mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 15:45:01 +00:00

Previously after configuration reload call `externalURL` templaing function defined at external templates could be lost. Since it was added only at initial `Load` call and never copied during template reload process. External templates for vmalert could be defined via `-rule.templates` flag. This commit properly reload external templates. It's no longer copies mutated templates and instead fully reloads it each time if there is any changes.
336 lines
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336 lines
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package main
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
if err := templates.Load([]string{"testdata/templates/*good.tmpl"}, url.URL{}); err != nil {
// TestManagerEmptyRulesDir tests
// successful cases of
// starting with empty rules folder
func TestManagerEmptyRulesDir(t *testing.T) {
m := &manager{groups: make(map[uint64]*rule.Group)}
cfg := loadCfg(t, []string{"foo/bar"}, true, true)
if err := m.update(context.Background(), cfg, false); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected to load successfully with empty rules dir; got err instead: %v", err)
// TestManagerUpdateConcurrent supposed to test concurrent
// execution of configuration update.
// Should be executed with -race flag
func TestManagerUpdateConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
m := &manager{
groups: make(map[uint64]*rule.Group),
querierBuilder: &datasource.FakeQuerier{},
notifiers: func() []notifier.Notifier { return []notifier.Notifier{¬ifier.FakeNotifier{}} },
paths := []string{
evalInterval := *evaluationInterval
defer func() { *evaluationInterval = evalInterval }()
*evaluationInterval = time.Millisecond
cfg := loadCfg(t, []string{paths[0]}, true, true)
if err := m.start(context.Background(), cfg); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to start: %s", err)
const workers = 500
const iterations = 10
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
go func(n int) {
defer wg.Done()
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(n)))
for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
rnd := r.Intn(len(paths))
cfg, err := config.Parse([]string{paths[rnd]}, notifier.ValidateTemplates, true)
if err != nil { // update can fail and this is expected
_ = m.update(context.Background(), cfg, false)
// TestManagerUpdate tests sequential configuration updates.
func TestManagerUpdate_Success(t *testing.T) {
const defaultEvalInterval = time.Second * 30
currentEvalInterval := *evaluationInterval
*evaluationInterval = defaultEvalInterval
defer func() {
*evaluationInterval = currentEvalInterval
var (
VMRows = &rule.AlertingRule{
Name: "VMRows",
Expr: "vm_rows > 0",
For: 10 * time.Second,
Labels: map[string]string{
"label": "bar",
"host": "{{ $labels.instance }}",
Annotations: map[string]string{
"summary": "{{ $value|humanize }}",
"description": "{{$labels}}",
Conns = &rule.AlertingRule{
Name: "Conns",
Expr: "sum(vm_tcplistener_conns) by(instance) > 1",
Annotations: map[string]string{
"summary": "Too high connection number for {{$labels.instance}}",
"description": "It is {{ $value }} connections for {{$labels.instance}}",
ExampleAlertAlwaysFiring = &rule.AlertingRule{
Name: "ExampleAlertAlwaysFiring",
Expr: "sum by(job) (up == 1)",
f := func(initPath, updatePath string, groupsExpected []*rule.Group) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
m := &manager{
groups: make(map[uint64]*rule.Group),
querierBuilder: &datasource.FakeQuerier{},
notifiers: func() []notifier.Notifier { return []notifier.Notifier{¬ifier.FakeNotifier{}} },
cfgInit := loadCfg(t, []string{initPath}, true, true)
if err := m.update(ctx, cfgInit, false); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to complete initial rules update: %s", err)
cfgUpdate, err := config.Parse([]string{updatePath}, notifier.ValidateTemplates, true)
if err == nil { // update can fail and that's expected
_ = m.update(ctx, cfgUpdate, false)
if len(groupsExpected) != len(m.groups) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of groups; got %d; want %d", len(m.groups), len(groupsExpected))
for _, wantG := range groupsExpected {
gotG, ok := m.groups[wantG.ID()]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("expected to have group %q", wantG.Name)
