Nikolay 773b8b0b28
lib/storage: add tracker for time series metric names statistics
This feature allows to track query requests by metric names. Tracker
state is stored in-memory, capped by 1/100 of allocated memory to the
storage. If cap exceeds, tracker rejects any new items add and instead
registers query requests for already observed metric names.

This feature is disable by default and new flag:
`-storage.trackMetricNamesStats` enables it.

  New API added to the select component:

* /api/v1/status/metric_names_stats - which returns a JSON
    with usage statistics.
* /admin/api/v1/status/metric_names_stats/reset - which resets internal
    state of the tracker and reset tsid/cache.

   New metrics were added for this feature:

  * vm_cache_size_bytes{type="storage/metricNamesUsageTracker"}
  * vm_cache_size{type="storage/metricNamesUsageTracker"}
  * vm_cache_size_max_bytes{type="storage/metricNamesUsageTracker"}

  Related issue:

Signed-off-by: f41gh7 <>
Co-authored-by: Roman Khavronenko <>
2025-03-06 22:10:41 +01:00

3149 lines
100 KiB

package storage
import (
func TestReplaceAlternateRegexpsWithGraphiteWildcards(t *testing.T) {
f := func(q, resultExpected string) {
result := replaceAlternateRegexpsWithGraphiteWildcards([]byte(q))
if string(result) != resultExpected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected result for %s\ngot\n%s\nwant\n%s", q, result, resultExpected)
f("", "")
f("foo", "foo")
f("foo(bar", "foo(bar")
f("foo.(bar|baz", "foo.(bar|baz")
f("foo.(bar).x", "foo.{bar}.x")
f("foo.(bar|baz).*.{x,y}", "foo.{bar,baz}.*.{x,y}")
f("foo.(bar|baz).*.{x,y}(z|aa)", "foo.{bar,baz}.*.{x,y}{z,aa}")
f("foo(.*)", "foo*")
func TestGetRegexpForGraphiteNodeQuery(t *testing.T) {
f := func(q, expectedRegexp string) {
re, err := getRegexpForGraphiteQuery(q)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error for query=%q: %s", q, err)
reStr := re.String()
if reStr != expectedRegexp {
t.Fatalf("unexpected regexp for query %q; got %q want %q", q, reStr, expectedRegexp)
f(``, `^$`)
f(`*`, `^[^.]*$`)
f(`foo.`, `^foo\.$`)
f(``, `^foo\.bar$`)
f(`{foo,b*ar,b[a-z]}`, `^(?:foo|b[^.]*ar|b[a-z])$`)
f(`[-a-zx.]`, `^[-a-zx.]$`)
f(`**`, `^[^.]*[^.]*$`)
f(`a*[de]{x,y}z`, `^a[^.]*[de](?:x|y)z$`)
f(`foo{bar`, `^foo\{bar$`)
f(`foo{ba,r`, `^foo\{ba,r$`)
f(`foo[bar`, `^foo\[bar$`)
f(`foo{bar}`, `^foobar$`)
f(`foo{bar,,b{{a,b*},z},[x-y]*z}a`, `^foo(?:bar||b(?:(?:a|b[^.]*)|z)|[x-y][^.]*z)a$`)
func TestDateMetricIDCacheSerial(t *testing.T) {
c := newDateMetricIDCache()
if err := testDateMetricIDCache(c, false); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
func TestDateMetricIDCacheConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
c := newDateMetricIDCache()
ch := make(chan error, 5)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go func() {
ch <- testDateMetricIDCache(c, true)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
select {
case err := <-ch:
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
case <-time.After(time.Second * 5):
func testDateMetricIDCache(c *dateMetricIDCache, concurrent bool) error {
type dmk struct {
generation uint64
date uint64
metricID uint64
m := make(map[dmk]bool)
for i := 0; i < 1e5; i++ {
generation := uint64(i) % 2
date := uint64(i) % 2
metricID := uint64(i) % 1237
if !concurrent && c.Has(generation, date, metricID) {
if !m[dmk{generation, date, metricID}] {
return fmt.Errorf("c.Has(%d, %d, %d) must return false, but returned true", generation, date, metricID)
c.Set(generation, date, metricID)
m[dmk{generation, date, metricID}] = true
if !concurrent && !c.Has(generation, date, metricID) {
return fmt.Errorf("c.Has(%d, %d, %d) must return true, but returned false", generation, date, metricID)
if i%11234 == 0 {
if i%34323 == 0 {
m = make(map[dmk]bool)
// Verify fast path after sync.
for i := 0; i < 1e5; i++ {
generation := uint64(i) % 2
date := uint64(i) % 2
metricID := uint64(i) % 123
c.Set(generation, date, metricID)
for i := 0; i < 1e5; i++ {
generation := uint64(i) % 2
date := uint64(i) % 2
metricID := uint64(i) % 123
if !concurrent && !c.Has(generation, date, metricID) {
return fmt.Errorf("c.Has(%d, %d, %d) must return true after sync", generation, date, metricID)
// Verify c.Reset
if n := c.EntriesCount(); !concurrent && n < 123 {
return fmt.Errorf("c.EntriesCount must return at least 123; returned %d", n)
if n := c.EntriesCount(); !concurrent && n > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("c.EntriesCount must return 0 after reset; returned %d", n)
return nil
func TestDateMetricIDCacheIsConsistent(_ *testing.T) {
const (
generation = 1
date = 1
concurrency = 2
numMetrics = 100000
dmc := newDateMetricIDCache()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := range concurrency {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for id := uint64(i * numMetrics); id < uint64((i+1)*numMetrics); id++ {
dmc.Set(generation, date, id)
if !dmc.Has(generation, date, id) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("dmc.Has(metricID=%d): unexpected cache miss after adding the entry to cache", id))
func TestUpdateCurrHourMetricIDs(t *testing.T) {
newStorage := func() *Storage {
var s Storage
return &s
t.Run("empty_pending_metric_ids_stale_curr_hour", func(t *testing.T) {
s := newStorage()
hour := fasttime.UnixHour()
if hour%24 == 0 {
hmOrig := &hourMetricIDs{
m: &uint64set.Set{},
hour: hour - 1,
hmCurr := s.currHourMetricIDs.Load()
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
// It is possible new hour occurred. Update the hour and verify it again.
hour = uint64(timestampFromTime(time.Now())) / msecPerHour
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmCurr.hour; got %d; want %d", hmCurr.hour, hour)
if hmCurr.m.Len() != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected length of hm.m; got %d; want %d", hmCurr.m.Len(), 0)
hmPrev := s.prevHourMetricIDs.Load()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmPrev, hmOrig) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmPrev; got %v; want %v", hmPrev, hmOrig)
if len(s.pendingHourEntries) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected len(s.pendingHourEntries); got %d; want %d", len(s.pendingHourEntries), 0)
t.Run("empty_pending_metric_ids_valid_curr_hour", func(t *testing.T) {
s := newStorage()
hour := fasttime.UnixHour()
hmOrig := &hourMetricIDs{
m: &uint64set.Set{},
hour: hour,
hmCurr := s.currHourMetricIDs.Load()
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
// It is possible new hour occurred. Update the hour and verify it again.
hour = uint64(timestampFromTime(time.Now())) / msecPerHour
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmCurr.hour; got %d; want %d", hmCurr.hour, hour)
// Do not run other checks, since they may fail.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmCurr, hmOrig) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmCurr; got %v; want %v", hmCurr, hmOrig)
hmPrev := s.prevHourMetricIDs.Load()
hmEmpty := &hourMetricIDs{}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmPrev, hmEmpty) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmPrev; got %v; want %v", hmPrev, hmEmpty)
if len(s.pendingHourEntries) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected len(s.pendingHourEntries); got %d; want %d", len(s.pendingHourEntries), 0)
t.Run("nonempty_pending_metric_ids_stale_curr_hour", func(t *testing.T) {
s := newStorage()
s.pendingHourEntries = []pendingHourMetricIDEntry{
{AccountID: 123, ProjectID: 431, MetricID: 343},
{AccountID: 123, ProjectID: 431, MetricID: 32424},
{AccountID: 1, ProjectID: 2, MetricID: 8293432},
mExpected := &uint64set.Set{}
for _, e := range s.pendingHourEntries {
byTenantExpected := make(map[accountProjectKey]*uint64set.Set)
for _, e := range s.pendingHourEntries {
k := accountProjectKey{
AccountID: e.AccountID,
ProjectID: e.ProjectID,
x := byTenantExpected[k]
if x == nil {
x = &uint64set.Set{}
byTenantExpected[k] = x
hour := fasttime.UnixHour()
if hour%24 == 0 {
hmOrig := &hourMetricIDs{
m: &uint64set.Set{},
hour: hour - 1,
hmCurr := s.currHourMetricIDs.Load()
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
// It is possible new hour occurred. Update the hour and verify it again.
hour = uint64(timestampFromTime(time.Now())) / msecPerHour
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmCurr.hour; got %d; want %d", hmCurr.hour, hour)
if !hmCurr.m.Equal(mExpected) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hm.m; got %v; want %v", hmCurr.m, mExpected)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmCurr.byTenant, byTenantExpected) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmPrev.byTenant; got %v; want %v", hmCurr.byTenant, byTenantExpected)
hmPrev := s.prevHourMetricIDs.Load()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmPrev, hmOrig) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmPrev; got %v; want %v", hmPrev, hmOrig)
if len(s.pendingHourEntries) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected len(s.pendingHourEntries); got %d; want %d", len(s.pendingHourEntries), 0)
t.Run("nonempty_pending_metric_ids_valid_curr_hour", func(t *testing.T) {
s := newStorage()
s.pendingHourEntries = []pendingHourMetricIDEntry{
{AccountID: 123, ProjectID: 431, MetricID: 343},
{AccountID: 123, ProjectID: 431, MetricID: 32424},
{AccountID: 1, ProjectID: 2, MetricID: 8293432},
mExpected := &uint64set.Set{}
for _, e := range s.pendingHourEntries {
byTenantExpected := make(map[accountProjectKey]*uint64set.Set)
for _, e := range s.pendingHourEntries {
k := accountProjectKey{
AccountID: e.AccountID,
ProjectID: e.ProjectID,
x := byTenantExpected[k]
if x == nil {
x = &uint64set.Set{}
byTenantExpected[k] = x
hour := fasttime.UnixHour()
hmOrig := &hourMetricIDs{
m: &uint64set.Set{},
hour: hour,
hmCurr := s.currHourMetricIDs.Load()
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
// It is possible new hour occurred. Update the hour and verify it again.
hour = uint64(timestampFromTime(time.Now())) / msecPerHour
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmCurr.hour; got %d; want %d", hmCurr.hour, hour)
// Do not run other checks, since they may fail.
m := mExpected.Clone()
hmOrig.m.ForEach(func(part []uint64) bool {
for _, metricID := range part {
return true
if !hmCurr.m.Equal(m) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hm.m; got %v; want %v", hmCurr.m, m)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmCurr.byTenant, byTenantExpected) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmPrev.byTenant; got %v; want %v", hmCurr.byTenant, byTenantExpected)
hmPrev := s.prevHourMetricIDs.Load()
hmEmpty := &hourMetricIDs{}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmPrev, hmEmpty) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmPrev; got %v; want %v", hmPrev, hmEmpty)
if len(s.pendingHourEntries) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected s.pendingHourEntries.Len(); got %d; want %d", len(s.pendingHourEntries), 0)
t.Run("nonempty_pending_metric_ids_valid_curr_hour_start_of_day", func(t *testing.T) {
s := newStorage()
s.pendingHourEntries = []pendingHourMetricIDEntry{
{AccountID: 123, ProjectID: 431, MetricID: 343},
{AccountID: 123, ProjectID: 431, MetricID: 32424},
{AccountID: 1, ProjectID: 2, MetricID: 8293432},
mExpected := &uint64set.Set{}
for _, e := range s.pendingHourEntries {
byTenantExpected := make(map[accountProjectKey]*uint64set.Set)
for _, e := range s.pendingHourEntries {
k := accountProjectKey{
AccountID: e.AccountID,
ProjectID: e.ProjectID,
x := byTenantExpected[k]
if x == nil {
x = &uint64set.Set{}
byTenantExpected[k] = x
hour := fasttime.UnixHour()
hour -= hour % 24
hmOrig := &hourMetricIDs{
m: &uint64set.Set{},
hour: hour,
hmCurr := s.currHourMetricIDs.Load()
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
// It is possible new hour occurred. Update the hour and verify it again.
