package logstorage import ( "fmt" "math" "reflect" "strconv" "testing" ) func TestValuesEncoder(t *testing.T) { f := func(values []string, expectedValueType valueType, expectedMinValue, expectedMaxValue uint64) { t.Helper() ve := getValuesEncoder() var dict valuesDict vt, minValue, maxValue := ve.encode(values, &dict) if vt != expectedValueType { t.Fatalf("unexpected value type; got %d; want %d", vt, expectedValueType) } if minValue != expectedMinValue { t.Fatalf("unexpected minValue; got %d; want %d", minValue, expectedMinValue) } if maxValue != expectedMaxValue { t.Fatalf("unexpected maxValue; got %d; want %d", maxValue, expectedMaxValue) } encodedValues := append([]string{}, ve.values...) putValuesEncoder(ve) vd := getValuesDecoder() if err := vd.decodeInplace(encodedValues, vt, dict.values); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error in decodeInplace(): %s", err) } if len(values) == 0 { values = []string{} } if !reflect.DeepEqual(values, encodedValues) { t.Fatalf("unexpected values decoded\ngot\n%q\nwant\n%q", encodedValues, values) } putValuesDecoder(vd) } // An empty values list f(nil, valueTypeString, 0, 0) // string values values := make([]string, maxDictLen+1) for i := range values { values[i] = fmt.Sprintf("value_%d", i) } f(values, valueTypeString, 0, 0) // dict values f([]string{"foobar"}, valueTypeDict, 0, 0) f([]string{"foo", "bar"}, valueTypeDict, 0, 0) f([]string{"1", "2foo"}, valueTypeDict, 0, 0) // uint8 values for i := range values { values[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", uint64(i+1)) } f(values, valueTypeUint8, 1, uint64(len(values))) // uint16 values for i := range values { values[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", uint64(i+1)<<8) } f(values, valueTypeUint16, 1<<8, uint64(len(values))<<8) // uint32 values for i := range values { values[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", uint64(i+1)<<16) } f(values, valueTypeUint32, 1<<16, uint64(len(values))<<16) // uint64 values for i := range values { values[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", uint64(i+1)<<32) } f(values, valueTypeUint64, 1<<32, uint64(len(values))<<32) // float64 values for i := range values { values[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%g", math.Sqrt(float64(i+1))) } f(values, valueTypeFloat64, 4607182418800017408, 4613937818241073152) // ipv4 values for i := range values { values[i] = fmt.Sprintf("1.2.3.%d", i) } f(values, valueTypeIPv4, 16909056, 16909064) // iso8601 timestamps for i := range values { values[i] = fmt.Sprintf("2011-04-19T03:44:01.%03dZ", i) } f(values, valueTypeTimestampISO8601, 1303184641000000000, 1303184641008000000) } func TestTryParseIPv4String_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() n, ok := tryParseIPv4(s) if !ok { t.Fatalf("cannot parse %q", s) } data := marshalIPv4String(nil, n) if string(data) != s { t.Fatalf("unexpected ip; got %q; want %q", data, s) } } f("") f("") f("") f("") } func TestTryParseIPv4_Failure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() _, ok := tryParseIPv4(s) if ok { t.Fatalf("expecting error when parsing %q", s) } } f("") f("foo") f("a.b.c.d") f("127.0.0.x") f("127.0.x.0") f("127.x.0.0") f("x.0.0.0") // Too big octets f("") f("") f("") f("") // Negative octets f("-") f("127.-1.127.127") f("127.127.-1.127") f("127.127.127.