 +56,9 @@ func NewBufferIterator(it chunkenc.Iterator, delta int64) *BufferedSeriesIterato
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) Reset(it chunkenc.Iterator) {
b.it = it
b.lastTime = math.MinInt64
b.ok = true
b.buf.delta = b.delta
b.valueType = it.Next()
// ReduceDelta lowers the buffered time delta, for the current SeriesIterator only.
@ -66,8 +68,9 @@ func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) ReduceDelta(delta int64) bool {
// PeekBack returns the nth previous element of the iterator. If there is none buffered,
// ok is false.
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) PeekBack(n int) (t int64, v float64, ok bool) {
return b.buf.nthLast(n)
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) PeekBack(n int) (t int64, v float64, h *histogram.Histogram, ok bool) {
s, ok := b.buf.nthLast(n)
return s.t, s.v, s.h, ok
// Buffer returns an iterator over the buffered data. Invalidates previously
@ -77,63 +80,96 @@ func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) Buffer() chunkenc.Iterator {
// Seek advances the iterator to the element at time t or greater.
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) chunkenc.ValueType {
t0 := t - b.buf.delta
// If the delta would cause us to seek backwards, preserve the buffer
// and just continue regular advancement while filling the buffer on the way.
if b.ok && t0 > b.lastTime {
if b.valueType != chunkenc.ValNone && t0 > b.lastTime {
b.ok = b.it.Seek(t0)
if !b.ok {
return false
b.valueType = b.it.Seek(t0)
switch b.valueType {
case chunkenc.ValNone:
return chunkenc.ValNone
case chunkenc.ValFloat:
b.lastTime, _ = b.At()
case chunkenc.ValHistogram:
b.lastTime, _ = b.AtHistogram()
case chunkenc.ValFloatHistogram:
b.lastTime, _ = b.AtFloatHistogram()
panic(fmt.Errorf("BufferedSeriesIterator: unknown value type %v", b.valueType))
b.lastTime, _ = b.At()
if b.lastTime >= t {
return true
return b.valueType
for b.Next() {
if b.lastTime >= t {
return true
for {
if b.valueType = b.Next(); b.valueType == chunkenc.ValNone || b.lastTime >= t {
return b.valueType
return false
// Next advances the iterator to the next element.
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) Next() bool {
if !b.ok {
return false
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
// Add current element to buffer before advancing.
b.ok = b.it.Next()
if b.ok {
b.lastTime, _ = b.At()
switch b.valueType {
case chunkenc.ValNone:
return chunkenc.ValNone
case chunkenc.ValFloat:
t, v := b.it.At()
b.buf.add(sample{t: t, v: v})
case chunkenc.ValHistogram:
t, h := b.it.AtHistogram()
b.buf.add(sample{t: t, h: h})
case chunkenc.ValFloatHistogram:
t, fh := b.it.AtFloatHistogram()
b.buf.add(sample{t: t, fh: fh})
panic(fmt.Errorf("BufferedSeriesIterator: unknown value type %v", b.valueType))
return b.ok
b.valueType = b.it.Next()
if b.valueType != chunkenc.ValNone {
b.lastTime = b.AtT()
return b.valueType
// At returns the current element of the iterator.
// At returns the current float element of the iterator.
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
return b.it.At()
// AtHistogram returns the current histogram element of the iterator.
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
return b.it.AtHistogram()
// AtFloatHistogram returns the current float-histogram element of the iterator.
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
return b.it.AtFloatHistogram()
// AtT returns the current timestamp of the iterator.
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) AtT() int64 {
return b.it.AtT()
// Err returns the last encountered error.
func (b *BufferedSeriesIterator) Err() error {
return b.it.Err()
// TODO(beorn7): Consider having different sample types for different value types.
type sample struct {
t int64
v float64
t int64
v float64
h *histogram.Histogram
fh *histogram.FloatHistogram
func (s sample) T() int64 {
@ -144,6 +180,25 @@ func (s sample) V() float64 {
return s.v
func (s sample) H() *histogram.Histogram {
return s.h
func (s sample) FH() *histogram.FloatHistogram {
return s.fh
func (s sample) Type() chunkenc.ValueType {
switch {
case s.h != nil:
return chunkenc.ValHistogram
case s.fh != nil:
return chunkenc.ValFloatHistogram
return chunkenc.ValFloat
type sampleRing struct {
delta int64
@ -176,17 +231,36 @@ func (r *sampleRing) iterator() chunkenc.Iterator {
type sampleRingIterator struct {
r *sampleRing
i int
r *sampleRing
i int
t int64
v float64
h *histogram.Histogram
fh *histogram.FloatHistogram
func (it *sampleRingIterator) Next() bool {
func (it *sampleRingIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
return it.i < it.r.l
if it.i >= it.r.l {
return chunkenc.ValNone
s := it.r.at(it.i)
it.t = s.t
switch {
case s.h != nil:
it.h = s.h
return chunkenc.ValHistogram
case s.fh != nil:
it.fh = s.fh
return chunkenc.ValFloatHistogram
it.v = s.v
return chunkenc.ValFloat
func (it *sampleRingIterator) Seek(int64) bool {
return false
func (it *sampleRingIterator) Seek(int64) chunkenc.ValueType {
return chunkenc.ValNone
func (it *sampleRingIterator) Err() error {
@ -194,18 +268,32 @@ func (it *sampleRingIterator) Err() error {
func (it *sampleRingIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
return it.r.at(it.i)
return it.t, it.v
func (r *sampleRing) at(i int) (int64, float64) {
func (it *sampleRingIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
return it.t, it.h
func (it *sampleRingIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
if it.fh == nil {
return it.t, it.h.ToFloat()
return it.t, it.fh
func (it *sampleRingIterator) AtT() int64 {
return it.t
func (r *sampleRing) at(i int) sample {
j := (r.f + i) % len(r.buf)
s := r.buf[j]
return s.t, s.v
return r.buf[j]
// add adds a sample to the ring buffer and frees all samples that fall
// out of the delta range.
func (r *sampleRing) add(t int64, v float64) {
func (r *sampleRing) add(s sample) {
l := len(r.buf)
// Grow the ring buffer if it fits no more elements.
if l == r.l {
@ -224,11 +312,11 @@ func (r *sampleRing) add(t int64, v float64) {
r.buf[r.i] = sample{t: t, v: v}
r.buf[r.i] = s
// Free head of the buffer of samples that just fell out of the range.
tmin := t - r.delta
tmin := s.t - r.delta
for r.buf[r.f].t < tmin {
if r.f >= l {
@ -264,12 +352,11 @@ func (r *sampleRing) reduceDelta(delta int64) bool {
// nthLast returns the nth most recent element added to the ring.
func (r *sampleRing) nthLast(n int) (int64, float64, bool) {
func (r *sampleRing) nthLast(n int) (sample, bool) {
if n > r.l {
return 0, 0, false
return sample{}, false
t, v := r.at(r.l - n)
return t, v, true
return r.at(r.l - n), true
func (r *sampleRing) samples() []sample {
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
tsdb_errors "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/tsdb/errors"
@ -173,6 +174,20 @@ func (f *fanoutAppender) AppendExemplar(ref SeriesRef, l labels.Labels, e exempl
return ref, nil
func (f *fanoutAppender) AppendHistogram(ref SeriesRef, l labels.Labels, t int64, h *histogram.Histogram) (SeriesRef, error) {
ref, err := f.primary.AppendHistogram(ref, l, t, h)
if err != nil {
return ref, err
for _, appender := range f.secondaries {
if _, err := appender.AppendHistogram(ref, l, t, h); err != nil {
return 0, err
return ref, nil
func (f *fanoutAppender) UpdateMetadata(ref SeriesRef, l labels.Labels, m metadata.Metadata) (SeriesRef, error) {
ref, err := f.primary.UpdateMetadata(ref, l, m)
if err != nil {
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import (
@ -35,11 +36,16 @@ var (
// ErrTooOldSample is when out of order support is enabled but the sample is outside the time window allowed.
ErrTooOldSample = errors.New("too old sample")
// ErrDuplicateSampleForTimestamp is when the sample has same timestamp but different value.
ErrDuplicateSampleForTimestamp = errors.New("duplicate sample for timestamp")
ErrOutOfOrderExemplar = errors.New("out of order exemplar")
ErrDuplicateExemplar = errors.New("duplicate exemplar")
ErrExemplarLabelLength = fmt.Errorf("label length for exemplar exceeds maximum of %d UTF-8 characters", exemplar.ExemplarMaxLabelSetLength)
ErrExemplarsDisabled = fmt.Errorf("exemplar storage is disabled or max exemplars is less than or equal to 0")
ErrDuplicateSampleForTimestamp = errors.New("duplicate sample for timestamp")
ErrOutOfOrderExemplar = errors.New("out of order exemplar")
ErrDuplicateExemplar = errors.New("duplicate exemplar")
ErrExemplarLabelLength = fmt.Errorf("label length for exemplar exceeds maximum of %d UTF-8 characters", exemplar.ExemplarMaxLabelSetLength)
ErrExemplarsDisabled = fmt.Errorf("exemplar storage is disabled or max exemplars is less than or equal to 0")
ErrNativeHistogramsDisabled = fmt.Errorf("native histograms are disabled")
ErrHistogramCountNotBigEnough = errors.New("histogram's observation count should be at least the number of observations found in the buckets")
ErrHistogramNegativeBucketCount = errors.New("histogram has a bucket whose observation count is negative")
ErrHistogramSpanNegativeOffset = errors.New("histogram has a span whose offset is negative")
ErrHistogramSpansBucketsMismatch = errors.New("histogram spans specify different number of buckets than provided")
// SeriesRef is a generic series reference. In prometheus it is either a
@ -207,6 +213,9 @@ func (f QueryableFunc) Querier(ctx context.Context, mint, maxt int64) (Querier,
// It must be completed with a call to Commit or Rollback and must not be reused afterwards.
// Operations on the Appender interface are not goroutine-safe.
// The type of samples (float64, histogram, etc) appended for a given series must remain same within an Appender.
// The behaviour is undefined if samples of different types are appended to the same series in a single Commit().
type Appender interface {
// Append adds a sample pair for the given series.
// An optional series reference can be provided to accelerate calls.
@ -227,7 +236,9 @@ type Appender interface {
// Rollback rolls back all modifications made in the appender so far.
// Appender has to be discarded after rollback.
Rollback() error
@ -257,6 +268,22 @@ type ExemplarAppender interface {
AppendExemplar(ref SeriesRef, l labels.Labels, e exemplar.Exemplar) (SeriesRef, error)
// HistogramAppender provides an interface for appending histograms to the storage.
type HistogramAppender interface {
// AppendHistogram adds a histogram for the given series labels. An
// optional reference number can be provided to accelerate calls. A
// reference number is returned which can be used to add further
// histograms in the same or later transactions. Returned reference
// numbers are ephemeral and may be rejected in calls to Append() at any
// point. Adding the sample via Append() returns a new reference number.
// If the reference is 0, it must not be used for caching.
// For efficiency reasons, the histogram is passed as a
// pointer. AppendHistogram won't mutate the histogram, but in turn
// depends on the caller to not mutate it either.
AppendHistogram(ref SeriesRef, l labels.Labels, t int64, h *histogram.Histogram) (SeriesRef, error)
// MetadataUpdater provides an interface for associating metadata to stored series.
type MetadataUpdater interface {
// UpdateMetadata updates a metadata entry for the given series and labels.
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ package storage
import (
@ -24,12 +25,18 @@ type MemoizedSeriesIterator struct {
it chunkenc.Iterator
delta int64
lastTime int64
ok bool
lastTime int64
valueType chunkenc.ValueType
// Keep track of the previously returned value.
prevTime int64
prevValue float64
prevTime int64
prevValue float64
prevHistogram *histogram.Histogram
prevFloatHistogram *histogram.FloatHistogram
// TODO(beorn7): MemoizedSeriesIterator is currently only used by the
// PromQL engine, which only works with FloatHistograms. For better
// performance, we could change MemoizedSeriesIterator to also only
// handle FloatHistograms.
// NewMemoizedEmptyIterator is like NewMemoizedIterator but it's initialised with an empty iterator.
@ -53,70 +60,93 @@ func NewMemoizedIterator(it chunkenc.Iterator, delta int64) *MemoizedSeriesItera
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) Reset(it chunkenc.Iterator) {
b.it = it
b.lastTime = math.MinInt64
b.ok = true
b.prevTime = math.MinInt64
b.valueType = it.Next()
// PeekPrev returns the previous element of the iterator. If there is none buffered,
// ok is false.
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) PeekPrev() (t int64, v float64, ok bool) {
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) PeekPrev() (t int64, v float64, h *histogram.Histogram, fh *histogram.FloatHistogram, ok bool) {
if b.prevTime == math.MinInt64 {
return 0, 0, false
return 0, 0, nil, nil, false
return b.prevTime, b.prevValue, true
return b.prevTime, b.prevValue, b.prevHistogram, b.prevFloatHistogram, true
// Seek advances the iterator to the element at time t or greater.
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) chunkenc.ValueType {
t0 := t - b.delta
if b.ok && t0 > b.lastTime {
if b.valueType != chunkenc.ValNone && t0 > b.lastTime {
// Reset the previously stored element because the seek advanced
// more than the delta.
b.prevTime = math.MinInt64
b.ok = b.it.Seek(t0)
if !b.ok {
return false
b.valueType = b.it.Seek(t0)
if b.valueType == chunkenc.ValNone {
return chunkenc.ValNone
b.lastTime, _ = b.it.At()
b.lastTime = b.it.AtT()
if b.lastTime >= t {
return true
return b.valueType
for b.Next() {
for b.Next() != chunkenc.ValNone {
if b.lastTime >= t {
return true
return b.valueType
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
// Next advances the iterator to the next element.
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) Next() bool {
if !b.ok {
return false
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
// Keep track of the previous element.
b.prevTime, b.prevValue = b.it.At()
b.ok = b.it.Next()
if b.ok {
b.lastTime, _ = b.it.At()
switch b.valueType {
case chunkenc.ValNone:
return chunkenc.ValNone
case chunkenc.ValFloat:
b.prevTime, b.prevValue = b.it.At()
b.prevHistogram = nil
b.prevFloatHistogram = nil
case chunkenc.ValHistogram:
b.prevValue = 0
b.prevTime, b.prevHistogram = b.it.AtHistogram()
_, b.prevFloatHistogram = b.it.AtFloatHistogram()
case chunkenc.ValFloatHistogram:
b.prevValue = 0
b.prevHistogram = nil
b.prevTime, b.prevFloatHistogram = b.it.AtFloatHistogram()
return b.ok
b.valueType = b.it.Next()
if b.valueType != chunkenc.ValNone {
b.lastTime = b.it.AtT()
return b.valueType
// At returns the current element of the iterator.
// At returns the current float element of the iterator.
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
return b.it.At()
// AtHistogram returns the current histogram element of the iterator.
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
return b.it.AtHistogram()
// AtFloatHistogram returns the current float-histogram element of the iterator.
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
return b.it.AtFloatHistogram()
// AtT returns the current timestamp of the iterator.
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) AtT() int64 {
return b.it.AtT()
// Err returns the last encountered error.
func (b *MemoizedSeriesIterator) Err() error {
return b.it.Err()
@ -18,9 +18,11 @@ import (
@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ func (q *mergeGenericQuerier) LabelNames(matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string,
for name := range labelNamesMap {
labelNames = append(labelNames, name)
return labelNames, warnings, nil
@ -441,7 +443,7 @@ type chainSampleIterator struct {
h samplesIteratorHeap
curr chunkenc.Iterator
lastt int64
lastT int64
// NewChainSampleIterator returns a single iterator that iterates over the samples from the given iterators in a sorted
@ -451,60 +453,82 @@ func NewChainSampleIterator(iterators []chunkenc.Iterator) chunkenc.Iterator {
return &chainSampleIterator{
iterators: iterators,
h: nil,
lastt: math.MinInt64,
lastT: math.MinInt64,
func (c *chainSampleIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
// No-op check
if c.curr != nil && c.lastt >= t {
return true
func (c *chainSampleIterator) Seek(t int64) chunkenc.ValueType {
// No-op check.
if c.curr != nil && c.lastT >= t {
return c.curr.Seek(c.lastT)
c.h = samplesIteratorHeap{}
for _, iter := range c.iterators {
if iter.Seek(t) {
if iter.Seek(t) != chunkenc.ValNone {
heap.Push(&c.h, iter)
if len(c.h) > 0 {
c.curr = heap.Pop(&c.h).(chunkenc.Iterator)
c.lastt, _ = c.curr.At()
return true
c.lastT = c.curr.AtT()
return c.curr.Seek(c.lastT)
c.curr = nil
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
func (c *chainSampleIterator) At() (t int64, v float64) {
if c.curr == nil {
panic("chainSampleIterator.At() called before first .Next() or after .Next() returned false.")
panic("chainSampleIterator.At called before first .Next or after .Next returned false.")
return c.curr.At()
func (c *chainSampleIterator) Next() bool {
func (c *chainSampleIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
if c.curr == nil {
panic("chainSampleIterator.AtHistogram called before first .Next or after .Next returned false.")
return c.curr.AtHistogram()
func (c *chainSampleIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
if c.curr == nil {
panic("chainSampleIterator.AtFloatHistogram called before first .Next or after .Next returned false.")
return c.curr.AtFloatHistogram()
func (c *chainSampleIterator) AtT() int64 {
if c.curr == nil {
panic("chainSampleIterator.AtT called before first .Next or after .Next returned false.")
return c.curr.AtT()
func (c *chainSampleIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
if c.h == nil {
c.h = samplesIteratorHeap{}
// We call c.curr.Next() as the first thing below.
// So, we don't call Next() on it here.
c.curr = c.iterators[0]
for _, iter := range c.iterators[1:] {
if iter.Next() {
if iter.Next() != chunkenc.ValNone {
heap.Push(&c.h, iter)
if c.curr == nil {
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
var currt int64
var currT int64
var currValueType chunkenc.ValueType
for {
if c.curr.Next() {
currt, _ = c.curr.At()
if currt == c.lastt {
currValueType = c.curr.Next()
if currValueType != chunkenc.ValNone {
currT = c.curr.AtT()
if currT == c.lastT {
// Ignoring sample for the same timestamp.
@ -515,7 +539,8 @@ func (c *chainSampleIterator) Next() bool {
// Check current iterator with the top of the heap.
if nextt, _ := c.h[0].At(); currt < nextt {
nextT := c.h[0].AtT()
if currT < nextT {
// Current iterator has smaller timestamp than the heap.
@ -524,18 +549,19 @@ func (c *chainSampleIterator) Next() bool {
} else if len(c.h) == 0 {
// No iterator left to iterate.
c.curr = nil
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
c.curr = heap.Pop(&c.h).(chunkenc.Iterator)
currt, _ = c.curr.At()
if currt != c.lastt {
currT = c.curr.AtT()
currValueType = c.curr.Seek(currT)
if currT != c.lastT {
c.lastt = currt
return true
c.lastT = currT
return currValueType
func (c *chainSampleIterator) Err() error {
@ -552,9 +578,7 @@ func (h samplesIteratorHeap) Len() int { return len(h) }
func (h samplesIteratorHeap) Swap(i, j int) { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
func (h samplesIteratorHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
at, _ := h[i].At()
bt, _ := h[j].At()
return at < bt
return h[i].AtT() < h[j].AtT()
func (h *samplesIteratorHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import (
@ -118,7 +119,8 @@ func ToQueryResult(ss storage.SeriesSet, sampleLimit int) (*prompb.QueryResult,
iter := series.Iterator()
samples := []prompb.Sample{}
for iter.Next() {
for iter.Next() == chunkenc.ValFloat {
// TODO(beorn7): Add Histogram support.
if sampleLimit > 0 && numSamples > sampleLimit {
return nil, ss.Warnings(), HTTPError{
@ -355,37 +357,65 @@ func newConcreteSeriersIterator(series *concreteSeries) chunkenc.Iterator {
// Seek implements storage.SeriesIterator.
func (c *concreteSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
func (c *concreteSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) chunkenc.ValueType {
if c.cur == -1 {
c.cur = 0
if c.cur >= len(c.series.samples) {
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
// No-op check.
if s := c.series.samples[c.cur]; s.Timestamp >= t {
return true
return chunkenc.ValFloat
// Do binary search between current position and end.
c.cur += sort.Search(len(c.series.samples)-c.cur, func(n int) bool {
return c.series.samples[n+c.cur].Timestamp >= t
return c.cur < len(c.series.samples)
if c.cur < len(c.series.samples) {
return chunkenc.ValFloat
return chunkenc.ValNone
// TODO(beorn7): Add histogram support.
// At implements storage.SeriesIterator.
// At implements chunkenc.Iterator.
func (c *concreteSeriesIterator) At() (t int64, v float64) {
s := c.series.samples[c.cur]
return s.Timestamp, s.Value
// Next implements storage.SeriesIterator.
func (c *concreteSeriesIterator) Next() bool {
return c.cur < len(c.series.samples)
// AtHistogram always returns (0, nil) because there is no support for histogram
// values yet.
// TODO(beorn7): Fix that for histogram support in remote storage.
func (c *concreteSeriesIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
return 0, nil
// Err implements storage.SeriesIterator.
// AtFloatHistogram always returns (0, nil) because there is no support for histogram
// values yet.
// TODO(beorn7): Fix that for histogram support in remote storage.
func (c *concreteSeriesIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
return 0, nil
// AtT implements chunkenc.Iterator.
func (c *concreteSeriesIterator) AtT() int64 {
s := c.series.samples[c.cur]
return s.Timestamp
// Next implements chunkenc.Iterator.
func (c *concreteSeriesIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
if c.cur < len(c.series.samples) {
return chunkenc.ValFloat
return chunkenc.ValNone
// TODO(beorn7): Add histogram support.
// Err implements chunkenc.Iterator.
func (c *concreteSeriesIterator) Err() error {
return nil
@ -472,6 +502,56 @@ func exemplarProtoToExemplar(ep prompb.Exemplar) exemplar.Exemplar {
// HistogramProtoToHistogram extracts a (normal integer) Histogram from the
// provided proto message. The caller has to make sure that the proto message
// represents an interger histogram and not a float histogram.
func HistogramProtoToHistogram(hp prompb.Histogram) *histogram.Histogram {
return &histogram.Histogram{
Schema: hp.Schema,
ZeroThreshold: hp.ZeroThreshold,
ZeroCount: hp.GetZeroCountInt(),
Count: hp.GetCountInt(),
Sum: hp.Sum,
PositiveSpans: spansProtoToSpans(hp.GetPositiveSpans()),
PositiveBuckets: hp.GetPositiveDeltas(),
NegativeSpans: spansProtoToSpans(hp.GetNegativeSpans()),
NegativeBuckets: hp.GetNegativeDeltas(),
func spansProtoToSpans(s []*prompb.BucketSpan) []histogram.Span {
spans := make([]histogram.Span, len(s))
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
spans[i] = histogram.Span{Offset: s[i].Offset, Length: s[i].Length}
return spans
func HistogramToHistogramProto(timestamp int64, h *histogram.Histogram) prompb.Histogram {
return prompb.Histogram{
Count: &prompb.Histogram_CountInt{CountInt: h.Count},
Sum: h.Sum,
Schema: h.Schema,
ZeroThreshold: h.ZeroThreshold,
ZeroCount: &prompb.Histogram_ZeroCountInt{ZeroCountInt: h.ZeroCount},
NegativeSpans: spansToSpansProto(h.NegativeSpans),
NegativeDeltas: h.NegativeBuckets,
PositiveSpans: spansToSpansProto(h.PositiveSpans),
PositiveDeltas: h.PositiveBuckets,
Timestamp: timestamp,
func spansToSpansProto(s []histogram.Span) []*prompb.BucketSpan {
spans := make([]*prompb.BucketSpan, len(s))
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
spans[i] = &prompb.BucketSpan{Offset: s[i].Offset, Length: s[i].Length}
return spans
// LabelProtosToMetric unpack a []*prompb.Label to a model.Metric
func LabelProtosToMetric(labelPairs []*prompb.Label) model.Metric {
metric := make(model.Metric, len(labelPairs))
@ -32,13 +32,14 @@ import (
const (
@ -54,30 +55,35 @@ const (
type queueManagerMetrics struct {
reg prometheus.Registerer
samplesTotal prometheus.Counter
exemplarsTotal prometheus.Counter
metadataTotal prometheus.Counter
failedSamplesTotal prometheus.Counter
failedExemplarsTotal prometheus.Counter
failedMetadataTotal prometheus.Counter
retriedSamplesTotal prometheus.Counter
retriedExemplarsTotal prometheus.Counter
retriedMetadataTotal prometheus.Counter
droppedSamplesTotal prometheus.Counter
droppedExemplarsTotal prometheus.Counter
enqueueRetriesTotal prometheus.Counter
sentBatchDuration prometheus.Histogram
highestSentTimestamp *maxTimestamp
pendingSamples prometheus.Gauge
pendingExemplars prometheus.Gauge
shardCapacity prometheus.Gauge
numShards prometheus.Gauge
maxNumShards prometheus.Gauge
minNumShards prometheus.Gauge
desiredNumShards prometheus.Gauge
sentBytesTotal prometheus.Counter
metadataBytesTotal prometheus.Counter
maxSamplesPerSend prometheus.Gauge
samplesTotal prometheus.Counter
exemplarsTotal prometheus.Counter
histogramsTotal prometheus.Counter
metadataTotal prometheus.Counter
failedSamplesTotal prometheus.Counter
failedExemplarsTotal prometheus.Counter
failedHistogramsTotal prometheus.Counter
failedMetadataTotal prometheus.Counter
retriedSamplesTotal prometheus.Counter
retriedExemplarsTotal prometheus.Counter
retriedHistogramsTotal prometheus.Counter
retriedMetadataTotal prometheus.Counter
droppedSamplesTotal prometheus.Counter
droppedExemplarsTotal prometheus.Counter
droppedHistogramsTotal prometheus.Counter
enqueueRetriesTotal prometheus.Counter
sentBatchDuration prometheus.Histogram
highestSentTimestamp *maxTimestamp
pendingSamples prometheus.Gauge
pendingExemplars prometheus.Gauge
pendingHistograms prometheus.Gauge
shardCapacity prometheus.Gauge
numShards prometheus.Gauge
maxNumShards prometheus.Gauge
minNumShards prometheus.Gauge
desiredNumShards prometheus.Gauge
sentBytesTotal prometheus.Counter
metadataBytesTotal prometheus.Counter
maxSamplesPerSend prometheus.Gauge
func newQueueManagerMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer, rn, e string) *queueManagerMetrics {
@ -103,6 +109,13 @@ func newQueueManagerMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer, rn, e string) *queueManager
Help: "Total number of exemplars sent to remote storage.",
ConstLabels: constLabels,
m.histogramsTotal = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "histograms_total",
Help: "Total number of histograms sent to remote storage.",
ConstLabels: constLabels,
m.metadataTotal = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
@ -124,6 +137,13 @@ func newQueueManagerMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer, rn, e string) *queueManager
Help: "Total number of exemplars which failed on send to remote storage, non-recoverable errors.",
ConstLabels: constLabels,
m.failedHistogramsTotal = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "histograms_failed_total",
Help: "Total number of histograms which failed on send to remote storage, non-recoverable errors.",
ConstLabels: constLabels,
m.failedMetadataTotal = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
@ -145,6 +165,13 @@ func newQueueManagerMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer, rn, e string) *queueManager
Help: "Total number of exemplars which failed on send to remote storage but were retried because the send error was recoverable.",
ConstLabels: constLabels,
m.retriedHistogramsTotal = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "histograms_retried_total",
Help: "Total number of histograms which failed on send to remote storage but were retried because the send error was recoverable.",
ConstLabels: constLabels,
m.retriedMetadataTotal = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
@ -166,6 +193,13 @@ func newQueueManagerMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer, rn, e string) *queueManager
Help: "Total number of exemplars which were dropped after being read from the WAL before being sent via remote write, either via relabelling or unintentionally because of an unknown reference ID.",
ConstLabels: constLabels,
m.droppedHistogramsTotal = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "histograms_dropped_total",
Help: "Total number of histograms which were dropped after being read from the WAL before being sent via remote write, either via relabelling or unintentionally because of an unknown reference ID.",
ConstLabels: constLabels,
m.enqueueRetriesTotal = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
@ -204,6 +238,13 @@ func newQueueManagerMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer, rn, e string) *queueManager
Help: "The number of exemplars pending in the queues shards to be sent to the remote storage.",
ConstLabels: constLabels,
m.pendingHistograms = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "histograms_pending",
Help: "The number of histograms pending in the queues shards to be sent to the remote storage.",
ConstLabels: constLabels,
m.shardCapacity = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
@ -269,20 +310,25 @@ func (m *queueManagerMetrics) register() {
@ -299,20 +345,25 @@ func (m *queueManagerMetrics) unregister() {
if m.reg != nil {
@ -341,15 +392,16 @@ type WriteClient interface {
type QueueManager struct {
lastSendTimestamp atomic.Int64
logger log.Logger
flushDeadline time.Duration
cfg config.QueueConfig
mcfg config.MetadataConfig
externalLabels labels.Labels
relabelConfigs []*relabel.Config
sendExemplars bool
watcher *wal.Watcher
metadataWatcher *MetadataWatcher
logger log.Logger
flushDeadline time.Duration
cfg config.QueueConfig
mcfg config.MetadataConfig
externalLabels labels.Labels
relabelConfigs []*relabel.Config
sendExemplars bool
sendNativeHistograms bool
watcher *wlog.Watcher
metadataWatcher *MetadataWatcher
clientMtx sync.RWMutex
storeClient WriteClient
@ -381,8 +433,8 @@ type QueueManager struct {
// the WAL directory will be constructed as <dir>/wal.
