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synced 2025-02-09 15:27:11 +00:00
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@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
# Release History
## 1.3.1 (2023-02-02)
### Other Changes
* Update dependencies to latest versions.
## 1.3.0 (2023-01-06)
### Features Added
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ func (req *Request) OperationValue(value interface{}) bool {
// SetBody sets the specified ReadSeekCloser as the HTTP request body, and sets Content-Type and Content-Length
// accordingly. If the ReadSeekCloser is nil or empty, Content-Length won't be set. If contentType is "",
// Content-Type won't be set.
// Use streaming.NopCloser to turn an io.ReadSeeker into an io.ReadSeekCloser.
func (req *Request) SetBody(body io.ReadSeekCloser, contentType string) error {
var err error
var size int64
@ -30,5 +30,5 @@ const (
Module = "azcore"
// Version is the semantic version (see http://semver.org) of this module.
Version = "v1.3.0"
Version = "v1.3.1"
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ type progress struct {
// NopCloser returns a ReadSeekCloser with a no-op close method wrapping the provided io.ReadSeeker.
// In addition to adding a Close method to an io.ReadSeeker, this can also be used to wrap an
// io.ReadSeekCloser with a no-op Close method to allow explicit control of when the io.ReedSeekCloser
// has its underlying stream closed.
func NopCloser(rs io.ReadSeeker) io.ReadSeekCloser {
return exported.NopCloser(rs)
@ -1,5 +1,45 @@
# Release History
## 1.0.0 (2023-02-07)
### Features Added
* Add support to log calculated block size and count during uploads
* Added MissingSharedKeyCredential error type for cleaner UX. Related to [#19864](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/issues/19864).
### Breaking Changes
* Changed API signatures to map correctly to Azure Storage REST APIs, These changes impact:
* `blob.GetSASURL()`
* `blockblob.StageBlockFromURL()`
* `container.SetAccessPolicy()`
* `container.GetSASURL()`
* `service.GetSASURL()`
* `service.FilterBlobs()`
* `lease.AcquireLease()` (blobs and containers)
* `lease.ChangeLease()` (blobs and containers)
* Type name changes:
* `CpkInfo` -> `CPKInfo`
* `CpkScopeInfo` -> `CPKScopeInfo`
* `RuleId` -> `RuleID`
* `PolicyId` -> `PolicyID`
* `CorsRule` -> `CORSRule`
* Remove `AccountServices` it is now hardcoded to blobs
### Bugs Fixed
* Fixed encoding issues seen in FilterBlobs. Fixes [#17421](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/issues/17421).
* Fixing inconsistency seen with Metadata and ORS response. Fixes [#19688](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/issues/19688).
* Fixed endless loop during pagination issue [#19773](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/19773).
### Other Changes
* Exported some missing types in the `blob`, `container` and `service` packages. Fixes [#19775](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/issues/19775).
* SAS changes [#19781](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/pull/19781):
* AccountSASPermissions: SetImmutabilityPolicy support
* ContainerSASPermissions: Move support
* Validations to ensure correct sas perm ordering
## 0.6.1 (2022-12-09)
### Bugs Fixed
@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ func NewClient(blobURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptio
authPolicy := runtime.NewBearerTokenPolicy(cred, []string{shared.TokenScope}, nil)
conOptions := shared.GetClientOptions(options)
conOptions.PerRetryPolicies = append(conOptions.PerRetryPolicies, authPolicy)
pl := runtime.NewPipeline(exported.ModuleName, exported.ModuleVersion, runtime.PipelineOptions{}, &conOptions.ClientOptions)
pl := runtime.NewPipeline(exported.ModuleName,
exported.ModuleVersion, runtime.PipelineOptions{},
return (*Client)(base.NewAppendBlobClient(blobURL, pl, nil)), nil
@ -48,7 +50,10 @@ func NewClient(blobURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptio
// - options - client options; pass nil to accept the default values
func NewClientWithNoCredential(blobURL string, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error) {
conOptions := shared.GetClientOptions(options)
pl := runtime.NewPipeline(exported.ModuleName, exported.ModuleVersion, runtime.PipelineOptions{}, &conOptions.ClientOptions)
pl := runtime.NewPipeline(exported.ModuleName,
return (*Client)(base.NewAppendBlobClient(blobURL, pl, nil)), nil
@ -61,7 +66,10 @@ func NewClientWithSharedKeyCredential(blobURL string, cred *blob.SharedKeyCreden
authPolicy := exported.NewSharedKeyCredPolicy(cred)
conOptions := shared.GetClientOptions(options)
conOptions.PerRetryPolicies = append(conOptions.PerRetryPolicies, authPolicy)
pl := runtime.NewPipeline(exported.ModuleName, exported.ModuleVersion, runtime.PipelineOptions{}, &conOptions.ClientOptions)
pl := runtime.NewPipeline(exported.ModuleName,
return (*Client)(base.NewAppendBlobClient(blobURL, pl, cred)), nil
@ -166,7 +174,15 @@ func (ab *Client) AppendBlock(ctx context.Context, body io.ReadSeekCloser, o *Ap
resp, err := ab.generated().AppendBlock(ctx, count, body, appendOptions, leaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScope, modifiedAccessConditions)
resp, err := ab.generated().AppendBlock(ctx,
return resp, err
@ -174,11 +190,25 @@ func (ab *Client) AppendBlock(ctx context.Context, body io.ReadSeekCloser, o *Ap
// AppendBlockFromURL copies a new block of data from source URL to the end of the existing append blob.
// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/append-block-from-url.
func (ab *Client) AppendBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, source string, o *AppendBlockFromURLOptions) (AppendBlockFromURLResponse, error) {
appendBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions := o.format()
sourceModifiedAccessConditions := o.format()
// content length should be 0 on * from URL. always. It's a 400 if it isn't.
resp, err := ab.generated().AppendBlockFromURL(ctx, source, 0, appendBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo,
leaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions)
resp, err := ab.generated().AppendBlockFromURL(ctx,
return resp, err
@ -186,7 +216,11 @@ func (ab *Client) AppendBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, source string, o *Appe
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/append-blob-seal
func (ab *Client) Seal(ctx context.Context, o *SealOptions) (SealResponse, error) {
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, positionAccessConditions := o.format()
resp, err := ab.generated().Seal(ctx, nil, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, positionAccessConditions)
resp, err := ab.generated().Seal(ctx,
return resp, err
@ -256,7 +290,7 @@ func (ab *Client) SetHTTPHeaders(ctx context.Context, HTTPHeaders blob.HTTPHeade
// SetMetadata changes a blob's metadata.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-metadata.
func (ab *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata map[string]string, o *blob.SetMetadataOptions) (blob.SetMetadataResponse, error) {
func (ab *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata map[string]*string, o *blob.SetMetadataOptions) (blob.SetMetadataResponse, error) {
return ab.BlobClient().SetMetadata(ctx, metadata, o)
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ type CreateOptions struct {
HTTPHeaders *blob.HTTPHeaders
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
// Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations.
Tags map[string]string
@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ type CreateOptions struct {
// are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source
// blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers.
// See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
func (o *CreateOptions) format() (*generated.AppendBlobClientCreateOptions, *generated.BlobHTTPHeaders, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CpkInfo, *generated.CpkScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
func (o *CreateOptions) format() (*generated.AppendBlobClientCreateOptions, *generated.BlobHTTPHeaders, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CPKInfo, *generated.CPKScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func (o *CreateOptions) format() (*generated.AppendBlobClientCreateOptions, *gen
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return &options, o.HTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
return &options, o.HTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -79,21 +79,21 @@ type AppendBlockOptions struct {
AppendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
AccessConditions *blob.AccessConditions
func (o *AppendBlockOptions) format() (*generated.AppendBlobClientAppendBlockOptions, *generated.AppendPositionAccessConditions,
*generated.CpkInfo, *generated.CpkScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions) {
*generated.CPKInfo, *generated.CPKScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return &generated.AppendBlobClientAppendBlockOptions{}, o.AppendPositionAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions
return &generated.AppendBlobClientAppendBlockOptions{}, o.AppendPositionAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ type AppendBlockFromURLOptions struct {
AppendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
SourceModifiedAccessConditions *blob.SourceModifiedAccessConditions
@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ type AppendBlockFromURLOptions struct {
Range blob.HTTPRange
func (o *AppendBlockFromURLOptions) format() (*generated.AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLOptions, *generated.CpkInfo,
*generated.CpkScopeInfo, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.AppendPositionAccessConditions,
func (o *AppendBlockFromURLOptions) format() (*generated.AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLOptions, *generated.CPKInfo,
*generated.CPKScopeInfo, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.AppendPositionAccessConditions,
*generated.ModifiedAccessConditions, *generated.SourceModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ func (o *AppendBlockFromURLOptions) format() (*generated.AppendBlobClientAppendB
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return options, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, o.AppendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions
return options, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, o.AppendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ type AppendBlockFromURLResponse = generated.AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLRe
// SealResponse contains the response from method Client.Seal.
type SealResponse = generated.AppendBlobClientSealResponse
// SetExpiryResponse contains the response from method BlobClient.SetExpiry.
// SetExpiryResponse contains the response from method Client.SetExpiry.
type SetExpiryResponse = generated.BlobClientSetExpiryResponse
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"AssetsRepo": "Azure/azure-sdk-assets",
"AssetsRepoPrefixPath": "go",
"TagPrefix": "go/storage/azblob",
"Tag": "go/storage/azblob_46e572d43a"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ package blob
import (
@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ func (b *Client) Undelete(ctx context.Context, o *UndeleteOptions) (UndeleteResp
// SetTier operation sets the tier on a blob. The operation is allowed on a page
// blob in a premium storage account and on a block blob in a blob storage account (locally
// redundant storage only). A premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPS, and
// redundant storage only). A premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPs, and
// bandwidth of the blob. A block blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive storage type. This operation
// does not update the blob's ETag.
// For detailed information about block blob level tiering see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers.
// For detailed information about block blob level tiers see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers.
func (b *Client) SetTier(ctx context.Context, tier AccessTier, o *SetTierOptions) (SetTierResponse, error) {
opts, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.format()
resp, err := b.generated().SetTier(ctx, tier, opts, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ func (b *Client) SetHTTPHeaders(ctx context.Context, HTTPHeaders HTTPHeaders, o
// SetMetadata changes a blob's metadata.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-metadata.
func (b *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata map[string]string, o *SetMetadataOptions) (SetMetadataResponse, error) {
func (b *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata map[string]*string, o *SetMetadataOptions) (SetMetadataResponse, error) {
basics := generated.BlobClientSetMetadataOptions{Metadata: metadata}
leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScope, modifiedAccessConditions := o.format()
resp, err := b.generated().SetMetadata(ctx, &basics, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScope, modifiedAccessConditions)
@ -266,9 +266,9 @@ func (b *Client) CopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, options *Co
// GetSASURL is a convenience method for generating a SAS token for the currently pointed at blob.
// It can only be used if the credential supplied during creation was a SharedKeyCredential.
func (b *Client) GetSASURL(permissions sas.BlobPermissions, start time.Time, expiry time.Time) (string, error) {
func (b *Client) GetSASURL(permissions sas.BlobPermissions, expiry time.Time, o *GetSASURLOptions) (string, error) {
if b.sharedKey() == nil {
return "", errors.New("credential is not a SharedKeyCredential. SAS can only be signed with a SharedKeyCredential")
return "", bloberror.MissingSharedKeyCredential
urlParts, err := ParseURL(b.URL())
@ -281,16 +281,15 @@ func (b *Client) GetSASURL(permissions sas.BlobPermissions, start time.Time, exp
if err != nil {
t = time.Time{}
st := o.format()
qps, err := sas.BlobSignatureValues{
ContainerName: urlParts.ContainerName,
BlobName: urlParts.BlobName,
SnapshotTime: t,
Version: sas.Version,
Permissions: permissions.String(),
StartTime: start.UTC(),
StartTime: st,
ExpiryTime: expiry.UTC(),
@ -388,11 +387,11 @@ func (b *Client) DownloadStream(ctx context.Context, o *DownloadStreamOptions) (
return DownloadStreamResponse{
client: b,
BlobClientDownloadResponse: dr,
DownloadResponse: dr,
getInfo: httpGetterInfo{Range: o.Range, ETag: dr.ETag},
ObjectReplicationRules: deserializeORSPolicies(dr.ObjectReplicationRules),
cpkInfo: o.CpkInfo,
cpkScope: o.CpkScopeInfo,
cpkInfo: o.CPKInfo,
cpkScope: o.CPKScopeInfo,
}, err
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func PossibleDeleteSnapshotsOptionTypeValues() []DeleteSnapshotsOptionType {
return generated.PossibleDeleteSnapshotsOptionTypeValues()
// AccessTier defines values for Blob Access Tier
// AccessTier defines values for Blob Access Tier.
type AccessTier = generated.AccessTier
const (
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ func PossibleCopyStatusTypeValues() []CopyStatusType {
return generated.PossibleCopyStatusTypeValues()
// EncryptionAlgorithmType defines values for EncryptionAlgorithmType
// EncryptionAlgorithmType defines values for EncryptionAlgorithmType.
type EncryptionAlgorithmType = generated.EncryptionAlgorithmType
const (
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ func PossibleEncryptionAlgorithmTypeValues() []EncryptionAlgorithmType {
return generated.PossibleEncryptionAlgorithmTypeValues()
// ArchiveStatus defines values for ArchiveStatus
// ArchiveStatus defines values for ArchiveStatus.
type ArchiveStatus = generated.ArchiveStatus
const (
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ func PossibleArchiveStatusValues() []ArchiveStatus {
return generated.PossibleArchiveStatusValues()
// DeleteType defines values for DeleteType
// DeleteType defines values for DeleteType.
type DeleteType = generated.DeleteType
const (
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ type SourceContentValidationType interface {
// SourceContentValidationTypeCRC64 is a SourceContentValidationType used to provided a precomputed CRC64.
// SourceContentValidationTypeCRC64 is a SourceContentValidationType used to provide a precomputed CRC64.
type SourceContentValidationTypeCRC64 []byte
// Apply implements the SourceContentValidationType interface for type SourceContentValidationTypeCRC64.
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ func (SourceContentValidationTypeCRC64) notPubliclyImplementable() {}
var _ SourceContentValidationType = (SourceContentValidationTypeCRC64)(nil)
// SourceContentValidationTypeMD5 is a SourceContentValidationType used to provided a precomputed MD5.
// SourceContentValidationTypeMD5 is a SourceContentValidationType used to provide a precomputed MD5.
type SourceContentValidationTypeMD5 []byte
// Apply implements the SourceContentValidationType interface for type SourceContentValidationTypeMD5.
@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ type LeaseAccessConditions = exported.LeaseAccessConditions
// ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for specifying access conditions.
type ModifiedAccessConditions = exported.ModifiedAccessConditions
// CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for client provided encryption key.
type CpkInfo = generated.CpkInfo
// CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for client provided encryption key.
type CPKInfo = generated.CPKInfo
// CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for client provided encryption scope.
type CpkScopeInfo = generated.CpkScopeInfo
// CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for client provided encryption scope.
type CPKScopeInfo = generated.CPKScopeInfo
// HTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
type HTTPHeaders = generated.BlobHTTPHeaders
@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ type DownloadStreamOptions struct {
Range HTTPRange
AccessConditions *AccessConditions
CpkInfo *CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo
func (o *DownloadStreamOptions) format() (*generated.BlobClientDownloadOptions, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CpkInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
func (o *DownloadStreamOptions) format() (*generated.BlobClientDownloadOptions, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CPKInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func (o *DownloadStreamOptions) format() (*generated.BlobClientDownloadOptions,
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return &basics, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
return &basics, leaseAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ type downloadOptions struct {
AccessConditions *AccessConditions
// ClientProvidedKeyOptions indicates the client provided key by name and/or by value to encrypt/decrypt data.
CpkInfo *CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo
// Concurrency indicates the maximum number of blocks to download in parallel (0=default)
// Concurrency indicates the maximum number of blocks to download in parallel (0=default).
Concurrency uint16
// RetryReaderOptionsPerBlock is used when downloading each block.
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ func (o *downloadOptions) getBlobPropertiesOptions() *GetPropertiesOptions {
return &GetPropertiesOptions{
AccessConditions: o.AccessConditions,
CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo,
CPKInfo: o.CPKInfo,
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ func (o *downloadOptions) getDownloadBlobOptions(rnge HTTPRange, rangeGetContent
return &DownloadStreamOptions{
AccessConditions: o.AccessConditions,
CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo,
CpkScopeInfo: o.CpkScopeInfo,
CPKInfo: o.CPKInfo,
CPKScopeInfo: o.CPKScopeInfo,
Range: rnge,
RangeGetContentMD5: rangeGetContentMD5,
@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ type DownloadBufferOptions struct {
// BlobAccessConditions indicates the access conditions used when making HTTP GET requests against the blob.
AccessConditions *AccessConditions
// CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for client provided encryption key.
CpkInfo *CpkInfo
// CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for client provided encryption key.
CPKInfo *CPKInfo
// CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for client provided encryption scope.
CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo
// CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for client provided encryption scope.
CPKScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo
// Concurrency indicates the maximum number of blocks to download in parallel (0=default)
// Concurrency indicates the maximum number of blocks to download in parallel (0=default).
Concurrency uint16
// RetryReaderOptionsPerBlock is used when downloading each block.
@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ type DownloadFileOptions struct {
AccessConditions *AccessConditions
// ClientProvidedKeyOptions indicates the client provided key by name and/or by value to encrypt/decrypt data.
CpkInfo *CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo
// Concurrency indicates the maximum number of blocks to download in parallel. The default value is 5.
Concurrency uint16
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ type DownloadFileOptions struct {
// DeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.Delete method.
type DeleteOptions struct {
// Required if the blob has associated snapshots. Specify one of the following two options: include: Delete the base blob
// and all of its snapshots. only: Delete only the blob's snapshots and not the blob itself
// and all of its snapshots. only: Delete only the blob's snapshots and not the blob itself.
DeleteSnapshots *DeleteSnapshotsOptionType
AccessConditions *AccessConditions
// Setting DeleteType to DeleteTypePermanent will permanently delete soft-delete snapshot and/or version blobs.
@ -253,17 +253,17 @@ func (o *SetTierOptions) format() (*generated.BlobClientSetTierOptions, *generat
// GetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.GetProperties method
type GetPropertiesOptions struct {
AccessConditions *AccessConditions
CpkInfo *CpkInfo
CPKInfo *CPKInfo
func (o *GetPropertiesOptions) format() (*generated.BlobClientGetPropertiesOptions,
*generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CpkInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
*generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CPKInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return nil, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
return nil, leaseAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -287,32 +287,32 @@ func (o *SetHTTPHeadersOptions) format() (*generated.BlobClientSetHTTPHeadersOpt
// SetMetadataOptions provides set of configurations for Set Metadata on blob operation
type SetMetadataOptions struct {
AccessConditions *AccessConditions
CpkInfo *CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo
func (o *SetMetadataOptions) format() (*generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *CpkInfo,
*CpkScopeInfo, *ModifiedAccessConditions) {
func (o *SetMetadataOptions) format() (*generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *CPKInfo,
*CPKScopeInfo, *ModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
return leaseAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateSnapshotOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.CreateSnapshot method.
type CreateSnapshotOptions struct {
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
AccessConditions *AccessConditions
CpkInfo *CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo
func (o *CreateSnapshotOptions) format() (*generated.BlobClientCreateSnapshotOptions, *generated.CpkInfo,
*generated.CpkScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions) {
func (o *CreateSnapshotOptions) format() (*generated.BlobClientCreateSnapshotOptions, *generated.CPKInfo,
*generated.CPKScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ func (o *CreateSnapshotOptions) format() (*generated.BlobClientCreateSnapshotOpt
return &generated.BlobClientCreateSnapshotOptions{
Metadata: o.Metadata,
}, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions
}, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ type StartCopyFromURLOptions struct {
// are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source
// blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers.
// See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Optional: Indicates the priority with which to rehydrate an archived blob.
RehydratePriority *RehydratePriority
// Overrides the sealed state of the destination blob. Service version 2019-12-12 and newer.
@ -496,6 +496,27 @@ func (o *SetLegalHoldOptions) format() *generated.BlobClientSetLegalHoldOptions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetSASURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.GetSASURL method.
type GetSASURLOptions struct {
StartTime *time.Time
func (o *GetSASURLOptions) format() time.Time {
if o == nil {
return time.Time{}
var st time.Time
if o.StartTime != nil {
st = o.StartTime.UTC()
} else {
st = time.Time{}
return st
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.CopyFromURL method.
type CopyFromURLOptions struct {
// Optional. Used to set blob tags in various blob operations.
@ -514,7 +535,7 @@ type CopyFromURLOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Specify the md5 calculated for the range of bytes that must be read from the copy source.
SourceContentMD5 []byte
// Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the blob.
@ -13,22 +13,25 @@ import (
// DownloadResponse contains the response from method BlobClient.Download.
type DownloadResponse = generated.BlobClientDownloadResponse
// DownloadStreamResponse contains the response from the DownloadStream method.
// To read from the stream, read from the Body field, or call the NewRetryReader method.
type DownloadStreamResponse struct {
ObjectReplicationRules []ObjectReplicationPolicy
client *Client
getInfo httpGetterInfo
cpkInfo *CpkInfo
cpkScope *CpkScopeInfo
cpkInfo *CPKInfo
cpkScope *CPKScopeInfo
// NewRetryReader constructs new RetryReader stream for reading data. If a connection fails while
// reading, it will make additional requests to reestablish a connection and continue reading.
// Pass nil for options to accept the default options.
// Callers of this method should not access the DowloadStreamResponse.Body field.
// Callers of this method should not access the DownloadStreamResponse.Body field.
func (r *DownloadStreamResponse) NewRetryReader(ctx context.Context, options *RetryReaderOptions) *RetryReader {
if options == nil {
options = &RetryReaderOptions{}
@ -41,8 +44,8 @@ func (r *DownloadStreamResponse) NewRetryReader(ctx context.Context, options *Re
options := DownloadStreamOptions{
Range: getInfo.Range,
AccessConditions: accessConditions,
CpkInfo: r.cpkInfo,
CpkScopeInfo: r.cpkScope,
CPKInfo: r.cpkInfo,
CPKScopeInfo: r.cpkScope,
resp, err := r.client.DownloadStream(ctx, &options)
if err != nil {
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ type RetryReaderOptions struct {
injectedError error
// RetryReader attempts to read from response, and if there is retriable network error
// RetryReader attempts to read from response, and if there is a retry-able network error
// returned during reading, it will retry according to retry reader option through executing
// user defined action with provided data to get a new response, and continue the overall reading process
// through reading from the new response.
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ func (s *RetryReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
// net.Conn.Close, and that is documented as "Any blocked Read or Write operations will be unblocked and return errors"
// which is exactly the behaviour we want.
