package pb

import (

const (
	adElPlaceholder    = "%_ad_el_%"
	adElPlaceholderLen = len(adElPlaceholder)

var (
	defaultBarEls = [5]string{"[", "-", ">", "_", "]"}

// Element is an interface for bar elements
type Element interface {
	ProgressElement(state *State, args ...string) string

// ElementFunc type implements Element interface and created for simplify elements
type ElementFunc func(state *State, args ...string) string

// ProgressElement just call self func
func (e ElementFunc) ProgressElement(state *State, args ...string) string {
	return e(state, args...)

var elementsM sync.Mutex

var elements = map[string]Element{
	"percent":  ElementPercent,
	"counters": ElementCounters,
	"bar":      adaptiveWrap(ElementBar),
	"speed":    ElementSpeed,
	"rtime":    ElementRemainingTime,
	"etime":    ElementElapsedTime,
	"string":   ElementString,
	"cycle":    ElementCycle,

// RegisterElement give you a chance to use custom elements
func RegisterElement(name string, el Element, adaptive bool) {
	if adaptive {
		el = adaptiveWrap(el)
	elements[name] = el

type argsHelper []string

func (args argsHelper) getOr(n int, value string) string {
	if len(args) > n {
		return args[n]
	return value

func (args argsHelper) getNotEmptyOr(n int, value string) (v string) {
	if v = args.getOr(n, value); v == "" {
		return value

func adaptiveWrap(el Element) Element {
	return ElementFunc(func(state *State, args ...string) string {
		state.recalc = append(state.recalc, ElementFunc(func(s *State, _ ...string) (result string) {
			s.adaptive = true
			result = el.ProgressElement(s, args...)
			s.adaptive = false
		return adElPlaceholder

// ElementPercent shows current percent of progress.
// Optionally can take one or two string arguments.
// First string will be used as value for format float64, default is "%.02f%%".
// Second string will be used when percent can't be calculated, default is "?%"
// In template use as follows: {{percent .}} or {{percent . "%.03f%%"}} or {{percent . "%.03f%%" "?"}}
var ElementPercent ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
	argsh := argsHelper(args)
	if state.Total() > 0 {
		return fmt.Sprintf(
			argsh.getNotEmptyOr(0, "%.02f%%"),
	return argsh.getOr(1, "?%")

// ElementCounters shows current and total values.
// Optionally can take one or two string arguments.
// First string will be used as format value when Total is present (>0). Default is "%s / %s"
// Second string will be used when total <= 0. Default is "%[1]s"
// In template use as follows: {{counters .}} or {{counters . "%s/%s"}} or {{counters . "%s/%s" "%s/?"}}
var ElementCounters ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
	var f string
	if state.Total() > 0 {
		f = argsHelper(args).getNotEmptyOr(0, "%s / %s")
	} else {
		f = argsHelper(args).getNotEmptyOr(1, "%[1]s")
	return fmt.Sprintf(f, state.Format(state.Value()), state.Format(state.Total()))

type elementKey int

const (
	barObj elementKey = iota

type bar struct {
	eb  [5][]byte // elements in bytes
	cc  [5]int    // cell counts
	buf *bytes.Buffer

func (p *bar) write(state *State, eln, width int) int {
	repeat := width /[eln]
	remainder := width %[eln]
	for i := 0; i < repeat; i++ {
	if remainder > 0 {
		StripStringToBuffer(string(p.eb[eln]), remainder, p.buf)
	return width

func getProgressObj(state *State, args ...string) (p *bar) {
	var ok bool
	if p, ok = state.Get(barObj).(*bar); !ok {
		p = &bar{
			buf: bytes.NewBuffer(nil),
		state.Set(barObj, p)
	argsH := argsHelper(args)
	for i := range p.eb {
		arg := argsH.getNotEmptyOr(i, defaultBarEls[i])
		if string(p.eb[i]) != arg {[i] = CellCount(arg)
			p.eb[i] = []byte(arg)
			if[i] == 0 {[i] = 1
				p.eb[i] = []byte(" ")

// ElementBar make progress bar view [-->__]
// Optionally can take up to 5 string arguments. Defaults is "[", "-", ">", "_", "]"
// In template use as follows: {{bar . }} or {{bar . "<" "oOo" "|" "~" ">"}}
// Color args: {{bar . (red "[") (green "-") ...
var ElementBar ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
	// init
	var p = getProgressObj(state, args...)

	total, value := state.Total(), state.Value()
	if total < 0 {
		total = -total
	if value < 0 {
		value = -value

	// check for overflow
	if total != 0 && value > total {
		total = value


	var widthLeft = state.AdaptiveElWidth()
	if widthLeft <= 0 || !state.IsAdaptiveWidth() {
		widthLeft = 30

