Andrii Chubatiuk c72d5690cc
lib/protoparser/opentelemetry: properly marshal nested attributes into JSON
Previously, opentelemetry attribute parsed added extra field names according to 
golang JSON parser spec for structs:

struct AnyValue{
 StringValue string
 Was serialized into:
{"StringValue": "some-string"}
 While opentelemetry-collector serializes it as

 This commit changes this behaviour it makes parses compatible with opentelemetry-collector format. See test cases for examples.

Related issue:
2025-03-05 18:38:25 +01:00

534 lines
15 KiB

package stream
import (
func TestParseStream(t *testing.T) {
f := func(samples []*pb.Metric, tssExpected []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries, usePromNaming bool) {
prevPromNaming := *usePrometheusNaming
*usePrometheusNaming = usePromNaming
defer func() {
*usePrometheusNaming = prevPromNaming
checkSeries := func(tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries) error {
if len(tss) != len(tssExpected) {
return fmt.Errorf("not expected tss count, got: %d, want: %d", len(tss), len(tssExpected))
for i := 0; i < len(tss); i++ {
ts := tss[i]
tsExpected := tssExpected[i]
if len(ts.Labels) != len(tsExpected.Labels) {
return fmt.Errorf("idx: %d, not expected labels count, got: %d, want: %d", i, len(ts.Labels), len(tsExpected.Labels))
for j, label := range ts.Labels {
labelExpected := tsExpected.Labels[j]
if !reflect.DeepEqual(label, labelExpected) {
return fmt.Errorf("idx: %d, label idx: %d, not equal label pairs, \ngot: \n%s, \nwant: \n%s",
i, j, prettifyLabel(label), prettifyLabel(labelExpected))
if len(ts.Samples) != len(tsExpected.Samples) {
return fmt.Errorf("idx: %d, not expected samples count, got: %d, want: %d", i, len(ts.Samples), len(tsExpected.Samples))
for j, sample := range ts.Samples {
sampleExpected := tsExpected.Samples[j]
if !reflect.DeepEqual(sample, sampleExpected) {
return fmt.Errorf("idx: %d, label idx: %d, not equal sample pairs, \ngot: \n%s,\nwant: \n%s",
i, j, prettifySample(sample), prettifySample(sampleExpected))
return nil
req := &pb.ExportMetricsServiceRequest{
ResourceMetrics: []*pb.ResourceMetrics{
// Verify protobuf parsing
pbData := req.MarshalProtobuf(nil)
if err := checkParseStream(pbData, checkSeries); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot parse protobuf: %s", err)
jobLabelValue := prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: "job",
Value: "vm",
leLabel := func(value string) prompbmarshal.Label {
return prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: "le",
Value: value,
kvLabel := func(k, v string) prompbmarshal.Label {
return prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: k,
Value: v,
// Test all metric types
generateGauge("my-gauge", ""),
generateHistogram("my-histogram", "", true),
generateHistogram("my-sumless-histogram", "", false),
generateSum("my-sum", "", false),
generateSummary("my-summary", ""),
newPromPBTs("my-gauge", 15000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label1", "value1")),
newPromPBTs("my-histogram_count", 30000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2")),
newPromPBTs("my-histogram_sum", 30000, 30.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2")),
newPromPBTs("my-histogram_bucket", 30000, 0.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2"), leLabel("0.1")),
newPromPBTs("my-histogram_bucket", 30000, 5.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2"), leLabel("0.5")),
newPromPBTs("my-histogram_bucket", 30000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2"), leLabel("1")),
newPromPBTs("my-histogram_bucket", 30000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2"), leLabel("5")),
newPromPBTs("my-histogram_bucket", 30000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2"), leLabel("+Inf")),
newPromPBTs("my-sumless-histogram_count", 30000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2")),
newPromPBTs("my-sumless-histogram_bucket", 30000, 0.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2"), leLabel("0.1")),
newPromPBTs("my-sumless-histogram_bucket", 30000, 5.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2"), leLabel("0.5")),
newPromPBTs("my-sumless-histogram_bucket", 30000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2"), leLabel("1")),
newPromPBTs("my-sumless-histogram_bucket", 30000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2"), leLabel("5")),
newPromPBTs("my-sumless-histogram_bucket", 30000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label2", "value2"), leLabel("+Inf")),
