package mergeset

import (


// Item represents a single item for storing in a mergeset.
type Item struct {
	// Start is start offset for the item in data.
	Start uint32

	// End is end offset for the item in data.
	End uint32

// Bytes returns bytes representation of it obtained from data.
// The returned bytes representation belongs to data.
func (it Item) Bytes(data []byte) []byte {
	sh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&data))
	sh.Cap = int(it.End - it.Start)
	sh.Len = int(it.End - it.Start)
	sh.Data += uintptr(it.Start)
	return data

// String returns string represetnation of it obtained from data.
// The returned string representation belongs to data.
func (it Item) String(data []byte) string {
	sh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&data))
	sh.Data += uintptr(it.Start)
	sh.Len = int(it.End - it.Start)
	return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(sh))

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) Len() int { return len(ib.items) }

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) Less(i, j int) bool {
	data :=
	items := ib.items
	return string(items[i].Bytes(data)) < string(items[j].Bytes(data))

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) Swap(i, j int) {
	items := ib.items
	items[i], items[j] = items[j], items[i]

type inmemoryBlock struct {
	commonPrefix []byte
	data         []byte
	items        []Item

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) SizeBytes() int {
	return int(unsafe.Sizeof(*ib)) + cap(ib.commonPrefix) + cap( + cap(ib.items)*int(unsafe.Sizeof(Item{}))

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) Reset() {
	ib.commonPrefix = ib.commonPrefix[:0] =[:0]
	ib.items = ib.items[:0]

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) updateCommonPrefix() {
	ib.commonPrefix = ib.commonPrefix[:0]
	if len(ib.items) == 0 {
	items := ib.items
	data :=
	cp := items[0].Bytes(data)
	if len(cp) == 0 {
	for _, it := range items[1:] {
		cpLen := commonPrefixLen(cp, it.Bytes(data))
		if cpLen == 0 {
		cp = cp[:cpLen]
	ib.commonPrefix = append(ib.commonPrefix[:0], cp...)

func commonPrefixLen(a, b []byte) int {
	i := 0
	if len(a) > len(b) {
		for i < len(b) && a[i] == b[i] {
	} else {
		for i < len(a) && a[i] == b[i] {
	return i

// Add adds x to the end of ib.
// false is returned if x isn't added to ib due to block size contraints.
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) Add(x []byte) bool {
	data :=
	if len(x)+len(data) > maxInmemoryBlockSize {
		return false
	if cap(data) < maxInmemoryBlockSize {
		dataLen := len(data)
		data = bytesutil.Resize(data, maxInmemoryBlockSize)[:dataLen]
	dataLen := len(data)
	data = append(data, x...)
	ib.items = append(ib.items, Item{
		Start: uint32(dataLen),
		End:   uint32(len(data)),
	}) = data
	return true

// maxInmemoryBlockSize is the maximum size.
// It must fit CPU cache size, i.e. 64KB for the current CPUs.
const maxInmemoryBlockSize = 64 * 1024

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) sort() {
	data :=
	items := ib.items
	bb := bbPool.Get()
	b := bytesutil.Resize(bb.B, len(data))
	b = b[:0]
	for i, it := range items {
		bLen := len(b)
		b = append(b, it.String(data)...)
		items[i] = Item{
			Start: uint32(bLen),
			End:   uint32(len(b)),
	bb.B, = data, b

// storageBlock represents a block of data on the storage.
type storageBlock struct {
	itemsData []byte
	lensData  []byte

func (sb *storageBlock) Reset() {
	sb.itemsData = sb.itemsData[:0]
	sb.lensData = sb.lensData[:0]

type marshalType uint8

const (
	marshalTypePlain = marshalType(0)
	marshalTypeZSTD  = marshalType(1)

func checkMarshalType(mt marshalType) error {
	if mt < 0 || mt > 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("marshalType must be in the range [0..1]; got %d", mt)
	return nil

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) isSorted() bool {
	// Use sort.IsSorted instead of sort.SliceIsSorted in order to eliminate memory allocation.
	return sort.IsSorted(ib)

