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Unexpected spike in rate is a good reason to check logs.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "bars", "fillOpacity": 100, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "links": [ { "targetBlank": true, "title": "Drilldown", "url": "/d/oS7Bi_0Wz_vm?viewPanel=203&var-job=${__field.labels.job}&var-ds=$ds&var-instance=$instance&${__url_time_range}" } ], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 29 }, "id": 104, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "sum(rate(vm_log_messages_total{job=~\"$job\",instance=~\"$instance\", level!=\"info\"}[$__rate_interval])) by (job, level) > 0", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "interval": "5m", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "{{job}} - {{level}}", "range": true, "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Logging rate", "type": "timeseries" }, { "collapsed": true, "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "gridPos": { "h": 1, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 37 }, "id": 46, "panels": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Percentage of used RSS memory (resident).\nThe RSS memory shows the amount of memory recently accessed by the application. It includes anonymous memory and data from recently accessed files (aka page cache).\nThe application's performance will significantly degrade when memory usage is close to 100%.\n\nClick on the line and choose Drilldown to show memory usage per instance", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "links": [ { "targetBlank": true, "title": "Drilldown", "url": "/d/oS7Bi_0Wz_vm?viewPanel=189&var-job=${__field.labels.job}&var-ds=$ds&var-instance=$instance&${__url_time_range}" } ], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green" }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "percentunit", "unitScale": true }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 3 }, "id": 66, "links": [], "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "max(\n max_over_time(process_resident_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])\n /\n vm_available_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}\n) by(job)", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "__auto", "range": true, "refId": "A" } ], "title": "RSS memory % usage ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Share for memory allocated by the process itself. 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"timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows the percent of CPU spent on garbage collection.\n\nIf % is high, then CPU usage can be decreased by changing GOGC to higher values. Increasing GOGC value will increase memory usage, and decrease CPU usage.\n\nTry searching for keyword `GOGC` at https://docs.victoriametrics.com/troubleshooting/ ", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "decimals": 0, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green" }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "percentunit", "unitScale": true }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 43 }, "id": 210, "links": [], "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.2.6", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "expr": "max(\n rate(go_gc_cpu_seconds_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval]) \n / rate(process_cpu_seconds_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])\n ) by(job)", "format": "time_series", "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 2, "legendFormat": "__auto", "range": true, "refId": "A" } ], "title": "CPU spent on GC ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" } ], "title": "Resource usage ($job)", "type": "row" }, { "collapsed": true, "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "gridPos": { "h": 1, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 38 }, "id": 106, "panels": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "", "gridPos": { "h": 2, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 4 }, "id": 211, "links": [], "options": { "code": { "language": "plaintext", "showLineNumbers": false, "showMiniMap": false }, "content": "See [Troubleshooting](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/troubleshooting/) docs.", "mode": "markdown" }, "pluginVersion": "10.3.1", "transparent": true, "type": "text" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows the rate and total number of new series created over last 24h.\n\nHigh [churn rate](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/faq/#what-is-high-churn-rate) tightly connected with database performance and may result in unexpected OOM's or slow queries. It is recommended to always keep an eye on this metric to avoid unexpected [cardinality](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/keyconcepts/#cardinality) \"explosions\".\n\nThe higher churn rate is, the more resources required to handle it. Consider to keep the churn rate as low as possible.\n\nTo investigate stats about most expensive series use `api/v1/status/tsdb` handler. More details here https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#url-format\n\nGood references to read:\n* https://www.robustperception.io/cardinality-is-key\n* https://valyala.medium.com/high-cardinality-tsdb-benchmarks-victoriametrics-vs-timescaledb-vs-influxdb-13e6ee64dd6b", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green" }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [ { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "new series over 24h" }, "properties": [ { "id": "custom.axisPlacement", "value": "right" }, { "id": "custom.axisSoftMin", "value": 0 } ] } ] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 23 }, "id": 102, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "none" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "exemplar": true, "expr": "sum(rate(vm_new_timeseries_created_total{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval]))", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "churn rate", "refId": "A" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "exemplar": true, "expr": "sum(increase(vm_new_timeseries_created_total{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[24h]))", "hide": false, "interval": "", "legendFormat": "new series over 24h", "refId": "B" } ], "title": "Churn rate ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "The percentage of slow inserts comparing to total insertion rate during the last 5 minutes. \n\nThe less value is better. If percentage remains high (>10%) during extended periods of time, then it is likely more RAM is needed for optimal handling of the current number of [active time series](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/faq/#what-is-an-active-time-series). \n\nIn general, VictoriaMetrics requires ~1KB or RAM per active time series, so it should be easy calculating the required amounts of RAM for the current workload according to capacity planning docs. But the resulting number may be far from the real number because the required amounts of memory depends on many other factors such as the number of labels per time series and the length of label values. See also [this issue](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/3976#issuecomment-1476883183) for details.