// NOTE: that if caller has forced an early Close from a separate goroutine (separate from the Read)
// then there are two different types of error that may happen - either the one one we check for here,
// then there are two different types of error that may happen - either the one we check for here,
// or a net.Error (due to closure of connection). Which one happens depends on timing. We only need this routine
// to check for one, since the other is a net.Error, which our main Read retry loop is already handing.
func (s *RetryReader) wasRetryableEarlyClose(err error) bool {
@ -14,25 +14,25 @@ import (
// ObjectReplicationRules struct
type ObjectReplicationRules struct {
RuleId string
RuleID string
Status string
// ObjectReplicationPolicy are deserialized attributes
// ObjectReplicationPolicy are deserialized attributes.
type ObjectReplicationPolicy struct {
PolicyId *string
PolicyID *string
Rules *[]ObjectReplicationRules
// deserializeORSPolicies is utility function to deserialize ORS Policies
func deserializeORSPolicies(policies map[string]string) (objectReplicationPolicies []ObjectReplicationPolicy) {
// deserializeORSPolicies is utility function to deserialize ORS Policies.
func deserializeORSPolicies(policies map[string]*string) (objectReplicationPolicies []ObjectReplicationPolicy) {
if policies == nil {
return nil
// For source blobs (blobs that have policy ids and rule ids applied to them),
// the header will be formatted as "x-ms-or-<policy_id>_<rule_id>: {Complete, Failed}".
// The value of this header is the status of the replication.
orPolicyStatusHeader := make(map[string]string)
orPolicyStatusHeader := make(map[string]*string)
for key, value := range policies {
if strings.Contains(key, "or-") && key != "x-ms-or-policy-id" {
orPolicyStatusHeader[key] = value
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ func deserializeORSPolicies(policies map[string]string) (objectReplicationPolici
policyAndRuleIDs := strings.Split(strings.Split(key, "or-")[1], "_")
policyId, ruleId := policyAndRuleIDs[0], policyAndRuleIDs[1]
parsedResult[policyId] = append(parsedResult[policyId], ObjectReplicationRules{RuleId: ruleId, Status: value})
parsedResult[policyId] = append(parsedResult[policyId], ObjectReplicationRules{RuleID: ruleId, Status: *value})
for policyId, rules := range parsedResult {
objectReplicationPolicies = append(objectReplicationPolicies, ObjectReplicationPolicy{
PolicyId: &policyId,
PolicyID: &policyId,
Rules: &rules,
// ParseHTTPHeaders parses GetPropertiesResponse and returns HTTPHeaders
// ParseHTTPHeaders parses GetPropertiesResponse and returns HTTPHeaders.
func ParseHTTPHeaders(resp GetPropertiesResponse) HTTPHeaders {
return HTTPHeaders{
BlobContentType: resp.ContentType,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
//go:build go1.18
// +build go1.18
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
package bloberror
import (
// HasCode returns true if the provided error is an *azcore.ResponseError
// with its ErrorCode field equal to one of the specified Codes.
func HasCode(err error, codes ...Code) bool {
var respErr *azcore.ResponseError
if !errors.As(err, &respErr) {
return false
for _, code := range codes {
if respErr.ErrorCode == string(code) {
return true
return false
// Code - Error codes returned by the service
type Code = generated.StorageErrorCode
const (
AccountAlreadyExists Code = "AccountAlreadyExists"
AccountBeingCreated Code = "AccountBeingCreated"
AccountIsDisabled Code = "AccountIsDisabled"
AppendPositionConditionNotMet Code = "AppendPositionConditionNotMet"
AuthenticationFailed Code = "AuthenticationFailed"
AuthorizationFailure Code = "AuthorizationFailure"
AuthorizationPermissionMismatch Code = "AuthorizationPermissionMismatch"
AuthorizationProtocolMismatch Code = "AuthorizationProtocolMismatch"
AuthorizationResourceTypeMismatch Code = "AuthorizationResourceTypeMismatch"
AuthorizationServiceMismatch Code = "AuthorizationServiceMismatch"
AuthorizationSourceIPMismatch Code = "AuthorizationSourceIPMismatch"
BlobAlreadyExists Code = "BlobAlreadyExists"
BlobArchived Code = "BlobArchived"
BlobBeingRehydrated Code = "BlobBeingRehydrated"
BlobImmutableDueToPolicy Code = "BlobImmutableDueToPolicy"
BlobNotArchived Code = "BlobNotArchived"
BlobNotFound Code = "BlobNotFound"
BlobOverwritten Code = "BlobOverwritten"
BlobTierInadequateForContentLength Code = "BlobTierInadequateForContentLength"
BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryption Code = "BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryption"
BlockCountExceedsLimit Code = "BlockCountExceedsLimit"
BlockListTooLong Code = "BlockListTooLong"
CannotChangeToLowerTier Code = "CannotChangeToLowerTier"
CannotVerifyCopySource Code = "CannotVerifyCopySource"
ConditionHeadersNotSupported Code = "ConditionHeadersNotSupported"
ConditionNotMet Code = "ConditionNotMet"
ContainerAlreadyExists Code = "ContainerAlreadyExists"
ContainerBeingDeleted Code = "ContainerBeingDeleted"
ContainerDisabled Code = "ContainerDisabled"
ContainerNotFound Code = "ContainerNotFound"
ContentLengthLargerThanTierLimit Code = "ContentLengthLargerThanTierLimit"
CopyAcrossAccountsNotSupported Code = "CopyAcrossAccountsNotSupported"
CopyIDMismatch Code = "CopyIdMismatch"
EmptyMetadataKey Code = "EmptyMetadataKey"
FeatureVersionMismatch Code = "FeatureVersionMismatch"
IncrementalCopyBlobMismatch Code = "IncrementalCopyBlobMismatch"
IncrementalCopyOfEralierVersionSnapshotNotAllowed Code = "IncrementalCopyOfEralierVersionSnapshotNotAllowed"
IncrementalCopySourceMustBeSnapshot Code = "IncrementalCopySourceMustBeSnapshot"
InfiniteLeaseDurationRequired Code = "InfiniteLeaseDurationRequired"
InsufficientAccountPermissions Code = "InsufficientAccountPermissions"
InternalError Code = "InternalError"
InvalidAuthenticationInfo Code = "InvalidAuthenticationInfo"
InvalidBlobOrBlock Code = "InvalidBlobOrBlock"
InvalidBlobTier Code = "InvalidBlobTier"
InvalidBlobType Code = "InvalidBlobType"
InvalidBlockID Code = "InvalidBlockId"
InvalidBlockList Code = "InvalidBlockList"
InvalidHTTPVerb Code = "InvalidHttpVerb"
InvalidHeaderValue Code = "InvalidHeaderValue"
InvalidInput Code = "InvalidInput"
InvalidMD5 Code = "InvalidMd5"
InvalidMetadata Code = "InvalidMetadata"
InvalidOperation Code = "InvalidOperation"
InvalidPageRange Code = "InvalidPageRange"
InvalidQueryParameterValue Code = "InvalidQueryParameterValue"
InvalidRange Code = "InvalidRange"
InvalidResourceName Code = "InvalidResourceName"
InvalidSourceBlobType Code = "InvalidSourceBlobType"
InvalidSourceBlobURL Code = "InvalidSourceBlobUrl"
InvalidURI Code = "InvalidUri"
InvalidVersionForPageBlobOperation Code = "InvalidVersionForPageBlobOperation"
InvalidXMLDocument Code = "InvalidXmlDocument"
InvalidXMLNodeValue Code = "InvalidXmlNodeValue"
LeaseAlreadyBroken Code = "LeaseAlreadyBroken"
LeaseAlreadyPresent Code = "LeaseAlreadyPresent"
LeaseIDMismatchWithBlobOperation Code = "LeaseIdMismatchWithBlobOperation"
LeaseIDMismatchWithContainerOperation Code = "LeaseIdMismatchWithContainerOperation"
LeaseIDMismatchWithLeaseOperation Code = "LeaseIdMismatchWithLeaseOperation"
LeaseIDMissing Code = "LeaseIdMissing"
LeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeAcquired Code = "LeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeAcquired"
LeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeChanged Code = "LeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeChanged"
LeaseIsBrokenAndCannotBeRenewed Code = "LeaseIsBrokenAndCannotBeRenewed"
LeaseLost Code = "LeaseLost"
LeaseNotPresentWithBlobOperation Code = "LeaseNotPresentWithBlobOperation"
LeaseNotPresentWithContainerOperation Code = "LeaseNotPresentWithContainerOperation"
LeaseNotPresentWithLeaseOperation Code = "LeaseNotPresentWithLeaseOperation"
MD5Mismatch Code = "Md5Mismatch"
CRC64Mismatch Code = "Crc64Mismatch"
MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet Code = "MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet"
MetadataTooLarge Code = "MetadataTooLarge"
MissingContentLengthHeader Code = "MissingContentLengthHeader"
MissingRequiredHeader Code = "MissingRequiredHeader"
MissingRequiredQueryParameter Code = "MissingRequiredQueryParameter"
MissingRequiredXMLNode Code = "MissingRequiredXmlNode"
MultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported Code = "MultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported"
NoAuthenticationInformation Code = "NoAuthenticationInformation"
NoPendingCopyOperation Code = "NoPendingCopyOperation"
OperationNotAllowedOnIncrementalCopyBlob Code = "OperationNotAllowedOnIncrementalCopyBlob"
OperationTimedOut Code = "OperationTimedOut"
OutOfRangeInput Code = "OutOfRangeInput"
OutOfRangeQueryParameterValue Code = "OutOfRangeQueryParameterValue"
PendingCopyOperation Code = "PendingCopyOperation"
PreviousSnapshotCannotBeNewer Code = "PreviousSnapshotCannotBeNewer"
PreviousSnapshotNotFound Code = "PreviousSnapshotNotFound"
PreviousSnapshotOperationNotSupported Code = "PreviousSnapshotOperationNotSupported"
RequestBodyTooLarge Code = "RequestBodyTooLarge"
RequestURLFailedToParse Code = "RequestUrlFailedToParse"
ResourceAlreadyExists Code = "ResourceAlreadyExists"
ResourceNotFound Code = "ResourceNotFound"
ResourceTypeMismatch Code = "ResourceTypeMismatch"
SequenceNumberConditionNotMet Code = "SequenceNumberConditionNotMet"
SequenceNumberIncrementTooLarge Code = "SequenceNumberIncrementTooLarge"
ServerBusy Code = "ServerBusy"
SnapshotCountExceeded Code = "SnapshotCountExceeded"
SnapshotOperationRateExceeded Code = "SnapshotOperationRateExceeded"
SnapshotsPresent Code = "SnapshotsPresent"
SourceConditionNotMet Code = "SourceConditionNotMet"
SystemInUse Code = "SystemInUse"
TargetConditionNotMet Code = "TargetConditionNotMet"
UnauthorizedBlobOverwrite Code = "UnauthorizedBlobOverwrite"
UnsupportedHTTPVerb Code = "UnsupportedHttpVerb"
UnsupportedHeader Code = "UnsupportedHeader"
UnsupportedQueryParameter Code = "UnsupportedQueryParameter"
UnsupportedXMLNode Code = "UnsupportedXmlNode"
var (
// MissingSharedKeyCredential - Error is returned when SAS URL is being created without SharedKeyCredential.
MissingSharedKeyCredential = errors.New("SAS can only be signed with a SharedKeyCredential")
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
@ -189,12 +190,11 @@ func (bb *Client) StageBlock(ctx context.Context, base64BlockID string, body io.
// StageBlockFromURL copies the specified block from a source URL to the block blob's "staging area" to be later committed by a call to CommitBlockList.
// If count is CountToEnd (0), then data is read from specified offset to the end.
// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/put-block-from-url.
func (bb *Client) StageBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, base64BlockID string, sourceURL string,
contentLength int64, options *StageBlockFromURLOptions) (StageBlockFromURLResponse, error) {
func (bb *Client) StageBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, base64BlockID string, sourceURL string, options *StageBlockFromURLOptions) (StageBlockFromURLResponse, error) {
stageBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions := options.format()
resp, err := bb.generated().StageBlockFromURL(ctx, base64BlockID, contentLength, sourceURL, stageBlockFromURLOptions,
resp, err := bb.generated().StageBlockFromURL(ctx, base64BlockID, 0, sourceURL, stageBlockFromURLOptions,
cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions)
return resp, err
@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ func (bb *Client) CommitBlockList(ctx context.Context, base64BlockIDs []string,
var commitOptions *generated.BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListOptions
var headers *generated.BlobHTTPHeaders
var leaseAccess *blob.LeaseAccessConditions
var cpkInfo *generated.CpkInfo
var cpkScope *generated.CpkScopeInfo
var cpkInfo *generated.CPKInfo
var cpkScope *generated.CPKScopeInfo
var modifiedAccess *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions
if options != nil {
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ func (bb *Client) CommitBlockList(ctx context.Context, base64BlockIDs []string,
headers = options.HTTPHeaders
leaseAccess, modifiedAccess = exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(options.AccessConditions)
cpkInfo = options.CpkInfo
cpkScope = options.CpkScopeInfo
cpkInfo = options.CPKInfo
cpkScope = options.CPKScopeInfo
resp, err := bb.generated().CommitBlockList(ctx, blockLookupList, commitOptions, headers, leaseAccess, cpkInfo, cpkScope, modifiedAccess)
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ func (bb *Client) SetLegalHold(ctx context.Context, legalHold bool, options *blo
// SetTier operation sets the tier on a blob. The operation is allowed on a page
// blob in a premium storage account and on a block blob in a blob storage account (locally
// redundant storage only). A premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPS, and
// redundant storage only). A premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPs, and
// bandwidth of the blob. A block blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive storage type. This operation
// does not update the blob's ETag.
// For detailed information about block blob level tiering see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers.
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ func (bb *Client) SetHTTPHeaders(ctx context.Context, HTTPHeaders blob.HTTPHeade
// SetMetadata changes a blob's metadata.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-metadata.
func (bb *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata map[string]string, o *blob.SetMetadataOptions) (blob.SetMetadataResponse, error) {
func (bb *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata map[string]*string, o *blob.SetMetadataOptions) (blob.SetMetadataResponse, error) {
return bb.BlobClient().SetMetadata(ctx, metadata, o)
@ -411,6 +411,14 @@ func (bb *Client) uploadFromReader(ctx context.Context, reader io.ReaderAt, actu
return uploadFromReaderResponse{}, errors.New("block limit exceeded")
if log.Should(exported.EventUpload) {
urlparts, err := blob.ParseURL(bb.generated().Endpoint())
if err == nil {
log.Writef(exported.EventUpload, "blob name %s actual size %v block-size %v block-count %v",
urlparts.BlobName, actualSize, o.BlockSize, numBlocks)
blockIDList := make([]string, numBlocks) // Base-64 encoded block IDs
progress := int64(0)
progressLock := &sync.Mutex{}
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ package blockblob
import "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal/generated"
const (
// CountToEnd specifies the end of the file
// CountToEnd specifies the end of the file.
CountToEnd = 0
_1MiB = 1024 * 1024
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import (
// Block - Represents a single block in a block blob. It describes the block's ID and size.
type Block = generated.Block
// BlockList - type of blocklist (committed/uncommitted)
// BlockList - can be uncommitted or committed blocks (committed/uncommitted)
type BlockList = generated.BlockList
// Request Model Declaration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type UploadOptions struct {
Tags map[string]string
// Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the blob.
Tier *blob.AccessTier
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ type UploadOptions struct {
TransactionalContentMD5 []byte
HTTPHeaders *blob.HTTPHeaders
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
AccessConditions *blob.AccessConditions
LegalHold *bool
ImmutabilityPolicyMode *blob.ImmutabilityPolicySetting
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ type UploadOptions struct {
func (o *UploadOptions) format() (*generated.BlockBlobClientUploadOptions, *generated.BlobHTTPHeaders, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions,
*generated.CpkInfo, *generated.CpkScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
*generated.CPKInfo, *generated.CPKScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
@ -65,16 +65,16 @@ func (o *UploadOptions) format() (*generated.BlockBlobClientUploadOptions, *gene
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return &basics, o.HTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
return &basics, o.HTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StageBlockOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.StageBlock method.
type StageBlockOptions struct {
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
LeaseAccessConditions *blob.LeaseAccessConditions
@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ type StageBlockOptions struct {
// StageBlockOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.StageBlock method.
func (o *StageBlockOptions) format() (*generated.BlockBlobClientStageBlockOptions, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CpkInfo, *generated.CpkScopeInfo) {
func (o *StageBlockOptions) format() (*generated.BlockBlobClientStageBlockOptions, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CPKInfo, *generated.CPKScopeInfo) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
return &generated.BlockBlobClientStageBlockOptions{}, o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo
return &generated.BlockBlobClientStageBlockOptions{}, o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ type StageBlockFromURLOptions struct {
// Range specifies a range of bytes. The default value is all bytes.
Range blob.HTTPRange
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
func (o *StageBlockFromURLOptions) format() (*generated.BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLOptions, *generated.CpkInfo, *generated.CpkScopeInfo, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.SourceModifiedAccessConditions) {
func (o *StageBlockFromURLOptions) format() (*generated.BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLOptions, *generated.CPKInfo, *generated.CPKScopeInfo, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.SourceModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ func (o *StageBlockFromURLOptions) format() (*generated.BlockBlobClientStageBloc
return options, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions
return options, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, o.LeaseAccessConditions, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -136,15 +136,15 @@ func (o *StageBlockFromURLOptions) format() (*generated.BlockBlobClientStageBloc
// CommitBlockListOptions contains the optional parameters for Client.CommitBlockList method.
type CommitBlockListOptions struct {
Tags map[string]string
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
RequestID *string
Tier *blob.AccessTier
Timeout *int32
TransactionalContentCRC64 []byte
TransactionalContentMD5 []byte
HTTPHeaders *blob.HTTPHeaders
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
AccessConditions *blob.AccessConditions
LegalHold *bool
ImmutabilityPolicyMode *blob.ImmutabilityPolicySetting
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ type uploadFromReaderOptions struct {
HTTPHeaders *blob.HTTPHeaders
// Metadata indicates the metadata to be associated with the blob when PutBlockList is called.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// AccessConditions indicates the access conditions for the block blob.
AccessConditions *blob.AccessConditions
@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ type uploadFromReaderOptions struct {
Tags map[string]string
// ClientProvidedKeyOptions indicates the client provided key by name and/or by value to encrypt/decrypt data.
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
// Concurrency indicates the maximum number of blocks to upload in parallel (0=default)
Concurrency uint16
@ -209,17 +209,17 @@ type uploadFromReaderOptions struct {
TransactionalContentMD5 []byte
// UploadBufferOptions provides set of configurations for UploadBuffer operation
// UploadBufferOptions provides set of configurations for UploadBuffer operation.
type UploadBufferOptions = uploadFromReaderOptions
// UploadFileOptions provides set of configurations for UploadFile operation
// UploadFileOptions provides set of configurations for UploadFile operation.
type UploadFileOptions = uploadFromReaderOptions
func (o *uploadFromReaderOptions) getStageBlockOptions() *StageBlockOptions {
leaseAccessConditions, _ := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return &StageBlockOptions{
CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo,
CpkScopeInfo: o.CpkScopeInfo,
CPKInfo: o.CPKInfo,
CPKScopeInfo: o.CPKScopeInfo,
LeaseAccessConditions: leaseAccessConditions,
TransactionalValidation: o.TransactionalValidation,
@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ func (o *uploadFromReaderOptions) getUploadBlockBlobOptions() *UploadOptions {
Tier: o.AccessTier,
HTTPHeaders: o.HTTPHeaders,
AccessConditions: o.AccessConditions,
CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo,
CpkScopeInfo: o.CpkScopeInfo,
CPKInfo: o.CPKInfo,
CPKScopeInfo: o.CPKScopeInfo,
@ -244,16 +244,16 @@ func (o *uploadFromReaderOptions) getCommitBlockListOptions() *CommitBlockListOp
Metadata: o.Metadata,
Tier: o.AccessTier,
HTTPHeaders: o.HTTPHeaders,
CpkInfo: o.CpkInfo,
CpkScopeInfo: o.CpkScopeInfo,
CPKInfo: o.CPKInfo,
CPKScopeInfo: o.CPKScopeInfo,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UploadStreamOptions provides set of configurations for UploadStream operation
// UploadStreamOptions provides set of configurations for UploadStream operation.
type UploadStreamOptions struct {
// BlockSize defines the size of the buffer used during upload. The default and mimimum value is 1 MiB.
// BlockSize defines the size of the buffer used during upload. The default and minimum value is 1 MiB.
BlockSize int64
// Concurrency defines the max number of concurrent uploads to be performed to upload the file.
@ -263,12 +263,12 @@ type UploadStreamOptions struct {
TransactionalValidation blob.TransferValidationType
HTTPHeaders *blob.HTTPHeaders
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
AccessConditions *blob.AccessConditions
AccessTier *blob.AccessTier
Tags map[string]string
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
func (u *UploadStreamOptions) setDefaults() {
@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ func (u *UploadStreamOptions) getStageBlockOptions() *StageBlockOptions {
leaseAccessConditions, _ := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(u.AccessConditions)
return &StageBlockOptions{
TransactionalValidation: u.TransactionalValidation,
CpkInfo: u.CpkInfo,
CpkScopeInfo: u.CpkScopeInfo,
CPKInfo: u.CPKInfo,
CPKScopeInfo: u.CPKScopeInfo,
LeaseAccessConditions: leaseAccessConditions,
@ -305,8 +305,8 @@ func (u *UploadStreamOptions) getCommitBlockListOptions() *CommitBlockListOption
Metadata: u.Metadata,
Tier: u.AccessTier,
HTTPHeaders: u.HTTPHeaders,
CpkInfo: u.CpkInfo,
CpkScopeInfo: u.CpkScopeInfo,
CPKInfo: u.CPKInfo,
CPKScopeInfo: u.CPKScopeInfo,
AccessConditions: u.AccessConditions,
@ -321,27 +321,27 @@ func (u *UploadStreamOptions) getUploadOptions() *UploadOptions {
Metadata: u.Metadata,
Tier: u.AccessTier,
HTTPHeaders: u.HTTPHeaders,
CpkInfo: u.CpkInfo,
CpkScopeInfo: u.CpkScopeInfo,
CPKInfo: u.CPKInfo,
CPKScopeInfo: u.CPKScopeInfo,
AccessConditions: u.AccessConditions,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ExpiryType defines values for ExpiryType
// ExpiryType defines values for ExpiryType.
type ExpiryType = exported.ExpiryType
// ExpiryTypeAbsolute defines the absolute time for the blob expiry
// ExpiryTypeAbsolute defines the absolute time for the blob expiry.
type ExpiryTypeAbsolute = exported.ExpiryTypeAbsolute
// ExpiryTypeRelativeToNow defines the duration relative to now for the blob expiry
// ExpiryTypeRelativeToNow defines the duration relative to now for the blob expiry.
type ExpiryTypeRelativeToNow = exported.ExpiryTypeRelativeToNow
// ExpiryTypeRelativeToCreation defines the duration relative to creation for the blob expiry
// ExpiryTypeRelativeToCreation defines the duration relative to creation for the blob expiry.
type ExpiryTypeRelativeToCreation = exported.ExpiryTypeRelativeToCreation
// ExpiryTypeNever defines that the blob will be set to never expire
// ExpiryTypeNever defines that the blob will be set to never expire.
type ExpiryTypeNever = exported.ExpiryTypeNever
// SetExpiryOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.SetExpiry method.