-1") } func TestTryParseTimestampRFC3339NanoString_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(s, timestampExpected string) { t.Helper() nsecs, ok := TryParseTimestampRFC3339Nano(s) if !ok { t.Fatalf("cannot parse timestamp %q", s) } timestamp := marshalTimestampRFC3339NanoString(nil, nsecs) if string(timestamp) != timestampExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected timestamp; got %q; want %q", timestamp, timestampExpected) } } // No fractional seconds f("2023-01-15T23:45:51Z", "2023-01-15T23:45:51Z") // Different number of fractional seconds f("2023-01-15T23:45:51.1Z", "2023-01-15T23:45:51.1Z") f("2023-01-15T23:45:51.12Z", "2023-01-15T23:45:51.12Z") f("2023-01-15T23:45:51.123Z", "2023-01-15T23:45:51.123Z") f("2023-01-15T23:45:51.1234Z", "2023-01-15T23:45:51.1234Z") f("2023-01-15T23:45:51.12345Z", "2023-01-15T23:45:51.12345Z") f("2023-01-15T23:45:51.123456Z", "2023-01-15T23:45:51.123456Z") f("2023-01-15T23:45:51.1234567Z", "2023-01-15T23:45:51.1234567Z") f("2023-01-15T23:45:51.12345678Z", "2023-01-15T23:45:51.12345678Z") f("2023-01-15T23:45:51.123456789Z", "2023-01-15T23:45:51.123456789Z") // The minimum possible timestamp f("1677-09-21T00:12:44Z", "1677-09-21T00:12:44Z") // The maximum possible timestamp f("2262-04-11T23:47:15.999999999Z", "2262-04-11T23:47:15.999999999Z") // timestamp with timezone f("2023-01-16T00:45:51+01:00", "2023-01-15T23:45:51Z") f("2023-01-16T00:45:51.123-01:00", "2023-01-16T01:45:51.123Z") // SQL datetime format // See f("2023-01-16 00:45:51+01:00", "2023-01-15T23:45:51Z") f("2023-01-16 00:45:51.123-01:00", "2023-01-16T01:45:51.123Z") } func TestTryParseTimestampRFC3339Nano_Failure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() _, ok := TryParseTimestampRFC3339Nano(s) if ok { t.Fatalf("expecting faulure when parsing %q", s) } } // invalid length f("") f("foobar") // missing fractional part after dot f("2023-01-15T22:15:51.Z") // too small year f("1676-09-21T00:12:43Z") // too big year f("2263-04-11T23:47:17Z") // too small timestamp f("1677-09-21T00:12:43.999999999Z") // too big timestamp f("2262-04-11T23:47:16Z") // invalid year f("YYYY-04-11T23:47:17Z") // invalid moth f("2023-MM-11T23:47:17Z") // invalid day f("2023-01-DDT23:47:17Z") // invalid hour f("2023-01-23Thh:47:17Z") // invalid minute f("2023-01-23T23:mm:17Z") // invalid second f("2023-01-23T23:33:ssZ") } func TestTryParseTimestampISO8601String_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() nsecs, ok := tryParseTimestampISO8601(s) if !ok { t.Fatalf("cannot parse timestamp %q", s) } data := marshalTimestampISO8601String(nil, nsecs) if string(data) != s { t.Fatalf("unexpected timestamp; got %q; want %q", data, s) } } // regular timestamp f("2023-01-15T23:45:51.123Z") // The minimum possible timestamp f("1677-09-21T00:12:44.000Z") // The maximum possible timestamp f("2262-04-11T23:47:15.999Z") } func TestTryParseTimestampISO8601_Failure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() _, ok := tryParseTimestampISO8601(s) if ok { t.Fatalf("expecting faulure when parsing %q", s) } } // invalid length f("") f("foobar") // Missing Z at the end f("2023-01-15T22:15:51.123") f("2023-01-15T22:15:51.1234") // timestamp with timezone f("2023-01-16T00:45:51.123+01:00") // too small year f("1676-09-21T00:12:43.434Z") // too big year f("2263-04-11T23:47:17.434Z") // too small timestamp f("1677-09-21T00:12:43.999Z") // too big timestamp f("2262-04-11T23:47:16.000Z") // invalid year f("YYYY-04-11T23:47:17.123Z") // invalid moth f("2023-MM-11T23:47:17.123Z") // invalid day f("2023-01-DDT23:47:17.123Z") // invalid hour f("2023-01-23Thh:47:17.123Z") // invalid minute f("2023-01-23T23:mm:17.123Z") // invalid second f("2023-01-23T23:33:ss.123Z") } func TestTryParseDuration_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, nsecsExpected int64) { t.Helper() nsecs, ok := tryParseDuration(s) if !ok { t.Fatalf("cannot parse %q", s) } if nsecs != nsecsExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected value; got %d; want %d", nsecs, nsecsExpected) } } // zero duration f("0s", 0) f("0.0w0d0h0s0.0ms", 0) f("-0w", 0) // positive duration f("1s", nsecsPerSecond) f("1.5ms", 1.5*nsecsPerMillisecond) f("1µs", nsecsPerMicrosecond) f("1ns", 1) f("1h", nsecsPerHour) f("1.5d", 1.5*nsecsPerDay) f("1.5w", 1.5*nsecsPerWeek) f("2.5y", 2.5*nsecsPerYear) f("1m5.123456789s", nsecsPerMinute+5.123456789*nsecsPerSecond) // composite duration f("1h5m", nsecsPerHour+5*nsecsPerMinute) f("1.1h5m2.5s3_456ns", 1.1*nsecsPerHour+5*nsecsPerMinute+2.5*nsecsPerSecond+3456) // nedgative duration f("-1h5m3s", -(nsecsPerHour + 5*nsecsPerMinute + 3*nsecsPerSecond)) // max int duration f("9_223_372_036_854_775_807ns", 1<<63-1) f("9223372036854775807ns", 1<<63-1) f("-9223372036854775808ns", -1<<63+1) // too big value is clapped to 1<<63-1 f("15_223_372_036_854_775_808ns", 1<<63-1) f("-15_223_372_036_854_775_808ns", -1<<63+1) } func TestTryParseDuration_Failure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() _, ok := tryParseDuration(s) if ok { t.Fatalf("expecting error for parsing %q", s) } } // empty string f("") // missing suffix f("2") f("2.5") // invalid string f("foobar") f("1foo") f("1soo") f("3.43e") f("3.43es") // superflouous space f(" 2s") f("2s ") f("2s 3ms") } func TestMarshalDurationString(t *testing.T) { f := func(nsecs int64, resultExpected string) { t.Helper() result := marshalDurationString(nil, nsecs) if string(result) != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result; got %q; want %q", result, resultExpected) } } f(0, "0") f(1, "1ns") f(-1, "-1ns") f(12345, "12µs345ns") f(123456789, "123ms456µs789ns") f(12345678901, "12.345678901s") f(1234567890143, "20m34.567890143s") f(1234567890123457, "2w6h56m7.890123457s") } func TestTryParseBytes_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, resultExpected int64) { t.Helper() result, ok := tryParseBytes(s) if !ok { t.Fatalf("cannot parse %q", s) } if result != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result; got %d; want %d", result, resultExpected) } } f("1_500", 1_500) f("2.5B", 2) f("1.5K", 1_500) f("1.5M", 1_500_000) f("1.5G", 1_500_000_000) f("1.5T", 1_500_000_000_000) f("1.5KB", 1_500) f("1.5MB", 1_500_000) f("1.5GB", 1_500_000_000) f("1.5TB", 1_500_000_000_000) f("1.5Ki", 1.5*(1<<10)) f("1.5Mi", 1.5*(1<<20)) f("1.5Gi", 1.5*(1<<30)) f("1.5Ti", 1.5*(1<<40)) f("1.5KiB", 1.5*(1<<10)) f("1.5MiB", 1.5*(1<<20)) f("1.5GiB", 1.5*(1<<30)) f("1.5TiB", 1.5*(1<<40)) f("1MiB500KiB200B", (1<<20)+500*(1<<10)+200) // The maximum bytes value f("9_223_372_036_854_775_807", 1<<63-1) f("9223372036854775807B", 1<<63-1) f("-9223372036854775808B", -1<<63+1) // too big value is clapped to 1<<63-1 f("15_223_372_036_854_775_808", 1<<63-1) f("-15_223_372_036_854_775_808", -1<<63+1) } func TestTryParseBytes_Failure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() _, ok := tryParseBytes(s) if ok { t.Fatalf("expecting error when parsing %q", s) } } // empty string f("") // invalid number f("foobar") // invalid suffix f("123q") f("123qs") f("123qsb") f("123sqsb") f("123s5qsb") // invalid case for the suffix f("1b") f("1k") f("1m") f("1g") f("1t") f("1kb") f("1mb") f("1gb") f("1tb") f("1ki") f("1mi") f("1gi") f("1ti") f("1kib") f("1mib") f("1gib") f("1tib") f("1KIB") f("1MIB") f("1GIB") f("1TIB") // fractional number without suffix f("123.456") } func TestTryParseFloat64_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, resultExpected float64) { t.Helper() result, ok := tryParseFloat64(s) if !ok { t.Fatalf("cannot parse %q", s) } if !float64Equal(result, resultExpected) { t.Fatalf("unexpected value; got %f; want %f", result, resultExpected) } } f("0", 0) f("1", 1) f("-1", -1) f("1234567890", 