compareGroups(t, wantG, gotG)
// update good rules
f("config/testdata/rules/rules0-good.rules", "config/testdata/dir/rules1-good.rules", []*rule.Group{
File: "config/testdata/dir/rules1-good.rules",
Name: "duplicatedGroupDiffFiles",
Type: config.NewPrometheusType(),
Interval: defaultEvalInterval,
Rules: []rule.Rule{
Name: "VMRows",
Expr: "vm_rows > 0",
For: 5 * time.Minute,
Labels: map[string]string{"dc": "gcp", "label": "bar"},
Annotations: map[string]string{
"summary": "{{ $value }}",
"description": "{{$labels}}",
// update good rules from 1 to 2 groups
f("config/testdata/dir/rules/rules1-good.rules", "config/testdata/rules/rules0-good.rules", []*rule.Group{
File: "config/testdata/rules/rules0-good.rules",
Name: "groupGorSingleAlert",
Type: config.NewPrometheusType(),
Interval: defaultEvalInterval,
Rules: []rule.Rule{VMRows},
File: "config/testdata/rules/rules0-good.rules",
Interval: defaultEvalInterval,
Type: config.NewPrometheusType(),
Name: "TestGroup",
Rules: []rule.Rule{
// update with one bad rule file
f("config/testdata/rules/rules0-good.rules", "config/testdata/dir/rules2-bad.rules", []*rule.Group{
File: "config/testdata/rules/rules0-good.rules",
Name: "groupGorSingleAlert",
Type: config.NewPrometheusType(),
Interval: defaultEvalInterval,
Rules: []rule.Rule{VMRows},
File: "config/testdata/rules/rules0-good.rules",
Interval: defaultEvalInterval,
Name: "TestGroup",
Type: config.NewPrometheusType(),
Rules: []rule.Rule{
// update empty dir rules from 0 to 2 groups
f("config/testdata/empty/*", "config/testdata/rules/rules0-good.rules", []*rule.Group{
File: "config/testdata/rules/rules0-good.rules",
Name: "groupGorSingleAlert",
Type: config.NewPrometheusType(),
Interval: defaultEvalInterval,
Rules: []rule.Rule{VMRows},
File: "config/testdata/rules/rules0-good.rules",
Interval: defaultEvalInterval,
Type: config.NewPrometheusType(),
Name: "TestGroup",
Rules: []rule.Rule{
func compareGroups(t *testing.T, a, b *rule.Group) {
if a.Name != b.Name {
t.Fatalf("expected group name %q; got %q", a.Name, b.Name)
if a.File != b.File {
t.Fatalf("expected group %q file name %q; got %q", a.Name, a.File, b.File)
if a.Interval != b.Interval {
t.Fatalf("expected group %q interval %v; got %v", a.Name, a.Interval, b.Interval)
if len(a.Rules) != len(b.Rules) {
t.Fatalf("expected group %s to have %d rules; got: %d",
a.Name, len(a.Rules), len(b.Rules))
for i, r := range a.Rules {
got, want := r, b.Rules[i]
if a.ID() != b.ID() {
t.Fatalf("expected to have rule %q; got %q", want.ID(), got.ID())
if err := rule.CompareRules(t, want, got); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("comparison error: %s", err)
func TestManagerUpdate_Failure(t *testing.T) {
f := func(notifiers []notifier.Notifier, rw remotewrite.RWClient, cfg config.Group, errStrExpected string) {
m := &manager{
groups: make(map[uint64]*rule.Group),
querierBuilder: &datasource.FakeQuerier{},
rw: rw,
if notifiers != nil {
m.notifiers = func() []notifier.Notifier { return notifiers }
err := m.update(context.Background(), []config.Group{cfg}, false)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected to get error; got nil")
errStr := err.Error()
if !strings.Contains(errStr, errStrExpected) {
t.Fatalf("missing %q in the error %q", errStrExpected, errStr)
f(nil, nil, config.Group{
Name: "Recording rule only",
Rules: []config.Rule{
{Record: "record", Expr: "max(up)"},
}, "contains recording rules")
f(nil, nil, config.Group{
Name: "Alerting rule only",
Rules: []config.Rule{
{Alert: "alert", Expr: "up > 0"},
}, "contains alerting rules")
f([]notifier.Notifier{¬ifier.FakeNotifier{}}, nil, config.Group{
Name: "Recording and alerting rules",
Rules: []config.Rule{
{Alert: "alert1", Expr: "up > 0"},
{Alert: "alert2", Expr: "up > 0"},
{Record: "record", Expr: "max(up)"},
}, "contains recording rules")
f(nil, &remotewrite.Client{}, config.Group{
Name: "Recording and alerting rules",
Rules: []config.Rule{
{Record: "record1", Expr: "max(up)"},
{Record: "record2", Expr: "max(up)"},
{Alert: "alert", Expr: "up > 0"},
}, "contains alerting rules")
func loadCfg(t *testing.T, path []string, validateAnnotations, validateExpressions bool) []config.Group {
var validateTplFn config.ValidateTplFn
if validateAnnotations {
validateTplFn = notifier.ValidateTemplates
cfg, err := config.Parse(path, validateTplFn, validateExpressions)
if err != nil {
return cfg