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Single-node VictoriaMetrics supports relabeling, deduplication and stream aggregation for all the received data, scraped or pushed. The processed data is then stored in local storage and can't be forwarded further.

vmagent supports relabeling, deduplication and stream aggregation for all the received data, scraped or pushed. Then, the collected data will be forwarded to specified -remoteWrite.url destinations. The data processing order is the following:

  1. All the received data is relabeled according to specified -remoteWrite.relabelConfig;
  2. All the received data is deduplicated according to specified -streamAggr.dedupInterval;
  3. All the received data is aggregated according to specified -streamAggr.config;
  4. The resulting data from p1 and p2 is then replicated to each -remoteWrite.url;
  5. Data sent to each -remoteWrite.url can be additionally relabeled according to the corresponding -remoteWrite.urlRelabelConfig (set individually per URL);
  6. Data sent to each -remoteWrite.url can be additionally deduplicated according to the corresponding -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval (set individually per URL);
  7. Data sent to each -remoteWrite.url can be additionally aggregated according to the corresponding -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config (set individually per URL). Please note, it is not recommended to use -streamAggr.config and -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config together, unless you understand the complications.

Typical scenarios for data routing with vmagent:

  1. Aggregate incoming data and replicate to N destinations. For this one should configure -streamAggr.config to aggregate the incoming data before replicating it to all the configured -remoteWrite.url destinations.
  2. Individually aggregate incoming data for each destination. For this on should configure -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config for each -remoteWrite.url destination. Relabeling via -remoteWrite.urlRelabelConfig can be used for routing only selected metrics to each -remoteWrite.url destination.


vmagent supports online de-duplication of samples before sending them to the configured -remoteWrite.url. The de-duplication can be enabled via the following options:

  • By specifying the desired de-duplication interval via -streamAggr.dedupInterval command-line flag for all received data or via -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval command-line flag for the particular -remoteWrite.url destination. For example, ./vmagent -remoteWrite.url=http://remote-storage/api/v1/write -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval=30s instructs vmagent to leave only the last sample per each seen time series per every 30 seconds. The de-deduplication is performed after applying relabeling and before performing the aggregation. If the -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config and / or -streamAggr.config is set, then the de-duplication is performed individually per each stream aggregation config for the matching samples after applying input_relabel_configs.

  • By specifying dedup_interval option individually per each stream aggregation config in -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config or -streamAggr.config configs.

Single-node VictoriaMetrics supports two types of de-duplication:

  • After storing the duplicate samples to local storage. See -dedup.minScrapeInterval command-line option.
  • Before storing the duplicate samples to local storage. This type of de-duplication can be enabled via the following options:
    • By specifying the desired de-duplication interval via -streamAggr.dedupInterval command-line flag. For example, ./victoria-metrics -streamAggr.dedupInterval=30s instructs VictoriaMetrics to leave only the last sample per each seen time series per every 30 seconds. The de-duplication is performed after applying relabeling and before performing the aggregation.

      If the -remtoeWrite.streamAggr.config and / or -streamAggr.config is set, then the de-duplication is performed individually per each stream aggregation config for the matching samples after applying input_relabel_configs.

    • By specifying dedup_interval option individually per each stream aggregation config in -remoteWrite.streamAggr.config or -streamAggr.config configs.

It is possible to drop the given labels before applying the de-duplication. See these docs.

The online de-duplication uses the same logic as -dedup.minScrapeInterval command-line flag at VictoriaMetrics.

Ignoring old samples

By default, all the input samples are taken into account during stream aggregation. If samples with old timestamps outside the current aggregation interval must be ignored, then the following options can be used:

Ignore aggregation intervals on start

Streaming aggregation results may be incorrect for some time after the restart of vmagent or single-node VictoriaMetrics until all the buffered samples are sent from remote sources to the vmagent or single-node VictoriaMetrics via supported data ingestion protocols. In this case it may be a good idea to drop the aggregated data during the first N aggregation intervals just after the restart of vmagent or single-node VictoriaMetrics. This can be done via the following options:

  • Set -streamAggr.ignoreFirstIntervals=<intervalsCount> command-line flag to single-node VictoriaMetrics or to vmagent to skip first <intervalsCount> aggregation intervals from persisting to the storage. At vmagent -remoteWrite.streamAggr.ignoreFirstIntervals=<intervalsCount> flag can be specified individually per each -remoteWrite.url. It is expected that all incomplete or queued data will be processed during specified <intervalsCount> and all subsequent aggregation intervals will produce correct data.