@ -110,5 +110,5 @@ type UploadBufferResponse = uploadFromReaderResponse
// UploadStreamResponse contains the response from method Client.CommitBlockList.
type UploadStreamResponse = CommitBlockListResponse
// SetExpiryResponse contains the response from method BlobClient.SetExpiry.
// SetExpiryResponse contains the response from method Client.SetExpiry.
type SetExpiryResponse = generated.BlobClientSetExpiryResponse
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
// PublicAccessType defines values for AccessType - private (default) or blob or container
// PublicAccessType defines values for AccessType - private (default) or blob or container.
type PublicAccessType = generated.PublicAccessType
const (
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func PossiblePublicAccessTypeValues() []PublicAccessType {
return generated.PossiblePublicAccessTypeValues()
// DeleteSnapshotsOptionType defines values for DeleteSnapshotsOptionType
// DeleteSnapshotsOptionType defines values for DeleteSnapshotsOptionType.
type DeleteSnapshotsOptionType = generated.DeleteSnapshotsOptionType
const (
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ package container
import (
@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ func (c *Client) NewPageBlobClient(blobName string) *pageblob.Client {
// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/create-container.
func (c *Client) Create(ctx context.Context, options *CreateOptions) (CreateResponse, error) {
var opts *generated.ContainerClientCreateOptions
var cpkScopes *generated.ContainerCpkScopeInfo
var cpkScopes *generated.ContainerCPKScopeInfo
if options != nil {
opts = &generated.ContainerClientCreateOptions{
Access: options.Access,
Metadata: options.Metadata,
cpkScopes = options.CpkScopeInfo
cpkScopes = options.CPKScopeInfo
resp, err := c.generated().Create(ctx, opts, cpkScopes)
@ -217,15 +217,12 @@ func (c *Client) GetAccessPolicy(ctx context.Context, o *GetAccessPolicyOptions)
// SetAccessPolicy sets the container's permissions. The access policy indicates whether blobs in a container may be accessed publicly.
// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-container-acl.
func (c *Client) SetAccessPolicy(ctx context.Context, containerACL []*SignedIdentifier, o *SetAccessPolicyOptions) (SetAccessPolicyResponse, error) {
accessPolicy, mac, lac := o.format()
for _, c := range containerACL {
err := formatTime(c)
func (c *Client) SetAccessPolicy(ctx context.Context, o *SetAccessPolicyOptions) (SetAccessPolicyResponse, error) {
accessPolicy, mac, lac, acl, err := o.format()
if err != nil {
return SetAccessPolicyResponse{}, err
resp, err := c.generated().SetAccessPolicy(ctx, containerACL, accessPolicy, mac, lac)
resp, err := c.generated().SetAccessPolicy(ctx, acl, accessPolicy, mac, lac)
return resp, err
@ -271,12 +268,9 @@ func (c *Client) NewListBlobsFlatPager(o *ListBlobsFlatOptions) *runtime.Pager[L
// NewListBlobsHierarchyPager returns a channel of blobs starting from the specified Marker. Use an empty
// Marker to start enumeration from the beginning. Blob names are returned in lexicographic order.
// After getting a segment, process it, and then call ListBlobsHierarchicalSegment again (passing the the
// After getting a segment, process it, and then call ListBlobsHierarchicalSegment again (passing the
// previously-returned Marker) to get the next segment.
// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/list-blobs.
// AutoPagerTimeout specifies the amount of time with no read operations before the channel times out and closes. Specify no time and it will be ignored.
// AutoPagerBufferSize specifies the channel's buffer size.
// Both the blob item channel and error channel should be watched. Only one error will be released via this channel (or a nil error, to register a clean exit.)
func (c *Client) NewListBlobsHierarchyPager(delimiter string, o *ListBlobsHierarchyOptions) *runtime.Pager[ListBlobsHierarchyResponse] {
listOptions := o.format()
return runtime.NewPager(runtime.PagingHandler[ListBlobsHierarchyResponse]{
@ -309,23 +303,22 @@ func (c *Client) NewListBlobsHierarchyPager(delimiter string, o *ListBlobsHierar
// GetSASURL is a convenience method for generating a SAS token for the currently pointed at container.
// It can only be used if the credential supplied during creation was a SharedKeyCredential.
func (c *Client) GetSASURL(permissions sas.ContainerPermissions, start time.Time, expiry time.Time) (string, error) {
func (c *Client) GetSASURL(permissions sas.ContainerPermissions, expiry time.Time, o *GetSASURLOptions) (string, error) {
if c.sharedKey() == nil {
return "", errors.New("SAS can only be signed with a SharedKeyCredential")
return "", bloberror.MissingSharedKeyCredential
st := o.format()
urlParts, err := blob.ParseURL(c.URL())
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Containers do not have snapshots, nor versions.
qps, err := sas.BlobSignatureValues{
Version: sas.Version,
Protocol: sas.ProtocolHTTPS,
ContainerName: urlParts.ContainerName,
Permissions: permissions.String(),
StartTime: start.UTC(),
StartTime: st,
ExpiryTime: expiry.UTC(),
if err != nil {
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func PossibleAccessTierValues() []AccessTier {
return generated.PossibleAccessTierValues()
// PublicAccessType defines values for AccessType - private (default) or blob or container
// PublicAccessType defines values for AccessType - private (default) or blob or container.
type PublicAccessType = generated.PublicAccessType
const (
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func PossiblePublicAccessTypeValues() []PublicAccessType {
return generated.PossiblePublicAccessTypeValues()
// SKUName defines values for SkuName - LRS, GRS, RAGRS, ZRS, Premium LRS
// SKUName defines values for SkuName - LRS, GRS, RAGRS, ZRS, Premium LRS.
type SKUName = generated.SKUName
const (
@ -25,19 +25,28 @@ func NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey string) (*SharedKeyCredentia
// Request Model Declaration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Create method.
type CpkScopeInfo = generated.ContainerCpkScopeInfo
// CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Create method.
type CPKScopeInfo = generated.ContainerCPKScopeInfo
// BlobProperties - Properties of a blob
// BlobFlatListSegment - List of BlobItem.
type BlobFlatListSegment = generated.BlobFlatListSegment
// BlobHierarchyListSegment - List of BlobItem and BlobPrefix.
type BlobHierarchyListSegment = generated.BlobHierarchyListSegment
// BlobProperties - Properties of a blob.
type BlobProperties = generated.BlobProperties
// BlobItem - An Azure Storage blob
// BlobItem - An Azure Storage blob.
type BlobItem = generated.BlobItem
// BlobTags - Blob tags.
type BlobTags = generated.BlobTags
// BlobPrefix is a blob's prefix when hierarchically listing blobs.
type BlobPrefix = generated.BlobPrefix
// BlobTag - a key/value pair on a blob
// BlobTag - a key/value pair on a blob.
type BlobTag = generated.BlobTag
// AccessConditions identifies container-specific access conditions which you optionally set.
@ -49,28 +58,28 @@ type LeaseAccessConditions = exported.LeaseAccessConditions
// ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for specifying access conditions.
type ModifiedAccessConditions = exported.ModifiedAccessConditions
// AccessPolicy - An Access policy
// AccessPolicy - An Access policy.
type AccessPolicy = generated.AccessPolicy
// AccessPolicyPermission type simplifies creating the permissions string for a container's access policy.
// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set AccessPolicy's Permission field.
type AccessPolicyPermission = exported.AccessPolicyPermission
// SignedIdentifier - signed identifier
// SignedIdentifier - signed identifier.
type SignedIdentifier = generated.SignedIdentifier
// Request Model Declaration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.Create method.
type CreateOptions struct {
// Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access
// Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access.
Access *PublicAccessType
// Optional. Specifies a user-defined name-value pair associated with the blob.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Optional. Specifies the encryption scope settings to set on the container.
CpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo
CPKScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -170,11 +179,11 @@ type ListBlobsFlatOptions struct {
// as the value for the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next
// page of list items. The marker value is opaque to the client.
Marker *string
// Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify maxresults, or specifies a value
// Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify MaxResults, or specifies a value
// greater than 5000, the server will return up to 5000 items. Note that if the
// listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the service will return a continuation token for retrieving the remainder
// of the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will
// return fewer results than specified by maxresults, or than the default of 5000.
// return fewer results than specified by MaxResults, or than the default of 5000.
MaxResults *int32
// Filters the results to return only containers whose name begins with the specified prefix.
Prefix *string
@ -192,11 +201,11 @@ type ListBlobsHierarchyOptions struct {
// as the value for the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next
// page of list items. The marker value is opaque to the client.
Marker *string
// Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify maxresults, or specifies a value
// Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify MaxResults, or specifies a value
// greater than 5000, the server will return up to 5000 items. Note that if the
// listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the service will return a continuation token for retrieving the remainder
// of the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will
// return fewer results than specified by maxresults, or than the default of 5000.
// return fewer results than specified by MaxResults, or than the default of 5000.
MaxResults *int32
// Filters the results to return only containers whose name begins with the specified prefix.
Prefix *string
@ -218,9 +227,30 @@ func (o *ListBlobsHierarchyOptions) format() generated.ContainerClientListBlobHi
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetSASURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.GetSASURL method.
type GetSASURLOptions struct {
StartTime *time.Time
func (o *GetSASURLOptions) format() time.Time {
if o == nil {
return time.Time{}
var st time.Time
if o.StartTime != nil {
st = o.StartTime.UTC()
} else {
st = time.Time{}
return st
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetMetadataOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.SetMetadata method.
type SetMetadataOptions struct {
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
LeaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions
ModifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions
@ -250,23 +280,31 @@ func (o *GetAccessPolicyOptions) format() (*generated.ContainerClientGetAccessPo
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetAccessPolicyOptions provides set of configurations for ContainerClient.SetAccessPolicy operation
// SetAccessPolicyOptions provides set of configurations for ContainerClient.SetAccessPolicy operation.
type SetAccessPolicyOptions struct {
// Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access
// Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access.
// If this header is not included in the request, container data is private to the account owner.
Access *PublicAccessType
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
AccessConditions *AccessConditions
ContainerACL []*SignedIdentifier
func (o *SetAccessPolicyOptions) format() (*generated.ContainerClientSetAccessPolicyOptions, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions) {
func (o *SetAccessPolicyOptions) format() (*generated.ContainerClientSetAccessPolicyOptions, *LeaseAccessConditions, *ModifiedAccessConditions, []*SignedIdentifier, error) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
if o.ContainerACL != nil {
for _, c := range o.ContainerACL {
err := formatTime(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
lac, mac := exported.FormatContainerAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return &generated.ContainerClientSetAccessPolicyOptions{
Access: o.Access,
}, lac, mac
}, lac, mac, o.ContainerACL, nil
func formatTime(c *SignedIdentifier) error {
@ -25,9 +25,15 @@ type GetPropertiesResponse = generated.ContainerClientGetPropertiesResponse
// ListBlobsFlatResponse contains the response from method Client.ListBlobFlatSegment.
type ListBlobsFlatResponse = generated.ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentResponse
// ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse - An enumeration of blobs
type ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse = generated.ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse
// ListBlobsHierarchyResponse contains the response from method Client.ListBlobHierarchySegment.
type ListBlobsHierarchyResponse = generated.ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse
// ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse - An enumeration of blobs
type ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse = generated.ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse
// SetMetadataResponse contains the response from method Client.SetMetadata.
type SetMetadataResponse = generated.ContainerClientSetMetadataResponse
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
package exported
import (
// NOTE: these are publicly exported via type-aliasing in azblob/log.go
const (
// EventUpload is used when we compute number of blocks to upload and size of each block.
EventUpload log.Event = "azblob.Upload"
@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ package exported
const (
ModuleName = "azblob"
ModuleVersion = "v0.6.1"
ModuleVersion = "v1.0.0"
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ modelerfour:
seal-single-value-enum-by-default: true
lenient-model-deduplication: true
export-clients: true
use: "@autorest/go@4.0.0-preview.43"
use: "@autorest/go@4.0.0-preview.45"
### Remove pager methods and export various generated methods in container client
@ -321,3 +321,67 @@ directive:
from: BlobPropertiesInternal
to: BlobProperties
### Updating encoding URL, Golang adds '+' which disrupts encoding with service
``` yaml
- from: zz_service_client.go
where: $
transform: >-
return $.
replace(/req.Raw\(\).URL.RawQuery \= reqQP.Encode\(\)/, `req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = strings.Replace(reqQP.Encode(), "+", "%20", -1)`)
### Change `where` parameter in blob filtering to be required
``` yaml
- from: swagger-document
where: $.parameters.FilterBlobsWhere
transform: >
$.required = true;
### Change `Duration` parameter in leases to be required
``` yaml
- from: swagger-document
where: $.parameters.LeaseDuration
transform: >
$.required = true;
### Change CPK acronym to be all caps
``` yaml
- from: source-file-go
where: $
transform: >-
return $.
replace(/Cpk/g, "CPK");
### Change CORS acronym to be all caps
``` yaml
- from: source-file-go
where: $
transform: >-
return $.
replace(/Cors/g, "CORS");
### Change cors xml to be correct
``` yaml
- from: source-file-go
where: $
transform: >-
return $.
replace(/xml:"CORS>CORSRule"/g, "xml:\"Cors>CorsRule\"");
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ type AppendBlobClient struct {
// NewAppendBlobClient creates a new instance of AppendBlobClient with the specified values.
// endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
// - endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// - pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
func NewAppendBlobClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *AppendBlobClient {
client := &AppendBlobClient{
endpoint: endpoint,
@ -43,17 +43,18 @@ func NewAppendBlobClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *AppendBlobClient
// Block operation is permitted only if the blob was created with x-ms-blob-type set to
// AppendBlob. Append Block is supported only on version 2015-02-21 version or later.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// body - Initial data
// options - AppendBlobClientAppendBlockOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlobClient.AppendBlock method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// AppendPositionAccessConditions - AppendPositionAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the AppendBlobClient.AppendBlock
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - body - Initial data
// - options - AppendBlobClientAppendBlockOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlobClient.AppendBlock method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - AppendPositionAccessConditions - AppendPositionAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the AppendBlobClient.AppendBlock
// method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *AppendBlobClient) AppendBlock(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *AppendBlobClientAppendBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (AppendBlobClientAppendBlockResponse, error) {
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *AppendBlobClient) AppendBlock(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *AppendBlobClientAppendBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (AppendBlobClientAppendBlockResponse, error) {
req, err := client.appendBlockCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, body, options, leaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return AppendBlobClientAppendBlockResponse{}, err
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ func (client *AppendBlobClient) AppendBlock(ctx context.Context, contentLength i
// appendBlockCreateRequest creates the AppendBlock request.
func (client *AppendBlobClient) appendBlockCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *AppendBlobClientAppendBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *AppendBlobClient) appendBlockCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *AppendBlobClientAppendBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -205,20 +206,21 @@ func (client *AppendBlobClient) appendBlockHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (
// the contents are read from a source url. The Append Block operation is permitted only if the blob was
// created with x-ms-blob-type set to AppendBlob. Append Block is supported only on version 2015-02-21 version or later.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// sourceURL - Specify a URL to the copy source.
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// options - AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlobClient.AppendBlockFromURL
// - sourceURL - Specify a URL to the copy source.
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - options - AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlobClient.AppendBlockFromURL
// method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// AppendPositionAccessConditions - AppendPositionAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the AppendBlobClient.AppendBlock
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - AppendPositionAccessConditions - AppendPositionAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the AppendBlobClient.AppendBlock
// method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// method.
func (client *AppendBlobClient) AppendBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, contentLength int64, options *AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLResponse, error) {
func (client *AppendBlobClient) AppendBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, contentLength int64, options *AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLResponse, error) {
req, err := client.appendBlockFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, sourceURL, contentLength, options, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLResponse{}, err
@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ func (client *AppendBlobClient) AppendBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, sourceUR
// appendBlockFromURLCreateRequest creates the AppendBlockFromURL request.
func (client *AppendBlobClient) appendBlockFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, contentLength int64, options *AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *AppendBlobClient) appendBlockFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, contentLength int64, options *AppendBlobClientAppendBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -387,15 +389,16 @@ func (client *AppendBlobClient) appendBlockFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Resp
// Create - The Create Append Blob operation creates a new append blob.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// options - AppendBlobClientCreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlobClient.Create method.
// BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *AppendBlobClient) Create(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, options *AppendBlobClientCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (AppendBlobClientCreateResponse, error) {
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - options - AppendBlobClientCreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlobClient.Create method.
// - BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *AppendBlobClient) Create(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, options *AppendBlobClientCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (AppendBlobClientCreateResponse, error) {
req, err := client.createCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, options, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return AppendBlobClientCreateResponse{}, err
@ -411,7 +414,7 @@ func (client *AppendBlobClient) Create(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64,
// createCreateRequest creates the Create request.
func (client *AppendBlobClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, options *AppendBlobClientCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *AppendBlobClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, options *AppendBlobClientCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -440,7 +443,9 @@ func (client *AppendBlobClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, content
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil {
@ -554,11 +559,12 @@ func (client *AppendBlobClient) createHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Appen
// Seal - The Seal operation seals the Append Blob to make it read-only. Seal is supported only on version 2019-12-12 version
// or later.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - AppendBlobClientSealOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlobClient.Seal method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// AppendPositionAccessConditions - AppendPositionAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the AppendBlobClient.AppendBlock
// - options - AppendBlobClientSealOptions contains the optional parameters for the AppendBlobClient.Seal method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - AppendPositionAccessConditions - AppendPositionAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the AppendBlobClient.AppendBlock
// method.
func (client *AppendBlobClient) Seal(ctx context.Context, options *AppendBlobClientSealOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions *AppendPositionAccessConditions) (AppendBlobClientSealResponse, error) {
req, err := client.sealCreateRequest(ctx, options, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, appendPositionAccessConditions)
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
@ -29,8 +30,8 @@ type BlobClient struct {
// NewBlobClient creates a new instance of BlobClient with the specified values.
// endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
// - endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// - pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
func NewBlobClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *BlobClient {
client := &BlobClient{
endpoint: endpoint,
@ -42,10 +43,11 @@ func NewBlobClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *BlobClient {
// AbortCopyFromURL - The Abort Copy From URL operation aborts a pending Copy From URL operation, and leaves a destination
// blob with zero length and full metadata.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// copyID - The copy identifier provided in the x-ms-copy-id header of the original Copy Blob operation.
// options - BlobClientAbortCopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.AbortCopyFromURL method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - copyID - The copy identifier provided in the x-ms-copy-id header of the original Copy Blob operation.
// - options - BlobClientAbortCopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.AbortCopyFromURL method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
func (client *BlobClient) AbortCopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copyID string, options *BlobClientAbortCopyFromURLOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobClientAbortCopyFromURLResponse, error) {
req, err := client.abortCopyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, copyID, options, leaseAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -110,11 +112,15 @@ func (client *BlobClient) abortCopyFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (B
// AcquireLease - [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientAcquireLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.AcquireLease method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientAcquireLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
// - duration - Specifies the duration of the lease, in seconds, or negative one (-1) for a lease that never expires. A non-infinite
// lease can be between 15 and 60 seconds. A lease duration cannot be changed using
// renew or change.
// - options - BlobClientAcquireLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.AcquireLease method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, duration int32, options *BlobClientAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientAcquireLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, duration, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return BlobClientAcquireLeaseResponse{}, err
@ -129,7 +135,7 @@ func (client *BlobClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientA
// acquireLeaseCreateRequest creates the AcquireLease request.
func (client *BlobClient) acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlobClient) acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, duration int32, options *BlobClientAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -141,9 +147,7 @@ func (client *BlobClient) acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options
req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode()
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-lease-action"] = []string{"acquire"}
if options != nil && options.Duration != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-lease-duration"] = []string{strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Duration), 10)}
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-lease-duration"] = []string{strconv.FormatInt(int64(duration), 10)}
if options != nil && options.ProposedLeaseID != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-proposed-lease-id"] = []string{*options.ProposedLeaseID}
@ -207,9 +211,10 @@ func (client *BlobClient) acquireLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobC
// BreakLease - [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientBreakLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.BreakLease method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - options - BlobClientBreakLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.BreakLease method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) BreakLease(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientBreakLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.breakLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -306,13 +311,14 @@ func (client *BlobClient) breakLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobCli
// ChangeLease - [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// proposedLeaseID - Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400 (Invalid request) if the proposed
// - leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// - proposedLeaseID - Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400 (Invalid request) if the proposed
// lease ID is not in the correct format. See Guid Constructor (String) for a list of valid GUID
// string formats.
// options - BlobClientChangeLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.ChangeLease method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - options - BlobClientChangeLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.ChangeLease method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) ChangeLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, proposedLeaseID string, options *BlobClientChangeLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientChangeLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.changeLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, proposedLeaseID, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -404,15 +410,16 @@ func (client *BlobClient) changeLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobCl
// CopyFromURL - The Copy From URL operation copies a blob or an internet resource to a new blob. It will not return a response
// until the copy is complete.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// copySource - Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies
// - copySource - Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies
// a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would appear in a request
// URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared access signature.
// options - BlobClientCopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.CopyFromURL method.
// SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// - options - BlobClientCopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.CopyFromURL method.
// - SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
func (client *BlobClient) CopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, options *BlobClientCopyFromURLOptions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobClientCopyFromURLResponse, error) {
req, err := client.copyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, copySource, options, sourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -442,7 +449,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) copyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, copySour
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-requires-sync"] = []string{"true"}
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if options != nil && options.Tier != nil {
@ -562,13 +571,14 @@ func (client *BlobClient) copyFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobCl
// CreateSnapshot - The Create Snapshot operation creates a read-only snapshot of a blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientCreateSnapshotOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.CreateSnapshot method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
func (client *BlobClient) CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientCreateSnapshotOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobClientCreateSnapshotResponse, error) {
// - options - BlobClientCreateSnapshotOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.CreateSnapshot method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
func (client *BlobClient) CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientCreateSnapshotOptions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobClientCreateSnapshotResponse, error) {
req, err := client.createSnapshotCreateRequest(ctx, options, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return BlobClientCreateSnapshotResponse{}, err
@ -584,7 +594,7 @@ func (client *BlobClient) CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClien
// createSnapshotCreateRequest creates the CreateSnapshot request.
func (client *BlobClient) createSnapshotCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientCreateSnapshotOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlobClient) createSnapshotCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientCreateSnapshotOptions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -597,7 +607,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) createSnapshotCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, optio
req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode()
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if cpkInfo != nil && cpkInfo.EncryptionKey != nil {
@ -695,10 +707,11 @@ func (client *BlobClient) createSnapshotHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Blo
// All other operations on a soft-deleted blob or snapshot causes the service to
// return an HTTP status code of 404 (ResourceNotFound).
