--- weight: 36 title: Prometheus service discovery menu: docs: parent: 'victoriametrics' weight: 36 aliases: - /sd_configs.html --- # Supported service discovery configs [vmagent](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/) and [single-node VictoriaMetrics](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/#how-to-scrape-prometheus-exporters-such-as-node-exporter) supports the following Prometheus-compatible service discovery options for Prometheus-compatible scrape targets in the file pointed by `-promscrape.config` command-line flag: * `azure_sd_configs` is for scraping the targets registered in [Azure Cloud](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/). See [these docs](#azure_sd_configs). * `consul_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping targets registered in [Consul](https://www.consul.io/). See [these docs](#consul_sd_configs). * `consulagent_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping targets registered in [Consul Agent](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/agent/service). See [these docs](#consulagent_sd_configs). * `digitalocean_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping targets registered in [DigitalOcean](https://www.digitalocean.com/). See [these docs](#digitalocean_sd_configs). * `dns_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping targets from [DNS](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System) records (SRV, A and AAAA). See [these docs](#dns_sd_configs). * `docker_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) targets. See [these docs](#docker_sd_configs). * `dockerswarm_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping [Docker Swarm](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/) targets. See [these docs](#dockerswarm_sd_configs). * `ec2_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping [Amazon EC2](https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/) targets. See [these docs](#ec2_sd_configs). * `eureka_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping targets registered in [Netflix Eureka](https://github.com/Netflix/eureka). See [these docs](#eureka_sd_configs). * `file_sd_configs` is for scraping targets defined in external files (aka file-based service discovery). See [these docs](#file_sd_configs). * `gce_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping [Google Compute Engine](https://cloud.google.com/compute) targets. See [these docs](#gce_sd_configs). * `hetzner_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping [Hetzner Cloud](https://www.hetzner.com/cloud) and [Hetzner Robot](https://docs.hetzner.com/robot) targets. See [these docs](#hetzner_sd_configs). * `http_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping targets provided by external http-based service discovery. See [these docs](#http_sd_configs). * `kubernetes_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) targets. See [these docs](#kubernetes_sd_configs). * `kuma_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping [Kuma](https://kuma.io) targets. See [these docs](#kuma_sd_configs). * `marathon_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping [Marathon](https://mesosphere.github.io/marathon/) targets. See [these docs](#marathon_sd_configs). * `nomad_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping targets registered in [HashiCorp Nomad](https://www.nomadproject.io/). See [these docs](#nomad_sd_configs). * `openstack_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping OpenStack targets. See [these docs](#openstack_sd_configs). * `ovhcloud_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping OVH Cloud VPS and dedicated server targets. See [these docs](#ovhcloud_sd_configs). * `puppetdb_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping PuppetDB targets. See [these docs](#puppetdb_sd_configs). * `static_configs` is for scraping statically defined targets. See [these docs](#static_configs). * `vultr_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping [Vultr](https://www.vultr.com/) targets. See [these docs](#vultr_sd_configs). * `yandexcloud_sd_configs` is for discovering and scraping [Yandex Cloud](https://cloud.yandex.com/en/) targets. See [these docs](#yandexcloud_sd_configs). Note that the `refresh_interval` option isn't supported for these scrape configs. Use the corresponding `-promscrape.*CheckInterval` command-line flag instead. For example, `-promscrape.consulSDCheckInterval=60s` sets `refresh_interval` for all the `consul_sd_configs` entries to 60s. Run `vmagent -help` or `victoria-metrics -help` in order to see default values for the `-promscrape.*CheckInterval` flags. Please file feature requests to [our issue tracker](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues) if you need other service discovery mechanisms to be supported by VictoriaMetrics and `vmagent`. ## azure_sd_configs Azure SD configuration discovers scrape targets from [Microsoft Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/) VMs. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: azure azure_sd_configs: # subscription_id is a mandatory subscription ID. # - subscription_id: "..." # environment is an optional Azure environment. By default "AzurePublicCloud" is used. # # environment: "..." # authentication_method is an optional authentication method, either OAuth or ManagedIdentity. # See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview # By default OAuth is used. # # authentication_method: "..." # tenant_id is an optional tenant ID. Only required with authentication_method OAuth. # # tenant_id: "..." # client_id is an optional client ID. Only required with authentication_method OAuth. # # client_id: "..." # client_secret is an optional client secret. Only required with authentication_method OAuth. # # client_secret: "..." # resource_group is an optional resource group name. Limits discovery to this resource group. # # resource_group: "..." # port is an optional port to scrape metrics from. # Port 80 is used by default. # # port: ... # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the machine's private IP and the `` is the `port` option specified in the `azure_sd_configs`. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_azure_machine_id`: the machine ID * `__meta_azure_machine_location`: the location the machine runs in * `__meta_azure_machine_name`: the machine name * `__meta_azure_machine_computer_name`: the machine computer name * `__meta_azure_machine_os_type`: the machine operating system * `__meta_azure_machine_private_ip`: the machine's private IP * `__meta_azure_machine_public_ip`: the machine's public IP if it exists * `__meta_azure_machine_resource_group`: the machine's resource group * `__meta_azure_machine_scale_set`: the name of the scale set which the vm is part of (this value is only set if you are using a scale set) * `__meta_azure_machine_size`: the machine size * `__meta_azure_machine_tag_`: each tag value of the machine * `__meta_azure_subscription_id`: the subscription ID * `__meta_azure_tenant_id`: the tenant ID The list of discovered Azure targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.azureSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## consul_sd_configs Consul SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [Consul's Catalog API](https://www.consul.io/api-docs/catalog). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: consul consul_sd_configs: # server is an optional Consul server to connect to. By default, localhost:8500 is used # - server: "localhost:8500" # token is an optional Consul API token. # If the token isn't specified, then it is read from a file pointed by CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN_FILE # environment var or from the CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN environment var. # # token: "..." # datacenter is an optional Consul API datacenter. # If the datacenter isn't specified, then it is read from Consul server. # See https://www.consul.io/api-docs/agent#read-configuration # # datacenter: "..." # namespace is an optional Consul namespace. # See https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/enterprise/namespaces # If the namespace isn't specified, then it is read from CONSUL_NAMESPACE environment var. # # namespace: "..." # partition is an optional Consul partition. # See https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/enterprise/admin-partitions # If partition isn't specified, then the default partition is used. # # partition: "..." # scheme is an optional scheme (http or https) to use for connecting to Consul server. # By default, http scheme is used. # # scheme: "..." # services is an optional list of services for which targets are retrieved. # If omitted, all services are scraped. # See https://www.consul.io/api-docs/catalog#list-nodes-for-service . # # services: ["...", "..."] # tags is an optional list of tags used to filter nodes for a given service. # Services must contain all tags in the list. # Deprecated: use filter instead with ServiceTags selector. # # tags: ["...", "..."] # node_meta is an optional node metadata key/value pairs to filter nodes for a given service. # Deprecated: use filter instead with NodeMeta selector. # # node_meta: # "...": "..." # tag_separator is an optional string by which Consul tags are joined into the __meta_consul_tags label. # By default, "," is used as a tag separator. # Individual tags are also available via __meta_consul_tag_ labels - see below. # # tag_separator: "..." # filter is an optional filter for service discovery. # Replaces tags and node_meta options. # Consul supports it since 1.14 version. # See the list of supported filters at https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/catalog#filtering-1 # See filter examples at https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/features/filtering # # filter: "..." # allow_stale is an optional config, which allows stale Consul results. # See https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/features/consistency # Reduce load on Consul if set to true. By default, it is set to true. # # allow_stale: ... # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the service address. If the service address is empty, then the node address is used instead. The `` is the service port. