--- sort: 9 weight: 9 title: Quick start menu: docs: parent: "operator" weight: 9 identifier: "quickstartoperator" aliases: - /operator/quick-start.html --- # Quick start Operator serves to make running VictoriaMetrics applications on top of Kubernetes as easy as possible while preserving Kubernetes-native configuration options. ## Installing by Manifest Obtain release from releases page: [https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/operator/releases](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/operator/releases) We suggest use the latest release. ```console # Get latest release version from https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/operator/releases/latest export VM_VERSION=`basename $(curl -fs -o/dev/null -w %{redirect_url} https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/operator/releases/latest)` wget https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/operator/releases/download/$VM_VERSION/bundle_crd.zip unzip bundle_crd.zip ``` > TIP, operator use monitoring-system namespace, but you can install it to specific namespace with command > sed -i "s/namespace: monitoring-system/namespace: YOUR_NAMESPACE/g" release/operator/* First of all, you have to create [custom resource definitions](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/operator) ```console kubectl apply -f release/crds ``` Then you need RBAC for operator, relevant configuration for the release can be found at release/operator/rbac.yaml Change configuration for operator at `release/operator/manager.yaml`, possible settings: [operator-settings](/operator/vars.html) and apply it: ```console kubectl apply -f release/operator/ ``` Check the status of operator ```console kubectl get pods -n monitoring-system #NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE #vm-operator-667dfbff55-cbvkf 1/1 Running 0 101s ``` ## Installing by Kustomize You can install operator using [Kustomize](https://kustomize.io/) by pointing to the remote kustomization file. ```yaml # Get latest release version from https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/operator/releases/latest export VM_VERSION=`basename $(curl -fs -o/dev/null -w %{redirect_url} https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/operator/releases/latest)` cat << EOF > kustomization.yaml apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Kustomization resources: - github.com/VictoriaMetrics/operator/config/default?ref=${VM_VERSION} images: - name: victoriametrics/operator newTag: ${VM_VERSION} EOF ``` You can change [operator-settings](/vars.MD), or use your custom namespace see [kustomize-example](https://github.com/YuriKravetc/yurikravetc.github.io/tree/main/Operator/kustomize-example). Build template ```console kustomize build . -o monitoring.yaml ``` Apply manifests ```console kubectl apply -f monitoring.yaml ``` Check the status of operator ```console kubectl get pods -n monitoring-system #NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE #vm-operator-667dfbff55-cbvkf 1/1 Running 0 101s ``` ## Installing to ARM There is no need in an additional configuration for ARM. Operator and VictoriaMetrics have full support for it. ## Create related resources The VictoriaMetrics Operator introduces additional resources in Kubernetes to declare the desired state of a Victoria Metrics applications and Alertmanager cluster as well as the Prometheus resources configuration. The resources it introduces are: * [VMSingle](#vmsingle) * [VMCluster](#vmcluster) * [VMAgent](#vmagent) * [VMAlert](#vmalert) * [VMAlertmanager](#vmalertmanager) * [VMServiceScrape](#vmservicescrape) * [VMRule](#vmrule) * [VMPodScrape](#vmpodscrape) * [VMProbe](#vmprobe) * [VMStaticScrape](#vmstaticscrape) * [VMAuth](#vmauth) * [VMUser](#vmuser) * [Selectors](#object-selectors) ## VMSingle [VMSingle](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/) represents database for storing metrics, for all possible config options check api [doc](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/operator/api.html#vmsingle): ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMSingle metadata: name: example-vmsingle-persisted spec: retentionPeriod: "1" removePvcAfterDelete: true storage: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1Gi EOF ``` Configuration can be extended with extraFlags and extraEnv, check flag documentation at [doc](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/blob/master/docs/Single-server-VictoriaMetrics.md) for instance: ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMSingle metadata: name: example-vmsingle-persisted spec: retentionPeriod: "1" extraArgs: dedup.minScrapeInterval: 60s EOF ``` Flag can be replaced with envVar, it's useful for retrieving value from secret: ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMSingle metadata: name: example-vmsingle-persisted spec: retentionPeriod: "1" extraEnvs: - name: DEDUP_MINSCRAPEINTERVAL valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: vm-secret key: dedup EOF ``` ## VMCluster [VMCluster](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/tree/cluster) represent a high-available and fault-tolerant version of VictoriaMetrics database. For minimal version without persistent create simple custom resource definition: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMCluster metadata: name: example-vmcluster spec: # Add fields here retentionPeriod: "1" vmstorage: replicaCount: 