package logstorage

import (


// marshalStringsBlock marshals a and appends the result to dst.
// The marshaled strings block can be unmarshaled with stringsBlockUnmarshaler.
func marshalStringsBlock(dst []byte, a []string) []byte {
	// Encode string lengths
	u64s := encoding.GetUint64s(len(a))
	aLens := u64s.A[:0]
	for _, s := range a {
		aLens = append(aLens, uint64(len(s)))
	u64s.A = aLens
	dst = marshalUint64Block(dst, u64s.A)

	// Encode strings
	bb := bbPool.Get()
	b := bb.B
	for _, s := range a {
		b = append(b, s...)
	bb.B = b
	dst = marshalBytesBlock(dst, bb.B)

	return dst

// stringsBlockUnmarshaler is used for unmarshaling the block returned from marshalStringsBlock()
// use getStringsBlockUnmarshaler() for obtaining the unmarshaler from the pool in order to save memory allocations.
type stringsBlockUnmarshaler struct {
	// data contains the data for the unmarshaled values
	data []byte

func (sbu *stringsBlockUnmarshaler) reset() { =[:0]

func (sbu *stringsBlockUnmarshaler) copyString(s string) string {
	dataLen := len( = append(, s...)
	return bytesutil.ToUnsafeString([dataLen:])

func (sbu *stringsBlockUnmarshaler) appendFields(dst, src []Field) []Field {
	for _, f := range src {
		dst = append(dst, Field{
			Name:  sbu.copyString(f.Name),
			Value: sbu.copyString(f.Value),
	return dst

// unmarshal unmarshals itemsCount strings from src, appends them to dst and returns the result.
// The returned strings are valid until sbu.reset() call.
func (sbu *stringsBlockUnmarshaler) unmarshal(dst []string, src []byte, itemsCount uint64) ([]string, error) {
	u64s := encoding.GetUint64s(0)
	defer encoding.PutUint64s(u64s)

	// Decode string lengths
	var tail []byte
	var err error
	u64s.A, tail, err = unmarshalUint64Block(u64s.A[:0], src, itemsCount)
	if err != nil {
		return dst, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal string lengths: %w", err)
	aLens := u64s.A
	src = tail

	// Read bytes block into
	dataLen := len(, tail, err = unmarshalBytesBlock(, src)
	if err != nil {
		return dst, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal bytes block with strings: %w", err)
	if len(tail) > 0 {
		return dst, fmt.Errorf("unexpected non-empty tail after reading bytes block with strings; len(tail)=%d", len(tail))

	// Decode strings from into dst
	data :=[dataLen:]
	for _, sLen := range aLens {
		if uint64(len(data)) < sLen {
			return dst, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal a string with the length %d bytes from %d bytes", sLen, len(data))
		s := bytesutil.ToUnsafeString(data[:sLen])
		data = data[sLen:]
		dst = append(dst, s)

	return dst, nil

// marshalUint64Block appends marshaled a to dst and returns the result.
func marshalUint64Block(dst []byte, a []uint64) []byte {
	bb := bbPool.Get()
	bb.B = marshalUint64Items(bb.B[:0], a)
	dst = marshalBytesBlock(dst, bb.B)
	return dst

// unmarshalUint64Block appends unmarshaled from src itemsCount uint64 items to dst and returns the result.
func unmarshalUint64Block(dst []uint64, src []byte, itemsCount uint64) ([]uint64, []byte, error) {
	bb := bbPool.Get()
	defer bbPool.Put(bb)

	// Unmarshal the underlying bytes block
	var err error
	bb.B, src, err = unmarshalBytesBlock(bb.B[:0], src)
	if err != nil {
		return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal bytes block: %w", err)

	// Unmarshal the items from bb.
	dst, err = unmarshalUint64Items(dst, bb.B, itemsCount)
	if err != nil {
		return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %d uint64 items from bytes block of length %d bytes: %w", itemsCount, len(bb.B), err)
	return dst, src, nil

const (
	uintBlockType8  = 0
	uintBlockType16 = 1
	uintBlockType32 = 2
	uintBlockType64 = 3

// marshalUint64Items appends the marshaled a items to dst and returns the result.
func marshalUint64Items(dst []byte, a []uint64) []byte {
	// Do not marshal len(a), since it is expected that unmarshaler knows it.
	nMax := uint64(0)
	for _, n := range a {
		if n > nMax {
			nMax = n
	switch {
	case nMax < (1 << 8):
		dst = append(dst, uintBlockType8)
		for _, n := range a {
			dst = append(dst, byte(n))
	case nMax < (1 << 16):
		dst = append(dst, uintBlockType16)
		for _, n := range a {
			dst = encoding.MarshalUint16(dst, uint16(n))
	case nMax < (1 << 32):
		dst = append(dst, uintBlockType32)
		for _, n := range a {
			dst = encoding.MarshalUint32(dst, uint32(n))
		dst = append(dst, uintBlockType64)
		for _, n := range a {
			dst = encoding.MarshalUint64(dst, uint64(n))
	return dst

