# File contains default list of alerts for мьфдуке service.
# The alerts below are just recommendations and may require some updates
# and threshold calibration according to every specific setup.
  # Alerts group for vmalert assumes that Grafana dashboard
  # https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/14950-victoriametrics-vmalert/ is installed.
  # Pls update the `dashboard` annotation according to your setup.
  - name: vmalert
    interval: 30s
      - alert: ConfigurationReloadFailure
        expr: vmalert_config_last_reload_successful != 1
          severity: warning
          summary: "Configuration reload failed for vmalert instance {{ $labels.instance }}"
          description: "Configuration hot-reload failed for vmalert on instance {{ $labels.instance }}.
            Check vmalert's logs for detailed error message."

      - alert: AlertingRulesError
        expr: sum(vmalert_alerting_rules_error) by(job, instance, group) > 0
        for: 5m
          severity: warning
          dashboard: "http://localhost:3000/d/LzldHAVnz?viewPanel=13&var-instance={{ $labels.instance }}&var-group={{ $labels.group }}"
          summary: "Alerting rules are failing for vmalert instance {{ $labels.instance }}"
          description: "Alerting rules execution is failing for group \"{{ $labels.group }}\".
            Check vmalert's logs for detailed error message."

      - alert: RecordingRulesError
        expr: sum(vmalert_recording_rules_error) by(job, instance, group) > 0
        for: 5m
          severity: warning
          dashboard: "http://localhost:3000/d/LzldHAVnz?viewPanel=30&var-instance={{ $labels.instance }}&var-group={{ $labels.group }}"
          summary: "Recording rules are failing for vmalert instance {{ $labels.instance }}"
          description: "Recording rules execution is failing for group \"{{ $labels.group }}\".
            Check vmalert's logs for detailed error message."

      - alert: RecordingRulesNoData
        expr: sum(vmalert_recording_rules_last_evaluation_samples) by(job, group, recording) < 1
        for: 30m
          severity: warning
          dashboard: "http://localhost:3000/d/LzldHAVnz?viewPanel=33&var-group={{ $labels.group }}"
          summary: "Recording rule {{ $labels.recording }} ({ $labels.group }}) produces no data"
          description: "Recording rule \"{{ $labels.recording }}\" from group \"{{ $labels.group }}\" 
            produces 0 samples over the last 30min. It might be caused by a misconfiguration 
            or incorrect query expression."

      - alert: RemoteWriteErrors
        expr: sum(increase(vmalert_remotewrite_errors_total[5m])) by(job, instance) > 0
        for: 15m
          severity: warning
          summary: "vmalert instance {{ $labels.instance }} is failing to push metrics to remote write URL"
          description: "vmalert instance {{ $labels.instance }} is failing to push metrics generated via alerting 
            or recording rules to the configured remote write URL. Check vmalert's logs for detailed error message."

      - alert: AlertmanagerErrors
        expr: sum(increase(vmalert_alerts_send_errors_total[5m])) by(job, instance, addr) > 0
        for: 15m
          severity: warning
          summary: "vmalert instance {{ $labels.instance }} is failing to send notifications to Alertmanager"
          description: "vmalert instance {{ $labels.instance }} is failing to send alert notifications to \"{{ $labels.addr }}\".
            Check vmalert's logs for detailed error message."