newPromPBTs("my-sum", 150000, 15.5, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label5", "value5")),
newPromPBTs("my-summary_sum", 35000, 32.5, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label6", "value6")),
newPromPBTs("my-summary_count", 35000, 5.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label6", "value6")),
newPromPBTs("my-summary", 35000, 7.5, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label6", "value6"), kvLabel("quantile", "0.1")),
newPromPBTs("my-summary", 35000, 10.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label6", "value6"), kvLabel("quantile", "0.5")),
newPromPBTs("my-summary", 35000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label6", "value6"), kvLabel("quantile", "1")),
// Test gauge
generateGauge("my-gauge", ""),
newPromPBTs("my-gauge", 15000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label1", "value1")),
// Test gauge with unit and prometheus naming
generateGauge("my-gauge", "ms"),
newPromPBTs("my_gauge_milliseconds", 15000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label1", "value1")),
// Test gauge with unit inside metric
generateGauge("my-gauge-milliseconds", "ms"),
newPromPBTs("my_gauge_milliseconds", 15000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label1", "value1")),
// Test gauge with ratio suffix
generateGauge("my-gauge-milliseconds", "1"),
newPromPBTs("my_gauge_milliseconds_ratio", 15000, 15.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label1", "value1")),
// Test sum with total suffix
generateSum("my-sum", "ms", true),
newPromPBTs("my_sum_milliseconds_total", 150000, 15.5, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label5", "value5")),
// Test sum with total suffix, which exists in a metric name
generateSum("my-total-sum", "ms", true),
newPromPBTs("my_sum_milliseconds_total", 150000, 15.5, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label5", "value5")),
// Test sum with total and complex suffix
generateSum("my-total-sum", "m/s", true),
newPromPBTs("my_sum_meters_per_second_total", 150000, 15.5, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label5", "value5")),
// Test exponential histograms
generateExpHistogram("test-histogram", "m/s"),
newPromPBTs("test_histogram_meters_per_second_bucket", 15000, 5.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label1", "value1"), kvLabel("vmrange", "1.061e+00...1.067e+00")),
newPromPBTs("test_histogram_meters_per_second_bucket", 15000, 10.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label1", "value1"), kvLabel("vmrange", "1.067e+00...1.073e+00")),
newPromPBTs("test_histogram_meters_per_second_bucket", 15000, 1.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label1", "value1"), kvLabel("vmrange", "1.085e+00...1.091e+00")),
newPromPBTs("test_histogram_meters_per_second_count", 15000, 20.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label1", "value1")),
newPromPBTs("test_histogram_meters_per_second_sum", 15000, 4578.0, jobLabelValue, kvLabel("label1", "value1")),
// Test gauge with deeply nested attributes
Name: "my-gauge",
Unit: "",
Gauge: &pb.Gauge{
DataPoints: []*pb.NumberDataPoint{
Attributes: []*pb.KeyValue{
Key: "label1",
Value: &pb.AnyValue{
StringValue: ptrTo("value1"),
Key: "emptylabelvalue",
Value: &pb.AnyValue{},
Key: "emptylabel",
Key: "label_array",
Value: &pb.AnyValue{
ArrayValue: &pb.ArrayValue{
Values: []*pb.AnyValue{
StringValue: ptrTo("value5"),
KeyValueList: &pb.KeyValueList{},
Key: "nested_label",
Value: &pb.AnyValue{
KeyValueList: &pb.KeyValueList{
Values: []*pb.KeyValue{
Key: "empty_value",
Key: "value_top_2",
Value: &pb.AnyValue{
StringValue: ptrTo("valuetop"),
Key: "nested_kv_list",
Value: &pb.AnyValue{
KeyValueList: &pb.KeyValueList{
Values: []*pb.KeyValue{
Key: "integer",
Value: &pb.AnyValue{IntValue: ptrTo(int64(15))},
Key: "doable",
Value: &pb.AnyValue{DoubleValue: ptrTo(5.1)},
Key: "string",
Value: &pb.AnyValue{StringValue: ptrTo("value2")},
IntValue: ptrTo(int64(15)),
TimeUnixNano: uint64(15 * time.Second),
kvLabel("label1", "value1"),
kvLabel("emptylabelvalue", ""),
kvLabel("emptylabel", ""),
kvLabel("label_array", `["value5",{}]`),
kvLabel("nested_label", `{"empty_value":null,"value_top_2":"valuetop","nested_kv_list":{"integer":15,"doable":5.1,"string":"value2"}}`)),
func checkParseStream(data []byte, checkSeries func(tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries) error) error {