2 vmselect: replicaCount: 2 vminsert: replicaCount: 2 EOF ``` For persistent it recommends adding persistent storage to `vmstorage` and `vmselect`: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMCluster metadata: name: example-vmcluster-persistent spec: # Add fields here retentionPeriod: "4" replicationFactor: 2 vmstorage: replicaCount: 2 storageDataPath: "/vm-data" storage: volumeClaimTemplate: spec: storageClassName: standard resources: requests: storage: 10Gi resources: limits: cpu: "0.5" memory: 500Mi vmselect: replicaCount: 2 cacheMountPath: "/select-cache" storage: volumeClaimTemplate: spec: resources: requests: storage: 2Gi resources: limits: cpu: "0.3" memory: "300Mi" vminsert: replicaCount: 2 EOF ``` You may also create cluster version with external vmstorage ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - --- apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMCluster metadata: name: example-vmcluster spec: # Add fields here retentionPeriod: "1" vmselect: replicaCount: 2 extraArgs: storageNode: "node-1:8401,node-2:8401" vminsert: replicaCount: 2 extraArgs: storageNode: "node-1:8401,node-2:8401" EOF ``` ## VMAgent [VMAgent](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/tree/master/app/vmagent) - is a tiny but brave agent, which helps you collect metrics from various sources and stores them in [VictoriaMetrics](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics). It requires access to Kubernetes API and you can create RBAC for it first, it can be found at `release/examples/VMAgent_rbac.yaml` Or you can use default rbac account, that will be created for `VMAgent` by operator automatically. ```console kubectl apply -f release/examples/vmagent_rbac.yaml ``` Modify `VMAgent` config parameters at `release/examples/vmagent.yaml` and apply it, config options [doc](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/operator/api.html#vmagent) Example: ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAgent metadata: name: example-vmagent spec: selectAllByDefault: true replicaCount: 1 remoteWrite: - url: "http://vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted.default.svc:8429/api/v1/write" EOF ``` For connecting `VMAgent` to cluster, you have to specify url for it, check url building [doc](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/blob/cluster/README.md#url-format) Example: ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAgent metadata: name: example-vmagent spec: selectAllByDefault: true replicaCount: 1 remoteWrite: - url: "http://vminsert-example-vmcluster.default.svc.cluster.local:8480/insert/0/prometheus/api/v1/write" EOF ``` ## VMAlertmanager `VMAlertmanager` - represents alertmanager configuration, first, you have to create secret with a configuration for it. If there is no secret, default secret will be created with predefined content. It is possible to provide raw yaml config to the alertmanager. `VMAlertmanager` has exactly the same logic for filtering `VMAlertmanagerConfig` with `spec.configSelector` and `spec.configNamespaceSelector` as `VMAgent` does: - `spec.configNamespaceSelector` - if its nil, only `VMAlertmanagerConfig`s in the `VMAlertmanager` namespace can be selected. If it's defined with empty value: `spec.configNamespaceSelector: {}` - all namespaces are matched. You may also add matchLabels or matchExpression syntax, but your namespace must be tagged with specified labels first: ```yaml spec.configNamespaceSelector: matchLabels: name: default ``` - `spec.configSelector` - it selects `VMAlertmanagerConfig` objects by its labels. If it's nil, but `spec.configNamespaceSelector` isn't, the last one will be used for selecting. If it's defined with empty value: `spec.configSelector: {}`, all objects depending on NamespaceSelector. ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: alertmanager-config stringData: alertmanager.yaml: | global: resolve_timeout: 5m route: group_by: ['job'] group_wait: 30s group_interval: 5m repeat_interval: 12h receiver: 'webhook' receivers: - name: 'webhook' webhook_configs: - url: 'http://alertmanagerwh:30500/' EOF ``` Then add `Alertmanager` object, other config options at [doc](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/operator/api.html#alertmanager) you have to set configSecret with name of secret, that we created before - `alertmanager-config`. ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAlertmanager metadata: name: example-alertmanager spec: # Add fields here replicaCount: 1 configSecret: alertmanager-config selectAllByDefault: true EOF ``` Alertmanager config with raw yaml configuration, use it with care about secret information: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAlertmanager metadata: name: example-alertmanager-raw-config spec: # Add fields here replicaCount: 1 configSecret: alertmanager-config configRawYaml: | global: resolve_timeout: 5m route: group_wait: 30s group_interval: 5m repeat_interval: 12h receiver: 'webhook' receivers: - name: 'webhook' webhook_configs: - url: 'http://localhost:30502/' EOF ``` ## VMAlertmanagerConfig `VMAlertmanagerConfig` allows managing `VMAlertmanager` configuration. ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAlertmanagerConfig metadata: name: example namespace: default spec: inhibit_rules: - equals: [] target_matchers: [] source_matchers: [] route: routes: - receiver: webhook continue: true receiver: email group_by: [] continue: false matchers: - job = "alertmanager" group_wait: 30s group_interval: 45s repeat_interval: 1h mute_time_intervals: - name: base time_intervals: - times: - start_time: "" end_time: "" weekdays: [] days_of_month: [] months: [] years: [] receivers: email_configs: [] webhook_configs: - url: http://some-other-wh pagerduty_configs: [] pushover_configs: [] slack_configs: [] opsgenie_configs: [] victorops_configs: [] wechat_configs: [] EOF ``` ## VMAlert [VMAlert](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/tree/master/app/vmalert) - executes a list of given [alerting](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/alerting_rules/) or [recording](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/recording_rules/) rules against configured address. It has few required config options - `datasource` and `notifier` are required, for other config parameters check [doc](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/operator/api.html#vmalert). ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAlert metadata: name: example-vmalert spec: replicaCount: 1 datasource: url: "http://vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted.default.svc:8429" notifier: url: "http://vmalertmanager-example-alertmanager.default.svc:9093" evaluationInterval: "30s" selectAllByDefault: true EOF ``` ## VMServiceScrape It generates part of `VMAgent` configuration with `Endpoint` kubernetes_sd role for service discovery targets by corresponding `Service` and it's `Endpoint`s. It has various options for scraping configuration of target (with basic auth,tls access, by specific port name etc.). Let's make some demo, you have to deploy [VMAgent](#vmagent) and [VMSingle](#vmsingle) from previous step with match any selectors: ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMSingle metadata: name: example-vmsingle-persisted spec: retentionPeriod: "1" removePvcAfterDelete: true storage: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1Gi --- apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAgent metadata: name: example-vmagent spec: selectAllByDefault: true replicaCount: 1 remoteWrite: - url: "http://vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted.default.svc:8429/api/v1/write" EOF ``` Then deploy three instances of a simple example application, which listens and exposes metrics on port `8080`. ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: example-app spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: example-app template: metadata: labels: app: example-app spec: containers: - name: example-app image: fabxc/instrumented_app ports: - name: web containerPort: 8080 EOF ``` Check status for pods: ```console kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE example-app-594f97677c-g72v8 1/1 Running 0 23s example-app-594f97677c-kn66h 1/1 Running 0 20s example-app-594f97677c-l8xfd 1/1 Running 0 17s vm-operator-646df47888-jvfvj 1/1 Running 0 63m vmagent-example-vmagent-5777fdf7bf-tctcv 2/2 Running 1 34m vmalertmanager-example-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 0 11m vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted-794b59ccc6-fnkpt 1/1 Running 0 36m ``` Checking logs for `VMAgent`: ```console kubectl logs vmagent-example-vmagent-5777fdf7bf-tctcv vmagent 2020-08-02T18:18:17.226Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmagent/remotewrite/remotewrite.go:98 Successfully reloaded relabel configs 2020-08-02T18:18:17.229Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/promscrape/scraper.go:137 found changes in "/etc/vmagent/config_out/vmagent.env.yaml"; applying these changes 2020-08-02T18:18:17.289Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/promscrape/scraper.go:303 kubernetes_sd_configs: added targets: 2, removed targets: 0; total targets: 2 ``` By default, operator creates `VMServiceScrape` for its components, so we have 2 targets - `VMAgent` and `VMSingle`. Let's add monitoring to our application: First we add the `Service` for application: ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: example-app labels: app: example-app spec: selector: app: example-app ports: - name: web port: 8080 EOF ``` `VMServiceScrape` has a label selector to select `Services` and their underlying Endpoint objects. `Service` object for the example application selects the Pods by the `app` label having the `example-app` value. `Service` object also specifies the port on which the metrics exposed. The final part, add `VMServiceScrape`: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMServiceScrape metadata: name: example-app labels: team: frontend spec: selector: matchLabels: app: example-app endpoints: - port: web EOF ``` The `VMServiceScrape` has no labels, but it will be selected by `VMAgent`, because we are launched `VMAgent` with empty selector. Let's check `VMAgent` logs (you have to wait some time for config sync, usually its around 1 min): ```console kubectl logs vmagent-example-vmagent-5777fdf7bf-tctcv vmagent --tail 100 2020-08-03T08:24:13.312Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/promscrape/scraper.go:106 SIGHUP received; reloading Prometheus configs from "/etc/vmagent/config_out/vmagent.env.yaml" 2020-08-03T08:24:13.312Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmagent/remotewrite/remotewrite.go:98 Successfully reloaded relabel configs 2020-08-03T08:24:13.315Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/promscrape/scraper.go:137 found changes in "/etc/vmagent/config_out/vmagent.env.yaml"; applying these changes 2020-08-03T08:24:13.418Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/promscrape/scraper.go:303 kubernetes_sd_configs: added targets: 3, removed targets: 0; total targets: 5 ``` 3 new targets added by a config reload. ## VMPodScrape It generates config part of `VMAgent` with kubernetes_sd role `pod`, that would match all `pods` having specific labels and ports. It has various options for scraping configuration of target (with basic auth,tls access, by specific port name etc.). Add `VMAgent` and Example app from step above and continue this step. Let's add 2 new pods: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: app: example-pod owner: dev env: test name: example-app-pod-0 spec: containers: - image: fabxc/instrumented_app imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: example-app ports: - containerPort: 8080 name: web protocol: TCP resources: {} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: app: example-pod-scrape owner: dev env: dev name: example-app-pod-1 spec: containers: - image: fabxc/instrumented_app imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: example-app ports: - containerPort: 8080 name: web protocol: TCP resources: {} EOF ``` Ensure, that pods started: ```console kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE example-app-594f97677c-g72v8 1/1 Running 0 3m40s example-app-594f97677c-kn66h 1/1 Running 0 3m37s example-app-594f97677c-l8xfd 1/1 Running 0 3m34s example-app-pod-0 1/1 Running 0 14s example-app-pod-1 1/1 Running 0 14s vm-operator-646df47888-jvfvj 1/1 Running 0 67m vmagent-example-vmagent-5777fdf7bf-tctcv 2/2 Running 1 37m vmalertmanager-example-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 0 14m vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted-794b59ccc6-fnkpt 1/1 Running 0 40m ``` These pods have the same label `owner: dev` and port named `web`, so we can select them by `VMPodScrape` with matchLabels expression: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMPodScrape metadata: name: example-pod-scrape spec: podMetricsEndpoints: - port: web scheme: http selector: matchLabels: owner: dev EOF ``` Let's check `VMAgent` logs: ```console kubectl logs vmagent-example-vmagent-5777fdf7bf-tctcv vmagent --tail 100 2020-08-03T08:51:13.582Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmagent/remotewrite/remotewrite.go:98 Successfully reloaded relabel configs 2020-08-03T08:51:13.585Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/promscrape/scraper.go:137 found changes in "/etc/vmagent/config_out/vmagent.env.yaml"; applying these changes 2020-08-03T08:51:13.652Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/promscrape/scraper.go:303 kubernetes_sd_configs: added targets: 2, removed targets: 0; total targets: 7 ``` 2 new target was added. ## VMRule It generates `VMAlert` config with ruleset defined at `VMRule` spec. Let's create `VMAlert` with selector for `VMRule` with label project=devops. You also need datasource from previous step [VMSingle](#vmsingle) and [VMAgent](#vmagent) connected to it. ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAlert metadata: name: example-vmalert spec: replicaCount: 1 datasource: url: "http://vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted.default.svc:8429" notifier: url: "http://vmalertmanager-example-alertmanager.default.svc:9093" evaluationInterval: "30s" ruleSelector: matchLabels: project: devops EOF ``` Ensure, that it started and ready: ```console kubectl get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=vmalert NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE vmalert-example-vmalert-6f8748c6f9-hcfrr 2/2 Running 0 2m26s kubectl logs vmalert-example-vmalert-6f8748c6f9-hcfrr vmalert 2020-08-03T08:52:21.990Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/manager.go:83 reading rules configuration file from "/etc/vmalert/config/vm-example-vmalert-rulefiles-0/*.yaml" 2020-08-03T08:52:21.992Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/group.go:153 group "vmAlertGroup" started with interval 30s 2020-08-03T08:52:21.992Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/httpserver/httpserver.go:76 starting http server at http://:8080/ 2020-08-03T08:52:21.993Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/httpserver/httpserver.go:77 pprof handlers are exposed at http://:8080/debug/pprof/ ``` `VMAlert` shipped with default rule `vmAlertGroup` Let's add simple rule for `VMAlert` itself, `delta(vmalert_config_last_reload_errors_total[5m]) > 1` {% raw %} ```yaml cat << 'EOF' | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMRule metadata: name: example-vmrule-reload-config labels: project: devops spec: groups: - name: vmalert rules: - alert: vmalert config reload error expr: delta(vmalert_config_last_reload_errors_total[5m]) > 0 for: 10s labels: severity: major job: "{{ $labels.job }}" annotations: value: "{{ $value }}" description: 'error reloading vmalert config, reload count for 5 min {{ $value }}' EOF ``` {% endraw %} Ensure, that new alert was started: ```console kubectl logs vmalert-example-vmalert-6f8748c6f9-hcfrr vmalert 2020-08-03T09:07:49.772Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/web.go:45 api config reload was called, sending sighup 2020-08-03T09:07:49.772Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/main.go:115 SIGHUP received. Going to reload rules ["/etc/vmalert/config/vm-example-vmalert-rulefiles-0/*.yaml"] ... 