package fastjson

import (

// Arena may be used for fast creation and re-use of Values.
// Typical Arena lifecycle:
//     1) Construct Values via the Arena and Value.Set* calls.
//     2) Marshal the constructed Values with Value.MarshalTo call.
//     3) Reset all the constructed Values at once by Arena.Reset call.
//     4) Go to 1 and re-use the Arena.
// It is unsafe calling Arena methods from concurrent goroutines.
// Use per-goroutine Arenas or ArenaPool instead.
type Arena struct {
	b []byte
	c cache

// Reset resets all the Values allocated by a.
// Values previously allocated by a cannot be used after the Reset call.
func (a *Arena) Reset() {
	a.b = a.b[:0]

// NewObject returns new empty object value.
// New entries may be added to the returned object via Set call.
// The returned object is valid until Reset is called on a.
func (a *Arena) NewObject() *Value {
	v := a.c.getValue()
	v.t = TypeObject
	return v

// NewArray returns new empty array value.
// New entries may be added to the returned array via Set* calls.
// The returned array is valid until Reset is called on a.
func (a *Arena) NewArray() *Value {
	v := a.c.getValue()
	v.t = TypeArray
	v.a = v.a[:0]
	return v

// NewString returns new string value containing s.
// The returned string is valid until Reset is called on a.
func (a *Arena) NewString(s string) *Value {
	v := a.c.getValue()
	v.t = typeRawString
	bLen := len(a.b)
	a.b = escapeString(a.b, s)
	v.s = b2s(a.b[bLen+1 : len(a.b)-1])
	return v

// NewStringBytes returns new string value containing b.
// The returned string is valid until Reset is called on a.
func (a *Arena) NewStringBytes(b []byte) *Value {
	v := a.c.getValue()
	v.t = typeRawString
	bLen := len(a.b)
	a.b = escapeString(a.b, b2s(b))
	v.s = b2s(a.b[bLen+1 : len(a.b)-1])
	return v

// NewNumberFloat64 returns new number value containing f.
// The returned number is valid until Reset is called on a.
func (a *Arena) NewNumberFloat64(f float64) *Value {
	v := a.c.getValue()
	v.t = TypeNumber
	bLen := len(a.b)
	a.b = strconv.AppendFloat(a.b, f, 'g', -1, 64)
	v.s = b2s(a.b[bLen:])
	return v

// NewNumberInt returns new number value containing n.
// The returned number is valid until Reset is called on a.
func (a *Arena) NewNumberInt(n int) *Value {
	v := a.c.getValue()
	v.t = TypeNumber
	bLen := len(a.b)
	a.b = strconv.AppendInt(a.b, int64(n), 10)
	v.s = b2s(a.b[bLen:])
	return v

// NewNumberString returns new number value containing s.
// The returned number is valid until Reset is called on a.
func (a *Arena) NewNumberString(s string) *Value {
	v := a.c.getValue()
	v.t = TypeNumber
	v.s = s
	return v

// NewNull returns null value.
func (a *Arena) NewNull() *Value {
	return valueNull

// NewTrue returns true value.
func (a *Arena) NewTrue() *Value {
	return valueTrue

// NewFalse return false value.
func (a *Arena) NewFalse() *Value {
	return valueFalse