	// write left border
	if[0] < widthLeft {
		widthLeft -= p.write(state, 0,[0])
	} else {
		p.write(state, 0, widthLeft)
		return p.buf.String()

	// check right border size
	if[4] < widthLeft {
		// write later
		widthLeft -=[4]
	} else {
		p.write(state, 4, widthLeft)
		return p.buf.String()

	var curCount int

	if total > 0 {
		// calculate count of currenct space
		curCount = int(math.Ceil((float64(value) / float64(total)) * float64(widthLeft)))

	// write bar
	if total == value && state.IsFinished() {
		widthLeft -= p.write(state, 1, curCount)
	} else if toWrite := curCount -[2]; toWrite > 0 {
		widthLeft -= p.write(state, 1, toWrite)
		widthLeft -= p.write(state, 2,[2])
	} else if curCount > 0 {
		widthLeft -= p.write(state, 2, curCount)
	if widthLeft > 0 {
		widthLeft -= p.write(state, 3, widthLeft)
	// write right border
	p.write(state, 4,[4])
	// cut result and return string
	return p.buf.String()

func elapsedTime(state *State) string {
	elapsed := state.Time().Sub(state.StartTime())
	var precision time.Duration
	var ok bool
	if precision, ok = state.Get(TimeRound).(time.Duration); !ok {
		// default behavior: round to nearest .1s when elapsed < 10s
		// we compare with 9.95s as opposed to 10s to avoid an annoying
		// interaction with the fixed precision display code below,
		// where 9.9s would be rounded to 10s but printed as 10.0s, and
		// then 10.0s would be rounded to 10s and printed as 10s
		if elapsed < 9950*time.Millisecond {
			precision = 100 * time.Millisecond
		} else {
			precision = time.Second
	rounded := elapsed.Round(precision)
	if precision < time.Second && rounded >= time.Second {
		// special handling to ensure string is shown with the given
		// precision, with trailing zeros after the decimal point if
		// necessary
		reference := (2*time.Second - time.Nanosecond).Truncate(precision).String()
		// reference looks like "1.9[...]9s", telling us how many
		// decimal digits we need
		neededDecimals := len(reference) - 3
		s := rounded.String()
		dotIndex := strings.LastIndex(s, ".")
		if dotIndex != -1 {
			// s has the form "[stuff].[decimals]s"
			decimals := len(s) - dotIndex - 2
			extraZeros := neededDecimals - decimals
			return fmt.Sprintf("%s%ss", s[:len(s)-1], strings.Repeat("0", extraZeros))
		} else {
			// s has the form "[stuff]s"
			return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%ss", s[:len(s)-1], strings.Repeat("0", neededDecimals))
	} else {
		return rounded.String()

// ElementRemainingTime calculates remaining time based on speed (EWMA)
// Optionally can take one or two string arguments.
// First string will be used as value for format time duration string, default is "%s".
// Second string will be used when bar finished and value indicates elapsed time, default is "%s"
// Third string will be used when value not available, default is "?"
// In template use as follows: {{rtime .}} or {{rtime . "%s remain"}} or {{rtime . "%s remain" "%s total" "???"}}
var ElementRemainingTime ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
	if state.IsFinished() {
		return fmt.Sprintf(argsHelper(args).getOr(1, "%s"), elapsedTime(state))
	sp := getSpeedObj(state).value(state)
	if sp > 0 {
		remain := float64(state.Total() - state.Value())
		remainDur := time.Duration(remain/sp) * time.Second
		return fmt.Sprintf(argsHelper(args).getOr(0, "%s"), remainDur)
	return argsHelper(args).getOr(2, "?")

// ElementElapsedTime shows elapsed time
// Optionally can take one argument - it's format for time string.
// In template use as follows: {{etime .}} or {{etime . "%s elapsed"}}
var ElementElapsedTime ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(argsHelper(args).getOr(0, "%s"), elapsedTime(state))

// ElementString get value from bar by given key and print them
// bar.Set("myKey", "string to print")
// In template use as follows: {{string . "myKey"}}
var ElementString ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
	if len(args) == 0 {
		return ""
	v := state.Get(args[0])
	if v == nil {
		return ""
	return fmt.Sprint(v)

// ElementCycle return next argument for every call
// In template use as follows: {{cycle . "1" "2" "3"}}
// Or mix width other elements: {{ bar . "" "" (cycle . "↖" "↗" "↘" "↙" )}}
var ElementCycle ElementFunc = func(state *State, args ...string) string {
	if len(args) == 0 {
		return ""
	n, _ := state.Get(cycleObj).(int)
	if n >= len(args) {
		n = 0
	state.Set(cycleObj, n+1)
	return args[n]