hour = uint64(timestampFromTime(time.Now())) / msecPerHour
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmCurr.hour; got %d; want %d", hmCurr.hour, hour)
// Do not run other checks, since they may fail.
m := mExpected.Clone()
hmOrig.m.ForEach(func(part []uint64) bool {
for _, metricID := range part {
return true
if !hmCurr.m.Equal(m) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hm.m; got %v; want %v", hmCurr.m, m)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmCurr.byTenant, byTenantExpected) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmPrev.byTenant; got %v; want %v", hmCurr.byTenant, byTenantExpected)
hmPrev := s.prevHourMetricIDs.Load()
hmEmpty := &hourMetricIDs{}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmPrev, hmEmpty) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmPrev; got %v; want %v", hmPrev, hmEmpty)
if len(s.pendingHourEntries) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected s.pendingHourEntries.Len(); got %d; want %d", len(s.pendingHourEntries), 0)
t.Run("nonempty_pending_metric_ids_from_previous_hour_new_day", func(t *testing.T) {
s := newStorage()
hour := fasttime.UnixHour()
hour -= hour % 24
s.pendingHourEntries = []pendingHourMetricIDEntry{
{AccountID: 123, ProjectID: 431, MetricID: 343},
{AccountID: 123, ProjectID: 431, MetricID: 32424},
{AccountID: 1, ProjectID: 2, MetricID: 8293432},
hmOrig := &hourMetricIDs{
m: &uint64set.Set{},
hour: hour - 1,
hmCurr := s.currHourMetricIDs.Load()
if hmCurr.hour != hour {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmCurr.hour; got %d; want %d", hmCurr.hour, hour)
if hmCurr.m.Len() != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected non-empty hmCurr.m; got %v", hmCurr.m.AppendTo(nil))
byTenantExpected := make(map[accountProjectKey]*uint64set.Set)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmCurr.byTenant, byTenantExpected) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmPrev.byTenant; got %v; want %v", hmCurr.byTenant, byTenantExpected)
hmPrev := s.prevHourMetricIDs.Load()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(hmPrev, hmOrig) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected hmPrev; got %v; want %v", hmPrev, hmOrig)
if len(s.pendingHourEntries) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected s.pendingHourEntries.Len(); got %d; want %d", len(s.pendingHourEntries), 0)
func TestMetricRowMarshalUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
var buf []byte
typ := reflect.TypeOf(&MetricRow{})
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
v, ok := quick.Value(typ, rng)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("cannot create random MetricRow via quick.Value")
mr1 := v.Interface().(*MetricRow)
if mr1 == nil {
buf = mr1.Marshal(buf[:0])
var mr2 MetricRow
tail, err := mr2.UnmarshalX(buf)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot unmarshal mr1=%s: %s", mr1, err)
if len(tail) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("non-empty tail returned after MetricRow.Unmarshal for mr1=%s", mr1)
if mr1.MetricNameRaw == nil {
mr1.MetricNameRaw = []byte{}
if mr2.MetricNameRaw == nil {
mr2.MetricNameRaw = []byte{}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(mr1, &mr2) {
t.Fatalf("mr1 should match mr2; got\nmr1=%s\nmr2=%s", mr1, &mr2)
func TestNextRetentionDeadlineSeconds(t *testing.T) {
f := func(currentTime string, retention, offset time.Duration, deadlineExpected string) {
now, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, currentTime)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot parse currentTime=%q: %s", currentTime, err)
d := nextRetentionDeadlineSeconds(now.Unix(), int64(retention.Seconds()), int64(offset.Seconds()))
deadline := time.Unix(d, 0).UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
if deadline != deadlineExpected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected deadline; got %s; want %s", deadline, deadlineExpected)
f("2023-07-22T12:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-07-23T04:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T03:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-07-22T04:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T04:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-07-23T04:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T23:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-07-23T04:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-23T03:59:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-07-23T04:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T12:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 2*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T02:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T01:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 2*time.Hour, "2023-07-22T02:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T02:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 2*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T02:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T23:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 2*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T02:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-23T01:59:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 2*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T02:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T12:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, -5*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T09:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T08:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, -5*time.Hour, "2023-07-22T09:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T09:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, -5*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T09:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T12:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, -12*time.Hour, "2023-07-22T16:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T15:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, -12*time.Hour, "2023-07-22T16:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T16:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, -12*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T16:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T12:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, -18*time.Hour, "2023-07-22T22:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T21:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, -18*time.Hour, "2023-07-22T22:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T22:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, -18*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T22:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T12:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 18*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T10:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T09:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 18*time.Hour, "2023-07-22T10:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T10:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 18*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T10:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T12:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 37*time.Hour, "2023-07-22T15:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T14:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 37*time.Hour, "2023-07-22T15:00:00Z")
f("2023-07-22T15:44:35Z", 24*time.Hour, 37*time.Hour, "2023-07-23T15:00:00Z")
// The test cases below confirm that it is possible to pick a retention
// period such that the previous IndexDB may be removed earlier than it should be.
// See
// Cluster is configured with 12 month retentionPeriod on 2023-01-01.
f("2023-01-01T00:00:00Z", 365*24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-12-19T04:00:00Z")
// Restarts during that period do not change the retention deadline:
f("2023-03-01T00:00:00Z", 365*24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-12-19T04:00:00Z")
f("2023-06-01T00:00:00Z", 365*24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-12-19T04:00:00Z")
f("2023-09-01T00:00:00Z", 365*24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-12-19T04:00:00Z")
f("2023-12-01T00:00:00Z", 365*24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-12-19T04:00:00Z")
f("2023-12-19T03:59:59Z", 365*24*time.Hour, 0, "2023-12-19T04:00:00Z")
// At 2023-12-19T04:00:00Z the rotation occurs. New deadline is
// 2024-12-18T04:00:00Z. Restarts during that period do not change the
// new deadline:
f("2023-12-19T04:00:01Z", 365*24*time.Hour, 0, "2024-12-18T04:00:00Z")
f("2024-01-01T00:00:00Z", 365*24*time.Hour, 0, "2024-12-18T04:00:00Z")
f("2024-03-01T00:00:00Z", 365*24*time.Hour, 0, "2024-12-18T04:00:00Z")
f("2024-04-29T00:00:00Z", 365*24*time.Hour, 0, "2024-12-18T04:00:00Z")
// Now restart again but with the new retention period of 451d and the
// rotation time becomes 2024-05-01T04:00:00Z.
// At 2024-05-01T04:00:00Z, a new IndexDB is created and the current
// IndexDB (currently applicable to only ~4 months of data) becomes the
// previous IndexDB. The preceding IndexDB is deleted despite possibly
// being related to ~8 months of data that is still within retention.
f("2024-04-29T00:00:00Z", 451*24*time.Hour, 0, "2024-05-01T04:00:00Z")
func TestStorageOpenClose(t *testing.T) {
path := "TestStorageOpenClose"
opts := OpenOptions{
Retention: -1,
MaxHourlySeries: 1e5,
MaxDailySeries: 1e6,
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
s := MustOpenStorage(path, opts)
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot remove %q: %s", path, err)
func TestStorageRandTimestamps(t *testing.T) {
path := "TestStorageRandTimestamps"
opts := OpenOptions{
Retention: 10 * retention31Days,
s := MustOpenStorage(path, opts)
t.Run("serial", func(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
if err := testStorageRandTimestamps(s); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error on iteration %d: %s", i, err)
s = MustOpenStorage(path, opts)
t.Run("concurrent", func(t *testing.T) {
ch := make(chan error, 3)
for i := 0; i < cap(ch); i++ {
go func() {
var err error
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
err = testStorageRandTimestamps(s)
ch <- err
tt := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 10)
for i := 0; i < cap(ch); i++ {
select {
case err := <-ch:
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error on iteration %d: %s", i, err)
case <-tt.C:
t.Fatalf("timeout on iteration %d", i)
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot remove %q: %s", path, err)
func testStorageRandTimestamps(s *Storage) error {
currentTime := timestampFromTime(time.Now())
const rowsPerAdd = 5e3
const addsCount = 3
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
for i := 0; i < addsCount; i++ {
var mrs []MetricRow
var mn MetricName
mn.Tags = []Tag{
{[]byte("job"), []byte("webservice")},
{[]byte("instance"), []byte("")},
for j := 0; j < rowsPerAdd; j++ {
mn.MetricGroup = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("metric_%d", rng.Intn(100)))
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
timestamp := currentTime - int64((rng.Float64()-0.2)*float64(2*s.retentionMsecs))
value := rng.NormFloat64() * 1e11
mr := MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Value: value,
mrs = append(mrs, mr)
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
// Verify the storage contains rows.
var m Metrics
if rowsCount := m.TableMetrics.TotalRowsCount(); rowsCount == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("expecting at least one row in storage")
return nil
func TestStorageDeleteSeries(t *testing.T) {
path := "TestStorageDeleteSeries"
s := MustOpenStorage(path, OpenOptions{})
// Verify no label names exist
lns, err := s.SearchLabelNames(nil, 0, 0, nil, TimeRange{}, 1e5, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in SearchLabelNames() at the start: %s", err)
if len(lns) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("found non-empty tag keys at the start: %q", lns)
t.Run("serial", func(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
if err = testStorageDeleteSeries(s, 0); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error on iteration %d: %s", i, err)
// Re-open the storage in order to check how deleted metricIDs
// are persisted.
