The new panels have been added to the vmstorage and drilldown rows.
`Disk space usage %` is supposed to show disk space usage percentage.
This panel is now also referred by `DiskRunsOutOfSpace` alerting rule.
This panel has Drilldown option to show absolute values.
`Disk space usage % by type` shows the relation between datapoints
and indexdb size. It supposed to help identify cases when indexdb
starts to take too much disk space.
This panel has Drilldown option to show absolute values.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
Fixes a missing `&` char in data link for ETA panel
on cluster dashboards. Without `&` char it generates
wrong link when click on Drilldown menu.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
The change list is the following:
* bump Grafana version to 9.2.6;
* replace old "Graph" panel with "TimeSeries" panel;
* show % usage of Mem and CPU additionally to of absolute values;
* `Caches` row was removed. All needed info for caches is now part of `Troubleshooting`;
* add Annotations for Alert triggers. Not all alerts are supposed to be displayed
on the dashboard, but only those with label `show_at: dashboard`.
See `alerts.yml` change.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
The change list is the following:
* bump Grafana version to 9.2.6;
* replace old Graph panel with TimeSeries panel;
* add RemoteWrite section;
* allow configuring topK elements for some of the panels;
* Preer grouping by job instead of grouping by instance.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
The change list is the following:
* bump Grafana version to 9.2.6;
* add version change annotations;
* switch to per-job panels instead of per-instance;
* add drilldown option for resource usage panels.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
The change list is the following:
* bump Grafana version to 9.2.6;
* remove artifacts in data links.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* some unexpected DS UIDs were removed;
* replace `$instance.*` filter with `$instance` since we respect
the instance port anyway;
* remove predefined datasource for `clusterbytenant`
in favour of datasource variable `ds`.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
The purpose of the update is to make the dash more usable
for large installations with many instances. Panels which showed
metrics per-instance (Mem, CPU) now are showing metrics per-job or min/max/avg
aggregations in % instead. This supposed to help immediately to identify
resource shortage and remain usable for small and big installations.
For cases when detailed info is needed, to the bottom of the dashboard
a new row `Drilldown` was added. Panels like Mem or CPU now contain
a `data-link` named `Drilldown` (cis shown on line click) which takes
user to more detailed panel.
The change list is the following:
* bump Grafana version to 9.1.0;
* replace old "Graph" panel with "TimeSeries" panel;
* improve Uptime panel to show number of instances per job;
* show % usage of Mem and CPU instead of absolute values;
* `Caches` row was removed. All needed info for caches is now part of `Troubleshooting`;
* add `Drilldown` section for detailed resource usage;
* add Annotations for Alert triggers. Not all alerts are supposed to be displayed
on the dashboard, but only those with label `show_at: dashboard`.
See `alerts-cluster.yml` change.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/cluster: few updates
* apply consistent formatting across panels;
* make resource usage panels per component more detailed;
* add extra panels to vmselect for displaying
`vm_rows_read_per_query`, `vm_rows_scanned_per_query`,
`vm_rows_read_per_series` and `vm_series_read_per_query` metrics.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/single: few updates
* apply consistent formatting across panels;
* add extra panels to Performance for displaying
`vm_rows_read_per_query`, `vm_rows_scanned_per_query`,
`vm_rows_read_per_series` and `vm_series_read_per_query` metrics.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/vmagent: few updates
* apply consistent formatting across panels;
* add panels for showing number of samples ingested
or scraped;
* adapt resource usage panels for multiple selected jobs/instances;
* add adhoc variable;
* display vmagent's version in Stats.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/vmalert: few updates
* apply consistent formatting across panels;
* adapt resource usage panels for multiple selected jobs/instances;
* show vmalert version in Stats section.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
The new metric `vmagent_remotewrite_queues` exports a static value of
number of configured remote write queus. This metric is useful to
calculate total saturation per each configured URL with given number
of queues. See corresponding changes to vmagent alerts and dashboard.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
Using metric `vm_concurrent_queries` in relation to `vm_concurrent_select_capacity`
is incorrect. Switching to `vm_concurrent_select_current` in `Concurrent selects` panel.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
Before we used fixed `5m` interval for expressions with `rate` func.
Unfortunately, this interval wasn't a fit for all the cases. So we
switch to `$__rate_interval` instead.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
The new panel supposed to reflect the pressure on indexDB
caused by churn rate or new series registration.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
The diskUsage stats panel was showing disk usage without including
size of the index, which is not correct. The filter was removed
to reflect the total disk usage.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards: add `CPU percentage` panel for cluster dashboards
The new panel `CPU percentage` was added instead if adding a limit
to the existing `CPU` panel because dasbhoard may display big number
of components each with own limits. The separate panel should provide
a clear display of CPU load.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards: sync vmagent and vmalert changes from single version
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* docker: remove unsupported param from vmagent config
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* alerts: add `TooHighCPUUsage` alert for all VM components
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/cluster: add panels for vmstorage in read-only mode
vmstorage readonly status panel was addded to "vmstorage" row.
A one more panel for showing vminsert->vmstorage readonly status
was added to troubleshooting row.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/cluster: add "Cache usage" panel
The new panel supposed to show the % of the used cache
compared to allowed size by type.
It should help to determine underutilized types of caches.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/cluster: add "Merges deferred" panel
The new panel supposed to show if there were deferred merges
due to insufficient disk space.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/cluster: update Network panel for vminsert
* delete bytes_written query, since in most cases it is insiginificant
* change display type to Stack
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/cluster: bump version requirement
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/vmagent: shuffle panels for better visibility
More important error/dropped panels were moved higher on the main row.
Network usage panel moved to Resource usage row.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/vmagent: add Troubleshooting row to show top 5 instances/jobs by churn rate
New panels are supposed to show top 5 jobs or targets which generate the most
of the churn rate. They were placed into a new row "Troubleshooting".
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/vmagent: add panels for showing persistent queue saturation
New panels were added to Torubleshooting row to show the persistent queue
saturation. The corresponding alerts were added and linked to these
panels as well.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dashboards/vmagent: add alert "RejectedRemoteWriteDataBlocksAreDropped"
New alert suppose to send a notification when vmagent starts to drop
data blocks rejected by configured remote write destiantion.
Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
* dasbhoard: replace `null` datasources
null datasource value may confuse Grafana and make it drop panel query in some
* docker: bump grafana image version
* dashboards: add URL variable selector to vmagent dashboard
* dashboards: add new panel `Remote write connection saturation` to vmagent dashboard
* alerts: add new alert for `Remote write connection saturation` panel of vmagent dashboard
* dashboards: add "Logging rate" panel to vmagent dashboard
* rm cumulative visualisation for panel `Disk space used`.
It uses % threshold and cumulative display breaks it.
* remove area filling for resource usage row;
* add job name for panels in resource usage row.
* dashboard: update vmagent dash
The update contains the following changes:
* display anonymous memory usage metric. This metric suppose to reflect
memory usage of the process which can't be freed by OS;
* add legends to all panels. This is important for cases when users share
the screenshots;
* modify panels for Grafana v8.0.0
* dashboard: update cluster dash
The update contains the following changes:
* move stats panels to Configuration row, so it can be collapsed;
* display anonymous memory usage metric. This metric suppose to reflect
memory usage of the process which can't be freed by OS;
* add legends to all panels. This is important for cases when users share
the screenshots;
* modify panels for Grafana v8.0.0