Andrii Chubatiuk c8fc903669
lib/streamaggr: added aggregation windows (#6314)
### Describe Your Changes

By default, stream aggregation and deduplication stores a single state
per each aggregation output result.
The data for each aggregator is flushed independently once per
aggregation interval. But there's no guarantee that
incoming samples with timestamps close to the aggregation interval's end
will get into it. For example, when aggregating
with `interval: 1m` a data sample with timestamp 1739473078 (18:57:59)
can fall into aggregation round `18:58:00` or `18:59:00`.
It depends on network lag, load, clock synchronization, etc. In most
scenarios it doesn't impact aggregation or
deduplication results, which are consistent within margin of error. But
for metrics represented as a collection of series,
such inaccuracy leads to invalid aggregation results.

For this case, streaming aggregation and deduplication support mode with
aggregation windows for current and previous state. With this mode,
flush doesn't happen immediately but is shifted by a calculated samples
lag that improves correctness for delayed data.

Enabling of this mode has increased resource usage: memory usage is
expected to double as aggregation will store two states
instead of one. However, this significantly improves accuracy of
calculations. Aggregation windows can be enabled via
the following settings:

- `-streamAggr.enableWindows` at [single-node
and [vmagent]( At
`-remoteWrite.streamAggr.enableWindows` flag can be specified
individually per each `-remoteWrite.url`.
If one of these flags is set, then all aggregators will be using fixed
windows. In conjunction with `-remoteWrite.streamAggr.dedupInterval` or
`-streamAggr.dedupInterval` fixed aggregation windows are enabled on
deduplicator as well.
- `enable_windows` option in [aggregation
  It allows enabling aggregation windows for a specific aggregator.

### Checklist

The following checks are **mandatory**:

- [ ] My change adheres [VictoriaMetrics contributing


Signed-off-by: hagen1778 <>
Co-authored-by: hagen1778 <>
2025-02-19 13:19:33 +01:00

1350 lines
40 KiB

package streamaggr
import (
// defines ingested samples lag quantile to determine a time to wait before flush.
// It's not configurable at the moment.
const flushQuantile = 0.95
var supportedOutputs = []string{
"quantiles(phi1, ..., phiN)",
var (
// lc contains information about all compressed labels for streaming aggregation
lc promutils.LabelsCompressor
_ = metrics.NewGauge(`vm_streamaggr_labels_compressor_size_bytes`, func() float64 {
return float64(lc.SizeBytes())
_ = metrics.NewGauge(`vm_streamaggr_labels_compressor_items_count`, func() float64 {
return float64(lc.ItemsCount())
// LoadFromFile loads Aggregators from the given path and uses the given pushFunc for pushing the aggregated data.
// opts can contain additional options. If opts is nil, then default options are used.
// alias is used as url label in metrics exposed for the returned Aggregators.
// The returned Aggregators must be stopped with MustStop() when no longer needed.
func LoadFromFile(path string, pushFunc PushFunc, opts *Options, alias string) (*Aggregators, error) {
data, err := fscore.ReadFileOrHTTP(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot load aggregators: %w", err)
data, err = envtemplate.ReplaceBytes(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot expand environment variables in %q: %w", path, err)
as, err := loadFromData(data, path, pushFunc, opts, alias)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot initialize aggregators from %q: %w; see", path, err)
return as, nil
// Options contains optional settings for the Aggregators.
type Options struct {
// DedupInterval is deduplication interval for samples received for the same time series.
// The last sample per each series is left per each DedupInterval if DedupInterval > 0.
// By default deduplication is disabled.
// The deduplication can be set up individually per each aggregation via dedup_interval option.
DedupInterval time.Duration
// DropInputLabels is an optional list of labels to drop from samples before de-duplication and stream aggregation.
DropInputLabels []string
// NoAlignFlushToInterval disables alignment of flushes to the aggregation interval.
// By default flushes are aligned to aggregation interval.
// The alignment of flushes can be disabled individually per each aggregation via no_align_flush_to_interval option.
NoAlignFlushToInterval bool
// FlushOnShutdown enables flush of incomplete aggregation state on startup and shutdown.
// By default incomplete state is dropped.
// The flush of incomplete state can be enabled individually per each aggregation via flush_on_shutdown option.
FlushOnShutdown bool
// KeepMetricNames instructs to leave metric names as is for the output time series without adding any suffix.
// By default the following suffix is added to every output time series:
// input_name:<interval>[_by_<by_labels>][_without_<without_labels>]_<output>
// This option can be overridden individually per each aggregation via keep_metric_names option.
KeepMetricNames bool
// IgnoreOldSamples instructs to ignore samples with timestamps older than the current aggregation interval.
// By default all the samples are taken into account.
// This option can be overridden individually per each aggregation via ignore_old_samples option.
IgnoreOldSamples bool
// IgnoreFirstIntervals sets the number of aggregation intervals to be ignored on start.
// By default, zero intervals are ignored.
// This option can be overridden individually per each aggregation via ignore_first_intervals option.
IgnoreFirstIntervals int
// KeepInput enables keeping all the input samples after the aggregation.
