This localizes blockSearch.getColumnsHeader() call at block_search.go .
This call is going to be optimized in the next commits in order to avoid
unmarshaling of header data for unneeded columns, which weren't requested
by getConstColumnValue() / getColumnHeader().
Refer the original byte slice with the marshaled columnsHeader for columns names and dictionary-encoded column values.
This improves query performance a bit when big number of blocks with big number of columns are scanned during the query.
This improves performance for analytical queries, which do not need column headers metadata.
For example, the following query doesn't need column headers metadata, since _stream and min(_time)
are stored in block header, which is read separately from colum headers metadata:
_time:1w | stats by (_stream) min(_time) min_time
This commit significantly improves the performance for this query.
Substitute global streamTagsCache with per-blockSearch cache for (( -> (_stream value)) entries.
This improves scalability of obtaining _stream values on a machine with many CPU cores, since every CPU
has its own blockSearch instance.
This also should reduce memory usage when querying logs over big number of streams, since per-blockSearch
cache of (( -> (_stream value)) entries is limited in size, and its lifetime is bounded by a single query.