s = MustOpenStorage(path, OpenOptions{})
t.Run("concurrent", func(t *testing.T) {
ch := make(chan error, 3)
for i := 0; i < cap(ch); i++ {
go func(workerNum int) {
var err error
for j := 0; j < 2; j++ {
err = testStorageDeleteSeries(s, workerNum)
if err != nil {
ch <- err
tt := time.NewTimer(30 * time.Second)
for i := 0; i < cap(ch); i++ {
select {
case err := <-ch:
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error on iteration %d: %s", i, err)
case <-tt.C:
t.Fatalf("timeout on iteration %d", i)
// Verify no more tag keys exist
lns, err = s.SearchLabelNames(nil, 0, 0, nil, TimeRange{}, 1e5, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in SearchLabelNames after the test: %s", err)
if len(lns) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("found non-empty tag keys after the test: %q", lns)
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot remove %q: %s", path, err)
func testStorageDeleteSeries(s *Storage, workerNum int) error {
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
const rowsPerMetric = 100
const metricsCount = 30
workerTag := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("workerTag_%d", workerNum))
accountID := uint32(workerNum)
projectID := uint32(123)
lnsAll := make(map[string]bool)
lnsAll["__name__"] = true
for i := 0; i < metricsCount; i++ {
var mrs []MetricRow
var mn MetricName
mn.AccountID = accountID
mn.ProjectID = projectID
job := fmt.Sprintf("job_%d_%d", i, workerNum)
instance := fmt.Sprintf("instance_%d_%d", i, workerNum)
mn.Tags = []Tag{
{[]byte("job"), []byte(job)},
{[]byte("instance"), []byte(instance)},
{workerTag, []byte("foobar")},
for i := range mn.Tags {
lnsAll[string(mn.Tags[i].Key)] = true
mn.MetricGroup = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("metric_%d_%d", i, workerNum))
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
for j := 0; j < rowsPerMetric; j++ {
timestamp := rng.Int63n(1e10)
value := rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6
mr := MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Value: value,
mrs = append(mrs, mr)
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
// Verify tag values exist
tvs, err := s.SearchLabelValues(nil, accountID, projectID, string(workerTag), nil, TimeRange{}, 1e5, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchLabelValues before metrics removal: %w", err)
if len(tvs) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected empty number of tag values for workerTag")
// Verify tag keys exist
lns, err := s.SearchLabelNames(nil, accountID, projectID, nil, TimeRange{}, 1e5, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchLabelNames before metrics removal: %w", err)
if err := checkLabelNames(lns, lnsAll); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected label names before metrics removal: %w", err)
var sr Search
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: 0,
MaxTimestamp: 2e10,
metricBlocksCount := func(tfs *TagFilters) int {
// Verify the number of blocks
n := 0
sr.Init(nil, s, []*TagFilters{tfs}, tr, 1e5, noDeadline)
for sr.NextMetricBlock() {
return n
for i := 0; i < metricsCount; i++ {
tfs := NewTagFilters(accountID, projectID)
if err := tfs.Add(nil, []byte("metric_.+"), false, true); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot add regexp tag filter: %w", err)
job := fmt.Sprintf("job_%d_%d", i, workerNum)
if err := tfs.Add([]byte("job"), []byte(job), false, false); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot add job tag filter: %w", err)
if n := metricBlocksCount(tfs); n == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("expecting non-zero number of metric blocks for tfs=%s", tfs)
deletedCount, err := s.DeleteSeries(nil, []*TagFilters{tfs}, 1e9)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete metrics: %w", err)
if deletedCount == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("expecting non-zero number of deleted metrics on iteration %d", i)
if n := metricBlocksCount(tfs); n != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("expecting zero metric blocks after DeleteSeries call for tfs=%s; got %d blocks", tfs, n)
// Try deleting empty tfss
deletedCount, err = s.DeleteSeries(nil, nil, 1e9)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete empty tfss: %w", err)
if deletedCount != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("expecting zero deleted metrics for empty tfss; got %d", deletedCount)
// Make sure no more metrics left for the given workerNum
tfs := NewTagFilters(accountID, projectID)
if err := tfs.Add(nil, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("metric_.+_%d", workerNum)), false, true); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot add regexp tag filter for worker metrics: %w", err)
if n := metricBlocksCount(tfs); n != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("expecting zero metric blocks after deleting all the metrics; got %d blocks", n)
tvs, err = s.SearchLabelValues(nil, accountID, projectID, string(workerTag), nil, TimeRange{}, 1e5, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchLabelValues after all the metrics are removed: %w", err)
if len(tvs) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("found non-empty tag values for %q after metrics removal: %q", workerTag, tvs)
return nil
func checkLabelNames(lns []string, lnsExpected map[string]bool) error {
if len(lns) < len(lnsExpected) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of label names found; got %d; want at least %d; lns=%q, lnsExpected=%v", len(lns), len(lnsExpected), lns, lnsExpected)
hasItem := func(s string, lns []string) bool {
for _, labelName := range lns {
if s == labelName {
return true
return false
for labelName := range lnsExpected {
if !hasItem(labelName, lns) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find %q in label names %q", labelName, lns)
return nil
func TestStorageDeleteSeries_TooManyTimeseries(t *testing.T) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
const numSeries = 1000
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
var accountID uint32 = 1
var projectID uint32 = 2
mrs := testGenerateMetricRowsWithPrefixForTenantID(rng, accountID, projectID, numSeries, "metric", TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Now().Add(-100 * 24 * time.Hour).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{})
defer s.MustClose()
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
tfs := NewTagFilters(accountID, projectID)
if err := tfs.Add(nil, []byte("metric.*"), false, true); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error in TagFilters.Add: %v", err)
maxSeries := numSeries - 1
count, err := s.DeleteSeries(nil, []*TagFilters{tfs}, maxSeries)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected an error but there hasn't been one")
if count != 0 {
t.Errorf("unexpected deleted series count: got %d, want 0", count)
func TestStorageDeleteSeries_CachesAreUpdatedOrReset(t *testing.T) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
// For this test, the time range must be < 40 days. Otherwise the global
// index will be searched and the actual time range used in tag filters
// cache will be the globalTimeRange.
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Now().Add(-30 * 24 * time.Hour).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
mn := MetricName{MetricGroup: []byte("metric")}
mr := MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: mn.marshalRaw(nil),
Timestamp: tr.MaxTimestamp,
Value: 123,
var (
genTSID generationTSID
tfssKey []byte
tfs := NewTagFilters(0, 0)
if err := tfs.Add(nil, []byte("metric.*"), false, true); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error in TagFilters.Add: %v", err)
tfss := []*TagFilters{tfs}
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{})
defer s.MustClose()
// Ensure caches are empty.
if s.getTSIDFromCache(&genTSID, mr.MetricNameRaw) {
t.Fatalf("tsidCache unexpected contents: got %v, want empty", genTSID)
tfssKey = marshalTagFiltersKey(nil, tfss, tr, true)
if got, ok := s.idb().getMetricIDsFromTagFiltersCache(nil, tfssKey); ok {
t.Fatalf("tagFiltersToMetricIDsCache unexpected contents: got %v, want empty", got)
if got := s.getDeletedMetricIDs().Len(); got != 0 {
t.Fatalf("deletedMetricIDs cache: unexpected size: got %d, want empty", got)
// Add one row, search it, and ensure that the tsidCache and
// tagFiltersToMetricIDsCache are not empty but the deletedMetricIDs
// cache is still empty.
s.AddRows([]MetricRow{mr}, defaultPrecisionBits)
gotMetrics, err := s.SearchMetricNames(nil, tfss, tr, 1, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SearchMetricNames() failed unexpectedly: %v", err)
wantMetrics := []string{string(mr.MetricNameRaw)}
if reflect.DeepEqual(gotMetrics, wantMetrics) {
t.Fatalf("SearchMetricNames() unexpected search result: got %v, want %v", gotMetrics, wantMetrics)
if !s.getTSIDFromCache(&genTSID, mr.MetricNameRaw) {
t.Fatalf("tsidCache was expected to contain a record but it did not")
metricID := genTSID.TSID.MetricID
tfssKey = marshalTagFiltersKey(nil, tfss, tr, true)
if _, ok := s.idb().getMetricIDsFromTagFiltersCache(nil, tfssKey); !ok {
t.Fatalf("tagFiltersToMetricIDsCache was expected to contain a record but it did not")
if got := s.getDeletedMetricIDs().Len(); got != 0 {
t.Fatalf("deletedMetricIDs cache unexpected size: got %d, want empty", got)
// Delete the metric added earlier and ensure that the tsidCache and
// tagFiltersToMetricIDsCache have been reset and the deletedMetricIDs
// cache is now contains ID of the deleted metric.
numDeletedSeries, err := s.DeleteSeries(nil, tfss, 1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("DeleteSeries() failed unexpectedly: %v", err)
if got, want := numDeletedSeries, 1; got != want {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of deleted series, got %d, want %d", got, want)
if s.getTSIDFromCache(&genTSID, mr.MetricNameRaw) {
t.Fatalf("tsidCache unexpected contents: got %v, want empty", genTSID)
tfssKey = marshalTagFiltersKey(nil, tfss, tr, true)
if got, ok := s.idb().getMetricIDsFromTagFiltersCache(nil, tfssKey); ok {
t.Fatalf("tagFiltersToMetricIDsCache unexpected contents: got %v, want empty", got)
if got, want := s.getDeletedMetricIDs().AppendTo(nil), []uint64{metricID}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("deletedMetricIDs cache: unexpected contents: got %v, want %v", got, want)
func TestStorageRegisterMetricNamesSerial(t *testing.T) {
path := "TestStorageRegisterMetricNamesSerial"
s := MustOpenStorage(path, OpenOptions{})
if err := testStorageRegisterMetricNames(s); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot remove %q: %s", path, err)
func TestStorageRegisterMetricNamesConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
path := "TestStorageRegisterMetricNamesConcurrent"
s := MustOpenStorage(path, OpenOptions{})
ch := make(chan error, 3)
for i := 0; i < cap(ch); i++ {
go func() {
ch <- testStorageRegisterMetricNames(s)
for i := 0; i < cap(ch); i++ {
select {
case err := <-ch:
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot remove %q: %s", path, err)
func testStorageRegisterMetricNames(s *Storage) error {
const metricsPerAdd = 1e3
const addsCount = 10
const accountID = 123
const projectID = 421
addIDsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for i := 0; i < addsCount; i++ {
var mrs []MetricRow
var mn MetricName
addID := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
addIDsMap[addID] = struct{}{}
mn.AccountID = accountID
mn.ProjectID = projectID
mn.Tags = []Tag{
{[]byte("job"), []byte("webservice")},
{[]byte("instance"), []byte("")},
{[]byte("add_id"), []byte(addID)},
now := timestampFromTime(time.Now())
for j := 0; j < metricsPerAdd; j++ {
mn.MetricGroup = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("metric_%d", j))
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
mr := MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: now,
mrs = append(mrs, mr)
s.RegisterMetricNames(nil, mrs)
var addIDsExpected []string
for k := range addIDsMap {
addIDsExpected = append(addIDsExpected, k)
// Verify the storage contains the added metric names.
// Verify that SearchLabelNames returns correct result.
lnsExpected := []string{
lns, err := s.SearchLabelNames(nil, accountID, projectID, nil, TimeRange{}, 100, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchLabelNames: %w", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(lns, lnsExpected) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected label names returned from SearchLabelNames;\ngot\n%q\nwant\n%q", lns, lnsExpected)
// Verify that SearchLabelNames returns empty results for incorrect accountID, projectID
lns, err = s.SearchLabelNames(nil, accountID+1, projectID+1, nil, TimeRange{}, 100, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchTagKeys for incorrect accountID, projectID: %w", err)
if len(lns) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("SearchTagKeys with incorrect accountID, projectID returns unexpected non-empty result:\n%q", lns)
// Verify that SearchLabelNames with the specified time range returns correct result.
now := timestampFromTime(time.Now())
start := now - msecPerDay
end := now + 60*1000
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: start,
MaxTimestamp: end,
lns, err = s.SearchLabelNames(nil, accountID, projectID, nil, tr, 100, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchLabelNames: %w", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(lns, lnsExpected) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected label names returned from SearchLabelNames;\ngot\n%q\nwant\n%q", lns, lnsExpected)
// Verify that SearchLabelNames with the specified time range returns empty results for incrorrect accountID, projectID
lns, err = s.SearchLabelNames(nil, accountID+1, projectID+1, nil, tr, 100, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchLabelNames for incorrect accountID, projectID: %w", err)
if len(lns) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("SearchLabelNames with incorrect accountID, projectID returns unexpected non-empty result:\n%q", lns)
// Verify that SearchLabelValues returns correct result.
addIDs, err := s.SearchLabelValues(nil, accountID, projectID, "add_id", nil, TimeRange{}, addsCount+100, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchLabelValues: %w", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(addIDs, addIDsExpected) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected tag values returned from SearchLabelValues;\ngot\n%q\nwant\n%q", addIDs, addIDsExpected)
// Verify that SearchLabelValues return empty results for incorrect accountID, projectID
addIDs, err = s.SearchLabelValues(nil, accountID+1, projectID+1, "add_id", nil, TimeRange{}, addsCount+100, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchLabelValues for incorrect accountID, projectID: %w", err)
if len(addIDs) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("SearchLabelValues with incorrect accountID, projectID returns unexpected non-empty result:\n%q", addIDs)
// Verify that SearchLabelValues with the specified time range returns correct result.
