function expandAll() { $('.group-heading').each(function () { let style = $(this).attr("style") // display only elements that are currently visible if (style === "display: none;") { return } $(this).next().addClass('show') }); } function collapseAll() { $('.collapse').removeClass('show'); } function toggleByID(id) { if (id) { let el = $("#" + id); if (el.length > 0) {; } } } function debounce(func, delay) { let timer; return function (...args) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(() => { func.apply(this, args); }, delay); }; } $('#search').on("keyup", debounce(search, 500)); // search shows or hides groups&rules that satisfy the search phrase. // case-insensitive, respects GET param `search`. function search() { $(".rule").show(); let groupHeader = $(".group-heading") let searchPhrase = $("#search").val().toLowerCase() if (searchPhrase.length === 0) { setParamURL('search', '') return } $(".rule-table").removeClass('show'); groupHeader.hide() searchPhrase = searchPhrase.toLowerCase() filterRuleByName(searchPhrase); filterRuleByLabels(searchPhrase); filterGroupsByName(searchPhrase); setParamURL('search', searchPhrase) } function setParamURL(key, value) { let url = new URL(location.href) url.searchParams.set(key, value); window.history.replaceState(null, null, `?${url.searchParams.toString()}`); } function getParamURL(key) { let url = new URL(location.href) return url.searchParams.get(key) } function filterGroupsByName(searchPhrase) { $(".group-heading").each(function () { const groupName = $(this).attr('data-group-name').toLowerCase(); const hasValue = groupName.indexOf(searchPhrase) >= 0 if (!hasValue) { return } const target = $(this).attr("data-bs-target"); $(`div[id="${target}"] .rule`).show(); $(this).show(); }); } function filterRuleByName(searchPhrase) { $(".rule").each(function () { const ruleName = $(this).attr("data-rule-name").toLowerCase(); const hasValue = ruleName.indexOf(searchPhrase) >= 0 if (!hasValue) { $(this).hide(); return } const target = $(this).attr('data-bs-target') $(`#rules-${target}`).addClass('show'); $(`div[data-bs-target='rules-${target}']`).show(); $(this).show(); }); } function filterRuleByLabels(searchPhrase) { $(".rule").each(function () { const matches = $(".label", this).filter(function () { const label = $(this).text().toLowerCase(); return label.indexOf(searchPhrase) >= 0; }).length; if (matches > 0) { const target = $(this).attr('data-bs-target') $(`#rules-${target}`).addClass('show'); $(`div[data-bs-target='rules-${target}']`).show(); $(this).show(); } }); } $(document).ready(function () { $(".group-heading a").click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); // prevent collapse logic on link click let target = $(this).attr('href'); if (target.length > 0) { toggleByID(target.substr(1)); } }); $(".group-heading").click(function (e) { let target = $(this).attr('data-bs-target'); let el = $("#" + target); new bootstrap.Collapse(el, { toggle: true }); }); // update search element with value from URL, if any let searchPhrase = getParamURL('search') $("#search").val(searchPhrase) // apply filtering by search phrase search() let hash = window.location.hash.substr(1); toggleByID(hash); }); $(document).ready(function () { $('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); });