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This value is proportional to the number of unique timeseries in storage(cardinality).", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "thresholds" }, "mappings": [], "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 2, "w": 5, "x": 4, "y": 3 }, "id": 38, "links": [], "maxDataPoints": 100, "options": { "colorMode": "value", "graphMode": "area", "justifyMode": "auto", "orientation": "horizontal", "reduceOptions": { "calcs": [ "lastNotNull" ], "fields": "", "values": false }, "text": {}, "textMode": "auto" }, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "targets": [ { "exemplar": true, "expr": "sum(vm_rows{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\", type=\"indexdb\"})", "format": "time_series", "instant": true, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "", "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Index size", "type": "stat" }, { "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "The minimum free disk space left", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "thresholds" }, "mappings": [], "thresholds": { "mode": "percentage", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null } ] }, "unit": "bytes" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 2, "w": 5, "x": 9, "y": 3 }, "id": 80, "links": [], "maxDataPoints": 100, "options": { "colorMode": "value", "graphMode": "area", "justifyMode": "auto", "orientation": "horizontal", "reduceOptions": { "calcs": [ "lastNotNull" ], "fields": "", "values": false }, "text": {}, "textMode": "auto" }, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "targets": [ { "exemplar": true, "expr": "min(vm_free_disk_space_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"})", "format": "time_series", "instant": true, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "", "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Min free disk space", "type": "stat" }, { "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Total number of available CPUs for VM process", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "thresholds" }, "mappings": [], "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null }, { "color": "red", "value": 80 } ] }, "unit": "short" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 2, "w": 5, "x": 14, "y": 3 }, "id": 77, "links": [], "maxDataPoints": 100, "options": { "colorMode": "value", "graphMode": "area", "justifyMode": "auto", "orientation": "horizontal", "reduceOptions": { "calcs": [ "lastNotNull" ], "fields": "", "values": false }, "text": {}, "textMode": "auto" }, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "targets": [ { "exemplar": true, "expr": "sum(vm_available_cpu_cores{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"})", "format": "time_series", "instant": true, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "", "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Available CPU", "type": "stat" }, { "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Total size of available memory for VM process", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "color": { "mode": "thresholds" }, "mappings": [], "thresholds": { "mode": "absolute", "steps": [ { "color": "green", "value": null } ] }, "unit": "bytes" }, "overrides": [] }, "gridPos": { "h": 2, "w": 5, "x": 19, "y": 3 }, "id": 78, "links": [], "maxDataPoints": 100, "options": { "colorMode": "value", "graphMode": "area", "justifyMode": "auto", "orientation": "horizontal", "reduceOptions": { "calcs": [ "lastNotNull" ], "fields": "", "values": false }, "text": {}, "textMode": "auto" }, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "targets": [ { "exemplar": true, "expr": "sum(vm_available_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"})", "format": "time_series", "instant": true, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "", "refId": "A" } ], "title": "Available memory", "type": "stat" } ], "title": "Stats", "type": "row" }, { "collapsed": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "gridPos": { "h": 1, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 1 }, "id": 24, "panels": [], "title": "Performance", "type": "row" }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "* `*` - 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High value may result in ingestion slowdown. \n\nSee following link for details:", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 10 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 51, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [ { "targetBlank": true, "title": "troubleshooting", "url": "https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/blob/master/README.md#troubleshooting" } ], "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "expr": "vm_cache_entries{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\", type=\"storage/hour_metric_ids\"}", "format": "time_series", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "Active time series", "refId": "A" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Active time series ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "VictoriaMetrics stores various caches in RAM. Memory size for these caches may be limited with -`memory.allowedPercent` flag. Line `max allowed` shows max allowed memory size for cache.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 10 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 33, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [ { "alias": "max allowed", "color": "#C4162A" } ], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "expr": "sum(vm_cache_size_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"})", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "size", "refId": "A" }, { "expr": "max(vm_allowed_memory_bytes{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"})", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "max allowed", "refId": "B" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Cache size ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "format": "bytes", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows how many ongoing insertions (not API /write calls) on disk are taking place, where:\n* `max` - equal to number of CPUs;\n* `current` - current number of goroutines busy with inserting rows into underlying storage.\n\nEvery successful API /write call results into flush on disk. However, these two actions are separated and controlled via different concurrency limiters. The `max` on this panel can't be changed and always equal to number of CPUs. \n\nWhen `current` hits `max` constantly, it means storage is overloaded and requires more CPU.\n\n", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 18 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 59, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "hideEmpty": false, "hideZero": false, "max": false, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [ { "alias": "max", "color": "#C4162A" } ], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "expr": "sum(vm_concurrent_addrows_capacity{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"})", "format": "time_series", "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "max", "refId": "A" }, { "expr": "sum(vm_concurrent_addrows_current{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"})", "format": "time_series", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "current", "refId": "B" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Concurrent flushes on disk ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 2, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "decimals": 0, "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "decimals": 0, "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "* `*` - 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It is expected to have high numbers for `storage/small` metric.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 27 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 62, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "expr": "sum(vm_active_merges{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by(type)", "legendFormat": "{{type}}", "refId": "A" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Active merges ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "decimals": 0, "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows how many rows were ignored on insertion due to corrupted or out of retention timestamps.