// By default, aggregates samples are dropped, while the remaining samples are written to the corresponding -remoteWrite.url.
KeepInput bool
// EnableWindows enables aggregation in windows
EnableWindows bool
// Config is a configuration for a single stream aggregation.
type Config struct {
// Name is an optional name of the Config.
// It is used as `name` label in the exposed metrics for the given Config.
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
// Match is a label selector for filtering time series for the given selector.
// If the match isn't set, then all the input time series are processed.
Match *promrelabel.IfExpression `yaml:"match,omitempty"`
// Interval is the interval between aggregations.
Interval string `yaml:"interval"`
// NoAlighFlushToInterval disables aligning of flushes to multiples of Interval.
// By default flushes are aligned to Interval.
// See also FlushOnShutdown.
NoAlignFlushToInterval *bool `yaml:"no_align_flush_to_interval,omitempty"`
// FlushOnShutdown defines whether to flush incomplete aggregation state on startup and shutdown.
// By default incomplete aggregation state is dropped, since it may confuse users.
FlushOnShutdown *bool `yaml:"flush_on_shutdown,omitempty"`
// DedupInterval is an optional interval for deduplication.
DedupInterval string `yaml:"dedup_interval,omitempty"`
// Staleness interval is interval after which the series state will be reset if no samples have been sent during it.
// The parameter is only relevant for outputs: total, total_prometheus, increase, increase_prometheus and histogram_bucket.
StalenessInterval string `yaml:"staleness_interval,omitempty"`
// IgnoreFirstSampleInterval specifies the interval after which the agent begins sending samples.
// By default, it is set to the staleness interval, and it helps reduce the initial sample load after an agent restart.
// This parameter is relevant only for the following outputs: total, total_prometheus, increase, increase_prometheus, and histogram_bucket.
IgnoreFirstSampleInterval string `yaml:"ignore_first_sample_interval,omitempty"`
// Outputs is a list of output aggregate functions to produce.
// The following names are allowed:
// - avg - the average value across all the samples
// - count_samples - counts the input samples
// - count_series - counts the number of unique input series
// - histogram_bucket - creates VictoriaMetrics histogram for input samples
// - increase - calculates the increase over input series
// - increase_prometheus - calculates the increase over input series, ignoring the first sample in new time series
// - last - the last biggest sample value
// - max - the maximum sample value
// - min - the minimum sample value
// - quantiles(phi1, ..., phiN) - quantiles' estimation for phi in the range [0..1]
// - rate_avg - calculates average of rate for input counters
// - rate_sum - calculates sum of rate for input counters
// - stddev - standard deviation across all the samples
// - stdvar - standard variance across all the samples
// - sum_samples - sums the input sample values
// - total - aggregates input counters
// - total_prometheus - aggregates input counters, ignoring the first sample in new time series
// - unique_samples - counts the number of unique sample values
// The output time series will have the following names by default:
// input_name:<interval>[_by_<by_labels>][_without_<without_labels>]_<output>
// See also KeepMetricNames
Outputs []string `yaml:"outputs"`
// KeepMetricNames instructs to leave metric names as is for the output time series without adding any suffix.
KeepMetricNames *bool `yaml:"keep_metric_names,omitempty"`
// IgnoreOldSamples instructs to ignore samples with old timestamps outside the current aggregation interval.
IgnoreOldSamples *bool `yaml:"ignore_old_samples,omitempty"`
// IgnoreFirstIntervals sets number of aggregation intervals to be ignored on start.
IgnoreFirstIntervals *int `yaml:"ignore_first_intervals,omitempty"`
// By is an optional list of labels for grouping input series.
// See also Without.
// If neither By nor Without are set, then the Outputs are calculated
// individually per each input time series.
By []string `yaml:"by,omitempty"`
// Without is an optional list of labels, which must be excluded when grouping input series.
// See also By.
// If neither By nor Without are set, then the Outputs are calculated
// individually per each input time series.
Without []string `yaml:"without,omitempty"`
// DropInputLabels is an optional list with labels, which must be dropped before further processing of input samples.
// Labels are dropped before de-duplication and aggregation.
DropInputLabels *[]string `yaml:"drop_input_labels,omitempty"`
// InputRelabelConfigs is an optional relabeling rules, which are applied on the input
// before aggregation.
InputRelabelConfigs []promrelabel.RelabelConfig `yaml:"input_relabel_configs,omitempty"`
// OutputRelabelConfigs is an optional relabeling rules, which are applied
// on the aggregated output before being sent to remote storage.
OutputRelabelConfigs []promrelabel.RelabelConfig `yaml:"output_relabel_configs,omitempty"`
// EnableWindows enables aggregation in windows
EnableWindows *bool `yaml:"enable_windows,omitempty"`
// Aggregators aggregates metrics passed to Push and calls pushFunc for aggregated data.
type Aggregators struct {
as []*aggregator
// configData contains marshaled configs.
