Production workload shows that the index requires ~4Kb of RAM per active time series.
This is too much for high number of active time series, so let's delete this index.
Now the queries should fall back to the index for the current day instead of the index
for the recent hour. The query performance for the current day index should be good enough
given the 100M rows/sec scan speed per CPU core.
The origin of the error has been detected and documented in the code,
so it is enough to export a counter for such errors at `vm_index_blocks_with_metric_ids_incorrect_order_total`,
so it could be monitored and alerted on high error rates.
Export also the counter for processed index blocks with metricIDs - `vm_index_blocks_with_metric_ids_processed_total`,
so its' rate could be compared to `rate(vm_index_blocks_with_metric_ids_incorrect_order_total)`.
This should reduce the amount of RAM required for processing time series
with non-zero churn rate.
The previous cache behavior can be restored with `-cache.oldBehavior` command-line flag.