addIDs, err = s.SearchLabelValues(nil, accountID, projectID, "add_id", nil, tr, addsCount+100, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchLabelValues: %w", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(addIDs, addIDsExpected) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected tag values returned from SearchLabelValues;\ngot\n%q\nwant\n%q", addIDs, addIDsExpected)
// Verify that SearchLabelValues returns empty results for incorrect accountID, projectID
addIDs, err = s.SearchLabelValues(nil, accountID+1, projectID+1, "addd_id", nil, tr, addsCount+100, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchLabelValues for incorrect accoundID, projectID: %w", err)
if len(addIDs) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("SearchLabelValues with incorrect accountID, projectID returns unexpected non-empty result:\n%q", addIDs)
// Verify that SearchMetricNames returns correct result.
tfs := NewTagFilters(accountID, projectID)
if err := tfs.Add([]byte("add_id"), []byte("0"), false, false); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error in TagFilters.Add: %w", err)
metricNames, err := s.SearchMetricNames(nil, []*TagFilters{tfs}, tr, metricsPerAdd*addsCount*100+100, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchMetricNames: %w", err)
if len(metricNames) < metricsPerAdd {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of metricNames returned from SearchMetricNames; got %d; want at least %d", len(metricNames), int(metricsPerAdd))
var mn MetricName
for i, metricName := range metricNames {
if err := mn.UnmarshalString(metricName); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal metricName=%q: %w", metricName, err)
addID := mn.GetTagValue("add_id")
if string(addID) != "0" {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected addID for metricName #%d; got %q; want %q", i, addID, "0")
job := mn.GetTagValue("job")
if string(job) != "webservice" {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected job for metricName #%d; got %q; want %q", i, job, "webservice")
// Verify that SearchMetricNames returns empty results for incorrect accountID, projectID
tfs = NewTagFilters(accountID+1, projectID+1)
if err := tfs.Add([]byte("add_id"), []byte("0"), false, false); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error in TagFilters.Add: %w", err)
metricNames, err = s.SearchMetricNames(nil, []*TagFilters{tfs}, tr, metricsPerAdd*addsCount*100+100, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in SearchMetricNames for incorrect accountID, projectID: %w", err)
if len(metricNames) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("SearchMetricNames with incorrect accountID, projectID returns unexpected non-empty result:\n%+v", metricNames)
return nil
func TestStorageAddRowsSerial(t *testing.T) {
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
path := "TestStorageAddRowsSerial"
opts := OpenOptions{
Retention: 10 * retention31Days,
MaxHourlySeries: 1e5,
MaxDailySeries: 1e5,
s := MustOpenStorage(path, opts)
if err := testStorageAddRows(rng, s); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot remove %q: %s", path, err)
func TestStorageAddRowsConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
path := "TestStorageAddRowsConcurrent"
opts := OpenOptions{
Retention: 10 * retention31Days,
MaxHourlySeries: 1e5,
MaxDailySeries: 1e5,
s := MustOpenStorage(path, opts)
ch := make(chan error, 3)
for i := 0; i < cap(ch); i++ {
go func(n int) {
rLocal := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(n)))
ch <- testStorageAddRows(rLocal, s)
for i := 0; i < cap(ch); i++ {
select {
case err := <-ch:
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot remove %q: %s", path, err)
func testGenerateMetricRowsForTenant(accountID, projectID uint32, rng *rand.Rand, rows uint64, timestampMin, timestampMax int64) []MetricRow {
var mrs []MetricRow
var mn MetricName
mn.Tags = []Tag{
{[]byte("job"), []byte("webservice")},
{[]byte("instance"), []byte("")},
for i := 0; i < int(rows); i++ {
mn.AccountID = accountID
mn.ProjectID = projectID
mn.MetricGroup = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("metric_%d", i))
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
timestamp := rng.Int63n(timestampMax-timestampMin) + timestampMin
value := rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6
mr := MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Value: value,
mrs = append(mrs, mr)
return mrs
func testGenerateMetricRows(rng *rand.Rand, rows uint64, timestampMin, timestampMax int64) []MetricRow {
return testGenerateMetricRowsWithPrefix(rng, rows, "metric", TimeRange{timestampMin, timestampMax})
func testGenerateMetricRowsWithPrefixForTenantID(rng *rand.Rand, accountID, projectID uint32, rows uint64, prefix string, tr TimeRange) []MetricRow {
var mrs []MetricRow
var mn MetricName
mn.Tags = []Tag{
{[]byte("job"), []byte("webservice")},
{[]byte("instance"), []byte("")},
for i := 0; i < int(rows); i++ {
mn.AccountID = accountID
mn.ProjectID = projectID
mn.MetricGroup = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", prefix, i))
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
timestamp := rng.Int63n(tr.MaxTimestamp-tr.MinTimestamp) + tr.MinTimestamp
value := rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6
mr := MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Value: value,
mrs = append(mrs, mr)
return mrs
func testGenerateMetricRowsWithPrefix(rng *rand.Rand, rows uint64, prefix string, tr TimeRange) []MetricRow {
var mrs []MetricRow
var mn MetricName
mn.Tags = []Tag{
{[]byte("job"), []byte("webservice")},
{[]byte("instance"), []byte("")},
for i := 0; i < int(rows); i++ {
mn.AccountID = uint32(rand.Intn(2))
mn.ProjectID = uint32(rand.Intn(3))
mn.MetricGroup = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", prefix, i))
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
timestamp := rng.Int63n(tr.MaxTimestamp-tr.MinTimestamp) + tr.MinTimestamp
value := rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6
mr := MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: timestamp,
Value: value,
mrs = append(mrs, mr)
return mrs
func testStorageAddRows(rng *rand.Rand, s *Storage) error {
const rowsPerAdd = 1e3
const addsCount = 10
maxTimestamp := timestampFromTime(time.Now())
minTimestamp := maxTimestamp - s.retentionMsecs + 3600*1000
for i := 0; i < addsCount; i++ {
mrs := testGenerateMetricRows(rng, rowsPerAdd, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp)
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
// Verify the storage contains rows.
minRowsExpected := uint64(rowsPerAdd * addsCount)
var m Metrics
if rowsCount := m.TableMetrics.TotalRowsCount(); rowsCount < minRowsExpected {
return fmt.Errorf("expecting at least %d rows in the table; got %d", minRowsExpected, rowsCount)
// Try creating a snapshot from the storage.
snapshotName, err := s.CreateSnapshot()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create snapshot from the storage: %w", err)
// Verify the snapshot is visible
snapshots, err := s.ListSnapshots()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot list snapshots: %w", err)
if !containsString(snapshots, snapshotName) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find snapshot %q in %q", snapshotName, snapshots)
// Try opening the storage from snapshot.
snapshotPath := filepath.Join(s.path, snapshotsDirname, snapshotName)
s1 := MustOpenStorage(snapshotPath, OpenOptions{})
// Verify the snapshot contains rows
var m1 Metrics
if rowsCount := m1.TableMetrics.TotalRowsCount(); rowsCount < minRowsExpected {
return fmt.Errorf("snapshot %q must contain at least %d rows; got %d", snapshotPath, minRowsExpected, rowsCount)
// Verify that force merge for the snapshot leaves at most a single part per partition.
// Zero parts are possible if the snapshot is created just after the partition has been created
// by concurrent goroutine, but it didn't put the data into it yet.
if err := s1.ForceMergePartitions(""); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error when force merging partitions: %w", err)
ptws := s1.tb.GetPartitions(nil)
for _, ptw := range ptws {
pws :=, true)
numParts := len(pws)
if numParts > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of parts for partition %q after force merge; got %d; want at most 1",, numParts)
// Delete the snapshot and make sure it is no longer visible.
if err := s.DeleteSnapshot(snapshotName); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete snapshot %q: %w", snapshotName, err)
snapshots, err = s.ListSnapshots()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot list snapshots: %w", err)
if containsString(snapshots, snapshotName) {
return fmt.Errorf("snapshot %q must be deleted, but is still visible in %q", snapshotName, snapshots)
return nil
func TestStorageRotateIndexDB(t *testing.T) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
const (
numRotations = 4
numWorkers = 10
numRows = 10000
accountID = 0
projectID = 0
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Now().UTC().Add(-numRows * time.Hour).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Now().UTC().UnixMilli(),
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{})
defer s.MustClose()
insertAndRotateConcurrently := func(i int) (int, int) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for workerNum := range numWorkers {
go func() {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("metric_%d_%d", i, workerNum)
mrs := testGenerateMetricRowsWithPrefixForTenantID(rng, accountID, projectID, numRows, prefix, tr)
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
idbCurr := s.idb()
idbPrev := idbCurr.extDB
isCurr := idbCurr.getIndexSearch(accountID, projectID, noDeadline)
defer idbCurr.putIndexSearch(isCurr)
isPrev := idbPrev.getIndexSearch(accountID, projectID, noDeadline)
defer idbPrev.putIndexSearch(isPrev)
tfss := NewTagFilters(accountID, projectID)
return testCountAllMetricNamesNoExtDB(tfss, isPrev, tr), testCountAllMetricNamesNoExtDB(tfss, isCurr, tr)
var oldCurr int
for i := range numRotations {
newPrev, newCurr := insertAndRotateConcurrently(i)
var m Metrics
if got, want := m.TableMetrics.TotalRowsCount(), uint64(numWorkers*numRows*(i+1)); got != want {
t.Errorf("[rotation %d] unexpected row count: got %d, want %d", i, got, want)
if got, want := newPrev-oldCurr+newCurr, numWorkers*numRows; got != want {
t.Errorf("[rotation %d] unexpected metric count count: got (%d - %d) + %d = %d, want %d", i, newPrev, oldCurr, newCurr, got, want)
oldCurr = newCurr
func testCountAllMetricNamesNoExtDB(tfss *TagFilters, is *indexSearch, tr TimeRange) int {
if err := tfss.Add([]byte("__name__"), []byte(".*"), false, true); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error in TagFilters.Add: %v", err))
metricIDs, err := is.searchMetricIDs(nil, []*TagFilters{tfss}, tr, 1e9)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("searchMetricIDs failed unexpectedly: %v", err))
metricNames := map[string]bool{}
var metricName []byte
for _, metricID := range metricIDs {
metricName, _ = is.searchMetricName(metricName[:0], metricID)
metricNames[string(metricName)] = true
return len(metricNames)
func TestStorageDeleteStaleSnapshots(t *testing.T) {
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
path := "TestStorageDeleteStaleSnapshots"
opts := OpenOptions{
Retention: 10 * retention31Days,
MaxHourlySeries: 1e5,
MaxDailySeries: 1e5,
s := MustOpenStorage(path, opts)
const rowsPerAdd = 1e3
const addsCount = 10
maxTimestamp := timestampFromTime(time.Now())
minTimestamp := maxTimestamp - s.retentionMsecs
for i := 0; i < addsCount; i++ {
mrs := testGenerateMetricRows(rng, rowsPerAdd, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp)
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
// Try creating a snapshot from the storage.
snapshotName, err := s.CreateSnapshot()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot create snapshot from the storage: %s", err)
// Delete snapshots older than 1 month
if err := s.DeleteStaleSnapshots(30 * 24 * time.Hour); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in DeleteStaleSnapshots(1 month): %s", err)
snapshots, err := s.ListSnapshots()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot list snapshots: %s", err)
if len(snapshots) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expecting one snapshot; got %q", snapshots)
if snapshots[0] != snapshotName {
t.Fatalf("snapshot %q is missing in %q", snapshotName, snapshots)
// Delete the snapshot which is older than 1 nanoseconds
time.Sleep(2 * time.Nanosecond)
if err := s.DeleteStaleSnapshots(time.Nanosecond); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot delete snapshot %q: %s", snapshotName, err)
snapshots, err = s.ListSnapshots()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot list snapshots: %s", err)
if len(snapshots) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expecting zero snapshots; got %q", snapshots)
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot remove %q: %s", path, err)
// testRemoveAll removes all storage data produced by a test if the test hasn't
// failed. For this to work, the storage must use t.Name() as the base dir in
// its data path.