// It is used in Equal() for comparing Aggregators.
configData []byte
// filePath is the path to config file used for creating the Aggregators.
filePath string
// ms contains metrics associated with the Aggregators.
ms *metrics.Set
// FilePath returns path to file with the configuration used for creating the given Aggregators.
func (a *Aggregators) FilePath() string {
return a.filePath
// LoadFromData loads aggregators from data.
// opts can contain additional options. If opts is nil, then default options are used.
func LoadFromData(data []byte, pushFunc PushFunc, opts *Options, alias string) (*Aggregators, error) {
return loadFromData(data, "inmemory", pushFunc, opts, alias)
func loadFromData(data []byte, filePath string, pushFunc PushFunc, opts *Options, alias string) (*Aggregators, error) {
var cfgs []*Config
if err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict(data, &cfgs); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse stream aggregation config: %w", err)
ms := metrics.NewSet()
as := make([]*aggregator, len(cfgs))
for i, cfg := range cfgs {
a, err := newAggregator(cfg, filePath, pushFunc, ms, opts, alias, i+1)
if err != nil {
// Stop already initialized aggregators before returning the error.
for _, a := range as[:i] {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot initialize aggregator #%d: %w", i, err)
as[i] = a
configData, err := json.Marshal(cfgs)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("BUG: cannot marshal the provided configs: %s", err)
return &Aggregators{
as: as,
configData: configData,
filePath: filePath,
ms: ms,
}, nil
// IsEnabled returns true if Aggregators has at least one configured aggregator
func (a *Aggregators) IsEnabled() bool {
if a == nil {
return false
if len( == 0 {
return false
return true
// MustStop stops a.
func (a *Aggregators) MustStop() {
if a == nil {
metrics.UnregisterSet(, true) = nil
for _, aggr := range {
} = nil
// Equal returns true if a and b are initialized from identical configs.
func (a *Aggregators) Equal(b *Aggregators) bool {
if a == nil || b == nil {
return a == nil && b == nil
return string(a.configData) == string(b.configData)
// Push pushes tss to a.
// Push sets matchIdxs[idx] to 1 if the corresponding tss[idx] was used in aggregations.
// Otherwise matchIdxs[idx] is set to 0.
// Push returns matchIdxs with len equal to len(tss).
// It re-uses the matchIdxs if it has enough capacity to hold len(tss) items.
// Otherwise it allocates new matchIdxs.
func (a *Aggregators) Push(tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries, matchIdxs []byte) []byte {
matchIdxs = bytesutil.ResizeNoCopyMayOverallocate(matchIdxs, len(tss))
for i := range matchIdxs {
matchIdxs[i] = 0
if a == nil {
return matchIdxs
for _, aggr := range {
aggr.Push(tss, matchIdxs)
return matchIdxs
type currentState struct {
// isGreen defines a state, where data sample with minDeadline < timestamp < maxDeadline will be aggregated
// and which is expected to be flushed with maxDeadline timestamp
isGreen bool
// maxDeadline is a threshold for samples from different states, when enableWindows is set
maxDeadline int64
func (cs *currentState) newState() *currentState {
return &currentState{
isGreen: cs.isGreen,
maxDeadline: cs.maxDeadline,
// aggregator aggregates input series according to the config passed to NewAggregator
type aggregator struct {
match *promrelabel.IfExpression
dropInputLabels []string
inputRelabeling *promrelabel.ParsedConfigs
outputRelabeling *promrelabel.ParsedConfigs
stalenessInterval time.Duration
keepMetricNames bool
ignoreOldSamples bool
enableWindows bool
by []string
without []string
aggregateOnlyByTime bool
// interval is the interval between flushes
interval time.Duration
// dedupInterval is optional deduplication interval for incoming samples
dedupInterval time.Duration
// da is set to non-nil if input samples must be de-duplicated
da *dedupAggr
// cs persists information of state, which is expected to be flushed next
cs atomic.Pointer[currentState]
// minDeadline is used for ignoring old samples when ignoreOldSamples or enableWindows is set
minDeadline atomic.Int64
// aggrOutputs contains aggregate states for the given outputs
aggrOutputs *aggrOutputs
// time to wait after interval end before flush
flushAfter *histogram.Fast
muFlushAfter sync.Mutex
// suffix contains a suffix, which should be added to aggregate metric names
// It contains the interval, labels in (by, without), plus output name.
// For example, foo_bar metric name is transformed to foo_bar:1m_by_job
// for `interval: 1m`, `by: [job]`
suffix string
wg sync.WaitGroup
stopCh chan struct{}
flushDuration *metrics.Histogram
samplesLag *metrics.Histogram
flushTimeouts *metrics.Counter
ignoredOldSamples *metrics.Counter
ignoredNaNSamples *metrics.Counter
matchedSamples *metrics.Counter
// PushFunc is called by Aggregators when it needs to push its state to metrics storage
type PushFunc func(tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries)
type aggrPushFunc func([]pushSample, int64, bool)
// newAggregator creates new aggregator for the given cfg, which pushes the aggregate data to pushFunc.
// opts can contain additional options. If opts is nil, then default options are used.
