//go:build !windows

package procutil

import (


// WaitForSigterm waits for either SIGTERM or SIGINT
// Returns the caught signal.
// It also prevent from program termination on SIGHUP signal,
// since this signal is frequently used for config reloading.
func WaitForSigterm() os.Signal {
	ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(ch, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP)
	for {
		sig := <-ch
		if sig == syscall.SIGHUP {
			// Prevent from the program stop on SIGHUP
		// Stop listening for SIGINT and SIGTERM signals,
		// so the app could be interrupted by sending these signals again
		// in the case if the caller doesn't finish the app gracefully.
		return sig

// SelfSIGHUP sends SIGHUP signal to the current process.
func SelfSIGHUP() {
	if err := syscall.Kill(syscall.Getpid(), syscall.SIGHUP); err != nil {
		logger.Panicf("FATAL: cannot send SIGHUP to itself: %s", err)

// NewSighupChan returns a channel, which is triggered on every SIGHUP.
func NewSighupChan() <-chan os.Signal {
	ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(ch, syscall.SIGHUP)
	return ch