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 10, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "line+area" } }, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "transparent" }, { "color": "red", "value": 0.1 } ] }, "unit": "percentunit" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 23 }, "id": 108, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", 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instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval]))\n/\nsum(rate(vm_http_requests_total{job=~\"$job_select\", instance=~\"$instance\", path=~\"/select/.*\"}[$__rate_interval]))", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "slow queries %", "range": true, "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Slow queries % ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Merge assist happens when vmstorage can't keep up with merging parts. This is usually a sign of overload for vmstorage.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "bars", "fillOpacity": 100, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green" }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 39 }, "id": 170, "links": [], "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "sum(increase(vm_assisted_merges_total{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])) by(type) > 0", "format": "time_series", "interval": "5m", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "__auto", "range": true, "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Assisted merges ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "VictoriaMetrics limits the number of labels per each metric with `-maxLabelsPerTimeseries` command-line flag.\n\nThis prevents from ingesting metrics with too many labels. The value of `maxLabelsPerTimeseries` must be adjusted for your workload.\n\nWhen limit is exceeded (graph is > 0) - extra labels are dropped, which could result in unexpected identical time series. See more details about dropped labels in vminsert logs.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 10, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "decimals": 2, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green" }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 39 }, "id": 116, "links": [], "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "none" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "exemplar": true, "expr": "sum(increase(vm_metrics_with_dropped_labels_total{job=~\"$job_insert\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval]))", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "metrics with dropped labels", "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Labels limit exceeded ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows the percentage of used cache size from the allowed size by type. \nValues close to 100% show the maximum potential utilization.\nValues close to 0% show that cache is underutilized.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "mappings": [], "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green" }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "percentunit" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 9, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 47 }, "id": 144, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "max(\n vm_cache_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"} \n /\n vm_cache_size_max_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}\n) by(type)", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "__auto", "range": true, "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Cache usage % by type ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows cache miss ratio. 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"mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "line" } }, "links": [ { "targetBlank": true, "title": "Drilldown", "url": "/d/oS7Bi_0Wz_vm?viewPanel=189&var-job=$job_storage&var-ds=$ds&var-instance=$instance&${__url_time_range}" } ], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 0.9 } ] }, "unit": "percentunit" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 7, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 14 }, "id": 167, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "max(\n max_over_time(process_resident_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])\n /\n vm_available_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}\n)", "format": "time_series", "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "max", "range": true, "refId": "A" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "min(\n max_over_time(process_resident_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])\n /\n vm_available_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}\n)", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "min", "range": true, "refId": "B" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "quantile(0.5,\n max_over_time(process_resident_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])\n /\n vm_available_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}\n)", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "median", "range": true, "refId": "C" } ], "title": "Memory usage % ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows how many ongoing insertions (not API /write calls) on disk are taking place, where:\n* `max` - equal to number of CPUs;\n* `current` - current number of goroutines busy with inserting rows into underlying storage.