// The returned aggregator must be stopped when no longer needed by calling MustStop().
func newAggregator(cfg *Config, path string, pushFunc PushFunc, ms *metrics.Set, opts *Options, alias string, aggrID int) (*aggregator, error) {
// check cfg.Interval
if cfg.Interval == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing `interval` option")
interval, err := time.ParseDuration(cfg.Interval)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse `interval: %q`: %w", cfg.Interval, err)
if interval < time.Second {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("aggregation interval cannot be smaller than 1s; got %s", interval)
if opts == nil {
opts = &Options{}
// check cfg.DedupInterval
dedupInterval := opts.DedupInterval
if cfg.DedupInterval != "" {
di, err := time.ParseDuration(cfg.DedupInterval)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse `dedup_interval: %q`: %w", cfg.DedupInterval, err)
dedupInterval = di
if dedupInterval > interval {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dedup_interval=%s cannot exceed interval=%s", dedupInterval, interval)
if dedupInterval > 0 && interval%dedupInterval != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("interval=%s must be a multiple of dedup_interval=%s", interval, dedupInterval)
// check cfg.StalenessInterval
stalenessInterval := interval * 2
if cfg.StalenessInterval != "" {
stalenessInterval, err = time.ParseDuration(cfg.StalenessInterval)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse `staleness_interval: %q`: %w", cfg.StalenessInterval, err)
if stalenessInterval < interval {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("staleness_interval=%s cannot be smaller than interval=%s", cfg.StalenessInterval, cfg.Interval)
// check cfg.IgnoreFirstSampleInterval
// by default, it equals to the staleness interval to have backward compatibility, see
ignoreFirstSampleInterval := stalenessInterval
if cfg.IgnoreFirstSampleInterval != "" {
ignoreFirstSampleInterval, err = time.ParseDuration(cfg.IgnoreFirstSampleInterval)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse `ignore_first_sample_interval: %q`: %w", cfg.IgnoreFirstSampleInterval, err)
// Check cfg.DropInputLabels
dropInputLabels := opts.DropInputLabels
if v := cfg.DropInputLabels; v != nil {
dropInputLabels = *v
// initialize input_relabel_configs and output_relabel_configs
inputRelabeling, err := promrelabel.ParseRelabelConfigs(cfg.InputRelabelConfigs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse input_relabel_configs: %w", err)
outputRelabeling, err := promrelabel.ParseRelabelConfigs(cfg.OutputRelabelConfigs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse output_relabel_configs: %w", err)
// check by and without lists
by := sortAndRemoveDuplicates(cfg.By)
without := sortAndRemoveDuplicates(cfg.Without)
if len(by) > 0 && len(without) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`by: %s` and `without: %s` lists cannot be set simultaneously; see", by, without)
aggregateOnlyByTime := (len(by) == 0 && len(without) == 0)
if !aggregateOnlyByTime && len(without) == 0 {
by = addMissingUnderscoreName(by)
// check cfg.KeepMetricNames
keepMetricNames := opts.KeepMetricNames
if v := cfg.KeepMetricNames; v != nil {
keepMetricNames = *v
if keepMetricNames {
if opts.KeepInput {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`-streamAggr.keepInput` and `keep_metric_names` options can't be enabled in the same time," +
"as it may result in time series collision")
if len(cfg.Outputs) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`outputs` list must contain only a single entry if `keep_metric_names` is set; got %q; "+
"see", cfg.Outputs)
if cfg.Outputs[0] == "histogram_bucket" || strings.HasPrefix(cfg.Outputs[0], "quantiles(") && strings.Contains(cfg.Outputs[0], ",") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`keep_metric_names` cannot be applied to `outputs: %q`, since they can generate multiple time series; "+
"see", cfg.Outputs)
// check cfg.IgnoreOldSamples
ignoreOldSamples := opts.IgnoreOldSamples
if v := cfg.IgnoreOldSamples; v != nil {
ignoreOldSamples = *v
// check cfg.IgnoreFirstIntervals
ignoreFirstIntervals := opts.IgnoreFirstIntervals
if v := cfg.IgnoreFirstIntervals; v != nil {
ignoreFirstIntervals = *v
// check cfg.
