package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "strings" "sync/atomic" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" graphiteserver "" influxserver "" opentsdbserver "" opentsdbhttpserver "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( httpListenAddr = flag.String("httpListenAddr", ":8429", "TCP address to listen for http connections. "+ "Set this flag to empty value in order to disable listening on any port. This mode may be useful for running multiple vmagent instances on the same server. "+ "Note that /targets and /metrics pages aren't available if -httpListenAddr=''") influxListenAddr = flag.String("influxListenAddr", "", "TCP and UDP address to listen for Influx line protocol data. Usually :8189 must be set. Doesn't work if empty. "+ "This flag isn't needed when ingesting data over HTTP - just send it to `http://:8429/write`") graphiteListenAddr = flag.String("graphiteListenAddr", "", "TCP and UDP address to listen for Graphite plaintext data. Usually :2003 must be set. Doesn't work if empty") opentsdbListenAddr = flag.String("opentsdbListenAddr", "", "TCP and UDP address to listen for OpentTSDB metrics. "+ "Telnet put messages and HTTP /api/put messages are simultaneously served on TCP port. "+ "Usually :4242 must be set. Doesn't work if empty") opentsdbHTTPListenAddr = flag.String("opentsdbHTTPListenAddr", "", "TCP address to listen for OpentTSDB HTTP put requests. Usually :4242 must be set. Doesn't work if empty") dryRun = flag.Bool("dryRun", false, "Whether to check only config files without running vmagent. The following files are checked: "+ "-promscrape.config, -remoteWrite.relabelConfig, -remoteWrite.urlRelabelConfig . "+ "Unknown config entries are allowed in -promscrape.config by default. This can be changed with -promscrape.config.strictParse") ) var ( influxServer *influxserver.Server graphiteServer *graphiteserver.Server opentsdbServer *opentsdbserver.Server opentsdbhttpServer *opentsdbhttpserver.Server ) func main() { // Write flags and help message to stdout, since it is easier to grep or pipe. flag.CommandLine.SetOutput(os.Stdout) flag.Usage = usage envflag.Parse() remotewrite.InitSecretFlags() buildinfo.Init() logger.Init() cgroup.UpdateGOMAXPROCSToCPUQuota() if *dryRun { if err := remotewrite.CheckRelabelConfigs(); err != nil { logger.Fatalf("error when checking relabel configs: %s", err) } if err := promscrape.CheckConfig(); err != nil { logger.Fatalf("error when checking Prometheus config: %s", err) } logger.Infof("all the configs are ok; exitting with 0 status code") return } logger.Infof("starting vmagent at %q...", *httpListenAddr) startTime := time.Now() remotewrite.Init() common.StartUnmarshalWorkers() writeconcurrencylimiter.Init() if len(*influxListenAddr) > 0 { influxServer = influxserver.MustStart(*influxListenAddr, influx.InsertHandlerForReader) } if len(*graphiteListenAddr) > 0 { graphiteServer = graphiteserver.MustStart(*graphiteListenAddr, graphite.InsertHandler) } if len(*opentsdbListenAddr) > 0 { opentsdbServer = opentsdbserver.MustStart(*opentsdbListenAddr, opentsdb.InsertHandler, opentsdbhttp.InsertHandler) } if len(*opentsdbHTTPListenAddr) > 0 { opentsdbhttpServer = opentsdbhttpserver.MustStart(*opentsdbHTTPListenAddr, opentsdbhttp.InsertHandler) } promscrape.Init(remotewrite.Push) if len(*httpListenAddr) > 0 { go httpserver.Serve(*httpListenAddr, requestHandler) } logger.Infof("started vmagent in %.3f seconds", time.Since(startTime).Seconds()) sig := procutil.WaitForSigterm() logger.Infof("received signal %s", sig) startTime = time.Now() if len(*httpListenAddr) > 0 { logger.Infof("gracefully shutting down webservice at %q", *httpListenAddr) if err := httpserver.Stop(*httpListenAddr); err != nil { logger.Fatalf("cannot stop the webservice: %s", err) } logger.Infof("successfully shut down the webservice in %.3f seconds", time.Since(startTime).Seconds()) } promscrape.Stop() if len(*influxListenAddr) > 0 { influxServer.MustStop() } if len(*graphiteListenAddr) > 0 { graphiteServer.MustStop() } if len(*opentsdbListenAddr) > 0 { opentsdbServer.MustStop() } if len(*opentsdbHTTPListenAddr) > 0 { opentsdbhttpServer.MustStop() } common.StopUnmarshalWorkers() remotewrite.Stop() logger.Infof("successfully stopped vmagent in %.3f seconds", time.Since(startTime).Seconds()) } func requestHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool { if r.RequestURI == "/" { fmt.Fprintf(w, "vmagent - see docs at") return true } path := strings.Replace(r.URL.Path, "//", "/", -1) switch path { case "/api/v1/write": prometheusWriteRequests.Inc() if err := promremotewrite.InsertHandler(r); err != nil { prometheusWriteErrors.Inc() httpserver.Errorf(w, r, "error in %q: %s", r.URL.Path, err) return true } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) return true case "/api/v1/import": vmimportRequests.Inc() if err := vmimport.InsertHandler(r); err != nil { vmimportErrors.Inc() httpserver.Errorf(w, r, "error in %q: %s", r.URL.Path, err) return true } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) return true case "/api/v1/import/csv": csvimportRequests.Inc() if err := csvimport.InsertHandler(r); err != nil { csvimportErrors.Inc() httpserver.Errorf(w, r, "error in %q: %s", r.URL.Path, err) return true } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) return true case "/api/v1/import/prometheus": prometheusimportRequests.Inc() if err := prometheusimport.InsertHandler(r); err != nil { prometheusimportErrors.Inc() httpserver.Errorf(w, r, "error in %q: %s", r.URL.Path, err) return true } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) return true case "/api/v1/import/native": nativeimportRequests.Inc() if err := native.InsertHandler(r); err != nil { nativeimportErrors.Inc() httpserver.Errorf(w, r, "error in %q: %s", r.URL.Path, err) return true } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) return true case "/write", "/api/v2/write": influxWriteRequests.Inc() if err := influx.InsertHandlerForHTTP(r); err != nil { influxWriteErrors.Inc() httpserver.Errorf(w, r, "error in %q: %s", r.URL.Path, err) return true } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) return true case "/query": // Emulate fake response for influx query. // This is required for TSBS benchmark. influxQueryRequests.Inc() fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"results":[{"series":[{"values":[]}]}]}`) return true case "/targets": promscrapeTargetsRequests.Inc() w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8") showOriginalLabels, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("show_original_labels")) promscrape.WriteHumanReadableTargetsStatus(w, showOriginalLabels) return true case "/api/v1/targets": promscrapeAPIV1TargetsRequests.Inc() w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") state := r.FormValue("state") promscrape.WriteAPIV1Targets(w, state) return true case "/-/reload": promscrapeConfigReloadRequests.Inc() procutil.SelfSIGHUP() w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) return true case "/ready": if rdy := atomic.LoadInt32(&promscrape.PendingScrapeConfigs); rdy > 0 { errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("waiting for scrapes to init, left: %d", rdy) http.Error(w, errMsg, http.StatusTooEarly) } else { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) w.Write([]byte("OK")) } return true } return false } var ( prometheusWriteRequests = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_requests_total{path="/api/v1/write", protocol="promremotewrite"}`) prometheusWriteErrors = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_request_errors_total{path="/api/v1/write", protocol="promremotewrite"}`) vmimportRequests = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_requests_total{path="/api/v1/import", protocol="vmimport"}`) vmimportErrors = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_request_errors_total{path="/api/v1/import", protocol="vmimport"}`) csvimportRequests = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_requests_total{path="/api/v1/import/csv", protocol="csvimport"}`) csvimportErrors = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_request_errors_total{path="/api/v1/import/csv", protocol="csvimport"}`) prometheusimportRequests = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_requests_total{path="/api/v1/import/prometheus", protocol="prometheusimport"}`) prometheusimportErrors = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_request_errors_total{path="/api/v1/import/prometheus", protocol="prometheusimport"}`) nativeimportRequests = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_requests_total{path="/api/v1/import/native", protocol="nativeimport"}`) nativeimportErrors = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_request_errors_total{path="/api/v1/import/native", protocol="nativeimport"}`) influxWriteRequests = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_requests_total{path="/write", protocol="influx"}`) influxWriteErrors = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_request_errors_total{path="/write", protocol="influx"}`) influxQueryRequests = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_requests_total{path="/query", protocol="influx"}`) promscrapeTargetsRequests = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_requests_total{path="/targets"}`) promscrapeAPIV1TargetsRequests = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_requests_total{path="/api/v1/targets"}`) promscrapeConfigReloadRequests = metrics.NewCounter(`vmagent_http_requests_total{path="/-/reload"}`) ) func usage() { const s = ` vmagent collects metrics data via popular data ingestion protocols and routes it to VictoriaMetrics. See the docs at . ` f := flag.CommandLine.Output() fmt.Fprintf(f, "%s\n", s) flag.PrintDefaults() }