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.Delete method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - options - BlobClientDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.Delete method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientDeleteResponse, error) {
req, err := client.deleteCreateRequest(ctx, options, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -787,8 +800,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) deleteHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobClientD
// DeleteImmutabilityPolicy - The Delete Immutability Policy operation deletes the immutability policy on the blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientDeleteImmutabilityPolicyOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.DeleteImmutabilityPolicy
// - options - BlobClientDeleteImmutabilityPolicyOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.DeleteImmutabilityPolicy
// method.
func (client *BlobClient) DeleteImmutabilityPolicy(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientDeleteImmutabilityPolicyOptions) (BlobClientDeleteImmutabilityPolicyResponse, error) {
req, err := client.deleteImmutabilityPolicyCreateRequest(ctx, options)
@ -850,12 +864,13 @@ func (client *BlobClient) deleteImmutabilityPolicyHandleResponse(resp *http.Resp
// Download - The Download operation reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and properties. You
// can also call Download to read a snapshot.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientDownloadOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) Download(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientDownloadOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientDownloadResponse, error) {
// - options - BlobClientDownloadOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) Download(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientDownloadOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientDownloadResponse, error) {
req, err := client.downloadCreateRequest(ctx, options, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return BlobClientDownloadResponse{}, err
@ -871,7 +886,7 @@ func (client *BlobClient) Download(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientDownl
// downloadCreateRequest creates the Download request.
func (client *BlobClient) downloadCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientDownloadOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlobClient) downloadCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientDownloadOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -945,9 +960,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) downloadHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobClien
for hh := range resp.Header {
if len(hh) > len("x-ms-meta-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-meta-")], "x-ms-meta-") {
if result.Metadata == nil {
result.Metadata = map[string]string{}
result.Metadata = map[string]*string{}
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh)
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = to.Ptr(resp.Header.Get(hh))
if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-or-policy-id"); val != "" {
@ -956,9 +971,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) downloadHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobClien
for hh := range resp.Header {
if len(hh) > len("x-ms-or-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-or-")], "x-ms-or-") {
if result.Metadata == nil {
result.Metadata = map[string]string{}
result.Metadata = map[string]*string{}
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-or-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh)
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-or-"):]] = to.Ptr(resp.Header.Get(hh))
if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"); val != "" {
@ -1147,8 +1162,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) downloadHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobClien
// GetAccountInfo - Returns the sku name and account kind
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientGetAccountInfoOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.GetAccountInfo method.
// - options - BlobClientGetAccountInfoOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.GetAccountInfo method.
func (client *BlobClient) GetAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientGetAccountInfoOptions) (BlobClientGetAccountInfoResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getAccountInfoCreateRequest(ctx, options)
if err != nil {
@ -1210,12 +1226,13 @@ func (client *BlobClient) getAccountInfoHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Blo
// GetProperties - The Get Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system properties
// for the blob. It does not return the content of the blob.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientGetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.GetProperties method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientGetPropertiesResponse, error) {
// - options - BlobClientGetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.GetProperties method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientGetPropertiesResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx, options, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return BlobClientGetPropertiesResponse{}, err
@ -1231,7 +1248,7 @@ func (client *BlobClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClient
// getPropertiesCreateRequest creates the GetProperties request.
func (client *BlobClient) getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlobClient) getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodHead, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -1302,9 +1319,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Blob
for hh := range resp.Header {
if len(hh) > len("x-ms-meta-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-meta-")], "x-ms-meta-") {
if result.Metadata == nil {
result.Metadata = map[string]string{}
result.Metadata = map[string]*string{}
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh)
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = to.Ptr(resp.Header.Get(hh))
if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-or-policy-id"); val != "" {
@ -1313,9 +1330,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Blob
for hh := range resp.Header {
if len(hh) > len("x-ms-or-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-or-")], "x-ms-or-") {
if result.Metadata == nil {
result.Metadata = map[string]string{}
result.Metadata = map[string]*string{}
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-or-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh)
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-or-"):]] = to.Ptr(resp.Header.Get(hh))
if val := resp.Header.Get("x-ms-blob-type"); val != "" {
@ -1524,10 +1541,11 @@ func (client *BlobClient) getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Blob
// GetTags - The Get Tags operation enables users to get the tags associated with a blob.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientGetTagsOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.GetTags method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - options - BlobClientGetTagsOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.GetTags method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
func (client *BlobClient) GetTags(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientGetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobClientGetTagsResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getTagsCreateRequest(ctx, options, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -1602,12 +1620,13 @@ func (client *BlobClient) getTagsHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobClient
// Query - The Query operation enables users to select/project on blob data by providing simple query expressions.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientQueryOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.Query method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) Query(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientQueryOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientQueryResponse, error) {
// - options - BlobClientQueryOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.Query method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) Query(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientQueryOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientQueryResponse, error) {
req, err := client.queryCreateRequest(ctx, options, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return BlobClientQueryResponse{}, err
@ -1623,7 +1642,7 @@ func (client *BlobClient) Query(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientQueryOpt
// queryCreateRequest creates the Query request.
func (client *BlobClient) queryCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientQueryOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlobClient) queryCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientQueryOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPost, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -1689,9 +1708,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) queryHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobClientQu
for hh := range resp.Header {
if len(hh) > len("x-ms-meta-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-meta-")], "x-ms-meta-") {
if result.Metadata == nil {
result.Metadata = map[string]string{}
result.Metadata = map[string]*string{}
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh)
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = to.Ptr(resp.Header.Get(hh))
if val := resp.Header.Get("Content-Length"); val != "" {
@ -1829,10 +1848,11 @@ func (client *BlobClient) queryHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobClientQu
// ReleaseLease - [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// options - BlobClientReleaseLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.ReleaseLease method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// - options - BlobClientReleaseLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.ReleaseLease method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) ReleaseLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, options *BlobClientReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientReleaseLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.releaseLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -1919,10 +1939,11 @@ func (client *BlobClient) releaseLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobC
// RenewLease - [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete operations
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// options - BlobClientRenewLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.RenewLease method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// - options - BlobClientRenewLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.RenewLease method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) RenewLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, options *BlobClientRenewLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientRenewLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.renewLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -2012,9 +2033,10 @@ func (client *BlobClient) renewLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobCli
// SetExpiry - Sets the time a blob will expire and be deleted.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// expiryOptions - Required. Indicates mode of the expiry time
// options - BlobClientSetExpiryOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetExpiry method.
// - expiryOptions - Required. Indicates mode of the expiry time
// - options - BlobClientSetExpiryOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetExpiry method.
func (client *BlobClient) SetExpiry(ctx context.Context, expiryOptions ExpiryOptions, options *BlobClientSetExpiryOptions) (BlobClientSetExpiryResponse, error) {
req, err := client.setExpiryCreateRequest(ctx, expiryOptions, options)
if err != nil {
@ -2088,11 +2110,12 @@ func (client *BlobClient) setExpiryHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobClie
// SetHTTPHeaders - The Set HTTP Headers operation sets system properties on the blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientSetHTTPHeadersOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - options - BlobClientSetHTTPHeadersOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// - BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) SetHTTPHeaders(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientSetHTTPHeadersOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientSetHTTPHeadersResponse, error) {
req, err := client.setHTTPHeadersCreateRequest(ctx, options, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -2205,10 +2228,11 @@ func (client *BlobClient) setHTTPHeadersHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Blo
// SetImmutabilityPolicy - The Set Immutability Policy operation sets the immutability policy on the blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientSetImmutabilityPolicyOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetImmutabilityPolicy
// - options - BlobClientSetImmutabilityPolicyOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetImmutabilityPolicy
// method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) SetImmutabilityPolicy(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientSetImmutabilityPolicyOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientSetImmutabilityPolicyResponse, error) {
req, err := client.setImmutabilityPolicyCreateRequest(ctx, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -2287,9 +2311,10 @@ func (client *BlobClient) setImmutabilityPolicyHandleResponse(resp *http.Respons
// SetLegalHold - The Set Legal Hold operation sets a legal hold on the blob.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// legalHold - Specified if a legal hold should be set on the blob.
// options - BlobClientSetLegalHoldOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetLegalHold method.
// - legalHold - Specified if a legal hold should be set on the blob.
// - options - BlobClientSetLegalHoldOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetLegalHold method.
func (client *BlobClient) SetLegalHold(ctx context.Context, legalHold bool, options *BlobClientSetLegalHoldOptions) (BlobClientSetLegalHoldResponse, error) {
req, err := client.setLegalHoldCreateRequest(ctx, legalHold, options)
if err != nil {
@ -2358,13 +2383,14 @@ func (client *BlobClient) setLegalHoldHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobC
// SetMetadata - The Set Blob Metadata operation sets user-defined metadata for the specified blob as one or more name-value
// pairs
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientSetMetadataOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientSetMetadataResponse, error) {
// - options - BlobClientSetMetadataOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientSetMetadataResponse, error) {
req, err := client.setMetadataCreateRequest(ctx, options, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return BlobClientSetMetadataResponse{}, err
@ -2380,7 +2406,7 @@ func (client *BlobClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientSe
// setMetadataCreateRequest creates the SetMetadata request.
func (client *BlobClient) setMetadataCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlobClient) setMetadataCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -2393,7 +2419,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) setMetadataCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options
req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode()
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil {
@ -2484,11 +2512,12 @@ func (client *BlobClient) setMetadataHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobCl
// SetTags - The Set Tags operation enables users to set tags on a blob.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// tags - Blob tags
// options - BlobClientSetTagsOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetTags method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - tags - Blob tags
// - options - BlobClientSetTagsOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetTags method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
func (client *BlobClient) SetTags(ctx context.Context, tags BlobTags, options *BlobClientSetTagsOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobClientSetTagsResponse, error) {
req, err := client.setTagsCreateRequest(ctx, tags, options, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -2566,11 +2595,12 @@ func (client *BlobClient) setTagsHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobClient
// premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPS, and bandwidth of the blob. A block blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive
// storage type. This operation does not update the blob's ETag.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// tier - Indicates the tier to be set on the blob.
// options - BlobClientSetTierOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetTier method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - tier - Indicates the tier to be set on the blob.
// - options - BlobClientSetTierOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.SetTier method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlobClient) SetTier(ctx context.Context, tier AccessTier, options *BlobClientSetTierOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlobClientSetTierResponse, error) {
req, err := client.setTierCreateRequest(ctx, tier, options, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -2639,15 +2669,16 @@ func (client *BlobClient) setTierHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (BlobClient
// StartCopyFromURL - The Start Copy From URL operation copies a blob or an internet resource to a new blob.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// copySource - Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies
// - copySource - Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies
// a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would appear in a request
// URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared access signature.
// options - BlobClientStartCopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL method.
// SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// - options - BlobClientStartCopyFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL method.
// - SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
func (client *BlobClient) StartCopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, options *BlobClientStartCopyFromURLOptions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (BlobClientStartCopyFromURLResponse, error) {
req, err := client.startCopyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, copySource, options, sourceModifiedAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, leaseAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -2676,7 +2707,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) startCopyFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, cop
req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode()
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if options != nil && options.Tier != nil {
@ -2785,8 +2818,9 @@ func (client *BlobClient) startCopyFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (B
// Undelete - Undelete a blob that was previously soft deleted
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - BlobClientUndeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.Undelete method.
// - options - BlobClientUndeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.Undelete method.
func (client *BlobClient) Undelete(ctx context.Context, options *BlobClientUndeleteOptions) (BlobClientUndeleteResponse, error) {
req, err := client.undeleteCreateRequest(ctx, options)
if err != nil {
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ type BlockBlobClient struct {
// NewBlockBlobClient creates a new instance of BlockBlobClient with the specified values.
// endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
// - endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// - pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
func NewBlockBlobClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *BlockBlobClient {
client := &BlockBlobClient{
endpoint: endpoint,
@ -47,16 +47,17 @@ func NewBlockBlobClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *BlockBlobClient {
// the most recently uploaded version of the block, whichever list it may
// belong to.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// blocks - Blob Blocks.
// options - BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.CommitBlockList
// - blocks - Blob Blocks.
// - options - BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.CommitBlockList
// method.
// BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) CommitBlockList(ctx context.Context, blocks BlockLookupList, options *BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListResponse, error) {
// - BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) CommitBlockList(ctx context.Context, blocks BlockLookupList, options *BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListResponse, error) {
req, err := client.commitBlockListCreateRequest(ctx, blocks, options, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListResponse{}, err
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) CommitBlockList(ctx context.Context, blocks Block
// commitBlockListCreateRequest creates the CommitBlockList request.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) commitBlockListCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blocks BlockLookupList, options *BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlockBlobClient) commitBlockListCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blocks BlockLookupList, options *BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -106,7 +107,9 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) commitBlockListCreateRequest(ctx context.Context,
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil {
@ -229,11 +232,12 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) commitBlockListHandleResponse(resp *http.Response
// GetBlockList - The Get Block List operation retrieves the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// listType - Specifies whether to return the list of committed blocks, the list of uncommitted blocks, or both lists together.
// options - BlockBlobClientGetBlockListOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.GetBlockList method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - listType - Specifies whether to return the list of committed blocks, the list of uncommitted blocks, or both lists together.
// - options - BlockBlobClientGetBlockListOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.GetBlockList method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) GetBlockList(ctx context.Context, listType BlockListType, options *BlockBlobClientGetBlockListOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobClientGetBlockListResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getBlockListCreateRequest(ctx, listType, options, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -330,21 +334,22 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) getBlockListHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (
// partial updates to a block blob’s contents using a source URL, use the Put
// Block from URL API in conjunction with Put Block List.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// copySource - Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - copySource - Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies
// a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would appear in a request
// URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared access signature.
// options - BlockBlobClientPutBlobFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.PutBlobFromURL
// - options - BlockBlobClientPutBlobFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.PutBlobFromURL
// method.
// BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// - BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// method.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) PutBlobFromURL(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, copySource string, options *BlockBlobClientPutBlobFromURLOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobClientPutBlobFromURLResponse, error) {
func (client *BlockBlobClient) PutBlobFromURL(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, copySource string, options *BlockBlobClientPutBlobFromURLOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobClientPutBlobFromURLResponse, error) {
req, err := client.putBlobFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, copySource, options, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return BlockBlobClientPutBlobFromURLResponse{}, err
@ -360,7 +365,7 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) PutBlobFromURL(ctx context.Context, contentLength
// putBlobFromURLCreateRequest creates the PutBlobFromURL request.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) putBlobFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, copySource string, options *BlockBlobClientPutBlobFromURLOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlockBlobClient) putBlobFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, copySource string, options *BlockBlobClientPutBlobFromURLOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -392,7 +397,9 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) putBlobFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context,
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil {
@ -524,17 +531,18 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) putBlobFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Response)
// StageBlock - The Stage Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// blockID - A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to encoding, the string must be less than or equal
// - blockID - A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to encoding, the string must be less than or equal
// to 64 bytes in size. For a given blob, the length of the value specified for the blockid
// parameter must be the same size for each block.
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// body - Initial data
// options - BlockBlobClientStageBlockOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.StageBlock method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) StageBlock(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *BlockBlobClientStageBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo) (BlockBlobClientStageBlockResponse, error) {
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - body - Initial data
// - options - BlockBlobClientStageBlockOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.StageBlock method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) StageBlock(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *BlockBlobClientStageBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo) (BlockBlobClientStageBlockResponse, error) {
req, err := client.stageBlockCreateRequest(ctx, blockID, contentLength, body, options, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo)
if err != nil {
return BlockBlobClientStageBlockResponse{}, err
@ -550,7 +558,7 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) StageBlock(ctx context.Context, blockID string, c
// stageBlockCreateRequest creates the StageBlock request.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) stageBlockCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *BlockBlobClientStageBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlockBlobClient) stageBlockCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *BlockBlobClientStageBlockOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -644,20 +652,21 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) stageBlockHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Bl
// StageBlockFromURL - The Stage Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob where the contents
// are read from a URL.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// blockID - A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to encoding, the string must be less than or equal
// - blockID - A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to encoding, the string must be less than or equal
// to 64 bytes in size. For a given blob, the length of the value specified for the blockid
// parameter must be the same size for each block.
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// sourceURL - Specify a URL to the copy source.
// options - BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.StageBlockFromURL
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - sourceURL - Specify a URL to the copy source.
// - options - BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.StageBlockFromURL
// method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// method.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) StageBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, sourceURL string, options *BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLResponse, error) {
func (client *BlockBlobClient) StageBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, sourceURL string, options *BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLResponse, error) {
req, err := client.stageBlockFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, blockID, contentLength, sourceURL, options, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLResponse{}, err
@ -673,7 +682,7 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) StageBlockFromURL(ctx context.Context, blockID st
// stageBlockFromURLCreateRequest creates the StageBlockFromURL request.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) stageBlockFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, sourceURL string, options *BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlockBlobClient) stageBlockFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blockID string, contentLength int64, sourceURL string, options *BlockBlobClientStageBlockFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -788,16 +797,17 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) stageBlockFromURLHandleResponse(resp *http.Respon
// Blob; the content of the existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a partial update of
// the content of a block blob, use the Put Block List operation.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// body - Initial data
// options - BlockBlobClientUploadOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.Upload method.
// BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) Upload(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *BlockBlobClientUploadOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobClientUploadResponse, error) {
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - body - Initial data
// - options - BlockBlobClientUploadOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlockBlobClient.Upload method.
// - BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) Upload(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *BlockBlobClientUploadOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (BlockBlobClientUploadResponse, error) {
req, err := client.uploadCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, body, options, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return BlockBlobClientUploadResponse{}, err
@ -813,7 +823,7 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) Upload(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64,
// uploadCreateRequest creates the Upload request.
func (client *BlockBlobClient) uploadCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *BlockBlobClientUploadOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *BlockBlobClient) uploadCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *BlockBlobClientUploadOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -845,7 +855,9 @@ func (client *BlockBlobClient) uploadCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentL
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil {
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import (
@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ type ContainerClient struct {
// NewContainerClient creates a new instance of ContainerClient with the specified values.
// endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
// - endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// - pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
func NewContainerClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *ContainerClient {
client := &ContainerClient{
endpoint: endpoint,
@ -44,11 +45,15 @@ func NewContainerClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *ContainerClient {
// AcquireLease - [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15
// to 60 seconds, or can be infinite
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ContainerClientAcquireLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.AcquireLease method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *ContainerClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerClientAcquireLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
// - duration - Specifies the duration of the lease, in seconds, or negative one (-1) for a lease that never expires. A non-infinite
// lease can be between 15 and 60 seconds. A lease duration cannot be changed using
// renew or change.
// - options - ContainerClientAcquireLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.AcquireLease method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *ContainerClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, duration int32, options *ContainerClientAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerClientAcquireLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, duration, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return ContainerClientAcquireLeaseResponse{}, err
@ -63,7 +68,7 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) AcquireLease(ctx context.Context, options *Contai
// acquireLeaseCreateRequest creates the AcquireLease request.
func (client *ContainerClient) acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *ContainerClient) acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, duration int32, options *ContainerClientAcquireLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -76,9 +81,7 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) acquireLeaseCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, op
req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode()
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-lease-action"] = []string{"acquire"}
if options != nil && options.Duration != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-lease-duration"] = []string{strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Duration), 10)}
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-lease-duration"] = []string{strconv.FormatInt(int64(duration), 10)}
if options != nil && options.ProposedLeaseID != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-proposed-lease-id"] = []string{*options.ProposedLeaseID}
@ -134,9 +137,10 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) acquireLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (
// BreakLease - [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15
// to 60 seconds, or can be infinite
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ContainerClientBreakLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.BreakLease method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - options - ContainerClientBreakLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.BreakLease method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *ContainerClient) BreakLease(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientBreakLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerClientBreakLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.breakLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -226,13 +230,14 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) breakLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Co
// ChangeLease - [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15
// to 60 seconds, or can be infinite
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// proposedLeaseID - Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400 (Invalid request) if the proposed
// - leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// - proposedLeaseID - Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400 (Invalid request) if the proposed
// lease ID is not in the correct format. See Guid Constructor (String) for a list of valid GUID
// string formats.
// options - ContainerClientChangeLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.ChangeLease method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - options - ContainerClientChangeLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.ChangeLease method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *ContainerClient) ChangeLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, proposedLeaseID string, options *ContainerClientChangeLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerClientChangeLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.changeLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, proposedLeaseID, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -316,11 +321,12 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) changeLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (C
// Create - creates a new container under the specified account. If the container with the same name already exists, the operation
// fails
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ContainerClientCreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.Create method.
// ContainerCpkScopeInfo - ContainerCpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Create method.
func (client *ContainerClient) Create(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientCreateOptions, containerCpkScopeInfo *ContainerCpkScopeInfo) (ContainerClientCreateResponse, error) {
req, err := client.createCreateRequest(ctx, options, containerCpkScopeInfo)
// - options - ContainerClientCreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.Create method.