func NewQueueManager(
metrics *queueManagerMetrics,
watcherMetrics *wal.WatcherMetrics,
readerMetrics *wal.LiveReaderMetrics,
watcherMetrics *wlog.WatcherMetrics,
readerMetrics *wlog.LiveReaderMetrics,
logger log.Logger,
dir string,
samplesIn *ewmaRate,
@ -396,6 +448,7 @@ func NewQueueManager(
highestRecvTimestamp *maxTimestamp,
sm ReadyScrapeManager,
enableExemplarRemoteWrite bool,
enableNativeHistogramRemoteWrite bool,
) *QueueManager {
if logger == nil {
logger = log.NewNopLogger()
@ -403,14 +456,15 @@ func NewQueueManager(
logger = log.With(logger, remoteName, client.Name(), endpoint, client.Endpoint())
t := &QueueManager{
logger: logger,
flushDeadline: flushDeadline,
cfg: cfg,
mcfg: mCfg,
externalLabels: externalLabels,
relabelConfigs: relabelConfigs,
storeClient: client,
sendExemplars: enableExemplarRemoteWrite,
logger: logger,
flushDeadline: flushDeadline,
cfg: cfg,
mcfg: mCfg,
externalLabels: externalLabels,
relabelConfigs: relabelConfigs,
storeClient: client,
sendExemplars: enableExemplarRemoteWrite,
sendNativeHistograms: enableNativeHistogramRemoteWrite,
seriesLabels: make(map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]labels.Labels),
seriesSegmentIndexes: make(map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]int),
@ -430,7 +484,7 @@ func NewQueueManager(
highestRecvTimestamp: highestRecvTimestamp,
t.watcher = wal.NewWatcher(watcherMetrics, readerMetrics, logger, client.Name(), t, dir, enableExemplarRemoteWrite)
t.watcher = wlog.NewWatcher(watcherMetrics, readerMetrics, logger, client.Name(), t, dir, enableExemplarRemoteWrite, enableNativeHistogramRemoteWrite)
if t.mcfg.Send {
t.metadataWatcher = NewMetadataWatcher(logger, sm, client.Name(), t, t.mcfg.SendInterval, flushDeadline)
@ -538,11 +592,11 @@ outer:
return false
if t.shards.enqueue(s.Ref, sampleOrExemplar{
if t.shards.enqueue(s.Ref, timeSeries{
seriesLabels: lbls,
timestamp: s.T,
value: s.V,
isSample: true,
sType: tSample,
}) {
continue outer
@ -588,11 +642,59 @@ outer:
return false
if t.shards.enqueue(e.Ref, sampleOrExemplar{
if t.shards.enqueue(e.Ref, timeSeries{
seriesLabels: lbls,
timestamp: e.T,
value: e.V,
exemplarLabels: e.Labels,
sType: tExemplar,
}) {
continue outer
backoff = backoff * 2
if backoff > t.cfg.MaxBackoff {
backoff = t.cfg.MaxBackoff
return true
func (t *QueueManager) AppendHistograms(histograms []record.RefHistogramSample) bool {
if !t.sendNativeHistograms {
return true
for _, h := range histograms {
lbls, ok := t.seriesLabels[h.Ref]
if !ok {
if _, ok := t.droppedSeries[h.Ref]; !ok {
level.Info(t.logger).Log("msg", "Dropped histogram for series that was not explicitly dropped via relabelling", "ref", h.Ref)
backoff := model.Duration(5 * time.Millisecond)
for {
select {
case <-t.quit:
return false
if t.shards.enqueue(h.Ref, timeSeries{
seriesLabels: lbls,
timestamp: h.T,
histogram: h.H,
sType: tHistogram,
}) {
continue outer
@ -921,8 +1023,9 @@ type shards struct {
qm *QueueManager
queues []*queue
// So we can accurately track how many of each are lost during shard shutdowns.
enqueuedSamples atomic.Int64
enqueuedExemplars atomic.Int64
enqueuedSamples atomic.Int64
enqueuedExemplars atomic.Int64
enqueuedHistograms atomic.Int64
// Emulate a wait group with a channel and an atomic int, as you
// cannot select on a wait group.
@ -934,9 +1037,10 @@ type shards struct {
// Hard shutdown context is used to terminate outgoing HTTP connections
// after giving them a chance to terminate.
hardShutdown context.CancelFunc
samplesDroppedOnHardShutdown atomic.Uint32
exemplarsDroppedOnHardShutdown atomic.Uint32
hardShutdown context.CancelFunc
samplesDroppedOnHardShutdown atomic.Uint32
exemplarsDroppedOnHardShutdown atomic.Uint32
histogramsDroppedOnHardShutdown atomic.Uint32
// start the shards; must be called before any call to enqueue.
@ -961,8 +1065,10 @@ func (s *shards) start(n int) {
s.done = make(chan struct{})
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go s.runShard(hardShutdownCtx, i, newQueues[i])
@ -1008,7 +1114,7 @@ func (s *shards) stop() {
// retry. A shard is full when its configured capacity has been reached,
// specifically, when s.queues[shard] has filled its batchQueue channel and the
// partial batch has also been filled.
func (s *shards) enqueue(ref chunks.HeadSeriesRef, data sampleOrExemplar) bool {
func (s *shards) enqueue(ref chunks.HeadSeriesRef, data timeSeries) bool {
defer s.mtx.RUnlock()
@ -1021,12 +1127,16 @@ func (s *shards) enqueue(ref chunks.HeadSeriesRef, data sampleOrExemplar) bool {
if !appended {
return false
if data.isSample {
switch data.sType {
case tSample:
} else {
case tExemplar:
case tHistogram:
return true
@ -1035,24 +1145,34 @@ func (s *shards) enqueue(ref chunks.HeadSeriesRef, data sampleOrExemplar) bool {
type queue struct {
// batchMtx covers operations appending to or publishing the partial batch.
batchMtx sync.Mutex
batch []sampleOrExemplar
batchQueue chan []sampleOrExemplar
batch []timeSeries
batchQueue chan []timeSeries
// Since we know there are a limited number of batches out, using a stack
// is easy and safe so a sync.Pool is not necessary.
// poolMtx covers adding and removing batches from the batchPool.
poolMtx sync.Mutex
batchPool [][]sampleOrExemplar
batchPool [][]timeSeries
type sampleOrExemplar struct {
type timeSeries struct {
seriesLabels labels.Labels
value float64
histogram *histogram.Histogram
timestamp int64
exemplarLabels labels.Labels
isSample bool
// The type of series: sample, exemplar, or histogram.
sType seriesType
type seriesType int
const (
tSample seriesType = iota
func newQueue(batchSize, capacity int) *queue {
batches := capacity / batchSize
// Always create an unbuffered channel even if capacity is configured to be
@ -1061,17 +1181,17 @@ func newQueue(batchSize, capacity int) *queue {
batches = 1
return &queue{
batch: make([]sampleOrExemplar, 0, batchSize),
batchQueue: make(chan []sampleOrExemplar, batches),
batch: make([]timeSeries, 0, batchSize),
batchQueue: make(chan []timeSeries, batches),
// batchPool should have capacity for everything in the channel + 1 for
// the batch being processed.
batchPool: make([][]sampleOrExemplar, 0, batches+1),
batchPool: make([][]timeSeries, 0, batches+1),
// Append the sampleOrExemplar to the buffered batch. Returns false if it
// Append the timeSeries to the buffered batch. Returns false if it
// cannot be added and must be retried.
func (q *queue) Append(datum sampleOrExemplar) bool {
func (q *queue) Append(datum timeSeries) bool {
defer q.batchMtx.Unlock()
q.batch = append(q.batch, datum)
@ -1089,12 +1209,12 @@ func (q *queue) Append(datum sampleOrExemplar) bool {
return true
func (q *queue) Chan() <-chan []sampleOrExemplar {
func (q *queue) Chan() <-chan []timeSeries {
return q.batchQueue
// Batch returns the current batch and allocates a new batch.
func (q *queue) Batch() []sampleOrExemplar {
func (q *queue) Batch() []timeSeries {
defer q.batchMtx.Unlock()
@ -1109,7 +1229,7 @@ func (q *queue) Batch() []sampleOrExemplar {
// ReturnForReuse adds the batch buffer back to the internal pool.
func (q *queue) ReturnForReuse(batch []sampleOrExemplar) {
func (q *queue) ReturnForReuse(batch []timeSeries) {
defer q.poolMtx.Unlock()
if len(q.batchPool) < cap(q.batchPool) {
@ -1149,7 +1269,7 @@ func (q *queue) tryEnqueueingBatch(done <-chan struct{}) bool {
func (q *queue) newBatch(capacity int) []sampleOrExemplar {
func (q *queue) newBatch(capacity int) []timeSeries {
defer q.poolMtx.Unlock()
batches := len(q.batchPool)
@ -1158,7 +1278,7 @@ func (q *queue) newBatch(capacity int) []sampleOrExemplar {
q.batchPool = q.batchPool[:batches-1]
return batch
return make([]sampleOrExemplar, 0, capacity)
return make([]timeSeries, 0, capacity)
func (s *shards) runShard(ctx context.Context, shardID int, queue *queue) {
@ -1209,22 +1329,26 @@ func (s *shards) runShard(ctx context.Context, shardID int, queue *queue) {
// Remove them from pending and mark them as failed.
droppedSamples := int(s.enqueuedSamples.Load())
droppedExemplars := int(s.enqueuedExemplars.Load())
droppedHistograms := int(s.enqueuedHistograms.Load())
case batch, ok := <-batchQueue:
if !ok {
nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars := s.populateTimeSeries(batch, pendingData)
nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars, nPendingHistograms := s.populateTimeSeries(batch, pendingData)
n := nPendingSamples + nPendingExemplars
s.sendSamples(ctx, pendingData[:n], nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars, pBuf, &buf)
n := nPendingSamples + nPendingExemplars + nPendingHistograms
s.sendSamples(ctx, pendingData[:n], nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars, nPendingHistograms, pBuf, &buf)
@ -1232,10 +1356,10 @@ func (s *shards) runShard(ctx context.Context, shardID int, queue *queue) {
case <-timer.C:
batch := queue.Batch()
if len(batch) > 0 {
nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars := s.populateTimeSeries(batch, pendingData)
n := nPendingSamples + nPendingExemplars
nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars, nPendingHistograms := s.populateTimeSeries(batch, pendingData)
n := nPendingSamples + nPendingExemplars + nPendingHistograms
level.Debug(s.qm.logger).Log("msg", "runShard timer ticked, sending buffered data", "samples", nPendingSamples, "exemplars", nPendingExemplars, "shard", shardNum)
s.sendSamples(ctx, pendingData[:n], nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars, pBuf, &buf)
s.sendSamples(ctx, pendingData[:n], nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars, nPendingHistograms, pBuf, &buf)
@ -1243,43 +1367,51 @@ func (s *shards) runShard(ctx context.Context, shardID int, queue *queue) {
func (s *shards) populateTimeSeries(batch []sampleOrExemplar, pendingData []prompb.TimeSeries) (int, int) {
var nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars int
func (s *shards) populateTimeSeries(batch []timeSeries, pendingData []prompb.TimeSeries) (int, int, int) {
var nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars, nPendingHistograms int
for nPending, d := range batch {
pendingData[nPending].Samples = pendingData[nPending].Samples[:0]
if s.qm.sendExemplars {
pendingData[nPending].Exemplars = pendingData[nPending].Exemplars[:0]
if s.qm.sendNativeHistograms {
pendingData[nPending].Histograms = pendingData[nPending].Histograms[:0]
// Number of pending samples is limited by the fact that sendSamples (via sendSamplesWithBackoff)
// retries endlessly, so once we reach max samples, if we can never send to the endpoint we'll
// stop reading from the queue. This makes it safe to reference pendingSamples by index.
if d.isSample {
pendingData[nPending].Labels = labelsToLabelsProto(d.seriesLabels, pendingData[nPending].Labels)
pendingData[nPending].Labels = labelsToLabelsProto(d.seriesLabels, pendingData[nPending].Labels)
switch d.sType {
case tSample:
pendingData[nPending].Samples = append(pendingData[nPending].Samples, prompb.Sample{
Value: d.value,
Timestamp: d.timestamp,
} else {
pendingData[nPending].Labels = labelsToLabelsProto(d.seriesLabels, pendingData[nPending].Labels)
case tExemplar:
pendingData[nPending].Exemplars = append(pendingData[nPending].Exemplars, prompb.Exemplar{
Labels: labelsToLabelsProto(d.exemplarLabels, nil),
Value: d.value,
Timestamp: d.timestamp,
case tHistogram:
pendingData[nPending].Histograms = append(pendingData[nPending].Histograms, HistogramToHistogramProto(d.timestamp, d.histogram))
return nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars
return nPendingSamples, nPendingExemplars, nPendingHistograms
func (s *shards) sendSamples(ctx context.Context, samples []prompb.TimeSeries, sampleCount, exemplarCount int, pBuf *proto.Buffer, buf *[]byte) {
func (s *shards) sendSamples(ctx context.Context, samples []prompb.TimeSeries, sampleCount, exemplarCount, histogramCount int, pBuf *proto.Buffer, buf *[]byte) {
begin := time.Now()
err := s.sendSamplesWithBackoff(ctx, samples, sampleCount, exemplarCount, pBuf, buf)
err := s.sendSamplesWithBackoff(ctx, samples, sampleCount, exemplarCount, histogramCount, pBuf, buf)
if err != nil {
level.Error(s.qm.logger).Log("msg", "non-recoverable error", "count", sampleCount, "exemplarCount", exemplarCount, "err", err)
// These counters are used to calculate the dynamic sharding, and as such
@ -1287,16 +1419,18 @@ func (s *shards) sendSamples(ctx context.Context, samples []prompb.TimeSeries, s
// Pending samples/exemplars also should be subtracted as an error means
// Pending samples/exemplars/histograms also should be subtracted as an error means
// they will not be retried.
// sendSamples to the remote storage with backoff for recoverable errors.
func (s *shards) sendSamplesWithBackoff(ctx context.Context, samples []prompb.TimeSeries, sampleCount, exemplarCount int, pBuf *proto.Buffer, buf *[]byte) error {
func (s *shards) sendSamplesWithBackoff(ctx context.Context, samples []prompb.TimeSeries, sampleCount, exemplarCount, histogramCount int, pBuf *proto.Buffer, buf *[]byte) error {
// Build the WriteRequest with no metadata.
req, highest, err := buildWriteRequest(samples, nil, pBuf, *buf)
if err != nil {
@ -1326,10 +1460,14 @@ func (s *shards) sendSamplesWithBackoff(ctx context.Context, samples []prompb.Ti
if exemplarCount > 0 {
span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("exemplars", exemplarCount))
if histogramCount > 0 {
span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("histograms", histogramCount))
begin := time.Now()
err := s.qm.client().Store(ctx, *buf)
@ -1344,6 +1482,7 @@ func (s *shards) sendSamplesWithBackoff(ctx context.Context, samples []prompb.Ti
onRetry := func() {
err = sendWriteRequestWithBackoff(ctx, s.qm.cfg, s.qm.logger, attemptStore, onRetry)
@ -1420,6 +1559,9 @@ func buildWriteRequest(samples []prompb.TimeSeries, metadata []prompb.MetricMeta
if len(ts.Exemplars) > 0 && ts.Exemplars[0].Timestamp > highest {
highest = ts.Exemplars[0].Timestamp
if len(ts.Histograms) > 0 && ts.Histograms[0].Timestamp > highest {
highest = ts.Histograms[0].Timestamp
req := &prompb.WriteRequest{
@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ import (
var (
@ -45,6 +46,12 @@ var (
Name: "exemplars_in_total",
Help: "Exemplars in to remote storage, compare to exemplars out for queue managers.",
histogramsIn = promauto.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
Name: "histograms_in_total",
Help: "HistogramSamples in to remote storage, compare to histograms out for queue managers.",
// WriteStorage represents all the remote write storage.
@ -53,8 +60,8 @@ type WriteStorage struct {
reg prometheus.Registerer
mtx sync.Mutex
watcherMetrics *wal.WatcherMetrics
liveReaderMetrics *wal.LiveReaderMetrics
watcherMetrics *wlog.WatcherMetrics
liveReaderMetrics *wlog.LiveReaderMetrics
externalLabels labels.Labels
dir string
queues map[string]*QueueManager
@ -75,8 +82,8 @@ func NewWriteStorage(logger log.Logger, reg prometheus.Registerer, dir string, f
rws := &WriteStorage{
queues: make(map[string]*QueueManager),
watcherMetrics: wal.NewWatcherMetrics(reg),
liveReaderMetrics: wal.NewLiveReaderMetrics(reg),
watcherMetrics: wlog.NewWatcherMetrics(reg),
liveReaderMetrics: wlog.NewLiveReaderMetrics(reg),
logger: logger,
reg: reg,
flushDeadline: flushDeadline,
@ -188,6 +195,7 @@ func (rws *WriteStorage) ApplyConfig(conf *config.Config) error {
// Keep track of which queues are new so we know which to start.
newHashes = append(newHashes, hash)
@ -251,6 +259,7 @@ type timestampTracker struct {
writeStorage *WriteStorage
samples int64
exemplars int64
histograms int64
highestTimestamp int64
highestRecvTimestamp *maxTimestamp
@ -269,6 +278,14 @@ func (t *timestampTracker) AppendExemplar(_ storage.SeriesRef, _ labels.Labels,
return 0, nil
func (t *timestampTracker) AppendHistogram(_ storage.SeriesRef, _ labels.Labels, ts int64, h *histogram.Histogram) (storage.SeriesRef, error) {
if ts > t.highestTimestamp {
t.highestTimestamp = ts
return 0, nil
func (t *timestampTracker) UpdateMetadata(_ storage.SeriesRef, _ labels.Labels, _ metadata.Metadata) (storage.SeriesRef, error) {
// TODO: Add and increment a `metadata` field when we get around to wiring metadata in remote_write.
// UpadteMetadata is no-op for remote write (where timestampTracker is being used) for now.
@ -277,10 +294,11 @@ func (t *timestampTracker) UpdateMetadata(_ storage.SeriesRef, _ labels.Labels,
// Commit implements storage.Appender.
func (t *timestampTracker) Commit() error {
t.writeStorage.samplesIn.incr(t.samples + t.exemplars)
t.writeStorage.samplesIn.incr(t.samples + t.exemplars + t.histograms)
t.highestRecvTimestamp.Set(float64(t.highestTimestamp / 1000))
return nil
@ -117,6 +117,20 @@ func (h *writeHandler) write(ctx context.Context, req *prompb.WriteRequest) (err
level.Debug(h.logger).Log("msg", "Error while adding exemplar in AddExemplar", "exemplar", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", e), "err", exemplarErr)
for _, hp := range ts.Histograms {
hs := HistogramProtoToHistogram(hp)
_, err = app.AppendHistogram(0, labels, hp.Timestamp, hs)
if err != nil {
unwrappedErr := errors.Unwrap(err)
// Althogh AppendHistogram does not currently return ErrDuplicateSampleForTimestamp there is
// a note indicating its inclusion in the future.
if errors.Is(unwrappedErr, storage.ErrOutOfOrderSample) || errors.Is(unwrappedErr, storage.ErrOutOfBounds) || errors.Is(unwrappedErr, storage.ErrDuplicateSampleForTimestamp) {
level.Error(h.logger).Log("msg", "Out of order histogram from remote write", "err", err.Error(), "series", labels.String(), "timestamp", hp.Timestamp)
return err
if outOfOrderExemplarErrs > 0 {
@ -14,9 +14,11 @@
package storage
import (
@ -90,21 +92,39 @@ func (it *listSeriesIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
return s.T(), s.V()
func (it *listSeriesIterator) Next() bool {
return it.idx < it.samples.Len()
func (it *listSeriesIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
s := it.samples.Get(it.idx)
return s.T(), s.H()
func (it *listSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
func (it *listSeriesIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
s := it.samples.Get(it.idx)
return s.T(), s.FH()
func (it *listSeriesIterator) AtT() int64 {
s := it.samples.Get(it.idx)
return s.T()
func (it *listSeriesIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
if it.idx >= it.samples.Len() {
return chunkenc.ValNone
return it.samples.Get(it.idx).Type()
func (it *listSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) chunkenc.ValueType {
if it.idx == -1 {
it.idx = 0
if it.idx >= it.samples.Len() {
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
// No-op check.
if s := it.samples.Get(it.idx); s.T() >= t {
return true
return s.Type()
// Do binary search between current position and end.
it.idx += sort.Search(it.samples.Len()-it.idx, func(i int) bool {
@ -112,7 +132,10 @@ func (it *listSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
return s.T() >= t
return it.idx < it.samples.Len()
if it.idx >= it.samples.Len() {
return chunkenc.ValNone
return it.samples.Get(it.idx).Type()
func (it *listSeriesIterator) Err() error { return nil }
@ -230,27 +253,32 @@ func NewSeriesToChunkEncoder(series Series) ChunkSeries {
func (s *seriesToChunkEncoder) Iterator() chunks.Iterator {
chk := chunkenc.NewXORChunk()
app, err := chk.Appender()
if err != nil {
return errChunksIterator{err: err}
var (
chk chunkenc.Chunk
app chunkenc.Appender
err error
mint := int64(math.MaxInt64)
maxt := int64(math.MinInt64)
chks := []chunks.Meta{}
i := 0
seriesIter := s.Series.Iterator()
for seriesIter.Next() {
// Create a new chunk if too many samples in the current one.
if i >= seriesToChunkEncoderSplit {
chks = append(chks, chunks.Meta{
MinTime: mint,
MaxTime: maxt,
Chunk: chk,
chk = chunkenc.NewXORChunk()
lastType := chunkenc.ValNone
for typ := seriesIter.Next(); typ != chunkenc.ValNone; typ = seriesIter.Next() {
if typ != lastType || i >= seriesToChunkEncoderSplit {
// Create a new chunk if the sample type changed or too many samples in the current one.
if chk != nil {
chks = append(chks, chunks.Meta{
MinTime: mint,
MaxTime: maxt,
Chunk: chk,
chk, err = chunkenc.NewEmptyChunk(typ.ChunkEncoding())
if err != nil {
return errChunksIterator{err: err}
app, err = chk.Appender()
if err != nil {
return errChunksIterator{err: err}
@ -259,9 +287,23 @@ func (s *seriesToChunkEncoder) Iterator() chunks.Iterator {
// maxt is immediately overwritten below which is why setting it here won't make a difference.
i = 0
lastType = typ
t, v := seriesIter.At()
app.Append(t, v)
var (
t int64
v float64
h *histogram.Histogram
switch typ {
case chunkenc.ValFloat:
t, v = seriesIter.At()
app.Append(t, v)
case chunkenc.ValHistogram:
t, h = seriesIter.AtHistogram()
app.AppendHistogram(t, h)
return errChunksIterator{err: fmt.Errorf("unknown sample type %s", typ.String())}
maxt = t
if mint == math.MaxInt64 {
@ -273,11 +315,13 @@ func (s *seriesToChunkEncoder) Iterator() chunks.Iterator {
return errChunksIterator{err: err}
chks = append(chks, chunks.Meta{
MinTime: mint,
MaxTime: maxt,
Chunk: chk,
if chk != nil {
chks = append(chks, chunks.Meta{
MinTime: mint,
MaxTime: maxt,
Chunk: chk,
return NewListChunkSeriesIterator(chks...)
@ -293,21 +337,34 @@ func (e errChunksIterator) Err() error { return e.err }
// ExpandSamples iterates over all samples in the iterator, buffering all in slice.
// Optionally it takes samples constructor, useful when you want to compare sample slices with different
// sample implementations. if nil, sample type from this package will be used.
func ExpandSamples(iter chunkenc.Iterator, newSampleFn func(t int64, v float64) tsdbutil.Sample) ([]tsdbutil.Sample, error) {
func ExpandSamples(iter chunkenc.Iterator, newSampleFn func(t int64, v float64, h *histogram.Histogram, fh *histogram.FloatHistogram) tsdbutil.Sample) ([]tsdbutil.Sample, error) {
if newSampleFn == nil {
newSampleFn = func(t int64, v float64) tsdbutil.Sample { return sample{t, v} }
newSampleFn = func(t int64, v float64, h *histogram.Histogram, fh *histogram.FloatHistogram) tsdbutil.Sample {
return sample{t, v, h, fh}
var result []tsdbutil.Sample
for iter.Next() {
t, v := iter.At()
// NaNs can't be compared normally, so substitute for another value.
if math.IsNaN(v) {
v = -42
for {
switch iter.Next() {
case chunkenc.ValNone:
return result, iter.Err()
case chunkenc.ValFloat:
t, v := iter.At()
// NaNs can't be compared normally, so substitute for another value.
if math.IsNaN(v) {
v = -42
result = append(result, newSampleFn(t, v, nil, nil))
case chunkenc.ValHistogram:
t, h := iter.AtHistogram()
result = append(result, newSampleFn(t, 0, h, nil))
case chunkenc.ValFloatHistogram:
t, fh := iter.AtFloatHistogram()
result = append(result, newSampleFn(t, 0, nil, fh))
result = append(result, newSampleFn(t, v))
return result, iter.Err()
// ExpandChunks iterates over all chunks in the iterator, buffering all in slice.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ which handles storage and querying of all Prometheus v2 data.