// MarshalUnsortedData marshals unsorted items from ib to sb.
// It also:
// - appends first item to firstItemDst and returns the result.
// - appends common prefix for all the items to commonPrefixDst and returns the result.
// - returns the number of items encoded including the first item.
// - returns the marshal type used for the encoding.
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) MarshalUnsortedData(sb *storageBlock, firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst []byte, compressLevel int) ([]byte, []byte, uint32, marshalType) {
	if !ib.isSorted() {
	return ib.marshalData(sb, firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst, compressLevel)

var isInTest = func() bool {
	return strings.HasSuffix(os.Args[0], ".test")

// MarshalSortedData marshals sorted items from ib to sb.
// It also:
// - appends first item to firstItemDst and returns the result.
// - appends common prefix for all the items to commonPrefixDst and returns the result.
// - returns the number of items encoded including the first item.
// - returns the marshal type used for the encoding.
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) MarshalSortedData(sb *storageBlock, firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst []byte, compressLevel int) ([]byte, []byte, uint32, marshalType) {
	if isInTest && !ib.isSorted() {
		logger.Panicf("BUG: %d items must be sorted; items:\n%s", len(ib.items), ib.debugItemsString())
	return ib.marshalData(sb, firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst, compressLevel)

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) debugItemsString() string {
	var sb strings.Builder
	var prevItem string
	data :=
	for i, it := range ib.items {
		item := it.String(data)
		if item < prevItem {
			fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "!!! the next item is smaller than the previous item !!!\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%05d %X\n", i, item)
		prevItem = item
	return sb.String()

// Preconditions:
// - ib.items must be sorted.
// - updateCommonPrefix must be called.
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) marshalData(sb *storageBlock, firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst []byte, compressLevel int) ([]byte, []byte, uint32, marshalType) {
	if len(ib.items) <= 0 {
		logger.Panicf("BUG: inmemoryBlock.marshalData must be called on non-empty blocks only")
	if uint64(len(ib.items)) >= 1<<32 {
		logger.Panicf("BUG: the number of items in the block must be smaller than %d; got %d items", uint64(1<<32), len(ib.items))

	data :=
	firstItem := ib.items[0].Bytes(data)
	firstItemDst = append(firstItemDst, firstItem...)
	commonPrefixDst = append(commonPrefixDst, ib.commonPrefix...)

	if len(*len(ib.items) < 64 || len(ib.items) < 2 {
		// Use plain encoding form small block, since it is cheaper.
		return firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst, uint32(len(ib.items)), marshalTypePlain

	bbItems := bbPool.Get()
	bItems := bbItems.B[:0]

	bbLens := bbPool.Get()
	bLens := bbLens.B[:0]

	// Marshal items data.
	xs := encoding.GetUint64s(len(ib.items) - 1)
	defer encoding.PutUint64s(xs)

	cpLen := len(ib.commonPrefix)
	prevItem := firstItem[cpLen:]
	prevPrefixLen := uint64(0)
	for i, it := range ib.items[1:] {
		it.Start += uint32(cpLen)
		item := it.Bytes(data)
		prefixLen := uint64(commonPrefixLen(prevItem, item))
		bItems = append(bItems, item[prefixLen:]...)
		xLen := prefixLen ^ prevPrefixLen
		prevItem = item
		prevPrefixLen = prefixLen

		xs.A[i] = xLen
	bLens = encoding.MarshalVarUint64s(bLens, xs.A)
	sb.itemsData = encoding.CompressZSTDLevel(sb.itemsData[:0], bItems, compressLevel)

	bbItems.B = bItems

	// Marshal lens data.
	prevItemLen := uint64(len(firstItem) - cpLen)
	for i, it := range ib.items[1:] {
		itemLen := uint64(int(it.End-it.Start) - cpLen)
		xLen := itemLen ^ prevItemLen
		prevItemLen = itemLen

		xs.A[i] = xLen
	bLens = encoding.MarshalVarUint64s(bLens, xs.A)
	sb.lensData = encoding.CompressZSTDLevel(sb.lensData[:0], bLens, compressLevel)

	bbLens.B = bLens

	if float64(len(sb.itemsData)) > 0.9*float64(len(*len(ib.items)) {
		// Bad compression rate. It is cheaper to use plain encoding.
		return firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst, uint32(len(ib.items)), marshalTypePlain