// In case of failure, the data is kept for further debugging.
func testRemoveAll(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if !t.Failed() {
func TestStorageRowsNotAdded(t *testing.T) {
const accountID = 123
const projectID = 456
defer testRemoveAll(t)
type options struct {
name string
retention time.Duration
mrs []MetricRow
tr TimeRange
wantMetrics *Metrics
f := func(opts *options) {
var gotMetrics Metrics
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", t.Name(),
s := MustOpenStorage(path, OpenOptions{Retention: opts.retention})
defer s.MustClose()
s.AddRows(opts.mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
got := testCountAllMetricNames(s, accountID, projectID,
if got != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected metric name count: got %d, want 0", got)
if got, want := gotMetrics.RowsReceivedTotal, opts.wantMetrics.RowsReceivedTotal; got != want {
t.Fatalf("unexpected Metrics.RowsReceivedTotal: got %d, want %d", got, want)
if got, want := gotMetrics.RowsAddedTotal, opts.wantMetrics.RowsAddedTotal; got != want {
t.Fatalf("unexpected Metrics.RowsAddedTotal: got %d, want %d", got, want)
if got, want := gotMetrics.InvalidRawMetricNames, opts.wantMetrics.InvalidRawMetricNames; got != want {
t.Fatalf("unexpected Metrics.InvalidRawMetricNames: got %d, want %d", got, want)
const numRows = 1000
var (
rng = rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
retention time.Duration
minTimestamp int64
maxTimestamp int64
mrs []MetricRow
minTimestamp = -1000
maxTimestamp = -1
name: "NegativeTimestamps",
retention: retentionMax,
mrs: testGenerateMetricRowsForTenant(accountID, projectID, rng, numRows, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp),
tr: TimeRange{minTimestamp, maxTimestamp},
wantMetrics: &Metrics{
RowsReceivedTotal: numRows,
TooSmallTimestampRows: numRows,
retention = 48 * time.Hour
minTimestamp = time.Now().Add(-retention - time.Hour).UnixMilli()
maxTimestamp = minTimestamp + 1000
name: "TooSmallTimestamps",
retention: retention,
mrs: testGenerateMetricRowsForTenant(accountID, projectID, rng, numRows, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp),
tr: TimeRange{minTimestamp, maxTimestamp},
wantMetrics: &Metrics{
RowsReceivedTotal: numRows,
TooSmallTimestampRows: numRows,
retention = 48 * time.Hour
minTimestamp = time.Now().Add(7 * 24 * time.Hour).UnixMilli()
maxTimestamp = minTimestamp + 1000
name: "TooBigTimestamps",
retention: retention,
mrs: testGenerateMetricRowsForTenant(accountID, projectID, rng, numRows, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp),
tr: TimeRange{minTimestamp, maxTimestamp},
wantMetrics: &Metrics{
RowsReceivedTotal: numRows,
TooBigTimestampRows: numRows,
minTimestamp = time.Now().UnixMilli()
maxTimestamp = minTimestamp + 1000
mrs = testGenerateMetricRowsForTenant(accountID, projectID, rng, numRows, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp)
for i := range numRows {
mrs[i].MetricNameRaw = []byte("garbage")
name: "InvalidMetricNameRaw",
mrs: mrs,
tr: TimeRange{minTimestamp, maxTimestamp},
wantMetrics: &Metrics{
RowsReceivedTotal: numRows,
InvalidRawMetricNames: numRows,
func TestStorageRowsNotAdded_SeriesLimitExceeded(t *testing.T) {
const accountID = 123
const projectID = 456
defer testRemoveAll(t)
f := func(t *testing.T, numRows uint64, maxHourlySeries, maxDailySeries int) {
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
minTimestamp := time.Now().UnixMilli()
maxTimestamp := minTimestamp + 1000
mrs := testGenerateMetricRowsForTenant(accountID, projectID, rng, numRows, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp)
// Insert metrics into the empty storage. The insertion will take the slow path.
opts := OpenOptions{
MaxHourlySeries: maxHourlySeries,
MaxDailySeries: maxDailySeries,
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), opts)
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
assertCounts := func(pathName string) {
var gotMetrics Metrics
if got, want := gotMetrics.RowsReceivedTotal, numRows; got != want {
t.Fatalf("[%s] unexpected Metrics.RowsReceivedTotal: got %d, want %d", pathName, got, want)
if got := gotMetrics.HourlySeriesLimitRowsDropped; maxHourlySeries > 0 && got <= 0 {
t.Fatalf("[%s] unexpected Metrics.HourlySeriesLimitRowsDropped: got %d, want > 0", pathName, got)
if got := gotMetrics.DailySeriesLimitRowsDropped; maxDailySeries > 0 && got <= 0 {
t.Fatalf("[%s] unexpected Metrics.DailySeriesLimitRowsDropped: got %d, want > 0", pathName, got)
want := numRows - (gotMetrics.HourlySeriesLimitRowsDropped + gotMetrics.DailySeriesLimitRowsDropped)
if got := testCountAllMetricNames(s, accountID, projectID, TimeRange{minTimestamp, maxTimestamp}); uint64(got) != want {
t.Fatalf("[%s] unexpected metric name count: %d, want %d", pathName, got, want)
if got := gotMetrics.RowsAddedTotal; got != want {
t.Fatalf("[%s] unexpected Metrics.RowsAddedTotal: got %d, want %d", pathName, got, want)
assertCounts("Slow Path")
// Open the storage again and insert the same metrics again.
// This time tsidCache should have the metric names and the fast path
// branch will be executed.
s = MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), opts)
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
assertCounts("Fast Path")
// Open the storage again, drop tsidCache, and insert the same metrics
// again. This time tsidCache should not have the metric names so they
// will be searched in index. Thus, the insertion takes the slower path.
s = MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), opts)
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
assertCounts("Slower Path")
const (
numRows = 1000
maxHourlySeries = 500
maxDailySeries = 500
t.Run("HourlyLimitExceeded", func(t *testing.T) {
f(t, numRows, maxHourlySeries, 0)
t.Run("DailyLimitExceeded", func(t *testing.T) {
f(t, numRows, 0, maxDailySeries)
// testCountAllMetricNames is a test helper function that counts the names of
// all time series within the given time range.
func testCountAllMetricNames(s *Storage, accountID, projectID uint32, tr TimeRange) int {
tfsAll := NewTagFilters(accountID, projectID)
if err := tfsAll.Add([]byte("__name__"), []byte(".*"), false, true); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error in TagFilters.Add: %v", err))
names, err := s.SearchMetricNames(nil, []*TagFilters{tfsAll}, tr, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("SeachMetricNames() failed unexpectedly: %v", err))
return len(names)
// testCountAllMetricIDs is a test helper function that counts the IDs of
// all time series within the given time range.
func testCountAllMetricIDs(s *Storage, tr TimeRange) int {
tfsAll := NewTagFilters(0, 0)
if err := tfsAll.Add([]byte("__name__"), []byte(".*"), false, true); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error in TagFilters.Add: %v", err))
if s.disablePerDayIndex {
tr = globalIndexTimeRange
ids, err := s.idb().searchMetricIDs(nil, []*TagFilters{tfsAll}, tr, 1e9, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("seachMetricIDs() failed unexpectedly: %s", err))
return len(ids)
func TestStorageSearchMetricNames_TooManyTimeseries(t *testing.T) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
const (
numDays = 100
numRows = 10
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
var (
days []TimeRange
mrs []MetricRow
for i := range numDays {
day := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Date(2000, 1, i+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Date(2000, 1, i+1, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
days = append(days, day)
prefix1 := fmt.Sprintf("metric1_%d", i)
mrs = append(mrs, testGenerateMetricRowsWithPrefixForTenantID(rng, 0, 0, numRows, prefix1, day)...)
prefix2 := fmt.Sprintf("metric2_%d", i)
mrs = append(mrs, testGenerateMetricRowsWithPrefixForTenantID(rng, 0, 0, numRows, prefix2, day)...)
type options struct {
path string
filters []string
tr TimeRange
maxMetrics int
wantErr bool
wantCount int
f := func(opts *options) {
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name()+"/"+opts.path, OpenOptions{})
defer s.MustClose()
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
var tfss []*TagFilters
for _, filter := range opts.filters {
filter := fmt.Sprintf("%s.*", filter)
tfs := NewTagFilters(0, 0)
if err := tfs.Add(nil, []byte(filter), false, true); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error in TagFilters.Add: %v", err)
tfss = append(tfss, tfs)
names, err := s.SearchMetricNames(nil, tfss,, opts.maxMetrics, noDeadline)
gotErr := err != nil
if gotErr != opts.wantErr {
t.Errorf("SeachMetricNames(%v, %v, %d): unexpected error: got %v, want error to happen %v", []any{
tfss, &, opts.maxMetrics, err, opts.wantErr,
if got := len(names); got != opts.wantCount {
t.Errorf("SeachMetricNames(%v, %v, %d): unexpected metric name count: got %d, want %d", []any{
tfss, &, opts.maxMetrics, got, opts.wantCount,
// Using one filter to search metric names within one day. The maxMetrics
// param is set to match exactly the number of time series that match the
// filter within that time range. Search operation must complete
// successfully.
path: "OneDay/OneTagFilter/MaxMetricsNotExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1"},
tr: days[0],
maxMetrics: numRows,
wantCount: numRows,
// Using one filter to search metric names within one day. The maxMetrics
// param is less than the number of time series that match the filter
// within that time range. Search operation must fail.
path: "OneDay/OneTagFilter/MaxMetricsExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1"},
tr: days[0],
maxMetrics: numRows - 1,
wantErr: true,
// Using two filters to search metric names within one day. The maxMetrics
// param is set to match exactly the number of time series that match the
// two filters within that time range. Search operation must complete
// successfully.
path: "OneDay/TwoTagFilters/MaxMetricsNotExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1", "metric2"},
tr: days[0],
maxMetrics: numRows * 2,
wantCount: numRows * 2,
// Using two filters to search metric names within one day. The maxMetrics
// param is less than the number of time series that match the two filters
// within that time range. Search operation must fail.
path: "OneDay/TwoTagFilters/MaxMetricsExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1", "metric2"},
tr: days[0],
maxMetrics: numRows*2 - 1,
wantErr: true,
// Using one filter to search metric names within two days. The maxMetrics
// param is set to match exactly the number of time series that match the
// filter within that time range. Search operation must complete
// successfully.
path: "TwoDays/OneTagFilter/MaxMetricsNotExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1"},
tr: TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: days[0].MinTimestamp,
MaxTimestamp: days[1].MaxTimestamp,
maxMetrics: numRows * 2,
wantCount: numRows * 2,
// Using one filter to search metric names within two days. The maxMetrics
// param is less than the number of time series that match the filter
// within that time range. Search operation must fail.
path: "TwoDays/OneTagFilter/MaxMetricsExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1"},
tr: TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: days[0].MinTimestamp,
MaxTimestamp: days[1].MaxTimestamp,
maxMetrics: numRows*2 - 1,
wantErr: true,
// Using two filters to search metric names within two days. The maxMetrics
// param is set to match exactly the number of time series that match the
// two filters within that time range. Search operation must complete
// successfully.
path: "TwoDays/TwoTagFilters/MaxMetricsNotExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1", "metric2"},
tr: TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: days[0].MinTimestamp,
MaxTimestamp: days[1].MaxTimestamp,
maxMetrics: numRows * 4,
wantCount: numRows * 4,
// Using two filters to search metric names within two days. The maxMetrics
// param is less than the number of time series that match the two filters
// within that time range. Search operation must fail.
path: "TwoDays/TwoTagFilters/MaxMetricsExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1", "metric2"},
tr: TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: days[0].MinTimestamp,
MaxTimestamp: days[1].MaxTimestamp,
maxMetrics: numRows*4 - 1,
wantErr: true,
// Using one filter to search metric names within the time range of 41 days.