## External resources
* A writeup of the original design can be found [here](https://fabxc.org/blog/2017-04-10-writing-a-tsdb/).
* A writeup of the original design can be found [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20210803115658/https://fabxc.org/tsdb/).
* Video: [Storing 16 Bytes at Scale](https://youtu.be/b_pEevMAC3I) from [PromCon 2017](https://promcon.io/2017-munich/).
* Compression is based on the Gorilla TSDB [white paper](http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol8/p1816-teller.pdf).
@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ import (
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ func (bm *BlockMetaCompaction) SetOutOfOrder() {
bm.Hints = append(bm.Hints, CompactionHintFromOutOfOrder)
func (bm *BlockMetaCompaction) FromOutOfOrder() bool {
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ func (r blockIndexReader) SortedLabelValues(name string, matchers ...*labels.Mat
} else {
st, err = r.LabelValues(name, matchers...)
if err == nil {
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ func (w *BlockWriter) initHead() error {
opts := DefaultHeadOptions()
opts.ChunkRange = w.blockSize
opts.ChunkDirRoot = w.chunkDir
h, err := NewHead(nil, w.logger, nil, nil, opts, NewHeadStats())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "tsdb.NewHead")
@ -18,27 +18,32 @@ import (
// Encoding is the identifier for a chunk encoding.
type Encoding uint8
// The different available chunk encodings.
const (
EncNone Encoding = iota
func (e Encoding) String() string {
switch e {
case EncNone:
return "none"
case EncXOR:
return "XOR"
case EncHistogram:
return "histogram"
return "<unknown>"
// The different available chunk encodings.
const (
EncNone Encoding = iota
// Chunk encodings for out-of-order chunks.
// These encodings must be only used by the Head block for its internal bookkeeping.
const (
@ -50,8 +55,9 @@ func IsOutOfOrderChunk(e Encoding) bool {
return (e & OutOfOrderMask) != 0
// IsValidEncoding returns true for supported encodings.
func IsValidEncoding(e Encoding) bool {
return e == EncXOR || e == EncOOOXOR
return e == EncXOR || e == EncOOOXOR || e == EncHistogram
// Chunk holds a sequence of sample pairs that can be iterated over and appended to.
@ -84,26 +90,80 @@ type Chunk interface {
// Appender adds sample pairs to a chunk.
type Appender interface {
Append(int64, float64)
AppendHistogram(t int64, h *histogram.Histogram)
// Iterator is a simple iterator that can only get the next value.
// Iterator iterates over the samples of a time series, in timestamp-increasing order.
type Iterator interface {
// Next advances the iterator by one.
Next() bool
// Seek advances the iterator forward to the first sample with the timestamp equal or greater than t.
// If current sample found by previous `Next` or `Seek` operation already has this property, Seek has no effect.
// Seek returns true, if such sample exists, false otherwise.
// Iterator is exhausted when the Seek returns false.
Seek(t int64) bool
// At returns the current timestamp/value pair.
// Before the iterator has advanced At behaviour is unspecified.
// Next advances the iterator by one and returns the type of the value
// at the new position (or ValNone if the iterator is exhausted).
Next() ValueType
// Seek advances the iterator forward to the first sample with a
// timestamp equal or greater than t. If the current sample found by a
// previous `Next` or `Seek` operation already has this property, Seek
// has no effect. If a sample has been found, Seek returns the type of
// its value. Otherwise, it returns ValNone, after with the iterator is
// exhausted.
Seek(t int64) ValueType
// At returns the current timestamp/value pair if the value is a float.
// Before the iterator has advanced, the behaviour is unspecified.
At() (int64, float64)
// Err returns the current error. It should be used only after iterator is
// exhausted, that is `Next` or `Seek` returns false.
// AtHistogram returns the current timestamp/value pair if the value is
// a histogram with integer counts. Before the iterator has advanced,
// the behaviour is unspecified.
AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram)
// AtFloatHistogram returns the current timestamp/value pair if the
// value is a histogram with floating-point counts. It also works if the
// value is a histogram with integer counts, in which case a
// FloatHistogram copy of the histogram is returned. Before the iterator
// has advanced, the behaviour is unspecified.
AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram)
// AtT returns the current timestamp.
// Before the iterator has advanced, the behaviour is unspecified.
AtT() int64
// Err returns the current error. It should be used only after the
// iterator is exhausted, i.e. `Next` or `Seek` have returned ValNone.
Err() error
// ValueType defines the type of a value an Iterator points to.
type ValueType uint8
// Possible values for ValueType.
const (
ValNone ValueType = iota // No value at the current position.
ValFloat // A simple float, retrieved with At.
ValHistogram // A histogram, retrieve with AtHistogram, but AtFloatHistogram works, too.
ValFloatHistogram // A floating-point histogram, retrieve with AtFloatHistogram.
func (v ValueType) String() string {
switch v {
case ValNone:
return "none"
case ValFloat:
return "float"
case ValHistogram:
return "histogram"
case ValFloatHistogram:
return "floathistogram"
return "unknown"
func (v ValueType) ChunkEncoding() Encoding {
switch v {
case ValFloat:
return EncXOR
case ValHistogram:
return EncHistogram
return EncNone
// MockSeriesIterator returns an iterator for a mock series with custom timeStamps and values.
func MockSeriesIterator(timestamps []int64, values []float64) Iterator {
return &mockSeriesIterator{
@ -119,18 +179,29 @@ type mockSeriesIterator struct {
currIndex int
func (it *mockSeriesIterator) Seek(int64) bool { return false }
func (it *mockSeriesIterator) Seek(int64) ValueType { return ValNone }
func (it *mockSeriesIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
return it.timeStamps[it.currIndex], it.values[it.currIndex]
func (it *mockSeriesIterator) Next() bool {
func (it *mockSeriesIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) { return math.MinInt64, nil }
func (it *mockSeriesIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
return math.MinInt64, nil
func (it *mockSeriesIterator) AtT() int64 {
return it.timeStamps[it.currIndex]
func (it *mockSeriesIterator) Next() ValueType {
if it.currIndex < len(it.timeStamps)-1 {
return true
return ValFloat
return false
return ValNone
func (it *mockSeriesIterator) Err() error { return nil }
@ -141,10 +212,13 @@ func NewNopIterator() Iterator {
type nopIterator struct{}
func (nopIterator) Seek(int64) bool { return false }
func (nopIterator) At() (int64, float64) { return math.MinInt64, 0 }
func (nopIterator) Next() bool { return false }
func (nopIterator) Err() error { return nil }
func (nopIterator) Next() ValueType { return ValNone }
func (nopIterator) Seek(int64) ValueType { return ValNone }
func (nopIterator) At() (int64, float64) { return math.MinInt64, 0 }
func (nopIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) { return math.MinInt64, nil }
func (nopIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) { return math.MinInt64, nil }
func (nopIterator) AtT() int64 { return math.MinInt64 }
func (nopIterator) Err() error { return nil }
// Pool is used to create and reuse chunk references to avoid allocations.
type Pool interface {
@ -154,7 +228,8 @@ type Pool interface {
// pool is a memory pool of chunk objects.
type pool struct {
xor sync.Pool
xor sync.Pool
histogram sync.Pool
// NewPool returns a new pool.
@ -165,6 +240,11 @@ func NewPool() Pool {
return &XORChunk{b: bstream{}}
histogram: sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &HistogramChunk{b: bstream{}}
@ -175,6 +255,11 @@ func (p *pool) Get(e Encoding, b []byte) (Chunk, error) {
c.b.stream = b
c.b.count = 0
return c, nil
case EncHistogram:
c := p.histogram.Get().(*HistogramChunk)
c.b.stream = b
c.b.count = 0
return c, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid chunk encoding %q", e)
@ -192,6 +277,17 @@ func (p *pool) Put(c Chunk) error {
xc.b.stream = nil
xc.b.count = 0
case EncHistogram:
sh, ok := c.(*HistogramChunk)
// This may happen often with wrapped chunks. Nothing we can really do about
// it but returning an error would cause a lot of allocations again. Thus,
// we just skip it.
if !ok {
return nil
sh.b.stream = nil
sh.b.count = 0
return errors.Errorf("invalid chunk encoding %q", c.Encoding())
@ -205,6 +301,19 @@ func FromData(e Encoding, d []byte) (Chunk, error) {
switch e {
case EncXOR, EncOOOXOR:
return &XORChunk{b: bstream{count: 0, stream: d}}, nil
case EncHistogram:
return &HistogramChunk{b: bstream{count: 0, stream: d}}, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid chunk encoding %q", e)
// NewEmptyChunk returns an empty chunk for the given encoding.
func NewEmptyChunk(e Encoding) (Chunk, error) {
switch e {
case EncXOR:
return NewXORChunk(), nil
case EncHistogram:
return NewHistogramChunk(), nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid chunk encoding %q", e)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
// Copyright 2021 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package chunkenc
import (
// HistogramChunk holds encoded sample data for a sparse, high-resolution
// histogram.
// Each sample has multiple "fields", stored in the following way (raw = store
// number directly, delta = store delta to the previous number, dod = store
// delta of the delta to the previous number, xor = what we do for regular
// sample values):
// field → ts count zeroCount sum []posbuckets []negbuckets
// sample 1 raw raw raw raw []raw []raw
// sample 2 delta delta delta xor []delta []delta
// sample >2 dod dod dod xor []dod []dod
type HistogramChunk struct {
b bstream
// NewHistogramChunk returns a new chunk with histogram encoding of the given
// size.
func NewHistogramChunk() *HistogramChunk {
b := make([]byte, 3, 128)
return &HistogramChunk{b: bstream{stream: b, count: 0}}
// Encoding returns the encoding type.
func (c *HistogramChunk) Encoding() Encoding {
return EncHistogram
// Bytes returns the underlying byte slice of the chunk.
func (c *HistogramChunk) Bytes() []byte {
return c.b.bytes()
// NumSamples returns the number of samples in the chunk.
func (c *HistogramChunk) NumSamples() int {
return int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(c.Bytes()))
// Layout returns the histogram layout. Only call this on chunks that have at
// least one sample.
func (c *HistogramChunk) Layout() (
schema int32, zeroThreshold float64,
negativeSpans, positiveSpans []histogram.Span,
err error,
) {
if c.NumSamples() == 0 {
panic("HistoChunk.Layout() called on an empty chunk")
b := newBReader(c.Bytes()[2:])
return readHistogramChunkLayout(&b)
// CounterResetHeader defines the first 2 bits of the chunk header.
type CounterResetHeader byte
const (
// CounterReset means there was definitely a counter reset that resulted in this chunk.
CounterReset CounterResetHeader = 0b10000000
// NotCounterReset means there was definitely no counter reset when cutting this chunk.
NotCounterReset CounterResetHeader = 0b01000000
// GaugeType means this chunk contains a gauge histogram, where counter resets do not happen.
GaugeType CounterResetHeader = 0b11000000
// UnknownCounterReset means we cannot say if this chunk was created due to a counter reset or not.
// An explicit counter reset detection needs to happen during query time.
UnknownCounterReset CounterResetHeader = 0b00000000
// SetCounterResetHeader sets the counter reset header.
func (c *HistogramChunk) SetCounterResetHeader(h CounterResetHeader) {
switch h {
case CounterReset, NotCounterReset, GaugeType, UnknownCounterReset:
bytes := c.Bytes()
bytes[2] = (bytes[2] & 0b00111111) | byte(h)
panic("invalid CounterResetHeader type")
// GetCounterResetHeader returns the info about the first 2 bits of the chunk
// header.
func (c *HistogramChunk) GetCounterResetHeader() CounterResetHeader {
return CounterResetHeader(c.Bytes()[2] & 0b11000000)
// Compact implements the Chunk interface.
func (c *HistogramChunk) Compact() {
if l := len(c.b.stream); cap(c.b.stream) > l+chunkCompactCapacityThreshold {
buf := make([]byte, l)
copy(buf, c.b.stream)
c.b.stream = buf
// Appender implements the Chunk interface.
func (c *HistogramChunk) Appender() (Appender, error) {
it := c.iterator(nil)
// To get an appender, we must know the state it would have if we had
// appended all existing data from scratch. We iterate through the end
// and populate via the iterator's state.
for it.Next() == ValHistogram {
if err := it.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
a := &HistogramAppender{
b: &c.b,
schema: it.schema,
zThreshold: it.zThreshold,
pSpans: it.pSpans,
nSpans: it.nSpans,
t: it.t,
cnt: it.cnt,
zCnt: it.zCnt,
tDelta: it.tDelta,
cntDelta: it.cntDelta,
zCntDelta: it.zCntDelta,
pBuckets: it.pBuckets,
nBuckets: it.nBuckets,
pBucketsDelta: it.pBucketsDelta,
nBucketsDelta: it.nBucketsDelta,
sum: it.sum,
leading: it.leading,
trailing: it.trailing,
if it.numTotal == 0 {
a.leading = 0xff
return a, nil
func countSpans(spans []histogram.Span) int {
var cnt int
for _, s := range spans {
cnt += int(s.Length)
return cnt
func newHistogramIterator(b []byte) *histogramIterator {
it := &histogramIterator{
br: newBReader(b),
numTotal: binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b),
t: math.MinInt64,
// The first 3 bytes contain chunk headers.
// We skip that for actual samples.
_, _ = it.br.readBits(24)
return it
func (c *HistogramChunk) iterator(it Iterator) *histogramIterator {
// This commet is copied from XORChunk.iterator:
// Should iterators guarantee to act on a copy of the data so it doesn't lock append?
// When using striped locks to guard access to chunks, probably yes.
// Could only copy data if the chunk is not completed yet.
if histogramIter, ok := it.(*histogramIterator); ok {
return histogramIter
return newHistogramIterator(c.b.bytes())
// Iterator implements the Chunk interface.
func (c *HistogramChunk) Iterator(it Iterator) Iterator {
return c.iterator(it)
// HistogramAppender is an Appender implementation for sparse histograms.
type HistogramAppender struct {
b *bstream
// Layout:
schema int32
zThreshold float64
pSpans, nSpans []histogram.Span
// Although we intend to start new chunks on counter resets, we still
// have to handle negative deltas for gauge histograms. Therefore, even
// deltas are signed types here (even for tDelta to not treat that one
// specially).
t int64
cnt, zCnt uint64
tDelta, cntDelta, zCntDelta int64
pBuckets, nBuckets []int64
pBucketsDelta, nBucketsDelta []int64
// The sum is Gorilla xor encoded.
sum float64
leading uint8
trailing uint8
// Append implements Appender. This implementation panics because normal float
// samples must never be appended to a histogram chunk.
func (a *HistogramAppender) Append(int64, float64) {
panic("appended a float sample to a histogram chunk")
// Appendable returns whether the chunk can be appended to, and if so
// whether any recoding needs to happen using the provided interjections
// (in case of any new buckets, positive or negative range, respectively).
// The chunk is not appendable in the following cases:
// • The schema has changed.
// • The threshold for the zero bucket has changed.
// • Any buckets have disappeared.
// • There was a counter reset in the count of observations or in any bucket,
// including the zero bucket.
// • The last sample in the chunk was stale while the current sample is not stale.
// The method returns an additional boolean set to true if it is not appendable
// because of a counter reset. If the given sample is stale, it is always ok to
// append. If counterReset is true, okToAppend is always false.
func (a *HistogramAppender) Appendable(h *histogram.Histogram) (
positiveInterjections, negativeInterjections []Interjection,
okToAppend, counterReset bool,
) {
if value.IsStaleNaN(h.Sum) {
// This is a stale sample whose buckets and spans don't matter.
okToAppend = true
if value.IsStaleNaN(a.sum) {
// If the last sample was stale, then we can only accept stale
// samples in this chunk.
if h.Count < a.cnt {
// There has been a counter reset.
counterReset = true
if h.Schema != a.schema || h.ZeroThreshold != a.zThreshold {
if h.ZeroCount < a.zCnt {
// There has been a counter reset since ZeroThreshold didn't change.
counterReset = true
var ok bool
positiveInterjections, ok = compareSpans(a.pSpans, h.PositiveSpans)
if !ok {
counterReset = true
negativeInterjections, ok = compareSpans(a.nSpans, h.NegativeSpans)
if !ok {
counterReset = true
if counterResetInAnyBucket(a.pBuckets, h.PositiveBuckets, a.pSpans, h.PositiveSpans) ||
counterResetInAnyBucket(a.nBuckets, h.NegativeBuckets, a.nSpans, h.NegativeSpans) {
counterReset, positiveInterjections, negativeInterjections = true, nil, nil
okToAppend = true
// counterResetInAnyBucket returns true if there was a counter reset for any
// bucket. This should be called only when the bucket layout is the same or new
// buckets were added. It does not handle the case of buckets missing.
func counterResetInAnyBucket(oldBuckets, newBuckets []int64, oldSpans, newSpans []histogram.Span) bool {
if len(oldSpans) == 0 || len(oldBuckets) == 0 {
return false
oldSpanSliceIdx, newSpanSliceIdx := 0, 0 // Index for the span slices.
oldInsideSpanIdx, newInsideSpanIdx := uint32(0), uint32(0) // Index inside a span.
oldIdx, newIdx := oldSpans[0].Offset, newSpans[0].Offset
oldBucketSliceIdx, newBucketSliceIdx := 0, 0 // Index inside bucket slice.
oldVal, newVal := oldBuckets[0], newBuckets[0]
// Since we assume that new spans won't have missing buckets, there will never be a case
// where the old index will not find a matching new index.
for {
if oldIdx == newIdx {
if newVal < oldVal {
return true
if oldIdx <= newIdx {
// Moving ahead old bucket and span by 1 index.
if oldInsideSpanIdx == oldSpans[oldSpanSliceIdx].Length-1 {
// Current span is over.
oldInsideSpanIdx = 0
if oldSpanSliceIdx >= len(oldSpans) {
// All old spans are over.
oldIdx += 1 + oldSpans[oldSpanSliceIdx].Offset
} else {
oldVal += oldBuckets[oldBucketSliceIdx]
if oldIdx > newIdx {
// Moving ahead new bucket and span by 1 index.
if newInsideSpanIdx == newSpans[newSpanSliceIdx].Length-1 {
// Current span is over.
newInsideSpanIdx = 0
if newSpanSliceIdx >= len(newSpans) {
// All new spans are over.
// This should not happen, old spans above should catch this first.
panic("new spans over before old spans in counterReset")
newIdx += 1 + newSpans[newSpanSliceIdx].Offset
} else {
newVal += newBuckets[newBucketSliceIdx]
return false
// AppendHistogram appends a histogram to the chunk. The caller must ensure that
// the histogram is properly structured, e.g. the number of buckets used
// corresponds to the number conveyed by the span structures. First call
// Appendable() and act accordingly!
func (a *HistogramAppender) AppendHistogram(t int64, h *histogram.Histogram) {
var tDelta, cntDelta, zCntDelta int64
num := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(a.b.bytes())
if value.IsStaleNaN(h.Sum) {
// Emptying out other fields to write no buckets, and an empty
// layout in case of first histogram in the chunk.
h = &histogram.Histogram{Sum: h.Sum}
if num == 0 {
// The first append gets the privilege to dictate the layout
// but it's also responsible for encoding it into the chunk!
writeHistogramChunkLayout(a.b, h.Schema, h.ZeroThreshold, h.PositiveSpans, h.NegativeSpans)
a.schema = h.Schema
a.zThreshold = h.ZeroThreshold
if len(h.PositiveSpans) > 0 {
a.pSpans = make([]histogram.Span, len(h.PositiveSpans))
copy(a.pSpans, h.PositiveSpans)
} else {
a.pSpans = nil
if len(h.NegativeSpans) > 0 {
a.nSpans = make([]histogram.Span, len(h.NegativeSpans))
copy(a.nSpans, h.NegativeSpans)
} else {
a.nSpans = nil
numPBuckets, numNBuckets := countSpans(h.PositiveSpans), countSpans(h.NegativeSpans)
if numPBuckets > 0 {
a.pBuckets = make([]int64, numPBuckets)
a.pBucketsDelta = make([]int64, numPBuckets)
} else {
a.pBuckets = nil
a.pBucketsDelta = nil
if numNBuckets > 0 {
a.nBuckets = make([]int64, numNBuckets)
a.nBucketsDelta = make([]int64, numNBuckets)
} else {
a.nBuckets = nil
a.nBucketsDelta = nil
// Now store the actual data.
putVarbitInt(a.b, t)
putVarbitUint(a.b, h.Count)
putVarbitUint(a.b, h.ZeroCount)
a.b.writeBits(math.Float64bits(h.Sum), 64)
for _, b := range h.PositiveBuckets {
putVarbitInt(a.b, b)
for _, b := range h.NegativeBuckets {
putVarbitInt(a.b, b)
} else {
// The case for the 2nd sample with single deltas is implicitly handled correctly with the double delta code,
// so we don't need a separate single delta logic for the 2nd sample.
tDelta = t - a.t
cntDelta = int64(h.Count) - int64(a.cnt)
zCntDelta = int64(h.ZeroCount) - int64(a.zCnt)
tDod := tDelta - a.tDelta
cntDod := cntDelta - a.cntDelta
zCntDod := zCntDelta - a.zCntDelta
if value.IsStaleNaN(h.Sum) {
cntDod, zCntDod = 0, 0
putVarbitInt(a.b, tDod)
putVarbitInt(a.b, cntDod)
putVarbitInt(a.b, zCntDod)
for i, b := range h.PositiveBuckets {
delta := b - a.pBuckets[i]
dod := delta - a.pBucketsDelta[i]
putVarbitInt(a.b, dod)
a.pBucketsDelta[i] = delta
for i, b := range h.NegativeBuckets {
delta := b - a.nBuckets[i]
dod := delta - a.nBucketsDelta[i]
putVarbitInt(a.b, dod)
a.nBucketsDelta[i] = delta
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(a.b.bytes(), num+1)
a.t = t
a.cnt = h.Count
a.zCnt = h.ZeroCount
a.tDelta = tDelta
a.cntDelta = cntDelta
a.zCntDelta = zCntDelta
copy(a.pBuckets, h.PositiveBuckets)
copy(a.nBuckets, h.NegativeBuckets)
// Note that the bucket deltas were already updated above.
a.sum = h.Sum
// Recode converts the current chunk to accommodate an expansion of the set of
// (positive and/or negative) buckets used, according to the provided
// interjections, resulting in the honoring of the provided new positive and
// negative spans. To continue appending, use the returned Appender rather than
// the receiver of this method.
func (a *HistogramAppender) Recode(
positiveInterjections, negativeInterjections []Interjection,
positiveSpans, negativeSpans []histogram.Span,
) (Chunk, Appender) {
// TODO(beorn7): This currently just decodes everything and then encodes
// it again with the new span layout. This can probably be done in-place
// by editing the chunk. But let's first see how expensive it is in the
// big picture. Also, in-place editing might create concurrency issues.
byts := a.b.bytes()
it := newHistogramIterator(byts)
hc := NewHistogramChunk()
app, err := hc.Appender()
if err != nil {
numPositiveBuckets, numNegativeBuckets := countSpans(positiveSpans), countSpans(negativeSpans)
for it.Next() == ValHistogram {
tOld, hOld := it.AtHistogram()
// We have to newly allocate slices for the modified buckets
// here because they are kept by the appender until the next
// append.
// TODO(beorn7): We might be able to optimize this.
var positiveBuckets, negativeBuckets []int64
if numPositiveBuckets > 0 {
positiveBuckets = make([]int64, numPositiveBuckets)
if numNegativeBuckets > 0 {
negativeBuckets = make([]int64, numNegativeBuckets)
// Save the modified histogram to the new chunk.
hOld.PositiveSpans, hOld.NegativeSpans = positiveSpans, negativeSpans
if len(positiveInterjections) > 0 {
hOld.PositiveBuckets = interject(hOld.PositiveBuckets, positiveBuckets, positiveInterjections)
if len(negativeInterjections) > 0 {
hOld.NegativeBuckets = interject(hOld.NegativeBuckets, negativeBuckets, negativeInterjections)
app.AppendHistogram(tOld, hOld)
hc.SetCounterResetHeader(CounterResetHeader(byts[2] & 0b11000000))
return hc, app
func (a *HistogramAppender) writeSumDelta(v float64) {
xorWrite(a.b, v, a.sum, &a.leading, &a.trailing)
type histogramIterator struct {
br bstreamReader
numTotal uint16
numRead uint16
// Layout:
schema int32
zThreshold float64
pSpans, nSpans []histogram.Span
// For the fields that are tracked as deltas and ultimately dod's.
t int64
cnt, zCnt uint64
tDelta, cntDelta, zCntDelta int64
pBuckets, nBuckets []int64 // Delta between buckets.
pFloatBuckets, nFloatBuckets []float64 // Absolute counts.
pBucketsDelta, nBucketsDelta []int64
// The sum is Gorilla xor encoded.
sum float64
leading uint8
trailing uint8
// Track calls to retrieve methods. Once they have been called, we
// cannot recycle the bucket slices anymore because we have returned
// them in the histogram.
atHistogramCalled, atFloatHistogramCalled bool
err error
func (it *histogramIterator) Seek(t int64) ValueType {
if it.err != nil {
return ValNone
for t > it.t || it.numRead == 0 {
if it.Next() == ValNone {
return ValNone
return ValHistogram
func (it *histogramIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
panic("cannot call histogramIterator.At")
func (it *histogramIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
if value.IsStaleNaN(it.sum) {
return it.t, &histogram.Histogram{Sum: it.sum}
it.atHistogramCalled = true
return it.t, &histogram.Histogram{
Count: it.cnt,
ZeroCount: it.zCnt,
Sum: it.sum,
ZeroThreshold: it.zThreshold,
Schema: it.schema,
PositiveSpans: it.pSpans,
NegativeSpans: it.nSpans,
PositiveBuckets: it.pBuckets,
NegativeBuckets: it.nBuckets,
func (it *histogramIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
if value.IsStaleNaN(it.sum) {
return it.t, &histogram.FloatHistogram{Sum: it.sum}
it.atFloatHistogramCalled = true
return it.t, &histogram.FloatHistogram{
Count: float64(it.cnt),
ZeroCount: float64(it.zCnt),
Sum: it.sum,
ZeroThreshold: it.zThreshold,
Schema: it.schema,
PositiveSpans: it.pSpans,
NegativeSpans: it.nSpans,
PositiveBuckets: it.pFloatBuckets,
NegativeBuckets: it.nFloatBuckets,
func (it *histogramIterator) AtT() int64 {
return it.t
func (it *histogramIterator) Err() error {
return it.err
func (it *histogramIterator) Reset(b []byte) {
// The first 2 bytes contain chunk headers.
