package main import ( "context" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "os/signal" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( datasourceURL = flag.String("datasource.url", "http://localhost:9428/select/logsql/query", "URL for querying VictoriaLogs; "+ "see . See also -tail.url") tailURL = flag.String("tail.url", "", "URL for live tailing queries to VictoriaLogs; see ."+ "The url is automatically detected from -datasource.url by replacing /query with /tail at the end if -tail.url is empty") historyFile = flag.String("historyFile", "vlogscli-history", "Path to file with command history") header = flagutil.NewArrayString("header", "Optional header to pass in request -datasource.url in the form 'HeaderName: value'") accountID = flag.Int("accountID", 0, "Account ID to query; see") projectID = flag.Int("projectID", 0, "Project ID to query; see") ) const ( firstLinePrompt = ";> " nextLinePrompt = "" ) func main() { // Write flags and help message to stdout, since it is easier to grep or pipe. flag.CommandLine.SetOutput(os.Stdout) flag.Usage = usage envflag.Parse() buildinfo.Init() logger.InitNoLogFlags() hes, err := parseHeaders(*header) if err != nil { fatalf("cannot parse -header command-line flag: %s", err) } headers = hes incompleteLine := "" cfg := &readline.Config{ Prompt: firstLinePrompt, DisableAutoSaveHistory: true, Listener: func(line []rune, pos int, _ rune) ([]rune, int, bool) { incompleteLine = string(line) return line, pos, false }, } rl, err := readline.NewFromConfig(cfg) if err != nil { fatalf("cannot initialize readline: %s", err) } fmt.Fprintf(rl, "sending queries to -datasource.url=%s\n", *datasourceURL) fmt.Fprintf(rl, `type ? and press enter to see available commands`+"\n") runReadlineLoop(rl, &incompleteLine) if err := rl.Close(); err != nil { fatalf("cannot close readline: %s", err) } } func runReadlineLoop(rl *readline.Instance, incompleteLine *string) { historyLines, err := loadFromHistory(*historyFile) if err != nil { fatalf("cannot load query history: %s", err) } for _, line := range historyLines { if err := rl.SaveToHistory(line); err != nil { fatalf("cannot initialize query history: %s", err) } } outputMode := outputModeJSONMultiline wrapLongLines := false s := "" for { line, err := rl.ReadLine() if err != nil { switch err { case io.EOF: if s != "" { // This is non-interactive query execution. executeQuery(context.Background(), rl, s, outputMode, wrapLongLines) } return case readline.ErrInterrupt: if s == "" && *incompleteLine == "" { fmt.Fprintf(rl, "interrupted\n") os.Exit(128 + int(syscall.SIGINT)) } // Default value for Ctrl+C - clear the prompt and store the incompletely entered line into history s += *incompleteLine historyLines = pushToHistory(rl, historyLines, s) s = "" rl.SetPrompt(firstLinePrompt) continue default: fatalf("unexpected error in readline: %s", err) } } s += line if s == "" { // Skip empty lines continue } if isQuitCommand(s) { fmt.Fprintf(rl, "bye!\n") _ = pushToHistory(rl, historyLines, s) return } if isHelpCommand(s) { printCommandsHelp(rl) historyLines = pushToHistory(rl, historyLines, s) s = "" continue } if s == `\s` { fmt.Fprintf(rl, "singleline json output mode\n") outputMode = outputModeJSONSingleline historyLines = pushToHistory(rl, historyLines, s) s = "" continue } if s == `\m` { fmt.Fprintf(rl, "multiline json output mode\n") outputMode = outputModeJSONMultiline historyLines = pushToHistory(rl, historyLines, s) s = "" continue } if s == `\c` { fmt.Fprintf(rl, "compact output mode\n") outputMode = outputModeCompact historyLines = pushToHistory(rl, historyLines, s) s = "" continue } if s == `\logfmt` { fmt.Fprintf(rl, "logfmt output mode\n") outputMode = outputModeLogfmt historyLines = pushToHistory(rl, historyLines, s) s = "" continue } if s == `\wrap_long_lines` { if wrapLongLines { wrapLongLines = false fmt.Fprintf(rl, "wrapping of long lines is disabled\n") } else { wrapLongLines = true fmt.Fprintf(rl, "wrapping of long lines is enabled\n") } historyLines = pushToHistory(rl, historyLines, s) s = "" continue } if line != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(line, ";") { // Assume the query is incomplete and allow the user finishing the query on the next line s += "\n" rl.SetPrompt(nextLinePrompt) continue } // Execute the query ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt) executeQuery(ctx, rl, s, outputMode, wrapLongLines) cancel() historyLines = pushToHistory(rl, historyLines, s) s = "" rl.SetPrompt(firstLinePrompt) } } func pushToHistory(rl *readline.Instance, historyLines []string, s string) []string { s = strings.TrimSpace(s) if len(historyLines) == 0 || historyLines[len(historyLines)-1] != s { historyLines = append(historyLines, s) if len(historyLines) > 500 { historyLines = historyLines[len(historyLines)-500:] } if err := saveToHistory(*historyFile, historyLines); err != nil { fatalf("cannot save query history: %s", err) } } if err := rl.SaveToHistory(s); err != nil { fatalf("cannot update query history: %s", err) } return historyLines } func loadFromHistory(filePath string) ([]string, error) { data, err := os.ReadFile(filePath) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { return nil, nil } return nil, err } linesQuoted := strings.Split(string(data), "\n") lines := make([]string, 0, len(linesQuoted)) i := 0 for _, lineQuoted := range linesQuoted { i++ if lineQuoted == "" { continue } line, err := strconv.Unquote(lineQuoted) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse line #%d at %s: %w; line: [%s]", i, filePath, err, line) } lines = append(lines, line) } return lines, nil } func saveToHistory(filePath string, lines []string) error { linesQuoted := make([]string, len(lines)) for i, line := range lines { lineQuoted := strconv.Quote(line) linesQuoted[i] = lineQuoted } data := strings.Join(linesQuoted, "\n") return os.WriteFile(filePath, []byte(data), 0600) } func isQuitCommand(s string) bool { switch s { case `\q`, "q", "quit", "exit": return true default: return false } } func isHelpCommand(s string) bool { switch s { case `\h`, "h", "help", "?": return true default: return false } } func printCommandsHelp(w io.Writer) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", `Available commands: \q - quit \h - show this help \s - singleline json output mode \m - multiline json output mode \c - compact output \logfmt - logfmt output mode \wrap_long_lines - toggles wrapping long lines \tail <query> - live tail <query> results See for more details `) } func executeQuery(ctx context.Context, output io.Writer, qStr string, outputMode outputMode, wrapLongLines bool) { if strings.HasPrefix(qStr, `\tail `) { tailQuery(ctx, output, qStr, outputMode) return } respBody := getQueryResponse(ctx, output, qStr, outputMode, *datasourceURL) if respBody == nil { return } defer func() { _ = respBody.Close() }() if err := readWithLess(respBody, wrapLongLines); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(output, "error when reading query response: %s\n", err) return } } func tailQuery(ctx context.Context, output io.Writer, qStr string, outputMode outputMode) { qStr = strings.TrimPrefix(qStr, `\tail `) qURL, err := getTailURL() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(output, "%s\n", err) return } respBody := getQueryResponse(ctx, output, qStr, outputMode, qURL) if respBody == nil { return } defer func() { _ = respBody.Close() }() if _, err := io.Copy(output, respBody); err != nil { if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) && !isErrPipe(err) { fmt.Fprintf(output, "error when live tailing query response: %s\n", err) } fmt.Fprintf(output, "\n") return } } func getTailURL() (string, error) { if *tailURL != "" { return *tailURL, nil } u, err := url.Parse(*datasourceURL) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot parse -datasource.url=%q: %w", *datasourceURL, err) } if !strings.HasSuffix(u.Path, "/query") { return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot find /query suffix in -datasource.url=%q", *datasourceURL) } u.Path = u.Path[:len(u.Path)-len("/query")] + "/tail" return u.String(), nil } func getQueryResponse(ctx context.Context, output io.Writer, qStr string, outputMode outputMode, qURL string) io.ReadCloser { // Parse the query and convert it to canonical view. qStr = strings.TrimSuffix(qStr, ";") q, err := logstorage.ParseQuery(qStr) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(output, "cannot parse query: %s\n", err) return nil } qStr = q.String() fmt.Fprintf(output, "executing [%s]...", qStr) // Prepare HTTP request for qURL args := make(url.Values) args.Set("query", qStr) data := strings.NewReader(args.Encode()) req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "POST", qURL, data) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("BUG: cannot prepare request to server: %w", err)) } req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") for _, h := range headers { req.Header.Set(h.Name, h.Value) } req.Header.Set("AccountID", strconv.Itoa(*accountID)) req.Header.Set("ProjectID", strconv.Itoa(*projectID)) // Execute HTTP request at qURL startTime := time.Now() resp, err := httpClient.Do(req) queryDuration := time.Since(startTime) fmt.Fprintf(output, "; duration: %.3fs\n", queryDuration.Seconds()) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { fmt.Fprintf(output, "\n") } else { fmt.Fprintf(output, "cannot execute query: %s\n", err) } return nil } // Verify response code if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { body = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("cannot read response body: %s", err)) } fmt.Fprintf(output, "unexpected status code: %d; response body:\n%s\n", resp.StatusCode, body) return nil } // Prettify the response body jp := newJSONPrettifier(resp.Body, outputMode) return jp } var httpClient = &http.Client{} var headers []headerEntry type headerEntry struct { Name string Value string } func parseHeaders(a []string) ([]headerEntry, error) { hes := make([]headerEntry, len(a)) for i, s := range a { a := strings.SplitN(s, ":", 2) if len(a) != 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse header=%q; it must contain at least one ':'; for example, 'Cookie: foo'", s) } hes[i] = headerEntry{ Name: strings.TrimSpace(a[0]), Value: strings.TrimSpace(a[1]), } } return hes, nil } func fatalf(format string, args ...any) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format+"\n", args...) os.Exit(1) } func usage() { const s = ` vlogscli is a command-line tool for querying VictoriaLogs. See the docs at ` flagutil.Usage(s) }