// This time range corresponds to the day difference of 40 days, which is
// the max day difference when the per-day index is still used for
// searching. The maxMetrics param is set to match exactly the number of
// time series that match the filter within that time range. Search
// operation must complete successfully.
path: "40Days/OneTagFilter/MaxMetricsNotExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1"},
tr: TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: days[0].MinTimestamp,
MaxTimestamp: days[40].MaxTimestamp,
maxMetrics: numRows * 41,
wantCount: numRows * 41,
// Using one filter to search metric names within the time range of 42 days.
// This time range corresponds to the day difference of 41 days, which is
// longer than than 40 days. In this case, the search is performed using
// global index instead of per-day index and the metric names will be
// searched within the entire retention period. The maxMetrics parameter,
// however, is set to the number of time series within the 42 days. The
// search must fail because the number of metrics will be much larger.
path: "MoreThan40Days/OneTagFilter/MaxMetricsExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1"},
tr: TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: days[0].MinTimestamp,
MaxTimestamp: days[41].MaxTimestamp,
maxMetrics: numRows * 42,
wantErr: true,
// To fix the above case, the maxMetrics must be adjusted to be not less
// than the number of time series within the entire retention period.
path: "MoreThan40Days/OneTagFilter/MaxMetricsNotExeeded",
filters: []string{"metric1"},
tr: TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: days[0].MinTimestamp,
MaxTimestamp: days[41].MaxTimestamp,
maxMetrics: numRows * numDays,
wantCount: numRows * numDays,
func TestStorageDate(t *testing.T) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
f := func(disablePerDayIndex bool, millis int64, want uint64) {
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: disablePerDayIndex,
defer s.MustClose()
if got :=; got != want {
t.Errorf("unexpected date: got %d, want %d", got, want)
// Zero millis are converted to zero date regardless whether
// -disablePerDayIndex flag is set or not.
f(false, 0, 0)
f(true, 0, 0)
// When per-day index is enabled, positive millis are converted to the
// corresponding date.
f(false, 10*msecPerDay, 10)
// When per-day index is disabled, positive millis are converted to
// globalIndexDate.
f(true, 10*msecPerDay, globalIndexDate)
func TestStorageDate_negativeMillis(t *testing.T) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
// Negative millis won't be converted to a negative date because the date is
// always positive. As a result, dates earlier than 1970-01-01 are not
// supported. However, when the -disablePerDayIndex flag is set, negative
// millis must be converted to globalIndexDate.
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: true,
millis := int64(-10 * msecPerDay)
want := globalIndexDate
if got :=; got != want {
t.Errorf("unexpected date: got %d, want %d", got, want)
func TestStorageAdjustTimeRange(t *testing.T) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
f := func(disablePerDayIndex bool, tr TimeRange, want TimeRange) {
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: disablePerDayIndex,
defer s.MustClose()
if got := s.adjustTimeRange(tr); got != want {
t.Errorf("unexpected time range: got %v, want %v", &got, &want)
var tr TimeRange
// Zero time range is adjusted to globalIndexTimeRange regardless whether
// the -disablePerDayIndex flag is set or not.
tr = TimeRange{}
f(false, tr, globalIndexTimeRange)
f(true, tr, globalIndexTimeRange)
// Time range is smaller than 40 days. When the -disablePerDayIndex flag is
// unset, the time range will not be adjusted. When the flag is set, the
// adjusted time range will be globalIndexTimeRange.
tr = TimeRange{10 * msecPerDay, 50 * msecPerDay}
f(false, tr, tr)
f(true, tr, globalIndexTimeRange)
// Time range is exactly 40 days. In this case, the TimeRange.MaxTimestamp
// is set to the minimum possible value when the time range becomes 40 days.
// When the -disablePerDayIndex flag is unset, the time range will not be
// adjusted. When the flag is set, the adjusted time range will be
// globalIndexTimeRange.
tr = TimeRange{10 * msecPerDay, 50*msecPerDay + 1}
f(false, tr, tr)
f(true, tr, globalIndexTimeRange)
// Another case when time range is exactly 40 days. This time the the
// TimeRange.MaxTimestamp is set to its max value when the time range is
// still 40 days.
// When the -disablePerDayIndex flag is unset, the time range will not be
// adjusted. When the flag is set, the adjusted time range will be
// globalIndexTimeRange.
tr = TimeRange{10 * msecPerDay, 51 * msecPerDay}
f(false, tr, tr)
f(true, tr, globalIndexTimeRange)
// Time range is more than 40 days. The time range is adjusted to
// globalIndexTimeRange regardless whether the -disablePerDayIndex flag is
// set or not.
tr = TimeRange{10 * msecPerDay, 51*msecPerDay + 1}
f(false, tr, globalIndexTimeRange)
f(true, tr, globalIndexTimeRange)
type testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndexOptions struct {
mrs []MetricRow
assertSearchResult func(t *testing.T, s *Storage, tr TimeRange, want any)
alwaysPerTimeRange bool // If true, use wantPerTimeRange instead of wantAll
wantPerTimeRange map[TimeRange]any
wantAll any
wantEmpty any
// testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndex tests how the search behaves when the
// per-day index is disabled. This function is expected to be called by
// functions that test a particular search operation, such as GetTSDBStatus(),
// SearchMetricNames(), etc.
func testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndex(t *testing.T, opts *testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndexOptions) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
// The data is inserted and the search is performed when the per-day index
// is enabled.
t.Run("InsertAndSearchWithPerDayIndex", func(t *testing.T) {
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: false,
s.AddRows(opts.mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
for tr, want := range opts.wantPerTimeRange {
opts.assertSearchResult(t, s, tr, want)
// The data is inserted and the search is performed when the per-day index
// is disabled.
t.Run("InsertAndSearchWithoutPerDayIndex", func(t *testing.T) {
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: true,
s.AddRows(opts.mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
for tr, want := range opts.wantPerTimeRange {
if !opts.alwaysPerTimeRange {
want = opts.wantAll
opts.assertSearchResult(t, s, tr, want)
// The data is inserted when the per-day index is enabled but the search is
// performed when the per-day index is disabled.
t.Run("InsertWithPerDayIndexSearchWithout", func(t *testing.T) {
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: false,
s.AddRows(opts.mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
s = MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: true,
for tr, want := range opts.wantPerTimeRange {
if !opts.alwaysPerTimeRange {
want = opts.wantAll
opts.assertSearchResult(t, s, tr, want)
// The data is inserted when the per-day index is disabled but the search is
// performed when the per-day index is enabled. This case also shows that
// registering metric names recovers the per-day index.
t.Run("InsertWithoutPerDayIndexSearchWith", func(t *testing.T) {
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: true,
s.AddRows(opts.mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
s = MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: false,
for tr := range opts.wantPerTimeRange {
opts.assertSearchResult(t, s, tr, opts.wantEmpty)
// Verify that search result contains correct label values after populating
// per-day index by registering metric names.
s.RegisterMetricNames(nil, opts.mrs)
for tr, want := range opts.wantPerTimeRange {
opts.assertSearchResult(t, s, tr, want)
func TestStorageGetTSDBStatusWithoutPerDayIndex(t *testing.T) {
const (
days = 4
rows = 10
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
opts := testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndexOptions{
wantEmpty: &TSDBStatus{},
wantPerTimeRange: make(map[TimeRange]any),
wantAll: &TSDBStatus{TotalSeries: days * rows},
for day := 1; day <= days; day++ {
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
name := fmt.Sprintf("metric_%d", rows*day+row)
mn := &MetricName{
MetricGroup: []byte(name),
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
opts.mrs = append(opts.mrs, MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: rng.Int63n(tr.MaxTimestamp-tr.MinTimestamp) + tr.MinTimestamp,
Value: rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6,
opts.wantPerTimeRange[tr] = &TSDBStatus{TotalSeries: rows}
opts.assertSearchResult = func(t *testing.T, s *Storage, tr TimeRange, want any) {
date := uint64(tr.MinTimestamp) / msecPerDay
gotStatus, err := s.GetTSDBStatus(nil, 0, 0, nil, date, "", 10, 1e6, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("GetTSDBStatus(%v) failed unexpectedly", &tr)
wantStatus := want.(*TSDBStatus)
if got, want := gotStatus.TotalSeries, wantStatus.TotalSeries; got != want {
t.Errorf("[%v] unexpected TSDBStatus.TotalSeries: got %d, want %d", &tr, got, want)
testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndex(t, &opts)
func TestStorageSearchMetricNamesWithoutPerDayIndex(t *testing.T) {
const (
days = 4
rows = 10
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
opts := testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndexOptions{
wantEmpty: []string(nil),
wantPerTimeRange: make(map[TimeRange]any),
wantAll: []string{},
for day := 1; day <= days; day++ {
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
var want []string
for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
name := fmt.Sprintf("metric_%d", rows*day+row)
mn := &MetricName{
MetricGroup: []byte(name),
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
want = append(want, string(name))
opts.mrs = append(opts.mrs, MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: rng.Int63n(tr.MaxTimestamp-tr.MinTimestamp) + tr.MinTimestamp,
Value: rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6,
opts.wantPerTimeRange[tr] = want
opts.wantAll = append(opts.wantAll.([]string), want...)
opts.assertSearchResult = func(t *testing.T, s *Storage, tr TimeRange, want any) {
tfsAll := NewTagFilters(0, 0)
if err := tfsAll.Add([]byte("__name__"), []byte(".*"), false, true); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error in TagFilters.Add: %v", err))
got, err := s.SearchMetricNames(nil, []*TagFilters{tfsAll}, tr, 1e6, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SearchMetricNames(%v) failed unexpectedly: %v", &tr, err)
for i, name := range got {
var mn MetricName
if err := mn.Unmarshal([]byte(name)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("mn.Unmarshal(%q) failed unexpectedly: %v", name, err)
got[i] = string(mn.MetricGroup)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("[%v] unexpected metric names: got %v, want %v", &tr, got, want)
testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndex(t, &opts)
func TestStorageSearchLabelNamesWithoutPerDayIndex(t *testing.T) {
const (
days = 4
rows = 10
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
opts := testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndexOptions{
wantEmpty: []string{},
wantPerTimeRange: make(map[TimeRange]any),
wantAll: []string{},
for day := 1; day <= days; day++ {
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
var want []string
for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
labelName := fmt.Sprintf("job_%d", rows*day+row)
mn := &MetricName{
MetricGroup: []byte("metric"),
Tags: []Tag{
{[]byte(labelName), []byte("webservice")},
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
want = append(want, labelName)
opts.mrs = append(opts.mrs, MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: rng.Int63n(tr.MaxTimestamp-tr.MinTimestamp) + tr.MinTimestamp,
Value: rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6,
opts.wantAll = append(opts.wantAll.([]string), want...)