enableWindows := opts.EnableWindows
if v := cfg.EnableWindows; v != nil {
enableWindows = *v
// Initialize common metric labels
name := cfg.Name
if name == "" {
name = "none"
// initialize aggrOutputs
if len(cfg.Outputs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`outputs` list must contain at least a single entry from the list %s; "+
"see", supportedOutputs)
useInputKey := dedupInterval <= 0
useSharedState := enableWindows && useInputKey
aggrOutputs := &aggrOutputs{
configs: make([]aggrConfig, len(cfg.Outputs)),
useSharedState: useSharedState,
useInputKey: useInputKey,
outputsSeen := make(map[string]struct{}, len(cfg.Outputs))
for i, output := range cfg.Outputs {
ac, err := newOutputConfig(output, outputsSeen, useSharedState, ignoreFirstSampleInterval)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
aggrOutputs.configs[i] = ac
outputsLabels := make([]string, 0, len(outputsSeen))
for o := range outputsSeen {
outputsLabels = append(outputsLabels, o)
metricLabels := fmt.Sprintf(`outputs=%q,name=%q,path=%q,url=%q,position="%d"`, strings.Join(outputsLabels, ","), name, path, alias, aggrID)
aggrOutputs.outputSamples = ms.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_output_samples_total{%s}`, metricLabels))
// initialize suffix to add to metric names after aggregation
suffix := ":" + cfg.Interval
if labels := removeUnderscoreName(by); len(labels) > 0 {
suffix += fmt.Sprintf("_by_%s", strings.Join(labels, "_"))
if labels := removeUnderscoreName(without); len(labels) > 0 {
suffix += fmt.Sprintf("_without_%s", strings.Join(labels, "_"))
suffix += "_"
// initialize the aggregator
a := &aggregator{
match: cfg.Match,
dropInputLabels: dropInputLabels,
inputRelabeling: inputRelabeling,
outputRelabeling: outputRelabeling,
keepMetricNames: keepMetricNames,
ignoreOldSamples: ignoreOldSamples,
enableWindows: enableWindows,
stalenessInterval: stalenessInterval,
by: by,
without: without,
aggregateOnlyByTime: aggregateOnlyByTime,
interval: interval,
dedupInterval: dedupInterval,
aggrOutputs: aggrOutputs,
suffix: suffix,
stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
flushDuration: ms.NewHistogram(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_flush_duration_seconds{%s}`, metricLabels)),
samplesLag: ms.NewHistogram(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_samples_lag_seconds{%s}`, metricLabels)),
matchedSamples: ms.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_matched_samples_total{%s}`, metricLabels)),
flushTimeouts: ms.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_flush_timeouts_total{%s}`, metricLabels)),
ignoredNaNSamples: ms.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_ignored_samples_total{reason="nan",%s}`, metricLabels)),
ignoredOldSamples: ms.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_ignored_samples_total{reason="too_old",%s}`, metricLabels)),
if dedupInterval > 0 {
a.da = newDedupAggr()
a.da.flushTimeouts = ms.NewCounter(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_dedup_flush_timeouts_total{%s}`, metricLabels))
a.da.flushDuration = ms.NewHistogram(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_dedup_flush_duration_seconds{%s}`, metricLabels))
_ = ms.NewGauge(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_dedup_state_size_bytes{%s}`, metricLabels), func() float64 {
n := a.da.sizeBytes()
return float64(n)
_ = ms.NewGauge(fmt.Sprintf(`vm_streamaggr_dedup_state_items_count{%s}`, metricLabels), func() float64 {
n := a.da.itemsCount()
return float64(n)
alignFlushToInterval := !opts.NoAlignFlushToInterval
if v := cfg.NoAlignFlushToInterval; v != nil {
alignFlushToInterval = !*v
skipIncompleteFlush := !opts.FlushOnShutdown
if v := cfg.FlushOnShutdown; v != nil {
skipIncompleteFlush = !*v
startTime := time.Now()
minTime := startTime
if skipIncompleteFlush && alignFlushToInterval {
minTime = minTime.Truncate(a.interval)
if !startTime.Equal(minTime) {
minTime = minTime.Add(interval)
if enableWindows {
a.flushAfter = histogram.GetFast()
cs := &currentState{}
if a.dedupInterval > 0 {
cs.maxDeadline = minTime.Add(a.dedupInterval).UnixMilli()
} else {
cs.maxDeadline = minTime.Add(a.interval).UnixMilli()
go func() {
a.runFlusher(pushFunc, alignFlushToInterval, skipIncompleteFlush, ignoreFirstIntervals)
return a, nil
func newOutputConfig(output string, outputsSeen map[string]struct{}, useSharedState bool, ignoreFirstSampleInterval time.Duration) (aggrConfig, error) {
// check for duplicated output
if _, ok := outputsSeen[output]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`outputs` list contains duplicate aggregation function: %s", output)
outputsSeen[output] = struct{}{}
if strings.HasPrefix(output, "quantiles(") {
if !strings.HasSuffix(output, ")") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing closing brace for `quantiles()` output")
argsStr := output[len("quantiles(") : len(output)-1]
if len(argsStr) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`quantiles()` must contain at least one phi")
args := strings.Split(argsStr, ",")
phis := make([]float64, len(args))
for i, arg := range args {
arg = strings.TrimSpace(arg)