// Verify parsing without compression
if err := ParseStream(bytes.NewBuffer(data), false, nil, checkSeries); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error when parsing data: %w", err)
// Verify parsing with compression
var bb bytes.Buffer
zw := gzip.NewWriter(&bb)
if _, err := zw.Write(data); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot compress data: %w", err)
if err := zw.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot close gzip writer: %w", err)
if err := ParseStream(&bb, true, nil, checkSeries); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error when parsing compressed data: %w", err)
return nil
func attributesFromKV(k, v string) []*pb.KeyValue {
return []*pb.KeyValue{
Key: k,
Value: &pb.AnyValue{
StringValue: &v,
func generateExpHistogram(name, unit string) *pb.Metric {
sum := float64(4578)
return &pb.Metric{
Name: name,
Unit: unit,
ExponentialHistogram: &pb.ExponentialHistogram{
AggregationTemporality: pb.AggregationTemporalityCumulative,
DataPoints: []*pb.ExponentialHistogramDataPoint{
Attributes: attributesFromKV("label1", "value1"),
TimeUnixNano: uint64(15 * time.Second),
Count: 20,
Sum: &sum,
Scale: 7,
Positive: &pb.Buckets{
Offset: 7,
BucketCounts: []uint64{0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 10, 0, 0, 1},
func generateGauge(name, unit string) *pb.Metric {
n := int64(15)
points := []*pb.NumberDataPoint{
Attributes: attributesFromKV("label1", "value1"),
IntValue: &n,
TimeUnixNano: uint64(15 * time.Second),
return &pb.Metric{
Name: name,
Unit: unit,
Gauge: &pb.Gauge{
DataPoints: points,
func generateHistogram(name, unit string, hasSum bool) *pb.Metric {
point := &pb.HistogramDataPoint{
Attributes: attributesFromKV("label2", "value2"),
Count: 15,
ExplicitBounds: []float64{0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0},
BucketCounts: []uint64{0, 5, 10, 0, 0},
TimeUnixNano: uint64(30 * time.Second),
if hasSum {
point.Sum = func() *float64 { v := 30.0; return &v }()
return &pb.Metric{
Name: name,
Unit: unit,
Histogram: &pb.Histogram{
AggregationTemporality: pb.AggregationTemporalityCumulative,
DataPoints: []*pb.HistogramDataPoint{point},
func generateSum(name, unit string, isMonotonic bool) *pb.Metric {
d := float64(15.5)
points := []*pb.NumberDataPoint{
Attributes: attributesFromKV("label5", "value5"),
DoubleValue: &d,
TimeUnixNano: uint64(150 * time.Second),
return &pb.Metric{
Name: name,
Unit: unit,
Sum: &pb.Sum{
AggregationTemporality: pb.AggregationTemporalityCumulative,
DataPoints: points,
IsMonotonic: isMonotonic,
func generateSummary(name, unit string) *pb.Metric {
points := []*pb.SummaryDataPoint{
Attributes: attributesFromKV("label6", "value6"),
TimeUnixNano: uint64(35 * time.Second),
Sum: 32.5,
Count: 5,
QuantileValues: []*pb.ValueAtQuantile{
Quantile: 0.1,
Value: 7.5,
Quantile: 0.5,
Value: 10.0,
Quantile: 1.0,
Value: 15.0,
return &pb.Metric{
Name: name,
Unit: unit,
Summary: &pb.Summary{
DataPoints: points,
func generateOTLPSamples(srcs []*pb.Metric) *pb.ResourceMetrics {
otlpMetrics := &pb.ResourceMetrics{
Resource: &pb.Resource{
Attributes: attributesFromKV("job", "vm"),
otlpMetrics.ScopeMetrics = []*pb.ScopeMetrics{
Metrics: append([]*pb.Metric{}, srcs...),
return otlpMetrics
func newPromPBTs(metricName string, t int64, v float64, extraLabels ...prompbmarshal.Label) prompbmarshal.TimeSeries {
if t <= 0 {
// Set the current timestamp if t isn't set.
t = int64(fasttime.UnixTimestamp()) * 1000
ts := prompbmarshal.TimeSeries{
Labels: []prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: "__name__",
Value: metricName,
Samples: []prompbmarshal.Sample{
Value: v,
Timestamp: t,
ts.Labels = append(ts.Labels, extraLabels...)
return ts
func prettifyLabel(label prompbmarshal.Label) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("name=%q value=%q", label.Name, label.Value)
func prettifySample(sample prompbmarshal.Sample) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("sample=%f timestamp: %d", sample.Value, sample.Timestamp)
func sortByMetricName(tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries) {
sort.Slice(tss, func(i, j int) bool {
return getMetricName(tss[i].Labels) < getMetricName(tss[j].Labels)
func getMetricName(labels []prompbmarshal.Label) string {
for _, l := range labels {
if l.Name == "__name__" {
return l.Value
return ""
func sortLabels(labels []prompbmarshal.Label) {
sort.Slice(labels, func(i, j int) bool {
return labels[i].Name < labels[j].Name
func ptrTo[T any](v T) *T {
return &v