package notifier

import (


// AlertManager represents integration provider with Prometheus alert manager
type AlertManager struct {
	addr    string
	argFunc AlertURLGenerator
	client  *http.Client
	timeout time.Duration

	authCfg *promauth.Config
	// stores already parsed RelabelConfigs object
	relabelConfigs *promrelabel.ParsedConfigs

	metrics *metrics

type metrics struct {
	alertsSent       *utils.Counter
	alertsSendErrors *utils.Counter

func newMetrics(addr string) *metrics {
	return &metrics{
		alertsSent:       utils.GetOrCreateCounter(fmt.Sprintf("vmalert_alerts_sent_total{addr=%q}", addr)),
		alertsSendErrors: utils.GetOrCreateCounter(fmt.Sprintf("vmalert_alerts_send_errors_total{addr=%q}", addr)),

// Close is a destructor method for AlertManager
func (am *AlertManager) Close() {

// Addr returns address where alerts are sent.
func (am AlertManager) Addr() string { return am.addr }

// Send an alert or resolve message
func (am *AlertManager) Send(ctx context.Context, alerts []Alert) error {
	err := am.send(ctx, alerts)
	if err != nil {
	return err

func (am *AlertManager) send(ctx context.Context, alerts []Alert) error {
	b := &bytes.Buffer{}
	writeamRequest(b, alerts, am.argFunc, am.relabelConfigs)

	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", am.addr, b)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

	if am.timeout > 0 {
		var cancel context.CancelFunc
		ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, am.timeout)
		defer cancel()

	req = req.WithContext(ctx)

	if am.authCfg != nil {
		am.authCfg.SetHeaders(req, true)
	resp, err := am.client.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer func() { _ = resp.Body.Close() }()

	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to read response from %q: %w", am.addr, err)
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid SC %d from %q; response body: %s", resp.StatusCode, am.addr, string(body))
	return nil

// AlertURLGenerator returns URL to single alert by given name
type AlertURLGenerator func(Alert) string

const alertManagerPath = "/api/v2/alerts"

// NewAlertManager is a constructor for AlertManager
func NewAlertManager(alertManagerURL string, fn AlertURLGenerator, authCfg promauth.HTTPClientConfig,
	relabelCfg *promrelabel.ParsedConfigs, timeout time.Duration) (*AlertManager, error) {
	tls := &promauth.TLSConfig{}
	if authCfg.TLSConfig != nil {
		tls = authCfg.TLSConfig
	tr, err := utils.Transport(alertManagerURL, tls.CertFile, tls.KeyFile, tls.CAFile, tls.ServerName, tls.InsecureSkipVerify)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create transport: %w", err)

	ba := new(promauth.BasicAuthConfig)
	oauth := new(promauth.OAuth2Config)
	if authCfg.BasicAuth != nil {
		ba = authCfg.BasicAuth
	if authCfg.OAuth2 != nil {
		oauth = authCfg.OAuth2

	aCfg, err := utils.AuthConfig(
		utils.WithBasicAuth(ba.Username, ba.Password.String(), ba.PasswordFile),
		utils.WithBearer(authCfg.BearerToken.String(), authCfg.BearerTokenFile),
		utils.WithOAuth(oauth.ClientID, oauth.ClientSecretFile, oauth.ClientSecretFile, oauth.TokenURL, strings.Join(oauth.Scopes, ";")))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to configure auth: %w", err)

	return &AlertManager{
		addr:           alertManagerURL,
		argFunc:        fn,
		authCfg:        aCfg,
		relabelConfigs: relabelCfg,
		client:         &http.Client{Transport: tr},
		timeout:        timeout,
		metrics:        newMetrics(alertManagerURL),
	}, nil