[](https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/victoriametrics/victoria-logs-single) [](https://slack.victoriametrics.com/) Victoria Logs Single version - high-performance, cost-effective and scalable logs storage ## Prerequisites * Install the follow packages: ``git``, ``kubectl``, ``helm``, ``helm-docs``. See this [tutorial](../../REQUIREMENTS.md). * PV support on underlying infrastructure. ## Chart Details This chart will do the following: * Rollout Victoria Logs Single. * (optional) Rollout [fluentbit](https://fluentbit.io/) to collect logs from pods. Chart allows to configure logs collection from Kubernetes pods to VictoriaLogs. In order to do that you need to enable fluentbit: ```yaml fluent-bit: enabled: true ``` By default, fluentbit will forward logs to VictoriaLogs installation deployed by this chart. ## How to install Access a Kubernetes cluster. ### Setup chart repository (can be omitted for OCI repositories) Add a chart helm repository with follow commands: ```console helm repo add vm https://victoriametrics.github.io/helm-charts/ helm repo update ``` List versions of `vm/victoria-logs-single` chart available to installation: ```console helm search repo vm/victoria-logs-single -l ``` ### Install `victoria-logs-single` chart Export default values of `victoria-logs-single` chart to file `values.yaml`: - For HTTPS repository ```console helm show values vm/victoria-logs-single > values.yaml ``` - For OCI repository ```console helm show values oci://ghcr.io/victoriametrics/helm-charts/victoria-logs-single > values.yaml ``` Change the values according to the need of the environment in ``values.yaml`` file. Test the installation with command: - For HTTPS repository ```console helm install vls vm/victoria-logs-single -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE --debug --dry-run ``` - For OCI repository ```console helm install vls oci://ghcr.io/victoriametrics/helm-charts/victoria-logs-single -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE --debug --dry-run ``` Install chart with command: - For HTTPS repository ```console helm install vls vm/victoria-logs-single -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE ``` - For OCI repository ```console helm install vls oci://ghcr.io/victoriametrics/helm-charts/victoria-logs-single -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE ``` Get the pods lists by running this commands: ```console kubectl get pods -A | grep 'vls' ``` Get the application by running this command: ```console helm list -f vls -n NAMESPACE ``` See the history of versions of `vls` application with command. ```console helm history vls -n NAMESPACE ``` ## How to uninstall Remove application with command. ```console helm uninstall vls -n NAMESPACE ``` ## Documentation of Helm Chart Install ``helm-docs`` following the instructions on this [tutorial](../../REQUIREMENTS.md). Generate docs with ``helm-docs`` command. ```bash cd charts/victoria-logs-single helm-docs ``` The markdown generation is entirely go template driven. The tool parses metadata from charts and generates a number of sub-templates that can be referenced in a template file (by default ``README.md.gotmpl``). If no template file is provided, the tool has a default internal template that will generate a reasonably formatted README. ## Parameters The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values. Change the values according to the need of the environment in ``victoria-logs-single/values.yaml`` file.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
extraObjects | list |
Add extra specs dynamically to this chart |
fluent-bit | object |
Values for fluent-bit helm chart |
fluent-bit.config.filters | tpl |
FluentBit configuration filters |
fluent-bit.config.outputs | tpl |
Note that Host must be replaced to match your VictoriaLogs service name Default format points to VictoriaLogs service. |
fluent-bit.enabled | bool |
Enable deployment of fluent-bit |
global.compatibility | object |
Openshift security context compatibility configuration |
global.image.registry | string |
Image registry, that can be shared across multiple helm charts |
global.imagePullSecrets | list |
Image pull secrets, that can be shared across multiple helm charts |
global.nameOverride | string |
Global name override |
global.victoriaLogs.server.fullnameOverride | string |
Overrides the full name of server component |
global.victoriaLogs.server.name | string |
Server container name |
podDisruptionBudget | object |
See |
podDisruptionBudget.extraLabels | object |
PodDisruptionBudget extra labels |
printNotes | bool |
Print chart notes |
server.affinity | object |
Pod affinity |
server.containerWorkingDir | string |
Container workdir |
server.emptyDir | object |
Use an alternate scheduler, e.g. “stork”. Check details here schedulerName: |
server.enabled | bool |
Enable deployment of server component. Deployed as StatefulSet |
server.env | list |
Additional environment variables (ex.: secret tokens, flags). Details are here |
server.envFrom | list |
Specify alternative source for env variables |
server.extraArgs | object |
Extra command line arguments for container of component |
server.extraContainers | list |
Extra containers to run in a pod with Victoria Logs container |
server.extraHostPathMounts | list |
Additional hostPath mounts |
server.extraLabels | object |
StatefulSet/Deployment additional labels |
server.extraVolumeMounts | list |
Extra Volume Mounts for the container |
