PKG_PREFIX := DATEINFO_TAG ?= $(shell date -u +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') BUILDINFO_TAG ?= $(shell echo $$(git describe --long --all | tr '/' '-')$$( \ git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || echo '-dirty-'$$(git diff-index -u HEAD | openssl sha1 | cut -c 10-17))) PKG_TAG ?= $(shell git tag -l --points-at HEAD) ifeq ($(PKG_TAG),) PKG_TAG := $(BUILDINFO_TAG) endif GO_BUILDINFO = -X '$(PKG_PREFIX)/lib/buildinfo.Version=$(APP_NAME)-$(DATEINFO_TAG)-$(BUILDINFO_TAG)' .PHONY: $(MAKECMDGOALS) include app/*/Makefile include deployment/*/Makefile include package/release/Makefile all: \ vminsert \ vmselect \ vmstorage all-pure: \ vminsert-pure \ vmselect-pure \ vmstorage-pure clean: rm -rf bin/* vmcluster-linux-amd64: \ vminsert-linux-amd64 \ vmselect-linux-amd64 \ vmstorage-linux-amd64 vmcluster-linux-arm64: \ vminsert-linux-arm64 \ vmselect-linux-arm64 \ vmstorage-linux-arm64 vmcluster-linux-arm: \ vminsert-linux-arm \ vmselect-linux-arm \ vmstorage-linux-arm vmcluster-linux-ppc64le: \ vminsert-linux-ppc64le \ vmselect-linux-ppc64le \ vmstorage-linux-ppc64le vmcluster-linux-386: \ vminsert-linux-386 \ vmselect-linux-386 \ vmstorage-linux-386 vmcluster-freebsd-amd64: \ vminsert-freebsd-amd64 \ vmselect-freebsd-amd64 \ vmstorage-freebsd-amd64 vmcluster-openbsd-amd64: \ vminsert-openbsd-amd64 \ vmselect-openbsd-amd64 \ vmstorage-openbsd-amd64 vmcluster-crossbuild: \ vmcluster-linux-amd64 \ vmcluster-linux-arm64 \ vmcluster-linux-arm \ vmcluster-linux-ppc64le \ vmcluster-linux-386 \ vmcluster-freebsd-amd64 \ vmcluster-openbsd-amd64 publish: docker-scan \ publish-vminsert \ publish-vmselect \ publish-vmstorage package: \ package-vminsert \ package-vmselect \ package-vmstorage publish-release: git checkout $(TAG) && $(MAKE) release publish && \ git checkout $(TAG)-cluster && $(MAKE) release publish && \ git checkout $(TAG)-enterprise && $(MAKE) release publish && \ git checkout $(TAG)-enterprise-cluster && $(MAKE) release publish release: \ release-vmcluster release-vmcluster: \ release-vmcluster-linux-amd64 \ release-vmcluster-linux-arm64 \ release-vmcluster-freebsd-amd64 \ release-vmcluster-openbsd-amd64 release-vmcluster-linux-amd64: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) release-vmcluster-goos-goarch release-vmcluster-linux-arm64: GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 $(MAKE) release-vmcluster-goos-goarch release-vmcluster-freebsd-amd64: GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) release-vmcluster-goos-goarch release-vmcluster-openbsd-amd64: GOOS=openbsd GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) release-vmcluster-goos-goarch release-vmcluster-goos-goarch: \ vminsert-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod \ vmselect-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod \ vmstorage-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod cd bin && \ tar --transform="flags=r;s|-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)||" -czf victoria-metrics-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-$(PKG_TAG).tar.gz \ vminsert-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod \ vmselect-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod \ vmstorage-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod \ && sha256sum victoria-metrics-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-$(PKG_TAG).tar.gz \ vminsert-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod \ vmselect-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod \ vmstorage-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod \ | sed s/-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod/-prod/ > victoria-metrics-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-$(PKG_TAG)_checksums.txt