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 35 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 58, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "exemplar": true, "expr": "sum(vm_rows_ignored_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}) by (reason)", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "{{reason}}", "refId": "A" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Rows ignored ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "The number of rows merged per second by storage nodes.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 35 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 64, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "expr": "sum(rate(vm_rows_merged_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[5m])) by(type)", "legendFormat": "{{type}}", "refId": "A" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Merge speed ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "$$hashKey": "object:867", "decimals": 0, "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "$$hashKey": "object:868", "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows the rate of logging the messages by their level. Unexpected spike in rate is a good reason to check logs.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 43 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 67, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "expr": "sum(rate(vm_log_messages_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[5m])) by (level) ", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "{{level}}", "refId": "A" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Logging rate ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } } ], "title": "Storage", "type": "row" }, { "collapsed": true, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "gridPos": { "h": 1, "w": 24, "x": 0, "y": 27 }, "id": 71, "panels": [ { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows the rate and total number of new series created over last 24h.\n\nHigh churn rate tightly connected with database performance and may result in unexpected OOM's or slow queries. It is recommended to always keep an eye on this metric to avoid unexpected cardinality \"explosions\".\n\nThe higher churn rate is, the more resources required to handle it. Consider to keep the churn rate as low as possible.\n\nGood references to read:\n* https://www.robustperception.io/cardinality-is-key\n* https://www.robustperception.io/using-tsdb-analyze-to-investigate-churn-and-cardinality", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 4 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 66, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [ { "alias": "new series over 24h", "yaxis": 2 } ], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "expr": "sum(rate(vm_new_timeseries_created_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[5m]))", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "churn rate", "refId": "A" }, { "expr": "sum(increase(vm_new_timeseries_created_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[24h]))", "interval": "", "legendFormat": "new series over 24h", "refId": "B" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Churn rate ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Slow queries rate according to `search.logSlowQueryDuration` flag, which is `5s` by default.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 4 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 60, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "expr": "sum(rate(vm_slow_queries_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[5m]))", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "slow queries rate", "refId": "A" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Slow queries rate ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "The percentage of slow inserts comparing to total insertion rate during the last 5 minutes. \n\nThe less value is better. If percentage remains high (>50%) during extended periods of time, then it is likely more RAM is needed for optimal handling of the current number of active time series. \n\nIn general, VictoriaMetrics requires ~1KB or RAM per active time series, so it should be easy calculating the required amounts of RAM for the current workload according to capacity planning docs. But the resulting number may be far from the real number because the required amounts of memory depends on may other factors such as the number of labels per time series and the length of label values.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 9, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 12 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 68, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "expr": "sum(rate(vm_slow_row_inserts_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[5m])) / sum(rate(vm_rows_inserted_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[5m]))", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "slow inserts percentage", "refId": "A" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Slow inserts ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "decimals": 2, "format": "percentunit", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "VictoriaMetrics limits the number of labels per each metric with `-maxLabelsPerTimeseries` command-line flag.\n\nThis prevents from ingesting metrics with too many labels. The value of `maxLabelsPerTimeseries` must be adjusted for your workload.\n\nWhen limit is exceeded (graph is > 0) - extra labels are dropped, which could result in unexpected identical time series.", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 9, "w": 12, "x": 12, "y": 12 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 74, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": false, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.3.2", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "exemplar": true, "expr": "sum(increase(vm_metrics_with_dropped_labels_total{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"}[5m]))", "format": "time_series", "hide": false, "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 1, "legendFormat": "limit exceeded", "refId": "A" } ], "thresholds": [], "timeRegions": [], "title": "Labels limit exceeded ($instance)", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "mode": "time", "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "decimals": 2, "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true }, { "format": "short", "logBase": 1, "min": "0", "show": true } ], "yaxis": { "align": false } }, { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": { "type": "prometheus", "uid": "$ds" }, "description": "Shows whether background merges were deferred because of not enough of disk space. \n\nBefore starting the data parts merge (improves compression and reduces number of files), VictoriaMetrics estimates if there is enough of disk space for the operation. If panel shows values higher than zero, it means no disk space left for merging operation.\n\nConsider extending the disk size or decreasing retention. 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and must be prevented.\n\nSee how to change limits here https://medium.com/@muhammadtriwibowo/set-permanently-ulimit-n-open-files-in-ubuntu-4d61064429a", "fieldConfig": { "defaults": { "links": [] }, "overrides": [] }, "fill": 1, "fillGradient": 0, "gridPos": { "h": 8, "w": 12, "x": 0, "y": 37 }, "hiddenSeries": false, "id": 75, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": false, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "null", "options": { "alertThreshold": true }, "percentage": false, "pluginVersion": "8.0.0", "pointradius": 2, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [ { "alias": "max", "color": "#C4162A" } ], "spaceLength": 10, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "expr": "sum(process_open_fds{job=~\"$job\", instance=~\"$instance\"})", "format": "time_series", "interval": "", "intervalFactor": 2, 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