# vmui
Web UI for VictoriaMetrics
* [Docker image build](#docker-image-build)
* [Static build](#static-build)
* [Updating vmui embedded into VictoriaMetrics](#updating-vmui-embedded-into-victoriametrics)
* [Predefined dashboards](#predefined-dashboards)
* [App mode config options](#app-mode-config-options)
* [Timezone configuration](#timezone-configuration)
### Docker image build
Run the following command from the root of VictoriaMetrics repository in order to build `victoriametrics/vmui` Docker image:
make vmui-release
Then run the built image with:
docker run --rm --name vmui -p 8080:8080 victoriametrics/vmui
Then navigate to `http://localhost:8080` in order to see the web UI.
### Static build
Run the following command from the root of VictoriaMetrics repository for building `vmui` static contents:
make vmui-build
The built static contents is put into `app/vmui/packages/vmui/` directory.
### Updating vmui embedded into VictoriaMetrics
Run the following command from the root of VictoriaMetrics repository for updating `vmui` embedded into VictoriaMetrics:
make vmui-update
This command should update `vmui` static files at `app/vmselect/vmui` directory. Commit changes to these files if needed.
Then build VictoriaMetrics with the following command:
make victoria-metrics
Then run the built binary with the following command:
bin/victoria-metrics -selfScrapeInterval=5s
Then navigate to `http://localhost:8428/vmui/`. See [these docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/#vmui) for more details.
## Predefined dashboards
vmui allows you to pre-define dashboards.
Predefined dashboards will be displayed in the `"Dashboards"` tab.
If there are no dashboards or if they cannot be fetched, the tab will be hidden.
### Setup
You can setup pre-defined dashboards in two ways: [Setup by local files](#setup-by-local-files) or [Setup by flag](#setup-by-flag)
#### Setup by local files
By creating local files in the "folder" directory:
- In this case, to update the dashboards, you need to recompile the binary;
- These dashboards will be displayed if there are no dashboards located at the path set by the "--vmui.customDashboardsPath" flag.
1. Create `.json` config file in a folder `app/vmui/packages/vmui/public/dashboards/`
2. Add the name of the created JSON file to `app/vmui/packages/vmui/public/dashboards/index.js`
#### Setup by flag
It is possible to define path to the predefined dashboards by setting `--vmui.customDashboardsPath`.
- The panels are updated when the web page is loaded;
- Only those dashboards that are located at the path specified by the `--vmui.customDashboardsPath` flag are displayed;
- Local files from the previous step are ignored.
1. Single Version
If you use single version of the VictoriaMetrics this flag should be provided for you execution file.
./victoria-metrics --vmui.customDashboardsPath=/path/to/your/dashboards
2. Cluster Version
If you use cluster version this flag should be defined for each `vmselect` component.
./vmselect -storageNode=:8418 --vmui.customDashboardsPath=/path/to/your/dashboards
At that moment all predefined dashboards files show be near each `vmselect`. For example
if you have 3 `vmselect` instances you should create 3 copy of your predefined dashboards.
### Configuration options
| Name | Type | Description |
| rows* | `DashboardRow[]` | Sections containing panels |
| title | `string` | Dashboard title |
| Name | Type | Description |
| panels* | `PanelSettings[]` | List of panels (charts) |
| title | `string` | Row title |
| Name | Type | Description |
| expr* | `string[]` | Data source queries |
| alias | `string[]` | An array of aliases for each expression in `expr`. See [Template Support in alias](#template-support-in-alias) |
| title | `string` | Panel title |
| description | `string` | Additional information about the panel |
| unit | `string` | Y-axis unit |
| showLegend | `boolean` | If `false`, the legend hide. Default value - `true` |
| width | `number` | The number of columns the panel uses.
From 1 (minimum width) to 12 (full width). |
### Template Support in `alias`
To create more readable metric names in the legend, you can use constructions like `{{label_name}}`, where `label_name`
is the label's name.
If the label exists in the metric, its value will be substituted in the template.
If the label is missing, the legend will use the default name.
Metric: `metric{foo="bar",baz="qux"}`
Alias: `{{foo}} - {{baz}}`
Legend: `bar - qux`
### Example json
"title": "Example",
"rows": [
"title": "Per-job resource usage",
"panels": [
"title": "Per-job CPU usage",
"width": 6,
"expr": [
"sum(rate(process_cpu_seconds_total)) by (job)"
"title": "Per-job RSS usage",
"width": 6,
"expr": [
"sum(process_resident_memory_bytes) by (job)"
"title": "Per-job disk read",
"width": 6,
"expr": [
"sum(rate(process_io_storage_read_bytes_total)) by (job)"
"title": "Per-job disk write",
"width": 6,
"expr": [
"sum(rate(process_io_storage_written_bytes_total)) by (job)"
"title": "Free/used disk space",
"panels": [
"unit": "MB",
"expr": [
"sum(vm_data_size_bytes{type!=\"indexdb\"}) / 1024 / 1024",
"vm_free_disk_space_bytes / 1024 / 1024"
"alias": [
"usage space",
"free space"
## App mode config options
vmui can be used to paste into other applications
1. Go to file `app/vmui/packages/vmui/public/index.html`
2. Find root element `