// We skip that for actual samples.
it.br = newBReader(b[2:])
it.numTotal = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b)
it.numRead = 0
it.t, it.cnt, it.zCnt = 0, 0, 0
it.tDelta, it.cntDelta, it.zCntDelta = 0, 0, 0
// Recycle slices that have not been returned yet. Otherwise, start from
// scratch.
if it.atHistogramCalled {
it.atHistogramCalled = false
it.pBuckets, it.nBuckets = nil, nil
} else {
it.pBuckets = it.pBuckets[:0]
it.nBuckets = it.nBuckets[:0]
if it.atFloatHistogramCalled {
it.atFloatHistogramCalled = false
it.pFloatBuckets, it.nFloatBuckets = nil, nil
} else {
it.pFloatBuckets = it.pFloatBuckets[:0]
it.nFloatBuckets = it.nFloatBuckets[:0]
it.pBucketsDelta = it.pBucketsDelta[:0]
it.pBucketsDelta = it.pBucketsDelta[:0]
it.sum = 0
it.leading = 0
it.trailing = 0
it.err = nil
func (it *histogramIterator) Next() ValueType {
if it.err != nil || it.numRead == it.numTotal {
return ValNone
if it.numRead == 0 {
// The first read is responsible for reading the chunk layout
// and for initializing fields that depend on it. We give
// counter reset info at chunk level, hence we discard it here.
schema, zeroThreshold, posSpans, negSpans, err := readHistogramChunkLayout(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.schema = schema
it.zThreshold = zeroThreshold
it.pSpans, it.nSpans = posSpans, negSpans
numPBuckets, numNBuckets := countSpans(posSpans), countSpans(negSpans)
// Allocate bucket slices as needed, recycling existing slices
// in case this iterator was reset and already has slices of a
// sufficient capacity.
if numPBuckets > 0 {
if cap(it.pBuckets) < numPBuckets {
it.pBuckets = make([]int64, numPBuckets)
// If cap(it.pBuckets) isn't sufficient, neither is the cap of the others.
it.pBucketsDelta = make([]int64, numPBuckets)
it.pFloatBuckets = make([]float64, numPBuckets)
} else {
for i := 0; i < numPBuckets; i++ {
it.pBuckets = append(it.pBuckets, 0)
it.pBucketsDelta = append(it.pBucketsDelta, 0)
it.pFloatBuckets = append(it.pFloatBuckets, 0)
if numNBuckets > 0 {
if cap(it.nBuckets) < numNBuckets {
it.nBuckets = make([]int64, numNBuckets)
// If cap(it.nBuckets) isn't sufficient, neither is the cap of the others.
it.nBucketsDelta = make([]int64, numNBuckets)
it.nFloatBuckets = make([]float64, numNBuckets)
} else {
for i := 0; i < numNBuckets; i++ {
it.nBuckets = append(it.nBuckets, 0)
it.nBucketsDelta = append(it.nBucketsDelta, 0)
it.pFloatBuckets = append(it.pFloatBuckets, 0)
// Now read the actual data.
t, err := readVarbitInt(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.t = t
cnt, err := readVarbitUint(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.cnt = cnt
zcnt, err := readVarbitUint(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.zCnt = zcnt
sum, err := it.br.readBits(64)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.sum = math.Float64frombits(sum)
var current int64
for i := range it.pBuckets {
v, err := readVarbitInt(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.pBuckets[i] = v
current += it.pBuckets[i]
it.pFloatBuckets[i] = float64(current)
current = 0
for i := range it.nBuckets {
v, err := readVarbitInt(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.nBuckets[i] = v
current += it.nBuckets[i]
it.nFloatBuckets[i] = float64(current)
return ValHistogram
// The case for the 2nd sample with single deltas is implicitly handled correctly with the double delta code,
// so we don't need a separate single delta logic for the 2nd sample.
// Recycle bucket slices that have not been returned yet. Otherwise,
// copy them.
if it.atHistogramCalled {
it.atHistogramCalled = false
if len(it.pBuckets) > 0 {
newBuckets := make([]int64, len(it.pBuckets))
copy(newBuckets, it.pBuckets)
it.pBuckets = newBuckets
} else {
it.pBuckets = nil
if len(it.nBuckets) > 0 {
newBuckets := make([]int64, len(it.nBuckets))
copy(newBuckets, it.nBuckets)
it.nBuckets = newBuckets
} else {
it.nBuckets = nil
// FloatBuckets are set from scratch, so simply create empty ones.
if it.atFloatHistogramCalled {
it.atFloatHistogramCalled = false
if len(it.pFloatBuckets) > 0 {
it.pFloatBuckets = make([]float64, len(it.pFloatBuckets))
} else {
it.pFloatBuckets = nil
if len(it.nFloatBuckets) > 0 {
it.nFloatBuckets = make([]float64, len(it.nFloatBuckets))
} else {
it.nFloatBuckets = nil
tDod, err := readVarbitInt(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.tDelta = it.tDelta + tDod
it.t += it.tDelta
cntDod, err := readVarbitInt(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.cntDelta = it.cntDelta + cntDod
it.cnt = uint64(int64(it.cnt) + it.cntDelta)
zcntDod, err := readVarbitInt(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.zCntDelta = it.zCntDelta + zcntDod
it.zCnt = uint64(int64(it.zCnt) + it.zCntDelta)
ok := it.readSum()
if !ok {
return ValNone
if value.IsStaleNaN(it.sum) {
return ValHistogram
var current int64
for i := range it.pBuckets {
dod, err := readVarbitInt(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.pBucketsDelta[i] += dod
it.pBuckets[i] += it.pBucketsDelta[i]
current += it.pBuckets[i]
it.pFloatBuckets[i] = float64(current)
current = 0
for i := range it.nBuckets {
dod, err := readVarbitInt(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return ValNone
it.nBucketsDelta[i] += dod
it.nBuckets[i] += it.nBucketsDelta[i]
current += it.nBuckets[i]
it.nFloatBuckets[i] = float64(current)
return ValHistogram
func (it *histogramIterator) readSum() bool {
err := xorRead(&it.br, &it.sum, &it.leading, &it.trailing)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
// Copyright 2021 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package chunkenc
import (
func writeHistogramChunkLayout(b *bstream, schema int32, zeroThreshold float64, positiveSpans, negativeSpans []histogram.Span) {
putZeroThreshold(b, zeroThreshold)
putVarbitInt(b, int64(schema))
putHistogramChunkLayoutSpans(b, positiveSpans)
putHistogramChunkLayoutSpans(b, negativeSpans)
func readHistogramChunkLayout(b *bstreamReader) (
schema int32, zeroThreshold float64,
positiveSpans, negativeSpans []histogram.Span,
err error,
) {
zeroThreshold, err = readZeroThreshold(b)
if err != nil {
v, err := readVarbitInt(b)
if err != nil {
schema = int32(v)
positiveSpans, err = readHistogramChunkLayoutSpans(b)
if err != nil {
negativeSpans, err = readHistogramChunkLayoutSpans(b)
if err != nil {
func putHistogramChunkLayoutSpans(b *bstream, spans []histogram.Span) {
putVarbitUint(b, uint64(len(spans)))
for _, s := range spans {
putVarbitUint(b, uint64(s.Length))
putVarbitInt(b, int64(s.Offset))
func readHistogramChunkLayoutSpans(b *bstreamReader) ([]histogram.Span, error) {
var spans []histogram.Span
num, err := readVarbitUint(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < int(num); i++ {
length, err := readVarbitUint(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
offset, err := readVarbitInt(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
spans = append(spans, histogram.Span{
Length: uint32(length),
Offset: int32(offset),
return spans, nil
// putZeroThreshold writes the zero threshold to the bstream. It stores typical
// values in just one byte, but needs 9 bytes for other values. In detail:
// * If the threshold is 0, store a single zero byte.
// - If the threshold is a power of 2 between (and including) 2^-243 and 2^10,
// take the exponent from the IEEE 754 representation of the threshold, which
// covers a range between (and including) -242 and 11. (2^-243 is 0.5*2^-242
// in IEEE 754 representation, and 2^10 is 0.5*2^11.) Add 243 to the exponent
// and store the result (which will be between 1 and 254) as a single
// byte. Note that small powers of two are preferred values for the zero
// threshold. The default value for the zero threshold is 2^-128 (or
// 0.5*2^-127 in IEEE 754 representation) and will therefore be encoded as a
// single byte (with value 116).
// - In all other cases, store 255 as a single byte, followed by the 8 bytes of
// the threshold as a float64, i.e. taking 9 bytes in total.
func putZeroThreshold(b *bstream, threshold float64) {
if threshold == 0 {
frac, exp := math.Frexp(threshold)
if frac != 0.5 || exp < -242 || exp > 11 {
b.writeBits(math.Float64bits(threshold), 64)
b.writeByte(byte(exp + 243))
// readZeroThreshold reads the zero threshold written with putZeroThreshold.
func readZeroThreshold(br *bstreamReader) (float64, error) {
b, err := br.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
switch b {
case 0:
return 0, nil
case 255:
v, err := br.readBits(64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return math.Float64frombits(v), nil
return math.Ldexp(0.5, int(b)-243), nil
type bucketIterator struct {
spans []histogram.Span
span int // Span position of last yielded bucket.
bucket int // Bucket position within span of last yielded bucket.
idx int // Bucket index (globally across all spans) of last yielded bucket.
func newBucketIterator(spans []histogram.Span) *bucketIterator {
b := bucketIterator{
spans: spans,
span: 0,
bucket: -1,
idx: -1,
if len(spans) > 0 {
b.idx += int(spans[0].Offset)
return &b
func (b *bucketIterator) Next() (int, bool) {
// We're already out of bounds.
if b.span >= len(b.spans) {
return 0, false
if b.bucket < int(b.spans[b.span].Length-1) { // Try to move within same span.
return b.idx, true
} else if b.span < len(b.spans)-1 { // Try to move from one span to the next.
b.idx += int(b.spans[b.span].Offset + 1)
b.bucket = 0
if b.spans[b.span].Length == 0 {
// Pathological case that should never happen. We can't use this span, let's try again.
goto try
return b.idx, true
// We're out of options.
return 0, false
// An Interjection describes how many new buckets have to be introduced before
// processing the pos'th delta from the original slice.
type Interjection struct {
pos int
num int
// compareSpans returns the interjections to convert a slice of deltas to a new
// slice representing an expanded set of buckets, or false if incompatible
// (e.g. if buckets were removed).
// Example:
// Let's say the old buckets look like this:
// span syntax: [offset, length]
// spans : [ 0 , 2 ] [2,1] [ 3 , 2 ] [3,1] [1,1]
// bucket idx : [0] [1] 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 [8] [9] 10 11 12 [13] 14 [15]
// raw values 6 3 3 2 4 5 1
// deltas 6 -3 0 -1 2 1 -4
// But now we introduce a new bucket layout. (Carefully chosen example where we
// have a span appended, one unchanged[*], one prepended, and two merge - in
// that order.)
// [*] unchanged in terms of which bucket indices they represent. but to achieve
// that, their offset needs to change if "disrupted" by spans changing ahead of
// them
// \/ this one is "unchanged"
// spans : [ 0 , 3 ] [1,1] [ 1 , 4 ] [ 3 , 3 ]
// bucket idx : [0] [1] [2] 3 [4] 5 [6] [7] [8] [9] 10 11 12 [13] [14] [15]
// raw values 6 3 0 3 0 0 2 4 5 0 1
// deltas 6 -3 -3 3 -3 0 2 2 1 -5 1
// delta mods: / \ / \ / \
// Note that whenever any new buckets are introduced, the subsequent "old"
// bucket needs to readjust its delta to the new base of 0. Thus, for the caller
// who wants to transform the set of original deltas to a new set of deltas to
// match a new span layout that adds buckets, we simply need to generate a list
// of interjections.
// Note: Within compareSpans we don't have to worry about the changes to the
// spans themselves, thanks to the iterators we get to work with the more useful
// bucket indices (which of course directly correspond to the buckets we have to
// adjust).
func compareSpans(a, b []histogram.Span) ([]Interjection, bool) {
ai := newBucketIterator(a)
bi := newBucketIterator(b)
var interjections []Interjection
// When inter.num becomes > 0, this becomes a valid interjection that
// should be yielded when we finish a streak of new buckets.
var inter Interjection
av, aOK := ai.Next()
bv, bOK := bi.Next()
for {
switch {
case aOK && bOK:
switch {
case av == bv: // Both have an identical value. move on!
// Finish WIP interjection and reset.
if inter.num > 0 {
interjections = append(interjections, inter)
inter.num = 0
av, aOK = ai.Next()
bv, bOK = bi.Next()
case av < bv: // b misses a value that is in a.
return interjections, false
case av > bv: // a misses a value that is in b. Forward b and recompare.
bv, bOK = bi.Next()
case aOK && !bOK: // b misses a value that is in a.
return interjections, false
case !aOK && bOK: // a misses a value that is in b. Forward b and recompare.
bv, bOK = bi.Next()
default: // Both iterators ran out. We're done.
if inter.num > 0 {
interjections = append(interjections, inter)
break loop
return interjections, true
// interject merges 'in' with the provided interjections and writes them into
// 'out', which must already have the appropriate length.
func interject(in, out []int64, interjections []Interjection) []int64 {
var (
j int // Position in out.
v int64 // The last value seen.
interj int // The next interjection to process.
for i, d := range in {
if interj < len(interjections) && i == interjections[interj].pos {
// We have an interjection!
// Add interjection.num new delta values such that their
// bucket values equate 0.
out[j] = int64(-v)
for x := 1; x < interjections[interj].num; x++ {
out[j] = 0
// Now save the value from the input. The delta value we
// should save is the original delta value + the last
// value of the point before the interjection (to undo
// the delta that was introduced by the interjection).
out[j] = d + v
v = d + v
// If there was no interjection, the original delta is still
// valid.
out[j] = d
v += d
switch interj {
case len(interjections):
// All interjections processed. Nothing more to do.
case len(interjections) - 1:
// One more interjection to process at the end.
out[j] = int64(-v)
for x := 1; x < interjections[interj].num; x++ {
out[j] = 0
panic("unprocessed interjections left")
return out
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
// Copyright 2021 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package chunkenc
import (
// putVarbitInt writes an int64 using varbit encoding with a bit bucketing
// optimized for the dod's observed in histogram buckets, plus a few additional
// buckets for large numbers.
// For optimal space utilization, each branch didn't need to support any values
// of any of the prior branches. So we could expand the range of each branch. Do
// more with fewer bits. It would come at the price of more expensive encoding
// and decoding (cutting out and later adding back that center-piece we
// skip). With the distributions of values we see in practice, we would reduce
// the size by around 1%. A more detailed study would be needed for precise
// values, but it's appears quite certain that we would end up far below 10%,
// which would maybe convince us to invest the increased coding/decoding cost.
func putVarbitInt(b *bstream, val int64) {
switch {
case val == 0: // Precisely 0, needs 1 bit.
case bitRange(val, 3): // -3 <= val <= 4, needs 5 bits.
b.writeBits(0b10, 2)
b.writeBits(uint64(val), 3)
case bitRange(val, 6): // -31 <= val <= 32, 9 bits.
b.writeBits(0b110, 3)
b.writeBits(uint64(val), 6)
case bitRange(val, 9): // -255 <= val <= 256, 13 bits.
b.writeBits(0b1110, 4)
b.writeBits(uint64(val), 9)
case bitRange(val, 12): // -2047 <= val <= 2048, 17 bits.
b.writeBits(0b11110, 5)
b.writeBits(uint64(val), 12)
case bitRange(val, 18): // -131071 <= val <= 131072, 3 bytes.
b.writeBits(0b111110, 6)
b.writeBits(uint64(val), 18)
case bitRange(val, 25): // -16777215 <= val <= 16777216, 4 bytes.
b.writeBits(0b1111110, 7)
b.writeBits(uint64(val), 25)
case bitRange(val, 56): // -36028797018963967 <= val <= 36028797018963968, 8 bytes.
b.writeBits(0b11111110, 8)
b.writeBits(uint64(val), 56)
b.writeBits(0b11111111, 8) // Worst case, needs 9 bytes.
b.writeBits(uint64(val), 64)
// readVarbitInt reads an int64 encoced with putVarbitInt.
func readVarbitInt(b *bstreamReader) (int64, error) {
var d byte
for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
d <<= 1
bit, err := b.readBitFast()
if err != nil {
bit, err = b.readBit()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bit == zero {
d |= 1
var val int64
var sz uint8
switch d {
case 0b0:
// val == 0
case 0b10:
sz = 3
case 0b110:
sz = 6
case 0b1110:
sz = 9
case 0b11110:
sz = 12
case 0b111110:
sz = 18
case 0b1111110:
sz = 25
case 0b11111110:
sz = 56
case 0b11111111:
// Do not use fast because it's very unlikely it will succeed.
bits, err := b.readBits(64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
val = int64(bits)
return 0, errors.Errorf("invalid bit pattern %b", d)
if sz != 0 {
bits, err := b.readBitsFast(sz)
if err != nil {
bits, err = b.readBits(sz)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bits > (1 << (sz - 1)) {
// Or something.
bits = bits - (1 << sz)
val = int64(bits)
return val, nil
func bitRangeUint(x uint64, nbits int) bool {
return bits.LeadingZeros64(x) >= 64-nbits
// putVarbitUint writes a uint64 using varbit encoding. It uses the same bit
// buckets as putVarbitInt.
func putVarbitUint(b *bstream, val uint64) {
switch {
case val == 0: // Precisely 0, needs 1 bit.
case bitRangeUint(val, 3): // val <= 7, needs 5 bits.
b.writeBits(0b10, 2)
b.writeBits(val, 3)
case bitRangeUint(val, 6): // val <= 63, 9 bits.
b.writeBits(0b110, 3)
b.writeBits(val, 6)
case bitRangeUint(val, 9): // val <= 511, 13 bits.
b.writeBits(0b1110, 4)
b.writeBits(val, 9)
case bitRangeUint(val, 12): // val <= 4095, 17 bits.
b.writeBits(0b11110, 5)
b.writeBits(val, 12)
case bitRangeUint(val, 18): // val <= 262143, 3 bytes.
b.writeBits(0b111110, 6)
b.writeBits(val, 18)
case bitRangeUint(val, 25): // val <= 33554431, 4 bytes.
b.writeBits(0b1111110, 7)
b.writeBits(val, 25)
case bitRangeUint(val, 56): // val <= 72057594037927935, 8 bytes.
b.writeBits(0b11111110, 8)
b.writeBits(val, 56)
b.writeBits(0b11111111, 8) // Worst case, needs 9 bytes.
b.writeBits(val, 64)
// readVarbitUint reads a uint64 encoced with putVarbitUint.
func readVarbitUint(b *bstreamReader) (uint64, error) {
var d byte
for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
d <<= 1
bit, err := b.readBitFast()
if err != nil {
bit, err = b.readBit()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bit == zero {
d |= 1
var (
bits uint64
sz uint8
err error
switch d {
case 0b0:
// val == 0
case 0b10:
sz = 3
case 0b110:
sz = 6
case 0b1110:
sz = 9
case 0b11110:
sz = 12
case 0b111110:
sz = 18
case 0b1111110:
sz = 25
case 0b11111110:
sz = 56
case 0b11111111:
// Do not use fast because it's very unlikely it will succeed.
bits, err = b.readBits(64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return 0, errors.Errorf("invalid bit pattern %b", d)
if sz != 0 {
bits, err = b.readBitsFast(sz)
if err != nil {
bits, err = b.readBits(sz)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return bits, nil
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ import (
const (
@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ func (c *XORChunk) NumSamples() int {
return int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(c.Bytes()))
// Compact implements the Chunk interface.
func (c *XORChunk) Compact() {
if l := len(c.b.stream); cap(c.b.stream) > l+chunkCompactCapacityThreshold {
buf := make([]byte, l)
@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ func (c *XORChunk) Appender() (Appender, error) {
// To get an appender we must know the state it would have if we had
// appended all existing data from scratch.
// We iterate through the end and populate via the iterator's state.
for it.Next() {
for it.Next() != ValNone {
if err := it.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ func (c *XORChunk) Appender() (Appender, error) {
leading: it.leading,
trailing: it.trailing,
if binary.BigEndian.Uint16(a.b.bytes()) == 0 {
if it.numTotal == 0 {
a.leading = 0xff
return a, nil
@ -149,6 +152,10 @@ type xorAppender struct {
trailing uint8
func (a *xorAppender) AppendHistogram(t int64, h *histogram.Histogram) {
panic("appended a histogram to an xor chunk")
func (a *xorAppender) Append(t int64, v float64) {
var tDelta uint64
num := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(a.b.bytes())
@ -176,6 +183,12 @@ func (a *xorAppender) Append(t int64, v float64) {
// Gorilla has a max resolution of seconds, Prometheus milliseconds.
// Thus we use higher value range steps with larger bit size.
// TODO(beorn7): This seems to needlessly jump to large bit
// sizes even for very small deviations from zero. Timestamp
// compression can probably benefit from some smaller bit
// buckets. See also what was done for histogram encoding in
// varbit.go.
switch {
case dod == 0:
@ -209,38 +222,7 @@ func bitRange(x int64, nbits uint8) bool {
func (a *xorAppender) writeVDelta(v float64) {
vDelta := math.Float64bits(v) ^ math.Float64bits(a.v)
if vDelta == 0 {
leading := uint8(bits.LeadingZeros64(vDelta))
trailing := uint8(bits.TrailingZeros64(vDelta))
// Clamp number of leading zeros to avoid overflow when encoding.
if leading >= 32 {
leading = 31
if a.leading != 0xff && leading >= a.leading && trailing >= a.trailing {
a.b.writeBits(vDelta>>a.trailing, 64-int(a.leading)-int(a.trailing))
} else {
a.leading, a.trailing = leading, trailing
a.b.writeBits(uint64(leading), 5)
// Note that if leading == trailing == 0, then sigbits == 64. But that value doesn't actually fit into the 6 bits we have.
// Luckily, we never need to encode 0 significant bits, since that would put us in the other case (vdelta == 0).
// So instead we write out a 0 and adjust it back to 64 on unpacking.
sigbits := 64 - leading - trailing
a.b.writeBits(uint64(sigbits), 6)
a.b.writeBits(vDelta>>trailing, int(sigbits))
xorWrite(a.b, v, a.v, &a.leading, &a.trailing)
type xorIterator struct {
@ -258,23 +240,35 @@ type xorIterator struct {
err error
func (it *xorIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
func (it *xorIterator) Seek(t int64) ValueType {
if it.err != nil {
return false
return ValNone
for t > it.t || it.numRead == 0 {
if !it.Next() {
return false
if it.Next() == ValNone {
return ValNone
return true
return ValFloat
func (it *xorIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
return it.t, it.val
func (it *xorIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
panic("cannot call xorIterator.AtHistogram")
func (it *xorIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
panic("cannot call xorIterator.AtFloatHistogram")
func (it *xorIterator) AtT() int64 {
return it.t
func (it *xorIterator) Err() error {
return it.err
@ -294,33 +288,33 @@ func (it *xorIterator) Reset(b []byte) {
it.err = nil
func (it *xorIterator) Next() bool {
func (it *xorIterator) Next() ValueType {
if it.err != nil || it.numRead == it.numTotal {
return false
return ValNone
if it.numRead == 0 {
t, err := binary.ReadVarint(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return ValNone
v, err := it.br.readBits(64)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return ValNone
it.t = t
it.val = math.Float64frombits(v)
return true
return ValFloat
if it.numRead == 1 {
tDelta, err := binary.ReadUvarint(&it.br)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return ValNone
it.tDelta = tDelta
it.t = it.t + int64(it.tDelta)
@ -338,7 +332,7 @@ func (it *xorIterator) Next() bool {
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return ValNone
if bit == zero {
@ -361,7 +355,7 @@ func (it *xorIterator) Next() bool {
bits, err := it.br.readBits(64)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return ValNone
dod = int64(bits)
@ -374,7 +368,7 @@ func (it *xorIterator) Next() bool {
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return ValNone
// Account for negative numbers, which come back as high unsigned numbers.
@ -391,73 +385,122 @@ func (it *xorIterator) Next() bool {
return it.readValue()
func (it *xorIterator) readValue() bool {
bit, err := it.br.readBitFast()
if err != nil {
bit, err = it.br.readBit()
func (it *xorIterator) readValue() ValueType {
err := xorRead(&it.br, &it.val, &it.leading, &it.trailing)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return ValNone
return ValFloat
func xorWrite(b *bstream, newValue, currentValue float64, leading, trailing *uint8) {
delta := math.Float64bits(newValue) ^ math.Float64bits(currentValue)
if delta == 0 {
newLeading := uint8(bits.LeadingZeros64(delta))
newTrailing := uint8(bits.TrailingZeros64(delta))
// Clamp number of leading zeros to avoid overflow when encoding.
if newLeading >= 32 {
newLeading = 31
if *leading != 0xff && newLeading >= *leading && newTrailing >= *trailing {
// In this case, we stick with the current leading/trailing.
b.writeBits(delta>>*trailing, 64-int(*leading)-int(*trailing))
// Update leading/trailing for the caller.
*leading, *trailing = newLeading, newTrailing
b.writeBits(uint64(newLeading), 5)
// Note that if newLeading == newTrailing == 0, then sigbits == 64. But
// that value doesn't actually fit into the 6 bits we have. Luckily, we
// never need to encode 0 significant bits, since that would put us in
// the other case (vdelta == 0). So instead we write out a 0 and adjust
// it back to 64 on unpacking.
sigbits := 64 - newLeading - newTrailing
b.writeBits(uint64(sigbits), 6)
b.writeBits(delta>>newTrailing, int(sigbits))
func xorRead(br *bstreamReader, value *float64, leading, trailing *uint8) error {
bit, err := br.readBitFast()
if err != nil {
bit, err = br.readBit()
if err != nil {
return err
if bit == zero {
return nil
bit, err = br.readBitFast()
if err != nil {
bit, err = br.readBit()
if err != nil {
return err
var (
bits uint64
newLeading, newTrailing, mbits uint8
if bit == zero {
// it.val = it.val
// Reuse leading/trailing zero bits.
newLeading, newTrailing = *leading, *trailing
mbits = 64 - newLeading - newTrailing
} else {
bit, err := it.br.readBitFast()
bits, err = br.readBitsFast(5)
if err != nil {
bit, err = it.br.readBit()
bits, err = br.readBits(5)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return err
if bit == zero {
// reuse leading/trailing zero bits
// it.leading, it.trailing = it.leading, it.trailing
} else {
bits, err := it.br.readBitsFast(5)
if err != nil {
bits, err = it.br.readBits(5)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
it.leading = uint8(bits)
newLeading = uint8(bits)
bits, err = it.br.readBitsFast(6)
if err != nil {
bits, err = it.br.readBits(6)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
mbits := uint8(bits)
// 0 significant bits here means we overflowed and we actually need 64; see comment in encoder
if mbits == 0 {
mbits = 64
it.trailing = 64 - it.leading - mbits
mbits := 64 - it.leading - it.trailing
bits, err := it.br.readBitsFast(mbits)
bits, err = br.readBitsFast(6)
if err != nil {
bits, err = it.br.readBits(mbits)
bits, err = br.readBits(6)
if err != nil {
it.err = err
return false
return err
vbits := math.Float64bits(it.val)
vbits ^= bits << it.trailing
it.val = math.Float64frombits(vbits)
mbits = uint8(bits)
// 0 significant bits here means we overflowed and we actually
// need 64; see comment in xrWrite.
if mbits == 0 {
mbits = 64
newTrailing = 64 - newLeading - mbits
// Update leading/trailing zero bits for the caller.