phi, err := strconv.ParseFloat(arg, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse phi=%q for quantiles(%s): %w", arg, argsStr, err)
if phi < 0 || phi > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("phi inside quantiles(%s) must be in the range [0..1]; got %v", argsStr, phi)
phis[i] = phi
if _, ok := outputsSeen["quantiles"]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`outputs` list contains duplicated `quantiles()` function, please combine multiple phi* like `quantiles(0.5, 0.9)`")
outputsSeen["quantiles"] = struct{}{}
return newQuantilesAggrConfig(phis), nil
ignoreFirstSampleIntervalSecs := uint64(ignoreFirstSampleInterval.Seconds())
switch output {
case "avg":
return newAvgAggrConfig(), nil
case "count_samples":
return newCountSamplesAggrConfig(), nil
case "count_series":
return newCountSeriesAggrConfig(), nil
case "histogram_bucket":
return newHistogramBucketAggrConfig(useSharedState), nil
case "increase":
return newTotalAggrConfig(ignoreFirstSampleIntervalSecs, true, true), nil
case "increase_prometheus":
return newTotalAggrConfig(ignoreFirstSampleIntervalSecs, true, false), nil
case "last":
return newLastAggrConfig(), nil
case "max":
return newMaxAggrConfig(), nil
case "min":
return newMinAggrConfig(), nil
case "rate_avg":
return newRateAggrConfig(true), nil
case "rate_sum":
return newRateAggrConfig(false), nil
case "stddev":
return newStddevAggrConfig(), nil
case "stdvar":
return newStdvarAggrConfig(), nil
case "sum_samples":
return newSumSamplesAggrConfig(), nil
case "total":
return newTotalAggrConfig(ignoreFirstSampleIntervalSecs, false, true), nil
case "total_prometheus":
return newTotalAggrConfig(ignoreFirstSampleIntervalSecs, false, false), nil
case "unique_samples":
return newUniqueSamplesAggrConfig(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported output=%q; supported values: %s; see", output, supportedOutputs)
func (a *aggregator) runFlusher(pushFunc PushFunc, alignFlushToInterval, skipIncompleteFlush bool, ignoreFirstIntervals int) {
minTime := time.UnixMilli(a.minDeadline.Load())
flushTime := minTime.Add(a.interval)
interval := a.interval
if a.dedupInterval > 0 {
interval = a.dedupInterval
alignedSleep := func() {
dSleep := time.Until(minTime)
if dSleep <= 0 {
timer := timerpool.Get(dSleep)
defer timer.Stop()
select {
case <-a.stopCh:
case <-timer.C:
tickerWait := func(t *time.Ticker) bool {
select {
case <-a.stopCh:
return false
case <-t.C:
return true
t := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer t.Stop()
var fa *histogram.Fast
for tickerWait(t) {
pf := pushFunc
if a.enableWindows {
// Calculate delay and wait
fa, a.flushAfter = a.flushAfter, histogram.GetFast()
delay := time.Duration(fa.Quantile(flushQuantile)) * time.Millisecond
cs := a.cs.Load().newState()
deadlineTime := time.UnixMilli(cs.maxDeadline)
a.dedupFlush(deadlineTime, cs)
if !flushTime.After(deadlineTime) {
// It is time to flush the aggregated state
if ignoreFirstIntervals > 0 {
a.flush(nil, flushTime, cs, false)
} else {
a.flush(pf, flushTime, cs, false)
for time.Now().After(flushTime) {
flushTime = flushTime.Add(a.interval)
if a.dedupInterval <= 0 {
cs.maxDeadline = flushTime.UnixMilli()
if a.enableWindows {
cs.isGreen = !cs.isGreen
if alignFlushToInterval {
select {
case <-t.C:
cs := a.cs.Load()
var dedupTime time.Time
if alignFlushToInterval {
if a.dedupInterval > 0 {
dedupTime = time.UnixMilli(cs.maxDeadline)
} else {
flushTime = time.Now()
if a.dedupInterval > 0 {
dedupTime = flushTime
a.dedupFlush(dedupTime, cs)
pf := pushFunc
if skipIncompleteFlush || ignoreFirstIntervals > 0 {
pf = nil
a.flush(pf, flushTime, cs, true)
func (a *aggregator) dedupFlush(dedupTime time.Time, cs *currentState) {
if a.dedupInterval <= 0 {
// The de-duplication is disabled.
startTime := time.Now()
deleteDeadline := dedupTime.Add(a.stalenessInterval)
a.da.flush(a.aggrOutputs.pushSamples, deleteDeadline.UnixMilli(), cs.isGreen)
d := time.Since(startTime)
if d > a.dedupInterval {
logger.Warnf("deduplication couldn't be finished in the configured dedup_interval=%s; it took %.03fs; "+
"possible solutions: increase dedup_interval; use match filter matching smaller number of series; "+
"reduce samples' ingestion rate to stream aggregation", a.dedupInterval, d.Seconds())
for time.Now().After(dedupTime) {
dedupTime = dedupTime.Add(a.dedupInterval)
cs.maxDeadline = dedupTime.UnixMilli()
// flush flushes aggregator state to pushFunc.
// If pushFunc is nil, then the aggregator state is just reset.
func (a *aggregator) flush(pushFunc PushFunc, flushTime time.Time, cs *currentState, isLast bool) {
if a.dedupInterval > 0 {
startTime := time.Now()
ao := a.aggrOutputs
ctx := getFlushCtx(a, ao, pushFunc, flushTime.UnixMilli(), isLast)
if a.dedupInterval <= 0 {
ctx.isGreen = cs.isGreen
d := time.Since(startTime)
if d > a.interval {
logger.Warnf("stream aggregation couldn't be finished in the configured interval=%s; it took %.03fs; "+
"possible solutions: increase interval; use match filter matching smaller number of series; "+
"reduce samples' ingestion rate to stream aggregation", a.interval, d.Seconds())
var flushConcurrencyCh = make(chan struct{}, cgroup.AvailableCPUs())
// MustStop stops the aggregator.