opts.wantPerTimeRange[tr] = append(want, "__name__")
opts.wantAll = append(opts.wantAll.([]string), "__name__")
opts.assertSearchResult = func(t *testing.T, s *Storage, tr TimeRange, want any) {
got, err := s.SearchLabelNames(nil, 0, 0, []*TagFilters{}, tr, 1e6, 1e6, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SearchLabelNames(%v) failed unexpectedly: %v", &tr, err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("[%v] unexpected label names: got %v, want %v", &tr, got, want)
testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndex(t, &opts)
func TestStorageSearchLabelValuesWithoutPerDayIndex(t *testing.T) {
const (
days = 4
rows = 10
labelName = "job"
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
opts := testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndexOptions{
wantEmpty: []string{},
wantPerTimeRange: make(map[TimeRange]any),
wantAll: []string{},
for day := 1; day <= days; day++ {
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
var want []string
for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
labelValue := fmt.Sprintf("webservice_%d", rows*day+row)
mn := &MetricName{
MetricGroup: []byte("metric"),
Tags: []Tag{
{[]byte(labelName), []byte(labelValue)},
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
want = append(want, labelValue)
opts.mrs = append(opts.mrs, MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: rng.Int63n(tr.MaxTimestamp-tr.MinTimestamp) + tr.MinTimestamp,
Value: rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6,
opts.wantPerTimeRange[tr] = want
opts.wantAll = append(opts.wantAll.([]string), want...)
opts.assertSearchResult = func(t *testing.T, s *Storage, tr TimeRange, want any) {
got, err := s.SearchLabelValues(nil, 0, 0, labelName, []*TagFilters{}, tr, 1e6, 1e6, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SearchLabelValues(%v) failed unexpectedly: %v", &tr, err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("[%v] unexpected label values: got %v, want %v", &tr, got, want)
testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndex(t, &opts)
func TestStorageSearchTagValueSuffixesWithoutPerDayIndex(t *testing.T) {
const (
days = 4
rows = 10
tagValuePrefix = "metric."
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
opts := testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndexOptions{
wantEmpty: []string{},
wantPerTimeRange: make(map[TimeRange]any),
wantAll: []string{},
for day := 1; day <= days; day++ {
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
metricName := fmt.Sprintf("%sday%d.row%d", tagValuePrefix, day, row)
mn := &MetricName{
MetricGroup: []byte(metricName),
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
opts.mrs = append(opts.mrs, MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: rng.Int63n(tr.MaxTimestamp-tr.MinTimestamp) + tr.MinTimestamp,
Value: rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6,
want := fmt.Sprintf("day%d.", day)
opts.wantPerTimeRange[tr] = []string{want}
opts.wantAll = append(opts.wantAll.([]string), want)
opts.assertSearchResult = func(t *testing.T, s *Storage, tr TimeRange, want any) {
got, err := s.SearchTagValueSuffixes(nil, 0, 0, tr, "", tagValuePrefix, '.', 1e6, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SearchTagValueSuffixes(%v) failed unexpectedly: %v", &tr, err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("[%v] unexpected tag value suffixes: got %v, want %v", &tr, got, want)
testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndex(t, &opts)
func TestStorageSearchGraphitePathsWithoutPerDayIndex(t *testing.T) {
const (
days = 4
rows = 10
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
opts := testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndexOptions{
wantEmpty: []string(nil),
wantPerTimeRange: make(map[TimeRange]any),
wantAll: []string{},
for day := 1; day <= days; day++ {
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
want := make([]string, rows)
for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
metricName := fmt.Sprintf("day%d.row%d", day, row)
mn := &MetricName{
MetricGroup: []byte(metricName),
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
opts.mrs = append(opts.mrs, MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: rng.Int63n(tr.MaxTimestamp-tr.MinTimestamp) + tr.MinTimestamp,
Value: rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6,
want[row] = metricName
opts.wantPerTimeRange[tr] = want
opts.wantAll = append(opts.wantAll.([]string), want...)
opts.assertSearchResult = func(t *testing.T, s *Storage, tr TimeRange, want any) {
got, err := s.SearchGraphitePaths(nil, 0, 0, tr, []byte("*.*"), 1e6, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SearchGraphitePaths(%v) failed unexpectedly: %v", &tr, err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("[%v] unexpected graphite paths: got %v, want %v", &tr, got, want)
testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndex(t, &opts)
func TestStorageQueryWithoutPerDayIndex(t *testing.T) {
const (
days = 4
rows = 10
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
opts := testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndexOptions{
wantEmpty: []MetricRow(nil),
wantPerTimeRange: make(map[TimeRange]any),
alwaysPerTimeRange: true,
for day := 1; day <= days; day++ {
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: time.Date(2024, 1, day, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC).UnixMilli(),
var want []MetricRow
for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
seqNumber := rows*day + row
name := fmt.Sprintf("metric_%d", seqNumber)
mn := &MetricName{
MetricGroup: []byte(name),
metricNameRaw := mn.marshalRaw(nil)
mr := MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: metricNameRaw,
Timestamp: rng.Int63n(tr.MaxTimestamp-tr.MinTimestamp) + tr.MinTimestamp,
Value: float64(seqNumber),
opts.mrs = append(opts.mrs, mr)
want = append(want, mr)
opts.wantPerTimeRange[tr] = want
opts.assertSearchResult = func(t *testing.T, s *Storage, tr TimeRange, want any) {
tfs := NewTagFilters(0, 0)
if err := tfs.Add(nil, []byte(`metric_\d*`), false, true); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error in TagFilters.Add: %v", err)
if err := testAssertSearchResult(s, tr, tfs, want.([]MetricRow)); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v: %v", &tr, err)
testStorageSearchWithoutPerDayIndex(t, &opts)
func TestStorageAddRows_SamplesWithZeroDate(t *testing.T) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
f := func(t *testing.T, disablePerDayIndex bool) {
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: disablePerDayIndex,
defer s.MustClose()
mn := MetricName{MetricGroup: []byte("metric")}
mr := MetricRow{MetricNameRaw: mn.marshalRaw(nil)}
for range 10 {
mr.Timestamp = rand.Int63n(msecPerDay)
mr.Value = float64(rand.Intn(1000))
s.AddRows([]MetricRow{mr}, defaultPrecisionBits)
// Reset TSID cache so that insertion takes the path that involves
// checking whether the index contains metricName->TSID mapping.
want := 1
firstUnixDay := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: 0,
MaxTimestamp: msecPerDay - 1,
if got := s.newTimeseriesCreated.Load(); got != uint64(want) {
t.Errorf("unexpected new timeseries count: got %d, want %d", got, want)
if got := testCountAllMetricNames(s, 0, 0, firstUnixDay); got != want {
t.Errorf("unexpected metric name count: got %d, want %d", got, want)
if got := testCountAllMetricIDs(s, firstUnixDay); got != want {
t.Errorf("unexpected metric id count: got %d, want %d", got, want)
t.Run("disablePerDayIndex=false", func(t *testing.T) {
f(t, false)
t.Run("disablePerDayIndex=true", func(t *testing.T) {
f(t, true)
func TestStorageRegisterMetricNamesForVariousDataPatternsConcurrently(t *testing.T) {
testStorageVariousDataPatternsConcurrently(t, true, func(s *Storage, mrs []MetricRow) {
s.RegisterMetricNames(nil, mrs)
func TestStorageAddRowsForVariousDataPatternsConcurrently(t *testing.T) {
testStorageVariousDataPatternsConcurrently(t, false, func(s *Storage, mrs []MetricRow) {
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
// testStorageVariousDataPatternsConcurrently tests different concurrency use
// cases when ingesting data of different patterns. Each concurrency use case
// considered with and without the per-day index.
// The function is intended to be used by other tests that define which
// operation (AddRows or RegisterMetricNames) is tested.
func testStorageVariousDataPatternsConcurrently(t *testing.T, registerOnly bool, op func(s *Storage, mrs []MetricRow)) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
const concurrency = 4
disablePerDayIndex := false
t.Run("perDayIndexes/serial", func(t *testing.T) {
testStorageVariousDataPatterns(t, disablePerDayIndex, registerOnly, op, 1, false)
t.Run("perDayIndexes/concurrentRows", func(t *testing.T) {
testStorageVariousDataPatterns(t, disablePerDayIndex, registerOnly, op, concurrency, true)
t.Run("perDayIndexes/concurrentBatches", func(t *testing.T) {
testStorageVariousDataPatterns(t, disablePerDayIndex, registerOnly, op, concurrency, false)
disablePerDayIndex = true
t.Run("noPerDayIndexes/serial", func(t *testing.T) {
testStorageVariousDataPatterns(t, disablePerDayIndex, registerOnly, op, 1, false)
t.Run("noPerDayIndexes/concurrentRows", func(t *testing.T) {
testStorageVariousDataPatterns(t, disablePerDayIndex, registerOnly, op, concurrency, true)
t.Run("noPerDayIndexes/concurrentBatches", func(t *testing.T) {
testStorageVariousDataPatterns(t, disablePerDayIndex, registerOnly, op, concurrency, false)
// testStorageVariousDataPatterns tests the ingestion of different combinations
// of metric names and dates.
// The function is intended to be used by other tests that define the
// concurrency, the per-day index setting, and the operation (AddRows or
// RegisterMetricNames) under test.
func testStorageVariousDataPatterns(t *testing.T, disablePerDayIndex, registerOnly bool, op func(s *Storage, mrs []MetricRow), concurrency int, splitBatches bool) {
f := func(t *testing.T, sameBatchMetricNames, sameRowMetricNames, sameBatchDates, sameRowDates bool) {
batches, wantCounts := testGenerateMetricRowBatches(&batchOptions{
numBatches: 3,
numRowsPerBatch: 30,
disablePerDayIndex: disablePerDayIndex,
registerOnly: registerOnly,
sameBatchMetricNames: sameBatchMetricNames,
sameRowMetricNames: sameRowMetricNames,
sameBatchDates: sameBatchDates,
sameRowDates: sameRowDates,
strict := concurrency == 1
rowsAddedTotal := wantCounts.metrics.RowsAddedTotal
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{
DisablePerDayIndex: disablePerDayIndex,
testDoConcurrently(s, op, concurrency, splitBatches, batches)
assertCounts(t, s, wantCounts, strict)
// Rotate indexDB to test the case when TSIDs from tsidCache have the
// generation that is older than the generation of the current indexDB.
testDoConcurrently(s, op, concurrency, splitBatches, batches)
wantCounts.metrics.RowsAddedTotal += rowsAddedTotal
assertCounts(t, s, wantCounts, strict)
// Empty the tsidCache to test the case when tsid is retrived from the
// index that belongs to the current generation indexDB.
testDoConcurrently(s, op, concurrency, splitBatches, batches)
wantCounts.metrics.RowsAddedTotal += rowsAddedTotal
assertCounts(t, s, wantCounts, strict)
// Empty the tsidCache and rotate indexDB to test the case when tsid is
// retrived from the index that belongs to the previous generation
// indexDB.