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_consul_address`: the address of the target * `__meta_consul_dc`: the datacenter name for the target * `__meta_consul_health`: the health status of the service * `__meta_consul_metadata_`: each node metadata key value of the target * `__meta_consul_namespace`: namespace of the service - see [namespace docs](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/enterprise/namespaces) * `__meta_consul_node`: the node name defined for the target * `__meta_consul_partition`: partition of the service - see [partition docs](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/enterprise/admin-partitions) * `__meta_consul_service_address`: the service address of the target * `__meta_consul_service_id`: the service ID of the target * `__meta_consul_service_metadata_`: each service metadata key value of the target * `__meta_consul_service_port`: the service port of the target * `__meta_consul_service`: the name of the service the target belongs to * `__meta_consul_tagged_address_`: each node tagged address key value of the target * `__meta_consul_tag_`: the value for the given tag of the target * `__meta_consul_tagpresent_`: "true" for every tag of the target * `__meta_consul_tags`: the list of tags of the target joined by the `tag_separator` The list of discovered Consul targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.consulSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. If you have performance issues with `consul_sd_configs` on a large cluster, then consider using [consulagent_sd_configs](#consulagent_sd_configs) instead. ## consulagent_sd_configs Consul Agent SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [Consul Agent API](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/agent/service). When using the Agent API, only services registered in the locally running Consul Agent are discovered. It is suitable for huge clusters for which using the [Catalog API](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/catalog#list-services) would be too slow or resource intensive, in other cases it is recommended to use [consul_sd_configs](#consul_sd_configs). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: consulagent consulagent_sd_configs: # server is an optional Consul Agent to connect to. By default, localhost:8500 is used # - server: "localhost:8500" # token is an optional Consul API token. # If the token isn't specified, then it is read from a file pointed by CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN_FILE # environment var or from the CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN environment var. # # token: "..." # datacenter is an optional Consul API datacenter. # If the datacenter isn't specified, then it is read from Consul server. # See https://www.consul.io/api-docs/agent#read-configuration # # datacenter: "..." # namespace is an optional Consul namespace. # See https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/enterprise/namespaces # If the namespace isn't specified, then it is read from CONSUL_NAMESPACE environment var. # # namespace: "..." # scheme is an optional scheme (http or https) to use for connecting to Consul server. # By default, http scheme is used. # # scheme: "..." # services is an optional list of services for which targets are retrieved. # If omitted, all services are scraped. # See https://www.consul.io/api-docs/catalog#list-nodes-for-service . # # services: ["...", "..."] # tag_separator is an optional string by which Consul tags are joined into the __meta_consul_tags label. # By default, "," is used as a tag separator. # Individual tags are also available via __meta_consul_tag_ labels - see below. # # tag_separator: "..." # filter is optional filter for service nodes discovery request. # Replaces tags and node_metadata options. # consul supports it since 1.14 version # list of supported filters https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/catalog#filtering-1 # syntax examples https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/features/filtering # # filter: "..." # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the service address. If the service address is empty, then the node address is used instead. The `` is the service port. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_consulagent_address`: the address of the target * `__meta_consulagent_dc`: the datacenter name for the target * `__meta_consulagent_health`: the health status of the service * `__meta_consulagent_metadata_`: each node metadata key value of the target * `__meta_consulagent_namespace`: namespace of the service - see [namespace docs](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/enterprise/namespaces) * `__meta_consulagent_node`: the node name defined for the target * `__meta_consulagent_service_address`: the service address of the target * `__meta_consulagent_service_id`: the service ID of the target * `__meta_consulagent_service_metadata_`: each service metadata key value of the target * `__meta_consulagent_service_port`: the service port of the target * `__meta_consulagent_service`: the name of the service the target belongs to * `__meta_consulagent_tagged_address_`: each node tagged address key value of the target * `__meta_consulagent_tag_`: the value for the given tag of the target * `__meta_consulagent_tagpresent_`: "true" for every tag of the target * `__meta_consulagent_tags`: the list of tags of the target joined by the `tag_separator` The list of discovered Consul Agent targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.consulagentSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## digitalocean_sd_configs DigitalOcean SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [DigitalOcean's Droplets API](https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/api/api-reference/#tag/Droplets). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: digitalocean digitalocean_sd_configs: # server is an optional DigitalOcean API server to query. # By default, https://api.digitalocean.com is used. # - server: "https://api.digitalocean.com" # port is an optional port to scrape metrics from. By default, port 80 is used. # # port: ... # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is a public ipv4 address of the droplet, while `` is the port specified in the `digitalocean_sd_configs`. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_digitalocean_droplet_id`: the id of the droplet * `__meta_digitalocean_droplet_name`: the name of the droplet * `__meta_digitalocean_image`: the slug of the droplet's image * `__meta_digitalocean_image_name`: the display name of the droplet's image * `__meta_digitalocean_private_ipv4`: the private IPv4 of the droplet * `__meta_digitalocean_public_ipv4`: the public IPv4 of the droplet * `__meta_digitalocean_public_ipv6`: the public IPv6 of the droplet * `__meta_digitalocean_region`: the region of the droplet * `__meta_digitalocean_size`: the size of the droplet * `__meta_digitalocean_status`: the status of the droplet * `__meta_digitalocean_features`: the comma-separated list of features of the droplet * `__meta_digitalocean_tags`: the comma-separated list of tags of the droplet * `__meta_digitalocean_vpc`: the id of the droplet's VPC The list of discovered DigitalOcean targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.digitaloceanSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## dns_sd_configs DNS-based service discovery allows retrieving scrape targets from the specified DNS domain names. These specified names are periodically queried to discover a list of targets with the interval configured via `-promscrape.dnsSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: dns dns_sd_configs: # names must contain a list of DNS names to query. # - names: ["...", "..."] # type is an optional type of DNS query to perform. # Supported values are: SRV, A, AAAA or MX. # By default, SRV is used. # # type: ... # port is a port number to use if the query type is not SRV. # # port: ... ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to the `:`, where `` is the discovered DNS address, while `` is either the discovered port for SRV records or the port specified in the `dns_sd_config`. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_dns_name`: the record name that produced the discovered target. * `__meta_dns_srv_record_target`: the target field of the SRV record * `__meta_dns_srv_record_port`: the port field of the SRV record * `__meta_dns_mx_record_target`: the target field of the MX record. The list of discovered DNS targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.dnsSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## docker_sd_configs Docker SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [Docker Engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/) hosts. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: docker docker_sd_configs: # host must contain the address of the Docker daemon. # - host: "..." # port is an optional port to scrape metrics from. # By default, port 80 is used. # # port: ... # host_networking_host is an optional host to use if the container is in host networking mode. # By default, localhost is used. # # host_networking_host: "..." # Sort all networks in ascending order based on network name and # get the first network if the container has multiple networks defined, # thus avoiding collecting duplicate targets. # # match_first_network: "" | default true # filters is an optional filters to limit the discovery process to a subset of available resources. # See https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.40/#operation/ContainerList # # filters: # - name: "..." # values: ["...", "..."] # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the exposed ip address of the docker container, while the `` is either the exposed port of the docker container or the port specified in the `docker_sd_configs` if the docker container has no exposed ports. If a container exposes multiple ip addresses, then multiple targets will be discovered - one per each exposed ip address. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_docker_container_id`: the id of the container * `__meta_docker_container_name`: the name of the container * `__meta_docker_container_network_mode`: the network mode of the container * `__meta_docker_container_label_`: each label of the container * `__meta_docker_network_id`: the ID of the network * `__meta_docker_network_name`: the name of the network * `__meta_docker_network_ingress`: whether the network is ingress * `__meta_docker_network_internal`: whether the network is internal * `__meta_docker_network_label_`: each label of the network * `__meta_docker_network_scope`: the scope of the network * `__meta_docker_network_ip`: the IP of the container in this network * `__meta_docker_port_private`: the port on the container * `__meta_docker_port_public`: the external port if a port-mapping exists * `__meta_docker_port_public_ip`: the public IP if a port-mapping exists The list of discovered Docker targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.dockerSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## dockerswarm_sd_configs Docker Swarm SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [Docker Swarm engine](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: dockerswarm dockerswarm_sd_configs: # host must contain the address of the Docker daemon. # - host: "..." # role must contain `services`, `tasks` or `nodes` as described below. # role: ... # port is an optional port to scrape metrics from, when `role` is nodes, and for discovered # tasks and services that don't have published ports. # By default, port 80 is used. # # port: ... # filters is an optional filters to limit the discovery process to a subset of available resources. # The available filters are listed in the upstream documentation: # Services: https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.40/#operation/ServiceList # Tasks: https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.40/#operation/TaskList # Nodes: https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.40/#operation/NodeList # # filters: # - name: "..." # values: ["...", "..."] # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` One of the following roles can be configured to discover targets: * `role: services` The `services` role discovers all Swarm services. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the endpoint's virtual IP, while the `` is the published port of the service. If the service has multiple published ports, then multiple targets are generated - one per each port. If the service has no published ports, then the `` is set to the `port` value obtained from `dockerswarm_sd_configs`. Available meta labels for `role: services` during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_id`: the id of the service * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_name`: the name of the service * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_mode`: the mode of the service * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_endpoint_port_name`: the name of the endpoint port, if available * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_endpoint_port_publish_mode`: the publishing mode of the endpoint port * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_label_`: each label of the service * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_task_container_hostname`: the container hostname of the target, if available * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_task_container_image`: the container image of the target * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_updating_status`: the status of the service, if available * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_id`: the ID of the network * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_name`: the name of the network * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_ingress`: whether the network is ingress * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_internal`: whether the network is internal * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_label_`: each label of the network * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_scope`: the scope of the network * `role: tasks` The `tasks` role discovers all Swarm tasks. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where the `` is the node IP, while the `` is the published port of the task. If the task has multiple published ports, then multiple targets are generated - one per each port. If the task has no published ports, then the `` is set to the `port` value obtained from `dockerswarm_sd_configs`. Available meta labels for `role: tasks` during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_dockerswarm_container_label_`: each label of the container * `__meta_dockerswarm_task_id`: the id of the task * `__meta_dockerswarm_task_container_id`: the container id of the task * `__meta_dockerswarm_task_desired_state`: the desired state of the task * `__meta_dockerswarm_task_slot`: the slot of the task * `__meta_dockerswarm_task_state`: the state of the task * `__meta_dockerswarm_task_port_publish_mode`: the publishing mode of the task port * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_id`: the id of the service * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_name`: the name of the service * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_mode`: the mode of the service * `__meta_dockerswarm_service_label_`: each label of the service * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_id`: the ID of the network * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_name`: the name of the network * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_ingress`: whether the network is ingress * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_internal`: whether the network is internal * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_label_`: each label of the network * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_label`: each label of the network * `__meta_dockerswarm_network_scope`: the scope of the network * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_id`: the ID of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_hostname`: the hostname of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_address`: the address of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_availability`: the availability of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_label_`: each label of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_platform_architecture`: the architecture of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_platform_os`: the operating system of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_role`: the role of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_status`: the status of the node The `__meta_dockerswarm_network_*` meta labels are not populated for ports which are published with `mode=host`. * `role: nodes` The `nodes` role is used to discover Swarm nodes. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the node IP, while the `` is the `port` value obtained from the `dockerswarm_sd_configs`. Available meta labels for `role: nodes` during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_address`: the address of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_availability`: the availability of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_engine_version`: the version of the node engine * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_hostname`: the hostname of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_id`: the ID of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_label_`: each label of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_manager_address`: the address of the manager component of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_manager_leader`: the leadership status of the manager component of the node (true or false) * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_manager_reachability`: the reachability of the manager component of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_platform_architecture`: the architecture of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_platform_os`: the operating system of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_role`: the role of the node * `__meta_dockerswarm_node_status`: the status of the node The list of discovered Docker Swarm targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.dockerswarmSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## ec2_sd_configs EC2 SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [AWS EC2 instances](https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: ec2 ec2_sd_configs: # region is an optional config for AWS region. # By default, the region from the instance metadata is used. # - region: "..." # endpoint is an optional custom AWS API endpoint to use. # By default, the standard endpoint for the given region is used. # # endpoint: "..." # sts_endpoint is an optional custom STS API endpoint to use. # By default, the standard endpoint for the given region is used. # # sts_endpoint: "..." # access_key is an optional AWS API access key. # By default, the access key is loaded from AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment var. # # access_key: "..." # secret_key is an optional AWS API secret key. # By default, the secret key is loaded from AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment var. # # secret_key: "..." # role_arn is an optional AWS Role ARN, an alternative to using AWS API keys. # # role_arn: "..." # port is an optional port to scrape metrics from. # By default, port 80 is used. # # port: ... # filters is an optional filters for the instance list. # Available filter criteria can be found here: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeInstances.html # Filter API documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_Filter.html # # filters: # - name: "..." # values: ["...", "..."] # az_filters is an optional filters for the availability zones list. # Available filter criteria can be found here: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeAvailabilityZones.html # Filter API documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/API_Filter.html # # az_filters: # - name: "..." # values: ["...", "..."] ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the private IP of the instance, while the `` is set to the `port` value obtain from `ec2_sd_configs`. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_ec2_ami`: the EC2 Amazon Machine Image * `__meta_ec2_architecture`: the architecture of the instance * `__meta_ec2_availability_zone`: the availability zone in which the instance is running * `__meta_ec2_availability_zone_id`: the availability zone ID in which the instance is running (requires ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones) * `__meta_ec2_instance_id`: the EC2 instance ID * `__meta_ec2_instance_lifecycle`: the lifecycle of the EC2 instance, set only for 'spot' or 'scheduled' instances, absent otherwise * `__meta_ec2_instance_state`: the state of the EC2 instance * `__meta_ec2_instance_type`: the type of the EC2 instance * `__meta_ec2_ipv6_addresses`: comma separated list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the instance's network interfaces, if present * `__meta_ec2_owner_id`: the ID of the AWS account that owns the EC2 instance * `__meta_ec2_platform`: the Operating System platform, set to 'windows' on Windows servers, absent otherwise * `__meta_ec2_primary_subnet_id`: the subnet ID of the primary network interface, if available * `__meta_ec2_private_dns_name`: the private DNS name of the instance, if available * `__meta_ec2_private_ip`: the private IP address of the instance, if present * `__meta_ec2_public_dns_name`: the public DNS name of the instance, if available * `__meta_ec2_public_ip`: the public IP address of the instance, if available * `__meta_ec2_region`: EC2 region for the discovered instance * `__meta_ec2_subnet_id`: comma separated list of subnets IDs in which the instance is running, if available * `__meta_ec2_tag_`: each tag value of the instance * `__meta_ec2_vpc_id`: the ID of the VPC in which the instance is running, if available The list of discovered EC2 targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.ec2SDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## eureka_sd_configs Eureka SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets using the [Eureka REST API](https://github.com/Netflix/eureka/wiki/Eureka-REST-operations). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: eureka eureka_sd_configs: # server is an optional URL to connect to the Eureka server. # By default, the http://localhost:8080/eureka/v2 is used. # - server: "..." # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the discovered instance hostname, while the `` is the discovered instance port. If the instance has no port, then port 80 is used. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_eureka_app_name`: the name of the app * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_id`: the ID of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_hostname`: the hostname of the instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_homepage_url`: the homepage url of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_statuspage_url`: the status page url of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_healthcheck_url`: the health check url of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_ip_addr`: the IP address of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_vip_address`: the VIP address of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_secure_vip_address`: the secure VIP address of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_status`: the status of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_port`: the port of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_port_enabled`: the port enabled of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_secure_port`: the secure port address of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_secure_port_enabled`: the secure port of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_country_id`: the country ID of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_metadata_`: app instance metadata * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_datacenterinfo_name`: the datacenter name of the app instance * `__meta_eureka_app_instance_datacenterinfo_metadata_`: the datacenter metadata The list of discovered Eureka targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.eurekaSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## file_sd_configs File-based service discovery reads a set of files with lists of targets to scrape. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: file file_sd_configs: # files must contain a list of file patterns for files with scrape targets. # The last path segment can contain `*`, which matches any number of chars in file name. # # files may contain http/https urls additionally to local files. These urls cannot contain `*`. # - files: - "my/path/*.yaml" - "another/path.json" - "http://central-config-server/targets?type=foobar" ``` See [these examples](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/scrape_config_examples/#file-based-target-discovery) on how to configure file-based target discovery. The referred files and urls must contain a list of static configs in one of the following formats: * JSON: ```json [ { "targets": ["", ... ], "labels": { "": "", ..., } }, ... ] ``` * YAML: ```yaml - targets: ["", ... ] labels: : ... ... ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to one of the `target` value specified in the target files. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_filepath`: the filepath from which the target was extracted See the [list of integrations](https://prometheus.io/docs/operating/integrations/#file-service-discovery) with `file_sd_configs`. The list of discovered file-based targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.fileSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## gce_sd_configs GCE SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [GCP GCE instances](https://cloud.google.com/compute). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: gce gce_sd_configs: # project is an optional GCE project where targets must be discovered. # By default, the local project is used. # - project: "..." # zone is an optional zone where targets must be discovered. # By default, the local zone is used. # If zone equals to '*', then targets in all the zones for the given project are discovered. # The zone may contain a list of zones: zone["us-east1-a", "us-east1-b"] # # zone: "..." # filter is an optional filter for the instance list. # See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/latest/instances/list # # filter: "..." # port is an optional port to scrape metrics from. # By default, port 80 is used. # # port: ... # tag_separator is an optional separator for tags in `__meta_gce_tags` label. # By default, "," is used. # # tag_separator: "..." ``` Credentials are discovered by looking in the following places, preferring the first location found: 1. a JSON file specified by the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable 1. a JSON file in the well-known path `$HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json` 1. fetched from the GCE metadata server Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is private IP of the discovered instance, while `` is the `port` value specified in the `gce_sd_configs`. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_gce_instance_id`: the numeric id of the instance * `__meta_gce_instance_name`: the name of the instance * `__meta_gce_label_`: each GCE label of the instance * `__meta_gce_machine_type`: full or partial URL of the machine type of the instance * `__meta_gce_metadata_`: each metadata item of the instance * `__meta_gce_network`: the network URL of the instance * `__meta_gce_private_ip`: the private IP address of the instance * `__meta_gce_interface_ipv4_`: IPv4 address of each named interface * `__meta_gce_project`: the GCP project in which the instance is running * `__meta_gce_public_ip`: the public IP address of the instance, if present * `__meta_gce_subnetwork`: the subnetwork URL of the instance * `__meta_gce_tags`: list of instance tags separated by tag_separator * `__meta_gce_zone`: the GCE zone URL in which the instance is running The list of discovered GCE targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.gceSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## hetzner_sd_configs Hetzner SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [Hetzner Cloud](https://www.hetzner.com/cloud) and [Hetzner Robot](https://docs.hetzner.com/robot). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: hetzner hetzner_sd_configs: # The mandatory Hetzner role for entity discovery. # Must be either 'robot' or 'hcloud'. # role: "hcloud" # Required credentials for API server authentication for 'hcloud' role. # authorization: credentials: "..." # type: "..." # default: Bearer # credentials_file: "..." # is mutually-exclusive with credentials # Required credentials for API server authentication for 'robot' role. # # basic_auth: # username: "..." # username_file: "..." # is mutually-exclusive with username # password: "..." # password_file: "..." # is mutually-exclusive with password # port is an optional port to scrape metrics from. # By default, port 80 is used. # # port: ... # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where FQDN is discovered instance address and `` is the port from the `hetzner_sd_configs` (default port is `80`). The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): Common labels for both `hcloud` and `robot` roles: * `__meta_hetzner_datacenter`: the datacenter of the server * `__meta_hetzner_public_ipv4`: the public IPv4 address of the server * `__meta_hetzner_public_ipv6_network`: the public IPv6 network (/64) of the server * `__meta_hetzner_role`: the current role `hcloud` or `robot` * `__meta_hetzner_server_id`: the ID of the server * `__meta_hetzner_server_name`: the name of the server * `__meta_hetzner_server_status`: the status of the server Additional labels for `role: hcloud`: * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_datacenter_location`: the location of the server * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_datacenter_location_network_zone`: the network zone of the server * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_cpu_cores`: the CPU cores count of the server * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_cpu_type`: the CPU type of the server (shared or dedicated) * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_disk_size_gb`: the disk size of the server (in GB) * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_image_description`: the description of the server image * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_image_name`: the image name of the server * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_image_os_flavor`: the OS flavor of the server image * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_image_os_version`: the OS version of the server image * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_label_`: each label of the server * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_labelpresent_`: true for each label of the server * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_memory_size_gb`: the amount of memory of the server (in GB) * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_private_ipv4_`: the private IPv4 address of the server within a given network * `__meta_hetzner_hcloud_server_type`: the type of the server Additional labels for `role: robot`: * `__meta_hetzner_robot_cancelled`: the server cancellation status * `__meta_hetzner_robot_product`: the product of the server The list of discovered Hetzner targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.hetznerSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## http_sd_configs HTTP-based service discovery fetches targets from the specified `url`. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: http http_sd_configs: # url must contain the URL from which the targets are fetched. # - url: "http://..." # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` See [these examples](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/scrape_config_examples/#http-based-target-discovery) on how to configure http-based target discovery. The service at `url` must return JSON response in the following format: ```json [ { "targets": [ "", ... ], "labels": { "": "", ... } }, ... ] ``` The `url` is queried periodically with the interval specified in `-promscrape.httpSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. Discovery errors are tracked in `promscrape_discovery_http_errors_total` metric. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to one of the targets returned by the http service. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_url`: the URL from which the target was extracted The list of discovered HTTP-based targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.httpSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## kubernetes_sd_configs Kubernetes SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [Kubernetes REST API](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: kubernetes kubernetes_sd_configs: # role must contain the Kubernetes role of entities that should be discovered. # It must have one of the following values: # endpoints, endpointslice, service, pod, node or ingress. # See docs below about each particular role. # - role: "..." # api_server is an optional url for Kubernetes API server. # By default, it is read from /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ # # api_server: "..." # kubeconfig_file is an optional path to a kubeconfig file. # Note that api_server and kubeconfig_file are mutually exclusive. # # kubeconfig_file: "..." # namespaces is an optional namespace for service discovery. # By default, all namespaces are used. # If own_namespace is set to true, then the current namespace is used for service discovery. # # namespaces: # own_namespace: # names: ["...", "..."] # selects is an optional label and field selectors to limit the discovery process to a subset of available resources. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/field-selectors/ # and https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ # The `role: endpoints` supports pod, service and endpoints selectors. # The `role: pod` supports node selectors when configured with `attach_metadata: {node: true}`. # Other roles only support selectors matching the role itself (e.g. node role can only contain node selectors). # # selectors: # - role: "..." # label: "..." # field: "..." # attach_metadata is an optional metadata to attach to discovered targets. # When `node` is set to true, then node metadata is attached to discovered targets. # Valid for roles: pod, endpoints, endpointslice. # # Set `-promscrape.kubernetes.attachNodeMetadataAll` command-line flag # for attaching `node` metadata for all the discovered targets. # # attach_metadata: # node: # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` See [these examples](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/scrape_config_examples/#kubernetes-target-discovery) on how to discover and scrape Kubernetes targets. One of the following `role` types can be configured to discover targets: * `role: node` The `role: node` discovers one target per cluster node. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is to the first existing address of the Kubernetes node object in the address type order of `NodeInternalIP`, `NodeExternalIP`, `NodeLegacyHostIP` and `NodeHostName`, while `` is the kubelet port on the given node. Available meta labels for `role: node` during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_kubernetes_node_name`: The name of the node object. * `__meta_kubernetes_node_provider_id`: The cloud provider's name for the node object. * `__meta_kubernetes_node_label_`: Each label from the node object. * `__meta_kubernetes_node_labelpresent_`: "true" for each label from the node object. * `__meta_kubernetes_node_annotation_`: Each annotation from the node object. * `__meta_kubernetes_node_annotationpresent_`: "true" for each annotation from the node object. * `__meta_kubernetes_node_address_`: The first address for each node address type, if it exists. In addition, the `instance` label for the node will be set to the node name as retrieved from the API server. * `role: service` The `role: service` discovers Kubernetes services. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `.:`, where `` is the service name, `` is the service namespace and `` is the service port. If the service has multiple ports, then multiple targets are discovered for the service - one per each port. This is generally useful for blackbox monitoring of a service. The target address will be set to the Kubernetes DNS name of the service and respective service port. Available meta labels for `role: service` during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_kubernetes_namespace`: The namespace of the service object. * `__meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_`: Each annotation from the service object. * `__meta_kubernetes_service_annotationpresent_`: "true" for each annotation of the service object. * `__meta_kubernetes_service_cluster_ip`: The cluster IP address of the service. (Does not apply to services of type ExternalName) * `__meta_kubernetes_service_external_name`: The DNS name of the service. (Applies to services of type ExternalName) * `__meta_kubernetes_service_label_`: Each label from the service object. * `__meta_kubernetes_service_labelpresent_`: "true" for each label of the service object. * `__meta_kubernetes_service_name`: The name of the service object. * `__meta_kubernetes_service_port_name`: Name of the service port for the target. * `__meta_kubernetes_service_port_number`: Service port number for the target. * `__meta_kubernetes_service_port_protocol`: Protocol of the service port for the target. * `__meta_kubernetes_service_type`: The type of the service. * `role: pod` The `role: pod` discovers all pods and exposes their containers as targets. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is pod IP, while `` is the exposed container port. If the pod has multiple container ports, then multiple targets are generated for the pod - one per each exposed container port. If the pod has no exposed container ports, then the `__address__` for pod target is set to the pod IP. Available meta labels for `role: pod` during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_kubernetes_namespace`: The namespace of the pod object. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_name`: The name of the pod object. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip`: The pod IP of the pod object. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_`: Each label from the pod object. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_labelpresent_`: "true" for each label from the pod object. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_`: Each annotation from the pod object. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent_`: "true" for each annotation from the pod object. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_id`: ID of the container in the form `://`. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_image`: Container image the target address points to. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_init`: "true" if the container is an InitContainer. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name`: Name of the container the target address points to. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name`: Name of the container port. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number`: Number of the container port. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol`: Protocol of the container port. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_ready`: Set to true or false for the pod's ready state. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase`: Set to Pending, Running, Succeeded, Failed or Unknown in the lifecycle. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name`: The name of the node the pod is scheduled onto. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_host_ip`: The current host IP of the pod object. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_uid`: The UID of the pod object. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_kind`: Object kind of the pod controller. * `__meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_name`: Name of the pod controller. * `role: endpoints` The `role: endpoints` discovers targets from listed endpoints of a service. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the endpoint address, while `` is the endpoint port. If the endpoint has multiple ports, then a single target per each port is generated. If the endpoint is backed by a pod, all additional container ports of the pod, not bound to an endpoint port, are discovered as targets as well. Available meta labels for `role: endpoints` during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_kubernetes_namespace`: The namespace of the endpoints object. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_name`: The names of the endpoints object. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_label_`: Each label from the endpoints object. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_labelpresent_`: "true" for each label from the endpoints object. For all targets discovered directly from the endpoints list (those not additionally inferred from underlying pods), the following labels are attached: * `__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_hostname`: Hostname of the endpoint. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_node_name`: Name of the node hosting the endpoint. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_ready`: Set to true or false for the endpoint's ready state. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name`: Name of the endpoint port. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_protocol`: Protocol of the endpoint port. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_kind`: Kind of the endpoint address target. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_name`: Name of the endpoint address target. If the endpoints belong to a service, all labels of the `role: service` are attached. For all targets backed by a pod, all labels of the `role: pod` are attached. * `role: endpointslice` The `role: endpointslice` discovers targets from existing endpointslices. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the endpoint address, while `` is the endpoint port. If the endpoint has multiple ports, then a single target per each port is generated. If the endpoint is backed by a pod, all additional container ports of the pod, not bound to an endpoint port, are discovered as targets as well. Available meta labels for `role: endpointslice` during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_kubernetes_namespace`: The namespace of the endpointslice object. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_name`: The name of endpointslice object. For all targets discovered directly from the endpointslice list (those not additionally inferred from underlying pods), the following labels are attached: * `__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_address_target_kind`: Kind of the referenced object. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_address_target_name`: Name of referenced object. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_address_type`: The ip protocol family of the address of the target. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_endpoint_conditions_ready`: Set to true or false for the referenced endpoint's ready state. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_endpoint_topology_kubernetes_io_hostname`: Name of the node hosting the referenced endpoint. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_endpoint_topology_present_kubernetes_io_hostname`: Flag that shows if the referenced object has a kubernetes.io/hostname annotation. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_port`: Port of the referenced endpoint. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_port_name`: Named port of the referenced endpoint. * `__meta_kubernetes_endpointslice_port_protocol`: Protocol of the referenced endpoint. If the endpoints belong to a service, all labels of the `role: service` are attached. For all targets backed by a pod, all labels of the `role: pod` are attached. * `role: ingress` The `role: ingress` discovers a target for each path of each ingress. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to the host obtained from ingress spec. If the ingress has multiple specs with multiple hosts, then a target per each host is created. This is generally useful for blackbox monitoring of an ingress. Available meta labels for `role: ingress` during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_kubernetes_namespace`: The namespace of the ingress object. * `__meta_kubernetes_ingress_name`: The name of the ingress object. * `__meta_kubernetes_ingress_label_`: Each label from the ingress object. * `__meta_kubernetes_ingress_labelpresent_`: "true" for each label from the ingress object. * `__meta_kubernetes_ingress_annotation_`: Each annotation from the ingress object. * `__meta_kubernetes_ingress_annotationpresent_`: "true" for each annotation from the ingress object. * `__meta_kubernetes_ingress_class_name`: Class name from ingress spec, if present. * `__meta_kubernetes_ingress_scheme`: Protocol scheme of ingress, https if TLS config is set. Defaults to http. * `__meta_kubernetes_ingress_path`: Path from ingress spec. Defaults to `/`. The list of discovered Kubernetes targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.kubernetesSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## kuma_sd_configs Kuma service discovery config allows to fetch targets from the specified control plane `server` of [Kuma Service Mesh](https://kuma.io). It discovers "monitoring assignments" based on Kuma Dataplane Proxies, via the [MADS (Monitoring Assignment Discovery Service)](https://kuma.io/docs/2.1.x/policies/traffic-metrics/#traffic-metrics) [xDS RESP API](http://envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-docs/xds_protocol). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: kuma kuma_sd_configs: # server must contain the URL of Kuma Control Plane's MADS xDS server. # - server: "http://localhost:5676" # client_id is an optional client ID to send to Kuma Control Plane. # The hostname of the server where vmagent runs is used if it isn't set. # If the hostname is empty, then "vmagent" string is used as client_id. # # client_id: "..." # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` The `server` is queried periodically with the interval specified in `-promscrape.kumaSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. Discovery errors are tracked in `promscrape_discovery_kuma_errors_total` metric. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to one of the targets returned by the http service. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_kuma_mesh`: the name of the mesh * `__meta_kuma_dataplane`: the name of the proxy * `__meta_kuma_service`: the name of the service associated with the proxy * `__meta_kuma_label_`: each label of target given from Kuma Control Plane The list of discovered Kuma targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.kumaSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## marathon_sd_configs _Available from [CHANGEME](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/changelog/#vCHANGEME) version._ Marathon SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [Marathon](https://mesosphere.github.io/marathon/) REST API. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: marathon marathon_sd_configs: # List of URLs to be used to contact Marathon servers. # You need to provide at least one server URL, but should provide URLs for # all masters you have running. # servers: - "host1:port1" - "host2:port2" - "..." # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_marathon_app`: the name of the app (with slashes replaced by dashes) * `__meta_marathon_image`: the name of the Docker image used (if available) * `__meta_marathon_task`: the ID of the Mesos task * `__meta_marathon_app_label_`: any Marathon labels attached to the app * `__meta_marathon_port_definition_label_`: the port definition labels * `__meta_marathon_port_mapping_label_`: the port mapping labels * `__meta_marathon_port_index`: the port index number (e.g. `1` for `PORT1`) The list of discovered Marathon targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.marathonSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## nomad_sd_configs Nomad SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [HashiCorp Nomad Services](https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/nomad-service-discovery). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: nomad nomad_sd_configs: # server is an optional Nomad server to connect to. # If the server isn't specified, then it is read from NOMAD_ADDR environment var. # If the NOMAD_ADDR environment var isn't set, then localhost:4646 is used. # - server: "localhost:4646" # namespace is an optional Nomad namespace. # If the namespace isn't specified, then it is read from NOMAD_NAMESPACE environment var. # # namespace: "..." # region is an optional Nomad region. # If the region isn't specified, then it is read from NOMAD_REGION environment var. # If NOMAD_REGION environment var isn't set, then "global" region is used # # region: "..." # tag_separator is an optional string by which Nomad tags are joined into the __meta_nomad_tags label. # By default, "," is used as a tag separator. # Individual tags are also available via __meta_nomad_tag_ labels - see below. # # tag_separator: "..." # allow_stale is an optional config, which allows stale Nomad results. # See https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/api-docs/features/consistency # Reduces load on Nomad if set to true. By default, it is set to true. # # allow_stale: ... # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#http-api-client-options ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the service address, while `` is the service port. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_nomad_address`: the address of the target * `__meta_nomad_dc`: the datacenter name for the target * `__meta_nomad_namespace`: namespace of the service * `__meta_nomad_node_id`: the node ID defined for the target * `__meta_nomad_service`: the name of the service the target belongs to * `__meta_nomad_service_address`: the service address of the target * `__meta_nomad_service_alloc_id`: the AllocID of the target service * `__meta_nomad_service_id`: the ID of the target service * `__meta_nomad_service_job_id`: the JobID of the target service * `__meta_nomad_service_port`: the service port of the target * `__meta_nomad_tag_`: the value for the given tag of the target * `__meta_nomad_tagpresent_`: "true" for every tag of the target * `__meta_nomad_tags`: the list of tags of the target joined by the `tag_separator` The list of discovered Nomad targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.nomadSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## openstack_sd_configs OpenStack SD configuration allows retrieving scrape targets from [OpenStack Nova](https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/) instances. [OpenStack identity API v3](https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/identity/v3/) is supported only. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: openstack openstack_sd_configs: # role must contain either `hypervisor` or `instance`. # See docs below for details. # - role: "..." # region must contain OpenStack region for targets' discovery. # region: "..." # identity_endpoint is an optional HTTP Identity API endpoint. # By default, it is read from OS_AUTH_URL environment variable. # # identity_endpoint: "..." # username is an optional username to query Identity API. # By default, it is read from OS_USERNAME environment variable. # # username: "..." # userid is an optional userid to query Identity API. # By default, it is read from OS_USERID environment variable. # # userid: "..." # password is an optional password to query Identity API. # By default, it is read from OS_PASSWORD environment variable. # # password: "..." # At most one of domain_id and domain_name must be provided. # By default, they are read from OS_DOMAIN_NAME and OS_DOMAIN_ID environment variables. # # domain_name: "..." # domain_id: "..." # project_name and project_id are optional project name and project id. # By default, it is read from OS_PROJECT_NAME and OS_PROJECT_ID environment variables. # If these vars are empty, then the options are read # from OS_TENANT_NAME and OS_TENANT_ID environment variables. # # project_name: "..." # project_id: "..." # By default, these fields are read from OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_NAME # and OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID environment variables # # application_credential_name: "..." # application_credential_id: "..." # By default, this field is read from OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET # # application_credential_secret: "..." # all_tenants can be set to true if all instances in all projects must be discovered. # It is only relevant for the 'role: instance' and usually requires admin permissions. # # all_tenants: ... # port is an optional port to scrape metrics from. # Port 80 is used by default. # # port: ... # availability is the availability of the endpoint to connect to. # Must be one of public, admin or internal. # By default, it is set to public # # availability: "..." # tls_config is an optional tls config. # See https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#tls_config # # tls_config: # ... ``` One of the following `role` types can be configured to discover targets: * `role: hypervisor` The `role: hypervisor` discovers one target per Nova hypervisor node. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the discovered node IP, while `` is the port specified in the `openstack_sd_configs`. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_openstack_hypervisor_host_ip`: the hypervisor node's IP address. * `__meta_openstack_hypervisor_hostname`: the hypervisor node's name. * `__meta_openstack_hypervisor_id`: the hypervisor node's ID. * `__meta_openstack_hypervisor_state`: the hypervisor node's state. * `__meta_openstack_hypervisor_status`: the hypervisor node's status. * `__meta_openstack_hypervisor_type`: the hypervisor node's type. * `role: instance` The `role: instance` discovers one target per network interface of Nova instance. Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where `` is the private IP address of the discovered instance, while `` is the port specified in the `openstack_sd_configs`. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_openstack_address_pool`: the pool of the private IP. * `__meta_openstack_instance_flavor`: the flavor of the OpenStack instance. * `__meta_openstack_instance_id`: the OpenStack instance ID. * `__meta_openstack_instance_name`: the OpenStack instance name. * `__meta_openstack_instance_status`: the status of the OpenStack instance. * `__meta_openstack_private_ip`: the private IP of the OpenStack instance. * `__meta_openstack_project_id`: the project (tenant) owning this instance. * `__meta_openstack_public_ip`: the public IP of the OpenStack instance. * `__meta_openstack_tag_`: each tag value of the instance. * `__meta_openstack_user_id`: the user account owning the tenant. The list of discovered OpenStack targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.openstackSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## ovhcloud_sd_configs OVH Cloud SD configuration{{% available_from "v1.104.0" %}} allows retrieving scrape targets from [OVH Cloud VPS](https://www.ovhcloud.com/en/vps/) and [OVH Cloud dedicated server](https://ovhcloud.com/en/bare-metal/). Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: ovh_job ovhcloud_sd_configs: # (optional) depending on the API you want to use, you may set the endpoint to: # `ovh-eu` for OVH Europe API (default). # `ovh-us` for OVH US API. # `ovh-ca` for OVH North-America API. # `soyoustart-eu` for "So you Start Europe API". # `soyoustart-ca` for "So you Start North America API". # `kimsufi-eu` for Kimsufi Europe API. # `kimsufi-ca` for Kimsufi North America API. # See: https://github.com/ovh/go-ovh?tab=readme-ov-file#supported-apis - endpoint: "..." # (mandatory) application_key is a self generated tokens. # create one by visiting: https://eu.api.ovh.com/createApp/ application_key: "..." # (mandatory) application_secret holds the application secret key. application_secret: "..." # (mandatory) consumer_key holds the user/app specific token. It must have been validated before use. consumer_key: "..." # (mandatory) service could be either `vps` or `dedicated_server`. service: "..." # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs.html#http-api-client-options ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to either `` address or `` address. In addition, the `instance` label for the VPS/dedicated server will be set to the VPS/dedicated server name as retrieved from OVH Cloud API. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent.html#relabeling). VPS: * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_cluster`: the cluster of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_datacenter`: the datacenter of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_disk`: the disk of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_display_name`: the display name of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_ipv4`: the IPv4 of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_ipv6`: the IPv6 of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_keymap`: the KVM keyboard layout of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_maximum_additional_ip`: the maximum additional IPs of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_memory_limit`: the memory limit of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_memory`: the memory of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_monitoring_ip_blocks`: the monitoring IP blocks of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_name`: the name of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_netboot_mode`: the netboot mode of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_offer_type`: the offer type of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_offer`: the offer of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_state`: the state of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_vcore`: the number of virtual cores of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_version`: the version of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_vps_zone`: the zone of the server. Dedicated servers: * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_commercial_range`: the commercial range of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_datacenter`: the datacenter of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_ipv4`: the IPv4 of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_ipv6`: the IPv6 of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_link_speed`: the link speed of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_name`: the name of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_no_intervention`: the [intervention](https://support.us.ovhcloud.com/hc/en-us/articles/27991435200147-FAQ-Interventions-and-Hardware-Replacement) of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_os`: the operating system of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_rack`: the rack of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_reverse`: the reverse DNS name of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_server_id`: the ID of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_state`: the state of the server. * `__meta_ovhcloud_dedicated_server_support_level`: the support level of the server. The list of discovered OVH Cloud targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.ovhcloudSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## puppetdb_sd_configs PuppetDB SD configuration{{% available_from "v1.106.0" %}} allows retrieving scrape targets from [PuppetDB](https://www.puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/8/overview.html) resources. This SD discovers resources and will create a target for each resource returned by the API. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: puppetdb_job puppetdb_sd_configs: # The URL of the PuppetDB root query endpoint. - url: # Puppet Query Language (PQL) query. Only resources are supported. # https://puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/latest/api/query/v4/pql.html query: # Whether to include the parameters as meta labels. # Due to the differences between parameter types and Prometheus labels, # some parameters might not be rendered. The format of the parameters might # also change in future releases. # # Note: Enabling this exposes parameters in the VMUI and API. Make sure # that you don't have secrets exposed as parameters if you enable this. # # include_parameters: | default false # The port to scrape metrics from. # # port: | default = 80 # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs.html#http-api-client-options ``` The resource address is the `certname` of the resource and can be changed during relabeling. The following meta labels are available on targets during relabeling: * `__meta_puppetdb_query`: the Puppet Query Language (PQL) query. * `__meta_puppetdb_certname`: the name of the node associated with the resource. * `__meta_puppetdb_resource`: a SHA-1 hash of the resource’s type, title, and parameters, for identification. * `__meta_puppetdb_type`: the resource type. * `__meta_puppetdb_title`: the resource title. * `__meta_puppetdb_exported`: whether the resource is exported (`"true"` or `"false"`). * `__meta_puppetdb_tags`: comma separated list of resource tags. * `__meta_puppetdb_file`: the manifest file in which the resource was declared. * `__meta_puppetdb_environment`: the environment of the node associated with the resource. * `__meta_puppetdb_parameter_`: the parameters of the resource. The list of discovered PuppetDB targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.puppetdbSDCheckInterval` command-line flag. ## static_configs A static config allows specifying a list of targets and a common label set for them. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: static static_configs: # targets must contain a list of `host:port` targets to scrape. # The `http://host:port/metrics` endpoint is scraped per each configured target then. # The `http` scheme can be changed to `https` by setting it via `scheme` field at `scrape_config` level. # The `/metrics` path can be changed to arbitrary path via `metrics_path` field at `scrape_config` level. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs/#scrape_configs . # # Alternatively the scheme and path can be changed via `relabel_configs` section at `scrape_config` level. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling . # # It is also possible specifying full target urls here, e.g. "http://host:port/metrics/path?query_args" # - targets: - "vmsingle1:8428" - "vmsingleN:8428" # labels is an optional labels to add to all the targets. # # labels: # : "" # ... # : "" ``` See [these examples](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/scrape_config_examples/#static-configs) on how to configure scraping for static targets. ## vultr_sd_configs Vultr SD configuration discovers scrape targets from [Vultr](https://www.vultr.com/) Instances. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: vultr vultr_sd_configs: # bearer_token is a Bearer token to send in every HTTP API request during service discovery (mandatory). # See: https://my.vultr.com/settings/#settingsapi - bearer_token: "..." # Vultr provides query arguments to filter instances. # See: https://www.vultr.com/api/#tag/instances # label is an optional query arguments to filter instances by label. # # label: "..." # main_ip is an optional query arguments to filter instances by main ip address. # # main_ip: "..." # region is an optional query arguments to filter instances by region id. # # region: "..." # firewall_group_id is an optional query arguments to filter instances by firewall group id. # # firewall_group_id: "..." # hostname is an optional query arguments to filter instances by hostname. # # hostname: "..." # port is an optional port to scrape metrics from. # By default, port 80 is used. # # port: ... # Additional HTTP API client options can be specified here. # See https://docs.victoriametrics.com/sd_configs.html#http-api-client-options ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to `:`, where FQDN is discovered instance address and `` is the port from the `vultr_sd_configs` (default port is `80`). The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_vultr_instance_allowed_bandwidth_gb`: monthly bandwidth quota in GB. * `__meta_vultr_instance_disk_gb`: the size of the disk in GB. * `__meta_vultr_instance_features`: comma-separated list of features available to instance, such as "auto_backups", "ipv6", "ddos_protection". * `__meta_vultr_instance_hostname`: hostname for this instance. * `__meta_vultr_instance_id`: unique ID for the VPS Instance. * `__meta_vultr_instance_internal_ip`: internal IP used by this instance, if set. Only relevant when a VPC is attached. * `__meta_vultr_instance_label`: user-supplied label for this instance. * `__meta_vultr_instance_main_ip`: main IPv4 address. * `__meta_vultr_instance_main_ipv6`: main IPv6 network address. * `__meta_vultr_instance_os`: [operating System name](https://www.vultr.com/api/#operation/list-os). * `__meta_vultr_instance_os_id`: [operating System id](https://www.vultr.com/api/#operation/list-os) used by this instance. * `__meta_vultr_instance_plan`: unique ID for the Plan. * `__meta_vultr_instance_ram_mb`: the amount of RAM in MB. * `__meta_vultr_instance_region`: [region id](https://www.vultr.com/api/#operation/list-regions) where the Instance is located. * `__meta_vultr_instance_server_status`: server health status, which could be `none`, `locked`, `installingbooting`, `ok`. * `__meta_vultr_instance_tags`: comma-separated list of tags applied to the instance. * `__meta_vultr_instance_vcpu_count`: the number of vCPUs. The list of discovered Vultr targets is refreshed at the interval, which can be configured via `-promscrape.vultrSDCheckInterval` command-line flag, default: 30s. ## yandexcloud_sd_configs [Yandex Cloud](https://cloud.yandex.com/en/) SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from accessible folders. Configuration example: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: yandexcloud yandexcloud_sd_configs: # service is a mandatory option for yandexcloud service discovery # currently only "compute" service is supported # - service: compute # api_endpoint is an optional API endpoint for service discovery # The https://api.cloud.yandex.net endpoint is used by default. # # api_endpoint: "https://api.cloud.yandex.net" # yandex_passport_oauth_token is an optional OAuth token # for querying yandexcloud API. See https://cloud.yandex.com/en-ru/docs/iam/concepts/authorization/oauth-token # # yandex_passport_oauth_token: "..." # tls_config is an optional tls config. # See https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#tls_config # # tls_config: # ... ``` Yandex Cloud SD support both user [OAuth token](https://cloud.yandex.com/en-ru/docs/iam/concepts/authorization/oauth-token) and [instance service account](https://cloud.yandex.com/en-ru/docs/compute/operations/vm-connect/auth-inside-vm) if `yandex_passport_oauth_token` is omitted: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: YC_with_oauth yandexcloud_sd_configs: - service: compute yandex_passport_oauth_token: "AQAAAAAsfasah<...>7E10SaotuL0" relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_yandexcloud_instance_public_ip_0] target_label: __address__ replacement: "$1:9100" - job_name: YC_with_Instance_service_account yandexcloud_sd_configs: - service: compute relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_yandexcloud_instance_private_ip_0] target_label: __address__ replacement: "$1:9100" ``` Each discovered target has an [`__address__`](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/relabeling/#how-to-modify-scrape-urls-in-targets) label set to the FQDN of the discovered instance. The following meta labels are available on discovered targets during [relabeling](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmagent/#relabeling): * `__meta_yandexcloud_instance_name`: the name of instance * `__meta_yandexcloud_instance_id`: the id of instance * `__meta_yandexcloud_instance_fqdn`: generated FQDN for instance * `__meta_yandexcloud_instance_status`: the status of instance * `__meta_yandexcloud_instance_platform_id`: instance platform ID (i.e. "standard-v3") * `__meta_yandexcloud_instance_resources_cores`: instance vCPU cores * `__meta_yandexcloud_instance_resources_core_fraction`: instance core fraction * `__meta_yandexcloud_instance_resources_memory`: instance memory * `__meta_yandexcloud_folder_id`: instance folder ID * `__meta_yandexcloud_instance_label_