// - ContainerCPKScopeInfo - ContainerCPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Create method.
func (client *ContainerClient) Create(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientCreateOptions, containerCPKScopeInfo *ContainerCPKScopeInfo) (ContainerClientCreateResponse, error) {
req, err := client.createCreateRequest(ctx, options, containerCPKScopeInfo)
if err != nil {
return ContainerClientCreateResponse{}, err
@ -335,7 +341,7 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) Create(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerCli
// createCreateRequest creates the Create request.
func (client *ContainerClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientCreateOptions, containerCpkScopeInfo *ContainerCpkScopeInfo) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *ContainerClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientCreateOptions, containerCPKScopeInfo *ContainerCPKScopeInfo) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -348,7 +354,9 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options
req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode()
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if options != nil && options.Access != nil {
@ -358,11 +366,11 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options
if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-client-request-id"] = []string{*options.RequestID}
if containerCpkScopeInfo != nil && containerCpkScopeInfo.DefaultEncryptionScope != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-default-encryption-scope"] = []string{*containerCpkScopeInfo.DefaultEncryptionScope}
if containerCPKScopeInfo != nil && containerCPKScopeInfo.DefaultEncryptionScope != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-default-encryption-scope"] = []string{*containerCPKScopeInfo.DefaultEncryptionScope}
if containerCpkScopeInfo != nil && containerCpkScopeInfo.PreventEncryptionScopeOverride != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override"] = []string{strconv.FormatBool(*containerCpkScopeInfo.PreventEncryptionScopeOverride)}
if containerCPKScopeInfo != nil && containerCPKScopeInfo.PreventEncryptionScopeOverride != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override"] = []string{strconv.FormatBool(*containerCPKScopeInfo.PreventEncryptionScopeOverride)}
req.Raw().Header["Accept"] = []string{"application/xml"}
return req, nil
@ -403,10 +411,11 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) createHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Contai
// Delete - operation marks the specified container for deletion. The container and any blobs contained within it are later
// deleted during garbage collection
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ContainerClientDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - options - ContainerClientDeleteOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *ContainerClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientDeleteOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerClientDeleteResponse, error) {
req, err := client.deleteCreateRequest(ctx, options, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -476,10 +485,11 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) deleteHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Contai
// GetAccessPolicy - gets the permissions for the specified container. The permissions indicate whether container data may
// be accessed publicly.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ContainerClientGetAccessPolicyOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.GetAccessPolicy
// - options - ContainerClientGetAccessPolicyOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.GetAccessPolicy
// method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
func (client *ContainerClient) GetAccessPolicy(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientGetAccessPolicyOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (ContainerClientGetAccessPolicyResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getAccessPolicyCreateRequest(ctx, options, leaseAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -559,8 +569,9 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) getAccessPolicyHandleResponse(resp *http.Response
// GetAccountInfo - Returns the sku name and account kind
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ContainerClientGetAccountInfoOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.GetAccountInfo
// - options - ContainerClientGetAccountInfoOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.GetAccountInfo
// method.
func (client *ContainerClient) GetAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientGetAccountInfoOptions) (ContainerClientGetAccountInfoResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getAccountInfoCreateRequest(ctx, options)
@ -623,9 +634,10 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) getAccountInfoHandleResponse(resp *http.Response)
// GetProperties - returns all user-defined metadata and system properties for the specified container. The data returned
// does not include the container's list of blobs
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ContainerClientGetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - options - ContainerClientGetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
func (client *ContainerClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientGetPropertiesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions) (ContainerClientGetPropertiesResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx, options, leaseAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -670,9 +682,9 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response)
for hh := range resp.Header {
if len(hh) > len("x-ms-meta-") && strings.EqualFold(hh[:len("x-ms-meta-")], "x-ms-meta-") {
if result.Metadata == nil {
result.Metadata = map[string]string{}
result.Metadata = map[string]*string{}
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = resp.Header.Get(hh)
result.Metadata[hh[len("x-ms-meta-"):]] = to.Ptr(resp.Header.Get(hh))
if val := resp.Header.Get("ETag"); val != "" {
@ -748,10 +760,11 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response)
// NewListBlobFlatSegmentPager - [Update] The List Blobs operation returns a list of the blobs under the specified container
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.ListBlobFlatSegment
// - options - ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.NewListBlobFlatSegmentPager
// method.
// listBlobFlatSegmentCreateRequest creates the ListBlobFlatSegment request.
func (client *ContainerClient) ListBlobFlatSegmentCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentOptions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.endpoint)
@ -814,12 +827,12 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) ListBlobFlatSegmentHandleResponse(resp *http.Resp
// NewListBlobHierarchySegmentPager - [Update] The List Blobs operation returns a list of the blobs under the specified container
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// delimiter - When the request includes this parameter, the operation returns a BlobPrefix element in the response body that
// - delimiter - When the request includes this parameter, the operation returns a BlobPrefix element in the response body that
// acts as a placeholder for all blobs whose names begin with the same substring up to the
// appearance of the delimiter character. The delimiter may be a single character or a string.
// options - ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.ListBlobHierarchySegment
// - options - ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.NewListBlobHierarchySegmentPager
// method.
func (client *ContainerClient) NewListBlobHierarchySegmentPager(delimiter string, options *ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions) *runtime.Pager[ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse] {
return runtime.NewPager(runtime.PagingHandler[ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse]{
@ -914,10 +927,11 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) ListBlobHierarchySegmentHandleResponse(resp *http
// ReleaseLease - [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15
// to 60 seconds, or can be infinite
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// options - ContainerClientReleaseLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.ReleaseLease method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// - options - ContainerClientReleaseLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.ReleaseLease method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *ContainerClient) ReleaseLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, options *ContainerClientReleaseLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerClientReleaseLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.releaseLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -996,9 +1010,10 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) releaseLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (
// Rename - Renames an existing container.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// sourceContainerName - Required. Specifies the name of the container to rename.
// options - ContainerClientRenameOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.Rename method.
// - sourceContainerName - Required. Specifies the name of the container to rename.
// - options - ContainerClientRenameOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.Rename method.
func (client *ContainerClient) Rename(ctx context.Context, sourceContainerName string, options *ContainerClientRenameOptions) (ContainerClientRenameResponse, error) {
req, err := client.renameCreateRequest(ctx, sourceContainerName, options)
if err != nil {
@ -1064,10 +1079,11 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) renameHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Contai
// RenewLease - [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15
// to 60 seconds, or can be infinite
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// options - ContainerClientRenewLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.RenewLease method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - leaseID - Specifies the current lease ID on the resource.
// - options - ContainerClientRenewLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.RenewLease method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *ContainerClient) RenewLease(ctx context.Context, leaseID string, options *ContainerClientRenewLeaseOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerClientRenewLeaseResponse, error) {
req, err := client.renewLeaseCreateRequest(ctx, leaseID, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -1149,8 +1165,9 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) renewLeaseHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Co
// Restore - Restores a previously-deleted container.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ContainerClientRestoreOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.Restore method.
// - options - ContainerClientRestoreOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.Restore method.
func (client *ContainerClient) Restore(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientRestoreOptions) (ContainerClientRestoreResponse, error) {
req, err := client.restoreCreateRequest(ctx, options)
if err != nil {
@ -1218,12 +1235,13 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) restoreHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Conta
// SetAccessPolicy - sets the permissions for the specified container. The permissions indicate whether blobs in a container
// may be accessed publicly.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// containerACL - the acls for the container
// options - ContainerClientSetAccessPolicyOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.SetAccessPolicy
// - containerACL - the acls for the container
// - options - ContainerClientSetAccessPolicyOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.SetAccessPolicy
// method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *ContainerClient) SetAccessPolicy(ctx context.Context, containerACL []*SignedIdentifier, options *ContainerClientSetAccessPolicyOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerClientSetAccessPolicyResponse, error) {
req, err := client.setAccessPolicyCreateRequest(ctx, containerACL, options, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -1310,10 +1328,11 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) setAccessPolicyHandleResponse(resp *http.Response
// SetMetadata - operation sets one or more user-defined name-value pairs for the specified container.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ContainerClientSetMetadataOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.SetMetadata method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - options - ContainerClientSetMetadataOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.SetMetadata method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *ContainerClient) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, options *ContainerClientSetMetadataOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (ContainerClientSetMetadataResponse, error) {
req, err := client.setMetadataCreateRequest(ctx, options, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -1347,7 +1366,9 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) setMetadataCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, opt
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if modifiedAccessConditions != nil && modifiedAccessConditions.IfModifiedSince != nil {
@ -1395,12 +1416,13 @@ func (client *ContainerClient) setMetadataHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (C
// SubmitBatch - The Batch operation allows multiple API calls to be embedded into a single HTTP request.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// multipartContentType - Required. The value of this header must be multipart/mixed with a batch boundary. Example header
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - multipartContentType - Required. The value of this header must be multipart/mixed with a batch boundary. Example header
// value: multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_
// body - Initial data
// options - ContainerClientSubmitBatchOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.SubmitBatch method.
// - body - Initial data
// - options - ContainerClientSubmitBatchOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.SubmitBatch method.
func (client *ContainerClient) SubmitBatch(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, multipartContentType string, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *ContainerClientSubmitBatchOptions) (ContainerClientSubmitBatchResponse, error) {
req, err := client.submitBatchCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, multipartContentType, body, options)
if err != nil {
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ type AppendBlobClientCreateOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
RequestID *string
@ -136,10 +136,6 @@ type BlobClientAbortCopyFromURLOptions struct {
// BlobClientAcquireLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the BlobClient.AcquireLease method.
type BlobClientAcquireLeaseOptions struct {
// Specifies the duration of the lease, in seconds, or negative one (-1) for a lease that never expires. A non-infinite lease
// can be between 15 and 60 seconds. A lease duration cannot be changed using
// renew or change.
Duration *int32
// Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400 (Invalid request) if the proposed lease ID is
// not in the correct format. See Guid Constructor (String) for a list of valid GUID
// string formats.
@ -197,7 +193,7 @@ type BlobClientCopyFromURLOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
RequestID *string
@ -218,7 +214,7 @@ type BlobClientCreateSnapshotOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
RequestID *string
@ -415,7 +411,7 @@ type BlobClientSetMetadataOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
RequestID *string
@ -476,7 +472,7 @@ type BlobClientStartCopyFromURLOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Optional: Indicates the priority with which to rehydrate an archived blob.
RehydratePriority *RehydratePriority
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
@ -656,7 +652,7 @@ type BlockBlobClientCommitBlockListOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
RequestID *string
@ -699,7 +695,7 @@ type BlockBlobClientPutBlobFromURLOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
RequestID *string
@ -762,7 +758,7 @@ type BlockBlobClientUploadOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
RequestID *string
@ -796,10 +792,6 @@ type ClearRange struct {
// ContainerClientAcquireLeaseOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.AcquireLease method.
type ContainerClientAcquireLeaseOptions struct {
// Specifies the duration of the lease, in seconds, or negative one (-1) for a lease that never expires. A non-infinite lease
// can be between 15 and 60 seconds. A lease duration cannot be changed using
// renew or change.
Duration *int32
// Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400 (Invalid request) if the proposed lease ID is
// not in the correct format. See Guid Constructor (String) for a list of valid GUID
// string formats.
@ -849,7 +841,7 @@ type ContainerClientCreateOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
RequestID *string
@ -893,7 +885,7 @@ type ContainerClientGetPropertiesOptions struct {
Timeout *int32
// ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.ListBlobFlatSegment
// ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.NewListBlobFlatSegmentPager
// method.
type ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentOptions struct {
// Include this parameter to specify one or more datasets to include in the response.
@ -920,7 +912,7 @@ type ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentOptions struct {
Timeout *int32
// ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.ListBlobHierarchySegment
// ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ContainerClient.NewListBlobHierarchySegmentPager
// method.
type ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentOptions struct {
// Include this parameter to specify one or more datasets to include in the response.
@ -1013,7 +1005,7 @@ type ContainerClientSetMetadataOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
RequestID *string
@ -1032,8 +1024,8 @@ type ContainerClientSubmitBatchOptions struct {
Timeout *int32
// ContainerCpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Create method.
type ContainerCpkScopeInfo struct {
// ContainerCPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Create method.
type ContainerCPKScopeInfo struct {
// Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the default encryption scope to set on the container and use for all
// future writes.
DefaultEncryptionScope *string
@ -1078,11 +1070,11 @@ type ContainerProperties struct {
RemainingRetentionDays *int32 `xml:"RemainingRetentionDays"`
// CorsRule - CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another
// CORSRule - CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another
// domain. Web browsers implement a security restriction known as same-origin policy that
// prevents a web page from calling APIs in a different domain; CORS provides a secure way to allow one domain (the origin
// domain) to call APIs in another domain
type CorsRule struct {
type CORSRule struct {
// REQUIRED; the request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request.
AllowedHeaders *string `xml:"AllowedHeaders"`
@ -1103,8 +1095,8 @@ type CorsRule struct {
MaxAgeInSeconds *int32 `xml:"MaxAgeInSeconds"`
// CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
type CpkInfo struct {
// CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
type CPKInfo struct {
// The algorithm used to produce the encryption key hash. Currently, the only accepted value is "AES256". Must be provided
// if the x-ms-encryption-key header is provided.
EncryptionAlgorithm *EncryptionAlgorithmType
@ -1116,8 +1108,8 @@ type CpkInfo struct {
EncryptionKeySHA256 *string
// CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
type CpkScopeInfo struct {
// CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
type CPKScopeInfo struct {
// Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to encrypt the data provided
// in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the default
// account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure Storage Services.
@ -1333,7 +1325,7 @@ type PageBlobClientCreateOptions struct {
// is not copied from the source blob or file. Note that beginning with
// version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers. See Naming and Referencing Containers,
// Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage
// analytics logging is enabled.
RequestID *string
@ -1344,7 +1336,8 @@ type PageBlobClientCreateOptions struct {
Timeout *int32
// PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.GetPageRangesDiff method.
// PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.NewGetPageRangesDiffPager
// method.
type PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffOptions struct {
// A string value that identifies the portion of the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The
// operation returns the NextMarker value within the response body if the listing
@ -1382,7 +1375,7 @@ type PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffOptions struct {
Timeout *int32
// PageBlobClientGetPageRangesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.GetPageRanges method.
// PageBlobClientGetPageRangesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.NewGetPageRangesPager method.
type PageBlobClientGetPageRangesOptions struct {
// A string value that identifies the portion of the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The
// operation returns the NextMarker value within the response body if the listing
@ -1495,7 +1488,7 @@ type QueryFormat struct {
JSONTextConfiguration *JSONTextConfiguration `xml:"JsonTextConfiguration"`
// parquet configuration
ParquetTextConfiguration interface{} `xml:"ParquetTextConfiguration"`
ParquetTextConfiguration any `xml:"ParquetTextConfiguration"`
// QueryRequest - Groups the set of query request settings.
@ -1558,8 +1551,6 @@ type ServiceClientFilterBlobsOptions struct {
// The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting Timeouts for Blob Service Operations.
// [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/setting-timeouts-for-blob-service-operations]
Timeout *int32
// Filters the results to return only to return only blobs whose tags match the specified expression.
Where *string
// ServiceClientGetAccountInfoOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.GetAccountInfo method.
@ -1597,7 +1588,7 @@ type ServiceClientGetUserDelegationKeyOptions struct {
Timeout *int32
// ServiceClientListContainersSegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.ListContainersSegment
// ServiceClientListContainersSegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.NewListContainersSegmentPager
// method.
type ServiceClientListContainersSegmentOptions struct {
// Include this parameter to specify that the container's metadata be returned as part of the response body.
@ -1689,7 +1680,7 @@ type StorageError struct {
// StorageServiceProperties - Storage Service Properties.
type StorageServiceProperties struct {
// The set of CORS rules.
Cors []*CorsRule `xml:"Cors>CorsRule"`
CORS []*CORSRule `xml:"Cors>CorsRule"`
// The default version to use for requests to the Blob service if an incoming request's version is not specified. Possible
// values include version 2008-10-27 and all more recent versions
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import (
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type AccessPolicy.
func (a AccessPolicy) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (a AccessPolicy) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias AccessPolicy
aux := &struct {
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ func (a AccessPolicy) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
Expiry: (*timeRFC3339)(a.Expiry),
Start: (*timeRFC3339)(a.Start),
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type AccessPolicy.
func (a *AccessPolicy) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (a *AccessPolicy) UnmarshalXML(dec *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias AccessPolicy
aux := &struct {
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (a *AccessPolicy) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) erro
alias: (*alias)(a),
if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
if err := dec.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
return err
a.Expiry = (*time.Time)(aux.Expiry)
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ func (a *AccessPolicy) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) erro
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type ArrowConfiguration.
func (a ArrowConfiguration) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (a ArrowConfiguration) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias ArrowConfiguration
aux := &struct {
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ func (a ArrowConfiguration) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) e
if a.Schema != nil {
aux.Schema = &a.Schema
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlobFlatListSegment.
func (b BlobFlatListSegment) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (b BlobFlatListSegment) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias BlobFlatListSegment
aux := &struct {
@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ func (b BlobFlatListSegment) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement)
if b.BlobItems != nil {
aux.BlobItems = &b.BlobItems
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlobHierarchyListSegment.
func (b BlobHierarchyListSegment) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (b BlobHierarchyListSegment) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias BlobHierarchyListSegment
aux := &struct {
@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ func (b BlobHierarchyListSegment) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElem
if b.BlobPrefixes != nil {
aux.BlobPrefixes = &b.BlobPrefixes
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type BlobItem.
func (b *BlobItem) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (b *BlobItem) UnmarshalXML(dec *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias BlobItem
aux := &struct {
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ func (b *BlobItem) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
alias: (*alias)(b),
if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
if err := dec.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
return err
b.Metadata = (map[string]*string)(aux.Metadata)
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func (b *BlobItem) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlobProperties.
func (b BlobProperties) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (b BlobProperties) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias BlobProperties
aux := &struct {
@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ func (b BlobProperties) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
encodedContentMD5 := runtime.EncodeByteArray(b.ContentMD5, runtime.Base64StdFormat)
aux.ContentMD5 = &encodedContentMD5
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type BlobProperties.
func (b *BlobProperties) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (b *BlobProperties) UnmarshalXML(dec *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias BlobProperties
aux := &struct {
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ func (b *BlobProperties) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) er
alias: (*alias)(b),
if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
if err := dec.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
return err
b.AccessTierChangeTime = (*time.Time)(aux.AccessTierChangeTime)
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func (b *BlobProperties) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) er
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlobTags.
func (b BlobTags) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (b BlobTags) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
start.Name.Local = "Tags"
type alias BlobTags
aux := &struct {
@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ func (b BlobTags) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if b.BlobTagSet != nil {
aux.BlobTagSet = &b.BlobTagSet
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlockList.
func (b BlockList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (b BlockList) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias BlockList
aux := &struct {
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ func (b BlockList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if b.UncommittedBlocks != nil {
aux.UncommittedBlocks = &b.UncommittedBlocks
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type BlockLookupList.
func (b BlockLookupList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (b BlockLookupList) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
start.Name.Local = "BlockList"
type alias BlockLookupList
aux := &struct {
@ -243,11 +243,11 @@ func (b BlockLookupList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) erro
if b.Uncommitted != nil {
aux.Uncommitted = &b.Uncommitted
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type ContainerItem.
func (c *ContainerItem) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (c *ContainerItem) UnmarshalXML(dec *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias ContainerItem
aux := &struct {
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ func (c *ContainerItem) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) err
alias: (*alias)(c),
if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
if err := dec.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
return err
c.Metadata = (map[string]*string)(aux.Metadata)
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ func (c *ContainerItem) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) err
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type ContainerProperties.
func (c ContainerProperties) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (c ContainerProperties) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias ContainerProperties
aux := &struct {
@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ func (c ContainerProperties) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement)
DeletedTime: (*timeRFC1123)(c.DeletedTime),
LastModified: (*timeRFC1123)(c.LastModified),
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type ContainerProperties.
func (c *ContainerProperties) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (c *ContainerProperties) UnmarshalXML(dec *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias ContainerProperties
aux := &struct {
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ func (c *ContainerProperties) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElemen
alias: (*alias)(c),
if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
if err := dec.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
return err
c.DeletedTime = (*time.Time)(aux.DeletedTime)
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ func (c *ContainerProperties) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElemen
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type FilterBlobSegment.
func (f FilterBlobSegment) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (f FilterBlobSegment) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias FilterBlobSegment
aux := &struct {
@ -307,11 +307,11 @@ func (f FilterBlobSegment) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) er
if f.Blobs != nil {
aux.Blobs = &f.Blobs
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type GeoReplication.
func (g GeoReplication) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (g GeoReplication) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias GeoReplication
aux := &struct {
@ -320,11 +320,11 @@ func (g GeoReplication) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
alias: (*alias)(&g),
LastSyncTime: (*timeRFC1123)(g.LastSyncTime),
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type GeoReplication.
func (g *GeoReplication) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (g *GeoReplication) UnmarshalXML(dec *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias GeoReplication
aux := &struct {
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ func (g *GeoReplication) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) er
alias: (*alias)(g),
if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
if err := dec.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
return err
g.LastSyncTime = (*time.Time)(aux.LastSyncTime)
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ func (g *GeoReplication) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) er
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type ListContainersSegmentResponse.
func (l ListContainersSegmentResponse) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (l ListContainersSegmentResponse) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias ListContainersSegmentResponse
aux := &struct {
@ -351,11 +351,11 @@ func (l ListContainersSegmentResponse) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.Star
if l.ContainerItems != nil {
aux.ContainerItems = &l.ContainerItems
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type PageList.
func (p PageList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (p PageList) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias PageList
aux := &struct {
@ -370,11 +370,11 @@ func (p PageList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if p.PageRange != nil {
aux.PageRange = &p.PageRange
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type QueryRequest.
func (q QueryRequest) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (q QueryRequest) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
start.Name.Local = "QueryRequest"
type alias QueryRequest
aux := &struct {
@ -382,12 +382,12 @@ func (q QueryRequest) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
alias: (*alias)(&q),
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface for type StorageError.
func (s StorageError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
objectMap := make(map[string]any)
populate(objectMap, "Message", s.Message)
return json.Marshal(objectMap)
@ -413,22 +413,22 @@ func (s *StorageError) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type StorageServiceProperties.
func (s StorageServiceProperties) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (s StorageServiceProperties) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias StorageServiceProperties
aux := &struct {
Cors *[]*CorsRule `xml:"Cors>CorsRule"`
CORS *[]*CORSRule `xml:"Cors>CorsRule"`
alias: (*alias)(&s),
if s.Cors != nil {
aux.Cors = &s.Cors
if s.CORS != nil {
aux.CORS = &s.CORS
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// MarshalXML implements the xml.Marshaller interface for type UserDelegationKey.
func (u UserDelegationKey) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (u UserDelegationKey) MarshalXML(enc *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias UserDelegationKey
aux := &struct {
@ -439,11 +439,11 @@ func (u UserDelegationKey) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) er
SignedExpiry: (*timeRFC3339)(u.SignedExpiry),
SignedStart: (*timeRFC3339)(u.SignedStart),
return e.EncodeElement(aux, start)
return enc.EncodeElement(aux, start)
// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaller interface for type UserDelegationKey.
func (u *UserDelegationKey) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
func (u *UserDelegationKey) UnmarshalXML(dec *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type alias UserDelegationKey
aux := &struct {
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ func (u *UserDelegationKey) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement)
alias: (*alias)(u),
if err := d.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
if err := dec.DecodeElement(aux, &start); err != nil {
return err
u.SignedExpiry = (*time.Time)(aux.SignedExpiry)
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ func (u *UserDelegationKey) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement)
return nil
func populate(m map[string]interface{}, k string, v interface{}) {
func populate(m map[string]any, k string, v any) {
if v == nil {
} else if azcore.IsNullValue(v) {
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ func populate(m map[string]interface{}, k string, v interface{}) {
func unpopulate(data json.RawMessage, fn string, v interface{}) error {
func unpopulate(data json.RawMessage, fn string, v any) error {
if data == nil {
return nil
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ type PageBlobClient struct {
// NewPageBlobClient creates a new instance of PageBlobClient with the specified values.
// endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
// - endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// - pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
func NewPageBlobClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *PageBlobClient {
client := &PageBlobClient{
endpoint: endpoint,
@ -41,16 +41,17 @@ func NewPageBlobClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *PageBlobClient {
// ClearPages - The Clear Pages operation clears a set of pages from a page blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// options - PageBlobClientClearPagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.ClearPages method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// SequenceNumberAccessConditions - SequenceNumberAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the PageBlobClient.UploadPages
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - options - PageBlobClientClearPagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.ClearPages method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - SequenceNumberAccessConditions - SequenceNumberAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the PageBlobClient.UploadPages
// method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) ClearPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientClearPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientClearPagesResponse, error) {
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) ClearPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientClearPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientClearPagesResponse, error) {
req, err := client.clearPagesCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, options, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return PageBlobClientClearPagesResponse{}, err
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) ClearPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int6
// clearPagesCreateRequest creates the ClearPages request.
func (client *PageBlobClient) clearPagesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientClearPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *PageBlobClient) clearPagesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientClearPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -188,13 +189,14 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) clearPagesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Pag
// be read or copied from as usual. This API is supported since REST version
// 2016-05-31.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// copySource - Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies
// - copySource - Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies
// a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would appear in a request
// URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared access signature.
// options - PageBlobClientCopyIncrementalOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.CopyIncremental
// - options - PageBlobClientCopyIncrementalOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.CopyIncremental
// method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) CopyIncremental(ctx context.Context, copySource string, options *PageBlobClientCopyIncrementalOptions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientCopyIncrementalResponse, error) {
req, err := client.copyIncrementalCreateRequest(ctx, copySource, options, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -286,17 +288,18 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) copyIncrementalHandleResponse(resp *http.Response)
// Create - The Create operation creates a new page blob.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// blobContentLength - This header specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 1 TB. The page blob size must be aligned
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - blobContentLength - This header specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 1 TB. The page blob size must be aligned
// to a 512-byte boundary.
// options - PageBlobClientCreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.Create method.
// BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) Create(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, blobContentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientCreateResponse, error) {
// - options - PageBlobClientCreateOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.Create method.
// - BlobHTTPHeaders - BlobHTTPHeaders contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetHTTPHeaders method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) Create(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, blobContentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientCreateResponse, error) {
req, err := client.createCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, blobContentLength, options, blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return PageBlobClientCreateResponse{}, err
@ -312,7 +315,7 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) Create(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, b
// createCreateRequest creates the Create request.
func (client *PageBlobClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, blobContentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *PageBlobClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, blobContentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientCreateOptions, blobHTTPHeaders *BlobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -344,7 +347,9 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) createCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLe
if options != nil && options.Metadata != nil {
for k, v := range options.Metadata {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{v}
if v != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-meta-"+k] = []string{*v}
if leaseAccessConditions != nil && leaseAccessConditions.LeaseID != nil {
@ -461,11 +466,12 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) createHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlo
// NewGetPageRangesPager - The Get Page Ranges operation returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot
// of a page blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - PageBlobClientGetPageRangesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.GetPageRanges method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - options - PageBlobClientGetPageRangesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.NewGetPageRangesPager
// method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) NewGetPageRangesPager(options *PageBlobClientGetPageRangesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) *runtime.Pager[PageBlobClientGetPageRangesResponse] {
return runtime.NewPager(runtime.PagingHandler[PageBlobClientGetPageRangesResponse]{
More: func(page PageBlobClientGetPageRangesResponse) bool {
@ -588,12 +594,12 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) GetPageRangesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (
// NewGetPageRangesDiffPager - The Get Page Ranges Diff operation returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob that
// were changed between target blob and previous snapshot.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.GetPageRangesDiff
// - options - PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.NewGetPageRangesDiffPager
// method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) NewGetPageRangesDiffPager(options *PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) *runtime.Pager[PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffResponse] {
return runtime.NewPager(runtime.PagingHandler[PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffResponse]{
More: func(page PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffResponse) bool {
@ -722,15 +728,16 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) GetPageRangesDiffHandleResponse(resp *http.Respons
// Resize - Resize the Blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// blobContentLength - This header specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 1 TB. The page blob size must be aligned
// - blobContentLength - This header specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 1 TB. The page blob size must be aligned
// to a 512-byte boundary.
// options - PageBlobClientResizeOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.Resize method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) Resize(ctx context.Context, blobContentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientResizeOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientResizeResponse, error) {
// - options - PageBlobClientResizeOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.Resize method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) Resize(ctx context.Context, blobContentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientResizeOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientResizeResponse, error) {
req, err := client.resizeCreateRequest(ctx, blobContentLength, options, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return PageBlobClientResizeResponse{}, err
@ -746,7 +753,7 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) Resize(ctx context.Context, blobContentLength int6
// resizeCreateRequest creates the Resize request.
func (client *PageBlobClient) resizeCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobContentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientResizeOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *PageBlobClient) resizeCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, blobContentLength int64, options *PageBlobClientResizeOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -837,13 +844,14 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) resizeHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (PageBlo
// UpdateSequenceNumber - Update the sequence number of the blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// sequenceNumberAction - Required if the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header is set for the request. This property applies to
// - sequenceNumberAction - Required if the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header is set for the request. This property applies to
// page blobs only. This property indicates how the service should modify the blob's sequence number
// options - PageBlobClientUpdateSequenceNumberOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.UpdateSequenceNumber
// - options - PageBlobClientUpdateSequenceNumberOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.UpdateSequenceNumber
// method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx context.Context, sequenceNumberAction SequenceNumberActionType, options *PageBlobClientUpdateSequenceNumberOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientUpdateSequenceNumberResponse, error) {
req, err := client.updateSequenceNumberCreateRequest(ctx, sequenceNumberAction, options, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
@ -942,17 +950,18 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) updateSequenceNumberHandleResponse(resp *http.Resp
// UploadPages - The Upload Pages operation writes a range of pages to a page blob
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// body - Initial data
// options - PageBlobClientUploadPagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.UploadPages method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// SequenceNumberAccessConditions - SequenceNumberAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the PageBlobClient.UploadPages
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - body - Initial data
// - options - PageBlobClientUploadPagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.UploadPages method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - SequenceNumberAccessConditions - SequenceNumberAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the PageBlobClient.UploadPages
// method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) UploadPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *PageBlobClientUploadPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientUploadPagesResponse, error) {
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) UploadPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *PageBlobClientUploadPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientUploadPagesResponse, error) {
req, err := client.uploadPagesCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, body, options, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return PageBlobClientUploadPagesResponse{}, err
@ -968,7 +977,7 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) UploadPages(ctx context.Context, contentLength int
// uploadPagesCreateRequest creates the UploadPages request.
func (client *PageBlobClient) uploadPagesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *PageBlobClientUploadPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *PageBlobClient) uploadPagesCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *PageBlobClientUploadPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -1106,24 +1115,25 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) uploadPagesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Pa
// UploadPagesFromURL - The Upload Pages operation writes a range of pages to a page blob where the contents are read from
// a URL
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// sourceURL - Specify a URL to the copy source.
// sourceRange - Bytes of source data in the specified range. The length of this range should match the ContentLength header
// - sourceURL - Specify a URL to the copy source.
// - sourceRange - Bytes of source data in the specified range. The length of this range should match the ContentLength header
// and x-ms-range/Range destination range header.
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// rangeParam - The range of bytes to which the source range would be written. The range should be 512 aligned and range-end
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - rangeParam - The range of bytes to which the source range would be written. The range should be 512 aligned and range-end
// is required.
// options - PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.UploadPagesFromURL
// - options - PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the PageBlobClient.UploadPagesFromURL
// method.
// CpkInfo - CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// CpkScopeInfo - CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// SequenceNumberAccessConditions - SequenceNumberAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the PageBlobClient.UploadPages
// - CPKInfo - CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
// - CPKScopeInfo - CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
// - LeaseAccessConditions - LeaseAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.GetProperties method.
// - SequenceNumberAccessConditions - SequenceNumberAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the PageBlobClient.UploadPages
// method.
// ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// - ModifiedAccessConditions - ModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Delete method.
// - SourceModifiedAccessConditions - SourceModifiedAccessConditions contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.StartCopyFromURL
// method.
func (client *PageBlobClient) UploadPagesFromURL(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, sourceRange string, contentLength int64, rangeParam string, options *PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLResponse, error) {
func (client *PageBlobClient) UploadPagesFromURL(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, sourceRange string, contentLength int64, rangeParam string, options *PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLResponse, error) {
req, err := client.uploadPagesFromURLCreateRequest(ctx, sourceURL, sourceRange, contentLength, rangeParam, options, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions)
if err != nil {
return PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLResponse{}, err
@ -1139,7 +1149,7 @@ func (client *PageBlobClient) UploadPagesFromURL(ctx context.Context, sourceURL
// uploadPagesFromURLCreateRequest creates the UploadPagesFromURL request.
func (client *PageBlobClient) uploadPagesFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, sourceRange string, contentLength int64, rangeParam string, options *PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *PageBlobClient) uploadPagesFromURLCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, sourceURL string, sourceRange string, contentLength int64, rangeParam string, options *PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLOptions, cpkInfo *CPKInfo, cpkScopeInfo *CPKScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions *LeaseAccessConditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions *ModifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions *SourceModifiedAccessConditions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodPut, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -456,13 +456,13 @@ type BlobClientDownloadResponse struct {
LegalHold *bool
// Metadata contains the information returned from the x-ms-meta header response.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// ObjectReplicationPolicyID contains the information returned from the x-ms-or-policy-id header response.
ObjectReplicationPolicyID *string
// ObjectReplicationRules contains the information returned from the x-ms-or header response.
ObjectReplicationRules map[string]string
ObjectReplicationRules map[string]*string
// RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response.
RequestID *string
@ -624,13 +624,13 @@ type BlobClientGetPropertiesResponse struct {
LegalHold *bool
// Metadata contains the information returned from the x-ms-meta header response.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// ObjectReplicationPolicyID contains the information returned from the x-ms-or-policy-id header response.
ObjectReplicationPolicyID *string
// ObjectReplicationRules contains the information returned from the x-ms-or header response.
ObjectReplicationRules map[string]string
ObjectReplicationRules map[string]*string
// RehydratePriority contains the information returned from the x-ms-rehydrate-priority header response.
RehydratePriority *string
@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ type BlobClientQueryResponse struct {
LeaseStatus *LeaseStatusType
// Metadata contains the information returned from the x-ms-meta header response.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response.
RequestID *string
@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ type ContainerClientGetPropertiesResponse struct {
LeaseStatus *LeaseStatusType
// Metadata contains the information returned from the x-ms-meta header response.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// RequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-request-id header response.
RequestID *string
@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ type ContainerClientGetPropertiesResponse struct {
Version *string
// ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentResponse contains the response from method ContainerClient.ListBlobFlatSegment.
// ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentResponse contains the response from method ContainerClient.NewListBlobFlatSegmentPager.
type ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentResponse struct {
// ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response.
@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ type ContainerClientListBlobFlatSegmentResponse struct {
Version *string `xml:"Version"`
// ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse contains the response from method ContainerClient.ListBlobHierarchySegment.
// ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse contains the response from method ContainerClient.NewListBlobHierarchySegmentPager.
type ContainerClientListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse struct {
// ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response.
@ -1673,7 +1673,7 @@ type PageBlobClientCreateResponse struct {
VersionID *string
// PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffResponse contains the response from method PageBlobClient.GetPageRangesDiff.
// PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffResponse contains the response from method PageBlobClient.NewGetPageRangesDiffPager.
type PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffResponse struct {
// BlobContentLength contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-content-length header response.
@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ type PageBlobClientGetPageRangesDiffResponse struct {
Version *string `xml:"Version"`
// PageBlobClientGetPageRangesResponse contains the response from method PageBlobClient.GetPageRanges.
// PageBlobClientGetPageRangesResponse contains the response from method PageBlobClient.NewGetPageRangesPager.
type PageBlobClientGetPageRangesResponse struct {
// BlobContentLength contains the information returned from the x-ms-blob-content-length header response.
@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ type ServiceClientGetUserDelegationKeyResponse struct {
Version *string `xml:"Version"`
// ServiceClientListContainersSegmentResponse contains the response from method ServiceClient.ListContainersSegment.
// ServiceClientListContainersSegmentResponse contains the response from method ServiceClient.NewListContainersSegmentPager.
type ServiceClientListContainersSegmentResponse struct {
// ClientRequestID contains the information returned from the x-ms-client-request-id header response.
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ type ServiceClient struct {
// NewServiceClient creates a new instance of ServiceClient with the specified values.
// endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
// - endpoint - The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired operation.
// - pl - the pipeline used for sending requests and handling responses.
func NewServiceClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *ServiceClient {
client := &ServiceClient{
endpoint: endpoint,
@ -43,10 +43,12 @@ func NewServiceClient(endpoint string, pl runtime.Pipeline) *ServiceClient {
// expression. Filter blobs searches across all containers within a storage account but can
// be scoped within the expression to a single container.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ServiceClientFilterBlobsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.FilterBlobs method.
func (client *ServiceClient) FilterBlobs(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceClientFilterBlobsOptions) (ServiceClientFilterBlobsResponse, error) {
req, err := client.filterBlobsCreateRequest(ctx, options)
// - where - Filters the results to return only to return only blobs whose tags match the specified expression.
// - options - ServiceClientFilterBlobsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.FilterBlobs method.
func (client *ServiceClient) FilterBlobs(ctx context.Context, where string, options *ServiceClientFilterBlobsOptions) (ServiceClientFilterBlobsResponse, error) {
req, err := client.filterBlobsCreateRequest(ctx, where, options)
if err != nil {
return ServiceClientFilterBlobsResponse{}, err
@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ func (client *ServiceClient) FilterBlobs(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceCl
// filterBlobsCreateRequest creates the FilterBlobs request.
func (client *ServiceClient) filterBlobsCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceClientFilterBlobsOptions) (*policy.Request, error) {
func (client *ServiceClient) filterBlobsCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, where string, options *ServiceClientFilterBlobsOptions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -71,16 +73,14 @@ func (client *ServiceClient) filterBlobsCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, optio
if options != nil && options.Timeout != nil {
reqQP.Set("timeout", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Timeout), 10))
if options != nil && options.Where != nil {
reqQP.Set("where", *options.Where)
reqQP.Set("where", where)
if options != nil && options.Marker != nil {
reqQP.Set("marker", *options.Marker)
if options != nil && options.Maxresults != nil {
reqQP.Set("maxresults", strconv.FormatInt(int64(*options.Maxresults), 10))
req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = reqQP.Encode()
req.Raw().URL.RawQuery = strings.Replace(reqQP.Encode(), "+", "%20", -1)
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-version"] = []string{"2020-10-02"}
if options != nil && options.RequestID != nil {
req.Raw().Header["x-ms-client-request-id"] = []string{*options.RequestID}
@ -116,8 +116,9 @@ func (client *ServiceClient) filterBlobsHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (Ser
// GetAccountInfo - Returns the sku name and account kind
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ServiceClientGetAccountInfoOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.GetAccountInfo method.
// - options - ServiceClientGetAccountInfoOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.GetAccountInfo method.
func (client *ServiceClient) GetAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceClientGetAccountInfoOptions) (ServiceClientGetAccountInfoResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getAccountInfoCreateRequest(ctx, options)
if err != nil {
@ -186,8 +187,9 @@ func (client *ServiceClient) getAccountInfoHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (
// GetProperties - gets the properties of a storage account's Blob service, including properties for Storage Analytics and
// CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) rules.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ServiceClientGetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.GetProperties method.
// - options - ServiceClientGetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.GetProperties method.
func (client *ServiceClient) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceClientGetPropertiesOptions) (ServiceClientGetPropertiesResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx, options)
if err != nil {
@ -245,8 +247,9 @@ func (client *ServiceClient) getPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (S
// GetStatistics - Retrieves statistics related to replication for the Blob service. It is only available on the secondary
// location endpoint when read-access geo-redundant replication is enabled for the storage account.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ServiceClientGetStatisticsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.GetStatistics method.
// - options - ServiceClientGetStatisticsOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.GetStatistics method.
func (client *ServiceClient) GetStatistics(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceClientGetStatisticsOptions) (ServiceClientGetStatisticsResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getStatisticsCreateRequest(ctx, options)
if err != nil {
@ -311,9 +314,10 @@ func (client *ServiceClient) getStatisticsHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (S
// GetUserDelegationKey - Retrieves a user delegation key for the Blob service. This is only a valid operation when using
// bearer token authentication.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// keyInfo - Key information
// options - ServiceClientGetUserDelegationKeyOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.GetUserDelegationKey
// - keyInfo - Key information
// - options - ServiceClientGetUserDelegationKeyOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.GetUserDelegationKey
// method.
func (client *ServiceClient) GetUserDelegationKey(ctx context.Context, keyInfo KeyInfo, options *ServiceClientGetUserDelegationKeyOptions) (ServiceClientGetUserDelegationKeyResponse, error) {
req, err := client.getUserDelegationKeyCreateRequest(ctx, keyInfo, options)
@ -378,10 +382,11 @@ func (client *ServiceClient) getUserDelegationKeyHandleResponse(resp *http.Respo
// NewListContainersSegmentPager - The List Containers Segment operation returns a list of the containers under the specified
// account
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// options - ServiceClientListContainersSegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.ListContainersSegment
// - options - ServiceClientListContainersSegmentOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.NewListContainersSegmentPager
// method.
// listContainersSegmentCreateRequest creates the ListContainersSegment request.
func (client *ServiceClient) ListContainersSegmentCreateRequest(ctx context.Context, options *ServiceClientListContainersSegmentOptions) (*policy.Request, error) {
req, err := runtime.NewRequest(ctx, http.MethodGet, client.endpoint)
@ -435,9 +440,10 @@ func (client *ServiceClient) ListContainersSegmentHandleResponse(resp *http.Resp
// SetProperties - Sets properties for a storage account's Blob service endpoint, including properties for Storage Analytics
// and CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) rules
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// storageServiceProperties - The StorageService properties.
// options - ServiceClientSetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.SetProperties method.
// - storageServiceProperties - The StorageService properties.
// - options - ServiceClientSetPropertiesOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.SetProperties method.
func (client *ServiceClient) SetProperties(ctx context.Context, storageServiceProperties StorageServiceProperties, options *ServiceClientSetPropertiesOptions) (ServiceClientSetPropertiesResponse, error) {
req, err := client.setPropertiesCreateRequest(ctx, storageServiceProperties, options)
if err != nil {
@ -491,12 +497,13 @@ func (client *ServiceClient) setPropertiesHandleResponse(resp *http.Response) (S
// SubmitBatch - The Batch operation allows multiple API calls to be embedded into a single HTTP request.
// If the operation fails it returns an *azcore.ResponseError type.
// Generated from API version 2020-10-02
// contentLength - The length of the request.
// multipartContentType - Required. The value of this header must be multipart/mixed with a batch boundary. Example header
// - contentLength - The length of the request.
// - multipartContentType - Required. The value of this header must be multipart/mixed with a batch boundary. Example header
// value: multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_
// body - Initial data
// options - ServiceClientSubmitBatchOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.SubmitBatch method.
// - body - Initial data
// - options - ServiceClientSubmitBatchOptions contains the optional parameters for the ServiceClient.SubmitBatch method.
func (client *ServiceClient) SubmitBatch(ctx context.Context, contentLength int64, multipartContentType string, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *ServiceClientSubmitBatchOptions) (ServiceClientSubmitBatchResponse, error) {
req, err := client.submitBatchCreateRequest(ctx, contentLength, multipartContentType, body, options)
if err != nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
package azblob
import "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal/exported"
const (
// EventUpload is used for logging events related to upload operation.
EventUpload = exported.EventUpload
@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ type DownloadBufferOptions = blob.DownloadBufferOptions
// DownloadFileOptions identifies options used by the DownloadBuffer and DownloadFile functions.
type DownloadFileOptions = blob.DownloadFileOptions
// CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for client provided encryption key.
type CpkInfo = blob.CpkInfo
// CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for client provided encryption key.
type CPKInfo = blob.CPKInfo
// CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Create method.
type CpkScopeInfo = container.CpkScopeInfo
// CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the ContainerClient.Create method.
type CPKScopeInfo = container.CPKScopeInfo
// AccessConditions identifies blob-specific access conditions which you optionally set.
type AccessConditions = exported.BlobAccessConditions
@ -150,14 +150,18 @@ func (pb *Client) Create(ctx context.Context, size int64, o *CreateOptions) (Cre
// This method panics if the stream is not at position 0.
// Note that the http client closes the body stream after the request is sent to the service.
// For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page.
func (pb *Client) UploadPages(ctx context.Context, body io.ReadSeekCloser, options *UploadPagesOptions) (UploadPagesResponse, error) {
func (pb *Client) UploadPages(ctx context.Context, body io.ReadSeekCloser, contentRange blob.HTTPRange, options *UploadPagesOptions) (UploadPagesResponse, error) {
count, err := shared.ValidateSeekableStreamAt0AndGetCount(body)
if err != nil {
return UploadPagesResponse{}, err
uploadPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.format()
uploadPagesOptions := &generated.PageBlobClientUploadPagesOptions{
Range: exported.FormatHTTPRange(contentRange),
leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.format()
if options != nil && options.TransactionalValidation != nil {
body, err = options.TransactionalValidation.Apply(body, uploadPagesOptions)
@ -345,7 +349,7 @@ func (pb *Client) SetLegalHold(ctx context.Context, legalHold bool, options *blo
// SetTier operation sets the tier on a blob. The operation is allowed on a page
// blob in a premium storage account and on a block blob in a blob storage account (locally
// redundant storage only). A premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPS, and
// redundant storage only). A premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPs, and
// bandwidth of the blob. A block blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive storage type. This operation
// does not update the blob's ETag.
// For detailed information about block blob level tier-ing see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers.
@ -367,7 +371,7 @@ func (pb *Client) SetHTTPHeaders(ctx context.Context, HTTPHeaders blob.HTTPHeade
// SetMetadata changes a blob's metadata.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-metadata.
func (pb *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata map[string]string, o *blob.SetMetadataOptions) (blob.SetMetadataResponse, error) {
func (pb *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata map[string]*string, o *blob.SetMetadataOptions) (blob.SetMetadataResponse, error) {
return pb.BlobClient().SetMetadata(ctx, metadata, o)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ func PossibleCopyStatusTypeValues() []CopyStatusType {
return generated.PossibleCopyStatusTypeValues()
// PremiumPageBlobAccessTier defines values for Premium PageBlob's AccessTier
// PremiumPageBlobAccessTier defines values for Premium PageBlob's AccessTier.
type PremiumPageBlobAccessTier = generated.PremiumPageBlobAccessTier
const (
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func PossiblePremiumPageBlobAccessTierValues() []PremiumPageBlobAccessTier {
return generated.PossiblePremiumPageBlobAccessTierValues()
// SequenceNumberActionType defines values for SequenceNumberActionType
// SequenceNumberActionType defines values for SequenceNumberActionType.
type SequenceNumberActionType = generated.SequenceNumberActionType
const (
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import (
// Type Declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// PageList - the list of pages
// PageList - the list of pages.
type PageList = generated.PageList
// ClearRange defines a range of pages.