testDoConcurrently(s, op, concurrency, splitBatches, batches)
wantCounts.metrics.RowsAddedTotal += rowsAddedTotal
assertCounts(t, s, wantCounts, strict)
t.Run("sameBatchMetrics/sameRowMetrics/sameBatchDates/sameRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric 1971-01-01, metric 1971-01-01
// Batch2: metric 1971-01-01, metric 1971-01-01
f(t, true, true, true, true)
t.Run("sameBatchMetrics/sameRowMetrics/sameBatchDates/diffRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric 1971-01-01, metric 1971-01-02
// Batch2: metric 1971-01-01, metric 1971-01-02
f(t, true, true, true, false)
t.Run("sameBatchMetrics/sameRowMetrics/diffBatchDates/sameRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric 1971-01-01, metric 1971-01-01
// Batch2: metric 1971-01-02, metric 1971-01-02
f(t, true, true, false, true)
t.Run("sameBatchMetrics/sameRowMetrics/diffBatchDates/diffRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric 1971-01-01, metric 1971-01-02
// Batch2: metric 1971-01-03, metric 1971-01-04
f(t, true, true, false, false)
t.Run("sameBatchMetrics/diffRowMetrics/sameBatchDates/sameRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_row0 1971-01-01, metric_row1 1971-01-01
// Batch2: metric_row0 1971-01-01, metric_row1 1971-01-01
f(t, true, false, true, true)
t.Run("sameBatchMetrics/diffRowMetrics/sameBatchDates/diffRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_row0 1971-01-01, metric_row1 1971-01-02
// Batch2: metric_row0 1971-01-01, metric_row1 1971-01-02
f(t, true, false, true, false)
t.Run("sameBatchMetrics/diffRowMetrics/diffBatchDates/sameRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_row0 1971-01-01, metric_row1 1971-01-01
// Batch2: metric_row0 1971-01-02, metric_row1 1971-01-02
f(t, true, false, false, true)
t.Run("sameBatchMetrics/diffRowMetrics/diffBatchDates/diffRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_row0 1971-01-01, metric_row1 1971-01-02
// Batch2: metric_row0 1971-01-03, metric_row1 1971-01-04
f(t, true, false, false, false)
t.Run("diffBatchMetrics/sameRowMetrics/sameBatchDates/sameRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_batch0 1971-01-01, metric_batch0 1971-01-01
// Batch2: metric_batch1 1971-01-01, metric_batch1 1971-01-01
f(t, false, true, true, true)
t.Run("diffBatchMetrics/sameRowMetrics/sameBatchDates/diffRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_batch0 1971-01-01, metric_batch0 1971-01-02
// Batch2: metric_batch1 1971-01-01, metric_batch1 1971-01-02
f(t, false, true, true, false)
t.Run("diffBatchMetrics/sameRowMetrics/diffBatchDates/sameRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_batch0 1971-01-01, metric_batch0 1971-01-01
// Batch2: metric_batch1 1971-01-02, metric_batch1 1971-01-02
f(t, false, true, false, true)
t.Run("diffBatchMetrics/sameRowMetrics/diffBatchDates/diffRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_batch0 1971-01-01, metric_batch0 1971-01-02
// Batch2: metric_batch1 1971-01-03, metric_batch1 1971-01-04
f(t, false, true, false, false)
t.Run("diffBatchMetrics/diffRowMetrics/sameBatchDates/sameRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_batch0_row0 1971-01-01, metric_batch0_row1 1971-01-01
// Batch2: metric_batch1_row0 1971-01-01, metric_batch1_row1 1971-01-01
f(t, false, false, true, true)
t.Run("diffBatchMetrics/diffRowMetrics/sameBatchDates/diffRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_batch0_row0 1971-01-01, metric_batch0_row1 1971-01-02
// Batch2: metric_batch1_row0 1971-01-01, metric_batch1_row1 1971-01-02
f(t, false, false, true, false)
t.Run("diffBatchMetrics/diffRowMetrics/diffBatchDates/sameRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_batch0_row0 1971-01-01, metric_batch0_row1 1971-01-01
// Batch2: metric_batch1_row0 1971-01-02, metric_batch1_row1 1971-01-02
f(t, false, false, false, true)
t.Run("diffBatchMetrics/diffRowMetrics/diffBatchDates/diffRowDates", func(t *testing.T) {
// Batch1: metric_batch0_row0 1971-01-01, metric_batch0_row1 1971-01-02
// Batch2: metric_batch1_row0 1971-01-03, metric_batch1_row1 1971-01-04
f(t, false, false, false, false)
// testDoConcurrently performs some storage operation on metric rows
// concurrently.
// The function accepts metric rows organized in batches. The number of
// goroutines is specified with concurrency arg. If splitBatches is false, then
// each batch is processed in a separate goroutine. Otherwise, rows from a
// single batch are spread across multiple goroutines and next batch won't be
// processed until all records of the current batch are processed.
func testDoConcurrently(s *Storage, op func(s *Storage, mrs []MetricRow), concurrency int, splitBatches bool, mrsBatches [][]MetricRow) {
if concurrency < 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected concurrency: got %d, want >= 1", concurrency))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
mrsCh := make(chan []MetricRow)
for range concurrency {
go func() {
for mrs := range mrsCh {
op(s, mrs)
n := 1
if splitBatches {
n = concurrency
for _, batch := range mrsBatches {
step := len(batch) / n
if step == 0 {
step = 1
for begin := 0; begin < len(batch); begin += step {
limit := begin + step
if limit > len(batch) {
limit = len(batch)
mrsCh <- batch[begin:limit]
type counts struct {
metrics *Metrics
timeRangeCounts map[TimeRange]int
dateTSDBStatuses map[uint64]*TSDBStatus
// assertCounts retrieves various counts from storage and compares them with
// the wanted ones.
// Some counts can be greater than wanted values because duplicate metric IDs
// can be created when rows are inserted concurrently. In this case `strict`
// arg can be set to false in order to replace strict equality comparison with
// `greater or equal`.
func assertCounts(t *testing.T, s *Storage, want *counts, strict bool) {
var gotMetrics Metrics
if got, want := gotMetrics.RowsAddedTotal, want.metrics.RowsAddedTotal; got != want {
t.Errorf("unexpected Metrics.RowsAddedTotal: got %d, want %d", got, want)
gotCnt, wantCnt := gotMetrics.NewTimeseriesCreated, want.metrics.NewTimeseriesCreated
if strict {
if gotCnt != wantCnt {
t.Errorf("unexpected Metrics.NewTimeseriesCreated: got %d, want %d", gotCnt, wantCnt)
} else {
if gotCnt < wantCnt {
t.Errorf("unexpected Metrics.NewTimeseriesCreated: got %d, want >= %d", gotCnt, wantCnt)
for tr, want := range want.timeRangeCounts {
if got := testCountAllMetricNames(s, 0, 0, tr); got != want {
t.Errorf("%v: unexpected metric name count: got %d, want %d", &tr, got, want)
got := testCountAllMetricIDs(s, tr)
if strict {
if got != want {
t.Errorf("%v: unexpected metric ID count: got %d, want %d", &tr, got, want)
} else {
if got < want {
t.Errorf("%v: unexpected metric ID count: got %d, want >= %d", &tr, got, want)
for date, wantStatus := range want.dateTSDBStatuses {
dt := time.UnixMilli(int64(date) * msecPerDay).UTC()
gotStatus, err := s.GetTSDBStatus(nil, 0, 0, nil, date, "", 10, 1e6, noDeadline)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("GetTSDBStatus(%v) failed unexpectedly: %v", dt, err)
got, want := gotStatus.TotalSeries, wantStatus.TotalSeries
if strict {
if got != want {
t.Errorf("%v: unexpected TSDBStatus.TotalSeries: got %d, want %d", dt, got, want)
} else {
if got < want {
t.Errorf("%v: unexpected TSDBStatus.TotalSeries: got %d, want >= %d", dt, got, want)
type batchOptions struct {
numBatches int
numRowsPerBatch int
disablePerDayIndex bool
registerOnly bool
sameBatchMetricNames bool
sameRowMetricNames bool
sameBatchDates bool
sameRowDates bool
// testGenerateMetricRowBatches generates metric rows batches of various
// combinations of metric names and dates. The function also returns the counts
// that the storage is expected to report once the generated batch is ingested
// into the storage.
func testGenerateMetricRowBatches(opts *batchOptions) ([][]MetricRow, *counts) {
if opts.numBatches <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected number of batches: got %d, want > 0", opts.numBatches))
if opts.numRowsPerBatch <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected number of rows per batch: got %d, want > 0", opts.numRowsPerBatch))
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
batches := make([][]MetricRow, opts.numBatches)
metricName := "metric"
startTime := time.Date(1971, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
endTime := time.Date(1971, 1, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC)
days := time.Duration(0)
trNames := make(map[TimeRange]map[string]bool)
names := make(map[string]bool)
for batch := range opts.numBatches {
batchMetricName := metricName
if !opts.sameBatchMetricNames {
batchMetricName += fmt.Sprintf("_batch%d", batch)
var rows []MetricRow
for row := range opts.numRowsPerBatch {
rowMetricName := batchMetricName
if !opts.sameRowMetricNames {
rowMetricName += fmt.Sprintf("_row%d", row)
mn := MetricName{
MetricGroup: []byte(rowMetricName),
AccountID: 0,
ProjectID: 0,
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: startTime.Add(days * 24 * time.Hour).UnixMilli(),
MaxTimestamp: endTime.Add(days * 24 * time.Hour).UnixMilli(),
rows = append(rows, MetricRow{
MetricNameRaw: mn.marshalRaw(nil),
Timestamp: rng.Int63n(tr.MaxTimestamp-tr.MinTimestamp) + tr.MinTimestamp,
Value: rng.NormFloat64() * 1e6,
if !opts.sameRowDates {
if trNames[tr] == nil {
trNames[tr] = make(map[string]bool)
names[rowMetricName] = true
trNames[tr][rowMetricName] = true
batches[batch] = rows
if opts.sameBatchDates {
days = 0
} else if opts.sameRowDates {
allTimeseries := len(names)
rowsAddedTotal := uint64(opts.numBatches * opts.numRowsPerBatch)
// When RegisterMetricNames() is called it only restisters the time series
// in IndexDB but no samples is written to the storage.
if opts.registerOnly {
rowsAddedTotal = 0
want := counts{
metrics: &Metrics{
RowsAddedTotal: rowsAddedTotal,
NewTimeseriesCreated: uint64(allTimeseries),
timeRangeCounts: make(map[TimeRange]int),
dateTSDBStatuses: make(map[uint64]*TSDBStatus),
for tr, names := range trNames {
var count int
if opts.disablePerDayIndex {
count = allTimeseries
} else {
count = len(names)
date := uint64(tr.MinTimestamp / msecPerDay)
want.timeRangeCounts[tr] = count
want.dateTSDBStatuses[date] = &TSDBStatus{
TotalSeries: uint64(count),
return batches, &want
func TestStorageMetricTracker(t *testing.T) {
defer testRemoveAll(t)
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
numRows := uint64(1000)
minTimestamp := time.Now().UnixMilli()
maxTimestamp := minTimestamp + 1000
tr := TimeRange{
MinTimestamp: minTimestamp,
MaxTimestamp: maxTimestamp,
mrs := testGenerateMetricRowsWithPrefixForTenantID(rng, 0, 0, numRows, "metric_", tr)
var gotMetrics Metrics
s := MustOpenStorage(t.Name(), OpenOptions{TrackMetricNamesStats: true})
defer s.MustClose()
s.AddRows(mrs, defaultPrecisionBits)
var sr Search
// check stats for metrics with 0 requests count
mus := s.GetMetricNamesStats(nil, nil, 10_000, 0, "")
if len(mus.Records) != int(numRows) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected Stats records count=%d, want %d records", len(mus.Records), numRows)
// search query for all ingested metrics
tfs := NewTagFilters(0, 0)
if err := tfs.Add(nil, []byte("metric_.+"), false, true); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error at tfs add: %s", err)
sr.Init(nil, s, []*TagFilters{tfs}, tr, 1e5, noDeadline)
for sr.NextMetricBlock() {
mus = s.GetMetricNamesStats(nil, nil, 10_000, 0, "")
if len(mus.Records) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected Stats records count=%d; want 0 records", len(mus.Records))
mus = s.GetMetricNamesStats(nil, nil, 10_000, 1, "")
if len(mus.Records) != int(numRows) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected Stats records count=%d, want %d records", len(mus.Records), numRows)