--- weight: 5 title: Vector setup disableToc: true menu: docs: parent: "victorialogs-data-ingestion" weight: 5 aliases: - /VictoriaLogs/data-ingestion/Vector.html --- # Vector setup ## Elasticsearch sink Specify [Elasticsearch sink type](https://vector.dev/docs/reference/configuration/sinks/elasticsearch/) in the `vector.toml` for sending the collected logs to [VictoriaLogs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/): ```toml [sinks.vlogs] inputs = [ "your_input" ] type = "elasticsearch" endpoints = [ "http://localhost:9428/insert/elasticsearch/" ] mode = "bulk" api_version = "v8" healthcheck.enabled = false [sinks.vlogs.query] _msg_field = "message" _time_field = "timestamp" _stream_fields = "host,container_name" ``` Substitute the `localhost:9428` address inside `endpoints` section with the real TCP address of VictoriaLogs. Replace `your_input` with the name of the `inputs` section, which collects logs. See [these docs](https://vector.dev/docs/reference/configuration/sources/) for details. See [these docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/data-ingestion/#http-parameters) for details on parameters specified in the `[sinks.vlogs.query]` section. It is recommended verifying whether the initial setup generates the needed [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model) and uses the correct [stream fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#stream-fields). This can be done by specifying `debug` [parameter](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/data-ingestion/#http-parameters) in the `[sinks.vlogs.query]` section and inspecting VictoriaLogs logs then: ```toml [sinks.vlogs] inputs = [ "your_input" ] type = "elasticsearch" endpoints = [ "http://localhost:9428/insert/elasticsearch/" ] mode = "bulk" api_version = "v8" healthcheck.enabled = false [sinks.vlogs.query] _msg_field = "message" _time_field = "timestamp" _stream_fields = "host,container_name" debug = "1" ``` If some [log fields](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#data-model) must be skipped during data ingestion, then they can be put into `ignore_fields` [parameter](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/data-ingestion/#http-parameters). For example, the following config instructs VictoriaLogs to ignore `log.offset` and `event.original` fields in the ingested logs: ```toml [sinks.vlogs] inputs = [ "your_input" ] type = "elasticsearch" endpoints = [ "http://localhost:9428/insert/elasticsearch/" ] mode = "bulk" api_version = "v8" healthcheck.enabled = false [sinks.vlogs.query] _msg_field = "message" _time_field = "timestamp" _stream_fields = "host,container_name" ignore_fields = "log.offset,event.original" ``` When Vector ingests logs into VictoriaLogs at a high rate, then it may be needed to tune `batch.max_events` option. For example, the following config is optimized for higher than usual ingestion rate: ```toml [sinks.vlogs] inputs = [ "your_input" ] type = "elasticsearch" endpoints = [ "http://localhost:9428/insert/elasticsearch/" ] mode = "bulk" api_version = "v8" healthcheck.enabled = false [sinks.vlogs.query] _msg_field = "message" _time_field = "timestamp" _stream_fields = "host,container_name" [sinks.vlogs.batch] max_events = 1000 ``` If the Vector sends logs to VictoriaLogs in another datacenter, then it may be useful enabling data compression via `compression = "gzip"` option. This usually allows saving network bandwidth and costs by up to 5 times: ```toml [sinks.vlogs] inputs = [ "your_input" ] type = "elasticsearch" endpoints = [ "http://localhost:9428/insert/elasticsearch/" ] mode = "bulk" api_version = "v8" healthcheck.enabled = false compression = "gzip" [sinks.vlogs.query] _msg_field = "message" _time_field = "timestamp" _stream_fields = "host,container_name" ``` By default, the ingested logs are stored in the `(AccountID=0, ProjectID=0)` [tenant](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/keyconcepts/#multitenancy). If you need storing logs in other tenant, then specify the needed tenant via `[sinks.vlogq.request.headers]` section. For example, the following `vector.toml` config instructs Vector to store the data to `(AccountID=12, ProjectID=34)` tenant: ```toml [sinks.vlogs] inputs = [ "your_input" ] type = "elasticsearch" endpoints = [ "http://localhost:9428/insert/elasticsearch/" ] mode = "bulk" api_version = "v8" healthcheck.enabled = false [sinks.vlogs.query] _msg_field = "message" _time_field = "timestamp" _stream_fields = "host,container_name" [sinks.vlogs.request.headers] AccountID = "12" ProjectID = "34" ``` ## HTTP sink Vector can be configured with [HTTP](https://vector.dev/docs/reference/configuration/sinks/http/) sink type for sending data to [JSON stream API](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/data-ingestion/#json-stream-api): ```toml [sinks.vlogs] inputs = [ "your_input" ] type = "http" uri = "http://localhost:9428/insert/jsonline?_stream_fields=host,container_name&_msg_field=message&_time_field=timestamp" encoding.codec = "json" framing.method = "newline_delimited" healthcheck.enabled = false [sinks.vlogs.request.headers] AccountID = "12" ProjectID = "34" ``` See also: - [Data ingestion troubleshooting](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/data-ingestion/#troubleshooting). - [How to query VictoriaLogs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/querying/). - [Elasticsearch output docs for Vector](https://vector.dev/docs/reference/configuration/sinks/elasticsearch/). - [Docker-compose demo for Filebeat integration with VictoriaLogs](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/tree/master/deployment/docker/victorialogs/vector-docker).