*leading, *trailing = newLeading, newTrailing
return true
bits, err = br.readBitsFast(mbits)
if err != nil {
bits, err = br.readBits(mbits)
if err != nil {
return err
vbits := math.Float64bits(*value)
vbits ^= bits << newTrailing
*value = math.Float64frombits(vbits)
return nil
// OOOXORChunk holds a XORChunk and overrides the Encoding() method.
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import (
@ -29,6 +28,7 @@ import (
tsdb_errors "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/tsdb/errors"
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ func (cdm *ChunkDiskMapper) openMMapFiles() (returnErr error) {
// Check for gaps in the files.
if len(chkFileIndices) == 0 {
return nil
@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ func (cdm *ChunkDiskMapper) IterateAllChunks(f func(seriesRef HeadSeriesRef, chu
for seg := range cdm.mmappedChunkFiles {
segIDs = append(segIDs, seg)
for _, segID := range segIDs {
mmapFile := cdm.mmappedChunkFiles[segID]
fileEnd := mmapFile.byteSlice.Len()
@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ func (cdm *ChunkDiskMapper) Truncate(fileNo uint32) error {
for seq := range cdm.mmappedChunkFiles {
chkFileIndices = append(chkFileIndices, seq)
var removedFiles []int
for _, seq := range chkFileIndices {
@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ func (cdm *ChunkDiskMapper) Truncate(fileNo uint32) error {
// deleteFiles deletes the given file sequences in order of the sequence.
// In case of an error, it returns the sorted file sequences that were not deleted from the _disk_.
func (cdm *ChunkDiskMapper) deleteFiles(removedFiles []int) ([]int, error) {
sort.Ints(removedFiles) // To delete them in order.
slices.Sort(removedFiles) // To delete them in order.
for _, seq := range removedFiles {
if err := cdm.closers[seq].Close(); err != nil {
@ -768,7 +768,8 @@ func (c *LeveledCompactor) populateBlock(blocks []BlockReader, meta *BlockMeta,
chksIter := s.Iterator()
chks = chks[:0]
for chksIter.Next() {
// We are not iterating in streaming way over chunk as it's more efficient to do bulk write for index and
// We are not iterating in streaming way over chunk as
// it's more efficient to do bulk write for index and
// chunk file purposes.
chks = append(chks, chksIter.At())
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import (
_ "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/tsdb/goversion" // Load the package into main to make sure minium Go version is met.
const (
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ var ErrNotReady = errors.New("TSDB not ready")
// millisecond precision timestamps.
func DefaultOptions() *Options {
return &Options{
WALSegmentSize: wal.DefaultSegmentSize,
WALSegmentSize: wlog.DefaultSegmentSize,
MaxBlockChunkSegmentSize: chunks.DefaultChunkSegmentSize,
RetentionDuration: int64(15 * 24 * time.Hour / time.Millisecond),
MinBlockDuration: DefaultBlockDuration,
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ func DefaultOptions() *Options {
StripeSize: DefaultStripeSize,
HeadChunksWriteBufferSize: chunks.DefaultWriteBufferSize,
IsolationDisabled: defaultIsolationDisabled,
HeadChunksWriteQueueSize: chunks.DefaultWriteQueueSize,
OutOfOrderCapMax: DefaultOutOfOrderCapMax,
@ -166,6 +167,9 @@ type Options struct {
// Disables isolation between reads and in-flight appends.
IsolationDisabled bool
// EnableNativeHistograms enables the ingestion of native histograms.
EnableNativeHistograms bool
// OutOfOrderTimeWindow specifies how much out of order is allowed, if any.
// This can change during run-time, so this value from here should only be used
// while initialising.
@ -389,14 +393,14 @@ func (db *DBReadOnly) FlushWAL(dir string) (returnErr error) {
if len(blockReaders) > 0 {
maxBlockTime = blockReaders[len(blockReaders)-1].Meta().MaxTime
w, err := wal.Open(db.logger, filepath.Join(db.dir, "wal"))
w, err := wlog.Open(db.logger, filepath.Join(db.dir, "wal"))
if err != nil {
return err
var wbl *wal.WAL
wblDir := filepath.Join(db.dir, wal.WblDirName)
var wbl *wlog.WL
wblDir := filepath.Join(db.dir, wlog.WblDirName)
if _, err := os.Stat(wblDir); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
wbl, err = wal.Open(db.logger, wblDir)
wbl, err = wlog.Open(db.logger, wblDir)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -473,14 +477,14 @@ func (db *DBReadOnly) loadDataAsQueryable(maxt int64) (storage.SampleAndChunkQue
if err := head.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
w, err := wal.Open(db.logger, filepath.Join(db.dir, "wal"))
w, err := wlog.Open(db.logger, filepath.Join(db.dir, "wal"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var wbl *wal.WAL
wblDir := filepath.Join(db.dir, wal.WblDirName)
var wbl *wlog.WL
wblDir := filepath.Join(db.dir, wlog.WblDirName)
if _, err := os.Stat(wblDir); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
wbl, err = wal.Open(db.logger, wblDir)
wbl, err = wlog.Open(db.logger, wblDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -677,7 +681,7 @@ func open(dir string, l log.Logger, r prometheus.Registerer, opts *Options, rngs
walDir := filepath.Join(dir, "wal")
wblDir := filepath.Join(dir, wal.WblDirName)
wblDir := filepath.Join(dir, wlog.WblDirName)
// Migrate old WAL if one exists.
if err := MigrateWAL(l, walDir); err != nil {
@ -739,15 +743,15 @@ func open(dir string, l log.Logger, r prometheus.Registerer, opts *Options, rngs
db.compactCancel = cancel
var wlog, wblog *wal.WAL
segmentSize := wal.DefaultSegmentSize
var wal, wbl *wlog.WL
segmentSize := wlog.DefaultSegmentSize
// Wal is enabled.
if opts.WALSegmentSize >= 0 {
// Wal is set to a custom size.
if opts.WALSegmentSize > 0 {
segmentSize = opts.WALSegmentSize
wlog, err = wal.NewSize(l, r, walDir, segmentSize, opts.WALCompression)
wal, err = wlog.NewSize(l, r, walDir, segmentSize, opts.WALCompression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -757,7 +761,7 @@ func open(dir string, l log.Logger, r prometheus.Registerer, opts *Options, rngs
return nil, err
if opts.OutOfOrderTimeWindow > 0 || wblSize > 0 {
wblog, err = wal.NewSize(l, r, wblDir, segmentSize, opts.WALCompression)
wbl, err = wlog.NewSize(l, r, wblDir, segmentSize, opts.WALCompression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -775,13 +779,14 @@ func open(dir string, l log.Logger, r prometheus.Registerer, opts *Options, rngs
headOpts.EnableExemplarStorage = opts.EnableExemplarStorage
headOpts.EnableMemorySnapshotOnShutdown = opts.EnableMemorySnapshotOnShutdown
if opts.IsolationDisabled {
// We only override this flag if isolation is disabled at DB level. We use the default otherwise.
headOpts.IsolationDisabled = opts.IsolationDisabled
db.head, err = NewHead(r, l, wlog, wblog, headOpts, stats.Head)
db.head, err = NewHead(r, l, wal, wbl, headOpts, stats.Head)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -813,12 +818,12 @@ func open(dir string, l log.Logger, r prometheus.Registerer, opts *Options, rngs
isOOOErr := isErrLoadOOOWal(initErr)
if isOOOErr {
level.Warn(db.logger).Log("msg", "Encountered OOO WAL read error, attempting repair", "err", initErr)
if err := wblog.Repair(initErr); err != nil {
if err := wbl.Repair(initErr); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "repair corrupted OOO WAL")
} else {
level.Warn(db.logger).Log("msg", "Encountered WAL read error, attempting repair", "err", initErr)
if err := wlog.Repair(initErr); err != nil {
if err := wal.Repair(initErr); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "repair corrupted WAL")
@ -947,19 +952,19 @@ func (db *DB) ApplyConfig(conf *config.Config) error {
// Create WBL if it was not present and if OOO is enabled with WAL enabled.
var wblog *wal.WAL
var wblog *wlog.WL
var err error
if db.head.wbl != nil {
// The existing WBL from the disk might have been replayed while OOO was disabled.
wblog = db.head.wbl
} else if !db.oooWasEnabled.Load() && oooTimeWindow > 0 && db.opts.WALSegmentSize >= 0 {
segmentSize := wal.DefaultSegmentSize
segmentSize := wlog.DefaultSegmentSize
// Wal is set to a custom size.
if db.opts.WALSegmentSize > 0 {
segmentSize = db.opts.WALSegmentSize
oooWalDir := filepath.Join(db.dir, wal.WblDirName)
wblog, err = wal.NewSize(db.logger, db.registerer, oooWalDir, segmentSize, db.opts.WALCompression)
oooWalDir := filepath.Join(db.dir, wlog.WblDirName)
wblog, err = wlog.NewSize(db.logger, db.registerer, oooWalDir, segmentSize, db.opts.WALCompression)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -974,6 +979,16 @@ func (db *DB) ApplyConfig(conf *config.Config) error {
return nil
// EnableNativeHistograms enables the native histogram feature.
func (db *DB) EnableNativeHistograms() {
// DisableNativeHistograms disables the native histogram feature.
func (db *DB) DisableNativeHistograms() {
// dbAppender wraps the DB's head appender and triggers compactions on commit
// if necessary.
type dbAppender struct {
@ -1939,7 +1954,9 @@ func (db *DB) CleanTombstones() (err error) {
defer db.cmtx.Unlock()
start := time.Now()
defer db.metrics.tombCleanTimer.Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
defer func() {
cleanUpCompleted := false
// Repeat cleanup until there is no tombstones left.
@ -178,9 +178,10 @@ func NewDecbufRaw(bs ByteSlice, length int) Decbuf {
return Decbuf{B: bs.Range(0, length)}
func (d *Decbuf) Uvarint() int { return int(d.Uvarint64()) }
func (d *Decbuf) Be32int() int { return int(d.Be32()) }
func (d *Decbuf) Be64int64() int64 { return int64(d.Be64()) }
func (d *Decbuf) Uvarint() int { return int(d.Uvarint64()) }
func (d *Decbuf) Uvarint32() uint32 { return uint32(d.Uvarint64()) }
func (d *Decbuf) Be32int() int { return int(d.Be32()) }
func (d *Decbuf) Be64int64() int64 { return int64(d.Be64()) }
// Crc32 returns a CRC32 checksum over the remaining bytes.
func (d *Decbuf) Crc32(castagnoliTable *crc32.Table) uint32 {
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import (
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ import (
var (
@ -75,12 +76,13 @@ type Head struct {
metrics *headMetrics
opts *HeadOptions
wal, wbl *wal.WAL
wal, wbl *wlog.WL
exemplarMetrics *ExemplarMetrics
exemplars ExemplarStorage
logger log.Logger
appendPool sync.Pool
exemplarsPool sync.Pool
histogramsPool sync.Pool
metadataPool sync.Pool
seriesPool sync.Pool
bytesPool sync.Pool
@ -130,14 +132,18 @@ type HeadOptions struct {
// https://pkg.go.dev/sync/atomic#pkg-note-BUG
MaxExemplars atomic.Int64
OutOfOrderTimeWindow atomic.Int64
OutOfOrderCapMax atomic.Int64
// EnableNativeHistograms enables the ingestion of native histograms.
EnableNativeHistograms atomic.Bool
ChunkRange int64
// ChunkDirRoot is the parent directory of the chunks directory.
ChunkDirRoot string
ChunkPool chunkenc.Pool
ChunkWriteBufferSize int
ChunkWriteQueueSize int
OutOfOrderTimeWindow atomic.Int64
OutOfOrderCapMax atomic.Int64
// StripeSize sets the number of entries in the hash map, it must be a power of 2.
// A larger StripeSize will allocate more memory up-front, but will increase performance when handling a large number of series.
@ -186,7 +192,7 @@ type SeriesLifecycleCallback interface {
// NewHead opens the head block in dir.
func NewHead(r prometheus.Registerer, l log.Logger, wal, wbl *wal.WAL, opts *HeadOptions, stats *HeadStats) (*Head, error) {
func NewHead(r prometheus.Registerer, l log.Logger, wal, wbl *wlog.WL, opts *HeadOptions, stats *HeadStats) (*Head, error) {
var err error
if l == nil {
l = log.NewNopLogger()
@ -299,11 +305,11 @@ type headMetrics struct {
chunksCreated prometheus.Counter
chunksRemoved prometheus.Counter
gcDuration prometheus.Summary
samplesAppended prometheus.Counter
samplesAppended *prometheus.CounterVec
outOfOrderSamplesAppended prometheus.Counter
outOfBoundSamples prometheus.Counter
outOfOrderSamples prometheus.Counter
tooOldSamples prometheus.Counter
outOfBoundSamples *prometheus.CounterVec
outOfOrderSamples *prometheus.CounterVec
tooOldSamples *prometheus.CounterVec
walTruncateDuration prometheus.Summary
walCorruptionsTotal prometheus.Counter
dataTotalReplayDuration prometheus.Gauge
@ -318,6 +324,11 @@ type headMetrics struct {
oooHistogram prometheus.Histogram
const (
sampleMetricTypeFloat = "float"
sampleMetricTypeHistogram = "histogram"
func newHeadMetrics(h *Head, r prometheus.Registerer) *headMetrics {
m := &headMetrics{
activeAppenders: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
@ -370,26 +381,26 @@ func newHeadMetrics(h *Head, r prometheus.Registerer) *headMetrics {
Name: "prometheus_tsdb_data_replay_duration_seconds",
Help: "Time taken to replay the data on disk.",
samplesAppended: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
samplesAppended: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "prometheus_tsdb_head_samples_appended_total",
Help: "Total number of appended samples.",
}, []string{"type"}),
outOfOrderSamplesAppended: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "prometheus_tsdb_head_out_of_order_samples_appended_total",
Help: "Total number of appended out of order samples.",
outOfBoundSamples: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
outOfBoundSamples: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "prometheus_tsdb_out_of_bound_samples_total",
Help: "Total number of out of bound samples ingestion failed attempts with out of order support disabled.",
outOfOrderSamples: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
}, []string{"type"}),
outOfOrderSamples: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "prometheus_tsdb_out_of_order_samples_total",
Help: "Total number of out of order samples ingestion failed attempts due to out of order being disabled.",
tooOldSamples: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
}, []string{"type"}),
tooOldSamples: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "prometheus_tsdb_too_old_samples_total",
Help: "Total number of out of order samples ingestion failed attempts with out of support enabled, but sample outside of time window.",
}, []string{"type"}),
headTruncateFail: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "prometheus_tsdb_head_truncations_failed_total",
Help: "Total number of head truncations that failed.",
@ -602,13 +613,13 @@ func (h *Head) Init(minValidTime int64) error {
checkpointReplayStart := time.Now()
// Backfill the checkpoint first if it exists.
dir, startFrom, err := wal.LastCheckpoint(h.wal.Dir())
dir, startFrom, err := wlog.LastCheckpoint(h.wal.Dir())
if err != nil && err != record.ErrNotFound {
return errors.Wrap(err, "find last checkpoint")
// Find the last segment.
_, endAt, e := wal.Segments(h.wal.Dir())
_, endAt, e := wlog.Segments(h.wal.Dir())
if e != nil {
return errors.Wrap(e, "finding WAL segments")
@ -617,7 +628,7 @@ func (h *Head) Init(minValidTime int64) error {
multiRef := map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.HeadSeriesRef{}
if err == nil && startFrom >= snapIdx {
sr, err := wal.NewSegmentsReader(dir)
sr, err := wlog.NewSegmentsReader(dir)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "open checkpoint")
@ -629,7 +640,7 @@ func (h *Head) Init(minValidTime int64) error {
// A corrupted checkpoint is a hard error for now and requires user
// intervention. There's likely little data that can be recovered anyway.
if err := h.loadWAL(wal.NewReader(sr), multiRef, mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks); err != nil {
if err := h.loadWAL(wlog.NewReader(sr), multiRef, mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "backfill checkpoint")
@ -645,7 +656,7 @@ func (h *Head) Init(minValidTime int64) error {
// Backfill segments from the most recent checkpoint onwards.
for i := startFrom; i <= endAt; i++ {
s, err := wal.OpenReadSegment(wal.SegmentName(h.wal.Dir(), i))
s, err := wlog.OpenReadSegment(wlog.SegmentName(h.wal.Dir(), i))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("open WAL segment: %d", i))
@ -654,7 +665,7 @@ func (h *Head) Init(minValidTime int64) error {
if i == snapIdx {
offset = snapOffset
sr, err := wal.NewSegmentBufReaderWithOffset(offset, s)
sr, err := wlog.NewSegmentBufReaderWithOffset(offset, s)
if errors.Cause(err) == io.EOF {
// File does not exist.
@ -662,7 +673,7 @@ func (h *Head) Init(minValidTime int64) error {
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "segment reader (offset=%d)", offset)
err = h.loadWAL(wal.NewReader(sr), multiRef, mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks)
err = h.loadWAL(wlog.NewReader(sr), multiRef, mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks)
if err := sr.Close(); err != nil {
level.Warn(h.logger).Log("msg", "Error while closing the wal segments reader", "err", err)
@ -677,20 +688,20 @@ func (h *Head) Init(minValidTime int64) error {
wblReplayStart := time.Now()
if h.wbl != nil {
// Replay OOO WAL.
startFrom, endAt, e = wal.Segments(h.wbl.Dir())
startFrom, endAt, e = wlog.Segments(h.wbl.Dir())
if e != nil {
return errors.Wrap(e, "finding OOO WAL segments")
h.startWALReplayStatus(startFrom, endAt)
for i := startFrom; i <= endAt; i++ {
s, err := wal.OpenReadSegment(wal.SegmentName(h.wbl.Dir(), i))
s, err := wlog.OpenReadSegment(wlog.SegmentName(h.wbl.Dir(), i))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("open WBL segment: %d", i))
sr := wal.NewSegmentBufReader(s)
err = h.loadWBL(wal.NewReader(sr), multiRef, lastMmapRef)
sr := wlog.NewSegmentBufReader(s)
err = h.loadWBL(wlog.NewReader(sr), multiRef, lastMmapRef)
if err := sr.Close(); err != nil {
level.Warn(h.logger).Log("msg", "Error while closing the wbl segments reader", "err", err)
@ -840,7 +851,7 @@ func (h *Head) removeCorruptedMmappedChunks(err error) (map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef
return mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks, lastRef, nil
func (h *Head) ApplyConfig(cfg *config.Config, wbl *wal.WAL) {
func (h *Head) ApplyConfig(cfg *config.Config, wbl *wlog.WL) {
oooTimeWindow := int64(0)
if cfg.StorageConfig.TSDBConfig != nil {
oooTimeWindow = cfg.StorageConfig.TSDBConfig.OutOfOrderTimeWindow
@ -872,7 +883,7 @@ func (h *Head) ApplyConfig(cfg *config.Config, wbl *wal.WAL) {
// SetOutOfOrderTimeWindow updates the out of order related parameters.
// If the Head already has a WBL set, then the wbl will be ignored.
func (h *Head) SetOutOfOrderTimeWindow(oooTimeWindow int64, wbl *wal.WAL) {
func (h *Head) SetOutOfOrderTimeWindow(oooTimeWindow int64, wbl *wlog.WL) {
if oooTimeWindow > 0 && h.wbl == nil {
h.wbl = wbl
@ -880,6 +891,16 @@ func (h *Head) SetOutOfOrderTimeWindow(oooTimeWindow int64, wbl *wal.WAL) {
// EnableNativeHistograms enables the native histogram feature.
func (h *Head) EnableNativeHistograms() {
// DisableNativeHistograms disables the native histogram feature.
func (h *Head) DisableNativeHistograms() {
// PostingsCardinalityStats returns top 10 highest cardinality stats By label and value names.
func (h *Head) PostingsCardinalityStats(statsByLabelName string) *index.PostingsStats {
@ -1095,7 +1116,7 @@ func (h *Head) truncateWAL(mint int64) error {
start := time.Now()
first, last, err := wal.Segments(h.wal.Dir())
first, last, err := wlog.Segments(h.wal.Dir())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "get segment range")
@ -1127,9 +1148,9 @@ func (h *Head) truncateWAL(mint int64) error {
return ok
if _, err = wal.Checkpoint(h.logger, h.wal, first, last, keep, mint); err != nil {
if _, err = wlog.Checkpoint(h.logger, h.wal, first, last, keep, mint); err != nil {
if _, ok := errors.Cause(err).(*wal.CorruptionErr); ok {
if _, ok := errors.Cause(err).(*wlog.CorruptionErr); ok {
return errors.Wrap(err, "create checkpoint")
@ -1152,7 +1173,7 @@ func (h *Head) truncateWAL(mint int64) error {
if err := wal.DeleteCheckpoints(h.wal.Dir(), last); err != nil {
if err := wlog.DeleteCheckpoints(h.wal.Dir(), last); err != nil {
// Leftover old checkpoints do not cause problems down the line beyond
// occupying disk space.
// They will just be ignored since a higher checkpoint exists.
@ -1395,7 +1416,7 @@ func (h *Head) gc() (actualInOrderMint, minOOOTime int64, minMmapFile int) {
if h.wal != nil {
_, last, _ := wal.Segments(h.wal.Dir())
_, last, _ := wlog.Segments(h.wal.Dir())
// Keep series records until we're past segment 'last'
// because the WAL will still have samples records with
@ -1472,7 +1493,11 @@ func (h *Head) Close() error {
defer h.closedMtx.Unlock()
h.closed = true
errs := tsdb_errors.NewMulti(h.chunkDiskMapper.Close())
if errs.Err() == nil && h.opts.EnableMemorySnapshotOnShutdown {
if h.wal != nil {
@ -1765,13 +1790,31 @@ func (s *stripeSeries) getOrSet(hash uint64, lset labels.Labels, createSeries fu
type sample struct {
t int64
v float64
t int64
v float64
h *histogram.Histogram
fh *histogram.FloatHistogram
func newSample(t int64, v float64) tsdbutil.Sample { return sample{t, v} }
func (s sample) T() int64 { return s.t }
func (s sample) V() float64 { return s.v }
func newSample(t int64, v float64, h *histogram.Histogram, fh *histogram.FloatHistogram) tsdbutil.Sample {
return sample{t, v, h, fh}
func (s sample) T() int64 { return s.t }
func (s sample) V() float64 { return s.v }
func (s sample) H() *histogram.Histogram { return s.h }
func (s sample) FH() *histogram.FloatHistogram { return s.fh }
func (s sample) Type() chunkenc.ValueType {
switch {
case s.h != nil:
return chunkenc.ValHistogram
case s.fh != nil:
return chunkenc.ValFloatHistogram
return chunkenc.ValFloat
// memSeries is the in-memory representation of a series. None of its methods
// are goroutine safe and it is the caller's responsibility to lock it.
@ -1806,6 +1849,9 @@ type memSeries struct {
// We keep the last value here (in addition to appending it to the chunk) so we can check for duplicates.
lastValue float64
// We keep the last histogram value here (in addition to appending it to the chunk) so we can check for duplicates.
lastHistogramValue *histogram.Histogram
// Current appender for the head chunk. Set when a new head chunk is cut.
// It is nil only if headChunk is nil. E.g. if there was an appender that created a new series, but rolled back the commit
// (the first sample would create a headChunk, hence appender, but rollback skipped it while the Append() call would create a series).
@ -1814,6 +1860,10 @@ type memSeries struct {
// txs is nil if isolation is disabled.
txs *txRing
// TODO(beorn7): The only reason we track this is to create a staleness
// marker as either histogram or float sample. Perhaps there is a better way.
isHistogramSeries bool
pendingCommit bool // Whether there are samples waiting to be committed to this series.
@ -1974,3 +2024,22 @@ func (h *Head) updateWALReplayStatusRead(current int) {
h.stats.WALReplayStatus.Current = current
func GenerateTestHistograms(n int) (r []*histogram.Histogram) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
r = append(r, &histogram.Histogram{
Count: 5 + uint64(i*4),
ZeroCount: 2 + uint64(i),
ZeroThreshold: 0.001,
Sum: 18.4 * float64(i+1),
Schema: 1,
PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{
{Offset: 0, Length: 2},
{Offset: 1, Length: 2},
PositiveBuckets: []int64{int64(i + 1), 1, -1, 0},
return r
@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ import (
@ -66,6 +68,16 @@ func (a *initAppender) AppendExemplar(ref storage.SeriesRef, l labels.Labels, e
return a.app.AppendExemplar(ref, l, e)
func (a *initAppender) AppendHistogram(ref storage.SeriesRef, l labels.Labels, t int64, h *histogram.Histogram) (storage.SeriesRef, error) {
if a.app != nil {
return a.app.AppendHistogram(ref, l, t, h)
a.app = a.head.appender()
return a.app.AppendHistogram(ref, l, t, h)
func (a *initAppender) UpdateMetadata(ref storage.SeriesRef, l labels.Labels, m metadata.Metadata) (storage.SeriesRef, error) {
if a.app != nil {
return a.app.UpdateMetadata(ref, l, m)
@ -143,6 +155,7 @@ func (h *Head) appender() *headAppender {
samples: h.getAppendBuffer(),
sampleSeries: h.getSeriesBuffer(),
exemplars: exemplarsBuf,
histograms: h.getHistogramBuffer(),
metadata: h.getMetadataBuffer(),
appendID: appendID,
cleanupAppendIDsBelow: cleanupAppendIDsBelow,
@ -210,6 +223,19 @@ func (h *Head) putExemplarBuffer(b []exemplarWithSeriesRef) {
func (h *Head) getHistogramBuffer() []record.RefHistogramSample {
b := h.histogramsPool.Get()
if b == nil {
return make([]record.RefHistogramSample, 0, 512)
return b.([]record.RefHistogramSample)
func (h *Head) putHistogramBuffer(b []record.RefHistogramSample) {
//nolint:staticcheck // Ignore SA6002 safe to ignore and actually fixing it has some performance penalty.
func (h *Head) getMetadataBuffer() []record.RefMetadata {
b := h.metadataPool.Get()
if b == nil {
@ -261,12 +287,14 @@ type headAppender struct {
headMaxt int64 // We track it here to not take the lock for every sample appended.
oooTimeWindow int64 // Use the same for the entire append, and don't load the atomic for each sample.
series []record.RefSeries // New series held by this appender.
metadata []record.RefMetadata // New metadata held by this appender.
samples []record.RefSample // New samples held by this appender.
exemplars []exemplarWithSeriesRef // New exemplars held by this appender.
sampleSeries []*memSeries // Series corresponding to the samples held by this appender (using corresponding slice indices - same series may appear more than once).
metadataSeries []*memSeries // Series corresponding to the metadata held by this appender.
series []record.RefSeries // New series held by this appender.
samples []record.RefSample // New float samples held by this appender.
exemplars []exemplarWithSeriesRef // New exemplars held by this appender.
sampleSeries []*memSeries // Float series corresponding to the samples held by this appender (using corresponding slice indices - same series may appear more than once).
histograms []record.RefHistogramSample // New histogram samples held by this appender.
histogramSeries []*memSeries // HistogramSamples series corresponding to the samples held by this appender (using corresponding slice indices - same series may appear more than once).
metadata []record.RefMetadata // New metadata held by this appender.
metadataSeries []*memSeries // Series corresponding to the metadata held by this appender.
appendID, cleanupAppendIDsBelow uint64
closed bool
@ -276,7 +304,7 @@ func (a *headAppender) Append(ref storage.SeriesRef, lset labels.Labels, t int64
// For OOO inserts, this restriction is irrelevant and will be checked later once we confirm the sample is an in-order append.