\n\nEvery successful API /write call results into flush on disk. The `max` is an internal limit and can't be changed. It is always equal to the number of CPUs. \n\nWhen `current` hits `max` constantly, it means storage is overloaded and requires more CPU (see CPU usage) or disks with more IOPS (see disk writes and reads panels in Resource Usage row).", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "mappings": [], "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [ { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "max" }, "properties": [ { "id": "color", "value": { "fixedColor": "#C4162A", "mode": "fixed" } } ] } ] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 21 }, "id": 212, "links": [ { "targetBlank": true, "title": "Related discussion", "url": "https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/632" } ], "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "none" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "max(\n max_over_time(vm_concurrent_insert_current{job=~\"$job_storage\", \n instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])\n)", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "current", "range": true, "refId": "A" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "min(vm_concurrent_insert_capacity{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"})", "hide": false, "interval": "", "legendFormat": "max", "range": true, "refId": "B" } ], "title": "Concurrent flushes on disk ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows the number of concurrently executed read requests, where:\n* `max` - equal to `-search.maxConcurrentRequest` cmd-line flag;\n* `current` - current number of concurrent select requests executed by storage.\n\nEach concurrent select request requires RAM, CPU and disk IO resources during processing. Too many concurrent requests could result into OOM exceptions.\n\nWhen `current` hits `max` constantly, it means storage is overloaded and requires more CPU (see CPU usage) or disks with more IOPS (see disk writes and reads panels in Resource Usage row).\n\nSee more at https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#resource-usage-limits", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "mappings": [], "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [ { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "max" }, "properties": [ { "id": "color", "value": { "fixedColor": "#C4162A", "mode": "fixed" } } ] } ] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 21 }, "id": 133, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "none" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "max(\n max_over_time(vm_vmselect_concurrent_requests_current{job=~\"$job_storage\", \n instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])\n)", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "current", "range": true, "refId": "A" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "min(vm_vmselect_concurrent_requests_capacity{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"})", "hide": false, "interval": "", "legendFormat": "max", "range": true, "refId": "B" } ], "title": "Concurrent selects ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "The max number of on-going merges across storage nodes.\n The drastic change in number of merges could be a sign of on-going deduplication/downsampling activity.\n It is expected to have high numbers for `storage/small` metric.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "decimals": 0, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 29 }, "id": 54, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "expr": "max(max_over_time(vm_active_merges{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])) by(type)", "legendFormat": "__auto", "range": true, "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Active merges ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "The number of rows merged per second by storage nodes. Merge speed depends on available CPU and disk IO bandwidth.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "decimals": 0, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 29 }, "id": 55, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "expr": "sum(rate(vm_rows_merged_total{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])) by(type)", "legendFormat": "__auto", "range": true, "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Merge speed", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows the percentage of used disk space. It is recommended to have at least 20% of free disk space for the best performance.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "line" } }, "links": [ { "targetBlank": true, "title": "Drilldown", "url": "/d/oS7Bi_0Wz_vm?viewPanel=200&var-ds=$ds&var-instance=$instance&${__url_time_range}" } ], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "percentunit" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 37 }, "id": 20, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "expr": "max(\n sum(vm_data_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance) /\n (\n sum(vm_free_disk_space_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance) +\n sum(vm_data_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance)\n ) \n)", "format": "time_series", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "max", "range": true, "refId": "A" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "expr": "min(\n sum(vm_data_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance) /\n (\n sum(vm_free_disk_space_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance) +\n sum(vm_data_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance)\n ) \n)", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "min", "range": true, "refId": "B" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "expr": "quantile(0.5,\n sum(vm_data_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance) /\n (\n sum(vm_free_disk_space_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance) +\n sum(vm_data_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance)\n ) \n)", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "median", "range": true, "refId": "C" } ], "title": "Disk space usage % ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "The max number of data parts of LSM tree across all storage nodes.\nHigh number of parts (the hard limit is 512) is an evidence of slow merge performance - check the resource utilization.\n* `indexdb` - inverted index\n* `storage/small` - recently added parts of data ingested into storage (hot data)\n* `storage/big` - small parts gradually merged into big parts (cold data)", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 37 }, "id": 22, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "expr": "max(vm_parts{job=~\"$job_storage\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(type)", "format": "time_series", "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "__auto", "range": true, "refId": "A" } ], "title": "LSM parts max by type ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows the percentage of used disk space by type: datapoints or indexdb. Normally, indexdb takes much less space comparing to datapoints. But with high [churn rate](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/faq/#what-is-high-churn-rate) the size of the indexdb could grow significantly.\n\nThe sum of the % can be > 100% since panel shows max % per-job and per-instance. It means different instance can have different ratio between datapoints and indexdb size.