2020-08-03T09:07:49.772Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/manager.go:83 reading rules configuration file from "/etc/vmalert/config/vm-example-vmalert-rulefiles-0/*.yaml" 2020-08-03T09:07:49.773Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/group.go:169 group "vmAlertGroup": received stop signal 2020-08-03T09:07:49.773Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/main.go:124 Rules reloaded successfully from ["/etc/vmalert/config/vm-example-vmalert-rulefiles-0/*.yaml"] 2020-08-03T09:07:49.773Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/group.go:153 group "vmalert" started with interval 30s ``` Let's trigger it by adding some incorrect rule {% raw %} ```yaml cat << 'EOF' | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMRule metadata: name: example-vmrule-incorrect-rule labels: project: devops spec: groups: - name: incorrect rule rules: - alert: vmalert bad config expr: bad expression for: 10s labels: severity: major annotations: value: "{{ $badValue | bad function }}" EOF ``` {% endraw %} `VMAlert` will report incorrect rule config and fire alert: ```console 2020-08-03T09:11:40.672Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/main.go:115 SIGHUP received. Going to reload rules ["/etc/vmalert/config/vm-example-vmalert-rulefiles-0/*.yaml"] ... 2020-08-03T09:11:40.672Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/manager.go:83 reading rules configuration file from "/etc/vmalert/config/vm-example-vmalert-rulefiles-0/*.yaml" 2020-08-03T09:11:40.673Z error VictoriaMetrics/app/vmalert/main.go:119 error while reloading rules: cannot parse configuration file: invalid group "incorrect rule" in file "/etc/vmalert/config/vm-example-vmalert-rulefiles-0/default-example-vmrule-incorrect-rule.yaml": invalid rule "incorrect rule"."vmalert bad config": invalid expression: unparsed data left: "expression" ``` Clean up incorrect rule: ```console kubectl delete vmrule example-vmrule-incorrect-rule ``` ## VMNodeScrape `VMNodeScrape` is useful for node exporters monitoring, lets create scraper for cadvisor metrics: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMNodeScrape metadata: name: cadvisor-metrics spec: scheme: "https" tlsConfig: insecureSkipVerify: true caFile: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt" bearerTokenFile: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token" relabelConfigs: - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+) - targetLabel: __address__ replacement: kubernetes.default.svc:443 - sourceLabels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name] regex: (.+) targetLabel: __metrics_path__ replacement: /api/v1/nodes/$1/proxy/metrics/cadvisor EOF ``` ## VMProbe `VMProbe` required `VMAgent` and some external prober, blackbox exporter in our case. Ensure that you have `VMAgent` and `VMSingle`: ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMSingle metadata: name: example-vmsingle-persisted spec: retentionPeriod: "1" removePvcAfterDelete: true storage: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1Gi --- apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAgent metadata: name: example-vmagent spec: selectAllByDefault: true replicaCount: 1 remoteWrite: - url: "http://vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted.default.svc:8429/api/v1/write" EOF ``` Then add `BlackBox` exporter with simple config: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: prometheus-blackbox-exporter labels: app: prometheus-blackbox-exporter data: blackbox.yaml: | modules: http_2xx: http: preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 valid_http_versions: - HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/2.0 valid_status_codes: [] prober: http timeout: 5s --- kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: prometheus-blackbox-exporter labels: app: prometheus-blackbox-exporter spec: type: ClusterIP ports: - name: http port: 9115 protocol: TCP selector: app: prometheus-blackbox-exporter --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: prometheus-blackbox-exporter labels: app: prometheus-blackbox-exporter spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: prometheus-blackbox-exporter template: metadata: labels: app: prometheus-blackbox-exporter spec: containers: - name: blackbox-exporter image: "prom/blackbox-exporter:v0.17.0" args: - "--config.file=/config/blackbox.yaml" resources: {} ports: - containerPort: 9115 name: http livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /health port: http readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /health port: http volumeMounts: - mountPath: /config name: config volumes: - name: config configMap: name: prometheus-blackbox-exporter EOF ``` Ensure, that pods are ready: ```console kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE prometheus-blackbox-exporter-5b5f44bd9c-2szdj 1/1 Running 0 3m3s vmagent-example-vmagent-84886cd4d9-x8ml6 2/2 Running 1 9m22s vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted-8584486b68-mqg6b 1/1 Running 0 11m ``` Now define some `VMProbe`, lets start with basic static target and probe `VMAgent` with its service address, for accessing blackbox exporter, you have to specify its url at `VMProbe` config. Let's get both services names: ```console kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 4h21m prometheus-blackbox-exporter ClusterIP <none> 9115/TCP 4m36s vmagent-example-vmagent ClusterIP <none> 8429/TCP 12m vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted ClusterIP <none> 8429/TCP 12m ``` So, we will probe `VMAgent` with url - `vmagent-example-vmagent.default.svc:9115/heath` with blackbox url: `prometheus-blackbox-exporter.default.svc:9115` and module: `http_2xx` it was specified at blackbox configmap. ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMProbe metadata: name: probe-agent spec: jobName: static-probe vmProberSpec: # by default scheme http, and path is /probe url: prometheus-blackbox-exporter.default.svc:9115 module: http_2xx targets: staticConfig: targets: - vmagent-example-vmagent.default.svc:8429/health interval: 2s EOF ``` Now new target must be added to `VMAgent` configuration, and it starts probing itself throw blackbox exporter. Let's try another target probe type - `Ingress`. Create ingress rule for `VMSingle` and create `VMProbe` for it: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: labels: app: victoria-metrics-single name: victoria-metrics-single spec: rules: - host: vmsingle.example.com http: paths: - backend: serviceName: vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted servicePort: 8428 path: / - host: vmsingle2.example.com http: paths: - backend: serviceName: vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted servicePort: 8428 path: / --- apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMProbe metadata: name: probe-single-ingress spec: vmProberSpec: # by default scheme http, and path is /probe url: prometheus-blackbox-exporter.default.svc:9115 module: http_2xx targets: ingress: selector: matchLabels: app: victoria-metrics-single interval: 10s EOF ``` This configuration will add 2 additional targets for probing: `vmsingle2.example.com` and `vmsingle.example.com`. But probes will be unsuccessful, coz there is no such hosts. ## VMStaticScrape It generates config part of `VMAgent` with static_configs, targets for targetEndpoint is a required parameter. It has various options for scraping configuration of target (with basic auth,tls access, by specific port name etc). Add `VMAgent` and Example app from step above and continue this step. With simple configuration: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMStaticScrape metadata: name: vmstaticscrape-sample spec: jobName: static targetEndpoints: - targets: ["",""] labels: env: dev project: operator EOF ``` 2 targets must be added to `VMAgent` scrape config: ```console static_configs: added targets: 2, removed targets: 0; total targets: 2 ``` ## VMAuth [VMAuth](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/vmauth.html) allows protecting application with authentication and route traffic by rules. api docs [link](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/operator/api.html#vmauthspec) First create `VMAuth` configuration: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAuth metadata: name: example namespace: default spec: ingress: {} selectAllByDefault: true EOF ``` It will catch all `VMUser` at any kubernetes namespace and create `Ingress` record for it. ```text kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE vmauth-example-ffcc78fcc-xddk7 2/2 Running 0 84s kubectl get ingress NAME CLASS HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE vmauth-example <none> * 80 106s kubectl get secret -l app.kubernetes.io/name=vmauth NAME TYPE DATA AGE vmauth-config-example Opaque 1 2m32s ``` Generated configuration can be retrieved with command: {% raw %} ```text kubectl get secrets/vmauth-config-example -o=go-template='{{index .data "config.yaml.gz"}}' | base64 -d | gunzip users: - url_prefix: http://localhost:8428 bearer_token: some-default-token ``` {% endraw %} Operator generates default config, if `VMUser`s for given `VMAuth` wasn't found. ## VMUser `VMUser` configures `VMAuth`. api doc [link](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/operator/api.html#vmuserspec) There are two authentication mechanisms: `bearerToken` and `basicAuth` with `username` and `password`. Only one of them can be used with `VMUser` at one time. If you need to provide access with different mechanisms for single endpoint, create multiple `VMUsers`. If `username` is empty, metadata.name from `VMUser` used as `username`. If `password` is empty, operator generates random password for `VMUser`. This password added to the `Secret` for this `VMUser` at `data.password` field. Operator creates `Secret` for every `VMUser` with name - `vmuser-{VMUser.metadata.name}`. It places `username` + `password` or `bearerToken` into `data` section. `TargetRefs` is required field for `VMUser`, it allows to configure routing with: - `static` ref: ```yaml - static: url: http://vmalertmanager.service.svc:9093 ``` - `crd` ref, allows to target CRD kind of operator, this `CRDObject` must exist. ```yaml - crd: kind: VMAgent name: example namespace: default ``` Supported kinds are: `VMAgent, VMSingle, VMAlert, VMAlertmanager, VMCluster/vminsert, VMCluster/vmselect, VMCluster/vmstorage` `paths` - configures allowed routing paths for given `targetRef`. Let's create example, with access to `VMSingle` and `VMAlert` as static target: ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMSingle metadata: name: example namespace: default spec: retentionPeriod: "2d" --- apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAlert metadata: name: example spec: replicaCount: 1 datasource: url: "http://vmsingle-example.default.svc:8429" notifier: url: "http://vmalertmanager-example.default.svc:9093" evaluationInterval: "20s" ruleSelector: {} EOF ``` Check its status ```console kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE vmalert-example-775b8dfbc9-vzlnv 1/2 Running 0 3s vmauth-example-ffcc78fcc-xddk7 2/2 Running 0 29m vmsingle-example-6496b5c95d-k6hhp 1/1 Running 0 3s ``` Then create `VMUser` ```yaml cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMUser metadata: name: example spec: username: simple-user password: simple-password targetRefs: - crd: kind: VMSingle name: example namespace: default paths: ["/.