// If OOO inserts are disabled, we may as well as check this as early as we can and avoid more work.
if a.oooTimeWindow == 0 && t < a.minValidTime {
return 0, storage.ErrOutOfBounds
@ -306,6 +334,10 @@ func (a *headAppender) Append(ref storage.SeriesRef, lset labels.Labels, t int64
if value.IsStaleNaN(v) && s.isHistogramSeries {
return a.AppendHistogram(ref, lset, t, &histogram.Histogram{Sum: v})
// TODO(codesome): If we definitely know at this point that the sample is ooo, then optimise
// to skip that sample from the WAL and write only in the WBL.
@ -320,9 +352,9 @@ func (a *headAppender) Append(ref storage.SeriesRef, lset labels.Labels, t int64
if err != nil {
switch err {
case storage.ErrOutOfOrderSample:
case storage.ErrTooOldSample:
return 0, err
@ -385,6 +417,28 @@ func (s *memSeries) appendable(t int64, v float64, headMaxt, minValidTime, oooTi
return false, headMaxt - t, storage.ErrOutOfOrderSample
// appendableHistogram checks whether the given sample is valid for appending to the series.
func (s *memSeries) appendableHistogram(t int64, h *histogram.Histogram) error {
c := s.head()
if c == nil {
return nil
if t > c.maxTime {
return nil
if t < c.maxTime {
return storage.ErrOutOfOrderSample
// We are allowing exact duplicates as we can encounter them in valid cases
// like federation and erroring out at that time would be extremely noisy.
if !h.Equals(s.lastHistogramValue) {
return storage.ErrDuplicateSampleForTimestamp
return nil
// AppendExemplar for headAppender assumes the series ref already exists, and so it doesn't
// use getOrCreate or make any of the lset sanity checks that Append does.
func (a *headAppender) AppendExemplar(ref storage.SeriesRef, lset labels.Labels, e exemplar.Exemplar) (storage.SeriesRef, error) {
@ -422,6 +476,74 @@ func (a *headAppender) AppendExemplar(ref storage.SeriesRef, lset labels.Labels,
return storage.SeriesRef(s.ref), nil
func (a *headAppender) AppendHistogram(ref storage.SeriesRef, lset labels.Labels, t int64, h *histogram.Histogram) (storage.SeriesRef, error) {
if !a.head.opts.EnableNativeHistograms.Load() {
return 0, storage.ErrNativeHistogramsDisabled
if t < a.minValidTime {
return 0, storage.ErrOutOfBounds
if err := ValidateHistogram(h); err != nil {
return 0, err
s := a.head.series.getByID(chunks.HeadSeriesRef(ref))
if s == nil {
// Ensure no empty labels have gotten through.
lset = lset.WithoutEmpty()
if len(lset) == 0 {
return 0, errors.Wrap(ErrInvalidSample, "empty labelset")
if l, dup := lset.HasDuplicateLabelNames(); dup {
return 0, errors.Wrap(ErrInvalidSample, fmt.Sprintf(`label name "%s" is not unique`, l))
var created bool
var err error
s, created, err = a.head.getOrCreate(lset.Hash(), lset)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
s.isHistogramSeries = true
if created {
a.series = append(a.series, record.RefSeries{
Ref: s.ref,
Labels: lset,
if err := s.appendableHistogram(t, h); err != nil {
if err == storage.ErrOutOfOrderSample {
return 0, err
s.pendingCommit = true
if t < a.mint {
a.mint = t
if t > a.maxt {
a.maxt = t
a.histograms = append(a.histograms, record.RefHistogramSample{
Ref: s.ref,
T: t,
H: h,
a.histogramSeries = append(a.histogramSeries, s)
return storage.SeriesRef(s.ref), nil
// UpdateMetadata for headAppender assumes the series ref already exists, and so it doesn't
// use getOrCreate or make any of the lset sanity checks that Append does.
func (a *headAppender) UpdateMetadata(ref storage.SeriesRef, lset labels.Labels, meta metadata.Metadata) (storage.SeriesRef, error) {
@ -453,6 +575,76 @@ func (a *headAppender) UpdateMetadata(ref storage.SeriesRef, lset labels.Labels,
return ref, nil
func ValidateHistogram(h *histogram.Histogram) error {
if err := checkHistogramSpans(h.NegativeSpans, len(h.NegativeBuckets)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "negative side")
if err := checkHistogramSpans(h.PositiveSpans, len(h.PositiveBuckets)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "positive side")
negativeCount, err := checkHistogramBuckets(h.NegativeBuckets)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "negative side")
positiveCount, err := checkHistogramBuckets(h.PositiveBuckets)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "positive side")
if c := negativeCount + positiveCount; c > h.Count {
return errors.Wrap(
fmt.Sprintf("%d observations found in buckets, but the Count field is %d", c, h.Count),
return nil
func checkHistogramSpans(spans []histogram.Span, numBuckets int) error {
var spanBuckets int
for n, span := range spans {
if n > 0 && span.Offset < 0 {
return errors.Wrap(
fmt.Sprintf("span number %d with offset %d", n+1, span.Offset),
spanBuckets += int(span.Length)
if spanBuckets != numBuckets {
return errors.Wrap(
fmt.Sprintf("spans need %d buckets, have %d buckets", spanBuckets, numBuckets),
return nil
func checkHistogramBuckets(buckets []int64) (uint64, error) {
if len(buckets) == 0 {
return 0, nil
var count uint64
var last int64
for i := 0; i < len(buckets); i++ {
c := last + buckets[i]
if c < 0 {
return 0, errors.Wrap(
fmt.Sprintf("bucket number %d has observation count of %d", i+1, c),
last = c
count += uint64(c)
return count, nil
var _ storage.GetRef = &headAppender{}
func (a *headAppender) GetRef(lset labels.Labels) (storage.SeriesRef, labels.Labels) {
@ -508,6 +700,13 @@ func (a *headAppender) log() error {
return errors.Wrap(err, "log exemplars")
if len(a.histograms) > 0 {
rec = enc.HistogramSamples(a.histograms, buf)
buf = rec[:0]
if err := a.head.wal.Log(rec); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "log histograms")
return nil
@ -553,6 +752,7 @@ func (a *headAppender) Commit() (err error) {
defer a.head.putAppendBuffer(a.samples)
defer a.head.putSeriesBuffer(a.sampleSeries)
defer a.head.putExemplarBuffer(a.exemplars)
defer a.head.putHistogramBuffer(a.histograms)
defer a.head.putMetadataBuffer(a.metadata)
defer a.head.iso.closeAppend(a.appendID)
@ -697,6 +897,33 @@ func (a *headAppender) Commit() (err error) {
histogramsTotal := len(a.histograms)
histoOOORejected := 0
for i, s := range a.histograms {
series = a.histogramSeries[i]
ok, chunkCreated := series.appendHistogram(s.T, s.H, a.appendID, a.head.chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange)
series.pendingCommit = false
if ok {
if s.T < inOrderMint {
inOrderMint = s.T
if s.T > inOrderMaxt {
inOrderMaxt = s.T
} else {
if chunkCreated {
for i, m := range a.metadata {
series = a.metadataSeries[i]
@ -704,10 +931,12 @@ func (a *headAppender) Commit() (err error) {
a.head.updateMinMaxTime(inOrderMint, inOrderMaxt)
a.head.updateMinOOOMaxOOOTime(ooomint, ooomaxt)
@ -751,26 +980,126 @@ func (s *memSeries) insert(t int64, v float64, chunkDiskMapper *chunks.ChunkDisk
// isolation for this append.)
// It is unsafe to call this concurrently with s.iterator(...) without holding the series lock.
func (s *memSeries) append(t int64, v float64, appendID uint64, chunkDiskMapper *chunks.ChunkDiskMapper, chunkRange int64) (sampleInOrder, chunkCreated bool) {
c, sampleInOrder, chunkCreated := s.appendPreprocessor(t, chunkenc.EncXOR, chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange)
if !sampleInOrder {
return sampleInOrder, chunkCreated
s.app.Append(t, v)
s.isHistogramSeries = false
c.maxTime = t
s.lastValue = v
if appendID > 0 {
return true, chunkCreated
// appendHistogram adds the histogram.
// It is unsafe to call this concurrently with s.iterator(...) without holding the series lock.
func (s *memSeries) appendHistogram(t int64, h *histogram.Histogram, appendID uint64, chunkDiskMapper *chunks.ChunkDiskMapper, chunkRange int64) (sampleInOrder, chunkCreated bool) {
// Head controls the execution of recoding, so that we own the proper
// chunk reference afterwards. We check for Appendable before
// appendPreprocessor because in case it ends up creating a new chunk,
// we need to know if there was also a counter reset or not to set the
// meta properly.
app, _ := s.app.(*chunkenc.HistogramAppender)
var (
positiveInterjections, negativeInterjections []chunkenc.Interjection
okToAppend, counterReset bool
c, sampleInOrder, chunkCreated := s.appendPreprocessor(t, chunkenc.EncHistogram, chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange)
if !sampleInOrder {
return sampleInOrder, chunkCreated
if app != nil {
positiveInterjections, negativeInterjections, okToAppend, counterReset = app.Appendable(h)
if !chunkCreated {
// We have 3 cases here
// - !okToAppend -> We need to cut a new chunk.
// - okToAppend but we have interjections → Existing chunk needs
// recoding before we can append our histogram.
// - okToAppend and no interjections → Chunk is ready to support our histogram.
if !okToAppend || counterReset {
c = s.cutNewHeadChunk(t, chunkenc.EncHistogram, chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange)
chunkCreated = true
} else if len(positiveInterjections) > 0 || len(negativeInterjections) > 0 {
// New buckets have appeared. We need to recode all
// prior histogram samples within the chunk before we
// can process this one.
chunk, app := app.Recode(
positiveInterjections, negativeInterjections,
h.PositiveSpans, h.NegativeSpans,
c.chunk = chunk
s.app = app
if chunkCreated {
hc := s.headChunk.chunk.(*chunkenc.HistogramChunk)
header := chunkenc.UnknownCounterReset
if counterReset {
header = chunkenc.CounterReset
} else if okToAppend {
header = chunkenc.NotCounterReset
s.app.AppendHistogram(t, h)
s.isHistogramSeries = true
c.maxTime = t
s.lastHistogramValue = h
if appendID > 0 {
return true, chunkCreated
// appendPreprocessor takes care of cutting new chunks and m-mapping old chunks.
// It is unsafe to call this concurrently with s.iterator(...) without holding the series lock.
// This should be called only when appending data.
func (s *memSeries) appendPreprocessor(
t int64, e chunkenc.Encoding, chunkDiskMapper *chunks.ChunkDiskMapper, chunkRange int64,
) (c *memChunk, sampleInOrder, chunkCreated bool) {
// Based on Gorilla white papers this offers near-optimal compression ratio
// so anything bigger that this has diminishing returns and increases
// the time range within which we have to decompress all samples.
const samplesPerChunk = 120
c := s.head()
c = s.head()
if c == nil {
if len(s.mmappedChunks) > 0 && s.mmappedChunks[len(s.mmappedChunks)-1].maxTime >= t {
// Out of order sample. Sample timestamp is already in the mmapped chunks, so ignore it.
return false, false
return c, false, false
// There is no head chunk in this series yet, create the first chunk for the sample.
c = s.cutNewHeadChunk(t, chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange)
c = s.cutNewHeadChunk(t, e, chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange)
chunkCreated = true
// Out of order sample.
if c.maxTime >= t {
return false, chunkCreated
return c, false, chunkCreated
if c.chunk.Encoding() != e {
// The chunk encoding expected by this append is different than the head chunk's
// encoding. So we cut a new chunk with the expected encoding.
c = s.cutNewHeadChunk(t, e, chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange)
chunkCreated = true
numSamples := c.chunk.NumSamples()
@ -794,19 +1123,11 @@ func (s *memSeries) append(t int64, v float64, appendID uint64, chunkDiskMapper
// as we expect more chunks to come.
// Note that next chunk will have its nextAt recalculated for the new rate.
if t >= s.nextAt || numSamples >= samplesPerChunk*2 {
c = s.cutNewHeadChunk(t, chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange)
c = s.cutNewHeadChunk(t, e, chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange)
chunkCreated = true
s.app.Append(t, v)
c.maxTime = t
s.lastValue = v
if appendID > 0 && s.txs != nil {
return true, chunkCreated
return c, true, chunkCreated
// computeChunkEndTime estimates the end timestamp based the beginning of a
@ -822,15 +1143,26 @@ func computeChunkEndTime(start, cur, max int64) int64 {
return start + (max-start)/n
func (s *memSeries) cutNewHeadChunk(mint int64, chunkDiskMapper *chunks.ChunkDiskMapper, chunkRange int64) *memChunk {
func (s *memSeries) cutNewHeadChunk(
mint int64, e chunkenc.Encoding, chunkDiskMapper *chunks.ChunkDiskMapper, chunkRange int64,
) *memChunk {
s.headChunk = &memChunk{
chunk: chunkenc.NewXORChunk(),
minTime: mint,
maxTime: math.MinInt64,
if chunkenc.IsValidEncoding(e) {
var err error
s.headChunk.chunk, err = chunkenc.NewEmptyChunk(e)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // This should never happen.
} else {
s.headChunk.chunk = chunkenc.NewXORChunk()
// Set upper bound on when the next chunk must be started. An earlier timestamp
// may be chosen dynamically at a later point.
s.nextAt = rangeForTimestamp(mint, chunkRange)
@ -874,7 +1206,7 @@ func (s *memSeries) mmapCurrentOOOHeadChunk(chunkDiskMapper *chunks.ChunkDiskMap
func (s *memSeries) mmapCurrentHeadChunk(chunkDiskMapper *chunks.ChunkDiskMapper) {
if s.headChunk == nil {
if s.headChunk == nil || s.headChunk.chunk.NumSamples() == 0 {
// There is no head chunk, so nothing to m-map here.
@ -912,11 +1244,20 @@ func (a *headAppender) Rollback() (err error) {
series.pendingCommit = false
for i := range a.histograms {
series = a.histogramSeries[i]
series.pendingCommit = false
a.samples = nil
a.exemplars = nil
a.histograms = nil
a.metadata = nil
// Series are created in the head memory regardless of rollback. Thus we have
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ func (h *headIndexReader) Symbols() index.StringIter {
func (h *headIndexReader) SortedLabelValues(name string, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, error) {
values, err := h.LabelValues(name, matchers...)
if err == nil {
return values, err
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ func (h *headIndexReader) LabelNames(matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, err
if len(matchers) == 0 {
labelNames := h.head.postings.LabelNames()
return labelNames, nil
@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ func (h *headIndexReader) LabelNamesFor(ids ...storage.SeriesRef) ([]string, err
for name := range namesMap {
names = append(names, name)
return names, nil
@ -485,7 +486,7 @@ func (o mergedOOOChunks) Bytes() []byte {
it := o.Iterator(nil)
for it.Next() {
for it.Next() == chunkenc.ValFloat {
t, v := it.At()
app.Append(t, v)
@ -534,7 +535,7 @@ func (b boundedChunk) Bytes() []byte {
xor := chunkenc.NewXORChunk()
a, _ := xor.Appender()
it := b.Iterator(nil)
for it.Next() {
for it.Next() == chunkenc.ValFloat {
t, v := it.At()
a.Append(t, v)
@ -563,33 +564,35 @@ type boundedIterator struct {
// until its able to find a sample within the bounds minT and maxT.
// If there are samples within bounds it will advance one by one amongst them.
// If there are no samples within bounds it will return false.
func (b boundedIterator) Next() bool {
for b.Iterator.Next() {
func (b boundedIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
for b.Iterator.Next() == chunkenc.ValFloat {
t, _ := b.Iterator.At()
if t < b.minT {
} else if t > b.maxT {
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
return true
return chunkenc.ValFloat
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
func (b boundedIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
func (b boundedIterator) Seek(t int64) chunkenc.ValueType {
if t < b.minT {
// We must seek at least up to b.minT if it is asked for something before that.
ok := b.Iterator.Seek(b.minT)
if !ok {
return false
val := b.Iterator.Seek(b.minT)
if !(val == chunkenc.ValFloat) {
return chunkenc.ValNone
t, _ := b.Iterator.At()
return t <= b.maxT
if t <= b.maxT {
return chunkenc.ValFloat
if t > b.maxT {
// We seek anyway so that the subsequent Next() calls will also return false.
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
return b.Iterator.Seek(t)
@ -683,21 +686,6 @@ func (s *memSeries) iterator(id chunks.HeadChunkID, isoState *isolationState, ch
return makeStopIterator(c.chunk, it, stopAfter)
func makeStopIterator(c chunkenc.Chunk, it chunkenc.Iterator, stopAfter int) chunkenc.Iterator {
// Re-use the Iterator object if it is a stopIterator.
if stopIter, ok := it.(*stopIterator); ok {
stopIter.Iterator = c.Iterator(stopIter.Iterator)
stopIter.i = -1
stopIter.stopAfter = stopAfter
return stopIter
return &stopIterator{
Iterator: c.Iterator(it),
i: -1,
stopAfter: stopAfter,
// stopIterator wraps an Iterator, but only returns the first
// stopAfter values, if initialized with i=-1.
type stopIterator struct {
@ -706,10 +694,26 @@ type stopIterator struct {
i, stopAfter int
func (it *stopIterator) Next() bool {
func (it *stopIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
if it.i+1 >= it.stopAfter {
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
return it.Iterator.Next()
func makeStopIterator(c chunkenc.Chunk, it chunkenc.Iterator, stopAfter int) chunkenc.Iterator {
// Re-use the Iterator object if it is a stopIterator.
if stopIter, ok := it.(*stopIterator); ok {
stopIter.Iterator = c.Iterator(stopIter.Iterator)
stopIter.i = -1
stopIter.stopAfter = stopAfter
return stopIter
return &stopIterator{
Iterator: c.Iterator(it),
i: -1,
stopAfter: stopAfter,
@ -39,14 +39,15 @@ import (
func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.HeadSeriesRef, mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef][]*mmappedChunk) (err error) {
func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wlog.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.HeadSeriesRef, mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef][]*mmappedChunk) (err error) {
// Track number of samples that referenced a series we don't know about
// for error reporting.
var unknownRefs atomic.Uint64
var unknownExemplarRefs atomic.Uint64
var unknownHistogramRefs atomic.Uint64
var unknownMetadataRefs atomic.Uint64
// Track number of series records that had overlapping m-map chunks.
var mmapOverlappingChunks atomic.Uint64
@ -58,8 +59,9 @@ func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
processors = make([]walSubsetProcessor, n)
exemplarsInput chan record.RefExemplar
dec record.Decoder
shards = make([][]record.RefSample, n)
dec record.Decoder
shards = make([][]record.RefSample, n)
histogramShards = make([][]record.RefHistogramSample, n)
decoded = make(chan interface{}, 10)
decodeErr, seriesCreationErr error
@ -83,6 +85,11 @@ func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
return []record.RefExemplar{}
histogramsPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return []record.RefHistogramSample{}
metadataPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return []record.RefMetadata{}
@ -92,7 +99,7 @@ func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
defer func() {
// For CorruptionErr ensure to terminate all workers before exiting.
_, ok := err.(*wal.CorruptionErr)
_, ok := err.(*wlog.CorruptionErr)
if ok || seriesCreationErr != nil {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
@ -107,9 +114,10 @@ func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
go func(wp *walSubsetProcessor) {
unknown, overlapping := wp.processWALSamples(h, mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks)
unknown, unknownHistograms, overlapping := wp.processWALSamples(h, mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks)
@ -148,7 +156,7 @@ func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
series := seriesPool.Get().([]record.RefSeries)[:0]
series, err = dec.Series(rec, series)
if err != nil {
decodeErr = &wal.CorruptionErr{
decodeErr = &wlog.CorruptionErr{
Err: errors.Wrap(err, "decode series"),
Segment: r.Segment(),
Offset: r.Offset(),
@ -160,7 +168,7 @@ func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
samples := samplesPool.Get().([]record.RefSample)[:0]
samples, err = dec.Samples(rec, samples)
if err != nil {
decodeErr = &wal.CorruptionErr{
decodeErr = &wlog.CorruptionErr{
Err: errors.Wrap(err, "decode samples"),
Segment: r.Segment(),
Offset: r.Offset(),
@ -172,7 +180,7 @@ func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
tstones := tstonesPool.Get().([]tombstones.Stone)[:0]
tstones, err = dec.Tombstones(rec, tstones)
if err != nil {
decodeErr = &wal.CorruptionErr{
decodeErr = &wlog.CorruptionErr{
Err: errors.Wrap(err, "decode tombstones"),
Segment: r.Segment(),
Offset: r.Offset(),
@ -184,7 +192,7 @@ func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
exemplars := exemplarsPool.Get().([]record.RefExemplar)[:0]
exemplars, err = dec.Exemplars(rec, exemplars)
if err != nil {
decodeErr = &wal.CorruptionErr{
decodeErr = &wlog.CorruptionErr{
Err: errors.Wrap(err, "decode exemplars"),
Segment: r.Segment(),
Offset: r.Offset(),
@ -192,11 +200,23 @@ func (h *Head) loadWAL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
decoded <- exemplars
case record.HistogramSamples:
hists := histogramsPool.Get().([]record.RefHistogramSample)[:0]
hists, err = dec.HistogramSamples(rec, hists)
if err != nil {
decodeErr = &wlog.CorruptionErr{
Err: errors.Wrap(err, "decode histograms"),
Segment: r.Segment(),
Offset: r.Offset(),
decoded <- hists
case record.Metadata:
meta := metadataPool.Get().([]record.RefMetadata)[:0]
meta, err := dec.Metadata(rec, meta)
if err != nil {
decodeErr = &wal.CorruptionErr{
decodeErr = &wlog.CorruptionErr{
Err: errors.Wrap(err, "decode metadata"),
Segment: r.Segment(),
Offset: r.Offset(),
@ -292,6 +312,43 @@ Outer:
//nolint:staticcheck // Ignore SA6002 relax staticcheck verification.
case []record.RefHistogramSample:
samples := v
minValidTime := h.minValidTime.Load()
// We split up the samples into chunks of 5000 samples or less.
// With O(300 * #cores) in-flight sample batches, large scrapes could otherwise
// cause thousands of very large in flight buffers occupying large amounts
// of unused memory.
for len(samples) > 0 {
m := 5000
if len(samples) < m {
m = len(samples)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if histogramShards[i] == nil {
histogramShards[i] = processors[i].reuseHistogramBuf()
for _, sam := range samples[:m] {
if sam.T < minValidTime {
continue // Before minValidTime: discard.
if r, ok := multiRef[sam.Ref]; ok {
sam.Ref = r
mod := uint64(sam.Ref) % uint64(n)
histogramShards[mod] = append(histogramShards[mod], sam)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if len(histogramShards[i]) > 0 {
processors[i].input <- walSubsetProcessorInputItem{histogramSamples: histogramShards[i]}
histogramShards[i] = nil
samples = samples[m:]
//nolint:staticcheck // Ignore SA6002 relax staticcheck verification.
case []record.RefMetadata:
for _, m := range v {
s := h.series.getByID(chunks.HeadSeriesRef(m.Ref))
@ -333,8 +390,14 @@ Outer:
return errors.Wrap(r.Err(), "read records")
if unknownRefs.Load() > 0 || unknownExemplarRefs.Load() > 0 || unknownMetadataRefs.Load() > 0 {
level.Warn(h.logger).Log("msg", "Unknown series references", "samples", unknownRefs.Load(), "exemplars", unknownExemplarRefs.Load(), "metadata", unknownMetadataRefs.Load())
if unknownRefs.Load()+unknownExemplarRefs.Load()+unknownHistogramRefs.Load()+unknownMetadataRefs.Load() > 0 {
"msg", "Unknown series references",
"samples", unknownRefs.Load(),
"exemplars", unknownExemplarRefs.Load(),
"histograms", unknownHistogramRefs.Load(),
"metadata", unknownMetadataRefs.Load(),
if count := mmapOverlappingChunks.Load(); count > 0 {
level.Info(h.logger).Log("msg", "Overlapping m-map chunks on duplicate series records", "count", count)
@ -402,25 +465,30 @@ func (h *Head) resetSeriesWithMMappedChunks(mSeries *memSeries, mmc, oooMmc []*m
type walSubsetProcessor struct {
input chan walSubsetProcessorInputItem
output chan []record.RefSample
input chan walSubsetProcessorInputItem
output chan []record.RefSample
histogramsOutput chan []record.RefHistogramSample
type walSubsetProcessorInputItem struct {
samples []record.RefSample
existingSeries *memSeries
walSeriesRef chunks.HeadSeriesRef
samples []record.RefSample
histogramSamples []record.RefHistogramSample
existingSeries *memSeries
walSeriesRef chunks.HeadSeriesRef
func (wp *walSubsetProcessor) setup() {
wp.output = make(chan []record.RefSample, 300)
wp.input = make(chan walSubsetProcessorInputItem, 300)
wp.output = make(chan []record.RefSample, 300)
wp.histogramsOutput = make(chan []record.RefHistogramSample, 300)
func (wp *walSubsetProcessor) closeAndDrain() {
for range wp.output {
for range wp.histogramsOutput {
// If there is a buffer in the output chan, return it for reuse, otherwise return nil.
@ -433,11 +501,24 @@ func (wp *walSubsetProcessor) reuseBuf() []record.RefSample {
return nil
// If there is a buffer in the output chan, return it for reuse, otherwise return nil.
func (wp *walSubsetProcessor) reuseHistogramBuf() []record.RefHistogramSample {
select {
case buf := <-wp.histogramsOutput:
return buf[:0]
return nil
// processWALSamples adds the samples it receives to the head and passes
// the buffer received to an output channel for reuse.
func (wp *walSubsetProcessor) processWALSamples(h *Head, mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef][]*mmappedChunk) (unknownRefs, mmapOverlappingChunks uint64) {
// Samples before the minValidTime timestamp are discarded.
func (wp *walSubsetProcessor) processWALSamples(h *Head, mmappedChunks, oooMmappedChunks map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef][]*mmappedChunk) (unknownRefs, unknownHistogramRefs, mmapOverlappingChunks uint64) {
defer close(wp.output)
defer close(wp.histogramsOutput)
minValidTime := h.minValidTime.Load()
mint, maxt := int64(math.MaxInt64), int64(math.MinInt64)
chunkRange := h.chunkRange.Load()
@ -460,6 +541,10 @@ func (wp *walSubsetProcessor) processWALSamples(h *Head, mmappedChunks, oooMmapp
if s.T <= ms.mmMaxTime {
ms.isHistogramSeries = false
if s.T <= ms.mmMaxTime {
if _, chunkCreated := ms.append(s.T, s.V, 0, h.chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange); chunkCreated {
@ -475,13 +560,43 @@ func (wp *walSubsetProcessor) processWALSamples(h *Head, mmappedChunks, oooMmapp
case wp.output <- in.samples:
for _, s := range in.histogramSamples {
if s.T < minValidTime {
ms := h.series.getByID(s.Ref)
if ms == nil {
ms.isHistogramSeries = true
if s.T <= ms.mmMaxTime {
if _, chunkCreated := ms.appendHistogram(s.T, s.H, 0, h.chunkDiskMapper, chunkRange); chunkCreated {
if s.T > maxt {
maxt = s.T
if s.T < mint {
mint = s.T
select {
case wp.histogramsOutput <- in.histogramSamples:
h.updateMinMaxTime(mint, maxt)
return unknownRefs, mmapOverlappingChunks
return unknownRefs, unknownHistogramRefs, mmapOverlappingChunks
func (h *Head) loadWBL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.HeadSeriesRef, lastMmapRef chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef) (err error) {
func (h *Head) loadWBL(r *wlog.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.HeadSeriesRef, lastMmapRef chunks.ChunkDiskMapperRef) (err error) {
// Track number of samples, m-map markers, that referenced a series we don't know about
// for error reporting.
var unknownRefs, mmapMarkerUnknownRefs atomic.Uint64
@ -513,7 +628,7 @@ func (h *Head) loadWBL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
defer func() {
// For CorruptionErr ensure to terminate all workers before exiting.