	// Good compression rate.
	return firstItemDst, commonPrefixDst, uint32(len(ib.items)), marshalTypeZSTD

// UnmarshalData decodes itemsCount items from sb and firstItem and stores
// them to ib.
func (ib *inmemoryBlock) UnmarshalData(sb *storageBlock, firstItem, commonPrefix []byte, itemsCount uint32, mt marshalType) error {

	if itemsCount <= 0 {
		logger.Panicf("BUG: cannot unmarshal zero items")

	ib.commonPrefix = append(ib.commonPrefix[:0], commonPrefix...)

	switch mt {
	case marshalTypePlain:
		if err := ib.unmarshalDataPlain(sb, firstItem, itemsCount); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal plain data: %w", err)
		if !ib.isSorted() {
			return fmt.Errorf("plain data block contains unsorted items; items:\n%s", ib.debugItemsString())
		return nil
	case marshalTypeZSTD:
		// it is handled below.
		return fmt.Errorf("unknown marshalType=%d", mt)

	// Unmarshal mt = marshalTypeZSTD

	bb := bbPool.Get()
	defer bbPool.Put(bb)

	var err error

	// Unmarshal lens data.
	bb.B, err = encoding.DecompressZSTD(bb.B[:0], sb.lensData)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot decompress lensData: %w", err)

	lb := getLensBuffer(int(2 * itemsCount))
	defer putLensBuffer(lb)

	prefixLens := lb.lens[:itemsCount]
	lens := lb.lens[itemsCount:]

	is := encoding.GetUint64s(int(itemsCount) - 1)
	defer encoding.PutUint64s(is)

	// Unmarshal prefixLens
	tail, err := encoding.UnmarshalVarUint64s(is.A, bb.B)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal prefixLens from lensData: %w", err)
	prefixLens[0] = 0
	for i, xLen := range is.A {
		prefixLens[i+1] = xLen ^ prefixLens[i]

	// Unmarshal lens
	tail, err = encoding.UnmarshalVarUint64s(is.A, tail)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal lens from lensData: %w", err)
	if len(tail) > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected tail left unmarshaling %d lens; tail size=%d; contents=%X", itemsCount, len(tail), tail)
	lens[0] = uint64(len(firstItem) - len(commonPrefix))
	dataLen := uint64(len(commonPrefix) * int(itemsCount))
	dataLen += lens[0]
	for i, xLen := range is.A {
		itemLen := xLen ^ lens[i]
		lens[i+1] = itemLen
		dataLen += itemLen

	// Unmarshal items data.
	bb.B, err = encoding.DecompressZSTD(bb.B[:0], sb.itemsData)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot decompress lensData: %w", err)
	data := bytesutil.Resize(, maxInmemoryBlockSize)
	if n := int(itemsCount) - cap(ib.items); n > 0 {
		ib.items = append(ib.items[:cap(ib.items)], make([]Item, n)...)
	ib.items = ib.items[:itemsCount]
	data = append(data[:0], firstItem...)
	items := ib.items
	items[0] = Item{
		Start: 0,
		End:   uint32(len(data)),
	prevItem := data[len(commonPrefix):]
	b := bb.B
	for i := 1; i < int(itemsCount); i++ {
		itemLen := lens[i]
		prefixLen := prefixLens[i]
		if prefixLen > itemLen {
			return fmt.Errorf("prefixLen=%d exceeds itemLen=%d", prefixLen, itemLen)
		suffixLen := itemLen - prefixLen
		if uint64(len(b)) < suffixLen {
			return fmt.Errorf("not enough data for decoding item from itemsData; want %d bytes; remained %d bytes", suffixLen, len(b))
		if prefixLen > uint64(len(prevItem)) {
			return fmt.Errorf("prefixLen cannot exceed %d; got %d", len(prevItem), prefixLen)
		dataLen := len(data)
		data = append(data, commonPrefix...)
		data = append(data, prevItem[:prefixLen]...)
		data = append(data, b[:suffixLen]...)
		items[i] = Item{
			Start: uint32(dataLen),
			End:   uint32(len(data)),
		b = b[suffixLen:]
		prevItem = data[len(data)-int(itemLen):]
	if len(b) > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected tail left after itemsData with len %d: %q", len(b), b)
	if uint64(len(data)) != dataLen {
		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected data len; got %d; want %d", len(data), dataLen)
	} = data
	if !ib.isSorted() {
		return fmt.Errorf("decoded data block contains unsorted items; items:\n%s", ib.debugItemsString())
	return nil