1234567890) f("1_234_567_890", 1234567890) f("-1.234_567", -1.234567) f("0.345", 0.345) f("-0.345", -0.345) // The maximum integer f("9007199254740991", (1<<53)-1) f("9_007_199_254_740_991", (1<<53)-1) f("-9007199254740991", (-1<<53)+1) // Too big integer (exceeds 2^53-1). It leads to precision loss. f("9_007_199_254_740_992", 9007199254740992) f("10_007_199_254_740_992", 10007199254740993) f("-9007199254740992", -9007199254740992) } func float64Equal(a, b float64) bool { return math.Abs(a-b)*math.Abs(max(a, b)) < 1e-15 } func TestTryParseFloat64_Failure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() _, ok := tryParseFloat64(s) if ok { t.Fatalf("expecting error when parsing %q", s) } } // Empty value f("") // Plus in the value isn't allowed, since it cannot be convered back to the same string representation f("+123") // Dot at the beginning and the end of value isn't allowed, since it cannot converted back to the same string representation f(".123") f("123.") // Multiple dots aren't allowed f("123.434.55") // Invalid dots f("-.123") f(".") // Scientific notation isn't allowed, since it cannot be converted back to the same string representation f("12e5") // Minus in the middle of string isn't allowed f("12-5") } func TestTryParseFloat64Exact_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, resultExpected float64) { t.Helper() result, ok := tryParseFloat64Exact(s) if !ok { t.Fatalf("cannot parse %q", s) } if !float64Equal(result, resultExpected) { t.Fatalf("unexpected value; got %f; want %f", result, resultExpected) } } f("0", 0) f("1", 1) f("-1", -1) f("1234567890", 1234567890) f("1_234_567_890", 1234567890) f("-1.234_567", -1.234567) f("0.345", 0.345) f("-0.345", -0.345) // The maximum integer f("9007199254740991", (1<<53)-1) f("9_007_199_254_740_991", (1<<53)-1) f("-9007199254740991", (-1<<53)+1) } func TestTryParseFloat64Exact_Failure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() _, ok := tryParseFloat64Exact(s) if ok { t.Fatalf("expecting error when parsing %q", s) } } // Empty value f("") // Plus in the value isn't allowed, since it cannot be convered back to the same string representation f("+123") // Dot at the beginning and the end of value isn't allowed, since it cannot converted back to the same string representation f(".123") f("123.") // Multiple dots aren't allowed f("123.434.55") // Invalid dots f("-.123") f(".") // Scientific notation isn't allowed, since it cannot be converted back to the same string representation f("12e5") // Minus in the middle of string isn't allowed f("12-5") // Too big integer (exceeds 2^53-1) f("9_007_199_254_740_992") f("-9007199254740992") } func TestMarshalFloat64String(t *testing.T) { f := func(f float64, resultExpected string) { t.Helper() result := marshalFloat64String(nil, f) if string(result) != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result; got %q; want %q", result, resultExpected) } } f(0, "0") f(1234, "1234") f(-12345678, "-12345678") f(1.234, "1.234") f(-1.234567, "-1.234567") } func TestTryParseUint64_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, resultExpected uint64) { t.Helper() result, ok := tryParseUint64(s) if !ok { t.Fatalf("cannot parse %q", s) } if result != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected value; got %d; want %d", result, resultExpected) } } f("0", 0) f("123", 123) f("123456", 123456) f("123456789", 123456789) f("123456789012", 123456789012) f("123456789012345", 123456789012345) f("123456789012345678", 123456789012345678) f("12345678901234567890", 12345678901234567890) f("12_345_678_901_234_567_890", 12345678901234567890) // the maximum possible value f("18446744073709551615", 18446744073709551615) } func TestTryParseUint64_Failure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() _, ok := tryParseUint64(s) if ok { t.Fatalf("expecting error when parsing %q", s) } } // empty value f("") // too big value f("18446744073709551616") // invalid value f("foo") f("1.2") f("1e3") } func TestTryParseInt64_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, resultExpected int64) { t.Helper() result, ok := tryParseInt64(s) if !ok { t.Fatalf("cannot parse %q", s) } if result != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected value; got %d; want %d", result, resultExpected) } } f("0", 0) f("-0", 0) f("123", 123) f("-123", -123) f("1345678901234567890", 1345678901234567890) f("-1_345_678_901_234_567_890", -1345678901234567890) // the maximum possible value f("9223372036854775807", 9223372036854775807) // the minimum possible value f("-9223372036854775808", -9223372036854775808) } func TestTryParseInt64_Failure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() _, ok := tryParseInt64(s) if ok { t.Fatalf("expecting error when parsing %q", s) } } // empty value f("") // too big value f("9223372036854775808") // too small value f("-9223372036854775809") // invalid value f("foo") f("1.2") f("1e3") } func TestMarshalUint8String(t *testing.T) { f := func(n uint8, resultExpected string) { t.Helper() result := marshalUint8String(nil, n) if string(result) != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result; got %q; want %q", result, resultExpected) } } for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { resultExpected := strconv.Itoa(i) f(uint8(i), resultExpected) } // the maximum possible value f(math.MaxUint8, "255") } func TestMarshalUint16String(t *testing.T) { f := func(n uint16, resultExpected string) { t.Helper() result := marshalUint16String(nil, n) if string(result) != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result; got %q; want %q", result, resultExpected) } } f(0, "0") f(1, "1") f(10, "10") f(12, "12") f(120, "120") f(1203, "1203") f(12345, "12345") // the maximum possible value f(math.MaxUint16, "65535") } func TestMarshalUint32String(t *testing.T) { f := func(n uint32, resultExpected string) { t.Helper() result := marshalUint32String(nil, n) if string(result) != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result; got %q; want %q", result, resultExpected) } } f(0, "0") f(1, "1") f(10, "10") f(12, "12") f(120, "120") f(1203, "1203") f(12034, "12034") f(123456, "123456") f(1234567, "1234567") f(12345678, "12345678") f(123456789, "123456789") f(1234567890, "1234567890") // the maximum possible value f(math.MaxUint32, "4294967295") } func TestMarshalUint64String(t *testing.T) { f := func(n uint64, resultExpected string) { t.Helper() result := marshalUint64String(nil, n) if string(result) != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result; got %q; want %q", result, resultExpected) } } f(0, "0") f(123456, "123456") // the maximum possible value f(math.MaxUint64, "18446744073709551615") } func TestTryParseIPv4Mask_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, resultExpected uint64) { t.Helper() result, ok := tryParseIPv4Mask(s) if !ok { t.Fatalf("cannot parse %q", s) } if result != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result; got %d; want %d", result, resultExpected) } } f("/0", 1<<32) f("/1", 1<<31) f("/8", 1<<24) f("/24", 1<<8) f("/32", 1) } func TestTryParseIPv4Mask_Failure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() _, ok := tryParseIPv4Mask(s) if ok { t.Fatalf("expecting error when parsing %q", s) } } // Empty mask f("") // Invalid prefix f("foo") // Non-numeric mask f("/foo") // Too big mask f("/33") // Negative mask f("/-1") }