// We also wrap it to identify OOO WBL corruption.
_, ok := err.(*wal.CorruptionErr)
_, ok := err.(*wlog.CorruptionErr)
if ok {
err = &errLoadWbl{err: err}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
@ -543,7 +658,7 @@ func (h *Head) loadWBL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
samples := samplesPool.Get().([]record.RefSample)[:0]
samples, err = dec.Samples(rec, samples)
if err != nil {
decodeErr = &wal.CorruptionErr{
decodeErr = &wlog.CorruptionErr{
Err: errors.Wrap(err, "decode samples"),
Segment: r.Segment(),
Offset: r.Offset(),
@ -555,7 +670,7 @@ func (h *Head) loadWBL(r *wal.Reader, multiRef map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]chunks.H
markers := markersPool.Get().([]record.RefMmapMarker)[:0]
markers, err = dec.MmapMarkers(rec, markers)
if err != nil {
decodeErr = &wal.CorruptionErr{
decodeErr = &wlog.CorruptionErr{
Err: errors.Wrap(err, "decode mmap markers"),
Segment: r.Segment(),
Offset: r.Offset(),
@ -745,7 +860,7 @@ func (wp *wblSubsetProcessor) processWBLSamples(h *Head) (unknownRefs uint64) {
wp.output <- samples
h.updateMinOOOMaxOOOTime(mint, maxt)
@ -931,7 +1046,7 @@ func (h *Head) ChunkSnapshot() (*ChunkSnapshotStats, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(cpdirtmp, 0o777); err != nil {
return stats, errors.Wrap(err, "create chunk snapshot dir")
cp, err := wal.New(nil, nil, cpdirtmp, h.wal.CompressionEnabled())
cp, err := wlog.New(nil, nil, cpdirtmp, h.wal.CompressionEnabled())
if err != nil {
return stats, errors.Wrap(err, "open chunk snapshot")
@ -1170,7 +1285,7 @@ func (h *Head) loadChunkSnapshot() (int, int, map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]*memSerie
start := time.Now()
sr, err := wal.NewSegmentsReader(dir)
sr, err := wlog.NewSegmentsReader(dir)
if err != nil {
return snapIdx, snapOffset, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "open chunk snapshot")
@ -1241,7 +1356,7 @@ func (h *Head) loadChunkSnapshot() (int, int, map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]*memSerie
}(i, recordChan)
r := wal.NewReader(sr)
r := wlog.NewReader(sr)
var loopErr error
for r.Next() {
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import (
@ -819,7 +820,7 @@ func (w *Writer) writePostingsToTmpFiles() error {
for n := range w.labelNames {
names = append(names, n)
if err := w.f.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
@ -1469,7 +1470,7 @@ func (r *Reader) SymbolTableSize() uint64 {
func (r *Reader) SortedLabelValues(name string, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, error) {
values, err := r.LabelValues(name, matchers...)
if err == nil && r.version == FormatV1 {
return values, err
@ -1571,7 +1572,7 @@ func (r *Reader) LabelNamesFor(ids ...storage.SeriesRef) ([]string, error) {
names = append(names, name)
return names, nil
@ -1743,7 +1744,7 @@ func (r *Reader) LabelNames(matchers ...*labels.Matcher) ([]string, error) {
labelNames = append(labelNames, name)
return labelNames, nil
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ func (p *MemPostings) Symbols() StringIter {
res = append(res, k)
return NewStringListIter(res)
@ -239,11 +240,9 @@ func (p *MemPostings) EnsureOrder() {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go func() {
var sortable seriesRefSlice
for job := range workc {
for _, l := range *job {
sortable = l
*job = (*job)[:0]
@ -830,13 +829,6 @@ func (it *bigEndianPostings) Err() error {
return nil
// seriesRefSlice attaches the methods of sort.Interface to []storage.SeriesRef, sorting in increasing order.
type seriesRefSlice []storage.SeriesRef
func (x seriesRefSlice) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x seriesRefSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i] < x[j] }
func (x seriesRefSlice) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
// FindIntersectingPostings checks the intersection of p and candidates[i] for each i in candidates,
// if intersection is non empty, then i is added to the indexes returned.
// Returned indexes are not sorted.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func (o *OOOChunk) Insert(t int64, v float64) bool {
if i >= len(o.samples) {
// none found. append it at the end
o.samples = append(o.samples, sample{t, v})
o.samples = append(o.samples, sample{t, v, nil, nil})
return true
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func (o *OOOChunk) Insert(t int64, v float64) bool {
// Expand length by 1 to make room. use a zero sample, we will overwrite it anyway.
o.samples = append(o.samples, sample{})
copy(o.samples[i+1:], o.samples[i:])
o.samples[i] = sample{t, v}
o.samples[i] = sample{t, v, nil, nil}
return true
@ -14,13 +14,15 @@
package tsdb
import (
@ -317,7 +319,7 @@ func postingsForMatcher(ix IndexReader, m *labels.Matcher) (index.Postings, erro
if m.Type == labels.MatchRegexp {
setMatches := findSetMatches(m.GetRegexString())
if len(setMatches) > 0 {
return ix.Postings(m.Name, setMatches...)
@ -344,7 +346,7 @@ func postingsForMatcher(ix IndexReader, m *labels.Matcher) (index.Postings, erro
if !isSorted {
return ix.Postings(m.Name, res...)
@ -369,7 +371,7 @@ func inversePostingsForMatcher(ix IndexReader, m *labels.Matcher) (index.Posting
if !isSorted {
return ix.Postings(m.Name, res...)
@ -526,16 +528,20 @@ func (b *blockBaseSeriesSet) Err() error {
func (b *blockBaseSeriesSet) Warnings() storage.Warnings { return nil }
// populateWithDelGenericSeriesIterator allows to iterate over given chunk metas. In each iteration it ensures
// that chunks are trimmed based on given tombstones interval if any.
// populateWithDelGenericSeriesIterator allows to iterate over given chunk
// metas. In each iteration it ensures that chunks are trimmed based on given
// tombstones interval if any.
// populateWithDelGenericSeriesIterator assumes that chunks that would be fully removed by intervals are filtered out in previous phase.
// populateWithDelGenericSeriesIterator assumes that chunks that would be fully
// removed by intervals are filtered out in previous phase.
// On each iteration currChkMeta is available. If currDelIter is not nil, it means that chunk iterator in currChkMeta
// is invalid and chunk rewrite is needed, currDelIter should be used.
// On each iteration currChkMeta is available. If currDelIter is not nil, it
// means that the chunk iterator in currChkMeta is invalid and a chunk rewrite
// is needed, for which currDelIter should be used.
type populateWithDelGenericSeriesIterator struct {
chunks ChunkReader
// chks are expected to be sorted by minTime and should be related to the same, single series.
// chks are expected to be sorted by minTime and should be related to
// the same, single series.
chks []chunks.Meta
i int
@ -587,15 +593,17 @@ func (p *populateWithDelGenericSeriesIterator) next() bool {
// The chunk.Bytes() method is not safe for open chunks hence the re-encoding.
// This happens when snapshotting the head block or just fetching chunks from TSDB.
// TODO think how to avoid the typecasting to verify when it is head block.
// TODO(codesome): think how to avoid the typecasting to verify when it is head block.
_, isSafeChunk := p.currChkMeta.Chunk.(*safeChunk)
if len(p.bufIter.Intervals) == 0 && !(isSafeChunk && p.currChkMeta.MaxTime == math.MaxInt64) {
// If there are no overlap with deletion intervals AND it's NOT an "open" head chunk, we can take chunk as it is.
// If there is no overlap with deletion intervals AND it's NOT
// an "open" head chunk, we can take chunk as it is.
p.currDelIter = nil
return true
// We don't want full chunk or it's potentially still opened, take just part of it.
// We don't want the full chunk, or it's potentially still opened, take
// just a part of it.
p.bufIter.Iter = p.currChkMeta.Chunk.Iterator(nil)
p.currDelIter = p.bufIter
return true
@ -618,9 +626,11 @@ type populateWithDelSeriesIterator struct {
curr chunkenc.Iterator
func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) Next() bool {
if p.curr != nil && p.curr.Next() {
return true
func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
if p.curr != nil {
if valueType := p.curr.Next(); valueType != chunkenc.ValNone {
return valueType
for p.next() {
@ -629,26 +639,42 @@ func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) Next() bool {
} else {
p.curr = p.currChkMeta.Chunk.Iterator(nil)
if p.curr.Next() {
return true
if valueType := p.curr.Next(); valueType != chunkenc.ValNone {
return valueType
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
if p.curr != nil && p.curr.Seek(t) {
return true
for p.Next() {
if p.curr.Seek(t) {
return true
func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) Seek(t int64) chunkenc.ValueType {
if p.curr != nil {
if valueType := p.curr.Seek(t); valueType != chunkenc.ValNone {
return valueType
return false
for p.Next() != chunkenc.ValNone {
if valueType := p.curr.Seek(t); valueType != chunkenc.ValNone {
return valueType
return chunkenc.ValNone
func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) At() (int64, float64) { return p.curr.At() }
func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
return p.curr.At()
func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
return p.curr.AtHistogram()
func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
return p.curr.AtFloatHistogram()
func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) AtT() int64 {
return p.curr.AtT()
func (p *populateWithDelSeriesIterator) Err() error {
if err := p.populateWithDelGenericSeriesIterator.Err(); err != nil {
@ -670,38 +696,94 @@ func (p *populateWithDelChunkSeriesIterator) Next() bool {
if !p.next() {
return false
p.curr = p.currChkMeta
if p.currDelIter == nil {
return true
// Re-encode the chunk if iterator is provider. This means that it has some samples to be deleted or chunk is opened.
newChunk := chunkenc.NewXORChunk()
app, err := newChunk.Appender()
if err != nil {
p.err = err
return false
if !p.currDelIter.Next() {
valueType := p.currDelIter.Next()
if valueType == chunkenc.ValNone {
if err := p.currDelIter.Err(); err != nil {
p.err = errors.Wrap(err, "iterate chunk while re-encoding")
return false
// Empty chunk, this should not happen, as we assume full deletions being filtered before this iterator.
p.err = errors.Wrap(err, "populateWithDelChunkSeriesIterator: unexpected empty chunk found while rewriting chunk")
return false
t, v := p.currDelIter.At()
p.curr.MinTime = t
app.Append(t, v)
// Re-encode the chunk if iterator is provider. This means that it has
// some samples to be deleted or chunk is opened.
var (
newChunk chunkenc.Chunk
app chunkenc.Appender
t int64
err error
switch valueType {
case chunkenc.ValHistogram:
newChunk = chunkenc.NewHistogramChunk()
if app, err = newChunk.Appender(); err != nil {
if hc, ok := p.currChkMeta.Chunk.(*chunkenc.HistogramChunk); ok {
var h *histogram.Histogram
t, h = p.currDelIter.AtHistogram()
p.curr.MinTime = t
for p.currDelIter.Next() {
app.AppendHistogram(t, h)
for vt := p.currDelIter.Next(); vt != chunkenc.ValNone; vt = p.currDelIter.Next() {
if vt != chunkenc.ValHistogram {
err = fmt.Errorf("found value type %v in histogram chunk", vt)
t, h = p.currDelIter.AtHistogram()
// Defend against corrupted chunks.
pI, nI, okToAppend, counterReset := app.(*chunkenc.HistogramAppender).Appendable(h)
if len(pI)+len(nI) > 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf(
"bucket layout has changed unexpectedly: %d positive and %d negative bucket interjections required",
len(pI), len(nI),
if counterReset {
err = errors.New("detected unexpected counter reset in histogram")
if !okToAppend {
err = errors.New("unable to append histogram due to unexpected schema change")
app.AppendHistogram(t, h)
case chunkenc.ValFloat:
newChunk = chunkenc.NewXORChunk()
if app, err = newChunk.Appender(); err != nil {
var v float64
t, v = p.currDelIter.At()
p.curr.MinTime = t
app.Append(t, v)
for vt := p.currDelIter.Next(); vt != chunkenc.ValNone; vt = p.currDelIter.Next() {
if vt != chunkenc.ValFloat {
err = fmt.Errorf("found value type %v in float chunk", vt)
t, v = p.currDelIter.At()
app.Append(t, v)
// TODO(beorn7): Need FloatHistogram eventually.
err = fmt.Errorf("populateWithDelChunkSeriesIterator: value type %v unsupported", valueType)
if err != nil {
p.err = errors.Wrap(err, "iterate chunk while re-encoding")
return false
if err := p.currDelIter.Err(); err != nil {
p.err = errors.Wrap(err, "iterate chunk while re-encoding")
@ -838,19 +920,34 @@ func (it *DeletedIterator) At() (int64, float64) {
return it.Iter.At()
func (it *DeletedIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
func (it *DeletedIterator) AtHistogram() (int64, *histogram.Histogram) {
t, h := it.Iter.AtHistogram()
return t, h
func (it *DeletedIterator) AtFloatHistogram() (int64, *histogram.FloatHistogram) {
t, h := it.Iter.AtFloatHistogram()
return t, h
func (it *DeletedIterator) AtT() int64 {
return it.Iter.AtT()
func (it *DeletedIterator) Seek(t int64) chunkenc.ValueType {
if it.Iter.Err() != nil {
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
if ok := it.Iter.Seek(t); !ok {
return false
valueType := it.Iter.Seek(t)
if valueType == chunkenc.ValNone {
return chunkenc.ValNone
// Now double check if the entry falls into a deleted interval.
ts, _ := it.At()
ts := it.AtT()
for _, itv := range it.Intervals {
if ts < itv.Mint {
return true
return valueType
if ts > itv.Maxt {
@ -863,27 +960,26 @@ func (it *DeletedIterator) Seek(t int64) bool {
// The timestamp is greater than all the deleted intervals.
return true
return valueType
func (it *DeletedIterator) Next() bool {
func (it *DeletedIterator) Next() chunkenc.ValueType {
for it.Iter.Next() {
ts, _ := it.Iter.At()
for valueType := it.Iter.Next(); valueType != chunkenc.ValNone; valueType = it.Iter.Next() {
ts := it.AtT()
for _, tr := range it.Intervals {
if tr.InBounds(ts) {
continue Outer
if ts <= tr.Maxt {
return true
return valueType
it.Intervals = it.Intervals[1:]
return true
return valueType
return false
return chunkenc.ValNone
func (it *DeletedIterator) Err() error { return it.Iter.Err() }
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
@ -47,6 +48,8 @@ const (
MmapMarkers Type = 5
// Metadata is used to match WAL records of type Metadata.
Metadata Type = 6
// HistogramSamples is used to match WAL records of type Histograms.
HistogramSamples Type = 7
func (rt Type) String() string {
@ -55,10 +58,12 @@ func (rt Type) String() string {
return "series"
case Samples:
return "samples"
case Exemplars:
return "exemplars"
case Tombstones:
return "tombstones"
case Exemplars:
return "exemplars"
case HistogramSamples:
return "histogram_samples"
case MmapMarkers:
return "mmapmarkers"
case Metadata:
@ -72,14 +77,14 @@ func (rt Type) String() string {
type MetricType uint8
const (
UnknownMT MetricType = 0
Counter MetricType = 1
Gauge MetricType = 2
Histogram MetricType = 3
GaugeHistogram MetricType = 4
Summary MetricType = 5
Info MetricType = 6
Stateset MetricType = 7
UnknownMT MetricType = 0
Counter MetricType = 1
Gauge MetricType = 2
HistogramSample MetricType = 3
GaugeHistogram MetricType = 4
Summary MetricType = 5
Info MetricType = 6
Stateset MetricType = 7
func GetMetricType(t textparse.MetricType) uint8 {
@ -89,7 +94,7 @@ func GetMetricType(t textparse.MetricType) uint8 {
case textparse.MetricTypeGauge:
return uint8(Gauge)
case textparse.MetricTypeHistogram:
return uint8(Histogram)
return uint8(HistogramSample)
case textparse.MetricTypeGaugeHistogram:
return uint8(GaugeHistogram)
case textparse.MetricTypeSummary:
@ -109,7 +114,7 @@ func ToTextparseMetricType(m uint8) textparse.MetricType {
return textparse.MetricTypeCounter
case uint8(Gauge):
return textparse.MetricTypeGauge
case uint8(Histogram):
case uint8(HistogramSample):
return textparse.MetricTypeHistogram
case uint8(GaugeHistogram):
return textparse.MetricTypeGaugeHistogram
@ -139,6 +144,7 @@ type RefSeries struct {
// RefSample is a timestamp/value pair associated with a reference to a series.
// TODO(beorn7): Perhaps make this "polymorphic", including histogram and float-histogram pointers? Then get rid of RefHistogramSample.
type RefSample struct {
Ref chunks.HeadSeriesRef
T int64
@ -161,6 +167,13 @@ type RefExemplar struct {
Labels labels.Labels
// RefHistogramSample is a histogram.
type RefHistogramSample struct {
Ref chunks.HeadSeriesRef
T int64
H *histogram.Histogram
// RefMmapMarker marks that the all the samples of the given series until now have been m-mapped to disk.
type RefMmapMarker struct {
Ref chunks.HeadSeriesRef
@ -178,7 +191,7 @@ func (d *Decoder) Type(rec []byte) Type {
return Unknown
switch t := Type(rec[0]); t {
case Series, Samples, Tombstones, Exemplars, MmapMarkers, Metadata:
case Series, Samples, Tombstones, Exemplars, MmapMarkers, Metadata, HistogramSamples:
return t
return Unknown
@ -392,6 +405,88 @@ func (d *Decoder) MmapMarkers(rec []byte, markers []RefMmapMarker) ([]RefMmapMar
return markers, nil
func (d *Decoder) HistogramSamples(rec []byte, histograms []RefHistogramSample) ([]RefHistogramSample, error) {
dec := encoding.Decbuf{B: rec}
t := Type(dec.Byte())
if t != HistogramSamples {
return nil, errors.New("invalid record type")
if dec.Len() == 0 {
return histograms, nil
var (
baseRef = dec.Be64()
baseTime = dec.Be64int64()
for len(dec.B) > 0 && dec.Err() == nil {
dref := dec.Varint64()
dtime := dec.Varint64()
rh := RefHistogramSample{
Ref: chunks.HeadSeriesRef(baseRef + uint64(dref)),
T: baseTime + dtime,
H: &histogram.Histogram{
Schema: 0,
ZeroThreshold: 0,
ZeroCount: 0,
Count: 0,
Sum: 0,
rh.H.Schema = int32(dec.Varint64())
rh.H.ZeroThreshold = math.Float64frombits(dec.Be64())
rh.H.ZeroCount = dec.Uvarint64()
rh.H.Count = dec.Uvarint64()
rh.H.Sum = math.Float64frombits(dec.Be64())
l := dec.Uvarint()
if l > 0 {
rh.H.PositiveSpans = make([]histogram.Span, l)
for i := range rh.H.PositiveSpans {
rh.H.PositiveSpans[i].Offset = int32(dec.Varint64())
rh.H.PositiveSpans[i].Length = dec.Uvarint32()
l = dec.Uvarint()
if l > 0 {
rh.H.NegativeSpans = make([]histogram.Span, l)
for i := range rh.H.NegativeSpans {
rh.H.NegativeSpans[i].Offset = int32(dec.Varint64())
rh.H.NegativeSpans[i].Length = dec.Uvarint32()
l = dec.Uvarint()
if l > 0 {
rh.H.PositiveBuckets = make([]int64, l)
for i := range rh.H.PositiveBuckets {
rh.H.PositiveBuckets[i] = dec.Varint64()
l = dec.Uvarint()
if l > 0 {
rh.H.NegativeBuckets = make([]int64, l)
for i := range rh.H.NegativeBuckets {
rh.H.NegativeBuckets[i] = dec.Varint64()
histograms = append(histograms, rh)
if dec.Err() != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(dec.Err(), "decode error after %d histograms", len(histograms))
if len(dec.B) > 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected %d bytes left in entry", len(dec.B))
return histograms, nil
// Encoder encodes series, sample, and tombstones records.
// The zero value is ready to use.
type Encoder struct{}
@ -517,3 +612,54 @@ func (e *Encoder) MmapMarkers(markers []RefMmapMarker, b []byte) []byte {
return buf.Get()
func (e *Encoder) HistogramSamples(histograms []RefHistogramSample, b []byte) []byte {
buf := encoding.Encbuf{B: b}
if len(histograms) == 0 {
return buf.Get()
// Store base timestamp and base reference number of first histogram.
// All histograms encode their timestamp and ref as delta to those.
first := histograms[0]
for _, h := range histograms {
buf.PutVarint64(int64(h.Ref) - int64(first.Ref))
buf.PutVarint64(h.T - first.T)
for _, s := range h.H.PositiveSpans {
for _, s := range h.H.NegativeSpans {
for _, b := range h.H.PositiveBuckets {
for _, b := range h.H.NegativeBuckets {
return buf.Get()
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
var ErrInvalidTimes = fmt.Errorf("max time is lesser than min time")
@ -53,13 +54,34 @@ func CreateBlock(series []storage.Series, dir string, chunkRange int64, logger l
ref := storage.SeriesRef(0)
it := s.Iterator()
lset := s.Labels()
for it.Next() {
t, v := it.At()
ref, err = app.Append(ref, lset, t, v)
typ := it.Next()
lastTyp := typ
for ; typ != chunkenc.ValNone; typ = it.Next() {
if lastTyp != typ {
// The behaviour of appender is undefined if samples of different types
// are appended to the same series in a single Commit().
if err = app.Commit(); err != nil {
return "", err
app = w.Appender(ctx)
sampleCount = 0
switch typ {
case chunkenc.ValFloat:
t, v := it.At()
ref, err = app.Append(ref, lset, t, v)
case chunkenc.ValHistogram:
t, h := it.AtHistogram()
ref, err = app.AppendHistogram(ref, lset, t, h)
return "", fmt.Errorf("unknown sample type %s", typ.String())
if err != nil {
return "", err
lastTyp = typ
if it.Err() != nil {
return "", it.Err()
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
package tsdbutil
import (
@ -26,6 +29,9 @@ type Samples interface {
type Sample interface {
T() int64
V() float64
H() *histogram.Histogram
FH() *histogram.FloatHistogram
Type() chunkenc.ValueType
type SampleSlice []Sample
@ -33,10 +39,12 @@ type SampleSlice []Sample
func (s SampleSlice) Get(i int) Sample { return s[i] }
func (s SampleSlice) Len() int { return len(s) }
// ChunkFromSamples requires all samples to have the same type.
func ChunkFromSamples(s []Sample) chunks.Meta {
return ChunkFromSamplesGeneric(SampleSlice(s))
// ChunkFromSamplesGeneric requires all samples to have the same type.
func ChunkFromSamplesGeneric(s Samples) chunks.Meta {
mint, maxt := int64(0), int64(0)
@ -44,11 +52,29 @@ func ChunkFromSamplesGeneric(s Samples) chunks.Meta {
mint, maxt = s.Get(0).T(), s.Get(s.Len()-1).T()
c := chunkenc.NewXORChunk()
if s.Len() == 0 {
return chunks.Meta{
Chunk: chunkenc.NewXORChunk(),
sampleType := s.Get(0).Type()
c, err := chunkenc.NewEmptyChunk(sampleType.ChunkEncoding())
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO(codesome): dont panic.
ca, _ := c.Appender()
for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
ca.Append(s.Get(i).T(), s.Get(i).V())
switch sampleType {
case chunkenc.ValFloat:
ca.Append(s.Get(i).T(), s.Get(i).V())
case chunkenc.ValHistogram:
ca.AppendHistogram(s.Get(i).T(), s.Get(i).H())
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown sample type %s", sampleType.String()))
return chunks.Meta{
MinTime: mint,
@ -58,8 +84,10 @@ func ChunkFromSamplesGeneric(s Samples) chunks.Meta {
type sample struct {
t int64
v float64
t int64
v float64
h *histogram.Histogram
fh *histogram.FloatHistogram
func (s sample) T() int64 {
@ -70,11 +98,30 @@ func (s sample) V() float64 {
return s.v
func (s sample) H() *histogram.Histogram {
return s.h
func (s sample) FH() *histogram.FloatHistogram {
return s.fh
func (s sample) Type() chunkenc.ValueType {
switch {
case s.h != nil:
return chunkenc.ValHistogram
case s.fh != nil:
return chunkenc.ValFloatHistogram
return chunkenc.ValFloat
// PopulatedChunk creates a chunk populated with samples every second starting at minTime
func PopulatedChunk(numSamples int, minTime int64) chunks.Meta {
samples := make([]Sample, numSamples)
for i := 0; i < numSamples; i++ {
samples[i] = sample{minTime + int64(i*1000), 1.0}
samples[i] = sample{t: minTime + int64(i*1000), v: 1.0}
return ChunkFromSamples(samples)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import (
// WALEntryType indicates what data a WAL entry contains.
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ func newWalMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer) *walMetrics {
// WAL is a write ahead log that can log new series labels and samples.
// It must be completely read before new entries are logged.
// DEPRECATED: use wal pkg combined with the record codex instead.
// DEPRECATED: use wlog pkg combined with the record codex instead.
type WAL interface {
Reader() WALReader
LogSeries([]record.RefSeries) error
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ func newCRC32() hash.Hash32 {
// SegmentWAL is a write ahead log for series data.
// DEPRECATED: use wal pkg combined with the record coders instead.
// DEPRECATED: use wlog pkg combined with the record coders instead.
type SegmentWAL struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
metrics *walMetrics
@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ func MigrateWAL(logger log.Logger, dir string) (err error) {
if err := os.RemoveAll(tmpdir); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cleanup replacement dir")
repl, err := wal.New(logger, nil, tmpdir, false)
repl, err := wlog.New(logger, nil, tmpdir, false)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "open new WAL")
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package wal
package wlog
import (
@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ import (
// CheckpointStats returns stats about a created checkpoint.
type CheckpointStats struct {
DroppedSeries int
DroppedSamples int
DroppedSamples int // Includes histograms.
DroppedTombstones int
DroppedExemplars int
DroppedMetadata int
TotalSeries int // Processed series including dropped ones.
TotalSamples int // Processed samples including dropped ones.
TotalSamples int // Processed float and histogram samples including dropped ones.
TotalTombstones int // Processed tombstones including dropped ones.
TotalExemplars int // Processed exemplars including dropped ones.
TotalMetadata int // Processed metadata including dropped ones.
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ const checkpointPrefix = "checkpoint."
// segmented format as the original WAL itself.