var bbPool bytesutil.ByteBufferPool

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) marshalDataPlain(sb *storageBlock) {
	data :=

	// Marshal items data.
	// There is no need in marshaling the first item, since it is returned
	// to the caller in marshalData.
	cpLen := len(ib.commonPrefix)
	b := sb.itemsData[:0]
	for _, it := range ib.items[1:] {
		it.Start += uint32(cpLen)
		b = append(b, it.String(data)...)
	sb.itemsData = b

	// Marshal length data.
	b = sb.lensData[:0]
	for _, it := range ib.items[1:] {
		b = encoding.MarshalUint64(b, uint64(int(it.End-it.Start)-cpLen))
	sb.lensData = b

func (ib *inmemoryBlock) unmarshalDataPlain(sb *storageBlock, firstItem []byte, itemsCount uint32) error {
	commonPrefix := ib.commonPrefix

	// Unmarshal lens data.
	lb := getLensBuffer(int(itemsCount))
	defer putLensBuffer(lb)

	lb.lens[0] = uint64(len(firstItem) - len(commonPrefix))
	b := sb.lensData
	for i := 1; i < int(itemsCount); i++ {
		if len(b) < 8 {
			return fmt.Errorf("too short tail for decoding len from lensData; got %d bytes; want at least %d bytes", len(b), 8)
		iLen := encoding.UnmarshalUint64(b)
		b = b[8:]
		lb.lens[i] = iLen
	if len(b) > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected tail left after lensData with len %d: %q", len(b), b)

	// Unmarshal items data.
	data :=
	items := ib.items
	data = bytesutil.Resize(data, len(firstItem)+len(sb.itemsData)+len(commonPrefix)*int(itemsCount))
	data = append(data[:0], firstItem...)
	items = append(items[:0], Item{
		Start: 0,
		End:   uint32(len(data)),
	b = sb.itemsData
	for i := 1; i < int(itemsCount); i++ {
		itemLen := lb.lens[i]
		if uint64(len(b)) < itemLen {
			return fmt.Errorf("not enough data for decoding item from itemsData; want %d bytes; remained %d bytes", itemLen, len(b))
		dataLen := len(data)
		data = append(data, commonPrefix...)
		data = append(data, b[:itemLen]...)
		items = append(items, Item{
			Start: uint32(dataLen),
			End:   uint32(len(data)),
		b = b[itemLen:]
	} = data
	ib.items = items
	if len(b) > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected tail left after itemsData with len %d: %q", len(b), b)
	return nil

type lensBuffer struct {
	lens []uint64

var lensBufferPool sync.Pool

func getLensBuffer(n int) *lensBuffer {
	v := lensBufferPool.Get()
	if v == nil {
		v = &lensBuffer{}
	lb := v.(*lensBuffer)
	if nn := n - cap(lb.lens); nn > 0 {
		lb.lens = append(lb.lens[:cap(lb.lens)], make([]uint64, nn)...)
	lb.lens = lb.lens[:n]
	return lb

func putLensBuffer(lb *lensBuffer) {

func getInmemoryBlock() *inmemoryBlock {
	v := ibPool.Get()
	if v == nil {
		return &inmemoryBlock{}
	return v.(*inmemoryBlock)

func putInmemoryBlock(ib *inmemoryBlock) {

var ibPool sync.Pool