// The aggregator stops pushing the aggregated metrics after this call.
func (a *aggregator) MustStop() {
// Push pushes tss to a.
func (a *aggregator) Push(tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries, matchIdxs []byte) {
ctx := getPushCtx()
defer putPushCtx(ctx)
buf := ctx.buf
labels := &ctx.labels
inputLabels := &ctx.inputLabels
outputLabels := &ctx.outputLabels
now := time.Now()
nowMsec := now.UnixMilli()
deleteDeadline := now.Add(a.stalenessInterval)
deleteDeadlineMsec := deleteDeadline.UnixMilli()
minDeadline := a.minDeadline.Load()
dropLabels := a.dropInputLabels
ignoreOldSamples := a.ignoreOldSamples
enableWindows := a.enableWindows
cs := a.cs.Load()
var maxLagMsec int64
for idx, ts := range tss {
if !a.match.Match(ts.Labels) {
matchIdxs[idx] = 1
if len(dropLabels) > 0 {
labels.Labels = dropSeriesLabels(labels.Labels[:0], ts.Labels, dropLabels)
} else {
labels.Labels = append(labels.Labels[:0], ts.Labels...)
labels.Labels = a.inputRelabeling.Apply(labels.Labels, 0)
if len(labels.Labels) == 0 {
// The metric has been deleted by the relabeling
if !a.aggregateOnlyByTime {
inputLabels.Labels, outputLabels.Labels = getInputOutputLabels(inputLabels.Labels, outputLabels.Labels, labels.Labels,, a.without)
} else {
outputLabels.Labels = append(outputLabels.Labels, labels.Labels...)
bufLen := len(buf)
buf = compressLabels(buf, inputLabels.Labels, outputLabels.Labels)
// key remains valid only by the end of this function and can't be reused after
// do not intern key because number of unique keys could be too high
key := bytesutil.ToUnsafeString(buf[bufLen:])
for _, s := range ts.Samples {
if math.IsNaN(s.Value) {
// Skip NaN values
if (ignoreOldSamples || enableWindows) && s.Timestamp < minDeadline {
// Skip old samples outside the current aggregation interval
lagMsec := nowMsec - s.Timestamp
if lagMsec > maxLagMsec {
maxLagMsec = lagMsec
if enableWindows && s.Timestamp <= cs.maxDeadline == cs.isGreen { = append(, pushSample{
key: key,
value: s.Value,
timestamp: s.Timestamp,
} else { = append(, pushSample{
key: key,
value: s.Value,
timestamp: s.Timestamp,
if enableWindows && maxLagMsec > 0 {
a.samplesLag.Update(float64(maxLagMsec) / 1_000)
ctx.buf = buf
pushSamples := a.aggrOutputs.pushSamples
if a.da != nil {
pushSamples = a.da.pushSamples
if len( > 0 {
pushSamples(, deleteDeadlineMsec, false)
if len( > 0 {
pushSamples(, deleteDeadlineMsec, true)
func compressLabels(dst []byte, inputLabels, outputLabels []prompbmarshal.Label) []byte {
bb := bbPool.Get()
bb.B = lc.Compress(bb.B, outputLabels)
dst = encoding.MarshalVarUint64(dst, uint64(len(bb.B)))
dst = append(dst, bb.B...)
dst = lc.Compress(dst, inputLabels)
return dst
func decompressLabels(dst []prompbmarshal.Label, key string) []prompbmarshal.Label {
return lc.Decompress(dst, bytesutil.ToUnsafeBytes(key))
type pushCtx struct {
green []pushSample
blue []pushSample
labels promutils.Labels
inputLabels promutils.Labels
outputLabels promutils.Labels
buf []byte
func (ctx *pushCtx) reset() { =[:0] =[:0]
ctx.buf = ctx.buf[:0]
type pushSample struct {
// key identifies a sample that belongs to unique series
// key value can't be re-used
key string
value float64
timestamp int64
func getPushCtx() *pushCtx {
v := pushCtxPool.Get()
if v == nil {
return &pushCtx{}
return v.(*pushCtx)
func putPushCtx(ctx *pushCtx) {
var pushCtxPool sync.Pool
func getInputOutputLabels(dstInput, dstOutput, labels []prompbmarshal.Label, by, without []string) ([]prompbmarshal.Label, []prompbmarshal.Label) {
if len(without) > 0 {
for _, label := range labels {
if slices.Contains(without, label.Name) {
dstInput = append(dstInput, label)
} else {
dstOutput = append(dstOutput, label)
} else {
for _, label := range labels {
if !slices.Contains(by, label.Name) {
dstInput = append(dstInput, label)
} else {
dstOutput = append(dstOutput, label)
return dstInput, dstOutput
func getFlushCtx(a *aggregator, ao *aggrOutputs, pushFunc PushFunc, flushTimestamp int64, isLast bool) *flushCtx {
v := flushCtxPool.Get()
if v == nil {
v = &flushCtx{}
ctx := v.(*flushCtx)
ctx.a = a = ao
ctx.pushFunc = pushFunc
ctx.flushTimestamp = flushTimestamp
ctx.isLast = isLast
return ctx
func putFlushCtx(ctx *flushCtx) {
var flushCtxPool sync.Pool
type flushCtx struct {
a *aggregator
ao *aggrOutputs
pushFunc PushFunc
flushTimestamp int64
isGreen bool
isLast bool
tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries
labels []prompbmarshal.Label
samples []prompbmarshal.Sample
func (ctx *flushCtx) reset() {
ctx.a = nil = nil
ctx.pushFunc = nil
ctx.isGreen = false
ctx.isLast = false
ctx.flushTimestamp = 0
func (ctx *flushCtx) resetSeries() {
ctx.tss = ctx.tss[:0]
ctx.labels = ctx.labels[:0]
ctx.samples = ctx.samples[:0]
func (ctx *flushCtx) flushSeries() {
defer ctx.resetSeries()
tss := ctx.tss
if len(tss) == 0 {
// nothing to flush
outputRelabeling := ctx.a.outputRelabeling
if outputRelabeling == nil {
// Fast path - push the output metrics.