@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ type CreateOptions struct {
// are specified, the destination blob is created with the specified metadata, and metadata is not copied from the source
// blob or file. Note that beginning with version 2009-09-19, metadata names must adhere to the naming rules for C# identifiers.
// See Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata for more information.
Metadata map[string]string
Metadata map[string]*string
// Optional. Indicates the tier to be set on the page blob.
Tier *PremiumPageBlobAccessTier
HTTPHeaders *blob.HTTPHeaders
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
AccessConditions *blob.AccessConditions
// Specifies the date time when the blobs immutability policy is set to expire.
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ type CreateOptions struct {
func (o *CreateOptions) format() (*generated.PageBlobClientCreateOptions, *generated.BlobHTTPHeaders,
*generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CpkInfo, *generated.CpkScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
*generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CPKInfo, *generated.CPKScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
@ -79,38 +79,31 @@ func (o *CreateOptions) format() (*generated.PageBlobClientCreateOptions, *gener
Tier: o.Tier,
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return options, o.HTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
return options, o.HTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UploadPagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.UploadPages method.
type UploadPagesOptions struct {
// Range specifies a range of bytes. The default value is all bytes.
Range blob.HTTPRange
// TransactionalValidation specifies the transfer validation type to use.
// The default is nil (no transfer validation).
TransactionalValidation blob.TransferValidationType
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
SequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions
AccessConditions *blob.AccessConditions
func (o *UploadPagesOptions) format() (*generated.PageBlobClientUploadPagesOptions, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions,
*generated.CpkInfo, *generated.CpkScopeInfo, *generated.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
func (o *UploadPagesOptions) format() (*generated.LeaseAccessConditions,
*generated.CPKInfo, *generated.CPKScopeInfo, *generated.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
options := &generated.PageBlobClientUploadPagesOptions{
Range: exported.FormatHTTPRange(o.Range),
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return options, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, o.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions
return leaseAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, o.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -123,9 +116,9 @@ type UploadPagesFromURLOptions struct {
// SourceContentValidation contains the validation mechanism used on the range of bytes read from the source.
SourceContentValidation blob.SourceContentValidationType
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
SequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions
@ -134,7 +127,7 @@ type UploadPagesFromURLOptions struct {
AccessConditions *blob.AccessConditions
func (o *UploadPagesFromURLOptions) format() (*generated.PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLOptions, *generated.CpkInfo, *generated.CpkScopeInfo,
func (o *UploadPagesFromURLOptions) format() (*generated.PageBlobClientUploadPagesFromURLOptions, *generated.CPKInfo, *generated.CPKScopeInfo,
*generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions, *generated.SourceModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
@ -149,27 +142,27 @@ func (o *UploadPagesFromURLOptions) format() (*generated.PageBlobClientUploadPag
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return options, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, o.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions
return options, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, o.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, o.SourceModifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ClearPagesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.ClearPages operation
type ClearPagesOptions struct {
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
SequenceNumberAccessConditions *SequenceNumberAccessConditions
AccessConditions *blob.AccessConditions
func (o *ClearPagesOptions) format() (*generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CpkInfo,
*generated.CpkScopeInfo, *generated.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
func (o *ClearPagesOptions) format() (*generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generated.CPKInfo,
*generated.CPKScopeInfo, *generated.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, o.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions
return leaseAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, o.SequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -177,20 +170,20 @@ func (o *ClearPagesOptions) format() (*generated.LeaseAccessConditions, *generat
// GetPageRangesOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.NewGetPageRangesPager method.
type GetPageRangesOptions struct {
Marker *string
// Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify maxresults, or specifies a value
// Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify MaxResults, or specifies a value
// greater than 5000, the server will return up to 5000 items. Note that if the
// listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the service will return a continuation token for retrieving the remainder
// of the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will
// return fewer results than specified by maxresults, or than the default of 5000.
// return fewer results than specified by MaxResults, or than the default of 5000.
MaxResults *int32
// Optional. This header is only supported in service versions 2019-04-19 and after and specifies the URL of a previous snapshot
// of the target blob. The response will only contain pages that were changed
// between the target blob and its previous snapshot.
PrevSnapshotURL *string
// Optional in version 2015-07-08 and newer. The prevsnapshot parameter is a DateTime value that specifies that the response
// Optional in version 2015-07-08 and newer. The PrevSnapshot parameter is a DateTime value that specifies that the response
// will contain only pages that were changed between target blob and previous
// snapshot. Changed pages include both updated and cleared pages. The target blob may be a snapshot, as long as the snapshot
// specified by prevsnapshot is the older of the two. Note that incremental
// specified by PrevSnapshot is the older of the two. Note that incremental
// snapshots are currently supported only for blobs created on or after January 1, 2016.
PrevSnapshot *string
// Range specifies a range of bytes. The default value is all bytes.
@ -227,20 +220,20 @@ type GetPageRangesDiffOptions struct {
// as the value for the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next
// page of list items. The marker value is opaque to the client.
Marker *string
// Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify maxresults, or specifies a value
// Specifies the maximum number of containers to return. If the request does not specify MaxResults, or specifies a value
// greater than 5000, the server will return up to 5000 items. Note that if the
// listing operation crosses a partition boundary, then the service will return a continuation token for retrieving the remainder
// of the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will
// return fewer results than specified by maxresults, or than the default of 5000.
// return fewer results than specified by MaxResults, or than the default of 5000.
MaxResults *int32
// Optional. This header is only supported in service versions 2019-04-19 and after and specifies the URL of a previous snapshot
// of the target blob. The response will only contain pages that were changed
// between the target blob and its previous snapshot.
PrevSnapshotURL *string
// Optional in version 2015-07-08 and newer. The prevsnapshot parameter is a DateTime value that specifies that the response
// Optional in version 2015-07-08 and newer. The PrevSnapshot parameter is a DateTime value that specifies that the response
// will contain only pages that were changed between target blob and previous
// snapshot. Changed pages include both updated and cleared pages. The target blob may be a snapshot, as long as the snapshot
// specified by prevsnapshot is the older of the two. Note that incremental
// specified by PrevSnapshot is the older of the two. Note that incremental
// snapshots are currently supported only for blobs created on or after January 1, 2016.
PrevSnapshot *string
// Range specifies a range of bytes. The default value is all bytes.
@ -275,19 +268,19 @@ func (o *GetPageRangesDiffOptions) format() (*generated.PageBlobClientGetPageRan
// ResizeOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.Resize method.
type ResizeOptions struct {
CpkInfo *blob.CpkInfo
CpkScopeInfo *blob.CpkScopeInfo
CPKInfo *blob.CPKInfo
CPKScopeInfo *blob.CPKScopeInfo
AccessConditions *blob.AccessConditions
func (o *ResizeOptions) format() (*generated.PageBlobClientResizeOptions, *generated.LeaseAccessConditions,
*generated.CpkInfo, *generated.CpkScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
*generated.CPKInfo, *generated.CPKScopeInfo, *generated.ModifiedAccessConditions) {
if o == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := exported.FormatBlobAccessConditions(o.AccessConditions)
return nil, leaseAccessConditions, o.CpkInfo, o.CpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
return nil, leaseAccessConditions, o.CPKInfo, o.CPKScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ type AccountSignatureValues struct {
ExpiryTime time.Time `param:"se"` // Not specified if IsZero
Permissions string `param:"sp"` // Create by initializing a AccountSASPermissions and then call String()
IPRange IPRange `param:"sip"`
Services string `param:"ss"` // Create by initializing AccountSASServices and then call String()
ResourceTypes string `param:"srt"` // Create by initializing AccountSASResourceTypes and then call String()
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ type AccountSignatureValues struct {
// the proper SAS query parameters.
func (v AccountSignatureValues) SignWithSharedKey(sharedKeyCredential *SharedKeyCredential) (QueryParameters, error) {
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/Constructing-an-Account-SAS
if v.ExpiryTime.IsZero() || v.Permissions == "" || v.ResourceTypes == "" || v.Services == "" {
if v.ExpiryTime.IsZero() || v.Permissions == "" || v.ResourceTypes == "" {
return QueryParameters{}, errors.New("account SAS is missing at least one of these: ExpiryTime, Permissions, Service, or ResourceType")
if v.Version == "" {
@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ func (v AccountSignatureValues) SignWithSharedKey(sharedKeyCredential *SharedKey
stringToSign := strings.Join([]string{
"b", // blob service
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ func (v AccountSignatureValues) SignWithSharedKey(sharedKeyCredential *SharedKey
ipRange: v.IPRange,
// Account-specific SAS parameters
services: v.Services,
services: "b", // will always be "b"
resourceTypes: v.ResourceTypes,
// Calculated SAS signature
@ -91,13 +90,13 @@ func (v AccountSignatureValues) SignWithSharedKey(sharedKeyCredential *SharedKey
// AccountPermissions type simplifies creating the permissions string for an Azure Storage Account SAS.
// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's Permissions field.
// Initialize an instance of this type and then call Client.GetSASURL with it or use the String method to set AccountSASSignatureValues Permissions field.
type AccountPermissions struct {
Read, Write, Delete, DeletePreviousVersion, List, Add, Create, Update, Process, Tag, FilterByTags, PermanentDelete bool
Read, Write, Delete, DeletePreviousVersion, PermanentDelete, List, Add, Create, Update, Process, FilterByTags, Tag, SetImmutabilityPolicy bool
// String produces the SAS permissions string for an Azure Storage account.
// Call this method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's Permissions field.
// Call this method to set AccountSASSignatureValues' Permissions field.
func (p *AccountPermissions) String() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if p.Read {
@ -130,11 +129,14 @@ func (p *AccountPermissions) String() string {
if p.Process {
if p.FilterByTags {
if p.Tag {
if p.FilterByTags {
if p.SetImmutabilityPolicy {
return buffer.String()
@ -150,6 +152,8 @@ func parseAccountPermissions(s string) (AccountPermissions, error) {
p.Write = true
case 'd':
p.Delete = true
case 'x':
p.DeletePreviousVersion = true
case 'y':
p.PermanentDelete = true
case 'l':
@ -162,12 +166,12 @@ func parseAccountPermissions(s string) (AccountPermissions, error) {
p.Update = true
case 'p':
p.Process = true
case 'x':
p.Process = true
case 't':
p.Tag = true
case 'f':
p.FilterByTags = true
case 'i':
p.SetImmutabilityPolicy = true
return AccountPermissions{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid permission character: '%v'", r)
@ -175,54 +179,14 @@ func parseAccountPermissions(s string) (AccountPermissions, error) {
return p, nil
// AccountServices type simplifies creating the services string for an Azure Storage Account SAS.
// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's Services field.
type AccountServices struct {
Blob, Queue, File bool
// String produces the SAS services string for an Azure Storage account.
// Call this method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's Services field.
func (s *AccountServices) String() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if s.Blob {
if s.Queue {
if s.File {
return buffer.String()
// Parse initializes the AccountSASServices' fields from a string.
/*func parseAccountServices(str string) (AccountServices, error) {
s := AccountServices{} // Clear out the flags
for _, r := range str {
switch r {
case 'b':
s.Blob = true
case 'q':
s.Queue = true
case 'f':
s.File = true
return AccountServices{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid service character: '%v'", r)
return s, nil
// AccountResourceTypes type simplifies creating the resource types string for an Azure Storage Account SAS.
// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's ResourceTypes field.
// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set AccountSASSignatureValues' ResourceTypes field.
type AccountResourceTypes struct {
Service, Container, Object bool
// String produces the SAS resource types string for an Azure Storage account.
// Call this method to set AccountSASSignatureValues's ResourceTypes field.
// Call this method to set AccountSASSignatureValues' ResourceTypes field.
func (rt *AccountResourceTypes) String() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if rt.Service {
@ -236,21 +200,3 @@ func (rt *AccountResourceTypes) String() string {
return buffer.String()
// Parse initializes the AccountResourceTypes's fields from a string.
/*func parseAccountResourceTypes(s string) (AccountResourceTypes, error) {
rt := AccountResourceTypes{} // Clear out the flags
for _, r := range s {
switch r {
case 's':
rt.Service = true
case 'c':
rt.Container = true
case 'o':
rt.Object = true
return AccountResourceTypes{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid resource type: '%v'", r)
return rt, nil
@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ var timeFormats = []string{"2006-01-02T15:04:05.0000000Z", TimeFormat, "2006-01-
type Protocol string
const (
// ProtocolHTTPS can be specified for a SAS protocol
// ProtocolHTTPS can be specified for a SAS protocol.
ProtocolHTTPS Protocol = "https"
// ProtocolHTTPSandHTTP can be specified for a SAS protocol
// ProtocolHTTPSandHTTP can be specified for a SAS protocol.
ProtocolHTTPSandHTTP Protocol = "https,http"
@ -148,137 +148,137 @@ type QueryParameters struct {
seTimeFormat string
// AuthorizedObjectID returns authorizedObjectID
// AuthorizedObjectID returns authorizedObjectID.
func (p *QueryParameters) AuthorizedObjectID() string {
return p.authorizedObjectID
// UnauthorizedObjectID returns unauthorizedObjectID
// UnauthorizedObjectID returns unauthorizedObjectID.
func (p *QueryParameters) UnauthorizedObjectID() string {
return p.unauthorizedObjectID
// SignedCorrelationID returns signedCorrelationID
// SignedCorrelationID returns signedCorrelationID.
func (p *QueryParameters) SignedCorrelationID() string {
return p.correlationID
// SignedOID returns signedOID
// SignedOID returns signedOID.
func (p *QueryParameters) SignedOID() string {
return p.signedOID
// SignedTID returns signedTID
// SignedTID returns signedTID.
func (p *QueryParameters) SignedTID() string {
return p.signedTID
// SignedStart returns signedStart
// SignedStart returns signedStart.
func (p *QueryParameters) SignedStart() time.Time {
return p.signedStart
// SignedExpiry returns signedExpiry
// SignedExpiry returns signedExpiry.
func (p *QueryParameters) SignedExpiry() time.Time {
return p.signedExpiry
// SignedService returns signedService
// SignedService returns signedService.
func (p *QueryParameters) SignedService() string {
return p.signedService
// SignedVersion returns signedVersion
// SignedVersion returns signedVersion.
func (p *QueryParameters) SignedVersion() string {
return p.signedVersion
// SnapshotTime returns snapshotTime
// SnapshotTime returns snapshotTime.
func (p *QueryParameters) SnapshotTime() time.Time {
return p.snapshotTime
// Version returns version
// Version returns version.
func (p *QueryParameters) Version() string {
return p.version
// Services returns services
// Services returns services.
func (p *QueryParameters) Services() string {
return p.services
// ResourceTypes returns resourceTypes
// ResourceTypes returns resourceTypes.
func (p *QueryParameters) ResourceTypes() string {
return p.resourceTypes
// Protocol returns protocol
// Protocol returns protocol.
func (p *QueryParameters) Protocol() Protocol {
return p.protocol
// StartTime returns startTime
// StartTime returns startTime.
func (p *QueryParameters) StartTime() time.Time {
return p.startTime
// ExpiryTime returns expiryTime
// ExpiryTime returns expiryTime.
func (p *QueryParameters) ExpiryTime() time.Time {
return p.expiryTime
// IPRange returns ipRange
// IPRange returns ipRange.
func (p *QueryParameters) IPRange() IPRange {
return p.ipRange
// Identifier returns identifier
// Identifier returns identifier.
func (p *QueryParameters) Identifier() string {
return p.identifier
// Resource returns resource
// Resource returns resource.
func (p *QueryParameters) Resource() string {
return p.resource
// Permissions returns permissions
// Permissions returns permissions.
func (p *QueryParameters) Permissions() string {
return p.permissions
// Signature returns signature
// Signature returns signature.
func (p *QueryParameters) Signature() string {
return p.signature
// CacheControl returns cacheControl
// CacheControl returns cacheControl.
func (p *QueryParameters) CacheControl() string {
return p.cacheControl
// ContentDisposition returns contentDisposition
// ContentDisposition returns contentDisposition.
func (p *QueryParameters) ContentDisposition() string {
return p.contentDisposition
// ContentEncoding returns contentEncoding
// ContentEncoding returns contentEncoding.
func (p *QueryParameters) ContentEncoding() string {
return p.contentEncoding
// ContentLanguage returns contentLanguage
// ContentLanguage returns contentLanguage.
func (p *QueryParameters) ContentLanguage() string {
return p.contentLanguage
// ContentType returns sontentType
// ContentType returns contentType.
func (p *QueryParameters) ContentType() string {
return p.contentType
// SignedDirectoryDepth returns signedDirectoryDepth
// SignedDirectoryDepth returns signedDirectoryDepth.
func (p *QueryParameters) SignedDirectoryDepth() string {
return p.signedDirectoryDepth
@ -141,13 +141,7 @@ func (v BlobSignatureValues) SignWithUserDelegation(userDelegationCredential *Us
return QueryParameters{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot sign SAS query without User Delegation Key")
//Make sure the permission characters are in the correct order
perms, err := parseBlobPermissions(v.Permissions)
if err != nil {
return QueryParameters{}, err
v.Permissions = perms.String()
// Parse the resource
resource := "c"
if !v.SnapshotTime.IsZero() {
resource = "bs"
@ -161,6 +155,20 @@ func (v BlobSignatureValues) SignWithUserDelegation(userDelegationCredential *Us
} else {
resource = "b"
// make sure the permission characters are in the correct order
if resource == "c" {
perms, err := parseContainerPermissions(v.Permissions)
if err != nil {
return QueryParameters{}, err
v.Permissions = perms.String()
} else {
perms, err := parseBlobPermissions(v.Permissions)
if err != nil {
return QueryParameters{}, err
v.Permissions = perms.String()
if v.Version == "" {
v.Version = Version
@ -253,15 +261,15 @@ func getCanonicalName(account string, containerName string, blobName string, dir
// ContainerPermissions type simplifies creating the permissions string for an Azure Storage container SAS.
// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set BlobSASSignatureValues's Permissions field.
// Initialize an instance of this type and then call Client.GetSASURL with it or use the String method to set BlobSASSignatureValues Permissions field.
// All permissions descriptions can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/create-service-sas#permissions-for-a-directory-container-or-blob
type ContainerPermissions struct {
Read, Add, Create, Write, Delete, DeletePreviousVersion, List, FilterByTags bool
Execute, ModifyOwnership, ModifyPermissions, SetImmutabilityPolicy bool // Hierarchical Namespace only
Read, Add, Create, Write, Delete, DeletePreviousVersion, List, FilterByTags, Move, SetImmutabilityPolicy bool
Execute, ModifyOwnership, ModifyPermissions bool // Meant for hierarchical namespace accounts
// String produces the SAS permissions string for an Azure Storage container.
// Call this method to set BlobSASSignatureValues's Permissions field.
// Call this method to set BlobSASSignatureValues' Permissions field.
func (p *ContainerPermissions) String() string {
var b bytes.Buffer
if p.Read {
@ -288,6 +296,9 @@ func (p *ContainerPermissions) String() string {
if p.FilterByTags {
if p.Move {
if p.Execute {
@ -303,8 +314,8 @@ func (p *ContainerPermissions) String() string {
return b.String()
// Parse initializes the ContainerSASPermissions' fields from a string.
/*func parseContainerPermissions(s string) (ContainerPermissions, error) {
// Parse initializes ContainerPermissions' fields from a string.
func parseContainerPermissions(s string) (ContainerPermissions, error) {
p := ContainerPermissions{} // Clear the flags
for _, r := range s {
switch r {
@ -322,29 +333,33 @@ func (p *ContainerPermissions) String() string {
p.DeletePreviousVersion = true
case 'l':
p.List = true
case 't':
case 'f':
p.FilterByTags = true
case 'm':
p.Move = true
case 'e':
p.Execute = true
case 'o':
p.ModifyOwnership = true
case 'p':
p.ModifyPermissions = true
case 'i':
p.SetImmutabilityPolicy = true
return ContainerPermissions{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid permission: '%v'", r)
return p, nil
// BlobPermissions type simplifies creating the permissions string for an Azure Storage blob SAS.
// Initialize an instance of this type and then call its String method to set BlobSASSignatureValues's Permissions field.
// Initialize an instance of this type and then call Client.GetSASURL with it or use the String method to set BlobSASSignatureValues Permissions field.
type BlobPermissions struct {
Read, Add, Create, Write, Delete, DeletePreviousVersion, Tag, List, Move, Execute, Ownership, Permissions, PermanentDelete bool
Read, Add, Create, Write, Delete, DeletePreviousVersion, PermanentDelete, List, Tag, Move, Execute, Ownership, Permissions, SetImmutabilityPolicy bool
// String produces the SAS permissions string for an Azure Storage blob.
// Call this method to set BlobSignatureValues's Permissions field.
// Call this method to set BlobSignatureValue's Permissions field.
func (p *BlobPermissions) String() string {
var b bytes.Buffer
if p.Read {
@ -386,10 +401,13 @@ func (p *BlobPermissions) String() string {
if p.Permissions {
if p.SetImmutabilityPolicy {
return b.String()
// Parse initializes the BlobSASPermissions's fields from a string.
// Parse initializes BlobPermissions' fields from a string.
func parseBlobPermissions(s string) (BlobPermissions, error) {
p := BlobPermissions{} // Clear the flags
for _, r := range s {
@ -406,12 +424,12 @@ func parseBlobPermissions(s string) (BlobPermissions, error) {
p.Delete = true
case 'x':
p.DeletePreviousVersion = true
case 't':
p.Tag = true
case 'y':
p.PermanentDelete = true
case 'l':
p.List = true
case 't':
p.Tag = true
case 'm':
p.Move = true
case 'e':
@ -420,6 +438,8 @@ func parseBlobPermissions(s string) (BlobPermissions, error) {
p.Ownership = true
case 'p':
p.Permissions = true
case 'i':
p.SetImmutabilityPolicy = true
return BlobPermissions{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid permission: '%v'", r)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ package service
import (
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ func (s *Client) NewListContainersPager(o *ListContainersOptions) *runtime.Pager
if page == nil {
req, err = s.generated().ListContainersSegmentCreateRequest(ctx, &listOptions)
} else {
listOptions.Marker = page.Marker
listOptions.Marker = page.NextMarker
req, err = s.generated().ListContainersSegmentCreateRequest(ctx, &listOptions)
if err != nil {
@ -243,19 +243,17 @@ func (s *Client) GetStatistics(ctx context.Context, o *GetStatisticsOptions) (Ge
// GetSASURL is a convenience method for generating a SAS token for the currently pointed at account.
// It can only be used if the credential supplied during creation was a SharedKeyCredential.