  • Set ignore_first_intervals: <intervalsCount> option individually per aggregation config. This enables ignoring first <intervalsCount> aggregation intervals for that particular aggregation config.

Flush time alignment

By default, the time for aggregated data flush is aligned by the interval option.

For example:

  • if interval: 1m is set, then the aggregated data is flushed to the storage at the end of every minute
  • if interval: 1h is set, then the aggregated data is flushed to the storage at the end of every hour

If you do not need such an alignment, then set no_align_flush_to_interval: true option in the aggregate config. In this case aggregated data flushes will be aligned to the vmagent start time or to config reload time.

The aggregated data on the first and the last interval is dropped during vmagent start, restart or config reload, since the first and the last aggregation intervals are incomplete, so they usually contain incomplete confusing data. If you need preserving the aggregated data on these intervals, then set flush_on_shutdown: true option.

See also:

Output metric names

Output metric names for stream aggregation are constructed according to the following pattern:

  • <metric_name> is the original metric name.
  • <interval> is the interval specified in the stream aggregation config.
  • <by_labels> is _-delimited sorted list of by labels. If the by list is missing in the config, then the _by_<by_labels> part isn't included in the output metric name.
  • <without_labels> is an optional _-delimited sorted list of without labels specified in the stream aggregation config. If the without list is missing in the config, then the _without_<without_labels> part isn't included in the output metric name.
  • <output> is the aggregate used for constructing the output metric. The aggregate name is taken from the outputs list at the corresponding stream aggregation config.

Both input and output metric names can be modified if needed via relabeling according to these docs.

It is possible to leave the original metric name after the aggregation by specifying keep_metric_names: true option at stream aggregation config. The keep_metric_names option can be used if only a single output is set in outputs list.


It is possible to apply arbitrary relabeling to input and output metrics during stream aggregation via input_relabel_configs and output_relabel_configs options in stream aggregation config.

Relabeling rules inside input_relabel_configs are applied to samples matching the match filters before optional deduplication. Relabeling rules inside output_relabel_configs are applied to aggregated samples before sending them to the remote storage.

For example, the following config removes the :1m_sum_samples suffix added to the output metric name:

- interval: 1m
  outputs: [sum_samples]
  - source_labels: [__name__]
    target_label: __name__
    regex: "(.+):.+"

Another option to remove the suffix, which is added by stream aggregation, is to add keep_metric_names: true to the config:

- interval: 1m
  outputs: [sum_samples]
  keep_metric_names: true

See also dropping unneeded labels.

Dropping unneeded labels

If you need dropping some labels from input samples before input relabeling, de-duplication and stream aggregation, then the following options exist:

  • To specify comma-separated list of label names to drop in -streamAggr.dropInputLabels command-line flag or via -remoteWrite.streamAggr.dropInputLabels individually per each -remoteWrite.url. For example, -streamAggr.dropInputLabels=replica,az instructs to drop replica and az labels from input samples before applying de-duplication and stream aggregation.

  • To specify drop_input_labels list with the labels to drop. For example, the following config drops replica label from input samples with the name process_resident_memory_bytes before calculating the average over one minute:

    - match: process_resident_memory_bytes
      interval: 1m
      drop_input_labels: [replica]
      outputs: [avg]
      keep_metric_names: true

Typical use case is to drop replica label from samples, which are received from high availability replicas.

Aggregating by labels

All the labels for the input metrics are preserved by default in the output metrics. For example, the input metric foo{app="bar",instance="host1"} results to the output metric foo:1m_sum_samples{app="bar",instance="host1"} when the following stream aggregation config is used:

- interval: 1m
  outputs: [sum_samples]

The input labels can be removed via without list specified in the config. For example, the following config removes the instance label from output metrics by summing input samples across all the instances:

- interval: 1m
  without: [instance]
  outputs: [sum_samples]

In this case the foo{app="bar",instance="..."} input metrics are transformed into foo:1m_without_instance_sum_samples{app="bar"} output metric according to output metric naming.

It is possible specifying the exact list of labels in the output metrics via by list. For example, the following config sums input samples by the app label:

- interval: 1m
  by: [app]
  outputs: [sum_samples]

In this case the foo{app="bar",instance="..."} input metrics are transformed into foo:1m_by_app_sum_samples{app="bar"} output metric according to output metric naming.

The labels used in by and without lists can be modified via input_relabel_configs section - see these docs.

See also aggregation outputs.