server.extraVolumes | list |
Extra Volumes for the pod |
server.image.pullPolicy | string |
Image pull policy |
server.image.registry | string |
Image registry |
server.image.repository | string |
Image repository |
server.image.tag | string |
Image tag |
server.image.variant | string |
Image tag suffix, which is appended to |
server.imagePullSecrets | list |
Image pull secrets |
server.ingress.annotations | string |
Ingress annotations |
server.ingress.enabled | bool |
Enable deployment of ingress for server component |
server.ingress.extraLabels | object |
Ingress extra labels |
server.ingress.hosts | list |
Array of host objects |
server.ingress.ingressClassName | string |
Ingress controller class name |
server.ingress.pathType | string |
Ingress path type |
server.ingress.tls | list |
Array of TLS objects |
server.initContainers | list |
Init containers for Victoria Logs Pod |
server.nodeSelector | object |
Pod’s node selector. Details are here |
server.persistentVolume.accessModes | list |
Array of access modes. Must match those of existing PV or dynamic provisioner. Details are here |
server.persistentVolume.annotations | object |
Persistant volume annotations |
server.persistentVolume.enabled | bool |
Create/use Persistent Volume Claim for server component. Empty dir if false |
server.persistentVolume.existingClaim | string |
Existing Claim name. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound |
server.persistentVolume.matchLabels | object |
Bind Persistent Volume by labels. Must match all labels of targeted PV. |
server.persistentVolume.mountPath | string |
Mount path. Server data Persistent Volume mount root path. |
server.persistentVolume.size | string |
Size of the volume. Should be calculated based on the logs you send and retention policy you set. |
server.persistentVolume.storageClassName | string |
StorageClass to use for persistent volume. Requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC created automatically |
server.persistentVolume.subPath | string |
Mount subpath |
server.podAnnotations | object |
Pod’s annotations |
server.podLabels | object |
Pod’s additional labels |
server.podManagementPolicy | string |
Pod’s management policy |
server.podSecurityContext | object |
Pod’s security context. Details are here |
server.priorityClassName | string |
Name of Priority Class |
server.probe.liveness | object |
Indicates whether the Container is running. If the liveness probe fails, the kubelet kills the Container, and the Container is subjected to its restart policy. If a Container does not provide a liveness probe, the default state is Success. |
server.probe.readiness | object |
Indicates whether the Container is ready to service requests. If the readiness probe fails, the endpoints controller removes the Pod’s IP address from the endpoints of all Services that match the Pod. The default state of readiness before the initial delay is Failure. If a Container does not provide a readiness probe, the default state is Success. |
server.probe.startup | object |
Indicates whether the Container is done with potentially costly initialization. If set it is executed first. If it fails Container is restarted. If it succeeds liveness and readiness probes takes over. |
server.replicaCount | int |
Replica count |
server.resources | object |
Resource object. Details are here |
server.retentionPeriod | int |
Data retention period in month |
server.securityContext | object |
Security context to be added to server pods |
server.service.annotations | object |
Service annotations |
server.service.clusterIP | string |
Service ClusterIP |
server.service.externalIPs | list |
Service external IPs. Details are here |
server.service.externalTrafficPolicy | string |
Service external traffic policy. Check here for details |
server.service.healthCheckNodePort | string |
Health check node port for a service. Check here for details |
server.service.ipFamilies | list |
List of service IP families. Check here for details. |
server.service.ipFamilyPolicy | string |
Service IP family policy. Check here for details. |
server.service.labels | object |
Service labels |
server.service.loadBalancerIP | string |
Service load balacner IP |
server.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | list |
Load balancer source range |
server.service.servicePort | int |
Service port |
server.service.type | string |
Service type |
server.serviceMonitor.annotations | object |
Service Monitor annotations |
server.serviceMonitor.basicAuth | object |
Basic auth params for Service Monitor |
server.serviceMonitor.enabled | bool |
Enable deployment of Service Monitor for server component. This is Prometheus operator object |
server.serviceMonitor.extraLabels | object |
Service Monitor labels |
server.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings | list |
Service Monitor metricRelabelings |
server.serviceMonitor.relabelings | list |
Service Monitor relabelings |
server.statefulSet.enabled | bool |
Creates statefulset instead of deployment, useful when you want to keep the cache |
server.statefulSet.podManagementPolicy | string |
Deploy order policy for StatefulSet pods |
server.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | int |
Pod’s termination grace period in seconds |
server.tolerations | list |
Node tolerations for server scheduling to nodes with taints. Details are here |
server.topologySpreadConstraints | list |
Pod topologySpreadConstraints |