// This validity can be checked with CanGetAccountSASToken().
func (s *Client) GetSASURL(resources sas.AccountResourceTypes, permissions sas.AccountPermissions, services sas.AccountServices, start time.Time, expiry time.Time) (string, error) {
func (s *Client) GetSASURL(resources sas.AccountResourceTypes, permissions sas.AccountPermissions, expiry time.Time, o *GetSASURLOptions) (string, error) {
if s.sharedKey() == nil {
return "", errors.New("SAS can only be signed with a SharedKeyCredential")
return "", bloberror.MissingSharedKeyCredential
st := o.format()
qps, err := sas.AccountSignatureValues{
Version: sas.Version,
Protocol: sas.ProtocolHTTPS,
Permissions: permissions.String(),
Services: services.String(),
ResourceTypes: resources.String(),
StartTime: start.UTC(),
StartTime: st,
ExpiryTime: expiry.UTC(),
if err != nil {
@ -277,8 +275,8 @@ func (s *Client) GetSASURL(resources sas.AccountResourceTypes, permissions sas.A
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/find-blobs-by-tags
// eg. "dog='germanshepherd' and penguin='emperorpenguin'"
// To specify a container, eg. "@container=’containerName’ and Name = ‘C’"
func (s *Client) FilterBlobs(ctx context.Context, o *FilterBlobsOptions) (FilterBlobsResponse, error) {
func (s *Client) FilterBlobs(ctx context.Context, where string, o *FilterBlobsOptions) (FilterBlobsResponse, error) {
serviceFilterBlobsOptions := o.format()
resp, err := s.generated().FilterBlobs(ctx, serviceFilterBlobsOptions)
resp, err := s.generated().FilterBlobs(ctx, where, serviceFilterBlobsOptions)
return resp, err
@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
package service
import (
// SharedKeyCredential contains an account's name and its primary or secondary key.
@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ type UserDelegationKey = generated.UserDelegationKey
// KeyInfo contains KeyInfo struct.
type KeyInfo = generated.KeyInfo
// GetUserDelegationCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for Service.GetUserDelegationKey method
// GetUserDelegationCredentialOptions contains optional parameters for Service.GetUserDelegationKey method.
type GetUserDelegationCredentialOptions struct {
// placeholder for future options
@ -51,11 +53,11 @@ type ContainerItem = generated.ContainerItem
// ContainerProperties - Properties of a container
type ContainerProperties = generated.ContainerProperties
// CpkInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
type CpkInfo = generated.CpkInfo
// CPKInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.Download method.
type CPKInfo = generated.CPKInfo
// CpkScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
type CpkScopeInfo = generated.CpkScopeInfo
// CPKScopeInfo contains a group of parameters for the BlobClient.SetMetadata method.
type CPKScopeInfo = generated.CPKScopeInfo
// CreateContainerOptions contains the optional parameters for the container.Client.Create method.
type CreateContainerOptions = container.CreateOptions
@ -66,28 +68,34 @@ type DeleteContainerOptions = container.DeleteOptions
// RestoreContainerOptions contains the optional parameters for the container.Client.Restore method.
type RestoreContainerOptions = container.RestoreOptions
// CorsRule - CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another
// CORSRule - CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another
// domain. Web browsers implement a security restriction known as same-origin policy that
// prevents a web page from calling APIs in a different domain; CORS provides a secure way to allow one domain (the origin
// domain) to call APIs in another domain
type CorsRule = generated.CorsRule
// domain) to call APIs in another domain.
type CORSRule = generated.CORSRule
// FilterBlobItem - Blob info returned from method Client.FilterBlobs
// FilterBlobSegment - The result of a Filter Blobs API call.
type FilterBlobSegment = generated.FilterBlobSegment
// BlobTags - Blob tags
type BlobTags = generated.BlobTags
// FilterBlobItem - Blob info returned from method Client.FilterBlobs.
type FilterBlobItem = generated.FilterBlobItem
// GeoReplication - Geo-Replication information for the Secondary Storage Service
// GeoReplication - Geo-Replication information for the Secondary Storage Service.
type GeoReplication = generated.GeoReplication
// RetentionPolicy - the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist
// RetentionPolicy - the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist.
type RetentionPolicy = generated.RetentionPolicy
// Metrics - a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for blobs
// Metrics - a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for blobs.
type Metrics = generated.Metrics
// Logging - Azure Analytics Logging settings.
type Logging = generated.Logging
// StaticWebsite - The properties that enable an account to host a static website
// StaticWebsite - The properties that enable an account to host a static website.
type StaticWebsite = generated.StaticWebsite
// StorageServiceProperties - Storage Service Properties.
@ -120,7 +128,7 @@ func (o *GetPropertiesOptions) format() *generated.ServiceClientGetPropertiesOpt
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ListContainersOptions provides set of configurations for ListContainers operation
// ListContainersOptions provides set of configurations for ListContainers operation.
type ListContainersOptions struct {
Include ListContainersInclude
@ -154,25 +162,28 @@ type ListContainersInclude struct {
// SetPropertiesOptions provides set of options for Client.SetProperties
type SetPropertiesOptions struct {
// The set of CORS rules.
Cors []*CorsRule
// The default version to use for requests to the Blob service if an incoming request's version is not specified. Possible
// values include version 2008-10-27 and all more recent versions
// values include version 2008-10-27 and all more recent versions.
DefaultServiceVersion *string
// the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist
// the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist.
DeleteRetentionPolicy *RetentionPolicy
// a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for blobs
// If version is not set - we default to "1.0"
HourMetrics *Metrics
// Azure Analytics Logging settings.
// If version is not set - we default to "1.0"
Logging *Logging
// a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for blobs
// If version is not set - we default to "1.0"
MinuteMetrics *Metrics
// The properties that enable an account to host a static website
// The properties that enable an account to host a static website.
StaticWebsite *StaticWebsite
@ -181,8 +192,45 @@ func (o *SetPropertiesOptions) format() (generated.StorageServiceProperties, *ge
return generated.StorageServiceProperties{}, nil
defaultVersion := to.Ptr[string]("1.0")
defaultAge := to.Ptr[int32](0)
emptyStr := to.Ptr[string]("")
if o.CORS != nil {
for i := 0; i < len(o.CORS); i++ {
if o.CORS[i].AllowedHeaders == nil {
o.CORS[i].AllowedHeaders = emptyStr
if o.CORS[i].ExposedHeaders == nil {
o.CORS[i].ExposedHeaders = emptyStr
if o.CORS[i].MaxAgeInSeconds == nil {
o.CORS[i].MaxAgeInSeconds = defaultAge
if o.HourMetrics != nil {
if o.HourMetrics.Version == nil {
o.HourMetrics.Version = defaultVersion
if o.Logging != nil {
if o.Logging.Version == nil {
o.Logging.Version = defaultVersion
if o.MinuteMetrics != nil {
if o.MinuteMetrics.Version == nil {
o.MinuteMetrics.Version = defaultVersion
return generated.StorageServiceProperties{
Cors: o.Cors,
DefaultServiceVersion: o.DefaultServiceVersion,
DeleteRetentionPolicy: o.DeleteRetentionPolicy,
HourMetrics: o.HourMetrics,
@ -194,6 +242,27 @@ func (o *SetPropertiesOptions) format() (generated.StorageServiceProperties, *ge
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetSASURLOptions contains the optional parameters for the Client.GetSASURL method.
type GetSASURLOptions struct {
StartTime *time.Time
func (o *GetSASURLOptions) format() time.Time {
if o == nil {
return time.Time{}
var st time.Time
if o.StartTime != nil {
st = o.StartTime.UTC()
} else {
st = time.Time{}
return st
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetStatisticsOptions provides set of options for Client.GetStatistics
type GetStatisticsOptions struct {
// placeholder for future options
@ -205,7 +274,7 @@ func (o *GetStatisticsOptions) format() *generated.ServiceClientGetStatisticsOpt
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FilterBlobsOptions provides set of options for Client.FindBlobsByTags
// FilterBlobsOptions provides set of options for Client.FindBlobsByTags.
type FilterBlobsOptions struct {
// A string value that identifies the portion of the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The
// operation returns the NextMarker value within the response body if the listing
@ -219,8 +288,6 @@ type FilterBlobsOptions struct {
// of the results. For this reason, it is possible that the service will
// return fewer results than specified by maxresults, or than the default of 5000.
MaxResults *int32
// Filters the results to return only to return only blobs whose tags match the specified expression.
Where *string
func (o *FilterBlobsOptions) format() *generated.ServiceClientFilterBlobsOptions {
@ -230,6 +297,5 @@ func (o *FilterBlobsOptions) format() *generated.ServiceClientFilterBlobsOptions
return &generated.ServiceClientFilterBlobsOptions{
Marker: o.Marker,
Maxresults: o.MaxResults,
Where: o.Where,
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ type GetAccountInfoResponse = generated.ServiceClientGetAccountInfoResponse
// ListContainersResponse contains the response from method Client.ListContainersSegment.
type ListContainersResponse = generated.ServiceClientListContainersSegmentResponse
// ListContainersSegmentResponse - An enumeration of containers
type ListContainersSegmentResponse = generated.ListContainersSegmentResponse
// GetPropertiesResponse contains the response from method Client.GetProperties.
type GetPropertiesResponse = generated.ServiceClientGetPropertiesResponse
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ func main() {
###### Compile and Execute
$ go run .
@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ tableTwo
Please use these community resources for getting help. We use the GitHub issues
for tracking bugs and feature requests.
* Ask a question on [StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/) and tag it with the [`aws-sdk-go`](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/aws-sdk-go) tag.
* Open a support ticket with [AWS Support](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awssupport/latest/user/getting-started.html).
* Ask us a [question](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/discussions/new?category=q-a) or open a [discussion](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/discussions/new?category=general).
* If you think you may have found a bug, please open an [issue](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/issues/new/choose).
* Open a support ticket with [AWS Support](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awssupport/latest/user/getting-started.html).
This SDK implements AWS service APIs. For general issues regarding the AWS services and their limitations, you may also take a look at the [Amazon Web Services Discussion Forums](https://forums.aws.amazon.com/).
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package aws
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.17.3"
const goModuleVersion = "1.17.4"
@ -36,20 +36,31 @@ type Array struct {
memberName string
// Elements are stored in values, so we keep track of the list size here.
size int32
// Empty lists are encoded as "<prefix>=", if we add a value later we will
// remove this encoding
emptyValue Value
func newArray(values url.Values, prefix string, flat bool, memberName string) *Array {
emptyValue := newValue(values, prefix, flat)
return &Array{
values: values,
prefix: prefix,
flat: flat,
memberName: memberName,
emptyValue: emptyValue,
// Value adds a new element to the Query Array. Returns a Value type used to
// encode the array element.
func (a *Array) Value() Value {
if a.size == 0 {
delete(a.values, a.emptyValue.key)
// Query lists start a 1, so adjust the size first
prefix := a.prefix
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.18.12 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.18.11 (2023-02-01)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package config
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.18.11"
const goModuleVersion = "1.18.12"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.13.12 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.13.11 (2023-02-01)
* No change notes available for this release.
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package credentials
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.13.11"
const goModuleVersion = "1.13.12"
@ -149,11 +149,23 @@ func NewProviderCommand(builder NewCommandBuilder, options ...func(*Options)) *P
return p
type credentialProcessResponse struct {
// A CredentialProcessResponse is the AWS credentials format that must be
// returned when executing an external credential_process.
type CredentialProcessResponse struct {
// As of this writing, the Version key must be set to 1. This might
// increment over time as the structure evolves.
Version int
// The access key ID that identifies the temporary security credentials.
AccessKeyID string `json:"AccessKeyId"`
// The secret access key that can be used to sign requests.
SecretAccessKey string
// The token that users must pass to the service API to use the temporary credentials.
SessionToken string
// The date on which the current credentials expire.
Expiration *time.Time
@ -166,7 +178,7 @@ func (p *Provider) Retrieve(ctx context.Context) (aws.Credentials, error) {
// Serialize and validate response
resp := &credentialProcessResponse{}
resp := &CredentialProcessResponse{}
if err = json.Unmarshal(out, resp); err != nil {
return aws.Credentials{Source: ProviderName}, &ProviderError{
Err: fmt.Errorf("parse failed of process output: %s, error: %w", out, err),
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.12.22 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.12.21 (2022-12-15)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package imds
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.12.21"
const goModuleVersion = "1.12.22"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.11.51 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.11.50 (2023-02-01)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package manager
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.11.50"
const goModuleVersion = "1.11.51"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.1.28 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.1.27 (2022-12-15)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package configsources
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.1.27"
const goModuleVersion = "1.1.28"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v2.4.22 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v2.4.21 (2022-12-15)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package endpoints
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "2.4.21"
const goModuleVersion = "2.4.22"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.3.29 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.3.28 (2022-12-15)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package ini
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.3.28"
const goModuleVersion = "1.3.29"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.0.19 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.0.18 (2022-12-15)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package v4a
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.0.18"
const goModuleVersion = "1.0.19"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.1.23 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.1.22 (2022-12-15)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package checksum
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.1.22"
const goModuleVersion = "1.1.23"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.9.22 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.9.21 (2022-12-15)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package presignedurl
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.9.21"
const goModuleVersion = "1.9.22"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.13.22 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.13.21 (2022-12-15)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package s3shared
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.13.21"
const goModuleVersion = "1.13.22"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.30.2 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.30.1 (2023-01-23)
* No change notes available for this release.
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package s3
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.30.1"
const goModuleVersion = "1.30.2"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.12.1 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.12.0 (2023-01-05)
* **Feature**: Add `ErrorCodeOverride` field to all error structs (aws/smithy-go#401).
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package sso
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.12.0"
const goModuleVersion = "1.12.1"
@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# v1.14.1 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
# v1.14.0 (2023-01-05)
* **Feature**: Add `ErrorCodeOverride` field to all error structs (aws/smithy-go#401).
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package ssooidc
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.14.0"
const goModuleVersion = "1.14.1"
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
# v1.18.3 (2023-02-03)
* **Dependency Update**: Updated to the latest SDK module versions
* **Dependency Update**: Upgrade smithy to 1.27.2 and correct empty query list serialization.
# v1.18.2 (2023-01-25)
* **Documentation**: Doc only change to update wording in a key topic
@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
package sts
// goModuleVersion is the tagged release for this module
const goModuleVersion = "1.18.2"
const goModuleVersion = "1.18.3"
@ -523,9 +523,6 @@ func (m *awsAwsquery_serializeOpGetSessionToken) HandleSerialize(ctx context.Con
return next.HandleSerialize(ctx, in)
func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentPolicyDescriptorListType(v []types.PolicyDescriptorType, value query.Value) error {
if len(v) == 0 {
return nil
array := value.Array("member")
for i := range v {
@ -567,9 +564,6 @@ func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentTag(v *types.Tag, value query.Value) error {
func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentTagKeyListType(v []string, value query.Value) error {
if len(v) == 0 {
return nil
array := value.Array("member")
for i := range v {
@ -580,9 +574,6 @@ func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentTagKeyListType(v []string, value query.Value)
func awsAwsquery_serializeDocumentTagListType(v []types.Tag, value query.Value) error {
if len(v) == 0 {
return nil
array := value.Array("member")
for i := range v {
@ -8179,6 +8179,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{
Region: "ap-south-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "ap-south-2",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "ap-southeast-1",
}: endpoint{},
@ -8200,12 +8203,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{
Region: "eu-central-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "eu-central-2",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "eu-north-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "eu-south-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "eu-south-2",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "eu-west-1",
}: endpoint{},
@ -11011,6 +11020,9 @@ var awsPartition = partition{
Region: "ap-south-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "ap-south-2",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "ap-southeast-1",
}: endpoint{},
@ -11026,12 +11038,18 @@ var awsPartition = partition{
Region: "eu-central-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "eu-central-2",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "eu-north-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "eu-south-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "eu-south-2",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "eu-west-1",
}: endpoint{},
@ -31787,6 +31805,26 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{
"compute-optimizer": service{
Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{
Region: "us-gov-east-1",
}: endpoint{
Hostname: "compute-optimizer-fips.us-gov-east-1.amazonaws.com",
CredentialScope: credentialScope{
Region: "us-gov-east-1",
Region: "us-gov-west-1",
}: endpoint{
Hostname: "compute-optimizer-fips.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com",
CredentialScope: credentialScope{
Region: "us-gov-west-1",
"config": service{
Defaults: endpointDefaults{
defaultKey{}: endpoint{},
@ -32936,36 +32974,38 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{
Region: "fips-us-gov-east-1",
}: endpoint{
Hostname: "greengrass-fips.us-gov-east-1.amazonaws.com",
Hostname: "greengrass.us-gov-east-1.amazonaws.com",
CredentialScope: credentialScope{
Region: "us-gov-east-1",
Deprecated: boxedTrue,
Region: "us-gov-east-1",
}: endpoint{
Hostname: "greengrass.us-gov-east-1.amazonaws.com",
CredentialScope: credentialScope{
Region: "us-gov-east-1",
Region: "us-gov-east-1",
Variant: fipsVariant,
}: endpoint{
Hostname: "greengrass-fips.us-gov-east-1.amazonaws.com",
CredentialScope: credentialScope{
Region: "us-gov-east-1",
Region: "us-gov-west-1",
Region: "fips-us-gov-west-1",
}: endpoint{
Hostname: "greengrass.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com",
CredentialScope: credentialScope{
Region: "us-gov-west-1",
Deprecated: boxedTrue,
Region: "us-gov-east-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "us-gov-east-1",
Variant: fipsVariant,
}: endpoint{
Hostname: "greengrass.us-gov-east-1.amazonaws.com",
Region: "us-gov-west-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "us-gov-west-1",
Variant: fipsVariant,
}: endpoint{
Hostname: "greengrass.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com",
@ -33164,6 +33204,21 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{
Region: "us-gov-west-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "us-gov-west-1",
Variant: fipsVariant,
}: endpoint{
Hostname: "ingest.timestream.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com",
Region: "us-gov-west-1-fips",
}: endpoint{
Hostname: "ingest.timestream.us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com",
CredentialScope: credentialScope{
Region: "us-gov-west-1",
Deprecated: boxedTrue,
"inspector": service{
@ -33206,6 +33261,16 @@ var awsusgovPartition = partition{
"inspector2": service{
Endpoints: serviceEndpoints{
Region: "us-gov-east-1",
}: endpoint{},
Region: "us-gov-west-1",
}: endpoint{},
"iot": service{
Defaults: endpointDefaults{
defaultKey{}: endpoint{
@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ package aws
const SDKName = "aws-sdk-go"
// SDKVersion is the version of this SDK
const SDKVersion = "1.44.192"
const SDKVersion = "1.44.196"
@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ flag_types:
type: bool
- name: Action
type: "func(*Context, []string) error"
- name: KeepSpace
type: bool
- name: Action
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ type StringSlice struct {
slice []string
separator separatorSpec
hasBeenSet bool
keepSpace bool
// NewStringSlice creates a *StringSlice with default values
@ -45,6 +46,9 @@ func (s *StringSlice) Set(value string) error {
for _, t := range s.separator.flagSplitMultiValues(value) {
if !s.keepSpace {
t = strings.TrimSpace(t)
s.slice = append(s.slice, t)
@ -149,9 +153,14 @@ func (f *StringSliceFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet) error {
setValue.keepSpace = f.KeepSpace
if val, source, found := flagFromEnvOrFile(f.EnvVars, f.FilePath); found {
for _, s := range f.separator.flagSplitMultiValues(val) {
if err := setValue.Set(strings.TrimSpace(s)); err != nil {
if !f.KeepSpace {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if err := setValue.Set(s); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %q as string value from %s for flag %s: %s", val, source, f.Name, err)
@ -1827,6 +1827,8 @@ type StringSliceFlag struct {
TakesFile bool
Action func(*Context, []string) error
KeepSpace bool
// Has unexported fields.
StringSliceFlag is a flag with type *StringSlice
@ -270,6 +270,8 @@ type StringSliceFlag struct {
TakesFile bool
Action func(*Context, []string) error
KeepSpace bool
// IsSet returns whether or not the flag has been set through env or file
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
record: writeRecordFunc,
ctx: ctx,
props: h.propagators,
statusCode: 200, // default status code in case the Handler doesn't write anything
statusCode: http.StatusOK, // default status code in case the Handler doesn't write anything
// Wrap w to use our ResponseWriter methods while also exposing
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ package otelhttp // import "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http
// Version is the current release version of the otelhttp instrumentation.
func Version() string {
return "0.38.0"
return "0.39.0"
// This string is updated by the pre_release.sh script during release
@ -8,6 +8,29 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.htm
## [Unreleased]
## [1.13.0/0.36.0] 2023-02-07
### Added
- Attribute `KeyValue` creations functions to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0` for all non-enum semantic conventions.
These functions ensure semantic convention type correctness. (#3675)
### Fixed
- Removed the `http.target` attribute from being added by `ServerRequest` in the following packages. (#3687)
- `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/httpconv`
- `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.14.0/httpconv`
- `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.15.0/httpconv`
- `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.16.0/httpconv`
- `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/httpconv`
### Removed
- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64` package is removed. (#3631)
- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64` package is removed. (#3631)
- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64` package is removed. (#3631)
- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64` package is removed. (#3631)
## [1.12.0/0.35.0] 2023-01-28
### Added
@ -2220,7 +2243,8 @@ It contains api and sdk for trace and meter.
- CircleCI build CI manifest files.
- CODEOWNERS file to track owners of this project.
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/compare/v1.12.0...HEAD
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/compare/v1.13.0...HEAD
[1.13.0/0.36.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.13.0
[1.12.0/0.35.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.12.0
[1.11.2/0.34.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.11.2
[1.11.1/0.33.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.11.1
@ -157,7 +157,14 @@ func (c *HTTPConv) ClientRequest(req *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue {
// "net.sock.peer.addr", "net.sock.peer.port", "http.user_agent", "enduser.id",
// "http.client_ip".
func (c *HTTPConv) ServerRequest(server string, req *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue {
n := 5 // Method, scheme, target, proto, and host name.
// TODO: This currently does not add the specification required
// `http.target` attribute. It has too high of a cardinality to safely be
// added. An alternate should be added, or this comment removed, when it is
// addressed by the specification. If it is ultimately decided to continue
// not including the attribute, the HTTPTargetKey field of the HTTPConv
// should be removed as well.
n := 4 // Method, scheme, proto, and host name.
var host string
var p int
if server == "" {
@ -199,14 +206,6 @@ func (c *HTTPConv) ServerRequest(server string, req *http.Request) []attribute.K
attrs = append(attrs, c.proto(req.Proto))
attrs = append(attrs, c.NetConv.HostName(host))
if req.URL != nil {
attrs = append(attrs, c.HTTPTargetKey.String(req.URL.RequestURI()))
} else {
// This should never occur if the request was generated by the net/http
// package. Fail gracefully, if it does though.
attrs = append(attrs, c.HTTPTargetKey.String(req.RequestURI))
if hostPort > 0 {
attrs = append(attrs, c.NetConv.HostPort(hostPort))
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ package otel // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel"
// Version is the current release version of OpenTelemetry in use.
func Version() string {
return "1.12.0"
return "1.13.0"
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
version: v1.12.0
version: v1.13.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opentracing
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module-sets:
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk
version: v0.35.0
version: v0.36.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/opencensus
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/prometheus
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
Reference in a new issue