package logstorage import ( "testing" ) func TestParsePipeLenSuccess(t *testing.T) { f := func(pipeStr string) { t.Helper() expectParsePipeSuccess(t, pipeStr) } f(`len(foo)`) f(`len(foo) as bar`) } func TestParsePipeLenFailure(t *testing.T) { f := func(pipeStr string) { t.Helper() expectParsePipeFailure(t, pipeStr) } f(`len`) f(`len(`) f(`len()`) f(`len(x) y z`) } func TestPipeLen(t *testing.T) { f := func(pipeStr string, rows, rowsExpected [][]Field) { t.Helper() expectPipeResults(t, pipeStr, rows, rowsExpected) } f(`len(foo) x`, [][]Field{ { {"foo", `abcde`}, {"baz", "1234567890"}, }, { {"foo", `abc`}, {"bar", `de`}, }, { {"baz", "xyz"}, }, }, [][]Field{ { {"foo", `abcde`}, {"baz", "1234567890"}, {"x", "5"}, }, { {"foo", `abc`}, {"bar", `de`}, {"x", "3"}, }, { {"baz", "xyz"}, {"x", "0"}, }, }) } func TestPipeLenUpdateNeededFields(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, neededFields, unneededFields, neededFieldsExpected, unneededFieldsExpected string) { t.Helper() expectPipeNeededFields(t, s, neededFields, unneededFields, neededFieldsExpected, unneededFieldsExpected) } // all the needed fields f(`len(y) x`, "*", "", "*", "x") f(`len(x) x`, "*", "", "*", "") // unneeded fields do not intersect with output field f(`len(y) as x`, "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f1,f2,x") f(`len(x) as x`, "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f1,f2") // unneeded fields intersect with output field f(`len(z) as x`, "*", "x,y", "*", "x,y") f(`len(y) as x`, "*", "x,y", "*", "x,y") f(`len(x) as x`, "*", "x,y", "*", "x,y") // needed fields do not intersect with output field f(`len(y) as z`, "x,y", "", "x,y", "") f(`len(z) as z`, "x,y", "", "x,y", "") // needed fields intersect with output field f(`len (z) as f2`, "f2,y", "", "y,z", "") f(`len (y) as f2`, "f2,y", "", "y", "") f(`len (y) as y`, "f2,y", "", "f2,y", "") }