if ctx.pushFunc != nil {
// Slow path - apply output relabeling and then push the output metrics.
auxLabels := promutils.GetLabels()
dstLabels := auxLabels.Labels[:0]
dst := tss[:0]
for _, ts := range tss {
dstLabelsLen := len(dstLabels)
dstLabels = append(dstLabels, ts.Labels...)
dstLabels = outputRelabeling.Apply(dstLabels, dstLabelsLen)
if len(dstLabels) == dstLabelsLen {
// The metric has been deleted by the relabeling
ts.Labels = dstLabels[dstLabelsLen:]
dst = append(dst, ts)
if ctx.pushFunc != nil {
auxLabels.Labels = dstLabels
func (ctx *flushCtx) appendSeries(key, suffix string, value float64) {
labelsLen := len(ctx.labels)
samplesLen := len(ctx.samples)
ctx.labels = decompressLabels(ctx.labels, key)
if !ctx.a.keepMetricNames {
ctx.labels = addMetricSuffix(ctx.labels, labelsLen, ctx.a.suffix, suffix)
ctx.samples = append(ctx.samples, prompbmarshal.Sample{
Timestamp: ctx.flushTimestamp,
Value: value,
ctx.tss = append(ctx.tss, prompbmarshal.TimeSeries{
Labels: ctx.labels[labelsLen:],
Samples: ctx.samples[samplesLen:],
// Limit the maximum length of ctx.tss in order to limit memory usage.
if len(ctx.tss) >= 10_000 {
func (ctx *flushCtx) appendSeriesWithExtraLabel(key, suffix string, value float64, extraName, extraValue string) {
labelsLen := len(ctx.labels)
samplesLen := len(ctx.samples)
ctx.labels = decompressLabels(ctx.labels, key)
if !ctx.a.keepMetricNames {
ctx.labels = addMetricSuffix(ctx.labels, labelsLen, ctx.a.suffix, suffix)
ctx.labels = append(ctx.labels, prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: extraName,
Value: extraValue,
ctx.samples = append(ctx.samples, prompbmarshal.Sample{
Timestamp: ctx.flushTimestamp,
Value: value,
ctx.tss = append(ctx.tss, prompbmarshal.TimeSeries{
Labels: ctx.labels[labelsLen:],
Samples: ctx.samples[samplesLen:],
// Limit the maximum length of ctx.tss in order to limit memory usage.
if len(ctx.tss) >= 10_000 {
func addMetricSuffix(labels []prompbmarshal.Label, offset int, firstSuffix, lastSuffix string) []prompbmarshal.Label {
src := labels[offset:]
for i := range src {
label := &src[i]
if label.Name != "__name__" {
bb := bbPool.Get()
bb.B = append(bb.B, label.Value...)
bb.B = append(bb.B, firstSuffix...)
bb.B = append(bb.B, lastSuffix...)
label.Value = bytesutil.InternBytes(bb.B)
return labels
// The __name__ isn't found. Add it
bb := bbPool.Get()
bb.B = append(bb.B, firstSuffix...)
bb.B = append(bb.B, lastSuffix...)
labelValue := bytesutil.InternBytes(bb.B)
labels = append(labels, prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: "__name__",
Value: labelValue,
return labels
func addMissingUnderscoreName(labels []string) []string {
result := []string{"__name__"}
for _, s := range labels {
if s == "__name__" {
result = append(result, s)
return result
func removeUnderscoreName(labels []string) []string {
var result []string
for _, s := range labels {
if s == "__name__" {
result = append(result, s)
return result
func sortAndRemoveDuplicates(a []string) []string {
if len(a) == 0 {
return nil
a = append([]string{}, a...)
dst := a[:1]
for _, v := range a[1:] {
if v != dst[len(dst)-1] {
dst = append(dst, v)
return dst
var bbPool bytesutil.ByteBufferPool