{% import (
) %}

{% stripspace %}

{% func metricNameObject(mn *storage.MetricName) %}
	{% if len(mn.MetricGroup) > 0 %}
		"__name__":{%qz= mn.MetricGroup %}{% if len(mn.Tags) > 0 %},{% endif %}
	{% endif %}
	{% for j := range mn.Tags %}
		{% code tag := &mn.Tags[j] %}
		{%qz= tag.Key %}:{%qz= tag.Value %}{% if j+1 < len(mn.Tags) %},{% endif %}
	{% endfor %}
{% endfunc %}

{% func metricRow(timestamp int64, value float64) %}
	[{%f= float64(timestamp)/1e3 %},"{%f= value %}"]
{% endfunc %}

{% func valuesWithTimestamps(values []float64, timestamps []int64) %}
	{% if len(values) == 0 %}
		{% return %}
	{% endif %}
	{% code /* inline metricRow call here for the sake of performance optimization */ %}
	[{%f= float64(timestamps[0])/1e3 %},"{%f= values[0] %}"]
	{% code
		timestamps = timestamps[1:]
		values = values[1:]
	{% if len(values) > 0 %}
			// Remove bounds check inside the loop below
			_ = timestamps[len(values)-1]
		{% for i, v := range values %}
			{% code /* inline metricRow call here for the sake of performance optimization */ %}
			,[{%f= float64(timestamps[i])/1e3 %},"{%f= v %}"]
		{% endfor %}
	{% endif %}
{% endfunc %}

{% endstripspace %}