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "line" } }, "links": [ { "targetBlank": true, "title": "Drilldown", "url": "/d/oS7Bi_0Wz_vm?viewPanel=201&var-ds=$ds&var-instance=$instance&${__url_time_range}" } ], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null } ] }, "unit": "percentunit" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 45 }, "id": 202, "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", "lastNotNull", "max" ], "displayMode": "table", "placement": "bottom", "showLegend": true, "sortBy": "Last *", "sortDesc": true }, "tooltip": { "mode": "multi", "sort": "desc" } }, "pluginVersion": "9.1.0", "targets": [ { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "expr": "max(\n sum(vm_data_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\", type=~\"indexdb.*\"}) by(job, instance)\n / \n sum(vm_data_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance)\n)", "format": "time_series", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "indexdb", "range": true, "refId": "A" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "expr": "max(\n sum(vm_data_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\", type!~\"indexdb.*\"}) by(job, instance)\n / \n sum(vm_data_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(job, instance)\n)", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "datapoints", "range": true, "refId": "B" } ], "title": "Disk space usage % by type ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "How many datapoints are in RAM queue waiting to be written into storage. The number of pending data points should be in the range from 0 to `2*<ingestion_rate>`, since VictoriaMetrics pushes pending data to persistent storage every second. The index datapoints value in general is much lower.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisBorderShow": false, "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "insertNulls": false, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [ { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "pending index entries" }, "properties": [ { "id": "unit", "value": "none" }, { "id": "decimals", 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If you observe that CPU for vmselects is saturated, consider adding more vmselect replicas or increase CPU resources. If CPU panel shows a plenty of free resources - try increasing `search.maxConcurrentRequests`.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "decimals": 0, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green" }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [ { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": "max" }, "properties": [ { "id": "color", "value": { "fixedColor": "#C4162A", "mode": "fixed" } }, { "id": 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samples](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/keyconcepts/#raw-samples) scanner per query.\n\nThis number can exceed number of DatapointsReadPerQuery if `step` query arg passed to [/api/v1/query_range](https://victoriametrics-datasource.io/docs/victoriametrics-datasource/latest/querying/api/#range-queries) is smaller than the lookbehind window set in square brackets of [rollup function](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/metricsql/#rollup-functions). For example, if `increase(some_metric[1h])` is executed with the `step=5m`, then the same [data samples](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/keyconcepts/#raw-samples) on a hour time range are scanned `1h/5m=12` times. See [this article](https://valyala.medium.com/how-to-optimize-promql-and-metricsql-queries-85a1b75bf986) for details.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "decimals": 2, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green" }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 74 }, "id": 181, "links": [], "options": { "legend": { "calcs": [ "mean", 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May be configured with `maxConcurrentInserts` flag;\n* `current` - current number of goroutines busy with processing requests.\n\n`-maxConcurrentInserts` limits the number of insert requests which may be actively processed at any given point in time. All the other insert requests are queued for up to `-insert.maxQueueDuration` in the hope they will get a chance to be processed. This queue is used mostly for absorbing spikes for incoming insert request rate.\n\nWhen `current` hits `max` constantly, it means vminsert node is overloaded and requires more CPU or higher limits.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 10, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "off" } }, "decimals": 0, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green" }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [ { "matcher": { "id": "byName", "options": 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"format": "time_series", "hide": false, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "min", "range": true, "refId": "B" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "editorMode": "code", "exemplar": true, "expr": "quantile(0.5,\n max_over_time(process_resident_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job_insert\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[$__rate_interval])\n /\n vm_available_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job_insert\", instance=~\"$instance\"}\n)", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "median", "range": true, "refId": "C" } ], "title": "Memory usage % ($instance)", "type": "timeseries" }, { "datasource": { "type": "victoriametrics-datasource", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows the saturation level of connection between vminsert and vmstorage components. \n\nIf the threshold of 0.9sec is reached, then the connection is saturated by more than 90% and vminsert won't be able to keep up. This usually means that either vminsert or vmstorage nodes are struggling with the load. Verify CPU/mem saturation of both components and network saturation between them.\nIf vminsert resources are saturated - consider adding more resources or scale vminserts horizontally.\n\nIf vminsert resources and network are fine, check vmstorage metrics for anomalies.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "palette-classic" }, "custom": { "axisCenteredZero": false, "axisColorMode": "text", "axisLabel": "", "axisPlacement": "auto", "barAlignment": 0, "drawStyle": "line", "fillOpacity": 0, "gradientMode": "none", "hideFrom": { "legend": false, "tooltip": false, "viz": false }, "lineInterpolation": "linear", "lineWidth": 1, "pointSize": 5, "scaleDistribution": { "type": "linear" }, "showPoints": "never", "spanNulls": false, "stacking": { "group": "A", "mode": "none" }, "thresholdsStyle": { "mode": "line+area" } }, "decimals": 0, "links": [], "mappings": [], "min": 0, "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "transparent" }, { "color": "red", "value": 0.9 } 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