*"] - static: url: http://vmalert-example.default.svc:8080 paths: ["/api/v1/groups","/api/v1/alerts"] EOF ``` Configuration changes for `VMAuth` takes some time, coz of mounted secret, its eventually updated by kubelet. Check vmauth log for changes: ```console kubectl logs vmauth-example-ffcc78fcc-xddk7 vmauth -f --tail 10 2021-05-31T10:46:40.171Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmauth/auth_config.go:168 Loaded information about 1 users from "/opt/vmauth/config.yaml" 2021-05-31T10:46:40.171Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmauth/main.go:37 started vmauth in 0.000 seconds 2021-05-31T10:46:40.171Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/httpserver/httpserver.go:82 starting http server at http://:8427/ 2021-05-31T10:46:40.171Z info VictoriaMetrics/lib/httpserver/httpserver.go:83 pprof handlers are exposed at http://:8427/debug/pprof/ 2021-05-31T10:46:45.077Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmauth/auth_config.go:143 SIGHUP received; loading -auth.config="/opt/vmauth/config.yaml" 2021-05-31T10:46:45.077Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmauth/auth_config.go:168 Loaded information about 1 users from "/opt/vmauth/config.yaml" 2021-05-31T10:46:45.077Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmauth/auth_config.go:150 Successfully reloaded -auth.config="/opt/vmauth/config.yaml" 2021-05-31T11:18:21.313Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmauth/auth_config.go:143 SIGHUP received; loading -auth.config="/opt/vmauth/config.yaml" 2021-05-31T11:18:21.313Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmauth/auth_config.go:168 Loaded information about 1 users from "/opt/vmauth/config.yaml" 2021-05-31T11:18:21.313Z info VictoriaMetrics/app/vmauth/auth_config.go:150 Successfully reloaded -auth.config="/opt/vmauth/config.yaml" ``` Now lets try to access protected endpoints, i will use port-forward for that: ```console kubectl port-forward vmauth-example-ffcc78fcc-xddk7 8427 # at separate terminal execute: # vmsingle response curl http://localhost:8427 -u 'simple-user:simple-password' # vmalert response curl localhost:8427/api/v1/groups -u 'simple-user:simple-password' ``` Check create secret for application access: ```console kubectl get secrets vmuser-example NAME TYPE DATA AGE vmuser-example Opaque 2 6m33s ``` ## Migration from prometheus-operator objects By default, the operator converts all existing prometheus-operator API objects into corresponding VictoriaMetrics Operator objects You can control this behaviour by setting env variable for operator: ```console #disable convertion for each object VM_ENABLEDPROMETHEUSCONVERTER_PODMONITOR=false VM_ENABLEDPROMETHEUSCONVERTER_SERVICESCRAPE=false VM_ENABLEDPROMETHEUSCONVERTER_PROMETHEUSRULE=false VM_ENABLEDPROMETHEUSCONVERTER_PROBE=false ``` Otherwise, VictoriaMetrics Operator would try to discover prometheus-operator API and convert it. Conversion of api objects can be controlled by annotations, added to `VMObject`s, there are following annotations: - `operator.victoriametrics.com/merge-meta-strategy` - it controls syncing of metadata labels and annotations between `VMObject`s and `Prometheus` api objects during updates to `Prometheus` objects. By default, it has `prefer-prometheus`. And annotations and labels will be used from `Prometheus` objects, manually set values will be dropped. You can set it to `prefer-victoriametrics`. In this case all labels and annotations applied to `Prometheus` object will be ignored and `VMObject` will use own values. Two additional strategies annotations -`merge-victoriametrics-priority` and `merge-prometheus-priority` merges labelSets into one combined labelSet, with priority. Example: ```yaml apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMServiceScrape metadata: annotations: meta.helm.sh/release-name: prometheus operator.victoriametrics.com/merge-meta-strategy: prefer-victoriametrics labels: release: prometheus name: prometheus-monitor spec: endpoints: [] ``` - `operator.victoriametrics.com/ignore-prometheus-updates` - it controls updates from Prometheus api objects. By default, it set to `disabled`. You define it to `enabled` state and all updates from Prometheus api objects will be ignored. ```yaml apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMServiceScrape metadata: annotations: meta.helm.sh/release-name: prometheus operator.victoriametrics.com/ignore-prometheus-updates: enabled labels: release: prometheus name: prometheus-monitor spec: endpoints: [] ``` By default the operator doesn't make converted objects disappear after original ones are deleted. To change this behaviour configure adding `OwnerReferences` to converted objects: ```console VM_ENABLEDPROMETHEUSCONVERTEROWNERREFERENCES=true ``` Converted objects will be linked to the original ones and will be deleted