cd bin && rm -rf \ vminsert-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod \ vmselect-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod \ vmstorage-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)-prod pprof-cpu: go tool pprof $(PPROF_FILE) fmt: gofmt -l -w -s ./lib gofmt -l -w -s ./app vet: go vet ./lib/... go vet ./app/... lint: install-golint golint lib/... golint app/... install-golint: which golint || go install errcheck: install-errcheck errcheck -exclude=errcheck_excludes.txt ./lib/... errcheck -exclude=errcheck_excludes.txt ./app/vminsert/... errcheck -exclude=errcheck_excludes.txt ./app/vmselect/... errcheck -exclude=errcheck_excludes.txt ./app/vmstorage/... errcheck -exclude=errcheck_excludes.txt ./app/vmagent/... errcheck -exclude=errcheck_excludes.txt ./app/vmalert/... errcheck -exclude=errcheck_excludes.txt ./app/vmauth/... errcheck -exclude=errcheck_excludes.txt ./app/vmbackup/... errcheck -exclude=errcheck_excludes.txt ./app/vmrestore/... errcheck -exclude=errcheck_excludes.txt ./app/vmctl/... install-errcheck: which errcheck || go install check-all: fmt vet lint errcheck golangci-lint govulncheck test: go test ./lib/... ./app/... test-race: go test -race ./lib/... ./app/... test-pure: CGO_ENABLED=0 go test ./lib/... ./app/... test-full: go test -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./lib/... ./app/... test-full-386: GOARCH=386 go test -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic ./lib/... ./app/... benchmark: go test -bench=. ./lib/... go test -bench=. ./app/... benchmark-pure: CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -bench=. ./lib/... CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -bench=. ./app/... vendor-update: go get -u -d ./lib/... go get -u -d ./app/... go mod tidy -compat=1.18 go mod vendor app-local: CGO_ENABLED=1 go build $(RACE) -ldflags "$(GO_BUILDINFO)" -o bin/$(APP_NAME)$(RACE) $(PKG_PREFIX)/app/$(APP_NAME) app-local-pure: CGO_ENABLED=0 go build $(RACE) -ldflags "$(GO_BUILDINFO)" -o bin/$(APP_NAME)-pure$(RACE) $(PKG_PREFIX)/app/$(APP_NAME) app-local-goos-goarch: CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) go build $(RACE) -ldflags "$(GO_BUILDINFO)" -o bin/$(APP_NAME)-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)$(RACE) $(PKG_PREFIX)/app/$(APP_NAME) app-local-windows-goarch: CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=$(GOARCH) go build $(RACE) -ldflags "$(GO_BUILDINFO)" -o bin/$(APP_NAME)-windows-$(GOARCH)$(RACE).exe $(PKG_PREFIX)/app/$(APP_NAME) quicktemplate-gen: install-qtc qtc install-qtc: which qtc || go install golangci-lint: install-golangci-lint golangci-lint run --exclude '(SA4003|SA1019|SA5011):' -D errcheck -D structcheck --timeout 2m install-golangci-lint: which golangci-lint || curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin v1.48.0 govulncheck: install-govulncheck govulncheck ./... install-govulncheck: which govulncheck || go install install-wwhrd: which wwhrd || go install check-licenses: install-wwhrd wwhrd check -f .wwhrd.yml copy-docs: echo "---\nsort: ${ORDER}\n---\n" > ${DST} cat ${SRC} >> ${DST} # Copies docs for all components and adds the order tag. # Cluster docs are supposed to be ordered as 9th. # For The rest of docs is ordered manually.t docs-sync: DST=docs/ ORDER=2 $(MAKE) copy-docs SRC=app/vmagent/ DST=docs/ ORDER=3 $(MAKE) copy-docs SRC=app/vmalert/ DST=docs/ ORDER=4 $(MAKE) copy-docs SRC=app/vmauth/ DST=docs/ ORDER=5 $(MAKE) copy-docs SRC=app/vmbackup/ DST=docs/ ORDER=6 $(MAKE) copy-docs SRC=app/vmrestore/ DST=docs/ ORDER=7 $(MAKE) copy-docs SRC=app/vmctl/ DST=docs/ ORDER=8 $(MAKE) copy-docs SRC=app/vmgateway/ DST=docs/ ORDER=9 $(MAKE) copy-docs SRC=app/vmbackupmanager/ DST=docs/ ORDER=10 $(MAKE) copy-docs