// unmarshalUint64Items appends unmarshaled from src itemsCount uint64 items to dst and returns the result.
func unmarshalUint64Items(dst []uint64, src []byte, itemsCount uint64) ([]uint64, error) {
	// Unmarshal block type
	if len(src) < 1 {
		return dst, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal uint64 block type from empty src")
	blockType := src[0]
	src = src[1:]

	switch blockType {
	case uintBlockType8:
		// A block with items smaller than 1<<8 bytes
		if uint64(len(src)) != itemsCount {
			return dst, fmt.Errorf("unexpected block length for %d items; got %d bytes; want %d bytes", itemsCount, len(src), itemsCount)
		for _, v := range src {
			dst = append(dst, uint64(v))
	case uintBlockType16:
		// A block with items smaller than 1<<16 bytes
		if uint64(len(src)) != 2*itemsCount {
			return dst, fmt.Errorf("unexpected block length for %d items; got %d bytes; want %d bytes", itemsCount, len(src), 2*itemsCount)
		for len(src) > 0 {
			v := encoding.UnmarshalUint16(src)
			src = src[2:]
			dst = append(dst, uint64(v))
	case uintBlockType32:
		// A block with items smaller than 1<<32 bytes
		if uint64(len(src)) != 4*itemsCount {
			return dst, fmt.Errorf("unexpected block length for %d items; got %d bytes; want %d bytes", itemsCount, len(src), 4*itemsCount)
		for len(src) > 0 {
			v := encoding.UnmarshalUint32(src)
			src = src[4:]
			dst = append(dst, uint64(v))
	case uintBlockType64:
		// A block with items smaller than 1<<64 bytes
		if uint64(len(src)) != 8*itemsCount {
			return dst, fmt.Errorf("unexpected block length for %d items; got %d bytes; want %d bytes", itemsCount, len(src), 8*itemsCount)
		for len(src) > 0 {
			v := encoding.UnmarshalUint64(src)
			src = src[8:]
			dst = append(dst, v)
		return dst, fmt.Errorf("unexpected uint64 block type: %d; want 0, 1, 2 or 3", blockType)
	return dst, nil

const (
	marshalBytesTypePlain = 0
	marshalBytesTypeZSTD  = 1

func marshalBytesBlock(dst, src []byte) []byte {
	if len(src) < 128 {
		// Marshal the block in plain without compression
		dst = append(dst, marshalBytesTypePlain)
		dst = append(dst, byte(len(src)))
		return append(dst, src...)

	// Compress the block
	dst = append(dst, marshalBytesTypeZSTD)
	bb := bbPool.Get()
	bb.B = encoding.CompressZSTDLevel(bb.B[:0], src, 1)
	dst = encoding.MarshalVarUint64(dst, uint64(len(bb.B)))
	dst = append(dst, bb.B...)
	return dst

func unmarshalBytesBlock(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
	if len(src) < 1 {
		return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal block type from empty src")
	blockType := src[0]
	src = src[1:]
	switch blockType {
	case marshalBytesTypePlain:
		// Plain block

		// Read block length
		if len(src) < 1 {
			return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal plain block size from empty src")
		blockLen := int(src[0])
		src = src[1:]
		if len(src) < blockLen {
			return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("cannot read plain block with the size %d bytes from %b bytes", blockLen, len(src))

		// Copy the block to dst
		dst = append(dst, src[:blockLen]...)
		src = src[blockLen:]
		return dst, src, nil
	case marshalBytesTypeZSTD:
		// Compressed block

		// Read block length
		blockLen, nSize := encoding.UnmarshalVarUint64(src)
		if nSize <= 0 {
			return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal compressed block size")
		src = src[nSize:]
		if uint64(len(src)) < blockLen {
			return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("cannot read compressed block with the size %d bytes from %d bytes", blockLen, len(src))
		compressedBlock := src[:blockLen]
		src = src[blockLen:]

		// Decompress the block
		bb := bbPool.Get()
		var err error
		bb.B, err = encoding.DecompressZSTD(bb.B[:0], compressedBlock)
		if err != nil {
			return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("cannot decompress block: %w", err)

		// Copy the decompressed block to dst.
		dst = append(dst, bb.B...)
		return dst, src, nil
		return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("unexpected block type: %d; supported types: 0, 1", blockType)

var bbPool bytesutil.ByteBufferPool

// getStringsBlockUnmarshaler returns stringsBlockUnmarshaler from the pool.
// Return back the stringsBlockUnmarshaler to the pool by calling putStringsBlockUnmarshaler().
func getStringsBlockUnmarshaler() *stringsBlockUnmarshaler {
	v := sbuPool.Get()
	if v == nil {
		return &stringsBlockUnmarshaler{}
	return v.(*stringsBlockUnmarshaler)

// putStringsBlockUnmarshaler returns back sbu to the pool.
// sbu mustn't be used after returning to the pool.
func putStringsBlockUnmarshaler(sbu *stringsBlockUnmarshaler) {

var sbuPool sync.Pool