// This makes it easy to read it through the WAL package and concatenate
// it with the original WAL.
func Checkpoint(logger log.Logger, w *WAL, from, to int, keep func(id chunks.HeadSeriesRef) bool, mint int64) (*CheckpointStats, error) {
func Checkpoint(logger log.Logger, w *WL, from, to int, keep func(id chunks.HeadSeriesRef) bool, mint int64) (*CheckpointStats, error) {
stats := &CheckpointStats{}
var sgmReader io.ReadCloser
@ -148,20 +148,21 @@ func Checkpoint(logger log.Logger, w *WAL, from, to int, keep func(id chunks.Hea
r := NewReader(sgmReader)
var (
series []record.RefSeries
samples []record.RefSample
tstones []tombstones.Stone
exemplars []record.RefExemplar
metadata []record.RefMetadata
dec record.Decoder
enc record.Encoder
buf []byte
recs [][]byte
series []record.RefSeries
samples []record.RefSample
histogramSamples []record.RefHistogramSample
tstones []tombstones.Stone
exemplars []record.RefExemplar
metadata []record.RefMetadata
dec record.Decoder
enc record.Encoder
buf []byte
recs [][]byte
latestMetadataMap = make(map[chunks.HeadSeriesRef]record.RefMetadata)
for r.Next() {
series, samples, tstones, exemplars, metadata = series[:0], samples[:0], tstones[:0], exemplars[:0], metadata[:0]
series, samples, histogramSamples, tstones, exemplars, metadata = series[:0], samples[:0], histogramSamples[:0], tstones[:0], exemplars[:0], metadata[:0]
// We don't reset the buffer since we batch up multiple records
// before writing them to the checkpoint.
@ -206,6 +207,24 @@ func Checkpoint(logger log.Logger, w *WAL, from, to int, keep func(id chunks.Hea
stats.TotalSamples += len(samples)
stats.DroppedSamples += len(samples) - len(repl)
case record.HistogramSamples:
histogramSamples, err = dec.HistogramSamples(rec, histogramSamples)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "decode histogram samples")
// Drop irrelevant histogramSamples in place.
repl := histogramSamples[:0]
for _, h := range histogramSamples {
if h.T >= mint {
repl = append(repl, h)
if len(repl) > 0 {
buf = enc.HistogramSamples(repl, buf)
stats.TotalSamples += len(samples)
stats.DroppedSamples += len(samples) - len(repl)
case record.Tombstones:
tstones, err = dec.Tombstones(rec, tstones)
if err != nil {
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package wal
package wlog
import (
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package wal
package wlog
import (
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package wal
package wlog
import (
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import (
@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ import (
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ type WriteTo interface {
// Once returned, the WAL Watcher will not attempt to pass that data again.
Append([]record.RefSample) bool
AppendExemplars([]record.RefExemplar) bool
AppendHistograms([]record.RefHistogramSample) bool
StoreSeries([]record.RefSeries, int)
// Next two methods are intended for garbage-collection: first we call
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ type Watcher struct {
walDir string
lastCheckpoint string
sendExemplars bool
sendHistograms bool
metrics *WatcherMetrics
readerMetrics *LiveReaderMetrics
@ -144,18 +146,19 @@ func NewWatcherMetrics(reg prometheus.Registerer) *WatcherMetrics {
// NewWatcher creates a new WAL watcher for a given WriteTo.
func NewWatcher(metrics *WatcherMetrics, readerMetrics *LiveReaderMetrics, logger log.Logger, name string, writer WriteTo, dir string, sendExemplars bool) *Watcher {
func NewWatcher(metrics *WatcherMetrics, readerMetrics *LiveReaderMetrics, logger log.Logger, name string, writer WriteTo, dir string, sendExemplars, sendHistograms bool) *Watcher {
if logger == nil {
logger = log.NewNopLogger()
return &Watcher{
logger: logger,
writer: writer,
metrics: metrics,
readerMetrics: readerMetrics,
walDir: path.Join(dir, "wal"),
name: name,
sendExemplars: sendExemplars,
logger: logger,
writer: writer,
metrics: metrics,
readerMetrics: readerMetrics,
walDir: path.Join(dir, "wal"),
name: name,
sendExemplars: sendExemplars,
sendHistograms: sendHistograms,
quit: make(chan struct{}),
done: make(chan struct{}),
@ -301,7 +304,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) firstAndLast() (int, int, error) {
return refs[0], refs[len(refs)-1], nil
// Copied from tsdb/wal/wal.go so we do not have to open a WAL.
// Copied from tsdb/wlog/wlog.go so we do not have to open a WAL.
// Plan is to move WAL watcher to TSDB and dedupe these implementations.
func (w *Watcher) segments(dir string) ([]int, error) {
files, err := os.ReadDir(dir)
@ -317,7 +320,7 @@ func (w *Watcher) segments(dir string) ([]int, error) {
refs = append(refs, k)
for i := 0; i < len(refs)-1; i++ {
if refs[i]+1 != refs[i+1] {
return nil, errors.New("segments are not sequential")
@ -473,11 +476,13 @@ func (w *Watcher) garbageCollectSeries(segmentNum int) error {
// Also used with readCheckpoint - implements segmentReadFn.
func (w *Watcher) readSegment(r *LiveReader, segmentNum int, tail bool) error {
var (
dec record.Decoder
series []record.RefSeries
samples []record.RefSample
send []record.RefSample
exemplars []record.RefExemplar
dec record.Decoder
series []record.RefSeries
samples []record.RefSample
samplesToSend []record.RefSample
exemplars []record.RefExemplar
histograms []record.RefHistogramSample
histogramsToSend []record.RefHistogramSample
for r.Next() && !isClosed(w.quit) {
rec := r.Record()
@ -510,12 +515,12 @@ func (w *Watcher) readSegment(r *LiveReader, segmentNum int, tail bool) error {
duration := time.Since(w.startTime)
level.Info(w.logger).Log("msg", "Done replaying WAL", "duration", duration)
send = append(send, s)
samplesToSend = append(samplesToSend, s)
if len(send) > 0 {
send = send[:0]
if len(samplesToSend) > 0 {
samplesToSend = samplesToSend[:0]
case record.Exemplars:
@ -535,6 +540,34 @@ func (w *Watcher) readSegment(r *LiveReader, segmentNum int, tail bool) error {
case record.HistogramSamples:
// Skip if experimental "histograms over remote write" is not enabled.
if !w.sendHistograms {
if !tail {
histograms, err := dec.HistogramSamples(rec, histograms[:0])
if err != nil {
return err
for _, h := range histograms {
if h.T > w.startTimestamp {
if !w.sendSamples {
w.sendSamples = true
duration := time.Since(w.startTime)
level.Info(w.logger).Log("msg", "Done replaying WAL", "duration", duration)
histogramsToSend = append(histogramsToSend, h)
if len(histogramsToSend) > 0 {
histogramsToSend = histogramsToSend[:0]
case record.Tombstones:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package wal
package wlog
import (
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ func OpenWriteSegment(logger log.Logger, dir string, k int) (*Segment, error) {
// If it was torn mid-record, a full read (which the caller should do anyway
// to ensure integrity) will detect it as a corruption by the end.
if d := stat.Size() % pageSize; d != 0 {
level.Warn(logger).Log("msg", "Last page of the wal is torn, filling it with zeros", "segment", segName)
level.Warn(logger).Log("msg", "Last page of the wlog is torn, filling it with zeros", "segment", segName)
if _, err := f.Write(make([]byte, pageSize-d)); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "zero-pad torn page")
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ func OpenReadSegment(fn string) (*Segment, error) {
return &Segment{SegmentFile: f, i: k, dir: filepath.Dir(fn)}, nil
// WAL is a write ahead log that stores records in segment files.
// WL is a write log that stores records in segment files.
// It must be read from start to end once before logging new data.
// If an error occurs during read, the repair procedure must be called
// before it's safe to do further writes.
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ func OpenReadSegment(fn string) (*Segment, error) {
// Records are never split across segments to allow full segments to be
// safely truncated. It also ensures that torn writes never corrupt records
// beyond the most recent segment.
type WAL struct {
type WL struct {
dir string
logger log.Logger
segmentSize int
@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ type WAL struct {
compress bool
snappyBuf []byte
metrics *walMetrics
metrics *wlMetrics
type walMetrics struct {
type wlMetrics struct {
fsyncDuration prometheus.Summary
pageFlushes prometheus.Counter
pageCompletions prometheus.Counter
@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ type walMetrics struct {
writesFailed prometheus.Counter
func newWALMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer) *walMetrics {
m := &walMetrics{}
func newWLMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer) *wlMetrics {
m := &wlMetrics{}
m.fsyncDuration = prometheus.NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
Name: "fsync_duration_seconds",
Help: "Duration of WAL fsync.",
Help: "Duration of write log fsync.",
Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001},
m.pageFlushes = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
@ -219,19 +219,19 @@ func newWALMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer) *walMetrics {
m.truncateFail = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "truncations_failed_total",
Help: "Total number of WAL truncations that failed.",
Help: "Total number of write log truncations that failed.",
m.truncateTotal = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "truncations_total",
Help: "Total number of WAL truncations attempted.",
Help: "Total number of write log truncations attempted.",
m.currentSegment = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "segment_current",
Help: "WAL segment index that TSDB is currently writing to.",
Help: "Write log segment index that TSDB is currently writing to.",
m.writesFailed = prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "writes_failed_total",
Help: "Total number of WAL writes that failed.",
Help: "Total number of write log writes that failed.",
if r != nil {
@ -250,13 +250,13 @@ func newWALMetrics(r prometheus.Registerer) *walMetrics {
// New returns a new WAL over the given directory.
func New(logger log.Logger, reg prometheus.Registerer, dir string, compress bool) (*WAL, error) {
func New(logger log.Logger, reg prometheus.Registerer, dir string, compress bool) (*WL, error) {
return NewSize(logger, reg, dir, DefaultSegmentSize, compress)
// NewSize returns a new WAL over the given directory.
// NewSize returns a new write log over the given directory.
// New segments are created with the specified size.
func NewSize(logger log.Logger, reg prometheus.Registerer, dir string, segmentSize int, compress bool) (*WAL, error) {
func NewSize(logger log.Logger, reg prometheus.Registerer, dir string, segmentSize int, compress bool) (*WL, error) {
if segmentSize%pageSize != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid segment size")
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ func NewSize(logger log.Logger, reg prometheus.Registerer, dir string, segmentSi
if logger == nil {
logger = log.NewNopLogger()
w := &WAL{
w := &WL{
dir: dir,
logger: logger,
segmentSize: segmentSize,
@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ func NewSize(logger log.Logger, reg prometheus.Registerer, dir string, segmentSi
prefix := "prometheus_tsdb_wal_"
if filepath.Base(dir) == WblDirName {
prefix = "prometheus_tsdb_out_of_order_wal_"
prefix = "prometheus_tsdb_out_of_order_wbl_"
w.metrics = newWALMetrics(prometheus.WrapRegistererWithPrefix(prefix, reg))
w.metrics = newWLMetrics(prometheus.WrapRegistererWithPrefix(prefix, reg))
_, last, err := Segments(w.Dir())
if err != nil {
@ -308,11 +308,11 @@ func NewSize(logger log.Logger, reg prometheus.Registerer, dir string, segmentSi
// Open an existing WAL.
func Open(logger log.Logger, dir string) (*WAL, error) {
func Open(logger log.Logger, dir string) (*WL, error) {
if logger == nil {
logger = log.NewNopLogger()
w := &WAL{
w := &WL{
dir: dir,
logger: logger,
@ -321,16 +321,16 @@ func Open(logger log.Logger, dir string) (*WAL, error) {
// CompressionEnabled returns if compression is enabled on this WAL.
func (w *WAL) CompressionEnabled() bool {
func (w *WL) CompressionEnabled() bool {
return w.compress
// Dir returns the directory of the WAL.
func (w *WAL) Dir() string {
func (w *WL) Dir() string {
return w.dir
func (w *WAL) run() {
func (w *WL) run() {
for {
select {
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ Loop:
// Repair attempts to repair the WAL based on the error.
// It discards all data after the corruption.
func (w *WAL) Repair(origErr error) error {
func (w *WL) Repair(origErr error) error {
// We could probably have a mode that only discards torn records right around
// the corruption to preserve as data much as possible.
// But that's not generally applicable if the records have any kind of causality.
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ func SegmentName(dir string, i int) string {
// NextSegment creates the next segment and closes the previous one asynchronously.
// It returns the file number of the new file.
func (w *WAL) NextSegment() (int, error) {
func (w *WL) NextSegment() (int, error) {
defer w.mtx.Unlock()
return w.nextSegment(true)
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ func (w *WAL) NextSegment() (int, error) {
// NextSegmentSync creates the next segment and closes the previous one in sync.
// It returns the file number of the new file.
func (w *WAL) NextSegmentSync() (int, error) {
func (w *WL) NextSegmentSync() (int, error) {
defer w.mtx.Unlock()
return w.nextSegment(false)
@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ func (w *WAL) NextSegmentSync() (int, error) {
// nextSegment creates the next segment and closes the previous one.
// It returns the file number of the new file.
func (w *WAL) nextSegment(async bool) (int, error) {
func (w *WL) nextSegment(async bool) (int, error) {
if w.closed {
return 0, errors.New("wal is closed")
return 0, errors.New("wlog is closed")
// Only flush the current page if it actually holds data.
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ func (w *WAL) nextSegment(async bool) (int, error) {
return next.Index(), nil
func (w *WAL) setSegment(segment *Segment) error {
func (w *WL) setSegment(segment *Segment) error {
w.segment = segment
// Correctly initialize donePages.
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ func (w *WAL) setSegment(segment *Segment) error {
// flushPage writes the new contents of the page to disk. If no more records will fit into
// the page, the remaining bytes will be set to zero and a new page will be started.
// If clear is true, this is enforced regardless of how many bytes are left in the page.
func (w *WAL) flushPage(clear bool) error {
func (w *WL) flushPage(clear bool) error {
p := w.page
@ -601,13 +601,13 @@ func (t recType) String() string {
func (w *WAL) pagesPerSegment() int {
func (w *WL) pagesPerSegment() int {
return w.segmentSize / pageSize
// Log writes the records into the log.
// Multiple records can be passed at once to reduce writes and increase throughput.
func (w *WAL) Log(recs ...[]byte) error {
func (w *WL) Log(recs ...[]byte) error {
defer w.mtx.Unlock()
// Callers could just implement their own list record format but adding
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ func (w *WAL) Log(recs ...[]byte) error {
// - the final record of a batch
// - the record is bigger than the page size
// - the current page is full.
func (w *WAL) log(rec []byte, final bool) error {
func (w *WL) log(rec []byte, final bool) error {
// When the last page flush failed the page will remain full.
// When the page is full, need to flush it before trying to add more records to it.
if w.page.full() {
@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ func (w *WAL) log(rec []byte, final bool) error {
// LastSegmentAndOffset returns the last segment number of the WAL
// and the offset in that file upto which the segment has been filled.
func (w *WAL) LastSegmentAndOffset() (seg, offset int, err error) {
func (w *WL) LastSegmentAndOffset() (seg, offset int, err error) {
defer w.mtx.Unlock()
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ func (w *WAL) LastSegmentAndOffset() (seg, offset int, err error) {
// Truncate drops all segments before i.
func (w *WAL) Truncate(i int) (err error) {
func (w *WL) Truncate(i int) (err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
@ -758,27 +758,27 @@ func (w *WAL) Truncate(i int) (err error) {
return nil
func (w *WAL) fsync(f *Segment) error {
func (w *WL) fsync(f *Segment) error {
start := time.Now()
err := f.Sync()
return err
// Sync forces a file sync on the current wal segment. This function is meant
// Sync forces a file sync on the current write log segment. This function is meant
// to be used only on tests due to different behaviour on Operating Systems
// like windows and linux
func (w *WAL) Sync() error {
func (w *WL) Sync() error {
return w.fsync(w.segment)
// Close flushes all writes and closes active segment.
func (w *WAL) Close() (err error) {
func (w *WL) Close() (err error) {
defer w.mtx.Unlock()
if w.closed {
return errors.New("wal already closed")
return errors.New("wlog already closed")
if w.segment == nil {
@ -811,8 +811,8 @@ func (w *WAL) Close() (err error) {
// Segments returns the range [first, n] of currently existing segments.
// If no segments are found, first and n are -1.
func Segments(walDir string) (first, last int, err error) {
refs, err := listSegments(walDir)
func Segments(wlDir string) (first, last int, err error) {
refs, err := listSegments(wlDir)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
@ -979,8 +979,8 @@ func (r *segmentBufReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
return n, nil
// Computing size of the WAL.
// Size computes the size of the write log.
// We do this by adding the sizes of all the files under the WAL dir.
func (w *WAL) Size() (int64, error) {
func (w *WL) Size() (int64, error) {
return fileutil.DirSize(w.Dir())
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ package otelhttp // import "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http
// Version is the current release version of the otelhttp instrumentation.
func Version() string {
return "0.36.3"
return "0.36.4"
// This string is updated by the pre_release.sh script during release
@ -8,6 +8,39 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.htm
## [Unreleased]
## [1.11.1/0.33.0] 2022-10-19
### Added
- The Prometheus exporter in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` registers with a Prometheus registerer on creation.
By default, it will register with the default Prometheus registerer.
A non-default registerer can be used by passing the `WithRegisterer` option. (#3239)
- Added the `WithAggregationSelector` option to the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` package to change the default `AggregationSelector` used. (#3341)
- The Prometheus exporter in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` converts the `Resource` associated with metric exports into a `target_info` metric. (#3285)
### Changed
- The `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus".New` function is updated to return an error.
It will return an error if the exporter fails to register with Prometheus. (#3239)
### Fixed
- The URL-encoded values from the `OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES` environment variable are decoded. (#2963)
- The `baggage.NewMember` function decodes the `value` parameter instead of directly using it.
This fixes the implementation to be compliant with the W3C specification. (#3226)
- Slice attributes of the `attribute` package are now comparable based on their value, not instance. (#3108 #3252)
- The `Shutdown` and `ForceFlush` methods of the `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/trace".TraceProvider` no longer return an error when no processor is registered. (#3268)
- The Prometheus exporter in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` cumulatively sums histogram buckets. (#3281)
- The sum of each histogram data point is now uniquely exported by the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlpmetric` exporters. (#3284, #3293)
- Recorded values for asynchronous counters (`Counter` and `UpDownCounter`) are interpreted as exact, not incremental, sum values by the metric SDK. (#3350, #3278)
- `UpDownCounters` are now correctly output as Prometheus gauges in the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` exporter. (#3358)
- The Prometheus exporter in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` no longer describes the metrics it will send to Prometheus on startup.
Instead the exporter is defined as an "unchecked" collector for Prometheus.
This fixes the `reader is not registered` warning currently emitted on startup. (#3291 #3342)
- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` exporter now correctly adds `_total` suffixes to counter metrics. (#3360)
- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` exporter now adds a unit suffix to metric names.
This can be disabled using the `WithoutUnits()` option added to that package. (#3352)
## [1.11.0/0.32.3] 2022-10-12
### Added
@ -31,6 +64,7 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.htm
- Flush pending measurements with the `PeriodicReader` in the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` when `ForceFlush` or `Shutdown` are called. (#3220)
- Update histogram default bounds to match the requirements of the latest specification. (#3222)
- Encode the HTTP status code in the OpenTracing bridge (`go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opentracing`) as an integer. (#3265)
### Fixed
@ -1993,7 +2027,8 @@ It contains api and sdk for trace and meter.
- CircleCI build CI manifest files.
- CODEOWNERS file to track owners of this project.
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/compare/v1.11.0...HEAD
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/compare/v1.11.1...HEAD
[1.11.1/0.33.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.11.1
[1.11.0/0.32.3]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.11.0
[0.32.2]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/sdk/metric/v0.32.2
[0.32.1]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/sdk/metric/v0.32.1
@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ package attribute // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute"
import (
//go:generate stringer -type=Type
@ -66,12 +68,7 @@ func BoolValue(v bool) Value {
// BoolSliceValue creates a BOOLSLICE Value.
func BoolSliceValue(v []bool) Value {
cp := make([]bool, len(v))
copy(cp, v)
return Value{
slice: &cp,
return Value{vtype: BOOLSLICE, slice: attribute.SliceValue(v)}
// IntValue creates an INT64 Value.
@ -81,13 +78,14 @@ func IntValue(v int) Value {
// IntSliceValue creates an INTSLICE Value.
func IntSliceValue(v []int) Value {
cp := make([]int64, 0, len(v))
for _, i := range v {
cp = append(cp, int64(i))
var int64Val int64
cp := reflect.New(reflect.ArrayOf(len(v), reflect.TypeOf(int64Val)))
for i, val := range v {
return Value{
vtype: INT64SLICE,
slice: &cp,
slice: cp.Elem().Interface(),
@ -101,12 +99,7 @@ func Int64Value(v int64) Value {
// Int64SliceValue creates an INT64SLICE Value.
func Int64SliceValue(v []int64) Value {
cp := make([]int64, len(v))
copy(cp, v)
return Value{
vtype: INT64SLICE,
slice: &cp,
return Value{vtype: INT64SLICE, slice: attribute.SliceValue(v)}
// Float64Value creates a FLOAT64 Value.
@ -119,12 +112,7 @@ func Float64Value(v float64) Value {
// Float64SliceValue creates a FLOAT64SLICE Value.
func Float64SliceValue(v []float64) Value {
cp := make([]float64, len(v))
copy(cp, v)
return Value{
vtype: FLOAT64SLICE,
slice: &cp,
return Value{vtype: FLOAT64SLICE, slice: attribute.SliceValue(v)}
// StringValue creates a STRING Value.
@ -137,12 +125,7 @@ func StringValue(v string) Value {
// StringSliceValue creates a STRINGSLICE Value.
func StringSliceValue(v []string) Value {
cp := make([]string, len(v))
copy(cp, v)
return Value{
slice: &cp,
return Value{vtype: STRINGSLICE, slice: attribute.SliceValue(v)}
// Type returns a type of the Value.
@ -159,10 +142,7 @@ func (v Value) AsBool() bool {
// AsBoolSlice returns the []bool value. Make sure that the Value's type is
func (v Value) AsBoolSlice() []bool {
if s, ok := v.slice.(*[]bool); ok {
return *s
return nil
return attribute.AsSlice[bool](v.slice)
// AsInt64 returns the int64 value. Make sure that the Value's type is
@ -174,10 +154,7 @@ func (v Value) AsInt64() int64 {
// AsInt64Slice returns the []int64 value. Make sure that the Value's type is
func (v Value) AsInt64Slice() []int64 {
if s, ok := v.slice.(*[]int64); ok {
return *s
return nil
return attribute.AsSlice[int64](v.slice)
// AsFloat64 returns the float64 value. Make sure that the Value's
@ -189,10 +166,7 @@ func (v Value) AsFloat64() float64 {
// AsFloat64Slice returns the []float64 value. Make sure that the Value's type is
func (v Value) AsFloat64Slice() []float64 {
if s, ok := v.slice.(*[]float64); ok {
return *s
return nil
return attribute.AsSlice[float64](v.slice)
// AsString returns the string value. Make sure that the Value's type
@ -204,10 +178,7 @@ func (v Value) AsString() string {
// AsStringSlice returns the []string value. Make sure that the Value's type is
func (v Value) AsStringSlice() []string {
if s, ok := v.slice.(*[]string); ok {
return *s
return nil
return attribute.AsSlice[string](v.slice)
type unknownValueType struct{}
@ -239,19 +210,19 @@ func (v Value) AsInterface() interface{} {
func (v Value) Emit() string {
switch v.Type() {
return fmt.Sprint(*(v.slice.(*[]bool)))
return fmt.Sprint(v.AsBoolSlice())
case BOOL:
return strconv.FormatBool(v.AsBool())
case INT64SLICE:
return fmt.Sprint(*(v.slice.(*[]int64)))
return fmt.Sprint(v.AsInt64Slice())
case INT64:
return strconv.FormatInt(v.AsInt64(), 10)
return fmt.Sprint(*(v.slice.(*[]float64)))
return fmt.Sprint(v.AsFloat64Slice())
case FLOAT64:
return fmt.Sprint(v.AsFloat64())
return fmt.Sprint(*(v.slice.(*[]string)))
return fmt.Sprint(v.AsStringSlice())
case STRING:
return v.stringly
@ -250,8 +250,9 @@ type Member struct {
hasData bool
// NewMember returns a new Member from the passed arguments. An error is
// returned if the created Member would be invalid according to the W3C
// NewMember returns a new Member from the passed arguments. The key will be
// used directly while the value will be url decoded after validation. An error
// is returned if the created Member would be invalid according to the W3C
// Baggage specification.
func NewMember(key, value string, props ...Property) (Member, error) {
m := Member{
@ -263,7 +264,11 @@ func NewMember(key, value string, props ...Property) (Member, error) {
if err := m.validate(); err != nil {
return newInvalidMember(), err
decodedValue, err := url.QueryUnescape(value)
if err != nil {
return newInvalidMember(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidValue, value)
m.value = decodedValue
return m, nil
@ -328,8 +333,9 @@ func parseMember(member string) (Member, error) {
return Member{key: key, value: value, properties: props, hasData: true}, nil
// validate ensures m conforms to the W3C Baggage specification, returning an
// error otherwise.
// validate ensures m conforms to the W3C Baggage specification.
// A key is just an ASCII string, but a value must be URL encoded UTF-8,
// returning an error otherwise.
func (m Member) validate() error {
if !m.hasData {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidMember, m)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Package attribute provide several helper functions for some commonly used
logic of processing attributes.
package attribute // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/attribute"
import (
// SliceValue convert a slice into an array with same elements as slice.
func SliceValue[T bool | int64 | float64 | string](v []T) any {
var zero T
cp := reflect.New(reflect.ArrayOf(len(v), reflect.TypeOf(zero)))
copy(cp.Elem().Slice(0, len(v)).Interface().([]T), v)
return cp.Elem().Interface()
// AsSlice convert an array into a slice into with same elements as array.
func AsSlice[T bool | int64 | float64 | string](v any) []T {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.Type().Kind() != reflect.Array {
return nil
var zero T
correctLen := rv.Len()
correctType := reflect.ArrayOf(correctLen, reflect.TypeOf(zero))
cpy := reflect.New(correctType)
_ = reflect.Copy(cpy.Elem(), rv)
return cpy.Elem().Slice(0, correctLen).Interface().([]T)
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ type InstrumentProvider interface {
// Counter is an instrument that records increasing values.
type Counter interface {
// Observe records the state of the instrument.
// Observe records the state of the instrument to be x. The value of x is
// assumed to be the exact Counter value to record.
// It is only valid to call this within a callback. If called outside of the
// registered callback it should have no effect on the instrument, and an
@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ type Counter interface {
// UpDownCounter is an instrument that records increasing or decreasing values.
type UpDownCounter interface {
// Observe records the state of the instrument.
// Observe records the state of the instrument to be x. The value of x is
// assumed to be the exact UpDownCounter value to record.
// It is only valid to call this within a callback. If called outside of the
// registered callback it should have no effect on the instrument, and an
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ type UpDownCounter interface {
// Gauge is an instrument that records independent readings.
type Gauge interface {
// Observe records the state of the instrument.
// Observe records the state of the instrument to be x.
// It is only valid to call this within a callback. If called outside of the
// registered callback it should have no effect on the instrument, and an
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