by kubernetes after the original ones are deleted. ### prometheus Rule duplication `Prometheus` allows to specify rules with the same content with-in one group at Rule spec, but its forbidden by vmalert. You can tell operator to deduplicate this rules by adding annotation to the `VMAlert` crd definition. In this case operator skips rule with the same values, see example below. ```yaml apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAlert metadata: name: example-vmalert-with-dedup annotations: operator.victoriametrics.com/vmalert-deduplicate-rules: "true" spec: replicaCount: 1 datasource: url: "http://vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted.default.svc:8429" notifier: url: "http://vmalertmanager-example-alertmanager.default.svc:9093" evaluationInterval: "30s" ruleNamespaceSelector: {} ruleSelector: {} ``` Now operator will transform this `VMRule`: ```yaml apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMRule metadata: name: example-vmrule-reload-config labels: project: devops spec: groups: - name: vmalert rules: - alert: vmalert config reload error expr: delta(vmalert_config_last_reload_errors_total[5m]) > 0 for: 10s labels: severity: major - alert: vmalert config reload error expr: delta(vmalert_config_last_reload_errors_total[5m]) > 0 for: 10s labels: severity: major - alert: vmalert config reload error expr: delta(vmalert_config_last_reload_errors_total[5m]) > 0 for: 2m labels: severity: critical ``` to the rule config: ```yaml groups: - name: vmalert rules: - alert: vmalert config reload error expr: delta(vmalert_config_last_reload_errors_total[5m]) > 0 for: 10s labels: severity: major - alert: vmalert config reload error expr: delta(vmalert_config_last_reload_errors_total[5m]) > 0 for: 2m labels: severity: critical ``` ## Expose the VMSingle API > WARNING: Please protect delete endpoint before exposing it [doc](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics#how-to-delete-time-series) Example for Kubernetes Nginx ingress [doc](https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/examples/auth/basic/) ```console #generate creds htpasswd -c auth foo #create basic auth secret cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 stringData: auth: foo:$apr1$wQ0fkxnl$KKOA/OqIZy48CuCB/A1Rc. kind: Secret metadata: name: vm-auth type: Opaque EOF #create ingress rule cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-realm: Authentication Required nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-secret: vm-auth nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-type: basic labels: app: victoria-metrics-single name: victoria-metrics-single spec: rules: - host: vmsingle.example.com http: paths: - backend: serviceName: vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted servicePort: 8428 path: / tls: - hosts: - vmsingle.example.com secretName: ssl-name EOF #now you can access victoria metrics curl -u foo:bar https://vmsingle.example/com/metrics ``` ## Object selectors `VMAgent` has four selectors specification for filtering `VMServiceScrape`, `VMProbe`, `VMNodeScrape` and `VMPodScrape` objects. `VMAlert` has selectors for `VMRule`. `VMAuth` has selectors for `VMUsers`. `VMAlertmanager` has selectors for `VMAlertmanagerConfig`. Selectors are defined with suffixes - `NamespaceSelector` and `Selector`. It allows configuring objects access control across namespaces and different environments. Following rules are applied: - `NamespaceSelector` and `Selector` - undefined, by default select nothing. With option set - `spec.selectAllByDefault: true`, select all objects of given type. - `NamespaceSelector` defined, `Selector` undefined. All objects are matching at namespaces for given `NamespaceSelector`. - `NamespaceSelector` undefined, `Selector` defined. All objects at `VMAgent`'s namespaces are matching for given `Selector`. - `NamespaceSelector` defined, `Selector` defined. Only objects at namespaces matched `NamespaceSelector` for given `Selector` are matching. ### Object selector Examples This configuration will match only namespace with the label - name=default and all `VMServiceScrape` objects at this namespace will be selected: ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAgent metadata: name: example-vmagent spec: serviceScrapeSelector: {} serviceScrapeNamespaceSelector: matchLabels: name: default replicaCount: 1 remoteWrite: - url: "http://vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted.default.svc:8429/api/v1/write" EOF ``` This configuration will select `VMServiceScrape` and `VMPodScrape` with labels - team=managers,project=cloud at any namespace: ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAgent metadata: name: example-vmagent spec: serviceScrapeNamespaceSelector: {} serviceScrapeSelector: matchLabels: team: managers project: cloud podScrapeSelector: matchLabels: team: managers project: clo replicaCount: 1 remoteWrite: - url: "http://vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted.default.svc:8429/api/v1/write" EOF ``` The last one will select any `VMServiceScrape`,`VMProbe` and `VMPodScrape` at `VMAgent` namespace: ```yaml cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: operator.victoriametrics.com/v1beta1 kind: VMAgent metadata: name: example-vmagent spec: serviceScrapeSelector: {} podScrapeSelector: {} probeSelector: {} replicaCount: 1 remoteWrite: - url: "http://vmsingle-example-vmsingle-persisted.default.svc:8429/api/v1/write" EOF ```